HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-06; City Council; ; Approval of Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. for Engineering Services for the El Camino Real Bridge Improvements at Cannon Road ProjectMeeting Date: April 6, 2021 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Brandon Miles, Associate Engineer brandon.miles@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2745 Subject: Approval of Amendment No. 4 to the Agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. for Engineering Services for the El Camino Real Bridge Improvements at Cannon Road Project District: 2 Recommended Action Adopt a resolution approving Amendment No. 4 to the professional services agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc., for engineering services for the El Camino Real Bridge improvements at Cannon Road, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6042, in an amount not to exceed $62,512. Executive Summary On July 29, 2015, the Carlsbad City Council adopted Resolution No. 2015-196 authorizing execution of a professional services agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. in an amount of $673,424 to provide engineering services for the El Camino Real Bridge improvements at Cannon Road. The term of the agreement was extended for an additional year with no additional fee on April 27, 2017, (Amendment No. 1). The agreement was amended on Feb. 14, 2018, to revise the scope of services and fee to include a separate pedestrian bridge for an additional $49,840 and no additional time (Amendment No. 2). On July 16, 2019, the agreement was amended to extend it by two years to expire on July 28, 2021, with no additional fee (Amendment No. 3). On Feb. 16, 2021, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2021-044 awarding a contract to Hazard Construction for construction of Phase I of the El Camino Real Bridge improvements. Phase I is currently expected to start construction in April 2021, with a notice to proceed issued on March 15, 2021. Kleinfelder, Inc. is the engineer of record and in what is known as “responsible charge” for the improvement plans, that is, the party supervising and in direct control of the project. Phase II is currently in the design phase. Staff is requesting an amendment to the agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. to extend the term of the agreement by two years to July 28, 2023, and to increase the fee in an amount not to exceed $62,512 for construction support services. The agreement currently expires on July 28, 2021, and no extensions are allowed without the City Council’s approval, as outlined in the Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.040. April 6, 2021 Item #4 Page 1 of 19 Discussion Phase I of the project, which is currently under construction, will improve pedestrian mobility by making it easier and safer for people on foot to cross the El Camino Real Bridge over the Agua Hedionda Creek. These improvements will construct a separate pedestrian bridge over the Agua Hedionda Creek to provide new access on the east side of El Camino Real and bring sidewalks on both sides of El Camino Real up to current design standards. Phase II will realign the median and restripe northbound El Camino Real to provide an additional northbound through lane and an enhanced dedicated bike lane. It’s important to have a qualified engineer of record on such a project to ensure compliance with the project’s design and construction contract. Amendment No. 4 is needed for the added scope of services with Kleinfelder, Inc., which include the reviewing of materials and construction-related submittals, responding to requests for information from the contractor and managing any potential design revisions. These construction support services will also include oversight of geotechnical activities to ensure that proper procedures are followed in accordance with the construction contract and geotechnical report specifications. Options Staff provides the following options for the City Council’s consideration: 1. Approve Amendment No. 4 to the agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc., for the El Camino Real Bridge improvements at Cannon Road in an amount not to exceed $62,512 Pros • Kleinfelder, Inc. is the engineer of record for the project and, because of its familiarity with the work involved, is qualified to provide these additional construction support services. • The additional scope of services and fees have been negotiated with Kleinfelder, Inc. • Amendment of the agreement complies with applicable Carlsbad Municipal Code sections. Cons • None identified 2. Do not approve Amendment No. 4 to the agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. for the El Camino Real Bridge improvements Pros • None identified Cons • Transferring the design responsibility and the role of engineer of record from Kleinfelder, Inc. to another firm would be required and is not standard industry practice at this stage of such a project. • Additional unknown costs could be incurred for assigning potential design revision responsibility to a new firm. • Having a new third-party firm take over design and construction support would result in a lack of continuity in the design and likely delay construction delay April 6, 2021 Item #4 Page 2 of 19 • Potential liability and accountability issues could also result from a change in design firms. Staff recommends Option 1 for the City Council’s approval, approving Amendment No. 4 to the agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. for El Camino Real Bridge improvements at Cannon Road. Fiscal Analysis The project is financed by traffic impact fees and gas tax funds. Sufficient funds are available in the project account for the additional services and fees stated in Amendment No. 4 to the agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. as shown in the following table. EL CAMINO REAL BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS AT CANNON ROAD, Capital Improvement Program PROJECT NO. 6042 Appropriations to date – Traffic impact fees and gas tax funds $4,048,000 Expenditures and encumbrances to date $1,810,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDING $2,238,000 Additional project costs Professional engineering services – Kleinfelder, Inc., Amendment No. 4 $62,512 REMAINING BALANCE AFTER AMENDMENT NO. 4 $2,175,488 ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION NEEDED $0 Next Steps Upon approval by the City Council, staff will process Amendment No. 4 to the agreement, and Kleinfelder, Inc. will provide construction support services and construction oversight for Phase I of the project. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) The preparation of technical studies, construction plans, specifications, and cost estimates have been determined to be statutorily exempt from environmental review as noted in California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15262 - Feasibility and Planning Studies. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution 2. Location map April 6, 2021 Item #4 Page 3 of 19 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-072 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH KLEINFELDER, INC. FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE EL CAMINO REAL BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS AT CANNON ROAD, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) PROJECT NO. 6042, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $62,512 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, has determined it necessary and in the public interest to approve Amendment No. 4 to the professional services agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc., for the El Camino Real Bridge improvements at Cannon Road, CIP Project No. 6042 (Project); and WHEREAS, on July 29, 2015, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2015-196 authorizing an Agreement in an amount of $673,424 with Kleinfelder, Inc. to provide professional engineering services for the Project; and WHEREAS, on April 27, 2017, the city entered into Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc., to include a one-year extension at no additional cost; and WHEREAS, on Feb. 14, 2018, the city entered into Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc., to revise the scope and fee for an additional $49,840 and no additional time to include a separate pedestrian and bicycle bridge; and WHEREAS, on July 16, 2019, the city entered into Amendment No. 3 with Kleinfelder, Inc., to include a two-year extension at no additional cost; and WHEREAS, the current Agreement expires on July 28, 2021, and the parties desire to revise the scope and fee for an additional $62,512 and a two-year extension to July 28, 2023; and WHEREAS, sufficient Traffic Impact Fees and Gas Tax Funds are currently available for this amendment; and WHEREAS, the city planner has determined that the Project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per State CEQA Guidelines Sections 15262 — Feasibility and Planning Studies; and that no exception to the exception, as set forth in CEQA Guidelines section 15300.2 applies. // // April 6, 2021 Item #4 Page 4 of 19 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That Amendment No. 4 to the professional services agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. will extend and amend the agreement for an additional $62,512 and a two-year extension to expire on July 28, 2023. 3.That there are sufficient Traffic Impact Fees and Gas Tax Funds available for this amendment. 4.That Amendment No. 4 to the professional services agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc., for professional engineering services for CIP Project No. 6042 is hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute said Amendment, attached hereto as Attachment A. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 6th day of April, 2021, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Acosta, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor BARBARA ENGLESON, 6ty Clerk (SEAL) April 6, 2021 Item #4 Page 5 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID: 20F62D4F-7AC8-43B6-91CD-190A23F669DE ATTACHMENT A - TRAN1244 AMENDMENT NO. 4 TO EXTEND AND AMEND THE AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES KLEINFELDER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, INC. This Amendment No. 4 is entered into and effective as of the 6th day of April , 2021, extending and amending the agreement dated July 29, 2015, (the "Agreement") by and between the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, ("City"), and Kleinfelder, Inc., a California corporation ("Contractor") (collectively, the "Parties") for Professional Engineering Services. RECITALS A.On April 27, 2017, the Parties executed Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement to extend the agreement for a period of one (1) year; and B.On February 14, 2018, the parties executed Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement to alter the scope of work to provide additional design services in order to shift pedestrian bridge away from the existing bridge to provide a 25-foot separation and to extend the Agreement for a period of one (1) year; and C.On July 17, 2019, the Parties executed Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement to extend the agreement for a period of two (2) years; and D.The Parties desire to extend and alter the scope of work to provide construction support and construction oversight for responsible charge through completion of the Project and to extend the Agreement for a period of two (2) years. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these recitals and the mutual covenants contained herein, City and Contractor agree as follows: 1.The Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, is hereby extended and funded for a period of two (2) years ending on July 27, 2023. Contractor will provide those services described in Exhibit "A on a time and materials basis not-to-exceed sixty-two thousand five hundred twelve dollars and thirty cents ($62,512.30). 2.In addition to those services contained in the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, Contractor will provide those services described in Exhibit "A". With this Amendment, the total Agreement amount shall not exceed seven hundred eighty-five thousand seven hundred seventy-six dollars and thirty cents ($785,776.30). 3.City will pay Contractor for all work associated with those services described in Exhibit "A" on a time and materials basis not-to-exceed sixty-two thousand five hundred twelve dollars and thirty cents ($62,512.30). Contractor will provide City, on a monthly basis, copies of invoices sufficiently detailed to include hours performed, hourly rates, and related activities and costs for approval by City. 4.All other provisions of the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, shall remain in full force and effect. City Attorney Approved Version 1/30/13 1 April 6, 2021 Item #4 Page 6 of 19 DocuSign Envelope ID: 20F62D4F-7AC8-43B6-91CD-190A23F669DE ATTACHMENT A - TRAN1244 5.All requisite insurance policies to be maintained by the Contractor pursuant to the Agreement, as may have been amended from time to time, shall include coverage for this Amendment. 6.The individuals executing this Amendment and the instruments referenced on behalf of Contractor each represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind Contractor to the terms and conditions hereof of this Amendment. CONTRACTOR CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California By: Vtieoratt, butvea (sign here) By: , 6f/it Matt Hall, Mayor Deborah Butera, Secretary (print name/title) ATTEST: By: yolm vt0055api,eli 711-az, Z7Q 7/1/412., for (sign here) John Moossazadeh, Vice-President (print name/title) Barbara Engleson, City Clerk If required by City, proper notarial acknowledgment of execution by Contractor must be attached. If a corporation, Agreement must be signed by one corporate officer from each of the following two groups: Group A Group B Chairman, Secretary, President, or Assistant Secretary, Vice-President CFO or Assistant Treasurer Otherwise, the corporation must attach a resolution certified by the secretary or assistant secretary under corporate seal empowering the officer(s) signing to bind the corporation. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CELIA A. BREWER, City Attorney BY: Assistant City Attorney City Attorney Approved Version 1/30/13 2 April 6, 2021 Item #4 Page 7 of 19 EXHIBIT “A” SCOPE OF SERVICES AND FEE April 6, 2021 Item #4 Page 8 of 19 1 KLEINFELDER SCOPE OF ENGINEERING SERVICES PROJECT: EL CAMINO REAL BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS AT CANNON ROAD – PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES CLIENT: City of Carlsbad DATE: March 10, 2021 PROJECT DESCRIPTION This project proposes to improve pedestrian and vehicular operations across the Agua Hedionda Creek Bridge at the intersection of El Camino Real (ECR) and Cannon Road. Major components of the project include, sidewalk improvements, bridge and barrier rail improvements, and constructing a new pedestrian bridge across Agua Hedionda Creek along the north of ECR. This scope of work prepared by the Kleinfelder consultant team is for the listed construction support services. 1.0 Project Management We will provide project management and administration of the consultant design team during the construction phase through the completion of the listed services. Monthly progress reports will be prepared and submitted with billing indicating the work accomplished. 2.0 Construction Support Services Kleinfelder and the traffic, landscape, and electrical subconsultants will assist the Resident Engineer by responding to construction phase RFIs and reviewing Contractor’s shop drawing submittals as requested. As Geotechnical Engineer of Record, Kleinfelder’s Staff Engineer will observe installation of the pedestrian bridge foundation micro piles on a continuous basis to confirm that geologic conditions are consistent with our geotechnical recommendations and interpretations made during our investigation and analysis phase. Our Senior Geotechnical Engineer will provide review of the Contractor’s submittal for micro piles, review results of field observations and load tests, and provide consultation as needed. Engineering review and acceptance of responsibility for wall and bridge footing excavations, engineered fill, and compaction testing will be performed by others. Our scope for these services is limited by the hours shown in Attachment A Cost Summary and Attachment B Schedule of Fees and billed on a time and materials, not to exceed basis. 3.0 As-Builts Kleinfelder and the landscape and electrical subconsultants will prepare as-builts in conjunction with the Contractor or City-provided, red-lined drawings. Stamped as-builts will be submitted directly to the City for record keeping. 4.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS 1. The City will utilize a consultant Construction Manager. The Construction Manager will coordinate the special inspections required by the project. 2. Construction inspection, management, job site safety, and materials testing is not part of our scope except where specifically mentioned above. 3. The City will coordinate access to “The Foothills” property, Lot 7, APN 168-360-06 via Cannon Road and ensure the gate is open. Access will be needed during construction activities. 4. This project will have a disturbed area of less than one acre. Therefore, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is not required. However, if the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board still requires a SWPPP, a change order will be issued for the preparation of a SWPPP. 5. The removal and replacement of hardscape is less than 5,000 square feet. Therefore, the project is not a Priority Development Project and a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) is not required. 6. Surveying and construction staking are not part of this scope. 7. Scaffolding/falsework submittal review will be the responsibility of the Construction Manager. 8. Contractor or City’s CM will provide red-lined drawings for use in preparing the as-built plans. 9. As-built plans will be delivered digitally. 10. Irrigation installed by Rancho Carlsbad within the HOA property is not included as a part of this scope. April 6, 2021 Item #4 Page 9 of 19 1.0 Project Management1.1 Project Management & Administration4,880.00$ 320.00$ 300.00$ 300.00$ 5,800.00$ SUBTOTAL TASK 1.00 4,880.00$ 320.00$ 300.00$ 300.00$ 5,800.00$ 2.0 Construction Support Services2.1Attend Pre-Construction Meeting-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2.2Coordinate with City Inspection Staff-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 2.3Respond to Construction Phase RFIs3,240.00$ 620.00$ 785.00$ 270.00$ 4,915.00$ 2.4Review Contractor's Shop Drawing Submittals4,180.00$ -$ -$ 270.00$ 4,450.00$ 2.5Conduct Continuous Observation of Micro Piles, Conduct Site Visits, Review Pile Test Submittals and Installation Reports, Attend Project Meetings, Landscape Site Visit w/ Observation Report32,360.30$ -$ 750.00$ -$ 33,110.30$ SUBTOTAL TASK 2.00 39,780.30$ 620.00$ 1,535.00$ 540.00$ 42,475.30$ 3.0 As-Builts3.1Attend As-Built Field Visits2,300.00$ -$ 500.00$ 600.00$ 3,400.00$ 3.2 Coordinate, Prepare, Submit, QA/QC7,520.00$ -$ 1,435.00$ 480.00$ 9,435.00$ SUBTOTAL TASK 3.00 9,820.00$ -$ 1,935.00$ 1,080.00$ 12,835.00$ TASK 1.00- 3.00 SUBTOTAL54,480.30$ 940.00$ 3,770.00$ 1,920.00$ 61,110.30$ Direct Costs505.00$ 299.00$ 299.00$ 299.00$ 1,402.00$ BASE SCOPE TOTALS54,985.30$ 1,239.00$ 4,069.00$ 2,219.00$ 62,512.30$ TASK ANALYSISCOST SUMMARY PER FIRMFIRM NAMETOTALKleinfelder STC Traffic KTUA Turpin & RattanAttachment ACost SummaryApril 6, 2021Item #4 Page 10 of 19 PROJECT BRIDGECIVIL GEOTECHNICALSR. GEOTECHNICALSENIOR CLERICALTOTALCOSTMANAGER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER TECHNICIANKaribiaKeith Jason SalvadorRobertTyLauraBaillargeon GazawayBrownTenaTorresBrittainAnderson 1.0 Project Management-$ 1.1 Project Management & Administration161632 4,880.00$ SUBTOTAL TASK 1.01616 32 4,880.00$ 2.0 Construction Support Services-$ 2.1Attend Pre-Construction Meeting-$ 2.2Coordinate with City Inspection Staff-$ 2.3Respond to Construction Phase RFIs8 8163,240.00$ 2.4Review Contractor's Shop Drawing Submittals12 8204,180.00$ 2.5Conduct Continuous Observation of Micro Piles, Conduct Site Visits, Review Pile Test Submittals and Installation Reports, Attend Project Meetings, Landscape Site Visit w/ Observation Report16 161002415632,360.30$ SUBTOTAL TASK 2.001636161002419239,780.30$ 3.0 As-Builts-$ 3.1Attend As-Built Field Visits444122,300.00$ 3.2 Coordinate, Prepare, Submit, QA/QC88168407,520.00$ SUBTOTAL TASK 3.001212208529,820.00$ TASK 1.00- 3.00 SUBTOTAL4448361002481627654,480.30$ Direct Costs505.00$ TOTAL7,480.00$ 11,280.00$ 6,120.00$ 19,880.30$ 6,000.00$ 1,560.00$ 2,160.00$ 54,985.30$ PROJECT BRIDGECIVIL GEOTECHNICALSR. GEOTECHNICALSENIOR CLERICALMANAGER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER ENGINEER TECHNICIAN170.00$ 235.00$ 170.00$ 198.80$ 250.00$ 195.00$ 135.00$ prevailing wage2020 Hourly Rate Schedule - KLEINFELDERPOSITIONSTAFFPRIME CONSULTANT - KLEINFELDERTASK ANALYSISApril 6, 2021Item #4 Page 11 of 19 PROJECT CONSTRUCTION TOTALCOSTMANAGERENGINEERChristianKevinLambarthStone 1.0 Project Management-$ 1.1 Project Management & Administration22320.00$ SUBTOTAL TASK 1.022320.00$ 2.0 Construction Support Services-$ 2.1Attend Pre-Construction Meeting-$ 2.2Coordinate with City Inspection Staff-$ 2.3Respond to Construction Phase RFIs224620.00$ 2.4Review Contractor's Shop Drawing Submittals-$ 2.5Conduct Continuous Observation of Micro Piles, Conduct Site Visits, Review Pile Test Submittals and Installation Reports, Attend Project Meetings, Landscape Site Visit w/ Observation Report-$ SUBTOTAL TASK 2.002 24 620.00$ 3.0 As-Builts-$ 3.1Attend As-Built Field Visits-$ 3.2 Coordinate, Prepare, Submit, QA/QC-$ SUBTOTAL TASK 3.00-$ TASK 1.00- 3.00 SUBTOTAL4 26 940.00$ Direct Costs299.00$ TOTAL1,239.00$ PROJECT CONSTRUCTION MANAGERENGINEER160.00$ 150.00$ 2020 Hourly Rate Schedule - STC TrafficPOSITIONSTAFFTASK ANALYSISSUB CONSULTANT - STC TrafficApril 6, 2021Item #4 Page 12 of 19 SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER SENIORTOTALCOSTPRINCIPAL ASSOCIATE 2 ASSOCIATE 1 DESIGNER IIBrooke BernardAmy HenryWhalenEverlingHoffmanHong 1.0 Project Management-$ 1.1 Project Management & Administration112300.00$ SUBTOTAL TASK 1.0112300.00$ 2.0 Construction Support Services-$ 2.1Attend Pre-Construction Meeting-$ 2.2Coordinate with City Inspection Staff-$ 2.3Respond to Construction Phase RFIs1416785.00$ 2.4Review Contractor's Shop Drawing Submittals-$ 2.5Conduct Continuous Observation of Micro Piles, Conduct Site Visits, Review Pile Test Submittals and Installation Reports, Attend Project Meetings, Landscape Site Visit w/ Observation Report66750.00$ SUBTOTAL TASK 2.001 101121,535.00$ 3.0 As-Builts-$ 3.1Attend As-Built Field Visits44500.00$ 3.2 Coordinate, Prepare, Submit, QA/QC1136111,435.00$ SUBTOTAL TASK 3.001176151,935.00$ TASK 1.00- 3.00 SUBTOTAL22187293,770.00$ Direct Costs299.00$ TOTAL4,069.00$ SENIOR PROJECT MANAGER SENIORPRINCIPAL ASSOCIATE 2 ASSOCIATE 1 DESIGNER II175.00$ 165.00$ 125.00$ 120.00$ 2020 Hourly Rate Schedule - KTUATASK ANALYSISSUB CONSULTANT - KTUAPOSITIONSTAFFApril 6, 2021Item #4 Page 13 of 19 PROJECT ELECTRICAL CADDTOTALCOSTMANAGER DESIGNER MANAGERKarenKarenVoneOrtegaOrtegaPhathanak 1.0 Project Management-$ 1.1 Project Management & Administration22 300.00$ SUBTOTAL TASK 1.022 300.00$ 2.0 Construction Support Services-$ 2.1Attend Pre-Construction Meeting-$ 2.2Coordinate with City Inspection Staff-$ 2.3Respond to Construction Phase RFIs22270.00$ 2.4Review Contractor's Shop Drawing Submittals22270.00$ 2.5Conduct Continuous Observation of Micro Piles, Conduct Site Visits, Review Pile Test Submittals and Installation Reports, Attend Project Meetings, Landscape Site Visit w/ Observation Report-$ SUBTOTAL TASK 2.0044 540.00$ 3.0 As-Builts-$ 3.1Attend As-Built Field Visits44600.00$ 3.2 Coordinate, Prepare, Submit, QA/QC224480.00$ SUBTOTAL TASK 3.006281,080.00$ TASK 1.00- 3.00 SUBTOTAL8 4 214 1,920.00$ Direct Costs299.00$ TOTAL2,219.00$ PROJECT ELECTRICAL CADDMANAGER DESIGNER MANAGER150.00$ 135.00$ 90.00$ 2020 Hourly Rate Schedule - Turpin & RattanTASK ANALYSISSUB CONSULTANT - Turpin & RattanPOSITIONSTAFFApril 6, 2021Item #4 Page 14 of 19 550 West C Street, Suite 1200  San Diego, CA  92101  619‐831‐4600  FAX 619‐232‐1039   SCHEDULE OF FEES  Bridge, Structural and Civil    HOURLY CHARGES  Rates valid through July 31, 2021    SENIOR PRINCIPAL ENGINEER      $310.00   SENIOR PRINCIPAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / TECHNICAL SPECIALIST  $265.00   GROUP MANAGER     $235.00    PROJECT MANAGER     $170.00    PRINCIPAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEER     $190.00   SENIOR ENGINEER I     $210.00   SENIOR ENGINEER II     $185.00    PROJECT ENGINEER I     $170.00     PROJECT ENGINEER II     $140.00   ASSOCIATE ENGINEER     $135.00   ASSISTANT ENGINEER     $120.00    ENGINEERING INTERN    $090.00      SENIOR TECHNICIAN     $195.00    SENIOR CADD TECHNICIAN     $150.00    CADD TECHNICIAN     $130.00    PROJECT CONTROLS SPECIALIST      $135.00   PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR     $100.00      Hourly charges include provisions for normal overhead costs such as fringe benefits, office rental,  utilities, insurance, equipment, normal supplies and materials, and in‐house reproduction services.   Rates are subject to annual adjustment.  Mileage shall be reimbursed at the standard federal mileage  rate or as agreed to with the client.                                     EXHIBIT C Schedule of FeesAttachment B Schedule of Fees April 6, 2021 Item #4 Page 15 of 19   Fee Schedule    Title | Project Classification Hourly  Rate  Employee  Project Engineer $140  Adamos, Ashley  Project Planner $130  Armusewicz, Courtney  Project Engineer $140  Baidy, Myles  Intern $80  Buenrostro, Vicente  Intern $80  D’Amato, Giuseppe  Senior Principal Manager $220  DiPierro, David  Associate Engineer $120  Gonzalez, Ivan  Senior Project Engineer $150  Hanson, Brett  Project Technical Specialist $150  Hungerford, Alain  Intern $80  Jasmund, Jason  Project Manager $160  Lambarth, Christian  Senior Project Technical Specialist $180  Lemberg, Adam  Intern $80  Lomeli, Miguel  Senior Principal Manager $220  Manganiello, Stephen  Principal Manager $200  Minicilli, Nick  Associate Engineer $120  Pesaresi, Gianluca  Intern $80  Ramirez, Brandon  Project Engineer $140  Schlueter, Brandon  Senior Project Engineer $150  Shivaji, Balaji  Principal‐In‐Charge $220  Stack, Jason  Construction Engineer/Inspector $150  Stone, Kevin  Project Engineer $140  Walters, Joseph  Project Planner $130  Wragg, Phillip    Note: The Fee Schedule is effective through December 31, 2021.    STC Traffic is a local business and there are no direct costs for mileage.    Outsourced reimbursable expenses such as printing and reproduction, deliveries and overnight shipping,  computerized plotting, materials, etc., will be charged to the client at the consultant’s cost without mark‐ up.    April 6, 2021 Item #4 Page 16 of 19 KTUA Job Category 2020 Standard Rates Principal II $185.00 Principal I $175.00 Sr Associate II $165.00 Sr Associate I $155.00 Associate II $135.00 Associate I $125.00 Sr Designer/Planner II $120.00 Sr Designer/Planner I $115.00 Designer/Planner $105.00 Clerical $80.00 April 6, 2021 Item #4 Page 17 of 19 ENGINEERING FEE SCHEDULE 2020 A. Engineering and Design - Principal $195.00 per hour - Professional Engineer 180.00 per hour - Project Manager 150.00 per hour - Senior Designer 135.00 per hour - Designer 125.00 per hour B. Computer Aided Drafting - Senior CADD Technician 90.00 per hour - CADD Technician 80.00 per hour C. Report/Specification/Letter Typing - Administrative 80.00 per hour D. Travel and other Miscellaneous Expenses - Mileage Current IRS Rate - Airfare, Meals, Lodging* Actual Cost +15% - Other Travel Expenses* Actual Cost +15% - Reproductions/Photographs/Postage/Etc. Actual Cost +15% - Other Actual Cost +15% * Travel Other than the Metropolitan San Diego Area with Prior Approval Federal Tax I.D. No.: 95-3900518 64-2018 Rate Schedule April 6, 2021 Item #4 Page 18 of 19 AVECOSTALA BLVDCARLSBAD RD ALGA PALOMAR AIRPORT RD EL CAMI N O REALRANCHOSANTA FERD POINS E T TI A LANE ALICANTERDELFUERTEOLIVENHAIN RD. M E L R O S E D R . FARADAY COLLEG EBLVDVILLAGE P A S E O DEL NORTEAVE AVENIDA ENC IN A S CANNON RDMONROESTCARLS B A D D R LAGOO N MARRON TAMARA C K AVE RD LAKE CALAVERABUENAVISTA AGUA HEDIO N D A LAGO O N BATIQUITOS A V I A R A PKWY VICINITY MAP 6042& 6056 EL CAMINO REAL BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS POINSETT I A LANE LAGOON PROJECT NAME SITE PROJECT EXHIBIT NUMBER 2 CALLEBARCEL O N A BATI Q U I T O S DRIVEARENAL RD LEVANTE ST LOCATION MAP PLOTTED BY: BENJAMIN ARP PLOT DATE: 09/02/2020 PATH: S:\Benjamin_Arp\Location Map\CIP_6042\6042_PhaseI_LocationMap.dwg AT CANNON ROAD PHASE I Exhibit 2 April 6, 2021 Item #4 Page 19 of 19 Hossein Ajideh, Engineering Manager Brandon Miles, Associate Engineer April 6, 2021 Amendment No. 4 to Agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. for Engineering Services for El Camino Real Bridge Improvements at Cannon Road Project Recommended Action Adopt a resolution approving Amendment No. 4 to professional services agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc., for engineering services of El Camino Real Bridge Improvements at Cannon Road, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6042, in an amount not to exceed $62,512 2 Background •July 29, 2015, City Council authorized execution of a professional services agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. •April 27, 2017, term of agreement was extended for an additional year with no additional fee (Amendment No. 1) •Feb. 14, 2018, agreement was amended to revise scope of services and fee to include a separate pedestrian bridge for an additional $49,840 and no additional time (Amendment No. 2) •July 16, 2019, agreement was amended to extend term of agreement to expire on July 28, 2021 with no additional fee (Amendment No. 3) 3 Options 1. Approve Amendment No. 4 to the agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. Pros •Kleinfelder, Inc. is engineer of record for project and, their familiarity with work involved, makes them qualified to provide construction support services •Additional scope of services and fees have been negotiated with Kleinfelder, Inc. •Amendment to agreement complies with applicable Carlsbad Municipal Code sections Cons •None identified 4 Options 2. Do not approve Amendment No. 4 to the agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc. Pros •None identified Cons •Transferring design responsibility and role of engineer of record from Kleinfelder, Inc. to another firm would be required •Additional costs could be incurred for assigning potential design revision responsibility to a new firm •Having a new third-party firm take over design and construction support would result in a lack of continuity in design and likely construction delay •Potential liability and accountability issues could result from a design firm change 5 Next Steps Upon City Council approval and after the agreement is executed, staff will authorize Kleinfelder, Inc. to begin construction support services with El Camino Real Bridge Improvements at Cannon Road 6 Recommended Action Adopt a resolution approving Amendment No. 4 to the professional services agreement with Kleinfelder, Inc., for engineering services of the El Camino Real Bridge Improvements at Cannon Road, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6042, in an amount not to exceed $62,512. 7 Thank you 8