HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-08-02; Traffic and Mobility Commission; Minutes Page 1 of 10 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-602-2746 t Council Chambers 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 Monday, Aug. 2, 2021, 4:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Gocan called the Meeting to order at 4 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Gocan, Perez, Hunter, Penseyres, Fowler and Linke PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Hunter led the Pledge of Allegiance This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom due to the stay-at-home order for COVID-19. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Commissioner Linke, seconded by Commissioner Hunter to approve the minutes for the July 6, 2021 meeting as amended. Motion carried: 6/0/1 PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: 1. 1. Diane Nygaard - Honorable Chair and Commissioners It has now been over a year since the TDM ordinance was adopted and the TDM program was implemented. We believe it is timely for you to request a progress report on program implementation and results. We are particularly concerned because at the same time this program was being initiated the city modified their Climate Action Plan (CAP) related to TDM. While the revised CAP still assumes substantial GHG reductions from TDM, there is no apparent monitoring system in place. Furthermore, we are aware of several projects where TDM programs were approved as part of overall project approval before the Planning Commission and City Council, but were later modified by City staff. On-road transportation accounts for almost 50% of the community-wide GHG in Carlsbad. Achieving the benefits of this TDM program is a key element in meeting the goals of the CAP- and the related reduction in traffic congestion and air pollution. Please request a progress report on the TDM program so we can all make sure this program is achieving its intended results. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. TRAFFIC CALMING FOR MAGNOLIA AVENUE FROM BRADY CIRCLE TO VALLEY STREET - Support staff’s recommendations for proposed traffic calming improvements on Magnolia Avenue from Brady Circle to Valley Street as part of the Magnolia Avenue Storm Drain Project, CIP No. 6608 (Project). TRAFFIC AND MOBILITY COMMISSION Minutes Page 2 of 10 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-602-2746 t ACTION: Motion by Vice-Chair Perez, seconded by Commissioner Hunter to approve Consent Calendar Item 1 as presented. Motion carried: 6/0 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: 2. POLICE MONTHLY REPORT – (Staff Contact: Lt. Steve Thomas, Police Department) Lieutenant Thomas presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk) DISCUSSION: Lieutenant Thomas shared that they have started the OTS Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Enforcement. Schools open August 24 therefore the Motors will be back to traffic enforcement at schools to keep kids safe and Crossing Guards back at the school locations. 3. KELLY DRIVE AND PARK DRIVE COMPLETE STREET IMPROVEMENTS, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NO. 6075– (Staff Contact: Brandon Miles and Hossein Ajideh, Public Works) Staff’s Recommendation: Receive information and provide input Engineering Manager Ajideh presented the report and reviewed a PowerPoint presentation (on file in the Office of the City Clerk). DISCUSSION: Commissioner Linke inquired about the change in width within the roadway on Kelly Drive and the impact of removing the center turn lane. Transportation Director Frank addressed both questions and referenced experience from San Clemente about the benefits of traffic calming based on this design. He also confirmed that no property acquisition will be done to accomplish these designs. Some of the segments have different environmental and storm water requirements that adds to the changes in the width between the curb to curb improvements. Engineering Manager Ajideh wanted to clarify that we have coordinated with all the governing authorities associated with habitat management, but have not formally requested the permit. Commissioner Linke had other clarifying points; first point was a confirmation that the stop sign at the roundabout would be removed. Second point was for the children riding bikes to the school, that they will have two options depending on their comfort level for transitioning from the bike lanes to the roundabout, and to the school. Vice-Chair Perez wanted to confirm that the medians in the second section can be mountable by emergency response as well as how back in, reverse angle parking works. All of these points have been incorporated into the design and will not be an issue as all modes of travel and safety have been addressed. Transportation Director Frank said that staff appreciated all of the good questions and they will continue to incorporate these comments, the comments of the public, and public outreach. Page 3 of 10 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-602-2746 t Commissioner Penseyres was pleased that many of his questions have already been answered. He did inquire about the access to the school at the roundabout. Transportation Director Frank confirmed that we are in coordination with the schools as it is very common to have congestion during pickup and drop off periods. We plan to maximize efficiency and safety and yes, the roundabout will facilitate that movement from the left turn lane. Commissioner Fowler inquired about car traffic at this location and what does the number of cars look like in comparison to the City of San Clemente reference. Transportation Director Frank said that the City of Carlsbad volumes would be lower. Associate Engineer Miles said that there is a substantial difference in traffic between peak and off-peak traffic. Traffic Engineer Kim said that we have historical data that shows it is probably below 8,000 cars. Commissioner Fowler was wondering how many other streets will be part of complete streets projects. Traffic Engineer Kim said that staff implements speed cushions when the community requests them. They take these traffic calming issues on a case by case basis and include public outreach to see if the community supports speed cushions. Chair Gocan is interested in when we will receive more details about the roundabout, like vertical designs. Transportation Director Frank said that they plan on doing another round of public outreach to give the community a chance to address any concerns and collect input, which staff will bring back in a report to the commission. This report will also include the commissions comments. The next step is to work with the design consultants, if the roundabout alternative moves forward. They would first refine the horizontal design for staff to determine if it is technically acceptable. The vertical design follows which looks at the slopes approaching the roundabout and through it. This also would include a review of landscaping and the opportunity for an art component. We will come back to the commission with staff’s recommendation. Engineering Manager Ajideh said that in response to Chair Gocan’s question about the timeframe for the Kelly Drive project, the goal is to start construction next summer although that might be a little bit optimistic. The challenge is obtaining permits from the resource agency. Deputy City Manager Gomez commented on the public art component, which is led by the Library and Cultural Arts team. They will go through a Request for Qualifications to the potential artists to create ideas of what the public art would look like and then selecting the art is about a year process. After that, depending on their art selection, it could take another year for fabrication also known as construction of the artwork. At a minimum the art component is usually a two-year process. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEM 3: 1. Catherine Clancy - I live on Kelly Dr., and I would like to know when you're going to get started putting in speed bumps on our street. After seeing someone drive down our street last night (7/27) between 60-70 mph and treating our street like they're at a drag race, I am tired of seeing people drive like this again and again. You just completed work on Hillside Drive. Why haven't you started on our street yet? Enough is enough. The people who live along Kelly Drive deserve to have this speeding problem fixed immediately, not years from now. I'm tired of putting my life at risk when I cross the street Page 4 of 10 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-602-2746 t because people drive like maniacs down our street. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. 2. Simon Freedman - To the members of the Commission my name is Simon Freedman and I am a 30+ year resident of Carlsbad. I have been cycling on a regular basis for over 20 years. I support the installation of Class 2 Buffered Bike lanes on Kelly. I strongly disagree with the recommendation for Class 4 Bike lanes on Park. Class 4 bike lanes like these give cyclists very little room to maneuver in the event a pedestrian or skateboarder appears in the lane, or in the event a cyclist (or e biker) coming in the opposite direction is not operating their cycle in a safe fashion. With so little room to maneuver the chance for a fall, with corresponding injuries is greatly increased. In my opinion installation of these Class 4 lanes will increase the risks to cyclists. Please reconsider this decision and install buffered Class 2 bike lanes instead. 3. Doug Reiter - I live at the end of Kelly Dr by the school. It would be great if there is a way to control the speed of the traffic on our street. The circle in front of our house doesn't do much to slow down traffic, drivers either go around it at speed, cut on the other side of it or just go through it. The speed humps that were installed on Hillside and the one on Donna Dr are a good idea. With all the new building that's gone on in the last few years our street has become a busy shortcut, which is fine if the cars would come a little closer to the 25mph residential speed limit. Thanks for looking into this. 4. Tom Wellman - I am writing to you regarding the roundabout at the intersection of Kelly & Hillside Drive. This is a poorly designed roundabout as it has a stop sign at the terminus of Hillside Drive. I thought the whole point of a roundabout was to encourage traffic to yield and not to have to come to a complete stop (which traffic from Hillside Dr must do). Perhaps a median should be installed on to encourage motorists to slow down on Hillside Drive as they approach Kelly Drive or for an even more cost-effective safety measure is removing the roundabout and turning the intersection into an all way stop. I'm not against roundabouts when they are designed properly as they do work, however I am against poorly designed roundabouts and the one at this location is just as bad the previous roundabouts that were eventually shuttered down on Cassia Rd. Thank you and have a great day, 5. Mike Anderson - Please remove the traffic circle at Hillside and Kelly in favor of more familiar, traditional and safer methods of traffic control, i.e. stop signs. My family has been at 4870 Kelly Dr for 5 decades, we pre-date Kelly School. We live exactly in front of the traffic circle at Kelly and Hillside. The traffic circle has been and continues to be the single, largest negative on our quality of life since moving to Carlsbad in 1973. The traffic circle was installed to join 1 ½ roads in a 25mph school zone in a residential neighborhood for the purpose of traffic “calming.” There is absolutely nothing calming about this traffic feature. Every single day, at all hours, no exaggeration, there is hostile honking around the circle because most do not understand who has right of way, despite the signage. I have heard and seen verbal and physical confrontations because of this confusion. This year there was a bad bike wreck with a car that required police and fire assistance. Upon installation the City removed the bike lanes on both sides of the street so there is no longer a buffer between pedestrians and traffic. If you have ever witnessed the students of Page 5 of 10 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-602-2746 t Kelly Elementary walking across the Hillside crosswalk you will notice that cars pass within inches of them where they would normally be several feet, the width of a bike lane. I urge you to ask the Kelly crossing-guards for their opinion. This also means our driveway has no buffer. All traffic from the street, including bikes are steered within inches of our driveway. Backing out of our driveway is now always a distressing task. We cannot use the space in front of our driveway for brief visitors or deliveries as every other resident in this neighborhood does. Bikes and Ebike will ride on the sidewalk in front of our house to avoid this area that has no bike lane. We had to move the location of our mailbox because the postman no longer had a safe place to deliver our mail, even now the mailbox is in a precarious location for safe delivery. About once or twice a month there are cars that do multiple donuts around the traffic circle. In 2019 they lost control and destroyed our mailbox. Just waiting for them to hit one of our cars or worse. The circle produces road noise beyond acceptable levels, daily! Big trucks and autos with trailers will drive through the circle hitting the raised yellow dots because they cannot or refuse to negotiate the turning radius of the circle. This creates a huge crash sound every time they hit those dots. Then those dots, hubcaps, fenders and lights break off and usually find their way onto our property. Please remove the traffic circle!!!!!!! 6. Lauren Foulger - I would like to thank you for proposal street improvements and formally express my full support of installing a raised traffic circle at the junction of Park and Kelly drive, and speed bumps down the hill on Park drive. We live on the corner at 4900 Park Drive and have children that cross the street almost daily to go to school and/or Laguna Riviera park. This intersection is DANGEROUS and there have been multiple times that my children and other children have nearly been struck my cars speeding down the hill at Park drive turning onto Kelly. There is no stop sign and no speed bumps to deter cars from picking up speed and turning blinding, and the Yield sign is simply not enough. Also, during school pickup and drop off hours, it is a chaotic mess. Given that this intersection is principle to Kelly elementary school crossing and Laguna Riviera SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE for the safety of our children and community. I know that there is group in our neighborhood not in support of these traffic calming measures, but I want you to know that so not represent the majority of us. They are the older and more vocal minority that do not have children whose lives are in danger every time they attempt to cross these streets to get to school or the park. There has been a large turnover in our neighborhood with many younger children, and as parents we stand in full support of these measures proposed measures. During the school year, there are masses of children walking across this hazardous interaction. It is NOT safe. Not only are cars picking up a lot of speed and going without stopping before they turn onto Kelly Dr down the hill from the Loma Laguna neighborhood, but almost daily there are racing cars intentionally pick up speed to do racing donuts and peel out at that junction. We hear the screeches and see cars zooming down that street on a regular basis. It is extremely dangerous. As a Loma Laguna resident and mother, I stand in full support of the installation of the raised Page 6 of 10 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-602-2746 t round about at Park and Kelly Drive, and speed bumps. It the safety of our children on the line, and this would be I’d great help in protecting them. The safety of our residents and all children attending Kelly elementary are worth these measures. 7. Kris Wright - I am a 42-year resident in the same home in Loma Laguna which consists of 130 homes at the very east end of Park Drive, east of Kelly Drive. I have been following the plans for the Kelly Drive and Park Drive traffic improvements over the past 3 or so years. I have been in contact with Brandon Miles, the traffic engineer on this project. I have also been in contact with my neighbors in Loma Laguna regarding this project. We all live in a community that has one ingress/egress-in other words, there is only one way in and out. of our community. In addition, our community borders to the south, the Agua Hedionda "wetlands" which are typically not wet but consist of coastal scrub and other plant life that are dry and brittle during most of the year. That area. is ideal tinder for a fire as we know that some of the homeless reside in that area as we have seen evidence every year. My concern is evacuation from our community in case of a fire. My neighbors and I have consulted the Carlsbad Fire chief who said, "in case of a fire, your community would stay in place." That is not a satisfactory solution to our community since we would like to be able to evacuate safely. One of the ways we know to safely evacuate is to have a double lane exit along Park Drive as that is the main street in our community. If this new project is approved with a traffic circle at the bottom of Park Drive, we are concerned that our evacuation will be impeded as the traffic circle only allows one lane within it. The current set up is that there are small road bumps creating a traffic circle with a yield sign at the bottom of Park x Kelly coming out of our community. It is still possible with this traffic circle in case of a fire, to exit in an emergency with two lanes. An additional potential hazard is that part of the traffic circle to the south borders the Kelly Trail and the wetlands which also could somewhat impede an evacuation. What we are asking is that either the traffic circle be eliminated in this project and adding a three way stop sign at the T intersection of Kelly and Park Dr. or if a traffic circle is absolutely necessary, that it be built with our two lane evacuation in mind. Residents of Loma Laguna do NOT want to stay in place if there is a fire. We want to save our families and our pets and move safely to another area. We have seen how fires can decimate a neighborhood in minutes not only in Carlsbad but in northern California where in 2018, the Camp fire destroyed the community of Paradise and killed 85 people. Please consider our very important request. We chose not to remain in place in case of a fire. 8. Blake Boyer - I am a 7-year resident of Loma Laguna which consists of 130 homes at the very east end of Park Drive, east of Kelly Drive. Along with my neighbors, I have been following the plans for the Kelly Drive and Park Drive traffic improvements. We live in an area where there is only one way in and out. In addition, our community borders to the south, an area of Agua Hedionda that is susceptible for a fire as we know that some of the homeless reside in that area as we have seen evidence every year. The coastal shrub and other plants are dry and brittle during most of the year. Page 7 of 10 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-602-2746 t My concern along with our neighbors is the ability to evacuate quickly from our community in case of a fire. My neighbors who have consulted the Carlsbad Fire chief who said, "in case of a fire, your community would stay in place." That is an unacceptable solution to our community since we would like to be able to evacuate safely. One of the ways we know to safely evacuate is to have a double lane exit along Park Drive as that is the main street in our community. If this new project is approved with a traffic circle at the bottom of Park Drive, we are concerned that our evacuation will be impeded as the traffic circle only allows one lane within it. The current set up is that there are small road bumps creating a traffic circle with a yield sign at the bottom of Park x Kelly coming out of our community. It is still possible with this traffic circle in case of a fire, to exit in an emergency with two lanes. An additional potential hazard is that part of the traffic circle to the south borders the Kelly Trail and the wetlands which also could somewhat impede an evacuation. What we are asking is that either the traffic circle be eliminated in this project and adding a three way stop sign at the T intersection of Kelly and Park Dr. or if a traffic circle is absolutely necessary, that it be built with our two lane evacuation in mind. Fires show no mercy, they move quickly, destroy structures in minutes and we should never be creating a situation to lose lives. We do not want to stay in place if there is a fire - it is beyond dangerous. Every year we continue to see the destruction of fires in California and across the nation. I am currently in Polson MT for a family vacation and two days ago was evacuated at 3am. I could not imagine if we were not able to drive away safely and quickly as we saw the fire spread. Please consider our request as if your home was in our neighborhood. 9. Jeff Wilson - I live on Park Dr. in between Valencia and Kelly. I see in the letter I received that bicycle / pedestrian paths are the main focus of the upcoming project... however there is a bigger safety concern to address before any of those can reasonably be considered safe to use. We have had continued problems with people speeding through our neighborhood. Many of my neighbors have called in and emailed for years regarding this problem, but nothing has been done about it. To reiterate the concern, it is a 25 MPH zone, and vehicles travel at an average of around 45 MPH through our neighborhood, with some ripping through at up to 80 MPH. It is, in a word, infuriating. As you know, this area is heavily populated with pedestrians, cyclists, dogs, children and elderly neighbors. I have seen several occasions where myself or neighbors are trying to simply pull out of our driveways and the drivers whipping around the corner have had to slam on their brakes just to avoid a big accident. It is only a matter of time until something really awful happens on this block. That is the last thing I want to see for the City of Carlsbad, or for our neighborhood. So, I am now begging you for some help, as are the rest of the residents on the block. Please do something to slow automobiles down in our otherwise beautiful neighborhood. 10. Stephen Dunham - Thank you for taking comments regarding the traffic problems we have in our community. I think as a top priority, before bike lanes or anything else, you need to act immediately to control the horrible speeding problem on Park Drive in front of the lagoon. Page 8 of 10 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-602-2746 t It is not uncommon for traffic to come racing by at 50 or 60 miles an hour in a 25 MPH zone. People walking with their kids, their pets, and bicycling, plus those of us who are just trying to get out of our driveways safely have a life-threatening risk because of the speeding problem. We've called the police multiple times, but they tell us that it is out of their jurisdiction and cannot even write tickets, which is ludicrous. We need help now please. Please install speed bumps as soon as possible before somebody gets hurt or killed. I'm available anytime for discussion if any is needed at 619-987-3909. Thank you for your attention on this urgent public safety matter. 11.Rosanne Bentley - I tried several times to view today's Agenda Packet but it would not load for me, so I don't know what agenda item this is, but in general, MORE and BETTER traffic circles/traffic calming measures are needed in Carlsbad. I have mentioned it before, but it bears repeating...if you want a template for an excellent neighborhood solution to traffic safety, take a look at Ballard outside of Seattle in Washington state. They did it right, no one complains, and traffic is successfully slowed. What was done on Hillside Dr as well as Kelly -- is virtually worthless. It definitely doesn't do much to slow people down. The traffic circle on Hillside isn't big enough to be any kind of real deterrent to speedy drivers; in fact, it just angers them, and they speed up to drive faster and even more recklessly. I wonder who authorized MY tax dollars to bow to the angry resident who demanded that the traffic hump/bump in front of this house (on Hillside) be removed and Replaced one house down. Why was that done and why did the other residents in Carlsbad have to pay for it? This should be investigated. 12.Mike Foulger - I am writing to express my support of installing a raised traffic circle at the junction of Park Drive and Kelly Drive as well as speed bumps down the hill on Park drive. My wife, children, and I live on the NE corner of Park; our children cross the street daily to go to school and/or Laguna Riviera Park. This intersection is extremely unsafe as many cars heading west bound on Park down the hill toward Kelly have come close to hitting children and adults crossing the street at the crosswalk. There is no stop sign and no speed bumps to deter cars from picking up speed and turning blinding; although there is a Yield sign, this is not sufficient. In order to ensure the safety of our children and neighbors as they cross the street, a traffic signal is needed. In addition to people gaining speed down the hill and crossing or turning on to Kelly without yielding, there have been countless days with cars doing donuts around the round-a-bout or peeling northbound on Kelly past the elementary school. I stand in full support of the installation of the raised round about at Park and Kelly Drive as well as speed bumps 13.Kathleen Maxwell - The traffic “circle” on Kelly Drive is not a true traffic circle. Since only two sides of the four-way intersection have to stop and the other two do not; therefore, rendering it as merely an obstruction. It actually makes the intersection more dangerous. The unusable center section of this so-called circle is much too large and makes negotiating the turn much too difficult and squeezes cars into the bike lane and dangerously close to parked cars. (While you are at it please do something about the newly installed one on Hillside which is actually even worse.) Page 9 of 10 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-602-2746 t 14. Joe Whitaker - Kelly Drive between El Camino Real and Hillside Drive I am in very strong support of the cycle track option. Reducing the vehicle travel lane to 11 feet will reduce vehicle speeds. The landscaping is attractive and appropriate. And the cycle track is the safest and best option. DISCUSSION: Chair Gocan inquired about the benefits or differences between a roundabout and a four way stop, especially at Hillside Drive and Kelly Drive. Transportation Director Frank sited several great reference points, including the city’s website, for understanding roundabouts, including exhibit three in the staff report. At a high level, the roundabout offers a safer, more efficient intersection control that is more positive on the environment, GHG reductions, and noise control. Traffic Engineer Kim mentioned that one of the more common references for comparisons between the two designs is the number of conflict points for vehicles. A roundabout has eight conflict points and the four way stop sign has 32 conflict points. More conflict points represent an increase in the potential for collisions. Engineering Manager Ajideh pulled up another example that included additional data. Transportation Director Frank said that in this design option they were considering curb extension to provide a tighter radius for turning cars, to slow the speed of the cars. He reiterated the importance of listening to the community feedback and their comfort level with any design improvement. Commissioner Penseyres was asked to comment on the differences of the bike classifications II and Class IV. This location near a school is more geared towards safe routes to school facilities. One should consider the number of driveway and visibility. Kelly Drive east of Hillside Drive it is not a good location for a Class IV bike lane. He recommends going with the staff proposal to put in buffered bike lanes at that location. Chair Gocan requested that each commissioner state their preference for the type of bike lane and roundabout option to give staff adequate feedback. Commissioner Penseyres is in favor of roundabouts and understands the importance of public acceptance. He understands that there will be resistance, yet in other locations, after the roundabout was installed, the 80% against it were now for it; the key is education. Commissioner Hunter is in favor of a roundabout when they are done right. Separated bike lanes look like a good option in that location. Commissioner Linke said that he can support the roundabout at Kelly Drive and Hillside Drive, with specific design improvements. He has skepticism about locating a roundabout near a school due to drop off and pick up peak time conditions. Staff should consider a field observation for bicyclists. He does understand the benefits for bicyclists in a roundabout. On the bike lanes, he supports what Commissioner Penseyres recommends. He would like to see a more honest analysis and evaluation of the Kelly Drive and El Camino Real, and get more feedback from the residents. He would like a comment on the fire evacuation plan. Transportation Director Frank said that he will work with the Fire Department to incorporate their suggestions. Page 10 of 10 Public Works Transportation 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-602-2746 t Commissioner Fowler feels that a roundabout decision is a matter of acceptance. He does support a roundabout. He will leave the bicycle judgement to staff and Commissioner Penseyres. Vice-Chair Perez feels that if the roundabout is designed right, the place is right, and include information and education, then he supports them. He supports Commissioner Penseyres on the bike lanes, if it is designed right and placed right, based on the school and driveways, he can support it. Chair Gocan has a lot of experience driving roundabouts and agrees about the importance of education and the benefits of safety. She supports the roundabouts and staff’s recommendations on the bike lanes. She is interested like Commissioner Fowler if we can put in speed cushions in an earlier stage due to the size and duration of this project, to address speeding concerns and safety issues. The residents have been waiting for a while and it would be better to address the safety concerns soon. Commissioner Penseyres wanted to add that he supports reversed parking. CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER REPORT: City Traffic Engineer Comments: Attachment A Transportation and Mobility Manager Schmidt highlighted an upcoming Biking with Kids class with the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition on August 10, 2021. There is one open position on the Traffic and Mobility Commission, the application period will close on Friday, August 13, 2021. On August 17, 2021, The City Council will make two new appointments for the Traffic & Mobility Commission vacancies. Transportation and Mobility Manager Schmidt read a proclamation in recognition of Commissioner Hunter service on the Traffic and Mobility Commission for eight years. TRAFFIC AND MOBILITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Linke stated the importance of reviewing the various TDM initiatives and evaluations in a timely manner. Commissioner Penseyres expressed his appreciation for how staff is handing the project discussed tonight and enjoys the chance to give comments at the front end of the project. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Gocan adjourned the Traffic and Mobility Commission Meeting on Aug. 2, 2021 at 6:38 p.m. ___________________________ Eliane Paiva, Minutes Clerk r t Attachment A Meeting Date: Aug. 2, 2021 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: John Kim, City Traffic Engineer John.Kim@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2757 Subject: City Traffic Engineer Report Past City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility July 20, 2021 • Ordinance to restrict overnight parking on Avenue Encinas July 27, 2021 • Semiannual Transportation Report • Traffic and Mobility Commission FY21-22 Work Plan, Chair Gocan represented the T&MC Upcoming City Council Items on Traffic and Mobility Aug. 17, 2021 • Engineering Design Services for College Boulevard Reach A • Two (2) Traffic and Mobility Commissioner Appointments Aug. 31, 2021 • Award of Contract: FY 20-21 Pavement Overlay Project • Advertise for Bids: El Camino Real and Cannon Road Phase II Improvements • Advertise for Bids: 2021 Slurry Seal Project • Advertise for Bids: FY 2020-21 ADA Improvement Program • FY19-20 Growth Management Plan Monitoring Report Other Items Traffic & Mobility Commission motion to review the Vehicle Miles Traveled Guidelines: To be reviewed by the T&MC in Fall 2021 City Traffic Engineer Report Page 2 Non-Agenda Public Comments Item Action Grand Promenade (Village and Barrio Master Plan Mobility Project) The prioritization of the mobility projects identified in the Village and Barrio Master Plan will be considered by City Council once a District 1 Council Member appointment has been made. Traffic concerns on Cerezo Drive including request for all-way STOPs at Las Robles Drive and El Arbol Drive Staff is working with Ms. Achey on specific requests and will be bringing back all-way STOP study to Traffic and Mobility Commission as a future agenda item. Implementation of Thoroughfares (Ealy) Signal Systems staff will contact requestor. Traffic circles on Kelly Drive (Ahlquist) Project Manager of Kelly Drive/Park Drive project notified requestor of Traffic and Mobility Commission agenda item on Aug. 2 to discuss this project. Commissioner Comments Item Action Report on College Boulevard speed feedback sign data Project not complete.