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151 SEQUOIA AVE; ; CB880084; Permit
.,, z 0 ;:: C a: C .,; u w Q a: I[ 0 u a: Ill Q .,; 5 ' Ill z • 0 z 0 ;:: C .,, z w ... ~ 0 u .,, ir w >C a: 0 3 tl O I hereby affirm that I am licensed under pro,,lelon• of Ch1pter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Profeaalone Code, and my license IS in full force ond effect. I hereby affirm 1tia1 I am exempt from tne Contrac· roc·s License Law !or tl'le IOllowmg reason (Sec 7031 5 8usmess alld ProtesSM)nS COde Any city Of county whict. re· quues a perm,1 10 construe! alter tmprM demot1sn er repair apy _s1ructure prt0r to 11s issuance also requires ihe ao· pheani for such permit lo hie a S1flned slatemenl that he ,s licensed pursuant to !he prn't1s•ons... ol !he t;omratlOf s llu:nse Law (Chapter 9 commencing w,th Section 7000 ot Dtv•saon 3 ol lhe Business and Protess10ns COdeJ or !hat i-s ex- emp1 lherefrom and the basis 101 the allegea exempllOJl Any v.otat10n o1 Secl10n 7031 5 by an applanl tor a perm11 sub· 1ec1s lhe apphcant lo a civll penally of not more lhan five huri· dred dollars ($500) ,. as owner ot rne property. Of my employees wllh wages as their sore compensau.on. win do Ille work and 1ne strut· ture ,snot intended or ottered tor sale tSec 7044 Business and Prolesstor1!i. Cooe The Contraciors llcense Law does not apply to an owner ol property wtto builds or unproves lhereoo and whO does such WOt'k tumsell or lhrough hrs own emotoyees. provided that such 1mprovemen1s ate not ,ntend- e<I or ottered lor sale It. however rhe building or Improve- men11s sold w1Ihm one year ol completion, the owner-buIMjer will have the burden ol proving th.at he did not build or Im-p<ove tor the purpose of sale1 I, as owner ol !he property am exclus,vely contractwg w1Ih hcenSt<I conuactors to construc1 me pro,ecI (Sec 7044. Business and Profess10ns Cooe The Contractor's License Law does not apply 10 an owner ol prOf)erty who bu1kls or ,m proves thereon, and whO contiacts tor each pro,ecls :,.,1th a con1ractor(s} rttense pursuant 10 lhe Con1ractor's License Law) 1 l As a homeowner I am ,mprovtng my home. anct the follow ing cond1hons exist 1 The work is being pertOfmed prtOf to sale 2 I have hved in my home lor twelve months prlCH' to completion ol this work 3 I have no1 clatmed this exemp11on during ll'le 1as1 tnree years □ I am exempt under Sec ______ • 8 & P C for 1h1s reason ____________ _ ::J I hereby athrm that I ha11e a cert1licate or consent to sell•1nsu1e. or a certificate of Workers Compensa11on In• surance. o, a certified copy thereof lSec 3800. labor Code) POLICY NO COMPANY Copy 1s Med with tne city 0 Certll1ed copy is hereby furnished CERTIFICATE OF E.XEMPTION FROM WORKERS. COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed 11 the permI1 Is for one hundred dollars (S 100) Of less) 0 I certify lhat in the performance ot me work tor whleh 1h1s permit is issued. I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subJec:t to the W0<kers' Compen- sation Laws ot Calitorn,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT It, afler making !his Certificate of Exemption. you should become subject 10 the Workers· COmpensa11on provisions of the LiibOr Code. you must lor1hw1th compty with such provi&1ons or this permit shall be deemed revoked. 0 I hereby afhrm that !here ls a construction tend,ng agency fOf the performance of !he work for wh,ch lh1s per• mil Is issued fSec. 3097. c,vll Code) Lenders Name ____________ _ Lender·s Address USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD .. APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. -· CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-1915 (619) 438-1161 ;QB ADOAESS AV ST. AO THOMAS BROS NO. ,~A.: o~~~Se:NI BUSINESS LICENSE d ~ATION PERMIT NUMBEA 15 Sr-:-nvc), ;'\ A-... ,o ~cote( LOT BLOCK \ I sueo,vrs10N I ASSESS~ :RCEL NO CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS PHONE• ZONE 'C) 6-0/3-0S-CJ()__A-,>-e_f!__. OWNERS NAME h L;:;A;:~~ , 1 o-\'-f <2 rs (J "'-C. ~Q..Q'f"J CONTAACTQA·S AOOAESS STATE LICENSE NO BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE QVIINE A·s MA L NG ADDRESS I, s--, S Pf\\.) f\ P• A\Je OESrGNEA OESIGNEA'S PHONE . . DESCJT'ON OF wo lH< ..f': \ l;'f. ;,.:t I"\_ \ b "'-,.,_C O \ .J ••· h , ,,._ ...._,... ' -, \, \ C 5 \ VI DESIGNER'S ADDRESS STATE LICENSE NO l ':> (>).. l~-+l'VI.-~~\-'a <S..-'l. --{:'".,. LOU'-' _1._ .. A,,. ,,./ i ~ \) I F p FLA ELEV NO ace GP EDU 0002 01/20_ 0101 O2BldPmt 51.o ri f-l ~, I e "\-C' £\,.._" , Q.. ...-~~-, \ :-\. STORIES QJ vO NO CENSUS TRACT I PARK rNG SPACE AES UNITS I GRAOING PERMIT ISSUED I REDEVELOPMENT TYPE ace LOAD FIRE SPR AREA CONST y D ND ,o .... o vO NO Not Valid Unkn Machine C~rttfi«J QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT . ISSUE -;fl QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE /~~ SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER 5 EACH FIXTURE TRAP , .,._ _,:;c) INSTALL FURN DUCTS i.JP TD 100 000 BTU tlUILUING ~tHMIT 001·810·00·00-HUU EACH BUILDING SEWER OVER 100,000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 001 ·810·00·00·8221 EACH WATER HEATER ANO OR vrn1 BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TD 3 HP PLAN CHECK 001·810·00·00·8891 , EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS = .<cJ BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3 15 HP TOTAL PLUMBING 001·810·00·00·8222 _,,,_~, :;io EACH GAS SYSlEM 5 OR MORE METAL FIREPLACE ELECTRICAL 001-810·00·00·8223 --=-~- EACH INST AL . ALT ER. REPA IR WAT ER PIPE ~ VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT q .(JD MECHANICAL 001·810·00·00·8224 ~I ~ -=·"' EACH VACUUM BREAKER ME CH EXHAUST HOOD DUCTS . MOBILEHOME 001·810·00·00·8225 WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE HEATER <LSo SOLAR 001·810·00·00·8226 .. EACH ROOF DRAIN ( INSIDE I I DRYER VENT ,. --S1RONG MOTION 880·519·92·33 ~ ._,...., TOH,L MECHANICAL ~r-~ FIRE SPRINKLERS 001 ·810·00·00·8227 I d),.50 , TO 1 AL PLUMBING ..,,..-_,-,n .... _---...... . -~..., PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320·810·00·00·8740 ~'\O" • BRIDGE FEE 360·810·00·00·87 40 QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT • ISSUE ,{~ QTY. MO CE HOME S ETUPq~~ PARK-IN·LIEU (AREA ,. j ' l -NEW CONST EA AMP SWI BKR CAR PORT /~ •ft"n it ... \ TIF 312·810·00·00-8835 1 PH 3 PH AWNING .. -,\l'.\.\'i J.VVY 0 LA COSTA TIF 311·810·00·00·8835 .... ~, EXIS T BLDG EA AMP SWT BKR GARAGE ,., ... t"' . ·ft, ,:,;F, ~ FMF 1 PH 3 PH 'c-~!,!: ,:, r ._RLSIS!'·u ~""' LICENSE TAX 001 ·810·00·00·8162 REMODEL AL HR PER CIRCUIT \~ V C' '\lSJ.-\1, .,.. ,.'~/ MFF 880·519·92·57 TEMP POL E 700 AMPS \.<t;> c.":'1/ OVER 200 AMPS -....:::::<o-_. /1/ TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYSI ..JVC,v_:.,,,-- CREDIT DEPOSIT f/ rr-rJ I TOTAL ELELTRllAL I. TOTAi TOTAL FEES PAYABLE l ~ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND PERMIT AND DO HEREBY Exp.ration Every permit issued by trie Building Off1c1al under the prov1s1ons of ttHS * AN OSHA PERM:T IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by hm,tauon and become null and void It the building o, work 5· O" DEEP ANO OEMOllTION Ofl CONSTRUCTION OF DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY ANO AGREE IF A PERMIT I'> authorized by such permit ,snot commenced w1thm 180 days from the date 0t such STRUCT\JAES OVER l ST~IES IN HEIGHT permit. or 11 the bu1td1nft or work authorized by such per";~ suspended or ISSUED TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY COUNlY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON abandOned 11 any hme I ter the work Is commenced tor a oeo of 180 davs STRUCTION WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND AP I ANT I ~ CONTRACTOR 0 APPROVED BY DATE KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND C J} t s s GNATUAE ~ OWNER EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE ,,_ 1 ,,... C ).._\~ BY PHONE [J ~~ I l/4k/~R-GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT ,.,r f\ IT ~---- Ql u. >-;;; 0 Cl. E Ql I- -0 0 c., C Ol -~ Cl. Cl. <! I .:,C. C a:: 0 (/') (/') Ql (/') (/') <! I ~ 0 di >- Ql u C Ol C u. ::::. C Ql ~ 0 0 u Ql Cl. (/') C ~ C ~ I TYPE ! DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING . ' FOUNDATION I I ~sWOSs4 FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL I MASONRY I I REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES GUNITE OR GROUT I I SUB FRAME D FLOOR D CEILING SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR - INSPECTION REO IF INSPECTORS DATE CHECKED APPROVAL " SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FRAME I I EXTERIOR LATH I FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI INSULATION I INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I PRESTRESSED --J, CONCRETE POST TENSIONED I CONCRETE _1 - PLUMBING : D SEWER AND BUCO CJ P)-/CO UNDERGROUND D WASTE □iWATER 12 .i ',ff /7 TOP OUT D WASTE D WATER ,_ ·' ; •ff J /, FIELD WELO[~G : -HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS -. SPECIAL MASONRY TUB AND SHOWER PAN I l \t '-- 12·7'ff1 'I -GAS TEST I D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WA TEA PILES CAISSONS I ' -~ --•A .. ELECTRICAL I ~ D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND q UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC I D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMP©RARY D BONDING □ POOL ' I -~ . .,. 1 ! .. .. MECHANICAL I □ DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING ,= HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I ·•r'o-" ... _ 1_.J '"'~..::; iv~~-', ·~ ..:..,-! c.. VENTILATING SYSTEMS I I -I CALL FOR FINAL INSPEC7IION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HA ~E BEEN APPROVED -----... FINAL ' I PLUMBING I I ti\. ELECTRICAL I l\. -•· MECHANICAL -I GAS I c~· "~-BUILDING I I - C""'-... '-... ' SPECIAL CONDITIONS I -''\. -. I . '\ ~ I - ~ l \~ \V\1.<.:i e)(1':)11v--e- d v-~ii/'\ hot e.c.o\d J wo"t.~v-, & ~as ~v ... d.rll(._)I,\ \.>Ja\\? ~ q'. L\" ,. .l\c:!c\~,l>"' o~ lovV"'IJv/ 1 lo 1 \~"t° g, S\r\ow t!., f:"" o.c , L-l. 1 ~ S \V\ E>< cs h 1/\~ G-ol'"~~e ~--t \$"\ SQ~\JO\o A'-Je, C. or\\ p~ j c~l \fO~V\,o I /51 f"@,Jv&/'44// Ow"'e.~~ Je:tfe.xso"' C. \-\e.~"d 1 '2. ~ -32..D<} APPROVE» 3 11 S.t~nJ~""J COEX 2-1/{' " " '2, II y;_· ¾" l·i /1/1/Z/•~ s ~ f x"t~c) Wo-'\:'!V'~ Ga~ t.b r°\)<"t-..1t"e~ X ~ Loc.obo"' _'Fu., G-os .b"t"J~I" ~ S'bd::,o"'o""'/ Tub J)\'"¢\"° ~ V ~ "'~ .,....s"' w.,.,;. \--e r ..bv-o,"' · BY DCL.. , ' I ...