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1372 KNOWLES AVE; ; CBR2020-2540; Permit
Building Permit Finaled Print Date: 04/09/2021 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel#: Valuation: 1372 KNOWLES AVE, BLDG-Residential 1562313300 $27,254.86 Occupancy Group: #of Dwelling Units: 1 Bedrooms: Bathrooms: Occupant Load: Code Edition: Sprinkled: Project Title: Residential Permit CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1547 Work Class: Track#: Lot#: Project#: Plan#: Construction Type: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: Second Dwelling Unit ('city of Carlsbad Permit No: CBR2020-2540 Status: Applied: Issued: Finaled Close Out: Inspector: Final Inspection: Closed· Finaled 10/08/2020 02/02/2021 TKers 04/09/2021 Description: ERBE: CONVERT DETACHED GARAGE TO 450 SF ADU W/ 126 SF STORAGE (REF CC2020-0445) Applicant: LESLIE ERBE 1175 MAGNOLIA AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-2541 (760) 802-3560 FEE BUILDING PERMIT FEE ($2000+) BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE (BLDG) ELECTRICAL BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION MECHANICAL BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL PLUMBING BLDG RESIDENTIAL NEW/ADDITION/REMODEL SB1473 GREEN BUILDING STATE STANDARDS FEE STRONG MOTION-RESIDENTIAL Total Fees: $776,38 Total Payments To Date: $776.38 Balance Due: AMOUNT $265.20 $185.64 $41.00 $175.00 $42.00 $62.00 $2.00 $3.54 $0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES.IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. Building Division Page 1 of 1 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 I 760·602-2700 I 760-602-8560f I www.carlsbadca.gov (cicyof Carlsbad C.. 2.02O-0'-\L\5 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 Plan CheckQf}l?-2Q2,0-2."54c) Est. Value 2.7 12.'5'5 PC Deposit Date \0-'C}-20 3,2. Job Address~ Knowles Ave Suite: _____ APN: 156-231-33-00 CT/Project #: __________________ ,Lot #:, ____ Year Built: _1_9_9_0 _______ _ Fire Sprinklers: QYEs@No Air Conditioning:Q YES (!) NO Electrical Panel Upgrade: QYES(!) NO BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Convert an existing 576 SF garage which had existing bathroom with toilet sink and shower to ADU comprised of 450 SF living area and 126 storage area. 0 Addition/New: _____ Living SF, ____ Deck SF, ____ Patio SF, ____ Garage SF __ _ Is this to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? OY ON New Fireplace? OY ON, if yes how many? __ [j] Remodel:450 SF of affected area -----Is the area a conversion or change of use ? 0Y ON □ Pool/Spa:. ___ ~SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? ___________ _ osolar: ___ KW,. ___ Modules, Mounted:0Roof 0Ground, Tilt: 0 YON, RMA: OY ON, Batterv:OY ON, Panel Upgrade: OY ON D Reroof: ------------------------------------□ Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical D Only: Other: This permit Is to be issued in the name of the Property Owner as Owner-Builder, licensed contractor or Authorized Agent of the owner or contractor. The person listed as the Applicant below will be the main point of contact throughout the permit process. PROPERTY OWNER Name: Erbe-Carter APPLICANT O PROPERTY OWNERS AUTHORIZED AGENT Name: self -Erbe APPLICANT 0 Address: 1175 Magnolia Ave City: Carlsbad State: Ca Zip: 82008 Phone: 760 802-3560 and 760 594-2118 Eman:lerbedesii:;in@,hotmail.com Address: __________________ _ City: __________ .State:. __ _.Zip: ____ _ Phone: __________________ _ Email: ___________________ _ DESIGN PROFESSIONAL APPLICANT O CONTRACTOR OF RECORD APPLICANT 0 Name: self -Erbe Name: self -Carter -------------------Address: Address: __________________ _ City: _______ _.State: ___ Zip: ____ City: _______ State: ___ .Zip: ______ _ Phone: Phone:. __________________ _ Email: lerbedesign@hotmail.com Email: ·-------------------Architect State License: State License/class:, ______ Bus. License: ____ _ 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Email: Building@carlsbadca.gov , IDENTIFY WHO WILL PERFORM THE WORK BY COMPLETING {OPTION A) OR {OPTION B) BELOW: (OPTION A): LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION: I hereby affirm under penalty af perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 af the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full farce and effect. I also affirm under penalty af perjury one af the fa/lawing declarations: 01 have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work which this permlt is issued. Policy No. ______________________________________ _ 0 l have and will maintain worker's compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company Name: ____________________ _ Policy No. ____________________________ E.xpiration Date: _______________ _ D Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and cMI fines up to $100,000.00, In addition the to the cost of compensation, damaaes as provided for In Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY, IF ANY: t hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued {Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Name: _____________________ Lender's Address: ____________________ _ CONTRACTOR PRINT: _________ SIGN: _________ DATE: _____ _ {OPTION B): OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Law for the following reason: Ii) I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project {Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor{s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Business and Professions Code Division 3, Chapter 9, Article 3 for this reason: (i]"owner Builder acknowledgement and verification form" has been filled out, signed and attached to this application. 0 Owners "Authorized Agent Form" has been filled out, signed and attached to this application giving the agent authority to obtain the permit on the owner's behalf. By my signature below t acknowledge that, except for my personal residence in which I must have resided for at least one year prior to completion of the improvements covered by this permit, I cannot legally sell a structure that I have built as an owner-builder if it has not been constructed in its entirety by licensed contractors. I understand that a copy of the applicable low, Section 7044 of the Business and Professions Code, is available upon request when this application is submitted or at the following Web site: http://www.leginfo.co.gov/colow.html. OWNER PRINT: Marty Carter -------------SIGN: DATE: 10-5-20 ------------ APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: SIGNATURE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF SUBMITTAL By my signature below, I certify that: I am the property owner or State of California Licensed Contractor or authorized to act on the property owner or contractor's behalf. I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SA VE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY DF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILmEs, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0' deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. APPLICANT PRINT:___.,_fu"""'""v-""'.\:~i___.C.,.cu ....... :\ti:~--SIGN: 1/,J~ DATE:__,_1_;_0 +.c./ !J''-'l....,2-0_ 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Email: Building@carlsbadca.gov 2 REV. 08120 ·-·---···-------------- { Cicyof Carlsbad OWNER-BUILDER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM B-61 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov OWNER-BUILDER ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM Pursuant to State of California Health and Safety Code Section 19825-19829 To: Property Owner An application for construction permit(s) has been submitted in your name listing you as the owner•-builder of the property located at: Site Address 1370 Knowles Ave. Carlsbad, Ca 92008 The City of Carlsbad ("City") is providing you with this Owner-Builder Acknowledgment and Verification form to inform you of the responsibilities and the possible risks associated with typical construction activities issued in your name as the Owner-Builder. The City will not issue a construction permit until you have read and initialed your understanding of each provision in the Property Owner Acknowledgment section below and sign the form. An agent of the owner cannot execute this notice unless you, the property owner, complete the Owner's Authorized Agent form and it Is accepted by the City of Carlsbad. INSTRUCTIONS: Please read and initial each statement below to acknowledge your understanding and verification of this information by signature at the bottom of the form. These are very important construction related acknowledgments designed to inform the property owner of his/her obligations related to the requested permit activities. I. ~I understand a frequent practice of unlicensed contractors is to have the property owner obtain an "Owner• Builder" building permit that erroneously implies that the property owner is providing his or her own labor and material personally. I, as an Owner--Builder, may be held liable and subject to serious financial risk for any injuries sustained by an unlicensed contractor and his or her employees while working on my property. My homeowner's insurance may not provide coverage for those injuries. I am willfully acting as an Owner--Builder and am aware of the limits of my insurance coverage for injuries to workers on my property. II. ~I understand building permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are responsible for the construction and are not hiring a licensed contractor to assume this responsibility. Ill. JJiJ&..1 understand as an "Owner Builder" I am the responsible party of record on the permit. I understand that I may protect myself from potential financial risk by hiring a licensed contractor and having the permit filed in his or her name instead of my own. IV. ~ I understand contractors are required by law to be licensed and bonded in California and to list their license numbers on permits and contracts. V. 1,LlL1 understand if I employ or otherwise engage any persons, other than California licensed contractors, and the total value of my construction is at least five hundred dollars ($500), including labor and materials, I may be cc;rnsidered an "employer" under state and federal law. 1 REV. 08/20 Owner-Builder Acknowledgement Continued VI. ~I understand if I am considered an "employer" under state and federal law, I must register with the state and federal government, withhold payroll taxes, provide workers' compensation disability insurance, and contribute to unemployment compensation for each "employee." I also understand my failure to abide by these laws may subject me to serious financial risk. VII. ~I understand under California Contractors' State License Law, an Owner-Builder who builds single· family residential structures cannot legally build them with the intent to offer them for sale, unless all work is performed by licensed subcontractors and the number of structures does not exceed four within any calendar year, or all of the work is performed under contract with a licensed general building contractor. VIII. ~I understand as an Owner-Builder if I sell the property for which this permit is issued, I may be held liable for any financial or personal injuries sustained by any subsequent owner(s) which result from any latent construction defects in the workmanship or materials. IX. ~I understand I may obtain more information regarding my obligations as an ··'employer'' from the Internal Revenue Service, the United States Small Business Administration, the California Department of Benefit Payments, and the California Division of Industrial Accidents. I also understand I may contact the California Contractors' State License Board (CSLB) at 1·800-321-CSLB (2752) or www.cslb.ca.gov for more information about licensed contractors. X. "U::::.I am aware of and consent to an Owner---Builder building permit applied for in my name, and understand that I am the party legally and financially responsible for proposed construction activity at the following address: XI. 1VZ,-I agree that, as the party legally and financially responsible fort his proposed construction activity, I will abide by all applicable laws and requirements that govern Owner-Builders as well as employers. Xll. ~I agree to notify the issuer of this form immediately of any additions, deletions, or changes to any of the information I have provided on this form. Licensed contractors are regulated by laws designed to protect the public. If you contract with someone who does not have a license, the Contractor's State License Board may be unable to assist you with any financial loss you may sustain as a result of a complaint. Your only remedy against unlicensed Contractors may be in civil court. It is also important for you to understand that if an unlicensed Contractor or employee of that individual or firm is injured while working on your property, you may be held liable for damages. If you obtain a permit as Owner- Builder and wish to hire contractors, you will be responsible for verifying whether or not those contractors are properly licensed and the status of their workers' compensation coverage. Before o building permit con be issued, this form must be completed, signed by the property owner and returned to the City of Carlsbad Building Division. I declare under penalty of perjury that I have read and understand all of the information provided on this form and that my responses, including my authority to sign this form, Is true and correct. I am aware that I hove the option to consult with /ego/ counsel prior to signing this form, and I hove either (1) consulted with legal counsel prior to signing this form or (2) hove waived this right in signing this form without the advice of legal counsel. ~.~ Property Ow er Signature i0 [-=I-I~ o Date 2 REV. 08/20 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled {'cityof Carlsbad PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2020-2540) Permit Type: BLDG-Residential Work Class: Second Dwelling Unit Application Date: 10/08/2020 Owner: Issue Date: 02/02/2021 Subdivision: PARCEL MAP NO 16581 Status: Closed -Finaled Expiration Date: 02/02/2022 IVR Number: 29242 Scheduled Actual Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Date Start Date Status 03/22/2021 03/22/2021 BLDG-84 Rough 153136-2021 Cancelled Combo(14,24,34,44) Checklist Item COMMENTS BLOG-Building Deficiency BLDG-14 Frame-Steel-Bolting-Welding (Decks) BLDG-24 Rough-Topout BLDG-34 Rough Electrical BLDG-44 Rough-Ducts-Dampers 04/09/2021 04/09/2021 BLDG-Final Inspection 154610-2021 Passed Checklist Item COMMENTS BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-Plumbing Final BLDG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Structural Final BLDG-Electrical Final Friday, April 9, 2021 Address: 1372 KNOWLES AVE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1547 Primary Inspector Reinspection Paul Burnette Relnspectlon Passed No No No No No Tim Kersch Passed Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Inspection Incomplete Complete Page 1 of 1 DATE: 11/30/2020 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad ✓• EsG1I A SAFEbu1\t Comµar.y PLAN CHECK#.: cbR2020-2540 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1372 Knowles Ave SET II PROJECT NAME: Garage Conversion for Carter Residence JAPP LI CANT / JURIS. [gJ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. D The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. D The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at EsGil until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: [gJ EsGil staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. D EsGil staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone#: Date contacted:\\\~ -OPDbG,v) Email: Mail Telephone Fax In Person 0 REMARKS: By: Richard Moreno. Phone: 858-345-6435 EsGil 11/19/2020 Enclosures: 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 ♦ San Diego, California 92123 ♦ (858) 560-1468 ♦ Fax (858) 560-1576 ( City of Carlsbad PURPOSE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST B-50 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-2719 www.carlsbadca.gov This checklist is intended to assist building permit applicants identify which Climate Action Plan (CAP) ordinance requirements apply to their projects. The completed checklist must be included in the building permit application. It may be necessary to supplement the completed checklist with supporting materials, calculations or certifications, to demonstrate full compliance with CAP ordinance requirements. For example, projects that propose or require a performance approach to comply with energy-related measures will need to attach to this checklist separate calculations and documentation as specified by the ordinances. NOTE: The following type of permits are not required to fill out this form ❖ Patio I ❖ Decks I ❖ PME (w/o panel upgrade) I ❖ Pool ..1111 If an item in the checklist is deemed to be not applicable to a project, or is less than the minimum required by ordinance, an explanation must be provided to the satisfaction of the Building Official. ..1111 Details on CAP ordinance requirements are available on the city's website . ..1111 A CAP Building Plan template (form B-55) shall be added to the title page all building plans. This template shall be completed to demonstrate project compliance with the CAP ordinances. Refer to the building application webpage and download the latest form. Appllcatlon Information Project Name/Building Permit No.: BP No.: Property Address/APN: 156-231-33-QQ ApplicantName/Co.: ~ _ ~~r Applicant Address: \\'7-S U "-Ar-<- Contact Phone: 7\cP 5< ti 1..' "3 5]., Q Contact Email: Contact information of person completing this checklist (if different than above): Name: Company name/address: Contact Phone: Contact Email: \.~dc.£cd fZ.tSi'~ n G2 'kl~~l ,Lo~ Applicant Signature: _______________ Date: _______ _ B-50 Page 1 of 6 Revised 06/18 City 'of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist Use the table below to determine which sections of the Ordinance Compliance checklist are applicable to your project. For alterations and additions to existing buildings, attach Building Permit Valuation worksheet. Building Permit Valuation (BPV) from worksheet: $ 2 7 1 :Lt)~ _,, ., ' Construction Type Complete Section(s) Notes: ~ Residential □ New construction D Additions and It t'ons a era 1 • BPV < $60,000 ( c_ □ BPV ~ $60,000 D Electrical service panel upgrade only D BPV ~ $200,000 0 Nonresidential D New construction □ Alterations: □ BPV ~ $200,000 or additions ~ 1,000 square feet □ BPV ~ $1,000,000 □ ~ 2,000 sq. ft. new roof addition Checklist Item Low-rise ~ ,...N/A 1A,4A 1A, 4A* High-rise 11B, 2B, 3B,4A --N/A ) 4A 1B, 4A* 1 B, 2B, 3B, 4B and 5 1B, 5 1B, 2B, 5 2B, 5 A high-rise residential building is 4 or more stories, including a mixed-use building in which at least 20% of its conditioned floor area is residential use All residential additions and alterations 1-2 family dwellings and townhouses with attached garages only *Multi-family dwellings only where interior finishes are removed and significant site work and upgrades to structural and mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing systems are proposed Building alterations of<!: 75% existing gross floor area 1 B also applies if BPV <!: $200,000 Check the appropriate boxes, explain~ not applicable and exception Items, and provide supporting calculations and documentation as necessary. 1. Energy Efficiency Please refer to Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC) sections 18.21.155 and 18.30.190, and the California Green Building Standards Code (CAL Green) for more information when completing this section. A. D Residential addition or alteration ~ $60,000 building permit valuation. See CMC section 18.30.190. Year Built Single.family Requirements □ Before 1978 Select one: □ Duct sealinQ [I Attic insulation [I Cool roof D 1978 and later Select one: [I Lighting package □ Water heating Package )d' Between 1978 and 1991 D 1992 and later □ N/A _________ _ □ Exception: Home energy score~ 7 (attach certification) Multi.family Requirements □ Attic insulation Select one: □Duct sealinQ □Attic insulation □Cool roof Select one: □Lighting package []Water heating package B. D Nonresidential* new construction or alterations ~ $200,000 building permit valuation, or additions ~ 1,000 square feet □ N/A u-( City· of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist See CMC 18.21.155 and CALGreen Appendix AS, Division AS.2-Energy Efficiency. A5.203.1.1 Choose one: C .1 Outdoor lighting □ .2 Warehouse dock seal doors ti .3 Restaurant service water heating (comply with California Energy Code section 140.5, as amended) a N/A, _________ _ □ .4 Daylight design PAFs □ .5 Exhaust air heat recovery A5. Choose one as applicable: □,95 Energy budget 0.90 Energy budget □ N/A A5.211.1" □ On-s~e renewable energy □ N/A A5.211.3** □ Green power (if offered by local utility provider, 50% minimum renewable sources) □NIA A5.212.1 D Elevators and escalators □ NIA AS.213.1 □ Steel framing □ N/A • lndudes hotels/motels and high-rise residential buildings •• For alterations 2: $1 ,000,000 BPV and affecting > 75% existing gross floor area, or alterations that add 2,000 square feet of new roof addition: comply with CMC 18.30.130 instead. 2. Photovoltaic Systems 1l<IT J\2 J ~ Pp~ < ~ d '?-(/ #) \..I/('''" J A. D Residential new construction (for low-rise residential building permit applications submitted after 1/1/20). Refer to 2019 California Energy Code section 150.1(c)14 for requirements. Notes: 1) High-rise residential buildings are subject to nonresidential photovoltaic requirement (28 below) instead. 2) If project includes installation of an electric heat pump water heater pursuant to CMC 18.30.150(8) (high-rise residential) or 18.30.170(8) Qow-rise residential), increase system size by .3kWdc if PV offset option is selected. Floor Plan ID (use additional CFA #d.u. Calculated kWdc* sheets if necessary) Total System Size: kWdc = (CFAx.572)/ 1,000 + (1.15 x#d.u.) *Formula calculation where CFA = conditional floor area, #du= number of dwellings per plan type If proposed system size is less than calculated size, please explain. Exception □ □ □ □ kWdc 8. 0 Nonresidential new construction or alterations ~1,000,000 8PV and affecting i!:75% existing floor area, or addition that Increases roof area by :?2,000 square feel Please refer to CMC section 18.30.130 when completing this section. Note: This section also applies to high-rise residential and hotel/motel buildings. Choose one of the following methods: □ Gross Floor Area (GFA) Method GFA: Olf < 10,000s.f. Enter: 5 kWdc Min. System Size: 0 If ~ 1 0,000s.f. calculate: 15 kWdc x (GFA/10,000) •• __ kWdc **Round building size factor to nearest tenth , and round system size to nearest whole number. □ Time-Dependent Valuation Method City°of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist Annual TDV Energy use:"* ______ x .80= Min. system size: _____ kWdc "* Attach calculation documentation using modeling software approved by the California Energy Commission. 3. Water Heating Wf( ,{\' ~ v\ cJ>.C>\£ < 0 Q \:: A D Residential and hotel/motel new construction Please refer to CMC sections 18.30.150 and 18.30.170 when completing this section. D For systems serving individual dwelling units choose one: D Heat pump water heater AND Compact hot water distribution AND Drain water heat recovery (low-rise residential only) D Heat pump water heater AND PV system .3 kWdc larger than required in CMC section 18.30.130 (high rise residential hotel/motel) or CA Energy Code section 150. 1 ( c) 14 (low-rise residential) D Heat pump water heater meeting NEEA Advanced Water Heating Specification Tier 3 or higher D Solar water heating system that is either .60 solar savings fraction or 40 s.f. solar collectors ~ Exception: \.) s It.) 6 E.-'(. \(".(,~ Go\ \J ~ \:\R::A:I1zlk ll) \0A16,J u i 10£11 cE D For systems serving multiple dwelling units, install a central water-heating system with all of the following: D Gas or propane water heating system □Recirculation system per CMC 18.30.150(8) (high-rise residential, hotel/motel) or CMC 18.30.170(8) (low- rise residential) D Solar water heating system that is either: D .20 solar savings fraction □ .15 solar savings fraction, plus drain water heat recovery D Exception: B. D Nonresidential new construction Please refer to Carlsbad Ordinance CMC section 18.30.150 when completing this section. D Water heating system derives at least 40% of its energy from one of the following (attach documentation): □ Solar-thermal D Photovoltaics D Recovered energy □Water heating system is (choose one): □ Heat pump water heater Cl Electric resistance water heater(s) □Solar water heating system with .40 solar savings fraction D Exception: City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist 4. Electric Vehicle Charging ~ O""\ A~R v\ c.A(?:.l ,&.; Z A D Residential New construction and major alterations* Please refer to Carlsbad Ordinance CMC section 18.21.140 when com letin this section. One and two-family residential dwelling or townhouse with attached garage: D One EVSE Ready parking space required D Exception: D Multi-family residential: D Exception : Total Parking Spaces EVSE Spaces Proposed Capable Ready Calculations: Total EVSE spaces = .10 x Total parking (rounded up to nearest whole number) EVSE Installed = Total EVSE Spaces x .50 (rounded up to nearest whole number) EVSE other= Total EVSE spaces -EVSE Installed (EVSE other may be "Capable," "Ready" or "Installed.") Installed Total *Major alterations are: (1) for one and two-family dwellings and townhouses with attached garages, alterations have a building perm~ valuation ~ $60,000 or indude an electrical service panel upgrade; (2) for multifamily dwellings (three units or more without attached garages), alterations have a building permit valuation ~ $200,000, interior finishes are removed and significant site work and upgrades to structural and mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing systems are proposed. B. 0 Nonresidential new construction (includes hotels/motels) 0 Exception · Total Parking Spaces EVSE Spaces Proposed Capable I Ready I Installed I Total I I I Calculation: Refer to the table below: Total Number of ParkinQ Soaces provided Number of required EV Soaces Number of required EVSE Installed Spaces □ 0-9 1 1 □ 10-25 2 1 □ 26-50 4 2 D 51-75 6 3 □ 76-100 9 5 101-150 12 6 151-200 17 9 201 and over 1 0 percent of total 50 oercent of Reauired EV Soaces ,City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist 5. D Transportation Demand Management AA approved Transportation Demand Management ( Plan is r nonresidential projects that meet a threshold of employeeijenerated ADT. City staff will use the table below based on your submitted plans to determine whether or nor your permit requires a TOM plan. If TOM is applicable to your permit, staff will contact the applicant to develop a site-specific TOM plan based on the permit details. Acknowledgment: Employee ADT Estimation for Various Commercial Uses Emp ADTfor first 1,000 s.f. Emp ADT/ 1000 s .f.1 Office (all)2 20 Restaurant 11 Retaib 8 Industrial 4 Manufacturing 4 Warehousin 4 1 Unless otherwise noted, rates estimated from /TE Trip Generation Manual, 10'hEdition 13 11 4.5 3.5 3 1 2 For all office uses, use SANDAG rate of 20 ADT/1,000 sf to calculate employee ADT 3 Retail uses include shopping center, variety store, supermarket, gyms, pharmacy, etc. Other commercial uses may be subject to special consideration Sample calculations: Office: 20,450 sf 1. 20,450 sf/ 1000 x 20 = 409 Employee ADT Retail: 9,334 sf 1. First 1,000 sf= 8 ADT 2. 9,334 sf -1,000 sf= 8,334 sf 3. 8,334 sf/ 1,000 x 4.5 + 8 = 46 Em lo ee ADT I acknowledge that the plans submitted may be subject to the City of Carlsbad's Transportation Demand Management Ordinance. I agree to be contacted should my permit require a TOM plan and understand that an approved TOM plan is a condition of permit issuance. Applicant Signature: __________________ _ Date: ______ _ Person other than App/fcant to be contacted for TDM compliance (if applicable): Name (Printed): _________________ _ Phone Number: _____ _ Email Address: __________________ _ ►uuRE. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRO-RED® WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE 963 is a ready-to-use, elastomeric, waterproofing and crack prevention membrane for all interior or exterior commercial and residential tile and stone installations. Easily applied with roller, trowel or sprayer producing a continuous moisture barrier with outstanding adhesion. Reduces crack transmission in ceramic tile or stone floors. Bonds directly to metal drains, PVC, stainless steel and ABS drain assemblies. Meets ANSI A118.10 for waterproofing membranes and ANSI A118.12 for crack isolation membranes. Meets Uniform Plumbing Code specifications for use as a shower pan liner. Listed with IAPMO R & T, File #4244 UPC®, ICC-ES ESR-1413. Can also be used as a slab-on-grade moisture barrier under resilient flooring. ► FEATURES/BENEFITS • Convenient-Ready to use • Apply by roller, trowel or sprayer • Meets IAPMO specifications for use as a shower pan liner • Etastomeric-Protects tile from cracking due to minor surface movement ► AREAS OF USE • Concrete • Cement backerboards, (-CURE® BOARD 990 • Exterior grade plywood (interior, dry areas for crack isolation only) • Exterior decks ► LIMITATIONS Do not apply to surfaces that may go below 40°F (4°C) during the first 72 hours after application, over wet surfaces or surfaces subject to hydrostatic pressure. Do not use to bridge or cover over existing expansion, control, construction, cold or saw-cut joints. Not for use as an adhesive. Do not use as a wear surface. Membrane must be covered with tile or other protective surface. ► APPLICABLE STANDARDS Meets ANSI A118.10 fo r load bearing, bonded, waterproof membranes for thin-set ceramic tile and dimensional stone installations. Meets ANSI A118.12 for crack isolation membranes. Meets Uniform Plumbing Code specifications for use as a shower pan liner. Listed with IAPMO R & T, File #4244 UPC®. ICC-ESR-1413. Color -Red. Texture -Viscous liquid. ► PACKAGING 5 gal. (18.9 L) and 2 gal. (7.57 L) pails. INSTALLATION ► PREPARATORY WORK All exterior and wet areas are to have proper sloping to drains. All surfaces must be structurally sound, clean, dry and free from contaminants that would prevent a good bond. Newly prepared concrete must be cured 28 days, finished with a steel trowel and i.. ........... ~ ... ,. i.. ... ,.. ... _ &: ... ; .. i.. c .. ; .... ; ... ,. ,.,..,.t....,.,.,. Pro-Red ® Waterproofing Membrane 963 Elastomeric Waterproofing and Anti-Fracture Membrane should be scarified, level and all defects repaired. Cracks in excess of 1/8" (3 mm} should be treated as expansion joints. ► APPLICATION As a Anti-Fracture Membrane Force PRO-RED WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE 963 into cracks with the flat side of the trowel, roller or brush. Then, using a 3/16" x 1/4" (5 x 6 mm) V-notch trowel or 3/8" (9.5 mm) rough textured roller, apply additional material onto the substrate. If using a trowel, use the flat side of the trowel and flatten the ridges to form a continuous, even coat of material. Membrane should extend beyond both sides of the crack a minimum of the diagonal measurement of the tile. Gaps between plywood sheets and where they meet walls should also be pre-filled with membrane. For continuous crack isolation cover the entire substrate with material. Material should be applied at least 30 mils wet film thickness. As a Waterproof Membrane All cracks in concrete up to 1/8' (3 mm} should be pre-filled with membrane prior to application. Dampen all porous surfaces. Use a 3/4" (19 mm} rough textured synthetic roller, or a 3/16' x 1/4' (5 x 6 mm} V-notch trowel. Heavily pre-coat comers and where floors and walls meet extending it 6" (15 cm} on either side. For exterior change of plane embed 6" (15 cm} wide fiberglass mesh into the membrane in corners and where floors and walls meet. ProRed that has been applied in accordance with the above instructions meets all the requirements of ANSI A118.10 without fabric reinforcement. For extra protection, embed 6" (15 cm) wide fiberglass mesh into the membrane for changes of plane and gaps 1/8" (3 mm} or greater. If using a trowel, spread the material with trowel held at a 45° angle then flatten the ridges. If using a roller, apply a continuous, even film with overlapping strokes. Alternatively, an airless sprayer can be used. The sprayer should produce between 1900 to 2300 psi, with a flow rate of 1.0 to 1.5 gpm and have a tip orifice size of .025 to .029. Apply a continuous film with overlapping spray. Initial membrane appearance is pink when wet and dries to a dark red color. After the first coat has turned red with no blushing or light pink showing, about 1 to 11/2 hours, visually inspect the film for integrity and fill any voids or pinholes with additional material and apply a second coat at right angles to the first. Periodically check film thickness with a wet film gauge. The combined dried coating needs to be a minimum of 47 mils thick or 93 mils when wet and should not exceed 125 mils wet film thickness. ► INTERIOR CHANGE OF PLANE - COMMERCIAL INSTALLATIONS Many commercial waterproofing installations rPn11irP rPinfnrrinn nf intPrinr rh~nnP nf plane. Contact Technical Support prior to beginning any commercial installation for review and recommendations. These installations include but are not limited to the following: • All above grade pools, fountains and other poured in place or free standing structures that will be required to hold water permanently. • All commercial floors that will be subject to continuous water exposure (i.e. commercial kitchens, wash downs, periodic flooding, etc.} • All above grade slabs that are either pre-stressed or post tensioned. • Alt perimeters where the floor abuts a curtain or shear wait. • Around the perimeter of all through floor penetrations (i.e. drain pipes, electrical conduit, etc.} ► EXPANSION JOINTS Do not bridge joints which are designed to experience movement. Carry these types of joints through the tile work. Clean the joint and install open or closed cell backer rod to the proper depth as outlined in EJ 171 in the TCA Handbook. Next, compress a sealant as specified by the architect into the joint, coating the sides and leaving it flush with the surface. After the sealant is dry, place bond breaker tape over joint. Apply a minimum 3/64' (1.2 mm) of PRO-RED WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE 963 over the joint and substrate following the instructions detailed in APPLICATION. Install the tile work onto the membrane but do not bridge the joint. After the tile work is set properly, fill the joint with any specified color sealant, following the architect's and manufacturer's instructions. ► DRAINS Drains should have a clamping ring with open weep holes for thin-set application. Apply membrane to the bottom flange. Drain should be fully supported without movement and even with plane of substrate. Apply membrane as outlined under APPLICATION. Embed 12" x 12" (30 x 30 cm) fiberglass mesh into membrane making sure it does not obstruct the drainage hole. Then apply an additional coat of membrane and smooth. After curing, clamp upper flange onto membrane and tighten. Caulk around flange where membrane and upper flange make contact with a silicone caulk. A toilet flange can be handled in much the same manner. (See •Drain Cross Section" on next page.} ► PROTECTION If tile is not going to be set immediately after curing, PRO-RED WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE 963 should be protected from rain, direct sunlight and inclement weather for 72 hours after application. If delays longer than 72 hours are expected, cover with felt paper. Care should be taken to prevent membrane fr~m bec?_mi~g soiled or punctured during and ., ~ 0 I ~ R C -C - ► INSTALLATION , Instal b e or stone with a (-Cure® polymer-modified mortar meeting ANSI A118.4 or A118.ll standards. ► CURING The product is dry when it turns solid red with no pink showing, normally 1 to 11/2 hours. Depending on ambient conditions, drying time can take up to 12 hours. The application area can be flood tested when fully cured. This can be as short as 24 hours after the second coat of PRO-RED is applied if the temperature is greater than 70° F (21 ° C) and the relative humidity is low (RH<50o/o). Colder temperatures and/or higher relative humidity may require longer cure times. ► CLEAN-UP Clean tools and hands with water before material dries. Clean all spray equipment immediately after use. ► COVERAGE As a Anti-Fracture Membrane 2 gallon (7 .57 L) pail: 220 sq. ft. (20.4 m2) at 30 mil thickness when wet 5 gallon (18.9 L) pail: 550 sq. ft. (51 m2) at 30 mil thickness when wet As a Waterproof Membrane 2 gallon (7.57 L) pail: 70 -80 sq. ft. (6.5 -7.4 m2) at 93 mil thickness when wet, 47 mils dry 5 gallon (18.9 L) pail: 175 -200 sq. ft. (16.2 -18.5 m2) at 93 mil thickness when wet, 4 7 mils dry ► STORAGE Keep from freezing. ► WARRANTY PRO-RED WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE 963 is included in C-Cure's Five and Ten Year System Warranties. For terms and conditions see Warranty Documents #WRTDS and #CCW10. GUARANTEE The recommendations, suggestions, statements and technical data are based on the best knowledge available to (-Cure and are given for informational purposes ONLY and without any responsibility for their use. C-Cure MAKES NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT SOLD HEREIN except that the quality of the ingredients shall be in accordance with (-Cure specifications. It is expressly understood and agreed that the buyer's sole and exclusive remedy shall be replacement of defective products and under no circumstances shall (-Cure be liable for incidental or consequential damages. C-Cure neither assumes nor authorizes any others to assume for it any liability with respect to furnishing of the product. Handling and use of the product are beyond the control of (-Cure, therefore, no warranty is made, expressed or implied, as to the results obtained from the use of the product or against any claims for infringement of patents resulting from the use of the product. This writing constitutes a complete and exclusive statement of the understanding between (-Cure and buyer. There were no oral agreements or warranties, expressed or implied, collateral to or affecting the furnishing of the product. This understanding shall not be modified except in writing by an officer of C-Cure. Pro-Red ® Waterproofing Membrane 963 Elastomeric Waterproofing and Anti-Fracture Membrane PRO-RED WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE 963 TECHNICAL DATA TEST TYPICAL VALUES A. Pot Life @ 10°F (21 •q Indefinite B. Initial Set, ASTM Cl91 @ 70°F (21 °C} 1 -1 1/2 Hours C. Drying Time Before Tile Installation 1 -1 1/2 Hours or up to 12 Hours D. Fungus and Micro-Orgaoism Resistance ANSI Al18.10 Sect# 4.2 Passes E. Seam Strength width ANSI Al 18.10 Sect # 4.2 16 lbs./2 inch width (7.3 kg/5 cm) F. Breaking Strength ANSI A118.10 Sect # 4.3 484 psi (34.0 kg/cmZ) G. Dimensional Stability ANSI AA118.10 Sect# 4.4 0.05% H. Waterproofness ANSI A118.10 Sect# 4.5 Passes I. Shear Strength 12-Day dry cure ANSI A118.10 Sect# 5.6 267 psi (18.8 kg/cm2) 100-Day water immersion ANSI A118.10 Sect# 5.7 89 psi (6.3 kg/cm1) J. Elongation ASTM D-638 21-Day dry cure 562"1, 7-Day dry cure/21-Day wet cure 657'1, K. Hydrostatic pressure & alkali resistance IAPMO/Uniform Plumbing Code 4244 Passes L. Waterproofness IAPMO/Uniform Plumbing Code 4244 Passes M. FHA 4900-1-615-5, Sections C & D Compliant N. Permeance Rating 0.06 0. Water Vapor Transmission 0.02 (grains/hr-sq ft) N. Conforms to Wisconsin's performance requirements for 'safing material' as required by s. Comm 84.30 (6)(1) of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. 0. Safety-CAUTION: EYE AND SKIN IRRITANT. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not take internally. FIRST AID: In case of contact, flush eyes with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Wash affected skin area with soap and water. If irritation persists, see a physician. If ingested, contact a physician immediately. For additional information refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. P. Storage Life-One year if kept in sealed containers at temperatures of 40° to 90° F (4.4° -32° C). DRAIN CROSS SECTION -·- _:.a· ... ' ....__ (-CURE' BOARD 990 OR MORTAR BED :.:~ TILE OR NATURAL STONE (-CURE ANSI A118.4 MORTAR C-CURE GROUT SLOPED MORTAR BED WITH METAL LATH PRO-RED' WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE 963 CONCRETE SLAB SLOPED TOWARDS DRAIN 1/4" PER FOOT (6.4 MM PER 30.5 CM) TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE SILICONE SEALANT OR CAULK CRUSHED STONE WEEP HOLES REINFORCED WITH FIBER- GLASS MESH AROUND DRAIN Members of National Tile Contractors Association, Materials & Methods Standards Association, Ceramic Tile Distributors Association. NOTICE: The information in this bulletin is presented in good faith, but no warranty, express or implied, is given nor is freedom from any patent. In as much as any assistance furnished by C-Cure with reference to the safe use and disposal of its products is provided without charge, (-Cure assumes no obligation or liability therefore, except to the extent that any such assistance shall be given in good faith. C-CURE Seal Beach, CA 90740 ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-1413 Effective Date: March 2020 This listing is subject to re-examination in one year. www.icc-es-pmq.org I (800) 423-6587 I (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 09 00 00-FINISHES Section: 09 30 00-Tiling REPORT HOLDER: CUSTOM BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. www.custombuildinqproducts.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: REDGARD® WATERPROOFING AND CRACK PREVENTION MEMBRANE, C-CURE PRO-RED WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE 963, CBP 232 WATERPROOFING AND ANTI-FRACTURE MEMBRANE AND JAMO® WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: ■ 2021, 2018, 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Building Code® (IBC) ■ 2021, 2018, 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Residential Code® (IRC) ■ 2021, 2018, 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Plumbing Code® (IPC) Property evaluated: Water resistance 2.0 USES RedGard® Waterproofing and Crack Prevention Membrane, C-Cure Pro-Red Waterproofing Membrane 963, CBP 232 Waterproofing and Anti-Fracture Membrane and Jamo® Waterproofing Membrane are used on concrete floors, as a barrier to liquid water migration, in bonded, thin-set installations of ceramic tile and dimensional stone under the IBC and IRC. The membranes are also used as a shower sub-pan lining material in accordance with the IPC. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General: RedGard® Waterproofing and Crack Prevention Membrane, C-Cure Pro-Red Waterproofing Membrane 963, CBP 232 Waterproofing and Anti-Fracture Membrane and Jamo® Waterproofing Membrane are liquid-applied, elastomeric waterproofing materials that cure to form a monolithic membrane. 3.2 Materials: 3.2.1 Membrane: RedGard®, C-Cure Pro-Red, CBP 232 and Jamo® waterproofing membranes are ready-to-use liquids. RedGard® is available in 1-gallon (3.78 L) and 3.5- gallon (13.2 L) pails. C-Cure Red is available in 2-gallon (7.56 L) and 5-gallon (18.9 L) pails. CBP 232 Waterproofing Membrane is available in 1-gallon (3.78 L), 3.5-gallon (13.2 L) and 5-gallon (18.9 L) pails. Jamo® Waterproofing Membrane is available in 1-gallon (3.78 L) and 5-gallon (18.9 L) pails. Shelf life is one year from date of manufacture when the material is stored indoors at room temperature and when the pail is unopened. The liquid material must not be allowed to freeze. 3.2.2 Fiberglass Mesh: The reinforcing mesh is an alkali-resistant fiberglass fabric that is provided in 2-inch-wide-by-50-, 100-and 300-foot-long (51 mm by 15.2, 30.5 and 91.4 m) or 6-inch-wide-by-50-yard-long (152 mm by 45.7 m) rolls for use as reinforcement in corners, change of plane, around drains and over minor substrate cracks. 4.0 INSTALLATION Installation of RedGard® Waterproofing and Crack Prevention Membrane, C-Cure Pro-Red Waterproofing Membrane 963, CBP 232 Waterproofing and Anti-Fracture Membrane and Jamo® Waterproofing Membrane must comply with this report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. The manufacturer's published installation instructions shall be available at the jobsite at all times during installation. 4.1 Surface Preparation: All exterior and wet areas must be sloped for drainage, with all surfaces structurally sound, clean, dry and free from contaminants that would diminish the bond. Newly prepared concrete shall be cured a minimum of 28 days, and surfaces shall be troweled smooth then textured to a fine broom finish. All existing surfaces shall be flat or leveled when necessary and all defects repaired. All cracks in concrete up to ¼ inch wide (3.2 mm) shall be prefilled with the liquid membrane and cured prior to application. The material shall extend beyond both sides of the crack a minimum of the diagonal measurement of the tile or stone. Cracks that are wider than 1/a inch (3.2 mm) must be treated as expansion joints in accordance with Section 4.3. 4.2 Membrane Application: All porous surfaces must be dampened, and a ¾-inch- wide (19.1 mm), rough-textured synthetic roller, or a ¼-inch-by-3/15-inch (6.4 mm by 4.8 mm) V-notch trowel, must be used to apply the membrane. On comers where floors and walls meet, a maximum precoating of 90 mils [0.090 inch (2.3 mm)] of wet-film thickness is required that will extend up the walls to 6 inches (152 mm) on either side. As an option, a 6-inch-wide (152 mm) section of Listings are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be con.~troed as an Pndorsement of the suhJect of the listing or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this listing, or Q.f to any product covered by the ll~ting. Copvriaht © 2020 ICC Evaluation Service. LLC. All riahts reserved. Paae1of2 '. ESR-1413 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted fiberglass mesh, as described in Section 3.2.2., may be embedded into the membrane at comers or where floors and walls meet. In lieu of the roller or trowel, an airless sprayer may be used. The sprayer must be operated between 1900 and 2300 psi (13.10 and 15.33 MPa) to produce a flow rate of 1.0 to 1.5 gallons (3. 78 to 5.68 liter) per minute; the sprayer must have a tip orifice size of 0.025 to 0.029 inch (0.63 to 0.73 mm). A continuous film with overlapping spray must be applied. No seams are permitted. The membrane appears pink when wet and dark red when dry. After the first coat has turned red, with no blushing or light pink showing (approximately 1 ½ to 2 hours), the film must be visually inspected for integrity, and all voids or pinholes must be filled with additional material. A second coat must be applied at right angles to the first. The film thickness must also be checked periodically with a wet-film gauge. The combined first and second coatings must be a minimum of 50 mils 0.050 inch (1.27 mm)] thick when wet and 25 mils [0.025 inch (0.64 mm)] thick when dry. A minimum of sixty minutes of curing time is required after application. 4.3 Application over Expansion Joints: The membrane must not be used to bridge expansion joints. When applied over expansion joints, the joint must be cleaned, and an opened or closed-cell backer rod is installed to proper depth as specified by the designer. A sealant must be compressed into the joint, coating the sides and leaving the joint flush with the surface. After the sealant is dry, bond breaker tape specified by the manufacturer must be placed over the joint. Two coats of membrane must be applied at a minimum of 25 mils [0.025 inch (0.64 mm)] wet-film thickness per coat over the joint and substrate following the instructions in Section 4.2 of this report. The tiles or stones are then applied over the membrane, leaving a gap over the joint as specified by the designer. Afler the work is set, the joint must be filled as specified by the designer. 4.4 Method of Repair: The membrane in the area requiring repair must be removed and the area cleaned, allowing for a minimum 2-inch (51 mm) overlap. Two coats of membrane must be applied as described in Section 4.2 of this report. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The RedGard® Waterproofing and Crack Prevention Membrane, C-Cure Pro-Red Waterproofing Membrane 963, CSP 232 Waterproofing and Anti-Fracture Membrane and Jama® Waterproofing Membrane described in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 Application must comply with this report, the manufacturer's published installation instructions and the applicable code. In the event of a conflict between the installation instructions and this report, this report governs. 5.2 Application is limited to ceramic tile and dimension stone installations on floors and for use as shower sub-pans or linings. 5.3 The membrane must not be used to bridge substrate expansion joints. 5.4 The membrane recognized in this report is manufactured by Custom Building Products in Grand Prairie, Texas and Bell, California under a quality control program with annual inspection by ICC-ES. Page 2 of2 Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Waterproof Membranes for Flooring and Shower Lining (AC115), dated June 2003 (editorially revised August 2016) and American National Standard Specification for Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membranes for Thin- Set Ceramic Tile and Dimension Stone Installation (A118.10), dated 2014. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION Containers of the RedGard® Waterproofing and Crack Prevention Membrane, C-Cure Pro-Red Waterproofing Membrane 963, CBP 232 Waterproofing and Anti-Fracture Membrane and Jamo® Waterproofing Membrane described in this report are identified by a label bearing the manufacturer's name (Custom Building Products) and address, the product name, the date of manufacture and the evaluation report number (ESR-1413). 7.1 The report holder's contact information is the following: CUSTOM BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 7711 Center Ave, Suite 500 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (562) 598-8808 www.custombuildingproducts.com