HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 327-5L; CT 90-28; LUCIERNAGA TOWNHOMES; 01-08GENERAL NOTES R;CLAIHED WATER NOTES 1. All wori<. shall be done in accordance with the Carlsbad Municipal Water Dis~Ticts "Carlsbad Reclamation Rules S Regulations for construction of reclaimed Water ttains" dared June 1, 1991. 2. All public facilities such fountains, etc. shall be protected as comfort stations., cirin.kiilk'a from spcay bf reclaimed water. 3. No ponding, run-off ot over~spray is per,nitLed. 4. Hose bibs are strictly ~rohibited. 5. On-site cross-connections be tween reclaimed watet' li-a--es and ~ot~ble water lines is strictly ~rohibited. 6. No ~ubstitution of pipes matecials will be allowed without prior approval ot the City of Carlsbad Municipal Water Dis~~i~t. 7. A 11 Municipal ou-slte pipes snall have Water District"s Rules and warning tape il.egulations. pee Carlsbad ·,f-8. The irrigation systems shall run between the hour$ ot 10:00 ~.m. and 6:00 a.m. Tne following morning (spot lrcigation could be done ~ta different time) with qualified supdrvision personnel on s i t e. 9. Provide" mini1,1ulll of at least 18 inches ot cover over all wiring and piping. 10. Private lots snall be protected 1roill contact frou reclaimed "1ater, whether by windblown spray or by direct appli~ation, through irrigation or other approved use. Lack of protection, whether by design, construction practice or system opecation, is strictly prohibited. 11. Contractor shall adjust heads to prevent over-spraying on all side\Jalks, streets and private lots. 12. Quick coul)ling valves shall have a Carlab&d Hunicipal Water District's Rules special couple key and Regulatlons. per 13. Meters srisll De sized by tne City of Carlsbad Munici~al Water District. 14. All irrigstion pipe shall be steuclled, color-cvded (~urple) and laid with warniob tape pee tne Citf of Carlsbad Munici;>al Water District~'~ R~les and tecuiat1ons. l 5. • Al 1 Installed trencn. potable with the w~ter-and st~nciling rec1.uir11ed oriented water toward ;>iping shall the top of be the 16, When a potable water line and reclaimed water line cross, th~ recla[ged line shall be lustalled within a protective sleeve. The sleeve shall extend 10 feet from each side, from the center line of potable line, for a total of 20 feet. 17. A 10 foot horizontal separation between potable water and reclaimed water mains mu ■t be maiutained at all times. The potable line Must be installed above the reclaimed line. 18. A winimuru of 12 inchds of vectical se;> .. ration between utilities muMt oe maintainea at all times. f19. Develover/contractoc cihall conduct a cross-connection test and coverage test as directea bj the Carlsbad Municipal ~at~r District En~ineer and/or the San Diego Count/ Department of Healtl1 Services vrior to any use uf reclai~eti water. 20. Quick-couplin~ valves used in reclaimed water systems sh ■ll conform to the follo"1iDi! A. Quick-coupling valves shall be 1 inch nominal size nelson #7645 with brass construction and a normal working pressure of 150 P. S. I. or Rainbi rd /144 NP. B. lu order to ~revent unauthocized use, the valve shall be operated only with a syecial coupler key with an acme thread for opening and closing the valve. C. The cover shall be permanently attached to the quick- coupling valve. It snall be purple rubber of vinyl. D. Locking covers are required. 21. An auuual cross connection inspect.ion will be done by either Carlsbad Municipal Water District or s .. n Dle1,;o County Department of Health Services. Copies of inspection reports will be forwarded to the non-ins~ecting ~ar~y. '.f'-22. Developer snall show the locatioCI of R.C. sigus "Do Not Drink" u n tr, e p l ans • ;¥,23. An on-site user/supervisClr shall be desi;;uated in wcitiCig. This individu&l s~all be familiat with ~luwbing systems withid the prol'~rty, with the basic concepts of backflow/cross-connectiou. protection, and tne si;>ecific requiremellt1:. 0f a reclb.i1,1ed water SJ3tc.1J1~ Covi~s of th~ desig11ation, wiLh coLLtact µi10nt:. 11u1T,bers shall be provided to the S&n Diego County Dep2rt1,1e11t of Healt.n Services and Carlsbad Municipal Water ~!strict. 24. Show all µot&ble water lines ou the plan. In case of emergency contact iJ;1n1e ( 6 1 9) _22, 1--J, (l:'IJ , o r " f t e r ho u r a J c on ta c t J-1,;,,..j 1-t.s,vr:h , @ (619) 2:22-~P·r. Items No.•s 8, 19, & 23 snall be required just prior to tne actual use of ceclaimed water. i Item No. 22: The signage ~lan shall be a vart of tnis I.P. but the actual &igns and tags "1111 be installed just prior to actual use of R.C. water. FUTURE J S IGNAGE NOTES; Luciernaga The following guidelines to he permaneo tly pc;s ted ou purvle background with black for the use of' reclaimed water are 8-1/2" by 11"' sized sign. Color: lettering. 4. Monitor aad maintain the system to minimize equipment aud material failure, Broken sprinkler heads, leaks, unreliable valves etc. should b~ repaired as soon as they become apparent. 5, Educate all maintenance ~ersonnel, on a continuouo basis, of the preserrce of reclairued water and the fact that it is not l[)D t,i«r approved for drinking purposes. Given the high turnover rate cf -I em11luyees in tne landscape industry, it is important that this t;:JNN-f<:-1 information De disseminated on an aln1ost d1dly basis. It is you, SlGN, p. the landscape contractor, who is responsible for educating eacn a11d ---~~-+- ever; one of your employees. 6. Obtain prior approval of all proposed changes and modifications to any private on-site facilities. Such changes must be submitted to, ,and approved bt, the District Engineering Office and desigo.ed. in accordance with distract standards. INSPECTION (PRIVATE) Street 7. All reclaimed water sprinkler control with identification tags. valves shall be 1 • CITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: SHEET TTTLE ,- Cjv/WD 1 ITL-B 'Si-if:TT l ffjb,""\ ii C j'--l fl--AN ·. f' L-l\:N TI NC; p l.-1\ f'J f\-AN1lNG s 1i,;c IF IC /\f1il!'i5 .f't..ANT!t--G '5,°f:CI F1Q\1ll/'1$ fl-/\1"'T!l'C Sff5C~/./Ff-1c;;;, G,f'ee:s, 1f'-f'-1G6\ TldN ~/f[)lt.1, ?~ILS /f2.F..IG,AT]O['l ~ r,.;f IX-:D\==;Tt'\11.4 SI E-P~AN 1· ,vr:c-rr·~- l--c;;G B N tJ -7 SHEET NUMBEP _. ____ J __ . Q. . 0 -.-.----· t a~ -IJ 0 7 . rfY 1_.i,.NDSC ( ~ .' ~ ::\: ~~;;!. ~-("> ,, ~ ' ' 40 ~~i'l#iil SD'.Z.. ~4~..,,,,~'!.\ "'-· '==~;;::l"~ .i ...... l I Qb~<:'T I:F INI<-SICN .... a. Tags shall be weatherproof plastic, 3"x 4", purple in color with the words "WARNING: RECLAIMED WA1ER. DO NOT DRINK" imprinted on one side, and '"AGUA HIPURA -NO TOMAR" on tne other side, Imµrinting shall be permanent and black in color. Use tags as manufactured by 1. Christy Enterprises or approved equal. A. B. C. D. Location of pipe lines Trencn depth Required separation (horizontallt and vertic&lly) Pipe identification Y- I I WN'.W,::, R:Cl.AJMEO WATER 00 r-.O T OPJ.'-1.'< 00 oowo 00 S)".!SflNG f°T!f->L--S W/\:Bf--, S(Sre}'\ (E'l<lsT: :,<:} W/'Tf!",-St,~\/'.) rr,c,roseo f{5cl.f--rME:D VJt-TF-F--srstE:M b. One tag shall be attached to each valve as follows: 1, attach to valve steru directly or with plastic 2 • 3 • tie-wrav or attach tosolenoid wire directlJ or with plastic tie-wrap or attach to~al11e cove;_· s>itn existing bolt valvt:'. cover 8. 1111 sprinkler heads shall be idtsutified as reclaimed water: sprinkler heads. II. Each automatic controller and its associated equipment shall be identified with" sign bearing the words "Reclaimed Water Used for Irrigation" in English and Spanish, with black letter l" high on a purple background. The sign shall be placed so that it can b~ readily seen bJ any oµerattons persoanel utilizing tne equip- ment .. DECLARATION OF RESPONSlbLE CHARGE: 1 nereby declare that l am Landsca;>e Architect of "10rk for this project, hat I have exercl ■ed responsible charge over the design of this project as defined in section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code and that the design is consistent with current s taadards·. I understand that the check of project drawings and specifications 2 . 3 • E. F. G. Points-of-con,,ection (poc's) Location and identification of sprinkler heads Warning signs at trie site aud on the trucks hauling reclaimed water (if reclaimed water is used for cons true tion) An a,)proval letter regarding the insp<!Ction of tne project shall be obtained from tne city and district, and be forwarded to the County Health Department prior to final inspection approval DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE; A. B. C. D. I,'. G. Coverage test, after cornpletl&o of the sprinkler system to determine the adequacy of coverage on the ap~rovea use area and protection of areaa not approved for receiving reclaimea water Warniog signs aud labels Quick coupling valves All. aspects of the irrigation conditions including windblown spray, runoff, and ponding Required protectio □ of all residential areas Required protection of well, streams, resecvoirs, etc, Cross-c::.onnectiou A~NUAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A complete iospection whicn should cover Part A and Part B of the district final inspection. by the City of C,irlsbad and the San Diego CountJ Department of Revisions must be approved by Public Health Engineer, Cit/ Health Services is confined to a review only and does not relieve · i l l i ~· ld Engineer & District Engineer µcior to mp ementat on n••~ ; . . me, as Landscape Arc.hi tee L, of work, of my r~sponsi bi li ties fo'r .------------------------,Res:s,ocos rncs· beoppro,ec by p.,,:,c '"eo,.-.,<::.n 1,neer, C,:y i)r-oject des.i,sn. _ .. & Distr! ( l"" :nt:'er,::r1or :o 1rnp:'.?,,r-:1er-itc~10ri 1n,1e'C C/\ilLSfJ/,'.) (,'UNICIPA~ WATf.R DISTRICT DIS:i'l'CT APPfi,'cV[~ CHA:-CcS ----it.c..--- /\fe',A OF f-15::::'L-f\l~BP \Nt-Tef-VSS. (st'la\A.N ~f--bi;..D) CO}lNWfl/JN f"'lf"-IT.s {Elf 1''1e'lc::f-1 ~-~"-PLo1JJ fF.t:v,) f.Ec L-,A I MBD WI\TB '.'<-DY~ jv1 • fVJA'r I '1'12. ~';\"-Ci-' :44 1L AV'.!JJ -A[,UA '..VPLRA NO :OM;...R ---"URPLE LOGO •a· X 1\f' SIZE r .. ·. ,.,, O ,016Al..VMINUM .•. 009AE.S f'V.57,IC WHrTE 8AGr\0ROON OR sncK'°" VINY\. S1GNS t--1, PURPLE LETTERS / 36' / ---------'------=-------·---·.--~-:__'--_-_-_-_-_-_-:::::-----,,-f---f-~;!~T;~:c c,J: MED WAT ER ' I DO NOT 0RINK d ~L'\, 3/ RECLAlf/lED WATER AVISO · AGUA IMPURA NO TOf.'AA -·-·-···-·-\ . ··---~--.'- .06/J ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SG'IS N..SO .. 016 Al.UWN'JM \__ 1· PURPLE LETTERS 2" PURPLE LEITTRS TITLE ..... HEATHER HARDIE HARWOOD ,:c:l A~Nc.,0:--.S"C"A:.-;,;-P i=-E -A..--,_-R "C : ; ! T E C T 4011 CHIPPEWA CT. SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 (619) 272-6669 FAX (619) 272--6353 CAIJFORNIA "2602 INQl/•NA • AAl 6620 11 AS BUIL r" DATE REVIE\JED BY, INSPECTOR DATE TYPICAL SIGNS ITJ CITY OF CARLSBA~I SHEETS] PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0 ~-----------~ ~i T-it-le-Sll~et for: ~4& l,\k:ISP.~~ ~r: flRH NAM[S & ADDRESS: HARDIE HARWOOD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 4011 Chippewa Court 1308 CO/\fFS. lJ,Sl RICT r-,\.Gl~cER RC 1.:. 1 ':J'::'.?e ?J.?7192.. DATE "':,\•'.'--.. c-i .... A',, r,,....,,_ ,1L.I,, ·_ .. i,.'..J~l-.!. '_ ., .. -··---~o:,,-------~-_Q-~-~~n1P~,ON ---~\p.;f,.OV'i:i}f~f)~-~.-r=·~-or·_vf~L.Of''Lr~1s "·" 1..1 l"-J'-<-7 _ ~~ _ AQQFWSt~: ~?]2-f ,~_1/S-r~--'°:::.f)/'.. : .... ,·r;i :.SlJ[ki ~J/.c/ --~'.::';:c:::c~~~=~~;==ft-:--....::.::.:::._::::.:~~ .. ~.--=·===== ·--t ------············-····-·------. •-:IN ")-Su ,--'\ 9_::2,[.1C,, 'j LUCIERNAGA TOWNHOMES San Diego, CA 92ll7 Phone No. (619) 272-6669 Reglstratiou No. CA 2602 Expiration Date; Af'iPOVe'.J ilY: □A·,·E _, _______________ _J ___________ ,.1,_~--------...:...-.....:-...1.-------,~, ~-,".""T ~~~c•.~•,••~--c,~--------=~~~--1'.'.;~'1--=-~ r'.c?zY!?+IZ----;r.::> y·.: c .. _Qe-... -'"'er • CY,.W') NO ______ ,_ IJ:!.':::) IRRIGATION, NOTES ----------------- 1. Irrigation plan is diagrammatic only. All lines should be located in planter areas whenever possible. 2. Landscape contractor shall verify P.O.C. And existing P.S.I. At site and any discrepancies with the plan shall be brought to the attention of the landscape architect. 3. Refer to the specifications for additional instructions. 4. Refer to the details for installation instructions. 5. Backflow preventer and all other applicable· items to be installed per _City of Carlsbad standards. , 6. All heads VV/ih JO 1. tf'·bM:'J pe<1es/'vlolY\ I,¾ sh,.tl be, f.:of~'lfG, 7. Landscape contractor shall field verify all dimensions, existing pressure lines and point of connection. 8. Watering shall be done as !~frequently as the plant. allows after establishment ('Se(:.. C.t-4,Vv.1), ~a-1rneA_ ~ ,Spec5 ,r;-,, Wo>f'v¥,""j tiri-1<'.::... 9. Controller programming shall prohibit excehs run-off. 10. The contractor shall furnish the following materials ~pon completion of the work: a. Laminated diagrammatic plan of the irriga~ion system identifying station numbers and their respective irrigated areas. Mount inside-the controller. b. Two keys for each controller enclosure. c. All equipment guarantees and operation manuals. d. Two quick coupler valve keys with hose swivel ;ell'. 11. Contrac·tor shall provide record plans •. The following shall be , dimensioned from two permanent points of reference (i.e. Building corners, sidewalks, etc.): a. Points of connection b. Gate valves c. Pressure line location d. Controller and control valves e. Quick couplers f. Control wire sleeves 12. Contractor shall adjust all heads to not throw onto walks, buildings or windows. 13. When system is complete, contractor shall perform a coverage test in the presence of the owner. · Contractor _ls responsible for inadequate coverage. 14. The plan is diagrammatic. All irrigation equipment is located in planting areas and not in paved areas, unless indicated otherwise on the plans. Refer .to notes, details and legends to verify location of irrigation equipment. 15. Install all sprinkler heads per manufacturer;s recommendations using double swing joints. 16. Plastic saddle and flange fittings are not permitted. 17. All lines should be located in planter areas whenever possible. 18. For irrigation specifications refer to sheet; 16. 19. Provide check valves to prevent low-head drainage. I U.I z. ...J 71ff--.F l,.a::.f'iT8 L--1Ne-1N ~1..ANTE:f-S wt¾:Ne\1EF-- p,;.s1vL-s . PR.OVID!:;. 5l-B&~s pcf cot--,iJ¼L... Wl.f.e'S IF Na::essAR-Y -Tl! L,-0~ UNDBK Pf,Vf,-G, 5SC-IJON ..... _,._ ·•= ~ ''" -. IRRIGATION· PLAN 1":20'-0" ! 0 ' ' . V ' -u 1' I - m .. • . North IRRIGATION LEGEND -----------------SYMBOL MANUF. MODEL 0 DESCRIPTION NOZZLE PSI GPM RAD PATTERN ---~-~~-----------------------------------------------~--------------- 0 HUNTER 0 V HUNTER v' I $ '¥ HUNTER G-type S,-TYPE PS-04 t ss-s SHRUB RISER 2 4 30 30 0.8 1. 3 /'Ln POP-UP HEAD 10:cA-V 25 0.4 (adjust radius 10~1~v 25 0.8 (!s rtr-ve. f<-l se r-:. -_J; =1~-~ J:.,%' .. ,k ~ /,_;' POP-UP HEAD 5 X '?),:J 2~ (adjust radius as required'-•.--., 25' QUARTER 25' HALF TOR0(1"r,r) 6'l~-=,o ii · S.:-1 '2-o ADJUSTABLE STREAM BUBBLER 5 , 3 i'. _ UBBLER f'bJ. F!..-,1&b f.:;,./Bf-1..t:f,,:4 11 fof '7 l,1· __ _f'l;.O&D ]?ilt,f:>L,ff-.. GRISWOLD DI-I-PR WILKENS IRR I DELCO FEBCO 44-NP 850T 825Y PRESSURE REGULATING ELECTR TE CONTROL VALVES (size per plan) QUICK COUPLER -. 1 .. w( l"'llfi°L.I=. 1,,-c1cj<.1NC G:/1//~·f-- BALL VAL VE ( LIN.E SIZE) PRESSURE REGULATOR (use as req'd for proper system control) 111, ti REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER ~ (install per City of Carlsbad standards in shrub bed) WILKENS YSBR WYE STRAINER -1 1/2" (install as integral part of backflow assembly) PVC PIPE PIPE SIZE SCHEDULE OR CLASS ....._ --------------------- 1/2" CL. 315 t'2-tt 3/4n-3H CL. 2QQ 1-211 1/2"-l 1/2" SCH. 40 \£1;,ff ---- LATERAL PRESSURE 2"-3" CL. 315 . . IB11 SLEEVING (2x line size) SCR, 40/!T'rt. 8i, . !f11/~lt@OJ'{!Vl'!s. Mark at each end during installation with spot on back of curb or similar. Install metallic-backed locating tape long entire length of sleeves-typical-12" directly above sleeve. Tape shall be marked "IRRIGATION" in_2• capital letters every 3' alqng the tape. IRRITROL MC-PLUS sensor by 'Hydrovisor; and controller and installed Provide electrical service controller location. SYMBOL LEGEND /'L.STATION CONTROLLER with built in moisture Rainbird 'RAINCHECK' rain cup (to be hooked into in open unobstructed location -roof etc.) (117 vac, 1 amp, 100 va -verify) · See plan for _.-STATION SEQUENCE REMOTE CONTROL VALVE SIZE GALLONS PER MINUTE caNTF--cL--w!f-&s 127 e,e; i~ &rEDUL--B4tJ sL.-BBve..s1 M1N. 1:Y' os[..u"[µ Gf-,APe uNt~f'-P/\VSD /',f-e'f,S (1,-Vfd .. -f<;SJ F'Ar1.1s, ere.') APPROVED FOR PLi\NTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA'TION OF PLAN1'ING AREAS. HEATHER HARDIE HARWOOD LANDSCAPE 4011 CHIPPEWA CT. SAN DIEGO. CA. 92117 (619) 272-6669 FAX (619) 272-6353 CALIFOIINIA '2602 INDIANA • ARI. 8820 BUIL T11 TITLE ___ ------DATE RE'v'IE\/ED BY, H-.SP~CTDR DATE ~13 ffl__ __ ~w~r:.-1g~:'P1Z.e?~~NDIN-.e,-1-----+-----1,!C...1-.~-4-.~~_ ..... __ '--' __ L[J C ITXAN2rt~ D~P·~,~h~TB AD t==t==pg~-i-~Dlt'.l,i!fLl''l'k",'!'-l<''t:1,<~_,.w""d· ::'.j...1'•~----1---+----+--+-----1 (f ~L-,Vl;:$ "1 !A¼;!;NP .At>.JV'.fil'l_fil'!IS I r'"-f'IG.ATI 0N Fl../\N r1f-:::- . .;......_----'-----------·-------·----+---+------t-----t-----t ~ERNA.GA TOWNHOMES ~~~~~~----1::.l~t<;. :n.--'j ~=-=-DA~T-E~:~'"-.:-AL_·--+·l-1~~~~~----,=--.:..-_-_-_-_-:=_-_-_-_-_-_·-··_·-_·--_--_----_···-_-_-_--+l=--□=-~,-HA-,--ET=-ER-.:..~A-+P'-P-::,-RN-:::0,-T=-,'.A-_=-_LL-='=-:~~-A;--:;',TYTE~-=-A-+P;:P,R,-o,n-YAA-LL--, :=l,_g~=-._~_:::::·_{=.D_D:;:::B_;:';~_·_: --c;R~~E~~:-____ 1· ~~~~~-E·---~-0 E,-::1N£ER OF NORK[ REVISION [)[SCRIPTIOf" ... _ _ • y~J -- LANDSCAPE WORK e. The Landocape Cont,:actor shall notify the 0i"1:1 !_ns;~ti Landscape Archite~t prior to the beginning of ,~,-I· meet C<nditions described in part 2. PART l -GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawings and general provisions of contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions aections, apply to work of this section. The work described in these specifications includes all labor and materials necessary to install all planting work as indicated on these plans. 1.02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Extent of landscape development work la shown on drawings and in sch~dules. B. Subgrade Elevations: Excavation, filling ~nd grading required to establish elevations ohown on drawings are not specified in this section. Refer to earthwo.clt sections. c. Included in Work: 1. Contractor to arrange for soils test. (Prior to having test, check with Landscape Architect the work and shal:. be responsible for , coorc1iuating bis woric. >,11th the Owner, Cr-fvi, Architect, other construction trades and government agencies. f. Landscape Contractor aball be charged for the Landacape Architect's time £t the Landscape Architect's contra~t rate when inspections are called for and the work is not ready for inspection or the appointments not kept. . g. Examine the areas and c9ndition1 under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 12. PRODUCT HANDLING a. b. regarding previous soils test at site.) 1f:.5f[i'-C, ~i;}.:CY Mlf5f t£ l"r-£-.Afft'"·<1'V'c'D ~y CIT'( ~ lM;'U,, t'6 1 '81 ~plit,fS, Ff-lOF-Tl> ftl'CI~ c. Protect planta during delivery to prevent damage to root.ball or desiccation of leaves. Immediately remove from the site plant, and materials which do not comply with the specified requirements. Regularly water nursery stock in containers, and place them in a cool area protected from sun and drying winds. D. 2. 3. 4. Preparation of subgrade to receive topsoil. · f-.MFFJDJviE?H-T-5• Spreading topsoil. Fertiliaing 5. Trees, shrubs and groundcover, 6. Seeding 7. Maintenance of l1ndsca1>ed areas during maintenance period. Source Quality Control; 1. General; Ship landscape aaterlals with certificates of inspection required by governmental authorities. C~Aply with regulations applicable to landscape •.at:eri.ala. 2. Do not make oubstitutions. If specified landscape aaterlsl is not obtainable,. 1ubstitutions must be apl)roved by L,/lr:c'f-L ~ CfT'( .• If sub•tituted materials are installed without approval, they may be re)ected and the Landscape Contractor required to remove such materials from the site at his own expense. 3. Analysis and Standard,: Package standard products with manufacturer'• certified analysis. For other materials, provide analysis by recogniied laboratory made in a accordance with methods established by th~ Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, wherever applicable. 4. Trees, Shrubs and Plants; Provide treea, ahrubs and plants of high quality free of injuries, abrasions or disfigurement. 5. The planting plan ii diagrammatic and ,ball be use: as a guide for setting out plants. Prior to planting, the landscape architect aball be contacted to al)prove all plant locations and shall direct adj us tmen ta. 6. Plant materials ohall conform to nurseryman's standards for aiae and health. All plants are subject to rejection by the landscape architect if substandard in oiae or quality or health. 7. Provide waterproof apeciea identification tags on one plant per apecieo per grouping. 8, Plant counts ara for the convenience of the contractor only. Contractor ts responsible for all plants shown on the plan. 9. Label at leact one tree •nd one ■hrub of each variety with a securely attached waterproof tag bearing legible designation of botanical and common name. Where formal arrangements or consecutive order of trees or shrubs are shown, select stock for uniform height and spread, and label with number to assure symmetry in planting (Poplar, abelia etc.} 10. Inspection: The Landscape Architect may inspect trees and shrubs Au~,~ progress of work. Remove rejected trees or shrubs immediately from project site, 11. Inspection will also be required for the following; a. When shrubs and trees are provided for planting but before planting holes are excavated. 1.03 SUBMITTAL Certification: 1. Submit certificates of inspection as required by governmental authorities. Submit manufacturer's or vendors certified analysis for soil amendments and fertilizer materials. Submit other data substantiating that materials comply with specified requ_irements. 2. Submit seed vendors certified statement for each seed mixture reauired. stating botanical and common name, percentage by weight and percentages of purity, germination and weed seed for each seed Sl)ecies. Planting Schedule: Submit proposed planting schedule, indicating dates for each type of landscape work during normal seasons for such work in area oite. Correlate with specified maintenance periods to provide maintenance from date of substantial co~pletion. Once accepted, revioe dates only as approvad in writing, after documentation of reasons for delays. Maintenance Instructions: Submit typewritten in- structions recommending procedures to be established by Owner for maintenance of landscape work for one full year. Submit prior to expiration of required maintenance period(s). l.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Packaged Materials: Deliver packaged materials in containers showing weight, onalysis and name of manufacturer. Protect materials from deterioration during delivery and while stored at site. B. Trees and Shrubs: Do not prune prior to delivery unless otherwise approved by Landscape Architect. Do no bend or bind-tie trees or shrubs tu such manner as to damage bark, break branches or destroy natural shape. Provide protective covering during delivery. Do not drop balled and burlapped stock during delivery. c. Deliver trees and shrubs after preparations for planting have been completed and plant immediately. If planting is delayed more than 6 hours after delivery, oet trees and shrubs in shade, protect from weather an4 me~hanical damage, and keep roots moist by covering with mulch, burlap or other acceptable means of retaining moisture. D. Do not remove container-grown ■tock from container, until planting time. 1.05 JOB CONDITIONS A. Proceed with and complete landscape work as rapidly as portions of site become available, working ~ithin seasonal limitations for each kind of landscape work required. _ B. Utilities: Determine location of underground utilities and perform work in a manner which will avoid possible damage. Hand excavate as required. Maintain grade stakes ~et bJ oth~rs until removal is mutuallv agreed upon by parties concerned. C. Excavation: When con~1tions aetr1mental to plant gro>,1th are encountered, such as rubble fill, adver1e draJnage conditions or obstructions, notify Landscape Architect before planting. G. No aoil shall be moved into areas when either soil existing grade ia too wet, dry or when deleterioua materials are present. or 1.06 SPECIAL PRODUCT WARRANTY B. c. D. Warranty trees and shruba through specified maintenance period and until final acceptance. Warranty trees and shrub, for a period of one year alter date of substantial completion against defects including death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects resulting from neglect by Owner, abuse or damage by other, or unusual phenomena or incidents which are beyond Landscape Installers control. Remove and replace trees, 1brub1, or other plants found to be dead or ln unhealthy condition during warranty period. Make replacements during growth season following end of warranty period. Replace trees and shrubs which are in doubtful condition at end of warranty period; unless, in opinion of Landscape Architect, it 11 advisable to extend warranty period for a full-growing season. Containers: containers ,hall be unopened at delivery and respective label• shall show contents. Store containers off the ground and protect from weather. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 1.01 TOl'SOTL A. Topaoil haa been (or will be) atockpilad for re-uee in landscape work. If quantity of stockpiled topsoil ta insufficient, provide additional topsoil as required to complete landsca~e work. B. Top1oil for landscape work may not be available at site and must be furnished as specified. C. Provide new topsoil which ls fertile, friable, natural loam, surface aoil not leis than 6% organic matter, and pH value of 5.9 to 7.0, reasonably free of aubsoil, clay lumps, brush, weeds and other litter, and free of roots, ltUlllps, atones larger than 2" in any dlmen•ion, and other extraneouo or toxic matter harmful to plant growth. D. .Topooil 1. Source: borrow taken architect. on-site atoekplle aupplemented with off from source approved by the le~dscape 2. Acid-alkaline range to be pb 6.0 to 7.0 3. Free of pests, pest larvae and matter toxic to plants. 4. Percentage of organic manner: 2% minimum ■ite 5. Maximum 5% volume of alag, cinders,_ atones or extraneous material l/2• in diameter. other 6. Free of noxious weed seed Tests and sampling of topooll; 1. Sampling by contractor: at three locations per landscape architect. 2. Tests: organic matter, nutrient analyst ■ and salinity F. Provide nitrJi~ed dougla, fir ahavinga fortified with organic nitrogen and with 11 pourido per cubic yard hone meal. C. Provide ·walk on• ground bark chips 1/2" to 3/4· in size of Douglas Fir bark. H. Tree stakes: Unleas otherwise indicated on the drawings, provide redwood stake•, Construction grade, rough sawn, 2"x2"x8' long. I, Other material,: provide other material ■, not specifically described but required for a com1>lete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Landscape Architect, 2.02 SOIL AMENDMENTS A, Sarvon: Place one (1) cup of Sarvon in each tree hole; 1/2 cup in each shrub hole. B. Lias: Natural dolomitic limeston~ containing not less than 85% of total carbonates with a minimum of 30% magnesium carbonates, ground so that not less than 90% passes a 10-meah sieve and not leas than SO% passes • 100-mesh sieve. C. Aluminum Sulfate: Commercial grade. D. Peat Humus: FS Q-P-166 decomposed peat with no ident- ifiable fibers and with pH range suitable for intended use:. APPROVE.D FO~ PLANTING AND IR~IGATION ONLY INCLUDING4 PRECISE L.OC..ATION OF PLANTING A~EA5. F. G. H. I• J. IL L. Bonemeal: Commercial, raw, finely ground; 4% nitrogen and 20% phosphoric acid. Superphosphate: Soluble mixture of treated minerals· 20% available phosphoric acid. ' Sand: Clean, washed 1and 1 free of toxic materials. ' Perlita: 23. Conforming to National Bureau of Standards PS Vermiculite: tan.i:es .. Horticultural ~rade, free of toxic subs- . Sawdust: Rotted sawdust, free of chips, atones, sticks, soil or toxic aubstancea and with 7.5 lbs. nitrogen uniformly mixed into each cubic yard of sawdust. Mulch: Organic mulch free fvom deleterious materials and suitable for top dressing of trees, shrubs or plants and consisting of one of the following: 1. Shredded Hardwood 2. Ground or Sbredded Bark 3. Vood Chips ;u~~~ $>#"If~ -ft) Cfftt -fi'r-8ff~Y~! fr'I°y-1 /4'-Flvzwl~j- Commercial Fertilizer: Complete fertlliaer of neutral character, with some elements derived from organic sources and containing following percentages of available plant nutrients: 1 • 2. 3. 4. For trees and shrubs, provide fertiliaer with less than 5% total nitrogen, 10% available phosphoric acid and 5% soluble potash. not Agricultural Gypsum: Shall be approved, standard brand agricultural calcium sulfate (CAS0/4) as commonly applied to soils end shall contain 19% combined sulfur. Iron Sulfate: Shall be approved agricultural ferric sulfste (FE2S04), granular in composition and containing 20% metallic equivalent iron and 17% combined sulfur. Ammonium Phosphate: Shall be approved commercial fertilizer containing 16.5% nitrogen and 20% phosphoric acid. 5. Post Planting Fertilizer: All planting areas shall be broadcast with mllorganite fertilizer at the rate recommend~d by the manufacturer after all plant• are installed f8"" ..;ail jcsf. 6. Planting Tablets; All plants ahall receive agr1- form plant tablets placed below grade (3" for container stock, 1" for flat plants) at the following rates: 1 -5g per each flat plant 2 -21g per each one-gallon plant 4 -21g per each five-gallon plant 6 -21g per each fifteen-gallon plant 1 -21g per each linear 4" boxed material size 7. Deliver Fertilizer: In waterproof bags showing weight, chemical analysis and name of manufacturer. 8. 9. 10. Inspections A. Examine areas to receive soil preparation to assure work of other trades has been completed. B. Verify grades with landscape architect prior to beginning soil preparation. C. No soil prel)aration shall be performed until all' atructures and walls and construction items (including irrigation mains and drainage lines) have been installed. D. Site shall be free of weeds, trash and deleteriouo material pri~r to soil pre1>aration. E. Verify that plantin& material to remain is , undisturbed. F. Do not proceed with soil preparation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Soils test a. Contractor shall provide test resul ta to ·c,1'-/ £i landocape architect and confirm all soil amendments I prior to application. Soil additives to be determined from result of soils test by soil agronomist, Landscape contractor to arrange for and bear the cost of thi• te•t. Any "AS ':7 .:! . c·:.z. Cj-c;,0-"'. I BUILT" TITLE ________ _ DATE REV!EIJED BY• INSPECTOR DATE b. ~hen planting and all other lndlcated and specified work prior to the maintenance period has been completed. O. Planting Time: Plant or install material, during normal planting $eaaon ■ for each type of landscape work required. Correlate planting with specified maintenance periods to provide maintenance from date of substantial colllpletion. l----+----.-4, ------------------·----+----j--~---1--~ I I /7 RNAGA TOWNHOMES c. Final inspection at the completion of the maintenance l)eriod. d. Give the Landscape Architect forty-eight (48) hours notice prlor to all required ins I' e ct i one c,,!> v.t'li o~ Cm-, ln'5f€Cti V: !. Coordination with Lawn-,, Plant trees and shrubs after final grades are established. F. When existing (or stockpiled) soil la available, tbe contractor shall verify with the general cont.cactor the quality, quantities, and determine locations and planned movements of soil on the site. Stockpiled soil shall 4011 CHIPPEWA cr. SAN DIEGO. CA 92117 (619) 272-6669 FAX (619) 272-6353 CA.IFOl'INIA "2602 INOlANA • A~ 6S20 DA TE !N!TlAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION - DATE INnlAL DATE INnlAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAi. D1-VN BY: PROJcCT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: ___ _ irR~V~\J~D.,,__.B~Y--'=' ===.J c-r-16 -12.'.0 'J-:Z 1 -r:31--~---'---------'' '---'------' 11. import fill shall be tested before importing to site. All results of soils tes,ts shall be given _J; ,._I. landscape architect 4i Cifl.1 pi,-11"' iZl lr"B-Plie"f-]IYll , of'r'1l t. verify tree pit drainage J1th 24 hour water fill test prior to planting. All bo><ed trees not Stake• and Guy,: provide stake, and daad ■an of sound new hardwood, treated softwood or redwo={ color, material and ai~e to protect tree trunks fro• daaage by . wlrtt-'1. PART 3 -EXE~Ul1UN draining are to have a 4• diameter auger hole drilled through any hardpan or compacted earth. ).01 PREPARATION 2.03 PLANT MATERIALS A. Quality: Provide trees, shrubs and other plants of size, genus, species and variety shown and scheduled for landscape work and complying with recommendations and requirements of ANSI Z60.l "American Standard for Nurser) Stock·. 1. use adequate numbers of skilled workers who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Se~tion. Standards: 1. Plants and planting material: Keet or exceed the 2. 3. specifications of Federal, State and County laws requiring inspection for plant disease and insect control. Quality and size: Comply with current edition of "liorticultural Standards" for number one nursery atock a• adopted by American Association of Nurserymen. All plants; a. true to name, with one of each bundle or lot tagged with the nam~ and size of the plants in accordance with standards of practice of American Association of ~urserymen. b. In all case., botanical names take precedence over com1no 11 -.:.a mes. B. Plant names on these drawings confor• to standard plant names established by the ·American Joint Committee on liorticultural NomenclatureM and, except for the plant names covered therein, the established custom of the nursery will be followed. c. D. E. Provide symmetrical plants, typical for variety and apecies, sound, healthy, vigorous, free from insects or their eggs, with healthy and normal root systems, we ,-filling their containers but not to the point of being root bound. Do not prune prior to delivery except as authorized by the Landscape Architect or her representative. Measure b~ight and spread of plants with branches in their normal position. Deciduous Trees: Provide trees of height and caliper sch~duled or shown and with branching configuration recommended by ANSI 260.1 for type and species required. Provide single stem trees except where special forms are shown or listed. F. Deciduous Shrubs: Provide shrubs of the height shown or listed and with not less than minimum number of canes required by ANSI Z60.l for type and height of shrub required. G. Coniferous and Broadleafed Evergraana: Provide ~ver- greeus of sties shown or listed. Dimenaioua indicate minimum spread for spreading and semi-spreading type evergreens and height for other types, ■uch aa globe, dwarf, cone, pyramidal, broad up-right and columnar. Provide normal quality evergreen• with well-balanced form complying with requirements for other aize relatlonsblps to the primary dimension ,shown. 2.04 GROUNDCOVER Provide plantl established aud well-rooted in removabla containers or integral peat pots and with not lesa than minimum number and length of runners required by ANSI Z60.l for the pot size shown or listed. 2.0S MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPE MATERIALS A, Wood lieadera and Edging: Of aizes 1hown and following wood 1pecies: 1. Redwood. 2, Provide Wood Stake• of ,Sr,,;\.;;y-1peciea, 2• 'll 2• x 24" long and galvanized naila for anchoring headers and edging. B. Gravel: Water-worn, hard, durable gravel, washed frea of loam, sand, clay and other foreign aubatancea and of following size, range and color: c. 1. Size Range: 3/8" maximum, l/8M aioimua (pea gravel). 2. Color:. Unifor ■ tan-baiga color rang• acc•ptabla to Landscape Architect. Decomposed granite: Uae a pre-eaergent herbicide such aa oryzalin in both spring and fall. Do not inatall black plastic under the granite (it doea not atop weeds that germinate ln aoil gradually blown into crack• between the gravel pieces and c~n cause problaas by buckling). Rake out the gravel ae nece~sary to maintain a reasonably neat appearance, f+.:c'.vbic1Je ~rrl 11Ct:.t,,v-must be ti'~~ b~ ~ .;h::1-le ttf' ~QII tfiivv-~- Filtration/Separation Fabric: Vatar par■eabla filtra- tion fabric of fiberglae or polypropylene fabric. A, B. c. D. Preliminary grading ■hall be dooa 1n auch a ■annar aa to anticipate the finish grading. Landscape Contractor is ra1ponaible for aaiotaining existing grade soil level around trunk• of traea. All turf area ■ shall receive 4• of i ■ported aandy-loa~ topsoil, unless noted otberwiae on the drawings or in the apecificationa. Layout individual tree and ahrub location, and areas for aultiple plantings. Stake location• and outline areas and secure Landscape Arcbitect~• acceptance before atart of planting Hork. Make minor adju ■tmenta aa ■ay be requested. Preparation of Planting Soils l • 2. 3. 4. s . 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 11.01 11 • 02 The 1011 ■ball not be worked when the aolature content la so great that axceaaive compaction will occur, nor when it i ■ so dry that a duet will form in the air or that clod ■ will not break readily. Water ■hall be applied, if nece,~ary, to pro~ide ideal moisture content for tilling tbs planting herein apecifiad. In all planted area ■, remove debris, rocka and clods. Finish planting aurface ahall be amooth and even. Veeda and root growth (ioclud!ng ber•uda grass) shall be ·dug out from all planting areas, When necessary to dtacourage regro11th 1 the ~ -· liuno/4 .dppli<'.df..,r-■ay apply a aui table b;rb 1 1cide according to the manufacturer'• apecificationa. lemove rocks and other object• over 2" in diameter. Delay mixing of fartilizar if planting will not follow placing of planting ■oil within a faw daya. For pit and trench-type backfill (for treea, shrub• and vines), ■ix 60% topsoil with 40% nitrogen-stabilized shavings plua one ounce of iron sulfate to each cubic:, foot of mixture. Use accurate proportioning containers, aix planting soil prior to 1~ac.kfilling ,nd stockpile at· site. l:;l;l.?f'fill mv~ v~ ~ oi,M :SJI! 5 -f<"'.s-r. · For planting beds and lawns, mix planting soil either prior to planting or apply on surface of topsoil and mix thoroughly before planting. Mix lime with dry soil prior to mixing of fe>;"tilizer. Prevent lime from contacting roots of acid-loving plants. Apply phosphoric acid fertilizer (other thau that constituting a portion of c~~plete fertilizers) directly to subgrade before applying planting soil and tilling. Place approximately 1/2 of total amount of topsoil required. ijork into top of loosened subgrade to create a transition layer end then place remaioder of planting soil. Add specified soil amendments and mix thoroughly into upper 4" of topsoil. Apply specified commercial fertilizer at rates specified and thoroughly mix into upper 2" of topsoil. all planting areas except non-groundcov~r areas shall be prepared by applying (Fr~ s.:i1I 161 rtS:Jlts") amendments to the soil and t1111, into the top 6" , 0 f s O 11 : . ( FJ r-2'I DLA:--. G p u 1'<..f'C-:,E::.S q-; L-Y°' 3 cu.Yds./1000 Sf nitrified wood a&avings 100 lbs/1000 sf agricultural gypsum 25 lbs/1000 sf 12-12-12 fertilizer Contractor ohall provide a soil test of chemical and agricultural analysis per the direction of the landscape architect. Soil leaching shall be at the discretion of the landscape architect. Post planting fertilization shall be performed by contractor at 30 days after planting. Planting pits and planters shall be backfilled with existing site soil and 1/4 {by volume) nitrified topsoil mix. Trees and shrubs shall be fertilized at time of planting with 21g 'agriform' tablets at the fol lowin& rates: lgal ............ rLTblt 15gal .••••••••••. 6 Tblt 5gal •• •••• ... -•~ Tblt 24Hbox ............. ~ Tblt. 36Hbox. ........... $ Tblt 48"box ••••••••••• 12 Tblt 12. Soll conditioners a• b. C • d. e. @j Peat: canadian peat moss Herbicides: as required upon landscape architects approval Fertilizer: 1. For lawn areas: n-p-k ratio as req•d by soil report 2. For shrub areas: as req•d by soil report Organic soil amendments: derived from redwood of fir bark, grauular in nature and stabilized with nitrogen. Amendments to have following properties: 1. Organic content; minimum 90% by weight. Minerals: 1. Soil sulfur as req~d by soil report 2. Perrous sulfate as req~d by soil report t b&dPAH:•itt-ii#C#FM, di4f@WtSF-ti #-½41 4f\:d t¼::ii&s t# 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. A. B. 3. Agricultural gypsum casq42h20 as req'd by soil report (calcium sulfate of 98%) Schedule of Planting Soil Mixture Requirements", indicating required rate of fertilizer application is attached at eni of this section. Slope all planting areas away from buildings at 1/4" per foot minimum horizontal distance where applicable. Finish grade at building edge shall be 3" below finish floor elevation. Provide grades at 6" below top of curbs and walkways in planting areas for topsoil preparation. All concrete subsurfaces to drain at a minimum slope of 1%. All planting areas to drain at a minimum slope of 2%. landscape contractor shall maintain a 2% minimum drainage away from all bu~ldings. Finish grades to be smoothed to prevent puddling or standing water. Contractor shall coordinate with other trades to maintain drainage during construction. Holsten prepared lawn areas before planting if soil is dry. Water thoroughly and allow surface moisture to dry before planting lawns. Do not create a muddy soil condition. Preparation of Planting Beds: Loosen subgrade of planting bed areas to a minimum depth of 6" using a cultimulcher or similar equipment. Remove stones over 1-1/2" in any dimension and sticks, stones, rubbish and other extraneous matter. Soil shall be made loose and friable. F. Fill excavations for trees and shruba ~1th water and allow to percolate out before planting. G. Apply pre-emergent herbicide control in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. H. Finish grade: a. Upon completion of rototilling and topsoil placements, all areas shall be watered to settled aoil. b. When the soil has dried sufficiently to be readily worked, all lawn and planting areas shall b, graded to previously established grades. I. Grades not otherwise indicated shall be uniformly level 01 sloping between point where elevations are given. Finish grade shall be a smooth, even and uniform plane with non- abrupt chanRe of elevation. J. Soil areas adjacent to buildings shall slope away from building to allow natural run-off of water; surface water shall be directed as shown on drawings by remodeling surface to facilitate natural water run-off. [. Low spots end pockets shall be graded to drain properly. L. Finish grade of planting areas shall be flush with top of curbs, paviug to assure positive drainage over surface. M. Minor adjustments of grades shall be made, if required, st direction of the landscape architect. Spread planting soil mixture to minimum depth re- quired to meet lines, grades and elevations shown after light rolling and natural settlement. Place approximately 1/2 of total amount of planting soil required. Work into top of loosened subgrade to create transition layer, then place remainder of the planting soil. Dig beds not less than 8" deep and mix with specified soil amendments and fertilizers. 3.02 EXISTING PLANTINGS a.-Topsoil: In areas scheduled for seeding or sodding of lawn, replace topsoil from stockpile to a minimum depth of 4" over all areas. A. Existing plantings may remain as approved by the owner or the landscape architect. B. The landscape contractor shall remove all existing trash, clippings, rock and other debris in planting areas. c. Rake and fine grade all planting areas prior to commencement of planting operations. J.03 PLANTING b. In areas scheduled for ornamental groundcovers, place topsoil to a minimum of 2" deep. c. Soil preparation: 1. Apply amendments per test results and incorporate to depth of lM by raking all area9. 2. Rake, drag, roll smooth all planting surfaces until free of hollows and ridges and until surfaces conform to established grade (+/-l" rise in 10'-0" run) Excava tini:: a. For shrubs in one gal containers, dig a hole 12." diameter and 12" deep. b. For shrubs and trees in five gallon containers, dig a hole 20" in diameter aud 18" deep. c. For trees and shrubs in 15 gallon containers, dig a hole 30" in diameter and JO" deep. d. Bo>< trees shall have planting pits dug twice the diameter and of eaual deoth to the box. PLANTING GROUND COVER Rake existing soil smooth and free from soll lumps, rocks, sticks sud other deleterious material. Planting: 1. Space the ground cover plants evenly as indicated on the Drawings, staggering the spaces around shrubs and trees as well as in the open areas. 2. Plant only in soil that is moist but friable, never wet or soggy. PLANTING GROUNDCOVER AND VINES -groundcover shall be planted using triangular spacing as noted on legend. Vines shall be secured to adjacent fences, posts or walls using vine ties. Dig holes large enough to allow for spreading of roota and backfill with planting soil. Work soil around roots to eliminate air pockets and leave a slight saucer indentation around plants to hold water. Water thoroughly after planting, taking care not to cover crowns of plants with wet soils. Hulcb areas between ground cover plants; place not leas than':;)" thick. APPROVED FNGINEERING PL,\NCHECKER A. Time of Planting: Do not plant until sprinkler system ia complete, final grades have been established, the planting areas have been properly graded and prepsr:ed (planting areas shall be thoroughly soaked prior to planting) and the work approved by the Landscape Ar:chltect. B. Location of Plants: Relative position of trees and plants is subject to approval of Landscape Architect and, if necessary, by locating as directed by the Landscape Arc hi tee t. C. Placing of Plants and Trees; Set plants so that, when settled, they bear the same relation to the required grade as they bor~ to the oatural grade befoce being transplanted. Plant in the center of the pit sud backfill with prepared soil. TriM off broken or frayed roots. Refer to detail of planting of palms. Plant 1 n g f'v~poY-.i{i NJ~ a. Fill hol~s with backfill mixture consisting of two par:ts soil taken from the ho.le and one part specified soil ameodment, by volume (f$(' S•!L--'TeST'J b. Fill to proper height to receive the plant, end thoroughly tamp the mixture before setting the plant. c. Set plant in upright position in the center of the hole, and compact the backfill mixture around the ball. d. Thoroughly water each plant when the hole is 2/3 full. HEATHER HARDIE HARWOOD ? 4-(~L 'r,·:; i,-; ~ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 4011 CHIPPEWA CT. SA1(1 DIEGO. CA 92117 (619) 272-6669 FAX (619) 272-6353 DATE 1\l)lJROVED ~·o R PLANTING i'\ND IRRIC~1\TION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLAN'T'ING ARF:J\S. INSPECTOR CAUFORNIA "'.2602 INDIAJIJA *ARI. 6620 DATE D,'.\TE ~ 1· CIT .. Y .. 0 F C ARL.S1. {AD .; l.51;;-'° .. rs 1 I _?_J PL_ANNING DEPARTMENT ... I -~: . J ....... _________ --'-- __ J_ ! ---............. , ,. DAT( INITIAL 0A1'£ INlnAL ENGINEER OF WORK RlVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPRIJVAL CITY APf'ROVAL urwrnMk\Atii?ib&ii@\3@+➔ se ~~~1.tm:t::s.::.&.1!::~ Planting Trees and Shrubs: 1, Set container-grown stock on layer of compacied planting soil mixture, plumb and, water thoroughly before placing remainder of backfill, Repeat watering until no more is absorbed, Water again after placing final layer of backfill. 2. Set bare root stock on cushion of planting cut in- jured roots clean; do not break. 3. Dish top of backfill to allow for mulching. 4. Hulch Pits, Trenches and Planted Areas: Provide not less than 2" thickness of mulch and work into top of bsck~ill and finish level with adjacent finish grades 5. 6. Apply anti-dessicant using power spray to provide an adequate film over trunks, branches, stems, twigs and foliage. If deciduous trees or shrubs are moved in full-leaf, spray with anti-dessicant st nursery before moving and again 2 weeks after planting, CLEAN-UP AND PROTECTION 1. During landscape work, keep pavements clean and work area in an o=derly condition. Immediately clean-up spills, soil, conditioners on paved and finished surface areas, Remove debris and excess materials from the project site, 2. Keep planted areas free of debris, cultivated and weeded at not more than ten -(10) day intervals. 3. Fertilize ~ ~ pla~t areas ~r 50'1s ts;,;-fhw111(?.iO) ~s I CT'jl Vh1r,j of V<Blv;te+,,;.,-,c,:, 1 fhdrou.3n\~ ~re,1 ih 4, Keep hoses, maintenance equipment and materials neatly stored when not in use in an area authorized by the Landscape Architect. 5. 6. Provide competent maintenance foreman oa the job, experienced in landscape maintenance and capable of discussing matters with the Landscape Architect on site. Prune, thin-out and shape trees and shrubs in ac- cordance with standard horticultural practice 1 .;111 ,wrcj C"j l-.,';. Prune trees to retaln required height and spread, Protect landscape work and materials from damage due to landscape operations, operations by other contractors and trades and trespassers, Haintain protection during installation and maintenance periods, Treat, repair or replace damaged landscape work as directed, Unless otherwise directed by Landscape Architect, do not cut tree leaders and remove only injured or dead branches from flowering trees, if any. Prune shrubs to retain natural ch,,acter, 7, Remove and replace excessively pruned or misformed stock resulting from improper pruning. 8. Guy and stake trees immediately after planting, set tree into plant •it and backfill. Stake trees as detailed on ~'.e drawings, Damaged stake• are not acceptable. 9, S~ake 15 :J·"'!Vrlbo)( ty~es, Guy larger trees. Contractor shall be r~sponsible for tree stability during the length of the guarantee period. Stake trees, uslng one stake per tree with two tree ties per stake, and driving stakes into the ground at least two feet, E, Basining: Form a shallow basin around the plant to hold enough water to saturate the rootball and backfill. F, Cutting Cans: Open canned stock by cutting can verti- cally on two opposite sides of can. Oo not open with ax or shovel. G. Supervision of Planting: The Landscape Architect will supervise the planting and placing of plant / materials, Forty-eight (48) hours notice is deemed necessary, f-l. :'<,,,,:o1edPlanterd: Place not less than 4" layer of gravel in bottom of planters, install filtration/separation fabric and fill with planting soil mixture consisting of 1 part topsoil, 1 part course sand, 1 part peat humus, and 3 lbs. lomitic limestone per cubic yard of mix. Place soil in lightly compacted layers to an elevation 1-1/2" below top of planter allowing for natural settlement. I. Excavation for Trees and Shrubs: For container- grown stock, make excavations at least half again as wide as the ball diameter and equsl to the ball depth. Allow for 3" setting layer of planting soil mixture, f• Dispose of subsoil removed from planting exca- vations, Do not mix. with planting soil or use as backfill vr~s,;. Vtv1-Acd Vv/ Sci's. iCsf_ 1. MAINTENANCE 1. The maintenance period shall be sixty (60) calendar days from date of "Acceptance of ~ork" issued by Landscape Architect. 2. Landscape Contractor shall continuously maintain all areas included in this section during the progreas of the work; the maintenance period and the final acceptance {1n no case less than 60 days after substantial completion of planting~ J. Maintain trees, shrubs and other plants by watering, pruning, cultivating, mowing, mulching, trimming and weeding once per week or as required for healthy growth. Restore planting saucers. Tighten and repair stake and guy supports and reset trees sud shrubs to proper grades or vertical position as required. Restore or replace damaged wrappings. Spray as required to keep trees and shrubs free of insects and disease. Replacements: a, At the end of the maintenance period, all plant material shall be in a healthy growing condition. b. During the maintenance period, should the appearance of any plant indicate weakness and probability of dying, immediately replace that plant with a new and healthy plant of the same tvDe and size without additional cost to the Owner, c. Replacements requ!red because of vandalism or other causes beyond the control of the Contractor are not part of the Contract. d, Extension of maintenance period: Continue the maintenance period at no additional cost to the Owner, until previously noted deficiencies have been corrected, at which time the final inspection will be made, '• INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE 1 • 2. 3. 4 • At the completion of the maintenance period, areas included in this contract shall be cleaned of weeds and debris. Replacements: Immediately replace plant materials which, for any reason, dies or is damaged while under this maintenance period. Replace with plants as indicated or specified for the original planting. When landscape work is completed, including maintenance, Landscape Architect will, upon request, make an inspection to determine acceptability. Landscape work may be inspected for acceptance in parts agreeable to Landscape Architect, provided work offered for inspection is complete, including maintenance, Where inspected landscape work does not comply with requirements, replace rejected work and continue specified maintenance until reinspected by Landscape Architect and found to be acceptable, Remove rejected plants and materials promptly from project site. ~·GUARANTEE (See also Warranty section) 1. Prior to final acceptance from the Owner, provide a written guarantee as follows: a. Guarantee shrubs for growth and health for a period of ninety (90) days after completion of maintenance period. b Guarantee trees for growth and health for a period of one (1) yesr after completion of maintenance period. SECTION 02811 1.01 MAINTENANCE Contractor shall maintain the irrigation system for a period of sixty (60) calendar days from ~ate of acceptance of work, issued by Landscape Architect, and shall water on a daily basis or as required for each type of plant material. 1.02 FINAL ACCEPTANCE Final acceptance of the work shall be obtained from the Owner upon satisfactory completion of all testing, inspections and installation, and at the end of the maintenance period. 1.03 SCOPE OF WORK A, All labor materials, equipment, accessories, permit fees and incidentals necessary to complete the landscape sprinkler system as herein specified and indicated on the drawings. B. Irrigation plan is diagrammatic only. Locate all equipment within property lines, All irrigation lineo and appurtenances are to be installed outside of the public right-of-way. C. All irrigation heads, lines and valves are diagrammatic; the landscape contractor ls responsible for -approved", adequate coverage due to possible minor site drawing discrepancies. 1.04 ISCLUDED IN WORK Pipe and fittings for a complete system. Sprinkler heads and risers, Coutrol valves and controllers. Excavation, installation of system to water source, testing and backfilling. 1.05 PRODUCT DATA Submit product data in accordance with these specifications. 1,06 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION DATA Submit product data in accordance with these specifications, 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE Installation and materials used shall comply with the latest application of: America,. Standard for Testing Haterials (ASTM) American National Standard Institute (ANSI) High quality workmanship in the industry, 1,08 INSPECTION SCHEDULE A. Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the CJT( 1,,Nt:0C:':' CL',\$1_,l,,:A'iT 'q 6\111',;Eo~'G ~P' "/"OI'<-.. the following inspections IN AWr~N'.-t according to the items listed below~ 1 • Pre-job Conference: start of work. Seven (7) days prior to the 2. Pressure supply line installation and testing: thirty-six (36) hours. 3. System layout: thirty-six (36) hours. 4. Coverage testing: thirty-six (36) hours tn advance of placement of backfill, 5. Testing: forty-eight (48) hours after planting la complete. PART 2 -IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPING HATERIALS A. General: Piping shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC) unless otherwise noted, marked permanently with manufacturer's name, pipe size (UPS), class schedule, SDR number (for class pipe only),ASTH number (D-2241 for class pipe and D-1785 for schedule pipe), manufacturer's lot number and National Sanitation Foudation (NSF) approval, Do not use pipe with dents, ripples, wrinkles or heat marks. Deliver pipe to site in twenty (20) foot lengths, B. Contractor shall check aud verify water pressure at POC prior to beginning of work. Notify Architect of any discrepancies. C. Pressure piping: PVC 1120/1220 -...... l-o'f1~1!--le -f'Vi<f» Cct.,cl'<--. Non-pres au re piping: PVC 1120 / 1220 -A L.-l?f--TL--lt~e -fU f.pl-:::;-C "1., t)Q... PVC Class 200, SDR21, Type 1, Grade II, Solvent weld type. 2.02 FITTINGS A, Shall be schedule 40, standard weight, unless otherwise indicated on the drawings and shall bear the name of the manufacturer, the material designation, size, applicable schedule aud NSF approval, B. c. D. E. G. H, I. Solvent cement of to ASTM 02564 and manufacturer. PVC piping and fittings shall conform shall be made as prescribed by the pipe Copper fittings shall be Type -L" sort or hard drawn copper, All copper piping shall be solder~d with 50-50 soft solder using a non-corrosive type flux. Brass risers/nlpples and fittings shall be red brass, Federal Specification WN-P-351. B~il Valves shall be red brass and conform to A~WA CSOO, Type 1, Class A, line size. Backflow preventer, a~tomatic controller and remote control valves shall be model and type aa indicated on the drawings or approved equal, Quick coupling valves shall be model and type as indicated on the drawings or a~proved equal. Provide Owrrer with three (3) cast brass coupling valve keys of same manufacturer as coupling valves, J. ca K. L. M. N, o. Remote control low voltage wiring (24V) shall be single copper conductor number 14, a WG (min) type UF approved for direct burial. Common wire to be white and control wires to be black or color-coded and to be continuous from controller to valves. Valve boxes shall be made of durable green plastic, Ametec or approved equal, and rectangular in shape with a pvrrte. , locking lid. They shall be of adequate size to house a llaxi111um of or,e (1) controller valve and "Irrigation Controller-shall be indicated on the lid. Sprinkler heads shall be model and type as indicated on the drawings, or approved equal. Sprinkler head risers shall be PVC schedule 80 or ss indicated on the drawings. Flexible risers shall be King Brothers~ Excalibur or approved equal. Concrete: 1. Shall have a minimum compressive strength of 2,000 psi at 28 days. 2. Portland cement shall conform to ASTM Cl50 types I or II. Use one brand throughout work, 3. Aggregate shall be a maximum of one inch in size and conform to ASTH C33. 4. Water shall be from a domestic supply and free of deleterious materials, PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. No apparatus and equipment or installation shall be fabricated into the work whlch would provide a cross- connection permitting backflow or ayphonage from any source into the domestic auppl.y system, B, Coordinate the installation of all irrigation materials with the installation of all landscape materials to avoid interference. C. Do not willfully install the irrlgst!ou system as indicated on the drawings when it is obvious ln the field that unknown obstructlons or grade differences exist that have not been considered in the engineering or if discrepancies in details, legend or specific notes exiat. 3.02 EXCAVATION AND TRENCHING A. E~cavate and trench as required for the installation of the irrigation syatem and specified herein or as indicated on the drawings, including the shoring of the earth banks to prevents cave-ins. B. Trench width to allow two (2) inches between pipe and trench sides and two (2) inches betwee~ parallel piping where lt occurs. Keep trenches free of debris, material C. D. or obstructions that may damage pipe, Trench depth to provide a cover over piping and/or wiring to finish grade as follows: 1. Hain pressure supply piping: 2. Noa pressure supply piping: 3. Low-voltage cont~ol wiring: 18 f '2.. 18 -7;)0 inches inches inches Inc 1·.-:·•:;. -4-5L-tc:E-VSS IJt-{bP.:-r-'--Df<J\IEl/v'--,'(: Contractor shall maintain al1 warning signs, shoring barricades and flares, etc, as required by the safety orders of the Division of Industrial Safety and any local ordinances. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Pipe and Fittings (Including nipples) 1. Contractor shall be prompt in installing all piping (PVC, copper, etc,) so as to keep all excavation.s for this work open for as minimal amount of time as possible. No piping 1hall be permanently closed or covered prior to . inspection and approval of the Owner's representative tj -:'}-"°C~ 11 AS TITLE _________ _ DATE REVIE\JED BY, INSPECTOR DATE I-----+----+-----__ -_·-··-·_··-----------+-··:-.:--+-----II-----+-~ ~rl CITY OF CARLSBAD [ SH[:ETJ L__i:,_j PLANNING DEPARTMENT I ,_,,, . ······-·-· --·· ----------------t----~--+---+----+----1 ~==='--'====================='---':-===='nl APPl(.OVf;.'D fOf:l. fLANTIN~ AND IR.RIGAilON ONLY, INCLUOI NG P~ECl5E LOC.ATIOtJ t?F F'LAN11~ A~EAS. ------t------t---------------------------"--t------j---t----+------t >----+---+--------------------------, .. -·--·+-------j---t----+-----f ..-.::::',' --· ,:\ "-,. -f :\ --,-, -,, '"\j' ' ::::--' .,; ; .. _.:·-,,~ L• • -RNAGA TOWNHOMES / _/ ........ -Y, 'vl· -,_, ... ...,_.").,··, ._. ,. . I B. C. 2. Cover or plug all openings :\D pipes, 'fittings, and other related equipment at th~ ~nd of each work day to prevent debris from enter1n~. 3. Each fitting and piece of pipe ahall be inspected inside and outside to assure th.at there are ao defects or obstructions. 4. Reducing fitting only (bushings), shall be used where required. 5. All screwed copper, brass and other approved materials shall be assembled using teflon dope or approved equal applied __ t_o_ t_he_m_ale_threads only and tigiite-n -to--,,-r-event.Te-,;:kage. Scre1,1ed PVC fltt1ngs shall receive sawe application where used in main pressure supply piping and where acrewed into any material other than PVC. 6. All piping shall be cut square and ends shall be reamed to full size with all burrs removed before applying appropriate compound as specified by the manufacturer. Solent cement used shall be applied by using a non-synthetic bristle brush. 7. Pipirig shall be accurately cut to length as required. ~o piping shall be forced into place. All offsets shall be made with fittings. N~ ?'end(,~ ~r recla11Y'("d l,u;iicY-FP: · • All plpe runs shall be m~de of full lengths with the minimum amount of joints. 8. All copper piping ends and fitting sockets shall be brushed with emery clo~h or wire brush before a uniform coat of non-corrosive type soldering flux 1 ■ applied. The joint shall be made promptly and surplus solder and flux shall be wiped clear. 9. All piping shall be installed to provide at least a six (6) inch clearance from piping of other trades. 10. All pressure mainlines shall be installed at eighteen (18) inches deep, and all laterals at twelve (12) inches deep. Back.flow Preventet-s Sj CH&::r:: -~l.WSj 1. Contractor shall provide ,. ·t:;.;-fr valve to separate each group of valves from the main line. 2. Shall be Installed according to the governing codes and as indicated on the drawing8. 3. Contractor shall provide line size check valve where necessary to prevent low head drainage and/or as per plan. Automatic Controller 1. Shall be inatalled where approved by the Architect and as indicated on the drawings and according to the manufacturer~s written instructions. 2. Controller chart: a. Provide one controller chart for each automatic controller Installed. The chart shall be a blackline print on 20 lb. or ~eav1er weight. b. Shall show the overall area covered by the controller and a different color shall be used to show the area covered by each individual station (valve). c. Shall be a reduced drawing of the approved record drawing and shall be the ~axi~uw size the controller cabinet will allow. d. ~hen completed and approved by the Architect, prior to the final inspection, the chart will be hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum of 20 mils, thick and having a glossy finish. The chart shall be ~ouoted, using Velcro or approved equal type of face. D. Remote control valves 1. Shall be installed as Indicated on the drawings and grouped together where practical. Place no closer than eight (8) inches to adjacent walks, curbs, and walls, etc.. 2. No more than ,,-~e (1) valve may be housed in one box. !. Quick Coupling Valves 1. Shall be installed as indicated on the drawings and placed no closer than six (6) inches to adjacent walks, cucbs and walls, etc. 2. Quick couplers shall be placed near valve and upstream from gate valve. F. Valve Boxes 1. Locate all valve boxes, planting areas adj•cent on plans. irrigation lines, etc., in to pavement locations shown G. H. 2. l. 4. Shall be installed . ae Indicated on the drawings • Where installed adjacent to walks, top surface plane shall match with the items listed above. curbs, ,etc., the the surfaces of Where installed adjacent to walks, curbs, etc., the box shall be parallel to the items listed above. Sprinkler Head Risers l • 2. 3. Shall be installed as indicated on the drawings Contractor shall thoroughly flush system out after risers are installed and before Installing heads. Risers to be ::JY-d[J f\C S1,h2,?, no white schedule 40. Risers to be eighteen (18) inches above grade or as noted on dra1,1inge. Sprinkler Heads l. Shall be installed as indicated on the drawings 4. 3.05 GUARANTEE One year from cowpletion date, Owner shall adjust controllers for the least practical irrigation. again amount ~N6 WINO& Contractor shall provide a ~ritten guarantee covering the entire system installed, stating that the system ls guaranteed for a period of one year from date of final acceptance by the Owner and signed by an authorl~ed compauy representative. 1H1S ~Alt.. /iPFUE/211 /'l, l-s I z es c;;-<G(\L _ if If ?,~ - NOTE: ALL POTABLE WATER SUPPLY LINES MUST HAVE f'INl5f-+ Gft'DE :i :.:::..- ) WARNING TAP~ AS WELL AS RECLAIMED WATER LI~ES. ~ .. 1' .:..~ ... ~tree ~LL HYDRO SEEDING 'T·.::,::,;···; -· ! 3.04 J. 2. Contractor ahall locate and adjust the angle, arc and radius of all heads to provide an even desired coverage, and to keep the maximum amount of water off and away from walks, buildings and other lmpr::-ovements. 1. Remote control low-voltage wiring l • 2. 3. 4. Shall be installed according to the valve r maoufacturer~s instructions and ohall occupy same trench and b~ installed beside the main pres sure [i-n~. · whenever po s • i b 1 e. the ~iring occurring under paved walks, and other fixed improvements, shall be encased in a schedule 40 PVC $ S'" sleeve, extending twelve (12) Inches minimum beyond the edge of the i terns 11• ted abo"!; _fl9r i'l'\.?lr1t;?I r,::: '.£VI 'i;,,:) ?-;~ 11 c C\ti;,v-..;+ dv lvt'.0 '<-1 Sch ,O _;1f-c:i ncr f""-11'>:J- W hen more than one wire occurs in a trench or sleeve, the wires shall be taped at ten( 10) inch intervals with 3/4" black plastic electrical tape and wires shall be wrapped a minimum of three tiwes. All wire splices are to be ~ade using "Scotch Lok- Unipak" waterproof sealing packets, "Pentite" connectors or approved equal to ensure a watertight connection. Provide four (4) to six (6) inch diameter expansion loops every twenty-five (25) feet. Wire splices will only be allowed In runs of over five hundred (500) feet) 2. Concrete shall be installed as indicated an the drawings and in a neat workmanship wanner. t"-. l'ci4 "+1~.d<. V'3lyt'S tz, 1-'>reW'trr kJw he,-:.-,1 clr.:.i'r,oqe.-, BACKFILLING AND COMPACTIONI .J A. B. c. D. No backfilling will be permitted until all work in the trenches has been inspected an1 all tesfs are made and approved by the Owner,; re:f_ ·'1 Crh-j [.,i,a;c ln5pf. and any changes shall be recorde tn a record set of prints. All irrigation mains shall be pressure teeted for -f6Ur' ct) h<lUr~ m, n1 /Y\IJM .. t 12? ps. '1 and ins pe C ted and signed off by Landscape Architect prior to backfill. Upon approval, backfill all excavations pe,--cr,,1WD spec. Backfill shall be compacted in four (4) inch layers and compacted to 95% minimum dry density" Vhd~,.-Fv·1'j f"hl.:j- 3. 3.05 INSPECTIONS AND TESTS A. B. c. I General 1. Contractor shall make necessary arrangements, at no coat to the Owner, for !Ilspectlons aad/or tests as required by the governing codes and as indicated in this section. Pipe Testing 1 . 2. Naln pressure supplyline ohall be tested for leakage, ~hen all joints have cured at least -four-- (lj-1 hours, by applying a continuous Jz.i::; p~1 water pr-esau:c:e., Non-pressure supply lines shall be tested for leakage, when all joints have cured for at least twelve (12) hours, by applying a continuous static water pressure for a minimum period of two (2) hours. Coverage Testing l . 2. J. Shall be when system has been flushed and all sprinkler heads are installed to provide an even desired coverage. out thoroughly and adjusted GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. B. c, Inspection of Conditions Before proceeding with any work, the hydroseeding land- scape contractor shall carefully check planting area conditions and shall immediately inform the landscape architect of any discrepancies between the drawings and actual conditions. No work shall be done on any area where there are such discrepancies or ~he~e conditions are unsuitable for successful plant material establish- ment until approval had been given by the landscape architect. Quality of Work The hydroseeding work shall be perforwed by a trained individual or hydroseeding company in with the best standards and practices related trade .. Quality of Seed competently accordance to the All seed shall arrive at the site in unopened containers. Each shall be tagged by the supplier with the seed name and the guaranteed percentage of pure live seed. These ta,s shall be submitted to the owner upon request. SLOPE PREPAllATlO~ A. B. c. Water all planting areas throughly and three (3) consecutive days to saturate soil prior to hydroseeding operation. continuously for upper layers of Then allow planting area soil surface to dry out for one day only prior to the hydroseeding application. Care must be taken to noc allow the soil surface to be super sat- urated with water prior to the hydroseeding installation. At the same time the soil surface should not be bone dry_ There should be some reSidual moisture within the first 1/4 inch of the soil surface. Begin the hydroseeding operation on all areas as specified herein. SOIL STABILIZATION AND HYDROSEEDING All materials shall be standard, approved, first grade quality and in prime condition when installed, All corr~ercial process or packaging material shall be delivered to the site in their original unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. A. B. Hydronrulching Application and Planting Schedule The hydromulching shall be applied in the form of a slurry consisting of organic. soil amendments,. comn;1.ercia.l fertil- izer, and other chemicals called for. Whe~ hydraulically sprayed onto the soil, the molch SHALL NOT FORM A BLOTTER LIKE MATERIAL. The spray operation n~st be so directed that the slurry spray will also penetrate the soil surface as to dLill and mix the slurry components into the soil. thus ensuring maximum impregnation and coverage. Preparation of Hydroseeding Mixture 1. 2, 3. 4' The slurry shall be prepared at the components shall be mixed to supply application as per specifications. site and its the rates of Slurry preparation shall begin by adding water to the tank when the engine is at one-half throttle. When the water level has reached the height of the agitator shaft and good recirculation has been establfshe.d the fertilizers shall be added to the mixture (the tank shall be at least 1/3 filled with water at this time). The engine throttle shall be open to full speed when the tank is 1/2 filled with water. All organic amend- ments, fiber, and chemicals shall then be added by the time the tank is 2/3 to 3/4 full. At this time the seedmix shall also be added. C. D. E, t)efail ~ C-,<V'NN C<"" =, l!>M.L 1· ~ T1N. ~ ~:--"b"-5A1X.e.: w./ ,·~ ~~~50~ ,-~T'lN.. <.,....-ce. -½~;;:::;,:~~0~~ f l/'-,!"-Ji T (\B,S ~ (7.)" r.a:,,r .=-t='"-=-___c_: ~ MIX re f'El::= :. i.= 1'"!..!<X>U!': ~ ~ • ~-.r.rn..L. n=">O"'-'T<> ~~ ~◄~-fLX..JG-,1-0-4 .~:..-01""' \.--V~ Shrub Plantfng Detail Application 1. 2. The operator shall spray 9he area with a uniform visible coat using the dark color of the celJ.1,.1.lose fiber or oLganic amendment as a visual guide. The slurry shall b" applied in a downward drilling motion via a fan stream nozzle. The hydroseeding will be applied in two applications. A. B. The first application will consist of the ap- propriate seen~j~ and fertilizer ds in specifica- tions, and 10110 lbs. per acre of cellulose wood fiber. The second application will include 80 gallons per acre of ~oil seal soil stabilizer chemical and 1000 lbs. per acre of cellulose mulch fiber. Time Limit The hydromu l.(•.hing , lu rry components are not to be left P1AN· ' - Groundcover Spacing Detail G'roundcdve·r_ .Section -~==-:----------F, llydroseeding G. Components and additives. 1. 2. 3. 4_ 2,000 lbs. per acre cellulose fiber mulch, 500 lbs. per acre 20-20-10 pelleted or granular com- mercial fertilizer. 120 lbs per acre ECOLOGY CONTROLLED M BINDER. Seedmix (per drawings) Hydroseeding Equipment The specified components shall be mix~d together hydroseeding machine described as follows: in a A. B. The hydrourulching equipment sh.,•.i~ me"t the minimuro requirements of a slurry Gistribution line large enough to pr.,vent closLnf, and shall be equipped Wlth a set of hydraulic spray nozzles which will provide a continuous nonfluctuating discharge of at least 25 psi at_ the end of the spray nozzle. The slurry tank shall have a minimum capacity of 2,000 gallons and shall be mounted on a traveling unit either self-propelled or drawn by a separate unit. The equipment shall have a built-in agitation system under operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend in the hydromulch 10..chine for more than two hours. If slurry ccmpone.nts .Jre left for more Lhan tuo hours in the. machi:1e, the cont, 1ctor shall add 50% noore of the origin- and homogenously mix a slurry containing not less than ,.,,::~~~l!:2..,0£kilos (44 lbs_) of organi.c mulching amendl:lent plus tilizer chemical additives and solids for each 100 s of water. ally Specified se-r~irnix: to any slurry mix which has not been ap- plied within the t.•,.;ro hours after m.ixing. The contractor sha.'11 ..._; add 76% tr.ore of t'1 , orig.inal seedrnix to any slurry mixture t(~', ~ ~ f~ which has not be~n applied eight hours after mixing. Any ,-,; ;I NO. 2602 ~ ~ -4.. .I.J "'""' )~ ULI.Ature noe applf»d after eight hours shall be rejected " and disposed of \lff-site at contractorts expense. \. ... T 2--.At.. ~-' Protection () · ·-:.<Ii U/1~//)l!l,;:: _,..-;~~ --· D_F C~t\\"0' Special ca:r:-e. is t:o be exercised by· the contractor to prevent ~~<i:·:a•;:;ii~~- any of the slur y from bei.ng sprayed onto any adjacent • · · ·· • -- property~ etc. Any slurry sprayed onto these areas shall II !\S BUILT" TITLE __ DATE P[V!EVED BY, be cleane<l off , l_ the cont~actor' s expense. [NSP_E_C_T_O_R _____ --··-----DATE ·---···· ·----··-···-· --·· ---~==_=ii=-==r==r===r==-.rr=;::::::;::;::~~~::;;;::::::====--·-=====:~==:-1 -. -:--~-------_--_· _-_----_--__ ---__ ---+--·. _--_· ··_-+----_ -__ --+--__ -_----,_:------t [ TJ [ C rrxANSt~ D~P~~J~~/3 A°.] l~~ETS I . -·------·-·--·--·-. - ---I ~=-==-----======= I .. ------------+--------<---+-------<~·-·-~ .. ,-~ ir---~1·,~--:,,A.;: .-.:I" ~-::;?::::· () / ,•.:i;..,./-·\,~-·; !~,:> .---.----.... . ./~ F L--.'."::-~· -----1,,JA.l...L- ,------,,...4-ll PLyi,..J.a:,r, ~~ P--"-'W ~f2a,O tr:? HAl-1- ~1--+------0 ~o\/;Df_: 714 RBAD:?D .t,,.Dt'•)<5r7 t:ii'·J Bf vi/ l'1 (-c "'-I; : 1 rT i',i Ct' ~'Ti"/1 L, ~"'-._,, -rr ; . lf---~n:, n:zµ~ COHT?O~ ,____ A)'lC rf o ["-... ~ \IJ,A l.. l- (31.'-BF-!-E.f-HEAD-~ f Ve ,,A?APTcP.. -- '.V' M I O) p-.,p. UP ?>OPY~~ MM-lri 1 F!'""Ot--1 ISDS6 Of ft)t1ff,p,LL-7 OV jT \~l.pY 1/V/ CIVIi,.. (rJ__ f'"c .... rC G, So) 1w--+-,-+----~ID!!!-E'i ecf~O-l- DLJ Pl-eX ,=t::,P. ~ ~ ~I.DH .,J.___ .......... '\._ ~ I , J~I ~i ~ ........ ~---4,--j ~,. ,-,,. :1 Y,~----~I HOH. OA., ~-ty'J p.l.C. PIF'l=I .,___ ~R '----~ l"l='UI-.J t:::lA't1:"7!--l o.z ~IHet '------~ f4?M, DIA-. xco.o• L..0H:;.i '::;.l,,..J e,.ap PY-C.. • ~ T . COHtiU'I.-WIP&..,. L--g,_jH~ TAPS: & \0 I • I !-!~A!.-6, a:;,....i P UIT" !3LL--Po P. ca--lT?Cl- ~l I r-1?"'..., Automatic Controller Detail ~IP 'WIR'SS ~ '%, ••· F l"'Ch'\ E'ND. ---------- :::::==S==S=====::=:: . Bubbler Detail ~· -F' ;.w,H ~/rr'P) ~ .,.._ W,'>,L.Y.. \-liL~~, <-;;:.;:\ . ·-· Wire Connection Detail Shrub and Pop-up Spray Head Detail a8 r,o fV6 · e,vv fk•¼--l v,ew Qu1ck Coupler Vatv4;1 Riser Detail pvc Gate Valve Detail cA,~.77N 'il4 ! 0 -i'2B \Iv/, PVf Pl---B' l?Di., T Ct'✓[:;", .. V ,0 V ') " ~ I 417..-'l, :'.i.e,PL..,06.77C.- vAL'-IE.. e,a>( WI PuF--f'I-E: La::,"..l-'.:JNC,:, f'LAS"f1G. CCNE:.$. Z-'I "· ~ Wll"l::.. ~ P 1J--.1. & r::,•,oe:: ' "' NOTES FOR BAO<FLOW ASSEMBLY i/C:.'Zl'S~ ~pping Pad Detail 2_ 1';1,S ~-:.C)~?:,:t .l-.s:?~,'.~L7 !JUST_i:~. 1;:~f'illD A lii~ilJUlA CF S:X l:iCHES (if) MID HGT 70 0:8[£0 A l,l~_;:,'.l.!11 Ct l'l'O n:E1' (2') TTiOiJ TI-!E !h.:-..:;: f)'Ct='i Wi0 f;;_~ TI--JiS \'itV.~ h:Qu;:::: 1.~:. c..--.C._~·~...,,1 .Z.£:S.~id.'.( 'rJ e:. l~iST,0ll.ill l?J Tri:. Pl.J6UC R:GHT-GF-WW. It! WH:CH ':'.,!.!:~ TdE R!C:\-'.J'~'!I .LSS'E'.GLY I-JUS1' t!E ;1;s.:11..IC A ).l_.!.)Jl.!J''~ OF n·;o E:!: (2') 1:::'::: lr·-Z.: P~C?~"l:TY u:1E. 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Ct.E;.R.,!,J\C.C: ETrrill Th.: ;:,.0_:.;:;,1;:::; ·ri,111 NW 1}-.'.~ Rl.CXJlD'/j ASS:J.,,'.BLY. ,&.S!EHBLY UIJ5l a~ l.OCAW IN m Ji.PD, NOT SL'B..1£CT ~ FLOOMiG. ), CillY lli[ RIDUCD fci:S'.:\H PRlilC:oLE 81:l(f'cD'II PRMllr~N =2L'u ~~:CH PX/, 2cm I.P?fil,w 6Y Th~ mn: OF W,,'1)?)1~ DE?-'i(]ll,:ll OF hcll.ll, SE.'NCES ~•Y Ee ,Sm 0'1 'r'i'A~i S7.r'iCE:s: 'nTir:~\l ~E C'J.RL~../4 1.1:UN:C:PAL ¥1'A'1:R D:si'R:CT. --,-. ' / / Colored, Enriched Concrete Paving w /Score Line Detail ~,II CONE FITT.IKIG t>VEf'---.. P YC °'fctt e'>/\:31 N ;.:,)-:::::i~~~~r-J~ldi;-, IN5fN.L 'TEE-Ft?!"-Yl---tffi:~~~~ffia#•'! YI-U(S M-"'--NIF<:>t..D (!Jilli -===- \ltll\ ................ ~• / ) -1 • P--c::A t',, ~VeL J , I tt:> -&o!L IN VP,J_y ~ ea<) Remote Control Valve Detail It. ground level Union L~n Head Detail .A.pproved Boc:kflaw Assembly with ball valves Bonding Jumper _--,-(when required) " 1 Union \ (optional) ' ( optional) ~,:-----._\ 1 2" 35" m1n1mum . mcx1mum ' \ HEATHER / =:..::::..:C=.c...'--------,· I ~ HARDIE ,//' p,(~nter Drain Detail , r -----------;::_:,:I' .L CRA.r·c , ,.,l'--'I .. ,1 7'.f·../1_.. ' ~-----41' bf' r::s:-q'f'ti5:.: D bff\ I -r ' ( '2.l t 11 • 416' ~~-EL..l,..S G II vc CA"'j(;H "AS BUILT" TITLE _______ _ DATE REVIEVED BY1 1 .. ;;AGA TOWNHOMES APC::,F'~~~:~~·.l~4;z~~~~~~~~,~----1.:ID /f;-~ Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly Detail HARWOOD ~ )' ~ __l_ =L Acc..=.cN -~D~S~C~A~P-c=E------=A---=R=--c H I T E C T 4011 CHIPPEWA CT, SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 [619) 272-6669 FAX (619) 272-6353 ,___--+--+----------------+---+-----+---+---1 AS<&:-TANT ..PU!IJNING DIR!CT□R -7:,frE- 1----11---~-+-----------------+---+-----+-~-+-~--1 OWN BY: _, __ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INl'llAL 1--D_An:_~IN_ITI_A_L+-D_A_TE_~I_NI_TIA_L--I CHKD BY: __ _ ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL ,RVIJD BY1 Cf Cf O ~ 'J.t7 '¢2] -'3 L.- CALIFORNIA '2602 IND/ANA •ARL 8820