HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-05-26; Library Board of Trustees; ; Library Reports for April 2021ITEM #5 Meeting Date: May 26, 2021 To: Library Board of Trustees From: Sheila Crosby, Deputy Library Director Katie Nye, Deputy Library Director Staff Contact: Sheila Crosby, Sheila.Crosby@carlsbadca.gov Katie Nye, Katie.Nye@carlsbadca.gov Subject: Library Reports for April 2021 District: All Recommended Action Receive reports. No action needed. Executive Summary/Discussion The board will review the monthly library narrative and statistical reports for April 2021. These reports provide a summary of work completed across all Carlsbad City Library divisions and locations as well as services and programs presented for the community. Next Steps None. Fiscal Analysis None. Public Notification Public notice of this item was posted in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits •Narrative report for April 2021 •Statistical report for April 2021 Page 6 of 24 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES ITEM #5 Monthly Library Report for April 2021 Programs: Carlsbad Reads Together (CRT) •An Evening with Tara Westover: The 2021 Carlsbad Reads Together main event was held on Thursday April 8. Librarian Madelyn Horton coordinated with Training Coordinator Emily Bruce and Lead Librarian Darin Williamson to ensure a seamless Zoom interview of Educated author Tara Westover with moderator Dean Nelson. Generously sponsored by the Friends of the Carlsbad Library, this virtual event reached 591 people in total, with 357 attending the live event and 234 viewing the archived video. o “Fascinating memoir about family, lifestyle, education, culture and choice. Dean Nelson was also a great choice to interview Tara.” o “It's a great example of a memoir that leaves you appalled by her experiences yet wanting more. Tara Westover was very open and honest, and the interviewer was excellent." o “Excellent presentation! Thoughtful questions and engaging dialogue between Dean Nelson and Tara.” •Book discussion: Librarian Heidi Wyner facilitated the virtual meeting of Educated by Tara Westover on April 5, as part of a month-long series of events. Fifteen people attended the discussion of the biography, which centered on Tara’s difficult journey from working in her father’s junkyard as a child to an educated, accomplished young woman. All other book clubs read the selected title last year when this selection was first made. When this selection was first made for 2020, due to COVID-19, Educated was pushed to 2021 for Carlsbad Reads Together. •Carlsbad Reads Together- For kids: On April 14, Interim Senior Librarian Ally Goodwin led a lively discussion about education and learning for the CRT kids program. The book, “Nothing Stopped Sophie: the story of unshakable mathematician Sophie Germain” by Cheryl Bardoe. A couple of patrons shared the math of shapes and building with Legos. •Teen Book discussion: On April 20, Teen Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden led eight teens in a discussion of The Reader by Traci Chee. Two teens said they especially enjoyed the book, and one even stated that they would go on to finish the series (The Reader is the first book in the Sea of Ink & Gold Trilogy). •Who do you think WE are? On April 22, Senior Librarian Sarah Dana presented, Who do you think WE are? The program highlighted the genealogy collection and programs available through the Library for telling ancestors’ stories and creating a family history narrative. Forty-five patrons attended the program. Page 7 of 24 - o “I would love to have more programs on genealogy. I really enjoyed Who Do You Think WE Are. Sarah Dana was an accomplished speaker and explained in understandable detail about how to begin and research your family tree. I enjoyed her enthusiasm and her sense of humor. I was very impressed by her.” •Human Library: On April 24, Training Coordinator Emily Bruce, Teen Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden and Librarian Heidi Wyner led a virtual Human Library event. Our Living Books (people with a particular life experience or story to tell) were available for community members to “check out” for a one-on-one conversation to hear about their diverse experiences and ask questions in a safe space. Nine Living Books participated representing topics such as LGBTQ+ allyship, suicide, stuttering, and racial/ethnic identity. Thirteen community members participated in 21 conversations with Living Books. o “Every ‘book’ I talked to today left an impression on me. Sometimes I didn’t know what I was going to ask going in, but it always ended up being an interesting and inspiring conversation. The whole experience reminded me about how much we can learn from each other, even in a short time.” •Write-Your-Own Memoir Kit: In the month of April, 64 teens registered to receive a Write-Your-Own Memoir Kit via curbside service. Teen Librarian Ashleigh Hvinden assembled the kits and coordinated the distribution through curbside service at all three Library locations •Make Your Own Herbal Scrub – Bilingual Craft for Adults: Through the entire month of April, adult community members signed-up to receive a free craft kit and follow an instructional how-to video to make their own herbal lavender body scrub. 158 people registered in March and April. Page 8 of 24 Día Celebration - On April 29, children in grades K-3 celebrated Día, an annual American Library Association celebration that emphasizes the importance of literacy for children of all linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Library Technician Jennifer Benson read Pat Mora’s Book Fiesta: Celebrate Children’s Day/Book Day in English and Circulation Supervisor Maricela St Jean read it in Spanish. They sang songs and made a mini piñata from craft kits they picked up from the library. 14 children attended the virtual program. Tween Scene - On April 12, 19 and 26, Library Technician Brandon Tiongison celebrated National Poetry Month with 13 tweens who wrote their own poems. Library Technician Elizabeth Jacobs created an original Jeopardy board with questions and answers about favorite children’s books, and Librarian Missy Shaw introduced the importance of saving family memories in honor of the American Library Association’s Preservation Week. o One of our favorite poems came from a tween who calls himself Jack the Dragon “Dark as the moon/Drip Drip it’s raining/I’ll be home soon/Hopefully the Sewers are draining.” Projects: The Cannon Art Gallery’s newest exhibition, Material Pulses: Seven Viewpoints, opened April 7 and is focused on the art of quilt-making with 17 works by seven fiber artists. This is the only California venue to host this national traveling exhibition. The gallery is currently open with limited occupancy Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the exhibit runs through May 20 With the opening of the Material Pulses exhibit, the Cannon Art Gallery launched a queue management software called QLess. Gallery guests may now save their place in line through the app, eliminating wait times and allowing for the social distancing still required due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Guests are encouraged to book an online reservation. Onsite staff will register walk-in guests based on availability. Beginning April 5, patrons are now able to browse the shelves inside the library and use the self-serve checkout equipment to borrow their items. Occupancy is limited. Page 9 of 24 The new Community Arts Grants cycle for FY22 opened April 12 and runs through June 7. Arts organizations and schools can apply to bring new arts experiences to Carlsbad in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic circumstances. This year features a new application platform allowing a more user-friendly and streamlined applicant experience. Department Accomplishments: Literacy Services’ staff contacted all the tutors and learners enrolled in the program as part of their annual check-in process. Participants were also informed about the library’s available services and resources. Library Assistant Sandra Riggins and Interim Principal Librarian Carrie Scott contributed to county and state literacy efforts by participating in the Southern California Library Literacy Network (SCLLN) and the California Library Literacy Services (CLLS) networking meetings, and the San Diego Council on Literacy Affiliate meeting. This work is essential for robust literacy services in California. In addition, Carrie Scott is contributing to the CLLS curriculum development project with an emphasis on skills for work, and to the CLLS Strategic Planning Process, focusing on core competencies for literacy coordinators. Staff Accomplishments: Supervisors Academy: Through the City of Carlsbad, the Centre for Organization Effectiveness offered a Spring Supervisors Academy to city staff. Librarians Joe Burch and Ashleigh Hvinden were selected to attend and graduated on April 13. The academy consists of ten weeks of half- day classes focusing on aspects of management and supervising, such as: forming effective teams, communication, coaching, conflict management and navigating change. o Joe Burch commented that this Academy did an excellent job of providing a framework to logically analyze complex situations and she looks forward to using these tools to improve her projects and professional relationships. o At the graduation ceremony, Ashleigh Hvinden shared that one of her goals is to create visible online agendas for the Teen Advisory Board. Library Assistant Angelica Mejia completed her graduate program this month for her MLIS, Masters of Management in Library and Information Science from the University of Southern California. Library Technician Jennifer Quiroz-Avila in Bilingual Services accepted a full-time position at the San Dieguito Union High School District. Jennifer Quiroz-Avila will be able to work for the library as a substitute on Saturdays. Page 10 of 24 Highlights: Serra Cooperative Library System: Senior Librarian Erin Peak served as the Serra committee co- chair and helped organize and present the event Collaborate for Community, the 2nd annual Serra Adult Services Professional Development Day, held via Zoom on April 22. Library Assistant Susan Burke presented a video highlighting our Homebound Program during COVID-19 and Lead Librarian Darin Williamson presented a video on our popular seed giveaway program at curbside. Susan Burke and Darin Williamson both assisted with the interactive portion of the program, fielding questions from attendees. Other: An art project for the Carlsbad City Library Children’s area large wall, using recycled materials is complete. Library Assistant Angelica Mejia with Library Technicians, Jana Bulger and Linda Arce have been busy cleaning, painting and cutting “plants” from plastic bottles donated by Carlsbad City Library staff. eResources: RBdigital announced that Acorn TV will no longer be available starting May 14, and that Great Courses videos will be moving to the Overdrive platform on May 18. Lynda.com will be retired on May 21. Page 11 of 24 New Library Accounts Carlsbad Reads Together 2021 8 Programs 908 Program Virtual Attendance CARLSBAD CITY LIBRARY 451 in April ’21 6,028 April ’20 to April ‘21 Circulation Services Service April June ’20 to April ‘21 Holds Placed 19,310 260,159 Items Checked Out 24,997 226,566 Items Returned 29,501 254,743 12,688 22,065 20,583 21,892 21,546 18,576 19,964 21,300 19,840 23,11524,99719,402 23,830 19,381 23,708 21,932 21,770 25,082 20,674 19,317 30,146 29,501 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 Items Checked Out vs. Items Returned Items Checked Out Items Returned April 2021 Library Website Library@Home 308 Visits in April Biblioteca en Casa Digital services Adult eBookrecommendations Children’s eBook recommendations Youth & familyresources 42,230 Webpage Views in April Virtual Programs •Storytimes •Author Talks •Book Clubs •School Outreach •Workshops 38 Programs Presented in April eBooks/eAudiobooks •202 New Users • 15,474 Downloads • 464 Added titles & extra copies in April In-Person Services Limited Occupancy 345 Computer Sessions 321 Account Services Transactions 1,752 Patrons Served in April ITEM #5 Educated Book Discussion Human Library Teen Events Evening with Author Tara Westover Youth & Family Events Virtual Author Talk Page 12 of 24 ~----<--7:;=-i:c::::::::::-.....--....._ r=--~v-------.; ti!. ·n 1111\s ~ ------- G