HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvement ProjectItem 3 Meeting Date: April 5, 2021 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Miriam Jim, Senior Engineer Miriam.Jim@carlsbadca.gov, 760-268-4796 Subject: Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvement Project Recommended Action Support staff’s recommendations to implement the proposed traffic calming improvements at six uncontrolled crosswalks on Carlsbad Boulevard, at the Army/Navy Academy (between Mountain View Drive and Cypress Avenue), Oak Avenue, Sycamore Avenue, Maple Avenue, Cherry Avenue and Hemlock Avenue. Background On Sept. 24, 2019, staff presented to City Council the proposed actions to address traffic calming concerns on Carlsbad Boulevard, College Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. Staff proposed a project to enhance six uncontrolled crosswalks on Carlsbad Boulevard at Army/Navy Academy, Oak Avenue, Sycamore Avenue, Maple Avenue, Cherry Avenue and Hemlock Avenue, which currently have existing Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB) systems. On Jan. 6, 2020, staff presented to the Traffic and Mobility Commission an update on the proposed Traffic Calming Enhancements on Carlsbad Boulevard, College Boulevard and Tamarack Avenue. On Aug. 3, 2020, staff presented to the Traffic and Mobility Commission the conceptual design for the Carlsbad Boulevard Pedestrian Improvement Project and received feedback on the proposed traffic calming improvements. Discussion Carlsbad Boulevard between Agua Hedionda Lagoon trailhead and State Street is designated as an identity street in the General Plan Mobility Element. Traffic volumes on Carlsbad Boulevard can range from 12,000 to 20,000 vehicles per day, depending on location. During the last seven years, many improvements have been implemented along the corridor including: • 2012 – Pedestrian scrambles were installed at two locations along Carlsbad Boulevard (intersections at Carlsbad Village Drive and Grand Avenue) • 2012-13 – Pedestrian medians and RRFBs were installed at five locations along Carlsbad Boulevard (Oak Avenue, Sycamore Avenue, Maple Avenue, Cherry Avenue and Hemlock Avenue) • 2014 – Carlsbad Boulevard and State Street roundabout, multi-use trail and road diet were installed • 2014-15 – Carlsbad Boulevard bridge railing, sidewalk and restriping improvements were completed • 2018 – Slurry seal, restriping to accommodate more on-street parking and enhanced crosswalk signage and legends were installed from Beech Avenue to Mountain View Drive On Sept. 22, 2015, City Council approved the General Plan Mobility Element that has the following recommendation for identity streets: Traffic calming devices, such as curb extensions (Bulb-outs) or enhanced pedestrian crossings should be considered and evaluated for implementation. Pursuant to prior City Council direction, staff has evaluated Carlsbad Boulevard for possible traffic calming measures. Considering the General Plan Mobility Element recommendations for identity streets, staff proposes traffic calming improvements at the six uncontrolled crosswalks on Carlsbad Boulevard. These traffic calming improvements will provide additional safety for all modes of travel while enhancing mobility for pedestrians and bicyclists on Carlsbad Boulevard. The proposed improvements are listed below and presented in Exhibit 1. • Curb extensions (where feasible, at five locations) • Pedestrian-activated in-pavement flashing lights to augment existing RRFBs • Continental high-visibility crosswalks • Green bicycle lane treatments through the intersections in conflict areas • “LOOK” with arrows pavement markings for pedestrians • New street lights at crosswalk (at two locations based on photometric analysis) The proposed green dashed bicycle lane treatments through the intersections indicate the intended path of people bicycling through the intersection and provide a visual cue alerting motorist entering the intersection or making turns from Carlsbad Boulevard to the presence of people bicycling. They provide a clear boundary between the paths of through bicyclists and either through or crossing motor vehicles in the adjacent travel lane. The “LOOK” with arrows pavement markings are proposed to remind pedestrians to look for vehicles prior to crossing the street at an uncontrolled crosswalk location. These markings have been implemented in other cities in the U.S. and this implementation will be a pilot project in the City of Carlsbad. Staff will monitor pedestrian behavior after project implementation. ANSI/IES RP-8-141 recommends a certain roadway illumination levels to be maintained at crosswalk locations to allow comfortable visibility at night for both drivers and pedestrians. 1 American National Standard Institute/Illuminating Engineering Society, ANSI/IES RP-8-14, American National Standard for Roadway Lighting, 2014. Photometric analysis was performed at the six uncontrolled crosswalk locations on Carlsbad Boulevard based on existing street lights in the vicinity. New street lights are proposed at two crosswalk locations, Oak Avenue and Maple Avenue, to achieve the illumination levels recommended. In November 2020, staff applied for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds in the amount of $591,600 to help offset the preliminary design/construction estimated at $657,600. Results of the HSIP funding applications will be released in early April 2021. Next Steps Following the Traffic and Mobility Commission’s review, staff will finalize the project construction plans, specifications, and cost estimates. There are currently insufficient funds for construction of the project. Based on the results of the HSIP funding applications, staff will bring the project to City Council for approval of the construction package and appropriation of the necessary funds for construction. The construction of the project is estimated to occur by the end of 2021. Exhibits 1. Proposed Traffic Calming Improvements N CARLSBAD BLVDARMY AND NAVYACADEMYARMY AND NAVYACADEMY11'11'6' BUFFER7'BL4' BUFFER8'PARKING6'BL3' BUFFER8'PARKING12'RAISEDMEDIAN11'11'6' BUFFER7'BL4' BUFFER8'PARKING6'BL3' BUFFER8'PARKING12'RAISEDMEDIANEXISTING BUSSTOPCARLSBAD BLVD***11LOOK11 PAVEMENT MARKING NOT TO SCALE T\1 EXHIBIT 1 RICK CARLSBAD BLVD BETWEEN MOUNTAIN VIEW DR. AND CYPRESS AVE ENGINEERING COMPANY LIGHTED CROSSWALK INSTALLATION . . CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CROSSWALK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 6070 C. RICK ProJects C1 9000 19212_CarlsbadBlvdXwolklmp Traffic Exhibits 19212_DesignEX_01.dwg 2021-03-16 -10:47AM _ jparra ....._ =PROPOSED LIMITS OF BULB OUT/ CURB EXTENSION c:::i =PROPOSED IN-ROAD WARNING LIGHTS (IRWL) =PROPOSED GREEN BIKE PAVEMENT MARKING [;iii =PROPOSED lYPE Ill B SERVICE METER ---------------------40 1 "= 20· ==o== =EXISTING RRFB SYSTEM o--------0 =EXISTING STREET LIGHT ::::::n:::::: =PROPOSED RRFB SYSTEM CARLSBAD BLVDOAK AVEOAK AVE8'PARKING7'BL11'10'11'10'11'8'BL11'10'11'7'BLEXISTING BUSSTOPN R10-15(MOD)***11LOOK11 PAVEMENT MARKING NOT TO SCALE T\1 RICK EXHIBIT 2 CARLSBAD BLVD AND OAK AVE LIGHTED CROSSWALK INSTALLATION ENGINEERING COMPANY CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CROSSWALK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 6070 C: RICK Projects C1 9000 19212_CarlsbadBlvdXwolklmp Traffic Exhibits 19212_DesignEX_02.dwg 2021-03-16 -10:48AM -jparra ....._ =PROPOSED LIMITS OF BULB OUT/ CURB EXTENSION c:::i =PROPOSED IN-ROAD WARNING LIGHTS (IRWL) =PROPOSED GREEN BIKE PAVEMENT MARKING [;iii =PROPOSED lYPE Ill B SERVICE METER =EXISTING RRFB SYSTEM ::::::n:::::: =PROPOSED RRFB SYSTEM E:::§==31 =PROPOSED SIGN a------0 o-------0 TURNING .+ VEHICLES I -40 20· =EXISTING STREET LIGHT =PROPOSED STREET LIGHT N CARLSBAD BLVDSYCAMORE AVE5'BL7'10'10'10'10'10'6'BL6'BL10'10'10'10'10'6'BLR26(S)(CA)4' BUFFER***R26(S)(CA)WALNUTAVE11LOOK11 PAVEMENT MARKING NOT TO SCALE T\1 RICK EXHIBIT 3 CARLSBAD BLVD AND SYCAMORE AVE LIGHTED CROSSWALK INSTALLATION ENGINEERING COMPANY CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CROSSWALK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 6070 C: RICK Projects C1 9000 19212_CarlsbadBlvdXwolklmp Traffic Exhibits 19212_DesignEX_03.dwg 2021-03-16 -10:48AM -jparra ....._ =PROPOSED LIMITS OF BULB OUT/ CURB EXTENSION c:::i =PROPOSED IN-ROAD WARNING LIGHTS (IRWL) =PROPOSED GREEN BIKE PAVEMENT MARKING [;iii =PROPOSED lYPE Ill B SERVICE METER ::::::a::::: § 30 15 0 3/15/2021 30 60 90 ------------------------------------------------GRAPHIC SCALE 1 "= 30' =EXISTING RRFB SYSTEM =PROPOSED RRFB SYSTEM =PROPOSED SIGN o---------0 =EXISTING STREET LIGHT CARLSBAD BLVDMAPLE AVE5'BL 10' 10' 10' PAINTED MEDIAN 10' 10' 7'BL 7'BL 10' 10' 10' 10' 10' 6'BL N* * * 11 LOOK 11 PAVEMENT MARKING NOT TO SCALE T'1 RICK EXHIBIT 4 CARLSBAD BLVD AND MAPLE AVE LIGHTED CROSSWALK INSTALLATION ENGINEERING COMPANY CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CROSSWALK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 6070 C: RICK Projects C19000 19212_CarlsbadBlvdXwalklmp Traffic Exhibits 19212_DesignEX_04.dwg 2021-03-16 -10:4BAM -jparra CJ =PROPOSED IN-ROAD WARNING LIGHTS (IRWL) LEGEND n-=PROPOSED GREEN BIKE PAVEMENT MARKING 1,,1111 =PROPOSED TYPE Ill B SERVICE METER ~ =EXISTING RRFB SYSTEM ::::::n:::::: =PROPOSED RRFB SYSTEM o-------0 =EXISTING STREET LIGHT ----a =PROPOSED STREET LIGHT N CARLSBAD BLVDCHERRY AVE10'10'10'10'10'7'BL7'BL10'10'10'PAINTEDMEDIAN10'10'6'BL7'BL8'PARKING2' BUFFER***11LOOK11 PAVEMENT MARKING NOT TO SCALE T\1 RICK EXHIBIT 5 CARLSBAD BLVD AND CHERRY AVE LIGHTED CROSSWALK INSTALLATION ENGINEERING COMPANY CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CROSSWALK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 6070 C: RICK Projects C1 9000 19212_CarlsbadBlvdXwolklmp Traffic Exhibits 19212_DesignEX_05.dwg 2021-03-16 -10:49AM -jparra ....._ =PROPOSED LIMITS OF BULB OUT/ CURB EXTENSION c:::i =PROPOSED IN-ROAD WARNING LIGHTS (IRWL) =PROPOSED GREEN BIKE PAVEMENT MARKING [;iii =PROPOSED lYPE Ill B SERVICE METER ==o== =EXISTING RRFB SYSTEM o---------0 =EXISTING STREET LIGHT ::::::n:::::: =PROPOSED RRFB SYSTEM N CARLSBAD BLVDHEMLOCKAVE 10'10'10'PAINTEDMEDIAN10'10'7'BL7'PARKING6'BL10'10'10'10'10'7'BL8'PARKING6'BL***R99(CA)R99(CA)11LOOK11 PAVEMENT MARKING NOT TO SCALE T\1 RICK EXHIBIT 6 CARLSBAD BLVD AND HEMLOCK AVE LIGHTED CROSSWALK INSTALLATION ENGINEERING COMPANY CARLSBAD BOULEVARD CROSSWALK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 6070 C: RICK Projects C1 9000 19212_CarlsbadBlvdXwolklmp Traffic Exhibits 19212_DesignEX_06.dwg 2021-03-16 -10:49AM -jparra ....._ =PROPOSED LIMITS OF BULB OUT/ CURB EXTENSION c:::i =PROPOSED IN-ROAD WARNING LIGHTS (IRWL) =PROPOSED GREEN BIKE PAVEMENT MARKING [;iii =PROPOSED lYPE Ill B SERVICE METER ==o== =EXISTING RRFB SYSTEM o---------0 =EXISTING STREET LIGHT ::::::n:::::: =PROPOSED RRFB SYSTEM