HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD 2017-0013; THE BEACON; FINAL SOILS REPORT; 2021-02-02
Koury Engineering & Testing, Inc. · (909) 606-6111 · www.kouryengineering.com Chino · Gardena · San Diego
February 2, 2021 Project No.: 19-0738 Mr. Sean Rodkey
Good & Roberts, LLC
2455 Impala Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92010
Subject: Geotechnical Observation & Testing of Site Work
The Beacon Shopping Center
7720, 7740, 7750 El Camino Real
Carlsbad, CA 92010
Reference: Geotechnical Evaluation, La Costa Towne Center, Tenant Improvements, El
Camino Real & La Costa Avenue, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Ninyo &
Moore, Project No. 107302005, dated April 17, 2015.
Dear Mr. Rodkey:
This report provides a record of Koury Engineering & Testing, Inc.’s (Koury) observation and
testing services performed during earthwork construction for The Beacon Shopping Center
Project. The main improvements included constructing new retaining walls on the west side of
Buildings 7740 and 7750, five trash enclosures on the east side of Building 7720, new asphalt
concrete pavement within parking and driveway areas along with curbs and gutters on the east,
south and north of Buildings 7720, 7740 and 7750, various hardscaping within the shopping center
area, new utilities and biofiltration planters.
Our scope of work for this phase of the project consisted of foundation excavation observation,
compaction testing of trench backfill material for utility lines, retaining wall backfill, subgrade for
curbs and gutters, driveways, parking areas, associated improvements, and laboratory testing of
the backfill materials. Our testing services were provided on an on-call basis and commenced on
June 19, 2019 and were completed on October 20, 2020. The earthwork operation was performed
by JG Construction.
Grading Operations
The earthwork operations for the site work generally consisted of preparing the subgrade to
provide relatively uniform support for flatwork, including curbs and gutters, and placement of the
aggregate base within driveway and parking areas. The footings for the trash enclosures, retaining
walls for ADA ramps and stairways were overexcavated. The subgrade for driveway and parking
areas were overexcavated between about 11 and 19 inches. The exposed bottoms were reportedly
scarified 8 inches, moisture conditioned using fire hoses, and compacted with vibratory drum
rollers and hand held rammer.
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February 2, 2021 Project No.: 19-0738
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The onsite materials used as backfill consisted predominantly of clayey sand, sandy silt and silty
sand. Where needed, import material was used for bedding and shading of utilities. Crushed
miscellaneous base and crushed aggregate base were used below curbs and gutters, driveways and
asphalt pavement.
The ADA ramp and biofiltration planter retaining wall footing excavations were observed and
probed to check for the presence of soft or loose soils. The wall excavation for the new trash
enclosure located east of Building 7720 and small stairways leading to El Camino Real were also
observed, tested or probed. Where loose or soft soils were observed, they were overexcavated and
replaced with engineered fill.
Retaining Walls
The planter and ADA ramp retaining walls have heights ranging from about 3 to 11 feet and a
maximum length of about 140 feet. Following the wall construction, the ramps were backfilled
with onsite soils, moisture conditioned with a fire hose and compacted until the specified relative
compaction was deemed to be achieved. The contractor used the same means and methods to
backfill the retaining wall around the biofiltration planter area located near the west side of
Building 7740. Hand held rammers (whacker) and other types of compactors were used to compact
the footing bottoms and the backfill behind retaining walls. Koury personnel was not called to
observe the installation of any drainage system behind retaining walls.
Utility Trench Backfill
The project site work included soil testing during backfilling of the storm drain, sewer and fire
hydrant and other water lines. The backfill material was moisture conditioned with a water hose,
placed with a CAT excavator in 6- to 8-inch thick lifts and compacted with a sheepsfoot wheel
attached to backhoes, walk-behind rammax compactors, and hand held rammers until the specified
relative compaction was documented. The maximum depth of utility trenches was approximately
8 feet for sewer trenches located in the southern portion of the parking area and north of Building
7750. The fire hydrant trench located between buildings 7740 and 7750 was backfilled partially
with sand-cement slurry prior to backfill completion with onsite soils. Onsite clayey sand, silty
sand or sandy silt were used as backfill material.
Driveway and Parking Stalls
Prior to placement of aggregate base for driveway and parking areas, the subgrade material was
overexcavated reportedly about 19 inches (11 inches within parking stalls), scarified, moisture
conditioned and recompacted. Approximately 15 and 7 inches of crushed miscellaneous
base/crushed aggregate base (CMB/CAB) was placed for driveways and sparking stalls,
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respectively. The subgrade and aggregate base were compacted with double drum smooth
vibratory rollers.
Isolated soft subgrade materials were encountered along the driveway located on the east side of
Building 7720. The “pumping” areas were overexcavated about 8-12 inches below the proposed
base grade. For stabilization purpose, the exposed subgrade was lined with a layer of TENSAR
geogrid and backfilled with onsite soils or CMB prior to placement of asphalt concrete.
Asphalt Pavement
The contractor paved the driveways and parking stalls using a ½-inch fine PG-64-10 Type III-C2
hot asphalt mix placed in two lifts; about 4 inches compacted within parking stalls and 6 inches
within driveways. The asphalt was placed with a LeeBoy 8500-Series paving machine except for
localized areas where a loader was used due to access constraints. The asphalt temperatures at the
time of placement were mostly in the range of 270 to 320 degrees Fahrenheit. The contractor used
double drum vibratory compactors or gas-powered vibratory plates in localized areas to achieve
the specified relative compaction.
Field Testing
The fill and backfill materials were tested for conformance with the project specifications. Field
density testing was performed in general accordance with ASTM test procedures D6938 (Nuclear
Gauge Method). Field density tests were generally performed at vertical intervals between about
½ to 2 feet, at locations generally chosen by the soil technician upon request. Where probing
revealed relatively low compaction or where testing indicated less than the specified compaction,
removal and/or recompaction was recommended. The locations of these tests are shown on the
accompanying Density Test Location Map, Figure A-1, and the test results are presented in
Table 1.
Laboratory Testing
Laboratory maximum density tests were performed on samples obtained from onsite and imported
soils to establish the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content in accordance with the
latest version of ASTM D1557. The results of the maximum density tests were used in establishing
the relative compaction achieved during fill placement. Table 2 presents a list of laboratory
maximum density test results.
Our representatives made observations and performed random density tests during earthwork
operations. The results of density testing indicate that the specified relative compaction was
achieved for the backfill tested by our representatives. Based on our observation of the procedures
employed by the contractor in the field, the results of our field tests and our engineering judgment,
February 2, 2021
Project No.: 19-0738
it is our opinion that the earthwork and backfill performed during our presence at the site was
conducted in general conformance with the project requirements.
Our responsibilities did not include any supervision or direction of the actual work of the contractor
or the contractor's workers, nor did it include grade checking. Our field testing was performed on
an on-call basis, at random locations and at various part-time intervals during the earthwork
operations. Our services have been performed according to generally accepted geotechnical
engineering practices that exist in the area at the time the services were rendered. No warranty,
expressed or implied, is made. The contractor is solely responsible to abide by all the project
specifications. The scope of our services did not include any environmental site assessment for
the presence or absence of hazardous/toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater or
We appreciate the opportunity to have been of service to you on this project. If you have any
questions, or need fm1her assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Respectfully submitted,
Koury Engineering & Testing, Inc.
Principal Engineer
I. Addressee (2 wet stamped sets)
Field Density Test Summary -Table I
Laboratory Maximum Density Test Results -Table 2
Density Test Location Map -Figure A-1
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Tables and Map
Dry Density (pcf)M.C. (%) Field Min. Required Soil Type Lab No.106/19/19SGCurb & Gutter Subgrade - Front of Building 7720129.3122.2 10.1 9595SC 6059 NG206/19/19SGCurb & Gutter Subgrade - Front of Building 7720129.3122.99.89595SC 6059 NG306/19/19SGCurb & Gutter Subgrade - Front of Building 7720129.3122.79.69595SC 6059 NG406/19/19SGCurb & Gutter Subgrade - Front of Building 7740129.3122.49.39595SC 6059 NG506/19/19SGCurb & Gutter Subgrade - Front of Building 7740129.3122.39.59595SC 6059 NG606/28/19-3.5Foundation Subgrade - Patio Retaining Wall118.3111.8 14.2 9590 SM/ML 6101 NG706/28/19-3.5Foundation Subgrade - Patio Retaining Wall118.3112.0 14.1 9590 SM/ML 6101 NG807/01/19SGSidewalk Subgrade - Front of Building 7720129.3120.5 11.3 9390SC 6059 NG907/01/19SGSidewalk Subgrade - Front of Building 7720129.3120.0 11.5 9390SC 6059 NG1007/01/19SGSidewalk Subgrade - Front of Building 7720129.3120.3 10.9 9390SC 6059 NG1107/01/19SGSidewalk Subgrade - Front of Building 7720129.3120.1 11.1 9390SC 6059 NG1207/09/19-3.5 Foundation Subgrade - Patio Retaining Wall118.3111.9 14.1 9590 SM/ML 6101 NG1307/09/19-3.5 Foundation Subgrade - Patio Retaining Wall118.3112.1 14.2 9590 SM/ML 6101 NG1407/30/19SGSidewalk Subgrade - Front of Building 7750129.3106.88.68390SC 6059 NG1507/30/19SGSidewalk Subgrade - Front of Building 7750129.3109.69.78590SC 6059 NG1607/30/19SGSidewalk Subgrade - Front of Building 7750 - Retest 14129.3118.39.09190SC 6059 NG1708/02/19SGSidewalk Subgrade - Front of Building 7750 - Retest 15118.3108.9 12.0 9290 SM/ML 6101 NG1808/02/19SGSidewalk Subgrade - Front of Building 7750118.3112.2 12.4 9590 SM/ML 6101 NG1909/03/19SGFoundation Subgrade - Patio Retaining Wall118.6108.8 11.8 9290SM 6178 NG2009/03/19BOF Foundation Subgrade - Patio Retaining Wall118.6108.6 11.7 9290SM 6178 NG2109/19/19BOF Foundation Subgrade - Patio Retaining Wall118.6115.7 14.5 9890SM 6178 NG2209/19/19BOF Foundation Subgrade - Patio Retaining Wall118.6109.0 14.1 9290SM 6178 NG2309/19/19BOF Foundation Subgrade - Patio Retaining Wall118.3108.0 12.2 9190 SM/ML 6101 NG2409/19/19BOF Foundation Subgrade - Patio Retaining Wall118.3107.7 15.4 9190 SM/ML 6101 NG2509/19/19BOF Foundation Subgrade - Patio Retaining Wall118.3108.1 11.8 9190 SM/ML 6101 NG2609/27/19 Base Grade South Main Entry Gutter141.0136.33.39795Base 6243 NG2709/27/19 Base Grade South Main Entry Gutter141.0140.14.79995Base 6243 NG2810/14/19 Base Grade South Main Entry Curb and Gutter141.0133.46.89595Base 6243 NG2910/14/19 Base Grade South Main Entry Curb and Gutter141.0134.16.29595Base 6243 NG3010/14/19 -4' Foundation Subgrade - Patio Retaining Wall118.3108.1 14.3 9190 SM/ML 6101 NG3110/14/19 -2' Foundation Subgrade - Patio Retaining Wall118.3106.7 15.0 9090 SM/ML 6101 NG3210/23/19 -5' Retaining Wall Backfill - NW of Lofty Coffee118.3107.9 14.8 9190 SM/ML 6101 NG3310/23/19 -3' Retaining Wall Backfill - NW of Lofty Coffee118.3108.9 13.6 9290 SM/ML 6101 NG3410/24/19SG Retaining Wall Backfill - West &-Southwest of Building 7740A118.3114.6 11.9 9790 SM/ML 6101 NG3510/25/19SGRetaining Wall Backfill - West & Southwest of Building 7740A118.3107.7 12.4 9190 SM/ML 6101 NG3610/30/19 -8' Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7750118.3106.7 14.8 9090 SM/ML 6101 NG3710/30/19 -6' Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7750118.3106.1 13.6 9090 SM/ML 6101 NG3810/30/19 -6' Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7740118.3105.9 13.7 9090 SM/ML 6101 NG3910/30/19 -4' Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7740118.3107.1 14.1 9190 SM/ML 6101 NG4010/31/19 -4' Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7750118.3107.2 13.7 9190 SM/ML 6101 NG4110/31/19 -4' Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7750118.3108.1 13.9 9190 SM/ML 6101 NG4210/31/19 -3' Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7740118.3107.2 14.5 9190 SM/ML 6101 NG4310/31/19 -2' Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7740118.3106.8 14.3 9090 SM/ML 6101 NG4411/01/193' Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7740118.3108.1 12.9 9190 SM/ML 6101 NGRelative Compaction (%)Table 1 - Field Density Test SummaryDate: 01-25-217720 El Camino Real - The BeaconProject No.: 19-0738 RemarksTest MethodTest No. DateDepth or (Elevation)LocationMax. Dry Density (pcf)FieldPage 1 of 6
Dry Density (pcf)M.C. (%) Field Min. Required Soil Type Lab No.Relative Compaction (%)Table 1 - Field Density Test SummaryDate: 01-25-217720 El Camino Real - The BeaconProject No.: 19-0738 RemarksTest MethodTest No. DateDepth or (Elevation)LocationMax. Dry Density (pcf)Field4511/01/19 -3' Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7740118.3 107.2 13.1 91 90 SM/ML 6101 NG4611/01/19 -3' Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7740118.3 108.4 13.5 92 90 SM/ML 6101 NG47 11/04/19 -3' Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7740118.3 106.5 12.7 90 90 SM/ML 6101 NG48 11/04/19 -3' Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7740118.3 109.1 12.8 92 90 SM/ML 6101 NG49 11/04/19 -3' Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7740118.3 107.3 13.1 91 90 SM/ML 6101 NG50 11/04/19 SGRetaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7740A118.3 108.2 12.9 91 90 SM/ML 6101 NG51 11/05/19 -18"Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7740A118.3 107.8 12.7 91 90 SM/ML 6101 NG52 11/05/19 -18"Retaining Wall Backfill - Between Buildings 7740 & 7750118.3 109.3 12.8 92 90 SM/ML 6101 NG53 11/05/19 -18"Retaining Wall Backfill - Northwest of Building 7740A118.3 108.3 13.1 92 90 SM/ML 6101 NG54 11/06/19 -5'Retaining Wall Backfill - Between Buildings 7740 & 7750118.3 108.1 13.1 91 90 SM/ML 6101 NG55 11/06/19 -4'Retaining Wall Backfill - Between Buildings 7740 & 7750118.3 107.5 13.0 91 90 SM/ML 6101 NG56 11/06/19 -4'Retaining Wall Backfill - Between Buildings 7740 & 7750118.3 108.3 13.4 92 90 SM/ML 6101 NG57 11/07/19 -4'Retaining Wall Backfill - Between Buildings 7740 & 7750118.3 107.3 12.8 91 90 SM/ML 6101 NG58 11/07/19 -4'Retaining Wall Backfill - Between Buildings 7740 & 7750118.3 108.9 12.3 92 90 SM/ML 6101 NG59 11/07/19 -3'Retaining Wall Backfill - Between Buildings 7740 & 7750118.3 106.7 13.1 90 90 SM/ML 6101 NG60 11/07/19 -3'Retaining Wall Backfill - Between Buildings 7740 & 7750118.3 109.2 12.7 92 90 SM/ML 6101 NG61 11/15/19 -3'Retaining Wall Backfill - Between Buildings 7740 & 7750118.3 106.3 13.5 90 90 SM/ML 6101 NG62 11/15/19 -3'Retaining Wall Backfill - Between Buildings 7740 & 7750118.3 107.1 13.6 91 90 SM/ML 6101 NG63 11/15/19 -12'Retaining Wall Backfill - Between Buildings 7740 & 7750118.3 107.2 14.0 91 90 SM/ML 6101 NG64 11/19/19 SG Subgrade of Pavers - Parking Lot Between Buildings 7720 & 7740 118.3 113.1 13.2 96 95 SM/ML 6101 NG65 11/19/19 SG Subgrade of Pavers - Parking Lot Between Buildings 7720 & 7740 118.3 113.6 13.1 96 95 SM/ML 6101 NG66 12/11/19 SG Foundation Subgrade - Trash Enclosure, East of Building 7720 118.6 108.4 14.5 91 90 SM 6178 NG67 12/11/19 SG Foundation Subgrade - Trash Enclosure, East of Building 7720 118.6 107.9 15.0 91 90 SM 6178 NG68 12/11/19 SG Foundation Subgrade - Trash Enclosure, East of Building 7720 118.6 103.4 18.4 87 90 SM 6178 NG69 12/11/19 SG Foundation Subgrade - Trash Enclosure, East of Building 7720 118.6 102.5 20.7 86 90 SM 6178 NG70 12/11/19 Base Grade Drive Aisle Trench - South of Building 7720 121.4 115.7 12.2 95 95 CMB 6314 NG71 12/11/19 Base Grade S Building 7720 Drive Aisle Trench 121.4 115.0 11.9 95 95 CMB 6314 NG72 12/13/19 SG Foundation Subgrade - Retest 68 118.6 107.0 13.5 90 90 SM 6178 NG73 12/13/19 SG Foundation Subgrade - Retest 69 118.6 107.8 14.1 91 90 SM 6178 NG74 12/20/19 Base Grade Subgrade of Driveway Approach - La Costa Towne Center 141.0 135.1 5.7 96 95 Base 6243 NG75 12/20/19 Base Grade Subgrade of Driveway Approach - La Costa Towne Center 141.0 134.1 5.7 95 95 Base 6243 NG76 01/16/20 SG Subgrade of Driveway Approach - La Costa Towne Center 118.3 112.5 13.2 95 90 SM/ML 6101 NG77 01/16/20 SG Subgrade of Driveway Approach - La Costa Towne Center 118.3 112.9 13.1 95 90 SM/ML 6101 NG78 01/27/20 SG Curb & Gutter Subgrade - Roundabout at La Costa Towne Center 118.3 113.7 13.2 96 95 ML 6101 NG79 01/27/20 SG Curb & Gutter Subgrade - Roundabout at La Costa Towne Center 118.3 114.2 12.7 97 95 ML 6101 NG80 01/27/20 Base Grade Roundabout at La Costa Towne Center 121.4 115.5 14.0 95 95 CMB 6314 NG81 01/27/20 Base Grade Roundabout at La Costa Towne Center 121.4 117.4 14.1 97 95 CMB 6314 NG82 01/27/20 Base Grade Roundabout at La Costa Towne Center 121.4 120.1 11.0 99 95 CMB 6314 NG83 01/27/20 Base Grade Roundabout at La Costa Towne Center 121.4 115.8 11.6 95 95 CMB 6314 NG84 01/27/20 Base Grade Curb and Gutter Area - Southwest of Building 7750 121.4 116.6 13.4 96 95 CMB 6314 NG85 01/30/20 -6' ADA Ramp Backfill - West of Building 7750 118.3 108.0 12.8 91 90 SM/ML 6101 NG86 01/30/20 -4' ADA Ramp Backfill - West of Building 7750 118.3 108.2 12.9 91 90 SM/ML 6101 NG87 01/30/20 -2' ADA Ramp Backfill - West of Building 7750 118.3 109.3 12.5 92 90 SM/ML 6101 NG88 01/30/20 SG ADA Ramp Backfill - West of Building 7750 118.3 107.7 12.6 91 90 SM/ML 6101 NGPage 2 of 6
Dry Density (pcf)M.C. (%) Field Min. Required Soil Type Lab No.Relative Compaction (%)Table 1 - Field Density Test SummaryDate: 01-25-217720 El Camino Real - The BeaconProject No.: 19-0738 RemarksTest MethodTest No. DateDepth or (Elevation)LocationMax. Dry Density (pcf)Field8901/31/20-3' ADA Ramp Backfill - West of Building 7750118.3107.0 13.8 9090 SM/ML 6101 NG9001/31/20-3' ADA Ramp Backfill - West of Building 7750118.3107.6 13.6 9190 SM/ML 6101 NG9101/31/20 -1' ADA Ramp Backfill - West of Building 7750118.3108.1 12.8 9190 SM/ML 6101 NG9201/31/20 -1' ADA Ramp Backfill - West of Building 7750118.3108.2 12.9 9190 SM/ML 6101 NG9302/03/20SG ADA Ramp Backfill - West of Building 7750118.3106.6 14.3 9090 SM/ML 6101 NG9402/03/20SG ADA Ramp Backfill - West of Building 7750118.3107.1 13.9 9190 SM/ML 6101 NG9502/03/20SG ADA Ramp Backfill - West of Building 7750118.3108.4 13.5 9290 SM/ML 6101 NG9602/05/20 Base Grade Sidewalk Between Building 7750 & Retaining Wall 141.0133.76.29595Base 6243 NG9702/28/20SG -6' Sewer Trench Backfill - 36' East of Building 7750118.3113.8 17.2 9690 SM/ML 6101 NG9802/28/20SG -4' Sewer Trench Backfill - 36' East of Building 7750118.3110.9 16.5 9490 SM/ML 6101 NG9902/28/20SG -2' Sewer Trench Backfill - 36' East of Building 7750118.3112.3 17.3 9590 SM/ML 6101 NG100 03/02/20SG -3' Bio Filtration Planter Area - West of Building 7750118.6115.2 13.5 9790SM 6178 NG101 03/02/20SG -1' Bio Filtration Planter Area - West of Building 7750118.6113.7 14.3 9690SM 6178 NG102 03/02/20SG Bio Filtration Planter Area - West of Building 7750118.6114.0 15.2 9695SM 6178 NG103 03/04/20 -2 FG Storm Drain Trench - 32' East of Building 7740118.3114.5 14.8 9790 SM/ML 6101 NG104 03/04/20 -2 FG Storm Drain Trench - 32' East of Building 7740118.3110.4 14.3 9390 SM/ML 6101 NG105 03/04/20 -2 FG Storm Drain Trench - 50' East of Building 7740118.3108.3 13.2 9290 SM/ML 6101 NG106 03/06/20 -2 FG Storm Drain Trench Backfill - East of Building 7740118.3112.5 16.6 9590 SM/ML 6101 NG107 03/06/20 -2 FG Storm Drain Trench Backfill - East of Building 7740118.3111.9 13.9 9590 SM/ML 6101 NG108 03/06/20 -2 FG Storm Drain Trench Backfill - East of Building 7740118.3109.1 14.7 9290 SM/ML 6101 NG109 03/06/20 -2 SG Storm Drain Trench Backfill - East of NE Corner of Building 7740118.3108.8 17.8 9290 SM/ML 6101 NG110 03/06/20-2 SG Storm Drain Trench Backfill - East of Building 7740 - Not Retested124.5107.3 11.4 8695CMB 6451 NG111 03/06/20-2 SG Storm Drain Trench Backfill - East of Building 7740 - Not Retested124.5108.7 12.3 8795CMB 6451 NG112 03/27/20 Base Grade Curb and Gutter Area - Northeast Road South of Tesla Stations124.5119.1 10.5 9695CMB 6451 NG113 03/27/20 Base Grade Curb and Gutter Area - South Side of Road to Tesla Stations124.5118.2 10.6 9595CMB 6451 NG114 03/27/20 Base Grade Curb and Gutter Area - South of Building 7720 Road to Tesla Stations124.5118.69.99595CMB 6451 NG115 03/27/20 Base Grade Curb and Gutter Area - South of Building 7720 Road to Tesla Stations124.5120.2 10.4 9795CMB 6451 NG116 03/27/20 Base Grade Curb & Gutter Area - Parking Area124.5118.9 10.6 9695CMB 6451 NG117 03/27/20 Base Grade Curb & Gutter Area - Parking Area124.5120.0 10.3 9695CMB 6451 NG118 03/27/20 Base Grade Curb & Gutter Area - Parking Area124.5119.5 10.5 9695CMB 6451 NG119 03/27/20 Base Grade Curb & Gutter Area - Parking Area124.5118.97.99695CMB 6451 NG120 04/02/20 Base Grade Curb and Gutter Area - South of Building 7720124.5119.1 10.3 9695CMB 6451 NG121 04/02/20 Base Grade Curb and Gutter Area - South of Building 7720124.5119.8 11.2 9695CMB 6451 NG122 04/02/20 Base Grade Curb and Gutter Area - South of Building 7720124.5121.49.89895CMB 6451 NG123 04/14/20SG-36" Water Trench Backfill - Southeast of Building 7740129.3122.3 14.4 9595SC 6059 NG124 04/14/20SG-20" Water Trench Backfill - Southeast of Building 7740129.3123.2 15.1 9595SC 6059 NG125 04/14/20SG-20" Water Trench Backfill - Southeast of Building 7740129.3122.9 12.2 9595SC 6059 NG126 04/15/20 Base Grade Water Trench Backfill - South of Building 7740124.5119.8 13.1 9695CMB 6451 NG127 04/15/20 Base Grade Water Trench Backfill - South of Building 7740124.5122.3 10.2 9895CMB 6451 NG128 04/15/20 Base Grade Water Trench Backfill - South of Building 7740124.5123.1 10.7 9995CMB 6451 NG129 04/16/20 Base Grade Subgrade in Front of Trash Enclosure - Northeast of Building 7720124.5119.2 12.2 9695CMB 6451 NG130 04/16/20 Base Grade Subgrade in Front of Trash Enclosure - Northeast of Building 7720124.5120.1 10.3 9695CMB 6451 NG131 04/16/20 Base Grade Subgrade in Front of Trash Enclosure - Northeast of Building 7720124.5121.39.09795CMB 6451 NGPage 3 of 6
Dry Density (pcf)M.C. (%) Field Min. Required Soil Type Lab No.Relative Compaction (%)Table 1 - Field Density Test SummaryDate: 01-25-217720 El Camino Real - The BeaconProject No.: 19-0738 RemarksTest MethodTest No. DateDepth or (Elevation)LocationMax. Dry Density (pcf)Field132 04/16/20 Base Grade Subgrade in Front of Trash Enclosure - Northeast of Building 7720124.5118.9 12.2 9695CMB 6451 NG133 04/16/20 Base Grade Subgrade in Front of Trash Enclosure - Northeast of Building 7720124.5120.8 10.9 9795CMB 6451 NG134 04/21/20 -1 SG Subgrade - Parking Area, Northwest of Building 7720118.3115.2 13.8 9795 SM/ML 6101 NG135 04/21/20 -1 SG Subgrade - Parking Area, Northwest of Building 7720118.3116.9 15.0 9995 SM/ML 6101 NG136 04/21/20 -1 SG Subgrade - Driveway Area, East of Building 7720118.3114.4 10.7 9795 SM/ML 6101 NG137 04/21/20 -1 SG Subgrade - Driveway Area, East of Building 7720118.3113.3 10.2 9695 SM/ML 6101 NG138 04/21/20 -1 SG Subgrade - Near Trash Enclosure, South of Building 7720124.5118.2 10.3 9595CMB 6101 NG139 04/21/20-4 SG Biofiltration Planter Wall Footing - Parking Area118.3110.39.89390 SM/ML 6101 NG140 04/21/20-2 SG Biofiltration Planter Wall Footing - Parking Area118.3111.2 10.2 9490 SM/ML 6101 NG141 04/30/20SG Parking Lot Subgrade - West111.6104.9 11.6 9495SM 6539 NG142 04/30/20SG Parking Lot Subgrade - West111.6105.3 13.9 9495SM 6539 NG143 04/30/20SG Parking Lot Subgrade - West111.6105.8 12.4 9595SM 6539 NG144 04/30/20SG Parking Lot Subgrade - West111.6104.4 11.2 9495SM 6539 NG145 05/01/20SG Parking Lot Subgrade - West - Retest 141111.6105.9 12.2 9595SM 6539 NG146 05/01/20SG Parking Lot Subgrade - West - Retest 142111.6106.5 12.8 9595SM 6539 NG147 05/01/20SG Parking Lot Subgrade - West111.6106.7 13.4 9695SM 6539 NG148 05/01/20SG Parking Lot Subgrade - West - Retest 144111.6105.8 12.9 9595SM 6539 NG149 05/04/20-1 SG Parking Lot Subgrade - South of Building 7720111.6106.39.89595 SM/ML 6539 NG150 05/04/20-1 SG Parking Lot Subgrade - South of Building 7720111.6104.78.89495 SM/ML 6539 NG151 05/04/20-1 SG Parking Lot Subgrade - South of Building 7720111.6106.19.69595 SM/ML 6539 NG152 05/07/20 Base Grade Parking Lot - South of Building 7720120.5114.5 12.2 9595CMB 6548 NG153 05/07/20 Base Grade Parking Lot - South of Building 7720120.5114.3 12.4 9595CMB 6548 NG154 05/07/20-1 SG Parking Lot Subgrade - South of Building 7720 - Retest 150111.6106.39.39595SM 6548 NG155 05/07/20 Base Grade Parking Lot - West of Building 7720120.5115.1 12.1 9695CMB 6548 NG156 05/07/20 Base Grade Parking Lot - West of Building 7720120.5114.3 12.2 9595CMB 6548 NG157 05/11/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot - Northwest of Building 7720150.5143.3----- 9595AC Plant NG158 05/11/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot - West of Building 7720150.5142.9----- 9595AC Plant NG159 05/11/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot - Northeast of Building 7740150.5144.4----- 9695AC Plant NG160 05/11/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot - West of Building 7720150.5145.6----- 9795AC Plant NG161 05/11/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot - Southwest of Building 7740150.5146.2----- 9795AC Plant NG162 05/11/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot - East of Building 7740150.5144.3----- 9695AC Plant NG163 05/11/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot - East of Building 7740150.5145.2----- 9695AC Plant NG164 05/14/20SG Parking Lot Area - Southeast End129.3122.79.89595SC 6059 NG165 05/14/20SG Parking Lot Area - Southeast End129.3123.9 10.2 9695SC 6059 NG166 05/14/20SG Parking Lot Area - Southeast End111.6105.7 13.7 9595SM 6059 NG167 05/14/20SG Parking Lot Area - Southeast End111.6106.8 14.5 9695SM 6059 NG168 05/14/20SG Parking Lot Area - Southeast End111.6107.3 14.1 9695SM 6059 NG169 05/14/20SG Parking Lot Area - Southeast End111.6108.5 13.3 9795SM 6059 NG170 05/18/20-1 SG Parking Lot Area - Southeast End111.6107.2 12.2 9695SM 6548 NG171 05/18/20-1 SG Parking Lot Area - Southeast End111.6108.3 12.5 9795SM 6548 NG172 05/18/20-1 SG Parking Lot Area - Southeast End111.6106.3 11.9 9595SM 6539 NG173 05/18/20 Base Grade Parking Lot Area - Southeast End120.5115.2 12.3 9695CMB 6548 NG174 05/18/20 Base Grade Parking Lot Area - Southeast End120.5114.6 12.1 9595CMB 6548 NGPage 4 of 6
Dry Density (pcf)M.C. (%) Field Min. Required Soil Type Lab No.Relative Compaction (%)Table 1 - Field Density Test SummaryDate: 01-25-217720 El Camino Real - The BeaconProject No.: 19-0738 RemarksTest MethodTest No. DateDepth or (Elevation)LocationMax. Dry Density (pcf)Field175 05/21/20 Base Grade Parking Lot Area - East of Building 7750 Northeast Corner120.5115.0 11.6 9595CMB 6548 NG176 05/21/20 Base Grade Parking Lot Area - East of Building 7750 Southeast Corner120.5114.4 12.3 9595CMB 6548 NG177 05/21/20 Base Grade Parking Lot Area - East of Building 7750 Northwest Corner120.5115.5 11.4 9695CMB 6548 NG178 05/21/20 Base Grade Parking Lot Area - East of Building 7750 Middle Lot120.5114.9 11.9 9595CMB 6548 NG179 05/21/20 Base Grade Parking Lot Area - East of Building 7750 Southwest Corner120.5116.1 12.0 9695CMB 6548 NG180 05/21/20-6' SG Water Trench Backfill - 20' East of Fire Hydrant Between Building 7740 & 7750109.4106.5 16.2 9795 SM-SP 6545 NG181 05/21/20 -4' SG Water Trench Backfill - 20' East of Fire Hydrant Between Building 7740 & 7750109.4105.4 15.9 9695 SM-SP 6545 NG182 05/21/20-18" SG Water Trench Backfill - 20' East of Fire Hydrant Between Building 7740 & 7750109.4104.2 15.4 9595 SM-SP 6545 NG183 05/21/20-12" SG Water Trench Backfill - 20' East of Fire Hydrant Between Building 7740 & 7750109.4104.5 16.2 9695 SM-SP 6545 NG184 05/21/20 Base Grade Water Trench Backfill - 20' East of Fire Hydrant Between Building 7740 & 7750120.5117.1 12.3 9795CMB 6548 NG185 05/22/20 -5' SG Water Trench Backfill - 20' West of Fire Hydrant Between Building 7740 & 7750 109.4105.1 16.1 9695 SM-SP 6545 NG186 05/22/20 -3' SG Water Trench Backfill - 3' West of Fire Hydrant Between Building 7740 & 7750109.4106.2 16.3 9795 SM-SP 6545 NG187 05/22/20 -18" SG Water Trench Backfill - 3' West of Fire Hydrant Between Building 7740 & 7750109.4105.9 16.0 9795 SM-SP 6545 NG188 05/22/20-18" SG Water Trench Backfill - 20' West of Fire Hydrant Between Building 7740 & 7750 109.4104.9 16.0 9695 SM-SP 6545 NG189 05/26/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot East of 7750 Northeast Corner 144.5136.9----- 9595AC Plant NG190 05/26/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot East of 7750 Middle East144.5138.1----- 9695AC Plant NG191 05/26/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot East of 7750 Center of Lot144.5137.2----- 9595AC Plant NG192 05/26/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot East of 7750 Northwest Corner144.5137.6----- 9595AC Plant NG193 05/26/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot East of 7750 Southwest Corner144.5136.8----- 9595AC Plant NG194 05/26/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot East of 7750 South Middle144.5138.2----- 9695AC Plant NG195 05/26/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot East of 7750 Southeast Corner144.5139.1----- 9695AC Plant NG196 06/09/20SG Driveway Subgrade - East of Building 7720129.3122.4 10.7 9595SC 6059 NG197 06/09/20SG Driveway Subgrade - East of Building 7720118.6112.7 12.7 9595SM 6178 NG198 06/09/20SG Driveway Subgrade - East of Building 7720118.6114.3 12.5 9695SM 6178 NG199 06/12/20 Base Grade Driveway Area - Southeast of Building 7740120.5114.3 13.2 9595CMB 6548 NG200 06/12/20 Base Grade Driveway Area - Southeast of Building 7740120.5114.1 13.4 9595CMB 6548 NG201 06/12/20 Base Grade Driveway Area - East of Building 7720120.5115.1 13.6 9695CMB 6548 NG202 06/12/20 Base Grade Driveway Area - East of Building 7720120.5114.7 13.3 9595CMB 6548 NG203 06/12/20 Base Grade Driveway Area - East of Building 7740120.5114.9 13.5 9595CMB 6548 NG204 06/16/20-4 SG Ramp Subgrade - Northwest of Building 7740129.3122.3 12.3 9590SC 6059 NG205 06/16/20-4 SG Ramp Subgrade - Northwest of Building 7740129.3121.5 12.7 9490SC 6059 NG206 06/16/20-2 SG Ramp Subgrade - Northwest of Building 7740129.3123.2 13.1 9590SC 6059 NG207 06/16/20-2 SG Ramp Subgrade - Northwest of Building 7740129.3121.7 12.4 9490SC 6059 NG208 06/18/20-4 SG Ramp Subgrade - Northwest of Building 7740129.3123.1 12.3 9590SC 6059 NG209 06/18/20-4 SG Ramp Subgrade - Northwest of Building 7740129.3122.6 12.7 9590SC 6059 NG210 06/18/20-2 SG Ramp Subgrade - Northwest of Building 7740129.3124.3 13.1 9690SC 6059 NG211 06/18/20 Asphalt Grade Parking Lot Area - East of Building 7740150.5143.6----- 9595AC Plant NG212 06/18/20 Asphalt Grade Driveway Area - East of Building 7740150.5144.7----- 9695AC Plant NG213 06/18/20 Asphalt Grade Driveway Area - East of Building 7740150.5144.3----- 9695AC Plant NG214 06/18/20 Asphalt Grade Driveway Area - East of Building 7740150.5143.9----- 9695AC Plant NG21507/22/20SG Truncated Domes Subgrade - La Costa Towne Center & El Camino Real118.6114.8 10.4 9795SM 6178 NG21607/22/20SG Truncated Domes Subgrade - La Costa Towne Center & El Camino Real118.6114.2 10.4 9695SM 6178 NG21710/20/20-1' SG Stairways - West Side of 7750 Building118.3112.5 11.8 9590 SM/ML 6101 NGPage 5 of 6
Dry Density (pcf)M.C. (%) Field Min. Required Soil Type Lab No.Relative Compaction (%)Table 1 - Field Density Test SummaryDate: 01-25-217720 El Camino Real - The BeaconProject No.: 19-0738 RemarksTest MethodTest No. DateDepth or (Elevation)LocationMax. Dry Density (pcf)Field21810/20/20SG Stairways - West Side of 7750 Building118.3110.7 12.5 9490 SM/ML 6101 NGPage 6 of 6I I I I I I
Project Name:
Project No. : 19-0738
Max Density Curve
Lab No.
Maximum Dry
Moisture Content
6059 129.3 9.2 ASTM D1557
6101 118.3 12.1 ASTM D1557
6178 118.6 11.7 ASTM D1557
6451 124.5 10.0 ASTM D1557
6539 111.6 14.2 ASTM D1557
6243 141.0 5.7 ASTM D1557
6314 121.4 11.1 ASTM D1557
6548 120.5 11.1 ASTM D1557
6545 109.4 15.1 ASTM D1557
Table 2. Laboratory Maximum Density Test Results
Compaction Method
7720 El Camino Real - The Beacon
Soil Type
Silty Sand (SM)
Clayey Sand (SC)
Silty Sand/Sandy Silt (SM/ML)
Crushed Miscellaneous Base (CMB)
Crushed Aggregate Base (CAB)
Silty Sand (SM)
Crushed Miscellaneous Base (CMB)
Crushed Miscellaneous Base (CMB)
Silty Sand (SM)
LEGEND Project Name:Project No.:Date:Drawing Title:Figure:19-0738February 2021The Beacon - Site WorkDensity Test Location MapA-1050Approximate Compaction Test Locations 2185Approximate Depth of FillNDTL 2 ONDTL 2 OGRADING DTL 2 ODTL 2 OSHEET 11DTL 9 ONGRADING DTL 9 ODTL 9 ODTL 9 OSHEET C12DTL 5 ONGRADING DTL 5DTL 5DTL 5SHEET 11L 10 ONGRADING DTL 10 ONL 10 ONL 10 ONHEET 12SHEET 12HEET 12HEET 12ONGRADING DTL 9 ONONON2, AND WALLSHEET 12, AND2, AND2, ANDTL SHEET 13DTL SHTL SHTL SHMENTSOFFSITE IMPROVEMENTMENTMENTITE PLANSPER OFFSITE PLITE PLITE PLHEET 21SHEET HEET HEET WORK AREAONGRADING DTL 7 ONONONSTAIRSSHEET 11, STAISTAISTAITRUCTURALPER STRUTRUTRUPLANSPLANPLANPLAN77301234567891011121314F, 17R15F, 18R1619202123242526272829303132333435373839404142434445474636484950515253545556575859606361626465666768F&72R69F&73R707175747677808183827884798586878889909192939495969799100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115119116120121122123125124126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148148151150149152153154156155163164165166167168173172169170171175176177178179180,181,182,183,18415715815916016116218919019119219319419519619719819920020120220320420520620720862209210211212213214215216217218Property LineLimit of Report4’3.5’4’5’5’6’3’2’36”4’1’1’1’1’1’1’1’117118985’22• BKn.TRAlllJI (lt-J2) BKn.TRAlllJI IC-J2 ~~ GRAPHIC SCALE ~ ( 111 rtCT) 11Mh•20ft. C
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