2502 Gateway Road
Carlsbad, California
Pivotal 650 California Street, LLC
22885 Savi Ranch Parkway Suite E Yorba Linda California 92887
voice: (714) 685-1115 fax: (714) 685-1118 www.socalgeo.com
March 5, 2015
Pivotal 650 California St., LLC
2201 Camelback Road, Suite 650
Phoenix, Arizona 85012
Attention: Mr. Tony Feiter
Project No.:14M110-6
Subject:Final Compaction Report
ViaSat Building 10
2502 Gateway Road
Carlsbad, California
References: Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Commercial/Industrial Development, Bressi
Ranch Lots 10-13, NEC of Gateway Road and El Camino Real, Carlsbad,
California, prepared by Southern California Geotechnical, Inc. (SCG) for Levine
Investments, dated January 23, 2008, SCG Project No. 07G227-1.
Rough Grade Compaction Report, Building 10, NEC Gateway Road and El Camino
Real, Carlsbad, California, prepared for Pivotal 650 California St., LLC by SCG,
dated April 1, 2014, SCG Project No. 14M110-2.
In accordance with your request, Southern California Geotechnical, Inc. (SCG) presents this Final
Compaction Report which serves as a summary of the geotechnical observation and testing
performed by our personnel during post-grading earthwork operations at the subject site.
The project site is located at the northeast corner of Gateway Road and El Camino Real. The site
is bordered to the west by El Camino Real, to the south by Gateway Road, to the east by
Campbell Place, and to the north by an office building and the terminus of Campbell Place. The
project site is an irregularly-shaped parcel, approximately 8± acres in size. Prior to construction,
graded slopes ranging in height from 5 to 7± feet border the site to the north and east. Ground
surface cover consisted of exposed soil with moderate grass and weed growth. The eastern half
of the overall site was previously sheet-graded and is designated for future development.
The ViaSat Building 10 development occupies the western half of the overall site. Building 10
was constructed in the southwest corner of the planned development area. The building is a 3-
story structure of tilt-up concrete construction, supported on conventional shallow foundations
and a concrete slab-on-grade floor. Two smaller structures identified as the Antenna and
Mechanical buildings were constructed to the north of Building 10. The buildings were
surrounded by asphaltic concrete pavements, Portland cement concrete flatwork, and new
landscaping. A new fill slope was constructed on the northeast perimeter of the site, adjacent
Campbell Place.
A Lnl1{cmw1 Cnrpomfim,
ViaSat Building 10 – Carlsbad, CA
Project No. 14M110-6
Page 2
Southern California Geotechnical, Inc. (SCG) previously conducted a geotechnical investigation
for the proposed development. The results of this investigation were presented in the above
referenced report. The subsurface exploration conducted for this project consisted of eight (8)
borings advanced to depths of 15 to 19½± feet below the existing site grades.
A Rough Grade Compaction Report was also prepared for this project by SCG. This report
documented remedial grading activities performed within the building pad area. Generally, the
building pad area was excavated to depths ranging from 6 to 11± feet below the proposed pad
grade. The overexcavation was filled with structural compacted fill up to planned pad grades.
Foundation Subgrade Evaluation
SCG evaluated the condition of the foundation bearing soils within the footing excavations for
the building. Our evaluations indicated that the foundation excavations were underlain by
recently placed compacted structural fill soils. These materials were probed at several random,
periodic locations. All of the encountered soils were found to be medium dense to dense and
possessed adequate moisture contents. Based on our evaluations, the foundation bearing soils
for the buildings are considered suitable for support of foundations designed for a maximum soil
bearing pressure of 2,500 lbs/ft2.
Fill Slope
A new fill slope was constructed along the northeast perimeter of the site, adjacent to Campbell
Place. A keyway was excavated at the planned toe of slope. At the proposed toe, the keyway
was founded a minimum of 2± feet into competent native materials. The keyway bench was
approximately 1 foot deeper at the heel of the key. Prior to filling, subgrade soils at the base of
the keyway were scarified to a depth of 12± inches; moisture conditioned, and then
recompacted. Benching of the back cut into competent materials was performed during the fill
placement procedures.
Utility Trench Backfill
Utility trench backfill soils were tested for compaction on an intermittent basis as scheduled by
the site superintendent for Ledcor Construction. The utility trenches tested by our field
representatives included several interior sewer and electrical, as well as exterior sewer,
electrical, fire, water and storm drain lines. The depths of the tested utility trenches generally
ranged from 1 to 16± feet as measured to the top of the utility line or shading material. Fill soils
were compacted in lifts within the trenches with a backhoe or excavator mounted compaction
wheel and hand operated mechanical compactors. Results of compaction tests performed at
discrete locations indicated that at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density
was achieved at the test locations. Compaction test results within the top 1 foot within the
building pad and top 3 feet in pavement areas, indicate that at least 95 percent of the ASTM D-
1557 maximum dry density was achieved at the test locations.
ViaSat Building 10 – Carlsbad, CA
Project No. 14M110-6
Page 3
Pavement Subgrade
Precise grading activities within the new pavement areas generally consisted of minor cuts and
fills of less than 1± foot in order to establish the proposed finish subgrade elevations. The
subgrade soils within the new on-site parking/driveway and sidewalk areas (including adjacent
curb & gutter and ribbon gutter) were scarified, moisture treated or dried as necessary, and then
recompacted. Vibratory rollers, rubber tired loaders, and scrapers were used for compaction.
The results of compaction testing performed at discrete locations during fill placement activities
indicated that at least 95 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density was achieved at the
test locations.
A base course layer consisting of crushed miscellaneous base was compacted over the approved
subgrades within new automobile parking and drive approach areas. The base material was
moisture conditioned and then compacted with vibratory smooth drum rollers. The results of
compaction testing indicated that at least 95 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density
was achieved at all test locations for the base course material.
Asphaltic Concrete
The temperature and loose depth of asphaltic concrete was measured during the paving
operations. The asphalt temperatures were noted to be above the minimum required lay down
temperature and no temperature related problems were observed during paving. Subsequent to
the compaction of the asphalt with steel drum rollers, density tests were performed to determine
the relative compaction. Compaction test results indicated that the asphaltic concrete was
compacted to at least 95% of the reported Marshall maximum density at all test locations.
General Comments
Structural fill compaction was tested by the Nuclear Method (ASTM D-6938) and referenced to
the maximum dry density values obtained by the Modified Proctor method (ASTM D-1557).
Where density tests indicated less than the minimum specified compaction, the soils were
moisture treated as necessary and recompacted until the specified compaction was achieved as
indicated by retests. The locations of the density tests are indicated on the enclosed Density
Test Location Plan, Plate 1. Moisture-density test results are presented on Table 1, enclosed in
this report. In addition, data regarding the soil types used as structural fill are presented on
Table 2.
The fill soils observed in the footing excavations are expected to provide adequate support for
the new structures which utilize a foundation system designed for a maximum allowable soil
bearing pressure of 2,500 lbs/ft2. The fill soils placed during site grading operations and utility
trench backfilling procedures have been prepared in accordance with recommendations
presented in the original geotechnical engineering report. The new pavement subgrades are
expected to provide adequate support for the new pavement sections and the anticipated traffic
ViaSat Building 10 – Carlsbad, CA
Project No. 14M110-6
Page 4
Test results presented in this report have been accumulated during intermittent observation and
random testing by this company, as scheduled by the site superintendent for Ledcor
Construction. The test results and observations summarized in this report were found to be in
general compliance with current grading codes. However, we cannot be responsible for grading
or earthwork activities that were performed during the absence of our personnel. Our
professional services have been performed using our understanding of that degree of care and
skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical consultants
practicing in this area at this time. No other warranty, express or implied, is made as to the
professional services described in this report. This report was prepared exclusively for Pivotal
650 California St., LLC, and should not be used by other parties unfamiliar with its intent.
This opportunity to be of continued professional service is sincerely appreciated. Should you
have any questions regarding this project, please contact us at your earliest convenience.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ricardo Frias
Staff Engineer
Robert G. Trazo, GE 2655
Principal Engineer
Enclosures: Density Test Location Plan, Plate 1
Summary of Field Density Tests, Table 1
Summary of Moisture-Density Relationships, Table 2
Distribution: (1) Addressee
(3) Ledcor Construction, Attn: Robert Rowe
GEOTECH !Cff~~ ~ l "" l"'7'
22885 Savi Ranch ParkwaySuite EYorba Linda, CA 92887Phone: (714) 685-1115Fax: (714) 685-1118www.socalgeo.comDENSITY TEST LOCATION PLANVIASAT BUILDING 102502 GATEWAY ROADCARLSBAD, CALIFORNIASCALE: 1" = 30'SCG PROJECT14M110-6DRAWN: RFCHKD: RGTPLATE10146*SoCalGeoGEOTECHNICAL LEGEND
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Test No. Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative
(ft)Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
112 07-Apr-14 -6.0 Storm Drain B 16.5 104.6 91
113 07-Apr-14 -4.0 Storm Drain B 15.9 106.3 92
114 07-Apr-14 -2.0 Storm Drain B 15.7 109.1 95
115 07-Apr-14 SG Storm Drain B 16.3 107.1 93 Fail: 95% Required
116 07-Apr-14 SG Storm Drain B 15.5 109.6 95 Retest #115
117 07-Apr-14 -6.0 Storm Drain B 16.9 105.0 91
118 07-Apr-14 -4.0 Storm Drain B 16.2 106.8 93
119 07-Apr-14 -2.0 Storm Drain B 13.9 108.2 94 Fail: 95% Required
120 07-Apr-14 -2.0 Storm Drain B 15.8 109.3 95 Retest #119
121 08-Apr-14 SG Storm Drain B 15.2 110.3 96
122 08-Apr-14 -10.0 Storm Drain B 16.4 103.8 90
123 08-Apr-14 -8.0 Storm Drain B 16.8 104.4 91
124 08-Apr-14 -6.0 Storm Drain B 16.1 104.8 91
125 08-Apr-14 -4.0 Storm Drain B 15.6 105.5 92
126 08-Apr-14 -2.0 Storm Drain B 15.9 106.4 93 Fail: 95% Required
127 08-Apr-14 -2.0 Storm Drain B 15.4 108.8 95 Retest #126
128 08-Apr-14 SG Storm Drain B 16.0 109.9 96
129 08-Apr-14 -10.0 Storm Drain B 17.2 103.9 90
130 08-Apr-14 -8.0 Storm Drain B 16.6 105.1 91
131 08-Apr-14 -6.0 Storm Drain B 16.9 104.2 91
132 09-Apr-14 -4.0 Storm Drain B 17.3 105.7 92
133 09-Apr-14 -2.0 Storm Drain B 16.6 107.9 94 Fail: 95% Required
134 09-Apr-14 -2.0 Storm Drain B 15.8 109.2 95 Retest #133
135 09-Apr-14 SG Storm Drain B 14.9 110.5 96
136 09-Apr-14 -2.5 Sewer Line B 12.8 107.1 93 Fail: 95% Required
137 09-Apr-14 -2.5 Sewer Line B 15.5 109.3 95 Retest #136
138 09-Apr-14 -1.0 Sewer Line B 15.9 109.7 95
139 09-Apr-14 SG Sewer Line B 15.3 110.1 96
140 09-Apr-14 -1.0 Sewer Line B 15.7 109.6 95
141 10-Apr-14 -3.5 Sewer Line B 16.5 105.1 91
142 10-Apr-14 -1.5 Sewer Line B 16.1 108.9 95
143 10-Apr-14 SG Sewer Line B 15.6 109.5 95
144 10-Apr-14 SG Sewer Line B 14.1 106.4 93 Fail: 95% Required
145 10-Apr-14 SG Sewer Line B 15.7 109.5 95 Retest #144
146 10-Apr-14 -6.0 Storm Drain B 16.9 105.3 92
147 10-Apr-14 -4.0 Storm Drain B 16.5 107.1 93
148 10-Apr-14 -2.0 Storm Drain B 16.0 109.1 95
149 10-Apr-14 SG Storm Drain B 13.7 106.8 93 Fail: 95% Required
14M110-6 Viasat Building 10 -- Carlsbad, California Page 1
Test No. Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative
(ft)Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
150 10-Apr-14 SG Storm Drain B 15.1 109.9 96 Retest #149
151 11-Apr-14 -11.0 Storm Drain B 16.9 105.1 91
152 11-Apr-14 -9.0 Storm Drain B 17.3 105.8 92
153 11-Apr-14 -7.0 Storm Drain B 16.2 106.5 93
154 11-Apr-14 -6.0 Storm Drain B 16.5 105.2 91
155 11-Apr-14 -4.0 Storm Drain B 15.6 107.0 93
156 11-Apr-14 -2.0 Storm Drain B 15.4 110.8 96
157 11-Apr-14 -6.0 Storm Drain B 16.8 104.4 91
158 11-Apr-14 -4.0 Storm Drain B 15.5 106.6 93
159 11-Apr-14 -2.0 Storm Drain B 13.1 107.4 93 Fail: 95% Required
160 11-Apr-14 -2.0 Storm Drain B 15.8 109.6 95 Retest #159
161 11-Apr-14 SG Storm Drain B 14.8 110.4 96
162 16-Apr-14 -7.5 Sewer Line A 18.3 105.2 90
163 16-Apr-14 -5.5 Sewer Line A 17.8 107.0 92
164 16-Apr-14 -3.5 Sewer Line A 17.5 107.6 92
165 16-Apr-14 -1.5 Sewer Line A 18.6 108.3 93 Fail: 95% Required
166 16-Apr-14 -1.5 Sewer Line A 17.3 111.4 96 Retest #165
167 16-Apr-14 SG Sewer Line B 15.2 110.9 96
168 16-Apr-14 -4.0 Sewer Line B 16.4 106.3 92
169 16-Apr-14 -2.0 Sewer Line B 15.1 109.6 95
170 16-Apr-14 SG Sewer Line B 15.7 110.5 96
171 16-Apr-14 -6.0 Sewer Line B 16.2 106.1 92
172 16-Apr-14 -4.0 Sewer Line B 16.5 107.5 93
173 16-Apr-14 -2.0 Sewer Line B 15.3 109.2 95
174 16-Apr-14 SG Sewer Line B 14.9 110.1 96
175 16-Apr-14 SG Interior Sewer A 18.1 106.6 92
176 16-Apr-14 -1.0 Interior Sewer A 18.8 105.8 91
177 16-Apr-14 SG Interior Sewer A 18.5 107.4 92
178 17-Apr-14 SG Interior Sewer A 17.2 107.8 93
179 17-Apr-14 -1.0 Interior Sewer A 17.5 105.5 91
180 17-Apr-14 SG Interior Sewer B 16.0 105.9 92
181 17-Apr-14 -2.0 Interior Sewer B 15.4 103.1 90
182 17-Apr-14 -1.0 Interior Sewer A 17.6 106.3 91
183 17-Apr-14 SG Interior Sewer A 17.4 108.2 93
184 18-Apr-14 -6.0 Sewer Line B 15.8 105.8 92
185 18-Apr-14 -4.0 Sewer Line B 15.1 106.6 93
186 18-Apr-14 -2.0 Sewer Line B 15.4 108.9 95
187 18-Apr-14 SG Sewer Line B 15.7 110.5 96
14M110-6 Viasat Building 10 -- Carlsbad, California Page 2
Test No. Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative
(ft)Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
188 18-Apr-14 -6.0 Sewer Line A 18.3 105.1 90
189 18-Apr-14 -4.0 Sewer Line A 17.9 106.1 91
190 18-Apr-14 -2.0 Sewer Line A 13.9 106.6 92 Fail: 95% Required
191 18-Apr-14 -2.0 Sewer Line A 17.1 110.9 95 Retest #190
192 18-Apr-14 SG Sewer Line A 17.8 110.4 95
193 18-Apr-14 SG Interior Sewer A 17.5 105.5 91
194 18-Apr-14 -2.0 Interior Sewer A 16.6 104.3 90
195 18-Apr-14 -1.0 Interior Sewer A 16.9 104.7 90
196 18-Apr-14 SG Interior Sewer A 17.2 106.0 91
197 21-Apr-14 -1.5 Interior Sewer B 16.6 105.1 91
198 21-Apr-14 SG Interior Sewer B 16.1 105.6 92
199 21-Apr-14 -1.5 Interior Sewer B 16.5 102.1 89 Fail: 90% Required
200 21-Apr-14 -1.5 Interior Sewer B 15.8 106.8 93 Retest #199
201 21-Apr-14 SG Interior Sewer A 16.7 108.1 93
202 21-Apr-14 -1.0 Interior Sewer A 18.2 105.3 90
203 21-Apr-14 SG Interior Sewer A 17.6 106.9 92
204 21-Apr-14 SG Interior Electrical A 18.0 107.4 92
205 21-Apr-14 SG Interior Electrical B 15.5 105.4 92
206 22-Apr-14 -4.0 Sewer Line A 18.8 108.4 93
207 22-Apr-14 -2.0 Sewer Line A 17.4 110.6 95
208 22-Apr-14 SG Sewer Line B 13.2 102.2 89 Fail: 95% Required
209 22-Apr-14 SG Sewer Line B 14.8 108.8 95 Retest #208
210 22-Apr-14 SG Storm Drain B 15.2 109.3 95
211 22-Apr-14 -1.0 Storm Drain A 17.4 110.1 95
212 22-Apr-14 SG Storm Drain A 16.8 111.3 96
213 23-Apr-14 SG Interior Electrical A 17.3 105.8 91
214 23-Apr-14 -5.0 Interior Electrical A 16.6 105.1 90
215 23-Apr-14 SG Interior Electrical A 16.9 106.5 91
216 24-Apr-14 -2.0 Storm Drain B 16.6 109.4 95
217 24-Apr-14 -1.0 Storm Drain B 15.5 109.7 95
218 24-Apr-14 SG Storm Drain B 14.8 110.8 96
219 24-Apr-14 -2.0 Storm Drain B 16.3 109.9 96
220 24-Apr-14 -1.0 Storm Drain A 17.1 110.4 95
221 24-Apr-14 SG Storm Drain A 17.4 111.6 96
222 24-Apr-14 -0.5 Storm Drain A 17.2 112.0 96
223 25-Apr-14 -1.0 Storm Drain B 15.6 109.2 95
224 25-Apr-14 SG Storm Drain B 15.1 109.5 95
225 25-Apr-14 -1.0 Storm Drain B 15.8 108.9 95
14M110-6 Viasat Building 10 -- Carlsbad, California Page 3
Test No. Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative
(ft)Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
226 25-Apr-14 SG Storm Drain B 14.5 110.3 96
227 03-May-14 296.0 Site Fill A 15.8 104.3 90
228 03-May-14 299.0 Site Fill B 14.2 103.9 90
229 03-May-14 301.0 Site Fill B 14.6 104.7 91
230 03-May-14 30.0 Site Fill B 14.1 105.4 92
231 03-May-14 302.0 Site Fill B 13.9 103.6 90
232 03-May-14 303.0 Site Fill A 15.7 104.6 90
233 03-May-14 302.5 Site Fill B 14.5 104.0 90
234 03-May-14 303.5 Site Fill B 13.8 105.5 92
235 03-May-14 304.5 Site Fill B 14.2 104.8 91
236 05-May-14 -3.0 Water Line B 13.3 109.6 95
237 05-May-14 -2.5 Water Line B 13.1 110.2 96
238 05-May-14 -2.5 Water Line B 12.9 108.8 95
239 05-May-14 -1.0 Water Line A 15.1 110.5 95
240 05-May-14 -1.0 Water Line B 13.3 109.2 95
241 05-May-14 304.5 Site Fill B 14.6 104.7 91
242 05-May-14 304.5 Site Fill B 14.9 103.5 90
243 05-May-14 305.0 Site Fill B 14.2 105.8 92
244 05-May-14 305.0 Site Fill B 14.0 106.0 92
245 06-May-14 -3.0 Water Line B 15.3 104.3 91 Fail: 95% Required
246 06-May-14 -2.0 Water Line B 14.6 108.7 95 Retest #245
247 06-May-14 -3.0 Water Line B 13.9 109.6 95
248 06-May-14 -2.0 Water Line A 15.1 110.3 95
249 06-May-14 -1.0 Water Line B 14.2 108.9 95
250 06-May-14 -2.0 Water Line B 13.2 110.6 96
251 06-May-14 -3.0 Water Line A 15.1 111.1 95
252 06-May-14 -2.0 Water Line A 15.3 110.2 95
253 08-May-14 -2.0 Water Line B 15.3 110.0 96
254 08-May-14 -1.5 Water Line B 15.2 110.1 96
255 08-May-14 -1.0 Water Line B 15.0 109.4 95
256 08-May-14 -0.5 Water Line B 15.1 109.4 95
257 08-May-14 -1.0 Water Line B 15.5 109.2 95
258 09-May-14 -0.5 Storm Drain B 14.8 110.6 96
259 09-May-14 -0.5 Storm Drain B 15.3 109.3 95
260 09-May-14 -1.0 Storm Drain B 15.0 109.9 96
261 09-May-14 -1.0 Storm Drain B 15.1 109.5 95
262 09-May-14 -1.5 Storm Drain B 15.6 109.7 95
263 09-May-14 -1.0 Storm Drain B 15.8 110.1 96
14M110-6 Viasat Building 10 -- Carlsbad, California Page 4
Test No. Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative
(ft)Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
264 09-May-14 -0.5 Storm Drain B 15.2 109.2 95
270 21-May-14 -3.5 Interior Electrical A 16.8 107.2 92
271 21-May-14 -3.0 Interior Electrical A 17.0 108.1 93
272 21-May-14 -2.5 Interior Electrical A 17.1 107.6 92
273 21-May-14 -2.0 Interior Electrical A 16.7 107.9 93
274 22-May-14 -2.0 Interior Electrical A 17.3 108.4 93
275 22-May-14 -1.0 Interior Electrical A 17.1 109.2 94
276 22-May-14 SG Interior Electrical A 17.0 110.4 95
277 22-May-14 SG Interior Electrical A 17.2 110.7 95
290 13-Jun-14 -1.0 Water Line B 12.5 106.0 92 Fail: 95% Required
291 13-Jun-14 -1.0 Water Line B 14.1 109.4 95 Retest #290
292 13-Jun-14 -1.0 Water Line B 15.4 110.0 96
293 13-Jun-14 -1.5 Water Line B 16.0 109.0 95
294 13-Jun-14 -0.5 Water Line B 15.2 109.7 95
295 13-Jun-14 -0.5 Water Line B 14.9 109.4 95
296 19-Jun-14 -4.0 Electrical Line A 18.0 107.0 92
297 19-Jun-14 -5.0 Electrical Line A 18.2 106.2 91
298 19-Jun-14 -2.5 Electrical Line B 15.2 109.4 95
299 19-Jun-14 -1.5 Electrical Line B 14.0 110.0 96
300 19-Jun-14 -7.0 Electrical Line B 16.0 104.0 90
301 19-Jun-14 -6.5 Electrical Line B 17.0 103.4 90
302 19-Jun-14 -5.0 Electrical Line B 16.1 105.5 92
303 19-Jun-14 -4.5 Electrical Line B 15.8 104.9 91
304 19-Jun-14 -3.0 Electrical Line B 14.4 109.0 95
305 19-Jun-14 -1.0 Electrical Line B 14.0 108.8 95
306 19-Jun-14 -0.5 Electrical Line B 14.2 109.4 95
307 20-Jun-14 -4.0 Electrical Line B 18.0 101.5 88 Fail: 90% Required
308 20-Jun-14 -4.0 Electrical Line B 16.9 103.7 90 Retest #307
309 20-Jun-14 -2.5 Electrical Line B 15.9 109.0 95
310 20-Jun-14 -2.0 Electrical Line B 15.1 109.5 95
311 20-Jun-14 -1.0 Electrical Line B 15.5 109.2 95
312 20-Jun-14 -0.5 Electrical Line B 16.0 109.0 95
313 26-Jun-14 -1.0 Electrical Line B 15.8 102.6 89 Fail: 95% Required
314 26-Jun-14 -1.0 Electrical Line B 15.2 108.7 95 Retest #313
315 26-Jun-14 -0.5 Electrical Line B 15.4 109.1 95
316 27-Jun-14 -0.5 Electrical Line B 15.9 109.4 95
317 27-Jun-14 -1.5 Electrical Line B 15.4 109.6 95
318 27-Jun-14 -0.5 Electrical Line B 15.3 109.3 95
14M110-6 Viasat Building 10 -- Carlsbad, California Page 5
Test No. Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative
(ft)Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
319 27-Jun-14 -4.0 Sewer Line B 14.7 108.5 94
320 27-Jun-14 -2.5 Sewer Line B 14.9 108.9 95
321 27-Jun-14 -1.0 Sewer Line B 14.9 109.0 95
322 27-Jun-14 -1.5 Sewer Line B 15.0 109.5 95
323 27-Jun-14 -0.5 Water Line B 15.1 109.2 95
324 08-Jul-14 -2.0 Electrical Line B 16.9 107.3 93 Fail: 95% Required
325 08-Jul-14 -2.0 Electrical Line B 15.8 109.9 96 Retest #324
326 08-Jul-14 -1.0 Electrical Line B 15.5 109.1 95
327 08-Jul-14 SG Electrical Line B 15.2 109.6 95
328 08-Jul-14 -2.0 Electrical Line B 15.7 109.3 95
329 08-Jul-14 -1.0 Electrical Line B 14.9 109.8 95
330 08-Jul-14 SG Electrical Line B 15.4 110.0 96
331 09-Jul-14 -3.0 Fire Line B 14.7 109.2 95
332 09-Jul-14 -1.5 Fire Line B 16.0 108.9 95
333 09-Jul-14 SG Fire Line B 15.1 110.4 96
334 09-Jul-14 -1.0 Water Line B 15.8 109.3 95
335 09-Jul-14 SG Water Line B 14.9 109.4 95
336 09-Jul-14 -1.0 Water Line B 15.6 109.2 95
337 09-Jul-14 SG Water Line B 15.3 110.6 96
338 09-Jul-14 -3.0 Water Line B 15.8 108.8 95
339 09-Jul-14 -2.0 Water Line B 11.8 107.1 93 Fail: 95% Required
340 09-Jul-14 -2.0 Water Line B 14.5 109.1 95 Retest #339
341 10-Jul-14 -1.0 Water Line B 15.5 108.7 95
342 10-Jul-14 SG Water Line B 15.9 109.5 95
343 10-Jul-14 -1.0 Water Line B 14.8 109.3 95
344 10-Jul-14 SG Water Line B 15.4 110.8 96
345 10-Jul-14 -3.0 Interior Water B 16.8 103.8 90
346 10-Jul-14 -1.0 Interior Water B 16.2 104.9 91
347 10-Jul-14 SG Interior Water B 15.7 108.7 95
348 15-Jul-14 -1.5 Electrical Line B 14.1 110.7 96
349 15-Jul-14 -1.5 Electrical Line B 13.2 106.0 92 Fail: 95% Required
350 15-Jul-14 -1.5 Electrical Line B 14.6 109.3 95 Retest #349
351 15-Jul-14 -1.5 Electrical Line B 15.1 110.5 96
352 15-Jul-14 -1.5 Electrical Line B 15.2 109.4 95
353 30-Jul-14 -2.0 Electrical Line A 15.7 111.3 96
354 30-Jul-14 SG Electrical Line A 16.0 110.9 95
355 30-Jul-14 -1.5 Electrical Line A 17.0 113.0 97
356 30-Jul-14 -1.0 Electrical Line A 17.2 110.4 95
14M110-6 Viasat Building 10 -- Carlsbad, California Page 6
Test No. Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative
(ft)Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
357 30-Jul-14 SG Electrical Line A 15.9 112.6 97
358 30-Jul-14 SG Electrical Line A 15.5 111.2 95
359 31-Jul-14 -2.0 Electrical Line B 15.2 110.2 96
360 31-Jul-14 -1.0 Electrical Line B 15.0 109.7 95
361 31-Jul-14 -1.5 Electrical Line B 15.0 109.7 95
362 31-Jul-14 -3.0 Electrical Line B 15.2 110.0 96
363 31-Jul-14 -2.0 Electrical Line B 14.8 109.8 95
364 31-Jul-14 -1.0 Electrical Line B 15.1 109.6 95
365 01-Aug-14 -1.0 Electrical Line B 14.8 109.4 95
366 01-Aug-14 -3.0 Electrical Line B 15.2 110.1 96
367 01-Aug-14 -1.5 Electrical Line B 15.0 109.3 95
368 01-Aug-14 -2.0 Electrical Line B 15.3 110.4 96
369 01-Aug-14 -1.0 Electrical Line B 15.2 109.7 95
370 01-Aug-14 -0.5 Electrical Line B 14.7 109.2 95
371 19-Aug-14 -1.0 Electrical Line C 15.9 102.3 90 Fail: 95% Required
372 19-Aug-14 -1.0 Electrical Line C 14.8 108.2 95 Retest #371
373 19-Aug-14 -1.5 Electrical Line C 15.2 101.3 89 Fail: 95% Required
374 19-Aug-14 -1.5 Electrical Line C 15.0 108.5 95 Retest #373
375 19-Aug-14 -2.0 Electrical Line C 15.5 101.0 89 Fail: 95% Required
376 19-Aug-14 -2.0 Electrical Line C 14.5 109.2 96 Retest #375
377 19-Aug-14 -3.0 Electrical Line C 14.7 108.7 95
378 19-Aug-14 -2.0 Electrical Line C 14.1 109.1 96
379 21-Aug-14 -2.0 Electrical Line C 18.3 102.1 90 Fail: 95% Required
380 21-Aug-14 -2.0 Electrical Line C 14.5 108.3 95 Retest #379
381 21-Aug-14 -1.5 Electrical Line C 21.0 99.3 87 Fail: 95% Required
382 21-Aug-14 -1.5 Electrical Line C 13.7 108.5 95 Retest #381
383 21-Aug-14 -2.0 Electrical Line C 16.4 99.1 87 Fail: 95% Required
384 21-Aug-14 -2.0 Electrical Line C 15.0 108.2 95 Retest #383
385 22-Aug-14 -1.5 Electrical Line C 15.6 100.9 89 Fail: 95% Required
386 22-Aug-14 -1.5 Electrical Line C 15.1 108.4 95 Retest #385
387 22-Aug-14 -2.0 Electrical Line C 16.4 99.8 88 Fail: 95% Required
388 22-Aug-14 -2.0 Electrical Line C 15.8 108.2 95 Retest #387
389 22-Aug-14 -1.5 Electrical Line C 15.4 104.2 91 Fail: 95% Required
390 22-Aug-14 -1.5 Electrical Line C 15.0 108.7 95 Retest #389
391 22-Aug-14 -1.5 Electrical Line C 14.1 108.3 95
392 22-Aug-14 -1.0 Electrical Line C 14.0 108.6 95
393 18-Sep-14 316.0 Slope Fill A 14.4 101.3 87 Fail: 90% Required
394 18-Sep-14 317.0 Slope Fill A 15.1 98.6 85 Fail: 90% Required
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Test No. Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative
(ft)Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
395 18-Sep-14 312.5 Slope Fill B 14.2 107.2 93
396 18-Sep-14 311.0 Slope Fill A 14.7 108.3 93
397 18-Sep-14 311.0 Slope Fill A 15.4 108.8 93
398 18-Sep-14 315.0 Slope Fill A 16.1 105.1 90 Retest #393
399 18-Sep-14 315.5 Slope Fill B 14.8 107.2 93 Retest #394
400 18-Sep-14 316.0 Slope Fill B 14.2 104.4 91
401 18-Sep-14 317.0 Slope Fill A 16.2 107.8 93
402 18-Sep-14 318.0 Slope Fill B 14.3 104.8 91
403 18-Sep-14 317.5 Slope Fill A 16.2 105.6 91
404 18-Sep-14 -4.0 Electrical Line A 15.6 105.2 90
405 18-Sep-14 -4.0 Electrical Line A 15.4 106.3 91
406 18-Sep-14 -4.0 Electrical Line B 15.0 104.3 91
407 19-Sep-14 310.0 Slope Fill A 16.4 107.8 93 B.O.X.
408 19-Sep-14 317.5 Slope Fill B 14.5 104.3 91 B.O.X.
409 19-Sep-14 317.0 Slope Fill A 15.6 105.2 90 B.O.X.
410 19-Sep-14 315.0 Slope Fill A 16.1 106.1 91 B.O.X.
411 19-Sep-14 298.0 Slope Fill B 14.7 103.6 90
412 19-Sep-14 300.0 Slope Fill A 16.1 105.3 90
413 19-Sep-14 301.0 Slope Fill A 15.5 107.0 92
414 19-Sep-14 301.5 Slope Fill B 14.2 104.4 91
415 19-Sep-14 302.0 Slope Fill A 15.7 105.7 91
416 22-Sep-14 319.5 Slope Fill B 11.3 101.7 88 Fail: 90% Required
417 22-Sep-14 320.0 Slope Fill B 12.5 102.7 89 Fail: 90% Required
418 22-Sep-14 319.5 Slope Fill B 14.3 103.5 90 Retest #416
419 22-Sep-14 320.0 Slope Fill B 13.9 104.5 91 Retest #417
420 22-Sep-14 323.0 Slope Fill B 14.0 104.8 91
421 22-Sep-14 320.0 Slope Fill B 14.2 103.9 90
422 22-Sep-14 321.0 Slope Fill B 13.8 104.2 91
423 24-Sep-14 320.0 Slope Fill B 10.3 101.5 88 Fail: 90% Required
424 24-Sep-14 322.0 Slope Fill B 11.5 102.6 89 Fail: 90% Required
425 24-Sep-14 320.0 Slope Fill B 12.2 100.3 87 Fail: 90% Required
426 24-Sep-14 319.0 Slope Fill B 12.5 101.8 89 Fail: 90% Required
427 24-Sep-14 320.0 Slope Fill B 14.2 103.7 90 Retest #423
428 24-Sep-14 322.0 Slope Fill B 13.5 104.8 91 Retest #424
429 24-Sep-14 320.0 Slope Fill B 13.7 103.9 90 Retest #425
430 24-Sep-14 319.0 Slope Fill B 14.0 104.2 91 Retest #426
431 25-Sep-14 317.0 Slope Fill B 12.0 101.2 88 Fail: 90% Required
432 25-Sep-14 320.0 Slope Fill B 12.5 102.5 89 Fail: 90% Required
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Test No. Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative
(ft)Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
433 25-Sep-14 321.0 Slope Fill B 11.7 101.5 88 Fail: 90% Required
434 25-Sep-14 317.0 Slope Fill B 13.5 104.8 91 Retest #431
435 25-Sep-14 320.0 Slope Fill B 13.9 105.2 91 Retest #432
436 25-Sep-14 321.0 Slope Fill B 13.2 103.9 90 Retest #433
437 25-Sep-14 323.0 Slope Fill A 15.5 107.3 92
438 25-Sep-14 323.0 Slope Fill A 15.7 106.5 91
439 26-Sep-14 325.0 Slope Fill B 12.3 101.5 88 Fail: 90% Required
440 26-Sep-14 326.0 Slope Fill B 12.7 101.7 88 Fail: 90% Required
442 26-Sep-14 327.0 Slope Fill A 14.5 102.7 88 Fail: 90% Required
443 26-Sep-14 325.0 Slope Fill B 13.5 103.8 90 Retest #439
444 26-Sep-14 326.0 Slope Fill B 14.0 104.0 90 Retest #440
445 26-Sep-14 327.0 Slope Fill A 15.5 104.9 90 Retest #442
446 26-Sep-14 324.0 Slope Fill A 15.8 106.3 91
447 26-Sep-14 324.0 Slope Fill A 16.0 105.3 90
448 29-Sep-14 321.0 Slope Fill A 15.2 104.8 90
449 29-Sep-14 327.0 Slope Fill A 15.0 104.9 90
450 29-Sep-14 329.0 Slope Fill A 15.3 105.2 90
451 29-Sep-14 33.0 Slope Fill A 15.1 105.0 90
452 29-Sep-14 328.0 Slope Fill B 13.2 103.5 90
453 29-Sep-14 329.0 Slope Fill B 13.0 104.6 91
454 29-Sep-14 326.0 Slope Fill B 13.3 103.7 90
455 29-Sep-14 322.0 Slope Fill B 13.4 103.5 90
456 29-Sep-14 318.0 Slope Fill B 13.1 103.6 90
462 01-Oct-14 -0.5 Water Line D 16.1 112.3 95
463 13-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 11.6 105.7 92 Fail: 95% Required
464 13-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 17.1 107.1 93 Fail: 95% Required
465 13-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 12.2 103.8 90 Fail: 95% Required
466 13-Oct-14 SG Pavement Subgrade B 16.4 110.6 96
467 13-Oct-14 SG Pavement Subgrade B 15.2 111.2 97
468 14-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 15.6 111.1 97 Retest #463
469 14-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 16.1 109.2 95 Retest #464
470 14-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 15.8 110.1 96 Retest #465
471 14-Oct-14 SG Pavement Subgrade B 15.1 112.5 98
472 14-Oct-14 SG Pavement Subgrade B 16.7 110.3 96
473 15-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 15.6 111.3 97
474 15-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 17.1 109.1 95
475 15-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 15.9 110.5 96
476 15-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 15.4 110.8 96
14M110-6 Viasat Building 10 -- Carlsbad, California Page 9
Test No. Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative
(ft)Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
477 15-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 16.1 109.7 95
478 17-Oct-14 SG Pavement Subgrade B 16.2 108.9 95
479 17-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 15.4 109.6 95
480 17-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 17.4 110.4 95
481 17-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 18.1 110.1 95
482 17-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 17.8 111.2 95
483 17-Oct-14 BG Pavement Base G 15.6 111.5 91 Fail: 95% Required
484 17-Oct-14 BG Pavement Base G 11.9 115.8 95
485 20-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 11.3 104.7 90 Fail: 95% Required
486 20-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 11.8 103.8 89 Fail: 95% Required
487 20-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 18.6 111.4 96
488 20-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 18.3 110.8 95
489 20-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 17.1 113.1 97
490 20-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 17.5 111.2 95
491 20-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 17.0 112.2 96
492 20-Oct-14 BG Pavement Base G 12.7 116.7 96 Retest #483
493 21-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 17.5 111.7 96 Retest #485
494 21-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 18.1 110.9 95 Retest #486
495 23-Oct-14 SG Pavement Subgrade A 17.6 110.9 95
496 23-Oct-14 SG Pavement Subgrade A 17.1 110.7 95
497 23-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 17.9 111.5 96
498 23-Oct-14 306.0 Slope Fill A 17.3 106.8 92
499 23-Oct-14 309.0 Slope Fill A 16.8 105.7 91
500 28-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 15.6 110.4 95
501 28-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 15.1 108.2 93 Fail: 95% Required
502 28-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 14.8 109.1 95
503 28-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 16.2 110.1 95
504 28-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 16.3 110.6 95 Retest #501
505 28-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 14.5 109.1 94 Fail: 95% Required
506 29-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade C 14.6 108.3 95
507 29-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 14.2 109.6 95
508 29-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 16.3 110.2 95 Retest #505
509 29-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade A 15.5 111.3 96
510 29-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 14.5 110.3 96
511 29-Oct-14 SG Curb and Gutter Subgrade B 14.7 109.1 95
588 13-Nov-14 -2.0 Electrical Line B 13.3 110.5 96
589 13-Nov-14 -1.0 Electrical Line B 13.2 109.4 95
590 13-Nov-14 -1.0 Electrical Line B 13.7 110.4 96
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Test No. Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative
(ft)Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
590A 20-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade A 16.2 110.9 95
591 20-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade A 16.3 110.8 95
592 20-Nov-14 BG Pavement Subgrade G 14.5 108.7 89 Fail: 95% Required
593 20-Nov-14 BG Pavement Subgrade G 11.2 116.2 95
594 20-Nov-14 BG Pavement Subgrade G 12.2 115.9 95
600 21-Nov-14 BG Pavement Subgrade G 11.0 116.3 95 Retest #592
601 21-Nov-14 -2.0 Electrical Line A 15.5 110.9 95
602 21-Nov-14 -2.0 Electrical Line B 14.0 109.3 95
603 21-Nov-14 -1.0 Electrical Line A 15.7 111.0 95
604 21-Nov-14 SG Electrical Line B 14.2 109.7 95
612 24-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade D 14.2 112.2 95
613 24-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade D 14.7 112.5 95
614 24-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade D 13.9 112.3 95
615 24-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade D 14.2 112.7 96
620 25-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade D 14.9 112.3 95
621 25-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade D 14.5 112.5 95
622 25-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade D 14.2 113.3 96
623 25-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade D 14.5 113.9 97
624 25-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade A 15.7 111.9 96
625 25-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade A 16.0 111.0 95
626 25-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade A 15.9 111.3 96
627 25-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade A 16.3 112.3 96
628 25-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade B 14.2 109.3 95
629 25-Nov-14 SG Pavement Subgrade B 14.0 110.0 96
630 08-Dec-14 BG Pavement Base I 11.3 117.1 95
631 08-Dec-14 BG Pavement Base I 10.9 117.2 95
632 08-Dec-14 BG Pavement Base I 10.8 117.5 95
633 08-Dec-14 BG Pavement Base I 11.2 117.5 95
634 08-Dec-14 BG Pavement Base I 11.4 120.1 97
635 08-Dec-14 BG Pavement Base I 11.0 117.6 95
636 08-Dec-14 BG Pavement Base I 11.3 118.4 96
637 08-Dec-14 BG Pavement Base I 11.1 118.8 96
638 09-Dec-14 BG Pavement Base I 10.7 120.2 97
639 09-Dec-14 BG Pavement Base I 11.0 117.8 95
640 09-Dec-14 BG Pavement Base I 11.3 119.4 97
641 09-Dec-14 BG Pavement Base I 11.0 118.1 96
642 09-Dec-14 BG Pavement Base I 10.6 118.7 96
643 09-Dec-14 BG Pavement Base I 10.7 117.9 95
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Test No. Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative
(ft)Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
644 10-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 138.5 96
645 10-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 137.4 95
646 10-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 137.1 95
647 10-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 138.1 96
648 10-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 136.3 95
649 10-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 136.9 95
650 10-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 136.5 95
651 10-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 137.9 96
652 11-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 137.1 95
653 11-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 136.6 95
654 11-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 138.2 96
655 11-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 137.5 95
656 11-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 137.2 95
657 11-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 137.7 96
658 11-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 138.3 96
659 11-Dec-14 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 136.2 95
661 11-Dec-14 SG Pavement Subgrade B 16.1 109.3 95
662 15-Jan-15 SG Pavement Subgrade A 17.1 110.5 95
663 15-Jan-15 SG Pavement Subgrade A 17.4 111.8 96
664 15-Jan-15 BG Pavement Base I 10.8 117.2 95
665 15-Jan-15 BG Pavement Base I 10.4 118.5 96
666 15-Jan-15 BG Pavement Base I 9.1 114.9 93 Fail: 95% Required
667 15-Jan-15 BG Pavement Base I 10.7 117.5 95 Retest #666
668 15-Jan-15 BG Pavement Base I 10.5 117.9 95
669 15-Jan-15 BG Pavement Base I 10.1 117.1 95
670 15-Jan-15 BG Pavement Base I 9.7 118.2 96
671 15-Jan-15 BG Pavement Base I 10.8 118.8 96
687 22-Jan-15 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 139.0 97
688 22-Jan-15 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 137.5 95
689 22-Jan-15 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 138.3 96
690 22-Jan-15 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 137.8 96
691 22-Jan-15 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 138.7 96
692 22-Jan-15 AC Pavement Asphalt J N/A 138.0 96
697 28-Jan-15 SG Slope Fill B 13.9 103.6 90
698 28-Jan-15 SG Slope Fill B 14.3 104.2 91
699 28-Jan-15 SG Slope Fill B 14.4 103.9 90
700 28-Jan-15 SG Slope Fill B 13.7 103.8 90
725 13-Feb-15 SG Sidewalk Subgrade B 13.2 109.2 95
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Test No. Date Elev.Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative
(ft)Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
726 13-Feb-15 SG Sidewalk Subgrade B 14.3 109.3 95
727 13-Feb-15 SG Sidewalk Subgrade B 14.3 109.4 95
728 13-Feb-15 SG Sidewalk Subgrade B 13.9 109.3 95
729 13-Feb-15 SG Sidewalk Subgrade B 14.2 109.4 95
NOTES: Elevations Referenced To Grade Stakes Set In Field By Others
Negative Elevations Reference to SG
SG = Finished Subgrade Elevation
BG = Base Grade
AC = Finished Surface Asphaltic Concrete
B.O.X. = Bottom of Overexcavation
Retests Performed After Recompaction
All Tests Performed by Nuclear Method (ASTM D-6938)
14M110-6 Viasat Building 10 -- Carlsbad, California Page 13
Soil Type Soil Description Maximum Dry
Density (pcf)
Moisture (%)
A Yellow Brown Silty Clay, trace fine Sand 116.5 15
B Yellow Brown fine Sand, little silt 115 13
C Light Gray Brown silty fine Sand 114 13.5
D Yellow Brown fine Sandy Silt, trace Clay 118 13.5
E Crushed Aggregate Base 137.5 7.5
F 3/4" Asphaltic Concrete 146 N/A
G Crushed Miscellaneous Base 122 10.5
H Light Brown fine Sandy Clay to Clayey fine Sand, trace Silt, trace Gravel 121 11.5
I Crushed Miscellaneous Base 123.5 8.5
J 1/2" Asphaltic Concrete 144 N/A
K Gray Brown Clayey fine to coarse Sand, some fine Gravel 129 8.5
L 1/2" Asphaltic Concrete 142 N/A
Notes: All Moisture-Density Relationships determined per ASTM D-1557 (Modified Proctor)
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