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Board of Directors Special Meeting Action Agenda
March 4, 2021, 2 p.m.
Virtual Meeting
Per State of California Executive Order N-29-20, and in interest of public health and safety, we
are temporarily taking actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by
holding Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Authority meetings electronically or by
teleconferencing. All public meetings will comply with public noticing requirements in the Brown
Act and will be made accessible electronically to all members of the public seeking to observe
and address the Clean Energy Alliance Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors.
Members of the public can watch the meeting live by clicking the Live Stream Link at:
You can participate in the meeting by e-mailing your comments to the Secretary at
secretary@thecleanenergyalliance.org 1 hour prior to commencement of the meeting. If you
desire to have your comment read into the record at the meeting, please indicate so in the first
line of your e-mail and limit your e-mail to 500 words or less. These procedures shall remain in
place during the period in which state or local health officials have imposed or recommended
social distancing measures.
CALL TO ORDER: 2:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Member Druker, Vice Chair Bhat-Patel, Chair Becker
FLAG SALUTE: Chair Becker led the flag salute.
New Business
Item 1: Adopt Resolution Establishing Initial Clean Energy Alliance Rates and Power Supply
City of Carlsbad I City of Del Mar I City of Solana Beach
1)Adopt Resolution 2021-007 Establishing Clean Energy Alliance Rates and Power
Supply Options.
2)Direct staff to develop a Renewable Energy Self-Generation Bill Credit Transfer
Program and Return to Board for Approval March 25, 2021.
3)Approve enrollment phasing of Net Energy Metering (NEM) customers in Carlsbad
and Del Mar.
Interim CEO Barbara Boswell presented the item detailing the program offerings and
stated that the third recommendation for approval of enrollment phasing of Net Energy
Metering customers in Carlsbad and Del Mar is withdrawn at this time due to the recent
finding that NEM customers enrolling beginning in July 2021 would be in the 2021 PCIA
vintage, and the need for further impact analysis related to the 2021 vintage. In her
presentation Ms. Boswell stated staff was not recommending the Local Impact program
due to the results of the analysis showing the small amount of savings that could be
offered to eligible customers.
Chair Becker inquired regarding the expense to Solana Beach customers for the year.
Ms. Boswell clarified that when SDG&E calculated PCIA charges for 2021, the rate for
vintages 2019 going back had two components included which are 1) rate to collect the
difference in liquidation of contracts for the current year and 2) an additional fee added
for SDG&E undercollection incurred in 2020, related to collection of PCIA and liquidation
of those contracts. The supplemental charge in exit fees for vintage 2019 and back is not
part of the 2020 vintage.
Member Druker inquired regarding the differential of the 39% renewable provided by
SDG&E and the 50% renewable/75% Carbon Free and the Local Impact (if offered) by
CEA. Ms. Boswell clarified the savings this year on each CEA offering compared to
Ms. Boswell commented regarding the NEM Net Surplus Compensation proposal.
ACTION: Motion by Chair Becker, second by Member Druker, to direct staff to develop a Renewable
Energy Self-Generation Bill Credit Transfer Program and Return to Board for Approval March 25, 2021.
Motion carried unanimously, VD.
Ms. Boswell introduced and recognized John Dalessi of Pacific Energy Advisors for
providing the technical expertise in rate development.
The Board commented and directed staff to remove recommendation No. 3) Approve
enrollment phasing of Net Energy Metering (NEM) customers in Carlsbad and Del Mar
and return with further analysis.
Clean Energy Alliance Special Board Meeting Action Agenda 2
March 4, 2021
allow _
Board comments included revisiting the Local Impact Program at a future date;
exuberance at the launch offerings CEA is able to provide; PCIA rate impact; providing
outreach to business communities and minimizing opt out rates; Solana Beach SEA
experience of 100% Carbon Free in 2019 and acceleration of Climate Action Plan
achievements; consideration of CEA absorption of cost of offering extra clean product
at launch and concern of having to use those reserve funds for necessary energy
purchase if summer weather is extreme as 2020 summer; and potential different launch
offerings of each city.
ACTION: Motion by Member Druker, second by Vice Chair Bhat-Patel, I, to adopt Resolution 2021-007
establishing initial CEA rates and power supply product offerings. Motion carried unanimously, 3/0.
ADJOURN: 2:56 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: March 25, 2021, hosted by City of Carlsbad (Virtual Meeting)
Reasonable Accommodations
Persons with a disability may request an agenda packet in appropriate alternative formats as require by
the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Reasonable accommodations and auxiliary aids will be
provided to effectively allow participation in the meeting. Please contact the Carlsbad City Clerk's Office
at 760-434-2808 (voice), 711 (free relay service for TTY users), 760-720-9461 (fax) or
clerk@carlsbadca.gov by noon on the Monday before the Board meeting to make arrangements.
Written Comments
To submit written comments to the Board, please contact the Clean Energy Alliance Board Clerk at
secretary@thecleanenerRyalliance.org. Written materials related to the agenda that are received by
5:00 p.m. on the day before the meeting will be distributed to the Board in advance of the meeting and
posted on the Authority webpage. To review these materials during the meeting, please contact the
Board Secretary.
Clean Energy Alliance Special Board Meeting Action Agenda 3
March 4, 2021