HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 273-2M; PE 2.87.18; RUDEN - CANYON STREET; 01-02C:liNER.f,L SPECIFICATIONS SCOf'I; OF WORK The •ork kt be doN include-I, the furnlshing of •ti a.bar. Ntel";.1·'5 • .quip- _.nt and transpor'tation. both forewnblie-•nd unforeseeali~, In pcr!ormlng atl ,._ work required to eo"'J)l•te said work lndiated on these drawmgii and spe,clftcation$. IIORKMANSHIP The •ork of c:cm5tr\Kting a,nd installing bl-nds.capin.g ~haH be ~ondi.Jctrd in •n efficient and 5-atisfactory m,inner ½ PERMITS AND NOTICE$ Contnctor ~hall be r"e5ponsible-for obUllinfrl-9 a-t,y itlld .aH ne·ce-ssary building per-mits and notice~ unlen othrrwise stated. LICENSES AND INSURANCE Cot1tr-.,tor shall c•rr-y a M<::"~Ary CaHfo,.ma State: Contractor's License. , Contra(:tfilil"' •hall c.arr-y all nKess.ry c:omptenwtion and liability in~vr~n~e to Q)~t hii work!'nen •nd work ~ •$ to prot.ec:t Owner' fro,n .Jiny ,._u,u. f,en•# 11nd damages. STORAC:E OF MATERIALS All uterials 1,h,el'I be sto,-ed in a toa,tlQn •greed upon as per O·woer•1, instruc::;- lion1, and •h•II be stored in • -nannel" so •$ not to obstruct •ny public. rights of wey. Cootr•c.l.;a,r :ilhall bi. r-11:sponstble for" pr-otec.tion of •II his equipment and 1Mterial1,. SITE INSPECTION ContrKtor ,.hall vi's.It the 1,.jff, and sh.-tl famUWllrtre himself with all exiliting CQndit~r,s prior to fina·I fUbmisf.11m of bid. COf'tr•(".tor sNII also dstcrmlne the "'"n' of tr",111nsfitrring m.at•rialr. t0 the job i-ite and •ny other' factors which may p1n·til;n to "8id job. Site Condit&On5 Exe,.c.iw extre·rne c::are in ei,(CIIWl!ting and working near e:..is.ting "tiliHt:-• a-t ;ob site. Conh'"actOf" to COQrdinate '#ith 0Vlfrvr all utility loc.adonli pdor to any work, Contr.ctor ~fl be r•spon5ibte fo,. any dlirugu to utilities due to his QPer'iltions •nd/or negl,ut. WATfRINC o..,., .,...,.tt ~ r@-.pon·s.ibtt for supplying an ncces::..a-ry water through the axis.ting djstrfbution syste-tn. Contractor must supply •:fl ncc.es$iary .qulp- tMnt to di!-ttibute 1111ater. CHANCES AND EXTRAS Any ch.ng.s and/or •xt.-•s frQm origin.,,, Contrac:·t sh.afl have Pf'·lior wf"itten -roval t,y h L,,ndsc•pe Architect •nd/o, o .. ne,. SAFETY MEASURES Contr•ctor shlill provide etl ufety mu'!iur-es. such as s.igns. guard'i., lights. bardcades. and other protec::tive measures as. may be required. tNTERPRETATION DF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Shou•d there be an error or dis.cre-pancy in or between the pl•n•J.1 specific:a• tioft1 and pl•nting Ust. Contractor shill! ootify tlw Land§t;apt-Ar-c~itcc::t. Conlr•c:tol'" is respnni-ible for verifytng •II plant counts prior to bid 11cc:~pt- anc:e. tind •hall notify L,a,ndsupe A;-c:.tiiit.-c:t of Yid ttrror(t) and discrep1n- ~iiH. SITE PREPARATION 1. IE:icisllng toll •Nn ba ca.-ared of •fl tock~ dcbri1,. tind no:,,:ious materials. 2. Stoi:;kpile -,11 fOf" earth IIIOunds shall be placed ln permanent location ....i gr-ct.<! to finish SNpe. J. All .,... -II be graded to In_. p,_,. dral.,.ge. •· Flr>llh gr•des ...... be 1:1e1ow NrdlC■pe •• follows: 2• f..,. graund co.,.r ■Nas • ..tct 1• fof' la111tn areas. sotL PIIEPARATION t. All ?lant _te,!.lo .,._II ..,..,_ per Canfornla Stete Depa, tment of Agrl· cult"••• Standoirdo fw Nursery lrupection and C:r•ding. No. 1 grade. a. Contractor ohoH be n,spanolble f...-u,. a,aintenance •"'d protecliM of .. , p .. ntt: fr'On'I suf'. dra\Jght, wind, theft. r11in •nd he:•t •t •II tirr,e1, bcfOf'e •nd during pltinting opei■•tions. 1. AH grou,-.d cover •,..•s sl\811 rKelve tM fonowing amendmi!nts. whic.h shafl be u.o,,...ghly 01ixed Into top t• of toll. (a) Nitrolized Or~nK Redwood Soll C.,,.dltion., I L,.('.;K.Af/' (bl C:yps""' le:) Ory COfnme-rclet "'Water' l·f'~ (dl Pre-pl•nt Fe-.-Wizer 1.:.oc ios :..,, lcoc w • j G /l?.:. ~ '2-o,~.-n~ Ho1µ1ff\UM 1~ ,z.:;.1 ,,,_.....,\w.11 .. ~...., I ~, .. •"'If¢>- SLOPE•TREE PLANTING ''1'1l-Wt?.tQ'\"j' • [ f"' ,;l,t--"1'"91-·~>ti ... ·r-=a:ri .... ~zr:e ~t!:-01 m 1 ,,eP5e:FM,'- 1 c:;,.l,.L--I T~ I "1-1 ~~ ~ ~J,,I..... -~ ~ 41 dill'""¼ IS~--,t~ ~I~~ -<:, SHRUB PLANTING --· .--. '. ===-ll ' I I p _.,.....:.... ...... - t->--• 1 All r,:ovnd e0ver-a..-ras s.h•"1 n·ce:vc wH-d cor,t,.-01 tr•i11tment, COM,i~ting of EC urflar, r.ated •1. ~l'" unvfa~turer's specific.ations. ~ ::~~J~-lf ~:-' ~-~~t-:i;_..i~~~~-2-■-' ".,,-c::::., _.r"\._J~~ .... ~~ t?"f ~..,,.,,,. ~ :Pi'G--- PI..ANT MATERIAL CUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENT (.)'C C>I,,· """°""~"" :-f'>. AH sh,.Ws, trees and gr-ou~d cover ln$tallm-d shall be gva,r"•nte,ed by Contr.K.-1 tor ID Maitttail"I healthy, vigQ,r-CHJS gro.-th •nd appearal'\U: fo, a minimum per'iod of l"lln1tty (,o) day-. aftct written ate:c.ptance of projec:t and/t:>f' fin•' aceepta-nce by Ow,-, All pl•nU found to be dead <>r i... "nheolthy ot.te sh,,11 be re- pi.ced 1 .. ..edlii".1y. MAINTENANCE 1. Mair\h-nanc:e period shaM ~-n ori t~ first dl-y after all pta-.-.tlng in ttw pr-o;~t is comple-h. checked. 4K"C~ted. and written app,.ova-1 frOftt L•nd- K•pe Architect and/or Owner" is 9iv~n lo begi,.. the-,uintcnance ~riod, •nd s~U continue for no less than t,ilcty ( 60) dliys (conti,.."4:>1,,1$ days]. (a) Maintenance sh•II consist of ••tedng. weeding. caring for plants. edging. lll!Owing and d•.an-up. (b) TM project shall be k~pt in a ne.tt. pr"esel"tt.ble tippa•raf\C:e at •f-1 tim@1.. 2. Con-tr•c:tor •hti.JI 4;0,,tinuou-sly 1Nintai·n atl involved ereas vf pro;.ct dur- ing the progr-eH or •ork •nd during the .-iii91intenarte:• p.:r-iod until tt-Mr: final acc:@ptance-of work by L•ndi,capc Arc;;hitrct and/or Owner. 0 RED LINED PlANS MUST BE RESUBMITTED WITH ·CORRECTED PLANS. DATE: .5;"/~/f 0 JAM ■S R. IVl!s:ISBN a ASSCC. 141 ■ MACKINNON AV ■. CAR01FP1 CALIPCIRNIA 88007 C .,. J ■4■-1748 Ul. .. D ,-, "'flo,?■9!- I .. \ '--·· ·y r r .. S j...O.PE.. I E.Llv~"f.15 :ii~~ f2.H-J$ !i-ije,G~I f"i9 l,.,I~ F2,eci I~ e,p~ i..-e-r--le,r-J.p,t:,~ 13 ~~ ?~f!.-f'-lJM~ ~.or~!,,€.~ II.?~ "';>lt.e-~l"'f'J.ili'r' ' 5~v 1-1 l~ :;~ l~v a$ P~rs-~ 1tW; q:l ! I :J...11:::,,t,,. ~Ur<f. I I ;k)~&o 1-1·r 17-10:1•1 tl·)O :.VD u-' +i--r &1ow11-'d> . ....... ' c-. ,;:_ , 1-- ·\ .-l. ~ \ -i. \ \ -s- ' \ \ _.), \ . \ ,I d ~TY 1a1v1s1 -ON v1 N~ -~'-~~---,---------- I I I I ' I I I -~or 1 f.,.."" et., 1t,,!!i,S --+-------------------------- "DECI.AAA.110JII OF ARCRIDCT OF W0U: I he..., deda,c that th, d.,lp of di< lmpro.c.,..,. u ..,._ 0A those plw <Git ,1., ..M p1<>fcssional ot•ndords and proctica. N the 1,.,.1,.,.pe Arcbitcct ill ,_iblo darp of lh< d .. ign of ti,..., iml'f()Vemenis. I 0>sume full , .. po..ibility for 111eh dnip. I undo!ntand and acknowledge th.or "" pion <.bed <>f !hes< plans by th, City of c.rllbad is o re<liew lo.-lho limired purpo., of ,nsllring that the plan, comply with City proced-and other opp1i,,ible polkleo and orc!in>n,.., Tbe plan <h<dt i, not • determination <>f tho c.d-Aim ..ieq...,, of the dalp ol tbe impro,,ements. Su<h pion che.:k ~ nue. thetdore, ~ -of a, 7"'I', mibllily for d,o dodp ol thr~ improwemems. ,., 1.-oJ>ds<ape Ardut«t in rnpomible chars< of !hie d<sip of those .. ..,__, I ..,.. to indcnui.ily and ,.., the City of C&rlsbad. its offi<<"-ovnts. and anpk,)ffS lwndelo tram IIJI)' and all liability, claims. damages or injuries-to my Pf.'ISOD or Prope!lJ' whkh th.ight •rise from. tbc nes)is<nr ac:ts. erro,. <>r oll1ission< of th, =dsapr Ardaite,t ia responsible dw,e of dw dffign or these imp~vemenu, 1ay empJoytcs, a,entJ or com,wtaar:1. }'ndKopc Archit«l LicCnsc No. Date CW.t-174Z. ........ i.,,oj eJ pP.r:> .,..,. l"f.o ,, I I I • l~o ,/r,'110 I I I I ~of I I ti ~ ~ I .. ,zo-t.? ~~ ~I:, l,::.~Ml'i~l rbt-t ~S" -r1-zo ~ ,~r•t-·Hrlo i2---epi.,. s:,,.;1-re. ..z..t-1 VP' ?o S."f I"" I ~ ' "f :z..:, t'"'\ (&1'l) ~32 -t!?o31, d'v-ltie</ ~V~f~ . ~ !:,-£, bl P-N ~ V ' V I ., L-E: s ?,P-,Z.. 11~.+ ~s \,-lOJIQ A1e- i..>laii;...,<::,e·~1:;;:> I c+-, q-;.~ ( C-?14) ..+~4---4-11?' CARLSBAD DEPART,.,ENT «;l.-opi-3-pi,..-,..,..r-,.111NG f' l,,",.._N CANYON PLACE C. ,. 81;1• 13 • 0 z ~ 0 w :c 0 z ca: ..J CL t----t--+---------------+--~tPR.· O\'E"D, ~ CITY CNGlfEER I DATE: ::3·'l· 90 SCALES, HORZ• 1• = 2-0' VER: t---t---11-----------------l------1~8:'~-I ~~~~c~~ e t---i-----11-----------------➔-----1ulm:;.l,iij .. ni,& ... Jliar .... , ___ ..... _ E BY REVISIONS ORAWltlGN-M ~ ~ i ' ~ ' ' ~ C!l ro1t2-e> ?705 ... 12·4 ~w~ ~~1-1~ $0 ,t:, l~I I• I I.Z-1 a TbJtrt.O f3;1oS ~ 12 -µ ,, :J>o ANTl•BIPHON CONTROL VALVE -~· ' ... ~ oj ~· ...--~ ~e,,-'6f"""*f 1•, t=> -------i f,08'-<'I: I ~{'2-~.) -------l ~ ti:::'f""' PI Hi 12.. ~--, fl'l""l-l 611;1- SHRUiB SPRAY ON SLOPE ' IRRIGATION SPECIRCATIONS A. SCOPE OF WORK Worlt included in tl'lffe specifications shall includo> furnishing ol all material$, eql:lipment. applian• en, labor and permita, for the installation and construction ol an irrigation sy;tem as shown on the plana. 11 INSTALLATION 1, All linaa, valves, and spinkler heads ,nown on plans are diagrammatic and ara to be located in pi.rt.; areas whera possible. 2. All workmanship and materials stall conform to local buildi119 and plumbi119 codes. 3. Trenches for pipi"lj shall be straight with bottom and uniform •· /grade. (a) Mainline shall have minimum Nrth cover of 18" (b) u,teral$ shall have minimum earth covet' of <I. Backfill ol d trench"es shall be lrff of rocks and foreign materials Backfill to be uniformly placed. tamped and fini$h..graded to fin,,I grades. 5. All PVC pipe to be inslalled as per manufacturer's instrucliOnS. I. All lawn pop-up head• to be installed flush vrith finished grade. 7. AN shrub heads to be installed 8" abo.,. grade and set a minimum of <I" away from adjacent paving and/or structures. All shrub heads a4j.cenl to walkways shall be installed with flex-risers as per detail. 8. All im~t hffds to be reinforced with 3/8" diameter reinforcing steel and secured with galvan- ized wire. No. 3 re-bar shall be I minimum of 11· ,n length. 9. ,-11 electric remote COnlrol valvea shall be grouped and installed in meter valve boxes. vaive boxes to be Installed with top of box level vrith finish grade. 10. PrfflUl'e vacuum braaket' to be installed as per manufacturer's specifications. C. TESTING 1. All irrigation lines to be flushed prior to placement of !lllfinkler heads. 2. Contractor shaN be responsible for lealt-proof system and shan repair any visible leak$. 0. SPRAY ADJUSTMENTS Contractor shall adjust all sprinkler hNdt n lO minimize oversprayontow1111&. paving, and building E. =~::~=~EES tJcW; =>~~~~ ;r'~~'"'.i~,t"T iZ'!I f'SI AH materialS and installation ol-'< shall be guaranteed to be''" of problems and sllall be operable lor • period ol one 111 year from the dale of acceptanca. ¾11 rlr-~ie:. M ~~ -e,1-wr. -~ ~r a: t,~ r.J l!?c--j1oN !,O (S,f'~ -sT"-T'"' Fil1-8-.S'.ruif..E:.. -s ~ rs• 4W ~.t;'-'>t? 1r-1~ 1o1,r/i<-i.::-T I 07o of ~~ ~ I --= '1, ~ !'-'ff':><-i "'.JH M~e:!e.. .A!l% 15o/o OF ~pe-f"l-0 ~ :;. , 76 -,,; ?0 &~r---1 • '2 2, s, c,..,f"l"1 ----lf'l-1!1~ ~ +----Ir-.:-~-& p~q-- .----11""" 1~ "1'-~ --1 r'"" wo-.ri=:-pl--t'"""!~~~+-, , ~H 4 'O ;,:,vc... _p?r2 '/"J..li :,Ii.¢" SHAUB HEAD DETAIL - l:=:::==ll J I I I I ~rie.1,J .,.:.~ie, r/ ~I:::? ~ > I ~ i,;-,:5?, 3c, f $ I 1 • t-'1;=;-.i Ll.Pv ee,,.;r...:ov Vr"'W ~ ~. 5 f!>' 111 .J"'fMX ~ F2,IG, y,A::.,,UL.H1 ~;-,I(~ 1?'~°F r-ii .... i,, • {p 1,.,f"'T ~ .P1 f' e. ~SI iA? S S 4-: 4-i f9TT1r-l&s 1~1 i..,osr 1.s, 7'17'WM pj;2..£::6,SU(2.g !.,OS,S ·~i.--?T!ONS \/Pv'v~~ 1/LcT 4-r-1 ~.,Af,. _.t? $S " r--t f¥. f,,-&.-.l ~f' I '1, G 61" M S>,lP Ml'lr-l1,.,1N~ 111 ~ 4"" ~ t,0 1 ~.2. ESvev. lt;,1 ui::1 s 1,o ~e. ,:=: , ..+~~"" 1s c.... '7 4-. ..q-1/;,. ~ "lo : S,41 pl!!it2-lee' 42-1 ,4:Z." s.c., ,z. 3 8. a 3/,t~ ~ ,a, I -, . z ~ , cz, • 44' , -44" 3. 2-1. 4- )lP .is 1• (,,,,,•.;r3:1J z. 1 r~~ 1a:>1 •2~1 ! .2s.,. 3,, . 17 I ' Ttrf,.-i,.~5jer--l ~I l,Q_(.S .i!-,47 ps 1 Tdf !-v ;:x I ~I rLeM etff i;o, 2 4 JAM ■• R. IV ■A81!N a Aaaac. 141!!1 MACKINNON AV ■. CAIIICUflP, CALIFORNIA ■•007 C 918 J ■4 ■-174■ ,.. ••□==-._,, , __ , - c.W"'t-'lf'l~ J'-1:7vtrv "'9'~~ ~~s-1~ r-1.,-i-lu,t,,v 4'N1~1,, v>-w~ I' S:IZ.W ?f-tF'M(\C::;>!.J M~!:'L,, ,ZCJ,:J ~L)j::,,l.,,-c..,,,,/jl2.0...-,,.,-.JG-L,e. VP,L,-VB,- a-fi""l'-\pic?N Mob~...--u,z -'4°NO>i'='f-i-~\,:;.. v~ ... IM e,~ c T~i-:1 .q::: $1,.,(:,f'~ ,~!'"14~~ _..... c,.,,,..;s -zeo rvv v"""r::___.i,(.µ... 1J1Z..i.1bP'-'j!t:>t-J vi~ie-use-~~ 40 fV'-' ~ 11.z} ~z..e..,""'pi--- "7~,-...5t"14,.,... +~ ...,." I"""" 111 ~s-Jie:,e;-MPlr/ i.,1Ne:--.,;;-e:,-(!,. M,r-!0= 1e,1' l:'>ei.cw 6-1s2,t-; ,,e..- H,il"Ja..: I~·~ e-'f ~~ H,aie!C."1~ L,.oj 7 ~r+~t:. v_.w~s Tti ~e-1N5.T,t:,w!?~ PT pu, I.Ori ~"JN ~L, ~<. H~ J o-J >'-(S1 t::N -p ~1 k?V"I f-i~IC) tii:.v'N,OfP .,O,t-i;;;;:> P:lt".c>>loN ___ ,!_, __ _ I \r .. I I ~\ ~ I :i l ? ~ i ~ i..-oj t, ~ \ o/ ' ' I I ,I /1 ,, .... APPROVl;D lo/an,11111 D3/-'f: -i... D RED LINED PLANS MUST BE RESUBMITTED WITH ·CORRECT!.:D PLANS. DATE: 5/$0/'fp ~ , I i I' ' , I ; I I: ,:I .