HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-08-19; Sustainable Materials Management Outreach to City Businesses (Districts - All); Gomez, PazTo the members of the:
CITY COUNCIL Date 6hq IQ) CA__.!_ CC i
Aug. 19,2021
Council Memorandum
To: Honorable Mayor Hall and Members of the City Council
Paz Gomez, Deputy City Manager, Pub�orks {city ofCarlsbad
Memo ID #2021156
Geoff Patnoe, Assistant City Manager L6>{_"
Sustainable Materials Management Outreach to City Businesses (Districts -All)
This memorandum provides an overview of staff's outreach to businesses on implementation of the programs required to comply with the State of California's solid waste and recycling
The city's Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) Division monitors and provides oversight
on implementation of programs required to comply with the state's solid waste and recycling mandates:
•State Assembly Bill 939, Integrated Waste Management Act of 19891. This state law
requires at least 50% of all the city's solid waste be diverted from landfills throughvarious waste reduction, recycling and composting programs.
•State Assembly Bill 341, Mandatory Commercial and Multi-Family Recycling2, requirescommercial properties to have a recycling program in place if they generate four cubicyards or more of solid waste per week.
•State Assembly Bill 1826, Mandatory Organics Commercial and Multi-Family Recycling3,
requires commercial properties to have an organic waste (food waste, landscape waste,
etc.) recycling program in place if they generate two cubic yards or more of solid wasteper week.
•State Senate Bill 1383, Short-lived Climate Pollutants: Organic Waste Reductions4 placesregulations upon all generators of waste, including the city, to reduce statewide disposalof organic waste by 75% by 2025.
1 History of California Solid Waste Law, 1985-19892 Bill Text -AB-341 Solid waste: diversion. (ca.gov),3 Bill Text -AB-1826 Solid waste: organic waste. (ca.gov)4 Bill Text - SB-1383 Short-lived climate pollutants: methane emissions: dairy and livestock: organic waste: landfills.
Public Works Branch
Environmental Management Department
1635 Faraday Avenue I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-602-4646 t
Council Memo -Sustainable Materials Management Outreach to City Businesses (Districts -All)
Aug. 19,2021
Page 2
The SMM Division continues to proactively work with businesses that are affected by these
regulations. Two current programs that the city is currently assisting businesses with include:
1) Carlsbad for a Disposable and Waste Free Future Pilot Program, and 2} a customized
outreach plan with a focus on food and organic waste prevention strategies and guidance on
current and potential solutions available in the city.
Carlsbad for a Disposable and Waste Free Future Pilot Program
The city contracted with reEarth Consulting in 2019 to reduce marine debris, litter and
landfilled materials, as well as to comply with current and future state laws. The consultant
reEarth's scope of services includes designing, developing and conducting a pilot program with
restaurants in the city focusing on reduction and/or elimination of single-use plastics.
The pilot program included investigation of the best approaches possible to motivate Carlsbad
restaurants to reduce, and ultimately when other factors permit it, eliminate the generation of
single-use disposable waste with high environmental impact from their operations. Additional
information provided to participants included:
-Training materials: A how-to manual, consulting support and marketing visibility for
-Eco-friendly alternatives to single-use products
In late 2019 and early 2020, a total of 60 Carlsbad restaurants were contacted to participate in
the pilot program and a sample of 25 restaurants were selected. However, the COVID-19
pandemic and closure of restaurants started right after the pilot program launched in early
2020. Following the state and local emergency declarations due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
re Earth Consulting communicated with all the program participants that the pilot program
would pause until further notice. The program resumed in June 2021 and concluded in July
2021, with a slightly transformed scope of work.
Staff worked with re Earth Consulting to digitize all outreach and training materials and make it
accessible to all businesses, which will soon be available on the city's website. A final report will
be used by staff to determine next steps to reduce or eliminate single-use plastics in
Business Outreach and Assistance
In 2020, staff contracted with the Solana Center for Environmental Innovation to develop a
customized outreach plan for direct educational engagement with up to 100 commercial food
establishments in the city. The educational information delivered and discussed will address
applicable regulations and requirements for businesses with a focus on food and organic waste
prevention strategies, and guidance on current and potential solutions available in Carlsbad.
Council Memo -Sustainable Materials Management Outreach to City Businesses (Districts -All)
Aug. 19,2021
Page 3
Currently, the city does not have food waste recycling services as required by current
regulations. These services will begin with the city's new waste hauler contract, starting
July 1, 2022. For this reason, staff provided outreach to businesses on best practices for food
waste reduction and proper sorting. This outreach included:
• Development of a resource flyer that provided information about AB 1826 and SB 1383
requirements for businesses
• An in-person visit to provide education and help with business compliance. This in-
person visit helps improve business responsiveness. Visits started in July 2021
• A follow-up email to pass on additional information requested during the visit, and to
provide the links to further resources, in particular the Food Waste webinar recording
which will be required viewing to qualify for receipt of incentives
• A second follow-up and final visit will be conducted and green bins for back-of-house
usage will be provided. The purpose of this final visit is to do a high level, visual
inspection of newly implemented practices and best practices already in place, suggest
best placement of bins and provide corrective guidance to staff as deemed necessary
during the visit
Next Steps
Staff will continue to provide outreach and educational resources to businesses in the city
about the various organics state mandates. Staff have been contacted by other North County
jurisdictions that seek to replicate the Carlsbad for a Disposable and Waste Free Future Pilot
Program (pilot program). These cities are requesting information about the pilot program, pilot
findings and copies of outreach material. Staff will continue to provide all these outreach
materials and training resources on the city's website for easy access to all city businesses and
other jurisdictions.
cc: Scott Chadwick, City Manager
Celia Brewer, City Attorney
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
Laura Rocha, Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services
Robby Contreras, Assistant City Attorney
David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer
James Wood, Environmental Management Director
Kristina Ray, Communication & Engagement Director
Jeff Murphy, Community Development Director
Matt Sanford, Economic Development Manager
Avecita Jones, Senior Program Manager