HomeMy WebLinkAbout1067 SEAHORSE CT; ; CB971479; Permitp F v. #, 7 xt r ______ ._ ............... ._.. /fJN~~ APPROVAL INS~ DATE 7-Z(,t; CL:.:ARANCE ------- CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 MAY-28-97 WED 11 :11 CITY OF CARLSBAD COMM DE FAX NO, 4380894 P. 02 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY • PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) .:138-11 61 PLAN CHECK NO. q7 J L/I~ EST. VAL.-----~--- Plan Ck. DepO$it _________ _ Validated& ~ Date f--+i-b---4-l+-1-7-- Phase No Tot~I # of Ul'll!S II ct 8otnro0m~ ·:2. CONTACT l'f ASON HI dlffe1.nt 11cm appllc■ntl N8mH Add,ess '!3. APPLICANl 0 Controato• 0 Agont tor C~n;-11ctor 4. PAOl-'Ull'Y OWlilER (2_' f ~ ~-' •••• ..-~ ' - ·----~e, ~ --l'<ains Addt'3S~ ! .. COHTAACTOII. c oMrii.NY NAME •, ·--,,.. - Du~-(1 1"' t o , Su•e L1.cM~ :1 8 WORK[RS' COMPf.NSA TION AdOr&u r: i 'il' 0 Owne, -0 Aqe;;t im Ow,1er -------------C,t~ Ste• .. · ... ~ .. : ·r -· .... -----s,:i~t' '::- C1tv St~te/Z,p ~crl>ors _,c,t-)•.~r,,t:.a•,6.-, Oe~htra•. en I '"1o•e-bv ef"'rr11 wnder oennit,· cf pc,r;ur, one o' t'°'O '':' ,y~·•o-: r'~. •ur"t.cN. Telephone; Fax II _____ ... , r + ,.,q # Telepho<'l~ ;r··-~ ~~:·.:. ·.:.;··:·.~.-.,:::-;~:.:"':\,'~ ~~:\.ler.:.,.,.,ens•t•O", 95 ·•r.uort1d D\I s~ .• ,,.,,, ,7(\) ~· '"" I_ ~~or :oae. for t'>e .-~rior•ndr,;e o• '.h~ .... o•k lo· which t"l•S oerm1t ts { }u, 1 ,, , " •• •• • 'C""t-ensat,<" "'-1Uren<!e carr,&r end policy "Ul'Y'b'olr ~•a / '"s" ,CL ,,., v_ ~~~~-~--f'o11-,i1.:,_it?.00~~'2,_\'1.)4..-q(o E-p,•e•,,,,:i.,., __ 9--4-1'1-'-J.____ (THIS H C TiON NUO NO i IS~ l ,,v·u •EO JF THf l'f;R'-t!T IS FOR ONE HUNOl\~P oo. LARS,, '001 (lq l E~<;J Lt cr11 ... 111~A TE C1F Fx r MP1, N " t- -t1r11tv tha1 ,r-, the S,.JerfCtN'tar,r-e of .. ,..s wO!k !~ wn.:ch th,s per--n1f 15 IJSU,:.\'.J, I ~hall r,O'"' f:t'l1plQy •n-v o cr!iiCul r, Emy mttnne, !:O es Jrrctt1lSS\1..:.·~ .a~s ot Ca:.to.r1~ ompenutlor ,;o~ft•tQt lt 1111lawh;1 &/llS IJ'e.11 saOH!C1 an employer l<r trfml11ol 1.,. ,,.t-J.,• >nd ,,. I ftmt& up lo ono h undntd to ti\♦ c;c,al of comp,,,.,.,.tion ium~9e.t aa pror,,d•:j fo, In ~achon 3706 ol tti. L!'bot ,od• lnt&tlll'II end attomev a fe1t1t, C.i>Tt {p • lf •'f~~ 7 1 ~••"e..-af'1rrr, 1tiat I ,,v, nxBrn~\ HO"' the t..c,t-,t •N's Llr.-en,o \-~'"' 16\ Ute 11,.1Ul)v,,n:J 'f'9.it: n • 1 ""' ,.,. ot the e1rC1POl'l, ~·• rny e,-,,µ:c:,ye":; w1t'1 W~?~• as t'1e•r ~,:,1., com:>tln~•t , , " ,1, th~ w~k an•• ,1, .. s: v·.IV•o -,; <'Ot ,nten:,e~ or .,tiered for :.ale c e , ... t.1 I! Jhl'"lft!:.S ona Pro·%~1on$ Cod9. i1io Co,,t•attor·!', L,.~en~i! Lttw -300~ not e, 1 .. , '" )...v••e ·f proru:trtv w!"l..> b•-' HU-or 1nUH'JY~$ ~h<'•o9•1, and who doos •vt,. l<\?H. --11· .~~If e,r rr,•ot..gn h:; ow,, -'r,,PlO'-'~e~. p••h,1der:: tt·t t ~l'Cf°' 1'"?1~ro,.,4irr.enrci 8'ti rt~n!:4~,'t 'ter•d •or ~.tie ·t l'\('lhti•ttf the ~~1ld1r.9 01 1mp•o,.,ement is s 1 '" •t,,,, ori~ -,,ear .Jf 1.;.i;,11,.;,\J(l<.,n. t'.to ow r">tt" bu1lot,. "'''' '""•\fl •~,(I bUlde.-, ; i.~rov o ,t1111, J? t,J ,...v~ • o1•td )r 1:,,·or\lvo fc, the purp<>r:ie ot S.91&) r--1& o...Ynt' '='' •h,a p n,=,ftny a"'l e\Clu~1ve1, "'r,.,,,a,:~,•1,;; wi•f'I I e-11, H ,J (1:"itt&C!crs ~c: u)i1ST'',l~\ !N;i pro•ect \$t,,; 7044 8utrlM05S ano Profes~1¢,'I!, Code: Tho C,.. •,~, ,,:.,, c. i •ct'n~e Law does noi eci.i1y 1 & .. "'' a _ • Q' +-,.,., ~r r,,,.. 1 ., ,,_ .. r,• •hr f,,.., ,)n,j ·· r ,~r~~ fo, S<J:.."' v· OJt?ctS ',j,,,; '·" conrrae,or1s) lict,11sod r• , ~,It,,~ re '"'" Conti &c•o, "· L.ce.t,~ti Lay,, 1 0 i am ,••mpt vrd•r Stv:t1on • nt1r!orial11,. o:•" TO orvv,<1e lhi& 1T1a.or leoo: Bt•d "\ateoa,~ fl)" ':'~"'\'itr W\ >11 ,,;sf t, e prq,,.\eO ~r-:irerty ,mp~ ,..,e~n("lrt O Yt~ ON":- ' he-.~ have 1otl .._,g"ed al\ apoht &t•on k a bv11d1"g o£·~·t ~ Y ,,,,ij ~, p ,.-.tto wo', 1 I r,aye rortrl!(1/)(J ..,,tt\ t~.e •o,low•"g per~trn (fofM to l>r' v,ao t>·• ~o(,/'DS8'1 (0"~•,u~• '"' '1r<:loJdv ,,,.,,.,;, .;ddrAM: / phone nur1t,er 'l)ntructors hconse num~r); 4 pier t< r,1ov1d~ port,oris ot the wo'.~, t.,.,\ t,a111> t,,,,.d t»6 •.-,11""'" ~ ~~--,,, • • c,;.N~·..,e•e <ur>!!rv1s~ ,n~ prov,ae th~ rr~J<:'• ,.<•<• (,r,ciud" -,&me I addre:;:; / phone "'"•rH·,er (O*tractors 1rcon'!lft "umbtt1) ____ _ £ I .\'fl' p10VJ.lf' sorie of t"-& wot• bL't j n1,e ,or~t,&~[fll0 (rh(ijd, ne hJl~.J"'r r~ ,,, )'10> l,.1" 1>.-ide tf"lti WOf fK 1na1 .. et&d (,nc-t\tdt> name I 1'1d,t19Y I phOnA number' tvoe cf wor~ PFIOPtf!fY ONNER S1CiNATl/M~ ____ _ OATS ______ _ CO'v'l'LEH: Tl11$ Sl!CTION FOR NON-RESll>CNnAJ. l:IUIU)INO P.ERMIT~ O NI Y ·-... Is the appltco~t or fvtur~ DtJ'lthnd occvot r:.t reQured to $~rbf'""'trt 1 bus,l"'te.$.$ pie~, fllr..,.roty .ttt.rd~j$ ma,:er1al:!1 regist ot,ort tu,,n vr rta\. ma~agerT\ont ar.d p,ev9ntion orogram mder ~~ct,on, 25505. 2':15'3~ or 26534 o ( the l"re$1ev Tarintir Hu ardo~, ::;.,ostonc·I' ,-,,c(I· nt Act? 0 ~ES O NO I< rr-e a;mhCM•: .,, 1,1ure t>u,lorrig occvpam roawrretl tJ 0:,11•~ a D~"".-fr(")~, the au p0llul•O'l ,cntrl°ll diSl•o,;1 o· a,r _,..,. 1Y mar,agement ,;i,,,.,et? u VES O NO ts 11\6 fa,;1lr?y to bo construc.t9d ""1tn,n 1,000 foe\ of ti'e O."•· .wu'1dary o• e sch,>o· >rt"' 0 ~ES O N\./ IF A NV OF THI" ANSWERS AAE VES A ~INAL CEJ:ITll=ICATt OF OC:r'UPA.NCV MAY NOT ee ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HA5 MET 011 IS M!eTINO THE REQUIREMENTS OF lHE OFFlCE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES ANO l~E AIR POLLVHON CONIROL PISTRIC, • . 8, CONSTRUCTIONLENOINGAGEHCY·-•"' ,, -~, ~.,_.,..,,. • ,-···· --... , . ··-·· _,..,, •.. I l'ie,eby affirrn \M l there is • construction lending a11eney for Ills perto,,,,ence of the work lo, wh<ch this permit l$ l$sued (Sec. 3097(1) Civil Coda!. LENDER'S NAME ---------~----LENDER'~ AOOAESS ·9. · -APPLICANT Cfft'tlflCATIC:lN .• ,i:-· ---~-.·~ --.~·7:?"c-. ,-,-•,.;·-,-.·-:.: "7.:r-•· -.-;-.. J certify that I ha11e rod the apµliution and stAte t hllt the tbove lnforma1,on is correct aod that the intonn1tion on the plans is 1ccur411e. I agr'"' to comply with all CltY ordi""nc"" and State lews rol•t•n11 to t,u,lding construction. I hereby atJthome rep,nentat1ves of th& Cltt of Carlsbad to enter upon th41 above mentioned l)IOPertv tor inspection pl.ITJ)OHS, I Al.SO AGREE TO SAVI;, INDEMNIFY ANP KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF C.AIILSBAD A(iAINST All LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS f.>.EAMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit ,s r&qv1red for ~xeevatlons over s·o• deep and demoli1ior, or construction of st,uctures ovtr '3 sto11es 1n herght. EllPIRATION: Every i,ermit issued bY the Building Offielel under the provisioM of this Code •'-911 expi111 by limit~tlon and become null •nd void 11 the building or work euthorl111d by s uch permit is not comm8need within 365 days from the data of such permit or if tho building or WOik autnorizeel by such pert'M is £uspended or abandOl'led at any time after the work ls n d r a period ot , 60 daya (Section 108.4.4 Uniform Bui!diri9 Coda). APPLICAN1'S SIGNATURE OATE __ {...,,_• 4:...._-j..._CJ--1----- Q••Uv' C,., ... ...,.,.,, CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB971479 FOR 07/24/97 DESCRIPTION: GAS LINE & ELECTRIC TO BBQ-NOT TO BE RUN UNDER PATIO COVER TYPE: PLUM JOB ADDRESS: 1067 SEAHORSE CT APPLICANT: BELLE TERRE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR: OWNER: REMARKS: C/JANET/487-8639 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: TOTAL TIME: INSPECTOR AREA PY PLANCK# CB971479 OCC GRP CONSTR. TYPE NEW LOT: CD 23 34 LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS PL Gas/Test/Repairs EL Rough Electric ft_ ~6_µ.::::1t/....L....=.&:=------ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS 071897 Gas/Test/Repairs NR PY 071897 Final Electrical NR PY 061797 Gas/Test/Repairs AP PY GAS LINE 10.5 FT FROM HOUSE 061797 Underground/Conduit-Wiring AP PY CONDUIT ONLY