HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-09-07; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Shared Lane Markings on Levante Street from Segovia Way to La Costa AvenueItem 2 Meeting Date: Sept. 7, 2021 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: John Kim, City Traffic Engineer John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2757 Subject: Shared Lane Markings on Levante Street from Segovia Way to La Costa Avenue Recommended Action Support staff’s recommendation to install shared lane markings on Levante Street from Segovia Way to La Costa Avenue. Background Levante Street is a residential street in the southeast quadrant of the city as shown in Exhibit 1. Levante Street is improved with curb and gutter, sidewalks, and street lights. The roadway was built to local street standards per the Street Design Criteria of the Carlsbad Engineering Standards with a curb to curb width of 40 feet with a single travel lane in each direction, has double yellow centerline striping, with on-street parking allowed on both sides of the street. Levante Street connects two major roadways, El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue, and is approximately 2.1 miles in length. The roadway features a curvilinear alignment and grades varying from 0.5% to 6.6%. Traffic control on Levante Street is provided by All-Way STOP’s at the intersections of Escenico Terrace, Torrejon Place (west), Torrejon Place (east), Oviedo Place, Nueva Castilla Way, Madrilena Way, Galician Way, Segovia Way, Primavera Way, Galleon Way, Romeria Street, Estancia Way and La Costa Avenue. The posted speed limit between Escenio Terrace and La Costa Avenue is 25 miles per hour. In addition to the single-family homes, surrounding land uses along Levante Street include La Costa Heights Elementary School. The portion of Levante Street between Segovia Way and La Costa Avenue is identified as a School Street in the General Plan Mobility Element. School Streets are intended to “safely move all modes of travel with an emphasis on providing safe pedestrian and bicycle access for students traveling to and from nearby schools.” Staff has received a request to install shared lane markings (also known as sharrows) along Levante Street provided in Exhibit 3. In response, staff conducted an analysis to determine whether shared lane markings are appropriate for Levante Street. The analysis included an evaluation of the traffic volumes including vehicles and cyclists, vehicle speed and collision history of the roadway. Traffic Volume The traffic counts conducted in May 2021 indicate the current average daily traffic (ADT) volume on Levante Street ranges from 1,400 to 2,300 vehicles per day. Per the City of Carlsbad Street Design Criteria, the traffic volume range for a local street is between 20 and 2,000 vehicles per day. Based on our traffic counts, we can conclude that Levante Street is operating as local street. Observations for cyclists were also conducted on Levante Street near La Costa Heights Elementary School during the school drop off and pick up hours. For the AM drop off hour, staff observed 11 cyclists in a one-hour period. For the PM pickup hour, staff observed 12 cyclists in a one-hour period. Staff did not observe any conflicts between the cyclists and vehicles during those hours. Vehicle Speed Staff conducted radar speed measurements at two locations on Levante Street in May 2021. The critical speed or 85th percentile speed measured on Levante Street between Escenico Terrace and Reposado Drive was found to be 30 miles per hour (mph) and 26 mph on Levante Street from Calle Madero to Primavera Way. For reference, the city’s traffic calming program, the Carlsbad Residential Traffic Management Program, has a criteria threshold of 32 mph for consideration of Phase 2 traffic calming measures such as speed cushions. Collision History The collision history on Levante Street was also evaluated. In the time period between Jan. 1, 2016 and July 31, 2021, there were a total of 5 reported collisions. Of these 5 collisions, three were property damage only and two were injury collisions. One of these injury collisions involved a bicycle (6/28/2017 – 117’ west of Anillo Way). Recommendation Generally speaking, staff does not recommend the installation of shared lane markings on relatively low speed/low volume roadways such as 25 mph residential streets. However, based on the analysis conducted and the designation of a portion of Levante Street as a School Street in the General Plan Mobility Element, staff recommends installing shared lane pavement markings on Levante Street from Segovia Way to La Costa Avenue. Next Steps Upon approval from the Traffic and Mobility Commission, a work order will be issued to install shared lane markings on Levante Street from Segovia Way to La Costa Avenue. R4-11 BIKES MAY USE FULL LANE signs will also be installed but restricted to existing street light poles and sign posts as much as possible to reduce sign clutter. Exhibits 1. Location Map 2. Carlsbad Engineering Standards – Street Design Criteria 3. Resident’s request to install sharrows 1 LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT 1 NOT TO SCALE LEVANTE STREET EXHIBIT SHARED BIKE LANE PAVEMENT MARKINGS Volume 1 Page 7 of 54 T A B L E A CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET DESIGN CRITERIA DESIGN CLASSIFICATION PRIME ARTERIAL MAJOR ARTERIAL SECONDARY ARTERIAL COLLECTOR STREET INDUSTRIAL STREET LOCAL STREET CUL-DE-SAC STREET ALLEY HILLSIDE STREET ANTICIPATED ADT RANGES 40,000 OR MORE 20,000 TO 40,000 10,000 TO 20,000 2,000 TO 10,000 ---- 20 TO 2,000 20 TO 1000 ---- ---- Design Speed 60 MPH 50 MPH 40 MPH 30 MPH 30 MPH 25 MPH 25 MPH ---- 20 MPH Minimum Spacing of Intersections (including right-turn in/out) (in feet) 2,600 1,200 600 300 300 150 T’s others 200 150 T’s others 200 ---- 150 Right-of-Way Width (in feet) 126 102 84 60 or 68 72 60/68(11) 56(12)/60/68(11) 24 64 Private Access to Adjoining Property None None Where no other access is possible Limited subject to approval Limited subject to approval O.K. O.K. O.K. Limited subject to approval Curb-to-Curb Distance (in feet) 106 (18’ median) 82 (18’ median) 64 40 or 48 52 34/42(11) 36(12)/40/42(11) 24 42 Minimum Traffic Index 9 8.5 8.0 6.0 7.0 5.0 4.5 4.0 5.0 Minimum Structural Section (in inches) (6) 6 AC 6 AB 5 AC 6 AB 4 AC 6 AB 4 AC 6 AB 4 AC 6 AB 4 AC 4 AB(10) 4 AC 4 AB(10) 5-1/2” PCC (8) 4 AC 4 AB(10) Stopping Sight Distance (5) (in feet) 580 430 300 200 200 150 150 ---- 125(2) Corner Sight Distance (9) (in feet) 660 550 440 330 330 275 275 ---- 220 Minimum Centerline Radius (in feet) 2,400 (6) 1,400 (6) 670 300 300 200 200 ---- 200 Maximum Centerline Grade (not thru intersec.)(4) 7% 7% 10% 12%(3) 8% 12%(10) 12%(10) ---- 15%(10) Minimum Flowline Grade 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%` 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% NOTES: (1)N.A.(2)Reduction to 100' with approval of City Engineer. (3)Grades greater than 10% will require specific approval, chip seal, etc. (4)Maximum intersection grades must comply with federal, state, and local accessibility standards, subject to City Engineer approval. Consult with PROWAG, Caltrans accessibility guidelines or a Certified Accessibility Specialist person (CASp). (5)Stopping Sight Distance per CALTRANS Highway Design Manual Topic 201 and Volume 3 Section 8 in Chapter 3 of City Standards. (6)Assumes no superelevations; includes standard crossfall. (7)Minimum grade of 2.0% is encouraged. If 1.0% minimum is not possible, special construction may be used with City Engineer approval. Gutter line of cul-de-sac bulbs and knuckles shall have minimum grade of 1.0%. Typical centerline grades at the upper reach of cul-de-sacs shall be 2% minimum. (8)Alley sections shall conform to SDRSD G-21.(9) Corner Sight Distance per Caltrans Highway Design manual Topic 405 and Volume 3 Section 8 in Chapter 3 of City Standards. (10)PCC pavement required for grades over 10%(11)28-foot clear travel way required where adjacent lots contain any portion of a Fire HazardZone/Fire Suppression Zone within the property line.(12)36-foot curb-to-curb distance permissible when serving 24 or fewer lots and where adjacentlots do not contain any portion of a Fire Hazard Zone/Fire Suppression Zone within theproperty line. Exhibit 2 From: David Levin <davidlevin@gmail.com>  Subject: Suggestion for District 4  Date: April 8, 2021 at 6:11:00 PM PDT  To: teresa.acosta@carlsbadca.gov  Dear Council Member Acosta,   Almost daily I ride my electric bicycle from on Levante St. from El Camino Real to the neighborhoods  east of Rancho Santa Fe Rd. and then back again to enjoy my neighborhood and, of course, the beautiful  environs of this side of Carlsbad where I reside.    As an avid, senior citizen bicyclist who is safety conscious, I often wondered why Levante St. is not a  designated bike route and/or labelled with any Share the Road bike signs along with painted  road sharrows (a combination of share and arrow road markings) to enhance the safety for all bicyclists  who travel this somewhat popular route.  Since Levante St. has many cars with on‐street parallel parking  spots, sharrows and other signage would assist bicyclists in areas of Levante St. where a vehicle and a  bike would be unable to ride side by side within the same traffic lane. The double yellow lines on  Levante St. just add to the dangerous squeeze that drivers and bicyclists have to contend with in certain  situations.  Having painted sharrows along with signs indicating Bikes May Use Full Lane would be an  optimal solution to increasing the safety for bicyclists and drivers who make use of Levante St.       I hope you will agree.   I look forward to your reply.  Thank you.  Sincerely,  David Levin  Exhibit 3