13 April 2021
Mr. Jessie Smith Job No. 18-11842
447 Bougher Road
San Marcos, CA 92068
Subject: Response to City of Carlsbad Third-Party Geotechnical
Smith Residential Lot
4246 Hillside Drive
Carlsbad, California
References: Hetherington Engineering, Inc., 2020, Third-Party Geotechnical Review
(second), Proposed Single-Family Residence 4246 Hillside Drive
Carlsbad California, Project No 9142.1, Log No. 21259 dated January 7
Geotechnical Exploration Inc., 2020, Update Report of Preliminary
Geotechnical Investigation, Smith Residential 4246 Hillside Drive
Carlsbad, California. Project No. 18-11842, dated November 13, 2020.
Response to City of Carlsbad, Third Party Geotechnical Review, Smith
Residential Lot, 4246 Hillside Drive, Carlsbad, California, by
Geotechnical Exploration, Inc., dated November 13, 2020.
Additional references are listed in Appendix A.
Dear Mr. Smith:
In accordance with the request of Mr. Dan Valdes with Coffey Engineering, and as
required by the City of Carlsbad Third Party Reviewer, Geotechnical Exploration,
Inc. herein responds to the reviewer comments in a memo with completion date
January 7, 2021 (referenced above), with respect to the planned residential project
at the subject property. For clarity purposes, we include the comment and our
response to it.
Smith Residential Lot Job No. 18-11842
Carlsbad, California Page 2
Comment No. 1: The Consultant should provide a statement that the foundation
and slab recommendations (expansive soils) are consistent with the requirements of
Section 1808.6.2019 California Building Code or revise accordingly (second request).
Response: The California Building Code Section 1808.6.2019 gives several options
regarding the recommendations for foundations and slabs on-grade for expansive soil
conditions. Among them are designing the slabs and foundations for uplift pressures
and anticipated soil movement, excavating soil and replacing with lower expansive
soils, etc. Per Section 1808.6.4.2019, the expansive soil active zone may be
stabilized by pre-saturation or treatment during grading. It is our opinion that the
foundation and slab recommendations provided by our firm in our Updated
Geotechnical Report dated November 13, 2020, are consistent with the requirements
of Section 1898.6.2019. We have recommended that low expansive soils be
compacted to within 2 percent of optimum, and if medium or highly expansive soils
are encountered during grading, they should be compacted with a moisture content
of at least 5 percent over optimum. Furthermore, the foundation and slab on-grade
minimum dimensions recommended by our firm are appropriate for the encountered
soils at the site. Based on our exploratory work, we have visually classified the on-
site soils to be low expansive, with an expansion index no higher than 50. The
foundation and slab recommendations presented in our November 13, 2020, report
are applicable for such soils.
This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. Should you have any
questions concerning the following report, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Reference to our Job No. 18-11842 will expedite a response to your inquiries.
Respectfully submitted,
_______________________________ ______________________________
Jaime A. Cerros, P.E. Hector G. Estrella, C.E.G.
Senior Geotechnical Engineer Engineering Geologist
R.C.E. 34422/G.E. 2007 P.G. 9019/C.E.G. 2656
1. Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Smith Residential Lot, South of 4240
Hillside Drive, Carlsbad, California, by Geotechnical Exploration, Inc., dated
April 9, 2018.
2. Grading Plans For: Smith Residence, 4246 Hillside Drive, Carlsbad, CA
GR20200022, CDP2019-002, by Bendlund Engineering, undated (Sheets 1
through 3).
3. Third Party Geotechnical Review (First), Proposed Single Family Residence,
4246 Hillside Drive, Carlsbad, California, Project ID: CDP2019-0002 by
Hetherington Engineering, Inc. dated June 19, 2020.
4. Grading Plans For: Smith Residence, GR2018-0022, CDP2019-002, by
Bendlund Engineering, undated (Sheets 1 through 5).