HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-08; Metropolitan Water Distric of Southern California Member Agency Administered Program Grant Application Update (Districts - All); Gomez, PazTo the members of the:
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CMWD Board Memorandum
April 8, 2021
To: Carlsbad Municipal Water Dist I t Board of Directors
From: Paz Gomez, Deputy City M na e ublic Works
Vicki Quiram, General Ma age11--~r--
Via: Scott Chadwick, Executive Man e
Municipal Water District
Memo ID #2021076
Re: Metropolitan Water Distric of Southern California Member Agency Administered
Program Grant Application Update (Districts -All)
This memorandum provides an update on the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
(MWD) Member Agency Administered Program (MAAP) grant application for a system-wide leak
detection survey.
In October 2020, CMWD submitted applications for two MWD MAAP grants. On Dec. 22, 2020,
MWD approved the first grant, which was a customer outreach welcome brochure. On Feb. 9, 2021,
the CMWD Board accepted the grant funding.
The second grant application (Attachment A) was for a system-wide leak detection survey. The
purpose of this survey is to find water leaks within the distribution system for repair, which would
result in direct water savings. The project will also reduce non-revenue water loss and assist in
compliance with upcoming conservation requirements. On April 5, 2021, MWD approved the
second grant.
CMWD's $76,500 request for MAAP funding will implement a comprehensive system-wide acoustic
leak detection survey and purchase materials for leak repairs. CMWD will obtain the assistance of a
contractor to survey approximately 450 miles of potable water distribution lines.
Next Steps
CMWD will recommend that the Board accept this grant funding at a future Board meeting,
tentatively scheduled for June. Upon Board acceptance of the grant funding, staff will solicit bids for
a contract for the system-wide leak detection survey.
Attachment: A. Potable Water Distribution System Leak Detection Approved Application
Carlsbad Municipal Water District
5950 El Camino Real I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-438-2722
Board Memo -MWD MAAP Grant Application Update (Districts -All)
April 8, 2021
Page 2
cc: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant Executive Manager
Celia Brewer, General Counsel
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Robby Contreras, Assistant General Counsel
Ryan Green, Finance Director
Eric Sanders, Utilities Manager
Kim Riboni, Senior Accountant
Shoshana Aguilar, Senior Management Analyst
ATTACHMENT A Commercial Program
Member Agency Ad minist ered Project Pre-Approval Request
MWD-Funded/Member Agency Admi_nistered Incentive Program
Member Agency must obtain Metropolitan's written pre-approval for all projects prior to
implementation and invoicing.
Project Type: I
DD . b d t Customized with documented evIce-ase · water savings .
I D Customized with non-
documented water savings
Member Agency San Diego County Water Authority Agreement Number 66654
Retail Agency Carlsbad Municipal Water District Contact Name
Joni German
Project Title Potable Water Distribution System Leak Contact E-Mail Address
Detection jgerman@sdcwa.org
Project Start Date Contact Phone Number
3/1/2021 858-522-6705
Project End Date Estimated Portion of Funding for this Project
6/30/2022 $76,500
Project Description:
The Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) is requesting the use of MAAP funding to implement a comprehensive
system wide leak detection survey and repairs. CMWD will partner with a contractor to survey the 450 miles of potable
water distribution lines. The 450 miles include approximately 30,320 water services 4,441 fire hydrants, and 13,553 gate
valves. All survey work must be completed in accordance with the "Manual of Water Supply Practices: Water Audits and
Loss Control Prog ~ams: document identification number AWWA M36, American Water Works Association, 2016 ." The
sole purpose of this survey is to find leaks within the distribution system which will be repaired resulting in direct water
savings. Additional details are provided in the attachment.
Additional information to include for Customized with documented water savings and Customized with non-
documented water savings: Funding request is based on preliminary data of acoustic leak detection results from
MWD's pilot research project. This program funding falls under the $195/acre-foot savings category of the Member
Agency Administered conservation program.
I certify that the information provided in this request is accurate and in accordance with guidelines provided in
this Agreement and understand that Metropolitan must approve this request prior to Member Agency seeking
reimbursement from Metropolitan for this project. By signing, Member Agency agrees to these terms.
Member Agency San Diego County Water Authority
Elizabeth Lovsted Mar 25,2021 Elizabeth Lovsted (Mar 25, 2021 11:56 PDT)
Authorizing Signature General Manager/ Designee Date
Use Only: Date received Approved by
Authorization No.
Attachment -Carlsbad Municipal Water District Potable Water Distribution System Leak Detection
Project Detail:
California is subject to dry periods at any given time, meaning water conservation must always be in place. Although
there are multiple techniques to conserve water, this project focuses on fixing leaks and reducing water waste.
Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD), a member agency of the San Diego County Water Authority, is requesting
$76,500 in MAAP funding for a comprehensive leak detection survey, which will cover the District's entire 450 miles
of potable water lines. CMWD will contract with a leak detection company to carry out a comprehensive survey and
repair leaks detected.
These are the project objectives:
• Reduce non-revenue water loss
In recent years, CMWD has contracted with Matchpoint Water Asset Management
(MWAM) for leak detection. In the last system-wide survey, conducted in Fiscal Year 2017-2018, MWAM
provided the following data:
• 57 leaks were detected throughout the entire 450 miles of potable distribution lines.
• MWAM estimated that after the 57 leaks were repaired, savings would total 40,260,960 gallons of
water saved per year, equivalent to 123.5 acre-feet.
• After a leak is detected in the public distribution system, CMWD repairs the leak. The most common
repairs are in public service lines, which consist of copper lines and brass fittings. According to the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Residential Rehabilitation Inspection Guide (Chapter
6, section 2, pages 72-73); copper lines have a service life of 50 or more years and brass has a service
life of up to 70 years.
MWAM conducted the last system-wide survey in two segments. The first segment surveyed 135 miles of
the distribution system and the second surveyed the remaining 315 miles. MWAM provided two project
summaries for each of the segments surveyed. Each of the project summaries provided gallons saved per
year, totaling 40,260,960. MWAM's full reports on the system wide leak detection survey conducted in FY
17-18 are available upon request.
• Assist in compliance with SB 555. SB 606. and AB 1668 for water conservation
To comply with California Senate Bill 555, CMWD must complete a yearly AWWA potable water distribution
leak audit. This audit also provides the data needed to comply with Senate Bill 606 and Assembly Bill 1668. A
comprehensive leak detection survey will provide data on the amount of water lost due to underground
leaks not evident by above ground visual inspection. This data will then get applied to the AWWA yearly
water audit. This data is essential in ensuring CMWD is in compliance with Senate Bill 606 and Assembly Bill
1668 when it goes into effect in 2022.
The project is anticipated to start March 1, 2021 and be completed June 30, 2022. All project activity will be
completed, and invoices will be submitted according to MAAP funding timeline requirements, includingLL
• Invoices that summarize the miles surveyed at a rate of $170 per surveyed mile
• Detailed information on testing locations (street and city locations), survey distance, number of leaks
detected, and volumetric flow rate estimations of any detected leaks
• Follow up data on all of the detected leaks(i.e. were the leaks fixed, determined not cost effective to
address, seepage, no confirmed leak, to be repaired at a later date, etc). This post survey information will be
vital in determining if this is a cost effective approach to water savings that can be continued as a worthwhile
conservation program in the future.
CMWD will be visually inspecting 100% of the system wide leak detection project.