HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 415-3C; CT 03-03; BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING; 01-15I PROJECT S/Tt ALOMAA VICINITY MAP NO SCALE . KEY MAP LEGEND NSCT77A I.AH£ & HORIZONTAL CONmOL PLANS SHITT NUMBER 0 GRADING PLANS SHFIT NIJMB[f? (J) PR/VA TF STORM DRAIN PLANS SHEET NUMBER [I] EROSJON CONmOL PLANS SIIEET NUMBER -----SHEET BOUNDARY (GRADING) - - --IND/CA /ES PROJECT BOUNDARY = = = ,(]= = = = IND/CA TFS STORM DRAIN = = = = = = =O IND/CA TES INLET GRADING PLANS CARLSBAD TRACT NO. CT 03-03 HOUSING BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE -..••..• ~:i~i :~it· .... ----· .. ·.·• •• , •• --·-: --··:: •• C.',--':;:.:·. • 1---··-·-·"··------~---------------::.,::----__ -··· __ ,_ ---~:.:..;:-·:c-·.~:::~;-."··:·:'· ·•·••··S'C'" ----------~ --------~------._ ~--·(,;..._ ·••,. r----_.~--------~--:---~!!"""------------------------_-:-------:----------"""!"'~--"'"""'---, .--· -~.J. ·~'..§A.~7 -17n110· .... -· . . -,, ---~ . ---/.· - -~ --~:-:::~·=: ·t· .··· 1 :::;,:;.. . -I \.V~ Y-'-~-~J -·== -=: -~::·::: QATEWAYJ'iOAD .. . . - - - -\ I ---: ::·~;::l· ···-. .--=----=~=:-·1 :~\ ;~~:::: :~:}~~;::.:.~ ~~~:-:.·=~:~;-~ ... ~~~~,~/---~ -'I, ·'" ,: "'": ~-" ~-J' ---••,. j 1, <.:·::~:;i:~~:>.:, -···---Ji •. J \\ ,f:/'::7-:~,~~ i, . .::..._ ~,._...-;::.......-4.,,'fft L-j _ __. 1-,'-·-··r--,· ··1 -.1 ....... --... _-. ·' -········ , .. ~ .. ·· . it. I . ;;.. "~ ' \ l ½ -i l----, if O ,. "' • i . ---i i /I ! -..,, ·•. , • "' .. -- ... ~ H '.1 .......... - · ·····-I 1 ii .i \il -r,:i;;:_-, 1 . L...-d, I-\ I ;1 --····--· ............ .,. ~< ·--.i •··1 ··•··••• \ "' I _'.!'!: ·c· v . I, _ .. ·•; ·,.-. .. Ii ;:;:.,..--':--_---1..., I \ ' .l ~.. t,,) J, ~=:::: f'VT DWY 00' ~ k :. -: -. ; / 1--~ ':: ~-!) . , • ,_ i--<'. ., r-__'M' , ., ·., . /~ I's•~•/ l.. -~~--=--'1'';/ ' I' ~ I~; L ~ I ~I I\ ''(' ~ . ' t:. -" I. . /~ : T .• '. ' '· Li ~~·-·i.:~~1·"✓_\. ~dJ'·£,_: ~ -·"' \,,.1~·.ai· •.······ ~ :, •.··-~ L-, ....• -~··, ·i/;..,--~. I,:. :~1RJ>.· ·· .. ' ' ' l,J '"-....... J;,·.·.~.',· .. • .. •.•·j·;•,···.·.•,··•·;'~. ,' '-...,.· ... , ·~---·-······. 1,;--·;-::::-: :."::··.:.·t· ······r ----~--------------,--------~--.!Ii;,--, r ..... "•._ .. J rt! ., ~-~ ,~•~ 1 .... -q ..... \ ........ \ ··.,,.:·.6 v 1 ·l.\.-... ~W; .. i\, it·.}·;!.:, r ·-i- L,.~t. . '~~'="tj~:;__ hlt-1~-LL • ~y ,.:~""o,"-\-'-i"',u---'.JM'"""~_,....,,.._-__ ,._'-' __ w-_ .. L-,,.,'c .. -,_..,,..._..J._..,,,..._-.,"' ... -._cr-_-.fl'-.J" ~)J . L~:: ', ; \le .. l t ~ I -i I ---\~, ~ ,o.l:IJ...-'--'---'---1--1-'-' ' ' '-' f -\ i·• ) ' f, .. ·""\ ... ~ .... ] i r-·--·-7 \··+ SOILS ENGINEER'S CERT1RCA TE: ···-·----' : : r:::.J i'---J~~;~t ~T~,~~~~~: ~;INCtL ~~;i~u~NESS rt ::frG1~1J!J,£~OAvt;P:g~~ OF THE ~ C/ ::~:::~ m DWY w i~/ \1 't .• IJECHANJCS, HEREBY C£RnFY THAT A SAMPLING AND STIJDY OF THE SOIL CONDJnONS --==:::::•cc. .,. . I ... ~ -\ ·rr , ~'f~~T 1+1~Wif SITE ¾~DE BY M~ Of? ur:~r: MY K;;...,10N-za:::r THE I i • ,-, ,,,,.,, ~'" fd PVT DWY 'Ee' ' k s::; ~ ~-' \\ ~ ' ~ ~ _ '-_ ,,_ ~ ; .. _\\ • ~y Rico:&g1;:i;~::s ~ ~81:/,~Lfo R:~~f~fg'rr ~Gli:~.r. 1+1-TH 'if""''' I-< 1 ll jJ r I '1 ,, C ~ -" " r 11·· i • =:J 1• l.,:;,....-,yr=,"'.T"'.'\'---:"'-Y: DATE: \' i .,.-:.:·.. : f/;" '("~~::-) __ J-c..l __ r ~.• i ;/l· .. ~ ... -...... --<:_ ,.·., .• ,.,=•·'·=·•""'·-·"·'="''···"'·····'·"··•"· ___ -r::;;:s,. ffil i.1, 1~'.l.)T.··,,, ... u .. ;..!ft .. ,--\'.~·,, OWNER'S CERT1RCA TE: I (11£) HEREBY CERllFY THAT A REGISTERED SOILS ENGINEER OR GEOLOGIST HAS BEEN OR WILL BE RETAINED TO SUPERVISE OVER-ALL GRADING ACllVITY AND ADVISE ON 11-fE COMPACllON ANO STABILITY OF THIS SITE. NA/IE: KEYMAP :v.: ·········, r:,::: i !':\ -, -..,,, ,, ,,, -~.: ,, -: ---.. ------__ ~:r,., , \ ,N'l ,, ----====---------W--~ ~ ~ ~ /! r/ ·,!'·.,.'..:.---~ -_ ~;~ _ ... r··------·-·-L:: L!JJ: ! -::, \ \. ,____ ,, --~-~ _,t_,, •.. ___ ,,, -· _ / . ~ __ , ...;..~_ \ 't' P'"::', / , 1 .Ll ;-Jl.J i! / ... .. .. , ' •----:,,,1.,;,,,,,_::;;,~-:.::~_:;~-~-=---------------------------------------=~--, t i ~J;kj' >~:,~;,:/,:~"'";:~\<·'.''.'-;p':;~~:::i::;2( \ }~. · ... \\, ~~~!·:~~~::,~~ :i!! !\ \\ \ .--•-·"··-···--···;--r----·---'-i //,>---1·----::,-~ -,," ,I /1\ , .. /..,,.,..A,,(', "' \1t .. C \ \\ ', \ 1' \\ r ,_.tl\,...¥!.2:J.,__-.;_·'...,.\l\;...._i_,_.,:.c.:·•t-....:.":-.· _QATE:1;,,•~• ····---' SCALE: 1• =· 50' f.UoN1,;,g110£D 6~' c.h.·:t \: ·,-W:#·," D N LEGAL DESCRIPIION REFERENCE DRAWINGS OWNER/DEVELOPER EARTHWORK OUANl111ES BEING A PORllON OF LOT 6 OF CARLSBAD mACT CT 00-06 IN 11-fE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STA TE OF CALIFORNIA. ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 144/2?, ON THE nLE IN THE omCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON#h'l/•~OF DmCIAL RECORDS. · b:Ji.~Q. ~Qo~.-01.3,00 •DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE' I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE ENGINEER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HA V£ EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OV£R THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SEcnoN 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DOES NOT REL/EV£ ME, AS ENGINEER OF WORK, OF UY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. /NDUS7RIAL BACKBONE IMPROVEMENTS RESJDENllAL BACKBONE IMPROVEMENTS RESJDENnAL BACKBONE STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS MASS GRADING SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY DY,t;. NO. i/00-8B DWG. NO. i/00-8 DY,t;. NO. i/00-8C DWG. NO. i/00-BA TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WAS COMPILED FROM CITY OF CARLSBAD ORA l+ING NO. i/00-8A MASS GRADING DESIGN GRADES AND CONTOURS. BASIS OF BEARTNGS: THE BASJS OF BEARINGS FDR TfflS SURVEY IS A PORllON OF THE 11£5/ERL YUN£ OF LOT 196 OF CARLSBAD TRACT 91-J, ACCORDING TO UAP THEREOF NO. 13189, 1.£, N0071"J7"E. NAME: BRESSI GARDENLANE, LLC., A DELA WARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, AS OWNER BY: LENNAR/1..NR CAMINO PALOMAR, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED UABILITY COMPANY ITS ADMINISTRA llVE MEMBER BY: LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORA llON ITS MANAGER ADDRESS: 1525 FARADAY smEET. SUITE 320 CARLSBAD. CA. 92008 PHONE: (760) 918-7765 CUT::;_ -----=2:::,5,.:::000:::._ __ CY FILL: 10,000 CY IAIPORT: 0 CY EXPORT: 15,000 CY R£M£DIAL: 0 CY NOTFS: I, MASS GRADING FOR THIS PROJECT WAS PREVIOUS/. Y APPROVED UNDER BRESSI RANCH MASS GRADING PLAN i/00-8A. 2. 11-fE ABO\£ QUANnT!ES ARE FOR BONDING PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR ANAL PA y QUANnnEs. WORK TO BE DONE 1HE GRAD/NC WrJRK SHAll CONSIST OF THE CONSTRUCllON OF All CUTS AND RllS, THE REAfEDIAL flR_AJ!INC, ORA/NACE FACIUlTES, EROSION CONTROi. FACIUTIES, ANO PLANTING OF PERAIANENT lANJ)SCAP/NC ANO PREPARATION OF AS-811/LT GRAl)/NC PLANS, AS-BU/l.T CEOlOGIC AIAPS ANO HEPORTS, All AS SH0ltN OR REOIJIREO ON TllJS SET OF PLANS ANO THE CITY STANDARDS, SPEC/RCA TIONS, REQIJIREJ.IENTS, RESOLUTIONS AND motNANCES CITED ON THESE PLANS. THE GRAJ!/NC IKJRK SHAll. BE PERFORM£[) IN ACCORDANCE lffTH TH£ FOLL0HfNC DOCfJI.IBvTS, CIJIIHENT AT THE TlJ,1£ OF CONSTRUCTION. AS 0/RECTE!) BY THE CITY ENC/NEER. t. CARLSBAD IIUNIC/PAL CODE 2. CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARDS J. THIS SET OF PLANS 4. STANDARDS FOR DESIGN AND CONsmucnON OF PUBLIC WORKS IMPROVEMENTS IN THE arr OF CARLSBAD 5. PLANNING CDMM/SSJON RESOl.UllON ND. 546J AND 5465 DA TED MAY 29, 2003 6. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WA 1ER Dtsm,cts STANDARDS AND SPEC/RCA nONs FOR WA 1ER AND SEIi£/? 7. SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD ORA l+INGS AS MOD/RED BY CITY OF CARLSBAD B. SAN DIEGO COUNTY FLOOD CONmOL MANUAL 9. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF mANSPORTA noN TRAmc & HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUALS. 10. APPLICABLE AASHTO DESJGN POLICIES ti. SOILS REPORT AND RECOMMENDA T!ONS PREPARED BY RANDALL K. WAGNER, C.E.G. 161Z OF LEIGHTON AND ASSOC/A TFS, DN ALE l+ITH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. SHEET INDEX SH£IT I -. . • . . . . _ TITLE SHEET _, SHEET 2 .. . . • • . . . .. GRADING NOTFS AND DETAILS SHEETS J-4 .. . . . . . . . .. GRADING PLANS SH££TS 5-6 ........... HDRIZDNTAL CONmOL PLANS SHEETS 7-8 -. . . . . . . -STORM DRAIN PLANS SHEET 9. . . . . . . . . . . . £ROS/ON CONmOL DETAILS SHEETS 10-11. . . . . . . . . • ER~QN CONmDL PLANS SH£IT I 2 _ . . . . . . . . . . ..RET AIN!NG WALL PRORLES SHEET IJ_ ......... -GRAOING BUTL,PING DETAIL SHm 14_ .......... ...R£SOLUTION NO. 546J -CT OJ-OJ SH£IT 15_ . . , . . . . . . ..RESOLU110N NO. 5465 -CP OJ-OJ LEGEND: ' ' ITEM STANDARD DRAWING --SYMBOL PROJECT BOUNDARY-- - ----- ------------- QUANnTY UNIT BO LF 253 LF 71 LF 71 LF t,i/07 LF 1 EA 1 EA 2 EA 2 EA 20 EA 15 EA J,800 SF ---LF f,820 EA I £A L0TUNE-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - £ASEi/ENT---------. ----------.. - - - PAD £1.EVATION-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ (259.10) f}(ISllNG CONTOUR - - - -PER DWG. ND. 377-JA - - - --71J...-..--..- RNISHED CONTOUR ------------------70~- FINJSHEO .SPOT ELEV.-----------------~ CUT SI.OPE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --:II!_~ nu SLOPE------~-----------~--f\1~-'(~AX-:V. DAYI..IGHT UNE-------------------~ • • CUT/FILL LINE-------------------__ £_ __ _ DEEPENED FOOTING llm/ AMOUNT OF EXTRA DEP'TH OF FOOTING--~ fX/SllNG STORM DRAIN---------------- EXISTING INLET----- - -------------=:==:,:{J} ·•···· EXISnNG CLEANOUT-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --,,•,,-,,-,.•,•,i{.} .••.•.·.••••.• J' TYPE "8' BROW DITCH {PRIVATE)----D-75 ----c=:> c=:> c=:> 6" PVC STORM DRAIN {PR/VA TF) - - - - - - - - - - - ----------- 8" PVC STORM DRAIN (PRJVATE)---------------------- 10• PVC STORM DRAIN (PR/VA TF) - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- 12• PVC STORM DRAIN {PRIVATF)-----------------11-- AREA DRAIN (PRIVATF)------------------------0 TYPE 'f' CATCH BASIN (PRIVATE)------------[I TYPE 'A-4' Cl.£ANOUT (PRIVATF) -------------@:I TYPE "8' INLET {PRIVATF)----------------@:) 12" K 12" BROOKS _GRATF BOX {PRIVATE) ---:--:-- - - ----... --. 24" K 24" NEENAH R-JJi/8 GRATE BOX {PR/VA TE) -· - - - - -----0--- RETAINING WALL -----C-i/,C-7,C-8, DETAIL SHEET 2 ---=-- (BY SEPARA TF PERMIT) SILT BARRIER FrNCE - - - - - - -DETAIL SHm 7 - - - • • " "• • • GF{A VEL BAGS -- - - - -.;_ - - -DETAIL SHttr 7 -- --oo=:xx:, STABILIZED CONsmucnON ENTRANCE - -DETAIL SHEET 7 -- --• 888( NOT£: ALL STANDARD DRAl+ING NUMBERS REFER TO SAN DIEGO AREA REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWINGS UNLESS OTHERl+ISE IND/CA TED. BENCHMARK • DESCR/PllON: BRASS DISK IN CONCRETF IN A STANDARD SURVEY IIEl.L ON ON CENTERLINE OF EL CAMINO REAL LOCA nON: COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO BENCHMARK DESJGNA nON NO. RIBOO 288+89 EC ELEVA noN: J11.407 M.S.L. DA TIJM: _ _._.Nc.c.Gc.c. V.=.O.._. =29'----- GRADING PLAN CERT1RCA TE: THE SOILS REPORT PREPARED BY LEIGHTON AND ASSOC/A TFS, INC. SHALL BE CONSJDERED AS A PART OF THIS GRADING PLAN. ALL GRADING SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE l+ITH THE RECOMMENDA llONS AND SPEC/RCA T!ONS CONTAINED IN SAID SOILS REPORT. FIRM: PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS ADDRESS: 701 8 STREET, SUITE BOO ~0FESS1 ~i M. S,,,1. t;; ~ ~ ~ • ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 213-030-18 1TS, Vi.c1,. f ut.,J.:;,,, l-----+---+------------1----l----l>----l---~ I SH1EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~5 ~=='....==::::::EN::G:::l::NE::E::R:::IN::G:::::::DE:::P=A:::R:::TM:::E:::N::T==:....=~==::: CITY, STA TE: SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE: (619) 235-6471 BY: J&. _ )>, Q •.Ii,. QGREGORY M. SHIELDS R.C.E. N0. ____ __:;42::.:9:.:5:.:.1 ________ _ REGISTRATION EXPIRATION DATE: 03/31/06 ---'-'--'----- ,·fj[ngr \2438 \grading \2438--grdOl.dwg 04/09/2004 08, 23: 49 AM PDT -z <> No. -4'.2951 ro \;!. Exp. 03-31-06 !;J CIV\\. Cf' CA\.\ DATE: #-.J2.-0lf . PR.OJBCTDESIGN CoNsuLTANTS ~ • ~ + IINOIN!DlRJN) • StllMlYIOl'S 7-01 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101 619-235-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 -GREGORY M. SHIELDS, R.C E. 4-2951 81\ll R£GISTRA TION £XPIRES 03-31-06 DESIGNr8 BY PE/4v SURVEY REVIEW: 0FESS1 ) M /...._ (§-if\ G- V) -z '-" No. 47951 "' 'o' Exp. 0.1-31-06 £ C1v11.· or c~1.1 "AS BUILT" Rcr qzersr EXP_'.3,<J[-{O REVIEWED BAI~ <7'~ INSPECT NGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION GRADING & £ROS/ON CONTROL PLANS FOR: BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING EXPIRES 12-31-05 .:TL. ?.4-1/ DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL 2:o BJ~: S1.i,v OlliER APPROVA CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: QtJ PROJECT NO. CT 03-03 DRAWING NO. 415-3C J.N. 2438. DO , 0 ~ ..a. C) 0 -~ -..... CJ1 CJ1 I w 0 GRADING NOTES (IN AJ)/)/T/ON TO TH£ R£QU!REMENTS OF CHAPllJ? 11. 06 OF TH£ CARt.SBAO ll{JMCIPAL COO£} f. THIS PLAN SIJP£RCEDES All 07HER Pt.ANS PREWO/JSL Y APPRO'vtJJ BY TH£ CITY OF CARI.SBA!) RECARJ)fNC GRAOINC SHO/Wv ON THIS SET OF PLANS. .t. APPROVAL OF THIS PLAN 00£5 NOT LESSEN OR WAIi£' ANY PORTION OF TH£ CAHLSBAI) M/JNIC/PAL COO£, HESa.UT/ON OF CON/)/7/0NAL APPROVAi., CITY STANOAl?OS <R OTHER A[){)/7/0NAL OOaJJIENTS lJSTEl) HEREON AS THEY VAY PERTAIN TO THIS PRo.ECT. TH£ ENC/NEER IN RESPONS!8I.E OfARCE SHA/.1. REI/SE THESE PLANS Wl£N Na'I-CONFOHIIANCE IS O/SCO',fR£/J, .I CITY APPROVAL OF PLANS OOES NOT HEU£!£' TH£ 0£1£'1.WER OR ENCINEER-OF- WORK FROM HESPONS/BIJJTY FOR TH£ CORRECTION OF ENRORS ANO OIIISS10NS DISCOVERED OUHINC CONSTRI.ICllON. All Pf.AN REYfSIONS SHALL BE PROl,fPll Y SIJBAIIT!ll) TO TH£ CITY ENC/NEE? FOR APPROVAL ' A RIGHT-OF-WAY PEJ?Al!T FROM TH£ arr ENCINITR lffl.l. 8£ HEQUI/?£/) FOR ANY tlORK IN TH£ PI.IBUC HICHT OF WAY. PRIOR TO PEJ?Al!T /SS/J~ A aRTIRCAlE OF llSI.IRANCE' 11/JST BE' fll£l) NAM/NC TH£ CITY OF CARLSBAD AS AN A[){)/llONAL INSVREJJ a'/ lHE PEJIA(!TlE£'S POLJCY IN THE 11/N/V/JJI AJIO/JNT OF ll000.000.00 F<R EACH OCCIJRRENCE' OF lJABlllTY. TH£ INS/JRANCE ~NY llf?ITINC TH£ POI.ICY l,((IST HA If' A HA 7/NC OF ';,i' ANO A SIZE _/XJRY OF aASS VAS E'STABLISHEO BY IDTS" KEY HA TINC 61110£ 5. 1/NlESS E'XE1/Plll) BY SECT/a'/ J01.(b}5 OF THE' IJNIFORI,( 8/Jll.lJINC COO[', RETAIN/NC WALLS 0/.ITSIOE OF Pl/8UC RIGHT OF WAY REC/I/IRE' SEPARATE PERIJITS FROII TH£ 8IJIU)INC DE'PARTIIENT. 6. NO IIORK SHALL BE COWENCED l/Nl11. All PERIi/TS HA IE" BEIN OBTAIM1J FROM TH£ CITY ANO OTHER APPROPRIATE ACENCIE'S. T. APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS BY THE' CITY ENC/NEER OO£S NOT AUTHORIZE ANY tlORK OIi CIWJ/NC TO 8£ PERFORMED //Nl11. THE' PRWERTY OIINE'R's Pm/,1/SS/ON HAS 6fEN OBTAINED ANO A VAi.JO 6RAIJINC PE'RJI/T HAS BEEN ISSUED. 8. NO REIISIONS #Ill BE MADE' TO THESE PlANS #ITHOIJT TH£ WRITTEN APPROVAL OF TH£ CITY ENC/NEER, NOTEO II/THIN TH£ REIISION Bt.OCI(, a'/ THE' APPROPRIATE SHE'E'T OF THE' Pl.ANS ANO TH£ TITLE' SHE'E'T. I. ORJC/NAi. Of/AMNGS SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY CT THE QJY I/PON BEJNC SIG'IE1J BY TH£ CITY ENC/NE'ER. . ,a THE' {R/C/NAl Of/Alt/NC S1IALl BE' /?£11SE'D TO HERECT AS-8/Jll T C(N}IT/ONS BY THE ENC/NEER-OF-IKY?I( PRIOR Tl} FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF TH£ tlORK er TH£ arr. f1. ACCESS FOR FTRE ANO OTHER El,IERCENCY l£HICLES S1IALl BE IIAINTAINED ro TH£ PRo.£CT SITE AT All 1ll,f£S 0/JRINC CONSTRUCTION. 12 MIER£ TRENCHES ARE MTHIN CITY EASEMENTS. A SOILS HEPORT COMPRISED fY: {A) SI/WARY SHE'E'T. {8) LABORATORY MJRI( SHEETS ANO {C) COUPACT/ON ct/Rll"S, SHAU BE Sl/8Al!TTE/) BY A PROF£SSIONA1. ENC/NEER OF THE STA TE OF CAl.lFORNIA, PRINCIPALl Y 00/NC 81/S/NESS IN THE FIELO OF APPllED S0/1.S IIECHANICS. TH£ SOILS REPORT MLL BE S/JBMITTEO ro THE CITY ENC/NEER/NC NSPECTDR /#!THIN TIKI IK)IIK/NC OA IS OF THE COMPLETION OF FIELO TESTS. fJ. A SOILS COI.IPACllON REPORT AN!) COI.IPLJANCE f/ERIRCA TlON RECAR/JING AOHERENCE ro RECOIIIJENOA TlONS 0/Jll/NED IN TH£ SOILS REPORT IS /?£C/IJIREO PRIOR TO TH£ ISS/JANCE' OF A 8/Jll/)/NG PERMIT. All CONll?OilEO CRAOINC SHAU BE [)()N£ 1/NOER THE 0/RECT/ON OF A PROFESSIONAL. ENC/NEER OF THE STA TE OF CAl.lFCIRNIA PR/NC/PALLY 00/NG 81/S/NESS IN THE FIELO OF APPllED SOILS IIECHANICS. All FfLl OR f//71/RE fill AR£4S SHALL BE CONSTRUCTEl) IN ACCOROANC£ MTH THE CITY OF CARLSBAO STANOARO SPEC/RCA T/ONS AN!) THE • £ARlHWOf/K SPEC/RCA 7/0NS • A TTACHEO ro THE PRELIMINARY SOILS INITTiTICA TION. OAK. Y F1f1I) COI.IPACT/ON REPORTS llfLl 8£ S/JBJ,/ITTEO TO THE PRO.ECT INSPEClrJII. f~. A PRFCONSTRUCTIQN AIFFTING SHALL BE HflQ Ar THf SIT[ PRIOR m THf BE'CINNING OF HmK ANO %11( BE A UfNOFQ BY All REPRFSFNTA TIWS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRIJCT/ON. INSPECTION. SIJPERIISION. TEST/NC ANO All OTHER ASPECTS lf lHF /fl7RK &( CONll?ACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE THE IIEET/NC THROUGH THE P£Rl,f/T aERK{~-J63#} AT LEAST F/1£"(5) IK)IIK/NC OAY.> PRIOR ro START/NC CONSTRUCT/ON. APPROVED ORAMNCS 11/JST BE AVAH.ABLE PRIOR ro SCHfOl.lllNC. A COPY OF THE GRAOINC PERAl!T II/LL BE PROl10ED BY THE PHO.ECT INSPECTVR AT THE IIEETINC. 15. All INSPECTION 8FQUESTS OTHER THAN FOR PRFCONSTRUCTIQN AIFF1!NC /lflt BE IIAQF Br CAIi/NG 1Hf FNGINFFRINC 24--HQUR INSPECTION RFQ/JfST !INF A [ (7601 QB 3891,INSPECllON 8£0/JfSiS MUST BE RECEIVEO PRIOR TO 2:00 el,(, ~THE ()AY BEFORE THE INSPECTION IS NEEOEO. INSPECTIONS IHLL BE VAOE NEXT MJRK OA Y 1/NLESS ;r/1/ REQIJEST 07HERIHSE. REOUESTS 1,/AOE' AFTER 2: 00 P.11. ifll BE' SCHEJJIJl.E1) FOR THO Rill MJRK OA IS lA lER. 16. THE 0/tNER ANl)/OR APPUCANT THROUGH THE 0£1£'1.WER ANO/OR CONTRACTDR SHAil OES!CN, CONSlRIJCT ANO VAINTAIN All SAFETY /JEIICES, /NaUOINC SHOR/NC, ANO SHALL 8£ SOI.ELY RESPONSIBJ.E F(X1 CONFORJIINC TO All LOCAi., STATE ANO FEDERAL SAFETY ANO HEALTH STANOAROS. lA#5 ANO REG/JLAT/ONS. fl. THE CON!RACTDR SHALL CONFORM ro LABOR COO£ SECTION 6105 BY Sl/BJl!TT/NC A OETA/l PLAN ro THE CITY ENC/NEER ANO/OR CONCERNED AGENCY SHOIHNG THE IJESICN OF SHOR/NC, BRACING SI.OP/NC OR OTH£R PR0'.1SIONS ro BE VAOE OF MJRK£R PROTECTION FROM THE HAZARO OF Cf I/NC CROI/NO OUR/NC THE £XCA VA TION OF SI/CH TRENCH OR TRENCHES OR OUR/NC THE PIPE /NST,l,llA 7/0N THmBN. THIS PLAN llt/ST 8£ PREPARED FOR All TRENCHES FIil" FEET (5; OR VORE IN OEPTH ANO APPROVED BY TH£ CITY ENC/NEER ANO/OR CONCERN£!) AGENCY PRIOR TO £XCA VAT/ON. IF THf PIAN VARIES 0«JM THF SHORING Sl'S7TJI STANOAROS ESTABLISHED BY THE CONSTRUCT/ON SAFITY ORIJ£RS. TITLE' 8 CALIEQRNIA AIJAIINISlllA 111£ COO£ THF PIAN SHAU BE PREPARED er AN ENG!NEIR A [ THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE, A COPY OF THE OSHA txCA VA TION PERAIIT 11/JST BE Sl/8}J/TTE/) ro THE INSPECTVR PRIOR ro txCAVAT/l:W. 18. NO BLAST/NC SHALL BE PERFORIIEO /JNT11. A VAL/0 BLAST/NC PEJ?Al!T HAS BEEN OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF CARLSBAO. SI/BIT APPl./CA T/ON FOR BLAST/NC l'ERUIT WElL IN AO VANCE OF THE SCHEO/JUNC OF BLAST/NC OPERA llONS. f9. IF ANY ARCHAEOlOC/CAl RESOIJRCES ARE OISCOVEREO MTHIN ANY 11!:WK AREA Of.IRING CONSTR!JCT/ON, WERATIQNS Hfll lfASE M/11£0/ATELt: AND THE PERIi/Tl££ lffLl NOllFY THE arr ENC/NEER. OPERAllONS llfll NOT RESTART l/Nl11. THE PERM/Tl££ HAS RECEJ'vtJJ IRITTEN AUTHORITY FROM THE CITY ENC/NEER ro oo sa 20. All OPERATIONS CONOIJCTEl) W THE SITE OR AOJACENT THERETO, tNal/0/NC WARMING /IP, HEPAIR, ARRIVAi., OEPARll/RE OR OPERA 7/0N OF TRUCKS, CARTHMOIINC EO!JIPVENT. CONSTRUCT/a'/ ECIIJIPIIENT ANO ANY OTH£R ASSOCIAllJ) CRAO!NC EQ/J!P/JENT SHALL BE IM!TEl) TO TH£ PERIOO 8ETMIN 7: 00 A.Al. ANO SUNSET EACH OA Y, IIONOA Y THRU Fl?IOA r ANO NO EARTHMOIINC OR CRAO!NC OPERA T/ONS SHALL BE CONOUCllJ) ON M:EK£NOS OR HOIJOA rs. {A LIST OF arr HOUOATS IS AVAILA8LE AT THE ENC/NEERING DE'PARTIIENT COUNfrR.} 21. All (ff-SIT[ HAUL HO/JTES SHAU 8[ SVBM/Tlll) er THE CONTRACTVR ro TH£ QTY ENC/NEER F(X1 APPROVAL TIIV FIJl1 IKJRKINC OA Y., PRIOR ro BEC/NNINC OF IIQ'IK. 22. II/PORT IIA TERIAL SHALL BE' 08TAIM1J FROM, ANO WASTE VA llJ?IAl SHAll 8£ OEPOSITEO Ar, A SITE APPROVEO BY lHE CITY ENC/NEER. TH[ CONTRACTVR SHAll Bf RESPONS!B!E FOR ANY 0£8RIS OR OAMA Cf OCCURRING ALONG TH£ HAUL ROI.ITES OR AOJACENT STRE£TS AS A RfSl}lT OF TH£ (jRAO/NC OPERATJON. 23. BRl!SH SHALL BE' REJIOVED WI. Y llfTHIN THE AREA ro BE CRAOEO. NO TREES ARE TO BE REJiO'vtJJ 1/NLESS SPECIRCALl r NO TEO ON THE Pt.AN. 2,1. All AREAS S1IALl BE CRAIJEO TO Of/AIN. CIWJINC RES/JL TINC IN THE PONO/NC OF l'AllJ? IS NOT PERM/TTE!). Ail EARTHEN SWAL.E'S ANO /)ITCHES SHALL HAif' A llfNIIJ/JM ONE PERCENT SLOPE. 25. THESE Pi.ANS ARE Sl/8.ECT ro A SIGNED ANO APPRO'vt]} SET OF EROSION . CONTROl PLANS. EROSION CONTROl SHAU BE AS SHOWN ANO AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENC/NEER OR AS 0/RECTEO BY TH£ PROECT INSPECTOR. 26. All SUJPES SHAll 8£ TRIMMED ro A F1NISH CRAOE ro PROO/JC£ A UNIFURM SURFACE ANO CROSS SECTION. THE SITE SHAil BE LEFT IN A NEAT ANO ORO£Rl Y CONl}/llON. All STONES, ROOTS OR OTHER 0£BRIS SHAll 8£ REJ,/0'.fl} ANO 0/SPOSED OF AT A SITE APPRO'vtJJ OF BY THE CITY ENC/NEER. 27. All SI.OPES SHAll BE IRRfCA TED, STABHJZED, PLANllJ) ANO/OR HYOROSE£lJED lfT/QN TEN (10} OA IS OF THE TIii£ WHEN EACH SLOPE IS !JROUCHT ro GRAOE AS SHOIN ON THE APPRO'vtJJ CRAOINC PLANS. 28. LANOSCAPINC SHA/.1. 8£ ACCOIIPl.lSHElJ ON ALl SI.OPES ANO PAOS AS REOIJ!REJ) BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAI) LANOSCAPE /,f,IM/Af. THE LANOSCAPINC PLANS F(X1 THIS PRo.ECT. ORAMNC NO. .178-11., ANIJ/OR AS 0/RECTEl) BY THE CITY ENC/NEER OR PLANNING OIRECTOR. . Cf: \[ngr \2438 \grading \24J8-grd02. dwg 04/09/2004 ( 9: JO: 32 AM POT GRADING NOTES (CONTD.) 29. THE OIINE'R/APPLJCANT SHALL INS/JRE THAT All CONTRACTORS SHALL COOROINA TE THE WORK OF THESE GRAO!NC Pl.ANS llfTH THAT SHOIH-I ON BOTH THE LANOSCAPE ANO /RR/CATION PLANS ANO THE IIIPROl£'/IENT PLANS AS /?£(){J!REO F(X1 THIS IKJRK IN ACCORDANCE #!TH THE LANOSCAPE VANl/Al. TlJIE REQ/J!REMENTS. JO. SToo.f Of/AIN PIPE SHALL BE 1/E!NFORCED CONr:RE7E PIPE 11TH A MfN1AHJAI 0-lDAO OF f,J50 OR ASBESTOS CEMENT PIPE MTH A II/NIii/JV 0-LOAO OF 2.000. FOR PRIVATE STORM ORAIN PIPES, /JP TO 15• PVC MAY BE Ul11.IZEO PROIIOED OEPTH IS LESS THAN 15 FEET ANO 8ACKF/f.1E1J 111TH J/,1• flOC1( PER SDRSO S-4 TYPE •c• ANO PIPE IIEETS ASTM STANOARO JOJ-1 FOR SOR J5 SOUO l'All PIPE. .11. #HERE AN EXIST/NC PIPE UN£ IS ro BE' ABANOONEO AS A RESlll. T OF TH£ CRAOINC Cl'ERAT/ON, IT SHALL BE REUO'vtJJ MTHIN T'KNTY FEET OF 8/JIU)/NC al STREET AREAS ANO REPLACED 111TH PROPERLY COIIPACTEl) S0/1.S. II OTH£R AREAS THE PIPE Mll BE PLUCCED WTH CONCRETE al REJIOVED AS APPROIE"O BY 11fE CITY ENC/NEER. J2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IDIIFY THE LOCATION OF All EXIST/NC FACIUTl£S (ABO!£' CROI/ND ANO 1/NOER CROUNO) #!THIN THE PRO.ECT SITE Sl/f17C!ENTI.Y AHEAO OF CRAO!NC TO PEJ?MIT TH£ KEHS/ON OF THE CRAOINC PLANS IF IT IS FOUND THAT THE ACTIIAL LOCA T/ONS ARE I( CONfIJCT tlfTH TH£ PIIOPOSEO lft:l'llC JJ. THE CONTRACTDR SHALL NOTIFY AfFECTEl) UTllJTY COMPANIES (SEE BElOW} AT {£AST 2 f//l.l WORK/NC OA IS PRIOR ro STARTING CRAO/NC NEAR 1HE1R FACll/TlE:S ANO SHALL COOROINA TE THE IK)//J( MTH A COMPANY REPRESfNTA Tl',£ UNOEJ?Cf/O!JN!) SEJ/vfCE ALERT f-800-,122-,11.JJ Sl)Ct,£ ~'()j,(.38-6200 SBC d}#J9-J,/,ff AOEJ.PHIA 'dJ,/38-5241 CITY OF CARLSBAO(SEIIER ,t STOIIAI DIIAIN} {!60),(.38-7753 'CAIILSBAO 1,//JNIC/PAL WA 7EJ? DISTRICT {!60)4.J8-JJ67 'l£11CAOIA CO!JNTY WA lER 0/STRICT {.760)753-0155 •VA1.1£CITOS WA!ER 0/STRICT {.76!J)7-U-fN60 •OtJVENHAIN WA lER 0/STRICT 7.760)753-6-166 ~ SANITATION 0/STRICT (760)565-5657 •AS APPROPRiA TE .U. PE'RJIIT COUPL!ANCE REQI/IREIIENTS.· . A. [08 CQNTROl,lElJ (jRf}!C-THE APPl./CANT HIRES A a'.11. ENC/NEER, SOILS ENC/NEER, ANO 'OR GEOI.OCIST TO C/1£ TmlNICAL AOIICE. OBSERlf' ANO CONTROi. THE IKJIIK IN PROGRESS /11.06.170(8)/ CARLSBAD IIUNIC!PAl COOE. B. PRIOR TO RNAl APPROVAi OF A CRAOINC P[RMIT-THE Flll.OIIING REPORTS Ill/ST BE Sl/8Al!Tlll) ro THE CITY ENC/NEER 11A THE PROJECT INSPECTDR {11.06.190{8}/ CARlSBAO 1,//JNICfPAl C(X)£: (1) FINAL REPORT BY Sl/PERIISINC CRAOINC ENC/NEER STA TING All CRAOINC IS COIIPLE7E. All EROSION CONTROi., SLOPE PLANT/NC ANO /RR/CA TlON ARE INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE' MTH CITY COO£ ANO THE APPROVED PLANS (OBT,1,IN SAMPLE OF COMPLIANCE' lET1ER FROM CITY ENC/NE£RINC DE'PARTIIENl). (2) AS-8/Jll T CRAOINC PLAN. (J} REPORT FROM THE SOILS ENGINEER, MHCH INCllJ!)ES RECOMMENOEO SOil BEAR/NC CAPACITIES. A STA TEAIENT AS TO TH£ EXPANS/1£' QIJAllTY OF THE SOfL. ANO S/JMMARIES OF FlE1.0 ANO LABORATDRY TESTS. THE REPORT SHALL ALSO INCI.UOE A STATEMENT BY THE SOILS ENC/NEE!? THAT THE CRAOINC WAS OONE IN ACCOR!)ANCE MTH THE R£()(JIR[l,(£NTS AN!) 1/ECOMMENOA TIONS O!Jll/NED IN THE PREUM!NARY S0/1.S REPORT ANO ANY Sl/PP/.EAIENTS THERETO. (4) REPORT MTH AS-81/ILT CEOlOCIC PLAN. F REQIJIRE!) BY THE CITY. .J5. 1/NlESS A CRAOINC PEJ?l,I/T FOR THIS PRaJECT IS /SSIJED MTHIN SIX (6) ~THS AFTER THE CITY ENCINEER's APPROVAi., THESE Pf.ANS VAY BE /?£QIJIRED TD BE RES!JBl,(ITTEI) FOR PLANCHECK. PLANCHECI( FEES #Ill BE REOU!RED FOR ANY SI/CH RECHECK. EROSION CONTROL NOTES (SEE SHE'E'T 5} SPECIAL NOTES THE FOllOMNC NOTES ARE PROVfOEO Tl} Gflf' D!RECllONS ro THE CONTRACTOR er THE ENC/NEER fT WORK. TH£ CITY ENC/NEERS SICNA Tl/RE ON THESE PLANS OOES NOT CONST/Tl/TE APPROVAL OF ANY OF THESE NOTES ANO THE CITY /1,fll NOT BE RESPONSIBLE roR THEIR ENFORCEJ,!ENT. I. TH£ J.OCA llON OF £)(!ST/NC UT/UT/ES ARE 8AS£l) ON AVA/LA.BL£ RECOR[) INFORAIA 7/0N. CONTRACTDR SHAi.l lfJ//FY THE LOCA llON ANO !LEVA TION OF All EXISllNG FAC/llll£S (ABO'IECROI/NO ANO 1/NOEHCROIINI)) /1,fTH/N THE PRo.ECT SITE. THIS IKJRK SHAU 8£ PERFORl,fEO S/JmCIENTI. Y AH£Af) OF CONSTRUCT/ON ro PERMIT REVISIONS ro THE CONSTRUCT/ON PLANS IFACTI/Al {OCA TIONS ARE l1J//NO ro BE IN CONflJCT llfTH THE PROPOSED MJRK. CONTRACTDR SHAU NOTIFY ENC/NEER OF Jltlli'.I(' OF ANY CONRJCTS OR ANY OTHER UllllllE'S ENCOI/NTEREO PRIOR ro Pf/OCEEOINC #!TH CONSlRIJCTION. 2 CONTRACTDR SHALL TAKE PRECAUTIONARY IIEAS/JRE'S ro PROTECT TH£ UllllTY 1./NES SHOWN ANO ANY OTHER LINE'S NOT OF RECORO OR NOT SHO/Wv ON THESE PLANS. ANY PA 1£'1/ENT OR OTHER EXISTING SURFAC[ /MPRO',£),([NTS OAMACED BY CONlRACTDR SHALL BE REPLACED AS /?£QIJIRED BY TH£ CITY OF CAIILSBAO ENC/NEERING WARTMENl . . .I SAFITY PRECAUTIONS ANO AOE'Q/JA 1F BARR/CAO/NC Tl} BE ENFORCED er THE CONTRACTDR AT All '!MIES. NEITH£R THE OWNER NOR THE ENC/NEER OF MJRK MLL ENFORCE SAFITY IIEAS/JRE'S OR REG!JLA 7/0NS. TH£ CONTRACTDR SHALL OfSICN, CONSTRUCT. ANO MAINTAIN All SAFETY OEIICE'S, INCLIJ/J/NG SHOR/NC, ANO SHALL 8£ SOl£l. Y RESPONSIBLE FOR CONFORM/NC TO Ail LOCAL. STA TE ANO FEOEI/Al. SAFETY ANO HEALTH STAN/JAROS, LAWS ANO REC/JLAT/ONS. ~-All LENGTHS ANO DISTANCES FOR /IIPROVEI.IENTS SHOWN W THESE PLANS ARE IIEAS/JRED IN A HORIZONTAL PLANE. 5. THE 0/SPOSAL OF ANY ASBESTOS CEIIENT PIPE SHALL BE IN COMPUANCE' #!TH All CURRENT LOCAL, STA TE ANO FEOEI/Al. REG//lA TIONS. 6. THE IKJIIK ro OE OONE SECTION ON THIS SHE'E'T l/STS THE STANO ARO SPECIFICA T/ONS ANO ORA #INCS USED 0/JRINC THE /MPROltEJ.IENT PLAN/ CRAOINC Pf.AN OESICN. THESE PLANS HA VE BEEN PREPARED I( ACCORDANCE #!TH THE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE STANl)ARD SPEC/RCA 7/0NS ANfJ ORAW/NCS IN EFFECT a'/ THE OA TE OF TH£ SICNA Tl/RE BY THE ENGIN[fR OF WORK. PRomcrDFSIGN CoNSULTANTS ~ • ~TAI. • ~ • SmtVEY'/GPS 701 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101 619-23.~-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 C.E. 42951 DAlE REQS'IRATION DESIGNED ~ EXPIRES 03-31---06 BY: "'l·IZ-Ot,· ~" 241/32' t2' 16' S' 12' 16' STRUCTURAL PER CITY OF STANDARD~ 18' PARK/NG STALL IIHERE SHOWN ON Pf.ANS 1• CONC. CURB 6" CURB & GUTTER s· 2: 1 UAX. NO'IF:: PR/VA 'Ir OR/'vfS UA Y BE IN'vfRTED IMT/1 OR,1/1/AGE SWALE AT E PRNATE DRIVES TYPICAL SECnON NO SCALE 241/J2' ,2· 6' l 6• CURB & GIJTTf:R 12' 6' 18' PARKING STAU. lll!lfR£ SHOWN ON Pi.ANS STRUCTURAL cnoN PER CITY OF RLSBAD STANDARD SA IF1CA UONS ' IIIDE CONCR Tf ON GU HOTf: ffiJVA Tf DRJ\£5 UA Y BE IN'vfRTfD IMT/1 DRAINAGE SWALE AT E PRNATEDRNE COTTAGE DRIVE, DAR11NGTON WAY SHAMROCK PLACE, LtBEmY PLACE TYPICAL SECnoN NO SCALE oFESs1 # I,\, Sv.1. '-' 'lfi c:;> "' - "AS BUILT" -z :';3 No. 42951 ,., o,. Exp. 03-31-06 J;; RCE 'IZtS'/ . C/V\\. REVIEWED BY: OF Cl\\. I INSPECTOR PARKING STALL 6" CONC. CURB OF WALL E'LEV. PER PLAN 2' ct.R. OVERHANG o.s· MTN. PAD 0.5' MIN. TYPICAL WALL DETAIL PER SID. C.f, C-7 AND C-8 NO SCALE ~ I!. ~ •, ... RIBBON GUTTER NO SCALE NOTE: CONTOURS SHO"M-1 ON PLAN NIE FINISH SURFACE i I I:!:! I!. I ~ UNDERCUT 2. O' FROM TOP OF CURB £I.EV. TYPICAL UNDERCUT STREET TYPICAL PRNA TE DRIVE UNDERCUT DETAIL TYPICAL SECnON NO SCALE 1/2• ROUNDING (TYPICAL) t---l--+------------l--+---+---1----l I SH2EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD fsHEfrsl5 :===:'...::::=::::::::EN=G=IN=E=E=R=IN=G=D=E=P=A=RTM==EN::::T==:..'.:::~==::: REVISION DESCRIPTION GRADING NOTf:S AND DETAILS FOR: BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING APPROVED:LLO ~ EXPIRES 12-31-05 -'#~~., DA1E INITIAL DA1E IN!llAL g~0BJ~-~ OlHER APPROVAL Cl1Y APPROVAL RVWD BY: - PROJECT NO. CT 03-03 DRAWING NO. 415-3C J.N. 2438.00 I\) 0 - C :E C> ,I:>-......... UI CJ'I I "" 0 ' _________ j . t..n Cf) \ \ \ ' i] .'"l" '1' ./.. .. I , " ' i . .✓ ,., 1-tiOO ,1 ,j I r1f) ✓• i ,·➔-I IV ... t \..~ r '-' \ ----·-·-·-T BLOG. 3 -+-.,-----q ":1'! J' \ ''? . • ----···-·--·--·· 94.14 FG BLDG, 4- fP J9 ,69 §/ J 92.07 FG , . A~~-·~~~~. ~r-::·;-,,--c=:::-=±:::;,-... /{/}!,~~ 1 • 1W J9J.8J 387.BJ TWJ91.17 387.17 7W 389.BJ ... ~ TF 387.17 98.89 FG 94.22 FG I " FFlr"";;,;38r'lBF'.5"""""'/',iC1tr"_.;;;;"'--+'. -c)-!a..;~~'f, ,FFrr3T88f.5:;;..,..'9'!~1Z;;;:··· 'J..c.J.:,r-~5"38;:;.:8:.c.SU:'i""""'!!~ , 1: \Engr\2438\grad,ng\2438-grdCJ.dwg 04/09/2004 12:30:59 PM PDT NOTES: 1) SEE S~EET 13 FOR GRADING AROUND BUILDINGS 2) SEE SHEET 12 FOR _ RETAINlt/C; WALL PROFILES BLDG. 2 I I SEE SHEET4 PR.omcrDFSIGN CoNSULTANTS l'IANNINO • ~-• ~ • SIDM!YIGl'S 701 B Stree~ Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101 619-235-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 DAlE REQSfflATION DES1CNrn PM -~ 03·:11·°'5 ff. IEWI 4/·/Z.·•f ~M $5 1 ··• V ,; •• &URl'EY ~ • "" "' 0 G. 5 iorEss, '-< M. Stt.1. <> No. 42951 t Exp. 03-31-06 ~ CiV\\. OF' CA\.I -··--··--·-·""-... TC 400.98 ,..J.00¾ 401.45 FG I "AS BUil T" RCE 4ZtS/ EXP_l·J/•IO INSPECTOR/ :-, 403.00 FG ... I ., • GF= GF= GF= GF= 401.50 401.50 401.70 401.70 I I a:il l8 <>1 ij I I GF= .10 GF= GF= GF= GF= GF= GF= GF= S! BLDG. 6 1'"'1.=400.20 400.20 400.40 400.40 400.70 400.70 400.80 BLDG. 7 . PAD 401.0 81;, ig,., .., i1l I:: .. • . . ... • I . • ~ BLDG. 8 I I j 1W 405.00 TF 401.67 I 7.71 PL 1W 402.50 !.f~!SQ 1W 401.83 Tr 400.50 ~ "°s ... ~ il ~ 396.00 396.10 396.~Ql>'..lrl.., GF = ; H=a_ .-J, GF= GF= • \ ~---···-··· ( '---- \ I I [ ___ _ I I ~ \ I I I 402.40 PL 1------+---¼-------------1--+---+--+----i I SH3EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~5 ~==-==:::E:::N::Gl:::NEE=:R:::IN:::G::::D:::EP::::::::AR::TM::::::EN::T===-'.:~==::::: REVISION DESCRIPTION DA 1E INITIAL DA 1E INITIAL OTHER /\PPROV CllY APPROVAL GRADING PLANS FOR: BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT NO. CT 03-03 EXPIRES 1_.!-31-05 -Fh:J/,--1 ~trA'ft DRAWIN.G NO. 415-3C - J.N. 2438.00 (,,) a .... <.n __ .J_ I I I I . I .M--1 J!Jl;QLU-i'\ I o• HEIGHT CURB SIDEWALK RAMP DETAIL N. T.S. . ,'{; \[ngr\2438\grading\2438-grd04.dwg 04/09/2004 12:33:05 PM PDT 0 ~ ., GF= 7.J0 387.50 GF= JB5.10 NOTES: .,% GF= JB5.J0 . ' \ t \ \ JBS.JO\ PAD JB7.8 388.5 GF= JBl.50 t.00% !l ~ m ~ .,; Ill ~ ~ !l \ \ . GF= GF=\ JB5.60 JB5.6Q 1) SEE SHEET 13 FOR BLDG. 2 ~ <.¼, !l . (I'!,"-> ~- 0 ~ GF= GF= B.00 JBB.10 ~ ~ " ~ ~ 1.00% ~ isl • N~ ~ 0 10 20 40 60 bl ~~~h"~ ' "pt ,P•••w ! GRAPHICAL SCALE GRADING AROUND BUILDINGS 0 1) SEE SHEET 12 FOR RElAINING WALL PROFILES PRomcrDESIGN CoNSULTAN'IS l'UNNINi1 • ~ • ~ • SUIMIY/GP/; 701 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92I01 6l9•235-6471 FAX 6[9.234-0349 GORY lit. SHlUD~ R.c.£. 42951 --oAlE REGISlRATION OESIGNED l,..( EXPIRES 03-.11-06 IY: /,.l, .. c!:>. ~ "'-t-1'2. -d'f &Wt4., 1'M IIE\1E'lt 65 SURVEY RE\1E\I\ "AS BUil T" 1'·:o-A -~ 10·5"·11, DAlE RCE ,/Z 'I SI EXP. l ·31/p REVIEWED BY:. ~k c·~A INSPECTO~/ • \ \ \ r;:::==·::::,.;j ' \ 1 •• - .---.. ···---· I I ··-······· ·-·· -, ) l_ BLDG. 8 FUTURE ···-·····-PA~i5 COMMERCJAL/RET AJL-GF= GF= 395.20 95.30 = G = -= F= 393.30 393.30 393.50 393.50 393.80 393.80 393.90 ,.oo,r & BLDG. 9 vi •: . 1 • .. 4 • I I • I I I I 4 .. I \ '2.40 PL 404.00 TF J94.67 ________ .,_ J95.97 FG i J94.6J FG I .... ------·---·· J99.6 FG l.---···-· \ ! / t--t--t-----------+--+---l~-l----l I SH4EET l CITY OF CARLSBAD ~5 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~ ~GR~AD;;;/N;:G~PLAN~~S=;Fi;'OR~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::===:..::==~ G!NEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING DAlE INITIAL DAlE INITIAL g:DBJY: § OTHER APPROVA CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: __ PROJECT NO. CT 03-03 DRA'MNG NO. 415..:..3c J.N. 2438. 00 NO. DEL TA OR BRG. LI N84'52'19•w l2 N89'46'59"E LJ N06'J8'29•w L4 NBJ'21 'J1 "£ L5 NBJ'21'J1"E' L6 N06'J8'29"W Ll NBJ'21 'J1 "E LB N06'JB'29•w L9 NBJ'21'JI "E LIO NBJ'21 'JI "E L11 N06'JB'29"W Ll2 N89'46'59"E' LtJ N007J'ot·w L14 NB9'46'59"E' L15 NB9'46'59"E' L16 N007J'o1·w Lil N89'46 '59"£ LIB N007J'o1·w Ll9 N89'46'59"E' l20 N007J'o1·w l21 N89'46'59"E' l22 N89'46'59"E' l2J NOOiJ'Ot"W l24 Noo;J'o1·w l25 N89'46'59"E' l26 N007J'o1·w l27 NB9'46'59"E' l28 N007J'o1·w l29 N0073'01"W LJO N0073'01·w LJ1 N89'46'59"E' LJ2 N007J'o1·w LJ3 N0073'01"W LJ4 N89'46'59"E' LJS N0073'01"W LJ6 Noo13'01·w L37 N0073'01"W LJB N007J'o1·w LJ9 N007J'o1·w uo N89'46'59"£ L41 N19'46'18"W L42 N14'21'53"W L4J N75'J8'07"£ L44 N14'21'5J"W L45 N89'46'59"E' L46 Noo;3•01•w L47 N89'46'59"E' L48 N007J'o1·w L49 N84'52'19"W C1 5'20'43" C2 96'25'27" CJ 9o'Oo'oo· C4 90-00·00· C5 90'00'oo· C6 90'00'00" Cl BJ'J4'J3" CB 90'00'00" C9 90'00'00" CIO 9ouo·oo· C/1 90'00'00" C12 104'28'39" C1J 75"31'21" C14 90'00'00" C15 90'00'00· C16 90'0o'oo· C17 67'58'32" C18 112'01'28" C19 102-:;0'23• C20 77'09'37" C21 1BO'OO'oo· C22 180'00'00" C23 114'46'55" C24 114'46'55" C25 657J'os· C26 55;3•05• 27 sovo'oo· C28 10272'J4". C29 nc•43• CJO ~'24'26" CJ7 9ouo·oo· C32 75°51'09" CJ3 91°56'18" CJ4 75'45'26" CJS 10278'17" C36 85"39'59" "37 1'00'41" LEGEND ADA PA7H PER ARCH. PLANS CURB DATA RADIUS(ft /£NG7H(n) -----Jt.59 -----19.05 -----8.02 -----1.00 -----1.00 -----5.17 -----24.00 -----8.17 -----1.00 ----1.00 -----9.98 -----12J.52 -----10.99 -----1.50 -----1.00 -----11.49 24.00 -----J.00 -----17.00 -----.J6.00 -----16.75 -----20.JJ -----1.00 -----1.00 -----I0.2J -----88.00 -----4.17 -----1.00 -----20.00 -----.J6.19 -----5.00 -----17.50 -----17.50 -----5.00 -----17.50 -----17.50 -----.J6.65 -----2J.94 -----1.00 -----5.45 -----12.87 -----21.53 -----1.00 -----20.9J -----19.16 -----18.46 -----124.00 -----18.51 23.73 188.00 17.54 10.00 16.83 2.00 J.14 2.00 J.14 2.00 J.14 2.00 3.14 10.00 14.59 15.00 23.56 1.50 2.36 2.00 J.14 2.00 J.14 2.00 J.65 10.00 IJ.18 2.00 3.14 2.00 J.14 2.00 3.14 10.00 11.86 2.00 J.91 1.00 1.79 10.00 13.47 2.50 7.85 2.50 7.85 1.00 2.00 ,.oo 2.00 8.00 9.11 8.00 9.11 2.00 J.14 25.00 44.60 288.00 36.92 312.00 29.44 2.00 3.14 .l0.00 39.72 J0.00 48.14 20.00 26.44 t.00 1.79 2.00 2.99 212.00 J.74 REMARKS 6" TYPE' 'G' CURB 6• TYPE' 'G' CURB 6" TYPE 'G' C It G 6-TYPE' 'G' CURB 6" TYPE' 'G' CURB 6" TYPE' 'G' C 4t G 6-TYPE' 'G' CURB • - • . 6" TYPE' 'G' CURB 6" TYPE' 'G' C cl: G 6" TYPE 'G' CURB 6" TYPE' 'G' CURB 6" TYPE' 'G' C 4t G 6" ME 'G' CURB -. - • - • - • 6" TYPE' ·c· CURB 6" TYPE' 'G' C 4t G 6" ME' 'G' CURB • . • - • . . • • . 6" ME' 'G' CURB 6" TYPE 'G' C It G 6" TYPE 'G' CURB . 6" ME 'G' CURB 6" ME 'G' C It G 6" TYPE' 'G' CURB . • 6" ME 'G' CURB 6" TYPE' 'G' C It G 6" TYPE' 'G' CURB 6" TYPE 'G' CURB 6" TYPE 'G' C It G 6" TYPE' 'G' C It G 6" TYPE G' CURB • • 6" TYPE' 'G' CURB 6" /Tl'£ 'G' C It G 6" TYPE' 'G' C It G 6" TYPE' 'G' CURB • . • 6" TYPE 'G' CURB 6" TYPE' 'G' C & G 6" TYPE 'G' c;rJRB • • . . . - • • 6" TYPE' 'G' CURB 6" TYPE 'G' C It G 6"ME'G'C&G 6" TYPE 'G' CURB 6" ME 'G' CURB 6" TYPE 'G' C cl: G 6" TYPE' 'G' C It G 5-TYPE G' CURB 6"ME'G'CltG • • 6" TYPE' 'G' C It G ······J ' \ ' --·-,. I ,..__) i ,:.-~:> \ --r,,t··· ("'-~ \ v·--· / !1 -=-~wt ll.lt)J [1~ C // ' // / / S) r ( C . .); I'; +,t-,-a>: ~--.-j ,---I 1~· ___ J c::.:·) i ·-+-,· NOTE: -\ ------------- ; SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR ADA SIGNAGE AND STRIPING . if; \[ngr\2438\grading\2438-grd05.dwg 04/09/2004 12:J4.·5J PM PDT • ---------- \ -_L ____.___ "' co BLDG2 .. I • I r ::__,ciiiiil\::;··· --iiiiil\llil!lll 1111111!111 1111111!111 1111111!111 • L1 I I I I I c:y~c,;;-...,..,,,---- ,1' Ll9 19' I I I~..,,.....~· -•==:zi-i];; i ; /\ ~--~==4 ~ • ~. \ \ I ~ I " • JJ.4J' ' I .. L12 OARTINGTON WAY I 4' SEESHEIET6 PR.OJECTDFSIGNCoNSULTAN'IS l'UNNN'.1 • IINYD!!'.M!!1NTAL • ~ • StllM!Y'IGPS 701 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101 619-235-6471 FAX 6[9-234-0349 ofESs IQ 'i§-"-M. s,,-,e,:, "' 't¥ 'u, '-" No. 42951 ~ Exp. 03-31-06 C(\I\\. ~ or c,,,.1.1~ "AS BUILT" RCE &IZ'iS'( REVIEWED BY: Ali,.. ~7 ----INSPECTOR?' BLDG6 SJ • BLDG7 I I I I '.>;, I I I"• - ----Jlllll!!II BLDGB , A , nr, ..:t . ..:J.-"f-; ,f I ' ' ' ,..., V • 5i 25' ...--=--"!"' IS I I I I I I I I I [ii I I -------------. JO.SJ' I I I I ..__,,__...--"-,~:I \ I I I I ; ' ! I t----t--+------------+--+----l--+--l I SH5EET I CITY OF -CARLSBAD 15HEfrsl5 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~ ~H=OR===,z==ON:::.:TA=L=CON=TR=Ol.=P.=LA=N=s==Fi==OR=:====~==::::::: NGINEER OF WORK . REVISION DESCRIPTION BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL g:De~~: ¥P OTI-iER APPROVAL C11Y APPROVAL RVWD BY: a,,/ PROJECT NO. CT 03-03 DRAWING NO. 415-3C J.N. 2438. 00 I Ul 0 -.i::. -...a. Ul CJ1 lJ 0 CURB DATA NO. DELTA DR BRG. ,W/US{ft LENGTH(ft) LI N10'52'47"W -----49.25 L2 N89'59'15"E -----tJ.JB LJ NOOiJ'o1·w -----1.00 L4 NOOiJ'Ol"W -----1.23 LS N69'44'01"W -----10.21 L6 NOOVO'OO"E -----84.59 L7 N89'46'59"E -----4.JJ LB NOOiJ'o1·w -----1.00 L9 NOOiJ'o1·w -----36.96 REMARKS 6" TYPE 'G' C & G 6TYPE'GC&G 6 TYPE G CURB • • Lio N89,,~•59•r c.::_, -.u L -----1.29 • c·:~) i LIi NOOiJ'o1·w -----J.4J ·1·· Ll2 NOOiJ'o1·w -----17.84 • C::, FL'c"IJ-=N8=9~·4~5•""59'=•E=--i_-_-_-_-_---=5=-.oo~-+----,,-----i \ I '"· i.;Lc;,14;+-L!NO"'O'-='i~J·~o1=-=·w;::-if-----_-_-_-+--'-1,,.1.B'=''J:--11-----.----1 \ / / Ll5 N44'46'59"E -----5.66 \ ( L16 N45iJ'01 "W -----5.66 \ , r.LB,7tt=~N4~4~-46~•59t•!E=t-=-=-=-=-t:=5.~66w~==~·;===1 ii ~18 N45iJ'o1·w 5.66 "l \ Ll9 N89"46'59"E -----5.00 // ~u~o~=~N~oo~;~J!'o1t·;w~~-=-=-=-=-~=~•~1.~50t=~=====~·;====~ / L21 NOOiJ'Ol"W -----17.50 L22 N89"46'59"E -----5.00 J NOOiJ'o1·w -----18.37 L24 NOOiJ'o1·w -----18.15 • L25 N00iJ'01"W -----0.92 L26 N89"46'59"E 5.9'J 6 TYPE G CURB 7 N02V9'19"W 64.02 6 TYPE G C & G L28 N89"46'59"E -----20.82 6 TYPE G CURB ~ L29 NOOiJ'Ot"W -----I.DO ! LJO NOOiJ'o1·w -----1.00 LJ1 N89'46'59"E -----14.92 r,- ~LJ~2a.1--.,,NOeeD'-"V"'-O'!"oo"-i•E~_-_-_-_-_--+-_,,8:,:,8,:.,c11'-l----::6:,.."-=TYP:-::£'-r=i'G...,' C:"U'::-''R";B:-i ·• 0 ...... JJ N89'46'59"E -----4.41 6" TYPE 'G' C & G L41 NOOiJ'o1·w -----17.25 ! '"'-0 L42 NOOiJ'o1·w -----17.25 • V ;it 4J N45iJ'Ol"W -----5.66 • 11 1 Q L# N44'46'59"E -----5.66 • ~0 Ri L45 N45iJ'0t"W -----5.66 ~ • L46 N44'46'59"E -----5.66 • 1 C'T' 47 NOOiJ'o1·w -----11.86 , L48 N89'46'59"E -----5.00 • ...J L49 NOOiJ'o1·w -----17.86 • L50 NOOiJ'o1·w -----12.22 ~ L51 NOOiJ'o1·w -----19.36 • ---S: L52 N14'21'5J"W -----16.60 LSJ NOOiJ'o1·w -----1.00 6" TYPE 'G' CURB L54 N89'46'59"E -----11.54 6 TYPEGC&G L55 N14'27'5J"W -----23.05 • L56 N75'J8'07"E -----11.00 6" TYPE 'G' C & G 57 N08'40'41 •w -----9.85 6" TYPE 'G' CURB \ ~58:+-"'N08=.40'="•i':'47"'•w~f--_-_-_-_-_-+--'9:'-_43~-t--6'::..;-,TYP=£=-f.:'G'' CU~R;;:;-8' \\ L59 N75'J8'07"E -----11.00 6" TYP£ 'G' C & G '\) L60 N14'21'5J"W -----5.50 6" TYPE 'G' C & G ! I L 7. ' .,.r I 00 6" TYPE 'G' CURB I 1 ~61;+-N~5c,,'J8~0,'-' •L:,4_-_-_-_-_--+---=="' ~+--=---'-"c..:.F-'=c.=--, /l F.L6~2:-!-'N"'"0'7'2=V=-9'':"19:i.•w~_-_-_-_-_-+-.;;;56;;:;.5,_,8rl----.•.-----, I L6J N10'52'47"W -----68.09 • C1 79V7'58" 10.00 IJ.81 6" TYPE 'G' CURB C2 90i2'16" 2.00 J.15 6" TYP£ 'G' C & G CJ 69'30'59" 2.00 2.43 6" TYPE 'G' CURB r·--, •~•w< C"•1 ,.__., ' '-··••-·-~-t-- C4 sovo·oo· 2.00 J.14 • cs 73'52'21· 10.00 12.89 • C6 l06V7'J9" 1.00 1.85 • c7 sovo·oo· 2.00 J.14 • I / CB 75i7'26" 2.00 2.63 C9 14'42'34" 100.00 25.67 • CIO IBOVO'OO" 2.50 7.85 • CII 180VO'oo• 2.50 7.85 • C12 111'56'11" 1.00 t.95 • C1J 62'39'52" 15.00 16.41 6" TYPE 'G' CURB \ C14 1·«•11• 512.00 15.52 6" TYPE 'G' C & G C15 74V4'J2" 10.00 12.93 6" TYPE 'G' CURB C16 IIJVJ'37• 1.00 1.97 • c17 sovo·oo· 2.00 J.14 c18 91'56'1s· ,aoo 16.05 • C19 75'51'09" 20.00 26.48 20 sovo·oo· 2.00 J.14 r.;C':;;'21;+------:90:=V=O;;i'oo;;'::.;-· -t------:2;'-;.ooc:ct_J';'.7.14;-1---..... :.-----, '.::_\_ 22 90vo'oo· 2.00 J.14 \ \ '2J ,ovo•oo· 10.00 15. n • 1 , '24 so-oo'oo· 1.00 1.57 • / I 5 102'50'23• 1.00 t. 79 r I '26 77V9'J7" 10.00 13.47 • I ; i r r--, r;_;;7st-~1BO=vo~·oo~·+--';2;";.50;';;-¼-;;-7.B~5=--l:------, • .------1 7 / ;::::' 28 180VO'oo• 2.50 7.85 ii ·,_, ~~2g~==jJB~~12~'4B$.~-~~=j~oo~⇒==2.~gloot~~=====~~=====l / 30 J812'48" 4.00 2.67 • CJ1 sovo·oo· 1.00 1.57 32 104V8'51" 10.00 18.18 • J 45VJ'J6" 15.00 II.BO • J4 120•47•33• 1.00 2.11 9ovo·oo· 2.00 J.14 6"TYPEGC&G 'J6 104V8'51" 10.00 18.18 • 'J7 sovo·oo· 2.00 J.14 6" TYPE 'G' C & G J8 8'43'28" 488.00 74.J1 6" TYPE 'G' CURB I EOEND ADA PA TH PER l!ll --Ill ARCH. PLANS NOTE: 48.l:' =>: g ... "' c:, -• SEESJ-EET5 . I • I .• 1 I 18. I • BL.DG2 I I ~;;;'ii""'...,. "~-i"l"'-k'l'-t-··•· :,,__~11~~~Z~·~~~ .. ,~Ji".F, ~_g"'. 1 .. lr.a.rr--;, I I I -I . I I ~ ---L --_,. C10 27.74' r--- ~ ~ C11 ---- 22.56' I I I BLDG 1 24.89' SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR ADA SIGNAGE AND STRIPING GRAPHICAL SCALE ,•,,.,,","'"-"'• -, ' . ·r: \Engr\2438\grading\2438-grd06.dwg 04/09/2004 12:36:57 PM PDT PROJF.CTDFSIGN CoNSULTAN'IS l'IANNNl • .&Mrl'-"!-.,.,,.,..AL • ~ • SUIVEr/Gl'S 701 B Stree~ Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101 619-235-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 EGORY M. SHIW>S, R.c.E. 1 ,._ DATE REGISlRAllON [)(PIRES 03-31-0S ~ ~ '#·lt.•clf' DESIGNED IIY: ~" SURVEY IIE\n I I \ I I I 1 24' ~ \ ofESS1a I I I M. S,,,t. :;;'I ~~ -% <> No. 42951 ,., ~ Exp. 03-31-06 ~ "'t'/Vl'- OF' C'-'-I~ I I "AS BUILT" • ID'>' Pj DA TT.: EXP_'J ·J,J· {o R::WED BY: At..L. INSPECZ,z · · 10/2 (oy -....._ ' DATE .• 1 • \ I t ----·· l.l--=J0=.53:-· --i' l __ _ 11:-~ I l-- BL.DG B I I 1-- 4-,.;;;;;;;n"T7..,.... ........ ~,';;';~~:~!i'""""'""""'1':io-\.lr,....-~z"---'1 I 28.47' I I c:= : ~-~~ I ..,:::29::..:,.:-«_· .....,: \ ~~ I ~ i L II L31 1imi.------ C28 CT] r-t " ~--+--+-------------+--+---11------t----i I SH6EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD fsHEfrsl5 '.:::=::::....=:=::E::N::G:::IN:::EE:::R::IN:::G=DE=P=A=R1M=E=N=T=:::::....::~==~ HORIZONTAL CONTROL PLANS FOR: • NGINEER CT WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TT.: INITIAL DA TT.: INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING J.N. 2438. 00 en 0 -~ 01 - . 1..n CX) I''') I I I ol.~J-~•':.··~~-~•2~-~---;::~JJ--==,4µ■o~.::-~d6io GRAPHICAL SCALE '1: \Engr\2438\grading\2438-grd0l .. dwg 04/09/2004 12:38: 15 PM PDT .... .----\-·--...... .. .. DART7NGTON WAY SEE SHEETS PRomcrDF.SIGN CoNSULTANTS l'IANP!!l,".! ♦ IINvlEl-""'l''"U • lllicm'-· , .. · '3 + StDM!Y/OPS . 701 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101 619-235-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 • DA.TE AEGISTRA110N DESIGNED PM OPIRES OJ-J1-Q6 eY: ~ h0 -~ 4-IZ·O'f Air~ $5 IURVEY ~ ~QtESS1 ~ M. Sit✓• "'~ ~~ CJ No. 42951 ~ ~ EKp .. 03-31-06 ~ 't'/V\\. OF C,,_\.1 99 .. 111 TG J97.'1J IE 1/-f~lll WJ VAN .. ~\--j --+--+--+-~~~~-.-~-'---,-~ I I \ / / r--1'--+------------1--l---+---+-----l I SH7EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD fsHEfrsl5 ::::::=::::::'_::::=:::::EN::G::IN::E::E:::R::IN:::G=D:::E::P:::A:::R::TM::::E::N::::T==:....::~==~ I STORM DRAIN PLANS FOR: "AS BUILT" NGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL . OTHER APPROV CITY APPROVAL BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING DWN BY:-~-, PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 2~ ~~; If CT 03-03 415-3C --.i 0 -.... U1 C :E C> ,l:::l: .... (Jl I w 0 " I j I 1 ; i \ / l ] ··-·i,:; I ~I J1 ---···-.; iii ! J : • ii _J ;; r ] ,--.,. '-,.,_; c:.::> I +· (::) / / g ~ Ir) :g ~ ~ "1 DETAIL• WAlER QUALITY RLTRAllON SCALE: 1• ~. 10' f: \[ngr\2438\grading\2438-grd0B.dwg 04/09/2004 12: 39: 51 PM PDT - g \!/ b -g \!/ " ::: ~ ~ . :;j ~ "' !l"' ~ SEESHEET7 PROJPCI'DPSIGN CoNSULTAN'IS PIANN!'«1 • ~ • ~ • SVJM!YJOP.; 701 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101 619-235-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 GORY 11. SHIELDS. R.C.E. 42951 • DAlE REGISlRAllON D£SGNED PM [)(l'JRES 03-31-06 BY, RE\IETf. 'f-12.-o~ ~~ ~ SURVEY RE\IETf. oFESS/ ~ M. s,,,✓• /;;~ ~~ <> No. 42951 f;i 'ti Exp. 03-31-06 !;J C/V\\. OF C,\ll~ "AS BUILT" RCE 4'Zf~ REVIEWED BY: ro/,/41 1 DATE 92.67 IE 9J.17 IE ,-----···--· \, __ _ FU1URE ---PA-15 COMMERCIAL/REiAiL--··-··--~¥• .. -·---- ___ ... I ' \ '"'- '· " -'· I / "-, 1---+--+------------t---+--;---,-----, I SHBEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~5 ::::=='--=:=:::::E::N:::G::IN::EE:::R:::IN:::G:::::::DEP:::::A:::RTM:=E=N=T=:::::..'.L..!.U==~ STORM DRAIN PLANS FOR: DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROV CITY APPROVAL BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING D:LLO OWN BY:--,.,,...,-, CHKD BY· @ii• RVWD BY: PW · PROJECT NO. CT 03-03 DRAWING NO. 415-3C . t~~~ ~FJ!&~:; J.N. 2438. 00 -~·-l EROSION CONIBOL NO I ES: .. 1. ?I CASE EMERGENCY IIORK IS REQUIRED, CONTACT .IM URBINA AT (760) 715-7712 (C£/.lULAR) OR KRISTINE ZOR7MAN OF 1£NNAR HOMES AT (760) 918-7765. 2. EQIJIPIIENT AND WORKERS FOR EIIERCENCY WORK SHALL BE /JADE AVAILABLE AT Al.l T1JIES DURING 1HE RAINY SEASON. Al.l NECESSARY /JA TERIALS SHALL BE STOCKPILED ON SITE: AT CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO FACIUTA TE: RAPID CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY DrnCES tl!1£N RAIN IS IMMlNENT. l DE'rlcts SHOWN ON PLANS SHALL NOT BE MOVED OR 1,/00/RED WITHOUT 1HE N'PROVAL OF 111£ ENGINEERING INSPECTOR. 4. 111£ CON1RACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO IORKING ORDER 1l1 1HE SATISFACTION OF 1HE CITY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN-OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL 5. 11/E CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDmONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS I/A Y BE RF:QIRRED BY 1IIE CITY ENGINITR our: ro UNCOIIPL£1ED GRADING OPERATIONS OR UNFORf:SEEN C/RCIJIISTANC£S WHICH MAY ARIS£. 6. THE: CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AND SHALL TAKE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT PUBLIC TRESPASS ONTO AREAS WHERE II/POUNDED WATERS CREA TE: A HAZARDOUS CONDmON. 1. All EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PROVfDW PER THE APPROVED GRADING PLAN SHALL BE INCORPORATED HEREON. II. GRADED AREAS AROUND 1HE PRO.ECT PER/1/ETER 11/JST DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FACf OF SLOPE AT 1HE CONCLUSION OF EACH WORKING DAY. 9. All REMOVABLE PR07f:C11VE DEVICES SHOWN SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE £ND OF EACH WORKING DAY 11-/EN 1HE RVE (5) DAY RAIN PROBABIIJTY FORECAST EXCEED FORTY PERCENT (40%}. SILT AND OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AF1fR EACH RAINFALL. 10. Al.l GRA lfl BAGS SHALL BE BURLAP TYPE 11TH J/4 INCH l.tlN/MUI,/ AGGREGATE. 11. SHOULD GER!.IINA110N OF HYDROSFIDfD SLOPES FAIL TO PROWJE EFITC71VE CO\e?AGE OF GRADED SLOPES (90% COVERAGE) PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 15, Tl/£ SLOPES SHALL Bf STABILIZED BY PUNCHED STRAW INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE 11711 SECTION J5. 02J OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK OF 11/E DEPAR7MENT OF CONSERVATION, STA 7F OF CA/.JFORNIA TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANTING AND m13Al10N NOlES: Al.1. PERMANENT AND TE/JPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANTING AND I/RIGA TION SHALL BE INSTALL[[) AND MAINTAINED AS REQUIRED IN SEC110N 212 OF THE STANDARD SPEC/RCA TIONS AND THE FOLLOWING: A. HYDROSEED/NG SHALL BE APPLIED TO: 1. ALL SLOPES THAT ARE GRADED 6: 1 (HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL) OR STE:EPER WHEN THEY ARE: a. Tl/REE FEET OR /JORE IN HfJGHT AND ADJACENT TO A PUBLIC WALL OR STREET. b. ALL SLOPES 4 FEET OR MORE IN HEIGHT. 2. AREAS GRADED FLATTER Tl/AN 6: 1 WHEN ANY OF 1HE FOLLOWING CONDmONs EXIST: a. NOT SCHWULED FOR /UPROVEMENTS(CONSTRUCTION OR CfJIERAL LANDSCAPING) IIT/1/N 60 DAYS OF ROUGH GRADING b. l()ENTIRW BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR AS H/GHL Y VISIBLE TO THE PUBLIC. c. HA\£ ANY SPECIAL CONDITION IDENTIRED BY THE CITY ENGINITR Tl/AT WARRANrs IMMEDIATE: TREA 7MENT. 8. HYDROSEEDED AREAS SHALL BE /RR/GA TED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 1. Ail SLOPES Tl/AT ARE GRADED 6: 1 OR STEEPER AND Tl/AT ARE: a. Tl/REE TO EIGHT FEET IN HEIGHT SHALL BE /RR/GA TED BY HAND WA 1ER/NG FROM QUICK COUPLERS/HOSE BIBS OR A CON\£NTIONAL SYS1EM OF LOW PRECIPITATION SPRINKLER HEADS PROVIDING 100% COVERAGE. b. GREATER Tl/AN 8 FEET IN HEIGHT SHALL BE WATERED BY A CONVENTIONAL SYSIE/,I OF LOW PRECIPITATION SPRINKLER HEADS PROVIDING 100% COVERAGE. 2. AREAS SLOPED LESS Tl/AN 6: 1 SHALL BE /RR/GA TED AS APPROVED arr ENGINEER, PRIOR TO HYDROSEEDING. THE DEVELOPER SHALL SIJBMIT A PROPOSED SCHEME TO PROVIDE /RR/GA TION TO THE CITY ENGINEER. THE PROPOSAL SHALL BE SPECIFIC REGARDING THE NUMBERS, TYPES & cosrs OF THE ELEMENrs OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM. J. IRRIGATION SHAU MAINTAIN THE MOISTURE LElfl OF TliE SOIL AT THE OPTIJ./UM LEIH FOR THE GROWTH OF THE HYDROSEEDW GROWTH. C HYDROSEED/NG MIX SHAU CONSIST OF ALL OF 1HE FOlLOWING: 1, SEED MIX SHALL CONSIST OF NO LESS THAN: a. 20 lbs. PER ACRE OF ROSE CLOVER b. 20 lbs. PER ACRE OF ZORRO FESCUE c. J lbs. PER ACRE OF E SCHOOL CIA CA/.JFORNIA d 4 lbs. PER ACRE OF ACHILLEA 11/llEFOUA e. J lbs. PER ACRE OF AL YSSUM (CARPET OF SNOW) f. 1/2 lb. PER ACRE OF DIMORPHOLECA g. ITEMS c,d,e, AND f OF THIS SUBSECTION MAY BE OM/11ED ON LDCA TIONS WHERE THE AREA BEING HYDROSEEDED IS NOT VISIBLE FROM EITHER A PUBLIC STREET OR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES. h. ITEM a OF THIS SUBSECTION MUST BE INOCULATED WITH A NITROGEN RX/NG BAC1ERIA AND APPUED DRY EITHER BY DRIWNG OR BROADCASTING BEFORE HYDROSEED/NG. L ALL SEED MATERIALS SHALL BE TRANSPORTED TO THE JOB SITE: IN UNOPENED CONTAINERS WITH THE CA/.JFORNIA DEPAR7MENT OF FOOD AND AGRICUL11JRE CERTIFICATION TAG ATTACHED TO, OR PRINTED ON SAID CONTAINERS. J NON-PHYTO-TOXIC Wl::mNG AGENrs MAY BE ADDED TO Tl/£ HYDROSEED SI.URRY AT THE DISCRETION OF 1HE CONTRACTOR. 2. TYPE 1 /IUl.CH APPUED AT 1HE RA TE: OF NO LESS THAN 2000 lbs PER ACRE. TYPE 6 MULCH (STRAW,, MAY BE SUBST11UTED, Al.1. OR PART. FOR HYDRALIUCAU Y APPLIED RBER MATERIAL. 11-/EN STRAW IS USED IT /JUST BE ANCHOR[[) TO THE SLOPE BY /JECHANICALL Y PUNCHING NO LESS 11/AN 50% OF THE STRAW INTO THE SOIL. .1 FERTIUZER CONSISTING OF AUUONIUM PHOSPHATE: SULFA TE. 16-20-0, 11TH 15% SULFUR APPUW AT THE RA TE: OF 500 lb .. PER ACR£ Q. AREAS TO BE HYDROSEEDW SHALL BE PREPARED PRIOR TO HYDRDSEEDING BY: 1. ROUGHENING THE SURFACE TO BE PLANTED BY ANY OR A COMB/NATION OF: a. TRACK WALKING SLOPES STEEPER Tl/AN 6: 1 b. HARROWING AREAS 6: 1 OR FLATTER THAT ARE SUFRC/ENTI. Y FRIABLE. c. RIPPING AREAS Tl/AT tl1LL NOT BREAK UP USING /7f:MS a OR b ABO\£. 2. CONDITIONING THE SOILS SO THAT IT IS SUITABLE rOR PLAN11NC BY: a. AD.AJSTING THE SURFACE SOIL MO/S11JRE TO PROVIDE A DAMP BUT NOT SATURATED SEED BED. b. THE ADDITION OF SOIL AMENDMENTS, PH AD.A!STIIENT. LEACHING OR COVERING SAIJNE SOILS TO PROVIDED VIABLE CONDl110NS FOR GROWTH. E. HYDROSEEDED AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO PROVIDE A VIGOROUS GROWTH UN11L THE PROJECT IS PERMANENTI. Y LANDSCAPED OR, FOR AREAS IIHERE HYDROSSED/NG IS THE PERMANENT LANDSCAPING. UNTIL THE PRO.ECT IS COMPLETED AND ALL BONDS RELEASEO. LEGEND: DESCR/PT1QN SYl,/BOL ./JI/AN7lTY STABI/JZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ..................... ·· ......... ··· ~ 2 EA. SILT FENCf · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · -0-0-0--0-0--0 0 LF. 1,820 EA. CRA\/El. BAGS .. · .. ·· ........ · ·• .... · .............. · · .. · .......... · · ·· · · 0 "~ = FIBERRO/.L ...................................................... · ... ~ 2,590 LF. I. SET POSrs AND EXCAVA 7F A 4 BY 4 IN (10 BY 10 CM) TRENCH UPSLOPE FROM AND . ALONG THE UNE OF PDSrs. J. ATTACH THE RLTER FABRIC 1V 11/E tl1RE FENCE AND EXTEND IT IN1V 11/E TRENCH. 4 IN (10 CM) SILT FENCE NO SCALE 2. STAPLE tl1RE FENCING TO THE POSrs. 4. BACKRU AND COMPACT THE: EXCAVATE:D SOIL. V1) FIL TfR FABRIC 1 ==::-n= :::.·: ill _;;;lll;;c;l . .1 ... ill;';;IISII~ PR.OJBCTDPSIGNCoNSULTANTS f'I.ANNl!l3 • ~ • llNlilNlll!rnP: • SUJM!Y'/OPS 701 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101 619·235•6471 FAX 619-234.0349 Y IL SHlElDS, 42951 .. 0A 1E REGISTRATION DESIGNED .., PM ~NA EXPIRES 03-31-06 BY: RE\tEW: 'l·li-04-Dl!:/A\I /JS SURVEY IIE'aEW: 90% COUPACT£D EARTH BERM 12· PROPOSED OR fXIS11NG SI.OPE 4' --i-5' -~"'RI (MAX. 10') BLADED SWALE 'MIER£ SYMBOLIZED ON PLANS W/ SANDBAGS EVERY 10D' BLADED SW ALE AND BERL-: NO SCA/£ SECTION B-B R/W R/W TEMPORARY DESIL TING BASINS AT INLETS IN SUMP CONDITION TEMPORARY DESIL TINO AND EROSION CONTROL/SANDBAG DETAILS NO SCALE GRAVEL BAGS OVERLAP ONTO CURB -------. RUNOFF - GAP BETWEEN BAGS ACTS AS SPIUWA Y .... THREE LAWS OF GRAVEL BAGS WITH ENDS O\£RLAPPED GRAVEL BAGS NO SCALE PROVIDE VELOCITY CHECK DAUS IN ALL STREET AREAS PAVED OR UNPAVED AT THE INTERVALS IND/CA TE:D BELOW. VELOCITY CHECK DAMS SHALL BE CDNSTRUCTE:D OF SANDBAGS. EARTH DIKES /JAY NOT BE USED AS VELOCITY CHECK DAMS GRADE OF THE STREET lESS THAN 2% 2% ro 4% 4X TO 10% OVER 10% INTERVAL AS REQUIRED 100 F[ET 50 FEET 25 FEET ~-CRUSHED AGGREGATE: fiREA TER THAN J• BUT SMALLER THAN 6 USHED AGGREGATE: fiREA TER THAN J" BUT SUAUER THAN 6 CORRUGATE:D SJEEl. PANELS ,-(Jff,/GINAL GRADE ORIGINAL GRADE FILTER FABRIC 2• /JIN., UNlESS OTHERWISE SPECIR[l) BY A SOILS ENGINEER 12" /JIN., UNlESS OTHERWISE SPEC/RED BY A SOILS ENGINEER SECTION A-A N. T.S. NOTE:: SECTION B-B N. T.S. CONSTRUCT SEDIMENT BARRIER AND CHANNELIZE RUNOFF ro SEDfMENT TRAPPING DEVICE CORRUGATED STEEL PANELS MATCH EXISTING GRADE PLAN N.T.S. B STABILJZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE J"-s· (75-125mm) TYPICAL SECTION NO SCALE a• -10• DIA. (200-250mm) LIi.£ STAKE N07F: l" X t• STAKE (25 X 25mm) FIBER ROLL INSTALLATION REQUIRES 11/E PLACEMENT AND SECURE STAKING OF THE ROLL IN A TRENCH, J"-5" (75-125mm) DEEP, DUG ON CONTOUR. RUNOFF MUST NOT BE ALLOll£D TO RUN UNDER OR AROUND ROU. IIDTH AS REQUIRED 1V ACCOMODATE: ANTIC/A TE:D TRAmC \ ~ _,.,, /fOl1S !JHAll FIBER ROLLS MUST BE PLACED ALONG SLOPE CONTOURS SEDIMENT, ORGANIC MATTER, AND NA Tl\£ SEEDS ARE CAPTURED BEHIND THE ROLLS. FIBER ROLLS INSTALLATION ON SLOPES EXISTING GROUND NO SCALE DIVISION BOUNDARY __ _ TYPE C OR D TERRACE DRAIN AS REQUIRED BY GS-14 FDR curs AND FIUS H (IN FEET) LESS Tl/AN 10' 10' TO 20' 01£1? 20' EXISTING GROUND TYPE B BROW DITCH AS REQUIRED BY GS-14 FOR curs ANDRUS A 8 2· J.5' H/5 ' 4' + H/10 H/5 ( 10' MAX.) (10' MAX) TYPICAL SLOPE SETBACKS FROrl SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY NO SCALE t----t---t------------+--+----1--+--I I SHgEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD fsHEfrsl5 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~ :=ER:::::::O=S/:::ON::'...:CON==TR=OL=D=E=TAJ=L=S=Fi=OR=: =====-===: I \I.Of ESS / ~i 1,1, S<t,: :; ~ -~ No. 42951 o< Exp. 03-31-06 C/V\\. OF CALI "AS BUil T" REVIEWED BY: At f.. ~ ? ~ ==- INSPECTO:a;,' . · ~ /IJ ·S°•C'/ DAlE NGINEER Of WORK REVJSION DESCRIPTION DA lE INITIAL DA lE INITIAL 011-iER M'PROVA CllY APPROVAL BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT NO. § CT 03-03 DRAWING NO. 415-3C J.N. 24JB. 00 ---~<L \06030~ ,, ~ ...I, CJ1 I (,.) 0 '·- ii .---·------· -•.. -----· ---------·------ -----·---- ----____ ., .. ----__ ::::~-:-----··--·· _ .. ,.-~ --- 1-tiOO f: \£ngr\2438\gr;ding\24J8-grd10.dwg 04/09/2004 12:41:33 PM POT ~ ,-, , n il. i ) .. 1-t._,r I ._,. --·---- , L , .. .. ' gj_ DAHTINGTON WAY iil 20' VC .;1;J + J+80. D _lVC _ --- SEIESHEEI S PRamcrDFSIGN CoNSULTANIS ~ t l!NYli<a-• J!Nm;.i=<(l • SlllMiYIOPS 701 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101 619-235-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 QREOORY M, SHIELDS. R.C.E. 42951 ,. DAlE REGISfflATION ~~ EIPIRES Or:11-011 'f'·I Z.-ol( DESIGNED BY: ~ "" RE\1EW: 1H llJRl,£f RE\1EW: J- ofESS/ ~ t,I. Stt,: /;;~ ~-z: '-' No, 42951 M \,[ Exp. 03-31-06 J;;; e1v1'- 0F C,&,,\.I N + 0 0 REVIEWED BY: --------·-~ ,,,. 1.00% I ,,.-,, J,., ' \ I I ' -,, I I \ I ,, \-· r----' ~-··--\---- ' \ \ \---J I I I I \ -~ ----~ ! __ ... ) rurwm J PA~i_o'----_, 1.00% I I I I I COMMERCJAL/RE1 Al~ \ \ > . . .. :4 7 4" ;-----~-~---..,-" -~ ~~::"!·.,-7• ') If ·/ ~ ~ . ]iii: 0 0 ~c-;O,;I f I¾if l ":.r ; ;.~f 1£,, .. ',,. ~-~[217_,j ~ '\ :\ \ if,\ /f«i t~\\ • ,/ ~ 1 ~. / ', L.• .......... -,;:"'t,,:=F791"'7F"7"1F--;, ~~··•,-fa=~r, :.-t ~j ~-( \ 1\1 IX I I 'Fl \ \ \ -'~--Jr· -····-:;;;;;;lf;;:'.;;;]:\rll=i--;:;;;. _,,,;;;;;;:_"Fr--~-'-----~--.-----.--.---.-.-::==--~~-_=:===-'=::'~~\~;------=-_• ~~====,-=--I fsHEfi7 CITY OF CARLSBAD fSHEfrsl "AS BUil T" DATE l---+--+----------------4---l----1-----1----1 L.!Q_j ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~ ~~~R~O~Sl;ON~CON~~TR;.OL~P.;;.I..A~N~S~Fi~OR~:==========:::_::=== REVISION DESCRIPTION .. DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL Oll-lER APPROVAL CITY ·APPROVAL BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING OWN BY: CHKD BY: !" RVWD BY: _ PROJECT NO. CT 03-03 DRAWING NO. 415-:-3C J.N. 24JB, 00 ..a. 0 0 -.... (J1 ~ G) ~ -'- CJ'I ll 0 J ---7 7 ,1 Ii I -------\ ----ii \ I I I 'ill* i j I i '~ i ' ' ~I I I ' 11 ii --.-...... -.:~! k::" .... ! "' I '\ " i " \' '11 ;) ' , // // ' ' r I I \ ' ' i : j ; I ; 0 10 20 , w/ ! ,. rs••i>·: GRAPHICAL SCALE 60 • J ·:t \Engr\2438\grading\2438-grdll.dwg 04/09/2004 12:43:09 PM PDT '·-·-.. : B! : ·-~~T71 n'RF"'~F~~- " ~ • ;,1 ~-"' v. ,.,.. ···-~ ' .,i ~' -"~ .... ~ ~-· ~ ..•. l0 ' \ i I I I FIBER ROLL (TYP,) _,,.,,. -- SEE SHEETS '-·· • 1.00% PR.omcrDF.SIGNCoNSULTANTS ~ • ~ • l!Ml!NmlR!No • SlllMIYIGI'& 701 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101 619-235-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 EGORY U. IEL.0S. R.c.E. 42951 TE REGISlRA llON M. ... --- -EXPIRES OJ-31-0e ..,~ .>::,. SI ·1. 'I-· I I. •l>'f . DESIGNED IV, p~v su•= IIE\1E:W: . oFESS/o !-< M. St,,;. /;; ~ "' No. ~2951 '#. Exp. 03-31-06 c,v,c OF" c,e_U~ i r----····· _.1 I. "AS BUil T'' RCEffZfS/ REVIEWED BY: 10-s-o, DATE ~.-\ ·\ ~ I I --:::;r·-' \ I !.1 11!.----.Jl----.,_Jb__,~r l I ~ ·--'-~-.' 2.00% 1.00% \ ________ ., --···--·-- I >-· __ ..... -1' \ , ____ j- J ----\ I --i -__ J t / / f"SHml CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ l---t----'1----------------f--+----+--+---cl L..!!J ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~ ;:D?:::::o=s,=ON:::'...'.:C=ON=TR=OL=~=t.A=N=s===FOR==,=====:::..::==~ NGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL OTiiER APPROVA CllY APPROVAL BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING EXPIRES 12-31-05 S"_a-tft~· OWN BY: CHKD BY.-: ,,~..,IW.,..--1 RVWD BY: ~ PROJECT NO. CT 03-03 DRAWING NO. 415-3C· J.N. 24JB.00 .... .... 0 -.... UI C :E G') .,:::i.. ...I, ~ 0 : : "AS BUil T" [sHEnl CITY OF CARLSBAD fsHEfrsl l---+--t---~------------'---lf----+---1----l------1 ~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT lJE_J ~R~f:;TAl~Nl:;;.N,.;G=W,:;;I-\LL;;;:::;~::;'R:;:OFl;LE::;;S:::;Fi;'OR:;.=_ ====='...:::::=::::::: BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING ,,_ -....-..-_, _____ "" ~ ,_,_ . ·--,._ I 98.5 ~ V GARAGE -~r i 1--~ UNIT 1 1-r-t-r- t--J AAtnlllG " t--t-r-STE:P(S) PfR GAS IIETERS t--ii I-r-ARCH. PLANS. • t-- 98.5 98.7 GARAGE GARAGE UNIT 3 UNIT 4 • ........ ,G & STE:P(S) PfR ARCH. PLANS. • 98.7 GARAGE UNIT 1A 99.0 GARAGE UNIT 2A 99.0 99.1 GARAGE GARAGE GUEST UNIT 2 UNIT 18 PARKING ..-LANDING I: / STEP(S) PER ~l I ARCH. PLANS. ~ ,-• 99~ r--,,-----, • • • 99.or ""99.3dtr 1a ciL_ . .1=J:1-,~•~:,!,;,a;· 9~9;;;;.4~~i"l~~~~==:~9~9-t6""F. f7i ___ -_-J 99.6 1 ~ ~ r,::7 99.6t. 11--k:'.:~.JJ_, <1 i: L::J I "~ ff-=100.0 UNIT 3 FF-=100.0 I/ ~ ~: UNIT 2 ~ 2S t:~ --~ r-• ---r- I oo.p ..... : --~--- ·<J &t) ... oi -8 O> - --------4 99.5 GARAGE UNIT 4A 99.6 GARAGE UNIT 3A ~t 99.8 r 1JJ99.9 ~v I ff-=100 UNIT 3A _ TYPICAL BUILPIM8 GRADE AND HARDSCAPE DETAILS NO SCALE NOTE: REI.A 17\£ GRADE DTFFERtNTIALS 11ITWfEN 1HE IJNIT RN/SH FLOOR. 1HE GARAGE RN/SH FLOOR. 1HE ADJOINING HARDSCAP£, AND 111£ ADJOINING LANDSCAP£ ARE"AS. ARE TIP/CAL FOR ALL BUILDINGS AND AR£ ro BE USED ro CALCULATE THE AC1lJAL ElEVA 170NS FOR EACH OF THE UNITS BASED ON TH£/R INDIVIDUAL RN/SH FLOOR ElEVA 170NS SHO'MI ON THE GRADING PLANS. I 99.7 GARAGE UNIT 1R ~;j100.c§~C oo.o ~ I~~ --- fsHEfi7 CITY OF CARLSBAD fsHEfrsl J--+---+-------------t---+----+---ll----1 ~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT L!§._j ;:GR.;::~::::,N=G~Bu=1w==1N=G=D==E=rAl=1.==s=F,==OR==:========:::::'....:::::::::==~ 0 PR.o.mcrDFSIGN CONSULTANTS PLINN!;-.J ♦ l!NYni.,ii,tT,iCl'AI. • l!Nllil~-iu • SURWY/OPS 701 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101 619-235-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 --GORY N. SHIELDS, R.c.E. 42951 DAlE REGISTRATION J.A..:_ -. "-.._ A ••I De!RES 03--J1-0e ✓ ~ ✓ ~ 4'-lt-olf "AS BUILT" BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING / - ·, ' ' ' ---------""""""'!'"""'""""""'·"!!'.'==!""'====·""'· ·""'·""'··=--c".'· ~==!""'===-... , .............. , ... , ==!""'=-----------..... -------··-··-----------------=:--=~==============================·=======================·===========~---',.....-------------,.,, Pl.ANNING CQMMTSSJON RESOLUTJON NO. 5463 A RESOLlTI'ION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION Of THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA. RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF CT OJ-03 TO SUBDIVIDE 26,53 ACReS INFO FIVE LOTS INCLUDING A SllfGLE LOT FOR AIRSPACE CONDOMINIUM: PURPOSES TO ALLOW FOR THE - ----DEVELOPMENT OF 100 nIDrvIDUAL OWNERSHIP AFFORDABLE CONDOMlNRJMS ON PROPERTY LOCATED sourn OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL, WEST OF TH£ FUTURE EXTENSION OF EL FlJERT.E STRE.IIT AND NORlH OF THE l'UTURE axTENSION OF POJNSETJ1A LANE IN LOCAL FACILITmS MANAGEMENT ZONE 17. CASE NAME: DESS[ RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSD"10 CASfiNO.: CTQ3-0l WHEREAS. Brnsi Gardea. Lane LLC, .. Developer and Owuer," bas &led a verified -.,plication with 1hc C'Lt, or Carlsbad tqatdW.g propcny described as: f'ol'tloo of Loi lS or Carlsbad T.ract 00.06. ID the City of Carlsbad. Couul)' ot San Dieg6, Stale et CalU'ornia, aeeordillg ID aaap thereof Nci, 14ti00 med In tile omi:e of lhe Couo.ty ~dee May ZS., 1003 ("the Property""); and WHEREAS. Slid verified applicatlon constitutes a tcquest lbr a Condolnioium Penni&: as shown Olli Exhibits .. AB 1-4" dated September 17, 2003,on file in the Planni.n,i: D¢partment. BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE ROUSING • CJ' 03--03 as provided ~Chapter21.45 of the Carlsbad. Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did. cm dlC 11th day of September 2003, hid a clwy noticed public bearing as prescribed by Jaw w consider uid requat; IIDd , , WliEREAS, a said public bearing. upon bcariJlg and (lQllSidewi.g all tcslimo.uy and arjlUllClllS. U' aey. of petSOllS dcsidng to be heard, ~d CoJIWlWion consldercd al1 l'aeton ~ to the Twacive Tract Miip. HOW, THEREFORE., BE rr HEREBY lt.ESOLVED by lhe Planning Commiss1on of the Cily ofCwlsbad as follows: d, L failure of Association to Maintain Common Ao;a Lo!S aru! easement. In lhe ewmt Qm tbe A.uocialion fails to mlinlain the '"Common Arca Lou llld/11ir 11:ie ,Assodation's Easement$" as provMed in Artlckc---,,-~ S<etfon ___ 11,o Oty sball have lhc right but AOt dlc duty, to pcnoml the nccc&Sal)' maintenance IC the City clccts. to pcrfbml such maintenan~e. lhc City sbaII ;Ive~ notke II) llbc Association, whb a copy fhcteof to the Owncn in tbe Project, JCtliog forth wbh pat1icula.rlty lhc DWlltenan~t: wh.icti the City finds to l>e required and teelllCStiog the Hme be can:icd out by the Association wilbin I period of thirty (30) 411:}s from the giving of sucb notice. In the event that the As:,:ocialion £ails to cany •Ill SIK:b main.teuance of the Common Ari:.a Lots an41or AllOCfation's Easements within the periud tpecifi.ed by lbe City's notice, the Crty shall be entitled to cause ~ WOlt: to be complete,1:f and sbaH be entitled to rdmbursancm with respect ~111 fiom the OwOCJ. asprovid~ hc:rcin. Special A,smsment [e.yjed by the Cjty. In the event the City has peiformed the MCC:i$8lf !DamleiWlee lo cilbcr Common Alea Lot5 an4!or Assoclation't .Easements. lhe Ci1)' shall submit a written invo~ lo the ANoi;iation for all ~ lncumd by lbe City to perl'onu such Ql(llntenance of the Common Aml Lots and or Associatlon.'s En$cments. ne shall provide a copy of sucb Ulvoice to each Owner in the :Projm. lo,&lllhi:t wi1l:a a sw,;m~ 1het iU1e Assocfation 6.ils lo pay .cb icvc,ice in full with.in the-WlUf specified, Ille Cil.y will pumie colledi<m qa!nst the Owners tn !he Project pumtant: 10 lhe provisiODS ofthis Section. Said iavoice lbal1 be UC and payable by the Assocwiou wiEb!n twenty (2:0) de)'$ of n:ceipt by lhe Association. lflhe Association shall fail to pay such invoicc:c in full within 11w period specified, payinent sba11 be deemed delinquent wrd shall be lllbject to a. lite charge in an amounl equal to six pcrocDt (6%) o.flhc: amoum of the lnvoke. Thereafter the City may pnrsuc collection form lhe Associ:ation by lllCaDS of any remedies available at law or iP. equity: Without lluulill& tbe pnera.t!ty of the tbrq:olng, In addition 10 all other rights 1md remedies available to tbc City, the City may levy a special assessmen1 agaiust lbe Ownm of each-Lot bl the Project for an eqnal pmrata share of the invoice, plus tile late dtqe. Such. apcclal assessment sbalI constitule a cbltfse on the Jand and shall be a continuing lien upon each Loi apin&t wb.ich die i;pec.iaJ UR$Sment is levied. Each. Owner in tbC; Projc.:t hen:by vests the City whh the right and power to levy auch s:pecial rscssme,t, to impose a lie». upon their JeSllei;.tlve Loi and to bnJ!g att le.sat actions aadfor to pm-sue lien fimdoture procodulcs agaiNt 1111.y Owner and llis'hcr respective to, 1hr pw.pose.£ of cotlectmg sud! spcdat um in aecordaDcc wilh the procedures set Cottb in Article ___ .r !hi$ Dtl7lar:ation. ynd.scape Maintenance R.esponsibilitje;,. The HOAs and lndivldual lot or mrlt .wncr bndscape maintenance rcspom,.oilities mall be set forth in Exhibit __ _ 17. l)cvclopec shall pay tile, citywide Pubfo; Facilltie$ Fee ~osed by~~ Council Po~cy 117 die Llcet!Se Tax ou new constrnetion imposed by Carlsbad Muwc1pal Code Section :5.@.000. uad CFD #1 special tax (if applicable), subJe,;t to any =dits audi~ by c.rtst,ad Municipal Code Section S.09.040. Developer ahaJI abo pay ~ "llp1icabl<= [Ax.al Facilitic. Mana£cmcnt Plan Cce for Zone 17, pursuant 10 Chapter 21.9(1. AU "1ch l'C ltE.~0 NO. 5463 J.. ... ... ,0, The Developer shall prepare a colored recycled water use map and submit this map foe JIIUCCliSW& apd approval by ihe District EJ>iineet. A copy of dt.e approved e-s:biblt sball 11C1:0mpaoy tilt landscape, lmprovmttnl aad gradhac plAns for refuence. The Developer shall design lUidscape and irrigation plans utillzini recyt!ed wroe-r as a ~e. Said plans shall be sub~tted to fhe satisfaction oftbe Di,lrict Engineer. The Developer shall install potable water a11d r=ycled water suvkcs 11W met#,;; at a localioil approved: by the District Engineer-. 11te loeations or Aid ..-vica. ahall be afteclCd on public i.mp,ovement pliws. A) 1bat the foicgoing recitations are true and com:cl. BJ That ha.lied on lhe evidence presented at die public heruinz, the Commissio11 pCOMMENDS APPROVAL of BR£SSI RANCH /JFORDABLE ROUSING -CT 03.03, based on the following !h::1.tings and snbjecr 10 lhe l:,Uowing cOJlditions: flnd"lngsj I. That the proposed map and the proposed dc5lgn and improvement of lhe ,u.bdivi~on a.s eondltfoned, is consfstlfflf wi1b and satisfies all requirements of the Gencnl Plan, any lppltcablc specific plam, Titles 20 and 21 of the Carlsbad Mw:tlcipal Code,. and the State lllbdivision Map Act. atld will not cause serious public health problems. in thal the lot ldn& created sathfics all mJnhnom requirements ofTltk 20 eovcrnln:. lot sizes and CftOgunatfoo nd •u beea cksJgned lo com.ply Wilb ail otJler applkable re,:ulatloris ln.rludin1: tbe BrtSsl runcb Miister M,ll (MP 178). 2. 1aat thee proposed project is compatible wi1h tbe surwu.udws fubue land U$CS ~e ~ prope-.ties are d~gnated for n:sldtntial as wen as comme-rcfal and ladutrial dcvek>pmmt o.a the General Plan md bl the lkc$$i 1wicb Master flan. and in dw lhe d~ g,utdetlue-s of th!! JSmsl Ra11cb M:aster 11an wilt ensun: then ~ no 114wne Impacts C..Om aon--nsldelltlal dcvelopmeul to ihe DOrlh of tbis site aod lhe ,ropeJty fo tile west b: designated for slngfe-famlly resldeutfal denlopnient on tbc Geacr-al Plan. J. 'lbt the si1e is phygieally suitable for the type and density ofibe dcvclopmeot since the flte !~ !l!leQuate in si:ze and shape tc ttt()mmodate rffldential devdopment at the dCl1$!ty ,roposcd,. in 11w. die pnjed site can acromrom1id.e Ille-propose!! reslden..tlill 41ttdopment wbffe complying with all requi,ed .etbacb .....-ired by &he applicable Chy rC#ulaiions lo.ctulfi°-' the lfr,mt 'ltanch M::aster Plan. 4. l'llat the de£ign of the .subdivision or Ille fype gf improvi::menu will not couflkt wilb usements of R-:otd or easements established by court judgment, or acqtmed by che public at ]ar,&e, for~ lhrou.&b or use of property within the proposed subdivision, in Illa! prior io recot"dadoq or the Wlal map tbc developer will vacate and adjust U)' memerit..'I tllat conflkt w1tb proposed devttopment. ' 5. 1bat the PfOPefl)' is not subject to a co~t entered Into pursuant to die Lani1 Comerv&1ion Act of 1965 (Williamson Act). 6. That the design oftbe subdivision provides, to die extent !easlble, for Arture passive or aatural hcatins or cooling: opporrunities in the-wbdimion. in tbat muctures vc oriented Gtt ptu.posed dtVelopllltlll wm CO!lslsl of mntd-famtty reside-aces wllh adequate 1ep11ration to provJde ruldeAC. wlih adequate air clrelllatfoa wilhln alld mrroun.ttt.u: any ftltllre resfdmtfal units. 7. 11w the Planning Commil>Slon has considered. in COJllleciion wiih the hous~ propo->ed '3 l2tl$ subdivision. 1be hotmT\_g needs of the region, and balanced those housing needs PC RESO NO. 5463 18, ••• 20, 2!. 22, 2l, IIXesffees shall be pald at issuance of building permit. If the taxes/fees are nor p:i.id. lhis 11pp111val will iw bl' consistenr "lilh. lb:: Gcncta1 l'!ai1 and maII becowe void It ntf~.,:;tfon or dul scbool facilily requrrerrtent iffl'otvcs a Mello-Roos Community Facilities District w other financing mechanism which is inconsistent with City CoWlcil .tolicy N11. 38, by allowilla a911SS•thmu&h oftbc !i!Xe~ ot fee$ to lndi"1dial homt buye~. lben in addition tc any other disclo5UU requiud by Jaw or Council policy, the Developer llwl disclose to fulun: ow11ers ID ftie project, to the mnlmum extend possible, the edsfenC~ of the tax or £ca, and that lhe school distru:.t is the taxio& agency mponsible for •e financing mechanism. The form of notice i.s subject t11 the appmval of lhc Planning D~lor Bild shall at least inc1ude a handout and a sign mslde the sates facility stating the fact of • Potential pus--duougb of f~ or &ax.cs eio~ and where COIQP!Ctc infonuation R-gmting those fees or taxes call be obtained. ne Developer shall display a cumml 2oning and Land the Map. or llll alti:ruative, aaltable to the Pluming Director, in the ~ office at all limes. All sales maps that are iiistnl1111cd or made available to the: publk: shall include but not be limited to trails, f\iture and existing schools, padcs and streets. The Developer shall post a sign in the sales office in a pmmiru:nt location ihat di$closcs which IP"'ial districts aoi3 $cbool dis.lrict provide service to lbe project. Said sign shall Nmain posted until ALL of the units are wld. Prior IO the ia5uaw;:e ofbuildic,.g permits. the Developer shall prepare t.nd tte0rd a Notice lbat this property is subject to 11vcdligh1, sight and sound of aircraft operating &om McClellan-Pilloaw" .Ahport. in a fontl meeting 1he approval ofthe Planning Director and lbc City Anomey (see Noise Fonn #2 011 file in lhe Ptannin& Department)- Tbc Developer shall pod ~ noi:.e uolification si&ns, in all sales and/or rtnlal offic1is assoclattd with the new development The nwnber and locations of said signs shall be lppfOV¢.d by Ille P1aonwg Dicector (see Notse P'.onn tJ3 on fflc fn lbe Planning Dcpanmcnt). Prior to the issuance ofbl.tilding pennits, lhe Developer shall prepare and n:cord a Nolie-: Gm !his _property may be subject to n<me impacts from El Camia.o Real, Palomar Ahport Road, aad El Fuerte Street in a fono meetin$; lhe approval of die Planning Director and City Attome)'(tce Noise FOIIII #l oa ilcin 1hc Plamung Otp111mCllt). 24. Prior to the j$SU:mee or buildUlg pcrmlts. Dcvdoper sball .submit lO the City a Notice of lt.cslrktion to be flied UI the office nftfle CIJllll1f Record«, lllbject io the satisfacmio of lbe: Planning Dirccklr, notifying all interested pw1Ie.s and au«:~ri lo Ulmest that the City of Carlsbai:I has iflued • TCJUadve Tract Map by Baolution No. 5463 en the property. Said Notice ofR.estrlctlon shall note lbe property desa:lption, location of the file containing complete proj"I deuuls and all conditwna of approval as Well as any cotti1ltions or tc$lric.tions specified for inclU$ion in ~ Notice of Restrictioa. Tue Planning Di.rcclor has ihe alllhorlty 10 exe(tite ~4 rr;cord an amemtmcnt to the notice, which modifies or tmninates said notice \IPC>ll a showing of good cause by1he Dtvelopa or succwor in interest. pC RESO NO. 5463 .f. "· Tbe Developer shall submit detalled design drawiop prepared by a Rq;isten:J &o,ineer for lbe cOWilru.clio-n of a presi>llre reducing station, If r4!:q;uittd to serve the pnjecL Sald plnnsshall be preparul to the safcsf"adfoa of the Dlstrttt El\&{11eer. C,de Reminder the projo:t 1$ $Ubj¢e1 10 a.tt ap:plicab!e provisions of local ordinances, lncludin~ but not limi1cd 10 lhc following; 59. the tclll..aJ.ive map shall e11pltc twenty-four (24) months from the date this ten1;nivc map -.pprovll becomes flnal. " ~ Developer sba11 ins.tan sewer ta1erals llllt'I' cl=-cn,t-• A location approved by the 60. Dislrict l!ugincer. Tbe b:ali<,ns of se•a 1a1r,,.;~ shall bt reflected on public lmpto•emcm~. Developer shall exc:rcisc q,ecial ¢ate during the construction phase of this project to p,:event offsite snration. Planting and CIOlioo COlllfOJ sba.11 be provided in accordanc,; whh Catl$ba.dMunicipal Code Chapter 15.16 (the Grading Ordinance) to the sat.isfac1ion ti the Ciiy Engineer. S2, 1be Dcveklper ,twl dosigr, -1 COllaWC-t public water, ltWtt, an!l m:yded water 6cflities snbstairuaUy as 111\ffm ,. lite Tenwive M:ap le) tho Atisfaclion of lhc Datrici. 6J. &aincu. Proposed r-w,lic 6,-~~ sb!ltt be reflected on public hnprovcmffll pf ans. lk~ stiilD pll)' pa.rk-!n-lieu fees to the City, prior to the approval of the final map as ,aqwml by Chapter 20.44 of the Carlsbad Mi toidpal Cow:. SJ, Tais ~l IS •1•0.>'led upon lb¢ express -cowlition tha! buildm£ permits will not be 62. ~ b-6it development of the subject property, anless the Dntrict Eoginccr bas 6aa:Jnin,:d lhat adi;qualc., water 11111 1ewtr foclliti~ arc avsllablc at 1he lime of t>evemper shall pay a landscape plan check and inspection fee ~ n:quired. by Section 20.08.050 uf the Cods.bad Municipal Code. • -=upaocy. A note lo Ibis effccl shall be placed on the final Map, u JIOll~ping data. 63. ,\pproval of thls request shml not excuse compliance with all applicable aecti.ons of. the Zoning Ordinllllce and aU other applicable City oroinaDces in effect Ill. lime ofbulldin1:: pem!!t Issuance, except as o1herwise specifically provided herein. 54. Prior 10 Fmal Map approval or issuaacc ofbuildiug permits, wbichevcr is fin1,. the entire potable water, recyct~d waier. and sewer system shalt be evaluated in detail to ensure that adequate capacity, prusurc, and flew demands can be met IO lbc satW'a.ction of the DistdccE1}£iDeer. "· 56, 57, the Developer man coordinate with lhe District Engineer reg.anting lhe looped waier S)'SWll aod easements. , The Developer shall submit a detailed scwtr mufy, prepar-ed by • keipstend Bagincer, that ldeadfie.s the ptak Do"s ot tile project, required pipe sizes. deplh of &w IA pipe. velocity ID the m:i1o nou, and die capacity ol the nistiog Wnaslnlcrure. Snld study lhaU be submitted c:o.a.eune.afzy with ClH: tuwronmeal phns for the project md the shldy sbal! be prep•rcd to the 1atfdaedo.a. of the City Enpicer. 'lbea Dtveloper dllllt submit .a detal!ed potable water stady, prepared b;r • Rccbtered ED;ineer ihat ldenufies the peak dewaud.1 or lht pro Jett (l.a.eto!Hn& Dre llow dern:ands), The smdy slaaJI ldeadry Ydoclty In tile main Unea, pressure Z011et. aad Ille requh-ed pipe slus. Said sN4)' $b.all be submltled coucnrnntly with die .. provePICQt plans for dle project aud lhe study shall be prepared to Ille 111b~ctfon of the Dfstrict EnglDeer. PC RESO NO. 5463 NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your proje,ct inclu&s the '"i~ition" of fees, dedications. nstNalions, or other exactions herenfter coJJcctively zd"cm:d IO rot convenience as "'fces/eJUlctiOll$." You have. 90 days from date of upproval to proTe.s• imposition of these fees.'cxactions. U you protest diem, JOU mm1 follow lhe prucc$t procedure $Cl forth in Government Code Seclion '6020(a), and file lhc protest 11nd any other required infonnnticm with lhe Ciry Manager for processing in aeconiancc with Carlsbad Municipal Code Secllon 3.32.<?0. Pall~ to ~mely foU<>w that procedure will bar any subseqncnt legal action 10 attack. review, set aside, void, or annul !heir impositwa.. You are ttereby PURTIIER NOTIFIED !bat your right to protest Ille ~ecified fccs/exiictioiu DOES NOf APPLY to waicr and sewer conneclion tees i11d cafadty ch;uges, nor pianni11g, zoning, gradfog or _other sirnUfll' application procegsing or ICrVic:c (CC$ in ~nncctiou ~ thu. project; NOR DOES rr APPLY to any fe-cs/exattions of which you hPC previously been gave~ a NOTICE limilar to this, or u IO which the stalllle of limitaliom 1w previ011$1y othe1W1se e,plred, PC RESO NO. 5-463 .... I ,. II llglllnst the public service needs or !he City and available fiscal and cnvironmeni~I mourccs. Tba1 lhe pn,Jeet: is consistent wtth tbe HouriU; Elemeiu of the Gc:ne-r:d Plan anti the lu.cluslonary HollSUli' Ordwance as the Devtloiier h.Jls bte11. co.a.ditioned to eattt into aa Affordob}e Housing Af:rwmcat IO provide, aad dud restrict IOG dwelli111 uaits a1 11ffor4,ble to low~r·fl!~.!Jlt llogsebgfds. That the desisn of the Aibdi~ md imp.rovemems are nol likely to cause substantial «mronmenW Ihm.age nor sab$tmltially Milli a.YOidably injure fl,b or wildlife or their habitat. in lhal the proposed developmeUI 1$ not wUbh~ a preserve area of the Habllat t.faHg.emeat l'Jaa ud .b within a prnicnuly gn;adcd JIRL That !he discharie ofwasie ltom the subdivision will not n:snh in violation ofexfating California Regional WOJer Quality Control Board require.n:u:nlll. in lhat-ihe pioJeet hw tleen designed ID attonbutt wttb the Best Mlltt:tgfflmlt Practices for water ipnllry prolectio.o in. accordwice wiili dre Cil)''• sewer aod ~e stanifard, aa.d l1u project lS t-ondldoued to comply with the Natioaal PoUntioa nisdaarre Ellm.loation Sysle.m (NPDES) nquirtmellU. The Planning Commbsloo finds that the project. • oonditioned bcn:in, is in confonnuM with the Elements of !bi: C-~s ~~ml P~ Md Br~t ~i;ic;b M11$ter Plan based on lhe fKls tet .btb in lbc staff repon dated Sqi,tember 11. UIOJ iochiding, lnllnot llmiled IO the followlo£: a.. Land Use -The project is consistent with the City's GCllCTal Plan lUld Bressi Ru.cb Mastu Plan siucc 1hc propo-sed density of 17.6 du/acre is wi.tbui !he •nsity 1angt of IS • 23 du/acre 1p«:ified fut 1hc silc as indicaled 011 the Land Uae Eki:ruml. of the Ge...ll~r.t! Pl~ and the Bressi Ranch Mauer Plan as wen as aot cxceedla& lllc-nmbu ol wdb pennilted b)' lht Bressi Ranch Master Piao. b. Holl$Ulg -Tile project bi cou.sistea.i wlih the Bowtoe Eiemeut of &he Geuer..l Plan, lbe lnchnlonary llouslrlg Ordlna.oce, and die Bressi Raocb Master Plau as lhe developer b rcq1.1lrcd lo coastruct a!fordabk 11.ollST.Q# uul~ o,usbtent with the laleial AJl"ordublc Hou,la.g Ague.meot approved: for tbe 8rnsl RaDclt M~ittr Plan. Tbe :Bressi Ranch Affordable Bou$lng project wm satisfy the Ulebi,iwial}' housiq rcquirnueat tor l;hb project. c. Open Space awl CWlSCIViWon -Tht Open Space Fres'"rve Are::as are ldentfficd .. the Cfty•s Habllal M11uagement Pla■, cudfied Elll 98,.()4, ud Bn:nl Rao.ch Mllliter Plata. Tbe proJC\'t wm not bnpact the designated opm sp3ce nd wW provide 111uter plau lnlls and coueetlous to the adJacCJ1t •~bnrboods as ldeDtttled fn the-mater plan. 4. Public S.i.fecy -The proJect lndudes fire sprinklers n, ndua Dre hazards to •• acceptable levt_l. PC R.ESO NO. 5463 £11ginming Croeral 25. Prior to baulin:; dirt or c~tion matmal'~ 10 or ft-om imy proposed construction site -..ithin this: project, Developer shul :wl:, for md obtain a_pproval from, the City Engineer lor the proposed haul route. 26. Prior to issuance of any building pcmtit. Developer shall wmply with Che requ!remeiits or lhc City's anti-graffiti program for "all treatments if and when such a pmera,m is fomi~ established by tbr; City. 27 Developer shall provide to the City Enp!e1:r, an acceptable means, CC&lu 1111.d/or olher retord,.d dtlcl.Wle11t. Cot malnrain.ing the private easements within the subdivision and 1111 lbc printe impr11vemcnl$! tttcets. sidewalks. street lipts, parkway5 abd ttreet tTtt,$, storm drain and w~r quality treatment facilities locned lhetein. md to dituibutr; ~ costs of web maintenance in an equitable manner among the owners of 1be pooprnles within the subdiYision. 28. There shall be IIDC' Final Map raconled. fi>r this projecL 29. Oevc.loper aha.I] install sight diswicc conidon; (sec befow for t)'pes) al aft ~t intersections In accordance with Engineering Standards and shall r=oid the followmg ,tatemeut on the Fmal Map (and in the CC&lts). J:mtl "No IQUCture,. fence, wall, irce, 5bnw, si,jpl, or olhtr object over 30 inches atiovc 1he ::tree! level maybe placed or permitted to encroach w:ithin the area identified as a.sight distance sonidor in accordance with City Standard Plll>Jk Strect•Design Criteria, Section !.B.3. The underlying property owner shall maimain this conditi0Jl. • . I!:ntl! . "NG t;lructure, fence, wnll, tree, sbrab, sign, OI" other object lhall be placed or perinl1ted oa die subjeci: property wilhbl die Caltraos corner sf&ht distance corrldors. No obstructions shall Impede ■or conflict witlt, lJ1e llne-o!•sJ&ht whlch is established per C'"rty Stau.dard Pubttc Slrert•Derlgn Criteria, Section S.8.1. T•e sight i11e Is depicted oo the ceatatlve map. The wu:lulyin; pro pert)' owner alwD maintafu lb1li coqi,Jtfon. • Tbc limits of these sight distanee corridors shall be roilccted DP any improvi:wcw., pading. oi landscape plan pJCpared in assoeiation with lhis dcvelopzncm.. feeslAgreemeors JO. Prior 10 approval of any grading or building permits for Ibis project, Developer ma.II QUSe Owner to jive wdnen consent to the City Engineer to thr; anncxatioo oithc area. lhown within lbe boundariel of !he subdivision into lhc Wlm&: City of Carlsbad: Street PC"Rf.~01'110 'Wlil •10- PASSED, Al'PROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of lhc Plannino: Commissi<>n of the City of Carlsbad, California, held oo the 17th day ofScpie~er 1003, b)I the tollowi11g vote, to wit: NOES: ABSENT:; ~cnon Baker, Comrotssioners [)Qminguez, HeinemMi, Montgomery. Segall, White. md Wllitto11 ..... ABSTAIN: No.Ile C~ PLANNING COMMlSSION A'ITl::St: MlCHAELJ.H PlanniDZ Director 12. 14 IS 16, 17, t. Circulai:ion -The cJrculafloo lifSlem is d~si~ued lo provide adequate llicrtSS 10 die proposed lo1s and complies wilh •U 11.pplicablc City desigo 51alldaids and dt.e Bressi R.ancb M11s1er Plan. The projecl is consistent with the City-Wide Facili1ics and lmprovcmcn1s Phm, lhe Local P'.cililies MaIJaseine(lt Pla.n for Zone 17 and all Cily pub!!c ~ility potlcics and cnfiuanccs. The pioje-ct iw:ludcs elemeuis w has been conditioned IO (QQ$trUct or provide funding to ensure that all facilities and improvrn1ents regarding: ,ewcrcollc:ction and u-~atrn=l; wa1er; draina,&t; cin;ulatiou; fuc; scliools; parks itld orher recreallonal facilities; libru-ies; government administrative facililies; and opert space, reb1cd. io tbe- pmject will be Installed lo serve n~ developmerir prior lo or concum:m wilh need. SpedJkally, a. The project has bc~n conditioned to provid~ proof from Ilic Carlsbad Unified School Distric1 that the project bas satisfied its OOligati.on for school facilities. b. Park-iu-lieu li:cs an: required by Carl:.b-a.l MU11icipal Cod~ ClwplCJ '°·44, ud will be collected _prior to issuance ofbuilding permit. c. The Pub lie Facility fee is required 10 be paid by Council Policy No. 17 and will be collected prior to th.e is.'iwmcc ofbuil~ pmnil. The project bas been eonditioncd 10 pay any increase in public facility fee, or_lN:IW eons1ruetion tax, or development fee.s, Bild has agreed io abide by ID,)' llddllio.l!IM requirements established by a Loeat Facilities Management Plan prepared pulSll~t lo ~ler 21.90 of the Carlsbad Muni.ci.pal Co~k Thb will CllSIITTl continued avaftabitityof public UCilitiC$ a.mi will mitigate any cumulative llnpacls aeatcd by the project This project has been ennditioned !O comply with any_ requirement approved as part of the Local Fa.:ilitie.s.h1a.nagernenl Plan fo1 Zone 17. That all necessary public facilities iequircd by th" Gwwth MWJagemcnt Oidiiiance will be cons!ructed or are gwnntced 10 be constructed concummtly with the need for lbcm ~ed by ibis project and in compliance wilh adop1i.;d City standards., in thal lbe proJet:t 6s being _prnpt>stcl and wlll be buplementtd consiuent with lhe rcquircmtab: of &be Bressi Rlwch J\,Wter Pbn and Zoue 17 Loni Faclll!k~ MM>1~eme11t Pfaa. The project is comistent wilh Ille Comprehensivi.: Land Use Plan (Ct.UP) for Ole McCle!lan-!"alomar Airport, dated A:pril 1994, in that as conditioned the applicaot shall •ord a notice concerning aim-aft DObe. 1he project is Cl.lwp.itlble wUh the projected noise levels of the CU.IP; utd, based on the noise/land use compatibility inatrix ofthe- CLUP. lhc proposed land use is compa!lble with tilt aliport. in that ttie projm Is net wflbin noise eODlours greater than 60 CNEL as created by aJ,port operadoas. The Pl..nning Director has dc!ennined th.al: lhe project is. a sttbsequent activity oft he Brfszl Ran.ch Muster Pl:w ior w~ a program E[R was prepared, and a notice for lhe aci.ivity has been jlvm. which PC: RF.SO NO. 5463 31'. "· Lia)iting and Landscaping District No. I and/or 10 abe fo,-matioii. or a11oexatio.n iato aa IMldiiioaal Stred Li.f;btini aod Laadscapio~ OMrlct. Safd written c-onSFtrt sh11ff be • a form provided by tile City E•gtnecr. Prior to 1J1e issu81lce_ of I grading pt'fll\i1 oJr building permit, whichever occurs fust, Dcvclopcr shall submit 10 the City ~cer prnof tha1 a Notice of Intention for lhe start of work bas been submiued lo I.he Stale Wa.er Resources Control Board. Based up()n a r,;:vic,,w of th.e pr0<poscd grading and th" grading quantities shown cm lhe Tentative Map, a grading permit for this project is required. Developer shall apply ror and ebta.ini!Pingpermitfrmn the CityErtgineer ' pedi~atfonsflrnprovemenls 33, "· "· DeveLopi:r swill cause OWller to make; an imwocai>k vlftr of dedication to the City and/or other appropriate entities fur all public stretls aud 111ht:r eascmClll.i shown on lh.e Tentative Map. The ofl'er shllll be n:111.de by a cerrificale on the final map mdJor by sepmte documem. AJI land w offered $hall be offered UCe and clear of all liens and . .OCIIIllimmces aod wl1hot11 cost. Streets. that aiready public: arc not required to be redcdica1ed . Additional dr,,.lllage cuemenl.5 ma)' De re-quired. D~vtloper shall dedicate and pmvide or insta11 drainage strncrures, as may be re-quired by lhe City Euginea, prior to or con.cw wit with any grading or bui.Jdingpenntt. Devefop.,--r shall ex:ec.ute and recOffl a Cit)' standard. Subdivision Irnprove!°eot Agreement lo install and 11ecure with appropriate security as provided by law, public improvements &town on !be Tentative Map and lbe folloWUlg improveml:Jlts including.. b~ not llm!ted IO paving. blllie, sjgo.in_g and stri,piD~ sic:few~ks, c_urbs and ~ers, medians, grading, clearing and grubbing, uadcrgrounding oc rclocauou of facilities, sewer, water, fire bydranl.s, slit.el ~ts, water quatlty treatment fodlltltt and reclaimed water, io City Standanh u, the sari11facti0ll ofihc: Ciiy Eupneer. The improvemeDtS are: •> b) 011slte lwprovemenl!I locludl.ni,: but uot Hmlled to Hffff, water, nqded water, tlorm drain, water quality trwmeiit f&cilitks. 1treet!! lllUI alleys ,u showu ou tile Tentative Map. ' fro11t11gec bu_prnvemeots of the Masler Te111allvc Map (Cl' 00-06) Jacluding but uot lunlle11 to: Pnlomar Alr~t1 Road, "ti Camino Real, IE.I Fuerte Ro:ad, and infrastructure u sbowa ou DWG 400-8, C, E, G, R. I, aad 400.-3-J to, the ntbfactlon of the Clly Ea.gineer, Tbue &.provcmeuu shall either be COJIJ;kucted in adva.Dc~ of development permits or secured by tbb project if Uley an qot yet complete. At lhe tune of Dnal dcsJp for thha pi-oj,;ct, die s«11rlty Dlll1 be waived If then dn:ulatloo and 11tlUt)' Ull_provemeau have been ln~liDtd to tbe pfufactioa or the Clly Eni!oeer. PC RP$0 NO ~4ri1 ·''- PRamerDFSIGN CoNSULTANTS 1'1ANN!m • ~-= • l!NJl!.~ • SIIIM!YIGl'S 701 B Strec~ Suite 800, San Diei:o, CA 92101 619-235-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 ---YU, SlflWlS, 11-c.t. 42951 DAlE 11£GIS1RATION }-&,:~ ~ DPlR£S 03-31-06 4/-ll~'f DESIGNED BY: PE/All PM R<',IEW, 6G indudes statemen1s lhal Ibis activil)' is withi□ lhe scope of lhe pro~am approved .-tier, and ibal the program E1R adequately fflcribcs the activity fur lhe pa,:poxs of CE QA); [1Sl6S{c)(2) and (e)J; b. Ibis p1oject _;., «msiS'elll with thr; Ma$!er Plan cited ab11vc; c. EIR 9i--U4 was ccnified in connection with the prlor Master Plan; d. lbc project has no new siinffic.am environmental i:!r,:ct no, aualy-..:~d as sijlliiicaw. in the prior EIR;. a.. ■one of the circumstances requlrins a Subsequen1 EIR ◊r a S11ppkmenlaJ ElR. vudcr CEQA Ouideliues Secicws 15162 or 15163 exist; and f. AU mitigalion measures contained in die adopted Mi1igation Monitoring and ~orting Prn,s;mn ft-om Ent 93-04 appli~k lo !ht; proposed Plan.nmi Arc.a ,rojecu: bavr; been completed,. iaco.cporated into !he project design or arc required • condirjom of approvaJ for the project II. lha1 lhe project b consislCJlt with die. City's Landmpe Manual (Cachbad Municipal Code Section 1-4,28.020 and Landscape Manual Section IB). 19. ~ Comro..i:.sio11 bas reviewed eac.h of the euction.s imposed OA lhe Developer IIOAllincd in. Ibis ICSOlution,. md hen:by finds,. in dlis ,;ase, 1hat the exactions arc: imposed IO mitipte impacts caused t,y or re~o~?y rela!td 10 the pl\'.Uccl, au.d lbe cx.tmt. 811d the fc&ree of1he enctkm is in. ,11ugb proportionalily to tbe impact caused by the project. Cpttdltion,, Note: Unles.s ~isc specified herein, aU conditions shall be A1lislicd prior lo Utie recordalloo of a final map or ts.suanc:e ofa Jnu!fo~ permit, wblc:bever occ:un: Dnf. I. If aoy c>f tbc foilowing conditions fail tc oceur, or if Ibey arc, by lhetr u:rms, to be implemented 111d maintained over tJTM, If acy of such co.13ditioos nut to be ao implemtnJcd and mainiained accw-diog 10 dieir temu;, lhe City shall ha.ve die right II) ,nolce or IIH1dify all approvals herein granted:; deny or fiznher condition issuance of an Mure bl,llJ®JS pemiits; di:m,y, revoke or ~ cowlition all ccttilic.ate:. of occupancy iuucd under ahe authority of approvals hcma granted; instiru1c and prosecute litigation 10 tompel their eomp!ianc:e with said conditio01 or seek damages for tbeiJ" violation. No vested fl&bts are pined by Developer or a iUCCessor in io1erest by the City's approval of ~s TutaUve Tract Map. · 1. Staff is authorued and directed 10 make, orrcqu.ire I.he Developer 10 make, all conections and modification~ to !be Tea.tnllve Tnct Map documimts, as nccessaiy IO make them internally cons.is1ent and in conionnity with the final action on lhe project. Development shall occur subsiantially as shown Oil the il)proved Exl:u"bits. Any proposed development 4ilfetc:nt fi"ow lb.is approval, lhaU require an amendment to Ulis ap:provaJ. PC RESO NO. S463 c) Tbat portion of Gateway Road 600' wu.t of El Fuerte as showia oa OWG 400-SB AM ID 119~ the frontage of lot S. 41) hlniellta La:ttt: to be fully improved 'betw«D El C•miao Rcai and lldrost: Drive as ahowu on DWG 397-ll .o.nd 1K. •) buia:u aad construct a PW fully acw.ated traffic sipa) at ihc- 111.teneedon of Gatmay Road and Village Greea Drive. l>c-velopcr aiikiow1cdees lbe •tces.!!h)' or tllb sJ.&n&I Is to save onfy thb project •d Dev.Joper wW bear all coats associated wltb the duip and consmictloa of lhb sfgoal, If worraots Me nttt. The 1lgnal sball be lilterco.nn«Jtd with a4Jaceut u&nals to fai.DUt1te $f.ionl coorpt1J11,tfon. Developer sbull _post secarlty for the design and ,;onstr-uctlon of snld imprnYemCDts. fbe A&J"eemeol lhall be kept 1u Wee and ,ecurit)" kept valid for a perlod of5--)'ear~ .ncr the lut buBd.i.Dg permit hu been lssu.ed within this lkwelopmeut. Tbe trumc IJ&nal lhaD be 1Dsl£1Ued only when written approval ts reRlnd by 6.e City &.glaur. A 1w of the above shall be placed on an adwtio,ual IDllP sheet 011 the Fioa1 M.ap per the lffllvisio~ ofSectiotlS 66434.2 of the Subdivision Map AcL Improvements listed above lhall be i;:onstruclcd wilhio. lS-moillhs or approva! of the subdivision or development improvement agreement or IUCb other lime u prvvided in said ~eim:oi. J6, frior to ot:cupancy, Develupcr shall iDstaJI stn:ellipts alo1~ alt publk lllld private street hnup abuning and/or within 1be subdivuion io confonnance with Cily of Carlsbad Slandal:ds. J7. Prior to oci;upancy, Developer shall install sidewalks a.long all public streets ahuttlllS the IUbdlvisio,11. in coafon:nance with City of Carlsbad S1.andards. 18. Prior to 11ccupiwcy, Developer shall Ulslall wheelcbait ramps at lhe public street comers llnitti.as the subdivision UI eonfomwu:e with City 11fCarlshad Stand.al&. SQ. Prior to buildiog pm-nil or ciading pennil ·issuauce, whicbev7r oi;:curs filst, Developer ,hall have desigo, apply for and obtain approval of lhe City Engineer,. for the structural 111:tion for the &Q;CSS aWes wilh a b:affic index ofS.O Ul aecordllnce witb City Standards 4ae io au.ck access 1hrough the pamng area and/or ais]Q; with an ADT p:;a1Cr than 500. the ttruc;lu!al p11vcnwll dcsi.iu of lhc aisk wim sbaU be snbmined together wi1b ,equued R•value wil test infomwfon and approved by lhe City Erwoecr as part o!tbc bulldini or sra4in.i: pJan review wtticbever octnrs first. 40. Developer shall cause Owna to waive direct aecess rights on the iinal map for all lots u Rowa GU the teab.Uve map and as approved b1 the City Enjlneer. 41. rrfor le, thte Jmm1c-e of eradln:; _permit oJ' building pmnlt, wblcbevcr occun r,nt, Developer ,ball submit for Cil)' iq,pnval a "'Slorw Water PolhJJlon Prevendon Plau PC RESO NO. 5463 -12-- "AS BUILT'' , . S. T, Developer shall comply with all applicable provisions offed.era!, stare, and local laws and nplations iD etfcct at the lizne ofbuildin& peanit issuaacc. If any condition ro, construction or arJY ,put>ttc lmprcvemen1s or facilities. or the payment o!any fees in-lieu thereof, imposed by Ibis approval or imposed by law on thi, Project are dlallengcd. this apprnnl shall b6 &14peuded -IS pnn,idcd in Oovmnnent Code Section '6020. Jf any $11.ch wndition i-o W:lcrmioed to be lm"alid !his approval shall be invalid -1e5S the City Council dctem:ii11e5 that lhe project without lhe condition complies with an rc!JlriremenlS of law. Davdopcr/Operator shall and docs hereby agree to indemnify, proteei. defend and hold btmtess lhe City of Carlsbad, Its Councit membets, officers, emptoy.:es, aa;enu, an!! n:presen.tati.ves, fiom ao.d qajnst any and an JiaJ,,Tufos, loues,. dAmages, demands. claims , ad costs, ioclu.ding ccur1 costs and attorney's fees incurred by the City arisint, dirc-ctly DI' tndin:e!Jr, tom (a) Cit)-'s approval and issuance of !hi$ Ttttative Tratt ?ii.lap, (b) City's appmval or iasuance of any permit or action, wbclher diserctfonary or llOD~ 41hcretionary, in connection wi1!3 1he !IHI wuta,,pta,ed herein, and (c) Ocvelope,/OpcmitQl"'s ;nstall~tfon '11111 opmtion. oftbr; f'acilitypcnuiucd. hereby, inclwillla: without limitation, any and all liabilities arisin! from lhe emission by Che facility of tkocttomapeltc nelW 01 other mcri)' waves or eml~ions 'Ibis obli.¢ou $1UVlv=i Wltit Ill le.pl proc:ccdings have been concluded. md continues even iflbe City's approval is not ml~~4. Dcve!opermall submit to du: Ptanulng Director a reproducible 24" x: 36" mylar copy of tic Tentative TTaet Map rdlcccini thr conditions ap_piovcdby the fiwt1 dccisio.a~ ... ,. ~veloper shall .include, IS part of du: plans suhrnitled for aoy permit pla!l clu:ck, a INUCcd legible vcnion of all approving tcsolution(s) ia: a 2-4" x 36" blucline drawing -I. Tb.is approval is grnnted subject to lhe approval of MP J78(A) and CP IB--03 and is aabjecl to all conditions COJltaincd in Planmn& Commission R.esolulions No. 5-160 and 1465 for those othcr approvals incorpomted hemiD by refen:ncc. 9. Prior to lhc iauance of a bwldlng pc,mit, the Developer shall p,ovide pwof lo !be Director &om die Carlsbacl Unified Scl:,ool District that this projte1 bas satls6ed its cibliiation to provide school Cacilitics. 10. Tbis proje,;1 sbaD oomply w:llb all conl!itions-and m!Uiation measuTes which are required • part ofihc Zone 17 Loe,J F~iliti.es Managcmcnt Plan and any amendments made to 11m PIM prior to the Issuance Qfbullcluig pennits. 11. ISm!Jjin,s permits will not be Issued for this project unless the local agellCy pnwiding waacr and sewer services 1o die. projee1 provides writteD GC!Ufication to the Chy lhat .tcqHate WDter service and sewer facilities, respectively, are rnri.lable IO tbe project at the lime of the application tor !he ~ penni.t. and lha1 water and uwcr ~atlty and fC RESO NO. 5463 (SWl'PP}." The SwPPP •haD be W. compliance with cnrrent requirements and trovuious atabllshtd by the Sao Diqo llt&ioa of lh.e Ca.llfo.rnia Jlt&ional Water QliaHly Control Board and City of C•rlsbad RtqalrtlltffllS. Tke SWPPl' Hall ddre.ss mosnns 10 rei!u.u to lhe mnxtmum ffhnt practfuble Jt<1rm wlJfer pelluaant rHoU duriA&: coa,trudion of tlte project.. Al • .ialmum. die SWPPP lllall: ., loclude all coale..t:lt as established by lbe California lleiional Water Quality Control BDflrd rcquiremeau; ._ Include clie receipl of '"Notice of Iate.a.t'" iuued by ahe Califonilia Rqpoaal Water Quality poatrol Board; , c. Recommend source coatrol aad treamieat eoatr11I Best frbaa;emeot Pn,ctfccs (BMPs) that -.,01 be implemented with Uib pnject IO aYOld coatlld w m1cr Hid poDuflrnb from storm wa•er f(I, die DUiJ"1ii11iiQ e:tltilt _pra1:.d¢able INfore ducharr;ini: to City ri&ht-of.way or .11atunl draf.a.ace courn; ud. d. Establish specific procedures for lum~ spDb aad roudllle clea.a. Dp, Special eonsldtratiom and ettor1 •ha-JI be -,plied IO employee edueadou OD llae proper procedum for ltan!Slln: cle:ui u, 1Ut4 llls,po~ial ofpottubUlb. 42. Ptior to tbe hsunnce of 1radlnC permit OT butldlng pernrlf, whichever rm:un fint, Daveloper llaaR 111bmit foJ" City approval .a -ston.. Water Maal.ij.cmenl Pia.a (15WMP)!' The SWM.P tllall demnstntc compliance wlCb tbe City of Cubbad lui.n.d,ud Urban Storm water Mltfeallon P1a.n (SUSMl'), Order mun Issued by •e Sao Dk!go Reg.ioa of Che CalttorDia Rei:loaal Wa&er Q11alily COAlrol Board. aaad City of Carb:bad Muolclpa1 Code. Tbe SWMP shall address mt'Unrcs to avoid ..,,acl or mter sald pollubwts from sto,m willer, to the maxiDlUID aleul prm:tfcable, tor the post-coastructloo mge of &be pniject. At a minimum. the aWMPsball: L lde.a.li!y ulsli~ uod poS1-devtlop1utut oaHhe po1lut11lts-or~o1;1ccru; It. Identify the hydrolo,efc unit tbls project contributes to a.nd fmpnlred water ltodles tlaat could. be lmpacte:d by tbb project; c. &eCllllUIIC.!ld sou.rce coatrols u4 trCW!ltllt conn-oh that wm be .lmpftmrl!t~d wftb this project 10 aYOld etmtact or filter ,aid pollutaJtts from 11orm water kl lb.e mulm.tuil e.1:ltat practt.:abte before 41:.cluif"i1ne to City rl,&:bt-of8 war, cl. Elitabllsb specU!c procedures for hand6ug spills and rootfoe dean •P· lpeclal cw:asideratio.as and e.fl"ort shall be applied lo ruidenl td11talfon OD die proper procedures for b■ndling clna •P ud dbposal ofpolhttaabj. e.. l:asurc loai=--tenn malntei.aace ofaU pMt c:oattnu:t BMPs iD perpetuity; and PC RESO NO, S46J 1 Pu/. facilities will continuc to be available until the time of oc:cttptlflcy. A IID1C to lhis effect ilbal1 be placed on lhc Fmal~. 12. The t)evelopi:r shall implement a».d comply wlll 111 applicable mfli£alion measu.es 19q_ui,ed by thr; Ml&igario.o Monitoring and Reponiog Program certified with lhe FIDa.l Pn>pm EIR. for the BresS'I Raneti Master Plan -l:IR 98--04, as conufned fn ~ Cornmissioo Resolntioa No • .521U, 13. Prior to the approval of the ftiiat lllap fbr any phase of this proJ«:t. or where a Dlap fs not king pmceued, prior lo lhe: issu.ancc of bu.itding pe.n:oit5 Cor any lots or units, lbc Devdoper sball enter into an Aff'ordable Housing Agreement with the City a.s required by die "'wltial Affordable BouW& A&rccment lmpoilq Restrlcdon oa Real Propert.f" htweea the City efCarltbad Nd Lt-■..-BRW Raacb Vtohtre, LLC to provide and ~ ~!net JOO dweffip,a Wli1$ M ~ord~t,!e 10 lowg-iJl«ime hoUliebtl1& for IS .)'t.!Pi, i~ acc:ordance wilh lbe Rquimucnts and. proce:sa $Cl forth ill t1lapter UBS of the Carkbad Mlllliei_pal Code. The draft Affordable Housing Agc:e:ment shall be subnuned lo lhc- ~ Dlrtaor liO lattt lha.n 60 dlij'!I prlor lo lhe request to Jiwu lbe IllllP· U.e -=onlod. Aflordable HoUlin.J ~1 tball be binding on .U future OWllCrS and" IUCCCSSOTS hJ iuter§t. 14. lbc Developer-lhaJI constrnct lhc required inclusionary units concurrent with die ,roject~, malkel rate units, Wllus bclh lhe final d«.isionmalcill£ authorltyoflhe C°lty and Ille DovoJoper ape within an Affonlable Housing ApcmeD1 to ■a.itematc schedule for , ~o,pme:rrt. U. The Developer shall submit and obt:Un Plumiog Director approval ofa Pinal Landscape .nO lrrl.&a"dou Plan sbowlJij: confbnnance with !be aJ!proved Prdimiruu;f Landsca_p~ Plau lad lbc City's Laod5capc Manual. The, Developer sbaU comtiuct uad iostaU all lamheapiag u shown on the ·appnn-ed Final Plans, llffll maintain all ~ in • ~ aw! !hrlYUl,i: cow1ilio.o. ftee !row. weeds;l:Wh. d debrls. 16. ne Developer shall establish a hw11cowt1C1'i. assodation and .. o..espondhl.,. co•enanrs, conditions and R5triclinns. Said CC&Rs shall be submWed lo BIid apprnvecl by &he Planning: Director prior 1G 6na1 map-approval. T1ls CC&Rs tball ldoquatcly addrcsl matnte-n.mce of an common lan.;lsc11-Jlcd mas (lnc;fuduiz laadscas,lni wflhin parkins aus} and paved parking arcu. Prior ao iasuaalcc of a Cerdflc,ite of O,eupa.gcy Dffelope. shall provide die Planning Departme.at wilb a recorded copy of lhe official CC&.B. • lbat have beCD ~roved by !he depllrtwent of &id Estate 11w1 tll& ~ Director. At a minimum, 1H CC&Rs shall contain t)R; following provisions: L General Enfon;emcml by the C'µy. Tbc C"d)' sbalJ bave Ibo rigbt, bl&I DDI lbc tbli.gatfon. IO cn!btce those Protective Coveualfts se1 forth iD the Declaration in favor o,t o.r iD which lhc C-uy bas an inteiest. Notjce and Amendment· A copy of aey pniposcd illlleJldment sh.all be provided 10 lbc City in advauc:c. If lhe pioposed amendment affects tbe City, Cily shall bave ~ dpt to diupprove. A '°PY of the Jlna1 approveij amclli1ml:Ilt wll be transmitted ro the City within 30 days for she official record. PC Rf~,;;o NO. 5461 t Identify", how po:st~devtlo,pmenl runoff rates and •elo~ities rrom lbe sile Will aot: utted lite prHcYelopmeat nuaoJf rate3, and vcloclUes lo the mffil'rililll Ulmf JIT.UTkable. flpalM2pNotn 4], No1e(s) lo the fo]JoWln& eff"ect(s) shall be placed on the map a:s non--mapping data: L .. lhdlding pennits will not be issued for development o(lhe _s~~ject proP:'lf unless ll)e: ippropriate ~ency 4ctl:lllllnes lbat $ewer and~ fac11ittcs are ffJ.llable. Oeotecbnical Caution: ne owner of Ibis prcpeny on behalf ofitselt and an of ilS ,succcswrs in lotciest Im agreed to bold harmless and indemnify Ilic City o( Carlsbad from u.y action Chat nay arise lbrouih any s.eotoglcat ftlill.D.'C, ground Waler seepage or land tu.bsidencc and subsequent damage 11w mll.Y occw-OJlo or a4lac1:.111 to. 11w: tubdiYision due 10 its cc,QSIIUCUOII, operation or ~tenam:1:1. No swcture, feace, wall, in::e, shrub. llJPI, or IJther object over 30 in(;hes ahove die llrffl I~ DJa.)' be placed or pennitted to eoc:roacb. within. tbe area identified • light dislancc con:idw:s. Tbe C-ity may cawe a rec0Df1:v.nd1.1u of l,4,~ 4 -.d 3 lbrougfl review and procemug of devclopmeat ■PPUcatfons oa Lots 4 or S. Seetilll Condirloni 45, 46, Tbe Avua&:e Dally Tripi (ADTJ a11d floor orea c:ootalned in die lbfl' nport ud lbO'lfll oa tlae Tentative Map are for plaDDin:; purposes only. Developer sbaD pay ltallic imp.ad and scwu IIP.._pact rees bas:ed on Section l8A2 and Sec:tloa 13.10 of &lie Ch)' of Carlsbad MuDJclpal Code.. mpectlvely. l'Ii.01" to appi11vll oCiu:ij,rovemcnt plans or final map, Developer shall meet with 1he Fn Mmbal to detcrwinc if fire proteclioll meulU'CS (fire nows. fire hywazit locations. ~ spdnk!~) are rcqnfred lo serve dte project. fire hydrants, if proposed, shall be eaasidcred pub1ii;: improvancnts aud shall be IClVCd by public W1IW RWllS tc 1he uJk!actloD oC1be District En&ineer. The D~lopcr &ball design and COIIStnlct public facilities wilhin public rigb1--of..w.a.y or withiu. minin:nwi 20-fcel wide easements granted 1o lhe DiS"triet: er !he City of Carlsbad. Ju the discrctioD of \be I>iltric.t £n&iaccr, wider eucmmts ma)' be ~111red tor adequa1e mafoteuaoce., access andfor joint utility pwposcs. 47. Prior to issuance, 0f~ildi11g pemrits, Developer shall pay all fees. dcpos.its:, awl char&es l>r connc;clion to public A¢11ities. Developer shall pay the S:an piego County Water Apthority capacity chm::srul prior lo iauaau ofBuildinj: Pcmii.ts. PCRESONO.S463 •14- CITY . OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 5463 BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING EXPIRES 12-31-051 OAt£ . DA l ~ INITIAL DA lE INITIAL DA lE INITIAL OWN BY: CHKD BY-,-<&;+,.,..,.,~, PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO, 1 __ 1 415-3C JJ INSPECTOJY I DATE ~NGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHER APPROVAi CllY APPROVAL RVWD BY: C¥l CT 03-03 J.N. 24JB.00 . ..a. .i:,. 0 -..a. U'1 C :e C) ~ ..... CJ1 I (,.) 0 ~ ! PLANNING CO~fMlSSION RESOLUTION NO. 54155 A ltESOLUTION OF TIIE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE Cl'l'Y OF CARLSBAI>, CALlFORNIA. R:ECOl'l:!MENDING APPROVAL OF CONOOMINilJM PERMIT CP 03..()3. 'IO ALLOW FOR nm DEVELOPMENT OF 100 INDiv'IDUAL OWNERSHIP AFFORDABLE CONDOMINIUMS ON f'ROPERTY LOCATED soum OF PALOMAR AIRPORT lkOAD, EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL, WEST OF THE F1JTURE EXTENSION EL FUERTE. STREET AND NORTI-J OF THE fU1'UP.E iXttNSlON OF POINSETI1A LANE rn LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ZONE 17. CASE NAME: 89.ESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING CASE N_Q.: Cf 0};03 · WHERE.AS, Bnui GardeD Lane LLC, "Developer and Owner, .. bu tiled: a Wlffl~ ;uiptirntion wllh lhe Cily of Carlsbad n:gardiog property described as: hl11ot1 of Lot 1S of C~ Tr.aet No. 00--Uoi, ID die City of • Carkb•d. Cou•ty or~ DJeeo, State of C•W',;,rula.. RCC'1.rdl.il,e to map thcr~or 14600 fflro hi the olfu:e oftbe Couaty Recorder llay%9,2{103 (°'lhe Property"); and WHEREAS, said verified appfication cmiSliMc,s a request for a Coodomini•w Permit as sboWD o;r, &lu"biw "AHL 1-1" aad ~AHA 1-S" dated SerteDJl:H=r 11, 1003, on file in • Pwuiing Ot:p.wuent, BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUS]NG ~ er o~o, ~ provM<:d b)' Cb,Wle.r 21.4S oflhe Carlsbad Muaic.ipal Code; and WHEREAS, lhe 'P1annin& Commiuion did. on the 11th day of September 2003, loJd a duly noticed public hearing as prncn'bed by law .o "'1lSidec said reque5t; md WHEREAS, at said publk beariD,g. UJK'.O. hi::ariD& and considering all lc$Qt.nOl,ly md arsvments. if vty. of~ desiring to be heard, $aid Commi~iot1 co~eicl .all factcxs Nlating lo the Condominium Permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the-Planning C"-J'HnmiMi"'n o!lb.e City-oICarlshid as followi,;; 19 •. 20. 21. 22. 23. actions andfor to p'Ul"Sue lien foreciowcc pioccdwu apinsl any Owilcr and lii&1hez mpcclivc Lot ilr pmp,oses r,f coltecting such spttfa:J ~Tit in IIXOl'dancewil!i ~proc¢d.u.n:s a:t wrt1i ~ Azticle ___ .Cdu,i; D«l.antion.. e. Landscape Maintgw.cc Responsibilities. The: HOAs and individual lot or nnit ...-n« landscape maintenance rcsponslbilitie$ shall bi; ~ct Corth in Exhibit __ _ Developer shall pay lhc citywide Public Fac.ilities Fee imposed by City Council Policy 117, the License Tax ou new co.c.struction impo:;c:d by Carlsbad Municipal Code ~on J,09.QJO. and CFD fl apccial la;( (if applicable), subJm to any ~iii authorized by Carlsbad Municipal Code Section S.09.040. DewlQper shall als0 pay any applicible l.oC-11I Facilldes M&£laiemen\ Ptan fee for Zoll.e 17, punuant to Cbapkl" 21.90-All such luc:s1l"ecs shall be paid at issuance of building pemrlt. lftbe taxe&'ftts an-not paid, ~ approval will 1101 be eomistent with 1h¢ General Plan and shall become \laid U sal&lfaction of tllc ICbool facility requirement invc>lve, a Mdlo-ltoo.s Cornmu.uity f.cilities Districi or othey tin:uicin& mccltanism whieb P. ~ii,;teut with City Council Policy No. 38, by allowing a pass--lhrougb of the taxes or fees to individua! home bu.yen;, tlltll in addition to any O'lher disclosure: requittd b)' law or Council policy, the Develop« ~ 4isclose to filJwe ownm ill the project. IO the mlXimom extend possible, the aiatencc o!lbi:: tu: or fee, and lhaJ the school district is the~ a.pu:y M:p<>Wlibk liir Ille ftnimcfu.11: mechanism. 1be fonn of .notice i& illbjt:1:1 to the approval oftbc Plaoning Duecto,-md shall at lcasl include a b.adour llll.d a sign inside the sales laeility staling the kt ,of a potentful pas:..through of fees -or tue5 cx.isu awl whci:e ,;oiopletc WOtmatiou rqar~ tho~e fees or laXCS ClUl he oblaio.cd. The Dcvelo.per $hall display a CW'relll Zoniog and Land Use Map, or m altemative, auhablc to lhe Planning t:>ircc1or, in the sales office at all times. All sales mas,s !bat W; tlistn'bukd or macfc avalfable to lhi., pub!ic shall iDclu.dc but oot be wnited lO trails, NtUR -md existmgsc:hools, parks lllldstRCts. 1be Developer sbaJI post a sign i.i the illles: office= in a prominent Joc:ation that cfisclcses which speiml districts and school district provide sen-foe to 1he project. Said sign. :shalt rcma1n po.tcd ww1 ALL o! die uciJS are 50ld. Prior to die issllanee ofbllilding permits, ~ Deve:IQJler ih'1l1 p1cpare: awl RCoro. a Notice &al dil:. p,cpcrty ii aub,jei;I. to ovcrllight, sight ad .ollDd or llirmd\ opeTiding from McC!dlan-Palomar Ailpo1t,. £n a form meeting the approval: otthe Phu:ww.& Direc:t.ir md lbe Cib' Attomey (see Noise form 112. oa file in the Plai:uuog lxpartment). the Dculopcr shall post aimatt Misc no!.lftc.ation signs ia aD sales and/or reruaI office:. ,iasoclilled wu:b the new development. the number and locations of said signs shall be appro'ied by the Planning Director (see Noise 1onn Bl Oil Ille W !he Plaiuullg Department). Prior 11) U"ie i~illln(:C ofbuildlni;pencils, the Devel aper shall prepm:: and~ a Notice lbal this prop~ may be aubject to noose impacts from Et CamJno RHI, Palomar A.Jrport ltoad, RDd El Fuel1e SI rte! in a Conn meeting the spprovsl of lhc Plaawii,g Din:ctor and City Anomey{5ee Noise Form ,n co file in the Plmnin; Dcpa.nme-nt). G)DS!dued public improvcm~nts and mall be 5C:.Ved by public waier lll~llli IO Ule aatisfaction of the Dis'trll'.:t f.o&ineer. 48. The Developer mall dcsizn and con:.truct public facililjc:5, within public right-or~w.iy or wfttw-minimum 20-feet wide easements pnted to the Disnict -or die Cit;t or Carlsbad.. N. \be-diKTCtion of the District .Eneineer, wider e,\$cmenu lllay be required l"or .adequate m:iiotena11i:.~ access and/orjoic.1 utility purposes. 49. frioc to issuance ofbuildiui, pi.mnits, Developer lhaJ1 pay all fees, deposits, and charses for c:omu:ctica to public facili1i~. Developer shalt pay the San Diego Coupty Water 6,uthorib' capatjtycharge(s) orior 10 issuam:1: of Building Pennits. ... ... S2. '3. ... "· 1bc Developer shall p~ a co1ored recycled water use map and submil thit; map for poce,siill_g atid approval by lhe Dwm:l &gioecr. A copy ftf dae approved nblblt sii.in '"°"11)iut)" tbe laiidicape, JmpnYfflleat and ft'lldlni pt~ns for rcfc.renct. TIie Developer shall design landscr.,r,e aud ~alion plau. utilizing recycled water ts a ~. S,aid pJails shall llesubmittc:d lo the satisfaction of the District ~m. The Developer Sh1Lrt im,1a1J ,pctablc water and recycled WztcT scrvices and ,ne1et's at a loulhw approved by lhc Disnict &Jsineer. The I01;111;ion.s of said ;ervices shall bl: Mkcted on public im_provemen.t Jlla.ns. ,,,,,,.,.- the, De.velopeT shJII install :.ewer laterals and clcan~1US at a loi:atioo appmved by-the Di:mict Exu;i.iee.r, The l~= of sewer laterals lhall be rdlected Oil 9ut,lic improvemeac plau. 1bc Develo,i.,cr shall ~ awl ODmtnii;t public Qter, sewer, IJld recycled water facilitie:. "'1istanrially as sbown on the Tentative Map tQ the siiri.sfuctiao oflhc Diwict E11iginccr . .Pmpoted public facilities shall be retlec1ed Oll.p\Wlic improvemeiit pJ;ms. 11ii& pn:,jecl i:. approved upon the express condition !hat building p,:miita will 001 ~ .-ued fur lhe devcto.Pment or Ifie subjtct p10perty, unl.C$s the District l:nginf:tt has ddcrrnined dial adequate: water amt ffl."tr ftcilities are available at the time of occupanC)'. A note to this <iff"ect $halt be pl~ild on the F'wal Map, u uon--mappi:lg data. S:6. Prior to Final Map .approval or issuance ofbuiWm.: penniu, whichever is Mt, the: entire patlble waler. recycled wate.r, and sewer system shall be evaluated in detail to ensUI"C tha.t adequate capacity, pres.mre. and Dow demands <:an be met to, the sirtisfaction of the District Eogincer. S7. nc Developer shall coordinate wilh the District Engineer regarding the looped water C)'S1em wide~ S8. Tbe Developer .sli.1111 submit a detailed sewer atudy, prepared: by a &gbtered l.neiaecr,. dlat llk:atiflu tile peak flows or the pro Jed., required pipe sizeii, di:pt,b of aow tu pipe, ve'loclr, iD the walo fio.e,, aad the np.adty or die nlstiDg ~re. Said. lhld)' Ula.II be submitted conci.:rreu.fl.Y 'ft'Uh. tli.e .lnipriH't.mtnl PC RESONO. :S4o5 • • A) Th?t the forc.&oin~ rc-citrniMS are uue and coo-ect. 8) 1ba1 based on the evid1.:ncc presented at lhe public beariug. the CoJlllllission R[COMM£NDS .4.PPkOVAL of BRESSJ RANCH AFFORDABLE.' BOUSlNG -·cp 03-03, based on the folk,wllli' ~ amt ~hjccl W the li&W»l,i: co.ndltions.: - - - l)~dlngs: I. That lbe proposed project compTics with all l\Pplicabk: development .standarw included wil1liu Chapter 21.45 of the Ca:i-lsbad Municipal Code. In tbat Ille preJecl ku been lia!sud 1<1 rt-fle,t Cii:y Couotil P-0lky Staremwl No. 66 Ri,ardhii U11abh 1 fl(clg.bb-Orbood$ and Cicy Coullci! Polley Slateme.at 44 naanllDI N.ef&b.borkood Ardiitecti&ral Dnl(!:D Cullielioes, to provide common recreation and open spaces, to ,rmde common rctre11tfon11I vel:llde nor~e, Allcl to, proride: a, l'ariel;)r GI' laolllilli «ul,&Ds. 2. 1Jaat: !he proposed projcd"s density, &ite design and ardlitecture-8fC COOlJJatible wtth turrollil!tin,s (IC;yc?opmeul, lll that die neJihborhoods of Bre55J llaw:b have bcc:a tlolped perclae lud use dhtribotion ,ho,m ID the Br-ml Ranch Mas.tu Plan when- act! n~f>Qrhood' cQTUpl!mci:11s the 11eit. J. lbl'wwin&: Dltector 1w ~ that: a. fie proje,::t is a subsequeot activity o!tbc Brtbl Ra.tu:b. Master P1a.u Tor which a INlf'aill ElR was prepaied,. and a aolice for tho activity has bcOD Pea. which lllcluck:s statements that this activity is within the scope of the program approved ~er. and that ttie prol1TWfl. EtR adequakly dewibes the activity Jut the ,w:poi.csofCEQA; (1Sl6S(c_)(2) and (e)); I,_' Ibis projcet is consistent with the Master Plm cited above; t. EIR 9B-fJ4 w;r; cllrtilied in ccµ,.euirm. with 1hc prior Master Pl.an; •-Ille project has no new significant environmental effect nor .ana?yzed as siznUkiillt la. Cle prior EIR;_ L aont: of the eircu:mstanees req11iring a Subseq11eut Em or a $1JP,pternenul l!IR ~ CEQA Guiddines Sectiom 15162 or-15163 exi&t; and C All mitigation measures conuUled in the adopted Mitiption M;otrltoring and l.qlortuli. l"w~ from Em. 9S:.(J4 ~plicable to lhc pl'-lposed Pta.anii;i.a: Area projcc:1$ liavc been completed, iocorpor:ated into the project dcsip or arc required a oonctitions ofapprovat for t?1c project. 4. The project is consistent with the City-Wide Faclri1ie.s and Im.ptovemems Pl;w.1he: Local Fa,cilitics Mauasement Pla.a for Zorie 17 mil a.II City public faeility policic:s and oalinanccs. The project includes dcmenu or has been QOl'li!ltioned Co COll!1rttct or pwvfd:e fttn~ to CllliUie that all facilities and lmproven:imti rcg.ardiog: sewcrcollcciion FCREON0.5465 25. ... Prior to the inuance ofbuildi11g pcn1Uts, Developer shaff submit 10 lfi.~ Cizy a Noti.ee of ~ to be filed in the office or the CoimtY Recorder, a.ubjccl IO ~ UU$fa.;tioo of 'lhc Plannini Director, llllti~ all interested parties and :SUCCC5$0U in iatcrest dual the City of Carlsbad has issued a Condornitlium Permit by Resolution No. :54'5 iNI lhe prop.my. Siti.d Notice of Res.1ricli.o11 shall note the propat.y description. loi:;atwn ofdu; file oonrainins: complete projec1 .detail:. and all comtiticns of IPPfOVd as ~I 15 aey conditions c,r rcstnc1icns .specified for lllclus.ion in the N'otice of lt¢SIJ1Ctl.0n.. 1be P1aruw:ig Director has lhe authority lo execute and record an amendment lo die aotiec, whieh modifies orteoninalcS ~d notice upon a showing of good cause by the Developer (If illGCCSSOf iJt .u:i.ten:st. . A greatf;T pen:ent:lie of J6 IJleh and 48 hieb box tpeclmeu U-et:S dlDIJ be prv\'1:ded lletweeo lh.e three protruding buildlag scctiooli tlla11 •J'e 1boW11 oa die eo11cept lucbeape plane: .Exhibits ABU through ABI.8, dated September J?, 2003. De .,.an1lty :ancl loe1"1tlot1 of the ~pedmen trtes :S"ban tit slowu 0-11 the fisl,111 Lu!h~ape ud Jni&•lio.n PIIUl subject to the 11pproval gftbe Plamaillg Director. ti!l!wl l7. 29. JO. "· Prior to hauling dirt or constructior, materfals to or from any proposed construction die wit1un this project, Dcvclo~ shall apply for and obtain approval iliom, the City Engineer b lbe proposed haul route. frim' to issuance of .my building pemiiL, Developer shall i;;omp)y with tbe reqWf'Ullcats of Ilic Ciry's anti-graffiti progr.un for wa!I treatments if and wtJen ~ a prosram ,~ . , imoally cstahlishi:d by th;; City. Developer shall provide 10 the City Ea~eer. ari acceptable ':°~s, CC&B;s ~d'ot" orb.er · nconfcd document,. for maintaining the private easements wtthin the subdiviSion and all the private improvemi.uls: stro;ts, sidewalks, street lights, parkway1 and ilreet keu, . 11mn drain arod water qa:ality tre:itment facilities located therein 111:1!1 tl'I distribute the COl1li {U iU'1a .mainteuaucc in an equiiable manner a1D01Ji the ownm of lhe properties wilbin the S:ubdivision. tlletesball be: one Final Map recorded for this project Dcvdopcr &hall install 5lgbt lfutwJce corridcis (:;:ee b=low for l)'pcs.) 11 all ~ bJtersectiOll$ in accordance with Engineering S1andards and ~tl record the f"ollowmg 1tatemcot on lbe Fwal Map (illld i..o. ilit.: CC&.Rs). ~ll\lcture. feDC¢, wall, tree, shrub. sign. or oW.cr-objecc over 30 .inc bes above~ $11«1 kvel may be placed or permitted to encroach with.in the area identffie4 as a sl~t distance COffifWr in a,;c:ordwice wilh City Standard Public Stree:1-~gn Critma, Secllo.D B.B.3. 1hc llddcrlying pm_pcrtyowncr shall mtiinbin this condition.• PC R.F.SO NO. S46S -I• Jiau lor lhe projecl aml the study shaft be pre11l'lr~d lo lllle sarisr11ctioo ol the Ci&:y .Englnter. · s:9. The lul'eloper shalJ .submit a dcta,k-tl polaMe water .stwfy1 prepared •1 a Rl:£1rtercd Eo1::lneer that identifies tJ:ae peak dcrwands of the project (htcludlng fire flow demands). The study shllll Identify vetodty tn lht main lbw-, presmre zones, mad lhe required pipe slzes. $aid UUdy shall be submitted coaamcntly with tht Improvement phw.s fur the project and the study sb:atf be. prepared lo &. IIICW'acdon of1be DistrJct Eo.e;Jncer. 61). Tbe De"i'elopcr 1hall submit detailed design. drawtn&s prepared bf a Registered Engineer for the constr-udiou of a pl'1l&ure reducing station,. If required lo serve the pr{)ject. Said phw shall be prepared to lhc satisfaction of the U!strftl ~ecr. Code Reminder The proj~ t$ wbjCCl 10 all applic;:iblc pro,·i)loris of local ordinanc~ incll.ldina: but not limited to • folJowin,: 61. Developer shall exeicise :;p<eeial c.:i.re aunn,e lhi: "Olllitnu::tion phase of Ibis project 1c ,rev.em otfsiLc s.iltiitio.ll. Planti11g and erosioo <:"Ofltroi shall ~ provided In aa:nrdanct. ~ Cadabad Municipal Code Chap1er 15.16 (the Gradi_~ Oidinance) to 1he salisfw:ti.OI, o(the Cily Engineer. 62. Dcvdoper ,ball pay park-in-lieu fee:$ t-o the: City, prior to lhe approval Q{ die final map a,, ~byCh.aprer20.44 uflhc Carlsbad M11nicipal Code. ~. De¥Clopcr shaJI p.ay a l:mdsc~re plan ch.eek. aod UtSl)<:<;;riou ~ u ccqW.red by Section 20..0S.050 of the CaJ:lsbad Muni<:Lpal Code. 64. Approval of this request stia.11 not cxcu..se complia11ce wilb. a.U applicable sections of the Zoomi Orainancce and all olher Qppllcable Clty ordinanees in effea at time of buJt4ln,a: pmoil Wuance, eitcept as otherwise 5{l'?cifieally providea ttm=in. NOTICE ~e tal;e NOTICE tha!. .ipproval of yo111 projc.;t includes Ille "imposition" of fees, dedlc.ation$, IUCNlllions, or Olli.er exactions hereafter collectiYe!y referred to for COJlYeoiencc: as "fees/exactions." 'k'ou have 90 days frnm d.it~ of final Jpproval to prmc~I imposition of lhesc feukxactioru;. If )OIi proiest lhem, )OU lllUSl follow lhe prot.::st proced1.1te set f-orth in Oo.vemment Code Section 66020{.i), and file die prolest and any ot11er required infonnatiotl wilh the City Mi.nager for prncessin.s fn accc)rdance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030, Failure to timely f'olktw that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to at1ack. n:v.icw, 1er 3$:ide, void. or annul 1hcirimposmon. PC R.ESO NO. 5465 and treatment, watt:r; drainage; circ11\ation; fire; schools; parts and other recn,~tion,. facilities; libnincs; govcrnmenl admirlh1u1h·e facilities; and o,pcQ space, related to the project will be iil:ltalfod to .serve ru:1v de:velopmcnl prior to Of concun-cnt with nei:d. Specifically, 11. The proj..:~l ~ bull co11dilioncd IO provide proof from lhe C::irbb:,,J Uuif"...:d School District lhnt the project hJS s:.ti~lied its ob~tion. for school facililil!S. b. Park-iD-lie11 fees l.fC required by Carlsbad Munici_pal Code ~te1 20.44, and will be colkttcd prior lo issuan.;e ofbwldin,g permit. c. nt:Pu.b-lic Facility fee is re4llirtd to b.: paid byCowicil Policy No. 17 and will be C)Cfl~Ted prior to lhc j~ ofbuilduig pcn:nit. S. 11w. all~ public facilities req11ircd by Ihe Growth MillJJijl:cme.ul O11lli .. a11cc will k_ eoutntctcd or are guarai;,tec:d to be c0.ll$ll'UCted con~wrl.W:ly with lhe need fer diem crem by this project aod in ccmplia11ce with adoprcd City stalldwh, in that Ill~ project It belsg proposed :ind will hf-im1Jltn1eukd 1:onffltait wilh tbc nq1dniQe11u o( the Brem R&Ddl. Ma:i.ter Plan aad Zuoe 17 Locul Facilitles Man•gC"JmntPlan. i. TAC project is consistent with the Coru_J)1th~ivt Land Use Plan (Cl.UP) .for dlc McClellan-Palomar A.iifort, dalcd. April 1994, ill that as couditioned lhc applico.nl shalt ~i:m, a notice COACeming aircraft noi5e-. The project is compat!ble whb fftc projected a&JUe levels of the CU.JP; and,, ba$ed on the oofae/liwd use compataDWl.y wauix or die a.ur. die propo5ed land use ii compalible w:itb the o.irpon, in d:iat die proJtet fg aol _witla,a 11oilt com ours greattT" than 69 CNRI, as crea1c4 by 1Ul'P11rt operailOll~ 7. That the: projec! is consistetlt w[lh tbc City's Landscape Manual (Carl.sbad Municipal Cade Soctioo 14.28.020 iwd Landscape Manual Section IB). I. The l>lanniog Commission has rcvfowed e11.d1 cf the exaction:. impo:.1:11 ou the D.:wlope, COfflmned in this res.olt.1tion. IUld b.<aeby finds, in Ibis case, dial the cxfflions are irnpo:;ed ID mitigale impacts caused by or reasonably rc'lated 10 the prnjecL and !h~ e..lell1 and the •srceofthe exaction is in rou:h proporuoualizy kl lhe impac1 caused by I.be prcjei::1. CggdJrion,· Note.: Usiess olherwiiii: specifii.d btrein, di conditions sh.all be satisfied prior t1> 1lic rscordation of a fioal map or lss1rn11i;e or a p-.11.dir.ie; pc.nu.it. wJa1':he.ve.r UQ:1n·, fint. l. If any of die followiog conditions fail 10 o.c.cwo or ir 1hi;:y are. b.y lhcir tam~, ,o be imp1emented and maiu.laWOO over time, if uy of St.td:i co.QditicllS l"ail to be 50 lmpicmCllted illlld maintained accordin,s: to thi:ir tenm, 1he City shall have th~ rii]:1l to mvoke or modify all app1oval:; berein anntcd; deny or funher condition iuuancc of aH :luure bwlding peirniis; deny, revoke-or further -condition aH cenificates af occuJ,AJ\(;f ksl)Cd llllder the authoriry ofapprovah hu~in ifanted; wstitute awl prosi:cute litigation lo compel lhcir cmtipliance '!'itb ta.id cooditiont or seek damag~ for their violation. No PCRESONO. '>46'> Iw.ll -,.,. ICruttnr,e, re11cc, wall,. t.u,. shrub, si&11, or otber object shall tie ptactd or pcnntttt:d on sb.c illbjeet property w!Jblll the Caltr.111s cor11Cr dgbt dis-1nnce con1d..on. No obHn,11cilou:. shall ilupcdc 111111r coaflicl wilh tbe lfn,e..of-sleht which is Ntabllsbcd pt-rCity Sta11dercl Public Str.ett-D~~J&u Crlterla, Sttdon i.B.1. l'b1;: sight ' llae h 4e.rkttd OJJ tbe tenta.tive map. The unde-rlying prope:n;,· owaersb11II m;,lot.alo Chu c:oaditiom." the tlnu"ts of lbesc sight di~tani:e corridors :man be reflcc1ed on any imptovllH~I. ,rading. or landscape plan prepared in ilS'SOCiation wilh this dev.:lopment. fse'Agreemen15 J2. Prior to a,ppraval of any gr.ding or building pennits fur this projeer, Di:ve!cp~r ~h;JJ uusc Owner so give wriuc.o consent 10 lhe City Ell£,ln;;er to the aow::xatioll of lhi: ue• tbown. within the bouudaries of the subdivis.ion Ullo tb.t: exillliOg: City of Cvlsba-d Street IJ.&btw& and.Landscaping Dislrict No. I acdlor to the formation or aQDexil.tio.u. hito .ui addttlonal Street L.l~btlnJil: imd Lawf:ie::ip~ DishicL Said wricte.o coue111 sh~II be o atorm provided by the City .E.11gineer. .U. Prior IC lhc iss\lal1ce ,of a er..&ui;: pcnnif or building pennit,. whic.beYer occurs first, Dnvdopc:r daall submit to U1C City Engineer proof that a Noticl.'I of Intention &ir the slart ef'WOlk hs.s been submitted to the State Water Reso!Jrt:~ Co.ntrQl Board. 1 J4. bed upon a review of lhe proposed grading ancl the &f'.lding quantities shown Oil lhe Tentative Map, a ,£{<-ding: ,permit fur thh project is n:qulted. Developer.shall apply for and 1 obtain a grading pcnnit from the Ciry Engincier. · J:S. ~vdopa shall cause Owrwr LO ,nake an irrevocable ofter of dc:ilicarion to th~ Cit:, ~ud!or erher appropciate cnti1ks fur at! public strteU and other casemeins .shown 0.1 the tcamivc Map. The offer sllill be made by a ccrtificalc en dtc 6na! l!lfLll andfor by -,,arato doc11mem. All land so ottered sliaJI be otr~n:d .fi-ee aDd clear oC all Jic:ru and ~talJ.Ct.:i and wil.l1ou1 CQ~. Stteeli lh.i.1 already public are not nquired to be n,lolioai,d. J6. Addition.al diaiiµge casemc-nts may be miuiml. Developer shall dedic~tt a.id pruvid~ o.r install drainage structu[C:l, as may~ [e~uhed b)' 1he City Engineer, prier to or concurn:nt ~ aDY ~-or building pennit )7. D~vefo9er shall-..xt.cllto: and record a City :.w1da.rd S11i>divisicn. lmprovemen1 Agr~w1cnt 10 imwl aad secure wilh appropriate scewity as provided b-y I.aw, public iruprovcu1i::uts lhOWD on the Tentative M>1,11 and the followilij: improvcment.s including, but not limited lo pa\'lP&, ha$c, signing :md 51.liping, sidew&U:s, -curbs -;q1cl guttcrs, me~;u.s. iJadiiig, 'CRESONO. S465 -9. You arc hereby FURTIIER NOTJHED tlia, ;-au~ rigl11 [O prote:.t the specified focs/~;,:;aciions DOES NOT APPLY 1c water aud £<:WC:r conn¢elioa fc:es and tapacily charges, nor p!.tlllling. aooing, grading or other iimilai: application processing or sav«:e re~ in_connci:ticm wilh this project; NOR DOES rr APPLY 10 aey Cces/e;,;a~tions cfwhieh you have previously bcm i;iven a HO'TICE QIDl1ar to lb.is, or u w which the ,tatutc of limitalioll$ has pn:viou:;ly othmvisc •pired. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTEP a.ta. regular meellll~·of Ilic pl,mning Commis~ion of!M Cicy of CaJ:lsbaJ, Califomia. held 011 th"' 17th dAy ofSep1embtr l0(U. by the Jollowing vote, to wil: , . AYES: Chairperson Baker, Commissioner.; DQmin,sucz,. lkirirn1..n, MOt11gomcry. Se.gall, \Vlute, and Whitton HOES; None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ~~~c,,,;,.,,=--,son - PLANNING COMMISSION MJCJIAELJ.HO ~Director PC RESO NO. S46S -IS• PR.o.mcrDFSIGNCoNSVLTANIS .PuNNINo • JIN\lill(N).~ • ~ • 81111.YEY/Gl'S 70 I B Stree4 Suite 800, San Diego, CA 9210 I 619-235-6471 FAX 619-234-0349 · ... iM\IU,Us. R.c.L 42951 ~~ DATE REQSlRATIOO EXPIRES 03-Jt~oo ~-IZ-11Y 2. ,. •• ,. •• 7. t. ~ ~its are gained by ~loper or a succesror in ~by Ille City':. apptova\ or lbia Coadominlum Pumlf, . · Staff ls authorized and directed to make,o:r requifc. the Dcve1opct to make. all corrections mcl modificati?m to lbe _COlldoodolum Permit documents, as ne,;;e&&azy to make them 1Dicma11y C®SLsten~ and In eonfarmlty with the final action oa the projeci. Oevelopmen1 lball occur substantiaUy BS ihi.wo. on the approved E.Juubits. Any plOj)Osed "-eve.Jopmcnt lifferent 6-otD. !his i,pprov.al, :.hall mpiire an amendment to llus approval. Developer s~all comply wilh. all applicable provision:::: of!cderal, state. and ki,;ai laws and rqulaw;w: m elfcct at the time ofbuildiIJ.i penni1 is.siww,. trUO' cond~lioi:i fw-~oa or any public impt()vi:me:Db oz facilities, or lbe p.11:yment .Cany Ccc$ ID.•~eu the~!. Jmposed by llrls approval or imposed by law on this Projcet are tullenged, this approval mail ~ ~cd as pnnrided in Governm~nt Code Sectiop "5020. If 1111)' sllCb conditio.11 is determined to b,;; :invalid this approval ,hall be invalid ..:leu the Cily Council de1-mnines 11w the pwjcci without the condition complflUi with 1111 rcquln:mrnts ot law. Dcvdoper!Operatof man awl does omby agree to indemnify, proteci. dcfuul awl hold liemi.kss lhe: City of Cwlsltad, illl Cowicil members. officet,., m:nployccs. ageob, and aprcscatatives, fiom and agalost ~ and all liabiiitu:&, Jona., damages, deman&, el&lm.:. lfld costs, lncluifinj. cowt costs and attollle:,", fees incurred by !he CiC)' ari&iug. direclly • iaditec:tly. 6om (a) City's appmwl and Issuance of this Coadomtoium Permit,. (b) City'• approval or issum.ce of 11DJ pennil or IICCion, whether disc11,tiopacy Ol' noa- 4mmio!U!Q'. in COlUlectioa with 111111 use contemplate-d ~ ad (i;;) ~Rlo"':/~~1or·1 insw.lation :m~ ?~erati~~ or the J'acility pmnitted hereby, ~ without limitation, my aria all liab11iue.; ans.tog from lh.c emission by 1hc liwilit;y oi ckP?rom~tic ~dds ototba' ellcrgywavcs oremi.ss!ons. Thi.s obligarion.survivec until Ill kjal procoedin_gs have been com1wktl .awl co.otinua even. iftlle C;""'s ,...,..,..viii is uo1 wtidated. -, 7 .r·- Dcveloper shall submi, to the l'lanniui:. DJreetor a reproducible-24" it )6" &eylar copy of llicstte Plaa reilecting the eortditions asipwved h;-1he final decision making body. De,vclopt:r mall iiicludc:, u. pan of lbe pla.iis mt>mbtoo Cw any permit plaa check, a Nduced legt'ble vcnion of all •~prov~ n:solw.ion(i) in a 24'" x .36" b}uelinc 6ra\VU4:, --Tius approva1 is i'llllttd subj~L kl tbc approval of MP l?8(A) a.nd CT OJ..03 and ii. lli,ject to aU coudirions co.ntaincd i:n Plar.inhJi Commi.s5ion Resolutions No. 5460 and 546.l for those 01btr appiovals incoipo.ratcd bcnin by rcfenm;~e. Dis approva! lilball became Dull and vo-id if building permits are nol is.sue,! for lhis pmjti;1 wiiliin 18 mor.ilhs from the date tb11t CT 0l-03 J.s rWJrdcd as a fwal lllll.P ,CUSON0.5465 ... ~ and pubbia&, Wldcrgrounding or ndoettion of facilities, sewer, water, :lice 11),druts, aree1 light.s, water 'Jll&tl1J' treatment Ca.dlilID and rcc.laimcd water. lo Ci1y ~ 10 tht .satislac:tion of the City Eogineer. The improvemenu are: II) Oosile 1mpro¥emea~ lntlndlng but 11ot lfmited Co nwu, water, rec,eted Willer, storm dram. water quality treatment [acUides, stre:Ns Md aUcys u showa ~ dltTcntatfvc Jl,la_p. Fra.o.tqe loiprovemenl$ of the Master Teotatlve M11p (ct 00-06) adudlug bul not llmltcd to: ratomar Airport Jwad, El Cllll.Wlo Real, El Flw-lt Road,. aod lafrastriictun u lhowa on DWG 400-8, C, E, G, B, I. aad 40o-&J to the sattstll.ctlon of Ute CJl1 Eq(ncer. n~i: Improvements slt12ll ,ehll.e.r be c:uulnlcted bl acbaiu:e ot dewclopmcnl pmnlt:. or wi:11red by lliis project lr lb.cy an aot yet compt~lt. Al du., Cllme of Bual desfgn for this pr~leet. lhe sce&Uliy may be waived if dl~t drtulailon and ulillty lulprovemeata kave tice11 hutalkd ti, tbc eailif:..~oa oftbc City-Ea&(necr. (I POWeuia Laue io be fully improved between £1 Camino Real a114 NeJroseDrive asthol'JD aa DWG397-21aad1K () Deflgn a■d co1111rUd a 11ew fully ar:tu:i,kd tra1Ik · .stpal at the ·1 · lotcneetfoo of Gatew:q Road and Viila&e GrHD. Drive. Developer eckoow~ei the ztttes.dt)' or tab aignal Is to sen-e only thfs projet.t ud l>cn,d11per will bear an cons ass~lf.lkd '!'!'1th the ~ awl COllilTU~ou or lhb .sfpar, If warn111bi arc, met. ?'be signal Niall be luurc:onected with adjacent sigoids to fadlltate Jti1u11 c11-onllnalioJ1. Dcvclo.pe.r sh?JJ p.osl se,urity [gr I.be design and construction or said lmprovemmts. Tile Agnietuent shaO be-kept iu fur« and security kept valid for a period ofS-yean after drc last bu.lldf11.&,:: 11mnil 1w bwa lu11ed nitb.la till& Dcnlclopment. The traffit lfaaal daaD lie Linta.Ued oa.ly whn wrftte11 IIJIP'IVVlll b rei:elved bf lhe C"ll) laglaecr. A list of d:te above shall be plici:J on an additiooal map lhccl on the Fina.I Map per t:he Jl(QYWOJl$ of~ioni 6643,4.l of Ute S\lbdivision Map Act. !mprovr:ments listed above lball be constructed: wilt.in IS monlh.\' o! ifprol'al of tbc subdivision or development im,provc.ment 8jteemcaat or au.ch other time u provided In $1Ud as;reement. l&. f'lfot to 0CC!i}iWCY, Developer WI! install itteetlights along al! public and private stre.!t 6ontages abutting imdf-0r with.in the subdivision lo cont'omw.icc wi1h City of Carlsbad "· Standalds. . Prior to occupancy. Developer shall install sickw~ aioug all public itletlS abutting the &u'olli\'WOJI i:D. confomlance with City of Carlsbad Standards. ◄0. Prior to oo.upa.ii,y. Developer shall imlall wb"lchair ramps at lbe public street comers abuniug lhesubdivi$iCP i,s coofonnanee with City ofC:Wbad Slalldatds. PC R.ESO NO. 5465 •l<>· "AS BUILr A,.)\ INSPECTOR/ I 0. Pdor to the ilsuance of a building permit, d,e Dewtoper sllaB provide proof to die Director 6'om the Carlsbnd U11llied &:boot Oislrlct dw tbilil project bas salis6cd iis ~tion to provide .school facilities. 11. 'lbis·proje:ct sbali comply with an cc,mlilioos and mitigation measures:. which arc Rqllired u part of lhe Zone 17 Local Facilities Management PIM and. .any amerulme-w made to that Plan prior lO the issuance ofbuildina petmUS.. 12. hklins permilS will aot be issued fer lhls project ualc:is the local agency providin,g Wilt! Ind sewer savices. to the pro;cc:t provides written certification to 1he City dial adcqnti, waler scrviee and sewer facilities. res:,pectlvdy, are available to the projcc1 at Ille time or the apptic~lion for lhc bllildw& permit, md that wa1cr -.ct sewer tapacity and lilcl'lliiC$ will ~ue \0 be 1¥.lilable until lbe time of ccciwan<:y. A aotc lo lbi5 ctfccJ lllall be plac:ccl QO the Final Map. l3. 1be Dwctoper &ball implement and comply wm an applicable mili£atioo measures llqUin:d by the Mitigation Monjtorflli and ltcpllliia& Program certified wiih lhe Fioal fm.&;ram. EIR !or 1he-Brcs1i Raach Maire:r Plaa -SIR 98-04, 1111 contained ID~ ' Comminion Ruolu:tica No. 5201. ' 1'-Prioc ID. the 11pptoval of lh.c fin.al map tbr any plutse Qrtlilii J:indet.:t. orwbcrc a map Ui not k:ing pn,ccssed, prfor to the ls;o.WU1ce Df bllilding pormita tor lily 1ota or imita, lbc: 1 Dcvclopu s2lall eniu hi10 an Aff'wdab.lc Homing-Agreement with !:he City as ~utred b Ilk llJ11idal Affordable Housing: A,::ree11m1t tm.po,Wi Restrldloo cm Real l'l'opert)' ltetwten th, Qty or Cub.bad and Lcnnar<B.ressl llaadl V ~ LLC to provide a.ni 4ecd ~trid: 100 dwclliog units u •tTord.iifc to lower-income bousetwlds lbr IS ;-cars, ii aecordanee with the rcqulrcmants amt proc-ess set f"oith in. Cia,ptcr 21.BS of tho Carlabac Mwlicipa! Code. Tbc draft Affimiablc &'11Dlg AgRanent D11 be ttJbrnltted n> 1be Planuing; Dim:tor no later than 60 days prior to Gte requ~I to 1lnal :the map. 1bc leCORfcd Affordable Housin£ A&n:i:mcnt shall be binding on .U fblure owncn and tttt DC :U imerest . U. Tbe Devc:11,)Jlt:r shall eonmua the required inclusionary units concurrent with lhe p:ojec:a'a mukct rate units, unless both the final decision maidn.& aUlhorlty a>f lhe City and Ille Deve!OJ)er 3&1ec within an Affordahlc Housing Agreement lo an. altmwe schedule for ilcvelo_pme.nl. 16. 1bc ~velopcr mall :.ubmit .and obtain Planning Director approval ofa Final uttdscas,t, md. Irrigation Plan shewing cnnfomianc.:: with !he a.J:Jprovcd Preliminary J.ands.capc Plan IDd the Cily•s ~e Manual. nc Dc-vclopcr thd1 c:omtruct and jn:.tall aU ~ing as mown on the approved Fina! .Mans, illld m.ailltahi aD Jand:;:cepillg ia a leatlhy and duivfn, condition, fiec fio.ru wted:., hih, and debria. 17. The Developer shall establish a bomeawng-'s wociation and i:onespoadiog covewint.:., cooffirio11s "'iDd R.Stricliotllil. Said CC&Rs lbaJI be submitted to and approved by di,e Mumiag Director prior to fiaal map "-.PPruvaJ. The CC&lts shalt adequately .tddrcss mafnknaoce 11! an i;ommon laadscaped areas (including lrrdscaping wilbill pmins aeis) IDd pa¥ed plOOllg areis. Prior io issu,ance Df a Certlncau or Ottu,a.ncy the CRESON0,5465 -J- a. JtJfur to building permit or grading permil issu11nec, whichever occur; llm. Dt:velo,per 11w). ha.Ye dcsi&n, app1y For and obtain 1pproval of the City 'Ensbteer, Co;-the structural .ledion for lbe aceas aisles with a 'traffic index o0:.0 in ai::coniance wilh City Slallduds Ge to tmct access lhroll.&h the parking area andlot" auiles with an IJ>T geater !ban ,oo. The atruetural pavement design or the afs1e wa:ys ~ be illbmined to&e:her wilh ~ R-value soil l~l iiuom:iatioJl lllld approved by lbc CU)' Eagincec as part of the ~ or ara,:ling plan review whkhever occun .first. 42. DevelOJ)i:r :.hall caL.lSe ~ IO waive dirCl:t access rights on tbe find map fbr all ]◊ts i.i abGWll oa the cnta.tive map aud as approvtd by the Cily' £neioccr. -0 Priol' to tbe-W11ance: of gradillg pmnft or bolldlng p-ermtt. wh.l~I.tver oa:u.n iM"lt, ne.c1upCT man snbmJt tor Ctcy u,ppro'l':tl a -StorJl:l Water Pullu.do■ Preveodon PJaa (SWPPP)." The SWl'PP al.all be U eompll.ace wHb nrrent requlrtJneotJ and proVUicnis t1tablfshed l>y tbe San Dlei:;,:; R,e;akln of lhc Callfonda lle&ioaal Wabll' Qaallty Contr0l Bounl &ad City DJ Carbliad Rcqulrcme■t,. The SWPPP •hall addrc5S IDCUW'U to red.ace lo rbc mu:lmum ffMlt pracdcable atorm water polltttant runoff' d111rfDJI'. ,consmmfo11 ot the pnijen Ac a minimum,, Ulle SWP.PP lllall, a. ldduih: aD conte.ot iu csuabWbed by Ille Californin ReglOIUIJ Water QlirJ!~ Coatrol Board UfJUiremenn; b. lllclude the n:ccipl ur "Nu.tice of lnte:at" iuued by the Cautornfij R~ouit Watel' Quality Contrnl Board; c. Recommeod source control and treaf!J:Jent control But ~ewen, Pnclius (8MPs) that wm be WJj)lewoted wilh thia project to ft'old coimc, w IDier said pollu1D11ts lrom s1vrm watn-to die mutmnm em.ut praclkallle Wore discborgfng to City rf_e_bt-of"-way o.r natw-Dl d:nuu&e caara:;: and Iii. .Ella.blisli spttlfk proctdores for lt.andllu:: spilb aacl rou&e clean ap, ljlecW considetatiaau aad •ffort Dall be applied to innptoye~ edl!c:itfou oo tlae proper procedures-fur ha□dttnt ctean ~ aJLd diqwiaJ Cl!pollutan&a. 44. Prior to lhe !nuance of grading permit or bu~ perJDit, wb.1d:ie:ver-occun On~ Develo,11er sllaU ;ubmil for City approval • "Storm Waler Management PIH (SWMP)". TIie SWl\>IP atiaJI demonsfrate mm,pUf.luce wtth lhe Ocy •f Carbbad ltaodard OrbaQ Storm w11ter Mitiaatfo1t Pla11 (SUSMP), Onlcr lOOl-01 iasaed b) die Sau D.icgo Region of the California Reg.ion11I Water QupUty CODtrol BO&Jd IUU City ef C■rh1111cl Munldpal Codt. The SWMP sh.Q address meulll"e5 to avolt coatad or filter said poUutaal5 rro,u aonit w.irtcr, to 1hc Dllnfmum me111 pncdcable, far the pcit~onHruttf0Q na,ee o! lhe projecL J.J. • -.lalmnm,. dr.t SWMPshalt •· 14eo.tl(r exfstfu,e: aod poil-devdopmeat 011-aile po11utauts-9koaccrn; PC RESO NO. S465 ~e111+>er shall provick the PlaNliog Department wi1h • recoTde:d copy of the official CC&a • 1ba1 have t,een approved by (be i!epartm~t (I( KClll &tale &nd the Planning Director, Af a mioim11m the: CC&R.small contmi die followioz pro'li.slont~ L General Ept'o«;emenl by the City. The City shall have the right, bu1 nor the ebJigalioo, 10 cnforco lime Ptorcctive Cow:nmts set fonh ~ the; Dcctatatlon 111 ~ctorin which tb~CiJybas an lnie.:est. I>. Notice and Amendment. A i:opy of any proposed am~ shall be pn;l'vidcd 10 Ille-Cit¥ iD advm;c. If tbc p,oposcd amendment affects the City, Ciry shall have 6c ript to diupprove. A copy of the &at aJ)proved oWCJldwau sball be hn$1'1l11I~d t" tbc C'tlY willwl. .30 da.y.s for lbc official record. c. failure or As,mciatjgn tp Maintain Common Atta I.els agd EasemE:Ot• In lhc fiW 1hat lbc Association fails 10 mlUlitain 1M "Common Area Lou and/or die A.uociation•s EUC11ll'Jlls" as pnnoided in Artlde~-.-• Sc,ctlon ___ ..., Ci1y shall have !he d,&bl bi:it not lhe d~. lo perl'omi 1h,c; ~ maiut=am:c • lf'the City cJccts to pmfwm ,uch maintl!lfllllCO, ti1C' City shall gjve written nodec ID Ibo Aaociarion. with • "'PY d:r.~f to 1hc Owners ln die f'n\iec.t. ~ funh ' wllb. panic~ l:hG malnlnwnce which die Cily in.ds IO l,o n:quired mi ~ tbo urnc be carried Ollt l>y lbe Association within a J>CffDd oflh.irQ, (30) "'rs fnmt the giving ohuch noti~~ In the evrol lbD1: the-Auociation fails-lo ca,ny am sui:.h maintcna,K;c o! the COWOl.On Area Lou and/or Associatioo'1 Easements .-iSlw'I The periodspccific:dbythe City's DOticc, the CH:ysball be entitled to ""15C lllch WOik to. be co?IQ11etc4 and shall be cnti.tkd to ieimbllr.tCfDent wilb rapccl lllmto from lht: OwDCts ,II ;pmvidcd he.teirl. ._ IPecla! Msessment 1 e1'7'1 by lhe: Cirt• In Ille event the Clry bas pcrfotmed 1bc IICl:CSialy maime.naoco to ei&hu Common Ara Lots mdlor Association's Bu ts, the City shall submit a written lnll(lice to d:Je ~D fbr all l:Olt& ~ 'b,y b: City lo pc:d'orm ~ mainte11ance 'l[1he. Olmmon Area Loll and • Association'• £ase1DCDII. 1'bl!I Wit provide a copy of such WYoh;e lo ;a.i:h Owner ht lhe l"roje.::1, \o,pffl.er wftn a statement that U"the Auociation &ii$ to pay lllC1i invoice in Jbll witbin the rune .specified, lbe City wiU pursue cot!ettion tpinst the Owners in tile Proj~l punw1n1 to the pm'lisions dlbil Section. Said lnv"ice .shaD be-due-ud payable by die Aasoclatfoo witbio i:wcntr (20) days ot -=ipe b)' lb.c Association. lftbe Association sbaJl Ail 10 pay such invoice iR fwJ ..tthw tht period $J!edlicd. payment. .shall be deemed deliuqlldll: a:nd lhal1 be , 1111,jo;t lo a IMC charge in an tinmmt equal 10 lilix permrt (6%) of'lhe aw.ount o: Ile iQvoice. Tbi:r~er lhe City may pw:suc coJicdiu.11 Whn. the Alsociatio.11 I>! imam or any n:medies available at i.w or Ill oqufty. Without limltw.i di, 1U1erali1y of lbe foregoing. In •0dition to att odw ri&bl5. arul remedica available ti the C-rty. the City ma)' levy a lipfflal asses511:lcnt .gah!st the <>wnm cf each 1m iJ lbc Pn>ject for an equal prora1a share of the fn,;oft:¢, plUs Ille We cllaq:e. Sucl tpfflal assessment .sbalJ COIIStitute a charge 011 !be lancl and shall be a COllWluin Ml Upon each Lot against which lhe special assessment is Jevied. !act Ownct i •e Project hereby ~ tll.C' Ciu, wllh the ri&ht 1t11d power to levy sudl. ~ii liSWJDC.111, IO lmpo$; • lien llf)OD !heir mpcclivt Lot end ~o briDs JU lcgi .. ldeadfy lht-bydrologk IJD!t this project coutrtbntn 10 ••d fmpnfrt·4 WIITtr •odii::s th.al cowd be impadcd by Ibis project C. Recommend source COlltrOb and trCDIDlt:'Dt CMlrols tbat will t,e lmplemuttid with thfs i,roJecl to av~d eon tad or ffl.t~r 111d po-ftllll:li..b f.rom slono water tG 1M mulrn.11111.Ulent pnacdcablc bdoR dlM:baqlag to Clly rigbt--of-way; ._ £itablliib .specillc proted.ures for handlioa: spilll ud rouUDe dun u.p. lpeda~ eo.111sldcratio.111• ud effort sbdl be applied co rffld~nt educ~don OD •~ proper p(~,td'.ir.:s fC!l' h.a.1uflbq: dcao up awl dbplilal ofpollutaats; ,r. l:n$1Ire tong-term m:iblteo:uito: of aU post toa.:tn1d IMJ'i; ill perpchul)'; ud f. Jdea.dfy bow post-develnpment nnoff rates UJJlf velodttcs from fhe site wDI aul uceed tbc pre--dcvelupnunt nuudf rates aad vclocidu lu dac IDllldllHlllk IIUCDC pracdcabk. flpal Men Ngtu 4S. No1~s) ro ite Ccllowllli diei;t(s) shall be ,placed o□ the map BS DWl·mappjr:ig data; a. BuiJdulz permits will not bc-imicd forder.ectopm¢lll of the subjectpropen;y u.nleS5 Ibo appropriate agencydetcmrinc:s dw aawcr and Waler &cilitics an: available. II,. OcotechnicaJ Cal.ltlon; 1bc owner of Ibis pwpcny on behalf of itself and all of its IUCCCSSOn lll Werm: 1w agt'C'Cd to hold harm1e.ss and indeill'Uf.y 1be Cil:y o!Carlsbild from any ac:lion lbat may arise lbrough any ge,o1o&ical failure, pOIIDd Waler ~ or land i tubsidcnee and 1t1bscqucac damage that may OCctlt on,. or adjacent to, dus · IQ\,divfsion~ to its conshuctio.o,. opt:nllion or :raink:naor- c. No structurt, fence. wan. tr«, shrub, sf&n, or other obji:ct over 30 inwes above the stn:el level may be placed or pcnnitted 10 encroach within the ai::ea ideotificd a si£ht distance corridors. fpedal Co-mflrtons 46. r•e Average Do.Hy Trtps (AD1) and ffGor area to.11.lal11ed: W tilt aalf report and alt.owa oa tlae Tcautive Map arc fgl' phmalD.J purposes oaly. Denloper ,ball pay traffic Impart and mnr lmpa11 fe:es based on Scctloa 111."2 ~d Sei:Uo11 U.lD oftlie Cily or Carlsbad. Municipal Code, rupectlvcly. ~ 47. trior to apptoV{I.J of improvement plaas or final map. Developer :shall lm'd with !lie Fire Manha) lo dctMlUIIC if tire pr~ measwa (fire .flowt, fire, bydrant locations, lruilding sptinldcrs) are required lo-StTVc. the project. fir~ hydrants, if proposed, shall be PC RE.11m NO. 5465 r5HEfrl CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ---t----t------------------ir----+---+----t----1 l_!§_J ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT L_!§_j :::A=t..ANN==w=-G-=COM=u=1ss=1o=N=RESOL==u==11:;0N====No==.=546::::::;::::5::::::..:::====: DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL BRESSI RANCH AFFORDABLE HOUSING OWN BY:-~~1 CHKD BY: ...,.., RVWD BY: ~ PROJECT NO. CT 03-03 ~PIRES 12-:,1-051 DATE DRAWING NO • 415-3C J.N. 24J8. 00 ..... 01 2. --' U1 0 ~ C> ~ _.. U1 I (,.) 0