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2021-05-20; Insurance Services Office (ISO) Ratings on City's Building Codes and Inspection Services (Districts - All); Murphy, Jeff
To the members of the: Cl1Y COUNCIL Date 5j;iol~ CA _.:b_ cc .i::_ CM _i:;.ACM :b_DCM(3)L May 20, 2021 Council Memorandum To: From: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of e Ci Jeff Murphy, Community Development Dire Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Com u Services Via: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager {city of Carlsbad Memo ID #2021105 Re: Insurance Services Office (ISO) Ratings on Ci y's Building Codes and Inspection Services (Districts -All) This memorandum provides information related to a recent evaluation conducted by the Insurance Services Office {ISO) on the effectiveness of the city's building codes and inspection processes. As detailed below, the city received the following classifications. Background The ISO is an independent statistical, rating, and advisory organization that serves the property/casualty insurance industry. The ISO uses the Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) to assess the building codes in effect in a particular community and how the community enforces those codes, with special emphasis on mitigation of losses from natural hazards like earthquakes. The ISO collects information on a community's building code adoption and enforcement services, analyzes the data, and then assigns a Building Code Effectiveness Classification, which are listed as BCEGS range Classifications {1-3, 4-7, 8-9, 10). A "1" classification represents an exemplary commitment to building safety, which is the highest standard. Insurance providers use the BCEGS ratings to help establish the policy rates they charge ·customers.The lower the number, the lower the cost of the insurance policy tends to be for the resident/property owner. The city's Community Development Department staff met virtually with a representative from the ISO in December 2020 to answer interview questions and discuss building inspection and plan review data. This was the first time our city has participated in this evaluation, which typically occurs every five years. The City of Carlsbad received a BCEGS classification of "3" for one and two-family residential construction, and a BCEGS classification of "2" for all other construction. Discussion As reflected in the Building Code Enforcement Evaluation Report (Attachment A), the city received classifications above the National, State and County average for multiple metrics, including code adoption and education and training of inspection staff. The report also showed areas of opportunity, which included: 1) Increased residential inspection certification; and, 2) Improved workload management. Community Services Branch Community Development Department 1635 Faraday Ave . I Carlsbad, CA 92008 [ 760-602-2719 Council Memo -Insurance Services Office (ISO) Ratings on Building Codes and Inspection Services May 20, 2021 Page 2 Residential Certification It was discovered that the city's building inspectors have fewer residential inspection certifications than jurisdictions of similar size and population. Certification exams administered by the International Code Council are the industry standard that prove an employee's ability to navigate and enforce the building codes. While the city's inspectors at least meet the minimum certification requirements under state law, we currently lack an incentive program that would motivate staff to achieve further certifications. Department leadership is working with the Human Resources Department and the California Continuation Education Association to discover opportunities that could benefit inspection staff, and ultimately our residents, by having inspectors certified in multiple residential code disciplines. Workload Management The report also found that the number of inspections performed by city inspectors are above the standard for similar sized cities. As an example, the ISO recommends ten inspection stops per day per inspector, while the city averages 18 stops per day per inspector. Limiting inspection stops helps to ensure that adequate time is spent at each construction site, and to ensure compliance with state and city building standards. However, this standard is based on in-person inspections where inspectors are required to drive from project site to project site and physically review construction work. These in-person inspections became a challenge during COVID-19 where in-person meetings were discouraged, and social distancing protocols needed to be maintained. In response, the Community Development Department developed an alternative approach to performing in-person inspections: The Video Inspection Program (Attachment B). The Video Inspection Program allows inspectors to perform inspections via video conference at the office or in their parked vehicle. This reduces the amount of travel time experienced during in-person inspections, which allows inspectors to perform more inspections in a day. It also helps reduce the amount of Vehicle Miles Travelled, an objective in the city's Climate Action Plan. Next Steps On average, upwards of 50 to 80 video inspections are performed by the Community Development Department each week. The Community Development Department intends to continue the Video Inspection Program in the foreseeable future. Community Development Department managers are also looking at other opportunities to streamline and simplify the city's inspection processes, including possible self-certification of certain permit types such as water heater setups, drywall installation, and reroofing work. Given that the COVID-19 pandemic has and will likely continue to impact permit and inspection levels in the foreseeable future, the Community Development Department intends to monitor this issue closely to ensure quality inspection services continue to be provided to the residents of Carlsbad. Attachments: A. Building Code Enforcement Evaluation Report B. Residential Video Inspection Program Guide cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Celia Brewer, City Attorney Jason Pasiut, Building Official Randy Metz, Fire Marshal May 3, 2021 Mr. Jason Pasiut, Building Official Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE: Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule Results Carlsbad, San Diego County, CA Dear Mr. Pasiut: Attachment A 1000 Bishops Gate Blvd., Suite 300 Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 tel. l 800 444-4554 We wish to thank you for the cooperation given to our representative, BaITy Hutchings, during our recent survey. We have completed our analysis of the building codes adopted by your community and the efforts put forth to properly enforce those codes. The resulting Building Code Effectiveness Grading Classification is 3 for 1 and 2 family residential property and 2 for commercial and industrial property. The Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO) is an insurer-supported organization with the primary mission of providing advisory insurance underwriting and rating information to insurers. There is no requirement that insurers use our advisory material. Insurers may have adopted, or may be in the process of adopting, an ISO insurance rating program that will provide rating credits to individual property insurance policies in recognition of community efforts to mitigate property damage due to natural disasters. These insurers may use the Building Code Effectiveness Grading Classification we have recently developed for your community as a basis for the credits used. While individual insurers may use different credits or different effective dates, the ISO program will apply credits to new construction within Carlsbad that has been issued a Certificate of Occupancy in the year of publication and forward. We will email our report which provides additional infonnation about our classification process and how we have graded various aspects of your community's building codes and their enforcement. We want to highlight the fact that the Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule is an insurance underwriting and information tool; it is not intended to analyze all aspects of a comprehensive building code enforcement program nor is it for purposes of determining compliance with any state or local law or for making property/casualty loss prevention and life safety recommendations. If you have any questions about the Classification that was developed, please let us know. Additionally, if you are planning on any future changes in your building codes or their enforcement, please advise us as these changes may affect our analysis and your community's grading classification. Sincerely, BCEGS Notification Team Insurance Services Office Phone: + 1.800.444.4554 Email: BCEGSNotifications@iso.com Enclosure cc: Mr. Scott Chadwick, City Manager Carlsbad 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Building Code Enforcement Evaluation Report Selections from the reviews of the Carlsbad Building Code Enforcement Agency In the County of San Diego In the State of California 12/15/2020 Evaluation S I SQ Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS®) ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 Tab Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 Appendix A Table of Contents Description Executive Summary Background Information Code Adoption Education, Training and Certification Staffing Levels BCEGS Point Analysis Natural Hazards Natural Hazard General Information ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Section 1 Executive Summary State: CA Not all communities have rigorous building codes, nor do all communities enforce their codes with equal commitment. Yet the effectiveness of local building codes can have a profound effect on how the structures in your community will fare in a hurricane, earthquake, or other natural disaster. Studies conducted following recent natural disasters concluded that total losses might have been as much as 50% less if all structures in the area had met current building codes. Building-code enforcement can have a major influence on the economic well-being of a municipality and the safety of its citizens. Insurance Services Office (ISO) helps distinguish amongst communities with effective building-code adoption and enforcement through comprehensive program called the Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCE GS®). ISO is an independent statistical, rating, and advisory organization that serves the property/casualty insurance industry. ISO collects information on a community's building-code adoption and enforcement services, analyzes the data, and then assigns a Building Code Effectiveness Classification from 1 to 10. Class 1 represents exemplary commitment to building-code enforcement. The concept behind BCE GS is simple. Municipalities with · well-enforced, up-to-date codes demonstrate better loss experience, and their citizens' insurance rates can reflect that. The prospect of minimizing catastrophe-related damage and ultimately lowering insurance costs gives communities an incentive to enforce their building codes rigorously. The following management report was created specifically for Carlsbad based on a BCEGS survey conducted on 12/15/2020. This report can help you evaluate your community's building-code enforcement services utilizing benchmarking data collected throughout the country. The report is designed to give your management team an expanded prospective for dealing with the important issues surrounding effective building code enforcement. This is accomplished through comparisons of your code enforcement to that of others in your area and state. The analysis goes further to allow you to compare your jurisdiction to others across the country with similar permit, plan review and inspection activity. ISO thanks you for your participation and we encourage you to take advantage of the information contained in this report to assist in making decisions regarding the level of code enforcement best suited for Carlsbad. The survey conducted has resulted in BCEGS class of 3 for 1 and 2 family dwellings and a class 2 for all other construction. More information regarding how this recent survey compares to previous surveys is provided below. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 1 1/3 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA Table 1 details the points your department earned during the most recent survey as well as the points earned in the previous survey including a comparison of the two. This information may be used to track local trends or pin-point improvement target areas. Table 1 Building Code Effectiveness Grading Point Comparison Current Grading Yr: Com ~ection I -Administration of 41 .86 Codes Section 105 -Adopted Codes 8.00 Section 108 -Additional Code 4.00 lAdoptions Section 110 -Modification to 4.00 lAdopted Codes Section 112 Method of 0.00 Adoption Section 115 -Training 9.34 Section 120 -Certification 6.51 Section 125 -Building Official's Qualification / Exp/ 3.00 Education Section 130 -Selection 0.50 Procedure for Building Official Section 135 -Design 1.31 Professionals Section 140 -Zoning 1.00 Provisions Section 145 -Contractor / 1.00 Builder Licensing & Bonding Section 155 -Public 2.50 lAwareness Programs Section 160 -Participation in 0.50 Code Development Activities Section 165 -Administrative 0.20 Policies & Procedures ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 1 2020 Res 42.44 8.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 9.34 7.09 3.00 0.50 1.31 1.00 1.00 2.50 0.50 0.20 Point Totals Maximum Previous Grading Yr: Point Possible 2017 Com Res 54.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 13.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 Difference Com Res 41 .86 42.44 8.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 9.34 9.34 6.51 7.09 3.00 3.00 0.50 0.50 1.31 1.31 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.50 2.50 0.50 0.50 0.20 0.20 2/3 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA Building Code Effectiveness Grading Point Comparison (continued) Point Totals Current Grading Yr: Maximum Previous Grading Yr: Point 2020 Possible 2017 Com Res Com Res Section II -Plan Review 21 .99 21.99 23.00 0.00 0.00 Section 205 -Existing Staffing 8.61 8.61 9.00 0.00 0.00 Section 210 -Experience of 1.38 1.38 1.50 0.00 0.00 . Personnel Section 215 -Detail of Plan 11.00 11.00 11.50 0.00 0.00 Review Section 220 -Performance Evaluation for Quality 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 !Assurance Section Ill -Field Inspection 22.28 20.26 23.00 0.00 0.00 Section 305 -Existing Staffing 8.37 6.35 9.00 0.00 0.00 Section 310 -Experience of 2.91 2.91 3.00 0.00 0.00 Personnel Section 315 -Managing Inspection and Re-inspection 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 activity Section 320 -Inspection 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Checklist Section 325 -Special 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Inspections Section 330 -Inspections for 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 Natural Hazard Mitigation Section 335 -Final 2.50 2.50 2.50 0.00 0.00 Inspections Section 340 -Certificate of 2.00 2.00 2.00 o.oci 0.00 Occupancy Section 345 -Performance Evaluations for Quality 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 lAssurance Subtotal: 86.13 84.69 100.00 0.00 0.00 irhe final score is determined by a relationship between Item 105 and the balances of the scoring. Final Score: 86.1_3 ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 1 84.69 100.00 0.00 0.00 Difference Com Res 21.99 21.99 8.61 8.61 1.38 1.38 11.00 11.00 1.00 1.00 22.28 20.26 8.37 6.35 2.91 2.91 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 .1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 86.13 84.69 86.13 84.69 3/3 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 Introduction County: San Diego State: CA Section 2 Background Information ISO collects information from communities in the United States on their adoption and enforcement of building codes: ISO analyzes the data using its Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) and then assigns a BCEGS Classification number to the community. The classification number-which ranges from 1 to 10-measures a jurisdiction's commitment to the adoption and enforcement of building codes affecting the construction of new buildings. Class 1 indicates the most favorable classification of commitment to the adoption and enforcement of building codes. ISO's commitment to polling each building code enforcement agency on a regular basis is important to the program -periodic surveying helps determine if a community has made any significant changes since its last field evaluation. This ongoing effort is designed to re-evaluate each community at approximate 5-year intervals or sooner if changes indicate a potential revision to the classification number. The purpose of this report is fourfold: 1. To summarize a community's scoring under the .criterion contained in the BCEGS program. 2. To identify opportunities for communities desiring to improve their BCEGS classification number. 3. To assist a community in understanding how other jurisdictions with similar needs address building code adoption and enforcement. 4. To provide hazard mapping information important in planning and developing a sustainable community. Data Collection and Analysis ISO has evaluated over 14,000 code enforcement departments across the United States. In each of these communities, three elements of building code adoption and enforcement are reviewed. These three elements are the administration of codes, plan review and field inspection. Administration of Codes: ISO evaluates the administrative support for code enforcement within the jurisdiction --the adopted building codes and the modifications of those codes through ordinance, code enforcer qualifications, experience and education, zoning provisions, contractor/builder licensing requirements, public awareness programs, the building department's participation in code development activities, and the administrative policies and procedures. This section represents 54% of the analysis in the BCEGS program. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 2 1/2 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 Plan review division: County: San Diego State: CA Consideration is given to determine staffing levels, personnel experience, performance evaluation schedules, and the level of review of construction documents for compliance with the adopted building code of the jurisdiction being graded. This section represents 23% of the analysis. Field inspection: Consideration is given to determine staffing levels, personnel experience, performance evaluation schedules, and the level of the agency's review of building construction. This section also represents 23% of the analysis. The information necessary to determine the BCEGS classification number was collected from the community building officials through a combination of on-site interviews and completed questionnaires. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 2 2/2 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Section 3 Code Adoption State: CA Recognizing that building codes are continually being reviewed and updated to reflect emerging technology and best practices, the BCEGS program encourages communities to make every effort to adopt the latest edition of one of the building codes without amendments. The program is sensitive to the reality that building code adoption is not always a local issue, nor do the wheels of progress turn rapidly all the time. To receive maximum BCEGS credit for this very important section a community must adopt and implement the revised code within two years of the publication of the building code. As detailed in Figure 3-1 below, eight points are the maximum available for the adoption of a building code. The final calculation to .determine a jurisdiction's BCE GS classification employs the ratio of the points possible and the points earned in the building code adoption section as a factor for all other points earned in the system. Therefore, a jurisdiction enforcing the latest building code will have a ratio of 1 and no adjustment will be made to the points earned. A department enforcing a building code that was published six years prior to the survey date would have a ratio of 6.88/8 or .86 so the jurisdiction would receive credit for 86% of the points earned throughout the evaluation process. Table 3-1 Criteria for Building Code Adoption Points If the published date of the listed codes is within 5 years of the date of the grading: Building Code(s) addressing commercial and /or residential construction . . .......... ... . . . . . . .. . . . . ... .. .. . .. . ... .. . .. . . . ... . . . ... .. . ... . . . . . . . ... . . . . 8.00 points If the published date of the listed codes is within 6 years of the date of the grading: Building Code(s) addressing commercial and /or residential construction . . .. .. ... . .. . .. ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . .. ... . .. . . . ...... .. . . . . . . .. . .. . .. ... . 6.88 points If the published date of the listed codes is within 10 years of the date of the grading: Building Code(s) addressing commercial and /or residential construction ..................................... ............ ......... ................ .... 2.21 points If an earlier edition of the listed codes is adopted: Building Code(s) addressing commercial and /or residential construction ............................................................................. . ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 0.85 point 1/8 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA For departments surveyed in 2020 the BCEGS program uses the following as the latest edition of Building codes available. Table 3-2 Latest Edition Available Publisher Publication Year Commercial Building Code Residential Building Code Table 3-3 Building Codes Enforced in Carlsbad Publisher Publication Year Effective Year Commercial Building Cod e ICC 2018 2020 Residential Building Code ICC 2018 2020 The following is the first of many "Benchmarking Information" sections located in this report. The purpose of the benchmarking information is to provide data ISO has collected in the course of its evaluations of code enforcement departments throughout the country. The data should not be considered a standard but rather information which allows you to compare operations in your jurisdiction to those conducted by other jurisdictions with similar conditions. Benchmarking information will be distinguished from .other information in this report by a green Benchmarking Information bar above the table or figure. Benchmarking Information Chart 3-4 BCE GS points awarded comparison 6 5 - 4 3 2 Commercial Your Jurisdiction ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 Adopted Building Code County Average . State Average I Residential National Average 2/8 · Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 Item 108. Additional Code Adoptions: County: San Diego State: CA This section reviews the adoption and enforcement of electrical, mechanical, plumbing, energy, and wildland urban interface codes. Adopted codes are evaluated by year of publication including amendments and enforcement efforts. Table 3-5 details the criteria for earning points under this section. Table 3-5 Criteria for sub-code adoption points If the published date of the listed codes is within 5 years of the date of the grading: 0.67 point for each of the five subcodes If the published date of the listed codes is within 6 years of the date of the grading: 0.33 point for each of the five subcodes If the published date of the listed codes is within 10 years of the date of the grading: 0.18 point for each of the five subcodes If an earlier edition of the listed codes is adopted: 0.004 point for each of the five subcodes ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 3/8 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego · State: CA For departments surveyed in 2020 the BCEGS program uses the following as the latest edition of sub -codes available. Table 3-6 Latest edition of Sub-Codes Available Type of Code Publisher Publication Year Commercial: Electrical Code NFPA Plumbing Code ICC/ IAPMO Mechanical Code ICC/ IAPMO Fuel Gas Code ICC/ NFPA Energy Code ICC/ ASHRAE Wildland Urban Interface Code ICC Residential: Electrical Code NFPA Plumbing Code ICC/ IAPMO \ Mechanical Code ICC I IAPMO Fuel Gas Code ICC I NFPA Energy Code ICC/ ASHRAE Wildland Urban Interface Code ICC ASHRAE -American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers ICC -International Code Council IAPMO -International Association of Plumbing arid Mechanical Officials NFPA -National Fire Protection Association ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 4/8 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 Table 3-7 Sub Codes Enforced in Carlsbad Type of code Commercial: Electrical Code Plumbing Code Mechanical Code Fuel Gas Energy Code Wildland Urban Interface Code Residential: Electrical Code · Plumbing Code Mechanical Code Fuel Gas Energy Code Wildland Urban Interface Code ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 Publisher NFPA OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER NFPA OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER County: San Diego State: CA Publication Year Effective Year 2017 2020 2018 2020 2018 2020 2018 2020 2018 2020 2018 2020 2017 2020 20-18 2020 2018 2020 2018 2020 2018 2020 2018 2020 5/8 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 Chart 3-8 additional code adoption Electrical Plumbing • Your Jurisdiction Electrical Plumbing • Your Jurisdiction ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 County: San Diego State: CA Benchmarking Information Commercial Fuel Gas Mechanical Energy Wildland Urban Interface County Average . State Average . National Average Residential Fuel Gas Mechanical Energy Wildland Urban Interface County Average . State Average . National Average 6/8 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 _ Item 110. Modification to adopted codes: County: San Diego State: CA The BCEGS program encourages timely and unmodified adoption of the latest edition available of the building code. It is not uncommon for a jurisdiction to adopt a code and then modify it in some way. The most common modifications are administrative, which the BCEGS program is not overly concerned with. Some jurisdictions, however, modify the structural aspects of the code. Modifications are viewed as favorable when the intention is to strengthen the code. Due to the difficulty and expense of finitely determining the effect on a code of a specific action which weakens the code, no partial credit is available for this section. Note, however, that due to the formula: (Points credited in section 105 x 0.125 x 4.0) the points awarded for this item are reduced if the latest building code is not adopted and enforced. There is a direct correlation between the points earned for the adopted building code and the points available for this section. When modification serves to weaken the intent or effectiveness of the adopted building code relative to structural aspects or natural hazard mitigation features, no points will be awarded for this section. Benchmarking Information Chart 3-9 Comparison of Points Earned for Section 110 4 3,5 3 2.5 - 2 1.5 0.5 - o ~-~- Comrri!lrcial· .• Votir J1Jrisdi.ction ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 Residential Cqunty Average • S,tate ,'Iver age . National Average , 718 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA Item 112. Method of Adoption: Updating the adopted codes to the latest code published by a nationally recognized building code development and publication organization within 12 months of the publication of the code is beneficial for the jurisdiction. It provides the latest and most modern technology for natural hazard mitigation. This section allows the opportunity to recognize the timely un-amended adoption of a nationally promulgated building code Benchmarking Information Chart 3-10 Points Earned for Timely (within one year of the publication date) Un-Amended Code Adoption 1 - 0.8 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 - 10.001 1B: 0 --'---~---'!~--~ Commercial Residential • Y~ur Jurisdidion . County Average State Average • National Av~rage . ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 3 8/8 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Section 4 Education, Training, and Certification State: CA The Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule reviews the tools available to a building code department to determine what level of protection the jurisdiction has decided to offer. In this section we review the qualifications of the code enforcement personnel. By maintaining highly qualified, well trained staff the building code enforcement department is better equipped to encourage the construction of code compliant buildings. The BCEGS program does not mandate any level of training certification or experience but it does recognize the technical and evolving nature of construction code enforcement. Therefore, 39% of the available points in the analysis are dependent on education, training and experience. The evaluation is much diversified. For instance, credit can be earned for hours of training taken, dollars spent on training, incentives for outside training, and hiring requirements. After review of this information a building code department may determine that a higher caliber employee or more incentives to current employees could assist them in performing their duties more efficiently and professionally. The number of personnel is an important factor when comparing and correlating education and training. To standardize these numbers this report converts all employees to full time. Therefore a department with two full time code enforcers the number of employees will be two. If a department has five full time code enforcers and seven part time code enforcers each working twenty hours per week the department will show as eight and one half employees. Carlsbad employs 1.00 code enforcement personnel. This staffing level is equal to one code enforcement personnel for each 115,382 citizen or one code enforcement personnel for each 0.00 permits issued. If the jurisdiction was divided equally, each code enforcer would be responsible for an area of 39.08 square miles. Table 4-1 displays the total and the average number of hours spent in training by code enforcement personnel in Carlsbad. Training is broken down into four categories; a maximum of 1.25 points may be earned for the first 12 hours of training in administrative aspects of code enforcement, legal aspects of code enforcement, and being mentored in code enforcement. The first 60 hours of training in technical aspects of code enforcement may also earn maximum credit of 4.25 points. To receive the maximum available points in this area each employee must train a minimum of 96 hours per year and the subject must follow the details above. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 4 1/6 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 Table 4-1 Training hours for Carlsbad County: San Diego State: CA Total hours for department Average hours of training Administrative 106.50 106.50 Legal 100.50 100.50 Mentoring 122.00 122.00 Technical 467.00 467.00 Benchmarking Information Chart 4-2 Comparison of average hours of training spo 400 :300 200 100 0 Administr.ative • Your Jurisdiction ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 4 Legal .Mentoring CountyAverage • State Average fllational Average Tecbiriical 2/6 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA Bu ilding code enforcement departments may choose to emphasize their commitment to training and education through incentives, such as fund ing certification, exam fees, and continuing education or providing incentives for outside training. The following table is broken down for residential and commercial construction and indicates the incentives provided by Carlsbad . Table 4-3 BCEGS points earned by Carlsbad for training incentives Department pays for certifications and exam fee Provides incentive for outside training or certification Pays for continuing education ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 4 Commercial Yes Yes Yes Points Earned Residential 0.50 Yes 0.50 Yes 0.50 Yes Points Earned 0.50 0.50 0.50 3/6 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Benchmarking Information Chart 4-4 Comparison of communities providing training incentive Commercial 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% ~---.-----.-~ Pays for certifications· and exam fees Provides incentive for outside tralning or certification County • State • National Residential 100% 80% - ,- 60% 40% 20°/o 0% -'------~ I Pays for certifications and exam fees Provides incentive for outside tr airiing or certifi~ation ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION4 County • State • National State: CA Pays for continuing education I Pays:for continuing education 4/6 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey.Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA Hiring only certified code enforcement employees or allowing a short probationary period for new hires to earn their certification are valued practices which elevate the quality and consistency of the . code enforcement process. The following two charts compare your jurisdiction's policies regarding certification with those of other departments with in your county, state and across the country. The charts represent the percent of plan reviewers and inspectors that held appropriate certification for the duties they performed at the time of the latest BCEGS survey. Chart 4-5 represents commercial work and Chart 4-6 represents residential work. Chart 4-5 Comparison of Certified Personnel Performing Commercial Duties 100% 80% 60% - 40°1<,· 20%,- 0% Building Electrical ·• Your Jurisdiction . I Mechanical · Plumbing Fuel Gas County Avera~e State Average· Natio'nal Average Chart 4-6 Comparison of Certified Personnel Performing Residential Duties 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Building Electrical • Your Jurisdiction ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 4 Mechanical County Average State Average Plumbing National Average Fuel Gas 5/6 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA Requiring certification as a condition of employment is an important factor. However, the evolving nature of the building technology and the wide variety of situations encountered by plan reviewers and inspectors dictate the need for continuing education. The following two charts are based on the period of time allowed to complete the required amount of continuing education requirements for building inspectors in order for them to renew their license / certification. Information in these charts represents data gathered across the country. Chart 4-7 Building Certification Renewal Period Commercial ll 1Year 2 Years • 3.Years. >3 Years • Nat Requ1red Chart 4-8 Building Certification Renewal Period Residential 140.94 °,-:,1 .1 Vear ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 4 2 Years 3 Years >3 Year.s Not Required 6/6 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Section 5 Staffing Levels State: CA One of the most frequently asked questions from community administrators and building officials is: How many inspectors and plan reviewers do we need to supply the desired level of service to our community? This section will provide valuable information to assist in this vital decision. The BCE GS schedule uses the following benchmarks to calculate the staffing levels: • 10 inspections per day per full time inspector • 1 commercial plan review per day per full time plan reviewer • 2 residential plan review per day per full time plan reviewer These are average numbers of the entire department over the course of a year. Some inspectors because of the type of work they are assigned will exceed these benchmarks while others will not be able to reach them, the same is true of plan reviewers. The fact is that these benchmarks have proved to be realistic over the course of surveying 14,000 code enforcement departments. However, we realize that your community may have varying circumstances and may want to base staffing decision on other information. In the following set of charts we have scoured our database to find communities that are of similar size, and population to your community to provide data that may be helpful in your decision process. The next key element of staffing decision is the workload; again we queried our records to find communities with similar number of permits issued, inspections and plan reviews completed. This data can be useful in further defining your staffing levels. Realizing that some jurisdictions cover vast area while others are metropolitan we did some calculations and arrived at a unique category of permits per square mile. You may find that this category affords benchmarking opportunities that take into account workload and travel time for your inspecting staff. Table 5-1 Your community falls into the following ranges Population Square Miles Permits Issued Number of inspections conducted Building Plan reviews conducted Permits per Square Mile ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 >25,000 >38 <=200 >5,700 151-400 <=10 1/8 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA Benchmarking Information The information in Charts 5-3 through 5-14 depicts the staffing levels of your jurisdiction along with the average staffing levels of all the communities that fall within the range for each category as defined in Table 5 -1. To standardize these numbers this report converts all employees to full time equivalents. Therefore, in a department with two full time employees the number of personnel will be two. If a department has five full time code enforcers and seven part time code enforcers each working twenty hours per week the department is considered to have eight and one half full time employees. The data is further broken down by the responsibilities of each code enforcer. For example a department may allocate time as follows: Table 5-2 Time Allocation Example Time allocation Time allocation Time allocation (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) No. of equivalent employee #1 employee #2 employee #3 full time employees 40 hrs per week 30 hrs per week 20 hrs per week Commercial 16 1.5 0 0.44 Plan Review Residential 8 1.5 0 0.24 Plan Review Commercial 14 24 2 1.00 Inspection Residential 2 3 18 0.58 Inspection Total equivalent full time employees 2.25 The calculations used to make up the graphs for the example above would be the number of commercial plan reviews conducted in your jurisdiction divided by 0.44 (the number of commercial plan reviewers employed by your jurisdiction). Similarly assuming 732 residential inspections divided by the number of residential inspectors (0.58) returns a workload of 1,262 inspections per full time inspector per year. The calculation for the control group is the same except that the results are averaged. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 2/8 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Chart 5-3 Building Plan Review Staffing Comparisons of Communities Serving Similar Populations 800 600 400 200 0 247,12 Annual Workload Per Commercial Plan Reviewer Similar Community ·!s75 .s41 I Annual Workload Per Residential Plan Reviewer D Your Jurisdiction Chart 5-4 Inspection Staffing Comparisons of Communities Serving Similar Populations 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Annual Workload Per Commercial Inspector Similar Community ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 ·, ;~ Annual Workload Per Residential Inspector D Your Jurisdiction State: CA 3/8 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Chart 5-5 Building Plan Review Staffing Comparison of Communities Serving Similar Square Miles 800 600 - 400 200 0 8000 6000 4000 ·2000 0 I~ Annual Workload Per Commercial Plan Reviewer Similar Community p.,,·.·:-· Annual Workload Per Residential Plan Reviewer D Your Jurisdiction Chart 5-6 Inspection Staffing Comparison of Communities Serving Similar Square Miles Annual Workload Per Commercial Inspector El Similar Community Annual Workload Per Residential Inspector D Your Jurisdiction ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 State: CA 4/8 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Chart 5-7 Building Plan Review Staffing Comparison of Communities Similar Number of Permits 800 600 400 200 0 8000 6000 4000 - 2000 0 ... _ Annual Workload Per Commercial Plan Reviewer Similar Community · Annual Workload Per Residential Plan Reviewer D Your Jurisdiction Chart 5-8 Inspection Staffing Comparison of Communities Issuing Similar Number of Permits Annual Workload Per Commercial Inspector Similar Community 2219.30 Annual Workload Per Residential Inspector D Your Jurisdiction ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 State: CA 5/8 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Chart 5-9 Building Plan Review Staffing Comparison of Communities Conducting Similar Number of Inspections 1000 800 · 600 400 ~ ] .200 i ] oJ Annual Workload Per Commercial Plan Reviewer I Similar Community Annual Workload Per Residential Plan Reviewer D Your Jurisdiction Chart 5-10 Inspection Staffing Comparison of Communities Conductiong Similar Number of Inspections 8000_ 6000 4000 2000 - 0 Annual Workload Per Commercial Inspector Similar Community ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 Annual Workload Per Residential Inspector D Your Jurisdiction State: CA 6/8 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Chart 5-11 Building Plan Review Staffing Comparison of Communities Conducting Similar Number of Plan Reviews 1000 ~ 800 ~ 600 400 200 0 Annual Workload Per Commercial Plan Reviewer Similar Community Annual Workload Per Residential Plan Reviewer D Your Jurisdiction Chart 5-12 Inspector Staffing Comparison of Communities Conducting Similar Number of Plan Reviews 8000 6000 4000 2000 - 0 2314,62 Annual Workload Per Commercial Inspector Similar Community ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 Annual Workload Per Residential Inspector D Your Jurisdiction State: CA 7/8 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Chart 5-13 Building Plan Review Staffing Comparison of Communities Issuing Similar Number of 800 600 400 200 0 8000. 6000 4000 2000 0 Permits Per Square Mile Annual Workload Per Commercial Plan Reviewer Similar Community /·' ·' _,. T' Annual Workload Per Residential Plan Reviewer D Your Jurisdiction Chart 5-14 Inspector Staffing Comparison of Communities Issuing Similar Number of Permits Per Square Mile 6 -... ~. -·· ◄ Annual Workload Per Commercial Inspector Similar Community Annual Workload Per Residential Inspector D Your Jurisdiction ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 5 State: CA 8/8 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Section 6 BCEGS Points Analysis State: CA ISO has been surveying and evaluating building code adoption and enforcement in communities around the country since 1995. To maintain relevant information the BCEGS program is designed to conduct surveys on a 5 year cycle. The information in this section will give you some insight to trends in your jurisdiction, your state and across the country. Benchmarking Information Charts 6-1 through 6-2 compare the points earned by your department in each Section to the points earned by other departments in your state, county, and across the country. The charts are broken . down by commercial and residential. You may use Table 1 as a guide for how points are earned in each section. Chart 6-1 Comparison of Commercial Points Scored Section! ... • ·Vour. Judsdidion ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 6 Section2 Section3 Count·;1 Average . State Average National Average 1/2 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Chart 6-2 Comparison of Residential Points Scored 100 8.0 60 40 20 0 -'--~- l•lZA41 I Section! • Your Jurisdiction · ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 6 Section'2 Section3. County Average . State Average National Average State: CA 2/2 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Section 7 Natural Hazards State: CA Different parts of the country are subject to a variety of potential natural hazards. The map below is an overview of those potentials: !earth.quakes 8 Low M,:,dililn Hli;iti _Ris,k RI :.k Ri :.k iornadloesc r .. ,-· l ~~~_:,:.:~ $ctn e E;x_treln C? Risk Risk Hurrimmes = Some E.xtrem e Risk. Risk bthor ~! t·:::-:-1 Vcl~ano Tsunami Risk Risk In cooperation with AIR (an ISO company) we have prepared the following hazard report using the municipal building address you supplied during the survey meeting. A full explanation of how to read and interpret the following profiles can be found in Appendix A. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 SECTION 7 1/1 ISO Passport CATASTROPHE HAZARD REPORT VERISK -MARKETING LOCATION PASSPORT ORDER NAME: Carlsbad, CA ORDER DATE: 01/11/2021 ORDER TIME: 02:28:38 PM Location Name Entered Address: 1635 FARADAY AVE, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Catastrophe Hazard Information Matched Address: 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008 Match Type: Parcel Level Latitude: 33.138470 Longitude: -117.292322 I El Hurricane Profile (Percentage Loss) 100-year loss level: 250-year loss level: Average Annual Loss: O'Y• 5 10 15 <0.1 % 20 ·15 ]0 35 Relative Risk (Percentile) O¾ 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 within county: within state: Hurricane Information Storm Surge Potential: Distance to effective coast: Distance to actual coast: Coastal County: Elevation: Terrain/ Land Use: Florida Wind Loss Mitigation Profile Exposure Area: No Greater than 50 miles Greater than 25 miles No 200 -250 feet above mean sea level Developed Medium Intensity https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/app/ViewReport.do Page I of 5 RESPONSE DATE: 01/11/2021 RESPONSE TIME: 02:28:39 PM .;s 100¾ 80 go 100% 1/11/2021 ISO Passport Exposure Area Enhanced: Terrain C High Velocity Wind Region: Windspeed Region: Windborne Debris Region: Historical Hurricanes No Historical Hurricane Information Available I El Thunderstorm Profile (Percentage Loss) 100-year loss level: 250-year loss level: Average Annual Loss: Relative Risk (Percentile) within county: within state: Hazard Information Tornado: Hail Storm: Straight-line Wind: Nearest Historical Tornadoes Date May 22, 2008 October 8, 1961 February 20, 1980 November 9, 1982 July 20, 1974 Nearest Historical Hail Storms Date September 2, 1960 September 11, 2008 0%. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 .,cs 101};'1, <0.1 % Q'l!i, 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90 100% Very High/ High/ Moderate/ Low/ Ivery Low! Very High/ High/ Moderate/ Low/ Ivery Low! Very High/ High/ Moderate/ Low/ Ivery Low! Distance (mi) 49.85 3.98 25.34 37.49 46.63 Distance (mi) 44.79 44.44 Intensity (f'ujita Scale) 2 1 1 1 1 Intensity by Average Hail Size (in) 2.0-3.0 1.3-2.0 https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/app/ViewReport.do Page 2 of 5 1/11/2021 ISO Passport September 2, 2003 43.76 0.8-1.3 June 21, 2000 22.07 0.8-1.3 April 18, 2000 39.60 0.8-1.3 Nearest Historical Straight -Line Wind Storms Date Distance Intensity by (mi) Average Wind Speed (mph) February 10, 1978 46.12 70-80 February 13, 2001 49.38 70-80 · August 11, 2012 38.79 70-80 August 29, 1998 36.98 70-80 February 19, 2005 41.42 60-70 IE] Winterstorm Profile Risk (Percentage Loss) 0% 5 10 lS 20 25 30· 35 40 <115 1013¼ 100-year loss level: 250-year loss level: Average Annual Loss: <0.1 % Relative Risk (Percentile) 0% 10 20 30 ~II 50 60 70 BO 90 100% within county: within state: Hazard Information Wind Frequency: Very High/ High/ Moderate/ Low/ Ivery Lowl Snow Frequency: I El Earthquake Profile (Percentage Loss) 100-year loss level: 250-year loss level: Average Annual Loss: Relative Risk Very High/ High/ Moderate/ Low/ Ivery Lowl Do/, 5 10 15 20 25 JO 35 40 <0.1 % https://passportweb.iso.com/passp011/app/ViewReport.do <IS 100'& Page 3 of 5 1/11/2021 ISO Passport (Percentile) within county: within state: Earthquake Information CA DOI Zone: Liquefaction Potential: Landslide Zone: Alquist -Priolo Fault Zone: Soil Type: Oil> 10 20 .30 D ~o so 60 70 so Cl CJ 90 100% Very High/ High/ Moderate/ Low/ Ivery Low! No Soft to Firm Rock(stiff soil) Page 4 of 5 Intensity by Probability of Exceedance (PE): VI VII VIII IX X XI Modified Mercalli Intensity: 30 Yea r PE 28.98 17.14 6.35 1.66 0.25 0.02 XII 0.00 % % % % % % % Intensity by Return Period: Return Period 100 Year 200 Year 250 Year 475 Year Modified Mercalli Intensity: 6.2 7.2 7.4 8.0 Fault Information Name Distance to Fault Characteristic Return Period Fault Length Event (years) (mi) (mi) (magnitude) Oceanside alt2 19.57 1553.43 7.78 33333 Rose Canyon 6.13 1553.43 7.67 251 Newport-Inglewood (Offshore) 8.05 1553.43 7.65 1562 Oceanside altl 19.52 1553.43 7.57 6666 Carlsbad 12.57 1553.43 6.53 5263 Historical Earthquakes Name Date Magnitude Epicentral Epicentral Depth Distance (mi) (mi) Unnamed April 21, 6.80 45.49 N/A 1918 Unnamed December 6.60 48.71 N/A 25, 1899 Long Beach, CA March 11, 6.40 51.07 N/A 1933 Unnamed July 23, 6.20 59.57 N/A 1923 Unnamed May 15, 6.00 39.29 N/A 1910 https ://passportweb.iso.com/passport/app/ViewReport.do 1/11/2021 ISO Passport I El Flood Profile Flood Information Source: Flood Zone: FEMA Flood Zone: Elevation: Shortest Distance to: Water Body: 100 Year Flood Plain: 500 Year Flood Plain: Flood Zones Unknown [::::J D 0 , •. d ~c=J x ,~,s1 e '-C:::J OUT ~C:::J xsoo 500-ye~C:::J SOOIC 1 -~00IC -AE AO c=)AH 100-yeal,o ~~VEL c::]A99 c=].A.R C:::J FPQ . Channel -"'"•C banks '"' Water -UNDES body Nodata LJ ANI DFIRM Outside Flood Zone X Flood Zone 200 -250 feet above mean sea level More than 5 miles 0.52 miles 2.62 miles "' VE A 500IC FV\i'IC ANI UNDES Page 5 of 5 The data provided in the Flood Profile is based on Digital Q3 Flood Data compiled by FEMA. The Digital Q3 Flood Data has not been modified in any way by Verisk or AIR. Digital Q3 Flood Data is developed by FEMA by scanning existing hardcopy Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), vectorizing a thematic overlay of flood risk. More information of Digital Q3 Flood Data can be obtained from FEMA Map Services Center. The User should note that Digital Q3 Flood Data does not replace existing hardcopy FIRM or Digital FIRM. Digital Q3 Flood Data does not provide base flood elevation information and it contains only certain features from existing hardcopy FIRM.·Therefore, Digital Q3 Flood Data should be used only as a general guide to a particular location's proximity to Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs). https://passportweb.iso.com/passport/app/ViewReport.do 1/11/2021 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego Appendix A -Natural Hazard General Information State: CA AIR Profiler is designed to provide users with vital, peril-specific characteristics of the property location, such as storm surge potential and distance to nearest active fault, as well as risk scores, which are quick measures of the risk and relative risk associated with the property. This release of AIRProfi/er includes hurricane profiles for all states in the continental U.S. at risk from hurricanes, as well as earthquake, severe thunderstorm and flood profiles for the forty-eight contiguous states. • The Address Profile displays important information regarding the accuracy of the look-up for the entered address, the geocode of that address and a street map. The Hurricane Profile provides hurricane risk information for the location as well as other related hazards including storm surge potential and distance to nearest historical hurricane track. • The Earthquake Profile, in addition to showing risk level and ranking, shows susceptibility of the location to different hazards. Those hazards include liquefaction, landslide potential, and fault zone information. • The Flood Profile provides the proximity of a location to one of five flood zone categories as well as the location's distance to various flood plain boundaries based on FEMA Digital 03 flood data. • The Severe Thunderstorm Profile provides information about risk from tornado, hail, and straight-line windstorms for a given location, including distance to nearest historical storms and annual frequency. Based on the address information provided, AIRProfi/er® displays the corrected and standardized address following USPS® rules and guidelines, as well as the geocode (latitude and longitude), county, and ZIP Code of the location. AIRProfi/er® performs a look-up in the LOCATION™ database. The hazard is then assessed based on an exact address or ZIP Code match. AIR's geocoding algorithm, based on the TIGER® geographical database, is used to convert the location address entered by the user into the corresponding latitude and longitude. Depending on the address match, either the exact geocode, or the geocode of the appropriate ZIP Code centroid, is used for assessing the risk. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 1/11 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego • The Address Profile also provides a street map of the location. State: CA Given a location, the loss potential from specific perils is represented by various risk scores. Risk scores are determined by performing a loss analysis on a typical residential building at that location. The analysis is performed using AIR's state-of-the-art modeling technologies. Note that content and time element (loss of use) calculations are excluded from the analysis. Based on this analysis of the location, AIRProfiler® provides two sets of scores: Risk Scores. The user can obtain indications of risk based on three measures of potential loss: the 100- year loss level, the 250-year loss level, and the average annual loss. These levels represent, respectively, the loss likely to occur in one year out of every 100 years, one in every 250 years, and every year on average over a period of many years. The resulting risk scores are expressed in percentage terms, as below: Low Risk Moderate Risk High Risk Very High Risk <5% I 5-10% 10-15% I 15-20% 1 20-25% I 25-30% 30-35% 1 35-40% 1 40-45% >45% Relative Risk Scores. In addition to the risk score of a given location, AIRProfiler® also displays the location's relative risk by county and state. Relative risk ranks the loss potential of a location with respect to the loss potential of other locations in the county or state. The format of the ranking is based on percentile values from 10% to 100% percent. The AIRProfiler® Hurricane Profile provides users with information about the hurricane risk potential for a specific location. Risk scores for 100-year, 250-year and annual average losses, as well as relative risk ranking within county and state, are displayed. The profile also displays the following hurricane risk information: • Storm surge potential • Distance to coast • Elevation • Terrain/Land use • Intensity and nearest distance to historical storm track for nearest historical hurricanes In addition to strong winds and tides, storm surge can pose significant danger to life and property during hurricanes. Storm surge is caused by winds pushing water toward the shore. When combined with high tide, storm surge can cause an increase in the mean water level and so result in severe flooding and substantial property loss. The densely populated Atlantic and Gulf coastlines that lie less than ten feet above mean sea level are particularly vulnerable to storm surge. The AIRProfi/er® Hurricane Report indicates whether or not the property is at risk from storm surge. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 2/11 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA The AIR Profiler® Earthquake Profile provides users with information about the earthquake risk potential for specific location. Risk scores for 100-year, 250-year and average annual losses, as well as relative risk ranking within county and state, are displayed. The · profile also displays the following risk information: • The California Department of Insurance (DOI) zone • Liquefaction potential • Landslide zone • Earthquake fault (Alquist-Priolo) zone • Soil type • Seismicity • Fault information • Historical earthquakes When seismic waves pass through water-saturated, loosely packed sandy soils, contact pressure between the individual grains is lost. The grains become more densely configured, causing pore pressure to increase. If drainage is inadequate, what was once solid ground now behaves as a dense fluid, incapable of supporting buildings. Structures that may have survived the effects of shaking can deform, tilt or sink. They may remain structurally intact, but have become unusable and unsalvageable. Liquefaction risk at a given site is represented by that site's potential to experience damage resulting from liquefaction. Liquefaction potential is a measure of a soil's susceptibility to liquefaction combined with a location's level of earthquake risk. AIR applies standard methodologies used by the Division of Mines and Geology (DMG), United States Geological Survey (USGS), to calculate liquefaction potential. The AIR Profiler® Earthquake Profile describes a location's liquefaction potential by one of five levels: very high, high, moderate, low, or very low. The underlying soil type may have a determining effect on potential earthquake damage to structures. Certain types of soils, such as soft soils, are capable of amplifying seismic waves, hence causing more severe damage. Also, some types of soil, such as bay mud, sandy soil, and stiff to soft soil, are also more susceptible to liquefaction. Soil is classified according to its mechanical properties. The AIRProfiler® Earthquake Profile for a particular location uses ten soil type classifications: • Hard rock • Rock • Very dense soil • Stiff soil • Soft soil • Rock to very dense soil • Very dense to stiff soil • Stiff to soft soil • Bay mud Water ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 . APPENDIXA 3/11 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA One measure of earthquake intensity is the level of ground shaking at any particular location. Over the years, several intensity scales have been proposed, but the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale is the most commonly used, especially in the United States. The MMI scale describes the intensity of an earthquake based on human reaction and observed damage to natural and man-made structures. This is useful because it allows for an attribution of intensity to events that occurred prior to the advent of modern measuring devices, as well as in instances in modern times where those devices were not available. The drawback to this standard of measure is that the MMI scale is highly subjective. The following table lists the MMI scales and definitions. MMI Definition I. People do not feel any movement. 11. A few people might notice movement if they are at rest and/or on the upper floors of tall buildings. 111. Many people indoors feel movement. Hanging objects swing back and forth. People outdoors might not ealize that an earthquake is occurring. IV. Most people indoors feel movement. Hanging objects swing. Dishes, windows and doors rattle. The earthquake feels like a heavy truck hitting the walls. A few people outdoors may feel movement. Parked cars rock. V. !\lmost everyone feels movement. Sleeping people are awakened. Doors swing open or close. Dishes are broken. Pictures on the wall move. Small objects move or are turned over. Trees might shake. Liquids might spill out of open containers. VI. Everyone feels movement. People have trouble walking. Objects fall from shelves. Pictures fall off walls. Furniture moves. Plaster in walls might crack. Trees and bushes shake. Damage is slight in poorly built buildings. No structural damage. VII. People have difficulty standing. Drivers feel their cars shaking. Some furniture breaks. Loose bricks fall from buildings. Damage is slight to moderate in well-built buildings; considerable in poorly built buildings. ·VIII. Drivers have trouble steering. Houses that are not bolted down might shift on their foundations. Tall . $tructures such as towers and chimneys might twist and fall. Well-built buildings suffer slight damage. Poorly built structures suffer severe damage. Tree branches break. Hillsides might crack if the ground s wet. Water levels in wells might change .. IX. Well-built buildings suffer considerable damage. Houses that are not bolted down move off their foundations. Some underground pipes are broken. The ground cracks. Reservoirs suffer serious damage. X. Most buildings and their foundations are destroyed. Some bridges are destroyed. Dams are seriously damaged. Large landslides occur. Water is thrown on the banks of canals, rivers, lakes. The ground cracks in large areas. Railroad tracks are bent slightly. XI. Most buildings collapse. Some bridges are destroyed. Large cracks appear in the ground. Underground pipelines are destroyed. Railroad tracks are badly bent. XII. Almost everything is destroyed. Objects are thrown into the air. The ground moves in waves or ripples. Large amounts of rock may move. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 4/11 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA The data presented in AIRProfi/er® is developed by calculating MMI values for each location. It incorporates all potential seismic sources, the distance of those sources from the location of interest, and local site conditions. Because MMI is considered as a measure of what the ground is doing during an earthquake, .rather than an index of damage to structures, damageability of building at the site is not included in the calculation. Those who are more interested in damage estimation should refer to 100-and 250-year loss levels. The MMI values are represented in two ways in the Earthquake Profile: • Intensity by PE (probability exceedance) • Intensity by Return Period The first representation, defined by probability of exceedance, is the probability that at least one event of that MMI will occur within 30 years. The second representation, based on return period, depicts the maximum intensity of an event that is likely to occur within the designated return period; that is, the intensity corresponds to the maximum event that is likely to occur within the return period displayed. Proximity to an active fault is an important indication of seismicity for a specific location. The AIRProfiler® Earthquake Profile displays the property's distance to the nearest known active faults. Important characteristics of these faults are displayed, including fault length, and the magnitude and frequency of the "characteristic" event associated with that fault. (Scientists believe that many faults tend to produce earthquakes of a particular size, or magnitude, that is "characteristic" of that particular fault, and that occur with a particular frequency, or recurrence rate). ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 5/11 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA The AIRProfiler® Flood Profile provides users with information about the flood risk potential for a specific location. Each location is characterized by its proximity to one of five flood zone categories as follows: • Water body: Includes large lakes and rivers • 100-year flood plain: Areas where there is 1 % chance of being flooded • 500-year flood plain: Areas where there is 0.2% chance of being flooded • Outside flood plain: Areas outside of water body, 100-and 500-year flood plains • No data: Areas where there is no data available The proximity of the location to FEMA defined flood zones is also provided: FEMA Description Zone V An area inundated by 100-year flooding with velocity hazard (wave action); no BFE*s have been determined. VE An area inundated by 100-year flooding with velocity hazard (wave action); BFEs have been determined. A A.n area inundated by 100-year flooding, for which no BFEs have been determined. AE A.n area inundated by 100-year flooding, for which BFEs have been determined. AO A.n area inundated by 100-year flooding (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain), for which average depths have been determined; flood depths range from 1 to 3 feet. AOVEL An alluvial fan inundated by 100-year flooding (usually sheet flow on sloping terrain),· for which average flood depths and velocities have been determined; flood depths range from 1 to 3 feet. AH An area inundated by 100-year flooding (usually an area of ponding), for which BFEs have been determined; flood depths range from 1 to 3 feet. A99 ~n area inundated by 100-year flooding, for which no BFEs have been determined. This is an area to be protected from the 100-year flood by a Federal flood protection system under construction. D ~n area of undetermined but possible flood hazards. AR ~n area inundated by flooding, for which BFEs or average depths have been determined. This is an area that was previously, and will again, be protected from the 100-year flood by a Federal ~ood protection system whose restoration is federally funded and underway. X500 An area inundated by 500-year flooding; an area inundated by 100-year flooding with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile; or an area protected by levees from 100-year flooding. X An area that is determined to be outside the 100-and 500-year floodplains. 100IC An area where the 100-year flooding is contained within the channel banks and the channel is too narrow to show to scale. An arbitrary channel width of 3 meters is shown. BFEs are not shown in his area, although they may be reflected on the corresponding profile. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 6/11 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA 500IC An area where the 500-year flooding is contained within the channel banks and the channel is too narrow to show to scale. An arbitrary channel width of 3 meters is shown. FWIC An area where the floodway is contained within the channel banks and the channel is too narrow o show to scale. An arbitrary channel width of 3 meters is shown. BFEs are not shown in this area, although they may be reflected on the corresponding profile .. FPQ An area designated as a "Flood Prone Area" on a map prepared by USGS and the Federal nsurance Administration. This area has been delineated based on available information on past Hoods. This is an area inundated by 100-year flooding for which no BFEs have been determined. IN An area designated as within a "Special Flood Hazard Area" (or SFHA) on a FIRM. This is an area inundated by 100-year flooding for which BFEs or velocity may have been determined. No distinctions are made between the different flood hazard zones that may be included within the SFHA. These may include Zones A, AE, AO, AH, A99, AR, V, or VE. OUT An area designated as outside a "Special Flood Hazard Area"(or SFHA) on a FIRM. This is an area inundated by 500-year flooding; an area inundated by 100-year flooding with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile;· an area protected by levees Wrom 100-year flooding; or an area that is determined to be outside the 100-and 500-year ~oodplains. No distinctions are made between these different conditions. These may include both !Shaded and unshaded areas of Zone X. ANI ~n area that is located within a community or county that is not mapped on any published FIRM. UNDES ~ body of open water, such as a pond, lake, ocean, · etc., located within a community's urisdictional limits, that has no defined flood hazard. *BFE = Base Flood Elevation The Flood Profile provides the shortest distance of the location to the various flood plain boundaries. Three types of distance measurement is provided: • Shortest distance to the boundary of water body • Shortest distance to the boundary of 100-year flood plain • Shortest distance to the boundary of 500-year flood plain ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 7/11 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego The following map illustrates the way distance from flood plain boundaries are calculated: 100 Year Ftood Plain "-'"""~---.,.....~ ...... a .... o_•\ \ \ W•ter Body j I i / j I .I i----- \ ) ./ / ·1 i / State: CA The AIRProfi/er® Severe Thunderstorm Profile provides users with information about the severe thunderstorm risk potential for a specific location. The Severe Thunderstorm Profile includes risks due to tornado, hail, and straight-line wind. Risk scores for 100-year, 250-year and annual average losses, as well as relative risk ranking within county and state,· are displayed. The profile also displays the following risk information: Annual Frequency This field represents the annual frequency of occurrence for tornado, hail, and straight-line windstorms. A qualitative description of the frequency (very high, high, moderate, low, or very low) is displayed. Historical Severe Thunderstorms In this section of the Severe Thunderstorm Profile, AIRProfi/er® identifies information on the five most severe tornado, hail, and straight-line wind events within 50 miles of the given location. The following characteristics are displayed: year, date, distance from location, and intensity. The description of intensity varies by peril. For tornadoes, the Fujita scale is used. The intensity of hailstorms is measured by average hailstone size and the intensity of straight-line windstorms is derived from a measurement of maximum wind speed. ©2005 AIR Worldwide Corporation. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part on any medium without the express written permission of AIR Worldwide Corporation. Send questions or comments about this web site to airprofiler@air-worldwide.com Version 2.2.1 .20040326 AIR Worldwide Corporation Privacy Policy I Conditions of Use (6) ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 8/11 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 A description of the listed hazards follows: County: San Diego State: CA A. Brush and Forest Fires: Areas with heavy vegetation and a dry season can be subject to forest and brush fires. Local building and zoning regulations address this hazard in some areas of the country. Buffer zones which are free from brush and other fuel sources, as well as the use of fire resistive exterior siding and roofing can be utilized to mitigate this hazard. B. Earthquake: Earthquakes are caused by a tension release from the earth's tectonic plates that causes the ground to shake or vibrate. Most casualties associated with earthquakes are caused by structural failures in buildings and fires caused from electrical shorts and gas leaks. All of the model codes have seismic zones where buildings should be constructed to withstand at least a moderate earthquake. The codes are currently geared towards avoiding a structural collapse. This is a life safety issue and a building can still sustain enough physical damage to rende_r it unusable after the earthquake occurs. Since 1900 earthquakes have occurred in 39 states and caused damage in all 50. C. Floods: Floods are one of the most common disasters in the United States, and cause damage to thousands of structures annually. Floodplain construction is addressed in most building codes and many zoning regulations. Flood mitigation is addressed through the National Flood Insurance Program which provides insurance credit incentives for complying with FEMA regulations. Flood as a hazard falls outside the scope of the BCEGS program. D. Hail: Consists of icy pellets of various sizes that are usually associated with thunderstorms or tornadic activity. Large hail can cause substantial damage to roof surfaces. In a typical year the insurance industry pays out $1.5 billion in hail damage claims. In rare cases hail has caused structural damage and building collapses. Building codes usually do not address potential damage from hail. E. High Winds: High strait line winds can occur anywhere in the United States and are caused by pressure and temperature variances in the Earth's atmosphere. High strait line winds are common in thunder storms, in the open plains were there are no obstructions to slow down the wind, in mountainous areas from upslope and downslope wind effects, on the East Coast from "Northeasters", and on the Pacific Coast from Santa Anna winds. Model Code groups have formulated maps based on 50 year mean recurrence intervals. The model codes currently apply the concept of "fastest wind speed" which is determined by an anemometer 33 ft. above the ground in open terrain. The anemometer measures the time it takes for one mile of air to pass its location. Wind maps are not based on potential maximum wind gust, but on "fastest wind speed," which has created confusion in media coverage of storms. F. Hurricane: This is a tropical low pressure system with a circular wind rotation of 74 mph or greater usually accompanied by rain, lightning, and sometimes tornadoes. These storms have the ability to travel inland for hundreds of miles, maintaining hurricane force winds. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 9/11 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA G. The Saffir-Simpson scale is used to rate the strength of a hurricane from 1 to 5 with 5 being the most severe. The Saffir-Simpson scale uses wind speed and storm surge to rate the hurricane's strength and potential for devastation. Model codes have addressed the probability of hurricanes by creating wind zones that range from 110 mph on barrier islands to 70mph inland. Structures must be designed and built to compensate for the potential additional stress placed on structures by the wind in these zones. The structural designs must take into account both Positive and Negative Wind Loads. Roof systems must be anchored to the wall systems to resist the wind loads. The wall systems must also be strapped or bolted to the foundation and footing system to create a continuous resistive system. Building codes also address the potential storm surge for coastal construction, by requiring structures to be elevated on pilings. H. Landslide/mudflow/debris flow: This hazard is more common in, but not limited to mountainous areas. Earthquakes and heavy rains cause landslides. Mudflows and debris flows can be caused by heavy rains as well as volcanic eruptions in areas with snow and ice present. This is usually a localized occurrence, and is more of a zoning than a building code issue. I. Lightning: All states are subject to lightning in varying degrees. Lightning rods can be installed on structures in high probability areas, but most building codes do not address when lightning rods are required. In a typical year the insurance industry pays out over $1 billion in residential lightning damage claims. J. Snow Loads: This is a concern in snow belt areas in northern states and in mountainous areas. There are snow load maps created by the model code groups that address this situation. Some areas require a minimum roof pitch and higher design factors to compensate for the additional weight imposed on roofs by snow. K. Soil Liquefaction: This is a seismic concern. There are some soil types which, in the presence of a high enough water table, will take on the physical properties of a liquid when shaken by an earthquake. Buildings constructed in areas subject to liquefaction need to be designed to reduce or eliminate the possibility of uneven settling or tilting during an earthquake. L. Soil Subsidence: This is the shrinking or settling of soil due to its composition. Some soils compact or or shrink excessively and this could cause foundation failure if not compensated for by foundation reinforcement. Some areas are subject to sink holes. These are typically caused by lime deposits being dissolved by underground water. M. Swelling Soils: This is common in clay based soils that do not drain well and needs to be compensated for by foundation reinforcement. Footings or foundations placed on or within expansive soils need to be designed to resist differential volume changes to prevent structural damage to the supported structure. As an alternative to special design the soil can be removed and replaced or stabilized. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 10/11 Jurisdiction: Carlsbad Survey Date: 12/15/2020 County: San Diego State: CA N. Tornado: Tornadoes are formed from mesocyclones or supercell thunderstorms. Tornadoes can strike in many places in the United States, but the greatest probability of tornadic activity is in a corridor from Texas to Wisconsin known as tornado alley. They occur usually in the spring or fall of the year during the late afternoon when the atmosphere is least stable. Tornadoes are measured by the Fujita Scale (F- SCALE), which measures the wind speed and damage potential. The scale ranges from FO to F5 with F5 being the most severe storm. Damages from a direct hit by the strongest tornadoes cannot be mitigated, but the collateral damages that occur in surrounding areas can be reduced. The wind provisions of the model codes can help to limit damages from the most common, weaker tornadoes. 0. Tsunamis: (tidal wave) These are large sea waves usually caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, and are most common in the Pacific Ocean. The potential devastation of a Tsunami is enormous, but little is being done to mitigate this hazard. Several Pacific Coast States have enacted zoning regulations to prevent schools and hospitals from being built in low areas subject to tsunamis. P. Volcanoes: There are numerous dormant and active volcanoes in the Western United States, and the potential danger is catastrophic near these volcanoes. Collateral damage could occur for hundreds of miles. Building codes can do little to address this danger, but some areas require additional roof structure design to compensate for volcanic ash load. Zoning restrictions are a more viable means of mitigation. ©Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2013 APPENDIX A 11/11 Attachm ent B Residential. Video Inspection Program C cityof Carlsbad Informational Bulletin B-44 The City of Carlsbad Residential Video Inspection Program has been created to provide a convenient alternative for completing in-person building inspections using remote video technology such as a smartphone or tablet. This program has been designed to provide convenience, save time and resources and help implement the city's Climate Action Plan by reducing greenhouse gas emissions generated by vehicle trips. Please contact the Building Counter at 760-602-2700 to learn mor.e. ELIGIBLE PERMIT INSPECTION TYPES The property owner, contractor or representative can use a smartphone or tablet computer to communicate with the city building inspector in completing the following inspection types: • Correction items approved by the Inspector • Drywall • Utility trenching for electrical, water, gas, or sewer • Exterior gas pressure tests • Insulation • Patio covers • Others deemed appropriate by the Inspector The following video inspections must be completed by the contractor of record. • 100 or 200-amp el_ectric panel upgrades • EV charging stations • Plumbing re-pipe • Remodel finals • Rooftop solar of lOkW or smaller • Wall heater • Water heater • Water softener Additional inspection types may be added as the program matures and interest increases. If an inspection type is not listed above, please contact your inspector to see it could qualify under this program. INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS The following is needed to ensure a successful inspection: • A minimum 4G wireless internet access speed. • FaceTime, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom preloaded onto a smart phone or tablet. Devices must be fully charged with the camera and microphone turned on. • Approved permit and project documents/plans received with the permit must be on site and readily available for reference. If you have any questions about needed documents, please ask the building inspector at the time the appointment is made. • Prior to scheduled inspection please ensure that all necessary tools are readily available (i.e., tape measure, ladder, level and flashlight). Additional tools may be requested by the building inspector at the time the inspection date is set. REQUESTING AN INSPECTION • Go to the city's website and request a building inspection online. Make sure to type in "video inspection request" for the "Type of Inspection" requested. • Alternatively, you can email requests to bldginspections@carlsbadca.gov. Type in "video inspection request" in the subject line. In the body of your email, please include the following: o Permit number o Project address o Type of inspection o List which platform.(i.e., FaceTime) o Special notes/comments/questions INSPECTION PROCESS • Inspection requests received before 3 p.m. will be scheduled for the next business day. • The inspector will call you on the day of your inspection between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. to walk through the video inspection process. • Video inspections will occur Monday through Thursday. On the date assigned, please be available within this time frame to receive a call or meeting invitation from the inspector. • Please ensure that the project site is clean and clear of debris that could cause a tripping hazard. • Turn off notifications that may interrupt the call. This is an important step, because notifications can freeze the meeting and will cause delays to the inspection and a possible failed inspection. Also, please move the camera slowly and walk slowly to avoid tripping. Community Development Department I 1635 Fa raday Ave. I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I www.carlsbadca .gov • The inspections will start at the front of the property for address verification. The inspector will walk you through the inspection process from start to finish. • If for any reason the inspector is not able to complete the inspection via the Residential Video Inspection Program, the inspector will schedule a field inspection for the next available business day. INSPECTION RESULTS • The inspector will inform you if the inspection receives a pass, partial or fail and will update the permitting system with results at the completion of the call. • A list of corrections will be emailed to you by the inspector after the inspections and the steps needed to schedule for a reinspection . • A final inspection report, generated by the cities permitting software, will be emailed to you upon final inspection. This will list all inspections that were completed and passed by the city: ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ B-44 (Residential Video Inspection Process Guide) 05/2020