HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-05; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Restripe Tamarack Avenue to accommodate on-street parking from Saddle Drive to Knollwood DriveItem 5 Meeting Date: April 5, 2021 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: John Kim, City Traffic Engineer John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2757 Subject: Restripe Tamarack Avenue to accommodate on-street parking from Saddle Drive to Knollwood Drive. Recommended Action Support staff recommendation on the proposed restriping of Tamarack Avenue to accommodate on-street parking from Saddle Drive to Knollwood Drive. Background Tamarack Avenue is located in the northwest corner of the city and spans from Carlsbad Boulevard in the west and terminates at College Boulevard in the east. Tamarack Avenue loops and intersects College Boulevard at two locations, see Exhibit 1- Location Map. The segment between Saddle Drive to Knollwood Drive is located east of College Boulevard within the loop. Even though there are no homes fronting Tamarack Avenue in this segment, there are residential neighborhoods that utilize Tamarack Avenue to access College Boulevard. This segment of Tamarack Avenue was originally paved as a single 12 feet travel lane and an eight feet bike lane in each direction. In 2011, the city received multiple public requests to provide on-street parking for those who access the hiking trails at Lake Calavera. Lake Calavera resides to the east of Tamarack Avenue and its trail head is located approximately 350 feet north of Strata Drive. The original striping on Tamarack Avenue does not allow parking, therefore requires visitors to park in the adjacent neighborhoods. In response to the parking concerns, the city issued a work order to restripe Tamarack Avenue from Strata Drive to the Lake Calavera trail head to reduce the travel lanes to 10 feet and the northbound bike lane to four feet to accommodate an eight feet wide parking lane along the eastside of Tamarack Avenue. This work order generated approximately 15 new on-street parking spaces. In 2013, a similar request was received to provide additional parking along Tamarack Avenue to access the hiking trails. A second work order was issued to restripe Tamarack Avenue 350 feet north of Lake Calavera trail head to provide approximately 15 additional parking spaces on the eastside of Tamarack Avenue. Discussion In January 2021, the Carlsbad Police was notified by residents of illegal parking in the bike lane along the eastside of Tamarack Avenue and of the increase traffic in their neighborhoods. Police Officer investigated the concerns and issued sixty-two parking citations in March. Staff is proposing to restripe Tamarack Avenue to allow parking on the eastside of Tamarack Avenue from Saddle Drive to Knollwood Drive. The proposed striping will provide a 10 feet travel lane and a 6 feet bike lane in each direction along with an 8 feet parking lane on the eastside of Tamarack Avenue, See Exhibit 2. The proposed striping will generate approximately 35 parking spaces in addition to the existing 30 parking spaces that were previously established. Based on the parking needs to access Lake Calavera and its hiking trails, staff recommends the Traffic and Mobility Commission to support the proposed restriping of Tamarack Avenue from Saddle Drive to Knollwood Drive to accommodate on-street parking on the eastside of Tamarack Avenue. Next Steps Upon approval, staff will issue a work order for the proposed striping work. Exhibits 1. Project Location Map 2. Proposed Striping 1 PROJECT LOCATION LAKE CALAVARA TRAIL HEAD EXHIBIT 1 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE TAMARACK AVENUE EXHIBIT FROM SADDLE DRIVE TO KNOLLWOOD DRIVE EXHIBIT 2 PROPOSED STRIPING FOR TAMARACK AVENUE FROM SADDLE DRIVE TO KNOLLWOOD DRIVE EXISTING SIDEWALK CALAVERA HILLS ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOLS LAKE CALAVERA TRAIL HEAD PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION EXISTING SIDEWALK PARKING 8 ft.