HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 2020-0027; 3481 SEACREST DRIVE SLOPE REHABILITATION; 5 BLOCK HIGH KEYSTONE WALL STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS; 2020-10-20Use menu item Settings > Printing & Title Block
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Title :3481 Seacrest Carlsbad Page : 1
Job # :Dsgnr:tp Date: 20 OCT 2020
5 block high keystone wall
This Wall in File: Z:\01 Mammoth\4182 SIERRA BUSINESS PARK brian bularsky\documents\Wall Calcs\block
RetainPro (c) 1987-2018, Build Segmental Retaining Wall with Geogrids Code: NCMALicense : KW-06055653License To : TRIAD/HOLMES ASSOC
Wall height (retained height), ft 3.33
Backfill slope 2:1
Backfill angle 26.6
Embedment 0.5
Soil data
External Soil, Phi_e 28
External soil density (In situ), pcf 129
Internal Soil, Phi_i 28
Internal soil density, pcf 129
Wall Soil Friction Angle 19
Overturning ratio 5.54
Sliding ratio 1.51
Overturning moment, ft-lbs 2,809
Resisting moment, ft-lbs 15,567
Total lateral/sliding force, lbs 1,384
Sliding Resistance, ft 2,096.03
Total vertical force, lbs 3,942
Base length, ft 7.00
Eccentricity on base, ft 0.26
Effective base length, ft 6.47
Soil bearing pressure, psf 609.02
Allowable soil bearing, psf 1,500.00
Soil Bearing Ratio 2.46
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Title :3481 Seacrest Carlsbad Page : 2
Job # :Dsgnr:tp Date: 20 OCT 2020
5 block high keystone wall
This Wall in File: Z:\01 Mammoth\4182 SIERRA BUSINESS PARK brian bularsky\documents\Wall Calcs\block
RetainPro (c) 1987-2018, Build Segmental Retaining Wall with Geogrids Code: NCMALicense : KW-06055653License To : TRIAD/HOLMES ASSOC
Dead load, psf 0
Live load, psf 0
Seismic Design Kh 0.00
Segmental block data
Vendor selection 'Keystone Retaining Wall Systems'
Vendor web address 'www.keystonewalls.com'
Block selection type 'Standard'
Block height, in 8.00
Block depth, in 18.00
Offset per block, in 0.00
Batter angle 0.00
Wall weight, psf 180.00
Hinge height, ft 0.00
Geogrid material
Vendor Selection 'Mirafi Geogrid'
Vendor web address 'www.mirafi.com'
Geogrid type 'Miragrid 2XT'
LTDS 1046.13
Factor of safety 1.50
LTADS 697.42
Peak connection equation 1850 + 0.04N
Peak connection maximum 2027
Serviceability connection equation 1000 + 0.1N
Serviceability connection maximum 1427
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Title :3481 Seacrest Carlsbad Page : 3
Job # :Dsgnr:tp Date: 20 OCT 2020
5 block high keystone wall
This Wall in File: Z:\01 Mammoth\4182 SIERRA BUSINESS PARK brian bularsky\documents\Wall Calcs\block
RetainPro (c) 1987-2018, Build Segmental Retaining Wall with Geogrids Code: NCMALicense : KW-06055653License To : TRIAD/HOLMES ASSOC
Block Layer Height above base Tension Embed Vert S. F.
Wall Analysis Table:
Le NServPeak
Extent, Ft*
5 4" 3.333'
3 2 0" 2.00 136 1024.02'1239.7 2.82 240 5.11 7.00
1 1 8" 0.67 205 1048.00'1246.1 4.61 480 3.41 7.00
Base 0" 0.000'600
* Extent of geogrid referenced from the front face of wall, FT
Summary: Resisting / Overturning
Resisting Moments
Distance, ft Moment, ft-lbs
Wall 0.75600 450
Reinf. earth 4.25 10,0512,365
5.19Sloped 5,066977
4.25 0Dead load 0
04.25Live load 0
1,384 2.03 2,809
0 3.04 0
Total 3,942
Item Force, lbs
Overturning Moments
0 3.04 0
Item Force, lbs Distance, ft Moment, ft-lbs
0 0.00 0
0 0.00 0
Surcharge, DL
0 00.00
Surcharge, LL
Seismic, Wall
Seismic, Reinf.
Seismic, Sloped soil
Seismic, Exterior 0.000 0
Total 1,384 2,809
Overturning Ratio 5.54
1. References used include Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls, 2nd Edition, and Segmental Retaining Walls – Seismic Design Manual, 1
st Edition, both by
2. Blocks are all same size and uniform offsets (batter) for full wall height.
3. Coulomb earth pressure theory used for earth pressures and failure plane angle.
4. Refer to geotechnical report for backfill material, compaction, and other design data and recommendations.
5. Cap blocks if used are above the retained height and are neglected in this design.
6. Geogrid LTDS and connection values for block vendors obtained from ICC Evaluation Service (ES Legacy Reports) or as provided by vendors. Since these may
change or be updated, verification of values is recommended.
7. Block sizes obtained from vendors’ literature and may vary with locality.
8. Geogrid layers are equally spaced vertically, all same length, and laid horizontally.
9. Average weight of block and cell infill assumed to be 120 pcf.
10. See vendor web sites (on input screen) for more information and specifications.
11. Design height is limited to 16 feet or 24 blocks, whichever is less. Contact vendor for higher designs or special conditions.
12. Seismic design is per Seismic Design Manual cited above. Also see Methodology/Seismic Design in User’s Manual.
13. Vendor specifications or project specifications, whichever is most restrictive, to be followed for construction procedures.
14. Add notes and details for proper drainage.
15. See User’s Manual Design Example #10 for methodology and sample verification calculations.
16. Final design responsibility is with the project Engineer-of-Record.