HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-07-06; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Establish a 45 mile per hour speed limit upon Poinsettia Lane from Cassia Road to El Camino RealItem 2 Meeting Date: July 6, 2021 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: John Kim, City Traffic Engineer John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2757 Subject: Establish a 45 mile per hour speed limit upon Poinsettia Lane from Cassia Road to El Camino Real. Recommended Action Support staff recommendation to establish a 45 mile per hour speed limit upon Poinsettia Lane from Cassia Road to El Camino Real. Background Mobility is enhanced and overall traffic flow improved when drivers are operating their vehicles at a speed that is reasonable, comfortable, convenient, and safe, under the existing conditions. It is generally acknowledged that the control of speed can be a significant factor in influencing and improving roadway safety by reducing the number of collisions. In fact, the premise of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) section 22350, Basic Speed Law, is that no person shall drive upon a road at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent taking into account weather, visibility, and traffic on the road and in no event at a speed that endangers the safety of others. Driver behavior is an extension of social attitudes and the Basic Speed Law assumes that most drivers operate their vehicles in a reasonable manner. Therefore, traffic laws established on the basis of the behavior of the reasonable and prudent motorist are found to be the most successful. As a result, speed limits that are considered credible and enforceable will help enhance traffic safety and the operating efficiency on the roadway and achieve driver compliance. Roads in Carlsbad are designed in accordance with current engineering standards to help ensure safe roadways that provide mobility, offer mode choices, and enhance efficient traffic flow. One way that these goals are achieved is by establishing proper and reasonable speed limits that can be enforced. Speed limits that are reasonable can help to achieve voluntary compliance by the majority of drivers without need for the police enforcement/presence. Speed zones that arbitrarily restrict travel by the majority of motorists can lead to violations of the posted speed limit. For a speed limit to be considered effective, drivers must believe that the posted speed limit is safe, properly established, and legally enforceable. In the City of Carlsbad, the predominant practice for managing speed is by legally establishing a speed limit and then posting the speed limit upon the road with regulatory signs. An effective speed limit recognizes that conditions change throughout the day and there is no one safe speed for all the conditions that may be present upon the roadway. Police enforcement is used to target the most egregious violators of the speed limit. A fundamental tenet is that laws are enacted to protect the majority of the public by regulating the unsafe or unreasonable actions of the few. When law enforcement officers and the courts have confidence that speed limits have been set on a reasonable basis, their enforcement efforts are more effective. Nationally recognized vetted practices and guidance per standards and procedures in the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) are considered when setting speed limits. Speed limits are based on traffic engineering principles and other factors, such as a speed survey, incorporated into an Engineering and Traffic Survey. Speed limits are established by law when the City Council adopts an ordinance and the speed limit is posted on the roadway to indicate the maximum reasonable speed for a driver to operate a vehicle under ideal conditions in off-peak free flowing conditions. Among many factors, the three most persuasive arguments to consider when setting a realistic, or rational, speed limit are: 1. Critical speed (85th percentile speed) 2. Collision history 3. Conditions that may not be readily apparent to the driver The premise implied in speed zoning is that the majority of drivers are operating their vehicles at or near the 85th percentile speed. Drivers that operate their vehicle at speeds higher than the 85th percentile speed should be the focus of the police. An important speed zoning concept is that the disparity in speed between vehicles on the road is reduced when prima facie speed limits are established at or near the 85th percentile speed and, as a result, safety is enhanced. In addition, a speed limit that is established based upon the 85th percentile speed will increase driver respect for the speed limit sign. Only those regulatory or warning signs that have the respect of the roadway user will have a positive effect to control driver behavior traffic. Basic speed law as stipulated in the CVC requires drivers to operate their vehicle at a speed that takes into account all roadway factors, environmental elements, adjacent land uses, and other traffic on the road. These are, in general, all readily apparent factors to the driver. Warning signs placed on the roadway can alert drivers to the presence of an unseen or unanticipated condition. As a result, drivers can operate their vehicle in a reasonable and prudent manner by adjusting speed for the condition that may be encountered. In summary, the use of engineering, educational, and enforcement principles guides the management of vehicle speed. Voluntary public compliance with the posted speed limit is the goal when determining a realistic speed limit to post on a roadway. The realistic speed limit takes into consideration the normally competent and careful actions of a reasonable driver and provides for the regulation of unreasonable behavior by a few individuals. A posted speed limit should be readily accepted by drivers, be fair and reasonable, determined by the majority of drivers, and based on factual foundation. As a result, roadway safety can be improved and community concerns about traffic speed are appropriately and legally addressed. The proposed speed limit for the road segment discussed in this report is regulated by section 22357(a) of the CVC: "Whenever a local authority determines upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey that a speed greater than 25 miles per hour would facilitate the orderly movement of vehicular traffic and would be reasonable and safe upon any street other than a state highway otherwise subject to a prima facie limit of 25 miles per hour, the local authority may by ordinance determine and declare a prima facie speed limit of 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, or 60 miles per hour or a maximum speed limit of 65 miles per hour, whichever is found most appropriate to facilitate the orderly movement of traffic and is reasonable and safe. The declared prima facie or maximum speed limit shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected upon the street and shall not thereafter be revised except upon the basis of an engineering and traffic survey. This section does not apply to any 25 mile per hour prima facie limit which is applicable when passing a school building or the grounds thereof or when passing a senior center or other facility primarily used by senior citizens." Poinsettia Lane is located in the southern portion of the city and connects Carlsbad Boulevard, along the coast, to Melrose Drive in the east. The portion of Poinsettia Lane between Cassia Road and Oriole Court/Skimmer Court was opened to traffic in April of this year. As an important east-west connector, this portion of Poinsettia Lane was built to major arterial standards with two travel lanes and a bike lane in each direction separated by a raised median. This portion of the road features traffic signal control at the intersections of Cassia Road, Artemisia Court, Oriole Court/Skimmer Court and El Camino Real. Traffic counts conducted in May 2021 indicate average daily traffic volumes between 4,600 and 4,800 vehicles per day. This portion of Poinsettia Lane is defined as a Arterial Connector Street in the Mobility Element of the city’s General Plan. Staff completed an Engineering and Traffic Survey for this portion of Poinsettia Lane (see attached). As part of the Engineering and Traffic Survey, a speed survey was conducted on May 28, ,2021 at a location approximately 325 feet east of Artemisia Court. The 85th percentile speed was found to be 49 miles per hour with a pace speed between 39 and 49 miles per hour. The 85th percentile speed is the speed at which 85 percent of the drivers are driving at or below. The pace speed is the 10 mile per hour range that contains the highest number of vehicles. Generally, the 85th percentile speed, also known as the critical speed, is located in the upper range of the pace speed. Sections 22357 and 22358 of the CVC authorize local authorities to establish a speed limit based on an Engineering and Traffic Survey. Furthermore, the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices outlines the specific requirements for a valid Engineering and Traffic Survey. Section 2B.13 of the CA MUTCD states, “When a speed limit is to be posted, it shall be established at the nearest 5 mph increment of the 85th-percentile speed of free-flowing traffic, except as shown in the two Options below. Option: 1. The posted speed may be reduced by 5 mph from the nearest 5 mph increment of the 85th-percentile speed, in compliance with CVC Sections 627 and 22358.5. See Standard below for documentation requirements. 2. For cases in which the nearest 5 mph increment of the 85th percentile speed would require a rounding up, then the speed limit may be rounded down to the nearest 5 mph increment below the 85th percentile speed, if no further reduction is used. See CVC Section 21400(b).” In this case, the nearest 5 mph increment of the 85th percentile is 50 miles per hour. Exercising Option 2, the speed limit may be rounded down to 45 miles per hour, if no further reduction is used. Recommendation Based upon the results of the Engineering and Traffic Survey, staff recommend establishing a 45 mile per hour speed limit upon Poinsettia Lane from Cassia Road to El Camino Real. Next Steps Upon adoption of the associated ordinance by City Council, staff will install the appropriate speed limits signs upon Poinsettia Lane. Exhibits 1. Location Map 2. Engineering and Traffic Survey for Poinsettia Lane, including Speed Survey POINSETTIA LANE SPEED ZONE 1 LOCATION MAP BOULEVARD PALOMAR AIRPORT ROADEL CAMINO REALPOINS E T TI A LANEAVI AR A P AR KWAY CASSIA RD. COLLEGE FARA D A Y SKIMMER CT. ORIOLE CT. CAMINO VI D A ROBLE AM B R O S I A LANEBLACK RAIL ROADPROPOSED SPEED ZONE AVENUECANNO N R O A D AVI A R A P A R K W A Y I- 5 F R E EW A Y EXHIBIT 1 ,3 @ NOT TO SCALE 1---------------.-_Jil ~ i ~ EXHIBIT ! § i Exhibit 2 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC SURVEY STREET: Poinsettia Lane LIMITS: Cassia Road to El Camino Real FACTORS A. Prevailing Speed Data: Direction: Eastbound/Westbound Date of Speed Survey Location of Speed Survey 85th Percentile 10 MPH Pace Percent in Pace 5/28/21 325’ East of Artemisia Court 49 MPH 39 to 49 MPH 79% B. Accident History: (4/01/19 through 3/31/21) Speed-Related Accidents Pedestrian and/or Bicycle Accidents Total Accidents None None None C. Traffic Factors: Average Daily Traffic Traffic Controls Pedestrian/Bicycle Traffic Bicycle Lanes On-Street Parking Other 4,815 – East of Cassia Road (5/25/21); 4,596 – West of El Camino Real (5/25/21) Traffic Signals at Cassia Road, Artemisia Court, Skimmer Ct./Oriole Ct., and El Camino Real Moderate Bicycle Lanes with Buffer on Both Sides Parking Prohibited on Both Sides Bike Route per Circulation Element of the General Plan D. Roadway Factors: Street Classification Length of Segment Roadway Width Number of Lanes Vertical Alignment Horizontal Alignment Sidewalks Driveways Street Lighting Circulation Element – Major Arterial. Mobility Element – Arterial Connector Street 0.69 Mi. 82 Feet (Curb-to-Curb) 2 Lanes Each Direction Roadway Grades Vary from 1.1% to 4.72% Curvilinear Sidewalk on South Side; North Side Has Either Sidewalk or Roadside Trail Two Driveways (Basin Maintenance Access Road & SDG&E Access Driveway) Street Lights on Both Sides E. Special Conditions: Travel lanes are separated by a raised median, a portion of which is landscaped. The roadway section between Cassia Road and the intersection at Oriole Court/Skimmer Court opened to traffic on April 29, 2021. The section west of El Camino Real has been open since at least 2003. F. Adjacent Land Uses: Single-Family Residential, Open Space G. Remarks/Conditions Not Readily Apparent: One bus turnout exists on each side of the roadway for possible future bus stops. H. Traffic Engineer's Recommendation (Explanation): This speed zone satisfies the conditions of Section 627 of the California Vehicle Code and has been prepared and evaluated in accordance with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, effective March 30, 2021, with respect to design and prevailing speeds, accident records, pedestrian and bicyclist safety, intersection and driveway spacing, and roadside and traffic conditions not readily apparent to the driver. A speed limit posting of 45 MPH is found to be appropriate and justified. I. Approvals:  Recertification of existing speed zone per Sections 22357, 22358 and 40802 of the California Vehicle Code.  Establishment of new speed zone. Approved________________________________________________ John T. Kim Date City Traffic Engineer CA RCE 56667 NOTE: Appropriate speed survey is attached hereto and made a part hereof. - <i>\\Of ESS/ON,4, ~ I( 4f ~<::,v,.~ T. /(;~ ~ ~ ~ ~<, ~ ~ ;a • No. C 56667 * ~IV\\. R-~,~ CA\.\ ~a DATE:TIME:TO TOTAL VEHICLES: WEATHER:CRITICAL SPEED:MPH LOCATION:VEHICLES IN PACE:% OBSERVER/RECORDER:PACE SPEED(S):TO MPH WESTBOUND EASTBOUND DIRECTION OF TRAVEL DIRECTION OF TRAVEL MPH #%% %tile % # MPH 64 64 63 63 62 62 61 61 60 60 59 59 58 58 57 57 56 56 55 55 54 54 53 22 100 42 XX53 52 22 98 42 XX52 51 X 1233 96 42 XX51 50 X 1255 93 84 XXXX50 49 X 1244 88 63 XXX49 48 XXXX 4888 84 84 XXXX48 47 XXXXX 5 101313 76 16 8 XXXXXXXX47 46 XXX 3699 63 126 XXXXXX46 45 XXXXX 5109 9 54 8 4 XXXX45 44 XXX 3655 45 42 XX44 43 XXXXX 5109 9 40 8 4 XXXX43 42 XXXXXXXX 8168 8 31 42 41 XXXX 4888 23 84 XXXX41 40 XXX 3655 15 42 XX40 39 XXX 3655 10 42 XX39 38 11521 X 38 37 XXX 3633 4 37 36 X 1211 1 36 35 35 34 34 33 33 32 32 31 31 30 30 29 29 28 28 27 27 26 26 25 25 24 24 23 23 22 22 21 21 20 20 100 79 39 49 CITY OF CARLSBAD SPEED SURVEY 5/28/21 1:30 PM 2:15 PM Sunny & Warm 49 Poinsettia Lane~325' e/o Artemisia Court J. Gale Public Works Branch Traffic & Mobility Division Exhibit 2