HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-07-06; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; El Camino Real Roadway Improvements from Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6051Item 4 Meeting Date: July 6, 2021 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Brandon Miles, Associate Engineer Brandon.Miles@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2745 Subject: El Camino Real Roadway Improvements from Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue, Capital Improvement Program Project No. 6051 Recommended Action Support staff’s recommended alternative for the San Marcos Creek bridge segment of the El Camino Real Roadway Improvements from Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project No. 6051 (Project). Background The Project will widen the southbound direction of El Camino Real for approximately 2,700 feet from Arenal Road to approximately 500 feet north of La Costa Avenue. The Project will provide new sidewalks and enhanced buffered bike lanes, consistent with Sustainable Mobility Plan and the Mobility Element of the city’s General Plan. New streetlights will be installed on the west side of El Camino Real within the Project reach. This segment of El Camino Real currently transitions from three to two travel lanes in the southbound direction, approximately 1,500 feet north of Arenal Road to just north of La Costa Avenue. The Project will widen this segment of El Camino Real to three southbound vehicular lanes, provide enhanced buffered bike lane consisting of 8-foot bike lanes with 3-foot buffers, and install a new sidewalk on the west side of El Camino Real. Currently, no sidewalk exists on the west side of El Camino Real (in the southbound direction), and on the east side over the San Marcos Creek bridge. The Project will provide pedestrian connectivity where none previously existed on both the west and east sides of El Camino Real within the Project area. The design consultant team originally provided five design alternatives for the existing bridge over the San Marcos Creek. Some of these alternatives included undesirable bike widths of five to six feet, without buffers in order to accommodate the arterial lane configuration over the bridge and reduce the impacts to the adjacent sensitive habitat. Considering the importance of having pedestrian connectivity and 8-foot bike lanes with 3-foot buffers, two alternatives were selected for further consideration. Alternative 1 requires widening the San Marcos Creek bridge to provide the desired bike lanes and buffers with pedestrian connectivity in both directions (Figure 1). Widening the existing bridge will require additional piles for structural support to be placed directly into the lagoon and surrounding protected habitat. Areas impacted by the piles will require mitigation, resulting in significantly higher cost and an extended project schedule in order to obtain the necessary environmental permits. In addition, two large utilities will be impacted and will need to be relocated. Both the 30-inch SDG&E gas line and 16-inch Kinder Morgan high pressure gas line will be very expensive to relocate and will result in longer construction schedule. The east side of the bridge will also require relocation of several communication utilities. Alternative 1 is the more expensive, has greater environmental impacts and permitting complexity, and has longer design, permitting and construction schedule than Alternative 2. Figure 1 – Alternative 1 Alternative 2 does not require any improvements to the existing bridge over the San Marcos Creek, and still provides the 8-foot wide bike lanes with 3-foot buffers (Figure 2). To achieve these design criteria and not impact the lagoon/sensitive habitat or relocate critical utilities, the three southbound travel lanes are being narrowed to 10.5 feet wide just for the bridge over the San Marcos Creek. In addition, two separated pedestrian bridges that would span San Marcos Creek are proposed to provide pedestrian access and connectivity on both sides of the existing bridge over the San Marcos Creek. The northbound vehicular lanes will remain at 11-feet wide. Alternative 2 provides the least amount of impact to the lagoon and sensitive habitat, reduces the environmental permitting complexity and the associated mitigation costs, and shortens the permitting time in preparing and circulating the Project Environmental Impact Report. Alternative 2 will result in overall lower costs and shorter construction schedule for the bridge improvements. Existing utilities will be protected in place, eliminating the need to relocate. Alternative 2 will require additional right-of-way on the east side where existing ornamental vegetation exists. Exist R/W RELOCATE 16" KINDER MORGAN FUEL LINE 30° SDG&E GAS LINE SOUTHBOUND 87' ~ EL CAMINO REAL 9' 9' MEDIAN I NORTHBOUND 63' RELOCATE BRIDGE MOUNTED UTILITIES 12" CMWO/ WATER LINE Figure 2 - Alternative 2 Both alternatives will improve multimodal circulation along the roadway segment from Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue and include buffered bike lanes with green dashed striping at conflict zones. In addition, new streetlights will be added for safety on the west side of El Camino Real from Arenal Road to La Costa Avenue. Staff recommend Alternative 2 as the preferred alternative for the San Marcos Creek bridge, and request that the Traffic and Mobility Commission support this recommendation. Necessary Council Action Following the Traffic and Mobility Commission’s support, staff will direct the design consultant team to prepare the Project construction plans, specifications and cost estimates to be presented at a future Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting. Staff will also bring a staff report to the City Council in spring 2023 with a recommendation to approve the plans and specifications, and authorize the city clerk to advertise the Project for construction bids. Next Steps Following the Traffic and Mobility Commission’s support, staff will prepare the Project construction plans, specifications and cost estimates to be presented at a future Traffic and Mobility Commission meeting targeted for spring 2023. Staff will bring a staff report to the City Council in spring 2023 and recommend that the City Council approve the plans and specifications, and authorize the city clerk to advertise the Project for construction bids. After the bidding process is complete, staff will return to the City Council with a request to award a construction contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. The construction is targeted to begin in summer 2023, with completion expected to be in late 2024. Exhibits 1. Location Map of El Camino Real Roadway Improvements from Poinsettia Lane to Camino Vida Roble E,itl R/W SINGLE SPAN PR[fABRICA TEO STEEL TRUSS \lj!TH INTEGRAL RAIUNG SOUTHBOOHD 87' PROTECT IN PLACE 16" KM FUEL UNE 30" SOG&E G"-S LINE 10.5' 42' 't. El CAMINO REAL 10.5' 10.5' .a NORTHBOONO 63' 11· 11' 11' LANE LANE LANE o: Bl E ~ LANE ~~~ffi 54' 12" CMWO WATER LINE PrOP R/W SINGLE Sf' AN PREFABRICATED STEEL TRUSS \ljl TH INTEGRAL RAILING RELOCA T[ BRIDGE MOUNTED UTIUTIES LA C O S T A A V EL CAMINO REALARENA L R D LEVANTE ST ALMADEN L NALICANTE RDSALIE NT E W Y LOTUS C T PLAZUELA S TCARINGA WYPLAYA RDSUBID A T E R R A C E SACADA CRESCENICO TERRACEREPOSADO DRTO R R E J O N P L GERANIUM S T CORTE AZU L GRE E N V I E W D R PROJECT NAME EXHIBITPROJECT NUMBER6051 1EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING FROMARENAL ROAD TO LA COSTA AVENUE SITE LOCATION MAP CARLSBAD VISTA ENCINITAS OCEANSIDE SAN MARCOS Vicinity Map SITE³NOT TO SCALE ³NOT TO SCALE PLOT DATE: 6/15/2021 PATH: J:\AC_Customers\Brandon_Miles\LocationMaps\El_Camino_Real_Arenal-LaCosta\El Camino Real Widening- Arenal-LaCosta.mxdAuthor: Andy Chang