HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 16-19; CARLSBAD RACEWAY LOT 13-15; FINAL SOILS REPORT; 2018-08-28
G E O T E C H N I C A L ■ M A T E R I A L S ■ S P E C I A L I N S P E C T I O N S
S B E ■ S L B E ■ S C O O P
4373 Viewridge Avenue, Ste. B San Diego, CA 92123 858.292.7575
RAF Pacifica August 28, 2018 111 C Street, Suite 200 NOVA Project No. 1017728 Encinitas, CA 92024
Attention: Mr. Jim Jacob Subject: As-Graded Geotechnical Report Carlsbad Raceway Lot 15 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California Grading Permit No. GR201-0004 References: See Appendix A.
Dear Mr. Jacob:
This report presents the geotechnical observations and the results of testing performed by NOVA Services, Inc. (NOVA) during earthwork operations for the subject project. This report addresses only the geotechnical considerations associated with the project’s construction. The geotechnical services described herein were performed by NOVA for RAF Pacifica during the period of July 13, 2017 to July 17, 2018.
1.1.1 General
The scope of services provided by NOVA during the construction period is abstracted below.
1. Soil Observation and Testing. NOVA performed observations as requested during earthwork operations for removals, grading, and placement of structural fills and backfills, and paving operations. NOVA performed in-place density and moisture content tests of fills and backfills placed. Laboratory testing was performed on materials utilized during the earthwork operations. 2. Technical Support. NOVA provided technical support in response to geotechnical related issues during construction. 3. Reporting. Preparation of this report completes NOVA’s scope of services.
As-Graded Geotechnical Report Carlsbad Raceway Lot 15
August 28, 2018 NOVA Project No. 1017728
1.2.1 Location
The subject development is Lot 15 of the Carlsbad Raceway Business Park. Lot 15 is located northwest of the intersection of Lionshead Avenue and Business Park Drive, directly west of the Business Park Car Wash, in the City of Carlsbad, California. Lot 15 is comprised of approximately 11.5 acres bounded by developed commercial properties to the north and east, Lionshead Avenue to the south, and undeveloped land to the west.
1.2.2 Project Description
The principal element of the project consisted of the development of a new tilt-up commercial building. The building is an approximately 172,360 square-foot, single level structure. The project included associated improvements including loading docks, parking areas, driveway pavement, bioretention basins, retaining walls, and utilities.
Lot 15 and the surrounding areas were utilized for motorsports for about 40 years until about 2004. Lot 15 and the areas around it were heavily regraded during 2004 and to 2006. Regrading included removal of the existing structures. A record of that work is reported in “Final Report of Testing and Observation Services During Site Grading for Carlsbad Raceway Business Park, Lots 1 through 28, tract C.T. 98-10, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 07349-42-02, June 5, 2006 (hereafter ‘Geocon 2006’). Previous mass grading at the site resulted in fills with a maximum thickness of about 65 feet at the axis of a canyon fill in the north-central portion of the property. Typical fills in the rest of the property ranged from 5 to 25 feet. Geocon 2006 documents that fills were placed and compacted to at least 90 percent relative
compaction after ASTM D1557 (‘Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort’).
1.4.1 General
Prior to earthwork operations, existing improvements, debris, topsoil and vegetation in the areas being improved were removed and disposed of offsite from areas receiving new planned improvements.
1.4.2 Description of Operations
The grading contractor, F.J. Willert Contracting, and several utility contractors including C.E. Wilson Corporation, Collins Pacific Plumbing, Precision Electric, Hillside Retaining Walls and Southland Paving, utilized a variety of medium to heavy size equipment to perform the earthwork. Equipment included: scrapers, graders, loaders, backhoes, dozers, track excavators, sheepsfoot, rollers, and manually operated reciprocating hammers. NOVA provided observation of earthwork operations as requested by the General Contractor (TFW Construction). Quality Assurance (QA) in-place density testing was performed after ASTM D6938 (‘In-Place
Density and Moisture by Nuclear Methods’) on materials placed as compacted fills and backfills. The approximate locations of field density tests are shown on the attached plates. The laboratory test results are presented in the attached Table I. The field in-place density test results are summarized in the attached Table II.
Earthwork for the building consisted of shallow cuts and substantial fills to establish the building pad grade. Cuts for the building pad extended to a maximum of about 2 feet below ground surface at the south center of
As-Graded Geotechnical Report Carlsbad Raceway Lot 15
August 28, 2018 NOVA Project No. 1017728
the pad. Fills ranged from about 8 feet from grade at the northwest corner, decreasing to about 1-foot heading south east. Due to the clayey nature of the existing material, select fill was placed within the upper 3 feet of the design building pad grade extending to at least 3 feet outside of the building footprint. The building pad was over excavated as necessary to achieve the 3 feet of select fill subgrade. The soils in areas receiving new fills were scarified, moisture-conditioned and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. New fills were placed in relatively thin lifts, moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction after ASTM D1557 in accordance with the project specifications. Oversized rock materials were placed and buried at depth north of the building pad. The location and approximate limits of the rock fill are presented on the attached Plate 2.
Retaining Walls
Three (3) Keystone® mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls (identified as Walls #1-3) ranged in height from about 2 feet to 8 feet.
Retaining wall backfill operations consisted of soils that were moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture content, and placed in relatively thin, uniform lifts. Backfill was densified to at least 90% relative compaction after ASTM D1557. The field density test results are summarized in Table II.
NOVA did verify the presence of wall subdrains located near the base of the constructed retaining walls. NOVA was not asked to observe the installation of the subdrain system, the subdrain connections or outlet locations.
Utility Trenches
NOVA observed the backfilling operations for several utility line trenches where indicated. Backfill soils were
moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction after ASTM D1557.
Prior to the placement of paving materials, subgrade preparations consisted of scarifying the surficial soils, moisture conditioning, and compacting the subgrade to at least 95 percent relative compaction. Paving materials consisted of aggregate base and asphalt concrete compacted to at least 95 percent of the material’s maximum density in accordance with ASTM D6938 and ASTM D2950 (Density of Bituminous Concrete In-Place by Nuclear Methods), respectively.
Density Testing
In-place density and moisture content testing of compacted fills and backfills were performed by NOVA’s field representatives in accordance with ASTM D6938. The results of field density testing are summarized in Table II of Appendix A. The approximate locations of field density tests are shown on the attached figures.
Laboratory Testing
The field density testing was supported by laboratory testing of representative samples of soils utilized for fills and backfills in accordance with ASTM D1557. The test results are presented in Table I of Appendix A. The indications of this testing are the basis for NOVA’s judgments regarding the relative compaction of the fills placed.
As-Graded Geotechnical Report Carlsbad Raceway Lot 15
August 28, 2018 NOVA Project No. 1017728
The soil and geologic conditions observed during the grading operations were generally consistent with those
described in NOVA’s Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation (NOVA 2017). Materials exposed during grading operations were found to be previously placed documented fill (Qaf) and Santiago Formation (Tsa).
Based on the observations and testing reported herein, it is NOVA’s opinion that the soil engineering and engineering geologic aspects of the grading are in compliance with the project grading plans and with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, and the current edition of the California Building Code.
This report presents information and data relative to the earthwork at the subject site. Representatives of NOVA conducted periodic testing and made observations during the progress of the construction as requested by the general contractor to evaluate conformance with the project requirements.
References to elevations and locations herein were based on surveyor or grade checker stakes in the field and from the project grading plans prepared by Excel Engineering (Excel 2017). NOVA did not provide construction surveying services. NOVA has no opinion regarding the accuracy of the elevations or surface geometry with respect to the approved plans.
The presence of NOVA personnel during the work progress did not involve any direct supervision of the Contractor or his workforces. Professional and technical advice and recommendations were provided to the owner and/or his designated representative based upon NOVA’s observations. Results presented herein are only representative of the samples and areas tested. Variations in material properties are inherent in any earthwork operation.
NOVA appreciates the opportunity to be of continued service to RAF Pacifica. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (858) 292-7575.
Respectfully Submitted, NOVA Services, Inc.
_____________________________ _____________________________ Wail Mokhtar Jesse D. Bearfield, P.E. 84335 Project Engineer Senior Engineer
As-Graded Geotechnical Report Carlsbad Raceway Lot 15
August 28, 2018 NOVA Project No. 1017728
1. Excel 2017. Precise Grading Plan, Carlsbad Distribute Lots 13-15 Raceway, ADJ 06-07 Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California, Excel Engineering, Drawing No. 501-3A, Project No. SDP16-19, March 20, 2017. 2. Geocon 2006. Final Report of Testing and Observation Services During Site Grading, Carlsbad Raceway Business Park, Lots 1 through 28, Tract C.T. 98-10, Carlsbad, California, Geocon, Inc., Project No. 07349-42-02, June 5, 2006.
3. NOVA 2017. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Tilt-Up Commercial Structure,
Carlsbad Raceway Lot 15, Lionshead Avenue, Carlsbad, California, NOVA Services, Inc., Project No.
2016433, March 14, 2017.
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193148181162629110092101639544424868649866469469479945676593576159555856105435.0'436.0'438.0'446.0'70Qaf1Qaf2Tsa258223224257176175211180210187209208200199207195196198197171262213246249250143142131132134135133147269270271272273371370374369466368467379469474475468380381378382377376395396476507506477484505504478503479483502480482713935259263222214108107109443.0'16319219115816113836336432732832936535735851851751952052152252352452520220118218615415314915618515215718418316416524521226114615540Qaf1Tsa604811303723733752563944394384373 VIEWRIDGE AVENUE, SUITE BSAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA858-292-7575858-292-7570 (FAX)WWW.USA-NOVA.COMAS-GRADEDGEOTECHNICALMAPPLATE 30050'100'NOVANWENS4#%'9#;.16
'17 CIMO£ PAD ll£Y = to• BElOW FF £lEV l (SEE 6WJJCIC&, ANlJ Sml/Cll/RAI B,6///£E/ lJ£JlCN CWl!E1'M R¥f SITna<I oq,;,;) / / / • • • • • -----, ,, • • • \ \ \ • • • • +· • • • • L • ., • • • / • • • • ,Q}, 151.92 i. / , ->;,.,/"'========== ,/'"/ L!QJI CITY OF CARLSBAD IISHEETSI ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 20 PIIEPARBJ /JNIJ£R MY SIIPERffstffl, GRADING PLANS FOR; I CARLSBAD RACEWAY LOTS 13-15 ADJ 06-07 (UONSHEAD AI/ENUE} NORTHEAST PRECISE GRADING PLAN BY OAIE": ___ _ ROBERT 0. 0£NllNO R.C.E NO.: ,f.5629 EXP!li'Anf.W.· 12-31-IB FINI/: £XCE1. ENGINEFRINC APPROVED: JASON S. GELDERT-I aTY ENGINEER RCE 63912 EXPIRES 0913011a DA_TE ___ AOORESS.: ·1-10 STA lF PLACE an; ST.,-ESCovtl'Oa CALIF&NIA 1EIEPH6W£.· (760} 715-8118 DWN BY: ~I I PROJECT NO, II DRA\\1NG N0,1 CHKD BY: __ SDP 16-19 501-3A RWO BY: ,a, f'■• 0
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CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA-';615;/$1.5452.0'3CH3CHDOCUMENTED FILL (NOVA 2016)DOCUMENTED FILL (GEOCON 2006)APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TESTS531APPROXIMATE ELEVATION AT EXCAVATION BOTTOMLIMITS OF BUILDING PAD REMEDIAL GRADING6UCSANTIAGO FORMATIONPROJECT NO:DATE:DRAWN BY:REVIEWED BY:1017728AUG 2018DTWJDBGEOLOGIC CONTACT• • • , . • • • • • • • •• • •• BfJ/W/NCAIIEA -ff El.EV= VARi/51-, I# SO FT PAI) El.EV_ • tJ(I£ llJ a.5% Sl. ~a,~ BllOIY ff EL <l'lWC 6'i'Atl'" L__j CRIIEHIA :::cm::: • • • • • • .. • • • • • /V /V • • • / 1./NEIT 9CHT / / / / / A< . ( .. ·. .. .. / .. ·· .... :: . . ··. / . .,' ,,,, . . ./ ·• \ '5tJ29 / / / / /// // / / / / AP PLAN PROVED: JASON S. EXPIRES 09 30 18 PROJECT NO SDP 16-1.9 ,a, f'■•
Raceway Lot 15
Carlsbad, California
August 2018
Optimum Maximum
Moisture Dry Density
Material ID Material Description (%)(pcf)
A Light Brown Sandy Clay 11.3 122.8
B Brown Silty Clay w/Crushed Asphalt 6.5 128.6
C Dark Olive Brown Sandy Silt 11.5 115.2
D Brown Silty Sand 9.0 128.0
E Tan Sandy Silt 11.4 120.9
F Gray-Brown Silty Clay 17.0 111.5
G Tan Sandy Silt 12.4 117.5
H Olive Silty Clay 12.7 116.9
I Tan Clayey Silt 12.0 120.7
J Reddish-Brown Silty Sand 7.3 134.7
K Gray-Brown Silty Sand 7.3 135.6
L Tan Sandy Silt 12.6 117.7
M Tan Clayey Silt 13.2 115.4
N Class II Base 6.2 139.5
O Tan Clayey Silt 9.5 123.0
P Class II Recycled Base 11.7 119.7
Q Class II Recycled Base 11.0 124.0
Max Wet
Material ID Material Description Density
AC-1 1/2" Type III C2 (California Commercial Asphalt, Caroll Canyon)141.7
AC-2 1/2" Type III C2 (California Commercial Asphalt, Caroll Canyon)146.0
Test Type
MG Mass Grading
SD Storm Drain Line
E Electrical Line
S Sewer Line
W Water Line
G Gas Line
FL Fire Line
CG Curb and Gutter
SW Sidewalk
SG Subgrade
B Aggregate Base
AC Asphalt Concrete
FG Finish Grade
UT Utility Trench
Laboratory Maximum Density (ASTM D1557)
Laboratory Maximum Density (ASTM D1560)
NOVA Services, Inc.
Raceway Lot 15Carlsbad, California August 2018Project No.: 1017728
Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
7/13/17 1 MG Loading Dock 436.0 A 122.8 11.3 116.8 13.7 95%Pass2MGBuilding Pad 432.0 A 122.8 11.3 115.9 16.7 94%Pass3MGBuilding Pad 433.0 B 128.6 6.5 117.6 11.0 91%Pass4MGLoading Dock 433.0 B 128.6 6.5 117.2 11.6 91%Pass5MGLoading Dock 434.0 B 128.6 6.5 116.3 12.3 90%Pass
7/18/17 6 MG Loading Dock 433.0 A 122.8 11.3 112.3 14.5 91%Pass7MGLoading Dock 436.0 A 122.8 11.3 111.3 15.7 91%Pass8MGLoading Dock 433.0 A 122.8 11.3 112.9 16.0 92%Pass
7/19/17 9 MG Parking Area 437.0 A 122.8 11.3 111.9 11.9 91%Pass10MGParking Area 436.0 A 122.8 11.3 112.5 12.1 92%Pass11MGParking Area 436.0 A 122.8 11.3 112.2 11.9 91%Pass
7/21/17 12 MG Parking Area 434.0 C 115.2 11.5 111.1 12.1 96%Pass13MGParking Area 434.0 C 115.2 11.5 110.2 12.4 96%Pass14MGParking Area 434.0 D 128 9.0 121.1 12.8 95%Pass
7/22/17 15 MG Parking Area 436.0 C 115.2 11.5 105.5 14.5 92%Pass16MGParking Area 436.0 C 115.2 11.5 106.4 15.8 92%Pass17MGParking Area 436.0 C 115.2 11.5 105.9 15.3 92%Pass
7/24/17 18 MG Parking Area 438.0 C 115.2 11.5 104.9 13.7 91%Pass19MGParking Area 438.0 C 115.2 11.5 105.6 15.5 92%Pass20MGParking Area 438.0 C 115.2 11.5 104.7 14.9 91%Pass21MGParking Area 440.0 C 115.2 11.5 106.0 16.2 92%Pass22MGParking Area 440.0 C 115.2 11.5 106.6 15.0 93%Pass23MGParking Area 443.0 C 115.2 11.5 105.0 14.6 91%Pass24MGParking Area 443.0 C 115.2 11.5 106.3 13.9 92%Pass25MGParking Area 443.0 C 115.2 11.5 106.7 14.8 93%Pass26MGParking Area 437.0 C 115.2 11.5 105.9 16.0 92%Pass27MGParking Area 437.0 C 115.2 11.5 104.9 15.1 91%Pass28MGLoading Dock 437.0 A 122.8 11.3 115.5 14.4 94%Pass29MGNorthwest of Building 438.0 A 122.8 11.3 112.9 13.5 92%Pass30MGNorthwest of Building 438.0 A 122.8 11.3 114.4 15.2 93%Pass31MGNorthwest of Building 440.0 A 122.8 11.3 114.7 15.8 93%Pass32MGNorthwest of Building 440.0 A 122.8 11.3 113.8 14.9 93%Pass
7/25/17 33 MG Loading Dock 438.0 C 115.2 11.5 108.1 18.0 94%Pass34MGLoading Dock 440.0 C 115.2 11.5 107.0 19.6 93%Pass35MGBuilding Pad 439.0 A 122.8 11.3 112.3 17.5 91%Pass36MGBuilding Pad 441.0 A 122.8 11.3 113.2 18.3 92%Pass
7/26/17 37 MG Loading Dock 442.0 E 120.9 11.3 110.6 16.9 91%Pass38MGLoading Dock 444.0 E 120.9 11.3 111.0 16.0 92%Pass39MGBuilding Pad 442.0 F 111.5 17.0 104.4 19.9 94%Pass40MGBuilding Pad 442.0 F 111.5 17.0 101.9 20.7 91%Pass41MGBuilding Pad 443.0 F 111.5 17.0 103.5 20.4 93%Pass42MGBuilding Pad 443.0 F 111.5 17.0 105.3 20.2 94%Pass
7/28/17 43 MG Building Pad 445.0 F 111.5 17.0 106.9 19.9 96%Pass44MGBuilding Pad 445.0 F 111.5 17.0 103.0 19.1 92%Pass
7/31/17 45 MG Buidling Pad 441.0 F 111.5 17.0 106.4 19.7 95%Pass46MGBuidling Pad 442.0 F 111.5 17.0 102.8 21.2 92%Pass47MGBuidling Pad 444.0 F 111.5 17.0 105.7 19.5 95%Pass48MGBuidling Pad 444.0 F 111.5 17.0 105.6 20.7 95%Pass49MGLoading Dock 447.0 E 120.9 11.3 112.4 14.9 93%Pass50MGLoading Dock 447.0 E 120.9 11.3 112.1 14.2 93%Pass
8/1/17 51 MG Building Pad 446.0 F 111.5 17.0 101.8 19.1 91%Pass52MGBuilding Pad 446.0 F 111.5 17.0 101.0 18.0 91%Pass53MGBuilding Pad 446.0 F 111.5 17.0 102.4 21.1 92%Pass54MGBuilding Pad 446.0 F 111.5 17.0 101.7 21.0 91%Pass
8/2/17 55 MG Building Pad 445.0 F 111.5 17.0 101.8 22.7 91%Pass56MGBuilding Pad 446.0 E 111.5 17.0 102.5 20.0 92%Pass57MGBuilding Pad 446.0 E 111.5 17.0 101.7 20.0 91%Pass58MGBuilding Pad 447.0 E 111.5 17.0 101.1 21.0 91%Pass59MGBuilding Pad 447.0 E 111.5 17.0 104.0 19.9 93%Pass60MGBuilding Pad 446.5 G 117.5 12.4 108.2 16.0 92%Pass61MGBuilding Pad 446.5 G 117.5 12.4 106.7 17.3 91%Pass62MGBuilding Pad 446.0 G 117.5 12.4 108.0 16.5 92%Pass63MGBuilding Pad 447.0 G 117.5 12.4 106.8 16.4 91%Pass
8/3/17 64 MG Building Pad 446.0 F 111.5 17.0 104.6 17.3 94%Pass65MGBuilding Pad 446.0 F 111.5 17.0 102.3 18.2 92%Pass66MGBuilding Pad 448.0 E 120.9 11.3 113.0 15.6 93%Pass
Laboratory Field
Nova Services, Inc.Page 2 of 9
Raceway Lot 15Carlsbad, California August 2018Project No.: 1017728
Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
Laboratory Field
67 MG Building Pad 448.0 E 120.9 11.3 109.7 18.7 91%Pass68MGBuilding Pad 450.0 E 120.9 11.3 110.0 17.7 91%Pass69MGBuilding Pad 450.0 E 120.9 11.3 110.2 19.2 91%Pass70MGBuilding Pad 448.5 E 120.9 11.3 114.9 15.0 95%Pass71MGBuilding Pad 448.5 E 120.9 11.3 112.3 15.4 93%Pass72MGParking Area 438.0 H 116.9 12.7 106.1 18.9 91%Pass73MGParking Area 438.0 H 116.9 12.7 105.4 17.9 90%Pass
8/4/17 74 MG Parking Area 440.0 E 120.9 11.3 110.9 19.1 92%Pass75MGParking Area 440.0 E 120.9 11.3 109.0 19.4 90%Pass
8/7/17 76 MG Building Pad 448.0 F 111.5 17.0 101.1 20.1 91%Pass77MGBuilding Pad 448.0 F 111.5 17.0 102.3 19.5 92%Pass78MGBuilding Pad 449.5 E 120.9 11.3 110.2 17.4 91%Pass79MGBuilding Pad 450.0 E 120.9 11.3 109.7 15.2 91%Pass80MGBuilding Pad 450.0 E 120.9 11.3 110.7 19.1 92%Pass
8/12/17 81 MG Loading Dock 445.0 G 117.5 12.4 106.4 18.2 91%Pass82MGLoading Dock 447.0 G 117.5 12.4 107.0 17.9 91%Pass83MGLoading Dock 445.0 G 117.5 12.4 105.9 18.0 90%Pass84MGLoading Dock 447.0 G 117.5 12.4 108.6 17.2 92%Pass85MGLoading Dock 446.0 G 117.5 12.4 107.2 18.1 91%Pass86MGLoading Dock 448.0 G 117.5 12.4 110.0 16.4 94%Pass
8/14/17 87 MG Parking Area 442.0 F 111.5 17.0 103.2 20.7 93%Pass88MGParking Area 442.0 F 111.5 17.0 102.7 22.9 92%Pass
8/15/17 89 MG Parking Area 444.0 F 111.5 17.0 102.5 20.7 92%Pass90MGParking Area 444.0 F 111.5 17.0 103.8 20.4 93%Pass
8/16/17 91 MG Builing Pad 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.0 12.2 91%Pass92MGBuiling Pad 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.3 15.3 91%Pass93MGBuiling Pad 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 111.7 11.2 93%Pass94MGBuiling Pad 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 112.3 11.0 93%Pass95MGBuiling Pad 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.7 12.0 91%Pass96MGBuiling Pad 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 111.9 11.5 93%Pass97MGBuiling Pad 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.2 11.9 90%Pass98MGBuiling Pad 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 111.1 11.4 92%Pass99MGBuiling Pad 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.6 11.6 91%Pass100MGWest Driveway 442.0 H 116.9 12.7 107.7 18.5 92%Pass101MGWest Driveway 442.0 H 116.9 12.7 108.1 17.8 92%Pass102MGLoading Dock 444.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.0 15.5 90%Pass103MGLoading Dock 446.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.3 15.7 91%Pass104MGBuilding Pad 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.1 15.7 90%Pass
8/17/17 105 MG Parking Area 440.0 H 116.9 12.7 105.0 19.0 90%Pass106MGParking Area 442.0 H 116.9 12.7 105.3 19.2 90%Pass107MGParking Area 444.0 H 116.9 12.7 108.5 17.3 93%Pass108MGParking Area 446.0 H 116.9 12.7 104.0 20.9 89%Fail109MGRetest #108 446.0 H 116.9 12.7 105.7 20.5 90%Pass110MGLoading Dock 443.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.1 17.4 90%Pass
8/17/17 111 MG Loading Dock 445.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.5 16.5 91%Pass112MGLoading Dock 447.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.8 14.6 91%Pass113MGLoading Dock 449.0 I 120.7 12.0 112.2 14.8 93%Pass114MGBuilding Pad 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 116.5 10.6 97%Pass115MGBuilding Pad 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 112.5 14.2 93%Pass116MGBuilding Pad 452.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.1 16.1 90%Pass117MGBuilding Pad 452.0 I 120.7 12.0 111.0 15.5 92%Pass118MGBuilding Pad 452.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.2 16.2 91%Pass119MGBuilding Pad 452.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.9 15.3 92%Pass120MGBuilding Pad 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 114.0 15.3 94%Pass121MGBuilding Pad 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.0 14.7 95%Pass
8/18/17 122 MG Building Pad 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 113.1 17.5 94%Pass123MGBuilding Pad 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.0 16.2 91%Pass124MGBuilding Pad 452.0 I 120.7 12.0 112.5 16.8 93%Pass125MGBuilding Pad 452.0 I 120.7 12.0 111.4 16.0 92%Pass126MGBuilding Pad 452.0 I 120.7 12.0 112.1 15.7 93%Pass127MGBuilding Pad 452.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.9 17.2 90%Pass128MGBuilding Pad 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.4 13.9 91%Pass129MGBuilding Pad 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.5 14.6 91%Pass
8/24/17 130 MG Parking Area 447.7 H 116.9 12.7 112.3 14.8 96%Pass131MGParking Area 447.0 H 116.9 12.7 110.0 14.9 94%Pass132MGParking Area 447.0 H 116.9 12.7 111.8 14.6 96%Pass133MGParking Area 446.0 H 116.9 12.7 111.7 14.8 96%Pass134MGParking Area 446.7 H 116.9 12.7 108.5 17.1 93%Pass135MGParking Area 446.0 H 116.9 12.7 110.6 15.1 95%Pass
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Raceway Lot 15Carlsbad, California August 2018Project No.: 1017728
Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
Laboratory Field
136 MG East Basin 448.4 I 120.7 12.0 111.1 14.2 92%Pass137MGEast Basin 448.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.4 14.7 91%Pass
9/1/17 138 MG Parking Area 450.4 I 120.7 12.0 116.8 11.1 97%Pass139MGParking Area 450.8 I 120.7 12.0 115.1 13.1 95%Pass140MGParking Area 451.2 I 120.7 12.0 116.6 12.8 97%Pass141MGParking Area 451.9 I 120.7 12.0 115.9 11.6 96%Pass142MGParking Area 449.0 I 120.7 12.0 112.2 10.1 93%Pass143MGParking Area 449.0 I 120.7 12.0 111.6 10.4 92%Pass
9/6/17 144 MG Keystone Wall #2 437.4 J 134.7 7.3 130.7 6.1 97%Pass145MGKeystone Wall #3 443.7 J 134.7 7.3 132.8 6.3 99%Pass146MGKeystone Wall #3 440.9 J 134.7 7.3 131.6 5.8 98%Pass147MGKeystone Wall #3 438.9 J 134.7 7.3 133.8 5.9 99%Pass148MGKeystone Wall #3 436.6 J 134.7 7.3 129.7 6.3 96%Pass
9/12/17 149 RW Keystone Wall #3 437.0 K 135.6 7.3 130.9 5.8 97%Pass150SDSewer Line Trench 450.9 I 120.7 12.0 109.3 15.9 91%Pass151SDSewer Line Trench 450.2 I 120.7 12.0 109.1 16.3 90%Pass152RWKeystone Wall #3 438.0 K 135.6 7.3 122.9 8.1 91%Pass153RWKeystone Wall #3 438.0 K 135.6 7.3 125.7 7.2 93%Pass
9/13/17 154 RW Keystone Wall #3 440.0 K 135.6 7.3 122.7 8.2 90%Pass155RWKeystone Wall #3 440.0 K 135.6 7.3 128.5 7.0 95%Pass156RWKeystone Wall #3 440.0 K 135.6 7.3 126.3 7.6 93%Pass157RWKeystone Wall #3 440.0 K 135.6 7.3 122.4 8.1 90%Pass158EElectrical Line Trench 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.1 14.8 90%Pass159SSewer Line Trench 449.7 I 120.7 12.0 108.9 16.1 90%Pass160SSewer Line Trench 451.9 I 120.7 12.0 107.2 15.0 89%Fail161EElectrical Line Trench 449.2 G 117.5 12.4 106.9 15.8 91%Pass162SSewer Line Trench 447.0 I 120.7 12.0 111.6 13.9 92%Pass163SSewer Line Trench 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.6 14.6 91%Pass164EElectrical Line Trench 448.0 G 117.5 12.4 106.6 14.9 91%Pass165EElectrical Line Trench 449.0 G 117.5 12.4 108.2 14.8 92%Pass
9/14/17 166 S Sewer Line Trench 448.2 I 120.7 12.0 111.5 14.8 92%Pass167SSewer Line Trench 449.0 I 120.7 12.0 113.2 14.4 94%Pass168RWKeystone Wall #2 439.7 K 135.6 7.3 122.8 6.8 91%Pass169RWKeystone Wall #2 439.0 K 135.6 7.3 122.9 7.4 91%Pass170RWKeystone Wall #2 439.3 K 135.6 7.3 123.4 7.1 91%Pass171SSewer Line Trench 449.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.1 14.9 90%Pass172RWKeystone Wall #2 440.7 K 135.6 7.3 123.1 7.1 91%Pass173RWKeystone Wall #2 440.7 K 135.6 7.3 122.8 6.9 91%Pass174RWKeystone Wall #2 440.7 K 135.6 7.3 123.5 7.3 91%Pass
9/15/17 175 S Sewer Line Trench 447.0 G 117.5 12.4 107.0 15.9 91%Pass176SSewer Line Trench 445.0 G 117.5 12.4 109.8 15.4 93%Pass177RWKeystone Wall #2 442.0 K 135.6 7.3 122.9 7.8 91%Pass178RWKeystone Wall #2 442.0 K 135.6 7.3 125.8 7.3 93%Pass179RWKeystone Wall #2 442.0 K 135.6 7.3 129.4 7.0 95%Pass180SSewer Line Trench 445.0 G 117.5 12.4 106.1 14.6 90%Pass181SSewer Line Trench 447.6 I 120.7 12.0 113.3 13.7 94%Pass182SSewer Line Trench 446.0 G 117.5 12.4 106.4 14.8 91%Pass183RWKeystone Wall #3 438.0 K 135.6 7.3 123.1 7.8 91%Pass184RWKeystone Wall #3 440.0 K 135.6 7.3 122.7 7.9 90%Pass185RWKeystone Wall #3 440.0 K 135.6 7.3 123.8 6.8 91%Pass186RWKeystone Wall #3 441.0 K 135.6 7.3 123.5 6.9 91%Pass187SSewer Line Trench 444.0 G 117.5 12.4 108.8 15.2 93%Pass
9/18/17 188 S Sewer Line Trench 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.9 13.3 90%Pass189SSewer Line Trench 452.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.3 12.9 91%Pass190SRetest of # 160 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.3 13.1 91%Pass191SSewer Line Trench 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.1 13.5 90%Pass192SSewer Line Trench 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.9 13.1 90%Pass193SSewer Line Trench 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 111.8 13.7 93%Pass194SSewer Line Trench 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 106.8 13.1 88%Fail195SSewer Line Trench 448.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.4 12.9 91%Pass196SSewer Line Trench 448.0 I 120.7 12.0 113.9 13.2 94%Pass197SSewer Line Trench 446.0 I 120.7 12.0 111.1 13.6 92%Pass198SSewer Line Trench 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 113.5 13.6 94%Pass199SSewer Line Trench 445.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.8 15.8 91%Pass
9/19/17 200 S Sewer Line Trench 447.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.9 15.7 90%Pass201SSewer Line Trench 448.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.1 16.1 90%Pass202SSewer Line Trench 448.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.6 16.5 90%Pass203MGNorth West Catch Basin 431.0 G 117.5 12.4 106.4 15.4 91%Pass204MGNorth West Catch Basin 431.0 G 117.5 12.4 105.9 16.1 90%Pass205SRetest of # 194 451.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.9 14.3 91%Pass
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Raceway Lot 15Carlsbad, California August 2018Project No.: 1017728
Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
Laboratory Field
9/26/17 206 SD Storm Drain Line Trench 437.0 K 135.6 7.3 124.8 7.8 92%Pass
9/28/17 207 SD Storm Drain Line Trench 446.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.5 15.4 92%Pass208SDStorm Drain Line Trench 446.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.7 15.8 90%Pass209SDStorm Drain Line Trench 447.0 I 120.7 12.0 112.0 15.7 93%Pass210SDStorm Drain Line Trench 448.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.9 16.1 90%Pass211SDStorm Drain Line Trench 446.0 I 120.7 12.0 113.7 13.7 94%Pass212RWKeystone Wall #3 Slope 445.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.8 13.9 90%Pass213RWKeystone Wall #3 Slope 445.0 I 120.7 12.0 112.2 14.1 93%Pass214RWKeystone Wall #3 Slope 444.0 I 120.7 12.0 112.5 14.4 93%Pass
9/29/17 215 RW Keystone Wall #1 437.0 K 135.6 7.3 124.9 6.7 92%Pass216RWKeystone Wall #1 437.0 K 135.6 7.3 124.3 7.1 92%Pass
10/2/17 217 RW Keystone Wall #1 437.0 K 135.6 7.3 129.2 8.0 95%Pass218RWKeystone Wall #1 437.0 K 135.6 7.3 129.9 7.7 96%Pass
10/11/17 219 SD Storm Drain Line Trench SG I 120.7 12.0 109.1 11.3 90%Pass220SDStorm Drain Line Trench SG I 120.7 12.0 111.9 10.1 93%Pass221SDStorm Drain Line Trench 446.0 G 117.5 12.4 105.6 14.2 90%Pass222SDStorm Drain Line Trench 448.0 G 117.5 12.4 105.3 16.2 90%Pass
10/17/17 223 SD Storm Drain Line Trench 448.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.8 14.2 90%Pass224SDStorm Drain Line Trench 448.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.1 14.5 90%Pass
10/18/17 225 RW Keystone Wall #1 438.0 K 135.6 7.3 132.1 6.4 97%Pass226RWKeystone Wall #1 438.0 K 135.6 7.3 127.9 7.2 94%Pass227RWKeystone Wall #1 440.0 K 135.6 7.3 125.3 7.1 92%Pass228RWKeystone Wall #1 440.0 K 135.6 7.3 122.3 7.5 90%Pass229RWKeystone Wall #1 440.0 K 135.6 7.3 127.8 7.4 94%Pass
10/19/17 230 RW Keystone Wall #1 442.0 K 135.6 7.3 129.7 6.1 96%Pass231RWKeystone Wall #1 442.0 K 135.6 7.3 124.8 6.3 92%Pass232RWKeystone Wall #1 442.0 K 135.6 7.3 128.9 6.7 95%Pass233RWKeystone Wall #1 444.0 K 135.6 7.3 125.2 8.0 92%Pass234RWKeystone Wall #1 444.0 K 135.6 7.3 122.9 6.8 91%Pass235RWKeystone Wall #1 444.0 K 135.6 7.3 124.9 8.4 92%Pass236SDStorm Drain Line Trench 439.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.5 15.0 90%Pass237SDStorm Drain Line Trench 437.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.9 15.5 90%Pass
10/20/17 238 SD Storm Drain Line Trench 435.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.0 13.5 90%Pass239SDStorm Drain Line Trench 437.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.6 13.8 91%Pass
10/23/17 240 SD Storm Drain Line Trench 449.0 I 120.7 12.0 112.2 13.7 93%Pass241SDStorm Drain Line Trench 449.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.9 13.6 90%Pass242SDStorm Drain Line Trench 449.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.3 13.9 91%Pass
10/25/17 243 SD Storm Drain Line Trench 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.9 14.8 90%Pass244SDStorm Drain Line Trench 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.2 15.1 90%Pass
11/1/17 245 SD Storm Drain Catch Basin 442.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.7 13.8 92%Pass246SDStorm Drain Catch Basin 442.0 I 120.7 12.0 112.3 14.4 93%Pass247SDStorm Drain Catch Basin 436.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.9 16.3 90%Pass248SDStorm Drain Catch Basin 436.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.2 15.8 90%Pass
11/9/17 249 SD Storm Drain Manhole 448.5 L 117.7 12.6 107.5 10.1 91%Pass250SDStorm Drain Catch Basin 448.5 L 117.7 12.6 116.2 9.5 99%Pass251SDStorm Drain Catch Basin 438.5 L 117.7 12.6 116.5 6.0 99%Pass
12/19/17 252 FL Fire Line Trench 443.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.8 13.4 92%Pass253FLFire Line Trench 444.0 I 120.7 12.0 112.3 13.9 93%Pass254FLFire Line Trench 444.0 I 120.7 12.0 107.2 14.1 89%Fail255FLRetest #254 444.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.1 14.6 91%Pass256FLFire Line Trench 448.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.0 13.1 90%Pass257FLFire Line Trench 448.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.9 12.8 91%Pass258FLFire Line Trench 448.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.7 12.9 90%Pass259FLFire Line Trench 446.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.4 13.7 91%Pass260FLFire Line Trench 444.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.2 13.0 91%Pass
1/16/18 261 MG Keystone Wall #3 Slope 447.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.4 13.5 96%Pass262MGKeystone Wall #3 Slope 446.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.3 16.8 90%Pass263MGKeystone Wall #3 Slope 444.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.1 14.5 91%Pass
2/2/18 264 MG Loading Dock 448.0 L 117.7 12.6 106.4 18.1 90%Pass265MGLoading Dock 448.0 L 117.7 12.6 106.1 17.7 90%Pass
2/15/18 266 MG Loading Dock FG L 117.7 12.6 114.5 14.9 97%Pass267MGLoading Dock FG L 117.7 12.6 112.1 14.2 95%Pass
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Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
Laboratory Field
2/15/18 268 CG Curb and Gutter FG L 117.7 12.6 110.6 16.1 94%Pass269CGCurb and Gutter FG L 117.7 12.6 108.6 12.9 92%Pass270CGCurb and Gutter FG L 117.7 12.6 107.3 15.2 91%Pass271CGCurb and Gutter FG L 117.7 12.6 114.4 13.4 97%Pass272CGCurb and Gutter FG L 117.7 12.6 116.0 13.9 99%Pass273CGCurb and Gutter FG L 117.7 12.6 106.5 15.8 90%Pass274MGLoading Dock 447.0 L 117.7 12.6 106.2 16.3 90%Pass275MGLoading Dock 449.0 L 117.7 12.6 107.1 14.9 91%Pass276MGLoading Dock 448.0 L 117.7 12.6 112.4 13.8 95%Pass277MGLoading Dock 451.0 L 117.7 12.6 111.9 14.4 95%Pass
2/16/18 278 SG Loading Dock SG L 117.7 12.6 115.8 13.5 98%Pass279SGLoading Dock SG L 117.7 12.6 112.2 13.7 95%Pass280SGLoading Dock SG L 117.7 12.6 112.7 13.8 96%Pass
281 SG Loading Dock SG L 117.7 12.6 111.8 14.1 95%Pass
282 SG Loading Dock SG L 117.7 12.6 112.1 12.9 95%Pass
283 SG Loading Dock SG L 117.7 12.6 114.4 13.3 97%Pass
284 SG Loading Dock SG L 117.7 12.6 112.9 12.8 96%Pass
2/20/18 285 SG Loading Dock 446.5 L 117.7 12.6 113.6 12.8 97%Pass286SGLoading Dock 446.5 L 117.7 12.6 112.2 11.5 95%Pass287SGLoading Dock 446.0 L 117.7 12.6 112.1 11.1 95%Pass288SGLoading Dock 446.0 L 117.7 12.6 114.0 11.3 97%Pass289SGParking Area 445.0 L 117.7 12.6 116.6 9.5 99%Pass290SGParking Area 445.0 L 117.7 12.6 115.9 10.0 98%Pass291SGParking Area 445.0 L 117.7 12.6 112.7 9.0 96%Pass
2/21/18 292 MG Loading Dock 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.0 9.3 95%Pass293MGLoading Dock 452.0 I 120.7 12.0 116.8 11.9 97%Pass294CGCurb and Gutter 447.0 L 117.7 12.6 110.3 14.1 94%Pass295CGCurb and Gutter 447.0 L 117.7 12.6 108.4 14.8 92%Pass296SGLoading Dock 447.0 I 120.7 12.0 114.8 14.7 95%Pass297SGLoading Dock 447.0 I 120.7 12.0 116.3 12.7 96%Pass298SGLoading Dock 447.0 I 120.7 12.0 112.6 11.8 93%Pass
2/22/18 299 FL Fire Line Trench 445.0 L 120.7 12.0 109.3 12.8 91%Pass300FLFire Line Trench 445.0 L 120.7 12.0 108.4 12.5 90%Pass301FLFire Line Trench 444.0 L 120.7 12.0 110.0 13.6 91%Pass302FLFire Line Trench 445.0 L 120.7 12.0 109.6 12.9 91%Pass303FLFire Line Trench 445.0 L 120.7 12.0 116.5 13.3 97%Pass304FLFire Line Trench 447.0 L 120.7 12.0 110.9 13.5 92%Pass305FLFire Line Trench 450.0 L 120.7 12.0 110.2 12.7 91%Pass306CGCurb and Gutter SG L 120.7 12.0 113.1 12.8 94%Pass307CGCurb and Gutter SG L 120.7 12.0 110.0 12.4 91%Pass308CGCurb and Gutter SG L 120.7 12.0 116.5 13.4 97%Pass
2/26/18 309 CG Curb and Gutter SG L 120.7 12.0 115.3 9.4 96%Pass310CGCurb and Gutter SG L 120.7 12.0 113.0 8.8 94%Pass311CGCurb and Gutter SG L 120.7 12.0 116.1 9.6 96%Pass312FGLoading Dock SG L 120.7 12.0 115.8 10.1 96%Pass
3/9/18 313 SG Loading Dock SG J 134.7 7.3 130.0 5.4 97%Pass314SGLoading Dock SG J 134.7 7.3 129.7 4.9 96%Pass315CGCurb and Gutter SG I 120.7 12.0 119.7 11.2 99%Pass316CGCurb and Gutter SG I 120.7 12.0 114.6 10.9 95%Pass317CGCurb and Gutter SG I 120.7 12.0 116.7 13.7 97%Pass318CGCurb and Gutter SG I 120.7 12.0 111.4 12.5 92%Pass319CGCurb and Gutter SG I 120.7 12.0 114.9 11.8 95%Pass
3/28/18 320 CG Curb and Gutter FG I 120.7 12.0 114.6 11.8 95%Pass321CGCurb and Gutter FG I 120.7 12.0 111.2 11.3 92%Pass322CGCurb and Gutter FG I 120.7 12.0 113.4 12.5 94%Pass323CGCurb and Gutter FG I 120.7 12.0 116.1 12.3 96%Pass324CGCurb and Gutter FG I 120.7 12.0 110.8 17.8 92%Pass
3/29/18 325 E Electrical Line Trench 448.5 I 120.7 12.0 108.8 16.2 90%Pass326EElectrical Line Trench 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.9 15.8 90%Pass
3/30/18 327 S Sewer Line Trench (Demolished)443.8 M 115.4 13.2 105.4 16.2 91%Pass328SSewer Line Trench (Demolished)446.0 M 115.4 13.2 106.6 17.3 92%Pass329SSewer Line Trench (Demolished)448.0 M 115.4 13.2 107.0 15.9 93%Pass330SSewer Line Trench (Demolished)450.0 M 115.4 13.2 104.9 17.6 91%Pass331SSewer Line Trench (Demolished)440.0 M 115.4 13.2 104.4 18.1 90%Pass332SSewer Line Trench (Demolished)442.0 M 115.4 13.2 106.2 17.0 92%Pass333SSewer Line Trench (Demolished)444.0 M 115.4 13.2 105.9 16.5 92%Pass334SSewer Line Trench (Demolished)447.0 M 115.4 13.2 104.8 17.1 91%Pass335SSewer Line Trench (Demolished)450.0 M 115.4 13.2 105.5 16.7 91%Pass336CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.2 14.3 95%Pass337CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 114.9 13.6 95%Pass
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Raceway Lot 15Carlsbad, California August 2018Project No.: 1017728
Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
Laboratory Field
338 CG Curb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.6 15.0 96%Pass339CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.2 12.3 95%Pass340CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 114.8 14.2 95%Pass341CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 116.0 12.8 96%Pass342CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.3 15.5 96%Pass343CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 114.8 14.4 95%Pass344CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 116.2 14.9 96%Pass345CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.9 13.8 96%Pass346CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.1 15.0 95%Pass347CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.7 14.6 96%Pass348CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.3 14.1 96%Pass349CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 114.8 13.5 95%Pass350CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.1 12.9 95%Pass351CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 116.0 14.1 96%Pass352CGCurb and Gutter 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.6 14.3 96%Pass
4/2/18 353 E Electrical Line Trench 448.0 F 111.5 17.0 102.3 19.4 92%Pass354EElectrical Line Trench 450.0 F 111.5 17.0 101.9 19.2 91%Pass355EElectrical Line Trench 448.0 F 111.5 17.0 103.0 20.0 92%Pass356EElectrical Line Trench 450.0 F 111.5 17.0 102.4 19.6 92%Pass
4/3/18 357 SG Water Line Trench 351.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.9 13.5 96%Pass358BWater Line Trench 352.5 N 139.5 6.2 137.4 5.3 98%Pass359SGWater Line Trench 351.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.3 14.0 96%Pass360BWater Line Trench 352.5 N 139.5 6.2 138.5 6.0 99%Pass361EElectrical Line Trench 350.0 F 111.5 17.0 101.9 17.3 91%Pass362EElectrical Line Trench 350.0 F 111.5 17.0 102.5 16.8 92%Pass
4/4/18 363 WL Water Line Trench (Demolished)351.0 I 120.7 12.0 114.9 16.6 95%Pass364WLWater Line Trench (Demolished)352.5 N 139.5 6.2 137.6 8.0 99%Pass365EElectrical Line Trench 351.0 F 111.5 17.0 110.4 16.3 99%Pass366EElectrical Line Trench 352.5 F 111.5 17.0 102.8 7.9 92%Pass367EElectrical Line Trench 349.0 F 111.5 17.0 102.6 7.7 92%Pass
4/6/18 368 SG Curb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 119.5 10.8 99%Pass369SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 114.5 15.0 95%Pass370SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 119.0 10.8 99%Pass371SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 119.0 9.4 99%Pass372SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 119.2 13.1 99%Pass373SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.7 13.0 96%Pass374SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 114.5 14.0 95%Pass375SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 116.0 11.2 96%Pass376SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.3 11.1 96%Pass377SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.8 9.2 96%Pass378SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.6 17.6 91%Pass379SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.8 16.3 91%Pass380SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 116.0 13.5 96%Pass381SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 113.9 14.2 94%Pass382SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 119.0 8.8 99%Pass383SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 119.3 8.0 99%Pass
4/11/18 384 SG Curb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.9 14.1 91%Pass385SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.8 13.8 90%Pass386SGCurb and Gutter 349.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.0 14.5 91%Pass
4/30/18 387 MG Parking Area 442.0 O 123.0 9.5 117.3 8.9 95%Pass388MGParking Area 442.0 O 123.0 9.5 116.8 8.2 95%Pass389MGParking Area 442.0 O 123.0 9.5 118.0 9.7 96%Pass390MGParking Area 442.0 O 123.0 9.5 116.2 9.3 94%Pass391MGParking Area 442.0 O 123.0 9.5 115.5 8.8 94%Pass392MGParking Area 442.0 O 123.0 9.5 116.5 9.0 95%Pass393MGParking Area 442.0 O 123.0 9.5 114.8 9.6 93%Pass
5/14/18 394 SG Flatwork 450.0 M 115.4 13.2 106.4 12.2 92%Pass395SGFlatwork 450.0 M 115.4 13.2 106.8 12.2 93%Pass396SGFlatwork 450.0 M 115.4 13.2 105.9 13.9 92%Pass397EElectrical Line Trench 449.0 M 115.4 13.2 107.4 12.6 93%Pass398EElectrical Line Trench 449.0 M 115.4 13.2 108.3 14.0 94%Pass
5/16/18 399 SG Parking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 118.9 10.3 99%Pass400SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 118.2 12.7 98%Pass401SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 114.9 12.6 95%Pass402SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 116.5 10.8 97%Pass403SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.9 11.8 96%Pass404SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.2 11.9 95%Pass405SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.3 10.9 96%Pass406SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 117.2 10.7 97%Pass407SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 118.6 10.2 98%Pass408SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 117.1 13.2 97%Pass
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Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
Laboratory Field
409 SG Parking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 117.3 8.4 97%Pass410SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 119.4 10.2 99%Pass
5/12/18 411 SG Retest #409 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 118.0 9.8 98%Pass412SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.3 10.5 96%Pass413SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.5 13.3 96%Pass414SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 116.3 11.0 96%Pass415SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 116.3 12.5 96%Pass416SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 116.2 12.6 96%Pass417SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 114.9 11.3 95%Pass418SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 119.2 10.4 99%Pass419SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 117.0 10.0 97%Pass
5/18/18 420 B Parking Area 441.5 P 119.7 11.7 116.9 12.6 98%Pass
5/21/18 421 SG Parking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 114.9 11.8 95%Pass422BParking Area 441.5 P 119.7 11.7 117.3 11.7 98%Pass423BParking Area 441.5 P 119.7 11.7 116.8 9.9 98%Pass424BParking Area 441.5 P 119.7 11.7 117.5 11.2 98%Pass425BParking Area 441.5 P 119.7 11.7 117.7 11.8 98%Pass426BParking Area 441.5 P 119.7 11.7 116.9 10.6 98%Pass427BParking Area 441.5 P 119.7 11.7 117.5 11.1 98%Pass428BParking Area 441.5 P 119.7 11.7 117.0 12.2 98%Pass429SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.7 13.3 96%Pass430BParking Area 441.5 P 119.7 11.7 118.0 10.6 99%Pass431BParking Area 441.5 P 119.7 11.7 117.5 11.9 98%Pass432SGParking Area 441.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.0 14.1 95%Pass433BParking Area 441.5 P 119.7 11.7 118.6 9.8 99%Pass434BParking Area 441.5 P 119.7 11.7 118.6 9.7 99%Pass435BParking Area 441.5 P 119.7 11.7 118.6 11.7 99%Pass436SGFlatwork450.0 I 120.7 12.0 109.8 9.9 91%Pass437SGFlatwork450.0 I 120.7 12.0 108.8 10.1 90%Pass
5/22/18 438 SG Flatwork 450.0 M 115.4 13.2 109.7 10.5 95%Pass439SGFlatwork 450.0 M 115.4 13.2 104.4 13.4 90%Pass440BParking Area 451.5 P 119.7 11.7 118.0 12.3 99%Pass441BParking Area 451.5 P 119.7 11.7 117.3 13.4 98%Pass442BParking Area 451.5 P 119.7 11.7 117.0 13.3 98%Pass
5/25/18 443 AC Parking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 139.4 N/A 98%Pass444ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.5 N/A 99%Pass445ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.3 N/A 99%Pass446ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.0 N/A 99%Pass447ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.0 N/A 99%Pass448ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.7 N/A 99%Pass449ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 139.8 N/A 99%Pass450ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.7 N/A 99%Pass451ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.1 N/A 99%Pass452ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.6 N/A 99%Pass453ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 139.0 N/A 98%Pass454ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.0 N/A 99%Pass455ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.6 N/A 99%Pass456ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.9 N/A 99%Pass457ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 139.9 N/A 99%Pass458ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.2 N/A 99%Pass459ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 139.0 N/A 98%Pass460ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.9 N/A 99%Pass461ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.0 N/A 99%Pass462ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.0 N/A 99%Pass463ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.0 N/A 99%Pass464ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.0 N/A 99%Pass465ACParking Area 445.0 AC-1 141.7 N/A 140.8 N/A 99%Pass
6/4/18 466 SG Driveway FG I 120.7 12.0 119.3 10.1 99%Pass467SGDrivewayFGI120.7 12.0 118.9 10.4 99%Pass468SGDrivewayFGI120.7 12.0 117.1 9.3 97%Pass469SGDrivewayFGI120.7 12.0 117.6 9.9 97%Pass
6/7/18 470 SG Curb and Gutter 468.0 M 115.4 13.2 111.6 11.3 97%Pass471SGCurb and Gutter 468.0 M 115.4 13.2 112.3 11.8 97%Pass472SGSidewalk 468.5 P 119.7 11.7 116.3 11.0 97%Pass473SGSidewalk 468.5 P 119.7 11.7 108.3 10.9 90%Pass
6/28/18 474 SG Sidewalk 443.0 I 120.7 12.0 114.9 5.6 95%Pass475SGSidewalk443.0 I 120.7 12.0 110.4 6.4 91%Pass
7/7/18 476 SG Parking Area 448.8 I 120.7 12.0 118.6 13.7 98%Pass477SGParking Area 448.8 I 120.7 12.0 118.5 13.4 98%Pass478SGParking Area 448.9 I 120.7 12.0 118.9 12.8 99%Pass
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Raceway Lot 15Carlsbad, California August 2018Project No.: 1017728
Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
Laboratory Field
479 SG Parking Area 448.9 I 120.7 12.0 115.3 12.6 96%Pass480SGParking Area 448.9 I 120.7 12.0 118.6 13.2 98%Pass481SGParking Area 448.9 I 120.7 12.0 119.0 13.7 99%Pass482SGParking Area 448.9 I 120.7 12.0 116.0 14.5 96%Pass483SGParking Area 448.9 I 120.7 12.0 118.2 12.6 98%Pass484SGParking Area 448.9 I 120.7 12.0 118.7 13.0 98%Pass
7/5/18 485 SG Parking Area 448.9 I 120.7 12.0 117.7 16.0 98%Pass486SGParking Area 448.9 I 120.7 12.0 117.5 14.0 97%Pass487SGParking Area 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.0 11.3 95%Pass488SGParking Area 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.7 15.8 96%Pass489SGParking Area 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 115.3 13.1 96%Pass490SGParking Area 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 114.7 15.4 95%Pass491SGParking Area 450.0 I 120.7 12.0 116.7 13.5 97%Pass
7/9/18 492 B Parking Area 450.5 P 119.7 11.7 116.2 11.9 97%Pass493BParking Area 450.5 P 119.7 11.7 116.9 11.7 98%Pass494BParking Area 450.5 P 119.7 11.7 117.8 10.8 98%Pass495BParking Area 450.5 P 119.7 11.7 113.9 12.6 95%Pass496BParking Area 450.5 P 119.7 11.7 111.1 9.8 93%Fail497BRetest #496 449.4 P 119.7 11.7 114.1 11.8 95%Pass498BParking Area 449.4 P 119.7 11.7 118.1 12.3 99%Pass499BParking Area 449.4 P 119.7 11.7 114.8 13.4 96%Pass500BParking Area 449.4 P 119.7 11.7 118.1 15.1 99%Pass501BParking Area 449.4 P 119.7 11.7 115.4 11.4 96%Pass502BParking Area 449.4 P 119.7 11.7 116.1 13.7 97%Pass503BParking Area 449.4 P 119.7 11.7 114.4 12.4 96%Pass504BParking Area 449.4 P 119.7 11.7 114.5 14.5 96%Pass505BParking Area 449.4 P 119.7 11.7 116.0 13.6 97%Pass506BParking Area 449.4 P 119.7 11.7 115.6 14.2 97%Pass507BParking Area 449.4 P 119.7 11.7 117.3 13.4 98%Pass
7/10/18 508 AC Parking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 141.5 N/A 97%Pass509ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 140.2 N/A 96%Pass510ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 140.1 N/A 96%Pass511ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 142.0 N/A 97%Pass512ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 140.4 N/A 96%Pass513ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 139.4 N/A 95%Pass514ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 140.0 N/A 96%Pass515ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 139.6 N/A 96%Pass516ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 139.1 N/A 95%Pass517ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 141.3 N/A 97%Pass518ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 142.0 N/A 97%Pass519ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 139.8 N/A 96%Pass520ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 142.0 N/A 97%Pass5214ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 139.5 N/A 96%Pass522ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 139.7 N/A 96%Pass523ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 140.7 N/A 96%Pass524ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 139.6 N/A 96%Pass525ACParking Area FG AC-2 146.0 N/A 139.3 N/A 95%Pass
7/17/18 526 SG South East Entrance 460.40 E 120.9 11.3 114.9 13.6 95%Pass527SGSouth East Entrance 460.40 E 120.9 11.3 114.5 13.8 95%Pass528BSouth East Entrance 461.00 Q 124.0 11.0 118.0 13.5 95%Pass529BSouth East Entrance 461.00 Q 124.0 11.0 120.7 14.0 97%Pass530BSouth East Entrance 461.00 Q 124.0 11.0 121.5 14.2 98%Pass531BSouth East Entrance 461.00 Q 124.0 11.0 121.6 14.0 98%Pass
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