HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-01; Traffic and Mobility Commission; Minutes Page 1 of 7 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Council Chambers 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Monday, March 1, 2021, 3:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Gocan called the Meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Gocan, Hunter, Penseyres, Fowler, and Linke Absent: Perez and Wanamaker PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Linke led the Pledge of Allegiance APPROVAL OF MINUTES: This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom due to the stay-at-home order for COVID-19. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Hunter seconded by Commissioner Linke, to approve the minutes for the Feb. 1, 2021 meeting as presented. Motion carried: 5/0/2 (Absent: Perez and Wanamaker) PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: 1. Carol Scurlock - Thanks to Lt. Calderwood for listening and being receptive to the traffic issues we have on the Carlsbad Blvd. The most recent appreciation are the signs regarding vehicle exhaust noise. Since there has been enforcement and signage, the exhaust noise has been greatly reduced and it is so appreciated by all the neighbors. Our sincere thanks to the Lt. for acting on our concerns. 2. Ron Ealy - Proposal to implement thoroughfares - I have presented my proposal to the traffic commission in the past but have not received a specific response. In short, this proposal identifies several east-west and several north-south roads as “thoroughfares”. These roads would post a consistent speed limit, have synchronized, non-interrupted traffic lights, and be alternatives to freeways. Synchronized traffic lights start with a light turning green on the thoroughfare. Cars and trucks following the first car through the green lighted intersection until the last car or truck through that intersection before the light turns yellow is called a “platoon”. All cars in this platoon should sail through subsequent lights as long at the cars and trucks in this platoon are traveling at the posted speed limit +/- 5MPH. Cars on a road approaching a thoroughfare will wait for the light to turn red for them. There would be no right turn on red for these cars onto a thoroughfare. In addition, pedestrians will wait for a red light. No more pressing a button to cause the light to turn earlier than the planned light change. These changes and more are done to ensure the platooning is not interrupted. Signs would be hung below streetlights on thoroughfares to identify the road as a thoroughfare and remind the rider of the speed limit. California could save and estimated 2.5 million tons of carbon emissions annually if we stop with the waiting at the signal lights. We do not have to wait for more electric vehicles to make a difference in our carbon footprint. We can make this change now with minimal cost. In addition to the positive impact to our environment, traffic accidents could be reduced as there would be no reason to TRAFFIC AND MOBILITY COMMISSION Minutes Page 2 of 7 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t speed to get through an intersection before the light turns yellow. I believe drivers would welcome the restrictions if they did not have to wait at most traffic lights on thoroughfares. There would also be a reduction in lost time and aggravation. Keys to success include a marketing campaign in local newspaper and on social media. Also, Carlsbad should encourage neighboring communities that contain the same set thoroughfares to adopt the same scheme. 3. Robert Wilkinson – The Grand Promenade: We ask that you consider this project, with its issues and then make a recommendation to City Council that further study is needed and should be prepared as soon as possible, meaning starting this year. The proposed project is the re-imagining of Grand Avenue in the Village. This idea has been titled “the Grand Promenade” (GP) and lately “Rambla de Carlsbad”. The idea is in the new Master Plan (M.P.) for the Village-Barrio approved in 2018-19. Imagine Carlsbad came up with this idea back in 2008 and have been pitching it ever since. The GP is a re-programing of how this extra wide thoroughfare can promote greater mobility for a wider cross section of the community. It provides a more balanced mix of safe and efficient movement east - west that will extend throughout the Village. After review of ideas for the G.P. in the new M.P. Imagine Carlsbad prepared a new 2020 full corridor study incorporating some of the ideas in that document. From our recent study, we came to two issues that should require a City sponsored study and analysis to help guide City Council decisions in the Village. To wait and continue to have this idea to rest only in a document may well dilute the ability to make effective decisions on the overall quality of the Village. Activity on private land will continue and it is important that the City’s activity on the public realm keep pace if not lead. Both of our issues needing attention are centered on cycling as an increasingly popular mode of getting around and through the Village. I am sure you are aware of the expanding cycling activity in our area brought on by e-bikes. From the small cadre of “surf rats” (our youth) on their fat tires, to “first timers” (tourist) on rentals to full families, mom/dad with many kids carrying bikes. I.C. is a big supporter of this mode of travel and believes we should do all we can to achieve the full network of routes though out the Village. A network that is as safe as we can make it aware that we share these corridors with motorist. The City has made a number of city-wide cycling improvements over the last number of years, as an active cyclist I appreciate these as a good start. Per the MP the Grand corridor is to be a major part of a full Village network for biking. After some initial concerns, we accepted the idea of a cycle track from the MP in the Grand corridor, set between the pedestrian Rambla and auto lanes. However there continues to be the inherent hazards from autos crossing the CT making turns south. In response to this our study chose to make a three block stretch of Grand Ave, one way-west for auto travel from Jefferson to State Streets. This decision will have a number of trade-offs of course, pluses and minus, however we hope your board can look at the mobility aspects then make an appropriate recommendation based on your review. The second issue is the continued access from the mid-block alleys to Grand. I.C. is in favor of these alleys and their expanded use for servicing businesses and residents in the core area. However, continued use of the north end connection will dramatically dilute the quality and safety of both the pedestrian Rambla and cycle track. Again, making this decision may have effects that will likely require new coordination between the City and private property owners in this area. We attempted to bring this proposal with its issues to the Planning Commission, unfortunately we miss the target and they took no action, with little discussion. We now believe this proposal and its issues are better suited to your board and ask that you discuss them and make a recommendation to Council. A recommendation to move the Grand Promenade forward with a City sponsored study producing a preliminary plan. A plan that can then be used as the basis for timely decision making. Page 3 of 7 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t DISCUSSION: City Traffic Engineer Kim responded to the public comment about traffic signal coordination on thoroughfares in Carlsbad. Staff does coordinate the signals on the thoroughfares and will prepare a presentation about it to improve communication on that topic. Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt responded to the comments about the Village and Barrio projects. Staff will follow up on these recommendations and work on a path to address these concerns. Deputy City Manager Gomez stated that the City Council is in the process of goal setting and they have spoken about some of these priorities at the February 4 and February 11 goal setting meetings. The next goal setting meeting, on March 11, is a good opportunity for the public to voice their recommendations to City Council for consideration. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. COLLEGE BOULEVARD SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN PROJECT UPDATE - Receive an update on the College Boulevard Speed Feedback Sign Project – (Staff Contact: John Kim) ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Hunter seconded by Commissioner Penseyres, to approve Consent Calendar Item 1 – College Boulevard Speed Feedback Sign Project Update as presented. Motion carried: 5/0/2 (Absent: Perez and Wanamaker) DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 2. POLICE MONTHLY REPORT – (Staff Contact: Lt. Christie Calderwood, Police Department) Lt. Calderwood presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). Lt. Calderwood discussed e-bike safety enforcement during the month of February. They have been getting complaints from residents noticing that more teens are riding e-bikes through the Village and around Carlsbad Boulevard. An electronic message board on Carlsbad Blvd should be set up this week to remind bicyclists to wear a helmet. The police wrote 25 citations for bicyclists (mostly e- bike users) in February for running red lights and those under 18 for not wearing a helmet. Thanks to Commissioner Penseyres, they were able to hand out bicycle safety to inform them of bicycle education opportunities. Lt. Calderwood informed that during the Super Bowl weekend, OTS DUI saturation results had one DUI arrest which means people are likely taking on-demand ride sharing services such as Uber. A quick recap of their collaborative improvements by working with Homeland Security, Parks and Recreation, Fire Department, and Public Works including the Traffic and Mobility Commission, from 2018 to 2020. Lt. Calderwood thanked Deputy City Manager Gomez and her staff for how responsive they are which makes their job so much easier. A few highlights include: a bicycle rodeo for kids at the Police Head Quarters, added two School Crossing Guards with the help of Traffic Engineering, purchased and utilized decibel readers to enforce Loud Exhaust within the city, and increased signage around the city for education along Carlsbad Boulevard and in the Village. Page 4 of 7 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t DISCUSSION: Commissioner Penseyres and Commissioner Linke expressed their appreciation for everything Lt. Calderwood has done for the City and their responsiveness to the Traffic and Mobility Commission. Chair Gocan inquired if there is an age limit for e-bikes and the rules for riding a bicycle on the roads. Lt. Calderwood responded that there is no age limit. If you are under the age of 18 you need to wear a helmet on a Class I and Class II bike. If you are on a Class III bike, then everyone needs to wear a helmet. The Police Department is going to work with the schools to help with education. Commissioner Penseyres inquired if there was an age limit for Class III bikes, therefore, this item will be researched and reported back. 3. INTERIM STRIPING ON CANNON ROAD BETWEEN PASEO DEL NORTE AND I-5 NORTHBOUND RAMPS – (Staff Contact: John Kim and Miriam Jim, Public Works) Staff’s Recommendation: Receive commission input City Traffic Engineer Kim presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). PUBLIC COMMENT ON ITEM 3 Carl Pope - As a Carlsbad resident since 1985 and someone who regularly uses bicycles to do errands and get around Carlsbad, I strongly support the improvements recommended in Item #3, Exhibit 2. Since the painting crew will be on-site installing two new sharrows, I request that the existing two should also be repainted. I'm not sure why this is referred to as an interim striping plan, are there other plans for re-striping this area in the near future that will enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety? DISCUSSION: City Traffic Engineer Kim wanted to thank Commissioner Penseyres for submitting a very detailed memo response. Commissioner Penseyres, in response to Traffic Engineer Kim report, wanted to highlight this as a Transportation Demand Management issue, based on the potential to remove Vehicle Miles Traveled trips from the road by riding a bicycle instead of a vehicle. He did like the proposed suggestion and wanted staff to consider additional enhancements. Commissioner Penseyres’ displayed a concept roadway striping diagram which shows the bike lane change starting further up the road on Cannon Road as well as two additional Sharrows on Paseo del Norte. In addition to the Sharrows, roadway striping could be added that states “bikes may use full lane” to provide education to the bicyclist and the drivers. Chair Gocan agreed with Commissioner Penseyres recommendation but would like to hear city staff recommendation on the subject. Commissioner Linke thanked City Traffic Engineer Kim for bringing this to the commission so quickly and for Commissioner Penseyres knowledge on the subject and agrees with Chair Gocan’s comments. Page 5 of 7 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t Commissioner Fowler wants to know if the City of Carlsbad counts the number of bicyclists at intersections and if there is any information about the effectiveness of Sharrows. Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt added that we are looking into adding bicycle counts. City Traffic Engineer Kim was not aware of any evidence or studies that have shown the effectiveness of Sharrows. Staff understands that there is a need for education on how to use the Sharrows. We want to make every effort to improve our bicycle facilities as much as possible. Commissioner Penseyres mentioned that we are in a different situation now; we have more young bike riders, more e-bike riders, that might not be experienced riders. Education them through a Smart Cycling Class and signage will be beneficial to all bicyclists and drivers. Chair Gocan would like to work with staff, the Police Department, and the school district to see if we can provide bicycle education. Staff could also reach out to the parents to encourage the kids to take the bicycle classes. A request to look at improving bike lanes on Cannon Road, in the near future, based on budget. City Traffic Engineer Kim agreed that Commissioner Penseyres specific recommendations are very good, but they fall outside of the scope of a work order. We will need to find another way to implement the right turn modifications that were recommended. The Sharrows on Paseo Del Norte will be included in the work order. The city is required to do improvements on the eastbound direction of Cannon Road as a part of the Growth Management Plan and they will try to link those two projects together to incorporate the right turn modifications. Deputy City Manager Gomez confirmed that staff will address the resident’s comment about repainting the existing Sharrows. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Hunter, seconded by Commissioner Linke to install the proposed Sharrows on Cannon Road and to add Sharrows on northbound Paseo Del Norte right before the intersection with Cannon Road and repainting the existing Sharrows. Motion carried: 5/0/2 (Absent: Perez and Wanamaker) 4. TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS GUIDELINES REVIEW - (Staff Contact: Nathan Schmidt, Public Works) Staff’s Recommendation: Obtain commission feedback Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). DISCUSSION: Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt explained that the findings of the TIAs are used to determine project specific improvements or mitigation measures for all modes of travel. Staff is presenting the item to the Traffic and Mobility Commission to receive initial feedback from the commission prior to staff commencing work on updating the current TIA guidelines. Commissioner Linke submitted an extensive list of recommendations based on his experience in reviewing TIAs over the last year and a half. The commission is very appreciative of bringing this topic to the table and mentioning its importance at a City Council meeting. The first area of concern is a process question regarding an agreement to update the TIA Guidelines within a year of the Page 6 of 7 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t March 2017 Legal Settlement. What needs to be done in the procedural review process for the TIA Guidelines rules to be followed on behalf of the public? Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt said that staff will work with the T&MC to make sure that the process and procedural concerns are addressed to ensure that development applications meet the requirements set forth in the TIA guidelines. Commissioner Linke said that the next item of concern is the scoping agreement which is required to be documented and approved by staff prior to projects moving forward with the analysis. None of the applications that he has reviewed include the scoping agreements, yet the rest of the TIA Guidelines refer back to the scooping agreement. Instead the scoping process has been conducted via undocumented phone calls over the course of several months. Deputy City Manager Gomez has been working with the Community Development Department, which does not have a representative at this meeting. They have been discussing how to address these issues in the future, including clearly defining staff and department roles and responsibilities in the TIA review process. Currently we are in a transition period and we do not have all the information and background to discuss this since the staff present at this meeting was not here at that time. Moving forward, our intent is to increase accountability, transparency, and focus on how we can improve in the process and have it vetted in a public forum such as what we are doing now in the Traffic and Mobility Commission. Then present these ideas to City Council to take everyone’s input into consideration. Chair Gocan asked who currently reviews these development projects? Deputy City Manager Gomez said that the referenced projects go to our Community Development Department team of traffic engineers and consultants. To improve the process, we can take a look at the Transportation Department taking the lead on these types of items. We are in the process of reviewing what makes the most sense. Chair Gocan wants to make sure that we make the language strong enough to enforce as they are frustrated with the current process. Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt agreed with Commissioner Linke that an ad- hoc committee for the update of the TIA Guidelines is a good idea and has worked well for projects that require a deeper dive into the specific details like what was done for the Sustainable Mobility Plan and Multi-Modal Level of Service. Commissioner Linke highlighted a few additional changes that could be made to the TIA Guidelines. The City of San Diego requires driveway counts for redevelopment projects instead of choosing between driveway counts and generalized trip generation methods. Another example has to do with Vehicles Miles Traveled analysis and unbundled parking; This only works if you have other transportation options available like a car share program or a network of electric vehicles. There is a guide provided by the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA) which gives percentage reduction amounts for projects based on a formula with clear definitions. Commissioner Penseyres requested a training on the terms associated with roundabouts versus traffic lights. How can we install roundabouts where it makes sense to install them? ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Linke, seconded by Commissioner Hunter to create an ad-hoc committee to work with staff to update the Transportation Impact Analysis guidelines. Chair Gocan and Commissioner Linke volunteered to be part of the ad-hoc committee. Motion carried: 5/0/2 (Absent: Perez and Wanamaker) Page 7 of 7 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-434-2730 t CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER REPORT: City Traffic Engineer Comments: Attachment A Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt shared the new Transportation Demand Management website which can be found at www.CarlsbadCommuter.com. The website is designed to be a promotional piece for area employers and their employees, residents, and students to learn about alternative transportation options and our programs. We are promoting Smart Cycling Classes and other regional programs and services. If you have ideas about what to promote, we will think about posting them on the website. Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt gave a few updates on the following: staff is working on a scope of work for the Traffic Impact Fee; staff is working with SANDAG regarding the city’s responsibility related to the Transit Ordinance; staff is starting the first phase of developing a conceptual analysis for the Sustainable Mobility Plan and determining costs associated with the project list that will go into the Traffic Impact Fee update. We plan on hiring a consultant later this year and anticipate completing this update by the end of 2022. A preview to next month meeting, we anticipate bringing forward the Fiscal Year 2019 – 2020 Growth Management Plan Monitoring Circulation Report. TRAFFIC AND MOBILITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Linke asked if there would be a residential section added to the Transportation Demand Management program. Transportation Planning and Mobility Manager Schmidt stated that the Community Development Department is addressing the residential piece in their update of the Transportation Demand Management Handbook. Commissioner Linke mention that in addition to on site transportation amenities, a city wide and regional program will be the focus in the future. The Traffic Impact Fee program is important because it combines resources from multiple developers and the city to accomplish these projects. Chair Gocan mentioned that on westbound Carlsbad Village Drive pavement improvement is causing a lot of traffic issues. A request to review the timing of the work from the afternoon to early morning. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Gocan adjourned the Traffic and Mobility Commission Meeting on March 1, 2021 at 5:23 p.m. ___________________________ Eliane Paiva, Minutes Clerk r t Attachment A Meeting Date: March 1, 2021 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: John Kim, City Traffic Engineer John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2757 Subject: City Traffic Engineer Report Past City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility Feb. 16, 2021 • Award of Contract for FY2020-21 Pavement Overlay Project • Award of Contract for ECR Bridge Improvement at Cannon Road Phase I Upcoming City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility Other Items Transportation Demand Management: The city’s new TDM information website is now live at www.carlsbadcommuter.com . The website is intended to help promote the city’s TDM program by offering information about alternative transportation options and services to support Carlsbad employers, employees, residents and students. The website will allow Transportation Planning and Mobility staff to create awareness about our current planning activities such as bike to work day, clear air day, and other commuter specific events. TMC Work Plan Updates: Traffic Impact Fee Update: Staff is currently in discussions with SANDAG regarding the city’s responsibilities related to the SANDAG Transnet ordinance and has begun developing a scope of work for the fee update. The anticipated work tasks will include an analysis of the roadway network, required improvements and future development to determine the appropriate fee and then conducting public hearings as part of the Traffic and Mobility Commission review and City Council’s approval/adoption process. Timeline: Staff will initiate a task with a consultant later this year and anticipates completing the fee program update by end of 2022. City Traffic Engineer Report (i TRAFFIC ANO MOBILITY COMMISSION - . . Page 2 FY 2019/20 GMP Monitoring Circulation Report Roadway LOS Analysis: In April, staff anticipates reporting on the roadway LOS results as part of the FY 2019/20 GMP Monitoring Report Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines Update: Staff has initiated the update of the Transportation Impact Analysis Guideline by soliciting feedback from the Traffic and Mobility Commission and will respond with an approach or revised guidelines based upon the feedback received. Non-Agenda Public Comments Item Action Request to remove 3-hour parking on State St Future agenda item Parking of delivery trucks in the Village Staff is investigating Crosswalk timing request at Carlsbad Boulevard and Pine Avenue Staff is investigating Request for additional signal indication for eastbound Poinsettia Lane approaching Ambrosia Lane Staff is investigating Commissioner Comments Item Action Concerns on Jefferson Street between Las Flores Dr and Marron Rd Staff is waiting for more photos/videos. Visibility of signals on WB Carlsbad Village Dr between Pio Pico Dr and I-5 Ramps Completed investigation, visibility was found to be acceptable. (Closed)