HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-07-20; City Council; ; Village & Barrio Master Plan Amendment Discussion Meeting Date: July 20, 2021 To: Mayor and City Council From: Scott Chadwick, City Manager Staff Contact: Shelley Glennon, Associate Planner shelley.glennon@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-4606 Subject: Village & Barrio Master Plan Amendment Discussion District: 1 Recommended Action Receive a presentation on options to address potential policy changes raised by the public during the adoption of the 2019 comprehensive update to the Village & Barrio Master Plan and provide direction to staff as appropriate. Executive Summary The City Council approved a comprehensive update to the Village & Barrio Master Plan on Dec. 10, 2019. Following that action, the council passed a minute motion, directing staff to place certain master plan amendment items on a future Planning Commission agenda s to give the public an opportunity to provide feedback and subsequently return to the City Council for the council’s possible direction. Staff followed that direction and facilitated a community discussion at the Nov. 4, 2020, Planning Commission meeting to obtain broad public input on the following topic areas: • The permitted uses vital to a live, work and play community • Parking in-lieu fees to be directed to a specific area for parking and the potential for public-private partnerships for a specifically zoned parking structure • Traffic impact analysis and mitigation fees specific to the master plan area and roadway conditions outside of the Coastal Zone • A general conversation regarding all potential amendments to the Master Plan for the City Council to consider This report details the potential policy changes to the Village & Barrio Master Plan raised by members of the public and the Planning Commission during this discussion and presents the council with a range of possible actions on the options that appear to offer the greatest benefits for the Village & Barrio communities and their residents. Staff requests the City Council evaluate the input from the public, Planning Commission, and staff and, if appropriate, provide direction on amendment options discussed in this report. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 1 of 83 Discussion Background The Village and Barrio make up the historic center of Carlsbad. The Village & Barrio Master Plan established the vision for the ideal future character and development of the two areas and set forth the strategy for achieving that vision. The City Council adopted a comprehensive update to the Village and Barrio Master Plan on July 10, 2018, updating the standards that guide development in the Village and Barrio area (Exhibit 5). Because a portion of the master plan area is located within the Coastal Zone and the city’s Local Coastal Program, which invokes certain state requirements, the update was subsequently submitted to the California Coastal Commission for its review and approval. On Oct. 16, 2019, the Coastal Commission approved the master plan with modifications, which were brought back to the City Council on Aug. 20, 2019 for its consideration. At that hearing, the City Council accepted the Coastal Commission’s revisions and approved the updated plan. The City Council also passed a minute motion directing staff to return to the City Council with a workplan with timelines that addressed a series of policy topics that had been raised by the public and the City Council. (Exhibit 7) Staff presented the workplan to the City Council on Dec. 10, 2019. At that meeting, the City Council passed a minute motion directing staff to place workplan items 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8) on a future Planning Commission agenda to give the public an opportunity to provide feedback and to subsequently return to the City Council (Exhibit 9). The workplan items are: Item 2: Permitted uses vital to a live, work, play community Item 3: Parking-in-lieu fees to be directed to a specific area for parking and the potential for public/private partnerships for a specific zoned parking structure Item 4: Traffic impact analysis and mitigation fees specific to the Village and Barrio Master Plan area and roadway conditions outside of the Coastal Zone Item 6: Solutions/options to avoid housing-in-lieu payments in the Village & Barrio area1 Item 7: Village and Barrio specific inclusionary policy2 Item 8: Allow for a general conversation regarding additional plan changes Items 6 and 7 are still being evaluated by a technical consultant; staff will return to the council with a presentation on those topics as soon as the information is available. Planning Commission Workshop results Staff facilitated a community discussion of these specific workplan items at the Nov. 4, 2020, Planning Commission meeting. To notify the community of the discussion, staff posted the hearing information on the Village & Barrio Master Plan page on the city’s website, sent 126 notices to community members on the master plan mailing list and sent out a mass email to the 1,756 contacts on the master plan 1 This item is being addressed through a separate project. Please refer to Exhibit 10 and 11 for more information. 2 Inclusionary housing policies are intended to create affordable housing for lower-income families. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 2 of 83 email list, with 44% of these contacts opening the email, well above the industry standard of 20- 25% In the interest of public health during the COVID-19 pandemic, the hearing was held virtually, and in keeping with to virtual meeting protocols, the community was able to participate by emailing comments to the Planning Commission before the discussion began. At the hearing, staff received several written comments and one video from 13 community members. Five community members requested their letters be read into the record and one community group also requested its video be played at the hearing (Exhibits 12 through 16). For each of the workplan items that were considered by the Planning Commission, this report provides a summary of each proposed amendment, the feedback received at the meeting and options proposed to address the item. Because of the complexity of each item, staff provide additional background and a detailed analysis of the options in Exhibit 2. Item 2: Permitted uses vital to a live, work and play community Eighteen community members at the Aug. 20, 2019, City Council meeting provided letters stating that uses such as a post office, pharmacy, grocery store, hardware store or farmers’ market are “vital” to a live, work and play community, that is, a community that meets all of its residents’ needs (Exhibit 6). Their concern was that these uses are not permitted in the Village commercial districts but should be to better serve the community’s daily needs. There are five districts in the Village area that that allow commercial uses: Village Center, Village General, Hospitality, Freeway Commercial and Pine-Tyler Mixed-Use. (The location of the districts is shown on Exhibit 1.) As shown in the table below the uses identified by the community as vital are, for the most part, already permitted or conditionally permitted uses under the current Village & Barrio Master Plan. Permitted “vital” uses in the commercial districts Village Center Village General Hospitality Freeway Commercial Pine-Tyler Mixed Use Post office Conditional use Conditional use Conditional use Conditional use Conditional use Grocery store Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Hardware store Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Permitted Farmers market Conditional use Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Prohibited Pharmacy Permitted with limits Permitted with limits Permitted with limits Permitted with limits Permitted with limits One community member at the Planning Commission meeting expressed support for the development of vital uses in the area. Considering that such uses are currently allowed or conditionally allowed in the Village districts, the Planning Commission’s discussion focused more July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 3 of 83 on how to create a market demand for such uses and on what uses should and should not be considered vital. One commissioner also suggested implementing smart growth standards to ensure the Village is a live, work and play community. Smart growth is characterized by walkable, bike-friendly neighborhoods that are compact and efficient, near public transit, that provide good community design, housing and transportation choices. Based on the comments received by the community and Planning Commission on this item, staff developed five options for the council’s consideration, which are detailed in Exhibit 2. Item 3: Parking in-lieu fees for a specific public parking area and public-private partnerships for a specific zoned parking structure Community members submitted 18 comment letters during the Aug. 20, 2019, City Council hearing requesting an amendment to the plan that would allow the development of a parking structure in the Village area and fund the structure through use of parking in-lieu fees and/or public and private partnerships. Parking in-lieu fees, collected by the city from developers in lieu of their creating parking spaces for their projects, can help develop and maintain shared public parking, resulting in greater use of the parking and relatively lower costs in comparison to the cost of exclusive on-site private parking for an individual business or building (Exhibit 6). Public- private partnerships encourage shared and leased parking arrangements among multiple users of private or non-city owned lots and also maximize efficient use of existing off-street parking. At the Nov. 4, 2020 Planning Commission meeting, three community members expressed interest in having a parking structure in the Village area to address the perceived lack of available parking, and one community member opposed it. (While there is lack of parking in certain areas, studies have shown there is not an overall lack of parking in the area covered by the plan.) In response to the community’s input, many of the planning commissioners also expressed interest in getting a parking structure built in the Village. Community members also expressed concerns about delivery service vehicles illegally parking on streets, creating a traffic hazard. The Village & Barrio Master Plan does not preclude the construction of a parking structure. However, it does recommend that the Village & Barrio Parking Management Plan adopted in 2017, which includes strategies to reduce parking demand, should be implemented before considering a new parking structure (See Village & Barrio Master Plan, pages 4-64). Additionally, the parking in-lieu fees have not been comprehensively analyzed and are not set at the rate required to fund a parking structure. Though not specifically discussed at the Planning Commission workshop, there is a related matter that may affect parking policy in the Village & Barrio Master Plan area. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the county and state operating restrictions on businesses, some Village business owners received outdoor activation permits from the city that allowed them to temporarily expand operations in their private parking lots or the public right of way, creating curbside and sidewalk cafés). Once the state of emergency is rescinded, these temporary permits expire. Given the success of these outdoor activations, and the likelihood that it will take time for their businesses to financially recover from the pandemic, business owners are expressing interest in making their temporary outdoor activations permanent. These outdoor activations impact on and offsite parking, so the city will need to amend the Village & Barrio July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 4 of 83 Master Plan’s parking standards to continue to allow them after the end of the state of emergency Based on the input provided, and an interest in making temporary outdoor activations a permanent feature in the Village & Barrio Master Plan area, staff developed two options to implement the ideas raised by the community and planning commissioners on this item, which are discussed in Exhibit 2. Item 4: Traffic impact analysis, mitigation & fees and roadway conditions (outside of the Coastal Zone) This City Council initiated this item to address multimodal access3 and pedestrian safety at high traffic areas and areas where road conditions are poor. It addresses traffic areas outside the Coastal Zone to avoid hindering any of the public infrastructure projects being plan in the Coastal Zone. Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.42 - Traffic Impact Fee states all traffic impact fees shall be used to build or finance circulation improvements serving the entire city. Section 18.42 also states that, if approved by City Council resolution, circulation improvements can be funded by traffic impact fees or by available funding sources and reimbursed using future traffic impact fees Two community members at the Planning Commission meeting requested road improvements in the Village and Barrio’s residential neighborhoods to address such traffic issues such as speeding cars and pedestrian safety at intersections. The requests were: o Stop signs at Madison and Roosevelt streets o Red curbs at intersections in the Barrio neighborhood o Traffic circles in both the Village and Barrio neighborhoods o Re-engineering oversized width streets as, “complete streets” or streets designed to enable safe and convenient access for all users and modes of transportation Some planning commissioners stated their interest in allocating traffic impact fees received from projects in the Village and Barrio to only circulation improvement projects in the Village and Barrio neighborhoods, or within the same quadrant. One planning commissioner disagreed and stated the traffic impact fees should remain citywide because there are significant circulation improvement projects needed elsewhere in the city. Other Planning Commissioners suggested the Village & Barrio Master Plan’s Implementation Action Matrix (Chapter 5) should be refined to include a list of prioritized circulation improvement projects and the financing strategy needed to implement them. One planning commissioner also recommended developing an additional southern outlet from the Barrio neighborhood. In response, staff prepared five options, which are also detailed in Exhibit 2. 3 Multimodal access refers to travel by all possible means, including not just vehicles but transit, walking and bicycling and other common means of getting around. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 5 of 83 Item 8: Allow for a general conversation regarding additional components of the Village & Barrio Master Plan During the Planning Commission hearing, community members also offered these other potential amendment topics: o Implementing a comprehensive street tree plan o Implementing the Grand Avenue Promenade o Developing historic preservation regulations o Implementing a lighting improvement plan o Reducing the building heights in the Village from four stories to two-to-three stories o Incorporating public art in the Village o Amending Policy. 2.3.3 "Development Site Spanning Multiple Districts" to only pertain to one property, the Blazer Trailer Park. o Amending the permitted uses in the Village General District (VG) to only allow residential and office uses. The Planning Commission commented on a few of the community topics as listed above. One or more commissioners expressed interest in: o Implementing a street tree program o Implementing the Grand Ave. Promenade o Developing historic preservation policies and regulations o Implementing a lighting improvement plan o Reducing the maximum building height in the Village commercial districts from four stories to two-three stories Staff developed nine options to address the comments on this item. As noted above, the details of these options and staff’s recommendation for each option are provided in Exhibit 2. Exhibits 8, 9, and 12 through 16 provide additional background information on the history of these amendment items and this report, including the Dec. 10, 2019, City Council staff report and minutes (exhibits 8 and 9) that provide staff’s initial tentative work plan and timeline as well as City Council’s direction on all eight amendment items. The Nov. 4, 2020, Planning Commission staff report and minutes (Exhibits 12 and 13) provide information on the amendment items presented by staff and the feedback received from the Planning Commission and community. The written comments received from the community at the Nov. 4, 2020, Planning Commission meeting and staff’s response to these comments are also included (Exhibit 14 and 15). Fiscal Analysis There is no anticipated fiscal impact to receive the report on each of these items. If the City Council directs staff to take actions, staff will return to City Council to request the appropriations and/or contract approvals needed to complete the actions. Depending upon the options directed, amendments are estimated to cost between $10,000 for minor plans or feasibility analysis to $400,000 for a comprehensive update to the VBMP. Total costs for all options range from $10,000 to $400,000 for both planning/feasibility analysis and for implementation projects. These costs are listed in more detail in Exhibit 2. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 6 of 83 Next Steps Upon receipt of City Council direction to move forward with an amendment(s) to the VBMP, staff will return to City Council for confirmation of the amendment scope, work plan, and schedule. Staff would develop a scope of work for any option selected, obtain consultant proposals to refine the costs, and return with updated costs and consultant contracts for City Council consideration. The timing of this process varies depending on consultant procurement, and the number of amendments directed, implementation programs, environmental analysis, and community outreach. Environmental Evaluation In keeping with California Public Resources Code section 21065, this action does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and therefore does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach This item was noticed in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours prior to scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. Village and Barrio Master Plan Area District map 2. Village & Barrio Master Plan - Proposed amendments, options and related projects 3. Mills Act Tax Incentive program analysis 4. City Council Memorandum dated March 18, 2021 5. July 10, 2018, City Council minutes 6. Aug. 20, 2019, City Council hearing – community input 7. Aug. 20, 2019, City Council minutes (Item 9) 8. Dec. 10, 2019, City Council staff report (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) 9. Dec. 10, 2019, City Council minutes (Item 16) 10. May 5, 2020, City Council staff report (on file with City Clerk) 11. May 5, 2020, City Council minutes (Item 11) 12. Nov. 4, 2020, Planning Commission staff report (on file with City Clerk) 13. Nov. 4, 2020, Planning Commission meeting minutes (Item 3) 14. Staff response to Nov. 4, 2020 public comments 15. Written public comments submitted for the Nov. 4, 2020 Planning Commission meeting 16. Imagine Carlsbad’s Grand Avenue Promenade video submitted for the Nov. 4, 2020 Planning Commission meeting (available at https://tinyurl.com/yycjmd4y) July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 7 of 83 EXHIBIT 1 July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 8 of 83 VILLAGE & BARRIO MASTER PLAN - PROPOSED AMENDMENTS AND OPTIONS The options staff have developed for items 2, 3, 4 and 8 are detailed below with an in-depth analysis of each amendment item, including the comments received from the community and Planning Commission on the item. The options are based on the comments the city received from community members and members of the Planning Commission and are followed by staff’s recommendation for each option. Each range of option is followed by a table that details, to the extent practicable, the estimated cost and timeline to complete each option. Along with the options presented for the council’s consideration, this document also includes several current city projects that staff have identified as addressing the suggestions from the community and the planning commissioners for improvements under the Village & Barrio Master Plan. ITEM 2: Permitted uses vital to a live, work and play community Additional background: Permitted uses vital for a live, work and play community include a post office, pharmacy, grocery store, hardware store and farmers’ market. These uses were specified as being “vital” during the Aug. 20, 2019, City Council hearing when 18 community members requested in writing that the Village and Barrio Master Plan be amended to permit these vital uses in the Village area. All 18 comment letters stated, “the inclusion of Daily Use Designations must be added to the plan including (but not limited to) Grocery Store, Post Office, Hardware Store, Pharmacy and Farmers’ Market.” The community’s primary concern was that not enough of these vital uses currently exist or are permitted in the Village and that they should be to serve their daily needs. Pharmacies, grocery stores and hardware stores are permitted uses in the Village commercial districts. A post office and farmers’ market are conditionally permitted uses in Village commercial districts. Currently, a farmer’s market, post office, one pharmacy, one supermarket, one small market and one hardware store exist in the Village. Nov. 4, 2020, Planning Commission meeting public feedback: One community member was in favor of infrastructure, facilities and businesses that serve a live, work and play community. Several planning commissioners stated that a market demand is needed for these vital uses to be developed in the Village and provided different suggestions on how to create a market demand as well as what uses should and should not be considered vital uses. One planning commissioner also suggested implementing smart growth standards to ensure the Village is quantifiably a live, work and play community. Additionally, one planning commissioner stated that hardware stores were not vital uses and should not be allowed in the Village. Options: Based on the comments received from the community and planning commissioners, staff present for the council’s consideration the following five options intended to address Item 2.The City Council can move forward with options 1 through 4 if requesting changes, or with Option 5, leaving the plan unchanged. Staff recommend options 4 or 5. Developing a study to assess the market demand for vital uses is also discussed as an alternative for Option 3. Exhibit 2 July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 9 of 83 • Option 1: Restrict housing sizes at mixed-use sites to allow for more commercial (Lead department: Community Development) One planning commissioner suggested restricting housing sizes, that is, not allowing extra-large units, at mixed-use sites to allow for enough space for the commercial uses at these sites. Pros • None identified Cons • Would not directly create a market demand for vital uses to be developed in the Village • Would only potentially assist in providing available space for these uses to be developed if and when the market demand exists in the Village area • The VC District already has a restrictive development standard that requires a minimum 50% of habitable ground floor area and 80% of the building frontage to consist of commercial uses for mixed-use sites. Staff do not recommend this option. • Option 2: Adopt and implement smart growth standards to provide a “live, work and play community” that would encourage vital uses to be developed in the Village (Lead Dept: Community Development) One planning commissioner recommended implementing smart growth standards to help create a live, work and play environment which in turn would help create a market demand for vital uses. The San Diego Association of Governments has designated the Village and Barrio neighborhoods as a “smart growth opportunity area,” or an area prioritized for infrastructure funding to encourage development in these areas. The City of Carlsbad has received SANDAG grant funding under this designation for several projects, including the Coastal Rail Trail Reach 1, Comprehensive Active Transportation Strategies, the Active Village Campaign and the Mobile Village and Bike the Village projects. The Village & Barrio Master Plan currently includes smart growth principles and the standards of the plan promote smart growth by locating housing near transit, promoting commercial development to serve residents and create jobs and promoting walkability, all of which reduce dependence on the vehicle. Pros • Additional smart growth standards and policies could help the city develop vital uses in the Village Area Cons • The Master Plan already incorporates Smart Growth standards and policies July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 10 of 83 • If market demand does not exist for these uses, they would not be developed, regardless of policies in the plan. Staff do not recommend this option. If the council wishes to pursue this option, staff would request additional information on what specific principles and policies the City Council would like to incorporate into the Village & Barrio Master Plan. • Option 3: Restrict the square footage of grocery stores in the Village area to allow a grocery store that requires less square footage than a standard-sized grocery store in the Village commercial districts. (Lead Dept: Community Development) One Planning Commissioner suggested only small grocery stores be allowed in the Village commercial districts since that would be the most appropriate size to serve the community. The Master Plan lists grocery stores, as a “retail” use and does not specify a minimum or maximum size. A larger grocery store is typically around 40,000 square feet and a smaller store, such as a Trader Joe’s, is typically between 12,000 to 20,000 square feet. Pros • None identified Cons • Smaller grocery stores are not precluded from the Village commercial districts. There is already one small grocery store and one small market in the Village. • Restricting square footage of a grocery store doesn’t guarantee the use will be developed nor does it create a market demand for such a use. Staff do not recommend this option. However, the City Council might wish to direct staff to conduct an updated market study that assesses the demand and develop an economic development attraction strategy for additional small grocery store uses such as a Trader Joe’s in the Village area. • Option 4: Adding a policy to the Village & Barrio Master Plan that encourages the development of vital uses in the Village commercial districts. (Lead Dept: Community Development) Pros • Would prioritize and justify the need for a streamlined permitting process for these uses and/or implementation of a future program that would incentivize the development of these uses in the Village commercial districts • Would support development of vital uses and be implemented through evaluations of future projects • Would not have a direct impact on the projects proposed in the Village July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 11 of 83 Cons • If market demand does not exist for these uses, they will not be developed, regardless of policies in the plan Staff recommend this option only if other amendments are proposed or recommends Option 5. • Option 5: Make no changes to the Village & Barrio Master Plan Pros • These basic and/or vital uses are already permitted or conditionally permitted in the Village commercial districts, so no amendments to the Master Plan are necessary to allow these uses in the Village commercial districts. • No staff time or additional city resources will be required Cons • Some of the requests from community members and planning commissioners would not be addressed Staff recommend this option, or Option 4. Item 2: Permitted uses - Options cost estimates and timeframes Option Program Staff recommendation Cost estimates Estimated timeframe to complete 1 Restrict housing sizes Do not recommend $50,000-$75,000* 12 to 18 months 2 Add additional smart growth standards and policies Do not recommend $10,000-$20,000* 9 to 12 months 3 Restrict grocery store sizes Do not recommend $20,000-$40,000* 12 to 18 months 4 Add policy encouraging development of vital uses Recommend (when proposed with other amendments) $10,000-$20,000* 9 to 12 months 5 No changes to Village & Barrio Master Plan Recommend N/A * If multiple amendments to the Master Plan are directed, there will be economies of scale. Costs will vary depending on the number of plan revisions and environmental analysis required. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 12 of 83 ITEM 3: Parking in-lieu fees to be directed to a specific area for parking and the potential for public/private partnerships for a specific zoned parking structure The Village and Barrio Master Plan does not preclude the construction of a parking structure. The city adopted the Village, Barrio and Adjacent Beach Area Parking Management Plan in 2017 to manage the existing parking system by implementing strategies such as re-striping, curb lane management and parking enforcement, and to use parking in-lieu fees to support strategies that reduce parking demand. Components of the Parking Management Plan were included in the implementation of the Village and Barrio Master Plan, but the master plan did not specifically mention a parking structure. The Parking Management Plan states, “One option that many cities use is an in-lieu fee program to pay for structured parking, by collecting fees from new and redeveloping businesses in lieu of them building on-site parking. However, the city’s current in-lieu fee program does not generate the quantity of funds necessary to cover the costs of constructing structured parking.” The in-lieu fee was adopted on June 8, 1999, and the fee amount has not been updated since. The current in-lieu fee program only applies to areas east of the railroad tracks. The fees could be used for parking reconfiguration, curb lane management, parking time limits or other methods to provide parking. The next parking survey is anticipated to be completed by 2022, once business operations return to normal following the pandemic. The Parking Management Plan recommended implementing transportation demand management and other measures to address problems with the parking system before constructing a parking structure (see Page 4-64 of the plan). Such measures include parking enforcement. On January 28, 2020, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the addition of two full-time community service officers and one marked police vehicle outfitted with mobile license plate readers to enforce timed parking restrictions in the Village area. The timed parking restrictions are currently being enforced in the area, except on State Street between Beech Avenue and Laguna Drive. Nov. 4, 2020 Planning Commission meeting public feedback: Three community members were in favor of a parking structure to address the lack of available parking and one community member opposed it. The community member opposed to a structure stated it would be visually intrusive and negatively impact the community’s character. Those in favor had concerns over the lack of parking for residences at mixed-use sites and for small business customers. One community member was in favor of locating the structure on the outskirts of the Village commercial area and another stated the city should use parking in-lieu fees and/or a public and private partnership to develop the parking structure. Several planning commissioners stated there is a need for a parking structure or another form of permanent public parking and a need for the use of parking in-lieu fees and public-private partnership to develop a parking structure or permanent parking within walking distance to the Village area. They also provided several suggested structure locations including underground near the train tracks, near the freeway, at the Public Works maintenance yard at Oak Avenue and State Street, and at the City Hall site. Not all of these locations currently allow a parking structure under the Village and Barrio Master Plan. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 13 of 83 Lastly, on July 28, 2020, the city approved the temporary suspension or modification of Village and Barrio Master Plan land use standards to allow the expansion of curb cafés, sidewalk cafés and outdoor signage due to the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency. Most business establishments are currently reopening as allowed by the state and county due to the sharp decline in COVID-19 cases. Many Village business owners are requesting their temporary permits for their expanded use of curb cafés, sidewalk cafés and outdoor signage become permanent post pandemic. Options: Staff offer the following two options based on the comments received from the community and the planning commissioners on Item 3. Option 2 is recommended to address parking issues within the Village and Barrio. • Option 1: Update the Parking In-Lieu Fee Program to direct funds for a specific parking structure and/or specific area of the Village (Lead Dept: Community Development) The Parking In-Lieu Fee Program was adopted in 1999 is managed by the Community Development Department and the in-lieu fee has never been updated. The in-lieu fee currently only supports funding strategies that reduce parking demand, not the construction of a parking facility. If the council chooses to update the Parking In-Lieu Fee Program, staff recommend first conducting a fee study that would examine mechanisms for funding structured parking, such as a parking management district. The study should also establish a nexus and rough proportionality of the fee to the impact of a proposed parking structure to comply with state law. Early coordination with the California Coastal Commission may also be appropriate for any regulations that apply west of the railroad tracks. Other models done by other jurisdictions can also be researched. If the Parking In-Lieu Fee program is updated to increase the fee and raise funding for a parking structure, staff would require contracting a consultant to prepare the update. Staff would return with a proposal and cost for City Council approval. Staff estimates the cost would be between $30,000 -$80,000. Pros • Would generate funds for parking facilities in the Village Cons • Requires the fee study and coordination with the Coastal Commission • There is not a demonstrated lack of parking in the Village Staff recommend completing the parking study before undertaking a comprehensive update of this program. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 14 of 83 • Option 2: Implement and prioritize programs/projects included in the Implementation Action Matrix or temporarily permitted (Lead Dept: Multi-departmental effort – see list below) The master plan’s Implementation Action Matrix (Chapter 5) lists these parking management programs intended to be implemented within one to three years: o Hiring a parking management program manager (Lead department: Economic Development) o Developing incentives to encourage businesses and developers to participate in shared and leased parking agreements (Lead department: Economic Development) o Implementing parking ambassador program and enforcing public parking regulations (e.g., time limits, overnight parking, oversized vehicles, etc.) (Lead department: Police) o Update parking in-lieu fee program (Lead department: Community Development) o Annually monitoring parking system demand (Lead department: Economic Development) o Designing and implementing a curb lane management program, including an alternative design streets applicability analysis1 (Lead department: Transportation) o Implementing intelligent parking in the Village. This involves installing vehicle occupancy detectors at various locations and developing a smart phone application to help motorist find available parking (Lead department: Transportation) o Developing additional signage for public parking as needed (Lead department: Transportation) Staff will return to the council with additional information on these programs as they require council authorization or are implemented. Additional ideas will be included, such as increasing fee for curb cafes, increase to in-lieu fee, maximize street parking, curb lanes, and evaluating existing driveways for continued need. Additionally, because some Village business owners are asking to have their temporary outdoor activations become permanent, staff recommend the city evaluate the feasibility of expanding curb cafes, sidewalk cafes and outdoor displays permanently by conducting an updated parking study within these areas during post pandemic conditions. Staff will report the study’s findings to the City Council’s Economic Development Subcommittee with options for possible future updates to the Village and 1 Such a study would consider whether an area might benefit from alternate street designs with more of a rural character rather than the standard road, sidewalk, curb and gutter design. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 15 of 83 Barrio Master Plan to allow these standard modifications and the parking fees. Coordination with the California Coastal Commission will be required. There are three cost estimates associated with implementing Option 2, therefore in the table below, Option 2 is separated into three rows: 2a, 2b and 2c. Item 3: Parking in-lieu fees - Options cost estimates and timeframes Option Program Staff recommendation Cost estimates Estimated timeframe to complete 1 Update parking in- lieu fee program Do not recommend Between $60,000 - $80,000 12 to 18 months 2a Implement and prioritize projects in Implementation Action Matrix Recommend $50,000-$100,000 for additional study or implementing parking management plan projects Ongoing 2b Conduct annual parking study Study being conducted. No action required. $50,000 for the parking study included in city budget request 6 months 2c Curb and sidewalk cafes and outdoor signage expansion Recommend $20,000-$30,000* 6 months post direction * If multiple amendments to the Master Plan are directed, there will be economies of scale. Costs will vary depending on the number of plan revisions and environmental analysis required. ITEM 4 - Traffic impact analysis and mitigation fees specific to the Master Plan area and roadway conditions outside of the Coastal Zone Background: This item was initiated by the City Council on August 20, 2019 to address multimodal access and pedestrian safety at high traffic areas and areas where road conditions are poor. Specifically, this item addresses traffic areas located outside of the Coastal Zone as to not negatively affect any of the coastal zone public infrastructure projects being planned. There are several circulation improvement projects already incorporated in the Implementation Action Matrix (Ch. 5). These programs are intended to be implemented within 1-6 years and include: o Crosswalk improvements o Barrio pedestrian improvements for people with disabilities o Traffic calming measures and other street improvements July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 16 of 83 There are two circulation improvement projects currently being processed: o Village and Barrio Traffic Circle Improvement project. The project design is currently in review and is anticipated to be completed by Summer 2021. o Sustainable Mobility Plan which includes multimodal planning projects for Village Streets, Carlsbad Blvd., Carlsbad Village Dr. and Christiansen Way. Project implementation is anticipated within the next 3 to 5 years. The city’s Traffic Impact Fee Program (Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.42) is used to build or finance circulation improvements serving the entire city. This program is being updated. Nov. 4, 2020 Planning Commission meeting public feedback: Comments from the community were received requesting road improvements in the Village and Barrio residential neighborhoods to address traffic issues such as speeding cars and pedestrian safety at intersections. Some of the requests were: o Stop signs installed at Madison Street and Roosevelt Street o Red curbs at intersections in the Barrio neighborhood o Traffic circles in both the Village and Barrio neighborhoods o Re-engineering oversized in width streets as, “complete streets” or streets designed to enable safe and convenient access for all users and modes of transportation. Some Planning Commissioners expressed interest in using traffic impact fees to pay for circulation improvement projects by planning area or by quadrant area. One planning commissioner stated the traffic impact fees should continue to be used citywide. Other planning commissioners suggested the Village & Barrio Master Plan’s Implementation Action Matrix should be refined to include a list of prioritized circulation improvement projects and to develop the financing strategy needed to implement them. One Planning Commissioner recommended developing an additional southern egress from the Barrio neighborhood. Options: Staff are providing the council with four options based on the comments received. The first three options are separate projects currently being processed by the Transportation Department therefore, no further action is required for these projects to be implemented. City Council could move forward with Option 4. • Option 1: Implement the Sustainable Mobility Plan action plan that includes mobility improvements in the Village and Barrio areas (Lead Dept: Transportation) In January 2021, the city adopted the Sustainable Mobility Plan which focuses on enhancing the safety and comfort of existing active transportation facilities and improving access to transit services throughout the city. The plan was developed by taking a comprehensive look at the current active transportation environment and users as well as previous and current planning efforts including the Village and Barrio Master Plan. The plan included a project prioritization study that identified the mobility improvements proposed in the Village and Barrio as the top two high priority project areas in the city. These mobility projects were found to have the greatest benefit to the July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 17 of 83 city’s active transportation system because of their proximity to schools and transit, population and employment density and traffic safety concerns. The prioritization process initiated in the Sustainable Mobility Plan will serve as a blueprint for a phased incorporation of the multimodal improvement projects into the Capital Improvement Program for eventual construction. This separate project is being processed by the Transportation Department. • Option 2: Revise the Traffic Impact Fee Program to fund specific Village and Barrio area circulation improvement projects (Lead Dept: Transportation) The Transportation Department recently initiated the process to update the city’s current Traffic Impact Fee program which was adopted in 2008. The new fee program will be based on updated growth projections and new multimodal transportation infrastructure identified in guiding planning documents such as the Village and Barrio Master Plan and Sustainable Mobility Plan. This update can consider allocating the fee payments received in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area to be used to fund circulation projects in the same planning area or quadrant area as recommended by some of the Planning Commissioners. • Option 3: Implement the Village and Barrio Traffic Circles Project (Lead Dept: Transportation) The Village and Barrio Traffic Circles Project is an infrastructure improvement project planned as part of the Village and Barrio Master Plan. The construction of traffic circles and traffic calming measures at eight intersections throughout the Barrio will help improve traffic flow and enhance safety. Preliminary traffic circle designs, as well as the opportunity to incorporate public art, will be shared with the community to ensure that the project remains in line with the neighborhood needs and expectations. The engineering design of the project is nearing completion and is expected to be completed in Summer 2021. • Option 4: Develop a second egress at the south end of the Barrio neighborhood (Lead Dept: Transportation) This option was recommended by one Planning Commissioner. Currently there is only one southern egress (Jefferson Street) out of the Barrio. Feasibility study and community outreach would need to be conducted to determine the need for a second southern egress out of the Barrio neighborhood. Currently, no comments were received by the community on the need for a second egress at the south end of the Barrio neighborhood. Pros • Would provide second egress if constructed. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 18 of 83 Cons • Options to provide second egress in the Barrio would be limited • Staff availability and cost make this project unlikely to be feasible. • No additional comments made in support of this option Staff do not recommend this option. • Option 5: Tyler Street One-Way Conversion and Complete Street Feasibility Study (Lead Dept: Transportation) This option was not discussed during the Planning Commission hearing, but a petition with 44 signatures from residents living on Tyler Street was submitted on April 23, 2021, requesting that the Tyler Street improvement project be implemented. The master plan does list this project as a Key Barrio Recommendation (Section 1.6.2.B) and is discussed in further detail in Chapter 4 Section 1. (The master plan also states a Tyler Street streetscape and traffic direction analysis be conducted in the mid-term timeframe, two to three years.) Pros • Included in Village & Barrio Master Plan Implementation Matrix • Residents in the area support the conversion Cons • Other projects may provide greater benefit to the area Staff do not recommend this option. Item 4: Traffic impact analysis and mitigation fees options - cost estimates and timeframes Option Program Staff recommendation Cost estimates Estimated timeframe to complete 1 Implement Sustainable Mobility Plan* Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 2 Update Traffic Impact Fee Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 3 Village & Barrio Traffic Circles Project* Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 4 Develop second egress at south end of Barrio - Feasibility study Do not recommend $100,000- $250,000 About 1 year 5 Tyler Street one-way conversion * Do not recommend $45,000-$70,000 4 to 6 months * Item 4 Options include traffic calming projects listed in the Master Plan but only those identified by staff and/or the community as being a priority. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 19 of 83 ITEM 8: General conversation regarding all potential amendments of the Village & Barrio Master Plan Background: This item was initiated by City Council on August 20, 2019 to address any other potential amendments requested by the community that has not yet been identified. On December 10, 2019, City Council requested that staff receive public feedback at a Planning Commission meeting regarding this item. Nov. 4, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting Public Feedback: The community provided several comments on a variety of potential Village & Barrio Master Plan amendment topics as listed below: o Implement a comprehensive street tree plan o Implement the Grand Ave. Promenade o Develop Historic Preservation regulations to protect historic resources o Implement a lighting improvement plan o Reduce the building heights in the Village from four stories to two to three stories o Incorporate public art in the Village o Amend Policy. 2.3.3 "Development Site Spanning Multiple Districts" to only pertain to the Blazer Trailer Park. o Amend the permitted uses in the Village General (VG) District to only allow residential and office uses. o Address homelessness and litter The Planning Commission commented on a few of the community topics as listed above. One or more Planning Commissioners expressed interest in the following: o Implementing a street tree program o Implementing the Grand Avenue Promenade o Developing historic preservation policies and regulations o Implementing a lighting improvement plan o Reducing maximum building height in the Village commercial districts from four stories to two to three stories Options: Staff are providing nine options to address the different comments for Item 8. Staff recommend options 1 through 3. Staff do not recommend the other options. Two options are currently being implemented through separate projects (Options 5 and 7), so further direction is not required for these options. • Option 1: Prepare a street tree plan (Lead: Community Development, with support from Parks & Recreation) A community group requested the development of a Street Tree Plan for the Village and Barrio Master Plan during the Nov. 4, 2020 Planning Commission hearing. They critiqued the landscaping plans for recently approved Village projects, the Grand Madison, Grand Jefferson, Sea Grove, and State and Oak Mixed-Use projects. The community group stated, “trees should provide a design theme element for the public corridor…not for July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 20 of 83 the individual developments along their reach… State (Street) and Grand (Avenue) being the most prominent examples of the problem.” The Village and Barrio Master Plan does not identify a street tree plan to be implemented. It does have policies regarding planting street trees to provide connectivity, create a sense of place and create shade and to incorporate street trees in streetscape improvements plans. Roosevelt and Madison streets are considered priority streets for tree plantings because they serve as primary routes between the Village and Barrio. Planting street trees along State Street is also a priority because it would be aided by planned streetscape improvements. Grand Avenue is identified as a promenade/festival street, so a streetscape plan with a street tree design theme could be provided with the development of the Grand Avenue promenade plans (see Item 8 - Option 2 below). The Village and Barrio Master Plan suggests identifying a list of priority streets for street tree plantings in the Community Forest Management Plan update. The city’s Landscape Manual, approved in 2016, includes a streetscape program that provides street tree requirements for the entire city and refers to the Forest Management Plan for the list of allowed tree species to choose from. The city’s Climate Action Plan also recommends pedestrian improvements and increased connectivity improvements, that is, street trees. Implementing a Village and Barrio Street Tree Plan for priority street corridors can help accomplish the community’s vision for improved pedestrian connectivity and placemaking. This plan can be a standalone document and/or incorporated as an appendix to the Village and Barrio Master Plan or Landscape Manual. Estimated cost for a Village and Barrio Street Tree Plan can vary depending on the number of priority streets incorporated in the plan and the type of plan being developed. There are three primary types of plans that can be developed (or a combination of the three): 1. A fully developed streetscape plan for each priority corridor. This plan would be developed and implemented by the city. 2. Streetscape design guidelines for each priority corridor. This plan would be developed by the city and can be implemented by the city and/or private developers. 3. A street tree design theme plan for each priority corridor. This plan would be more focused on only listing specific tree species and providing street tree design requirements for each corridor. This plan would be developed by the city and can be implemented by the city and/or private developers. Pros • A comprehensive program would provide clear guidelines for property owners and the city July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 21 of 83 Cons • Program development and implementation will require staff and consultant time • Program implementation, costs, and responsible parties would need to be identified Staff have no position on a street tree plan because it is not specifically identified as a project to be implemented in the Village & Barrio Master Plan, although the plan does state that a streetscape plan should be implemented for Carlsbad Village Drive and Tyler Street (see Item 4 - Option 5 above). If so directed, staff can return to the City Council with a more detailed project scope and cost estimate for one or all of the three types of plans listed above. The scope, cost and implementation will vary depending on the type of plan and number of street corridors identified. • Option 2: Develop specific plans for the Grand Ave. Promenade (Lead department: Transportation) The community group Imagine Carlsbad submitted a video requesting the implementation of the Grand Ave. Promenade. One other community member and one planning commissioner expressed support for developing specific plans for the promenade. Another commissioner suggested the promenade connect to the City Hall site. The Grand Ave. Promenade is identified in the Village and Barrio Master Plan as a key recommendation (1.6.1. Key Village Recommendation (H)). It is intended to make Grand Avenue a signature space by converting the southern half of the street’s right of way into a pedestrian promenade. This would limit vehicle traffic to the northern half of the right of way. The Grand Ave. Promenade is discussed in several Master Plan policy sections of the Village and Barrio Master Plan as a means to provide for connectivity, a sense of place and improved lighting, and to create a new shared festival through an improved street design. Phase 1 of the Village and Barrio Master Plan’s implementation action matrix identifies temporarily closing the southern half of the right of way to vehicle traffic to demonstrate the proposed Grand Ave. Promenade along the southern half of the right- of-way and how it would impact current traffic. Phase 2-3 is to design and implement the Grand Ave. Promenade after collecting data from the temporary closure. Staff recommend one of two options to implement the Grand Ave. Promenade: o Option 2A: Implement the two actions described above provided that a feasible financing strategy and work plan is first developed before moving forward with the project o Option 2B: Conduct a new traffic study and streetscape corridor plan without conducting a temporary street closure as originally recommended July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 22 of 83 Pros • Included in Village & Barrio Master Plan Implementation Matrix • Would assess or test feasibility before additional capital investment • Promenade would encourage walkability and pedestrian access to this area Cons • None identified Staff recommend the option of developing specific plans for the Grand Ave. Promenade (Option 2A) provided that a feasible financing strategy and work plan is developed in advance. • Option 3: Implement a Mills Act tax incentive program (Lead departments: Library & Cultural Arts and Community Development) The Master Plan lists two programs in the Implementation Action Matrix regarding historic preservation: Historical Information Markers & Plaques Program and the Mills Act Tax Incentive Program. The Library & Cultural Arts Department is developing the historical information markers and plaques program however the Mills Act Tax Incentive Program has not yet been implemented. The Mills Act Tax Incentive Program is a state program intended to benefit both the property owners and the city. Property owners receive a property tax reduction for the ongoing maintenance and preservation of historic structures. The city would benefit because a Mills Act contract would be less costly than having to acquire a historic property and fund the ongoing maintenance and preservation of the historic structure. The city would receive a loss of property taxes that would need to be evaluated with the County Assessor’s office during the evaluation of the Mills Act contract application process. For a more detailed analysis on this process see Exhibit 3. A financing strategy and work plan should be developed before moving forward with the program. Additionally, the Historic Preservation Commission is currently working on developing an official list of historic properties for City Council to consider. All historic structures listed on an official local, state or federal historic resources inventory list could qualify for Mills Act Tax Incentive Program contracts. The City’s Historic Preservation Ordinance (Carlsbad Municipal Code 22.06.020) provides criteria for listing historic resources. Pros • Provides property tax reduction incentive for private property owners to maintain and preserve historic structures • Would be less costly for the City to enter into a Mills Act contract with a property owner of a historic property, than to purchase the historic property from the owner and fund the ongoing maintenance and preservation of the historic structure(s). • Included in Village & Barrio Master Plan Implementation Matrix July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 23 of 83 Cons • Would require program development and staff resources • Would result in loss of property tax revenue to the city once established Staff recommend this option provided that a feasible financing strategy and work plan is developed before moving forward with the project. • Option 4: Establish a Historic District in the Village and/or Barrio neighborhood (Lead: Library & Cultural Arts and Community Development) During the August 20, 2019, City Council hearing, 18 comment letters were received requesting a Historic Designation be created and added to the plan. During the Nov. 3, 2020, Planning Commission meeting, one community member also inquired about implementing historic district regulations to protect historic resources. Carlsbad Municipal Code Title 22 - Historic Preservation, Chapter 22.06.040 provides procedures for historic district designations. If an area is designated as an historic district, additional historic regulations can be incorporated such as providing appropriate permitted uses, special uses, height and area regulations, minimum dwelling size, floor area and signage. However, written consent of all the owners of property within the proposed district must be obtained before the Historic Preservation Commission can make a recommendation to the City Council for its consideration. Two community members at the Aug. 20, 2019, also requested the city create and enforce design standards that would both highlight and protect the historical importance, unique character and charm of Carlsbad Village and the Barrio. The city is pursuing Village and Barrio Master Plan objective design standards as a separate project that can potentially incorporate a historical architectural design palette. Pro • Would establish standards and guidelines to protect the city’s historic features and places Cons • Would require program development and staff resources • A historic designation is not guaranteed if not all property owners agree to allow for the historic district designation on their property • Would conflict with current process for objective design standards and requirements for historic preservation under the California Environmental Quality Act • Objective Design Standards that are currently being processed separately can sufficiently address concerns of architecture not being consistent with the historic architectural styles in the Village and Barrio neighborhoods Staff do not recommend this option. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 24 of 83 • Option 5: Implement a lighting improvements plan (Lead department: Transportation) One community member at the November 2020 workshop requested that a lighting contract for the Barrio be completed and provide different lighting schemes. Two planning commissioners stated a lighting improvement plan should be implemented. The Village & Barrio’s Master Plan’s Implementation Action Matrix includes development of a lighting study and phasing plan to identify priority streets, crosswalks and alleyways to install pedestrian decorative and safety lighting in the mid-range phase. A Barrio street lighting improvements project is being implemented by the Transportation Department that includes street-level lighting and pedestrian-scale lighting. The project follows the recommendations for the Barrio Neighborhood Lighting Guidelines, approved in 2014, and is being designed and constructed in two phases: • Phase One will focus on adding twelve streetlights throughout the Barrio to address areas with lighting deficiency. Construction is anticipated to be completed this summer. • Phase Two includes design and construction of pedestrian lighting throughout the Barrio. A phasing plan (Phases 2A through 2D) has been developed to allow the city to fund and construct pedestrian lighting for the Barrio over several fiscal years from fiscal year 2022-23 to FY 2025-26. Pedestrian scale lighting will be placed on both sides of Roosevelt Street, Madison Street, Harding Street and Magnolia Avenue. Staff will conduct public outreach will be conducted for this project, which is anticipated to be completed by fall 2021. The initial phase of the pedestrian lighting, Phase 2A, will then be brought forward to the City Council for approval and authorization to bid in early 2022. There is also a Village Decorative Lighting Plan included in the 2022-2023 Capital Improvement Program budget at a cost of $400,000. This project is for the installation of decorative lighting solutions along Grand Avenue and State Street in the Village as recommended in the 2019 Village and Decorative Lighting Study. This separate project is being processed by the Transportation Department. • Option 6: Amend the Master Plan to Reduce the maximum building height in the Village commercial districts from 4 stories to 2-3 stories (Lead department: Community Development) Two community members opposed the four-story height limitation in the Village and requested that the maximum building height be reduced to two to three stories in the Village area. One planning commissioner agreed. This change would reduce density, so the Commissioner recommended the current city hall site should be used for making up the lost density. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 25 of 83 The Village Center (VC), Freeway Commercial (FC) and Hospitality (HOSP) districts have a maximum building height limitation of four stories and 45 feet. The Village Center and Freeway Commercial districts both have a density of 28-35 dwelling units per acre while the Hospitality district has a density of 18-23 dwelling units per acre. The height was originally a 45-foot maximum within these areas before the adoption of the Village & Barrio Master Plan 2019 update. The additional restriction of four stories was added in that update. The four story/45-foot maximum height is needed to achieve the allowed housing densities, as identified by the Village & Barrio Master Plan and the Housing Element in the city’s General Plan and promote smart growth principles by providing more housing near public transit and in a well-established community where there are existing services. Additionally, as discussed in Section 5.2.5 of the Village & Barrio Master Plan, “There is increased demand for higher density, compact living and that demand will continue to grow.… Areas like the Village and the Barrio offer the convenience of an urban center along with the smaller community of a suburb.” Pros • None identified Cons • Would hinder the ability to achieve the designated densities and implementation of the Housing Element • State Senate Bill 330, the Housing Crisis Act of 2019, would require the city to locate other areas for residential development to make up for any loss of residential density • Additional environmental analysis would be required to review impacts Staff do not recommend reducing the height to 2-3 stories. If the City Council directs staff to develop an amendment to reduce heights in the Village and barrio, staff recommend the city undertake a market study to identify what types of development may be feasible in the village and what impact a reduction in height would have. • Option 7: Implement Public Art Programs in the Village & Barrio Master Plan area (Lead department: Library & Cultural Arts) One community member requested public art be addressed in the Village & Barrio Master Plan. There are several public art policies within the plan addressing site planning, enhancing the pedestrian experience and creating more walkable streets and alleyways. Chapter 4 - Mobility and beautification includes a section focused on incorporating arts and culture into the streetscape using public art (Section 4.3.7). The Library and Cultural Arts Department takes the lead on the city’s public art projects and Implementing the Arts and Culture Master Plan as well as the Art in Public Places Program. This was the first public art program established in San Diego County and is designed to expand residents’ appreciation of art, reflect the city’s aspiration to improve the quality of life and enhance and identify Carlsbad as a unique community. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 26 of 83 The Library and Cultural Arts Department receives an annual expenditure enhancement of $100,000 to respond to opportunities and goals outlined in the public art vision plan. This funding supports both permanent and temporary public art installations throughout the community. Some of the public art projects recently installed and/or in progress in the Village and Barrio are a Mural on the New Village Arts Theatre Building and temporary public art projects such as the Oversized Beach Chair on State Street and “Pop-up Art” shown on the exterior facades of some businesses. Additionally, 1% of the Capital Improvement Program construction budget for new projects must be used for public art projects or programs. On Feb. 11, 2020, the City Council approved a minute motion directing staff to return at an unspecified date to initiate a State Street Arts Specific Plan with New Village Arts. This separate project is being implemented by the Library and Cultural Arts Department. • Option 8: Amend the plan’s Policy. 2.3.3 "Development Site Spanning Multiple Districts" to only pertain to the Blazer Trailer Park (Lead department: Community Development) One community member requested Policy 2.3.3. be removed or pertain only to the Blazer Trailer Park, at 2630 State St., also known as Carlsbad Trailer Plaza. This parcel is split between Village Center (VC) and Village General (VG) districts. Village & Barrio Master Plan Section 2.3.3 is intended to provide direction for all projects that span multiple districts. These projects are subject to a site development plan, which establishes the development standards for the site in a manner most consistent with the underlying standards of the surrounding district., Currently, this policy only pertains to the Blazer Trailer Park. However, a property owner can potentially merge two or more adjacent properties that are in different districts, and this policy would address such potential multi-district sites Pros • None identified Cons • This change is not needed because development that spans multiple districts will be restricted by a site development plan that requires discretionary approval. Staff do not recommend this option. Staff can rewrite this policy to provide more guidance on when flexibility should and should not be allowed. • Option 9: Amend the permitted uses in the Village General (VG) District to only allow residential and office uses. (Lead department: Community Development) One community member asked that the permitted uses in the Village General (VG) District be limited to only residential and offices uses and not commercial uses. The VG District serves as a transitional area between the adjacent commercial properties within July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 27 of 83 the Village & Barrio Master Plan area and the residential neighborhoods outside of the master plan area. Therefore, this district allows for residential and commercial uses to exist side-by-side or in a mixed-use format. However, the VG District does not permit as many commercial uses as the VC, HOSP or FC districts such as a brewery, distillery, drive-thru business or a winery. The VG District also does not allow timeshares, mobility hubs, automobile services, a farmers’ market or gasoline stations. Pros • None identified Cons • Would limit district’s ability to serve as a transition area between residential neighborhoods and adjacent commercial properties • State Senate Bill 330, the Housing Crisis Act of 2019, would require the city to locate other areas for residential development to make up for any loss of residential density Staff do not recommend restricting the VG district because it is intended to be a transitional area and is currently more restrictive in permitting commercial uses than other commercial districts. ITEM 8: General conversation on potential amendments - Options cost estimates and timeframes Option Program Staff recommendation Cost estimates Estimated timeframe to complete 1 Prepare a street tree plan No position $20,000 - $125,000 18 to 24 months 2a Implement the Grand Ave. Promenade Pilot Project Recommend $320,000- $510,000 4 to 6 months 2b Grand Ave. Promenade feasibility study for permanent installation Do not recommend (Wait for results of pilot project) $150,000- $200,000 8-12 months 3 Implement Mills Act Tax Incentive Program Recommend $25,000-$35,000 16 to 18 months 4 Establish a historic district in the Village and Barrio Do not recommend $110,000- $150,000* 18 to 24 months July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 28 of 83 5a Implement a Lighting Improvements Plan (Barrio Street and decorative Lighting Plan) Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 5b Implement Village Decorative Lighting Project Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 6 Reduce Building Height in Village commercial districts - VBMP AMD Do not recommend $150,000- $200,000* 18 to 24 months 7 Implement Public Art Programs Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 8 Revise Policy 2.3.3. "Development in Sites Spanning Multiple Districts" - VBMP AMD Do not recommend $10,000-$30,000* 9 to 12 months 9 Restrict commercial uses in the VG District - VBMP AMD Do not recommend $10,000-$30,000* 9 to 12 months * If multiple amendments to the V&B Master Plan are directed, there will be economies of scale. Costs will vary depending on the number of plan revisions and environmental analysis required. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 29 of 83 Village and Barrio Master Plan Mills Act Tax Incentive Program Background The Village and Barrio Master Plan includes a Land Use and Community Character policy that states the City will, “recognize and support the historical roots of the Village and Barrio” (Section 1.5.1.E) and by doing so will implement a Mills Act Tax Incentive Program within a mid- range timeframe to encourage the rehabilitation and preservation of qualified historic resources in the Master Plan area. State law provides that the legislative body of a city may contract with the owner of any qualified historical property in a manner which the legislative body deems reasonable to carry out the purposes of the Mills Act. The Mills Act enables the city council, in its discretion, to enter into historic property contracts with the owners of certain selected qualified historic properties within the city’s boundaries. The historic property contract (Mills Act contract) allows the owner of a qualified historical property to obtain preferential property tax assessment in exchange for restrictions on the property to help preserve, restore, and maintain the historic property. Criteria for properties to qualify as historic properties are included in the Historic Preservation Ordinance (Title 22/Ch. 22.06.020). All listing requests must be reviewed by and receive a recommendation from the Historical Preservation Commission. City Council has the discretion to approve all locally historic resources inventory listing requests. Historic Resources in the Village and Barrio Master Plan Area There are three resources in Carlsbad listed on the National Register of Historic Places and/or the California Register of Historical Resources, two of which (Carlsbad Santa Fe Depot and Fraziers Well/Alt Karlsbad) are within the Village and Barrio Master Plan area (see Table below): Any qualified historic structures would be regulated under the California Environmental Quality Act and by the California Office of Historic Preservation. City of Carlsbad Historic Resources Inventory List Additionally, from 1980-1990, the City Council took actions to designate 19 properties as locally historic sites and/or historic point of interest. There are also several other local sites that are identified as points of historical interest. Many of the historically designated sites and/or sites identified as points of historical interest are within the Village and Barrio Master Plan area. Exhibit 3 July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 30 of 83 On May 18, 1993, City Council adopted Resolution No. 93-151 that deleted the local historic resources inventory list and established a voluntary historic resources list consisting of the 19 properties that City Council previously took separate actions on. Currently, the Historic Preservation Commission is preparing an official historic resources inventory list for City Council to consider. This official list would reaffirm the existing historic structures previously identified on the temporary inventory list. The historic properties on this inventory list (and the state/federal lists) would be able to take advantage of a potential Mills Act Tax Incentive Program. Mills Act Tax Incentive Program Criteria, Procedures and Benefits A Mills Act Tax Incentive Program can provide criteria/procedures for property owners of qualified historic properties to be awarded a Mills Act (Historic Preservation) Contract with the City. It will also provide guidance on what shall be incorporated within the Mills Act Contract, such as a long-term maintenance/preservation workplan for the historic structure(s), and monitoring/reporting requirements. The Mills Act Tax Incentive Program is intended to benefit both the property owners and the city. Property owners receive a property tax reduction for the ongoing maintenance and preservation of the historic structure(s). The city would benefit since a Mills Act Contract would be less costly than having to acquire a historic property and to fund the ongoing maintenance and preservation of the historic structure(s). The city would receive a loss of property tax funding that would need to be evaluated during the evaluation of the Mills Act contract application process. The amount of tax reduction depends on the property's location, size and comparable rents in the area. The value continues to be assessed by the County Tax Assessor's office using a formula and procedures contained in state law. Property tax reductions result when the property tax amount that is based on the Mills Act value is compared to the previous property tax amount. The savings vary from property to property and have ranged from 20% to 70% based on the County Tax Assessor's property valuations in accordance with the state law formula. Properties that have been under the same ownership for a long time (e.g., pre-Prop. 13), where the property taxes are already low compared to homes sold at the peak of the market, will most likely not benefit from the Mills Act. Staff Recommendation During the March 8, 2020 Historic Preservation Commission Meeting, several members of the Commission expressed their interest in preserving historic structures using a Mills Act Tax Incentive Program. Staff recommends a financing strategy/work plan be developed before moving forward with the program. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 31 of 83 Exhibit 4 City Council Memorandum dated March 18, 2021 (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 32 of 83 Exhibit 5 July 10, 2018, City Council minutes (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 33 of 83 There were 21 written comment letters provided by community members during the August 20, 2019 City Council Hearing (Agenda Item 9). Eighteen (18) of these letters reiterated the same message regarding the Village and Barrio Master Plan Update and is stated verbatim below: The Village/Barrio Master Plan is a welcome update and I look forward to the certification of the LCP after the modifications are hopefully approved on Tuesday, August 20th. However, the plan itself requires a few amendments to make it more clearly representative and considerate of the community's vision and needs. Below are the suggested amendments I would like to see in a future update to the Master Plan and LCP: 1. Decision making authority in the barrio must be returned to the Carlsbad City Council. 2. Parking in-Lieu fees should be used towards permanent, multilevel parking structures. Leasing parking spaces is not a good long-term strategy and building them in the future will not get less expensive than it is today. 3. The inclusion of Daily Use Designations must be added to the plan including {but not limited to) Grocery Store, Post Office, Hardware Store, Pharmacy and Farmers Market. 4. Architectural Design Standards must be created and added to the plan, so the village stands out as Carlsbad and not a cookie cutter coastal redevelopment area. 5. Historic Designations and Vision must be created and added to the plan. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 34 of 83 Exhibit 7 Aug. 20, 2019, City Council minutes (Item 9) (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 35 of 83 Exhibit 8 Dec. 10, 2019, City Council staff report (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 36 of 83 Exhibit 9 Dec. 10, 2019, City Council minutes (Item 16) (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 37 of 83 Exhibit 10 May 5, 2020, City Council staff report (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 38 of 83 Exhibit 11 May 5, 2020, City Council minutes (Item 11) (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 39 of 83 Exhibit 12 Nov. 4, 2020, Planning Commission staff report (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 40 of 83 Exhibit 13 Nov. 4, 2020, Planning Commission meeting minutes (Item 3) (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 41 of 83 No. COM- MENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 1 Cathy & Steve Brendel Questions for Nov. 4 meeting: 1) please explain the plans for turning Grand and Madison into pedestrian thoroughfares. We are in support, as long as proper planning is done to not attract skateboarders and the unsheltered population. The idea could be wonderful if properly planned, or a disaster if not thoroughly thought out. 2) please explain why the public lots in the Village do not have overnight parking restrictions. We think that there should be. 3) will there be public art included in a future parking structure. We think there should be. What is the location being proposed for the structure? We think it should be near the train tracks. Hopefully, the structure will not be conducive for skateboarding, crime and the unsheltered population. The top of the structure could be a wonderful lookout spot, miniature golf course, or restaurant - lots of other fun ideas. 4) does the plan address the negative impact to businesses, residents and tourists of unsheltered people in the Village and Barrio? We think solutions are needed. 5) does the plan address cleanliness and unsightly landscaping in the Village? We think it should. Trash, dirty benches, overflowing trash cans, dead plants, portable toilet havens for crime, dirty sidewalks. 6) is public art included in the overall plan? We think it should be. Things like decorative sidewalks and pedestrian areas, benches, tile work, etc. 7) infrastructure, facilities, and businesses that serve live, work, play would be fabulous Please seize this opportunity to make The Village and Barrio really special places, to be proud of, for tourists and residents alike (they aren’t now). Thank you for your comments. •There are no current capital improvement projects for a pedestrian thoroughfare on Grand Ave. and Madison Ave. However, the Master Plan provides a key recommendation for Grand Ave to become a pedestrian promenade with a proposed cycle track. The Grand Ave. Pedestrian Promenade is also included in the Implementation Action Matrix (Ch. 5). •Public parking lots and/or parking structures are not intended for overnight parking as defined in Appendix A. Parking enforcement is currently provided by the Police Department, however, enforcement is intended to be conducted through the Parking Ambassador Program once initiated. •Currently there are no plans for developing a parking structure however it is a conditionally permitted use within the commercial districts and the Master Plan provides parking structure development standards. •Appendix C of the Master Plan does identify funding sources that can potentially fund and address homelessness and litter within the Village and Barrio. Homelessness is addressed by the city’s Homelessness Outreach Team, which has a homeless response plan in place. Litter or debris in roadways is handled by the City’s Public Works Dept. Litter or debris found at city parks and recreational facilities is handled by the Parks and Recreation Dept. •There are several public art policies within the Master Plan addressing site planning, enhancing the pedestrian experience and creating more walkable streets and alleyways. The Library and Cultural Arts Dept. facilitates public art projects through implementing the Art in Public Places Program and Public Art Vision. •Chapter 4 “Mobility and beautification” includes a section focused on incorporating arts and culture into the streetscape using public art (Section 4.3.7). Currently, there is a public art project that will be incorporated in the Village and Barrio Traffic Circle.Exhibit 14July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 42 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 2 Barbara Segal (Combined Two Written Responses) Planning commission...master plan...community input....I’ve been living here in Carlsbad for 14 years. For the last 5 or so, I’m completely disgusted with Carlsbad’s transformation. The whole attraction for me was the feeling of a small town and unique businesses. It’s ok to add and bring in some new businesses, but the new construction of multistory buildings in and around the village is absolutely disgraceful. You have completely changed the entire character and feel of the town with your large and greedy developers. Parking structures????? Really? What are you thinking? It’s NOT appealing. It’s NOT a “small beach community” feel. Those who make money, including those responsible for this change, are happy. But I can tell you that I’m not the only one disgusted, disappointed, and angry about what is happening. And over the years, I’ve given input and requested responses to some important safety concerns, but the powers that be do whatever they want anyway. I love living by the coast, but as a senior and homeowner, making a change is not the answer. Hope this gets read and shared. Thank you for your comments. Currently there is no parking structure proposed. The Village Center (VC), Freeway Commercial (FC) and Hospitality (HOSP) Districts have a maximum building height limitation of 4 stories and 45’. This standard helps achieve the square footage required for mixed-use and multifamily housing projects in the VC District and to achieve minimum density requirements. 3a Simon Angel The staff report regarding this item is severely lacking to the point of being pointless in that it fails to adequately address not only the 8 items presented to the City Council originally, but it fails to address the items in its own staff report. Items 1, 6, and 7 are not addressed at all. No mention is made of the Design Review Committee, dual zone sites among other matters. I think it would be appropriate for staff to review the record of previous City Council meetings regarding the 8 items referred back to staff for amendments to the VBMP and to conduct public meetings in accordance with City Council discussions regarding amendments to the Plan for inclusion in an amendment package. This package was to be submitted to the City Council and the California Coastal Commission for certification. For this reason, I request this informational meeting be postponed to a later date to provide meaningful community input regarding a complete and detailed package as directed. The last time the planning commission addressed the VBMP deciding to send it to the City Council for approval it erred. Within 6 months of it being… Thank you for your comments. All 8 items are open for discussion. However, staff is only presenting Items 2 through 4 and 8. Items 1 and 5 through 7 are currently being pursued and addressed through separate projects. The community can provide comments on those separate projects. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 43 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 3b Simon Angel …approved, 8 items were presented initially to modify and amend this plan. Let us not make the same mistake again. There are numerous changes that have been called for to the VBMP. The items in this informational report fail by a long shot. Do not compound the problem with no community input. 4 Penny Johnson (Combined two written responses) I realized that we could enjoy this natural beauty because the building across the street on State St. was only one story tall. I imagined another three stories added to that and it was a rude and depressing realization that we would not be able to see and enjoy such a vision of nature with a 4-story building blocking the entire view. Is this what “Envision Carlsbad” is all about? With your pushing 4 story buildings for Carlsbad, the very least that should be done is leaving the 4 story buildings out of the core of downtown Carlsbad.......a max of 2 stories would keep the ambiance of the “ charm “ of Carlsbad and also give the Grand promenade the openness that would make it a credible promenade. The members of the planning commission should not be allowed to vote on anything that is a final decision. They were not voted into their positions by the citizens of Carlsbad. They were appointed and were appointed by the city council members that were seeking planning members who would vote according to their views on pro-development. This has led to overbuilding and traffic problems that have lessened the quality of life in Carlsbad. Thank you for your comments. Currently the adopted Master Plan includes a height limitation of 4 stories and 45’ in the Village Center (VC), Freeway Commercial (FC) and Hospitality (HOSP) Districts. This standard helps achieve the square footage required for mixed-use and multifamily housing projects in these districts and to achieve the minimum density requirements. On Feb. 16, 2021, the City Council approved changing the decision- making authority for the entire master plan to the City Council. For areas outside the coastal zone, the changes go into effect March 25, 2021. Amendments inside the Coastal Zone will become effective when the California Coastal Commission approves an amendment. The amendment will be submitted to the Coastal Commission later in date. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 44 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 5 Lisa Potter Thanks for the opportunity to weigh on the amendments to the Village and Barrio Master Plan. The piece that caught my eye was mention of creating parking structures in these areas. I understand the need for more parking to support downtown businesses and activities (like the street fairs), but a typical parking structure is an incredible eye sore and will definitely subtract from downtown’s character and appeal. The parking structure in Oceanside by their train station is ugly, poorly lit, has too-skinny parking spaces making it hard to park and get in and out of your vehicle, and dead ends at the top with a difficult turn around. Definitely poorly planned and a terrible use of almost beach front land. We should definitely not repeat those mistakes. If a multi-story parking structure is truly needed, it should be on the eastern outskirts of the village by the highway so as to not impede with the village character and walkability. This is still an easy walk for most and during certain seasons a shuttle could run between a few key points like the beach or street fair, Sr. Center and the parking structure. Thank you for your comments. Currently, there is no parking structure proposed. The Master Plan recommends implementing a Parking Management Program to address the community’s parking issues. However, parking structures are conditionally permitted within commercial districts in the Master Plan area and the Master Plan does provide parking structure development standards. 6 Julie Aidour Dear Planning Commission, Thanks for revisiting this plan. Please eliminate 3.2.2 the clause that subtly invalidates all districts. Please have design standards if possible now. Several projects have been built since this plan went through. Hopefully some things have been learned about the right & wrong way to do "infill" building in neighborhoods that are already packed with residents and businesses. This was understandably something new in Carlsbad. I could list the projects that have been obnoxious towards their neighborhood during the building process (here's looking at State & Oak...) or suggest a different strategy. The construction at the northwest corner of Oak & Madison is an example of a builder making an effort not to block the sidewalk, hog the parking, put the porta potty under the neighbor's window, leave debris in the street to flatten people's tires, put plywood over a ditch where the sidewalk should be, etc. for months at a time. Make some plans so other builders follow this one's standards. It can be done - no need for the maximum disharmony. You have a role model - use it. Thank you for your comments. Policy 3.2.2 does not exist; however, your issue of concern is referring to Policy 2.3.3. “Development Site Spanning Multiple Districts.” This policy does not invalidate all districts. Projects spanning multiple districts are subject to a site development plan, which shall establish the development standards for the site in a manner most consistent with the underlying district’s standards. Currently staff is processing objective design standards for the Village and Barrio Master Plan through a separate project. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 45 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 7a Mary Anne Viney November 4, 2020 Dear Planning Commission, Thank you for all you do for our wonderful community, and for the opportunity to write to you today about preserving the historical roots of the City of Carlsbad, of which I am on public record, from previous public comment. Whilst our City must accommodate the affordable housing need, and rightly so, I am concerned we might lose any remaining small-scale historic buildings unless we have a well-defined historic preservation course of action. I, like many community members, in my experience, believe that the charm and character of our Village and Barrio are much enhanced by existing historic structures, which provide a rich and fascinating narrative of the development of our city. The potential loss of all of those historic resources risks the charm and character that our community highly values, as well as our ‘sense of place’, community identity and cultural heritage. In my understanding, The Village and Barrio Master Plan ‘recognizes and supports the historical roots’ of the City, and calls for a program to encourage preservation. The Village and Barrio Master Plan, however, still needs to define this program and identify any historic resources, if it is truly committed to preserving historic resources. I am requesting Planning Commission consideration of designing such a program and identifying historic resources at this time. Further, apparently, there are few historic properties remaining (only about 12 historic properties remain of the 19 historic properties listed in the 1991 Historic Resource Inventory that were approved by City Council prior to 1990, per the Historic Preservation Library Staff). It appears that Carlsbad’s Historic Preservation Commission has not designated any historic properties for preservation since the 1993 appeal of the 1991 Historic Resource Inventory… Thank you for your comments. The city has an established Historic Preservation Ordinance (Municipal Code Title 22) which has a purpose to “effect and accomplish the protection, enhancement and perpetuation of historic resources that represent or reflect elements of the city’s cultural, social, economic, political and architectural history.” The Master Plan’s Implementation Action Matrix (Ch. 5) also includes the establishment of a Mills Act Tax Incentive Program which allows historic property owners to receive a property tax break in exchange for the preservation and maintenance of the historic property, therefore providing property owners an incentive to list their historic structure on the City’s Historic Resources Inventory List. However, the Mills Act Tax Incentive Program has not yet been implemented. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 46 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 7b Mary Anne Viney [cont.] However, community member public comments regarding the maintenance of community character in the Housing Element survey appear to have a wealth of opinion in favor of community character, as well as historic preservation, and including ideas of how to develop additional housing and preserve historic buildings, as well. It may that our community would be willing to identify local historic properties to place on a cultural resource inventory list. Does the City have a definition of ‘community character’ and a mechanism for the Planning department to use to maintain ‘community character’ in Carlsbad? Are any of the historic properties on the pre-1990 list being impacted by the proposed housing element site selections? Please consider requesting this list from Historic Preservation Library Staff. Could historic district regulations be adopted to protect vulnerable, valuable buildings/parks/trees, etc., from being demolished? Would the designation ‘historic cultural resources’ constitute an objective standard? Thank you for considering my request(s) and addressing the above questions and I look forward to your consideration on this important topic of historic preservation. Community Character is not defined in the Master Plan. The Master Plan does describe the city as having a small-town beach- community character. The Local Coastal Program also has a Carlsbad Community Vision which has a core value of having a “Small Town Feel, Beach Community Character, and Connectedness.” Section 22.08.010 requires all property owners of designated historic resources to obtain a permit prior to proposing alterations to the historic resource. The City has an adopted Community Forest Management Plan which includes the Carlsbad Historic Village District Street Tree Report and provides guidelines for maintenance of street trees (Chapter 6 of the Forest Management Plan). Section 22.06.04 provides procedures and requirements for creating new Historic Districts including written consent of all of the owners of property within the proposed district to the proposed designation. The Historic Preservation Commission must review the request and provide a recommendation to City Council for a final decision. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 47 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 8a T.J. Childs 1.Paragraph 2.3.3 Development Site Spanning Multiple Districts. Needs to be rewritten so it pertains only to the Blazer Trailer part, which spans east to Roosevelt and west to State. 2. When citizens inquired what properties paragraph 2.3.3 would pertain to; they were told it only applied to the Blazer Trailer park. But right before the vote on the VBMP was to be taken, citizens were told it changed, and that paragraph 2.3.3 could now apply to any property within the VBMP area. 3. When asked why this was, we were told it was too late to make the citizenry aware of the changes. The city produced six errata’s why was something so important as this, not incorporated into one of them. 4. Paragraph 2.3.3 needs to be rewritten so it pertains only to the Blazer Trailer Park. 5. If this fails to happen a person or entity can buy up properties at the edge of a district. change the zoning classification, then continue purchasing more properties until the zoning of many and maybe most of the properties in that district have changed. Thus, allowing them to nullify the zoning classification of a particular zone. 6. This is an especially egregious issue for residential districts, where the properties within the district, can be changed property by property to a mixed use or business zoning classification. 7.There has not been an update about the lighting contract for the Barrio. By now the contractor was supposed to hold meetings with the residents to get our input about possible lighting schemes. 8. There are still no stop signs on Roosevelt or Madison streets. Residents have asked that there be stop signs put on Roosevelt and Madison streets to stop speeding cars. 9. First citizens were told a request to have stops signs rotated so they face towards Madison and Roosevelt Streets had to be submitted to Caltrans for approval. Then we were told that the two stop signs on the shorter east west streets could not be taken down. Because switching the directions of the signs was considered to be a “taking.” But that two additional stop signs could be added to the other corners of the intersections. Thank you for your comments. Policy 2.3.3. is intended to provide direction for projects that span multiple districts Projects spanning multiple districts are also subject to a site development plan, which shall establish the development standards for the site in a manner most consistent with the underlying district’s standards. The Master Plan’s Implementation Action Matrix identifies street improvements within the Village and Barrio areas. These improvements must be added to the city’s capital improvement program to be implemented. Funding resources must also be identified. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 48 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 8b T.J. Childs [cont.] 10.So far nothing has been done, even though Digital Traffic Requests have been submitted. How long do we have to wait for such a simple fix? 11.There are approximately 30 intersections in the Barrio. Many of which have no red curbs at the corner of the intersections and or have well-worn hardly visible crosswalks. Since the initial approval of the VBMP plan, additional red curbs have been added to some intersections in the Barrio, but there are several which need red curbs. The city has been notified multiple times in multiple ways and in multiple venues, about these hazards. How long do we have to wait for such a simple fix? Digital traffic requests have been submitted to address these issues. 12.A contract was let to install traffic circles in the Village and Barrio. Residents were told as part of this contract the contractor would be holding meetings, where they could address additional traffic concerns. So far no meeting and little improvements. 13.In the second draft version of the VBMP plan, there were several design styles approved for proposed development in the village. There was a great deal of community support for these design styles. They should be brought back and reincorporated in the VBMP as guidelines for new buildings in the village. Please contact the Traffic Division regarding your traffic requests at 760-602-2730. Objective Design Standards including architectural styles are currently being proposed by staff through a separate process. However, a scope of work has not yet been approved. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 49 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 9 Scott Engel The overwhelming majority of citizens disapproved of 4 story building heights and their input was categorically dismissed. What's different now? Thank you for your comments. Currently the adopted Master Plan includes a height limitation of 4 stories and 45’ in the Village Center (VC), Freeway Commercial (FC) and Hospitality (HOSP) Districts. This standard helps achieve the square footage required for mixed-use and multifamily housing projects in the these districts and to achieve the minimum density requirements. 10 Brian Watts We oppose designating our neighborhood VG. Your description of allowed uses can be described best as a poorly considered pile of jellybeans. It is a "hodgepodge" toward no discernable goal. Essentially you are proposing that our quiet and peaceful enclave become a runover zone for incompatible uses. If you believe that more parking lots, fast food restaurants and laundromats are compatible, then you should volunteer to desecrate your own neighborhoods, not ours. You would be well advised to send this back to staff, instructing them to consider whether the allowable uses proposed are really how we want to define our city, the Village, and this neighborhood. Except for hazardous uses like dynamite factories you will effectively destroy our homes when that is not necessary. Consider protecting our neighborhood--your job--rather than destroying it for the benefit of a few developers. Our well established neighborhood, from one lot east of Roosevelt to Jefferson, is made up of single-family and multi-family residences as well as professional office buildings. These uses are, and have been, compatible. At least make an effort, please. Thank you for your comments. The Village Genera (VG) District serves as a transitional area between the adjacent commercial properties within the Village and Barrio Master Plan area and the residential neighborhoods outside of the Village and Barrio Master Plan area. Therefore, this district allows for residential and commercial uses to exist side-by-side or in a mixed-use format. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 50 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 11 Gary Nessim (two written responses) Planning Commission Meeting November 4, 2020 Village and Barrio Master Plan Improvements Mobility and Parking 1.5.2 Observations and suggestions; Those that visit the Village notice the many new residential projects under construction and coming before you. 2,000 residential units will add to the need for parking. Additional restaurants are adding to that need, and soon NCTD will close its’ parking lots for development. Already individuals park on every corner blocking pedestrian access and the view for pedestrian and bike traffic to traverse the village. This is the opposite of mobility improvement. Attached is a photo of 800 Grand, an upscale residential development where the opportunity was missed for a public private partnership for a privately built and maintained municipal parking garage. The project did not go underground but could have fit a 100- space municipal garage costing about 2.5 million. This garage would benefit project residents with parking for guests at no cost to them. Who wants to visit a village resident when no parking within a reasonable distance is available? I strongly suggest including several paragraphs encouraging developers to request funds from our parking in lieu fund for such a purpose. The developer can propose such an addition with a little encouragement from our planning manual. Photos of Old World Center and our citys’ Roosevelt Street Parking lots which, if developed following other recent projects, would waste valuable space underground. We need to encourage a public private partnership to add municipal parking and not just collect funds expecting land to be created in addition to the will to have the city build and maintain a municipal garage. Would like to participate further in PC meeting and would like to suggest a workshop, a virtual workshop to work on architectural style, parking and a few other items you may suggest. Thank you for your comments. Currently the Master Plan includes a Parking Management Plan to address the community’s current parking issues. Once initiated, the Parking Ambassador Program will ensure the Parking Management Plan is properly implemented and adequately addresses parking issues. However, parking structures are conditionally permitted uses in the commercial districts and the Master Plan provides development standards for parking structures. The Master Plan also encourages public/private partnerships for capital improvement projects. Objective Design Standards including an architectural design palette are currently being proposed through a separate process however a scope of work has not yet been finalized. It is anticipated for there to be a thorough public engagement process in the development of these standards. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 51 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 12 Scott Engel The overwhelming majority of citizens disapproved of 4 story building heights and their input was categorically dismissed. What's different now? Thank you for your comments. Four Story buildings at a maximum 45’ in height are permitted within the Village Center (VC), Freeway Commercial (FC) and Hospitality (HOSP) Districts. This standard helps achieve the square footage required for mixed-use and multifamily housing projects in these districts and to achieve the minimum density requirements. 13a Imagine Carlsbad STREET TREE PROGRAM COMMUNITY INPUT ON THE VILLAGE-BARRIO MASTER PLAN 10-2020 This request askes that you make a recommendation to the Council to have a Comprehensive Street Tree Plan be prepared for the area covered by the Village-Barrio Master Plan. As the Village matures with its semi urban environment in core area districts, street trees will be, more and more, a significant element in the atmosphere and appearance of our public corridors. Due to this it is best that we devise a plan that takes into consideration what our forward thinking objectives are and define specific criteria to best achieve those objectives. Even though there are trees along most of these streets their inclusion has not been and are not now guided by a common set of fully considered objectives. These core area districts are unique to all of the Carlsbad and require a separate and distinct set of guidelines for actions we take on this important design element in the our downtown Village’s public realm. Thank you for your comments. There is no comprehensive street tree program, however there are several policies regarding street trees in Chapter 4 Section 4.3.8. There is also a heritage tree program as part of the Carlsbad’s Community Forest Management Plan adopted in 2019. In the Master Plan’s Implementation Action Matrix, it states a study/plan should be implemented to identify top priority streets to plant trees to provide more shade and increase connectivity between the Village and Barrio. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 52 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 13b Imagine Carlsbad [Cont.] To illustrate where we are today, allow me to provide some examples; Grand Avenue, as we all know has many trees, yes over a dozen different verities line this relatively short corridor. From the distant past, the grandeur of the Eucalyptus, oversized with many nearing the end of their life span. Then we planted the Indian Laurel (Ficus) trees with their muscular structure, spreading roots, heavy canopy and overabundance of fruit. Each of these may be viewed as producing a significant presence that may be held in esteem by some of the community. However, any objective evaluation of these trees would show them as inappropriate for use as trees to be repeated along the streets in a semi urban environment. This fact elicits my standard mantra of, “Carlsbad we can do better than this” A few other examples of our current efforts with street trees tied to new redevelopment in the Village; GRAND MADISON (built) The City stuck with a small to medium size trees even though their canopies will grow to block signs for the street level businesses in the new building, complaints will surly follow. These trees will also do nothing to buffer the height of this new building. GRAND JEFFERSON (unbuilt) Another mixed use building which is what we want. However, it’s a 50ft tall building where the City required street tree be a dwarf verity of tree (selected to help solve a engineering problem). A tree that under ideal conditions would reach a height of some 20ft in a 20 year span. I am sure we all know that street trees in semi urban areas are not ideal growing conditions. SEA GROVE (built) At the north end of state, at the time the plans were approved and prepared the City said “we don’t do street trees”, so developer you must put some (just a few) trees along the street right next to your building. If you have not viewed this development please go by and see how awkward this looks. It goes without saying that street trees have July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 53 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 13c Imagine Carlsbad [Cont.] not been a standard part of street improvements, more like an unwanted stepchild that we will just have to look after. MIXED USE - STATE & OAK (built) This mixed-use building presents the classic solution found on many street in the Village. This where the development selected a “project theme street tree”. This project at its corner site so it planted their theme tree to wrap around on both streets. These trees identify the project not the streets, they do not place the new building into the neighborhood, into the community rather they did all they could to standalone. Trees should provide a design theme element for the public corridor, for the street not for the individual developments along their reach. The City wide Landscape Manual has a standard for theme street trees on the major arterial roadways throughout the City, I know as I am the one that originally put that standard in the first manual back in the 80s. The current Village-Barrio Master Plan has only mild standards for the architectural appearance of new buildings. Even as we ask for additional guidelines on architecture to be added to the document there will continue to be a verdant mix of architectural styles framing our public spaces. Today and to a greater extent in the near future this will produce a visually active street scene. An atmosphere that will seem visually busy and even chaotic for many of us. To counter this, the design of the public… July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 54 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 13d Imagine Carlsbad [Cont.] realm should attempt to unify these corridors with common design elements. One of the most effective at producing this desirable effect are the trees we place along each route. If we agree on this primus we should all see that we have been off the mark on a number of important Village core corridors, State and Grand being the most prominent examples of the problem. The process we currently have in guiding our action on street trees uses too narrow a set of criteria in making decisions on this important element of our downtown atmosphere. Hence we need to stop and cycle back to produce an effective tool, a plan, to better guide our actions, A Comprehensive Street Tree Plan is needed for the Master Plan, please make that recommendation to the Council. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 55 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 14a Imagine Carlsbad PARKING IN OUR DOWNTOWN VILLAGE - 5th edition Sept 29, 2020 This is not the typical complaint of not having enough parking for patrons, employees and residents in the village. However, it is a request for better management for parking, specifically temporary parking of vehicles servicing the businesses that are so critical for a thriving downtown environment in Carlsbad. This should be viewed as “best practice” management by the City to improve business activity and the safety of all. A management effort, perhaps with the VBA assisting, for the betterment of both business and their community of customers. Clearly, you see this on any 6 out of 7 days of a typical week, trucks sitting in an area not meant for this use. Typically, unloading supplies in a painted median on Grand, in a bike lane on CVD or the Boulevard or travel lane on any one of the side streets. A few years ago the Council was presented with and approved of the concept of “Complete Streets” giving it their full support. The 2018 Village-Barrio Master Plan also calls for more and more from streets in this neighborhood. The parking study prepared in support of the master plan identified this very issue, stating “the community has complained about trucks parked in travel lanes” and then identified what could be done to solve this problem, in part that is “curb management”. We ask that you direct action on a comprehensive management practice to implement the masterplan and parking study solving this current problem. Service vehicles parking in an inappropriate location that cause conflicts with modes of travel. We whole heartedly support the redevelopment that brings new businesses along our downtown streets. However, each new business must be required to identify the type, size and frequency of service vehicles for the type of business they plan to have . They need to identify where these vehicles will do their temporary parking. Beyond that, all existing businesses (maybe as part of new business licenses) should also do the same, that’s identifying vehicle size, frequency and the location for temporary service vehicle parking for their business…. Thank you for your comments. Policy 1.5.4.A.6 states the city should, “plan for service vehicle deliveries through curb lane management and where feasible, alley- only deliver areas.” The Implementation Action Matrix also identifies hiring a Parking Management Program Manger to oversee the implementation of the comprehensive parking management program that will strengthen and improve shared parking in the area and implement other parking management and Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies to create a more balanced and efficient parking system. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 56 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 14b Imagine Carlsbad [Cont.] …As we all know, the Village is fortunate to have a number of alleys in its core area. These were meant just for this reason and each should be made right and managed for use by service vehicles as their primary function. Where there are no alleys other parking locations must be identified, some developments may have room on site. Many others may need to use street curbs. These could be identified as service only for a certain time period, say 6AM to 3PM, then use these areas for later day drop off /pickups of patrons or evening valet use. I am an active cyclist who rides with others in and through the village every week. Riding many of the city’s arterial roadways we are very appreciative of the improvements the City has made over the last number of years reducing auto lane widths to enlarge bike lanes and adding buffer areas between the two and / or adjacent parking. Anyone riding on most streets knows well the inherent danger that comes with this activity, riding side by side bike to auto. There is a substantial increase in overall bike use in Carlsbad. The E-bike has spawned this increase in use, from first timer (scary tourist), to full families, to our youth riding to and from home to the beach on their fat tires E- bikes complete with surfboard rack. And that is great it is exactly what we should want to see, Carlsbad residents using passive power to move from their neighborhoods to our coastline and all points between. Delivery trucks in bike lanes make gamblers of all those riding, old and young, will motorist allow me to move into their auto lane, or must I stop? Many if not most of the streets in the Village are oversized in width. This provides a great opportunity. All of this public land to re-imagine, re-engineer for all modes of travel as per “complete streets” and meeting our climate action objectives. Supersize our arterial roadways throughout the city just not the roads in the area we call a “Village” as that is a contradiction in terms, use and atmosphere. Please let’s put together a management program to provide the appropriate location and space for the temporary parking for all service vehicles that removes the current hazardous condition. We can and should provide a grace period for some businesses due to the current need for expanded outdoor space at some curbs. However, we must not use that transition period as an excuse to not act now on this management task. “We can do better”! July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 57 of 83 No. COMMENTER COMMENT STAFF RESPONSE 15 Imagine Carlsbad Video for the Grand Avenue Promenade located at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/yycjmd4y Thank you for your video comment. The Grand Avenue Promenade is listed as one of the Key Village Recommendations in the Master Plan. In the Implementation Action Matrix, a Grand Ave. Promenade Feasibility Project is identified as needed to be conducted in the short term. Design of the promenade is also identified as being completed in the mid-range term. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 58 of 83 COMMUNITY INPUT ON THE VILLAGE-BARRIO MASTER PLAN 10-2020 This request askes that you make a recommendation to the Council to have a Comprehensive Street Tree Plan be prepared for the area covered by the Village-Barrio Master Plan. As the Village matures with its semi urban environment in core area districts, street trees will be, more and more, a significant element in the atmosphere and appearance of our public corridors. Due to this it is best that we devise a plan that takes in to consideration what our forward thinking objectives are and define specific criteria to best achieve those objectives. Even though there are trees along most of these streets their inclusion has not been and are not now guided by a common set of fully considered objectives. These core area districts are unique to all of the Carlsbad and require a separate and distinct set of guidelines for actions we take on this important design element in the our downtown Village’s public realm . To illustrate where we are today, allow me to provide some examples; Grand Avenue, as we all know has many trees, yes over a dozen different verities line this relatively short corridor. From the distant past, the grandeur of the Eucalyptus, oversized with many nearing the end of their life span. Then we planted the Indian Laurel (Ficus) trees with their muscular structure, spreading roots, heavy canopy and over abundance of fruit. Each of these may be viewed as producing a significant presence that may be held in esteem by some of the community. However any objective evaluation of these trees would show them as inappropriate for use as trees to be repeated along the streets in a semi urban environment. This fact elicits my standard mantra of, “Carlsbad we can do better than this” Page 1of3 EXHIBIT 15 July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 59 of 83 A few other examples of our current efforts with street trees tied to new redevelopment in the Village; GRAND MADISON (built) The City stuck with a small to medium size trees even though their canopies will grow to block signs for the street level businesses in the new building, complaints will surly follow. These trees will also do nothing to buffer the height of this new building. GRAND JEFFERSON (unbuilt) Another mixed use building which is what we want. However, it’s a 50ft tall building where the City required street tree be a dwarf verity of tree (selected to help solve a engineering problem). A tree that under ideal conditions would reach a height of some 20ft in a 20 year span. I am sure we all know that street trees in semi urban areas are not ideal growing conditions. SEA GROVE (built) At the north end of state, at the time the plans were approved and prepared the City said “we don’t do street trees”, so developer you must put some (just a few) trees along the street right next to your building. If you have not viewed this development please go by and see how awkward this looks. It goes without saying that street trees have not been a standard part of street improvements, more like an unwanted stepchild that we will just have to look after. MIXED USE - STATE & OAK (built) This mixed use building presents the classic solution found on many street in the Village. This where the development selected a “project theme street tree”. This project at its corner site so it planted their theme tree to wrap around on both streets. These trees identify the project not the streets, they do not place the new building into the neighborhood, into the community rather they did all they could to stand alone. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 60 of 83 Trees should provide a design theme element for the public corridor, for the street not for the individual developments along their reach. The City wide Landscape Manual has a standard for theme street trees on the major arterial roadways throughout the City, I know as I am the one that originally put that standard in the first manual back in the 80s. The current Village-Barrio Master Plan has only mild standards for the architectural appearance of new buildings. Even as we ask for additional guidelines on architecture to be added to the document there will continue to be a verdant mix of architectural styles framing our public spaces. Today and to a greater extent in the near future this will produce a visually active street scene. An atmosphere that will seem visually busy and even chaotic for many of us. To counter this, the design of the public realm should attempt to unify these corridors with common design elements. One of the most effective at producing this desirable effect are the trees we place along each route. If we agree on this primus we should all see that we have been off the mark on a number of important Village core corridors, State and Grand being the most prominent examples of the problem. The process we currently have in guiding our action on street trees uses too narrow a set of criteria in making decisions on this important element of our downtown atmosphere. Hence we need to stop and cycle back to produce an effective tool, a plan, to better guide our actions, A Comprehensive Street Tree Plan is needed for the Master Plan, please make that recommendation to the Council. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 61 of 83 From:Barbara To:Planning Date:Saturday, October 31, 2020 9:44:09 AM Planning commission...master plan...community input....I’ve been living here in Carlsbad for 14 years. For the last 5 or so, I’m completely disgusted with Carlsbad’s transformation. The whole attraction for me was the feeling of asmall town and unique businesses. It’s ok to add and bring in some new businesses , but the new construction ofmulti story buildings in and around the village is absolutely disgraceful. You have completely changed the entirecharacter and feel of the town with your large and greedy developers. Parking structures????? Really? What are youthinking? It’s NOT appealing. It’s NOT a “ small beach community” feel. Those who make money, including thoseresponsible for this change, are happy. But I can tell you that I’m not the only one disgusted, disappointed, andangry about what is happening. And over the years, I’ve given input and requested responses to some importantsafety concerns, but the powers that be do whatever they want anyway.I love living by the coast, but as a senior and homeowner, making a change is not the answer.Hope this gets read and shared.Thank youBarbara SegalSent from my iPhoneCAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 62 of 83 November 4, 2020 To: City of Carlsbad Planning Commission (planning@carlsbadca.com) City of Carlsbad Senior Planner Scott Donnell (scott.donnell@carlsbadca.gov) Dear Planning Commission, Thank you for all you do for our wonderful community, and for the opportunity to write to you today about preserving the historical roots of the City of Carlsbad, of which I am on public record, from previous public comment. Whilst our City must accommodate the affordable housing need, and rightly so, I am concerned we might lose any remaining small-scale historic buildings unless we have a well-defined historic preservation course of action. I, like many community members, in my experience, believe that the charm and character of our Village and Barrio are much enhanced by existing historic structures, which provide a rich and fascinating narrative of the development of our city. The potential loss of all of those historic resources risks the charm and character that our community highly values, as well as our ‘sense of place’, community identity and cultural heritage. In my understanding, The Village and Barrio Master Plan ‘recognizes and supports the historical roots’ of the City, and calls for a program to encourage preservation. The Village and Barrio Master Plan, however, still needs to define this program and identify any historic resources, if it is truly committed to preserving historic resources. I am requesting Planning Commission consideration of designing such a program and identifying historic resources at this time. Further, apparently, there are few historic properties remaining (only about 12 historic properties remain of the 19 historic properties listed in the 1991 Historic Resource Inventory that were approved by City Council prior to 1990, per the Historic Preservation Library Staff). It appears that Carlsbad’s Historic Preservation Commission has not designated any historic properties for preservation since the 1993 appeal of the 1991 Historic Resource Inventory. However, community member public comments regarding the maintenance of community character in the Housing Element survey appear to have a wealth of opinion in favor of community character, as well as historic preservation, and including ideas of how to develop additional housing and preserve historic buildings, as well. It may that our community would be willing to identify local historic properties to place on a cultural resource inventory list. Does the City have a definition of ‘community character’ and a mechanism for the Planning department to use to maintain ‘community character’ in Carlsbad? Are any of the historic properties on the pre-1990 list being impacted by the proposed housing element site selections? Please consider requesting this list from Historic Preservation Library Staff. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 63 of 83 Could historic district regulations be adopted to protect vulnerable, valuable buildings/parks/trees, etc., from being demolished? Would the designation ‘historic cultural resources’ constitute an objective standard? Thank you for considering my request(s) and addressing the above questions and I look forward to your consideration on this important topic of historic preservation. Sincerely, Mary Anne Viney July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 64 of 83 From:Planning To:Planning Commission Cc:Shelley Glennon; Don Neu; Ronald Kemp; Melissa Flores Subject:FW: Comments on Amendments for VBMP Date:Tuesday, November 3, 2020 5:26:58 PM     From: T. j. Childs <childst777@yahoo.com>  Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 4:28 PM To: Planning <Planning@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Comments on Amendments for VBMP       Please read this at the 4 Nov 2020 Carlsbad Planning Commission meeting. 1.       Paragraph 2.3.3 Development Site Spanning Multiple Districts.  Needs to be rewritten so it pertains only to the Blazer Trailer part, which spans east to Roosevelt and west to State.   2.       When citizens inquired  what properties paragraph 2.3.3 would pertain to; they were told it only applied to the Blazer Trailer park. But right before the vote on the VBMP was to be taken, citizens were told it changed, and that paragraph2.3.3 could now apply to any property within the VBMP area.   3.       When asked why this was, we were told it was too late to make the citizenry aware of the changes. The city produced six errata’s why was something so important as this, not incorporated into one of them.     4.       Paragraph 2.3.3 needs to be rewritten so it pertains only to the Blazer Trailer Park.   5.       If this fails to happen a person or entity can buy up properties at the edge of a district. change the zoning classification,  then continue purchasing more properties until the zoning of many and maybe most of the properties in that district have changed. Thus, allowing them to nullify the zoning classification of a particular zone.     6.       This is an especially egregious issue for residential districts, where the properties within the district , can be changed  property by property  to a mixed use or business zoning classification.   7.       There has not been an update about the lighting contract for the Barrio. By now the contractor was supposed to hold meetings with the residents to get our input about possible lighting schemes. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 65 of 83     8.       There are still no stop signs on Roosevelt or Madison streets. Residents have asked that  there be stop signs put on Roosevelt and Madison streets to stop speeding cars.   9.       First citizens were told a request to have stops signs rotated so they face towards Madison and Roosevelt Streets had to be submitted to Caltrans for approval. Then we were told that the two stop signs on the shorter east west streets could not be taken down. Because switching the directions of the signs was considered to be a “taking.”  But that two additional stop signs could be added to the other corners of the intersections.   10.    So far nothing has been done, even though Digital Traffic Requests have been submitted. How long do we have to wait for such a simple fix?     11.   There are approximately 30 intersections in the Barrio.   Many of  which have no red curbs at the corner of the intersections and or  have well-worn hardly visible crosswalks. Since the initial approval of the VBMP plan, additional red curbs have been added to some intersections in the Barrio, but there are several which need red curbs. The city has been notified multiple times in multiple ways and in multiple venues, about these hazards.  How long do we have to wait for such a simple fix?  Digital traffic requests have been submitted to address these issues.   12.    A contract was let  to install traffic circles in the Village and Barrio. Residents were told as part of this contract the contractor would be holding meetings,  where they could address additional traffic concerns.  So far no meeting and little improvements.   13.   In the second draft version of the VBMP plan, there were several design styles approved for  proposed development  in the village. There was a great deal of community support for these design styles. They should be brought back and reincorporated in the VBMP as guidelines for new buildings in the village.      T. J. Childs   CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 66 of 83 From:Planning To:Melissa Flores Subject:FW: Date:Tuesday, November 3, 2020 12:57:28 PM -----Original Message----- From: Barbara <sunngirl67@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 11:36 AM To: Planning <Planning@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Re: Yes, that would be ok to read my letter. Thanks Sent from my iPhone > On Nov 2, 2020, at 8:21 PM, Barbara <sunngirl67@gmail.com> wrote: > > Thank you for your quick response. > My answer is I’m thinking about it. > I will get back to you. > > Sent from my iPhone > >> On Nov 2, 2020, at 8:40 AM, Planning <Planning@carlsbadca.gov> wrote: >> >> Thank you for your comments. Are you requesting these comments be read during the planning commission hearing? They will be forwarded to the planning commission and the planner working on the project. >> >> -----Original Message----- >> From: Barbara <sunngirl67@gmail.com> >> Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2020 9:44 AM >> To: Planning <Planning@CarlsbadCA.gov> >> Subject: >> >> Planning commission...master plan...community input....I’ve been living here in Carlsbad for 14 years. For the last 5 or so, I’m completely disgusted with Carlsbad’s transformation. The whole attraction for me was the feeling of a small town and unique businesses. It’s ok to add and bring in some new businesses , but the new construction of multi story buildings in and around the village is absolutely disgraceful. You have completely changed the entire character and feel of the town with your large and greedy developers. Parking structures????? Really? What are you thinking? It’s NOT appealing. It’s NOT a “ small beach community” feel. Those who make money, including those responsible for this change, are happy. But I can tell you that I’m not the only one disgusted, disappointed, and angry about what is happening. And over the years, I’ve given input and requested responses to some important safety concerns, but the powers that be do whatever they want anyway. >> I love living by the coast, but as a senior and homeowner, making a change is not the answer. >> Hope this gets read and shared. >> Thank you >> Barbara Segal >> Sent from my iPhone >> CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 67 of 83 GRAND PROMENADE - VILLAGE to the PC July20, 2020 We, “Imagine Carlsbad”,. (Start Video1) would like to reintroduce you to the idea of the “Grand Promenade” in the Village. From this reintroduction we ask that you our Planning Commission make a recommendation to the Council to follow through on the study listed as a phase one action item in the Implementation Section of the Village-Barrio Master Plan. Our recommendation is that this study of the Grand Promenade be placed, as a fully funded action item, in the current CIP. An action item to be started no later than next year. The primary goal of the study is to produce the optimum balance of efficiency and safety allowing the three main modes of movement (mobility), pedestrians walking, cyclists on bikes, and motorist in vehicles to share this corridor as equals. IC has continued to study this idea, and from our recent work we present to you two issues that we believe warrant further review now from a City-sponsored study. We all understand that year 2020 has brought us challenges, both unexpected and painful. Budgets may have tightened however, the work we are requesting, focused just on mobility, should have a cost that is modest when compared to other recent city studies. And we are now all aware of the attractive benefits of social activities and dinning held outdoors , year round like at the Village, like on the pedestrian Rambla, like in our mild, Pacific influenced, climate. Performing this study now may well establish the required ground work preparing the GP to qualify for federal grants from a new (socially oriented) infrastructure funding program. We all know Grand Ave, as of today, is one of just two east - west thoroughfares that cross the rail corridor doing so at grade in the Village. Hopefully that will change some time in the near future as the Village matures. At its full length of just two thirds of a mile it’s a thoroughfare held solely within the Village core, from it’s east end cul de sac at Interstate-5 to Ocean Street at the Pacific. SERIES OF NUMBERED GRAPHIC EXHIBITS ) (1) Like us, you may have asked yourself what is a 100 foot wide street r.o.w. doing in an area referred to as a Village? However, we are fortunate that those who laid out this thoroughfare many years ago, when the car was becoming king, super sized its width. (2) Now this allows us to utilize that excessive width to re- imagine, and to re-purpose this public land re- prioritizing it from people in cars (3) to people without cars plain and simple. The idea is a vibrant/active corridor, that once confirmed as a planned improvement, will become a catalyst (4) for further redevelopment, and once built it becomes an exciting enhancement for this neighborhood and for the full Carlsbad community. (5) Imagine Carlsbad came to the idea of the Grand Promenade around 2007 and (6) generated our first plan for it before 2010. (7) We, like many of us, understood how unique our Village is with its proportion as well as scale when most villages in (8) our coastal area that are linear along the highway. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 68 of 83 We saw how Grand Avenue’s width could become a linear open space pulling pedestrians and social activity east from the Boulevard & State St tying the full Village together. (9) We pitched the GP to the city and requested that the Village get a completely new master plan to better guide re-development of private property and to also the enhancement of the public realm. (10) Both request were a struggle. Finally a decision came for a new Master Plan and we got the idea of the GP into that document. As an iterative planning process, I.C. considered the ideas for the GP in the new MP. Initially we did not accept the idea of a “cycle track” (11) as the best option for the network of routes that support cycling mobility in and through the Village. Studying the corridor further we could not find a superior solution. Grand Avenue has many intersections to cross in its relatively short run. The many intersections in every solution even our original design with (12) roundabouts always present potential conflicts for novice cyclist. We believe the separated environment of the cycle track may produce a quickened cycling pace that will carry along these short blocks and through the many intersections.(13) Inherent in these full function intersections are the vehicle turning movements they provide. This produces the potential problem from all the southbound turns that will cross the dual directional cycle track. (14) This is where the un-attentive motorist who does not pick up on all there is to deal with in making a simple turn south may cause a car/bike accident. I.C.s solution, (15) picking up on an option mentioned in the MP, is limiting turning movements by having one way auto travel for a three block stretch on Grand, from State to Jefferson Streets. (16) This solution reduces turning movements south across the cycle track and should also allow for increased curbside parking along the northern street edge. (17) This lead our study to a 2nd issue, circling back to another feature of our original proposal. That is placing the GP on the south side of the corridor. One of the benefits from placing it there is the ease of staging special events on the GP that we’d like to see take place on most days of the week. This is made much easier with vehicle access provided by the mid block alleys. However, we now recognize these points of access are a double-edged sword for the GP. (18) Great for staging events but not so great for both the day to day pedestrian environment on the Rambla and safety for the cycle track users. We now propose these points of access from alleys be clipped at the northern end for anything other than staging events. Making this decision produces complications requiring further study. It should go without saying that what the idea of a GP does at its foundation is put pedestrians and cyclist on par with motorist. Did you fell that, did you just fell the earth move?, yes some of us will have difficulty with this premise, change can be hard, so please expect some to push back on this. IC comes to the issues of circulation and mobility as a novice offering our workJuly 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 69 of 83 from the point of view of a landscape architect & urban designer. We propose that further study of these issues be aided by other disciplines, namely traffic & civil engineers, either staff or consultant. 19) We highlight these two issues, limiting potential conflicts between non-auto and auto mobility as reasons enough to take the idea of a GP to the next level of study. To not take this requested action now would mean we are not serious about the idea, that it is just words and exhibits on paper. (20) With success on this request, IC wants to re-focus our attention on the “Rambla” with its pedestrian oriented enhancements (20.5) and amenities. Currently we break the Rambla into three general areas. (21) First, the 15ft or so adjacent to the private property edge. This area should have a strong relationship to those buildings and the businesses they house. This is where the majority of al-fresco dining should take place. (22) Second the middle area is where most of the pedestrian movement will take place and where plaza type features will be located, (23) third is the edge next to the cycle track where we place elements to buffer that movement and areas for bicycle parking. (Vidoe2) It should go without saying that this neighborhood, The Village, represents our best opportunity on creating a vibrant neighborhood that is viewed as our downtown, as our Town Center by all of Carlsbad. In response to that vision we should do all we can to make the Village a great place to live & work. And also a destination for a day’s long outing that all of us visit often, pointing to it with pride as our community’s point of focus, our downtown, our Town Center. That potential will be greatly enhanced if Carlsbad makes the correct decision and selects the existing City Hall site as the location for our new Civic Center. The creative redevelopment of this site into our new flagship facility can be a meaningful and important element for our downtown Village and act as an anchor at the eastern end of the Grand Promenade. To make this investment in our town center “world class” it will be best if we can tie these two important downtown elements together via a new pedestrian tunnel under Interstate-5. The idea of a tunnel is also in the new Master Plan. As we say, “a destination for a day’s outing” for the full Carlsbad community’s enjoyment. To make that vision come alive we all should understand the importance of a Town Center to our community and wrap our arms around the Village to make it all it can be for all of Carlsbad! Once again, the primary goal of the requested study is to produce a plan for an optimum balance between efficiency and safety allowing the three main modes of movement, pedestrians walking, cyclists on bikes, and motorist in vehicles to share this corridor equally. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 70 of 83 From:Penny Johnson To:Planning; City Clerk; Council Internet Email Subject:Grand promenade Date:Sunday, November 1, 2020 7:07:46 PM I am impressed and I favor of a Grand promenade much like was presented by Mr Nessim. His vision is very well done and kudos to him for his hard work and vision. The video looks and has the feeling of what a promenade should look and feel like. To accomplish such a vision there should be nothing higher than 2 stories .......period !!!!! Promenades are to be wide and open for the pleasurable activity of being outside and reveling in nature and in space. In order to appreciate the experience that makes people want to linger in this environment , it cannot be hemmed in by 4 story buildings that would give the feeling of imprisonment in a canyon with a sterile ,cold , depressing experience. You are not creating a pleasurable environment that would draw people ,both residence and visitors, if you are taking away the envelopment of the ocean and sky that become as one when you are in downtown Carlsbad ..........that is the karma of Carlsbad !!!!!!! My friends and I were enjoying sitting outside at Mas Finas last nite at around 5:30 and marveling at the beautiful pink and blue clouds that were being lit up by the setting sun. I realized that we could enjoy this natural beauty because the building across the street on State St. was only one story tall. I imagined another three stories added to that and it was a rude and depressing realization that we would not be able to see and enjoy such a vision of nature with a 4 story building blocking the entire view. Is this what “Envision Carlsbad” is all about ? With your pushing 4 story buildings for Carlsbad, the very least that should be done is leaving the 4 story buildings out of the core of downtown Carlsbad.......a max of 2 stories would keep the ambiance of the “ charm “ of Carlsbad and also give the Grand promenade the openness that would make it a credible promenade. Penny Johnson resident of Old Carlsbad for 43 years 760 729 4689 Sent from my iPad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 71 of 83 July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 72 of 83 Planning Commission Meeting November 4, 2020 Village and Barrio Master Plan Improvements Mobility and Parking 1.5.2 Observations and suggestions; Those that visit the Village notice the many new residential projects under construction and coming before you. 2,000 residential units will add to the need for parking. Additional restaurants are adding to that need, and soon NCTD will close its’ parking lots for development. Already individuals park on every corner blocking pedestrian access and the view for pedestrian and bike traffic to traverse the village. This is the opposite of mobility improvement. Attached is a photo of 800 Grand, an upscale residential development where the opportunity was missed for a public private partnership for a privately built and maintained municipal parking garage. The project did not go underground but could have fit a 100 space municipal garage costing about 2.5 million. This garage would benefit project residents with parking for guests at no cost to them. Who wants to visit a village resident when no parking within a reasonable distance is available? I strongly suggest including several paragraphs encouraging developers to request funds from our parking in lieu fund for such a purpose. The developer can propose such an addition with a little encouragement from our planning manual. Photos of Old World Center and our citys’ Roosevelt Street Parking lots which, if developed following other recent projects, would waste valuable space underground. We need to encourage a public private partnership to add municipal parking and not just collect funds expecting land to be created in addition to the will to have the city build and maintain a municipal garage. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 73 of 83 From:Scott Engel To:Planning Subject:Public Outreach Date:Wednesday, November 4, 2020 2:16:52 PM I desire to have my comment read into the record at the Planning Commission meeting. The overwhelming majority ofcitizens disapproved of 4 storybuilding heights and theirinput was categoricallydismissed. What's differentnow? Scott Engel4220 Isle DrCarlsbad, 92008 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 74 of 83 PARKING IN OUR DOWNTOWN VILLAGE - 5th edition Sept 29, 2020 This is not the typical complaint of not having enough parking for patrons, employees and residents in the village. However, it is a request for better management for parking, specifically temporary parking of vehicles servicing the businesses that are so critical for a thriving downtown environment in Carlsbad. This should be viewed as “best practice” management by the City to improve business activity and the safety of all. A management effort, perhaps with the VBA assisting, for the betterment of both business and their community of customers. Clearly, you see this on any 6 out of 7 days of a typical week, trucks sitting in an area not meant for this use. Typically, unloading supplies in a painted median on Grand, in a bike lane on CVD or the Boulevard or travel lane on any one of the side streets. A few years ago the Council was presented with and approved of the concept of “Complete Streets” giving it their full support. The 2018 Village-Barrio Master Plan also calls for more and more from streets in this neighborhood. The parking study prepared in support of the master plan identified this very issue, stating “ the community has complained about trucks parked in travel lanes” and then identified what could be done to solve this problem, in part that is “curb management”. We ask that you direct action on a comprehensive management practice to implement the master plan and parking study solving this current problem. Service vehicles parking in an inappropriate location that cause conflicts with modes of travel. We whole heartedly support the redevelopment that brings new businesses along our downtown streets. However, each new business must be required to identify the type, size and frequency of service vehicles for the type of business they plan to have . They need to identify where these vehicles will do their temporary parking. Beyond that, all existing businesses (maybe as part of new business licenses) should also do the same, that’s identifying vehicle size, frequency and the location for temporary service vehicle parking for their business. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 75 of 83 As we all know, the Village is fortunate to have a number of alleys in its core area. These were meant just for this reason and each should be made right and managed for use by service vehicles as their primary function. Where there are no alleys other parking locations must be identified, some developments may have room on site. Many others may need to use street curbs. These could be identified as service only for a certain time period, say 6AM to 3PM, then use these areas for later day drop off /pickups of patrons or evening valet use. Photo of the typical situation I am an active cyclist who rides with others in and through the village every week. Riding many of the city’s arterial roadways we are very appreciative of the improvements the City has made over the last number of years reducing auto lane widths to enlarge bike lanes and adding buffer areas between the two and / or adjacent parking . Anyone riding on most streets knows well the inherent danger that comes with this activity, riding side by side bike to auto. There is a substantial increase in overall bike use in Carlsbad. The E-bike has spawned this increase in use, from first timer (scary tourist), to full families, to our youth riding to and from home to the beach on their fat tires E- bikes complete with surfboard rack. And that is great it is exactly what we should want to see, Carlsbad residents using passive power to move from their neighborhoods to our coast line and all points between. Delivery trucks in bike lanes make gamblers of all those riding, old and young, will motorist allow me to move into their auto lane, or must I stop? Many if not most of the streets in the Village are oversized in width. This provides a great opportunity. All of this public land to re-imagine, re- engineer for all modes of travel as per “complete streets” and meeting our climate action objectives. Supersize our arterial roadways throughout the city just not the roads in the area we call a “Village” as that is a contradiction inJuly 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 76 of 83 terms, use and atmosphere. Please let’s put together a management program to provide the appropriate location and space for the temporary parking for all service vehicles that removes the current hazardous condition. We can and should provide a grace period for some businesses due to the current need for expanded outdoor space at some curbs. However, we must not use that transition period as an excuse to not act now on this management task. “We can do better”! July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 77 of 83 From:simon angel To:Planning Cc:don.neu@carlsbadcs.gov Subject:Item #3 Village and Barrio Master Plan amendment package, November 4, 2020 Date:Sunday, November 1, 2020 6:14:46 PM The staff report regarding this item is severely lacking to the point of being pointless in that it fails to adequately address not only the 8 items presented to the City Council originally but it fails to address the items in its own staffreport. Items 1, 6, and 7 are not addressed at all. No mention is made of the Design Review Committee, dual zonesites among other matters. I think it would be appropriate for staff to review the record of previous City Councilmeetings regarding the 8 items referred back to staff for amendments to the VBMP and to conduct public meetingsin accordance with City Council discussions regarding amendments to the Plan for inclusion in an amendmentpackage. This package was to be submitted to the City Council and the California Coastal Commission forcertification. For this reason I request this informational meeting be postponed to a later date to provide meaningfulcommunity input regarding a complete and detailed package as directed. The last time the planning commission addressed the VBMP deciding to send it to the City Council for approval iterred. Within 6 months of it being approved, 8 items were presented initially to modify and amend this plan. Let usnot make the same mistake again. There are numerous changes that have been called for to the VBMP. The items inthis informational report fail by a long shot. Do not compound the problem with no community input. Simon AngelBarrio Carlsbad Community AdvocatesCAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 78 of 83 From:Sondra and Brian To:Planning Cc:Sondra Morison and Brian Watts Subject:VG Zone in Village Date:Wednesday, November 4, 2020 12:41:03 PM Please read this into the record at today's Planning Commission meeting. We oppose designating our neighborhood VG. Your description of allowed uses can bedescribed best as a poorly considered pile of jelly beans. It is a "hodgepodge" toward no discernable goal. Essentially you are proposing that our quiet and peaceful enclave become a runover zone forincompatible uses. If you believe that more parking lots, fast food restaurants and laundomats are compatible, then you should volunteer to desecrate your own neighborhoods, not ours.You would be well advised to send this back to staff, instructing them to consider whether the allowable uses proposed are really how we want to define our city, the Village, and thisneighborhood. Except for hazardous uses like dynamite factories you will effectively destroy our homes when that is not necessary. Consider protecting our neighborhood--your job--rather than destroying it for the benefit of afew developers. Our well established neighborhood, from one lot east of Roosevelt to Jefferson, is made up of single-family and multi-family residences as well as professional office buildings. These usesare, and have been, compatible. At least make an effort, please. Sincerely, Brian Watts and Sondra Morison2664 Madison Street CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 79 of 83 From:brendel4776@gmail.com To:Planning Subject:Village and Barrio Master Plan Date:Friday, October 30, 2020 5:23:19 PM Questions for Nov 4 meeting: 1) please explain the plans for turning Grand and Madison into pedestrian thoroughfares. We are in support, as long as proper planning is done to not attract skateboarders and the unsheltered population. The idea could be wonderful if properly planned, or a disaster if not throughly thought out. 2) please explain why the public lots in the Village do not have overnight parking restrictions. We think that there should be. 3) will there be public art included in a future parking structure. We think there should be. What is the location being proposed for the structure? We think it should be near the train tracks. Hopefully, the structure will not be conducive for skateboarding, crime and the unsheltered population. The top of the structure could be a wonderful lookout spot, miniature golf course, or restaurant - lots of other fun ideas. 4) does the plan address the negative impact to businesses, residents and tourists of unsheltered people in the Village and Barrio? We think solutions are needed. 5) does the plan address cleanliness and unsightly landscaping in the Village? We think it should. Trash, dirty benches, overflowing trash cans, dead plants, portable toilet havens for crime, dirty sidewalks. 6) is public art included in the overall plan? We think it should be. Things like decorative sidewalks and pedestrian areas, benches, tile work, etc. 7) infrastructure, facilities, and businesses that serve live, work, play would be fabulous Please seize this opportunity to make The Village and Barrio really special places, to be proud of, for tourists and residents alike (they aren’t now). Thank you, Cathy and Steve Brendel Sent from my iPhone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 80 of 83 From:Lisa Potter To:Planning Subject:Village and Barrio Master Plan Amendments Date:Friday, October 30, 2020 2:13:46 PM Morning, Thanks for the opportunity to weigh on the amendments to the Village and Barrio Master Plan. The piece that caught my eye was mention of creating parking structures in these areas. I understand the need for more parking to support downtown businesses and activities (like the street fairs), but a typical parking structure is an incredible eye sore and will definitely subtract from downtown’s character and appeal. The parking structure in Oceanside by their train station is ugly, poorly lit, has too-skinny parking spaces making it hard to park and get in and out of your vehicle, and dead ends at the top with a difficult turn around. Definitely poorly planned and a terrible use of almost beach front land. We should definitely not repeat those mistakes. If a multi-story parking structure is truly needed, it should be on the eastern outskirts of the village by the highway so as to not impede with the village character and walkability. This is still an easy walk for most and during certain seasons a shuttle could run between a few key points like the beach or street fair, Sr. Center and the parking structure. Thanks for your consideration, KR, Lisa Lisa Potter CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 81 of 83 From:Planning To:Planning Commission Cc:Shelley Glennon; Don Neu; Ronald Kemp; Melissa Flores Subject:FW: Revisiting Village Barrio Master Plan- please read at Wed Nov 4 meeting Date:Tuesday, November 3, 2020 8:18:30 AM     From: michaelajd <michaelajd@yahoo.com>  Sent: Monday, November 2, 2020 7:39 PM To: Planning <Planning@CarlsbadCA.gov> Subject: Revisiting Village Barrio Master Plan- please read at Wed Nov 4 meeting   Dear Planning Commission, Thanks for revisiting this plan. Please eliminate 3.2.2 the clause that subtly invalidates all districts.   Please have design standards if possible now.   Several projects have been built since this plan went through.Hopefully some things have been learned about the right & wrong way to do "infill" building in neighborhoods that are already packed with residents and businesses. This was understandably something new in Carlsbad. I could list the projects that have been obnoxious towards their neighborhood during the building process  ( here's looking at State & Oak...)  or suggest a different strategy.     The construction at the northwest corner of Oak & Madison is an example of a builder making an effort not to block the sidewalk, hog the parking, put the porta potty under the neighbor's window, leave debris in the street to flatten people's tires,put plywood over a ditch where the sidewalk should be, etc. for months at a time.    Make some plans so other builders follow this one's standards. It can be done - no need for the  maximum disharmony. You have a role model - use it.    All the best,    Julie Ajdour ,barrio resident           Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 82 of 83 From:Penny Johnson To:Planning; City Clerk; Council Internet Email Subject:Planning commission discretionary voting Date:Monday, November 2, 2020 7:34:19 PM The members of the planning commission should not be allowed to vote on anything that is a final decision. They were not voted into their positions by the citizens of Carlsbad. They were appointed and were appointed by the city council members that were seeking planning members who would vote according to their views on pro development . This has led to overbuilding and traffic problems that have lessened the quality of life in Carlsbad . Penny Johnson Old Carlsbad resident 43 years 760 729 4689 Sent from my iPad CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. July 20, 2021 Item #5 Page 83 of 83 From:Kirk Moeller To:City Clerk Subject:7-20-21 City Council Hearing Item #5 - Village and Barrio Master Plan Amendment Discussion Date:Tuesday, July 20, 2021 9:04:59 AM Mayor and City Council, I recently was made aware that the Council would be discussing possible amendments to the current Village and Barrio Master Plan. I was involved in the design of a mixed use project within the VC district during the authoring and approval process of the current Village and Barrio master plan. I spent significant amounts of time discussing various aspects of the master plan with City staff and became educated on why many of the current plan revisions were made. Many revisions were made to correct issues with the previous master plan while some elements remained in place due to State Housing requirements. While the current Master Plan is not perfect, I feel it has been much improved from the previous version. Density, Height and Parking continue to be a leading topic of discussion among the community. Density is an element that is governed by the State. We have very little control or say in how density regulations are distributed throughout the community. The Height issue has been improved within the current master plan by requiring step backs at the upper floor which helps reduce the overall structure massing. The Parking situation can be improved by future construction of parking garages throughout Village and Barrio areas. I understand that this will take some time to accomplish the planning and construction of these structures and am looking forward to the time when the discussed parking structure(s) can become a reality. Additionally, I understand that City is currently working on additional building design standards. I am looking forward to reviewing these standards once they are released. I feel the current Master Plan is an improvement over the previous version and that major modification are not warranted. Thank you, Kirk Moeller CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. All Receive - Agenda Item #__5__ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ From:Kevin Dunn To:City Clerk Subject:Village and Barrio Master Plan Amendment Topics Date:Tuesday, July 20, 2021 10:06:06 AM Attachments:image002.png image001.png Council Members, Unfortunately, I am unable to make the hearing tonight. I would like to be there to give somethoughts on the Village and Barrio Master Plan Amendment Topics, but wanted to at least send the Council Members an email. I am a resident of Carlsbad, a business owner in the city, a real estate broker and developer,and an owner of multiple properties in the Village and surrounding neighborhoods. I was involved in some of the outreach sessions the city had years ago as the new plan was beingdrafted. My project on the corner of Grand and Jefferson was the first development application to be submitted to the city after the Village and Barrio plan was approved--it iscurrently under construction. I strongly believe the Council should not make any significant changes to the Plan without providing more outreach to the community and specifically, to all of the property owners inthe Village and Barrio. Since the plan was adopted, a significant percentage of properties in the Village and Barrio have sold and changed ownership. Many of these sellers and buyersvalued these properties based on what the new plan allows as it relates to zoning, use, density, parking, height, etc. Any changes made to the plan that would make any or all of thesecategories more restrictive would have a negative impact on value--in some cases, there would be significant depreciation in the property value. I don't think the plan is perfect. No plan is. But, I also think the city needs to give it time tosee how it is working before making any significant changes. Or, at the very least, make sure the outreach gets to all property owners in the impacted areas prior to making more restrictiverevisions. As I said, I submitted the first development application after the plan was approved and the building is still 10 months away from being completed. We haven't been able to seethe vision of the new plan take shape as buildings like these come to life. Give it some time... Thank you, Kevin Dunn Rincon Homes Principal 5315 Avenida Encinas, Suite 200, Carlsbad, CA 92008 p: 949.637.3254 | e: kdunn@rincongrp.com | w: www.rincon-homes.com CA DRE #01996419 Connect with us All Receive - Agenda Item #____ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ This e-mail and attachments (if any) is intended only for the addressee(s) and is subject to copyright. This email contains information which may be confidential or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient please advise the sender by return email, do not use ordisclose the contents and delete the message and any attachments from your system. Unless specifically stated, this email does not constitute formal advice or commitment by the sender or Rincon Real Estate Group, Inc. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. All Receive - Agenda Item #____ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ From:maryanneviney@dslextreme.com To:City Clerk Subject:Public Written Comment, Item No. 5: VILLAGE & BARRIO MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT DISCUSSION Date:Tuesday, July 20, 2021 12:02:48 PM Dear City Council, Please consider including a Council approved list of historic buildings to protect valuable vulnerable structures within the Village and Barrio Master Plan area. As stated in the Village and Barrio Master Plan section 1.5.1, the City of Carlsbad should 'develop an implementation program to encourage voluntary (building) rehabilitation'. Since the 1993 repeal of the Historic Resource Inventory, no program has been implemented to preserve privately owned historic structures. An “official” historic building program would incentivize building rehabilitation and allow participation in the Mills Act, currently unavailable to Carlsbad residents. The Village and Barrio Master Plan starts to define Carlsbad’s Community Vision, and is also an opportunity to allow for public input. If the City created an official Historic Resource Program, following National and State Historic designation Guidelines, residents in the Village and Barrio could voluntarily request landmark status of their private property. Adopting a Council approved historic building list would also provide a mechanism to implement goals and policies designed to protect local Historic Resources throughout the City. The Planning Commission is currently unable to implement any of these policies without a Council approved list of historic structures. To further strengthen policies for historic resources in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area, Objective Design Standards could also include adjacency and vibration standards to protect historic structures when future developments are proposed. If Council could please consider the following when adopting changes to the Village and Barrio Master Plan: 1. Implement goals and policies designated to protect local historic resources throughout the City. 2. Reaffirm the extant properties designated as landmarks, historic sites or points of interest between 1986 and 1990 as the City’s current historic resource inventory. 3. Adopt the Mills Act to incentivize preservation of local historically designated properties. As quoted in the Village and Barrio Master Plan, identifying qualified historic resources could help 'promote compatibility with the existing context' and further define Carlsbad's 'community character'. Thanks for considering these comments. All Receive - Agenda Item #____ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ Sincerely, Mary Anne Viney CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. All Receive - Agenda Item #____ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ www.fabricinvestments.com Carlsbad City Council Village & Barrio Master Plan July 20, 2021 Dear Council Members, I would have preferred to share thoughts and ideas in person this evening, however, a prior family engagement has kept me from attending. My firm, FABRIC, focuses on adaptive reuse development projects in coastal North County San Diego. Our offices are here on State Street in the Village. We have developed such properties as; State Street Commons (Warner Bros., Lofty Coffee, Nick’s, Pure Taco, Sothebys), BLOC Carlsbad Village, Jeune et Jolie, and TYRA Biosciences. We are about to kick off another 1-2 projects on State Street in Q4 as well. By the end of 2021, our holdings in the Village will be in excess of $40M. Here are some key items I would like you to consider and I would be more than willing to meet with each of you to share ideas. Impact Fees Fact – to open a 3,000 sf restaurant in Carlsbad Village will cost you approx. $55,000 in permit fees alone. All Receive - Agenda Item #____ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ www.fabricinvestments.com To open the same sized restaurant in coastal Oceanside, the permit fee is approximately $9,807 (from an actual project of ours). Carlsbad’s Traffic Impact Fees are outrageous compared to most coastal cities and are becoming a detriment to new businesses looking to invest here. Traffic Impact Fees must be addressed and mitigated; it is one of the biggest concerns we hear from hospitality tenants in the market. Parking In Lieu Fees I am in favor of the parking in lieu program. Commercial uses change over time and I acknowledge some uses are more intense than others. As someone who has paid in multiple six figure parking in lieu fee payments, I could not tell you where that money goes and what it is being used for. So, I would encourage the establishment of a public private committee that can discuss the parking opportunities in the Village and how best to utilize the parking in lieu fee base. Some initial thoughts; developing a parking structure in partnership with NCTD on the north side of the transit lot, implementing a circulator shuttle around the Village and Barrio, implementing a bike share program, etc. Density / Height Obviously, you must listen to your constituents on topics like this, but I would caution you not to take up this item now for two reasons; one it seems inappropriate given there is an open council seat and a Mayor that must recuse himself and two, playing with land values is a serious thing. Master plans are established to concurrently establish long term land values. Manipulating these core functions of the plan would be impacting property owners in significant ways. Services + Placemaking As someone who owns several properties in the Village, I would love to see more efforts made in services and placemaking. Services related to beautification such as; lighting, landscaping, cleanliness and placemaking ideas such as; art installations, directional signage, pop up parks, etc. All Receive - Agenda Item #____ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ www.fabricinvestments.com Affordable Housing If you want to see more affordable or diverse housing options in the Village, you need to consider incentives to developers that are willing to develop this product type. I have some ideas if anyone is interested. We do need more workforce and for-rent housing product in the Village to keep it diverse and well rounded! Thank you for your continued leadership. Here if you ever want to discuss any of these issues. Take care, Brendan Foote, principal brendan@fabricinvestments.com (m) 619.840.7721 FABRIC 2659 State Street #100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.fabricinvestments.com All Receive - Agenda Item #____ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ From:Pete Penseyres To:City Clerk Subject:Village and Barrio Plan Comment Date:Tuesday, July 20, 2021 3:25:28 PM Honorable Mayor Hall and Counsilmembers, I have a wish... If I could have just one wish it would be for a Bike and Pedestrian connection from City Hall under the I-5 directly to Grand Avenue. Why? 1. A quiet and comfortable walk/bike ride from Pico to Grand would encourage more Carlsbad residents to shop or go to the beach. 2. This would free up parking in the Village and near the Beach.3. Teenagers who are younger than 16 could sfely ride to the beach on E-bikes with their surfboards, saving 4 vehicle trips per trip. 4. Senior citizens/disabled who don't have a driver's license could use mobility devices.5.Traffic Demand Management, Climate goals, and Multi-Modal Mobility are a few of the programs that would benefit. How?Request CalTrans District Director to study, design, and pay for providing this connection. This should be a request from all of you. It must happen this way (nuclear option) or it will continue to languish. Thank you. Pete Penseyres 2377 Ocean St.Carlsbad, Ca 92008 District 1 resident CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. All Receive - Agenda Item #_5__ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ From:Christine Davis To:City Clerk; Council Internet Email Subject:Agenda Item 5 City Council July 20 Date:Tuesday, July 20, 2021 3:53:44 PM Dear Mayor, Council, and City Staff: My name is Christine Davis, and I am the Executive Director of The Carlsbad VillageAssociation, also known as CVA. We are a non-profit organization whose core purpose is tolead the continual improvement of Carlsbad Village by promoting and enhancing its business,cultural, and community vitality, making it a premier destination. Three ways we support our mission are as follows: · Develop programs and activations to help nurture businesses, continuing its effort tosustain Carlsbad Village as a thriving business community · Stimulate the local economy through commitment to high quality, accessible eventprogramming · Champion the importance of maintaining and improving the overall appeal of downtownstreets, business facades, decorative and pedestrian lighting To that end, I would like to address three things as it pertains to agenda item #5 – downtown lighting, downtown parking, and the permitted use of a Farmers’ Market. The master plan talks about lighting in the Village, something we sorely need. Lightingtransforms downtown spaces. The stakeholder outreach has been done, the study has been completed, the consultants have made excellent recommendations, and 1.5 million dollars hasbeen approved in the CIP budget. We would like to ask that lighting be brought to the forefront again as we feel enhanced and decorative lighting in the Village and Barrio will havea dramatic and positive impact on everything – from the economy to safety to the quality of life. Another game changer would be a parking structure. I’m often asked where our parking in lieufees go and what they support and if they will ever help create a parking structure in the Village. I would welcome the opportunity to sit on a committee to address the parking in ourdowntown and to research the parking in lieu fee program and public/private partnerships. And, finally, I would like to address the permitted use of a Farmers’ Market as it is outlined in the Village and Barrio Master Plan. CVA currently operates the downtown Farmers’ Market, and it will celebrate its 27th birthday in the Village this September. When we moved from the parking lot on Roosevelt Street to State Street eight years ago, it was always our intention torestart our Saturday morning Farmers’ Market and we even had plans to locate it in the Barrio as an activation and way to brand the historic neighborhood. However, the Village and BarrioMaster Plan only allows its use in the Village Center or VC. This is unfortunate as we have All Receive - Agenda Item #_5__ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ some lovely options for expansion but cannot do so in its current location. We would ask thatthis be amended. In closing, I was at the very first charette back in 2013 when the new plan started to come to fruition. I think it is an excellent roadmap for our Village and would like to commend thecouncil and staff for realizing that it is a living, breathing document that needs to continue growing with us. -- CHRISTINE DAVIS | Executive Director Carlsbad Village Association p: 760.644.2121 Subscribe to our eNewsletter | Become a Member! CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. All Receive - Agenda Item #_5__ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ From:Chad Majer To:City Clerk Subject:7/20/21 CC meeting Item #5 - Village and Barrio Master Plan Date:Tuesday, July 20, 2021 1:12:05 PM Dear City Council, I am the City of Carlsbad Historic Preservation Commission Chairman, but I am sending this letter on my own behalf. Please consider including a Council approved list of historic buildings to protect valuable vulnerable structures within the Village and Barrio Master Plan area. As stated in the Village and Barrio Master Plan section 1.5.1, the City of Carlsbad should 'develop an implementation program to encourage voluntary (building) rehabilitation'. Since the 1993 repeal of the Historic Resource Inventory, no program has been implemented to preserve privately owned historic structures. An “official” historic building program would incentivize building rehabilitation and allow participation in the Mills Act, currently unavailable to Carlsbad residents. The Village and Barrio Master Plan starts to define Carlsbad’s Community Vision, and is also an opportunity to allow for public input. If the City created an official Historic Resource Program, following National and State Historic designation Guidelines, residents in the Village and Barrio could voluntarily request landmark status of their private property. Adopting a Council approved historic building list would also provide a mechanism to implement goals and policies designed to protect local Historic Resources throughout the City. The Planning Commission is currently unable to implement any of these policies without a Council approved list of historic structures. To further strengthen policies for historic resources in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area, Objective Design Standards could also include adjacency and vibration standards to protect historic structures when future developments are proposed. If Council could please consider the following when adopting changes to the Village and Barrio Master Plan: 1.Implement goals and policies designated to protect local historic resources throughout the City. 2.Reaffirm the extant properties designated as landmarks, historic sites or points of interest between 1986 and 1990 as the City’s current historic resource inventory. 3.Adopt the Mills Act to incentivize preservation of local historically designated properties. As quoted in the Village and Barrio Master Plan, identifying qualified historic resources could help 'promote compatibility with the existing context' and further define Carlsbad's 'community character'. Thanks for considering these comments. All Receive - Agenda Item #_5___ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ Chad Majer CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. All Receive - Agenda Item #____ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ From:Al Apuzzo To:City Clerk Subject:Carlsbad Village & Barrio Master Plan Date:Tuesday, July 20, 2021 1:46:33 PM Attachments:image001.png To the Carlsbad City Council: As a business owner, real estate investor and commercial broker in Carlsbad, I am writing to share some thoughts on the proposed Amendment items being heard tonight by City Council. Many years of planning, conversation, community outreach and thought went into the ultimate Master Plan as drafted and adopted by the City. Not nearly enough time has passed to let the current Plan season and the Village and Barrio rejuvenate and develop to its potential envisioned by the Plan. As properties have continued to develop and change hands over the last few years, significant investment continues to be made in the Village. Without further outreach to the local property owners, City Council would be doing the community and local business at large a disservice to revise and amend the Master Plan after major capital and investment decisions have been made based on what has recently been adopted. I encourage the City Council to slow down, cast a wider net and talk to people not only concerned about anything that changes in their back yard, but those also significantly financially invested in those changes or those expected in the near future. Give the plan some time to materialize. Nothing in life is without change and it is easy to sit back and attack a Master Plan that took years to materialize after much vetting by all the community participants, not just a few complaining factions. Be patient with the Plan in place, while businesses are starting to thrive again, more investment into the community is forthcoming and the quality of our daily surroundings continues to improve. Thank you for your consideration. Al Apuzzo President Lee & Associates D 760-448-2442 O 760-929-9700 C 619-573-7845 F 760-645-1056 aapuzzo@lee-associates.com 1900 Wright Place | Suite 200 Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.lee-associates.com | www.leelandteam.com All Receive - Agenda Item #____ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ Corporate ID 01096996 | License ID 01323215 CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. All Receive - Agenda Item #____ For the Information of the: CITY COUNCIL Date: 07/20/21 CA__X__ CC_X__ CM__X_ ACM_X__ DCM (3) _X___ Hector Gomez From: Council Internet Email Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 7:47 AM To: City Clerk Subject: FW: Agenda, Item 5, Village & Barrio Master Plan Amendment Discussion Original Message From: simon angel <srange169@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 5:16 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Agenda, Item 5, Village & Barrio Master Plan Amendment Discussion Generally, this discussion has been taking place since before the VBMP was adopted. Requests from residents to postpone action were ignored. As a result, the adoption of the VBMP came under immediate scrutiniy and it was found to be seriously lacking in multiple areas and even subject to potential liability for the city. There arose at a minimum 8 potential amendments and more to be considered. Clearly, it was not the best product that could have been achieved. Today, this VBMP remains an imperfect work. It is overly broad and it is ill defined. In trying to lump the varied districts under the VBMP into a one size fits all plan, it fails to adequately represent the separate and distinct interests under the scope of one plan for businesses, developers and residents. None are served well under the plan. However, in this latest discussion, there are specific matters that should be considered for further direction and action by the City Council. Specifically, the items that should be provided further direction in consultation with businesses and residents are as follows: 1.Converting Tyler Street to one way, without embellishments, would provide a safer street for vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians exercising reasonable and normal care navigating Tyler Street, 2.Directing staff to move forward on Barrio Lighting which is also the subject of CIP 4013, 3.Direct staff to reevaluate and report back regarding Village And Barrio Traffic Circles to this extent. Difference in costs regarding the proposed traffic circles as opposed to the placement of 4 way stop signs at the same locations. This takes a graduated and cost effective approach to the proposed plan. If it is found that stop signs are as effective as traffic circles, it makes perfect sense to go with a less costly alternative prior to the considerably more expensive traffic circles. It should be noted that this item is also a CIP 4015, 4.Direct staff to clearly define and restrict the use of the Dual Zone sites, 5.Direct staff to implement the restriction of multi floor buildings within the Barrio Center District, the Village Center District, and the Village/Barrio Other District. Additional direction and action should be considered based on further study, evaluation and analysis by staff in consultation with current residents and business owners. It is this consultation that has been lacking in most undertakings of developments. The people most impacted by this plan are regularly ignored or over-ruled by the Planning Department and the Planning Commission. I ask that we stop making the mistakes in the adoption of this plan. Make it a clear and simple document that can be applied to the specific districts within the scope of the Village and Barrio Master Plan. 1 Simon Angel CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Hector Gomez From: Council Internet Email Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 7:47 AM To: City Clerk Subject: FW: Village & Barrio Master Plan From: roromarks@aol.com <roromarks@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 5:30 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.goy> Subject: Village & Barrio Master Plan Dear City Council, As a 25 year Village & Barrio Resident and active participant in various community input projects over the years, I'm dismayed that our "quaint little village" is being dwarfed by four story buildings - some of which are pretty unattractive structures (The Lofts at the corner of 1-5 and Carlsbad Village Drive doesn't exactly look like the original drawings). I'm also concerned that historic buildings like the geodesic dome house in TerraMar and the Culver House on Highland will just get flattened and replaced by more tall boxes. I think it would be helpful if the Council approve a list of historic buildings to protect valuable vulnerable structures within the Village and Barrio Master Plan area. As stated in the Village and Barrio Master Plan section 1.5.1, the City of Carlsbad should 'develop an implementation program to encourage voluntary (building) rehabilitation'. Since the 1993 repeal of the Historic Resource Inventory, no program has been implemented to preserve privately owned historic structures. An "official" historic building program would incentivize building rehabilitation and allow participation in the Mills Act, currently unavailable to Carlsbad residents. The Village and Barrio Master Plan starts to define Carlsbad's Community Vision, and is also an opportunity to allow for public input. If the City created an official Historic Resource Program, following National and State Historic designation Guidelines, residents in the Village and Barrio could voluntarily request landmark status of their private property. Adopting a Council approved historic building list would also provide a mechanism to implement goalE and policies designed to protect local Historic Resources throughout the City. The Planning Commission is currently unable to implement any of these policies without a Council approved list of historic structures. 1 To further strengthen policies for historic resources in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area, Objective Design Standards could also include adjacency and vibration standards to protect historic structures when future developments are proposed. If Council could please consider the following when adopting changes to the Village and Barrio Master Plan: 1.Implement goals and policies designated to protect local historic resources throughout the City. 2.Reaffirm the extant properties designated as landmarks, historic sites or points of interest between 1986 and 1990 as the City's current historic resource inventory. 3.Adopt the Mills Act to incentivize preservation of local historically designated properties. As quoted in the Village and Barrio Master Plan, identifying qualified historic resources could help 'promote compatibility with the existing context' and further define Carlsbad's 'community character'. Thanks for considering these comments. Rosie Marks - a 1928 tiny house owner. CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 Hector Gomez From: Council Internet Email Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 7:47 AM To: City Clerk Subject: FW: Protect Valuable Vulnerable structures in the Village/Barrio From: Robin Marks <robinmmarks2@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2021 5:34 PM To: Council Internet Email <CityCouncil@carlsbadca.gov> Subject: Protect Valuable Vulnerable structures in the Village/Barrio Dear City Council, Please consider including a Council approved list of historic buildings to protect valuable vulnerable structures within the Village and Barrio Master Plan area. As stated in the Village and Barrio Master Plan section 1.5.1, the City of Carlsbad should 'develop an implementation program to encourage voluntary (building) rehabilitation'. Since the 1993 repeal of the Historic Resource Inventory, no program has been implemented to preserve privately owned historic structures. An "official" historic building program would incentivize building rehabilitation and allow participation in the Mills Act, currently unavailable to Carlsbad residents. The Village and Barrio Master Plan starts to define Carlsbad's Community Vision, and is also an opportunity to allow for public input. If the City created an official Historic Resource Program, following National and State Historic designation Guidelines, residents in the Village and Barrio could voluntarily request landmark status of their private property. Adopting a Council approved historic building list would also provide a mechanism to implement goals and policies designed to protect local Historic Resources throughout the City. The Planning Commission is currently unable to implement any of these policies without a Council approved list of historic structures. To further strengthen policies for historic resources in the Village and Barrio Master Plan area, Objective Design Standards could also include adjacency and vibration standards to protect historic structures when future developments are proposed. If Council could please consider the following when adopting changes to the Village and Barrio Master Plan: 1.Implement goals and policies designated to protect local historic resources throughout the City. 2.Reaffirm the extant properties designated as landmarks, historic sites or points of interest between 1986 and 1990 as the City's current historic resource inventory. 3.Adopt the Mills Act to incentivize preservation of local historically designated properties. As quoted in the Village and Barrio Master Plan, identifying qualified historic resources could help 'promote compatibility with the existing context' and further define Carlsbad's 'community character'. Thanks for your consideration, Robin Marks 1 Village & Barrio Master Plan Amendment Discussion Shelley Glennon, Associate Planner July 20, 2021 1 {city of Carlsbad TODAY’S PRESENTATION 2 Background Village & Barrio Master Plan Amendment Items Planning Commission Workshop Results Amendment Item Discussion Community/Planning Commission Comments Staff Analysis Options Staff Recommendation/Next Steps {city of Carlsbad Village & Barrio Master Plan Area Map (Figure 1-1) BACKGROUND Village & Barrio Master Plan District Map (Figure 2-1) BACKGROUND VG HOSP VC FC PT BP BC VBO VBO  BACKGROUND JULY 2018 City Council adopts Village and Barrio Master Plan Update AUGUST 2019 City Council adopts Coastal Commission’s suggested modifications & directs staff to return with a workplan on 8 topics DECEMBER 2019 City Council provides direction to staff on all 8 topics OCTOBER 2019 Coastal Commission certifies the Master Plan Update making it effective in the Coastal Zone 5 {city of Carlsbad VILLAGE & BARRIO MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT ITEMS 6 1.Decision-Making Authority 2.Permitted uses vital to a live, work and play community 3.Parking In-Lieu Fees / Parking Structure 4.Traffic impact analysis and mitigation fees /roadway conditions 5.Objective architectural, historical and design standards 6.Housing In-Lieu fee payments 7.Inclusionary Housing policies 8.Allow for general conversation for other amendments {city of Carlsbad NOV. 4, 2020, PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP RESULTS 7 PUBLIC OUTREACH •Village & Barrio Master Plan Webpage •Village & Barrio Master Plan Email List 1,756 email contacts 43% opened emails •Village & Barrio Master Plan Mailing List 126 mailing addresses 13 mailed notices returned {city of Carlsbad NOV. 4, 2020, PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP RESULTS 8 VIRTUAL PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP •5 Planning Commissioners present Commissioners Anderson, Geldner, Lafferty, Meenes, Merz, and Stine •1 Planning Commissioner absent Commissioner Luna •Public Comments Submitted to Planning Commission 14 emails 1 video •5 comments •1 video {city of Carlsbad ITEM 2 PERMITTED USES VITAL TO A LIVE, WORK & PLAY COMMUNITY 9 {city of Carlsbad ITEM 2 PERMITTED USES VITAL TO A LIVE, WORK & PLAY COMMUNITY 10 ITEM 2 PUBLIC COMMENTS Aug. 2019 Community members stated a post office, pharmacy, grocery store, hardware store, or farmers’ market are “vital” uses for a live, work and play community. •Request for vital uses to be permitted as daily uses Nov. 2020 One community member expressed support for developing vital uses. Planning Commissioners expressed support for vital uses and improving its market demand. {city of Carlsbad Permitted “Vital” Uses in the Commercial Districts 11 “P” = Permitted; “PL” = Permitted with limits; “C” = Conditional Use; “---” = Prohibited ITEM 2 PERMITTED USES VITAL TO A LIVE, WORK & PLAY COMMUNITY ITEM 2 STAFF ANALYSIS Community "Vital" Uses Post Office Grocery Store Hardware Store Farmer's Market Pharmacy Village Center District p p C pl Village General District p p p Hospitality District p p pl Freeway Comm. District p p p Pine-Tyler Mixed Use District p p p {city of Carlsbad ITEM 2 PERMITTED USES VITAL TO A LIVE, WORK & PLAY COMMUNITY ITEM 2 OPTIONS 12 Item 2: Permitted uses -Options cost estimates and timeframes Option Program Staff recommendation Cost estimates Estimated timeframe to complete 1 Restrict housing sizes Do not recommend $50,000-$75,000*12 to 18 months 2 Add additional smart growth standards and policies Do not recommend $10,000-$20,000*9 to 12 months 3 Restrict grocery store sizes Do not recommend $20,000-$40,000*12 to 18 months 4 Add policy encouraging development of vital uses Recommend (when other amendments are proposed) $10,000-$20,000*9 to 12 months 5 No changes to Village & Barrio Master Plan Recommend N/A * If multiple amendments to the Master Plan are directed, there will be economies of scale. Costs will vary depending on the number of plan revisions and environmental analysis required. 0 {city of Carlsbad ITEM 3 PARKING STRUCTURE, PARKING IN-LIEU FEES & PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS 13 ., .. ~. •'• • {city of Carlsbad ITEM 3 Parking Structure, Parking In-Lieu Fees & Public/Private Partnerships 14 Aug. 2019 Community members expressed parking concerns & supported parking in-lieu fees or public/private partnerships to fund a multi-level parking structure. Nov. 2020 •Community members commented on the development of a parking structure. •Several Commissioners expressed support for a parking structure and use of parking in-lieu fees and/or public & private partnerships for funding. July 2020 •City Council approved COVID-19 local emergency order to temporarily allow the expansion of outdoor operations for curb cafes, sidewalk cafes & outdoor signage. •Several Village businesses expressed interest in having their expanded outdoor uses become permanent (removing parking stalls/sidewalk space). ITEM 3 PUBLIC COMMENTS {city of Carlsbad 15 ITEM 3 Parking Structure, Parking In-Lieu Fees & Public/Private Partnerships •The Master Plan does not preclude construction of a parking structure. •The Parking Management Plan recommends implementing parking reduction strategies before considering a parking structure. •The parking in-lieu fee program does not generate enough funds to develop a parking structure. •Annual Parking Survey The 2019 survey determined parking did not exceed the effective capacity The 2021 survey being conducted this summer will analyze capacity including expanded outdoor curb cafes located within parking stalls ITEM 3 STAFF ANALYSIS {city of Carlsbad ITEM 3 Parking Structure, Parking In-Lieu Fees & Public/Private PartnershipsITEM 3 OPTIONS 16 Item 3: Parking in-lieu fees -Options cost estimates and timeframes Option Program Staff recommendation Cost estimates Estimated timeframe to complete 1 Update parking in-lieu fee program Do not recommend (conduct studies first) Between $60,000 -$80,000 12 to 18 months 2a Implement and prioritize projects in Implementation Action Matrix Recommend $50,000-$100,000 for additional study or implementing parking management plan projects Ongoing 2b Conduct parking study Study being conducted. No action required. $50,000 for the parking study included in city budget request 6 months 2c Curb and sidewalk cafes and outdoor signage expansion Recommend $20,000-$30,000* 6-12 months post direction * If multiple amendments to the Master Plan are directed, there will be economies of scale. Costs will vary depending on the number of plan revisions and environmental analysis required. 0 {city of Carlsbad ITEM 4 TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS & MITIGATION FEES, AND ROADWAY CONDITIONS 17 {city of Carlsbad ITEM 4 Traffic Impact Analysis & Mitigation Fees, and Roadway Conditions 18 ITEM 4 PUBLIC COMMENTS Aug. 2019 City Council initiated Item 4 to address multimodal access and pedestrian safety at high traffic areas outside of the Coastal Zone. Nov. 2020 •Community requested road improvements to address traffic and pedestrian safety concerns •Commissioners expressed interest in allocating traffic impact fees to fund circulation improvements and/or to prioritize circulation projects listed in the Master Plan {city of Carlsbad 19 ITEM 4 STAFF ANALYSIS •The Master Plan (Ch. 5) lists circulation projects •There are two circulation improvement projects being processed: Village and Barrio Traffic Circle Improvement project Sustainable Mobility Plan •Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) Program used to finance circulation improvements •Lead Dept: Transportation ITEM 4 Traffic Impact Analysis & Mitigation Fees, and Roadway Conditions {city of Carlsbad 20 ITEM 4 OPTIONS ITEM 4 Traffic Impact Analysis & Mitigation Fees, and Roadway Conditions Item 4: Traffic impact analysis and mitigation fees options -cost estimates and timeframes Option Program Staff recommendation Cost estimates Estimated timeframe to complete 1 Implement Sustainable Mobility Plan* Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 2 Update Traffic Impact Fee Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 3 Village & Barrio Traffic Circles Project * Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 4 Develop second egress at south end of Barrio - Feasibility study Do not recommend $100,000-$250,000 About 1 year 5 Tyler Street one-way conversion*Do not recommend $45,000-$70,000 4 to 6 months * Item 4 Options include traffic calming projects listed in the Master Plan but only those identified by staff and/or the community as being a priority. 0 0 0 0 / lf "1111111 Ca r.- ~ Ill-r City of lsbad ITEM 8 OTHER AMENDMENTS/ IMPLEMENTATION PROJECTS 21 {city of Carlsbad 22 Nov. 2020 Community members provided comments on Village & Barrio Master Plan area topics listed below: 1. Comprehensive Street Tree Plan 2. Grand Avenue Promenade 3. Historic Preservation Regulations 4. Lighting Improvement Plan 5. Reduce building heights from 4 stories to 2-3 stories 6. Public art in the Village 7. Amend Policy. 2.3.3 "Development Site Spanning Multiple Districts" 8. Restrict Permitted Commercial Uses in the Village General (VG) District ITEM 8 PUBLIC COMMENTS ITEM 8 Other Potential Amendments/Implementation projects {city of Carlsbad 23 ITEM 8 OPTIONS ITEM 8 Other Potential Amendments/Implementation projects ITEM 8: General conversation on potential amendments -Options cost estimates and timeframes Option Program Staff recommendation Cost estimates Estimated timeframe to complete 1 Prepare a Street Tree Plan No position $20,000 - $125,000 18 to 24 months 2a Implement the Grand Ave. Promenade Pilot Project Recommend $320,000-$510,000 4 to 6 months 2b Grand Ave. Promenade feasibility study for permanent installation Do not recommend (Wait for results of pilot project)$150,000-$200,000 8-12 months 3 Implement Mills Act Tax Incentive Program Recommend $25,000-$35,000 16 to 18 months 4 Establish a historic district in the Village and Barrio Do not recommend $110,000-$150,000 18 to 24 months 0 City of L--------'--------______..___ ___ _____,___ ___ .1...----________ ____;,,_.--.r,. rlsbad 24 ITEM 8 OPTIONS (CONT.) ITEM 8 Other Potential Amendments/Implementation projects Option Program Staff recommendation Cost estimates Estimated timeframe to complete 5a Implement a Lighting Improvements Plan (Barrio Street and decorative Lighting Plan) Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 5b Implement Village Decorative Lighting Project Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 6 Reduce Building Height in Village commercial districts - VBMP AMD Do not recommend $150,000-$200,000*18 to 24 months 7 Implement Public Art Programs Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 8 Revise Policy 2.3.3. "Development in Sites Spanning Multiple Districts" - VBMP AMD Do not recommend $10,000-$30,000*9 to 12 months 9 Restrict commercial uses in the VG District - VBMP AMD Do not recommend $10,000-$30,000*9 to 12 months * If multiple amendments to the V&B Master Plan are directed, there will be economies of scale. Costs will vary depending on the number of plan revisions and environmental analysis required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City Council provide direction to staff on addressing Amendment Items 2, 3, 4 and 8 as appropriate. 25 {city of Carlsbad Village & Barrio Master PlanAmendment Discussion Next Steps Pac i fir: 0 c ea n ~ • Villape Cen1e-(Vt) D Villa~Gme•INGJ D t1asp1t11~ {t-tOSI>) -"YC="""""IO'Q P1n,e-Tyl(:r WJx-cd,,use (PT) -S;mlo ~me.rt I P) l!l;nrJo Ctntl!f(IC) -Vill1t9"""8irrio Othef (VIO) -•-Villctge ind B.rrio Mutft' Plui /.re• -Coa'1al Zane Bowidary ~ ailro.1d ( City of Carlsbad ITEM 2 PERMITTED USES VITAL TO A LIVE, WORK & PLAY COMMUNITY ITEM 2 OPTIONS 27 Item 2: Permitted uses -Options cost estimates and timeframes Option Program Staff recommendation Cost estimates Estimated timeframe to complete 1 Restrict housing sizes Do not recommend $50,000-$75,000*12 to 18 months 2 Add additional smart growth standards and policies Do not recommend $10,000-$20,000*9 to 12 months 3 Restrict grocery store sizes Do not recommend $20,000-$40,000*12 to 18 months 4 Add policy encouraging development of vital uses Recommend (when other amendments are proposed) $10,000-$20,000*9 to 12 months 5 No changes to Village & Barrio Master Plan Recommend N/A * If multiple amendments to the Master Plan are directed, there will be economies of scale. Costs will vary depending on the number of plan revisions and environmental analysis required. ITEM 3 Parking Structure, Parking In-Lieu Fees & Public/Private PartnershipsITEM 3 OPTIONS 28 Item 3: Parking in-lieu fees -Options cost estimates and timeframes Option Program Staff recommendation Cost estimates Estimated timeframe to complete 1 Update parking in-lieu fee program Do not recommend Between $60,000 -$80,000 12 to 18 months 2a Implement and prioritize projects in Implementation Action Matrix Recommend $50,000-$100,000 for additional study or implementing parking management plan projects Ongoing 2b Conduct parking study Study being conducted. No action required. $50,000 for the parking study included in city budget request 6 months 2c Curb and sidewalk cafes and outdoor signage expansion Recommend $20,000-$30,000* 6-12 months post direction * If multiple amendments to the Master Plan are directed, there will be economies of scale. Costs will vary depending on the number of plan revisions and environmental analysis required. 0 {city of Carlsbad 29 ITEM 4 OPTIONS ITEM 4 Traffic Impact Analysis & Mitigation Fees, and Roadway Conditions Item 4: Traffic impact analysis and mitigation fees options -cost estimates and timeframes Option Program Staff recommendation Cost estimates Estimated timeframe to complete 1 Implement Sustainable Mobility Plan* Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 2 Update Traffic Impact Fee Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 3 Village & Barrio Traffic Circles Project * Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 4 Develop second egress at south end of Barrio - Feasibility study Do not recommend $100,000-$250,000 About 1 year 5 Tyler Street one-way conversion*Do not recommend $45,000-$70,000 4 to 6 months * Item 4 Options include traffic calming projects listed in the Master Plan but only those identified by staff and/or the community as being a priority. 0 0 0 0 / lf "1111111 Ca r.- ~ Ill-r City of lsbad 30 ITEM 8 OPTIONS ITEM 8 Other Potential Amendments/Implementation projects ITEM 8: General conversation on potential amendments -Options cost estimates and timeframes Option Program Staff recommendation Cost estimates Estimated timeframe to complete 1 Prepare a Street Tree Plan No position $20,000 - $125,000 18 to 24 months 2a Implement the Grand Ave. Promenade Pilot Project Recommend $320,000-$510,000 4 to 6 months 2b Grand Ave. Promenade feasibility study for permanent installation Do not recommend (Wait for results of pilot project)$150,000-$200,000 8-12 months 3 Implement Mills Act Tax Incentive Program Recommend $25,000-$35,000 16 to 18 months 4 Establish a historic district in the Village and Barrio Do not recommend $110,000-$150,000 18 to 24 months 0 City of L--------'--------______..___ ___ _____,___ ___ .1...----________ ____;,,_.--.r,. rlsbad 31 ITEM 8 OPTIONS (CONT.) ITEM 8 Other Potential Amendments/Implementation projects Option Program Staff recommendation Cost estimates Estimated timeframe to complete 5a Implement a Lighting Improvements Plan (Barrio Street and decorative Lighting Plan) Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 5b Implement Village Decorative Lighting Project Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 6 Reduce Building Height in Village commercial districts - VBMP AMD Do not recommend $150,000-$200,000*18 to 24 months 7 Implement Public Art Programs Separate project being implemented N/A N/A 8 Revise Policy 2.3.3. "Development in Sites Spanning Multiple Districts" - VBMP AMD Do not recommend $10,000-$30,000*9 to 12 months 9 Restrict commercial uses in the VG District - VBMP AMD Do not recommend $10,000-$30,000*9 to 12 months * If multiple amendments to the V&B Master Plan are directed, there will be economies of scale. Costs will vary depending on the number of plan revisions and environmental analysis required. 0 ( ) ( ) () ~ ( ~ r Pcityof rlsbad 4[l '-..,Jll,..I. Village & Barrio Master Plan District Map (Figure 2-1) BACKGROUND 2 Key Village Recommendations Figure 1-2 X X Pedestrian Scramble ■ • Pub lie Plazas at Key Intersections ... ➔ Re<:onfigured Train Station ~ Entry II Proposed Cycle Track ■ Re-route Coastal Rail Trail +-+ Grand Avenue Connection to East of l-5 ■ -. -~ RP<nn nP< Pr! ~trPPI N;,twnrk .. iR a _.,.. _ _. l i I 1'. I • CMt.s6AOVll,LMiE OR. - • • Grand Avenue Pedestrian Promenade/festival street Pedestrian Connection Enhanced Beach Entrance New Civic Space Expanded Rotary Park Village and Barrio Master Plan Area I i I X * ■■ P'ed es.trian Scramble P'ru blic Plazas at • ey ll'ilt ed iom; Recol'il · glll d l ra1n Station Ent ry IJ>ropos.ed Cycle l lfack Re-ro ute Coast.a] Ra1lll rai~ Giral'ild Avenllle Conned ion to IE s1: o ·1-s Reconl'ilec ed Street . e · ork --■ -- G and Avenru e [Pedestrian P'ronenad · es-tiv I s ireet Pedestiriarn Corm ed i o:n IEnhail'ilced Beach Erntrance INe .. C,v·i c Space Expal'ilded Ro iry P'a 'k Vil I age a l'ild Bariruo aster Pl.an Area Co s,ta11 Zone Bolllndary {city of Carlsbad Key Barrio Recommendations Figure 1-3 i i -·- ■ ~ ~ -t - •• .... t-➔ t·► -- ..L Shared Spaces Public P'arki ng in Rai road ROW Existil'lg Traffic Orcles Proposed TraflicCircles or Intersection, Imp rovements Improved Coastal Rail Trail Entries Exi:sting Coasta l RailTrail Proposed Cycle Tratk One-Way Street Reconnected Street Network • • • • .t,CAQl,A'f/L - Pedestria nJBicycle Connection Village and Barrio Master Plim Area Coastal Zone llound:a r.y :EMLoct: A'I/L @ Pl i1 ;;; i "' "' WA~A~ @ @ "' ,. "' AVE.@ I' 1• 1il tci "' [~ • • , .. • Jr,11, ,,-t • • -•-@ C :ESTtRlf ,;'Ea "i t .. 11 .. I PM.MA~E. • • " ·cl • • AVOC.-.00 -• l : j • I C.Ml£11.Ui K: , • 1. ! ■ ! ..... _,~ ~·t- ■ I _r··------·--·---w---7 ~ I J-• l I : ; I f u..1..!✓ I - j I I I I I I -- -- S ared S ace5 Pu b iI: P.a rlki ng i l!bi ro ad 00V bi51i gl ra C (]re s Prop.osed Tra Ctrcles oir Intersect n Im .rovement s I Ill\ roved Coastal! Rai Tra -~ E111 rtes. b hsli g Coast:a I lt n Tra i Proposed Cydle f rack One-S re t , ecmm eded S reet Ne .Ofk · demi9 n/Eiqrdle Con nf!d:io VI mage .a Bairrio Mla ste ir Pla n Coa5ta Zone Bou da · {city of Carlsbad