HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-07-01; Housing Element and Program 1.1 Update: Provide Adequate sites to Accomodate the RHNA (Districts - All); Barberio, GaryTo the members of the:
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July 1, 2021
Council Memorandum
To: Honorable Mayor Hall and bers of the City Council
From: Gary Barberio, Deputy City
Jeff Murphy, Community De
Don Neu, City Planner
Via: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City a r
{city of
Memo ID #2021130
Re: Housing Element and Program 1.1 Update: Provide Adequate Sites to Accommodate the
RHNA (Districts -All)
This memorandum provides an update to the Housing Element and Program 1.1: Provide
Adequate Sites to Accommodate the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA), as well as the
return to City Council with options to implement the program.
On April 6, 2021, the City Council adopted amendments to the Housing Element to cover the
period between 2021 and 2029. The city was assigned an overall RHNA of 3,873 dwelling units.
Through approved projects, existing vacant sites, and assumptions for Accessory Dwelling Units,
the city can accommodate all but 1,724 units {1,397 lower-income and 327 moderate-income). A
program within the Housing Element, Program 1.1, requires that the city rezone enough property
to accommodate the shortfall of units at densities for lower income, at least 26.5 units per acre,
and moderate income, at least 11.5 units per acre, within three years (by April 2024).
Program 1.1 was included in the adopted amendments to the Housing Element, submitted to the
California Department of Housing and Community Development (Department), who is currently
reviewing the Housing Element for compliance with California Housing Laws. The Housing
Element was submitted on April 14, 2020, and the Department has 90 days (by July 13, 2021) to
review and respond to the city. Additionally, since other provisions in California Law require that
the entire number of units be maintained until 2029, the Department recommends an additional
15% to 30% of the total RHNA units be provided as a buffer.
At the April 7, 2021, City Council Public Hearing, the City Council took two actions that impact
implementation of Program 1.1. First, the City Council directed one moderate-income property
(Ponto property) that accommodated 120 units be removed from the inventory. Second, the City
Council directed that the six Site 13 properties listed as potential residential (a combination of
295 lower-income and 32 moderate-income units) be designated as a low priority site and for
staff to look for a suitable alternative site within the same quadrant, if needed.
Community Services Branch
Community Development Department
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-4600 t
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Ron Kemp, Assistant City Attorney
Eric Lardy, Principal Planner
Scott Donnell, Senior Planner
Council Memo - Housing Element and Program 1.1 Update (Districts -All)
July 1, 2021
Page 2
Next Steps
To implement City Council's direction, and prior to obtaining additional public outreach on
Program 1.1, staff will return to the City Council in August 2021 and present two mapping
options showing ways how to accommodate the required units. The City Council will be
requested to review these options, the public outreach plan, and provide any additional direction
prior to the public outreach that will be conducted in the subsequent two months. It is
anticipated that these two options will not include either the Ponto properties or Site 13. Staff
anticipates providing additional options for City Council's consideration, including to either
reduce the available buffer or add a few alternate sites.
Following the public outreach, staff will return to the City Council in Winter 2021/2022
requesting the City Council to endorse options prior to the preparation of a draft Environmental
Impact Report and further processing of any rezone program.
Staff will also report on any findings from the Department and if any changes from that response
impact the ability to implement this or any other program. The adopted Housing Element and
any project updates will continue to be posted on the city website at: