HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-06-15; City Council; ; Mayoral Appointment of Two Members to the Beach Preservation CommissionMeeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: District June 15, 2021 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Tammy McMinn, Senior Deputy City Clerk tammy.mcminn@carlsbadca.gov or 760-434-2953 Mayoral Appointment of Two Members to the Beach Preservation Commission All Recommended Action Adopt a resolution appointing two members to the Beach Preservation Commission. Executive Summary/Discussion Commissioner Jennifer Bradley was initially appointed to the Beach Preservation Commission in February 2020 to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner McEachern for a term ending in June 2021. Commissioner Bradley is eligible for reappointment but resigned on May 3, 2021, leaving a vacancy for a four-year term ending in June 2025. Commissioner Tim O’Malley was initially appointed to the Beach Preservation Commission in February 2019 to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner Lang for a term ending in June 2021. Commissioner Tim O’Malley is eligible for reappointment, but did not apply for reappointment. There is a scheduled vacancy for a four-year term ending in June 2025. Twelve applications were received by the City Clerk’s Office. Pursuant to City Council Policy No. 88, the Mayor has recommended the following four residents wishing to serve on the Beach Preservation Commission to advance in the process and interview with the full City Council: •James Revell – District 3 •Julie Gibbs – District 1 •Lisa Stark – District 3 •Robert Ingersoll – District 3 Exhibit 3 includes applications for all four residents. The Maddy Act (Cal. Government Code §§ 54970-54974) requires that on or before December 31 of each year the legislative body must prepare a Local Appointments List which contains the appointive terms of Board and Commission members which will expire in the next calendar year. The name of the incumbent appointee, the date of appointment and the term expiration date is also included on the list. Based on the prepared list, the City Clerk’s Office accepts applications (available on the city’s website and in the City Clerk’s Office) for any upcoming vacancies. June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 1 of 16 City Council Resolution No. 8596 states that the Beach Preservation Commission shall consist of seven members, appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. The current members of the Beach Preservation Commission are: Commission member District Brian Colby 3 Chris Woolsey 2 Fred Briggs 1 John Prietto 1 Kathleen Steindlberger 1 Members of the Beach Preservation Commission are subject to the provisions of the California Political Reform Act and must file statements of economic interest each year and complete two hours of ethics training every two years. Fiscal Analysis This action has no financial impact. Next Steps Following the appointment of two members to the Beach Preservation Commission, the City Clerk’s Office will update the commission roster and coordinate the oaths of office and the filing of the appointees’ statement of economic interest and ethics training certificates. Environmental Evaluation (CEQA) This action does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act under California Public Resources Code Section 21065 in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. Therefore, it does not require environmental review. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. City Council resolution appointing one member to the Beach Preservation Commission 2. City Council resolution appointing one member to the Beach Preservation Commission 3. Applications received from residents advancing to the interview process June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 2 of 16 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-149 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE BEACH PRESERVATION COMMISSION WHEREAS, Commissioner Jennifer Bradley was appointed to the Beach Preservation Commission in February 2020 to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner McEachern for a term ending in June 2021; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Bradley is eligible for reappointment, but resigned in May 2021; and WHEREAS, a vacancy on the Beach Preservation Commission exists. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.The following Carlsbad resident is appointed to serve on the Beach Preservation Commission, for a term ending in June 2025, or until a replacement is appointed. Robert Ingersoll PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 15th day of June, 2021, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Acosta, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor °k---411C1b711 /1/lit.r -47 BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk (SEAL) June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 3 of 16 NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. MATT HALL, Mayor (SEAL) .\\\\' CA/i•• . 0 ........ < E.- 2 BARBARA ENGLESON, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 2021-150 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE BEACH PRESERVATION COMMISSION WHEREAS, Commissioner Tim O'Malley was appointed to the Beach Preservation Commission in February 2019 to fill the unexpired term of Commissioner Lang for a term ending in June 2021; and WHEREAS, Commissioner O'Malley is eligible for reappointment, but did not apply for reappointment; and WHEREAS, a vacancy on the Beach Preservation Commission exists. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.The above recitations are true and correct. 2.The following Carlsbad resident is appointed to serve on the Beach Preservation Commission, for a term ending in June 2025, or until a replacement is appointed. Lisa Stark PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on the 15th day of June, 2021, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Acosta, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher. June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 4 of 16 Exhibit 3 June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 5 of 16 (i) Boards ,· Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment . RECEIVED JAN -4 2021 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Arts Commission Housing Commission Planning Commission ✓ Beach Preservation Committee ✓ Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation ✓ Traffic & Mobility Commission Commission Tourism Business Improvement Golf Lodging Business Agricultural Mitigation Fee District Improvement District Committee Housing Element Advisory Committee If applymg for more than one, please tndtcate order of preference. Personal Information Name Date of Birth: ~ ~ James Revell Required for Voter Rea/stration Verification Home Address I District Number 3 . City Carlsbad ZIP 92011 Home Phone Mobile E-mail Occupation Marketing/Business Development Employer . Employer Address City ZIP Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. ✓ I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. ✓ Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, ✓ please explain below. Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please ✓ explain below. I am a Citizens Academy graduate. ✓ I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to ✓ serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at ✓ the request of an individual Council member. I am willing to file financial disclosure sta!ements, if required. ✓ I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. ✓ June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 6 of 16 !Explanations Please describe your educational background MBA Marketing, Notre Dame de Namur University · Belmont, California MPA Human Resources Management, Notre Dame de Namur University · Belmont, California BA Political Science, San Jose State University · San Jose, California Please describe relevant experience Carlsbad resident serving as my HOA President since 2013, along with education background and a +20 year career in marketing/partnerships. Please describe your current or past community involvement HOA President since 2013, supporting the beach/coastal functions, local candidates for State Assembly and City Council. Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) Performance Marketing Association -Publisher Recruitment & Education Council member ('17 -present} San Diego Workforce Partnership -Technology Workforce Development Regional Council member ('17 -present) President-Vista Del Mar at Muroya Association ('13 -present) Board Member -San Jose State University Alumni Association ('11 -'14) ('21-Present) Board Member-Notre Dame de Namur University Alumni Association ('07 -'11} Additional information or comments I'd be thrilled to service, add value and lend a fresh pe·rspective to a Carlsbad Board, Commission or Committee. Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, si~n and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature ~ ~ Date 12/2/20 * Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 7 of 16 RECEIVED Boards, Commissions and Comrnittei :s FEB 2 2 2021 Application for Appointment ciTY oF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICs._ r _ ~ wl--ilf\ ,. -~I,<\~ ./s /. A,V-., I-. llllC -P'.~nn,ng Commls'S.IOr, ✓ Arl:. Co,nmi~:;io• 1 Ho111::ln9 C :.OllYn!:l~h,n l/ Beach P'reSeTValion Committee l Librasy Board of Trusli:o8s Senior Commission Historic Proscrvation Commission P..ir~:. arnJ R ... -crt;,liQl; 3 Tri) l,c. & Mohllit~ (~fl'RllSt'llM Commi!>:ilOll Tourism &s:ness lmproYelN3nt -Golf Lod!}S"~ Business A.gncuil-..rdl M ligawn Fee District ~ lmpro•,'efoonl Oistnct Corm nill<:c -.__ I fl.JUlSill!I Clo:;m<;nl A!lviStwy ~~J.y b-t"v. ( ,·.J.,y"' A~"'-C•iM""'•.!H C C'..omrw1tee 1 Per ~onal lnformahon Name Julre Gibbs Home Address I Gily C"lri,.tx:.rl 1 Hom.e Phone I E-mc1 l 1 0c . 1 .cupatIon r.rr ::r .Jt,:;_f'II I Emp;oyer Seli-empoy(JU 1 rmp.-,~-er Mrf~s t City I Wot,,. Pl ro,i,; Acknowledgements -..___ I I ~m 'l ,e:<JdP.n! of 11\P. cuy of c:.,rt,:-,.").1rl I am .i registered vole, in C;,1rfaboo. I ZIP 92COB ZIP Are you currently o, have you e•,er bec.n an OOK;O' of or o~~-cd by tho City or Cmlsb..id? If ;-o:., please axpla.m below. Are ~u a.rremly or have )'OU ever been u.ider.contiract \ilih tha Crty of Carl~had? If yes ptease explain below. I am a Cr112eM A~P.my grad11:1!e I am Fa.rri'"iar with the rcsponsibili1ic:. or lhv boc.1rdfi:;oo1rnis;ion/r;orr11nitlc(.,'(:;) on which I wi:;h ft) ~rvc. I ' am --.illing to be iniar~icwoo regaro1r.g my oualrtiCcJlions ·or i!ppoml..;n(,•ol by lhr; City CQun(;i[ or ,\I U1c roquosl or ..iri indi-.,idual Coo1ll,, mvmoor. -I am ·,v,~ing to file financial disdosure ::tatemenls, 11 required t JIii w ,Ii1111 to co,nplcle I ... v tl(>l11 ~ C>1 s1~~P. manrt:1:t'!rt e:hlc.'i training every tvro ~ers, sf requ1T-e-d. Le - Vas No ~ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ r June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 8 of 16 W ·,;,n rrT'J m:r.n.;r P:J'.,;· .... f .,.,. iy l:d St1~..1,;rr~ rer,:1 in ,::arM•,,:f "'' 11 :tt· ,·II,• srd m,• e,:*':'.!~r lrv1.;1 I · . .,. :-s Y' '" ~. Im::,,,;;:, ,.:bo.,n l":<e '•c<n LA I lt;iv,: ·m d1ild<e11 n ro -sae t1 .. :11 r," ·riy , ., , =~ 1!.. 1et;;.. C..O..'"':'-:''i Ho,• :·11~,,, •1,·1 : ,. i :,l,'l.l.lt'er a· j h;; 11~ 1rrvolved w~h l"•: ,;,1~ 1 x:..11 M ii r,.4 ms.·;· year:.. " r.; 1,1:;l yr::" . 111, I t". ;:Aar • n~ o:rrm ~:;ic," I w(.~1•,: h 1 • 1,: : •• lrr,•or. ej as ·-a ·~1=., in t·o ,:;i\•ir., :l,1111m!j d t;;;r ::bad Its ti??" lttn, .. · •:ir: ,. 11,.1,. ,n o:iue~ PIM1 P. describe your oduci:itional backgrounci I have an MRA 1n ir1lerna11onal business arnl a BA in Enq'ish I lived 1n went to school 1n FraPC:e and speak 'lucrt c:or1vP.1sat1onal l rencn, and I love French artists. Please describe relevant oxporience t t".:~,c ,·<h.flL~_,-~J •· • 'Wt-' ••.&11 f'lftyr.:··r.'"-~ nduiJ,·fJ .. tjA ...... ,, ... ,. .:...~,;.-,;:r.,,-, t"~r,:, cod ~,t...J • Iv, J.,'-9·,., i.J • ... a: II\.~ u.J. :Jt..t ...,.'3 Vf 'f,~~ I f\.;,r. n.4.l'lr. ~::! ,., 1i..::rr, ~•J•111 ..... ,, ,, Vlh.(. f':\ -·r· rev :rca:.? t,;.,:.', .. ~ ~•, I -,,o •-. heW rr,, :-,, -::r ... 1n l:JNX."' 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I w,v"lt rn rio m<Ye c:111cJ lr_,110-.,.· 1r1 th,, foot~.tE>f)}i o' 111:,1 :;,i:µ l.il11V C,o, rT'1f>'" HP.·,t;m.;.11, •1h1.,· wa<; .i ci?•mtPd rtl(;111lx.:1 tr' \,"IC Ctv";.md ola"11ir'Y w1111r1JS$10'\ I rF-mF.rrher 1h1 ·1icd1, ~ .. h-::: 1F,, n I!"\ 011r hwv;; rocu a.,ri rw, r.ess,011 tx c.11:..u• "lr-111-:.t O.W~fY"l"A.11I wc.t:. uuk1ni:c-1 3"lO 1im1 overrun uµ.;11 $00Ct; b ·r;:, mmrriu,·ily. Please 11st all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public-agencies, /in~ludlng non-omfit oraanizatlon l · Al1hoim~r·s Association -Ventura County statt volunttmr. /\llended Nat ont1I Conterencc 1n Washington. DC. Additlonal Information or comments 1..,.,.,.. ;.,u J:.~r."nrr,:.~::r~-:r:•·,nc:,.:ti;l~:.11::i 1,s119,.,r.'YTl"f"li:Jr.r,1-,1.::1 a,~~li• ..,,.,.,r;,,_, ,q1.c,,r~ ;.n.·r-rn:,-..:::;l 0<.t .. d': "''"' ►--• t+W :irl11-.:.n, :n 17.-c tJ.3d< :.I U ~ i.-;' I r n,' '.ll 11' :n, rxnunu,:, 1 .,.,-,'J, I~ .. ,.h>-~ rn oe ~et1 ;:,~ri!\..---tl, ,c 10: I,~ :1 ~ -:-~•e-i; h"'.: f\'71 ol !::d, .! ,.., u, :.Ly lt\-'111',f'. .,,.,.,,r11.....,, .'--11.1 J!I ,c.u" J•Jr.)1~ h:,,-. •h; t-.-n:-...41rfh :iii ~ur.cw.-: 11 ~ •.. ,,~:.~I t.:.1 :i (ul lll ~· ,.i, b',,J • U-:.v. ,..,rm.~ Mttln;J CY•~· GI'='~-~, •. ;.,.,.,., i'S'l'.'I >' lT'I "1\' OJl2. 11 u.~lt-,ll,' I I Vtw c;,n ,,,r ""'l 'M, n.1rt ~J II~ 1.,1,,, ,,., •~It)• I ,._,.., ""•".LT/ 1111J ·,11x '7.r; tJ r.>J I rlA!' .. : n "'"'"' ;r•J I Pleo~ sch:d •he ;:.;..bmrt button below lot~• m 10, rn· !)1Jttoo, sign and mail lo: Crty of Carisbad City C~rk's Q!f..,;c 1200 C~wl:.0..1ll Vlll.lC)f' Orn,e Cur':ibJd, Cl\ !¾✓tit.a. Julie Gibbs y subn"ll app/icallon. II y•..1U p1c:1(;1 11) [lMt, please &elect "print • Onty reqL red to sign i' :submilhn!'J p;lpe• form: ~ submiUinii c;h.;r;huolf•.:1lly your submirtal -.,ia c-111;111 i--:, on,..Jdered ~rlmcJM edge'Tla-~ I. [ Print form Submit form I June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 9 of 16 JULIE GIBBS, M.B.A . .._ San Diego, CA COO/VP GLOBAL SALES I VP BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Create New Revenue Streams & Operationalize Processes for Profit & Growth Recognized for building collaborative strategic partnerships with international distribution partners, retail buyers, and vendors, creating new product lines that have generated more than $400M in sales SELECT ACCOMPLISHMENTS Start-up expert & entrepreneur Developed global sales dish·ibution partnerships Built partner list of 1400 retail, licensing, marketing, buyer contacts Secured a contract to be one of only a handful of 3rd party educational tech products on shelf at Apple Negotiated a contract with Target for start-up company's ed tech product placement in 1800 stores RELEVANT SKILLS Strategic Planning & Execution, Sales Management, Leadership, Retail Marketing, Coaching, China Manufacturing & Sourcing, Global Partnership Development, Retail Account Management, E-commerce Sales & Marketing, New Business Development, Partnership Marketing, P & L Management, Social Media Marketing, Contract Negotiation, Bi-Lingual English and French PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Highlights for Children, -Columbus, Ohio Senior Vice President of Retail, Licensing & Partnerships Building a new division at this iconic brand to drive transformational growth Feb 2020-Oct 2020 Recruited to drive P & Land collaborate on a strategic vision using customer insights to pivot Highlights from a product-driven company to a customer-driven company. Square Panda, foe. -San Francisco Bay Area, CA Vice President of Sales May 2017-August 2019 Recruited to build a retail sales division at ed tech start-up, selling a phonics-based hardware & SaaS platform GLOBAL SALES MANAGEMENT Built retail & e-commerce sales strategy and sales team as 1st retail sales executive toward $1M revenue objective Neg·otiated contracts for nearly 3,000 storefronts in N. America including 1800 Target stores, 400 Barnes & Noble stores, 110 Learning Express stores and 200 BJs warehouse clubs Secured a contract to be one of only a handiul of 3rd party educational tech products on shelf at 200 Apple stores. Successfully integrated major e-commerce customers including Amazon.com, Sam' sO.ub.com, Walmart.com and Target.com that were vital to the revenue and brand growth and future in-store placement Pursued distribution partnerships & negotiated terms for global expansion into the U.K, N. Zealand, Australia, and S. Africa June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 10 of 16 2 Julie Gibbs, M.B.A. Hired and managed outside sales rep groups versus full-time field sales staff mindful that my responsibility on the executive team of a start-up company was to help manage overhead costs and cash flow STRATEGIC PLANNING AND BUDGETING Built annual strategic plans for N. America and managed P & L for retail sales division Developed business terms and pricing structures OPERATIONS & LOGISTICS Managed 3PL, including researching alternative 3PL pru'tners until funding wa_s secured to hire full-time ops staff Served as project manager for several iterations of packaging redesign. Collaborated with U.S. and Chinese office graphics designers and printers as well as CEO and VP Mru·keting on branding messaging Tubby Table Toys, Inc. Los Angeles, CA Co~Founder/CEO Jan 2012-April 2017 Designed, manufactured, brought to market & patented as an enfrepreneur the 1st bathtub activity table & product line SALES AND MANAGEMENT Developed sales plan to mclude online toy etailers, specialty toy and gift 1·etaHers Developed pricing structure by class-of-trade Built digital marketing campaigns with Mommy bloggers and preschool toy specific web partners Managed rep group to open specialty and mass accounts Learning Express, Babies R Us and in Buy, Buy Baby FINANCE & OPERATIONS Wrote 5-year business plan to pitch Angel investors and to serve as roadmap for company Managed warehouse including inventory, shipping and receiving & freight companies PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Souxced product design engineers and factory Negotiated costs, sourced add-on toy sets at Hong Kong Toy Fair Ensured CPSC testing requirements met LICENSING Crafted licensing agreements and build relationships with key CPG licensors Disney, Nickelodeon and Crayola to extend the product line. BUDGETING Self-taught QuickBooks to manage customer and vendor orders and payments and create financial statements Managed expenses against revenue projections and capital infusions THQ, Inc. Los Angeles, CA Director, Retail Marketing April 2009-June 2011 Recruited to man.age all retail marketing and $30M budget for global videogame company. TEAM MANAGEMENT Hired and managed retail marketing team to collaborate with sales team on in-store and e-commerce promotions to support $300M revenue goal Re-organized retail team by brand vs. by retaHer to align retail, social media and digital promotions with consumer marketing campaigns June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 11 of 16 3 Julie Gibbs, M.B.A. RETAIL MARKETING Facilitated collaboration across sales,. marketing teams and retail marketing teams Built retail-specific marketing programs by brands such as UFC, WWE, SpongeBob, Kung Fu Panda, Cars & licensors such as Nickelodeon, Mattel & Nintendo PARTNERSHIP MARKETING Facilitated collaboration With VPs Marketing internally & at Nintendo on consumer and retail marketing plans for new videogame-only tablet, uDraw. Brand sold 1M units during 1st holiday of sales. BUDGETING & SALES ANALYSIS Successfully managed $30M retail marketing budget for eight successive quarters utilizing my analytical prowess and stein cost-cutting when revenues weren't meeting projections Spearheaded an ROI analysis project to determine validity of marketing programs, by retailer, by brand to determine how we should better spend our retail marketing budget Universal Music Group, Los Angeles, CA Vice-President, New Business Division August 2006-June 2009 Recruited to build a division to sell CDs to non-traditional retailers to recoup revenues lost due to decline of record stores. UMG is a worldwide leader in music publishing and distribution of more than 20 major label groups such as Island Def Jam, Interscope/Geffen/A&M, Disney, Hollywood Reco!'ds and Motown. SALES MANAGEMENT Grew fledging New Business Division from $2 million in sales to $10 million within two years and maintained that sales rate in a continuaJly declining music CD market. Opened new non-music retail storefronts such as Nordstrom, Aeropostale, & Ashley Stewart to sell music cos. Negotiated with 7-11 to can:y digital music cards MARKETING MANAGEMENT Acted as liaison between 20+ major music labels and retailers to launch co-operative marketing promotions resulting in the successful launch of albums from artists such as Melissa Etheridge, Cheryl Crow, Fall Out Boy, High School Musical & Hannah Montana. PRODUCT MANAGEMENT Spear-headed new music product development idea, Mailable Mitsic. Initiated and managed_market- viability research project, assortment selection, P & L, packaging. Researched resale opportunities at Hallmark stores & U.S. post offices. Pursued scan-based trading initiative to build Universal's business into more than 2,000 grocery stores. Proposed to executive team the revenue potential against expense of developing IT system to accommodate the data transfer. Negotiated terms with key retailers and launched test program in June 2008. June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 12 of 16 4 Julie Gibbs, M.B.A. Electronic Arts-New York City, Toronto, Los Angeles Director of Sales, Regional/Canadian/District Sales Mgr. April 1992-May 2006 Promoted throughout 14-year career growing sales from $SM to $400M in sales management. EA is a global Fortune 500 company specializing in videoga111e, mobile and digital game development and distribution EDUCATION M.B.A. International Business <> California State University <> Long Beach, California B.A. English <> Indiana University <> Bloomington, Indiana Attended international private boarding school in Paris, France. Speak fluent conversational French. June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 13 of 16 I':!\ • Boards, Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment Arts Commission Housing Commission BeactJ Preservation Com01ittee ✓ Library Board of Trustees Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Tourism Business Improvement Golf Lodging Business District Improvement District Housing Element Advisory CDBG Advisory Committee Committee RECEIVED MAY 03 ·2021 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Planning Commission .Senior Commission Traffic & Mobility Commission Agricultural Mitigation Fee Committee If applymg for more than one, please Indicate order of preference. Personal Information Name Date of Birth: ,~ Lisa Stark Required for Voter Registration Verification Horne Address j District Number 3 ✓ City Carlsbad ZIP 92009 Home Phone Mobile E-mail -- Occupation Deputy District Atty Employer San Diego County Employer Address 325 So. Melrose, Suite 5000 City Vista ZIP 92083 Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad, ✓ I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. ✓ Are you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbad? If yes, ✓ please explain below. Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? If yes, please ✓ explain below. I am a Citizens Academy graduate. ✓ I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on which I wish to ✓ serve. I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at ✓ the request of an individual Council member. I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. ✓ I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics training every two years, if required. ✓ D June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 14 of 16 IExpla nations Please describe your educational background JD from UNM Law -licensed in California and New Mexico. BA In Psychology Please describe relevant experience We moved to Carlsbad 20 years ago after researching the best place to raise children. Since, we have become heavily invested in this community. I am particularly impassioned about preserving our beautiful beaches. Please describe your current or past community involvement I teach yoga on the beach for free to my community in Carlsbad and have done so for 1 O years. I have also spoken as a DA at local shelters, churches and schools. I regularly engage in drives to collect items for the needy in our community. Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) PTAs for many years, DA Association, North County Bar Association, Carlsbad High School Mock Trial coach for the past 4 years. Additional information or comments I would love to serve on this committee as a devoted beach enthusiast. Please call me for an interview. Thank you. Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, please select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature __ Luu-_· _S_~ _________ Date 4/30/2021 * Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronically your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 15 of 16 0 • Boards," Commissions and Committees Application for Appointment RECEIVED APR 2 2 2021 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY CLERK'S OFFIC!= Arts Commission Housing Commission v' Planning Commission v' Beach Preservation Committee v' Library Board of Trustees Senior Commission Historic Preservation Commission Parks and Recreation Traffic & Mobility Commission Commission Tourism Business Improvement Golf Lodging Business Agricultural Mitigation Fee District Improvement District Committee Housing Element Advisory CDBG Advisory Committee ✓ Committee Personal Information If applying for more than one, please mdlcate order of preference. Name Date of ~irth: . ~ / Robert Ingersoll -Reauired for Voter Registration Verification · Home Address I District Number 3 .(' City Carlsbad ZIP 92011 Home Phone Mobile E-mail Occupation Vice President Sales I • Employer Revision Skincare -Employer Address 5930 W. Camput Circle Drive City Irvine, TX ZIP 75063 Work Phone Mobile Acknowledgements Yes No I am a resident of the City of Carlsbad. v' I am a registered voter in Carlsbad. ·ti' Are.you currently or have you ever been an officer of or employed by the City of Carlsbact?·lf yes, please explain b!3low. V Are you currently or have you ever been under contract with the City of Carlsbad? explain below. If yes, please v' I am a Citizens Academy graduate. v' I am familiar with the responsibilities of the board/commission/committee(s) on whi.ch I wish to serve. al · I am willing to be Interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council member. v' I am willing to file financial disclosure statements, if required. II I am willing to complete two hours of state mandated ethics train!ng every two years, if required. II June 15, 2021 Item #10 Page 16 of 16 Explanations My first choice of Commission Vacancy is CDBG. My 2nd choice is Beach Preservation Commission. - Please describe your educational background I have an MBA from Pepperdine Unive~sity· and a BA from the University of Southern California · · Please describe relevant experience I have an extensive background in business and leadership. I currently manage a team of over 70 individuals and a multi-million dollar budget I understand the grant process and look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the city. I have lived in Carlsbad with my family since 1999 and truly love the city. I am also an Army Veteran, serving as an Army Officer on ~ctive duty for 4 years. Please describe your current or past community involvement When my children were younger, I was actively involved in their youth organizations. I was President of Carlsbad Pop Warner for 2 years i_n the early 2000's. Please list all service on boards, commissions or committees, private or public agencies, (including non-profit organizations) I No active service in these areas. Additional information or comments As my children are grown, I have more time to dedicate to our community. I hope I get the opportunity to serve and participate in· the activities that help our city be the beacon light of Sari Diego County. Submittal Information Please select the submit button below to electronically submit application. If you prefer to print, ple13se select "print form" button, sign and mail to: City of Carlsbad City Clerk's Office 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008. Signature _____________ Date 4/22/2021. * Only required to sign if submitting paper form; if submitting electronlcally your submittal via e-mail is considered acknowledgement. Clear form Print form Submit form