HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-12-05; Planning Commission; ; SDP 00-10|CDP 00-37 - THE PAVILION'e City of Carlsbad Planning Departme'
P.C. AGENDA OF: December 5, 2001
Item No.@
Application complete date: October 19, 2000
An extension of time was
requested by the applicant.
Project Planner: Cbrister Westman
Project Engineer: John Maashof
SUBJECT: SDP 00-1 0/CDP 00-37 -THE PAVILION -Request for approval of a Negative
Declaration, Site Development Plan, and Coastal Development Permit for a new
265,000 square foot retail center with second floor office space on an existing
18.3 acre graded pad south and east of Calle Barcelona at the southern end of the
Green Valley Master Plan area in Local Facilities Management Zone 23.
That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 5079
ADOPTING a Negative Declaration and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolutions No. 5080
and 5081 APPROVING Site Development Plan SDP 00-10 and Coastal Development Permit
CDP 00-37 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein.
The project is a retail center designed around a modified "main street" concept and provides two
aisles of vehicular access to the interior of the project and relegates the majority of access and
parking along to the exterior edges. The project is located within the Green Valley Master Plan
south of Calle Barcelona and west of El Camino Real. It is designed as several individual
structures with a total building area of 265,000 gross square feet. Most structures are single
story, however, the southernmost building is two-story with retail on the ground floor and office
on the second story.
The project site is entirely within an existing graded pad. All access is taken from Calle
The site is located within the Green Valley Master Plan which was adopted by the City Council
in 1996. The Master Plan designated two planning areas. One to be developed with residential
units and the other to be developed as a commercial center with no more than 300,000 gross
square feet of floor area. The residential portion of the master plan is being built out by
Continuing Life Communities as La Costa Glen.
The entire Green Valley site was rough graded pursuant to approvals granted by the City of
Carlsbad, Army Corps of Engineers, Coastal Commission, and California Department of Fish
and Game. All mitigation for the initial disturbance of the site and the improvements to El
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Camino Real, El Fuerte, Calle Barcelona, and the two bridge crossings from El Camino Real
have been completed.
The project is a commercial center with 217,578 square feet of retail space and 47,422 square
feet of office. It is comprised of eight separate buildings with common pedestrian access,
vehicular circulation, and surface parking. The buildings are single-story except for Building
number 1 which is two-story. Office space is located on the second story ofBuilding number 1.
Two buildings are designated for restaurant uses. No outdoor eating areas are designated for
those restaurants.
The proposed development is designed around a modified "main street" concept and provides
two aisles of vehicular access to the interior of the project and relegates the majority of access
and parking along to the exterior edges. The central drive aisles will be differentiated from other
drive aisles primarily by landscaping. Wide pedestrian walks, which are separated from the
drive aisles by a curb, are accented with colored and textured paving. Pedestrian zones
incorporate planter beds and seating throughout the project site. Colors, a variety of veneers,
awnings, windows, doors, and varying facade planes contribute to the creation of a pedestrian
friendly street promenade.
The project is subject to:
1. General Plan-Community Commercial, Office and Residential Medium High
2. Zoning -Planned Community
3. Green Valley Master Plan-Planning Area 2-Retail Center-General Commercial
4. Local Coastal Program -East Batiquitos Lagoon/Hunt Properties Segment
5. Local Facilities Management Plan-Zone 23
The entire Green Valley Master Plan site has multiple General Plan land use designations:
Community Commercial (C), Office (0) and Residential Medium High (RMH). This project
implements the C and 0 land use designations. The residential land use designation is
implemented by the adjacent and developing La Costa Glen.
Typically, according to General Plan definition, Community Commercial sites are between 10
and 30 acres and will provide between 100,000 and 300,000 square feet of retail space. The
General Plan Land Use Element further states within the Implementing Policies and Action
Programs that commercial centers should be comprehensively designed to address common
ingress and egress, adequate off-street parking and loading facilities. Each center should be
easily accessible by pedestrians, bicyclists, and automobiles to nearby residential development.
The project satisfies each of these policies and programs in its design. All access is taken from
common driveways off of Calle Barcelona and the project site is accessible by the public street
and sidewalk system as well as the public trail within the Green Valley Master Plan.
According to the General Plan, typically the Office Land Use designates areas that are
compatible with and environmentally suited for office and professional uses, as well as related
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commercial uses. This designation is especially appropriate for medical office use. Office and
related commercial land use can be used as buffers between retail commercial areas and
residential uses. The project's office component, similar to the commercial uses, is easily
accessible by pedestrians, bicyclists, and automobiles to nearby residential development.
Vehicular access is also taken from common driveways off of Calle Barcelona. No specific
office user is proposed at this time.
When the City Council approved the Green Valley Master Plan, they made the finding that the
Plan implements the General Plan and is consistent with its goals, objectives, and policies. The
finding was based on the fact that the Master Plan provides the following: (1) the provision of
the necessary circulation element roadway improvements (El Camino Real); (2) the protection
and enhancement of surrounding habitat; (3) the construction of a public trail; (4) In-Lieu
contributions for affordable housing; (5) the payment of mitigation fees to convert agricultural
lands to urban uses; and, (6) compliance with the Local Facilities Management Plan for Zone 23
for public facilities and services. Based on this implementation and consistency relationship
between the Green Valley Master Plan and the General Plan, it can be determined that since the
Pavilion is consistent with the Green Valley Master Plan, it is also consistent with the General
The project site, as well as the entire Green Valley area in Carlsbad, has a zoning designation of
Planned Community (PC). The PC zone requires properties with 100 or more acres to be
developed per a comprehensive master plan. Accordingly, the Green Valley Master Plan was
adopted for the entire 280 acre Green Valley property in Carlsbad. The PC zone does not
include development standards but defers to the appropriate master plan.
As stated above, the development standards for the Green Valley area are in the Green Valley
Master Plan adopted by City Council in September 1996. The master plan has General
Community Development Guidelines which apply to all planning areas within the master plan
and Development Standards and Guidelines which were created specifically for Planning Area 2
which is the commercial site and Planning Area 3 which is the residential site. Following is a
summary of the general guidelines.
The site has been graded per the approved Green Valley master tentative tract map (CT 92-08)
into large pads under the full extent of the master plan grading guidelines and the City's Grading
Ordinance. The master plan grading guidelines which are applicable to the proposed project
include balanced grading quantities and no significant increase in "as built" pad elevations
versus approved grading plan pad elevations.
Fine grading required for the project is proposed as a cut and fill operation which will take earth
from the southwest p~ of the commercial pad and redistribute it to the northeast part of the pad
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and export 15,295 cubic yards of earth offsite. The result will be that the finished floor elevation
of many buildings will be approximately two feet above the current pad height. However,
building number 8 will be raised six feet and building number 6 will be lowered 11 feet. Both
buildings are single story freestanding structures adjacent to Calle Barcelona. Since they are
single story buildings and are setback as much as 35 feet, the finished floor adjustments are not
expected to have negative visual impacts on the Calle Barcelona street scene.
Grading along the south property line, which is also the City line, has been coordinated with the
grading for the development of the Home Depot Expo in the City of Encinitas. The coordination
ensures as smooth a transition between the two properties as possible.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Trails
The Green Valley Master Plan requires that development of the property include a public trail
running north-south generally paralleling the master plan open space. The required trail system
is trail segment 50 from the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan
(OSCRMP) and is intended for general recreation and access. As the site to the south develops
in the City of Encinitas (Home Depot Expo), the Green Valley trail will be connected to the
Encinitas Ranch trail.
The trail was designed and approved with the master plan master tentative map (CT 92-08). The
trail has been constructed and will be made available to the general public prior to the occupancy
of any structure within Green Valley. The Pavilion project is not required to provide additional
trails, however, trail head parking and trail access is required by the Master Plan to be provided
within this Planning Area.
Trailhead parking is designated at the southeast comer of the parking lot. Directional signage for
the trail and trailhead parking will be provided onsite in accordance with an overall project sign
program. Access to the trail is proposed at the trailhead parking and as a pedestrian link at the
northeast comer of the site.
The landscape area for the project is confined to the property south and east of Calle Barcelona.
The section of the Landscape Guidelines which apply to the proposed project are "Development
Planning Areas." The guidelines state that plant material in the development planning areas be
compatible with adjacent native areas and meet the general goals of the landscape community
development guidelines.
An onsite landscape concept has been developed which uses the recommended plant types
specified in the Green Valley Master Plan.
The master plan signage guidelines will be applied to the development of a comprehensive sign
program for The Pavilion. The sign program and ultimately the individual tenant signs will be
subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director. Signs are not included as part of the
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A lighting plan, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director will be required
prior to the installation of onsite lighting. The master plan guides the design of the lighting to
incorporate architectural lighting such as up-lighting and wall washing as the primary means of
project lighting.
Development Standards
Development standards applicable to Planning Area 2 are illustrated in the following Table 1:
Green Valley Planning Area 2 Development Standards
Development Standard Required Provided
Gross Floor Area 300,000 265,000
General Building Height 35 feet 24-35 feet
Architectural Feature Height 45 feet 35-45 feet
Calle Barcelona
Buildings 35 feee 35 feet
Parking 10 feet 10-40 feet
Interior Property Lines
Buildings 25 feet 27-170 feet
Retail and Restaurant 1 space per 200 square feet 1094 spaces 217,578 sq.ft. 1088 spaces required
Office 1 space per 250 square feet 195 spaces 47,422 sq.ft. 190 spaces required
Trail Head Parking 6 spaces 6 spaces
Bicycle unspecified unspecified
Motorcycle 1% of total requirement 13 spaces 13 required . . .. 1. BUlldmgs less than 25 feet m height. BUlldmg elements over 25 feet m height shall be set back from Calle
Barcelona an additional 1 ~ feet for every foot over 25 feet in height.
As seen in the preceding table, the project has been designed to be in compliance with the
development standards of the Green Valley Master Plan for Planning Area 2. A discussion of
the project's compliance with the Green Valley Master Plan Design Criteria for Planning Area 2
e SDP 00-10/CDP 00-37-THE PAVILION
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Design Criteria
The Green Valley Master Plan describes a criteria for the commercial planning area which
emphasizes rich detailing, variation on recurring design themes, and harmonious building
elements. Special concern should be directed toward reducing the visual impact of large
buildings and creating "human scale." Buildings should have clearly defined entries and the
colors and materials should be responsive or complimentary to the natural shades of the adjacent
riparian and upland bluff areas.
As seen on the project exhibits, the project applicant has proposed buildings which achieve the
goals of the master plan design criteria. These exhibits will serve as a design base which may be
further enhanced and/or modified by each Pavilion tenant to capture the spirit of their retail
establishment. The building shells will be constructed as shown on the plans which establishes
the building footprint. Store fronts will be constructed as shown on the plans unless an
individual retailer submits an alternate design to the Pavilion property manager as well as the
Planning Department and is given approval by both prior to the issuance of tenant improvement
building permits and has been conditioned accordingly. The intent is to allow for creative design
flexibility for each tenant within general parameters as each tenant occupies lease space.
Vehicular Circulation
The primary circulation for the retail center in a community context is Calle Barcelona. Access
is taken only from Calle Barcelona and secondary circulation is through the Pavilion's network
of"main street," drive aisles and parking lots.
A traffic analysis was prepared for the Green Valley Master Plan which assumed the commercial
buildout of the property to be 300,000 square feet. A subsequent study was done which
identified fewer Average Daily Traffic because the intensity of the project has been further
reduced from what the master plan allows to 265,000 square feet. The project as designed and
conditioned will widen Calle Barcelona adjacent to the project and construct two new traffic
signals at the project entrances. The most recent traffic study shows that the signals will operate
at a Level of Service "A" during the year 2020 AM and PM peak hours.
Pedestrian/Bicycle Circulation
A comprehensive pedestrian circulation system is mandated by the master plan. The project has
included wide walkways adjacent to store fronts and clearly defined pedestrian connections
across drive aisles. The focus of pedestrian movement is on the central shopping promenade and
the connection to and between the outer buildings on Calle Barcelona. Pedestrian focal points
are scattered throughout the project offering diversions such as water features, art, and benches.
In addition, onsite pedestrian connections are made to the open space trail and public sidewalk
on Calle Barcelona. Bicycle racks are required by the master plan to be provided and have been
located in convenient, yet unobtrusive locations throughout the project.
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The project is located within the East Batiquitos Lagoon/Hunt Properties segment of the Local
Coastal Program. Many of the Local Coastal Program segment standards which relate to coastal
resources were previously addressed as part of the Green Valley tract map and Green Valley
Master Plan Coastal Development Permit (CDP # 6-96-18). As a result, large open space lots
have already been created, habitat restoration plans have been designed and implemented, and
land uses have been designated. What remains are project specific standards which have been
applied to the proposed development. The proposed development is in conformance with the
Certified Local Coastal Program and all applicable policies of the East Batiquitos Lagoon/Hunt
Properties segment in that the project is a retail use consistent with the (C) zoning designation;
the proposed development does not exceed 35 feet in height except for architectural features; the
proposed development does not encroach into any sensitive resource; is contained fully within an
existing graded lot; a public access trail exists offsite and is accessible from the proposed
development; the proposed development does not involve State Lands; and the project is
conditioned to comply with the Regional Water Quality Control Boards Tentative Order
regarding water quality.
The Pavilion is a non-residential project and, therefore, is subject to only some of the provisions
of the Growth Management program. The following table details the project's compliance with
the standards of the Growth Management Ordinance.
Standard Impacts/Standard Compliance
City Administration N/A N/A
Library N/A N/A
Waste Water Treatment 148 EDU Yes
Parks N/A Yes
Drainage 69 CFS/ Encinitas Creek Basin Yes
Circulation 18,613 ADT Yes
Fire Station #2 Yes
Open Space N/A N/A
Schools School fee required Yes
Water 58,378 GPD Yes
Given the above, the Pavilion project is consistent with the Growth Management Ordinance.
The Green Valley Master Plan and Master Tentative Map Program EIR, certified by the City in
December 1995, has been used as the basis for an Initial Study which determined that the project
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as proposed will not have significant adverse effects on the environment. The Green Valley
Program EIR did identify significant environmental impacts, however, those impacts were
associated with the initial grading, street improvements and land use designations. Those direct
impacts have been mitigated through implementation of the Mitigation Monitoring and
Reporting Program adopted with the Program EIR. The proposed project was anticipated within
the scope of the Program EIR and significant analysis was given to both project traffic and
cumulative traffic impacts. No impacts have been identified beyond those discussed in the
Program EIR. A Negative Declaration was issued by the Planning Director in December 2000
for the project described as a 260,000 square foot commercial center. The project has changed to
217,578 square feet of commercial and 47,422 of office. An addendum has been attached to the
Negative Declaration with the corrected description.
1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5079 (Neg. Dec.)
2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5080 (SDP)
3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 5081 (CDP)
4. Location Map
5. Background Data Sheet
6. Local Facilities Impact Assessment
7. Disclosure Statement
8. Exhibits "A"-"T" dated December 5, 2001
SOP 00-10/CDP 00-37
CASE NO: SDP 00-10/CDP 00-37
CASEN~E: ~T~he~P~av~i~li~on~-------------------------------------------
APPLICANT: Thomas Enterprises, Inc.
REQUEST AND LOCATION: 265, 000 square foot retail and office center within the Green
Valley Master Plan area south and east of Calle Barcelona and west ofEl Camino Real
APN: 255-011-(12,13,15) 255-021-(5,6,7,8) Acres: 18.33 Proposed No. ofLots!Units: =-..:N"""/A~-
Land Use Designation: Community Commercial/Office/Residential Medium High
Density Allowed: N/ A Density Proposed: "-.:N~/ A~-------------------
Existing Zone: "'-P=C ______________ _ Proposed Zone: ~N!.!.c/ A~---------------------
Surrounding Zoning, General Plan and Land Use:
Zoning General Plan Current Land Use
Site PC C/0/RMH Vacant
North PC C/0/RMH La Costa Glen
South Encinitas Encinitas Encinitas
East PC OS Open Space
West PC OS Open Space
School District: Encinitas Elementary School District/San Dieguito Union High School District
Water District: Olivenhain Municipal Water District
Sewer District: Leucadia County Water District
Equivalent Dwelling Units (Sewer Capacity): ~1 0~8"'----------------------------
~ Negative Declaration, issued ~D:..!!e~ce~m~b!::.:e~r--'1'-.!1~2~00~0~----------------
~ Certified Environmental Impact Report, dated ~D:..!!e~ce~m~b!::.:e""'r--'1'"""9-"'-9-"'-5 ________ _
[] Other ________________________________________________ _
FILE NAME AND NO: The Pavilion SDP 00-10/CDP 00-37
ADDRESS: 2924 Emerson Street, Suite 206, San Diego, CA 92106
PHONE NO: 619-222-4397 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO: 255-011-(12.13.15) 255-021-(5,6,7,8)
QUANTITY OF LAND USE/DEVELOPMENT (AC., SQ. FT., DU): 18.33/265,000 sq.ft.
A. City Administrative Facilities: Demand in Square Footage= N/A
B. Library: Demand in Square Footage = N/A
c. Wastewater Treatment Capacity 148 EDU
D. Park: Demand in Acreage = N/A
E. Drainage: Demand in CPS = 69
Identify Drainage Basin = Encinitas Creek
F. Circulation: Demand in ADT = 18 613
G. Fire: Served by Fire Station No. = 2
H. Open Space: Acreage Provided = N/A
I. Schools: School fee required
J. Sewer: Demands in EDU 148
K. Water: Demand in GPD = 58 378
'· • • \ .
December 5, 2001
FROM: Planning Department
~ \".}
Delete Condition No. 36 of 5080 and Condition No. 10 of 5081 and replace with below:
In addition to the grading guidelines of the Green Valley Master Plan the following shall
be applied to issuance of a grading permit.
A. One hundred percent of all exposed disturbed areas must have erosion
protection BMPs properly installed. This would include all building pads,
unfinished roads and slopes. The only relief from this requirement for slopes
greater than 3:1 (Horizontal vs. Vertical) is if the site has properly designed de-
silting basins at all discharge points.
B. Adequate perimeter protection BMP's must be installed and maintained.
C. Adequate sediment control BMP's must be installed and maintained.
D. Adequate BMP's to control off-site sediment tracking must be installed and
E. A minimum of 125% of the material needed to install standby BMP's necessary
to completely protect the exposed portions of the site from erosion, and to
prevent sediment discharges, must be stored on site. Areas that have already
been protected from erosion using physical stabilization or established
vegetation stabilization BMP's as described below are not considered to be
"exposed" for purposes of this requirement.
F. The Project proponent must have an approved "weather triggered" action plan
and have the ability to deploy standby BMP's as needed to completely protect
the exposed portions of the site within 48 hours of a predicted storm event (a
predicted storm even is defined as a forecasted, 50% chance of rain). On
request, the project proponent must provide proof of this capability that is
acceptable to the Copermittee(s).
G. Deployment of physical or vegetation erosion control BMP's must commence as
soon as slopes are completed for any portion of the site. The project proponent
. . •
may not continue to rely on the ability to deploy standby BMP materials to
prevent erosion of slopes that have been completed.
H. The area that can be cleared or graded and left exposed at one time is limited to
the amount of acreage that the project proponent can adequately protect prior to
a predicted rainstorm.
I. Perimeter protection and sediment control BMP's must be upgraded if necessary
to provide sufficient protection for storms likely to occur during the rainy season.
J. Adequate physical or vegetation erosion control BMP's must be installed and
established for all completed slopes prior to the start of the rainy season. These
BMP's must be maintained throughout the rainy season. If a selected BMP fails,
it must be repaired and improved, or replaced with an acceptable alternate as
soon as it is safe to do so. The failure of a BMP shows that the BMP, as
installed, was not adequate for the circumstances in which it was used. Repairs
or replacements must therefore put a more robust BMP in place.
K. The amount of exposed soil allowed at one time shall not exceed that which can
be adequately protected by deploying standby erosion control and sediment
control BMP's prior to a predicted rainstorm.
L. A disturbed area that is not completed by that is not being actively graded must
be fully protected from erosion if left for 1 0 or more days. The ability to deploy
standby BMP materials is not sufficient for these areas. BMP's must actually be