G E O T E C H N I C A L ■ M A T E R I A L S ■ S P E C I A L I N S P E C T I O N S
S B E ■ S L B E ■ S C O O P
4373 Viewridge Avenue, Ste. B San Diego, CA 92123 858.292.7575
RAF Pacifica July 30, 2018 111 C Street, Suite 200 NOVA Project No. 1017796 Encinitas, CA 92024
Attention: Mr. Jim Jacob Subject: As-Graded Geotechnical Report Lot 23, Planning Area 3, Bressi Ranch Carlsbad, San Diego County, CA Grading Permit No. GR 2017-0014 References: See Appendix A.
Dear Mr. Jacob:
This report presents the geotechnical observations and the results of testing performed by NOVA Services, Inc. (NOVA) during earthwork operations for the subject project. This report addresses only the geotechnical considerations associated with the project construction. The geotechnical services described herein were performed by NOVA for RAF Pacifica during the period of August 4, 2017 to July 12, 2018.
1.1.1 General
The scope of services provided by NOVA during the construction period is abstracted below.
1. Soil Observation and Testing. NOVA performed observations as requested during earthwork operations for removals, grading, and placement of structural fills and backfills. NOVA performed in-place density and moisture content tests of fills and backfills placed. Laboratory testing was performed on materials utilized during the earthwork operations. 2. Technical Support. NOVA provided technical support in response to geotechnical related issues during construction. 3. Reporting. Preparation of this report completes NOVA’s scope of services.
As-Graded Geotechnical Report Lot 23, Planning Area 3, Bressi Ranch
July 30, 2018 NOVA Project No. 1017796
1.2.1 Location
The planned development encompasses Lot 23 of the Bressi Ranch Corporate Center. Lot 23 is located southeast of the intersection of Innovation Way and Palomar Airport Road in the City of Carlsbad, California.
1.2.2 Project Description
The principal elements of the project consisted of the development of two new commercial buildings. Building A is an approximately 14,000 square feet, two-story structure. Building B is an approximately 8,000 square feet, two-story structure with a restaurant located in the lower level. The project included associated improvements including parking areas, driveway pavement, and utilities.
Lennar Communities undertook mass grading of the Bressi development between May 2003 and March 2004. During that time, up to about 25 feet of fill and cuts were completed across Lot 23. A record of that work is reported in Leighton 2004a.
The location of the earthwork reported in Leighton 2004a is provided in Figure 1 (following page). As may be seen by review of this graphic, the original groundform sloped from northeast to southwest. The principal topographic feature was a somewhat narrow drainage channel that approximately bisected the
site from the northeast (NE) to the southwest (SW). Features of the earthwork at Lot 23 are listed below.
1. Thick Fill to the SW. Prior to grading, the lowest point of the site was at the southwestern corner where relatively thicker fills (to a maximum of about 35 feet) were required to raise the site from about El +337 feet msl to its current elevation of +372 feet msl. 2. Cut at the SE Corner. Prior to grading, the highest point of the site was at the southeastern corner, where less than 3 feet of cut was required to create the existing site grade. This cut exposed the naturally occurring formational materials-the Santiago formation (Tsa). 3. All Fill is ‘Engineered’. Leighton 2004a documents that soils placed as fill was densified to at least 90% relative compaction after ASTM Test Method D1557 (the ‘modified Proctor’). 4. Settlement Monitoring. Upon completion of the mass grading, settlement monitoring was
undertaken in the areas of deep fills. Settlement plates placed in fills of up to 40 feet thickness showed movement of less than 1 inch. This primary settlement was judged complete by late 2004 (reference, Leighton 2004b).
As-Graded Geotechnical Report Lot 23, Planning Area 3, Bressi Ranch
July 30, 2018 NOVA Project No. 1017796
Approximate elevation of bottom of fill Elevation of existing ground
Alignment of subdrain at base of fill Figure 1. Location of Mass Grading Earthwork At Lot 23 (source: Leighton 2004a)
Figures 2 and 3 on the following page provide 2004 and 2008 aerial views of Lot 23. Figure 2 is representative of the site shortly following earthwork after 2003. Figure 3 shows the site after a detention basin was set at the southwest corner to manage stormwater.
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As-Graded Geotechnical Report Lot 23, Planning Area 3, Bressi Ranch
July 30, 2018 NOVA Project No. 1017796
Figure 2. January 2004 Aerial View Showing Lot 23 Shortly Following Mass Grading (source: Google Earth 2016)
Figure 3. January 2008 Aerial View Showing Lot 23 With Detention Basin at SW Corner (source: Google Earth 2016)
As-Graded Geotechnical Report Lot 23, Planning Area 3, Bressi Ranch
July 30, 2018 NOVA Project No. 1017796
1.4.1 General
Prior to earthwork operations, existing improvements, debris, topsoil and vegetation in the areas being improved were removed and disposed of offsite.
1.4.2 Description of Operations
The grading contractor, F.J. Willert Contracting, and several utility contractors including Inland Valley Piping, Floyd and Howerton Plumbing, Draves Pipeline, Coastal Pacific, Omega Pavers, and Southland Paving, utilized a variety of medium to heavy size equipment to perform the earthwork. Equipment included: scrapers, graders, loaders, backhoes, dozers, track excavators, sheepsfoot, rollers, and manually operated reciprocating hammers. NOVA provided observation of earthwork operations as requested by the General Contractor (TFW Construction). Quality Assurance (QA) in-place density testing was performed after ASTM D6938 (‘In-Place Density and Moisture by Nuclear Methods’) on materials placed as compacted fills and backfills. The approximate locations of field density tests are shown on the attached Plate. The laboratory test results are presented in Table I. The field in-place density test results are summarized in Table II.
Grading for the building A pad consisted of placing up to about 3 feet of fill to achieve finish pad grade. The soils in areas to receive new fill were scarified, moisture-conditioned and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. New fills derived from excavated soils from the Building B pad were placed in relatively thin lifts, moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction after ASTM D1557 (the ‘Modified Proctor’) in accordance with the project specifications. Grading for the building B pad consisted of cutting up to 2.5 feet of existing soils in order to reach pad grade. Once pad grade was achieved, the exposed soils were scarified, moisture-conditioned and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction after ASTM D1557 (the ‘Modified Proctor’) in accordance with the project specifications. Laterally, the limits of grading for both building pads encompassed the approximate area outlined in red in Plate No. 1 of this report.
Utility Trenches
NOVA observed the backfilling operations for several utility line trenches where indicated. Backfill soils were moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction after ASTM D1557. Pavement Prior to the placement of paving materials, subgrade preparations consisted of scarifying the surficial soils, moisture conditioning, and compacting the subgrade to at least 95 percent relative compaction. Paving materials consisted of aggregate base and asphalt concrete compacted to at least 95 percent of the material’s maximum density in accordance with ASTM D6938 and ASTM D2950, respectively.
Density Testing
In-place density and moisture content testing of compacted fills and backfills were performed by NOVA’s
field representatives in accordance with ASTM D6938. The results of field density testing are summarized in Table II of Appendix A. The approximate locations of field density tests are shown on the attached figures.
As-Graded Geotechnical Report Lot 23, Planning Area 3, Bressi Ranch
July 30, 2018 NOVA Project No. 1017796
Laboratory Testing
The field density testing was supported by laboratory testing of representative samples of soils utilized for fills and backfills in accordance with ASTM D1557. The test results are presented in Table I of Appendix A. The indications of this testing are the basis for NOVA’s judgments regarding the relative compaction of the fills placed.
The soil and geologic conditions observed during the grading operations were generally consistent with those described in NOVA’s Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation (NOVA 2017). Materials exposed during grading operations were found to be documented fill (Qaf) and the Santiago Formation (Tsa).
Based on the observations and testing reported herein, it is NOVA’s opinion that the soil engineering and engineering geologic aspects of the grading are in compliance with the project grading plans and with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad, and the current edition of the California Building Code.
This report presents information and data relative to the earthwork at the subject site. Representatives of NOVA conducted periodic testing and made observations during the progress of the construction as requested by the general contractor to evaluate conformance with the project requirements.
References to elevations and locations herein were based on surveyor or grade checker stakes in the field and from the project grading plans prepared by Excel Engineering (Excel 2017). NOVA did not provide construction surveying services. NOVA has no opinion regarding the accuracy of the elevations or surface geometry with respect to the approved plans.
The presence of NOVA personnel during the work progress did not involve any direct supervision of the Contractor or his work forces. Professional and technical advice and recommendations were provided to the owner and/or his designated representative based upon NOVA’s observations. Results presented herein are
only representative of the samples and areas tested. Variations in material properties are inherent in any earthwork operation.
NOVA appreciates the opportunity to be of continued service to RAF Pacifica. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (858) 292-7575. Respectfully Submitted, NOVA Services, Inc.
_____________________________ _____________________________ Wail Mokhtar Jesse D. Bearfield, P.E. 84335 Project Engineer Senior Engineer
As-Graded Geotechnical Report Lot 23, Planning Area 3, Bressi Ranch
July 30, 2018 NOVA Project No. 1017796
1. NOVA 2017. Revised Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Lot 23, Planning Area 3, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, NOVA Services, Inc., Project No. 2016468, Revised June 2, 2017.
2. Excel 2017. Precise Grading Plan for Bressi Ranch Lot 23 (Innovation Way), Carlsbad, California, Excel Engineering, Drawing No. 502-2A, Project No. SDP16-23, June 23, 2017.
3. GSSI 2017. Structural Plans for RAF Pacifica Group Lift, Southwest Corner of Palomar Airport Road & Innovation Way, City of Carlsbad, California, GSSI Structural Engineers, Job No. 160022.S50(17100A), May 19, 2017.
4. Leighton 2005. Geotechnical Due Diligence Evaluation, Lot 23 of Planning Area PA-3, Bressi Ranch,
Carlsbad, CA, Leighton and Associates, Project No. 971009-039, August 17, 2005.
5. Leighton 2004a. As-Graded Report of Mass Grading, Planning Areas PA-1, PA-2 and PA-3,
Metropolitan Street, And a Portion of Town Garden Road, Gateway Road, and Alicante Road, Carlsbad Tract No. 00-06, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Leighton & Associates, Project Number 971009-014, April 15, 2004.
6. Leighton 2004b. Addendum to the As-Graded Reports of Mass Grading Concerning the Completion of Settlement Monitoring, Planning Areas PA-1 through PA-5, Bressi Ranch, Carlsbad, California, Leighton and Associates, Inc., Project 971009-014, October 11, 2004.
Bressi Ranch Lot 23
Carlsbad, California
July 2018
Project No. 1017796
Optimum Maximum
Moisture Dry Density
Material ID Material Description (%)(pcf)
A Tan Silty Sand w/clay 10.4 120.1
B Tan Sandy Silt w/clay 12.4 118.3
C Tan Silty Sand w/clay 12.8 120.0
D Tan Sandy Silt w/clay 11.3 119.0
E Class II Recycled Base (303T, Hanson Plant 4075600)12.3 120.6
F Class II Base (RAMCO, Escondido)6.5 139.0
Max Wet
Material ID Material Description Density
AC-1 III-C3 PG64-10 (Escondido Materials, Escondido)143.0
AC-2 3/4" Type III B3 (California Commercial Asphalt, Carol Canyon)144.0
AC-3 1/2" Type III C2 (California Commercial Asphalt, Miramar)147.6
Test Type
MG Mass Grading
SD Storm Drain Line
E Electrical Line
S Sewer Line
W Water Line
G Gas Line
FL Fire Line
CG Curb and Gutter
SW Side Walk
SG Sub Grade
B Base Material
AC Asphalt Concrete
FG Finish Grade
UT Utility Trench
Laboratory Maximum Density (ASTM D1557)
Laboratory Maximum Density (ASTM D1560)
NOVA Services, Inc.
Bressi Ranch Lot 23
Carlsbad, California
July 2018
Project No.: 1017796
Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
8/7/17 1 MG Building Pad A 377.0 A 120.1 10.4 107.0 10.0 89%Fail2MGRetest #1 377.0 A 120.1 10.4 108.3 14.0 90%Pass
8/8/17 3 MG Building Pad B FG A 120.1 10.4 112.5 11.0 94%Pass4MGBuilding Pad B FG A 120.1 10.4 114.9 10.0 96%Pass5MGBuilding Pad B FG A 120.1 10.4 117.0 10.2 97%Pass6MGBuilding Pad B FG A 120.1 10.4 114.2 12.2 95%Pass7MGBuilding Pad B FG A 120.1 10.4 115.6 11.2 96%Pass8MGBuilding Pad B FG A 120.1 10.4 114.2 9.9 95%Pass9MGBuilding Pad B FG A 120.1 10.4 108.4 11.2 90%Pass10MGBuilding Pad B FG A 120.1 10.4 108.9 11.0 91%Pass11MGBuilding Pad A FG A 120.1 10.4 111.0 9.0 92%Pass12MGBuilding Pad A FG A 120.1 10.4 107.8 11.2 90%Pass
8/9/17 13 MG Building Pad A FG A 120.1 10.4 110.0 10.5 92%Pass14MGBuilding Pad A FG A 120.1 10.4 107.7 10.2 90%Pass15MGBuilding Pad A FG A 120.1 10.4 108.0 9.7 90%Pass16MGBuilding Pad A FG A 120.1 10.4 106.9 9.9 89%Fail17MGRetest #16 FG A 120.1 10.4 108.8 12.3 91%Pass18MGBuilding Pad A FG A 120.1 10.4 109.5 10.2 91%Pass19MGBuilding Pad A FG A 120.1 10.4 107.5 10.0 90%Pass20MGBuilding Pad A FG A 120.1 10.4 109.9 9.2 92%PassA8/17/17 21 SD South West Storm Drain Catch Basin 362.7 A 120.1 10.4 109.1 12.3 91%Pass22SDSouth West Storm Drain Catch Basin 365.7 A 120.1 10.4 111.7 11.6 93%Pass23SDSouth West Storm Drain Catch Basin 364.6 A 120.1 10.4 112.4 11.9 94%Pass24SDSouth West Storm Drain Catch Basin 365.9 A 120.1 10.4 115.3 11.5 96%Pass
8/18/17 25 SD South West Storm Drain Line Trench 366.1 A 120.1 10.4 108.4 11.0 90%Pass26SDSouth West Storm Drain Line Trench 367.5 A 120.1 10.4 110.0 12.1 92%Pass27SDSouth West Storm Drain Line Trench 369.9 A 120.1 10.4 116.0 10.9 97%Pass28SDSouth West Storm Drain Line Trench 370.4 A 120.1 10.4 115.5 11.2 96%Pass29SDSouth West Storm Drain Line Trench 368.5 A 120.1 10.4 109.6 12.2 91%Pass30SDSouth West Storm Drain Line Trench 369.4 A 120.1 10.4 108.4 11.0 90%Pass
8/21/17 31 S South West Sewer Line Trench 369.8 A 120.1 10.4 119.6 9.8 100%Pass32SSouth West Sewer Line Trench 373.4 A 120.1 10.4 117.2 9.6 98%Pass33SSouth Sewer Line Trench 375.5 A 120.1 10.4 115.5 8.3 96%Pass34SSouth Sewer Line Trench 375.1 A 120.1 10.4 117.3 9.2 98%Pass35SSouth Sewer Line Trench 376.1 A 120.1 10.4 116.1 8.9 97%Pass36SSouth Sewer Line Trench 377.9 A 120.1 10.4 118.9 10.1 99%Pass37SCenter Site Sewer Line Trench 377.9 A 120.1 10.4 119.2 9.6 99%Pass38SCenter Site Sewer Line Trench 377.9 A 120.1 10.4 116.5 9.8 97%Pass
8/22/17 39 S South East Sewer Line Trench 367.0 A 120.1 10.4 113.1 11.4 94%Pass40SSouth East Sewer Line Trench 368.0 A 120.1 10.4 108.0 12.4 90%Pass41SSouth East Sewer Line Trench 369.0 A 120.1 10.4 112.8 12.9 94%Pass42SSouth East Sewer Line Trench 377.0 A 120.1 10.4 109.7 10.7 91%Pass43SSouth East Sewer Line Trench 377.0 A 120.1 10.4 110.6 12.1 92%Pass44SSouth East Sewer Line Trench 377.0 A 120.1 10.4 112.1 10.8 93%Pass45SSouth East Sewer Line Trench 377.0 A 120.1 10.4 108.2 11.7 90%Pass46SBuilding Pad A Sewer Line Trench 377.2 A 120.1 10.4 108.2 11.6 90%Pass47SBuilding Pad A Sewer Line Trench 377.2 A 120.1 10.4 108.1 7.9 90%Pass48SBuilding Pad A Sewer Line Trench 377.2 A 120.1 10.4 108.5 12.0 90%Pass49SCenter Site Sewer Line Trench 374.8 A 120.1 10.4 108.0 11.3 90%Pass50SCenter Site Sewer Line Trench 376.3 A 120.1 10.4 108.1 11.9 90%Pass51UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 375.3 A 120.1 10.4 108.4 12.9 90%Pass
8/23/17 52 UT Building Pad B Grease Line Trench 376.0 B 118.3 12.4 109.2 10.9 92%Pass53UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 377.5 B 118.3 12.4 116.8 9.0 99%Pass54UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 676.0 B 118.3 12.4 114.9 11.8 97%Pass55UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 677.5 B 118.3 12.4 108.6 8.3 92%Pass56UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 376.0 B 118.3 12.4 111.1 13.1 94%Pass57SCenter Site Sewer Line Trench 377.0 B 118.3 12.4 112.6 10.4 95%Pass58SCenter Site Sewer Line Trench 377.0 B 118.3 12.4 110.5 8.0 93%Pass59SCenter Site Sewer Line Trench 377.0 B 118.3 12.4 111.2 8.4 94%Pass60UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 375.5 B 118.3 12.4 108.1 13.6 91%Pass61UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 377.5 B 118.3 12.4 108.3 13.9 92%Pass62UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 377.5 B 118.3 12.4 110.5 10.5 93%Pass63UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 375.5 B 118.3 12.4 115.1 13.3 97%Pass64UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 377.5 B 118.3 12.4 117.4 11.7 99%Pass
8/24/17 65 UT Building Pad B Grease Line Trench 376.2 B 118.3 12.4 109.1 14.6 92%Pass66UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 376.2 B 118.3 12.4 108.2 13.4 91%Pass67UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 375.7 B 118.3 12.4 108.8 12.7 92%Pass
Laboratory Field
Nova Services, Inc.Page 2 of 9
Bressi Ranch Lot 23
Carlsbad, California
July 2018
Project No.: 1017796
Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
Laboratory Field
68 UT Building Pad B Grease Line Trench 375.8 B 118.3 12.4 108.0 13.6 91%Pass69UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 375.7 B 118.3 12.4 108.0 13.8 91%Pass70UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 376.2 B 118.3 12.4 107.9 14.7 91%Pass71UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 377.5 B 118.3 12.4 108.8 12.8 92%Pass72UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 377.7 B 118.3 12.4 108.5 12.7 92%Pass73UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 377.7 B 118.3 12.4 110.6 11.9 93%Pass74UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 333.7 B 118.3 12.4 107.5 10.9 91%Pass75UTBuilding Pad B Grease Line Trench 377.7 B 118.3 12.4 108.0 10.0 91%Pass
8/25/17 76 SD Center Site Storm Drain Line Trench 375.5 A 120.1 10.4 108.0 18.0 90%Pass77SDCenter Site Storm Drain Line Trench 374.2 A 120.1 10.4 108.3 12.2 90%Pass78SDCenter Site Storm Drain Line Trench 377.3 A 120.1 10.4 108.1 9.7 90%Pass79SDCenter Site Storm Drain Line Trench 376.6 A 120.1 10.4 108.2 9.4 90%Pass80SDCenter Site Storm Drain Line Trench 376.6 A 120.1 10.4 108.6 11.6 90%Pass81SDCenter Site Storm Drain Line Trench 372.3 A 120.1 10.4 112.3 11.8 94%Pass
8/30/17 82 SD West Storm Drain Line Trench 374.1 A 120.1 10.4 108.0 13.1 90%Pass83SDWest Storm Drain Line Trench 374.1 A 120.1 10.4 107.6 12.0 90%Pass
8/31/17 84 E North Electrical Trench 371.8 A 120.1 10.4 112.9 9.6 94%Pass85ENorth Electrical Trench 372.8 A 120.1 10.4 107.5 8.3 90%Pass86ENorth Electrical Trench 373.3 A 120.1 10.4 108.8 5.4 91%Pass87ENorth Electrical Trench 374.3 A 120.1 10.4 109.5 5.8 91%Pass
9/1/17 88 E East Electrical Line Trench 374.3 A 120.1 10.4 118.0 6.2 98%Pass89EEast Electrical Line Trench 376.3 A 120.1 10.4 115.0 11.8 96%Pass90EEast Electrical Line Trench 374.3 A 120.1 10.4 110.3 10.6 92%Pass91SEast Sewer Line Trench 374.4 A 120.1 10.4 111.9 10.0 93%Pass92EEast Electrical Line Trench 377.5 A 120.1 10.4 108.9 10.9 91%Pass93EEast Electrical Line Trench 376.0 A 120.1 10.4 109.6 11.6 91%Pass94EEast Electrical Line Trench 378.5 A 120.1 10.4 108.6 10.4 90%Pass95SEast Sewer Line Trench 375.9 A 120.1 10.4 108.4 11.0 90%Pass
9/5/17 96 S East Sewer Line Trench 374.7 A 120.1 10.4 109.5 7.8 91%Pass97SDNorth Storm Drain Line Trench 370.6 A 120.1 10.4 117.8 6.6 98%Pass98SDNorth Storm Drain Line Trench 372.6 A 120.1 10.4 110.9 9.0 92%Pass99SDNorth Storm Drain Line Trench 371.6 A 120.1 10.4 112.6 9.1 94%Pass100SDSouth West Storm Drain Line Trench 368.2 A 120.1 10.4 112.6 12.1 94%Pass101SDSouth West Storm Drain Line Trench 370.2 A 120.1 10.4 113.2 12.0 94%Pass
9/6/17 102 SD West Storm Drain Line Trench 371.5 A 120.1 10.4 110.0 10.0 92%Pass103SDWest Storm Drain Line Trench 371.5 A 120.1 10.4 109.5 10.1 91%Pass104SDWest Storm Drain Line Trench 372.5 A 120.1 10.4 112.4 7.9 94%Pass
9/7/17 105 S East Sewer Line Trench 375.5 A 120.1 10.4 108.0 13.9 90%Pass106SEast Sewer Line Trench 372.2 A 120.1 10.4 108.1 12.9 90%Pass
9/8/17 107 S East Sewer Line Trench 373.2 A 120.1 10.4 109.4 12.0 91%Pass108SEast Sewer Line Trench 376.2 A 120.1 10.4 108.4 8.8 90%Pass109UTEast Grease Interceptor Trench 374.2 A 120.1 10.4 113.6 8.5 95%Pass110UTEast Grease Interceptor Trench 375.2 A 120.1 10.4 109.9 11.5 92%Pass111UTEast Grease Interceptor Trench 373.2 A 120.1 10.4 107.5 8.3 90%Pass112UTEast Grease Interceptor Trench 375.2 A 120.1 10.4 108.5 11.9 90%Pass113UTEast Grease Interceptor Trench 375.2 A 120.1 10.4 108.2 10.1 90%Pass114UTEast Grease Interceptor Trench 378.2 A 120.1 10.4 112.7 10.9 94%Pass
9/13/17 115 W South Irrigation Line Trench 375.3 A 120.1 10.4 108.0 7.8 90%Pass116WSouth Irrigation Line Trench 375.3 A 120.1 10.4 108.1 9.7 90%Pass117SDEast Storm Drain Line Trench 377.5 A 120.1 10.4 107.5 15.3 90%Pass118SDEast Storm Drain Line Trench 376.5 A 120.1 10.4 111.4 10.1 93%Pass119WSouth Irrigation Line Trench 374.1 A 120.1 10.4 109.1 9.7 91%Pass120WSouth Irrigation Line Trench 375.4 A 120.1 10.4 109.1 7.9 91%Pass121WNorth Irrigation Line Trench 373.6 A 120.1 10.4 109.6 10.9 91%Pass
9/14/17 122 W South Irrigation Line Trench 370.6 A 120.1 10.4 110.2 8.5 92%Pass123SDSouth West Storm Drain Line Trench 366.5 A 120.1 10.4 107.9 9.0 90%Pass124SDSouth West Storm Drain Line Trench 366.5 A 120.1 10.4 111.3 11.4 93%Pass125SDSouth West Storm Drain Line Trench 366.5 A 120.1 10.4 112.8 10.9 94%Pass126SDSouth West Storm Drain Line Trench 367.5 A 120.1 10.4 109.2 10.3 91%Pass
9/15/17 127 W West Irrigation Line Trench 373.1 A 120.1 10.4 113.5 10.2 95%Pass128WWest Irrigation Line Trench 373.5 A 120.1 10.4 109.0 11.5 91%Pass129WWest Irrigation Line Trench 372.4 A 120.1 10.4 110.5 9.6 92%Pass130WNorth West Irrigation Line Trench 371.8 A 120.1 10.4 108.0 7.8 90%Pass
9/18/17 131 W North West Irrigation Line Trench 372.6 A 120.1 10.4 109.5 11.2 91%Pass
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Bressi Ranch Lot 23
Carlsbad, California
July 2018
Project No.: 1017796
Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
Laboratory Field
132 W North West Irrigation Line Trench 371.5 A 120.1 10.4 108.1 14.6 90%Pass
9/19/17 133 W South West Irrigation Line Trench 372.4 C 120.0 12.8 110.1 9.9 92%Pass134WSouth West Irrigation Line Trench 371.2 C 120.0 12.8 111.5 10.1 93%Pass135WSouth West Irrigation Line Trench 371.8 C 120.0 12.8 110.8 10.0 92%Pass136WSouth West Irrigation Line Trench 372.4 C 120.0 12.8 110.6 10.4 92%Pass137WSouth West Irrigation Line Trench 372.4 C 120.0 12.8 112.3 10.3 94%Pass138SDSouth West Man Hole 363.9 C 120.0 12.8 111.3 10.0 93%Pass139SDSouth West Man Hole 365.9 C 120.0 12.8 110.7 10.1 92%Pass140SDSouth West Man Hole 369.9 C 120.0 12.8 111.7 10.6 93%Pass
9/20/17 141 SD South West Man Hole 369.9 C 120.0 12.8 109.3 12.5 91%Pass142WSouth West Irrigation Line Trench 370.6 C 120.0 12.8 112.7 10.3 94%Pass143SDSouth West Man Hole 370.9 C 120.0 12.8 111.1 11.3 93%Pass144WNorth West Irrigation Line Trench 370.9 C 120.0 12.8 110.2 10.8 92%Pass145WNorth West Irrigation Line Trench 372.5 C 120.0 12.8 115.3 10.8 96%Pass
9/25/17 146 SD Center Site Storm Drain Line Trench 372.0 C 120.0 12.8 108.0 12.9 90%Pass147SDCenter Site Storm Drain Line Trench 374.0 C 120.0 12.8 107.6 12.0 90%Pass148SDWest Storm Drain Line Trench 377.0 C 120.0 12.8 107.4 11.9 90%Pass149SDWest Storm Drain Line Trench 375.0 C 120.0 12.8 107.8 10.0 90%Pass150SDWest Storm Drain Line Trench 373.0 C 120.0 12.8 108.3 11.5 90%Pass
9/26/17 151 SD North West Storm Drain Line Trench 370.5 C 120.0 12.8 107.5 11.7 90%Pass152SDNorth West Storm Drain Line Trench 372.5 C 120.0 12.8 107.4 11.9 90%Pass153SDStorm Drain Cleanout- North East Side of Site 368.5 C 120.0 12.8 108.4 14.7 90%Pass
9/27/17 154 SD East Storm Drain Line Trench 375.0 C 120.0 12.8 107.9 13.3 90%Pass155SDEast Storm Drain Line Trench 377.0 C 120.0 12.8 108.4 11.2 90%Pass156SDEast Storm Drain Line Trench 379.0 C 120.0 12.8 108.1 14.0 90%Pass
9/28/17 157 MG South West of Site 365.0 C 120.0 12.8 113.3 12.8 94%Pass158MGSouth West of Site 367.0 C 120.0 12.8 109.8 11.2 92%Pass159MGSouth West of Site 368.5 C 120.0 12.8 108.5 13.5 90%Pass160FLSouth West Fire Line Trench 371.0 C 120.0 12.8 107.7 15.4 90%Pass161FLSouth West Fire Line Trench 371.0 C 120.0 12.8 107.5 9.2 90%Pass
9/29/18 162 FL Center Site Fire Line Trench 370.0 C 120.0 12.8 112.0 14.3 93%Pass163FLNorth West Fire Line Trench 370.1 C 120.0 12.8 110.2 11.4 92%Pass164FLNorth West Fire Line Trench 374.6 C 120.0 12.8 109.5 11.3 91%Pass165FLCenter Site Fire Line Trench 376.0 C 120.0 12.8 107.4 15.6 90%Pass166FLCenter Site Fire Line Trench 375.1 C 120.0 12.8 107.9 12.6 90%Pass
10/2/17 167 SD North West Storm Drain Line Trench 368.5 C 120.0 12.8 108.2 10.0 90%Pass168WSouth Irrigation Line Trench 375.4 C 120.0 12.8 107.7 10.2 90%Pass169SDNorth West Storm Drain Line Trench 371.5 C 120.0 12.8 112.7 10.0 94%Pass
10/3/17 170 MG South West Basin Area 368 C 120.0 12.8 104.0 12.3 87%Fail171MGSouth West Basin Area 366 C 120.0 12.8 100.1 14.1 83%Fail172MGRetest #170 368 C 120.0 12.8 108.0 12.1 90%Pass
10/4/17 173 MG South West Parking Area 366.5 C 120 12.8 107.8 13.1 90%Pass174MGRetest #171 366 C 120 12.8 107.4 12.8 90%Pass175MGSouth West Parking Area 367 C 120 12.8 103.0 14.0 86%Fail176MGRetest of #175 367 C 120 12.8 107.5 13.7 90%Pass
10/5/17 177 CG Curb and Gutter CG C 120 12.8 101.4 8.7 85%Fail178CGCurb and Gutter CG C 120 12.8 100.3 9.0 84%Fail179CGCurb and Gutter CG C 120 12.8 100.2 10.3 84%Fail180CGCurb and Gutter CG C 120 12.8 101.9 7.7 85%Fail
10/6/17 181 CG Retest #177 CG A 120.1 10.4 108.5 11.1 90%Pass182CGRetest #179 CG A 120.1 10.4 109.1 11.4 91%Pass183CGRetest #180 CG A 120.1 10.4 107.7 10.7 90%Pass184CGCurb and Gutter CG A 120.1 10.4 108.1 10.8 90%Pass185CGCurb and Gutter CG A 120.1 10.4 107.9 12.0 90%Pass186CGRetest #178 CG A 120.1 10.4 107.8 11.8 90%Pass187CGCurb and Gutter CG A 120.1 10.4 108.4 10.7 90%Pass188CGCurb and Gutter CG A 120.1 10.4 107.7 11.4 90%Pass189CGCurb and Gutter CG A 120.1 10.4 108.5 11.7 90%Pass190CGCurb and Gutter CG A 120.1 10.4 107.9 11.0 90%Pass191CGCurb and Gutter CG A 120.1 10.4 108.3 10.9 90%Pass
10/18/17 192 E South West Electrical Trench Line SG D 119.0 11.3 107.0 12.1 90%Pass193FLEast Fire Line Trench 375.4 D 119.0 11.3 106.6 12.9 90%Pass194FLEast Fire Line Trench SG D 119.0 11.3 107.7 11.0 91%Pass
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Bressi Ranch Lot 23
Carlsbad, California
July 2018
Project No.: 1017796
Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
Laboratory Field
195 FL East Fire Line Trench 376.3 D 119.0 11.3 106.6 12.6 90%Pass196FLEast Fire Line Trench SG D 119.0 11.3 107.0 12.1 90%Pass197EElectrical Line Trench SG D 119.0 11.3 107.2 12.8 90%Pass
10/23/17 198 UT East Fire Service Trench 377.5 D 119.0 11.3 106.7 9.6 90%Pass199UTEast Fire Service Trench SG D 119.0 11.3 107.2 9.3 90%Pass200UTNorth Fire Service Trench SG D 119.0 11.3 106.9 10.4 90%Pass
10/25/17 201 SG South Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 107.4 11.2 90%Fail202SGSouth Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 108.8 11.8 91%Fail203SGSouth Parking Curb and Gutter SG D 119.0 11.3 112.7 13.1 95%Pass204SGRetest of 201 SG D 119.0 11.3 114.0 13.5 96%Pass205SGRetest of 202 SG D 119.0 11.3 112.9 13.7 95%Pass206MGSouth Parking Lot 372.0 D 119.0 11.3 107.4 13.2 90%Pass207MGSouth Parking Lot 374.0 D 119.0 11.3 107.9 12.9 91%Pass208MGSouth Parking Lot 374.0 D 119.0 11.3 107.3 12.2 90%Pass
11/1/17 209 W Water Line Trench off Innovation Way 383.0 D 119.0 11.3 114.5 11.3 96%Pass210WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way 384.0 D 119.0 11.3 116.2 10.8 98%Pass211WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way 383.5 D 119.0 11.3 114.9 10.4 97%Pass212WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way 384.5 D 119.0 11.3 116.6 10.7 98%Pass213WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way SG D 119.0 11.3 115.9 10.2 97%Pass214WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way SG D 119.0 11.3 116.9 10.6 98%Pass
11/2/17 215 W Water Line Trench off Innovation Way SG D 119.0 11.3 116.4 13.9 98%Pass216SGWest Parking Lot 370.4 D 119.0 11.3 115.9 16.2 97%Pass217SGWest Parking Lot 369.4 D 119.0 11.3 116.7 13.4 98%Pass218SGWest Parking Lot 369.4 D 119.0 11.3 116.2 12.9 98%Pass219SGWest Parking Lot 371.6 D 119.0 11.3 115.7 13.1 97%Pass220SGWest Parking Lot 371.1 D 119.0 11.3 114.3 14.7 96%Pass221SGWest Parking Lot 370.1 D 119.0 11.3 115.2 13.8 97%Pass222WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way 384.0 D 119.0 11.3 117.3 10.2 99%Pass223WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way 384.0 D 119.0 11.3 115.8 11.4 97%Pass224SGParking Stall on West Side 369.8 D 119.0 11.3 113.4 15.1 95%Pass225SGParking Stall on West Side 369.8 D 119.0 11.3 115.0 13.3 97%Pass226SGParking Stall on West Side 369.8 D 119.0 11.3 114.7 13.9 96%Pass227WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way 384.0 D 119.0 11.3 116.4 9.9 98%Pass228WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way 384.0 D 119.0 11.3 114.8 8.7 96%Pass
11/3/17 229 SG West Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 115.6 13.9 97%Pass230SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 114.1 14.3 96%Pass231SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 115.3 12.7 97%Pass232SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 116.0 12.0 97%Pass233SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 114.5 13.7 96%Pass234SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 113.9 14.6 96%Pass235SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 115.0 13.1 97%Pass236SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 114.9 12.8 97%Pass237SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 113.9 13.9 96%Pass238SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 114.8 8.4 96%Pass239SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 114.5 16.1 96%Pass240SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 112.7 11.0 95%Pass241SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 115.4 12.3 97%Pass242SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 116.8 10.7 98%Pass243SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 112.5 11.9 95%Pass244SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 113.0 12.6 95%Pass245SGSouth Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 116.2 13.0 98%Pass246SGSouth Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 115.6 12.8 97%Pass247WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way FG D 119.0 11.3 113.9 10.0 96%Pass
11/6/17 248 W Water Line Trench off Innovation Way 383.5 D 119.0 11.3 116.8 11.6 98%Pass249WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way FG D 119.0 11.3 115.3 10.0 97%Pass250WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way 383.0 D 119.0 11.3 115.7 9.7 97%Pass251WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way 384.0 D 119.0 11.3 113.9 10.9 96%Pass252WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way FG D 119.0 11.3 114.3 10.4 96%Pass253WWater Line Trench off Innovation Way FG D 119.0 11.3 113.5 10.5 95%Pass
11/7/17 254 B West Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 118.0 12.9 98%Pass255BWest Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 117.7 12.6 98%Pass256BWest Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 119.1 12.4 99%Pass257BWest Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 118.9 12.1 99%Pass258BWest Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 116.9 13.0 97%Pass259BWest Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 118.8 12.2 99%Pass260BWest Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 117.8 13.1 98%Pass261BWest Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 118.5 12.6 98%Pass262BWest Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 118.1 12.3 98%Pass
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Bressi Ranch Lot 23
Carlsbad, California
July 2018
Project No.: 1017796
Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
Laboratory Field
11/8/17 263 AC Water Line Trench off Innovation Way AC AC-1 143.0 -136.0 -95%Pass264ACWater Line Trench off Innovation Way AC AC-1 143.0 -137.7 -96%Pass265ACWater Line Trench off Innovation Way AC AC-1 143.0 -140.7 -98%Pass266ACWater Line Trench off Innovation Way AC AC-1 143.0 -139.5 -98%Pass267ACWater Line Trench off Innovation Way AC AC-1 143.0 -136.6 -96%Pass268ACWater Line Trench off Innovation Way AC AC-1 143.0 -137.0 -96%Pass269ACWater Line Trench off Innovation Way AC AC-1 143.0 -136.0 -95%Pass270ACWater Line Trench off Innovation Way AC AC-1 143.0 -136.8 -96%Pass271ACWater Line Trench off Innovation Way AC AC-1 143.0 -136.5 -95%Pass272ACWater Line Trench off Innovation Way AC AC-1 143.0 -141.4 -99%Pass
11/8/17 273 AC Water Line Trench off Innovation Way AC AC-1 143.0 -140.3 -98%Pass274ACWater Line Trench off Innovation Way AC AC-1 143.0 -137.1 -96%Pass275BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 117.6 13.9 98%Pass276BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 114.8 14.4 95%Pass277BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 115.4 13.6 96%Pass278BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 117.2 13.2 97%Pass279BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 116.9 12.8 97%Pass280BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 118.0 12.4 98%Pass281BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 116.3 13.1 96%Pass282BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 115.6 12.9 96%Pass283BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 115.6 14.1 96%Pass284BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 118.2 12.8 98%Pass285BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 117.5 13.7 97%Pass
11/9/17 286 AC North West Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -138.9 -96%Pass287ACNorth West Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -138.0 -96%Pass288ACNorth West Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -140.2 -97%Pass289ACNorth West Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -138.5 -96%Pass290ACWest Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -141.0 -98%Pass291ACSouth West Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -138.0 -96%Pass292ACSouth West Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -138.5 -96%Pass293ACNorth West Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -136.9 -95%Pass294ACSouth West Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -141.2 -98%Pass295ACWest Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -138.4 -96%Pass296ACNorth West Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -137.6 -96%Pass297ACWest Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -137.0 -95%Pass298ACSouth West Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -139.6 -97%Pass299ACSouth West Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -138.5 -96%Pass300ACWest Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -140.3 -97%Pass301ACSouth East Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -137.8 -96%Pass302ACSouth East Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -140.6 -98%Pass303ACSouth East Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -141.4 -98%Pass304ACSouth East Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -137.0 -95%Pass305ACSouth East Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -139.2 -97%Pass306ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -137.9 -96%Pass307ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -137.5 -95%Pass308ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -140.4 -98%Pass309ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -138.6 -96%Pass310ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -138.9 -96%Pass311ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-2 144.0 -139.6 -97%Pass
11/27/17 A311 MG Building A 380.1 F 128.3 7.5 120.6 7.9 94%PassA312MGBuilding A 380.1 F 128.3 7.5 119.3 10.3 93%PassA313MGBuilding A 381.5 F 128.3 7.5 125.5 8.9 98%PassA314MGBuilding A 381.6 F 128.3 7.5 126.1 7.7 98%PassA315MGBuilding B 380.5 F 128.3 7.5 120.3 10.8 94%PassA316MGBuilding B 380.5 F 128.3 7.5 118.9 8.6 93%PassA317MGBuilding B 382.0 F 128.3 7.5 125.8 9.0 98%PassA318MGBuilding B 382.0 F 128.3 7.5 120.4 8.2 94%Pass
12/14/17 A319 E Center Site Electrical Line Trench 376.7 D 119.0 11.3 108.2 9.2 91%PassA320ECenter Site Electrical Line Trench 376.7 D 119.0 11.3 115.3 8.8 97%PassA321ECenter Site Electrical Line Trench 376.7 D 119.0 11.3 112.8 8.2 95%PassA322ENorth West Electrical Line Trench 376.7 D 119.0 11.3 109.1 7.8 92%PassA323ENorth West Electrical Line Trench 376.7 D 119.0 11.3 111.4 8.6 94%Pass
12/19/17 A324 E North West Electrical Line Trench 376.4 D 119.0 11.3 107.1 11.0 90%PassA325ENorth West Electrical Line Trench 376.4 D 119.0 11.3 108.2 10.4 91%PassA326ECenter Site Electrical Line Trench 370.7 D 119.0 11.3 107.3 10.3 90%PassA327ECenter Site Electrical Line Trench 377.6 D 119.0 11.3 106.8 9.1 90%PassA328ECenter Site Electrical Line Trench 377.6 D 119.0 11.3 106.9 9.2 90%Pass
12/26/17 312 UT East Utility Trench FG A 120.1 10.4 103.1 11 86%Fail313UTRetest #312 FG A 120.1 10.4 114.1 12.4 95%Pass314UTEast Utility Trench FG A 120.1 10.4 111.6 13.9 93%Pass
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Bressi Ranch Lot 23
Carlsbad, California
July 2018
Project No.: 1017796
Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
Laboratory Field
315 UT East Utility Trench FG A 120.1 10.4 117.3 10.6 98%Pass
1/19/18 316 E South East Electrical Trench 375.0 A 120.1 10.4 110.3 14.4 92%Pass317ESouth East Electrical Trench 375.0 A 120.1 10.4 111.2 14.9 93%Pass318ESouth East Electrical Trench 375.0 A 120.1 10.4 111.1 13.7 93%Pass319ESouth East Electrical Trench 376.0 A 120.1 10.4 114.7 14.0 96%Pass320ESouth East Electrical Trench 375.0 A 120.1 10.4 112.1 15.1 93%Pass321ESouth East Electrical Trench 376.0 A 120.1 10.4 111.9 14.2 93%Pass322ESouth East Electrical Trench 375.0 A 120.1 10.4 113.6 15.5 95%Pass323ESouth East Electrical Trench 375.0 A 120.1 10.4 107.4 19.0 89%Fail324ERetest #323 375.0 A 120.1 10.4 111.8 14.8 93%Pass325ESouth East Electrical Trench 374.0 A 120.1 10.4 112.4 13.9 94%Pass
2/6/18 326 MG North East Corner of Innovation Way and Palomar Airport FG D 119.0 11.3 109.3 12.8 92%Pass327MGNorth East Corner of Innovation Way and Palomar Airport FG D 119.0 11.3 108.4 12.3 91%Pass328MGNorth East Corner of Innovation Way and Palomar Airport FG D 119.0 11.3 109.7 13.1 92%Pass329MGNorth East Corner of Innovation Way and Palomar Airport FG D 119.0 11.3 110.7 11.8 93%Pass330MGNorth East Corner of Innovation Way and Palomar Airport FG D 119.0 11.3 111.4 12.9 94%Pass331MGNorth East Corner of Innovation Way and Palomar Airport FG D 119.0 11.3 109.9 13.0 92%Pass
2/7/18 332 SW North of Building A Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 111.1 13.7 93%Pass333SWNorth of Building A Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 109.3 12.3 92%Pass334SWNorth of Building A Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 107.5 11.7 90%Pass335SWNorth of Building A Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 108.2 12.6 91%Pass336SWNorth of Building A Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 110.6 11.9 93%Pass
2/8/18 337 SW South of Building A Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 106.9 12.5 90%Pass338SWSouth of Building A Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 107.7 13.6 91%Pass339SWSouth of Building A Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 107.2 12.9 90%Pass340SWSouth of Building A Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 108.0 14.2 91%Pass341SWEast of Building A Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 109.1 13.6 92%Pass342SWEast of Building A Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 108.4 15.0 91%Pass343SWEast of Building A Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 109.8 14.4 92%Pass
2/9/18 344 SW West of Building B Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 111.8 12.9 94%Pass345SWWest of Building B Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 110.4 12.2 93%Pass346SWWest of Building B Sidewalk FG D 119.0 11.3 112.1 14.1 94%Pass
2/16/18 347 G North Gas Line Trench 376.0 D 119.0 11.3 107.6 12.7 90%Pass348GNorth Gas Line Trench 376.0 D 119.0 11.3 107.4 13.1 90%Pass349GNorth Gas Line Trench 375.0 D 119.0 11.3 107.7 12.4 91%Pass350GNorth Gas Line Trench 375.0 D 119.0 11.3 108.1 12.8 91%Pass351GNorth East Gas Line Trench 375.0 D 119.0 11.3 107.2 11.9 90%Pass352GNorth East Gas Line Trench 376.0 D 119.0 11.3 107.4 12.2 90%Pass353GNorth East Gas Line Trench 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 109.3 11.7 92%Pass
2/21/18 354 SG South West of Building A SG A 120.1 10.4 116.8 11.6 97%Pass355SGSouth West of Building A SG A 120.1 10.4 117.3 12.3 98%Pass356SGSouth West of Building A SG A 120.1 10.4 117.1 12.1 98%Pass
2/23/18 357 E Electrical Trench West of Building A 376.0 D 119.0 11.3 108.8 12.6 91%Pass358EElectrical Trench West of Building A 376.0 D 119.0 11.3 107.9 14.1 91%Pass359EElectrical Trench West of Building A 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 108.3 13.8 91%Pass
2/26/18 360 W North East Water Line Trench 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 11.5 13.5 10%Pass361WNorth East Water Line Trench 376.0 D 119.0 11.3 112.6 12.1 95%Pass362WNorth East Water Line Trench 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 109.7 13.8 92%Pass363WEast Water Line Trench 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 113.1 11.6 95%Pass364WEast Water Line Trench 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 110.2 12.7 93%Pass365WEast Water Line Trench 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 113.8 11.5 96%Pass
3/6/18 366 MG Center Site Bio-Basin Wall 375.5 C 120.0 12.8 104.6 12.7 87%Fail367MGRetest #366 375.5 C 120.0 12.8 108.1 13.0 90%Pass
3/7/18 368 CG East Curb Grade CG C 120.0 12.8 114.8 10.6 96%Pass369CGEast Curb Grade CG C 120.0 12.8 114.3 11.0 95%Pass370CGCenter Site Curb Grade CG C 120.0 12.8 116.5 10.4 97%Pass371CGCenter Site Curb Grade CG C 120.0 12.8 115.7 8.0 96%Pass372CGCenter Site Curb Grade CG C 120.0 12.8 114.9 11.4 96%Pass373CGNorth Curb Grade CG C 120.0 12.8 115.4 16.8 96%Pass374CGNorth Curb Grade CG C 120.0 12.8 114.7 12.8 96%Pass375CGNorth Curb Grade CG C 120.0 12.8 114.0 15.0 95%Pass
3/19/18 376 E Electrical Trench Line off Innovation Way 375.0 E 120.6 12.3 119.2 12.7 99%Pass377EElectrical Trench Line off Innovation Way 376.0 E 120.6 12.3 117.9 11.9 98%Pass
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Bressi Ranch Lot 23
Carlsbad, California
July 2018
Project No.: 1017796
Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
Laboratory Field
378 E Electrical Trench Line off Innovation Way 377.0 E 120.6 12.3 118.6 12.4 98%Pass379EElectrical Trench Line off Innovation Way 377.0 A 120.1 10.4 111.0 12.9 92%Pass
4/9/18 380 CG South East Curb Grade CG B 118.3 12.4 107.4 14.0 91%Pass381CGSouth East Curb Grade CG B 118.3 12.4 106.9 15.1 90%Pass382CGSouth East Curb Grade CG B 118.3 12.4 113.0 12.9 96%Pass
4/11/18 383 MG East Handicap Ramp 383.0 B 118.3 12.4 107.1 14.2 91%Pass384MGSouth East Trash Enclosure 375.0 B 118.3 12.4 113.0 12.6 96%Pass385CGNorth West Curb and Gutter CG B 118.3 12.4 112.7 12.8 95%Pass
5/4/18 386 MG South of Building B 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 118.8 13.9 100%Pass387MGPlaza Between Building A and B 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 118.3 11.7 99%Pass388MGPlaza Between Building A and B 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 106.7 15.5 90%Pass389MGPlaza Between Building A and B 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 113.4 12.5 95%Pass
5/8/18 390 MG South of Building A 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 116.3 7.4 98%Pass391MGSouth of Building A 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 105.6 7.6 89%Fail392MGSouth of Building A 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 114.7 10.5 96%Pass393MGSouth of Building A 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 109.5 9.9 92%Pass
5/9/18 394 MG North of Building A 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 113.1 10.8 95%Pass395MGNorth of Building A 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 113.5 10.9 95%Pass396MGNorth of Building A 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 114.7 13.3 96%Pass397MGNorth of Building A 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 113.8 11.0 96%Pass
5/18/18 398 MG West of Building A 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 109.2 9.3 92%Pass399MGWest of Building A 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 107.1 11.0 90%Pass400MGSouth West of Building A 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 107.7 8.7 91%Pass401MGSouth of Building A 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 107.5 12.2 90%Pass402MGRetest #391 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 112.2 8.9 94%Pass
6/8/18 403 MG South East Parking Lot 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 108.9 12.5 92%Pass404MGSouth East Parking Lot 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 110.6 8.1 93%Pass405MGSouth East Parking Lot 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 113.9 8.5 96%Pass406MGSouth East Parking Lot 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 117.3 8.2 99%Pass407MGCenter Site Parking Lot 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 110.2 7.3 93%Pass408MGCenter Site Parking Lot 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 112.5 8.8 95%Pass409MGNorth West Parking Lot 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 115.1 8.5 97%Pass410MGCenter Site Parking Lot 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 110.9 7.8 93%Pass411MGNorth West Parking Lot 377.0 D 119.0 11.3 113.4 8.1 95%Pass
6/11/18 412 SG South East Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 113.4 12.4 95%Pass413SGSouth East Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 114.1 15.6 96%Pass414SGSouth East Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 113.9 12.2 96%Pass
6/12/18 415 SG South Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 114.6 14.1 96%Pass416SGSouth Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 113.8 12.7 96%Pass417SGSouth Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 114.6 12.2 96%Pass418SGSouth Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 117.2 10.7 98%Pass419SGSouth Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 116.3 12.1 98%Pass420SGSouth Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 115.9 9.7 97%Pass421SGSouth Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 116.1 11.7 98%Pass422SGSouth Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 115.8 12.4 97%Pass423SGSouth East Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 114.9 13.1 97%Pass
6/13/18 424 SG North West Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 116.9 7.5 98%Pass425SGNorth West Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 117.2 7.5 98%Pass426SGNorth West Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 114.0 7.5 96%Pass427SGNorth West Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 115.9 7.5 97%Pass428SGWest Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 115.9 7.5 97%Pass429SGSouth Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 117.5 7.5 99%Pass430SGSouth East Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 113.7 7.5 96%Pass
6/14/18 431 SG South East Parking Lot SG E 120.6 12.3 115.1 11.3 95%Pass432SGSouth East Parking Lot SG E 120.6 12.3 114.9 10.2 95%Pass433SGSouth East Parking Lot SG E 120.6 12.3 116.2 11.3 96%Pass434SGSouth East Parking Lot SG E 120.6 12.3 115.1 11.3 95%Pass435SGSouth East Parking Lot SG E 120.6 12.3 115.4 11.9 96%Pass
6/15/18 436 SG South Parking Lot SG D 119.0 11.3 115.0 11.6 97%Pass437BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 115.9 11.2 96%Pass438BSouth East Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 114.8 11.6 95%Pass439BSouth East Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 118.3 11.5 98%Pass440BSouth East Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 116.4 10.8 97%Pass441BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 114.5 11.3 95%Pass
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Bressi Ranch Lot 23
Carlsbad, California
July 2018
Project No.: 1017796
Test Test Soil Rel.Pass/
Date Number Type Test Location Elevation ID (pcf)(%)(pcf)(%)Comp.Fail
Laboratory Field
442 B North West Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 116.4 12.0 97%Pass443BNorth West Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 115.2 12.1 96%Pass444BNorth West Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 115.5 10.0 96%Pass445BCenter Site Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 118.3 11.0 98%Pass446BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 118.0 14.4 98%Pass447BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 116.6 12.8 97%Pass448BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 117.4 11.5 97%Pass449BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 116.5 9.9 97%Pass450BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 116.6 11.5 97%Pass451BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 117.3 10.7 97%Pass452BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 119.1 11.6 99%Pass453BSouth Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 117.0 12.4 97%Pass454BSouth West Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 118.9 11.6 99%Pass455BSouth West Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 114.9 13.0 95%Pass456BWest Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 114.7 9.3 95%Pass457BCenter Site Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 114.9 11.8 95%Pass458BCenter Site Parking Lot Base E 120.6 12.3 116.3 10.8 96%Pass
6/20/18 459 AC West Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -141.3 -96%Pass460ACWest Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -143.4 -97%Pass461ACWest Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -142.7 -97%Pass462ACWest Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -144.3 -98%Pass463ACWest Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -142.6 -97%Pass464ACWest Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -141.8 -96%Pass465ACWest Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -143.4 -97%Pass466ACWest Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -144.1 -98%Pass467ACWest Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -145.0 -98%Pass468ACNorth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -143.7 -97%Pass469ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -140.7 -95%Pass470ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -142.3 -96%Pass471ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -142.1 -96%Pass472ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -143.8 -97%Pass473ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -144.6 -98%Pass474ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -142.3 -96%Pass475ACSouth East Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -142.7 -97%Pass476ACSouth East Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -140.8 -95%Pass477ACSouth East Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -141.4 -96%Pass478ACSouth East Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -144.3 -98%Pass
6/21/18 479 AC South East Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -142.5 -97%Pass480ACSouth East Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -142.5 -97%Pass481ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -142.6 -97%Pass482ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -144.1 -98%Pass483ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -146.3 -99%Pass484ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -141.7 -96%Pass485ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -144.1 -98%Pass486ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -146.3 -99%Pass487ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -145.1 -98%Pass488ACSouth East Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -145.7 -99%Pass489ACSouth East Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -146.6 -99%Pass490ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -142.9 -97%Pass491ACSouth Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -141.2 -96%Pass492ACSouth East Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -140.0 -95%Pass493ACSouth East Parking Lot AC AC-3 147.6 -144.5 -98%Pass
7/3/18 494 SG Entrance On Innovation Way SG D 119.0 11.3 108.1 11.4 91%Fail495SGEntrance On Innovation Way SG D 119.0 11.3 114.5 12.0 96%Pass496SGEntrance On Innovation Way SG D 119.0 11.3 113.9 12.2 96%Pass497SGRetest #494 SG D 119.0 11.3 113.1 11.9 95%Pass
7/5/18 498 B Entrance On Innovation Way Base F 139.0 6.5 129.7 5.3 93%Fail499BRetest #498 Base F 139.0 6.5 132.1 4.9 95%Pass
7/10/18 500 SG Site Drive Entry SubGrade SG D 119.0 11.3 114.1 15.5 96%Pass501SGSite Drive Entry SubGrade SG D 119.0 11.3 113.8 15.1 96%Pass502BSite Driveway Entry Base F 139.0 6.5 131.8 5.5 95%Pass503BSite Driveway Entry Base F 139.0 6.5 134.0 4.9 96%Pass
7/11/18 504 SG Site Driveway SG D 119.0 11.3 116.7 9.8 98%Pass505SGSite Driveway SG D 119.0 11.3 114.0 10.4 96%Pass506SGSite Driveway SG D 119.0 11.3 112.8 9.7 95%Pass
7/12/18 507 SG Site Drive Approach Entry SG D 119.0 11.3 116.1 9.9 98%Pass508SGSite Drive Approach Entry SG D 119.0 11.3 118.2 9.5 99%Pass509SGSite Drive Approach Entry SG D 119.0 11.3 115.5 10.6 97%Pass
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