HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 2018-0022; KENNY RESIDENCE; FINAL SOILS REPORT; 2019-04-09▫ CW Soils, 23251 Kent Court, Murrieta, CA 92562 ▫ 951-304-3935 ▫
PROJECT NO. 18694-30
APRIL 9, 2019
23251 Kent Court
Murrieta, CA 92562
▫ 951-304-3935 ▫
▫ cwsoils.com ▫
April 9, 2019 CW SOILS
April 9, 2019 Project No. 19758-30
Gerry and Liz Kenny
8009 Paseo Arrayan
Carlsbad, CA 92009
Subject: Geotechnical Interpretive Rough Grade Report, Proposed Kenny Residence, Assessor’s
Parcel Number 216-650-63-00, Located on Vistosa Place, City of Carlsbad, San Diego
County, California
Per your authorization, CW Soils has provided observation and testing services during rough grading for the
proposed Kenny Residence, Assessor’s Parcel Number 216-650-63-00, located on Vistosa Place in the City of
Carlsbad, San Diego County, California. This report summarizes the geotechnical conditions observed and tested
during rough grading operations. We have provided conclusions and recommendations with regard to the
suitability of the grading operations for the proposed project. Foundation design recommendations based on the
soils present upon completion of grading have been presented herein.
Grading operations commenced in order to develop one building pad for construction of a one- and/or two-story
structure. The proposed improvements will consist of a single family residence utilizing slab on grade, wood,
concrete, or steel-framed construction. Grading operations began in April 2019 and were completed in April
Observations and selective testing have been performed by representatives of CW Soils during the grading
operations. Our services were performed in general accordance with the recommendations presented in the
referenced reports (see References), the grading code of the appropriate reviewing agency, and as dictated by
conditions encountered in the field. The earthwork testing and observations described herein have been reviewed
and are considered adequate for the planned construction. The recommendations presented in this report were
prepared in conformance with generally accepted professional engineering practices in this area at the time of this
report and no further warranty is expressed or implied.
Geologic Units
Soils noted during grading operations included bedrock.
April 9, 2019 CW SOILS
Groundwater was not encountered during grading operations.
Significant faulting was not observed during grading operations.
Site Clearing and Grubbing
Prior to grading operations, all trees, brush, and shrubs were stripped and removed from the compacted fill.
Ground Preparation
Remedial removals were roughly less than 6 inches below original grades, with locally deeper removals.
Prior to placing compacted fill, the exposed bottom surfaces were watered or air dried as necessary to achieve
near optimum moisture content and then compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density per
ASTM D1557.
Oversize Rock
During the grading operations, rock greater than 1 foot in maximum dimension, oversize rock, was not generally
Fill Placement and Testing
Fills were placed in lifts on the order of 6 to 8 inches in maximum thickness, watered or air dried as necessary to
achieve near optimum moisture content, then compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density
by rolling with a bulldozer, rubber tired dozer, sheepsfoot, and/or loaded scrapers. The maximum vertical depth
of compacted fill within the proposed building pads is on the order of 6 inches.
Field density and moisture content tests utilizing nuclear gauge methods were performed in accordance with
ASTM Test Methods D2922 and D3017. Visual classification of the soils in the field was the basis for
determining which maximum dry density value was applicable for individual density tests. The test results are
presented in Table 1 and test locations are shown on the enclosed As-Graded Geotechnical Map, Plate 1.
Compacted fills were tested to verify that a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density had been
achieved. At least one density test was taken for each 1,000 cubic yards and/or for every 2 vertical feet of
compacted fill placed. When field density tests yielded results less than the minimum required density, the
approximate limits of the substandard fill were established. The substandard area was then reworked (most
common) or removed, moisture conditioned, recompacted, and retested until the desired minimum density had
been achieved. In most cases, failed density tests were noted then retested in the same general vicinity at nearly
the same elevation as the failed test.
April 9, 2019 CW SOILS
Maximum Dry Density
Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for representative soils noted during grading operations
were determined using the guidelines of ASTM Test Method D 1557-12. Pertinent test values are summarized in
Appendix B.
Expansion Index Tests
Expansion index tests were performed on representative soils sampled near finish grade for select building pads
using the guidelines of ASTM D 4829-03. Test results are summarized in Appendix B.
Soluble Sulfate Analyses
The soluble sulfate content of soils was determined using the guidelines of California Test Method (CTM) 417.
Test results are summarized in Appendix B.
Chloride content of soils was determined using the guidelines of CTM 422. Test results are summarized in
Appendix B.
Minimum Resistivity and pH
Minimum resistivity and pH tests of soils were determined using the guidelines of CTM 643. Test results are
summarized in Appendix B.
Slope Landscaping and Maintenance
Provided all drainage provisions are properly constructed and maintained, the gross stability of graded
slopes should not be adversely affected. However, satisfactory slope and building pad drainage is essential
for the long term performance of the site. Concentrated drainage should not be allowed to flow
uncontrolled over any descending slope. As recommended by the project landscape architect, engineered
slopes should be landscaped with deep rooted, drought tolerant maintenance free plant species.
Site Drainage
Maintaining control over drainage throughout the site is important for the long term performance of the
proposed improvements. We recommend roof gutters or equivalent roof collection system for proposed
structures. Pad and roof drainage should be routed in non-erosive drainage devices to driveways, adjacent
streets, storm-drain facilities, or other locations approved by the building official. Drainage should not be
allowed to pond on the building pad or near any foundations. Planters located within retaining wall
backfill should be sealed to prevent moisture intrusion into the backfill. Planters located next to structures
April 9, 2019 CW SOILS
should be sealed to the depth of the footings. Drainage control devices require periodic cleaning, testing
and maintenance to remain effective.
Building pad drainage should be designed to meet the minimum gradient requirements of the CBC, to
divert water away from foundations.
Utility Trenches
All utility trench backfill should be compacted at near optimum moisture to a minimum of 90 percent of
the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557-12. Trench backfill should be placed in
approximately 6 to 8 inch maximum loose lifts and then mechanically compacted with a hydro-hammer,
a sheepsfoot, pneumatic tampers, or similar equipment. Within pavement areas, the upper 6 inches of
subgrade materials for utility trench backfill should be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry
density determined by ASTM D1557-12. The utility trench backfill should be observed and tested by the
project soils engineer or their representative to verify that the minimum compaction requirements have
been obtained.
Where utility trenches undercut perimeter foundations, all utility trenches should be backfilled with
compacted fill, lean concrete or concrete slurry to minimize the penetration of moisture below building
slabs. When practical, interior or exterior utility trenches that run parallel to structure footings should not
be located within a 1:1 (h:v) plane projected downward from the outside bottom edge of the footing.
Shallow foundations are considered feasible for support of the proposed structure, provided construction is
performed in accordance with the recommendations of this report. Foundation recommendations are provided in
the following sections.
Allowable Bearing Values
An allowable bearing value of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) is recommended for design of 12 inch wide
continuous footings founded at a minimum depth of 12 inches below the lowest adjacent final grade and 24 inch
square pad footings. This value may be increased by 20 percent for each additional 1-foot of width and/or depth
to a maximum value of 2,500 psf. Recommended allowable bearing values include both dead and frequently
applied live loads and may be increased by one third when designing for short duration wind or seismic forces.
We estimate that the maximum total settlement of the footings will be less than approximately ¾ inch, based on
the anticipated loading and the settlement characteristics of the underling earth materials. Differential settlement
is expected to be about ½ inch over a horizontal distance of approximately 20 feet, for an angular distortion ratio
of 1:480. The majority of the settlement is anticipated to occur during construction or shortly after the initial
application of loading.
April 9, 2019 CW SOILS
The above settlement estimates are based on the assumption that the grading and construction are performed in
accordance with the recommendations presented in this report. Additionally, the project soils consultant or his
representative will be provided the opportunity to observe the foundation excavations.
Lateral Resistance
Passive earth pressure of 250 psf per foot of depth to a maximum value of 2,500 psf may be used to establish
lateral bearing resistance for footings. A coefficient of friction of 0.36 times the dead load forces may be used
between concrete and the supporting soils to determine lateral sliding resistance. When combining passive and
friction for lateral resistance, the passive component should be reduced by one third. In no case shall the lateral
sliding resistance exceed one-half the dead load for clay, sandy clay, sandy silty clay, silty clay, and clayey silt.
The above lateral resistance values are based on footings for an entire structure being placed directly against
compacted fill.
Expansive Soil Considerations
The laboratory test results indicate that the onsite soils exhibit an expansion potential of VERY LOW as classified
by the 2016 CBC Section 1803.5.3 and ASTM D4829-03. However, the preliminary soils report encountered
soils that exhibit an expansion potential of LOW (CW Soils, 2018). As a result, recommendations for LOW are
provided herein.
The following recommendations should be considered the very minimum requirements, for the soils tested. It is
common practice for the project architect or structural engineer to require additional slab thickness, footing sizes,
and/or reinforcement.
Low Expansion Potential (Expansion Index of 21 to 50)
Our laboratory test results indicate that the soils onsite exhibit a LOW expansion potential as classified by the
2016 CBC Section 1803.5.3 and ASTM D4829-03. As such, the CBC specifies that slab on grade foundations
(floor slabs) resting on soils with expansion indices greater than 20, require special design considerations per the
2016 CBC Sections 1808.6.1 and 1808.6.2. The design procedures incorporate the thickness and plasticity index
of the various soils within the upper 15 feet of the proposed structure. We have assumed an effective plasticity
index of 12, for preliminary design purposes.
Conventional Footings
• Exterior continuous footings should be founded at the minimum depths below the lowest adjacent final
grade (i.e. minimum 12 inch depth for one-story, minimum 18 inch depth for two-story, and minimum
24 inch depth for three-story construction). Interior continuous footings for one-, two-, and three-
story construction may be founded at a minimum depth of 12 inches below the lowest adjacent final
grade. In accordance with Table 1809.7 of the 2016 CBC, all continuous footings should have a
minimum width of 12, 15, and 18 inches, for one-, two-, and three-story structures, respectively, and
should be reinforced with a minimum of two (2) No. 4 bars, one (1) top and one (1) bottom.
• Exterior pad footings intended to support roof overhangs, such as second story decks, patio covers and
similar construction should be a minimum of 24 inches square and founded at a minimum depth of 18
inches below the lowest adjacent final grade. The pad footings should be reinforced with a minimum
April 9, 2019 CW SOILS
of No. 4 bars spaced a maximum of 18 inches on center, each way, and should be placed near the
bottom-third of the footings.
Building Floor Slabs
• Building floor slabs should be a minimum of 4 inches thick. All floor slabs should be reinforced with
a minimum of No. 3 bars spaced a maximum of 18 inches on center, each way, supported by concrete
chairs or bricks to ensure desired mid-depth placement. Based on an assumed effective plasticity
index of 12, the project architect or structural engineer should evaluate minimum floor slab thickness
and reinforcement in accordance with 2016 CBC Section 1808.6.2.
• Building floor slabs with moisture sensitive or occupied areas, should be underlain by a minimum 10-
mil thick moisture barrier to help reduce the upward migration of moisture from the underlying soils.
The moisture barrier should be properly installed using the guidelines of ACI publication 318-05 and
meet the performance standards of ASTM E 1745 Class A material. Prior to placing concrete, it is the
responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the moisture barrier is properly placed and free of
openings, rips, or punctures. As an option for additional moisture protection and foundation strength,
higher strength concrete, such as a minimum compressive strength of 5,000 pounds per square inch
(psi) in 28-days may be used. In addition, a capillary break/vapor retarder for concrete slabs should
be provided in accordance with CALGreen. Ultimately, the design of the moisture barrier system
along with recommendations for concrete placement and curing are the purview of the foundation
engineer, factoring in the project conditions provided by the architect and owner.
• Garage floor slabs should be a minimum of 4 inches thick and should be reinforced in a similar manner
as living area floor slabs. Garage floor slabs should be placed separately from adjacent wall footings
with a positive separation maintained with ⅜ inch minimum felt expansion joint materials and
quartered with weakened plane joints. A 12 inch wide turn down founded at the same depth as adjacent
footings should be provided across garage entrances. The turn down should be reinforced with a
minimum of two (2) No. 4 bars, one (1) top and one (1) bottom.
• Prior to placing concrete, the subgrade soils below all floor slabs should be pre-watered to achieve a
moisture content that is at least equal or slightly greater than optimum moisture content. The moisture
content should penetrate a minimum depth of 6 inches into the subgrade soils. The pre-watering
should be verified by CW Soils during construction.
Post Tensioned Slab/Foundation Design Recommendations
In lieu of the proceeding foundation recommendations, post tensioned slabs may be used for the proposed
structures. Post tension foundations are generally considered to be a better foundation system, but may be slightly
higher in overall cost. The foundation engineer may design the post tensioned foundation system using the
following Post Tensioned Foundation Slab Design table. These parameters have been provided in general
accordance with Post Tensioned Design. Alternate designs addressing the effects of expansive soils are allowed
per 2016 CBC Section 1808.6.2. When utilizing these parameters, the foundation engineer should design the
foundation system in accordance with the allowable deflection criteria of applicable codes.
It should be noted that the post tensioned design methodology is partially based on the assumption that soils
moisture changes around and underneath post tensioned slabs, are only influenced by climate conditions. With
regard to expansive soils, moisture variations below slabs are the major factor in foundation damage. However,
the design methodology does not take into account presaturation, owner irrigation, or other non-climate related
April 9, 2019 CW SOILS
influences on the moisture content of the subgrade soils. In recognition of these realities, we modified the soils
parameters obtained from this methodology to help account for reasonable irrigation practices. Additionally, the
slab subgrades should be presoaked to a depth of 12 inches and maintained at above optimum moisture until
placing concrete. Furthermore, prior to placing concrete, the subgrade soils below all floor slabs and perimeter
footings should be presoaked to achieve moisture contents at least 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 times optimum to depths
of 6, 12, 18, and 24 inches for Low, Medium, High, and Very High expansion potential soils, respectively. The
moisture content should penetrate to a minimum depth of 24 inches into the subgrade soils. The pre-watering
should be verified and tested by CW Soils.
Ponding water near the foundation can significantly change the moisture content of the soils below the foundation,
causing excessive foundation movement and detrimental effects. Our recommendations do not account for
excessive irrigation and/or incorrect landscape designs. To prevent moisture infiltration below the foundation,
planters placed adjacent to the foundation should be designed with an effective drainage system or liners. Some
lifting of the perimeter foundation should be expected even with properly constructed planters.
Future owners should be informed and educated of the importance in maintaining a consistent level of moisture
within the soils around structures. Potential negative consequences can result from either excessive watering or
allowing expansive soils to become too dry. Expansive soils will shrink as they dry, followed by swelling during
the rainy winter season or when irrigation is resumed, causing distress to site improvements.
Post Tensioned Foundation Slab Design
Expansion Index Low1
Percent Finer than 0.002 mm in the
Fraction Passing the No. 200 Sieve < 20 percent (assumed)
Clay Mineral Type Montmorillonite (assumed)
Thornthwaite Moisture Index -20
Depth to Constant Soil Suction 7 feet
Constant Soil Suction P.F. 3.6
Moisture Velocity 0.7 inch/month
Center Lift Edge moisture
variation distance, em
Center lift, ym
5.5 feet
2.0 inches
Edge Lift Edge moisture
variation distance, em
Edge lift, ym
3.0 feet
0.8 inches
Soluble Sulfate Content for Design of
Concrete Mixtures in Contact with Soils Negligible
Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, k
(assuming presaturation as indicated
200 pci
Minimum Perimeter Foundation
Embedment 12
Perimeter Foundation Reinforcement --
Under Slab Moisture Barrier and Sand
10-mil thick moisture barrier meeting the requirements of a ASTM E 1745 Class A
1. Assumed for design purposes or obtained by laboratory testing.
2. Recommendations for foundation reinforcement are ultimately the purview of the foundation/structural engineer based upon
the soils criteria presented in this report and structural engineering considerations.
April 9, 2019 CW SOILS
Foundation Observations
Prior to the placement of forms, concrete, or steel, all foundation excavations should be observed by the geologist,
engineer, or his representative to verify that they have been excavated into competent bearing materials, in
accordance with the 2016 CBC. The foundations should be excavated per the approved plans, moistened, cleaned
of all loose materials, trimmed neat, level, and square. Moisture softened soils should be removed prior to steel
or concrete placement. Soils from foundation excavations should be removed from slab on grade areas, unless
they have been properly compacted and tested.
Corrosion is defined by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) as “a deterioration of a
substance or its properties because of a reaction with its environment.” From a soils engineering point of view,
the “substances” are the reinforced concrete foundations or buried metallic elements (not surrounded by concrete)
and the “environment” is the prevailing soils in contact with them. Many factors can contribute to corrosivity,
including the presence of chlorides, sulfates, salts, organic materials, different oxygen levels, poor drainage,
varying soils consistencies, and moisture content. It is not considered practical or realistic to test for all of the
factors which may contribute to corrosivity.
The level of chlorides considered to be significantly detrimental to concrete is based upon the industry recognized
Caltrans standard “Bridge Design Specifications”. Under subsection 8.22.1 of that document, Caltrans
established that “Corrosive water or soil contains more than 500 parts per million (ppm) of chlorides”. Based on
limited testing, the onsite soils tested have chloride contents less than 500 ppm. Therefore, specific requirements
resulting from elevated chloride contents are not required.
When the soluble sulfate content of soils exceeds 0.1 percent by weight, specific guidelines for concrete mix
design are provided in the 2016 CBC Section 1904 and in ACI 318, Section 4.3 Table 4.3.1. Based on limited
testing, the onsite soils are classified as having a negligible (less than 0.10 % by weight) sulfate exposure
condition, in accordance with Table 4.3.1. Therefore, structural concrete in contact with onsite soils should utilize
Type I or II.
The onsite soils in contact with buried steel should be considered moderately (1,000 to 2,000 Ohms-cm) corrosive
based on our laboratory testing of resistivity. Additionally, pH values below 9.7 are recognized as being corrosive
to most common metallic components including, copper, steel, iron, and aluminum. The pH values for the soils
tested were lower than 9.7. Therefore, any steel or metallic materials that are exposed to the soils should be
encased in concrete or other remedies applied to provide corrosion protection.
It should be noted that CW Soils are not corrosion engineers and the test results for corrosivity are based on
limited samples thought to be representative. Laboratory test results are presented in Appendix B.
Subgrade Preparation
Subgrade soils underlying concrete flatwork should be compacted at near optimum moisture to a minimum of 90
percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM test method D1557-12. Prior to placing concrete,
the subgrade soils should be moistened to at least optimum or slightly above optimum moisture content (see table
below). Pre-watering of the soils prior to placing concrete will promote uniform curing of the concrete and
April 9, 2019 CW SOILS
minimize the development of shrinkage cracks. The higher the expansion potential of the onsite soils the longer
it will take to achieve the recommended presaturation. Therefore, the procedure and timing should be planned in
advance. The project soils engineer or his representative should verify the density and moisture content of the
soils prior to placing concrete.
Flatwork Design
Cracking within concrete flatwork is often a result of factors such as the use of too high of a water to cement ratio
and/or inadequate steps taken to prevent moisture loss during the curing of the concrete. However, minor cracking
within concrete flatwork is normal and should be expected. It should be noted that the reduction of slab cracking
is often a function of proper slab design, concrete mix design, placement, curing, and finishing practices. We
recommend the adherence to the guidelines of the American Concrete Institute (ACI).
When placed over expansive soils, exterior concrete elements are susceptible to lifting and cracking. When this
occurs with highly expansive soils, the detrimental impacts can be significant and may necessitate the removal
and replacement of the affected improvements. In order to reduce the potential for unsightly cracking, we suggest
a combination of presaturation of the subgrade soils, reinforcement, restraint, and a layer of granular materials.
Although these measures may not completely eliminate distress to concrete improvements, the application of
these measures can significantly reduce the distress caused by expansive soils. The degree and extent the
measures recommended in the following table are applied depend on:
• The expansion potential of the subgrade soils.
• The practicality of implementing the measures (such as presaturation).
• The benefits verse the economics of the measures.
The project owner should perform a cost/benefit analysis on the factors to determine the extent the measures will
be applied to each project. The expansive potential of the onsite soils should be considered LOW.
Slab Thickness, Minimum 3.5 inches 3.5 inches 4 inches 4 inches 4.5 inches
Subbase, Gravel Layer NA NA Optional 3 inches 4 inches
Presaturation, Relative to
Optimum Moisture Content
6 inches Deep
1.1 x Optimum
12 inches Deep
1.2 x Optimum
18 inches Deep
1.3 x Optimum
24 inches Deep
Joint, Maximum Spacing,
(joint to extend ¼ slab) 10 feet or less 10 feet or less 8 feet or less 6 feet or less 6 feet or less
Reinforcement, Mid-Depth NA NA
(WWF 6 x 6
W1.4 x W1.4)
No. 3 Rebar
24” On Center
Both Ways
No. 3 Rebar
24” On Center
Both Ways
Restraint, Slip Dowels
Mid-Depth NA NA Optional Across Cold
Across Cold
The use of a granular layer for exterior slabs is primarily intended to facilitate presaturation and subsequent
construction operations by providing a working surface over the saturated soils and to help retain the moisture.
Where these factors are insignificant, the layer may be omitted.
April 9, 2019 CW SOILS
It is the owner’s sole responsibility to timely notify CW Soils for observation and testing services. Where the
appropriate observations and testing have not been performed, CW Soils can not be responsible for any
geotechnical recommendations. It is of the utmost importance that the owner or their representative timely request
observations and testing for at least the following phases of work.
Structure Construction
• Observe and/or test all foundation excavations prior to placement of concrete or steel to verify
adequate depth and competent bearing conditions.
• If necessary, re-observe and/or test all foundation excavations after deficiencies have been corrected.
Exterior Concrete Flatwork Construction
• Observe and test subgrade soils below all concrete flatwork to verify recommended density and
moisture content.
Utility Trench Backfill
• Observe and test all utility trench backfill.
• Observe and test the placement of any additional fill.
It is the responsibility of the contractor to meet or exceed the minimum project specifications for grading and
construction. Our responsibilities did not include the supervision or direction of the contractor’s personnel,
equipment, or subcontractors performing the actual grading and construction. Our field representative was
intended to provide the owner with professional advice, opinions, test results, and recommendations based on
observations and limited testing of the contractor’s work. If defects in the contractor’s work are discovered, our
services do not relieve the contractor or his subcontractors of their responsibility. The conclusions and
recommendations herein are based on the observations and test results for the areas tested, and represent our
engineering opinion with regard to the contractor’s compliance with the project plans and specifications.
This report has not been prepared for parties or projects other than those named or described herein. This report
is not likely to contain sufficient information for other parties or other purposes. Our services were performed
using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable soils engineering
and geologic professionals, practicing at the time and location this report was prepared. No other warranty,
expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional advice provided in this report.
California Building Standards Commission, 2016, 2016 California Building Code, California Code of Regulations Title 24, Part 2, Volume 2 of 2, Based on 2015 International Building Code.
C.W. Soils, Inc., Preliminary Geotechnical Interpretive Report, Proposed Kenny Residence, Assessor’s
Parcel Number 216-650-63-00, Located on Vistosa Place, City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, dated November 2, 2018.
National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 1984, Corrosion Basics An Introduction, page 191.
Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC), 1999, Recommended Procedures for Implementation of DMG Special Publication 117, Guidelines for Analyzing and Mitigating Liquefaction Hazards in California, March.
Laboratory Procedures and Test Results
Our laboratory testing has provided quantitative and qualitative data involving the relevant engineering properties of the
representative soils selected for testing. Representative samples were tested using the guidelines of the American Society
for Testing and Materials (ASTM) procedures or California Test Methods (CTM).
Soil Classification: The soils observed during exploration were classified and logged in general accordance
with the Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure) of ASTM D
2488. Upon completion of laboratory testing, exploratory logs and sample descriptions may have been
reconciled to reflect laboratory test results with regard to ASTM D 2487.
Maximum Density Tests: The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of representative samples
were determined using the guidelines of ASTM D1557. The test results are presented in the table below.
E-1 Clayey SAND 117.0 14.5
Expansion Index: The expansion potential of representative samples was evaluated using the guidelines of
ASTM D 4829. The test results are presented in the table below.
E-1 Clayey SAND 8 VERY LOW
Minimum Resistivity and pH Tests: Minimum resistivity and pH tests of select samples were performed
using the guidelines of CTM 643. The test results are presented in the table below.
E-1 Clayey SAND 6.7 1,570
Soluble Sulfate: The soluble sulfate content of select samples was determined using the guidelines of CTM
417. The test results are presented in the table below.
(% by weight) SULFATE EXPOSURE
E-1 Clayey SAND 0.030 Negligible
Chloride Content: Chloride content of select samples was determined using the guidelines of CTM 422. The
test results are presented in the table below.
E-1 Clayey SAND 360
Test No.Test
of Test Location Elevation
1 N 04/05/19 CF Building Pad FG 1 106.5 14.0 117.0 91
2 N 04/05/19 CF Building Pad FG 1 110.6 13.9 117.0 95
N - Nuclear Test Method
SC - Sand Cone Method
SG - Subgrade
FG - Finish Grade
NG - Native Ground
CF - Compacted Fill
Project No.: 18694-30
REFERENCE: DMA, 2018, Site Plan, October 12, 2018.
Proposed Kenny Residence 18694-30
2019 PLATE 1
Locations are Approximate
– Field Density Test Location
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