HomeMy WebLinkAboutResponse to Third Party Geotechnical Review (SECOND) Proposed Eco-Friendly Auto Spa'
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Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc.
Inspection I Testing I Geotechnical I Environmental & Construction Engineering I Civil Engineering I Surveying
August 23, 2019
Toyota Carlsbad
Attention: Ms. Peggy Keleher
5424 Paseo Del Norte
Carlsbad, California 92008
Telephone: (858) 679-1185
RECORD C Oltl'ProjtktNo. 10-13214T
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Initia I Date
Via Email: pkelcher@toyotacarlsbad.com
Subject: Response to Third-Party Geotechnical Review (Second)
Proposed Eco-Friendly Auto Spa
6010 A venida Encinas
Carlsbad, California
Project No: 8838.1, Log No. 20536
Dated June 17, 2019
I-Re:fgences: Construction Testing and Engineering, Inc, 2017, Percolation Test Results for
Proposed Biofiltration Basins, Proposed Carlsbad Car Wash, 6010 Avenida
Encinas, Carlsbad, California, Job No. 10-13214T, dated June I.
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Ms. Keleher:
Construction Testing and Engineering, Inc, 2016, Geotechnical Investigation,
Proposed Carlsbad Toyota Car Wash, 6010 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad,
California, Job No. 10-13214T, dated September 16.
Construction Testing and Engineering, Inc, 2019, Grading Plans For: Eco-
Friendly Auto Spa, 6 Sheets, 6010 A venida Encinas, Carlsbad CA, 92011,
GR2019-001 l, Project No. CPD2017-0049, CUP2017-0009, Drawing No. 517-
Presented herein is our response to the City of Carlsbad's review of the Geotechnical
Investigation report dated September 16, 2016.
Issue No. 1: Due to the age of the "Geotechnical Investigation ... " (Reference 1), the consultant
should provide an update geotechnical report addressing the plans and providing update grading
and foundation recommendations consistent with the 2016 California Building Code.
Response to Issue No. 1: CTE has reviewed the referenced geotechnical report and available
project plans for the site and has evaluated site conditions reported therein. Based on review of
the report and condition of the site, the information provided remains applicable and is
considered to be consistent with recommendations of the 2016 California Building Code.
Issue No. 2: The Consultant should review the project foundation plans, provide any additional
geotechnical analysis/recommendations considered necessary, and confirm that the plans have
1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115 I Escondido, CA 92026 I Ph (760) 746-4955 I Fax (760) 746-9806 I www.cte-inc.net
Response to Third-Party Geotechnical Review Comments
Proposed Eco-Friendly Auto Spa
6010 Avenida Encinas, California
August 23, 2019
been prepared in accordance with the geotechnical recommendations.
CTE Job No.: 10-13214T
Response to Issue No. 2: CTE has not yet been provided with project foundation plans for
review. The structural plans will be reviewed when they become available.
Issue No. 3: The consultant should provide an update geotechnical map utilizing the current
grading plan for the project to clearly show (at a minimum) a) existing site topography, b)
proposed structures/improvements, c) proposed finished grades, d) geologic conditions, e)
locations of the subsurface exploration, t) temporary construction slopes, g) remedial grading,
Response to Issue No. 3: The Geologic/Exploration Location Map (Figure 2) is attached.
Issue No. 4: The Consultant should describe suitable/competent material for support of
compacted fill.
Response to Issue No. 4: Suitable/competent material is to consist of either medium dense to
dense native Old Paralic Deposits or existing fill, devoid of deleterious material, that meets
minimum compaction requirements as specified in the referenced geotechnical report.
Suitability of exposed soil conditions is to be evaluated by the geotechnical representative during
grading and construction.
Issue No. 5: Foundation and slab design criteria for expansive soils should be consistent with
Section 1808.6 of the 2016 California Building Code. The Consultant should confirm that the
foundation and slab recommendations are consistent with Section 1808.6 or update the
foundation and slab recommendations, as necessary.
Response to Issue No. 5: The foundation and slab recommendations presented in the ·referenced
report are consistent with Section 1808.6 of the 2016 California Building Code.
Issue No. 6: The Consultant should address impacts to adjacent property and improvements as a
result of site grading and construction.
Response to Issue No. 6: For overexcavations that encroach upon property lines or adjacent
structures, the temporary construction excavation should be sloped at a 1: 1 (horizontal to
vertical) or flatter gradient down to the prescribed overexcavation depth. Depending upon
proximity and observation of actual exposed conditions, overexcavation in slots may be
recommended by the geotechnical engineer during grading. If the recommendations provided
herein and in the referenced geotechnical report are implemented during grading, it is not
anticipated that adjacent properties will be impacted by the proposed construction activities.
Issue No. 7: The Consultant should provide a list of recommended geotechnical
testing/observations during grading and construction.
Response to Issue No. 7: CTE recommends that the geotechnical representative observe the
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Response to Third-Party Geotechnical Review Comments
Proposed Eco-Friendly Auto Spa
6010 A venida Encinas, California
Page 3
August 23, 2019 CTE Job No.: 10-13214T
exposed ground surface at the overexcavation bottoms to evaluate the exposed conditions and
determine suitability. It is also recommended that CTE test and observe all fill placement
performed during grading for building pad areas in addition to utility trench and retaining wall
backfill, aggregate base material, and asphalt pavements, in order to confirm proper moisture
conditioning, placement methods, and relative compaction.
We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Should you have questions, please
contact the undersigned at your convenience.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan T. Math, GE# 2665
Principal Engineer
Aaron J. Beeby, CEG #2603
Certified Engineering Geologist
Figure 2, Geologic/Exploration Location Map
Third-Party Geotechnical Review Comments (Second)
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/ ~ • 1441 Montiel Rd Ste 115, Escondido, CA 92026 Ph (760) 746-4955 11010 AVINIDA INCINJS