HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesApproved: / · . ..%;;:-\ ~///9 /2 I /J~ HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING OF: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COIVIM ISS ION DATE OF M EETING: March 8, 2021 TIME OF M EETING: 4:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: 4:02 p.m. ROLL CALL : Chair Majer, Vice-Cha ir Boone, Commissioner Estes, Commissioner Ly, Ex-Officio Planning Commissioner Lafferty, {Commissioner Prosser -Absent) STAFF PRESENT: Suzanne Smithson -Lib rary 8{ Cultural Arts Sheila Crosby -Deputy Library Director Sarah Dana -Senior Librarian Jennifer Davidson -Administrative Secretary APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Minutes of the Historic Preservation Commission meeting held January 11, 2021. Motion by Commissioner Estes, seconded by Commissioner Ly, to approve t he Minutes of the meeting held on January 11, 2021 as presented. Motion carried 4/0/1/0 {Commissioner Prosser -Absent). PU BLIC COMMENT: Adrninistrative Secretary Jennifer Davidson read a publi c comment received from the following individual into the record. Teri Delcamp of Delcamp Preservation & Planning commented on the Culver/Myers/Capp House and the Mills Act. HERITAGE TREE PRESENTATION: The Commissioners received a presentation on Heritage Trees by Parks Services Manager Tim Selke, Parks Superintendent Phil Christman and Parks/Trees Supervisor Morgan Rockdale. Commissioners approved accepting the six nominated trees into the Heritage Tree inventory. Motion by Commissioner Boone, seconded by Commissioner Ly. IVlotion passed 4/0/1/0 (Commissioner Prosser -Absent) .. 2021 HISTORIC ART PROGRAM: The Commissioners discussed the Third Grade Historic Art Program in place for 2021. Motion by Vice-Chair Boone, seconded by Commissioner Estes to postpone Third Grade Historic Art Program for 2021 until 2022. Motion passed 3/1/1/0 {Commissioner Ly -Nay, Comm iss ioner Prosse r -Absent). Historic Preservation Commission Minutes of the II/larch 8, 2021 Meeting Page 2 of 2 HISTORIC CULVER/MYERS/CAPP HOUSE 3140 HIGHLAND DRIVE: Chair Majer recused himself prior to discussion on Culver/Myers/Capp House. The Commissioners discussed recent visits to the Culver/M yers/Capp House and options to preserve t he property. Motion by Commissioner Ly, seconded by Vice-Chair Boone to draft a letter t o City Council in support of preserving Cu lver/Myers/Capp House. Motion passed 3/0/1/1 (Ch air Maje1· -.Ll..bstain, Commissi oner Prosser -Absent). CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATE: Vice-Cha ir Boone shared that she would be conducting a walking tour of vario us historic sites and the societ y newsletter, t he Carlsbad Time Lines, was being kept current. CO MMISSION LIAISON ANNOUNCEM ENTS: Comrnission Lia ison Suzanne Smithson rem inded the Com missioners that form 700 Conflict of Intere st needs to be completed by April 1; an update was provided on Historical Preservation Commissioner terms and appointments; staff will be sending the Planning Department a list of historic properties designated by past council resolutions in ad vance of confirming the list with citv council; update on Th e Marron Adobe occupancy and plans to digitize family records; Deputy Library Director Sheila Crosby will be the new Commission Liaison for the Historic Preservation Commission and Senior Librarian Sarah Dana is available to assist with oral history projects. CO MMISS IONER CO MMENTS: Commiss ioner Ly thanked Commission Liaison Suzanne Sm ithson for her leadersh ip and knowledge during her tenure vvith the Historic Preservation Commission. Commissioner Ly will be working on oral hi story projects this coming sumrner. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Majer adjourned the meeting at 4:47 p.111. /.·---. ,,. ~ / . ...____.. Jennifer Davidson Ad 111 in istrat ive Secret a rv