HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-08-19; Utility Billing Water Service Shut-Off Update (Districts - All); Gomez, PazTo the members of the:
Date8/i9}~ CA __j_ CC y._,
CM _L ACM ~ DCM (3) Y-., Ccarlsbad
Municipal Water District
Memo ID #2021158
CMWD Board Memorandum
Aug. 19,2021
Carlsbad Municipal Wa er o·strict Board of Directors
Paz Gomez, Deputy Cit Ma ager, Public Works
Laura Rocha, Deputy City , Administrative Services
Vicki Quiram, General Man~ilH-++--
Scott Chadwick, Executive ana
Utility Billing Water Service Shut-Off Update (Districts -All)
This memorandum provides information related to the suspension of water service shut-offs
during the COVID-19 State of Emergency.
On March 4, 2020, Governor Newsom declared a State of Emergency as a result of the
COVID-19 pandemic. The State of California Executive Order N-42-20 (Attachment A) prohibited
the discontinuation of water service, or shut-offs, during the COVID-19 emergency. After the
declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic State of Emergency, the Executive Manager
implemented, and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) Board of Directors confi rmed
by Resolution No. 1639 (Attachment C) on May 5, 2020, the suspension of potable water shut-
offs. Although it was not required by the Governor's order, the CMWD Board resolution also
suspended late-fee charges until the end of the State of Emergency.
The City of Carlsbad's Finance Department, Utilities Billing Division, manages the CMWD water
billings and collections. Because of State of California Executive Order N-42-20, and the Board's
Resolution No. 1639, CMWD and the Utilities Billing Division suspended water service shut-offs
and late fee charges in March 2020.
The city continues to issue past due notices and phone alerts to customers whose accounts are
over 60 days past due, encouraging them to pay as much as possible to avoid large balances
that will be subject to a late fee and/or risk water shut-off in the future. Currently, there are
over 400 customers that are over 60 days past due.
CMWD cannot forgive the debt of any of its customers because the district is a public entity
subject to Article XIII C and D of the California Constitution, or Proposition 218. Under
Proposition 218, CMWD may only charge rates that are proportional to its costs of providing
water to each customer. In other words, no customer may be charged more than CMWD's
Carlsbad Municipal Water District
5950 El Camino Real I Carlsbad, CA 92008 I 760-438-2722
Board Memo -Utility Billing Water Service Shut-Off Update (Districts -All)
Aug. 19,2021
Page 2
actual cost to provide water to that individual customer. Since CMWD must recoup water
service costs from all its customers, forgiveness of water bills would therefore mean that some
customers would pay more than CMWD's actual cost to provide them water service. Unless
state or federal programs are implemented to cover these costs, each customer must
ultimately pay for the water they use.
On June 11, 2021, Governor Newsom issued the State of California Executive Order N-08-21
(Attachment B), which included language that stated that Executive Order N-42-20, which
prohibited water shut-offs during the COVID-19 emergency, will expire on Sept. 30, 2021.
Assuming the Governor issues no further executive orders on the subject, beginning
Oct. 1, 2021, staff could recommend that shut-off procedures following CMWD's Residential
Water Service Shut-off Protection Policy, approved by CMWD Resolution No. 1625 (Attachment
D), begin on Oct. 1, 2021.
However, staff plan to return to the CMWD Board of Directors on Sept. 28, 2021, with a
recommendation to implement a past due water bill plan which will provide customers ample
time to apply for financial assistance and/or arrange to pay past due amounts. If arrangements
are not made pursuant to the water bill plan, shut-offs and late fee charges will resume in
January 2022. A preview of the plan is as follows:
• October 2021, door hangers will be issued to customers that are over 60 days past due,
informing them that CMWD will resume shutting off water service for delinquent utility
bill customers that have not pursued or obtained an alternative procedure for payment
by contacting Utilities Billing Division or through available financial aid programs.
o The door hangers will include links to the San Diego County's Emergency Rental
and Utilities Assistance Program, which still has money available for qualifying
households, any other state and federal assistance programs that are becoming
available and referring customers to call 2-1-1 San Diego to be referred to local
nonprofit organizations for financial help.
• Customers will be given until Dec. 31, 2021, to bring their accounts current before shut-
off procedures will begin.
• For those accounts that are not current by Dec. 31, 2021, and did not pursue or obtain
an alternative procedure, staff will begin the water service shut-off procedures starting
Jan. 1, 2022, with the first billing cycle and continuing through all the billing cycles
during the month of January 2022.
• All notices and procedures for shutting off water service are described in the Shut-off
Policy (Attachment D).
• Once a customer's water service is shut-off, a disconnect fee of $44 must be paid, along
with any balance over 60 days past due and a water service reconnection fee (currently
$72 for next-day service).
Board Memo -Utility Billing Water Service Shut-Off Update (Districts -All)
Aug. 19,2021
Page 3
Next Steps
On Sept. 28, 2021, staff plan to return to the CMWD Board of Directors with a recommended
plan for resuming shut-offs and late fees.
Staff will continue to monitor the Governor's executive orders regarding the State of
Emergency and discontinuance of water service. If the Governor's Executive Order N-42-20
prohibiting the discontinuation of water service during the COVID-19 emergency is not
extended past Sept. 30, 2021, and the CMWD Board of Directors approves the recommended
process above at its Sept. 28, 2021, Board Meeting, staff will begin implementing the Shut-off
Policy and resume late fees as of Jan. 1, 2022.
Attachments: A. Executive Order N-42-20
B. Executive Order N-08-21
C. CMWD Board Resolution No. 1639
D. CMWD Board Resolution No. 1625
cc: Geoff Patnoe, Assistant Executive Manager
Celia Brewer, General Counsel
Cindie McMahon, Assistant General Counsel
Robby Contreras, Assistant General Counsel
Gary Barberio, Deputy City Manager, Community Services
David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer
Ryan Green, Finance Director
James Wood, Environmental Management Director
Cheryl Gerhardt, Finance Manager
Eric Sanders, Utilities Manager
Mario Remillard, Meter Services Supervisor
Mika Imoto, Water Conservation Specialist
WHEREAS on March 4, 2020, I proclaimed a state of emergency to exist in
California as a result of the threat of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS it is the established policy of the State under Water Code
section l 06.3 that every human being has the right to safe, clean, affordable,
and accessible water adequate for human consumption, cooking, and sanitary
purpose·s; and
WHEREAS to limit the spread of COVID-19 it is crucial that Californians wash
their hands regularly and thoroughly; and
WHEREAS many Californians are experiencing or will experience
substantial losses of income as a result of business closures, the loss of work hours
or wages, or layoffs related to COVID-19, which may hinder their ability to make
payments for water service and subject them to water shutoffs due to non-
payment; and
WHEREAS many small businesses that provide services essential to the
health and well-being of Californians have experienced substantial reductions in
income, which may hinder their ability to make payments for water service and
subject them to water shutoffs due to non-payment; and
WHEREAS the California Public Utilities Commission has directed private
water utilities under its jurisdiction to implement customer service protections,
including a moratorium on service disconnections, during the COVID-19
emergency; and
WHEREAS more than l 00 public and private water systems have voluntarily
agreed to halt disconnections as well; and
WHEREAS under the provisions of Government Code section 8571, I find
that strict compliance with the various statutes and regulations concerning
water shutoffs specified in this order would prevent, hinder, or delay appropriate
actions to prevent and mitigate the eff_ects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GAVIN NEWSOM, Governor of the State of California,
in accordance with the authority vested in me by the State Constitution and the
statutes of the State of California, and in particular, Government Code sections
8567, 8570, 8571, and 8627, do hereby issue the following order to become
effective immediately:
l) The authority of urban and community water systems, as defined in
Health and Safety Code section 116902, subdivision (d), to discontinue
residential service, as defined in Health and Safety Code section
116902, subdivision (c), for non-payment under Health and Safety
Code sections 116908 and 116910, is suspended.
2) Water systems not subject to the requirements of Health and Safety
Code sections 116908 and 116910 shall not discontinue residential
service, as defined in Health and Safety Code section 116902,
subdivision (c), for non-payment.
3) Water systems shall restore any residential service to occupied
residences that has been discontinued for nonpayment since March 4,
4) Water systems shall not discontinue service to any business in the
critical infrastructure sectors designated by the State Public Health
Officer as critical to protect the health and well-being of all
Californians that qualifies as a small business under 13 C.F.R. § 121 .201
of the Small Business Administration's regulations.
5) The State Water Resources Control Board shall identify best practices,
guidelines, or both to be implemented during the COVID-19
emergency '(i) to address non-payment or reduced payments, (ii) to
promote and to ensure continuity of service by water systems and
wastewater systems, and (iii) to provide measures such as the sharing
of supplies, equipment and staffing to relieve water systems under
financial distress.
Nothing in this Order eliminates the obligation of water customers to pay
for water service, prevents a water system from charging a customer for such
service, or reduces the amount a customer already may owe to a water system.
Nothing in this Order modifies the obligations of urban and community
waters systems to comply with provisions of the Water Shutoff Protection Act not
specifically addressed by this Order or other applicable laws, regulations, and
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that as soon as hereafter possible, this Order be
filed in the Office of the Secretary of State and that widespread publicity and
notice be given of this Order.
This Order is not intended to, and does not, create any rights or benefits,
substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity, against the State of
California, its agencies, departments, entities, officers, employees, or any other
NESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set
nd and caus d the Great Seal of the
of California be affixed this 2nd
f April 2020.
Secretary of State
WHEREAS on March 4, 2020. I proclaimed a State of Emergency to exist in
California as a result of the threat of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS since March 2020, the State has taken decisive and meaningful
actions to reduce the spread, and mitigate the impacts, of COVID-19, saving an
untold number of lives; and
WHEREAS as a result of the effective actions Californians have taken, as
well as the successful and ongoing distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, California
is turning a corner in its fight against COVID-19; and
WHEREAS on June 11, 2021, I issued Executive Order N-07-21, which
formally rescinded the Stay-at-Home Order (Executive Order N-33-20, issued on
March 19, 2020), as well as the framework for a gradual, risk-based reopening of
the economy (Executive Order N-60-20, issued on May 4, 2020); and
WHEREAS in light of the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic in
California, it is appropriate to roll back certain provisions of my COVID-19-related
Executive Orders; and
. WHEREAS certain provisions of my COVID-19 related Executive Orders
currently remain necessary to continue to help California respond to, recover
from, and mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, including
California's ongoing vaccination programs, and the termination of certain
provisions of my COVID-19 related Executive Orders during this stage of the
emergency would compound the effects of the emergency and impede the
State's recovery by disrupting important governmental and social functions; and
WHEREAS under the provisions of Government Code section 8571, I find
that strict compliance with various statutes and regulations specified in this
Order would continue to prevent, hinder, or delay appropriate actions to
prevent and mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GAVIN NEWSOM, Governor of the State of California,
in accordance with the authority vested in me by the State Constitution and
statutes of the State of Califomia, and in particular, Government Code sections
8567, 8571, and 8627, do hereby issue the following Order to become effective
The following provisions shall remain in place and shall have full force and
effect through June 30, 2021, upon which time they will expire subject to
individual conditions described in the enumerated paragraphs below.
1) State of Emergency Proclamation dated March 4, 2020:
a. Paragraph 10. Any facility operating under a waiver pursuant to this
provision, memorialized in an All Facilities Letter, may operate
pursuant to such a waiver through the stated expiration in the All
Facilities Letter or September 30, 2021, whichever occurs first;
b. Paragraph 11;
c. Paragraph 12; and
d. Paragraph 13.
2) Executive Order N-25-20:
a. Paragraph 1; and
b. Paragraph 7, and as applicable to local governments per Executive
Order N-35-20, Paragraph 3. Effective July 1, 2021, the waivers in
Executive Order N-25-20, Paragraph 7, and Executive Order N-35-20,
Paragraph 3, of reinstatement requirements set forth in Government
Code sections 7522.56(f) and (g) are terminated.
3) Executive Order N-26-20:
a. Paragraph 1;
b. Paragraph 2;
c. Paragraph 3;
d. Paragraph 5;
e. Paragraph 6; and
f. Paragraph 7.
4) Executive Order N-27-20:
a. Paragraph 1;
b. Paragraph 2; and
c. Paragraph 3.
5) Executive Order N-28-20:
a. Paragraph 3; and
b. Paragraph 6.
6) Executive Order N-31-20:
a. Paragraph 1; and
b. Paragraph 2.
7) Executive Order N-35-20:
a. Paragraph 1. Any facility operating under a waiver pursuant to this
provision, memorialized in an All Facilities Letter, may operate
pursuant to such a waiver through the stated expiration in the All
Facilities Letter or September 30, 2021, whichever occurs first;
b. Paragraph 4;
c. Paragraph 6. To the extent the Director exercised their authority
pursuant to this provision on or before June 30, 2021, the extension
shall remain valid until the effective exp!ration;
d. Paragraph 10. The State Bar shall receive the time extension in the
aforementioned order for any nomination submitted to the State
Bar by the Governor on or before June 30, 2021; and
e. Paragraph 11 (as extended and clarified by N-71-20, Paragraph 6).
Claims accruing before June 30, 2021 will remain subject to the 120-
day extension grdnted in the aforementioned orders.
8) Executive Order N-36-20, Paragraph 1. To the extent the Secretary
exercised their authority pursuant to this provision, the Secretary shall allow
each facility to resume intake in a manner that clears intake backlog as
soon as feasible.
9) Executive Order N-39-20:
a. Paragraph l. Any facility operating under a waiver pursuant to this
provision, memorialized in an All Facilities Letter, may operate
pursuant to such a waiver through the stated expiration in the All
Facilities Letter or September 30, 2021, whichever occurs first;
b. Paragraph 4; and
c. Paragraph 7. The leases or agreements executed pursuant to this
provision shall remain valid in accordance with the term of the
1 O) Executive Order N-40-20:
a. Paragraph 1. For rulemakings published in the California Regulatory
Notice Register pursuant to Government Code section 11346.4(0) (5)
prior to June 30, 2021, the deadlines in the aforementioned order
shall remain extended in accordance with the order;
b. Paragraph 2 (as extended and clarified by N-66-20, Paragraph 12,
and N-71 -20, Paragraph 10). Notwithstanding the expiration of this
provision, state employees subject to these training requirements
shall receive the benefit of the 120-day extension granted by the
aforementioned orders. All required training due on or before June
30, 2021 must be completed within 120 days of the statutorily
prescribed due date;
c. Paragraph 7 (as extended and clarified by N-66-20, Paragraph 13
and N-71-20, Paragraph 11). With regard to appeals received on or
before June 30, 2021, the State Personnel Board shall be entitled to
the extension in the aforementioned order to render its decision;
d. Paragraph 8. To the extent the deadlines specified in Government
Code section 22844 and California Code of Regulations, title 2,
sections 599 .517 and 599 .518 fell on a date on or before June 30,
2021 absent the extension, they shall expire pursuant to the
timeframes specified in the aforementioned orders;
e. Paragraph 16;
f. Paragraph 17; and
g. Paragraph 20.
11) Executive Order N-45-20:
a. Paragraph 4;
b. Paragraph 8;
c . Paragraph 9; and
d. Paragraph 12. For vacancies occurring prior to June 30, 2021 , the
deadline to fill the vacancy shall remain extended for the time
period in the aforementioned order.
12) Executive Order N-46-20:
a. Paragraph i; and
b. Paragraph 2.
13) Executive Order N-47-20:
a. Paragraph 2; and
b. Paragraph 3.
14) Executive Order N-48-20, Paragraph 2 (which clarified the scope of N-34-
15) Executive Order N-49-20:
a. Paragraph l;
b. Paragraph 3. For determinations made on or before June 30, 2021 ,
the discharge date shall be within 14 days of the Board's
determination; and
c . Paragraph 4.
16) Executive Order N-50-20, Paragraph 2.
17) Executive Order N-52-20:
a. Paragraph 6;
b. Paragraph 7. To the extent an individual has commenced a training
program prior to June 30, 2021, that was interrupted by COVID-19,
that individual shall be entitled to the extended timeframe in the
aforementioned order; and
c . Paragraph 14; and
d. Paragraph 16.
18) Executive Order N-53-20:
a. Paragraph 3;
b. Paragraph 12 (as extended cir modified by N-69-20, Paragraph 10,
and N-71-20, Paragraph 27); and
c. Paragraph 13 (as extended or modified by N-69-20, Paragraph 11,
and N-71-20, Paragraph 28).
19) Executive Order N-54-20, Paragraph 7. To the extent the date governing
the expiration of registration of vehicles previously registered in a foreign
jurisdiction falls on or before June 30, 2021, the deadline is extended
pursuant to the aforementioned orders.
20) Executive Order N-55-20:
a . Paragraph l. Statutory deadlines related to cost reports, change in
scope of service requests, and reconciliation requests occurring on
or before June 30, 2021 shall remain subject to the extended
deadline in the aforementioned order;
b. Paragraph 4;
c. Paragraph S;
d. Paragraph 6;
e. Paragraph 8;
f. Paragraph 9;
g. Paragraph 1 O;
h. Paragraph 13;
i. Paragraph 14. Statutory deadlines related to beneficiary risk
assessments occurring on or before June 30, 2021 shall remain
subject to the extended deadline in the aforementioned order; and
j. Paragraph 16. Deadlines for fee-for-service providers to submit
information required for a Medical Exemption Request extended on
or before June 30, 2021 shall remain subject to the extended
deadline granted under the aforementioned order.
21) Executive Order N-56-20:
a. Paragraph 1;
b. Paragraph 6;
c. Paragraph 7;
d . Paragraph 8;
e. Paragraph 9; and
f. Paragraph 11.
22) Executive Order N-59-20, Paragraph 6.
23) Executive Order N-61-20:
a. Paragraph 1;
b. Paragraph 2;
c. Paragraph 3; and
d. Paragraph 4.
24) Executive Order N-63-20:
a . Paragraph 8(0) (as extended by N-71-20, Paragraph 40). The
deadlines related to reports by the Division of Occupational Safety
and Health (Cal/OSHA) and the Occupational Safety & Health
Standards Board on proposed standards or variances due on or
before June 30, 2021 shall remain subject to the extended
b. Paragraph 8(c). To the extent the date upon which the
Administrative Director must act upon Medical Provider Network
applications or requests for modifications or reapprovals falls on or
before June 30, 2021 absent the extension in the aforementioned
order, it shall remain subject to the extended timeframe;
c. Paragraph 8(e). To the extent filing deadlines for a Return-to-Work
Supplement appeal and any reply or responsive papers fall on or
before June 30, 2021, absent the extension in the aforementioned
order, they shall remain subject to the extended timeframe;
d. Paragraph 9(a) (as extended and modified by N-71 -20, Paragraph
39). Any deadline setting the time for the Labor Commissioner to
issue any citation under the Labor Code, including a civil wage and
penalty assessment pursuant to Labor Code section 17 41, that, ,
absent the aforementioned order, would have occurred or would
occur between May 7, 2020 and September 29, 2021 shall be
extended to September 30, 2021. Any such deadline that, absent
the aforementioned order, would occur after September 29, 2021
shall be effective based on the timeframe in existence before the
aforementioned order;
e. Paragraph 9(b) (as extended and modified by N-71-20, Paragraph
f. Paragraph 9(c) (as extended and modified by N-71-20, Paragraph
39). Any deadline setting the time for a worker to file complaints
and initiate proceedings with the Labor Commissioner pursuant to
Labor Code sections 98, 98.7, 1700.44, and 2673.1, that, absent the
aforementioned order, would have occurred or would occur
between May 7, 2020 and September 29, 2021 shall be extended to
September 30, 2021. Any such deadline that, absent the
aforementioned order, would occur after September 29, 2021 shall
be effective based on the timeframe in existence before the
aforementioned order;
g. Paragraph 9(d) (as extended and modified by N-71-20, Paragraph
39). Any deadline setting the time for Cal/OSHA to issue citations
pursuant to Labor Code section 6317, that, absent the
aforementioned order, would have occurred or would occur
between May 7, 2020 and September 29, 2021 shall be extended to
September 30, 2021. Any such deadline that, absent the
aforementioned order, would occur after September 29, 2021 shall
be effective based on the timeframe in existence before the
aforementioned order;
h. Paragraph 9(e) (as extended and modified by N-71-20, Paragraph
i. Paragraph 1 O;
j. Paragraph 12. Any peace officer reemployed on or before June 30,
2021 pursuant to the aforementioned order shall be entitled to the
extended reemployment period set forth in the order;
k. Paragraph 13;
I. Paragraph 14; and
m. Paragraph 15 (as extended by N-71-20, Paragraph 36).
25) Executive Order N-65-20:
a. Paragraph 5 (as extended by N-71-20, Paragraph 35; N-80-20,
Paragraph 4; and N-01-21 ). Identification cards issued under Health
and Safety Code section 11362.71 that would otherwise have
expired absent the aforementioned extension between March 4,
2020 and June 30, 2021 shall expire on December 31, 2021; and
b. Paragraph 7.
26) Executive Order N-66-20:
a. Paragraph 3;
b. Paragraph 4; and
c . Paragraph 5.
27) Executive Order N-68-20:
a. Paragraph l. Notwithstanding the expiration of the aforementioned
order, temporary licenses granted on or before June 30, 2021 shall
be valid through September 30, 2021; and
b. Paragraph 2. Renewal fee payments otherwise due to the to the
California Department of Public Health absent the extension in the
aforementioned order on or before June 30, 2021, shall be entitled
to the extensions of time set forth in the aforementioned order.
28) Executive Order N-71-20:
a. Paragraph l;
b. Paragraph 4;
c . Paragraph 16. Where the statutory deadline for opening or
completing investigations is set to occur on or before June 30, 2021,
the deadline shall remain subject to the extension in the
aforementioned order; and
d. Paragraph 17. Where the statutory deadline for serving a notice of
adverse action is due on or before June 30, 2021, the deadline shall
remain subject to the extension in the aforementioned order.
29) Executive Order N-75-20:
a. Paragraph 7. Children placed in foster care on or before June 30,
2021 shall receive such examinations on or before July 31, 2021;
b. Paragraph 8;
c. Paragraph 9;
d. Paragraph 10. Any facility operating under a waiver pursuant to this
provision may operate pursuant to such a waiver through the
expiration as set forth by the California Department of Public Health,
or September 30, 2021, whichever occurs first; and
e. Paragraph 13.
30) Executive Order N-7 6-20, Paragraph 3.
31) Executive Order N-77-20:
a. Paragraph l;
b. Paragraph 2; and
c. Paragraph 3.
32) Executive Order N-78-20 (as extended and modified by N-03-21 ):
a. Paragraph l; and
b. Paragraph 2.
33) Executive Order N-83-20:
a. Paragraph 3. To the extent the Director of the Department of
Alcoholic Beverage Control suspends deadlines for renewing
licenses upon payment of annual fees on or before June 30, 2021,
the extension shall remain valid until the effective expiration;
b. Paragraph 5 (which repealed and replaced N-71-20, Paragraph 19,
which extended N-52-20, Paragraph 1, and N-69-20, Paragraph 3);
c . Paragraph 6 (which repealed and replaced N-71-20, Paragraph 20,
which extended N-52-20, Paragraph 2, and N-69-20, Paragraph 4);
d. Paragraph 7 (which repealed and replaced N-71-20, Paragraph 21,
which extended N-52-20, Paragraph 3, and N-69-20, Paragraph 5).
34) Executive Order N-84-20:
a. Paragraph 1;
b. Paragraph 2;
c. Paragraph 3; and
d. Paragraph 5.
The following provisions shall remain in place and shall have full force and
effect through July 31, 2021, upon which time they will expire subject to
individual conditions described in the enumerated paragraphs below.
35) Executive Order N-39-20, Paragraph 8 (as extended by N-69-20,
Paragraph 2 and N-71-20, Paragraph 8).
36) Executive Order N-53-20, Paragraph 11 (as extended or modified by N-68-
20, Paragraph 15, and N-71-20, Paragraph 26).
37) Executive Order N-71-20, Paragraph 25.
38) Executive Order N-75-20:
a. Paragraph 5; and
b . Paragraph 6
The following provisions shall remain in place and shall have full force and
effect through September 30, 2021, upon which time they will expire subject to
individual conditions described in the enumerated paragraphs below.
39) State of Emergency Proclamation dated March 4, 2020:
a. Paragraph 3; and
b. Paragraph 14. Any facility operating under a waiver pursuant to this
provision may operate pursuant to such a waiver through the
expiration as set forth by the Department of Social Services, or
September 30, 2021, whichever occurs first.
40) Executive Order N-25-20:
a. Paragraph 2;
b. Paragraph 3; and
c. Paragraph 4.
41) Executive Order N-28-20:
a. Paragraph 4; and
b. Paragraph 5.
42) Executive Order N-29-20, Paragraph 3, is withdrawn and replaced by the
following text:
Notwithstanding any other provision of state or local la.w (including, but
not limited to, the Bagley-Keene Act or the Brown Act), and subject to
the notice and accessibility requirements set forth below, a local
legislative body or state body is authorized to hold public meetings via
teleconferencing and to make public meetings accessible
telephonically or otherwise electronically to all members of the public
seeking to observe and to address the local legislative body or state
body. All requirements in both the Bagley-Keene Act and the Brown
Act expressly or impliedly requiring the physical presence of members,
the clerk or other personnel of the body, or of the public as a condition
of participation in or quorum for a public meeting are hereby waived.
In particular, any otherwise-applicable requirements that
(i) state and local bodies notice each teleconference location
from which a member will be participating in a public
(ii) each teleconference location be accessible to the public;
(iii) members of the public may address the body at each
teleconference conference location;
(iv) state and local bodies post agendas at all teleconference
(v) at least one member of the state body be physically present
at the location specified in the notice of the meeting; and
(vi) during teleconference meetings, a least a quorum of the
members of the local body participate from locations within
the boundaries of the territory over which the local body
exercises jurisdiction
are hereby suspended.
A local legislative body or state body that holds a meeting via
teleconferencing and allows members of the public to observe and
address the meeting telephonically or otherwise electronically,
consistent with the notice and accessibility requirements set forth
below, shall have satisfied any requirement that the body allow
members of the public to attend the meeting and offer public
comment. Such a body need not make available any physical
location from which members of the public may observe the meeting
and offer public comment.
Accessibility Requirements: If a local legislative body or state body
holds a meeting via teleconferencing and allows members of the
public to observe and address the meeting telephonically or otherwise
electronically, the body shall also:
(i) Implement a procedure for receiving and swiftly resolving
requests for reasonable modification or accommodation
from individuals with disabilities, consistent with the Americans
with Disabilities Act and resolving any doubt whatsoever in
favor of accessibility; and
(ii) Advertise that procedure each time notice is given of the
means by which members of the public may observe the
meeting and offer public comment, pursuant to
subparagraph (ii) of the Notice Requirements below.
Notice Requirements: Except to the extent this Order expressly provides
otherwise, each local legislative body and state body shall:
(i) Give advance notice of the time of, and post the agenda
for, each public meeting according to the timeframes
otherwise prescribed by the Bagley-Keene Act or the Brown
Act, and using the means otherwise prescribed by the
Bagley-Keene Act or the Brown Act, as applicable; and
(ii) In each instance in which notice of the time of the meeting is
otherwise given or the agenda for the meeting is otherwise
posted, also give notice of the means by which members of
the public may observe the meeting and offer public
comment. As to any instance in which there is a change in
such means of public observation and comment, or any
instance prior to the issuance of this Order in which the time
of the meeting has been noticed or the agenda for the
meeting has been posted without also including notice of
such means, a body may satisfy this requirement by
advertising such means using "the most rapid means of
communication available at the time" within the meaning of
Government Code, section 54954, subdivision (e); this shall
include, but need not be limited to, posting such means on
the body's Internet website.
All of the for~going provisions concerning the conduct of public
meetings shall apply through September 30, 2021.
43) Executive Order N-32-20:
a. Paragraph 1;
b. Paragraph 2; and
c . Paragraph 3.
44) Executive Order N-35-20:
a. Paragraph 2; and
b. Paragraph 12.
45) Executive Order N-39-20:
a. Paragraph 2;
b. · Paragraph 3; and
c. Paragraph 6.
46) Executive Order N-40-20:
a. Paragraph 12 (as extended or modified by N-66-20, paragraph 16,
N-71-20, paragraph 14, and N-75-20, Paragraph 12). To the extent
the Director exercised their authority pursuant to this provision on or
before September 30, 2021, the extension shall remain valid until the
effective expiration of the applicable waiver; and
b. Paragraph 18.
47) Executive Order N-42-20.
48) Executive Order N-43-20.
49) Executive Order N-49-20, Paragraph 2.
50) Executive Order N-54-20:
a. Paragraph 8 (as extended by N-80-20, Paragraph 6); and
b. Paragraph 9. To the extent any timeframe within which a California
Native American tribe must request consultation and the lead
agency must begin the consultation process relating to an
Environmental Impact Report, Negative Declaration, or Mitigated
Negative Declaration under the California Environmental Quality
Act extends beyond September 30, 2021, the tribe and lead
agency will receive the benefit of the extension so long as the
triggering event occurred on or before September 30, 2021 .
51) Executive Order N-55-20:
a. Paragraph 2;
b. Paragraph 3;
c. Paragraph 7. All on-site licensing visits which would have been due
on or before September 30, 2021 shall occur before December 31,
d. Paragraph 11; and
e. Paragraph 12.
52) Executive Order N-56-20, Paragraph l O is withdrawn and superseded by
the following text:
Paragraph 42 of this Order, including the conditions specified therein, shall
apply to meetings held pursuant to Article 3 of Chapter 2 of Part 21 of
Division 3 of Title 2 of the Education Code and Education Code section
53) Executive Order N-58-20 (as extended by N-71-20, Paragraph 29).
54) Executive Order N-59-20:
a. Paragraph l. The sworn statement or verbal attestation of
pregnancy must be submitted on or before September 30, 2021
and medical verification of pregnancy must be submitted within 30
working days following submittal of the sworn statement or verbal
attestation for benefits to continue;
b. Paragraph 2 (as extended and modified by N-69-20, Paragraph 14,
and N-71-20, Paragraph 31);
c. Paragraph 3 (as extended and modified by N-69-20, Paragraph 15,
and N-71-20, Paragraph 32); and
d. Paragraph 4 (as extended and modified by N-69-20, Paragraph 16,
and N-71-20, Paragraph 33).
55) Executive Order N-63-20:
a. Paragraph 8(b). To the extent filing deadlines for claims and liens fall
on or before September 30, 2021, absent the extension in the
aforementioned order, they shall remain subject to the extended
timeframe; and
b. Paragraph 11.
56) Executive Order N-66-20, Paragraph 6.
57) Executive Order N-71-20:
a. Paragraph 15;
b. Paragraph 22; and
c. Paragraph 23.
58) Executive Order N-75-20:
a. Paragraph 1;
b. Paragraph 2; and
c. Paragraph 4.
59) Executive Order N-80-20:
a. Paragraph 3; and
. b. Paragraph 7.
60) Executive Order N-83-20
a. Paragraph 2 is withdrawn and replaced by the following text:
The deadline to pay annual fees, including any installment
payments, currently due or that will become due during the
proclaimed emergency, as specified in Business and Professions
Code sections 19942, 19951 , 19954, 19955, 19984, and any
accompanying regulations is September 30, 2021; the deadlines for
submission of any application or deposit fee, as specified in Business
and Professions Code sections 19951 (a), 19867, 19868, 19876, 19877,
19942, 19984, and any accompanying regulations is no later than
September 30, 2021, or per existing requirements, whichever date is
b. Paragraph 4.
61) Executive Order N-03-21 , Paragraph 3, is withdrawn and replaced by the
following text:
As applied to commercial evictions only, the timeframe for the protections
set forth in Paragraph 2 of Executive Order N-28-20 (and extended by
Paragraph 21 of Executive Order N-66-20, Paragraph 3 of Executive Order
N-71-20, and Paragraph 2 of Executive Order N-80-20) is extended through
September 30, 2021 .
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, as soon as hereafter possible, this Order be
filed in the Office of the Secretary of State and that widespread publicity and
notice be given of this Order.
This Order is not intended to, and does not, create any rights or benefits,
substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity, against the State of
California, its agencies, departments, entities, officers, employees, or any other
IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set
my hand and caused the Great Seal of the
State of California to be affixed this 11th
day of June 2021.
Governor of California
Secretary of State
WHEREAS, there is currently a COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency; and
WHEREAS, on Dec. 10, 2019, the CMWD Board adopted Resolution No. 1625, approving a
Residential Potable Water Service Shutoff Protection Policy for Non-Payment of Charges in compliance
with California Senate Bill 998, the Water Shutoff Protection Act, enacted on Sept. 28, 2018; and
WHEREAS, in addition to the measures outlined in the Senate Bill 998 policy, and due to the
transition to a new utility billing system as well as the current COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency,
the Executive Manager implemented the following temporary relief measures:
(1) Potable water service will not be discontinued due to non-payment through May 31, 2020
(2) Late fees will not be assessed on all utility bills for March, April and May 2020
(3} Potable water business customers that have closed their accounts due to the COVID-19
pandemic state of emergency may contact the Finance Department Utilities Billing Division to
discontinue water service, which will stop the accrual of any monthly fees associated with having an
active potable water service account, and then, when ready to reopen, may have water service
reestablished without paying a reconnection fee; and
WHEREAS, after implementation of these temporary relief measures, California's Governor
issued Executive Order No. N-42-20, which prohibits residential potable water shutoffs during the
COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency, requires restoration of water service for residential water
shutoffs occurring after the state of emergency began on March 4, 2020, and prohibits commercial
water shutoffs if the business is in a critical infrastructure sector; and
WHEREAS, staff recommends the CMWD Board confirm the temporary relief measures
implemented by the Executive Manager; and
WHEREAS, staff recommends the CMWD Board authorize the Executive Manager to extend the
temporary relief measures through June 30, 2020, or the end of the state of emergency, if necessary.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water
Disiji~ ~f ~6ity of Carlsbad, California, as follows: Item #5 Page 4 of 5
l. That the above recitations are true and correct.
2. That the CMWD Board confirms the temporary relief measures implemented by the
Executive Manager.
3. That the CMWD Board authorizes the Executive Manager to extend the temporary relief
measures through June 30, 2020, or the end of the state of emergency, if necessary.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Carlsbad Municipal Water
District of the City of Carlsbad on the 5th day of May, 2020, by the following vote, to wit:
May 5, 2020
Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher.
MATT HALL, President
~ Qab ~if)
Item #5 Page 5 of 5
WHEREAS, on Sept. 28, 2018, the state of California enacted Senate Bill No. 998 (SB 998),
Water Shutoff Protection Act (Health and Safety Code, § 116900 et seq.); and
WHEREAS, SB 998 requires Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) to develop and
implement a policy by Feb. 1, 2020, containing specific provisions protecting qualifying low-
income households from having potable water service disconnected for nonpayment due to
financial hardship; and
WHEREAS, CMWD developed a policy which describes the Residential Potable Water
Service Shutoff Protection Policy for Nonpayment of Charges to ensure implementation by
Feb. 1, 2020, attached hereto as Attachment A.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal
Water District of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows:
1. The above recitations are true and correct.
2. The attached Residential Potable Water Service Shutoff Protection Policy for
Nonpayment of Charges is approved.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on the 10th day of December 2019, by
the following vote to wit:
AYES: Hall, Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Schumacher.
NAYS: None.
Dec. 10,2019
-4-J{,~..::....:;o,o:;c...=..-..:;___o.,.:~....:....l-!t~--'--"-kt, Gt,/l?ti I ~P,ll!J
(SEAL) CJt1..t
Attachment A
Municipal Water District
2 Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) developed this policy to help residential water service
3 customers prevent shutoff of water service for nonpayment of charges due to hardship.
4 This policy is not applicable when water service is shutoff due.to unauthorized action by a customer.
5 This policy is available on the City of Carlsbad's website (https://www.carlsbadca.gov/water). The
6 number of annual shut offs for nonpayment is noted on the website. A paper copy of the policy is
7 available upon request at the City's Utility Billing Offices at 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA
8 92008.
9 For more information, contact the City's Utility Billing Office by phone at 760-602-2420 or by email at
10 water@carlsbadca.gov.
12 Water Bills -Monthly statements sent to customers indicating the amount of water used during the
13 billing cycle, rate charged for the water, amount the customer must pay for the water and date on
14 which the payment is due.
15 Delinquent Accounts -Delinquent accounts are those that remain unpaid by the due date. An
16 account paid with a check that is returned by the bank upon which the check was drawn is
17 considered nonpayment of the bill and may result in a delinquent account.
18 Late Fee - A fee charged for payments not received by the due date. The late fee is l 0% of the
19 unpaid bill amount.
20 Water Disconnection or Shutoff -CMWD disconnects water service by turning off and locking the
21 water meter. If a customer's water service is disconnected or shutoff, the customer must pay a fee to
22 have CMWD reconnect the water service. Water service reconnected without CMWD authorization
23 may result in fines or additional charges or fees. Any damages caused by an unauthorized service
24 reconnection are the customer's responsibility.
Reference: Water Shutoff Protection Act (Health and Safety Code sections 116900-116926)
Effective: February 1, 2020 Page 1 of 5
Last Updated: February l, 2020 Printed on: December 3, 2019
Dec. 10,2019 Item #9 Page 80 of 90
I ,.
{_earls bad
Municipal Water District
26 CMWD will not shutoff a residential customer's water service for nonpayment until the customer's
27 payment has been delinquent for at least 60 days.
28 First Written Shutoff Notice -At least seven (7) business days before shutting off a residential
29 customer's water service, CMWD will contact the customer by telephone or by mail.
30 If CMWD contacts the customer by telephone, CMWD will offer to provide the customer with this
31 policy. CMWD will also offer to discuss the customer's option for averting a shutoff for nonpayment,
32 including the procedures for amortizing the unpaid balance and for obtaining a bill review and
33 appeal.
34 If CMWD contacts the customer by mail, CMWD will send the customer written notice of the shutoff to
36 the billing address designated on the customer's account. If the billing address and the service
36 address are different, a second notice will be mailed to the service address and addressed to
37 "Occupant."
38 The written notice will include the customer's name and address, amount of the delinquent charges,
39 and the day by which the customer must pay or arrange to pay the delinquent charges to avoid a
40 shutoff. The notice will also include a description of the process to apply for an extension of time to
41 pay the delinquent charges, a description of the procedure to petition for a bill review and appeal,
42 and a description of the procedure by which the customer may request amortization of the delinquent
43 charges.
44 If the written notice is returned as undeliverable, CMWD will make a good faith effort to visit the
45 service address and leave, either with an adult occupying the residence or in a conspicuous place, a
46 written notice of the imminent shutoff and a copy of this policy.
47 Notice to Tenants/Occupants in an Individually Metered Residence-If the landlord of a
48 residence with individually metered service is the customer with the delinquent account, CMWD will
49 make a good faith effort to send a written notice to the tenants/occupants of the residence at least ten
60 (10) days before·water service is shut off. The written notice will advise the tenants/occupants that
51 they have the right to become c;:ustorners of CMWD without being required to pay the amount due on
52 the delinquent account, as long as they are willing and able to assume financial responsibility for
53 subsequent charges for water service at the residence. The tenants/occupants must provide
54 verification of tenancy in the form of a lease or rental agreement, rent receipts, a government
65 document indicating the occupant is renting the property, or other acceptable proof.
Reference: Water Shutoff Protection Act (Health and Safety Code sections 116900-116926)
Effective:Februaryl,2020 Page 2 ofS
lr~~~~!eitff~ruary 1, 2020 lterrii1?:l0d on: ~cig~~i 36¥~0
Municipal Water District
S6 Notice to Tenants/Occupants in a Multi-Unit Complex Served through a Master Meter -If the
57 landlord of a multi-unit complex served through a master meter is the customer with the delinquent
S8 account, CMWD will make a good faith effort to send a written notice to the tenants/occupants of each
59 unit at least ten (10) days before water service is shut off. The written notice will advise the
60 tenants/occupants they have the right to become customers of the CMWD without being required to
61 pay the amount due on the delinquent account. If one or more of the occupants at the address served
62 by the master meter are willing and able to assume responsibility for the subsequent charges for
63 water service to the satisfaction of CMWD, or if there is a physical means legally available to CMWD
64 of selectively terminating service to those tenants/occupants who have not met CMWD's
6S requirements for service, CMWD will make service available to the occupants who have met the
66 requirements.
67 Final Written Shutoff Notice -The final written Water Shutoff notice will be delivered to the
68 premises no less than five (5) business days in advance of shutoff. CMWD will visit the residence and
69 leave the water shutoff notice and this policy.
71 Bill Review and Appeal -If a customer disputes the customer's water bill, the customer may make a
72 written request for the bill to be reviewed by the City of Carlsbad's finance director. The written
73 request must be submitted within ten (10) business q.ays after the bill is mailed to the customer or
7 4 within five (5) business days after CMWD informs the customer by telephone or mail that the
75 customer's water service is subject to shutoff for nonpayment. Awritten request for a bill review must
76 identify what aspects of the water bill the customer believes are incorrect, what information and
77 documents the customer believes supports the customer's position, and what resolution the customer
78 seeks. Within ten (10) business days after receipt of the bill review request, the finance director, or a
79 designee, will review the water bili and provide a written response to the customer.
80 If the customer disagrees with the finance director's response, the customer may, within five (5)
81 business days of the response, appeal the matter to the deputy city manager, administrative services,
82 or a designee. Within ten (10) business days after receiving the appeal, the deputy city manager,
83 administrative services, will consider the information and documents previously submitted to the
84 finance director, as well as any additional information or documents·submitted with the appeal, and
85 will issue a written decision independently determining whether the bill is correct. The decision of
86 the deputy city manager, administrative services, is the final administrative decision.
Reference: Water Shutoff Protection Act (Health and Safety Code sections 116900-116926)
Effective: February I, 2020 Page 3 ofS
tf~t~1l5!~~ruary 1, 2020 ltentw.Jed on: ~,r~~3o~qj0
Municipal Water District
87 CMWD will not shutoff the customer's water service for nonpayment while the customer's request for
88 a bill review or appeal is pending. If the bill review or appeal results in a determination the
89 customer's water bill was incorrect, CMWD will correct the bill and the customer will have twenty-
90 one (21) calendar days to pay the corrected bill amount. If the bill review or appeal results in a
91 determination the customer's water bill was correct, the customer must pay the bill in full within five
92 (5) business days unless the customer qualifies for an alternate payment arrangement.
93 Alternate Payment Arrangement - A qualifying customer unable to pay for residential water service
94 within the normal payment period may request an alternate payment arrangement to avoid late fees
95 and service shutoff.
96 To qualify for an alternate payment arrangement, the customer must meet BOTH of the following
97 requirements:
98 o Demonstrate a medical need for continued water service by providing certification from a
99 Primary Care Provider that water service shutoff will be life-threatening or pose a serious
l 00 threat to the health and safety of any person residing at the service address.
1 O 1 o Demonstrate financial hardship by showing the customer is financially unable to pay for
l 02 service within CMWD's normal billing cycle. A customer will be deemed to have a
103 qualifying financial hardship if any member of the customer's household receives
104 CalWORKs, CalFresh, general assistance, Medi-Cal, Supplemental Security Income/State
105 Supplementary Payment, or California Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
I 06 Women, Infants, and .Children. A customer will also be deemed to have a qualifying .
107 financial hardship if the customer declares that the customer's household income is less
108 than 200% of the federal poverty level.
l 09 If the customer qualifies for an alternate payment arrangement:
110 A. The customer must sign an Alternate Payment Arrangement Agreement with CMWD to amortize
111 the unpaid balance over an agreed upon period, not to exceed twelve (12) months from the
112 original due date on the bill.
113 B. The agreed upon amount (amortized payments) will be added to the regular monthly bill to pay
114 off the previously unpaid balance.
115 C. The customer's account must remain current for all subsequent billing periods.
116 D. The customer cannot request further amortization of any subsequent unpaid charges while paying
117 delinquent charges from a previous bill.
Reference: Water Shutoff Protection .lict {Health and Safety Code sections ll 6900-l l 69Z6)
Effective: February 1, 2020 Page 4 ofS ~t ~:r_ttf,1:lt)i'!f ruary I, 2020 lte mPfi9ted on: \3~'glr~ t,f~
Municipal Water District
118 If the customer does not comply with the alternate payment a:r;rangement or becomes delinquent in
119 paying current water service charges for sixty (60) days or more, CMWD will shut off the customer's
120 water service. At least five (5) business days beforehand, CMWD will post a final shutoff notice in a
121 prominent and conspicuous location at the serv~ce address.
122 If CMWD shuts off a residential customer's water service, CMWD will provide the customer with
123 information on how to restore service.
125 Deadline for Shutoff -All delinquent water service charges and associated fees must be received by
126 City of Carlsbad Finance Department by 3 p.m. on the day specified in the written disconnection
127 notice.
128 Reconnection Process -CMWD will reconnect service as soon as feasible but, at a minimum, will
129 restore service before the end of the next regular working day following payment of any past due
130 amount, delinquent fees and reconnection fee, on the account that was shutoff.
131 Reconnection Fee -For those who qualify for an alternative payment arrangement, the reconnection
132 fee is $50 for same day and next day service during normal bus~ess hours, and $150 for service
133 during non-operational hours. This rate is subject to annual adjustment based on the Consumer Price
134 Index. The cost to reconnect water service as applicable under this policy is published yearly in the
136 Master Fee Schedule (http://www.carlsbadca.gov/services/depts/finance/fees).
Reference: Water Shutoff Protection Act (Health and Safety Code sections 116900-116926)
Effective: February I, 2020 Page 5 ofS
~t?11.'tf;8fo1.~ruary I, 2020 ltemPfi9ted on: 'P1fggt~4 ~f~