HomeMy WebLinkAbout1367 SAPPHIRE DR; ; CB072745; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 07-18-2008 Residential Permit Permit No: CB072745 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: 1367 SAPPHIRE DR CBAD Permit Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Status: Parcel No: 2122500800 Lot #: 8 Applied: Valuation: $345,162.00 Construction Type: VN CT020007 Entered By: Occupancy Group: 1111412007 Reference #: # Dwelling Units: 1 Structure Type: SFD Issued: Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3.5 Inspect Area: Project Title: EMERALD POINTE-PHS 2-PLN 1AL T2 3211 SF,495 SF GAR,285 SF DECK Applicant: SADDLEVIEW L L C 16461 SHERMANWAY#350 VAN NUYS CA 91406 Building Permit Add'I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'I Plan Check Fee Plan Check Discount Strong Motion Fee Park in Lieu Fee Park Fee LFM Fee Bridge Fee Other Bridge Fee BTD#2 Fee BTD#3 Fee Renewal Fee Add'I Renewal Fee Other Building Fee HMP Fee Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'I Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee $1,422.81 $0.00 $924.83 $0.00 $0.00 $34.52 $5,728.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $14,590.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,423.00 D5/8 $0.00 $0.00 Orig PC#: Plan Check#: Owner: SADDLEVIEW LL C 16461 SHERMAN WAY #350 VAN NUYS CA 91406 Meter Size Add'I Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWAFee CFD Payoff Fee PFF (3105540) PFF (4305540) License Tax (3104193) License Tax (4304193) Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) Sidewalk Fee PLUMBING TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Housing Impact Fee Housing lnLieu Fee Housing Credit Fee Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES ISSUED 1013012007 RMA Plan Approved: 11/14/2007 MC PC050110 PCR07178 $0.00 $160.00 $4,492.00 $2,064.71 $6,281.95 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $182.00 $60.00 $46.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,428.58 $0.00 $1,058.00 $0.00 $47,646.40 Total Fees: $47,646.40 Total Payments To Date: $47,646.40 Balance Due: $0.00 ~ Inspector:~ -Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any ·1 r hi r f I' i h i . m City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 07/18/2008 . Permit# CB072745 Inspector Assignment: MC --- Title: EMERALD POINTE-PH$ 2-PLN 1AL T2 Description: 3211 SF,495 SF GAR,285 SF DECK Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Job Address: Suite: Location: OWNER 1367 SAPPHIRE DR Lot: SADDLEVIEW L L C Owner: SADDLEVIEW L L C Remarks: Total Time: 8 Phone: 6199484962 Inspector: _,1-f4:.r..,6~_ Requested By: JEFF NORTON Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comments 19 Final Structural a 29 Final Plumbing 1 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical -------·------------- Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# PC050110 PCR07024 ISSUED EMERALD POINTE-REVISE TRUSS'S; PCR07150 ISSUED EMERALD ESTATES-REVISE PLAN 2; INCLUDING LOT 12 RETROFIT CHANGES PCR07178 PENDING EMERLD POINTE-REVISE ALL PLN I; FOR LOTS 1,2,7&8 (REMAINING LOTS@ EMEf Inspection History Date Description 07/16/2008 89 Final Combo 07/07/2008 39 Final Electrical 05/28/2008 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall 05/22/2008 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 05/09/2008 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 05/09/2008 23 Gas/Test/Repairs 05/05/2008 16 Insulation 05/01/2008 84 Rough Combo 04/30/2008 84 Rough Combo 04/24/2008 13 Shear Panels/HD's Act lnsp PA MC AP MC AP MC AP MC AP MC AP MC AP MC AP MC co MC AP MC Comments NOTICE, OK TO RELEASE GAS. MADE TWO STOPS EMR ONLY OK TO RELEASE ELEC METER ENTRY COURT YARD WALLS & FIRE PLACE TUB&SHOWER LATH received T-53 truss fix,dbl ck oval window at bath 2,re-ck boxes at powder and bath 4 for screws notice SEE BACK OF CARD Inspection· List Permit#: CB072745 Type: RESDNTL $FD EMERALD POINTE-PH$ 2-PLN 1AL 12 3211 SF,495 SF GAR,285 SF DECK Date Inspection Item Inspector Act Comments 07/15/2008 505 Curb/Gutter/Sidewalk RI AM PLS 07/07/2008 39 Final Electrical RI EMR 07/07/2008 39 Final Electrical MC AP EMR ONLY OK TO RELEASE ELEC METER 05/28/2008 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall MC AP ENTRY COURT YARD WALLS & FIRE PLACE 05/22/2008 17 Interior Lath/Drywall MC AP TUB&SHOWER LATH 05/09/2008 17 Interior Lath/Drywall MC AP 05/09/2008 23 Gas/Test/Repairs MC AP 05/05/2008 16 Insulation MC AP 05/01/2008 84 Rough Combo MC AP received T-53 truss fix,dbl ck oval window at bath 2,re-ck boxes at powder and bath 4 for screws 04/30/2008 84 Rough Combo MC co notice 04/2412008 13 Shear Panels/HD's MC AP SEE BACK OF CARD 04/24/2008 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin MC WC 04/16/2008 15 Roof/Reroof MC PA NOTICE FOR TRUSS CHANGES, OK TO DRY IN 03/1812008 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers MC AP RECEIVED SOILS, PT & BLDG PLACEMENT REPORTS, UFER GRND OK 12/19/2007 11 Fig/Foundation/Piers MC NR REMOVE WATER FROM FOOTING 12/12/2007 21 Underground/Under Floor MC AP 12/12/2007 22 Sewer/Water Service MC AP P.O.C. OK, WATER OK Wednesday, July 16, 2008 Page 1 of 1 SOIL A TI.ITING, IHC &_ .. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 7186 I 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, SAN DIEGO, CA 92120 • Phone (619) 280-4321 Fax (619) 280-4717 83-740 CITRUS AVENUE. SUITE G, INDIO. CA 92201 • Phone (760) 775-5983 Fax (760) 775-8362 scS&T FILE No.-0 b(,2. 2-.::2 f? -------P.O. NO._· _________ _ C PL NC FIX PAGE / OF / • FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FOR: D REINFORCED CONCRETE D REINFORCED MASONRY D WELDING D FIREPROOFING ~CRETE t smEss D EPOXY ANCHORS D H.s. BOLTING O __ _ DSA FIL£ NO.: DSA APP. NO.: ·---------~- uac I hefeby certify that I hove Inspected the abolle reported WOO<. Unless noted o!he!wtse. the WOO< inspected Is to best 0J:r1._v knowledge In compliance with the approved plans, {> specttlcotlons and a~ secl ,s of the goV8fnlng building lows. -_5 0 L'tJ ft; r O . Inspector lnltlalS ,. ('i;/.~~~~iit"""""""---ri-~-REGISTllATION NO. DSA I hereby certify I hove Inspected the above reported woo In accordance with the requirements of DSA approved documents. Sampling and test1ng W01e conducted In accordance with the requirements of the DSA approved documents. The WOO< Inspected compiles with the DSA approved documents. Yes: __ No: __ Inspector lnltlols: SCS&T 205 R£II 2J06 ,OIL A TISTING, INC. ·. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 82474 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, SAN DIEGO, CA 92120 • Phone (619) 280-4321 Fax (619) 280-4717 83-740 CITRUS AVENUE, SUITE G, INDIO, CA 92201 • Phone (760) 775-5983 Fax (760) 775-8362 SCS&T FILE NO.· ___ LJ"---6_/ __ ,2. __ .2._Z._G:. __ P.O. NO._· _________ _ C PL NC FIX PAGE I OF I FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FOR: 0 REINFORCED CONCRETE ~SONRY O WELDING O FIREPROOFING Q, C. CONCRETE O ROOFING/ WATERPROOFING (}'-1. CONCRE\E~ EPOXY ANCHORS O H.S. BOLTING O __ _ DSA FILE NO.: PERMIT NO.: c..O ENGINEER: GENERAL CONTllACTOR: LOCATION OF WORK INSPECTED: LDT cf- MATERIAi. CLASSIFICATION: ST/t1 OF WORK INSPECTED: TIME ARRIVED: -St?e~ss1~6 UBC I hereby certify that I have inspected the above reported work. Unless noted otherwise, the work inspected is to the best of my knowledge in compliance with the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections.JI the governing bulf lngr ws, Inspector Initials \._ , C , V-.v'f ,J CJf ,(_,t CSA I hereby certify that I hove inspected the above reported work In accordance with the requirements of DSA approved documents. Sampling and testing were conducted in accordance with the requirements of the DSA approved documents. The work inspected complies with the DSA approved documents. Yes: No: Inspector Initials: DSA APP. NO.: TIME DEPARTED: SCS&T 205 REV 2/06 Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc. 6280 Riverdale Street, San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 280-4321 P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160-0627 83-740 Citrus Avenue, Suite G, Indio, CA 92201-3438 (760)775-5983 Concrete ( 4x8) Compressive Strength Test Report File Number: 0612226 Project Title: Emerald Pointe Estates -PTCC Phase: lB Project Location: 1367 Sapphire Dr Architect: Bloodgood Sharp Buster Engineer: Davidson Reinforcing Permit No: CB07-2745 Contractor: RWR Homes Location In Structure: Lot: 8 Front Entry Material Supplier: Superior Mix Designation: 8367p Admixture(s): n/a Time In Mixer: Air Content: (ASTM C173/C231) Air Temp: Truck Number: Samples Made By: (ASTM C31) Laboratory Number Mark On Samples Date Made Date Received Date Tested Diameter, Inches Area, Square Inches Maximum Load, Pounds Compressive Strength, psi Age Tested 75 minutes 60 degrees F 384 LR Required 28 Day Strength, psi Fracture Type 0842760 LOTS 3/19/2008 3/20/2008 3/26/2008 4.00 12.57 49210 3920 7 Days 4000 Plan File No: Slump Inches: (ASTM C143) Unit Weight Plastic/Dry, pcf: (ASTM C138/C567) Concrete Temp: (ASTM C1064) Ticket Number: Samples Tested By: 0842761 0842762 3/19/2008 3/19/2008 3/20/2008 3/20/2008 4/16/2008 4/16/2008 4.00 4.00 12.57 12.57 67590 71480 5380 5690 28 Days 28 Days 4000 4000 1 2 4.25 I 66 degrees F 109453 CN Specimen sampling, transportation and compressive strength testing were performed by this agency in accordance with the applicable ASTM C39 standards. This agency makes no other warranties express or implied. Fracture Type: 1 -Reasonably well formed cones on both ends, less than 1 in. of cracking through caps; 2 -Well formed cone on one end, vertical cracks running through caps,no well defined cone on other end; 3 -Columnar vertical cracking through both ends, no well formed cones; 4 -Diagonal fracture with no cracking through ends; 5 -Side fracture at top or bottom (occur commonly with unbonded caps); 6 -Similar to type 5 but end of cylinder is pointed. Distribution: (1) City of Carlsbad -Building Inspection Department (1) RWR Homes, Inc. -Brendan Farrelly Reviewed By: /.--1 -------------~~-:.: ____ -e:::::::::: < . Gordon T.M. Wooclafd RCE # 60481 C.M~.l.r9L u t" I . I I Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. Job Name _____ J.9b No.tJiJ.2.12 '-Date~a,t G~uge No.V(.<:. ·,;..() Calibration ,/2 /41 Pressure ,(~6 7 Stressing Location L--:::,1-cf' I I Elongation ~ )),- CA/JEJ. /J Jt .5 I {'".,,.Ju I .;i_ 1/;... l •~ 3/.l 9 ~ 17 .. .l. . ~ 12. 'Ip L/3 I .,, 1/J.. J 2.111 'j,y " '-/ 1:l. •' 4/ 21/j-1/:,; ( 1/J I lL .s-" 2 1/J-'-/(::, ,J . ..1/J 2 lJ- ~ 1/ '?/ j 5t. ?p . 7 , '-17J A 1~ q ... '1 % ID I 1/?.t I I l-f3'/'-; Y➔'J /2 1/J4 /3 1/-½, IL( " '-I ~, , , .. ,.~ ' '!7/tf y~,,_, ,•·/ ~ 1/~ .... /7 "I ?/; .. 18' 1/~ /<:/ \. 1/3/J .JO ' .,,.~,,,. ~, 7 I '/i... ',/). 22.· I 1/J. 2.3 . _/_ /.L .. 2'-/ '1/, -. . --:, <: . :\ ,:_ I i'.2. 2~ 7 1/ '/2,.. ¥!/'l,. 27 -'-/ ¼. - ;i·g •,, '/ /L 2.'1 '1;/;. - ?o 'I½. ., - -~ I '-/ )/2. ~':(--·-, .. -·-32 \. '7'½_. •' ,'. -. --· " 33 . 7Yl.. . ... ·-· -., -a -- ·3'1 .3 Y2-J 1/2.._ .. _?4i .] JI, ' .. 3(,, $ /J.. J7 3 1/2,. -39' ' 3;{ 3&/ -y' '/.2-. Y71.. o/0 . '-!Pi.. l/ I ' St~ ll!JT:5 ~:e-. 7~ .• " --'t 7 ;-. ,,_ - MAR-18-2008 07:25 From:6195284789 • tOtt. • , ..... -. ..;( i i&_ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 7 9 2 3 5 i 112t1r) IUVF.RT>ALE !>"TRF.F.T. SA~ uar.(:o. CA 921211 • PIie-. (619) 2$1)-4321 I':\~ (61•.l)lSC>-4717 lll-740CITRU~f.VE.NUI:, $UITEG fl\1010. CA~2201 • l'hon~(7~0)7H-$9O f&ll(760)77$-8)62 2 i . g SCst.T Rl.E NO.. Oto l 22 (; P.O. NO.·-------- C PL NC FIX rAGE_ _ J_ Of l Pll!LO INSPECTION INiPOIIT FOIi: O A~~FORcCO CON<..;:rr / O REINfOHl.;(O MASONRY O WEI.ONG O n~PROOFtt-.'G 0 c .c:nNl;:nrn O QQOFING/W"1EllPllO(Jf'ING ~1.C~C:111:TE/SlTlE!>."i □ EPOX'f/\l'-ICHOllS O HS.OOI.TINC O -- HC I hefflbyr,c,-lif\l '1cl I hQl,c INoocted lhP. m~ ,epo,1ed w01t. ~-r,OIO(I 01111:~. 1tlG wo1( ~"TeO c to the ocst 01 mt knoW,cdQ8 In r.ompllonCe-.., the tQ>ICMld l,lit'tt., gpei:flCOfl(Jf,,; oncl cpnl('~ :ecllOnS ~ Ill& ~a,riri(J 1'4.oldng laws. il)spoclor lnil~ ___ J ~ _ . ·-, OSA I he!P.by r,()f111y Iha! I how.: ~ ~led Ile ~ rooo,!ed WOii< In c.x:CCftlOnCA 111111'1 fhu 19Q\JtomonlA C, OSA IJS)P,Qv\.-ddocvlw!01l. l\JO,pll,fJ urou ~-ccnwc,AO 11'1 CICCOIOOn..:41 wtlh Iha re().WmAnlS or ltlO OSA appr<MK1 CIOC\Jments. 1he WOii: lnspec!QO r.()o""J)m wtlh lt1e OSI\ UIJPKM'!(I dOCurrVltS. 'WI~ Nu· lr,X)ticlnr lnllk"I$. c6 BELOW 5DS&U5 -qv ==~=~~----=.;;; R,G,:;11<11111.JN NO. 11,/Jo-, /07 1"1'11( PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING HUNSAKER &ASSOCIATES S A N D I E G 0, I N C. ,.v,N, December 12, 2007 LOS ANGELES RIVERSIDE SAN DIEGO ARIZONA City of Carlsbad Engineering Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 Re: Building Form Setback Certification Emerald Pointe Estates Carlsbad Tract 02-07 Drawing No. 406-3A Lots: 1 through 2 and 7 through 8 Dear City Inspector: Please be advised the building foundation forms are in conformance with the precise grading plans as to horizontal and vertical location. The building setbacks were measured in relation to the property lines and were found to be in conformance with the approved precise grading plans for this property. DAVE HAMMAR LEX WILUMAN ALISA VIALPANDO DAN SMITH RAY MARTIN CHUCK CATER 9707 Waples Street San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 558-4500 PH (858} 558-1414 FX www.HunsakerSD.com lnfo@HunsakerSD.com Sincerely, Daniel P. Smith L.S. 6854 Hunsaker & Associates San Diego, Inc. GM ·kc k'\233912001\b67 doc wo :?339--18 12112120D7 1 "2'i PM GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING GROUNDWATER • ENGINEERING GEOLOGY FIELD REPORT ON OBSERVATION OF FOUNDATIONS DATE: ( l "l ( l. 6 M99CS001128M 1/00 TIME: ~.., CLIENT : _ ___;_I _ .. ___ Y __ .... _, ___________ _ JOB NO. " 1 -, \ :> c.. PROJECT NAME: __ F-'---,_v_J_l_l ----' __ f __ ,_~-~-~_s ____________ _ PROJECT ADDRESS: ; [ZJ □ □ □ The footing excavations listed below were bottomed on material for which the bearing values recommended in the foundation report are applicable. The cast-in-place drilled friction piles listed below penetrated material for w hich the allowable supporting capacities recommended in the foundation report are applicable. The piles were excavated to diameters at least as large as specified and the excavations extended at least to the depths indicated on the Foundation Plans. The excavations for the cast-in-place belled piers listed below were bottomed on material for which the bearing values recommended in the foundation report are applicable. The excavations were at least as large as specified on th e Foundation Plans. The driven piles listed below were observed to be driven to the specified lengths and/or driving resistances to obtain the supporting capacities recommended in the foundation report. Based upon observations, it is our op1n1on that the foundation recommendations presented in the report of the foundation investigation, Job No·---~--, dated _________ (are)/(are not) applicable to the conditions observed. Foundation Pl ans by .. dated _________ were used as a reference for our observations. r. '-r. NOTE: 1. The observations reported above do not constitute an approval of foundation location, footing size or depth, reinforcement, or foundation design. 2. Loose, soft, or disturbed soi ls must be removed prior to placement of reinforcement or concrete. 3. The opinions and recommendations presented in this report were based upon our observa- tions and are presented in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering practice. We make no other warranty, either express or implied. BY: __ ,_( _lJ_-______ _ 7420 Trade St. San Diego, Ca. 92121 • (858) 549-7222 • FAX: (858) 549-1604 ='J = = ----"" = = §I v:, Q) +-" co •.---< u C> v:, v:, -< ?>-0 ~ ·.---< = cO i..... i:x.. ~ = = = = ~ ~ = ..--l = ;,.,< < e:r... = ~ -= ..--l c::,:::i ;=, E-< 00 = = "" ----"" "" -----d' = rH IHl iiffl -...... . I, ;:; '. ~; Cl! i:: 7 T"7 t : 'r.l ! ~-1 I I I I I . 11 II I ' I I L i ~A s ~ ' I j ~)d S I ~ ,. l (5~751' ' • • • i I I I~ ' I "' I I ! ;' I \!) t kA r Ii -I j~ij~, l~l--.--l ....... ~=r=--,1,---y-L--._l_ l =-!1; ls}T~ ! I I ,Tn ·~ " I ~1 i 1s,tss.; ~ ~· tii • (!) fu ►U!i:l MGs-4 JSI i l ~Wk ~ W}M;zt,,j ~ Bff#ffA?r t ~ . \\'J¢td1 ' ! i M~ f I i _J ~ [ "' ' ~i f 1 ~ I ~ T50A ~ I J J I @)hl~Z I I U 1 ' ,.,1,... ~tie l!l(J;!,!_i_ ,1\_ di.~~~ l c .. (l I Dixieline Truss 2740 Tidelands Ave. Natlanal City, CA 51950 Phone: (619) 263-6161 Fax: (619) 477-6891 ~ io ~ ::!(!IIU,,J GET50 ?11• P."' JOB NMlE: EMERALD POlNT Pl.AN INFO: l C ALT 2 ROOF PITCH: 4/\2. 4.S/12, 8/12 EMERALD POINT 1 C ALT 2 Framing Associates __ .} M'i I -,_ I ~,- GET53 _18'_0_" (' 7.t'<Ofl'u SALES ~::F: E:L ~~'E. DhTE, 01/0G/2007 [)SGNR/C.HKP~: JS / FG TC ~i.ve TC Dead e.c t..Lve BC Oedd T.ot ~:.. :~.~o psi l.-1. co p.s1. o. o.::i p~ 1 5. 00 p s f 35.00 psf - ~ ; . .s ~ ~ t * 1 Wo,t: LC F.L'i" 2 SCALE: l''•:11' 0., Date: G/22/20C& 14:34 ()·J.t:f'~c-Lbr : l . 2~ O~r~ac-P1t : 1 .25 O.C. Spec'ing : 2 Design Spec: ~EC-91 t!Tr/i1Cf9 : 8 -l / 2E. R u-~ t t REV!f\\.'EO 0 RE.JECTED 0 REVISE AHO R.ES.UBMiT □ FURNISHED AS CORRECTED Correct10n1 or comment& made on the shcp d!'"8WlllgS dunng th:s review do not relieve co,,lfa<:t()( from the comch311C4! with requtremenls of the drawings and wecm::at100S. ThlS check is only for rel/M!W of genetal cor!forrnance with the d851gn ooncept of the proiect ano genera• como!lance with lt.e infom'latior. gr.-en in the contrao docurr'6fllS. The contractor 16 responait)je to, cont1rmmg and correcting aH quanlrlies and <J1m&r·:.1on!I i;e,ectif!Q fabr-cat•on processes and lecttOIQve~ of oor1structK1n. coordinat.iog liis wori( with tfllM of all ~'11&' u~s: and perfofml"lg '11s worl( in a s.....t .. anQ s-tis!actory manner Tile struaurai il'lt8grity of ,tam, Sl'I0""1 ,,,. ttie~ shop drawings are trie sole respons1t•h!y of the Contractor·s Engmee_!_, not ESVFME Structurs1 Engineers. /. ESI/FME Structu~~ oate 4 ~110~ sy __ ___..__ __ _ ~ RAMON R. WONG S.E.2345 ---- Job Name: EMERALD POINT 1 C ALT 2 Truss ID: T53-FRAME JID: 364484 180 -Dixie/ine Lumber ~) TRUSWAL tS%SZS2I SYSTEMS 17W BUUdlng Components Group, Inc. W I H~ Dr. Ste. tCl'2, Colo. Spg.._, CO ICl'H1 TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.52 TC 2"4 DFL 12 BC 2Ji:4 OFL 12 WEB 2x4 DFL STANO/STUD TIE BEAM 2"4 DFL STANO/STUD ATTIC WB 2x4 OFL STAND/STUD GBL BU< 2l<6 OFL SS PUITE VALUES PER ICOO RESEARCH REPORT 11607. Loaded fot 1 O PSF non-concurrent acu.. Attic COiiar tie requires lateral b.-.dng shown p4us bracing a1 lh• p■net pOUlts of lhe collar Ile (unless noted otherwise). or rigid shu tting is r1:qund. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. End ver1icab wt designed for a»a k>ads only untess noted otherwile. Extensions above ot below the truss profile (f ant) have beon designed fOf' loads ~lcaled only. Horizontal to.ids applied al the end ot the~ h■ve not been consid1r11d unless >hown. A drop-leg 10 an oct'lefWl5.e unsupporled wall may create • hinge effect that require.s additional design consideration (by others). Plating spec: AN$1/TP1 -1995 Att1c room toad• ◄5 psf, pkls any added loads ind;caled, Room U Oeff. ls l/360. THIS OE SIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. IF HANGERS ARE INDICA TEO ON THIS DRAWING, THEY ARE BASED ON 1.5" HANGER NAILS FOR 1-PI.YANO 3" HANGER NAILS FOR MULTI-PI.Y GIRDERS. IF 2.5" GUN NAILS ARE USED, THE HANGERS MUST BE RE-EVALUATED (BY OTHERS). Gabtt horizQntal studs are 2x 6 web malarial spaced g 96.0 '"o.e. 1.1nless noted olher.Ni.se. 1;1.~:~to°:ti;::«;:p1i: :f:c:S· Set "Gtneral Gable Oetau·. C002065035. SEE TRUSS T53 (J/D: 364484) FOR ATTACHMENT DETAILS 6-~4 T 1-10-4 ~ 1:2:2 2 ls.iii) ~ W3.SX4 J&.O 4 ---:e:ooi sl T 1 1-10-4 j;3' tj' I 'B tjl W2X3 2-0-0 ~ go/ 90} STUB 7 14:2:Q 8 TYPICAL PLATE : W3X4 AICOMK'fotp/Mtl ,,. Tiww•I 20 91. "'1/euprwcNedby "W"' torWn e 20 9• .. •HS" (or HS 1091., "S" forSS 119,. lromAtpln•: orpn,udedb1 "'NX"'for 1'Ml,fX 10,, o, "'lrforfl 91. from Ttv.sWM,pwttlonedfH'..INIIO.taRRt,pOl'b. Wlf:#dpl•t.,. andtalH (n,nepl,r.s .,.poa/OanMu .shown abon. Shlllgul• awdph,.. fo weldo..,.,,. Wf<lt.S""'IWl/plM..,. (w•t.epl-J. W2X3 1-:2-0-0 gt STUB I T"" WARN/NG Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy ofit to the Erecting Contractor. Ttk• duis,, ii fo, an lndMdual ~ng component nol r,uu sysl.-n. ft I\H .,,_, h••cl' on spc,c.lkaOOM PfO...tdacl t,y U'la component rnanul.c:i:ur., aM IIOfW In acco,d,nce wk.'I lht cw,-nl \IWtiort• °' TPI .. d AFPA cl'Hlgn llano,, .. Ne lHf'O""lbiNly Is enu.rMd to, dimensiorlal aca,recy, Oimunlont &r• to b• ¥91ihd ~ IN componffll mllM,ctw., 1/WUOI ~ 4ulgn• ,nor lo t•llldeatloft TM bw.Jding o,1gn., mulC -~ &hit UM INds """°' on IH1 fttlpl meel Of a0MCI UM loadqi Impose. •Y ~ IDCai b'6Sint UC,1 tnd lht ~ applc:atloft.. The des)gft USUfflH llM 1M '9p d\otd 11 ._.,..,. brtcff by Iha roof orb,~.,., .... bcUom chcird Is Sita-, bf aced t,y a r'9W &he&Uling material ditKtty attached. t.lnlets octictwi•• noted. BBcing ahOrtltn ii fo, 1111.eral 1uppor1 ol com,on•nh metnb«s Orly to r•M• bu~ ~th. nus cwnpo,1W lhal noc t»e plaUcl' In •nr tf'M'orwnenl lhal Ml cauH lhe moi,tute cont•nl of lh• WOOd to exceed 19% ancuor caust conn1dor p1111 corrouotl. Fabric.at, hafldl,.lnllall: and t .. ca lNs truss In accada,nu 'l'o'ilh CM lolowing s.taMatdl: 'Joint and CUctlnt Oela,if R.-,,011.,· avaAbl• H OVlpUt lrcm Tr!IS'Nal softwafe. 'AHSVfPI l'. WlCA 1'. Wooo Jn.r» Cound OINM!b ~ttl Dfffsn Re,,_,......._., llllllOING COMPONENT SAFETY lNFOAMATION". (8C5' 1-03) and 'BCSI SUMMARY SHEETS" by WJCA and TPI. Th• Ttuu Plate IMliuk (TPtJ II loc:_, al Sil O''Onolno Oriw. M1Jlson. Wbcouin $3711. The .Mltricln F-ore.a ..-, Papc,,Auoaa:ion (AFPA) h loutd ti 1111 19U'I Sltt•l HtN. Slt 800, Wuh.lnglon. DC 2003G. ----· ··--------------- Thit tNu is designed using the UBC,97 Code. Bk'Sg Enclosed • Y11, lmp0(\anee Faclor • 1.00 Truss Location • Nol End Zone ~~; i:!i~~18'.6o"nc ~~ =c!1~.!!;~ ~:rt~ 1°11 ... pst --LOAD CASE •1 DESIGN LOADS ---Cw LPII LLoc R.PII R.Loc UJTL TC Vat 67.50 2-0-0 67 .50 6-4-4 0.53 TC Vert 90.00 6-4-4 90.00 6-6-0 0.40 TC Vat 67.50 6-6-0 67.50 11-6-0 0.53 TC Vert 90.00 11·6-0 90.00 11-7-12 0.40 TC Vert 67.50 11-7-12 67.50 16-0-0 0.53 BC Vtrt 11.25 2· 0-0 11.25 6-4• 4 0.00 BC Vert 112.50 6-4-4 112.50 11· 7-12 o.eo BC Vert 11.25 11-7-12 11.25 16-0-0 0.00 2-<C V 22.50 6-6-0 22.50 11· 6-0 0.00 ... Typo... lbs X.Loc LUTL Fulener BC Vert 90.0 6-◄· 4 0.00 8C Vert 90.0 11-7-12 0,00 4/17/2008 Cust: Framing Associales WO: Drive_S_1c au 2_L00007_J00001 Dsgnr. JS TC Live 16.00 psi TC Snow 0.00 psi TC Dead 14.00 psi BC Live 0.00 psi BC Dead 5.00 psi Bldg Code: UBC-97 #lC = 32 WT: 118# Live0ur L•1.25 P•1.25 snowour L=1.16 P=1.,s Rep Mbr Bnd f Comp f Tens 1.00/ 1.00 i 1.00 O.C.Spacing 2-3-0 DEFL RATIO: U240 TC: L/240 -. Job Name: EMERALD POINT 1C ALT 2 Truss ID: T53 BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0-1-12 606 3,50" 1.50" 2 17-10-◄ 806 3.50" 1.50" BRG REQUIREMENTS shown a,e based ONLY oo the truss material at each bearing ~9 DJ:r'.tfJ~~.;,ti;"i'.'t'1s L= -0.0&· °" -o.os· T= -0.11· CRITICAL MEMBER FORCES: ol~ t COM~-~-l'S T~ <g1f,l-J CSI ,., .. ,11,25~ .~~1.i<l! 0.32 2-3 .,, , 25 ,es , so 0.21 3--4 -71 1 25 1'5 UR) 0.27 4-5 -97 1 :ZS 166( 1.60) 0.,2 5-0R UO)I 5J(1.25) 0.17 BC COMP.(OUR.)I TEHS.!OVR) CSI 6-7 -219(1.5011 745(1.25!0.5' 7.t -218(UO)/ 7◄5(1.25 O.S4 W8 COMP.(OUR.JI TENS.(OUR.) C5' 2-7 -267(1.25)1 l73(U0)0.17 t~ .tlli\-~ ~2,\~~1°oV, 180 -Dixieline Lumber ~) TRUSWAL IS%SZS21 SYSTEMS ffW 8uilding Components Group, Inc. ,u,f5 Honhparic lk. SI•. ,01, Colo. 5/>9,s., CO 10901 TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.5.52 TC 2x4 OFL #2 SC 2x4 DFL 12 Plating spec: ANSVT?t • 1995 THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. WEB 2x◄ DFL STANO/STUD PU.TE VALUES PER ICBO RESEARCH REPORT #1607. Loaded fOf 10 PSF non-concooenl BCLL PlATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. ♦++♦++♦♦♦♦♦♦++++++++++ OVERHANG(SJ MAY BE SHORTENED UP TO 3" MAX.I Ovemang Sor!U loading "" 0.0 p$f IF HANGERS ARE INDICATED ON THIS DRAWING, THEY ARE BASED ON 1.5" HANGER NAILS FOR 1-PL Y >.NO 3" HANGER NAILS FOR MULTI-PLY GIRDERS. IF 2.5" GUN NAJLS ARE USED, THE HANGERS MUST BE RE-EVALUATED (BY OTHERS). ♦♦♦♦♦♦++++++++++++++♦+ 11 6-$-4 o;r-4 j!-_O,Q_ --2- rs:oo- 20-10d ~ 2:Q-0 ~-4-~ ----:a.ooJ 2D-10d f14 ~6i __________ _.11Jl;8-~~~-DL ________ ~ __ 8 ~ AlcMrr«lorplltu ,,. TrvswaJ 2Og1. uni.uprcndttdby •W"'(orWn• 109• .• "HS• lorHS 10g• .. "S" (or SS 115111. from Alpln-.· orpr•n.:hdbf "MrforTWIIX 10911. or·H•torflga. ff'Otn Trvsw.l, poslllon~p•r JointO.t,UR•porls. CJrc,.dplalH 1ndfalu n-.m. pl•tes ~posllionld as shown -'.love. Shift gabl• stud P'•'" ro noW overt•p wlrh •vucturl/ p11t♦s (oralapl•). WARN/NG Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of it to the Erecting Contractor. Thia dHlgn la lot •11 indMdvtl tn,ilding component ft0t trvu syslltl'I. II h■s been ba.ied on specikaliotis prOYfded by the companent manufacturer and do(MI In 1ccord11'1c1 with th• current v•llons 1111 TPt and /4FPA design st1no:t1ds. No responsa,U;ty IS assumed b dimenMonal accuracy Oimatalons att lo bt ..,.riRed ti rt.he componml manufacturer andlot' bul1dttlg d1slgntf prior to f1bticatlon. The bulcling dntgn., m\lsl .,ur11in that the k»OI utiiz1d on this 011i51n meat or un1d the loadJng impned by lM ~ IMtding cocle and lhe pattic:ulat 1pplicatio11. Tht. dt,ig:n assumes IMt lhe top tl'lord 11 l1l1r1llr braeff b1 u,, rocl Of floot sheathing and the bottom cho1d ~ lat•al)y braced by I rigid s.hUIMg malerial dltectty 1tl1ch1d, unlen olhetwise noted. 8r1CV!g w,o,,r, ,slot lattlal $Uppot1 of eomponfflts me~, oncy IO 1.-duc:, bueklt,ig lenglh. This compcu,ent shaft noc bi. pl1et1d in any 1nvf1onmtnl !hat~· CIUH th.t mo1,1u,, conler( of the wood lo txCHd 19" and/Of CIIJM COMICIDf plate Cot'IOskin. F1b1ie111. hlnclle', ir,11111 Ind tuee U'Wa lrvu Ol\ ICCOldanN ¥11\11, lhl lolowlng stand11ds: 'Joint and Cutting Octaif Repotts' avail1bk H Ol,llpul from Tt\1$Wll M)ftwsfl, 'ANSll'TPI t·. 'WlCA 1'. Wood Trull Cc,uncl of Am.ria Standard Ouign Rnpond!Mtn. "BUILDING COMPONENT SAFETY INFORMATtelN" • (9CSI M)3J •nd 'BCSI Sl.lMMARY SHEETS' b' WTCA and TPI The Trvn Plate lnu11.ut1 (lPI> I, b:ated al 563 O'Onoldo Drive. Madi,on. Wisoonsin 53719 ltae Americtn ForHl a.rid Plpl:I' ,\nocl1tion(AFPAJ IS louted at 1111 1W\ Slteet. t-NV. Ste 800. Wnhlrl9lon. 0C 200l6. JID: 364484 UPLIFT REACTION(S) : Support 1 -117 lb Support 2 -11711> This ltuss is designed using the UBC-97 Code. Bldg Endosed • Yes, lmpot1ance Factor • 1.00 Truss LocalfOn-= Not End Zone Hunieane/Ocean Line :::: No. E,tp Category= C Bldg Lenglh = 99.00 ft. Bldg Wldlh = 50.00 ~ Mean roof height = 1 S.34 fl mph : 70 USC Special Oc:cupancy, Dead Load-= 11.4 psi REPAIR: THE TRUSS CONFIGURATION MUST BE MOOIF!EO TO ALLOW FOR A 4-0-0 TALL BY 5-0-0 WIDE OPENING. • AOEOUATEL Y SUPPORT THE TRUSS UNTIL THE REPAIR IS COMPLETE. • BUILD THE SPLICE FRAME(S) USING THE LUMBER ANO PLATES AS SHOWN ON TRUSS T53-FRAME JID 364484. ATTACH THE FRAME{$) TO ONE FACE WITH 10d NAILS AS SHOWN PER FRAME. IF NOT SPECIFIED, USE 10d AT s· O.C. IN ALL OTHER MEMBERS THATOVERI.APWITHTHEFRAME DISTRIBUTE THE NAILS EVENLY THROUGHOUT THE DIMENSION SPECIFIED OR ALONG THE WEB OR PANEL LENGTHS. •APPLY ANY ADDITIONAL LATERAL BRACING ON THE SPLICE TRUSS IF SHOWN. I 7-1 14 SHIP 4/17/2008 Cust: Framing Associates WO: Drtve_S_1c alt 2_L00007_J00001 Osgnr: JS #LC = 22 WT: 107# TC Live 16.00 psi TC Snow o.oo psr TC Dead 14.00 psf BC Live 0.00 psi BC Dead 5.00 psf Bldg Code: UBC-97 LiveOur L=l .25 P=1.25 SnowOur L=1.15 P=1.15 Rep Mbr Bnd / Comp I Tens 1.00/1.0011.00 0.C.Spacing 2-3-0 OEFL RATIO: U240 TC: L/240 ·~ CIIY Of Carlsbad ~ Final Building lnspeclion Planning CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check #: 178 Date: Permit #: CB072745 Permit Type: Project Name: EMERALD POINTE-PHS 2-PLN 1AL T2 Sub Type: 3211 SF,495 SF GAR,285 SF DECK Address: 1367 SAPPHIRE DR Lot: 8 Contact Person: Phone: Sewer Dist: CA Water Dist: CA ,~5; GG ~;:pected &i/t Date ?fi5Ji "" Inspected: Approved: Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: r----i JUL 1 4 2008 I L ~ :'il, I 07/14/2008 RESDNTL SFD ... Disapproved: __ Disapproved: __ Disapproved: __ _J .. r Comments: _____________________________ _ Page 1 of 1 Ch~istine Wanschek-Emerald Point Estates From: To: Date: Subject: Attachments: "Michael Elliott" <mikee11iott2@cox.net> "Jason Goff' <jgoff@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, "Pete Dreibelbis" <pdrei@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, "Michele Masterson" <mmast@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, "Meghan Jacobson" <mjaco@ci.carlsbad.ca. us>, "Christine Wanschek" <cwaus@ci.carlsbad.ca. us>, "Janean Hawney" <Jhawn@ci.carlsbad.ca.us>, <brendan.farrelly@rwrhomes.com> 07/16/2008 11 :12 AM Emerald Point Estates 270A -Emerald Point Estates (Lot 8) -Inspl.doc Emerald Point Estates Project Number: CT02-07 Drawing Number: 430-SL Lot 8 -1367 Sapphire Drive -CB072745 Landscape inspection comments are attached. Approved -Permit card for lot 8 was signed on July 16, 2008. file://C:\Documents and Settings\Cwaus\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\487DD79FGW... 07/16/2008