HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 333-1L; CUP 90-11; CARLSBAD SERVICE CENTER RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM; 01-07GENERAL NOTES RECLAIMED WMER NOTES I. ALL WORK ~ALL. 0E DONE IN IICCOROANCE WITH THE CARLS8AD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTS CARLSBAD RE,yLAMATION RU.ES fl REGULATIONS FDR CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS DATED OCTOBER 1993. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. T. * 8. 9 10. II. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. * 19. 20. 21. ?!(22. *23. 24. • ALL PUBLIC FACILITIES SUCH AS COMFORT STATIONS, DRINl<:ING FOUNTAINS, ETC. SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SPRAY BY RECLAIMED WATER. NO PONDING, RUN~OFI' OR OVER-SPRAY IS PERMITTED. HOSE BIBS AA£ STMIC"FLY PROHlfflTED. ON-SITE CROSS-CONNECTIONS BETWEEN RECLAIMED WATER LINES AND POTABLE WATER LINES IS STRICTLY PROHll'llTEO. NO SUBSTITUTION OF PIPE MATERIALS WU. BE ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF Tl-£ CITY OF CARLSBAD MlJIIICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. ALL ON-SITE PIPES SHALL HAVE WARNING TAF£ PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT"S Al/LES ~D REGU...ATIONS. THE IRRIGATlctl SYSTEMS SHALL RlJt4 BETWEEN THE t--10\.RS OF 10,0QP.M. AND 6'00 A.M. THE FOLLOWING MORNING (SPOT IRRIGATION CCXJLD BE DONE AT A DlFFfRFNT TIME) WITH QUALJFIED SUPERVISION PERSONNEL l'.Jll SITE . PROVIDE AMINIMUM OF AT LEAST 18 INCHES OF ONER WER ALL WIRING ANJ PIANG. PRIVATE L.DTS SHALL BE PROll'ECTED FROM CONTACT FROM RECLAIMf:D \IIATE!il, WHEll-tER BY WINO BLOWN SPRAY ~ l'IY llRECT APAJCATION, THROUGH IRRIGATION UR OTHER APPROVED USE.· LACK OF PROTECTION, Wl-£THER BY DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE OR SYSTEM OPERATION, IS STR1CTLY PROHIBITED. CONTRACTOR SHALL ADJUST HEADS TO PREVENT CIVER-SPRAYING ON ALL SIDEWALKS, STREET, AND PRIVATE LOTS. QUICK COUPLING VALVES St+ALL t-+AVE A SPECIAL C(l.Jf'LE KEY PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'$ RULES AND REGULATIONS. METERS SHALL BE SIZED 8Y THE CITY OF CARLSBAD r.«JNIClpj).(. WATER DISTRICT. ALL IRRIGATION Plf'E SHALL BE STENCILED, COLOR-COOED (PURPLE) AND LAID WITH WARNING TAPE PER THE CITY OF CARLSBAD MU'IICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. ALL POTABLE WATER AND RECLAIMED WATER PIPING SHALL BE INST Al.LEU WITH THE STENCILING ORIENTED Tu WARD THE TOP OF T"HE TRENCH. WHEN A POTABLE WATER LINE AND REQAIMED WATER UIIE CROSS, THE RECLAIMED LINE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN A PROTECTIVE SLEEVE. THE SLEEVE SHALL EXTEND IO FEET FROM EACH SIDE, FROM THE CENTER LINE Of POTABLE LJNE, FOR A TOTAL Of . 20 FEET. A 10 FOOT HORIZONTAL SEPARAT/0" BETWEEN POTABLE WATER ANO RECLAIMED WATER MAINS MUST 0E lll'AINTAINED AT ALL TlMES. THE POTABLE LINE MUST BE INSTALLED Af'O,/E Tl£ RECLAIMED LHIE. A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN UTILITIES MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR SHALL COl'D.JCT A CROSS·CCN'4ECTION TEST ANO COVERAGE TEST AS DIRECTED 8Y THE CARLSBAD PA.N1C1Pt\L WATER !)STRICT ENGINEER AND/OR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH SERVICES PRIOR TO ANY USE OF RECLAIMED WATER. QUICK CO.JPLING VALVES USED IN RECLAIMED WATER SYSITMS SHAU.. CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING, A. QUICK -COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE I INCH NOMINAL SIZE NELSON '7645, WITH BRASS CONSTRUCTION AND A NO~MAL 'lroRKING PRESSURE OF I50P.S.I. OR RAINB1RO li'44NP. B. IN ORDER TO t!>REVENT UNAUTHORIZED USE, THE VALVE SHALL BE OPERATED ONLY WITH A SPECIAL COUPLER KEY WITH AN ACME THREAD FOR OPENING AND CLOSING THE VAi )IE. C. TH€ COVER SHALL BE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO THE QUICK- CCIJPLING VALVE. IT SHALL BE FL/ITPLE RUBBER OR VINYL. D. LOCKING COVERS ~ REOlff:D. AN ANNUAL CROSS CONNECTION l~SPECTION WILL RE DONE 8Y EITHER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OR SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT l"i' HEALTH SERVICES. COPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS WILL BE FORWARDED TO THE NvN- INSPECTING PARTY. DE VE LOPER SHALL SHON THE LOCATION OF R. C. SIGNS " DO NOT DRINK" ON THESE PLANS. AN ON·SITE USER/SUPERVISOR SHALL RE DESIGNATEt IN WRITIN(;.. THIS INDIVIDUAL SHALL l3E FAMtLJAR WITH PLUMBING SYSTEMS WITHIN THE PffllPERTY, WI TH THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKFLOW/CROSS-CONNECTION PROlEGTION, AND THE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS CF A RECLAIMED WATER sYSTEM. roPtF.S OF THE DESIGNATIO~I WITH CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS SHALL BE PROVIOED TO THE SAN DIEGO CUUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES ANO CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT MIJCH ANOE8SQN @ 171!1}291-2 698 (FlLLN) (NAME) (TEL.NO.) OR AFTER HOURS CONTACT MITCH A!!IQERSON (a (909) 677-9670 (ALLIN) (NAMIE) (TEL. NO.) ITEMS NO'~ 8 19 Bi 23 SHALL BE REQUll'lED .JUST PM0F, TO THE ACTUAL 'JSE OF RECLAIMED WATER. ITEM N:J 22 Tl-IE SIGNA'..E PLAN SHALL BE A PART OF THIS I.P. BUT THE ACTUAL Sl/3NS fl TA6S WILL BE INSTALLED ,JUST PF-!luR TO ACTUAL USE OF R.C. WATER. SHOW ALL PUBLIC 6 PfUVATE POTABLE WATER MAINS ON IMl'-F.OVEIVil:NT PLANS. " +-I BLACK r BLACK LOGO / PURPLE BACKGR~l,J\1O 36 / }f<------:-'-------'----,--,,~-.-------·--·---4 LETTERS (SIZE) 12'' X 36" N. TS. _, ' WARNING RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT DRINK RECLAIMED WATER AVISO-AGUA IMPURA NO TO/v1AR .060 ABS PLASTIC ()R STICK· 0 VINYL SIGNS ALS0 .. 016 AWMINUM ...,__ ( BLACK LETTERS z" BLACK LETTERS TYPICAL SIGNS 11. FUTURE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (PRIVATE) SHEET TITLE SHEET NUMBER D D D 901 WRIGHT SlGNAGE NOTES THE FOLLOWING GUIDELIIJE~ FUH THE liSI: OF RECLAIMED WATER ARE 10 BE PERMANENTLY POSTED INSIDE THE; DOCfl OF EACH CONTROLLER WHERE THEY ARE EASILY VISIBLE. PLACE ON 8-I/z'x I 1' SIZED SIGN. COLOR· PURPLE BACKGROJND WITH BL.ACK LETTERING, l GlUDEI INF$ fOB RECI AIMED WATER USE I. IRRIBATE BETWEEN TH€ t-tOURS OF l'O•OOP.M. ANO 5,00 AM. ONLY. WATERING OUTSIDE THIS TIME FRAME MUST BE DONE MANUALLY WITH QUALIFIED SUPF:RVISORY PERSONNEL ON-SITE. NO SYSTEM SHALL AT ANY TIME BE LEFT UNATTENDED DURING USE OUTSIDE THE NORMAL SCHEDULE. 2. IRRIGATE IN A MANNER THAT WILL MINIMIZE RUN·OFF, POOLING, AND PONDING. THE APPLICATION RATE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE INFILTRATION RATE OF Tl-IE SOIL. TIMERS MUST BE ADJUSTED SO AS TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE LOWEST SOIL INFILTRATION RAT£ PRESENT. THIS PROCEDURE MAY BE FACILITATED BY THE EFFICIENT SCHEDULING OF THE AUTOMATIC CONTROL CLOCKS, 0 .E., EMPLOYING fHE REPEAT FUNCTION TO BREAK UP THE TOTAL IRRIGATION TIME INTO CYCLES THAT WILL PROMOTE MAXIMUM SOIL ABSORPTION). 3. ADJUST SPRAY HEADS TO ELIMINATE OVERSPRAY uNTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PATIOS AND LOTS, AND STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 4. MONITOR AND MAINTAIN Tt-t€ SYSTEM TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FAILURE. BROKEN SPRINKLER HEADS, L.EAKS, UNRELIABLE VALVE~ ETC. SHOULD BE REPAIRED AS SOON AS THEY BECOME Af'PA,,ENT. 5. 6. 7. 8. EDUCATE ALL MAINTENANCE l"ERSONNEL ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS OF THE Pf!ESENCE r.:,: RECLtUMED WATER. PERSONNEL MUST BE INFORt.£D THAT R.C.WlffER IS MEANT FOR tfiflt ruRPOSES O'ILY, AND IS NOT APPROVED FOR DRINKING f".flPOSl':S, HAND, TOOL, WASHING, ETC. GIVEN THE HIGH TURNOVER RATE OF EMPUJYEES IN fHE LANDSCAPING INDUSTRY, IT IS IMPORTANT THIS INFOR- MATION BE DISSFMINAT[D l'.Jll AN ALMOST DAILY BASIS. IT IS YOU,_ THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR WHO IS RE.SPONSIBLE FOR F[lU"ATING EACIJ AND f.VERY ONE OF Yo:.JR F.MPLOYEES. . OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL Of' ALL PROPOSED CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS TO ANY PRIVATE ON SITE FACILITIES. SUCH CHANGES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY, THE DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFFICE ANO DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DISrRICT STANDARDS. ALL RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH IDENTIFICATION TAGS. A. B. TAGS SHALL BE WEATT-IERPROOF PLASTIC, 3" X 4''. PURPLE IN COLOR WITH THE WORDS '\VARNING RFCI AIMFQ W,WER-DO NOTQRINK"IMPRINTF.:D ~ ONF SIDE' AND AVISQ. AGllA IMPURA-NO AO~AR" ON THE OTHER SIDE. IMPRINflNG SHL~ 8E' PERMANENT AND ALACK IN COLOR. US£ TAGS AS MIINUFACTURED BY T. CHRISTY ENTERPRISES OR APHWVED EQUAL. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH VALVE: AS FOLLOWS: I. 2. 3. ATTACH TO VALVE STEM DIRt:CTLY OR WITH PU\STICTIE·WRAP OR ATTACH TO SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR WlrH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP QB. AfTACH TO VALVE COVER WITH EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT. ALL SPRINKLEfl HEADS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AS RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER HEADS. EACH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER AND ITS ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IDENT/FlED WITH A ~IGN 8EARING THE WORDS "REa..Al!'ilELJ. WATER_US~ FOR_IRRIGATION IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH, WITH BLACK LFTTERS I HIGH ON A PURPLE BACKGROUND. THE '.5IGN SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT IT GAN BE RE/IDLY st:EN BY ANY OPERATIONS PFRS,JNtlEL UTILIZING THE EQUIPMENT. I. 2. 3. D PLACE CARLSBAD, CA INSPECTION PROCEDURES City Construction Inspection Shalt Include: A, Location of pipe lines. 8. T mncn dopth. C. Re1uired seplirlition ( Horizontall¥ <IT1d Vrn-ticolly}. D. f'ire iden+ificotion. (p.o.c:,) Points <:1 com,,ctions. E. I.ocotion ond identific(Jtion of sprinkl..-heads. F. Warning signs at the site onrl rm th• !11JCks haulinQ\ reclaimed water I if redaim;,d water is used for conslruclion . ll,, apl)l"li\lol letter r~ding the i~tion of the prolect shall be obtain•d from tn-cily on,1 th~ di~tricr, ond be for-warded to the county health rlepartmen1 prior to final inspectioll aoproiiil. District Final lnspeclion Sholl Include: A. Coverc,ge test, alter cnmpletion ot the sprinkler system, lo d•termine the adequacy of coverage on the opproved use ore<! and pr<ilection of arec,s not orproved for rece1v1ng ,~claimed water. B. Warning signs and labels. C. Quick coupling valves. D. All ospects of the irrigation conditions indudirMJ windblo,,n Sf:>""□Y, runoff, and ponding. E:. Required protection of Clll resid@n!iat areas. ~-Requirl!d protectiCll of wells, str@oms, r@sf!'fvoirs, @tt. G. Cross• connection. Annual Inspection Shall Include: A complete inspection which snould co,,er port I\ and port B and part G of lhe districls final inspection. 18" DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I I . < .. ...,. TITLE SHEET PLANTING PLAN D IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIG. B PLANTING DETAILS IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 92008 PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS ---------------------- . -ROAO .-, ...-,ri,\RPOR I ¾ t • --_. r PA.LOMA~ . . ... ----· ··-~ . --...,. -. ·-·•--...._. ·;; ~·....,.......:.-· .. -.. -. . ~--~..........-----...,,.....:.... .. -...... ~ -.. ~~~· ~.,.-___ .,--~. -. --.. -t' ____.....,.......... . •·-~ :...-----~--.. -'} -~-·-·· ---~---. --.. _,,,#'"""':-°'.'. -~--~ ·; -•• ..-• _,..... -.. . \ • . \ . • □ I . • \ . \ • . \ . • , . . \ • . \ . . \ LEGEND . • I • . \ . . ' • .. 0 ·. ;. \$ .',• ·. . . \ --~-- .. N ' ' . . -· ' -. ,:_ --i ...::=.•,:_~ ' . . . ' \ ": t •· . r . t ., . . l w ;,--<( RC "" ti") ,;: 0 w 1 RC I . I -~ I ~; . .,.P'i'-. '· '· ·- - {; , . ' ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .. I I • I I SHEET NQ C-5 PP 654 "AS BUILT" .,._t, ______ l I HEREBY DECLARE ffiAT I AMDESIGHEROF WORK FOR rn1s PROJECT THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OV!cR THE DESIGN OF THIS ffiOJECT AS DfflNED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS ANO PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: WARNING RECLAIMED WATER ,JO NOT filil~!K AVISO • AGUA IIVIPURA NO TOMAR 18" X 18" SIZE .016 ALUMINUM,.~/\8S PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS. THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNflERSfAND fHAT THE CHECK OF PRO,I:CT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY '- THE Ci TY OF CARLSBAD AND THE SAN l)IE(jQ COUIITY DEPARTMENT OF HEAL.TH SERVICFS IS CONF'INED TO A REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME. AS DESIGNER ------------..OF WORK OF \,IY RESf'OfllSIBILITIES l'OR PRO,JECT DE.SIGN. . ·-···-( {wolf bi'ef man landscape architecture :io.t5GrovtST. VENIIJRA. CA <>XQ3 (80:ll 641-0455 C... ~ L . A. _, f" j~.:, FIRM NAMES a ADDRESSES: WOLF BREIMAN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ___________ ,_ 3045. GROVE STREET VENTURA CA 93003 P\-iONE NU'.; (805) 643-0455 Rf"i,ISTR~I ION NU'S 1'185 t:XP\RATION DATES: 3/31/'lj CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Ex~1rotion D rtte WILLIAM E. PLUMMER DISTRICT ENGINEER R,C.E. 28176 Revisions must be opprov~d by Public H•olth Engineer, Gity Engine..-a Dislricl Engin•"r ior to im tementattrn infield. DISTRICT APPROVED DEVELOPE_RS NAME: STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY ADDRESS: ONE STATE FARM PLAZA BLOOMtNr;ToN, IL 61710 DATE TELEPHONt::: (309) 766-2311 WOLF PLAN PREPARED: _ _;;c._3/'--'l-"'5~/~93~_BY: BREIMAN INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT Sheet Cl TY OF CARLSBAD 1 PLANNING DE:PARTMENT PRIVATE (ONSITE) RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM FOR: CARLSBAD SERVICE CENTER , C.M.W,D. JOB NO. 89-C-29O 7 ' ' I ··--- • .. '. '. -·····---[' '' =z•••••~~• ': ·,• /Cr(/ L:s. ,(.,/M/7":S C,,,C ex1s7 CLIMMON i4 ~AN.C:5GA,-!N'G i'Z?~ M,AIN~IN.SO ~ ,,-4',,ir.;=..:+e:., ~;::ac. A~;. ,z:::t.=~76'VA; ;s:.., . .er THE C/TJ-': /~G, z:?N,e: J rl ZC#E 1 ,L.ANC.:sC,,vc"/;V6-'TO ~XN.tS1 ~D MP .M..A/h'~JJY,e:o :5T'7J1-,eA, ,=.:,;c;<MIT, I . ;' \ ,,, ' ....___., ~l!Yllr~l'l .\/i\ .. )/. .. _ .. , '. m-~---------:::::,- >-<t s et:: <t: ?: 0 _J <( O__ PLANT LIST ABBREVIATION BOTANICAL ll'AME COMMON NAME REMARKS •;::=,; :;5 e,:✓,-,-4,',IA c.J/'F,4\//0,-::SIS ~"",:; ~ R.t::i 0/ ,O~ ~ Wi:CO ~ ~.R.O ,-0,Qµ /"IN CAH Fl #11.S CAt,'~'ISJ'S ' C:,,,.N,.,.,.,.7 /:5,t..,,!,.NC !°IN~ . ,V,' ~~L ,-t,~ I~ /SLTKt f'-,,t;;,)( ~7,;4~,vs/S 1Wl~=.-I' -W!L=,'/ HtJl.1-y ~04.<U:> ,'q:Jf'I.M c;,Ue AG~ (;JI/ ~L.t:5 ,<ilG;a.:,1,-.:,Lt A .:.OA<!IT LIV4!!' ~,.4,,.__ M V '-77 -TJUIN,tc.,. ' J"'!:'.AA4C rL,J,,. 1 ,ANI./~ ~4c e.41~ ~u,••o,,;r,v;,-4 c,-r~<::>,-II II 77,IF.:;4L Tl/Pi .O,-'Ni7-/i.l.:S ~ 1'°~ i.?/!5" -,u,-i•.o,i,,llp;U:::; II ., ,.;,ea:_ o,:,,e ,v.e,,<Z..;LJA,( ,:J~Q~ ,"'o~ '5",'\,...,.i.(",\I -.CWA~ ,:"'..:'.,""~ ,Aee~G, ~A ~A-GrO .;av,::,t,te/1'(. l"'l,,1/i"-,¥!JELi ,A, ~~ l!!=,..U.-0,+'/,A /"'l"">A~I t ,~=s 5 .:C 4(...1...DN/,,,.. Nif /NO f(J.j?/.,1/0 t-E-1'1=7 INPICA c.LMA GLAU l'-/0/CA LIJWfHC'f(Jt: .JI.IN CHI f"', .;u,111~::, ,::;,w~s r,,:.v1'JZA,'.101 -Jr.c.N, J,:1,¥ t:HI µ J, /I II 1 Ml/17 JU~JP' -MINT .,;Ut..ep ..lv#IP.e"t ,.W,4,',' A~ ,=, ,',(.,,J,./,'7#1~ ~,t//rt:71..IUI,{ ~--ACT,41 -=M~4CT ~N ~- ,,¥AN.Q7MC, ,;,'A,VOl,#,A Q:,M,e~i' 7.:;:;A I a:.'Mr,K;::;41 -,::C,MfPfa;:;; /,l,!"..4VeNL; -=,,l,!,,l,ea:, N,M! cr,;t,1 /1.Z. 1/ // 11,1~ av~-/,1,C,N, ,;_/(5 ,/,A,f-T, i./81/;S'Tf'CJJM ,J~/Ct.lM 1?~XAN'W,1' -~,X,A!:,' 1"'1",/Yl=T nr w.=-v. r--11 , ~ ~µ n:;=,,.l"I\A 1VA~-S,"7'A 1 -VA1Z1~~1. ~o Ma,. ~,e- :JOL .h'l!!r ~LLr,,.. ~7LI-A, Av67?~,J,,L.,r,l,I./ ,e.i.t,1,e/f!!!!Pli.. ~• • -~ X;L CC!/</ c, X;L-.-e<,+f,.,, CON,/~ 'C~MJ"",ACr,A.' -=.A,fr,'Ac;-,X.Yi.CSM,A • ~~"-'I:?~ //~--·' -a:,u,=,-~~v,.v1,.i..: .::s ,,JGA ,A~ A,G,4PA.NTRJIZ /4 T-~#JIS .::./i.r-,:i• 7J<II!!; .,V/1..4 ~4,4/>I c~-, , Gl.:S LAN~..l./Z-'"S ~,-S/:S <=i./ MIN =.1v1,..,_ ,.v11N'l5,77-\ f<.,l,.;=~"/!>t. I..J LI . ll~M HY,~ /l,!!'/w1l!!'Jt:=.4i.L..,":5 #r,OP.lt:::rlS PA'( '-1'L-'r" .l.//4 ,~ i.l MC,,N/ LIM r'~ ~1~'577#9 /"L,,;;lW,e".,C.:. ~M ,J,,Di l"",UML" ~A ,401 ,AN;,7~;.=, t ..,.;A-T~,R.-U!'-4_,.., ~ ;L.I.:, V/0 77/Ll!J~~A VIC:L.,.-lc,-A ~•~T'J" Gr't~,e AC ~(,,<'> cc,=::,;,-OL,::A ~,c,~~ ,~L.A.,V;,~\.f ,P-.:.,..J,-::s ~ ,--2/1.:=:-,c~ 4~ A.;J).;;,,,+ ~~,N:$ pc. ' -~,. c,¥//,..0'~/,S ..s ::=r <3>AZ',4;V/," Sl/NR.151!':-Yl=L.L.oW I HEREBY OECLAlle THAT I AJ.< THE LICr.NSED Of.SIGNER or IYIJRK t'OR 'T\HS PROJtCT. TiiAT 1 l-VI.VF. E:XtTICISF;O ~ESPONStat.E: CIIAAGE OVr;R Tif P, l)~fCN or THE PROJECT AS f)l:'.flNF.r) IN 5ECTION 6703 or lHE flUS!N'F'..SS I\ND rnoPr.SsJONS CQOE, f..N(J THAT THE Df.SIC:N IS CONS15T'r:NT WITH cunnF.:NT SiANDAllDS. ! UNnE!"!STANO THAT TH~ cm:cl{ OF' l'ROJF.CT IJRAWINCS ANl'J SPEClflC,\TIONS BY THE CITY Of CARl$BAO IS CONFINED TU REVIEW ONIY AND OOES NOT RELIE:VF; ME, AS TIIE LICENSED Of.SIGNER OF WORK. OF MY Rf.SrlJNSlBII.ITl.S FOR PROJECT DESIGN TilE.~E PUN, 1\AVE BEr.N PREPMEO IN S\mSTIINTIAL CONFORMAHCE WTTII THE APPROVED 1.ANOSCAPE CONCEPT Pl.AN. IYA'ffiR CONSER· VATION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, AND Al,L CONnITIOM5 or APP~Ro~wA;:rn~~:P:G BY: ~'-" _, DATE: 7-Z,• f:::> •I"= Ill I!> 'f: ~1'1 .,4;./ .:;4r'"' J ~G£-~ /,(1/i-C} 07" ~A,W~--.,. ,,A~c,AN .Q41::sy 10' 20' 40' II II " H ,, • ,, ,; " # II , J , • SHEET NO. 60' C-5.1 BUILT" PLANTING PLAN APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS, TITLE ______ _ REVIEI.IED BY, CARLSBAD SERVICE CENTER ~~:::'"'/~ · olf bre3m<-a&-....n-lr-,--r-------------i--,-,----r--, landscape architecture :,(145~$1'. VfNTIJAA. C'I 9J003 (ll("l~ C..~L.,A. ""r'f~~ DA TE NITIAI. ■--~--ENGINEER OF WORK Rlc:VISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INITIAL DA'll': INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: ~--i-PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ~~~n a;~,--[_~UP 9_0-1 I 333-1 89-C,290 l \ . . \ . . \ . . □ \ . . ' . . \ . . \ . . \ \ . . I BOUNDARY BETWEEN COMMON AREA ,------AND ON SITE LANDSCAPING l' I•___ _ _ _I ____ . -: 0 ___ • _ ,~. -•• • • ------:. • =::....:_,--:--'---· c --· :..:.:~----, -· ~------'-'-'---::~---.·c·: · • ::..· ·_-· · ·_:_· · Yi \\ • 6 32 5g~p.m. L~?• v. : Y,· . \ \ . . \ . . :_ \r--•-----;.c-'-_.....,.~ ', !::=:~--- ' ' ' ' ' I . . \ ---. .....__ -------•----•----n....__ EXISTING COMMON LANDSCAPING AND AREA IRRIGATION \ I' '" . '.72 I I l . I n architecture l0,15 GIIO\/'e 51'. YE-.CAv:un IQl6,CJ-015& • G.~L.A. "'/'-f,'J~ ()') y <1_ 0 --C: a: IRRIGATION SUPPLENENTARY SPECIFICATION~ ' ' I l. The irrlgation installer shall obta•n spray nozzles in available patterns, to fit the areas to be covered as ' closely as possible. Adjustable i , pattern nozzl~s may be used in thos~ , areas for which fixed nozzle patterns are not available. 2. The irrigation contractor shall fluJh 1 and adjust all sprinkler heads and valves to optimum coverage with minimum overspray onto walks, streets, walls, etc. This ~hall include setting the best degree of arc and radius. 3. Toro pressure compensating devices , (PCDs) shall be installed in all 1 heads in the parking l0t islands, arid in 0ther planting spacPs where the cross-dimension is 8' or less. 4_ Provide Toro 570 check valves where needed to prevent low-head drainage S. 120 vac power for the irrigation controller shall be provid~d at the specified location by the electrical contractor and enclos~d in an appropriate junction box. The i irrigation contractor shall connect~ the controller to 120 vac in the "J\ box. , 6. The general contractor shall call tJe city landscape inspnctor at 438-1161, extension 4221 to schedule a pre- constrllction meeting with the : landscape contractor and project 1 , landsc~pe architect prPsent reg~rdiJq city inspections and other concerns, 7. Contractor to repair any damage to common area at no cost to owner. -• l 11 ij · I 6 ~ 8 ., ~ [Q] @ I II ~ i ~-'~lf_ij_-I __ ,._...:,...,_;..._...;_....,; _ _,_...;.___: _ _;__;_ _ _:_ ... , IRRIGATION PLAN SCALE, 1', 20·-0• APPROVED "AS BUILT" TIT!.E: _______ _ RE:VIEVED JY• CAltLSIAD SERVICE CENTtR SHEET NO C-6 pp j-1 1-"tS DATE ASS[STANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DA Tt -~OAAl~~liN,N~ITI~AIL-r----------------1-------:D~A=~=--~1-N1=n~AL-+~D~A=~=---+--1N-ITI-Al--l~D;WN~~B;Y:===~;:::::::=~P~R~O=JE~C~T~N~O=.=:::::;-;=o=R=A=M=N=G=NO~. ENGINEER Of" WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION h□-T-HE_R_A_.P_PR-□-V-AL-+--c-,rv"-"--'-A-PLPR'--'0-'-'v:c.:AL=-t ~~~D s;~,---CUP 90-1 I 333-1 CMWD 89-c-290 7 DIA, t...=D G E,~L$ I"'/ ,V.r= ~ ;-:A~:; ;k !lrLC/1/ .~wi""o.< _,.,., r"-"' CTTG J,1u;:.:::E1<1 #~t#G. ccu:::_~ 1-CC~ A/i!CU#D ~ ,4/V.;;; ,.;,i:;..?.:. -w s,-;,'"'-=. ~'"VIC~ ;,,VC 77~:5 Ir ,R..:,:::J;,,z--: ---;ll~,:.11 -· ~ 11-D,,,,,.., "'QA_,.,. -' ................. ,,.,,~ ,-....;T.,...,, I'-. 4...,...,..., j";A:!:;T!!N W/ ,:;;.;;t; GAL, ,¥,.SI.' ..,._ I.-,,,,=.,,.,,..,,.., .,,..,.= ""~ -•= .. ' •-~ /YI-• .JI.:.-, ,.,--~ .::,,..;: -; r,'::::;;;:;. ~~i= ;WU~# ~t::::1./A~.:!!" IIOL!: ANO ;t:.:;;t.J,s#.-N .:sics:;;. SE'CT/ON ® /6 6,4. ~ DeT. ~07'. W#li"~ 5TRJP~ ,:;,;: =-~~V~ORS ,.t:::z..,.4 ~77 ,= irr.= @ CENT;:;,<.:. Or .:,4 . ,S,.,;y, 5_ T c:cwN 01"' ~CT e:ALL 111 /1,e.::1ve r=:'l'll:!;.',I ~.4C.= Z >< ,,~C.OT aAL-L. w1:::-:-H =.11~-;.·1 "" -2.;."' .z..v.:::r✓~.c0-~H 11.a,7:· ;;:.we, .os..-r~,v1A11. :.:T 'f11 .!:E:....::V.I F:HISJI G'RAC'.: .!',"'"-,::;;1M;~,<. ,.4,~.=',0 =~v/.--; ~ECX7°eEDET \.!__) • ='~ 0-:CWN :,-SlfUI.~ ,{\;,."7 _ /ra:TT e!JALL. #.:JI~..!" l_ /"'}Nlt5H ~~ t if'. • CO/'fST,ICJ/e, i;4MP=:,;, :..:!!i:.M !¥AT!!!:{. ~/¥ A,c,c:.tH'O .!=ACH :511~~ ~,AP.ilf .ee<.~f ,-tHAI.. G!CA~ "~. IJ. ' ! ~ ~ c ~~-,_;-~ex.,:""'=" ~ Q 1@1fli'! /:rl ·1·11r~1 ... ~,,.·~---p:,,oc1,.~ ANO e~, 1 L~ "' ;; iii: : i 1'1 I_ i , .11'1,~uJ.r.•1.'.wu· . ~AC~1L1. ~o,a:. ,o ~ .,._ II , . ~-, 1 7N6'". ::.,..,11(;,JB .... ,~ : LL~I ;_ ;·,,!:~ 1 ~j.IT~;":}J~i,;;,:·1ull ' zx,.u:,.:=,,r /.!,,Ji.L .QI A, ® ,5;.,t.P-J./1.::;, • SQI.IA/o!I: ,-:, ,ANO ~GH~ J5l0!:'S PLAN7i'N& DE T- 1°LANT!N6 DETAILS 4 ,1 :5PA:e ~P-Ul"•!,'~AO ,-,AvtNe, cu~ ,:;.. f/~AO!;'~ , l'JN.A.L 6/V,.O~ "":-:--:---;--;-~;--;--:-"n r ½-, c~~,... ., , ~~~~ ' /1:--~ I/ U'J. =a -".',-''"I'." u.-., iij ~t '" . -,,, ,-, ..,,,.,..__ ,.,.._,, .SW/NB JOINT- :2 µ.-vi:1..:'.X ST, ,:,!.L=, \ n,--x;,'. ~ Ne Mr:":' "' • I I 1 -vG/,"r l"',S )✓.~::::=--,.,., At~ r=s------. ~-~ I 6H/<...Llo 1-1.EAO nF--~-:XT!!,¥510>1 (s) ~ :s ,l/~-D Nt---MT X , ... S ,..C,/C ..-IC~~ @GATE r-------,"'!Nl:ft1/ r:Jr/'t.C~ IN ~i/NO =ve;;;::, ~t<:.:A6 Sl,IAi.,;. es 1f/-.,~ e:~ 7Z'P C',tr lf.:5'102:.:. --l I --. .-----l.,4MIN.A I.::: T~ h;; 11 ,,.4,11 ,::~'/.C~Q{. .CO.A.RO ~?:S AN:0 ~zc.:./~ W/'9d, a,;, N..4/L.5 t'2 IZ1 .7.C,}, '5r.ASIS.!:.&t. ·. ~.e.Vc$ :::A~ -'C/N~ w-.Vi/NUOl/S 7h',<U:i./5HC//;. rn.1//0'/I' 4,.4 w..v ~~ ---z1x-:z11x.rz11 ,:: -=-w.a:::-o :srA;,:.e:s @ +'·C" a c, MAX,;, ,e.='lle..!.. !3/D:::S. ::C:I~ fl,,:ACe.<. TD .:ST,.4~ W/TJ,Vo ~cl, ~l-;VAILS, '12.'x 2 11,,. !'.211 ,::?WC. S1'AI'-="' @ 'f'·O" a,c. MAx,;, E'"'VE.!. l!!,VC::S. I -18" '2 11 x 1z11 PW'.O, ,:~Ar .:,ye,::. Sf"'-lCe. :s=r.:.!! WIT/I ,1.,;;,u~ 1/11 .:i. 6,1 . ..VAILS p;;;~ .::..:.~T· I - 'f.:!:'Ac=z., Cl.I~ aA1:.. -~~ /"',Av 1 .v G •::::::Ge 1 -F!N.,J,I.. Gi<,J.D.~ ~----+1 ;II •Ill~ -' Ol-3iJ.,~ ~ I ~ --~-~~_AC,":-,!!-ACJ'...P'/1...:_ ~y ______ 4~ j ( ?1EC/I.O/o,/ICAL CLJHf"'AC.-7fC,1y •11 °' 1 I p;;,';~':;);{f;f"'L • .,, ' / ~ ''Af.'" ! ,.,,,. r,::,===rn<= ,::,1,:,,='\ t, ~ \ -~,.,), , ... ,'l"V' IV _,'T_ \.i -,,-._ , 1, -,• I '---~.:., W//l.e5 -i,4P~ =-7" -,-~--Olg• j5"4/•"" _. /.,-,/ /7...-/ ;, --''-•...,_I .., ®---A_7:.;.._;9_t5_~_z..._A_c_.._.,_l='_M_E__;_W___;__T_ P>.fOTES. I THERE Sl-«lU.. E£ NO F"!rnM.,S CR (0 ....,1::,__-;')(111') TO ()T1-£R l'tC!Lm(S e.£T..,EE...., T1-f': ,\.£TIB ..N) ~ <tl'.3[jV\fll:r. fr_ 2. """"1'WI, -·'""" ""' = E£ I ~ IN R....8.JC RG-IT·lf·Wli"I'. l :-C/'6'i'R' ..CT 2' HIGH f.£T/1JNING er '~1~r~ ,H'1J.l... (J"I 3 :\"1.:1:!'i a-~fliA,¥ -~.Nrm 'M-!t-). 1~ L~::, ry,, ' j,~ ,-s, ' 4:1 ~C;AEATE.~ ~-::f'£111£N) ' '.ii.Al L l:.f~ ,)T OC\-',M-tll...:._ 31()t CF ' 2' 1 ~5.k~ J,.,:;:;A;: P"OV('.f. 2' ~-"'1',llCNT.:.t.. /\IIAX ' .,.__ C..'·:Af!AN.~[ 9(T'N([". WAU. I , ,,v ,'\/<JO 8,,J,(1-:f"L.::Nr' ffiE\f£N'TEA. ! 12''MIN. 4. 00 r-Ol' IN:'5"!AI.J.. IN ARF,/'. (~ !;,S"MAX. l-ii Swe.JECT -:-0 !'"LOCOING, .::.,' i I ••• ~ PIS"MAx. I CD I ~ ' l ~ ' ~ ' ·~ I r~ = :J. = ~ j ' I ~h I 1•~1 t [: ,~~~T~T-: : . I n,. \§r--JJ i:.-~':_-'-' 7 (L)-----+ ~~-I ll..J " Q) " <l) I' ,, II /,' ,, c-=-~-~-..:;:::::..-pi Al JC PRIVATE ("f"IY,S!JME~S RES~SIBILIIl -l() 2£ l'lS"':"11U..£D PUASU4NT"TTJ Ml)Nl":!P!"I.I. C:t:« 8(')'.)I( I.II CJ-! OIO,<lO.J• SEC. :S ~ r· Tl.£ 17 Cf -,,..E: :--f' D, --,-11~ VALVE ,aa>( Wt TH I PLI.R,=.:.....= ~~R_ ~ a""f?',VING CA. /fE,,;,C=JZ.. ih);,*., ·,. JU,e!f' 2' X c/,,a.;;·· ~wr.t, c.,:-~..:,_ l~Uc;; ,--, 5Ni/G i...Y ::i-£R- Tr1/" .'1c.c;:.:z.. W/m' f"'ll./... c;:;M,~,-.c Tf"'? UN c~a._ ...w= ~~'<-. /"2'.AC.£ 11= 4R.. 77::JP :,,,-u'"" ='::.:. ,Y_ ' I I ( -._.-, n,._----SCH. ea f"VC ;:,;~~~ 1 MAl/,/L:NE l':'i'ii'A/6 .__.,-~ 1__ :c#, e::;; /"'\IC N1F.c!.e ~ ;:,_:_ -~-SIDEWALK ~-METER BOX WIMETER ® i::::.=:1v~1r ~¥JV'..EC:7"0~:;" ( ,-~T'=N 7w C.:W,Y~-'=7"-?2-;5 C;V 60") '-;z.;;, V !vf,A,.:.e-L/P ,5':-"X ,,...:;,..; C.:;>/\li~l..l-l!A. c.:=-Mt,5-';Vrl, II.ON W.,J., ~~.c SWl7"CH {;_.:;,;~ T~ =Ni"p.,:;.:...:.e'~ C'Nl. i') A.MO Pi.;;;a J 2'1 C:.ONCUIT /'LA:ST/.::. V~LV.E ~ A:f'r' ~1'!!J<.11 ~ .eaJIAL WIT/I /GL/1'<!,.,,..!..~ TO,P ~-s,rz,4.=-= VALV..= Ni/;'.,/OifEfZ TAa-ar a::srr.~ ea, ~---,--~~'v/07~ C::Ni/i!oL ~4Y.!:' ,-,,iil---/"'YC MAL~ AO~G:. -~H. ~c STREET SURFACE \ CAl,,:f'Qf'lN!ll A0MINlsrM!"IV£o::oE:. CURB--~ I II M I CRJPT! ;rv s ; ' -:: ~1;;:r.~"1 o,r-0 v,>,L v,:-'' ,. ., .. . ""'<P( ~ ,-,A!,U CH -~ 1, !-AHO (;t:YP!':'.F! (;Fl c!RA-"-5 ~ '-'"\:O:~ 'l·~·v; ~~~~~~~ i~lfff.l"Imf~',.R 'HM:Sct~''fiTI":,q(;I-:·-M•~· . , ~"'"' ' ,JfSA.:'.:'.i__i,NIQN '_,__. . ----4---~~'<><l,',W~P ~Krl?f.ir -~ .... 11.t~J.t-.l-L~~.S.E.@1,. ..., . , ,·::.:,rh,:1-.lfrT~~; . .f_~••H"'.J~ir !11(X'!S ~ '-" · :.;;..'L;lQ).'. L ;I." .0.1~!:.f>'.:T ,,,, ·---•ros. S"'"S, ••••••• •'""•••• "W"'"'~•-~·-···~·-·~ -~·~ ... ,._ _,, . CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT "':.> -:,.o,. i~.!-~,tir(;··-2 'NCH AND UNDER sm·owffr.o.- c---. --•n""''"""'' RA[N ::iHUT OF;; fJE'/JCE TO GE [NSTALL:'.j INSI:JE: ENCL.'.~SIJRE \-,'Al_'._ 8ACKFLOW INSTALLATION ¾" :□NDU[T TO ~ONTROLLSR ---------1 W20 .ltn:;:;::;f '\''!.I~ .~EC:-,AN[C]AL liNccGSJ;RE WAL'----------l-+H--'--o- ' ' I 10;:,~~/NSW/TCH MOU)./T/Nr:3 V~'DET. /fZ;ZJSATION DETAIL 12" MINIMUM POTABLE MAINLINE '{SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS}\ 13,5 FEET ! • 12-MINIMUM REOUIP.E!J VE."'iTICLE SEPARATION➔ '/'""\i. ,· -~-·---~ ~ SLE!=VE RECLAIMEC WA,E.''i' IRRIGA,!CN MAiNL!NE::J"' NOTE. AL~ RECLAIM~DWATEFI IRRIGATION PIPE ANO SLEEVES SHALL BE PURPLE AND LABELED AS S?ECIFi£i) iN; RECLAIMED WATEFVFIR!GAT!ON MAINLINE W/SLEEVE --- NOT'l=: "STANDARD S?EC;F!CAT7CNS FOR P.C/IVATE IRRIGAT/CN SYSTEMS· "CARLSBAD REC~AMATICN F!ULES ANO REGULAT7CNS FCA CCNs,;:;uc,;CN Cl" RECLAfMED WATER MAIN.', • .JUN~ l'/91 I SHEET Nd. VERTTCLE CLEARANCE OF r2· MINIMUM 1$ MANDATORY WHEN Cf'IOSSING PATH OF A POTABLE WATER LJNE. INSTALLATTCN OF REC/.AJMED WA7cll lRRIGAT1CN ----11 C-6.1. ' MAINLINE 2.c· FROM FACE CF SiOEWALK WILL PROV/OE THE NECE$5ARY /0' HORIZONTAL. Cl.E:ARANCI! FRCM PQT;1BLE MArNL/NE iN THESn=IEET Pf' 66,( ' n architecture JO.i:.GilOVl;ST. Vffl1UlA. CA 9300J 110SJ M10f"\'S • ci\PPRO VED FOR PLANTING A.ND IRRIG .<\ TIO N O NL'{, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATIO:-J OF PLANTING AREAS . "AS BUILT" TrTLE ________ _ APPROVE] REVtE\./ED BY, ENGiNE!:RING PLANCclECKER QA TF. INSPECTOR DA,E i-----,.-------------------,---..;._---1---+---1 [ s:t~r I ~==-==========:::'...'.:::=:::::::::'. 1----+-----------------~--------+----t-----1! CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT t----t-'---------------------------+----+----t I 1-----+---------------------+-----+-----11 ! CA,;tLSBAD SERVICE t--~------------------------+---+----o I CENTER .<2 ' /' 1----,----------------_;_.-----l----,---~ i;:::A:::::PP=R==(t!=,~::;:· ,·::;::· .:::=7.:::::':;:(!},::;t::;,~c;:::' .======t=-~=_.,_='J=/ 1---+-----------------------------1----+---I I --""'"'_.-·~'--+-'-----I'----------I'?' 1-------------------------------+---+----1 I ASSlS'~ANT, PU>NN!NG /JIREC"'CR 1---------------------------------1----+---1 I D'NN SY: ---PRo~;::,:r ,~O. DA '.'f; i ,NITIAL , ._□_A_TE __ IN_I_TI_AL--+-~-A TE_, _.__IN_ITI_A_L-1 I CH KO 8 Y: __ _ ~E,,1s1Ci"i :iE:.c~1P~:ci'J , R 1,1n BV EcsG:NEER 0F NORK! i OTHER .\PPROVAL c:n APPROVAL i V ' CUP 90-1 I DRAWING :'JO.I 333-11. C.M.W.D. 89-C-290 ·, 1 • 0 1.1 1 . 1. 2 1.1.4 1.1-4.1 1.1-4,2 "1.1.4.,t 1.2 1 • 2. 1 '. . 2. 1 . I 1.2.,.3 1 .. ? . 1 . 5 • . 2. j I . 2. 3. • 1 .2.3,.J · •. 2.3.5 1. 2. 4 1 . z. 4-2 1 , 2. 4. j lsEcT:ON 02·1~0 -IRR:r:ATI □NI Df:SCR IPT l ON~ rhe ,scope of WOii<. is to provide a I I I abor' mater ta Is.. tran.spor t<1t' o,7~ un~t ,1:,erv ice necessary ta furn I .sh G:'~d : n!:>ta I I [ rT i ~Jo:;:;t: on Sy~+~ms GS shown on l·he dnJw i n~;s and ,je,3c1 i 1)(--,d hen); r~, Thei con-r·ac·tor shn I I comp I y with CMWD specif i (.;c;t · o:-rs dated Octoo€r· 19 93, ~er reclc1trned wa·~·er not'"' #1 ,:,n St"'Jf.>~t 1. QUALITY ASSURANCE & R[QU1REME~T$ P~rm\ts e11d f'ees: T("'le Cor.l-r-actnr shol I ootaln ond pc1y for al I permlt::-.; <Jl'ld inGpect'o1s n3quired. Monufactur-or' s Di rec+ r ons:: M<Jnutoctun~r' s shop draw i ncs, ;H1cka\le and a:Je I di r-cc~ ions .sha I I opD I y whenever· rnater i a I of e;uch manufac1u~er i.::; t<:i be ,:pp I i ed m-eqtJlpment inst(Jl led, Gxcept as speci F!col ly ::itt1erw!.sei d 1 roe\ od Dy iho Arch 1 h3Gt (T Jwner. Grdlnances and Requlatlons; Sta-utes. ordinam~s:s cind re,ated ne.gu,a\'lons qcve,-ring or· pe1\·airii(19 1-0 1Jny por-1 or of th i::; work Gre l··ereciy i nc,'.':lrporG-ted c:ind rrad'.3 a part Df these specifications, mid rneir 1Y-ovisi:ins s~i(JI be c<Jrr i ttd cut by tho Contrac 1'or. Noth; nq (;onta i n01j in tt'1e$e .spoc if i C(lt i t)n.s .sha I I IJ!j constr1J~d to ccritr cd · ct such .7,totute.s, ordi11<Jnc~s <Jnd requ!-cmen+~. Who1, how~ver, .spec i f i ed ina·rer-i (JI s '.Jnd cont;tr-i...1c ti en d~+ci i Is exooed reqJ!t-emen'l".s .se, for-··h in sta·rul .. es~ ordincnces ~md re I a t·ed req1~ I (]ti on.s, Hi~ specif i cut· ons and p I on de+a i I,'$ .sha I I pr ova i I • l::.;,,;p anot i t;in of lJrGW 1 ngs; [)uie; to the soal'<"3 of 1jrawi11<'.)s, it is r1ot-possibl~ +o indicate al I oftsots, ·f-itt!ngs, s,~ev':ls, etc. "thct may b~ r·ecil..'lr·cd. The CLmtr<Jct·or ,~,ha: I carefully 'nves-;-i;;iate the cor;d it i (')nf; af..i.:ec ting I 1 r ~_, work ar1<: pl an ar.:icnr·d 1 n9 l y. He ::;hql I furnioh .s:u~)/·-flt!'ings. ~:c. <JS r:my bo r-·equir~d. To obtain gn1phiG clar:ty. pipe, va/v~ and oth,,_,r equip1nent symbols, (excep·t· .spr-ir,kler hec1d~i.) may be shown in l ocnt ions ::, t her· than intended. PI c(~~ l) r pe where typ 1 ca I I y reqLJ i n:!d end '.J,<; .c.;:hown in the pi !Je p I <Jcement -:-IP.to! I . WherAv~, po.ss: b I~. pl pes :-~ho I I be r-cu-tP-d -t-hrou,Jh urea:::. to ~D p I :.::inted 1ather than • .. mder" DdV l ng, Contrqr,:tor sha I I qvo i G oonf I I c-r i 1g uonc.1i t · ons be-rween spr-ink I or pipe cmd oqu i prrient and ,) I an-:-·,5 end ;,t-n~ci"u10.s. Tt"le word 'Arch i tee+' as used herein may re-fer to the proj oct Landsr.ripe Arch i tee+ or other (JUthor i zed repri~sentat 1 ve of the l1wner, A I I work cc1 J , ed for on the draw i /lg:$ by note.s Q: deta i Is sho I I be f'.lrn i shed ,1nd i :1stu l led who the!"'" 0r no+ 0pec if i ca I I y r·1er1-t l oned i r'i t~1e spec i "f i cat i ors, The ~antra.ctor --sho(l not Je-llberately insta\11 any pa("t of the i rr-i yeti on :~y,:;te:-n os ~llown on ·t-t1~ dr(Jw i ngs wh'3r"l i ·t-is ~vi denT i r •··he Fie Id !'hat d;i,jtr·uct i 0r1:j, grado d 1..:::for0noe.s or' (1 r scr·epanc i Ai? in iJrea d 1 mens ions I;-:!-..,:: 1st tt1ai mi Qht not havf::I been cons i c.le1P-d l n en,;J i neer i ng. Cue.st Ions r-e()CJr'd I nq oppcJrent cj ! ffo,--ences be t-we!::ln p I on and i-;. i te .'::.lhOU Id be brc)tHJht to thH (Jttent i o/'1 o+ t·he Cwnor' ,s autt"1or·l?ed r~pn.~sent(]tfvo. In -tho event of fa: I lJr t-= to notify, thH i 11-i (Jot i (;r"l con"l'ractrn· ,5,70 I ! <J5SU."Tle -fu 11 r'€:-~r:-ion5 i bi I i l·y f'or consequent rev is i on.s. SIJBMITTALS Mater"iol _!0t: lhe C'ontrc.ictor .st-la I I prov 1 do J-~1e equ t prnent 1 1mter: a I ,s, ,it· I'.'lr0cesses .s~ec i r i ed in -hHc drawi n(,ls ·ind .spoci"fic(1tiGns. Sub.s·l·i·hJt·rons shal I not· be (.Ji lowed w I-ho1... t p---i or wr-i t-t<'=n (JPprovu I ''rom -t-he :)wner. Corm I P.te mot er-i c: 1 l i :JT Gha I l b<.9 ,5ubmi th:d prior to portorminc) (JnY worl-<-Moterl'Ji ist shal I incl11de the rrK,1r1u factur-cr, 1ncde I r1um::ie1 an<J d~5cr i pt i un o-f a I I ma·t-c:r-· r a Is (:r"'\d equ I pmen+ to be. used. r. qu 1 pment or m:::iter lo Is i ns-c.i I I ed or fun·1 ! .shed ·,;t; tho:Jt prior 1.::iprwQval G..:.. Ire Owner :-nay b!::I r·'F.,iec1"ed c.:ind the Contr·c-:ctor· r-oqu i n~d to r0move .:-;uch ma -~or i e.1 Is trom l·he :-;; i te c ·t-h i s own exr,iP.nso- :~ppn,va I of any 1-'-em, (1 I ·tcrnate or Jubst i tute sha: I Ind 1 cct·e :x1 I y thqt the prodt.1ct or _::,1odt)cts apparent I y meet th~ -equ i ,-orrents of tho arciwi rlr,s ,Jnd spec i + r ca-t· ions <.Jn the basis of the Information 01-3amp l es submi -t-.:...ed. It snou Id not Je constr"ued to ind i :.~cite f i na I qcceptanoe. 1"1anufrn_:turer 1 .s warr-cn-t ~:s sha ( l not 10 I i eve the Con'"l":cctn--oi: 11is I iabl I ity urdc1· the guaran..l•~e. Such wc.lr"f'cmtios shal I only s;..1pp' e:nent the ,;JUan:ntee. Rec(Y-r Draw! nQs; n·1e Contr-:'Jctor sha I I provide (.Jnci ><;eep up to date a i::omp\cte "u~]~h1Ji 1-+-'1 r~cord ,'">et o-f blue I ine priri+~ wh!ch sha I I he ::orroct 0d da i I y ond a how ~very :::hdtlqe from J-he or;,;;i!ral jrawi••i,Js ond SDElo:·fic()t-)o.1s (Jnd the O>(act "as-bl. i It 11 ( QC'.Jl· ions, .',:, 1 ,,:~:::-;, >Jf'd t<. ind:=;, Qf GQU i ·.:,ment. Th::-, ,-;et-ot cjr-Gwin~Js ~;hal I t,e kept on the ~~it-e.: 1Jn(j ,shal I be used or,! y c'Jt> (J 1-P-c;or·d ,set. The 1-eco1d d1awin9s ::;hal I al~,o serve to indicate work prog.""e~,s, -'.Jnd tt-o C;)ntrnctor· 2hG I l make 1eat cmd , eg ! b I e <mnotc!"lo.ts +htH·eori dai I y u~; the ,,...ork proceeds, showinq the work os actually ;nstol led. These ,j1,:1wings .shal I be ava i I ,:1b I~ ot a. I t· i me,~; 1:0, inspect I on 1Jnd s.:1<J I rJe ket-:i-t T n a I oo:it ion de~, 1 gna'·led by the Owner-·. se+or·e the da1"1J c-F the fl na I i nsper::+ l on. the Contrac·t· or ~wovlco t-o the owner a r:.opy oF tha r-ecor·j drGwing. Th~ Contractor ::,;l)a I I d l-11en.s i or, pc· nt.'3 o·f 1·•F'!,..::~1enco, I but Id 1 n9 r·oud lnt-,::,-,soctions. ~tc •• ) t·'le r tern'3: From t-wo (? l permanent cor-ier~-.. sidewalk, or O(:Clt ion of tt1,:--, -fo I I ::iw i no ct-Connection tc exls~ilC woter I lnet";. b. Co1,nect 1 c:n to 0x i ST i r1(] e I octr i ca I power. A G~t~ valvos. d. R:Jut-in,;"j cJf spri'lkler pr··es.sure I i:1es (dtrnen.sion max. 100' ,J\on,;.i n)u'•ing). 13. SDrinklc:lF" GDr"tr-ol V(11VP.,S. f. Routing of Qcrrt~o1 wir-inq. g. Ou i (;k ccup I i ng va I vH-"). .7. O I·1:or r-·e 1 <ltt-:d equ I pnl=,r,t os (j i rected by the Owner·. Be-:"o--e t-he dCJt~ c-r: the fin(1I lnsps~tion. the Contn1ctor shc.i I I de I i vet-l·he corn-~:·;ted ard cnrno I etod recorc dr,.1win<JS to the nwr'lr:!r. De1 iver-y of ~h8 r·F:cor-cj drowinrJS she\ I not r-i;~I ieve \he Contractor of th<;: ·-cJsponQib: l ity uI·· fl.irnls,7ing ""equiP:?d infor11ct'on th<J-t-mcy be orni·Hed, C · ty r HqtJ I res I·ha+ the ·:onir,:Jct~ ubtG 1 n: a. '.nspector0 opp1-ovGI of cont-actor "o::.·-bu! ll3", b. Ci 11 (Jiveo 1rriga1•ion pion •:'Jrd title sheet rny I er·::; to LrJndscar;i~ Arch l tect For "as-bui It" p:-:v is· ons. c::. I rn1,lscapc Arch i +~ct ind i O<Jtes "as-bu' It" ·! nfnrrn<it 1 en or my l (Jr".<: c:nd n3tun1s my I ar·s to c::-i ty tor-1Jpprovq I . d, Ci ty uppr-c::ivf',5 my I er '' (ls-bu i I ts" cmG rcqueSTS c0ntr,'.Jc\or-to f,;ent a bonded prin\·91 ar.;,pr·oved by c: i ty to pr ckuD anci rnake .J .sets 0f b I !.J~ I · ne.s a:-iC 1 s2t o+ photo n1y I ar .s -for-CMWD Cont·-olle,-Chrn-ts: RecQr-d drawings .shc.l I I he Gpp1oved D::,-""he Owner befor-0 ccnl"-ol I er d'l<Jr·t8 arr:i pr-Gpc.lr"P-,;-j. Pr-0v i Ce tY10 co1tro I I er· .:;J-art fer" each contr·o I I er ,'3upp I ·ed. Tl1~ char·1 srIa 11 show the areG control I ed by +he au-·011ct i c v.int-o I 'er-Gnd :-;ho I I be tt-e I arg0s+ ,::; i ze ·t-ra-t cun be pl:Jcod ~n tl'117 door. The char-·t· st"1a I I be J reduce(j dr-awi ~g of tt;e ac t·l,a I reco" ( dr:'J'"'lings. Howev~r, i7 t-he Hvent l·he cuntrQ[ ler :-;equencc 1 s not I eq i b I e when the draw i nQ is reduc0d, it aha I I be ,;-:r, I nr']ed 1·0 (J :::. i -".e tl'a't-is r·endab I e al"h'. 1'0 I (Jed (J,$ neco.::::.sar·y, The r:hcr-·1'· '.3ha I I be :1 b I r.JCI<:. I i ne <)r b I uo I i Ile ozc I : d or, rl'l· (Jnd J di !'-rs;lr<:;!n"I" co I or· ~;hJ I oe us,;:>d to inc i cute !""h<= on:'!cJ ::;if co,,enJge -fo~· eac,1 s·fat i 017. When (.:orrr, I eted cn(j Jpproved, tho oh<:.::r"t ShG I be herne"t i ca I I y sec I ed IH-~twor:m ·h:c () i eca.s at t (l m! (, p I 1.Jsti r.:. 1.2.4. 7 rhe ch<1rt5, sho I I be comp I eted rJnd opproved pr· i or-to f!11ol acc0ptC1n<:e of ths. irri,.;(i-ion syG·t-em, 1. 2-5 OpenJ-+-Jon Gnd /;1~11 ntenance ManucJ I~: 1 . 2. 5. 1 P-cooare end deliver +o rhe Jwner w17h(r, ten c:~c1ler;dar- days of C()ITlD 1 ei" ion o..:: C('.li:siruc r ion, two hard cover three ring l)inders cont(1tning ~he fo, lowlng infonnn~lon: <J. lrdex sl'Jeet ,5totin":J Contrcv:tor' G addr'F:!.S/', and telephono nurrber. I "::.,I of 1::1quipmeni' with name :ind qciC::r05:ses o·f local .11cr1u·f:icturer1 G "'"8Pl'esen..,.ot1 'I◊&• b, C<:tqlog and part~ shee1·s ~n every ma ~er i (JI r.rnd ~qu 1 pITD·I t-: n:::;tn I I ed under th l ,s L>LJntr .Jct·. a, Gt~(Jra,Tt'OO statemP,ni•. d. Camp I ehii opero-t· i rg a.'lc rna I ntenance in~~-t~uctlo.1 on di I major 0quipiner1-r. 1,2,5.2 ln cJddition to ma1n·1-enu11<:e wnuals, pr-ovltle the Owner's maint~narce persor1nel wl t-h i11"~-;-·r . .Jct·o:1s --"o."" cperc·t·'o.1 ;-J1: the rnoj or equ i prr0n-t-tlnd prov 1 de ev l der,ce 1 n ,vii ti r;o to t:le Owner (1-t the cone I us i ot1 of t'le proi 8(;t tha·1 t-hes0 t:.1rnovP-rs have beer1 cornp I e I 8C, 1.2.6 1.2.G.1 Equ i p1nent -o be F ..1/f" i shed: Supply ,:;s a part of this contract the fQl lowi(lg tools: 1. 3 1 . 3. 1 L 3.2 1. 3. 3 1.4 1. 4. I a. To (21 keys For eacrI automati,·; controller. b-Two : 2) ::iu r cl<. ccup I er keys o,u rr1Jtch: ng hose i5w i ve Is fc,r· each type o·f qu r ck coup I i rig va Ive i nstc I I ed. The obove .spec i Fi ed ~qu t pmon ~ s.t1u I I be t·urned ov~r to The owner (J-t the cone I us i or, of t~It1 pro j ec+. Arcll i tect rrust I)~ Gb l 0 ·t·a c:o,1·f l rm th<J t th~ "turn-over" equ \ pmen·t and rrater-i q Is hGve been qi ven l·o the owne,-pr l or to cornple+lng th.s fir1al Inspection. PRODUCT DELIVERY. STORAGE AND HANDLING A I I m(lter i <JI :s: <Jr·e to b~ tra.'lsported t·o the s i -~e i i1 secure pao\<.cg:es. The Contractor shul I be re.s~ons.ible -for al I materf<J!s stored Gt tr,e :5; -te. The ow1~er GitlO I I in no way be respon,s i l;i I e for the .secl,Jr: ·ry or prc:tect l on 1Jf any .c.;t-":Jred muterirJl.s, T,7e Conti-<Jc'tor i .s t':(~~Jt l oned -to 8xen; I 6e ca:!3 · n rv1nd: ing, loujfnq, 1_;n1oaCin~J• \md .st·orinq uf PVC pipe cind fi t-tin~;.s. Al I PVC pipe .:;hal I be tr'"i:1n::,por-·1,od in ci vehicle wh 1 ch n I 1 ow0 the l enoth o-i:. :) i pe-t·o ! i f.:l 1· 'qt so aG not To sub_i HCi i t t8 lJrK/ue be.1c i nQ or" c;oncentrG ted externa I I oad at m1y ~c i n-t. M1y '.;~ct 1 on of pi PH tho t hos been dented or dn1Y1:;<)ed .:;ha\\ bt:1 dl:-:;ca:-ded Grd, if ns·)al led, sho I I)~ rep l cced w i -'-(1 r"P-W JI pe. GUARANff[ fhe Contn1c+or silo I I us,;, the a·:·-rached for·m to pr-ov i de gucr·(lntee tor--~he ,,~pr l nk I or i rr i m:i+ l on syGtem. The oenor-a l con~) 1 tr ons and :-Jupp I ~men·t·cry ::;ond 1 +ions of Hie,<Je spe(: i f 1 cot ions st1c.J I I be f' I Q(j wi ti·· -hl:'7 tJwnor or t1 f .:J r'e[')rAson·t-at i ·ve p1-1 or t·o ccoeµtcin:::e of t·hs i r r··· i q::it ion 5: y .<:d· o,..-,, A copy o-f t:iF. guarantee fo-r-m ::;:ha I I be i r7c I uced in -·t1e oper-ol" inns Gnd Im t rit~ncirce 'TlGnua I_ fhe fol lowi.1g shal I l.)e pre.sorted 1Jt1der the cont:-''(ic~or' .s I et·tor-1ead: CUARANTFE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGAflON SYSTEM We hereby g:.Junin+<?e t-hot the ::;fir-! nk I er i rr· i go-:-! on .system wt:: havl''.: ft...rn I ~;t1ed <Jnd : nstci I I P-d i ,5 tr Ge fr"01Ti (Jefoc·t s in muter" i <1 \ G and \V(Y'kmqnshl p, :Jr:d -t\·1e wor-k has beer1 comJ l c-•·erj in occordanco with t·hc (j11Jw i ngs ,1m:1 .;,pee if i cot ion~. Ur-j i r1c1r·'y wear ,Jr:d t~::ir anj unu,su(il (1huse, 01 ne,;.Jlect 10 cxoe1.:>ted. we a,;Jree t~ ropa i r '....H" replace tJf"IY (jefttc-,:-ts ; n rna·ter i u l '.)1- .,..,<"Tkrn::Jnsh i p wh r c.1 may ijeve I op dt.w 1 nq one yt:(n-frorr ,j-:Jte of 1Jcceptc:ir1c~ '.1nd o I sc tu I·-epa i r· or r-ep I :l1.e (]ny cjam<Jye ,. e5U I 't' l ng fr om t~e rop<J i r or· r0D I acoment of :-~uch cjofects ,:t r10 add1 t·iori(il cost t'O the owner. We shrJI I I11ake .5Jcr" renqirs or repl(1cem0n-t-s wit:71n a roosonuble tirne, u.s ,::;ete-·mined by th~ owner, 1J-ft~-rccGipt of· wrlt"t"cn notic~. In :·ho event of our h_,, lure ro rncKe .::iuch i~opoirs or ··ep:acerrenh: witr·n :J r-oas.otvib I e 1-i me :Jft~r· r-ece I pt ot wr-I tt<';!n not· ice rr-·,Jrn the Owner, we G:.1tho1izo t-ha Owner -o proc9ed +u have ,,:-;<Jj,j r'epc1/r-.s or r""ep l ncemec l·s ,.wJde (lt our expense.. We c:;ha I I pcy t•·113 cos·h3 <ind char,::ies tt'lP.re+cr-o upon derT1<lr1d. PROJC:CT: LOCATION: 2.0 2. I 2.? 2 . 2 -1 2-3 2. 3. I SlGNED: ADDRESS: PHONE: i I DA l'!c OF ACC1',PTANCE: MATERlAI.S Use on I y new moter r a Is of bn1nds end types r,o+~d on drcwir1g~. spcci~lsc he~~in, or approve~ equals. Pressun-: rnoln ins pipir'q fo1-G.izes ?" onLi lar~gsr-::>hc1I I be PVC CI m-;t,; 3 · 5. Pi po sh<"i I I De made tnY·n i:Jn NSF CPDr"ove<J ~yc,e, l, 1~n1dH I, PVC co'."flpnur1:::1 contormi ;I,J TO t,STM n:?.sin ~·;pecl-fical ion 0173<1-. Al ;:.iipe 11L~.>+ rncc· requ I 1-~rnen1'3 GS sat lorth i 11 FGder-rJ 1 :~:pee If i cG-t-ion PS-L.2-/0, with an appt-opriat~ :5-t:Jnd<.Jt-c ,-.jil"l'\e.(1,~;io't (S,R.f1. J • .::iipe .sh(.JI I )R purple culor·. Pi-i:~ssur~ maln I ins pipinq for :Jizes 1 -1/?" an(j GmGl ler· sllol I be PV: S<;r1edi1le c:'.:() wi-th ::;.ol·v1;7nt •;,elcjGc jolrrt-s. Pipe ,S.7CJ I I •)f:l rrado fr-om N~~r opprovod Type I. Cr-:Jde I PI/C comprnmd confcn1i l'l'd to .',Sl M t-o.s i 1 ::;f)~c 1 '' i co I I on '1785. Al I pic:io m.Jst 1, .. ,eet n::quirement,<.; i:1.c, ,'Je't" tortt~ ir1 Fedor-cl Spocifkqtions PS-21·-70. Pipe .::,ncl :e p .. irplc ::0Ior·. PVC s.ol-,~nt-weld ti r--i-\r\~s ;')hG\ 1 u0 •2,ci-..1edule 401 ·1-2. I I --·1 NSF Gp:ircvHd ,;onformi nQ to 1\:=";H;J tes I' pr-oC,;,J'.llJre 02466, Al I tl I l·ings :--;h<.1II bear :10 mcrnJi"uc1·u1-,.::r-' ::~ rnIrne (;iF" ~ra(jerrar"k. 1r1cJtr:::r r a I des i c'jr'(it I '.-w., .3 1 zc, '"i\)\l I ~ ,·:L'.Jb i o 1. P. S. ,:,che:ju I 0 (Jnd N~;I" f;ea I c..:.. IJppr" ov(1 I . PVC solvent-w0I,j pipa c·1nd fJ·r·1,in9a .st-ic:I I ::;,e J'olr:ed with <.,Jl)l)rov1:1d .sol·vent ,;:emen·t AST"-1 D .. ,,;r:;[4. Applicnti:-1r1 o-f .solvont-weld cenen·~ :3n<JI I be pn~cccjrJrj Dy ::nrnl ic;JI ion of p1irr'1er for ?VC pipe. Cui••' ing of 1;ipe. (le-burr/1·,q pipe, GPD',ying p·lmer, iJpplyirg ::.o1-Jent ccmort c:1w' _joir1in(J of pipe end Ti 't' ·ti n9s ::;hu I I be Jer-=o:med :)~r· the I ,J)l:'J I s.pecl-fica·1·ion.::; o! the sclvont-w~I<'. CP.:merI' manuI':1(:tur0t-. A I I PV~ a. b, C-d, e. f. pip~ muG-t bec:Jr· the fol owiny m-ir-kinc.;5,: Mon•.jf,.ict 1r·~1-' s nmne Noinfr,,JI ;:iipe .size Scheiju I B :Jr c I a.'.::'.S rn-~.:.>5ure ;-cJt-ing ifl ?.S. J. NSF (N(Jticwal '.)anihJtion roun(j<Jt'ion) nI)p1-oval DnTe of ox:tr-usion Non-pres:-~ure but-ioa atP.n1I I 7ne pipinc; shal I b0 P\/('. clu;-_;::, :200 with ~;olv~nt-we d jo'r,t,•; ~x::;epr os ot'IF-r-s.vise .spcci fied on 1he c;,lans. Plpe ,shrJI l be \·:,lrol1.;: color, 2-4 2. 4. i 2.5 2.S.2 2.5.J 2,6 2. 6. " 2.6.2 ?. • 6. 3 2. 6. 4 2.7 2. 7. 1 2. 1. 2 2,8 2. 8. 1 2. a. 2 2.9 2. 9. 1 2. '.:J. 2 2 .10 2. I 0, 1 2.10.2 2. 1 O. 3 2. 1 O. 4. 2-1◊-5- 2.10.5 2, 11 2. 11. 1 2.11.2 2.11.3 ? . 12 2. I 2. 1 2, 13 2. I 4 2 • I 4. 1 2. 14. J J. 0 3. I , 1 3. 1 • 2 Pipe ,sho I ! be made ..c:rocn NSF approved, Tyoe l , Grade I I PVC Compound confonnlnQ ""o ASTM re.si11 speci·fi~~c:+1on D1"784. A' I pipe lnJ~l" meei r~ciulreme"-1h; :'Jet f::irth if". reCerGI Sp~c1f1cotion PS-22-70 wi t-h :m app!O/)r·iate stcnda, ... d di 11ent. lo~ ratio. Except (JS noted 1 r par-a graph 2. 3. 1 . :JI i --equ ! 1smento for r10r--pr21ssu1~ I a"tsrG' Ii ne DI pe ard f i tt i 'l~S :,~r1e; l I Je !"he ,scJme (le:; for soi.v~i-~t-we\d p1ef;Su'""~ rrn\n I trie pipe and fitt"nJs as ;-;e-tor+h )r, sectlon5 2..2. 1 ,md 2,2,? of t7e.se s~er;ificG-\"ions. Where 1 rd I coted ~m ..,.he draw i n~.s. use red brass .screwed J)\pe confor·:r11no lo Feder·ql ~;pecificaticn ttWW··P-35·1. Fittings G.hal ! be red brass confor-mlnQ t"o F'"eder<::1I S.Dec; f 1 c<Jt I or ttitflj-P--'16O. Galvaniz:ed Pipe Fit-!ni;s: Wnere r nd 1 cated nn ~he dn1w i /"ll"JS, use ,;a i van i ::ed stee I pipe ASA Scnedule 40 int Id steel screwed pipe. FTt·t-;nos dial I bs medium 9al 11anized screwP,d De'.Jded ma I I efJb I e l ron. Ca var i zed cc;,~m I l n9s may be msn.~tiant coup inq. !\I I ga!vani.::::~d pipe rJnc rittJngs installed l>elow grade ,:,ha I be DCJ i n'l'ed w i ih two ( 2) cacts ":;if k opper.s tt50 S. 1 tucmst i c. Gat·e Va Ives: GatfJ va Ives 3 11 and smc I I er sha I I be 125 I b. SWP bronze gat"1 va Ive ·w i i'h S<~rew-i n borne+. nonr Is 1 ng stem ond sol id wedgH d1Sc- Ga f·o va Ive~; 3 '' and sma I I er sha I I have threcded ends <]nct sh<J I I be oqu i ppec: wl th a bronze handwhee I. Gate vQ I ve:s 3" a,1d .">ma I I er-sha ! I be s i mi I rn-to those 1oonufactured l):-f N r bc:i or approved equa I, A J I qci+e va Ives i;ha I I be i nsto I ) ed por i nsta I I cJt I on de-ta I t , Quick C0upl inq VG Ives: Ou i ck: ccur:, 11 ng vc Ives ~,ha I I h(]ve a br(i5S two-pi eoe body des'qned for w-or•kinq pr0ssure qf 150 p . .5.1, open1ble wl 1·h qu\(:k coup\ er. K ,:;y .s 1 ze anc -ype sha I I be c:is shown on PI mi$. Backf I ow Pnwent ion Uni -t-s: 3ockt'. I ow preven·!· ion uri its sha I I be :Jf ;') i ze and typa ind:catcd on -~1H rrrigation dr(]wfnqs. Instal I bGcktlow ~revent ion 1,n i ts 'n occordance wi +h I o<::cJ I govern· ng ::;ode:-:.- Wye :-~+rainorG at backflow pr-event Ion uni 1".s .s:hal I have a ,)r-onz0d scr·P.wed body w i tfi lCl mesh m.:ine sc.r~e7 and sha I I be s i ~ii 1._,r t·o l)a l I w-1 #1 00\J er appt'ovP;d eaua I . C:.:hock Vn!ves: '.~wl ng check V(l Ives 2." and ,":ln'lO I I er .sha I : )e 200 pound w.o.c. bn,nzc constnJctlon wit~ replcc;e<1bl~ composition, n~oorene 01 ruiJb~r jJ.,3c rJnd shC1i I mee·I ot-8x(;;-:,~cj i=-:::;dor-<JI Spocificcition WW-V-51d, Class A, L')e ~V. .~nt i -dn:J in va Ives s,'7(: I ::ie <J.s speci f-ied in the plan.,,.. Con·t-r-ol Wiring: Connec-t'on.s between the '.:'1l~tG1TOtlc cor,,10\ ler"r~ and fhs e:l,3ctr-lc contTol vc1l·..-es shal I :,e made with di:--ect ::iurial copper wirG AWG--(J.f=". 600 vol 1. Pi lot wir-es sha! I ::,ea di tfcwent c<;i I QI wire for each cu·t-o"Tlot ~ c ,~en+,-,.:, I I er-. Corn'P::n wt,-e:s: snal I be w1"1!·tC! wit/"' c1 -:'llffercn·r 80lor· :,,;tr I De tor edcr'l i:1utoma ;· i o contr·Q I '1Jr. ! nsta I I in accor-ijGrice with 'J<J Ive rrio'ltJf(]ci"uror' s ~p~ci f 1 car ions and wir·1.:> -;hort. l:-i no c(J:=;e ,shol I win~ 517et :Je 038 thnr. #14. '.'J 1 r· i r1q sha l \ occup~ +he scrre tr•Rncil end sr'a I I l'";rt, r ns-t-<J I I ed c) onQ t·h0 :-,ameo: rou+e cs presnure su:>p I y or- I ctP.ro I I ines wI·1er·P,ver possibl~. wt-iere more thcy·1 one ( 1 ) w i f'"e i ~] p · rJced in rJ t-ench, the "'i r i n,;.J ,';ha I I bo tdpec: -oge·t her (Jt i nterva I 3 of te~1 : 1 0) feet. A,, expan.s ion c";ur· I .she I ' ~e pnw ! ded within thi""eei ( 3 l feet u r ~1Jch w i 1-e c::>nriect I on Gnd ct I east every onH !\1.Jndred \'1001 fi:lHT of wire 1er1]th 01 r-uns rnorf.' than one hundn::.id (1C0) fee·I in 1 erirJth. t::xpanslc::in curlJ .shal I be f-or·1·1ec.t by ,..,rapp i ncJ cit east five ( 5) turno of win~ nroun(j cJ orie ... 1 n~h ,_j l cme-t~r" p 1 pe. Al I :-;,"JI Ices sh'.JI I l)e rnade 'Ni~h Scc;it::;h-Lok n-3576 Connoctor Se(il in9 Packs. fl1--m--Tlh:i wire connector, or Jppn)Vi-:;d equ<J I • lJ~;~ one sp I ice per connect or :::;eci I 1 ng ;)ack. Clerml ss ion of the Ar-ah i t("-)ct m.Jst· be ob-1-<:t l ned "to GP I i Ct? c.:ontr-ol wire between i"he iJutcm:1tic :::on"'i'.:ll ler dtid el0ctric cor1trol valves. Ai:tornat·ic c:cntn:,l ler3 shal I be of ,'3ize and type specified Dn !·h0 pldilt>, ~lnGI loco+ion ot cJutcmatlr, control ler<.s l ~hal I be approvF.d l?y t·he cwnt.lr'' -'' au1·horized .... ~presen-I-ative. L.Jr,/ess otherwise noted on the plans. 120 vol+ electric power· t0 tr1e i :Ti ou-t 1 on l)OnirO \ \ er I ocat l on .sha l ' tie ;)r"ovlded by ot"i1;-;r,J. Conneotio.'l to !"170 ccinfr .. ol ler she l be l·hs n;i,<;I::cnsibi I ity of' the !rri~Jation •'::ontr.Jctor. Contro I va I 110 boxe~; sha I I be prcv 1 ded as .specified on the p I an sd1ed:J I e 1Jnd/or d~ta ! I. (r.stal I Q<Jte vqlve.s with I)" die. x 24" deep rOL,nd :,ox \ 8rot;iks #9 or :Jpproved equa I ) • Spr-ir1kler He<JdG: A I I spr ink I er 7eads 3ha l I bo ,Js spec i ·f i ed in 1·he i rr i cint l on oqu i ptrerit schocu e. Spr ink I er· riser~ G and r~ · ser a.ssemb I i e::, 5ha I I conform to deta1 l.s .shown n11 -"-he p1(J1B, 9 i ser n l pp 1 es for spr I nl-<:. I er h6CJ(:I,":;; sha I I be the sami:i s: ZE as l··he spr· i r1k I er l n I et, .1dapters onrl r-ec:ucers at the l r" I ei" shrJ I I not b~ ;:ier-m i Hed. ::XECUTION S!Tlc: lNSPECTION: aecuuse of unavo i do:i I e var i at i on:-,a '.Jnd f I uctuat i Qn::-n tre G i ze of p I ar sheets :ILJ~ to humid i +-y (lr'ld -a I <J·I" i ve i mpre~ 1 ,5: on of p I an ("1c,pr0Cuct ion +er~hno I ogy, di Irens I on.s tc,iken ft-om p I (H'\ pr 1.Tt s by u.se cJf a Gca I e ITT..Jst be 1e9ar-{jed Ob no+ necGssar i I y oc:cunJte. The Con tnJctcr sha I I ver .. 1 fy r-e 1 evont d 1 mens ions ()$ pqrt-cf J-he wo~k of tt1!5 sec I ion, und r-1:'lpcr-·t .si<;,1nifictJrit· ,-joviotions to t·he Archi tGci" c:ric.1 Owner-pr'o."" to c:omrr01cemen+ of trc wor-k. Exercise extr·e"Tle carG ·11 .SxGavc1' ing <Jnd w<."";:rking near exi~~tlng uti Ii ties. ConiTactor-~~tl'.JI I bo r-espoI"'~~1ble for dGrrages to 1.J+ I I It l es ca1.J:·:.Hd by h: ,s fa i I 1.Jie -o ox.er-c 1 ::>e StJch :.;au·:·! on. ~rw damaqB sh(l I I be ::;otTooted (Jt r10 cost -to t-he owner. Check exl~:;ting i.Jti: itiP,l:: Gnd cjrcwinq.~;; or-,dJor o i·hor srnJrces for-I ocqt I c:ns ,Jt Gx i st i r19 u)·f · iliec:,. 3. 1. 3 3. 1. 4 3,2 3. Z. 1 3.2,1.1 3.2.2 3.2.z.1 3.2.3 3.2.3,?. 3.3 3. 3. 1 3,:J.,.· 3.J.2 3.3.2,4 3.3.3 3.J.J.1 3. 3. 4 3.3.4,2 CoorG I na-1 0 i nsta I I at ion of 5pr r nk I er I r"r 19at ion equlpmenl". '.nclud:no p1pe, to nvo1d ln,..erfer~n1;e wlth i nst(J I I at ion of lJt 1 I it: es. w 1th o-ther construc·t ion. or- w t'l p I anti riQ of tlB<Js, shrubs. ~Jnd ground cov~rs. The Con-'-r:1<:;tor .sha I I Gonf; rm thc1t a I I requisite gr:Jd 1 ng has b~en completed before comnencing layou-:-and axcavat l on 11 or t·he i r·r· 11,."Jat r on ayst~rn. Phys i CG 1 1_ cyout: Prior to lnstal lat ion, the Contractor shol' :.::take out al I pre.5,sure supply t lne rouilcg, '.Jr,d Ioc<JT!on o-f sprinkler heqds. A I I I ayout sh<J I I De approved by Owner p.~ tar to excavo+ f on. Water Supply: Sprinkler lrrigct!on system s;7qt I be connectEH·j to wG1·er sup:)ly point(;-;;) of conn~r;t1on (P,0.C. l a.s lndiccted on ·rhe crawinq.s. Lot:CJtlon of the lndTc<J~ed P.l1.C. ls ap.p10x:r:1at·e-. \he ::..:ontrcc~iGi-shai I <Jssume rnlnor devi<Jtic.im~ and cdju:,;t cJS needed. E ! ec·t-r i Cd I Suppl y: E : ec"t"r i ca I c,:,Qnnec·t i ans for automat f c contr-o I I er-sho I I be: rrade to elec1-rical poin·t-.s of c;.onnec·t-ion us Jncfcat0d on thtJ Qrawin.,:;s, Location of t·he contra I I er t.hown on p I (:m i .s approx i mGte. The Con·~t8CTl)r'" sha I I assume "the nee.:.1 TO adj u.st to ml nor deviations. rhe cor,trol ler sncil I f)e p1aced wnP,r~ !'hB poi 'lt of connection 1Jnd C(Jntro I w i r-e f; I eevo aro p I oced- lNSTALLATI CN: Trl::lnching; Di~ trench sections str-aiQht and support plpe con"t i nuous l y on bottom of rrench, Loy ::J J pe to on even grade. ,.r~nchi!\I excavation ,"ihal I fol low layout fndlca·ted on drawings (1nd as noted. Provide for mini m..1m o i ghteen ( 18) i nct-,e~i cover over u I \ pressure/ surm I y I i nes. Provide mi r, i rrum twe ! ve I 1 2) inanes Gover over qi I non-pn~t:-'-:iure I ines. r~ovlde inlnirrum oighteen ( 18) i11ches cover uv~• Gl I contr"'CJ! wlr0, Back t i I I i f'1(_J: frenchHS c;ha I I noT be baokf: I I ed uni' i i a f ! r0qu I r0d tests <JIB performed, Trenches Sh() I I be car-efu I I y Dcct-c,.·f i I I ed with the excav<1t~d ma-:'er-i a Is exc I .Jd ! ng large r, I o,j,5 of a,wth or storie5. Uackf i I I ~ha I I be mechan i ccJ I I y C01Tf)<1r;tcd in I m1eiscapcd are<1~, to a 1jry d~ns r ly •]~lJQ I to adj cJ<;~~t und i stur~t)ed ,30 i I in p; (.mt Ing areas. Top of tr·ench .sha I I confor11 to ;J(! .i oc~n·r 91ades without :10+:ceCJblc ir-r-eoulari l'ies. A fine granul(.]r 10a'l"eri<JI back.ti I shal I be initially placeid over· CJI I I i11e~;. No for-eiqn matter lar(Jer than one-!1u f : 1 /2 J inch ; n :3 i ze ~,; 1 I I bo pent1 i tted in !'he initla1 ~ack-f1 \I. F I oorl 1 ng of +r~r~che.s .sha I I he p"r"Tli tted on I y with aporcval of -the Gw11e1. ! f se t···r-1 ernent occur-,s Gnd subsequer1t Gdj ustments 1 n pipe. vo Ive.";., spr ink I er heads, I <1wn or shn.1bs. or other par-ts. o·f tho oor.str:Jc"t' · o'l <:ir·e necoss<Jry. the Contr-actor s:ha I I rTXJke re(lulrod cJ_justments without cost to +he Owner. lronchin~J and □ookft I Jnder Pqvfng: ":renches I ocoted under· ~weas tc b~ paved, sha1 I be backf: 1 led with 3u~d sl~ •6l lnchoo below tne p1pe and tt~r--:;e f J J i neie.s at,ov0 the DI po. C on-p I f;ted f i I I ~t,<1, I be ccmprJcted ir 8" I i·ft:, i'O 95°/. comoact-ion with manual or-meclirn1Jcal tdrr{)inq ,jevicee-;. rrcnches :-o:-D;pin9 s:hq I I be ccrp:.1c::t~d t·o e~JtH1, tho oompm~t 1 on of t-he ex i s·l·: ng (id.i <.1ccn-i-undisturbed -::;o i I . A I I trenche5 sha I I be I ff.;;t f I ush with the ,-:ic:!j o ! .'l l nq 9rade. -h~ Gpr Irk I ai l rr i ga·-:--i or; r..o:-itractor' ,<;na I a.ssemr.i I e in DI ace or1d p,ret~.'.'~ure t·o.st ,~ I i pr pi na pr· i or t·o pGv i no. Gener·a ! I ·1, pi~ i ng sha I l be taken --1ndM' ex l st 1 ng wa t ks by jacki1HJ, borina <Jr hy,jraul ic drivlnQ, blJt wheni cut+ r ng or br"'~(Jk. i ng of :-; t c:!ewa ! l<s cw other paved StJrface;s is neces<";,.1,y. l ·t shu I I bo (jo;7e (ind the pav i nq 1-~p I ccod by the C on-lTaGtor crt· no <Jdd 1 ti on<J I co.::~t to the own~r-. l:)crm i ss i or1 to cu-t 01" l>r-0ak G i cJew<:1 I ks or o+t1tJ.r' pqved sut f(Jces shal 1 be ob·l·ainE-:?d f-om the Owner-. Na hycnJ.ul tc driving c-;I-nl I bci pennitted under· i'~oncrote pavi11q. rr· :,v r de for ml n 1 rrum e i gr)teen : 18) i riches cover b~tween th~ 1-op of t-h<:! p ~ P'"" ,:ind tho butt011 c-:-' t·he (J,;;i,.iregate base for i.J I Dr0.s,3·.Jn::i <:1:1(1 non-·pr··e:-1.5u1c piping i nst<J I : od under <"J;-;1:1ha I Tic conc:rer0 pav i r1Q. A.s:-.>ernb, l e.s; Rout f ng of ::;.1,r ink. l 01 i r·r" ! <JGi l an I l nes as ; nd ! co+ed on t·he drvc1wlrg.s is di-'.J<;ram11ot'(;. lnstol I I ines (cJnd var! ou.s <JM~em? I I (~.S l i r~ :::::on-for-manc~e w 1th construct 1 on deto i · ,'.':; and appn)ved .-:d·andar-d prac't ice, 00 NOT i 11~+CJ I I m.J It i DI e va Ive ns.semb I i es on PVC m::1inl ·ne. E(.:ich v<Jlve sl·wl I connect direc .... ly to cJ IT"Q\nl ine t~e. I n.sta I I a I I c10serrb I i es '":;r,,~c if i ed her~ 1 ri in accordcnce w i th ret>~JP.Gt 1 vo de.hi i I . l n l"r',e GDsenco o-f cle,-to I \ drawiric1;;. or s::,~c: rtcat·ions ths; Contractor shal' complete the wor1"\ in c1c.:cor-donce ,JJ/ th :ies--:--~;+i:indard p.---ac-i ce ofter ob-t-aini110 Gp:)rcvol nf the Owner. PVC p; pe ,md ~ I li i nqs :-;he I I ~e --'-h~Jr-ou9'l I y c I ecmed o+ di--t, d·,..1;:;t" a.-,d rroi,si"uro l)e·fo,-e ~oirinq. :nstal la+ion and so: vei"'t we 1 d l ng rri~thods sNj 1 l be (JS recommended by the ~o I ven'I" oem~r,t mcJnufcc;tur-er. On PVC to metc:i\ conni::ic::tlon:s, ~heron-tractor ahol 1 Joli "Fhe metcJI connoction~, ti1-Gt, Wh~rf: PVC to ~~+eel pipe co,mect Jons ::11~ requ i n~J. use t·hr-0ad by .s I i p PVC 3.J,5 Line CleGrctnce! Al! I ines shal I have minlmum i:j!x ( fi) lnche~ clear-ance from r3ach c>ther Gnd 'f-..... om I Ires of .0:-r:er trado.s. Porol lol I Ines :sha1 I riot be lnsta! !e,j -ilrec.:t!y over .. one (Jnothtw. 3,3,G Automc:ittc Contr-ol ler: Inst<1I I per morufqcturer's !ns:truc·tions. RGrnote coritrol valves ,5hal I be c:::innec/-ed ro ceir1tro I I 01 in the s0qL.enc;e shown on the drawl nQs, .3.J,7 High Voltage Wlrini;,J for Automat:c Contr-ol ler: 3 . .3.7,1 120 Volt power connect!:,n ~o the ,1utomatic contr-ol l~r- from the junc·tion l:.ox or outlet shal .:,a by· the i rr i 9qt ion contr"qci'or, 3. 3, 7. 2. A I l e I ectr I ca I work sha I I ccnform to I ::,cc:1 I cedes, ordinances. ond au'tllor·ities 1av!ng jurr.sdlctlon. 3.3.8 Remote: Control V<Jlves: Instal I where srown and spec i 'f 1 ed on dr-owl ngs and de-ta i Is. when grouped togo t·her, q I low Gt l ~ast i·we ! ve ( 12 l 1 nches between v(J I V65. [ nsta I I each remote contro I va Ive in <J c'.i-A/'.'lorata valve b(,x. 3.3.9 Flushing of System~ .J. 3, '3, 1 After-o I I new GPr ink I er Di pe and r r sers ur-e in p I ace and cor"lnected, a I I n~cesGary n~ I ated wor·k trns been c:orrp I o+ed, nnd pr i 01 to Ins I-a I I ut ion of .spr i rik I er heads, !-he contro I va I veo sha I I be openod and cJ Fu I I heac of wGter usod to r: ush out the c.ys-tem. 3. 3. 9, 2 Spr ink I el heads .;:;lic:1 I I be i nstcJ I I ed only o-fter f 1 ush l na of the .system has been '...l(;comp I i shecl to the comp'. 3te s<.Jt i sf action o.f -:-h~ Owner, 3. 3, 1 O Spr; nk ! er Head,3: 3. 3. 1 O. 1 Provide -~~pr 1 nk I er :~1eads specified on the drawl ng.s, and i ri,s;;ta I ! when--e shown, Devi cJt 1 on.s in head p I acement :::;ha l I not De -;:icomted w\ thout oppro"V(J I of t-he Owner. 3. 3, 1 O. 2 Spacing o-f heads snc I ! 'lot •!:lxceed tre max: mum ind t catl3d on the dra\lf i ngs. Nhen not ind! cai'ed ()r'"1 th~ draw i n{Js, the manufactw1ar' s reco11mfe!nda'I" ions ,:,ha I I preva i I. 3. 3. 1 O. 3 Check va Ives sho I I bo i nstn I I ed on Ll I I heads wher-e neeided to perven·r I ow t"lf.:"ad drc inane. 3. 4 T[MPORARY REPAIRS: The Owner rese1ve,5 the r-i ght to make temporary r"P-pa i rs d/:5 neccGsary 10 keep the spr ink I er sy1;;tem equipmen-:-ooera-tin~J• The exBu~t.<~fl ot rhls r-iqht by 't'he Bui , der-Uove l op~r .-:,:ha I I not ro I i 13ve the Cor.,t,actor of his respon,g i bi I l t·: es 1cnder +hfl l·e1m8 of the gue1ron..,..ee as hen~ r n Jp0c if i ed. 3. 5 t.X IS ... 1 NG TREES; Where 1 t is necessary tn ~'>",cavate adjacent to ~x ! sting tr"~es, the c~Jntractcr sha I I L..Se a I I po8Bible caro t-o qvotd injury to !Toes and tree roots. Excavo"I' I en i r1 (l!eas when:, two I 2) inch tJnd I arqer· roots occur-sha I be dor1e by .7ond. A I I r-oots +we) r 2 1 l r:ches (Jnd I ar,Jer in 11 i ama·her-, (-;Xcep·t· di n:~ct I y in 1·110 pc.1th o+ p I po or C(';lndu i '1', s.t"1i1 I I be I·unre: P-d un1je1 oncJ t;ha I I bo hecv: \ j wrapped wj th burl op. ta prevent ~>carr i ng or excess r ve dry l n9. Where a (j itch i n9 ma::;h i ne i ~ run c I ose 1-0 trees hav l r,g 1"uots smc J I e; than ·two ( 2 l l rches ; n Ji(;me-ter, ·the w(ll l of -thl:::l trench Gujqcent to t·he tr-ee shal I be he.ind 'ITimmt:ld, making cl eon cu-ts ~hr--nuqh. Hoots one ( 1) inch <Jnd larger in d!arne'!-01 '.jhal I be p<Jinted w! th two C()clt.s of Tree '.~P,a I, 01 8'cIua 1. rrenc/1es ,Jdj <Jcent to 1 noles shou Id bB :~ I osed w i ti"1 in twenty four i24J h()LJrs:;; (ind where this is not possible, Hie ,'5Jde of -t-~e tr~nch rJC j ,Jcent +-o I he tree aha I I In~ kepi• Ghaded 'IJ\ tll bur I op Dr canvas. 3.6 rIELD DUALITY CONTROL 3. 6. I 3,G,2 J. 6. 2, 1 ].6.2.7 3.6,2.8 3.7 3, 7. AdjtJf~trnen·; of tt,e System; fhe Cur"ltractor ::>!iCJI I fksh (.lnd <Jdjust al I sDr'rn:.!er- l"iB<id-"? for opt i m1Jm p01formanc:!5' and to pr<3ven t· over spr·ciy o7to wal~~s. roadways. cmd bui ldir1qs as much a5 l)oss!ble, Lower l nQ ra i .sed sDr ink I er-het1ds by tt1P. Contractor :,J1c1 ! I be <Jccomp I I ::,hed wl th i r1 ten ( 1 O) dnys otter not 1 f i cat; on by Owr'ler. A I I spr Ink I Br head5 sha I I be .:-:;et perpend i c;;u I ar "to ..:: in i sh grode unless. other-wise rJeslgna~ed on the plans. Testing of frrr9aticr1 System: Tho Contror;tor 3na I I c':subml t o I/Ir i tten request For o:iservnti on by H~e Owner at I eost 48 '10Ur'\<~ Dr l or to tl'H) 1 r-,·tended ti me of tesT i r7Q • Te.st al\ pr""e.ssuro 1 irie~ under hydro . .,;tatic pressl..lr·e of 125 po1mds per sqLJ<,1re i rch, Ma In I i nes .sha I 1 be pn,~ssurc t·ested Jr I or i"o · r1sta I I at ion of e I ec7r i c contro ! vo ! ,,~s. A I I piping ,_mde,r paved cn:im; sha I I b"=1 +e~;ted under hvdrostctic pr0.ssure of 125 pounds per squor-e inch prior tO ))('JV T n<J. su~;ta In pres.sun'! Ir I i nes fc;>r not I 8SS them four ( 4 l hours. It lea)<.s ure detected, r~r,lace joints <md 10peo-r t~.5t unti I entrrei ,3ystem i.:-1 prover watertight. Al I hydras tat t c tests sha I I b~ mode,, only 1 n the presAnce of ~he Owner, or other ('JUthor I zed r"~Dr"=Sen't<Jt i ve, I.Jo pipe ;=ihcl I Je b(lc'~kf' I l!3d unti I it has bean irn;pec·'·ed. t!'J.s·tocj (Jnd :~DDIOVCd in writing. The Con tn.Jcf<"jr'" ,5ho I : fut-n i tJh the-neces.snry force pump and any other neeCed tH~t e:Gu: pment. Whl':ln the spr-inkler irr-igo-tlon ,5y.st0m is corr)!)leted, ft sh<J I I be t~sted for 1.~~w~raQ"e under ot;iservat ion o·r-the Owner. to deterini n~ if fhe w(J-+-er c:oveirage o__,,, pl anti nQ areas is odeqt,.10-te. This -tP-.!'.it ,5hcl I :)0 w:corrpl ished before <iny ,Jround cover , G p I anted orid sna I I t:ie observed by 7he c: ty i t1spector. Upon comp I et! on o+ each l.)·ho.se of wor-1<, it sha I I be tested 1Jnd adjusted to rnoet sit<:; G07Cl I ·t-i ors. MAINTcNANCE see s0ction 02811C ·N PlantinQ and Ir:1,gation Maintenance. adap t-ers. SHEET NO APPROVED APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIG1\TION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. TlTLE ________ _ REV!£1,iElJ BY: CMWD 89-C-290 C-6.2 • i PP 654 DATE 3,8 3,9,2 3, 10 3. 1 o. 1 3. 1 o. 2 3. 1 o. 3 1.0 I. z 1 , 2, I 1. 2. 1 1, 3 1 . 1, I 1 • J. I • 1 1 • 4 1. 4. 1 I. 4, 2 I . 4. Z, 1 I. 4. 2, 2 1. 4.3 1 . 5. I 1. 5, 2 I , 6 2.0 2. 1 2.2 CLEANUP: CI son up ae; each port I on of work pr-ogress':'s- l1ei\1,:;e and excess d 1 rt sha I I De removed from the s I ta. wa I hs and pav i r·1G ,~ha! I be broomed or washed dvwn • and cmy damne to the work of othe1::; ::=;ha I 1 be rep a i r-ed to or.lglnal concition. FINAl INSPECTION PRIOR ro ACCEPTANCE The contr~ctor shal I operate al I sta~ions ~nder ob:a;ervat Jon of t-he Owrier (1--,-ti rne a-f ti no I Inspect I on~ rho owner $(i<.:ll I provide the Contractor" (l ''punch l is .. ~" of r~qu I red cor1-13ct ions and (ldj us+rnents - The Owner sha I { l1c1ve n~ce t ved GI I accessor ! es, charts, recc)rd drew 1 ng.s, and ?CU i prient aq requ 1 red before proceeding witn th~ f1r,ol Inspection, INSPEcr:□N SCHEDULE Contractor sha I I request-i nopec7 t cn/observat i or; by ;n1;;1. Owner per the fo I I owing sch€!du I e ar,d not~ f I cat I on t I me• 1. Preis.sure supply I 1ne ln:stal la~,on and testing~ 48 hQurs. . , 2. Automat l c con'!'ro I I er I nstol I at I on - 48 hours. 3. conn·ol wire rn.s:tal latlon -4 8 hours. 4. Latero I I i nos and sp1 ink I er-i n.sta I I at ion -48 1,our-s. 5. Coverage te.st -48 hours. 6. Final in.spection -7 days. when inspect'ons dr-~ conducted by someone other than the OwT1er. record by wham and when the Inspections were done. No !nsp6c .... ron shal I corm1ence wlthout "as-bui It" r~cord drawi f1<)$ i ri hand. In t·he o':'ent the Contra?tor ca I Is for an r nsp6c ti on without as·--hu I It draw! ngs, w I thout corrp I e1 i n.g f)r'" ~v I Q1,1s I y not~d corr ~ct I ono • "'()r" w 1 thou-t J)r'~pur i riq the sy:5-·l·~m for Inspect 1 .:.m, he :.:,.ha I I be re-spans i b I e for r·e i rrburs i nq ·the Own0r at the rotf.: _?f $60,00 in:H"'" hour portal t·o l?ortal (::ilu.s. +r-ansporta1 ,OJ: i:;o~;-ts). No turthor inspect I on.s w1 I I be scheGu led unt I I ·t-h i 3 charge i a µa 1 d. END OF SEC fl ON js(cr1 □N 02aoo -PcANTINGI GENERAL CONO Jr I CNS, The c~qu 'rement~ ?f. rhe "G~nera I Cond It i ens of tt,~ Controct and of DI v 1::::, ~ on '. • .,. Ge~~r.-.::i I Requ i r-err1e:1t5 '1, sho ( I app I y to o I I work o-+-th Is ..J~C! 1 on wl Th the same force and ef·'ftici <1s though rcpeateid 11~ ful I herein. c:-cOPE OF WORK: Fur-nish al: lclbar, mo·t-orlal, equipment ~nd services nece.'=;;sory to provide a I J I andscape 1,l<m·t)n<J, comp!0·10 in ::,;lace1 as shown on the plans and as specified, work Specified fn -:-hit:. Sectlon: .Soi 1 prepon1tion, p I ant 1 n-g, seed i nq, stol<. i n<J and (;: I f.:anup. ReloT~d work Specified In Other Secttons: Irrigation Sys·tem, Londscupe Mainteriqf7Ce. QUALl TY ASSURANCE Squrce QL,;a Ii ·t·y Control: Subm It e,Jot;t;rnentat 1 on to Qwner at I eatit th! rty ( 30) days before corrrnenc i ng wcrk that u I I I? I (lnt m?ter I~ I. has been ordered. Ar''"t','.lrl~Je lJroc:edure for I r:spect 011 of ,_-)~ant rndter I a j requiring prG---app:-ovo I w I th 9wner a'!' _t· 1 me of submission, Cor,trc1ctr}r-,':>hal I be r·oqu1r-ed _to or,taln al I r11c1ter-J a I 1 stsd on p I on-t i st. Req~JefJts tor subs·i· i tut i on.s d11e to )f7avG I I ab' Ji ~Y rrust !)e made In writing. Plant·s shal I be suoject to lnspecTlon and ,Jpprovq1 by tt)H Owner crt growi :ig gr?unds and/or· qr~o~ ~e I! ~~ry. Such approva I sna) I not i 1rrpc) 11~ the r 1 ght ot I n'3pec t-1 on. ~~cj r•ejecti0n :-:Jurlng proqi-ess o-f the work. Subm[t wr:-1 • ~en reques·I for inspection :)f 1, I orit mater la I CJt grow Ing g:-ourids to the Owner. Wri t•"J-cn r-equest.shcJI I state 0 ~he I oca"t" ion Grd quantity of p I <mts to be I nGp':'ctEH~ ._ wner- r~Gserve~ r· i ght ·t('J re-f1.J.';f.! i nsp~c l ion when. 1 r, h If, • . ot · lJdqP-n'l~nt. -'-he number of ,Jpcc I e.s or c'.lver:-a I quant I t; 1~ I all i·s is insufficient to wurT m1t the I' 1 me and expe, 1sa of i ;1spect 1 C>r1. PRO~UCE DELIVERY, STnRAGF. AND HANDlING De I i very: De I i ver fer+ i I i 7.er--1, .-,.1 +e 1 n oi;-: g Ina I ,.mopened . contc I ner.s bear· i ng manufacturer :-j oi.,;c1~anteed ~h'-:'m1 c;i tB ar,alysis, name. tradf7rf'<"Jr"·k. qi I In cor1fo1manoe w1th -~ O ~ Law. □el iver <11 I ol()nts with leglbie identifi<"':c1ttan lcbels. Mr n l mum ot ono I abe I tor ever-y ten p ~ ~n!s. or:ie or: each t ! at. Name (Jnd c-,; i .,_;e (Xi the p I ant rru~t '-'orrespond to . n,.1v1e c:trd <;tze on t·he plant Ii.st. Use dt_Jrable w9terproof I abe Is w f th water-res i stai:t i rJ,-c, wh ! ch w I I I rema 1 n I 0g i b I e ·for n-r-I eo~d fiO dc;y-5. Storage: Store p I art mat or 1 a I in shade end Protect from w0ather, and direct .sun nn the ~~ontalners. PI ont mGter I a I in con"ra' n0rs t-ieal r'hy, -✓igorous \~cmdlticn. kept rn0ist at cl 1 -:-frnes. . sha I ! be rM 1 nta I ned in Contarner soi I shol I be Hrnid t r1q: ,Jo 1ot d ..... op contc i ner p I ant~. Do not Pi ck up con·t a i nor-p I ants by ~;ten1s or trunks. ._.~ not i nst<1 I I cont(J i r1w-p I tints 'NI th .shot·tored or Dths::r wl .c;e severe I Y damagod --oo·t-ba I Is. JOB C8ND I Tl ONS p 1 :mt on I y when weather :.:in1 soi I oond 1 t 1 on.s are sul t·aDlc, Avoid plantinc 1n ~xc'~F-:s.slvi:,ly dry or or during exc~As.1>lve wfnd or heai. 1 nsta I trees. srrubs. and I 1 rer s+cck Oefc,~·e hycnJ-sced i ng I awn areas, wet soi I SAMPL!:::S AND ESTS: Owner i~Ser""ves the right to _ c1ppropr t ate s:.:irrp I es ot p I <m"t'.S and ot~er !Tiater 1 CJ Is for ana I ya i 3 as t8 confor"1I1i ty cmd cond ! t I on •. Cont~?ctor- srrn I 'fwn1ish .c:,qmples upon ~oquest by Owrle\~ Re,ected rnriterials .:Jha! I be removed 1-rom ~he:i :site_ WI thou+ delay a·t Contract<x·'s P.xpen;=;;e. Cost of ::inalyz!r~q plc1nts 11nd cm other mater i a Is t·11a~· do not meet $i)~c I r J c:at l ons Gha I I be poi d by Contr(1ctor. MHE'11ALS Soi I Gn'!end1nent.s and fer"t i I I zer sha I I conform to the ·fo I I ow Ing s t"andard.s; Al I rnaterlals shal I be s·t-andord. appr:-o~ed. flrst-grade qua! i -t-y and in r)r i me (;:ond 1 t 1 on ·.-vhen I n~ta I I ed or o JI ! ed. Any commGrc i a I y p, ..... oces.::;Ad. or l?ackaged m~~er i q I s! .. 1<:l 1 1 'Je de I I vered 1·0 !·he s I te 111 tt,1e or r O t na I uropene(j ccnla i ··1ers '.Jear · ng ttie 1rranufacturer s guar·cintP.ed cma I ys r ;s. 2.4 2,5 2,6 2. 7 2. 7. 1 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7,1 2.5.o 2.5.6 2,5.7 2.8 2. 8. 1 2,8,2 2, I 0 2.10.1 2 .1 o. 2 2 .10. 3 2. 11 2.11.1 Redwood Sawdust Orgcnlc Amer;dment: Nitrogen st:::ibi I rzc::itlon: 0.5G to 0,847-N based c;r1 dry we r ght for rsdwood SC;wdu,s.t. Particle s:ir.e: 95¾ -100% passinc; 6 •. 35 rrrn s"7"and::ird s l eve; 8 07. -1 007. passing 2. :n mm 5 tcmd-.:ird s i 0ve. so I in I ty: fhe saturation extr"cKt C?nduct Iv 1 ty .sha I I not exceed 3. '5 ml I I llTTlo.s/~en..,.1 meter qt 25 deorees centigrade t::s deter'·1111 ned by .saturction extract 11ethod. Iron C.ontent! MiniITT.Jm 0.087, di :ute qcld so! ub I e ~ e on dr-y w~ i ~Jh-t-l)(lS is. Ash: 0-6.J% (dry weight) Sa i I A~ndrnents: Soi, s.l~lfur: Agr·cu1·tural grade .'.::>ulfur con ta! n i ng a mini rr1.J111 n-f '.)9"/. su I +ur : 1:Dc:pr-eissed as e I ementc! I l. Iron sulfur: fron. d~riv~d from ferric and ferrous .s;u ! ·fote 20%; su I fur ( expressed o.s e I ernenta I l 1 0"1 •• Mclnure: We I rottsd cow. hor.-:,;e or sheep _ manure • .i;;r·~e. From sawdust, shov i ngs or r'f;li•use. and .shal I not cont:Jir1 r1ure then 257'. s1Taw by vo I ume. Calcium Cart-;.cmcite: 957. I irne as derived fr•otn oyater she I Is. Gypq,um! Agr ! cu I tura I grade product ccnta In r ng 987.. ml n i rrum ca I c i um s1.1 I fcte. Far"+ i I I ZAr; P'an·trng Tablets: 'Aqrlforrn' 21 gra r n tab I et s r 20-1 0-S ) . Hydro-seed i no :=-eirt r Ir zer: Arrrmn i um phosphate wh I ch sha I I consist o-f the ·fc I I owl ng perc~n tac;:;ie by weight and ,~-;ha I I be mi xe? by a comrnsr-c Io I ferti I izar suppl it:ir: 16-/. Nitrogen, 207. Pho.~phor·ic Acid, 07. Potash. Su I fate of ootash: 0-0-50 s i no!~ .'.;;i1,.1per-Dhosphate; Comnerc i a I PIDducT con tarn i ng 18-20"/. {.JVU i I ob I e Phosphor 1 c Pen·rox i de. or equal, Uroa formaldehyde: 38-0~0 Iron Su I fate: Corrmerc i a I pr"odwct .-::onta 1 n i ng . rron I expressed (Jt metol I re) derived from fen-1c ~nd ferTous su I fa !"C 20%; su I phur ( axp~·et-;;c:eQ as e I ernentc I I I 07., Top Sol I: Too.sol I 1 as requir-·ed, ,'St-iol I b~ ?btolned from ! oca I scurces 1md .~;ha I I be the .same or .s I ni I ar t~~ on--:-~ i IP, -topso 1 I. Any dev i c:1t i on.L,; i ·1, tf3xture or:-m1 r:0ra I '.:;Orrposition shcl be the Contrac+or G r-sspons1bl I 1ty. P I an-t· Ma+sr i o I : p I ant.s sha, I conform to the Ca: 1 fern I a. S t·CJtl"J ~epartmE.'nt of A.gr i cu I TL1re requ I a·t-ion tor nurGery I nspe<~t I or~~, r:u I e:s and r<1t · ng. A I I JI ants she, 1 I hc1ve a norln'.J I hab I l 1?f rowl·h ond shal J !Je :=-;ound. heal l'hY~ vigorous and ,·free o'f ~ nsect 111-f P-:;.;t(")t ions. p / cnt disease::_;, sur'.ti-C(l Id:=;, fre.sh Qbr.:w t vns ot -the Cun.::.. exce,s:=;; ! Vf.! CJ bras! ons, or ot~er objectionable di,Li•frouremcnts. lt-o?,,'3 ,'3hal ! h:Jve truri--;5 tt1cit ~ire ::.turdy and we I I ")1<Juler·ed :.1r1d v I go,~ou~ _tJnd f; brous root syste1Ti.~.> wh I ch are 101" r .Jot r:.~r I ed .:ir _ ::i-ot···hound. [n !'he event of ci.srn;r·eem~nt ,:i,c; to conq11 Ion ~f rOot-.s. t-t'e 100+~ .~:;h(! I be excmi nod by --0mova ~ ot ear-th fr·orn the roo·I s ot not I es-'"~ thun two pl c~t:.=-__ o/ ~n!l t·han t o percent o·~: the •·ota I number of PI ant.'.-.i 1)t-P-ac;h :,;p~c 1 e: .:ir variety, Wt·1er'F, contn i_ ner-grow~.-p I an t·s are from :,~evl-lr''O I sourc:es, t·ho roots of _riot I~::-; . ., !t1on tv(? D / ant.s ot each spec i Ht.> 1.Jr var-' ety "fr?m oach . ..:,Ourcs '3t1a I I be i nspt'!c;ted. If ''"he sam Io p I ants I rl~~Pe<,:ted qri:;: f?und to be de-feet; ve, the Owne, ,~.serves t-he r 1 ,;ih t to reJ ect the ent1n~ lot or ots of plan .. !G ,.-epresent~c.l hy tt;e _ def~ct 1 ve ,'3amD I es, H"le l1wn~r 1 5 t~e so I e ,~,. udQG a.j f o occ0ptabi I ity. 'l<Jnts Judgod_ :Jn.sui-t-abl,3 ..:.hdl I be OOfl.:5 i den~d 5(]mD i 173 1Jnrj she I I be n:~p I uced ot the Contractor' .s cxpensB, -he .5 t ze of the p I ants sho I I c0rr~spond tc that r:ior'Tl<.J I I Y f'!>:pect·ed for eacr, spec i eR and v9~ ~ ety ·.Jf comr;ier:c I o I I Y ava: I ab I e ·1u1;-5~ry .stock as .spec If I ed. Tl1~ .n1 n I rn.Jm _ acceptab I a size of ,:11 I p I onT~1 rn~<J-:1..red,_betor~ pr::un I nq · th the bnmche.s l n norma pos I tr O'l, ,-,hu I I r,or_1+orrn to the measur-orrent.s. i -f (1ny. 0r.-::iec 1-f I ed wl !·~ 1'~? l 1 ~t of p I ant:-:1 :)rl th~ drowr ng.s. _ P · ants I ar;:;er· n _:a-, 1 ,-:e , hon . .soec if i ed may be u.s~d w I th the 1.Jpprciva I •Jt the ?w~er, t Pre :.J.se uf I ar,;-;er p I ..:m J·s sho I I not -~~anqe the tun r:ic pr· i CB. [.qrge1-p I (Jnts Sh:J I I be :-:;LJpp l l _ _'::'!d 1 n _ propor1·ionately lor\Jer contafner.s. 1::::.-~am:il':'• A fi_v~ qu! Ion ~-;lze plant rn o one m· two qc1I lcn"'s1:;e container Sha I I not· under 1,.lny <.: I r<::;ur:stonce.s be QCC'",p+ .:.d~ 1,l I plants not conforming tcJ th~ r··f:!<Ju!rernents,...h~.,...ein ""poc i + i ed~ sha I I he r;Qn,5 l dere:d (jefcc-1 ve 1?nd ~uun ~Ian+~. wt"le-th~r tn p 1 cJco or not, .sha: I, r·~1eGtP.<i .1nd rernov~ci w J thou I· de I ay frnrn the :-.> ~ h~ of the, '~O~I<: rJn~ nJp I (JC0d with r''lHw :, I <1f:t$ a-t '"hO. :..o~ !ro:-tc~ '':! _,exper1:--;e._ Under· r10 c:ondltlons w111 there by 1.JT1y ,>t_1b.,t1 .Jt~on 0~ p!1Jn1'.s: or sizes I i,~;tec on the accompa'ly1n(~ plan:,,, f::lx<,ept wi -'-t'l -h(:3 c::xpres:s0d written consent () r the l)wn1=.r. Tr""'es and shrubs sra I I rV)t be pn..1ned or to?pod pr-: or to ,jei'r~ery. Ar1y alteration of their :~hep~ ,,~ '1<'11 I l)e QS r~qu f red ·.Jnder superv Is I on of the Owner .s 1epresentclt i ve~ p I (J:1t mater· i rl I sha I be trJe to name and '!Uri e7 y f;peci·fi~d- Nur·r;::er"y Gr·own and Collected Stock t;hc:11 I f'iqve b~en grown under c I l mat i c cond it t on5 ,-, r ml ar to thos~. of. _I~~ '" project. Cont(ilr'lP-r-grown G·t·ook sh~I I ~be, 1r1 v1,prrn .. H he('] I thy cond i -r-i en, not ,-·oot lmur1d cir cur ed. SLJb!:'it r tlJt Jons sha ! I not be perrni tted un I ef,;s ::--;p~c If 1 ca I I::, approved i 11 writing l~y the Owner - Guyrng and StakintJ Mctf..'r'als: wood tree staf-:.es. Lodge pc I e pf ne, t-reat~d ...., i !h ,- Cc;ipp~rna:>thana re-Wood P1etH-,1y'.~+.,,v~. 1 n .str I ct (Jl_;co,_r!~r:-:ce with Fedsral ~~1,Jec:·i ri(~atlons l r-~-':.JTZ Type 1 Cornrxk,1 ion B, 2" (inin. n;ml~al ~·zel diameter·· x 10" long. No .spl i·t· stakes. T t ~3 iJre to be 24" corded !'"Ubber ti~ qs manuf(J::; t·url3d by Gro-Sl-rait Product:-;] '4151 934-4'10f) or app1-ov(i(j si1ni l(ir. w0+er shG I I be furn i .$had by Owner-: transport as required by C::intn1c:.tor. Wood Headerboords: Headerboards sha I I be as shqwr'I <lriC deta ! I ed on l·he PI ans treated Doui;,i I c~$ r.1 r or cons·!-ruct ion grade Redwood. s I 1 ces sha 1 1 be mace with 1 " x 4" and ,sha I I no:· b~ I es~ t~Gn 17.'1 in length . .-Stake~ shol I ~)e ploced at,_ ~t~:-rv?J.'3 of no'l' ,11ore than ·•rn.r· '. 1 l feet and 3ha I I be 2 x 2 x 1 r. • On sharp t:..:r-ns qnd 11 c:ur'1~5, t~ree ( J :) 11,2 :: boor-cl cir two ( 2 ) '. x 4 I am I ncted ,-:,our d., perrrli -~ t·t3d. x 4" I ami r"1<"1tF.d rncy be Headerboar(js sha I I be I <1 Id true to I I ne Jnd grcJde, :.:nd lr a w-orkmanl ike nanner. Lawns: L,Jwn may be p I <1nted a.s .sod or ,s.eed iJs ind i ccJted on the p I m1~. Turf Sod is. to ;;~ r1ursery grown on cu It i vut~(! agr t ("U I turo 1 1 and and bH f~()e(:-; 1 f 1 co I I y grcwn fqr-. u.se ,Js scd • .., [t :-;!1c1I I l)e vigonJus:;: wel I root':'!d~_ m~<I I ref: of _ d; sease, DOG t-s, weeds. :-;+one, ond any o I hot harmtu I or de eh:!r i OlJ:-;.> .r1atter. 2, 11 , 2 3.0 3. 1 3. 1 . I 3. 1 . 2 3. 1 . 3 3.2 3. 2. 1 3.2,2 3.3 3. 3. I 3.3.l.1 3.J.1.2 3.3.1.J j.J.1.4 3. 3. I. 6 3.3.2 ).J.2.1 3.3.2,2 3. 3, 2. 4 3. 'l. 3 3,4 3, 4. 1 3, 4. 1 . 1 3.4.2 3. 4. 3 3.4.4 Tu,-f Se~d sha I I b~ fresh c I ean 7ew crop grass seed~ dlsplaying U • .S.D.A. cer1•ification of m1nfrrum 857. 1 <Qermi r1□t 1 on and gco/. pur it:;. MCJx r fTJ.Jrn weed seed .sho I e!>".ceed . 25%. not EXECIJTION lnspection: verify that nec~s~ary Qrad6s ~av0 bean sstqbl ished prior to cc:>rrrnenc 1 ng p I afl'~ i ng oper"<1t I on5. A! I ow for C' arrtndments, sett/ ing. etc. La'ldscope Controc;or_,..,h~! I be res Dons lb I e for shap i nq p I ant I n-o areas as Ind I ca· ed on p I ans nncJ q5 c1 i rected by Owner, Inspect trees. :shrubs and· flattened moterlal for lnj1.xy~ Insect 1 nfes·YGt' on and rv;pect trees and shr~Ds for ind 1 cations CJ-f wiapprovBd pruning. □o not begin p I <mt i ro o-f t-reieis unt: I def i c i enc I e.s ar~ ccr·rected or DI a:--·r.s 1-ep I aced. Preparation; Stake locations for p!ont$ and ouTline ~lanti~g beds on grouna. Do ric)T baoln plant pit 0xccvat1on un_, TI plant loc<1tion.s ond plant beds are approved by the Owner, The irrl9atton .systa~ shall have.been lnstal led a~d coverage opprovttd ;;r-I vr ·t-o p I ant Ing. PI anting Ar''8c'J Pr-epqr()t I on: Soi I Amendment \Plcntlnq areas exceeding 2:1 <;:Jr'Gdlent exc I uded). After e5tabl lshment of approximate flnish gr?de, !he Landscape Contractor ohc1 I I obtaT fl an agronom1 c soi I ana I yD is 'fr•om ('.!ri m::cred l teid, I i censed. -soi I I ab. $o! 1 samples for testin;;;i may be ob·l·air1ed f1om the sl-te by .._he contractor as di 1ec·t0d by ~J-,e I ob or a ) ab technlclan. ..,.t7e soi I repor·t s.'"\al l corrpr·se th1Ae parts: 1. Fertl l ity ( :ncludln~ sol inity. boron, pH levels) 2. Sol I particle size (textr-1re) 3, Amendrr1ent re:':<::.-rnmenda·t l ons The ree:ommenck,1t ions o+ the soi I I ab sh<J I I . be attachBd as on tndex to th6 .speci..,::ication::.. shal I t:>e, 1~corporated into the spec 1 f i ac.:t i ori~, and sha 1 ! GDP I Y db tt"-ouqh written herein. Shou Id the neerl for add rt l ona I ana I yse,s be ! nd I cated t-o ver t ·fy requ l red amendnent. tr,e owner· f!laY de' ay l rro I orTien+a ·I· ion of the I (lnciscGp 1 ng un 't I I I ab anal Y°E'> is ind i cuteib scit 1 .~:;·fqciory amendmon·t-has been 11tta I red• The fo J ow 1 ng soi 1 ::imerdrr1~nts, r nc I ud ! ng :rrater i c1 .. 1 S (Jnd DrocedUr"f.s, are .speclflod for bid ba.'51:-s only. net for l rrp I 0men·tat ion. a. b. c. After-· comp I et ion o-f f i ,71.sf"-grading. incorporate 4 cub t c yards of n ! ·tro I i zed redwoo1 ~hav I ~g3 and 15 pounds of 15-20 ·,·Q. or cJpproved s I mi_ I ur cump I E?X fert I I ! :;:er, per l OOC .sguare feet of p I an-:-f ng area by ,::roGs roto+ i ' I in~ 9 cJeer:i, _::, I ant pit bocl,;f i I I sha I I be per"' co r I +e.isi" 1eccrrmendations c'.ln .'-:'.;hf.!et" C6.4. Feirti I ize eocn container plcmt with ''Agriform" (20-1D-5l tabl0tf> at the fol lowin,g rcte.s: F I at .5 i ze p I a1:t 1 ja I. p I ant 5 ga I. p I act 15 1,;cJ I . :JI ant 24" box 36" box 1 tablet 2 tablets 3 t<:1blet,5 4 1·abl0ts 8 tcJblet.s 10 tablets 5 gram 21 gram 21 gram 21 ;Jrom 21 gram 21 ;iram Backfl 11 .shal ! no-r conhJin r~cks ov1?r 1: rn d 1 amet·er. r 1 I I p I ant p 1 t ha I fway with qrro~d bar:kf l I I . PI ace +ob I e-rs in tl"le p It c I ear of the ro~-bat I. Ccrt'I[) I 4:i!te backf i I I i ngT oonstr·l~Ct t>Gr-tn por pl anting detai I, and water thor-oughl~. stones 1 '' dlarn~ter or larger, stumos, wire, pla~ter, or any O t·her ob J ect or mater ta I:-:; thaT ml ght be uns I ght f y or a hi7drance to p;r_Jni"ing or rrr::ilntencncG; sr:a1 I be r~moved dur1.1g ti II lnq, plantrng, and finish grc1d1ng. Mr nor :nod If 1 cat Ions t'o finish g1q<1e ,"nay be required to establish -Finell (.Jr'"dde. Final graGinQ shell I be con.slstent wi-1-h requin=.id dratnGge. t, 1 1 ar~os 5ha 1 1 be graded so that f i ric:l I grades sha l : be 1 1 ' be -::;w adjacent paved ure<l5, ,5 1 d~wa I ks, ·✓a I 'Je boxes, header•;. c ! ean--outs, manho I cs; otc, or Cls Ind I cc:ted on pl<Jns. Sur-f(Jc::e drainage shol I be awcy fr~m bl.JI ldln-os at 27. :Jnd term! ncte : n an (Jpproved c;y!'..>tern. El imlnate al I erosion oul I ies pr1or to corrrnenclng ma 1 'lt·onance period. D t .s~ose1 of 'Jny unac::::::eptab I e er excess sci I at an approved i)•f-f~; i te I ocat 1 on. Plonting Inc+ol atlon: GenerG l: p I ant r ng sha I I be performed dur i no those po, t ?ds 'Nhen .veather end soi I r.::01-,dltians or~ sul tab(e and 1;1 occordanc:e w1 'th I oca I y ccc8pted Pf(;Ct I G~. as approved by ~ho D .vner. rJn I y ~ont·a i ner p I ants that con be I? I (Jntt':l:d ?nd ·,;mtered on tho same ,jay shd I I be d 1,-=;:~r 1 buted In PI (Jnt Ing ur·ec),5. p I ants sha I I be re:-nove<j frQrr, cont a 1 ners 1 n such mnner" that tr·,e r'out l;,o I i 5 not broken, and th~y ,:;~''? I _I be p I anted and wc·tcred as here 1 n spec 1.P 1 ed I rrrned I ate I y after rerrov(J I ;;rom tt·1e cent a 1 :-ier s, weed Con tr,) I: CO:'lD I ete a I I w'?ed i ng and gnibb i r'lQ pr I or to corrrncncing plan-ting opet"(Jt1on.s. Lay-Uu-t of Maj or PI ant' rigs, Loca-J ons tor PI ants and out I i nes 0-r <·1reCJ5 to b~ p I (Jnted a.ho I I b~ rnc1t""k~d an the ground by the Con t-rac t·or and (Jppnwed b:f the 1Jwnsr before p I ant pi ts <:Jr' e du<J. The p I an~ 1?_1 ts sha I I be I nrjpected (lnd acoroved Dr t-h~ Owrn:ir. . f .. un1erQround obs t·~uct ion or ut i I i ty I I tl'::l I ,~J €7flCOunrerod In the excavut ion o-f p I m1t ::i 1 t~, a-rher I o~ot: ons for-p I ont I nq, m:1y be ,::;e I ected Dy 1·.70 Jwner. PI ant p 1 ~ I oc:<Jt l ons 'Sh(] l be ind i ,:;a+c-id wi ·th f I JO.-.J~d ~;t<1ke!"; ~1th p I an~ ncmes cJnd specified ccx-:tci i r1er-· ~::; i ·.:e on !·he s 1 akes. p I anting Trees end sr,nibs: Excess ,soi I excovatec from plant Ing pi·ts and not used c1s bock ft I I or l n <9st9b I I sh l ng f i na I grades sha I I be rerr:oved from :he s I te. Avoi G Bxces.'.'-i i ve compact I o-7 when -ran sport i nq PI ants or other mater i a, t·o p I anting sites. Center p I ant r-oot ba I in pit, i:-cce ~:1e s 'de of the p I ant with fu I I est growth into prevai I inc wlnd. Set p:cn!· plumb and hold ri~id/y fn l)oslt!on unti I sot I has been f(]mped 1; i 1···n I y around ba I I or sett I er:;J <.lr"Ound b(1re roots. 3. 4. 4. 6 3.4,4,7 J.4.4.11 3.4.5,4 3.4.6 3. 4. 6. I 3,4.6.2 3.4,G,7 J.5 3. 4. 1 3,4,2 3.5 Pldnt pits shal 1 hcve ver+Jcal sides with rnughened surfaces ar-d shal I be +wice tt-e diqmetar and ·twice the depth of rre root bq I I • r I ant p 1 ·t backf i I I s.ha I I be a,:s reicorrmended sho I i be as recorrrnended by the sol I/plant lab. II.. I I ~ I ants wh i c:7 sett I e deeper than SD8C f 'FI 1d In ·the planting det~1i I shal I be r"'a::-:-~ed '.a the r~?u1red level• After placrng ·the plqnt tn ~he pit. bockt, I I to approx i mat~ I y one-ha If the Ile i ,;').7t of ·t-ha roo+ ba I I• At th 1 s s·toge, cdd wcJter to l'he ·-t-op of the part I Y . f I I I ed hole to thorough I y satur-ote the root ba 11 ond sett I e the f 11 I, Can R6rT"K.Jva I ; with sp<"Jda or .superf I c i a I l y sides. Do 7 ot 'nJure root ba I I. Do not cu-t cans ax. After-rernovlng pian't from cont<'Jlner, cut perlrneter roots with kn1fe on three Box Remciva I; .~ernove bo·: ·~oms of speo1rnen tree boxes before bCJekfi 11 !ng. Remove .~,ldes of box wi t·hcut dcimnoe to r-(X)t ba 1 1 <Jf·t-er po.s 1 t 1 on in'] p I ant one ~<."Jr"t 1 q I I y bacKf i I I in~. After backfi I l fnrJ, (lri earth berm aha! I be Gons+ruc~o? around eact·i p I \mt suff i c i Elnt tc) i rnpound water to m1 n I rrum 2" depth. fhe ben,, ~oi I aha I I be ?men~ed backf I I I. ~em::ive bas i 11.s In turf creas (Jf ter In rt I a: wet er Ing. Prun: n(J ~,ho I I bet I i mi ted to the ml n I rrum necesscry to rernove injured +wigs and branoh~s and_-tn compensate for I oos of i"'oots during -transp ! (Jnt Ing. . h6 , Jwner may <"Jpprove prun r ng o-f tre~s pr I or l·o de I I vf}r' y, but not before they hc1ve been i nspech:ici ond approvod at the grow I nQ groun1js: or nqr ,::;ery. Trees shci I I be staked and ()uyed w I thout de I ay c:md or I or to plantTno Ghrubs nnd ground cover. PLANTING GROU,~DCOVERS: Groundcover· pl<mts shal I be i;:)r"'own In flats as indic~ted on the DI ans. FI at ();-"own p I ant·s ( rooted cutt Ing~) ~ha I I remain in f I <lts unt i I -t'ransp I i:mted. The f I at 30 i I ,"jha I I eontc In arrp I G rro i stun~ at ·t 1 ma of tran~p l ant Ing, Groundcover sha l I bo p, an·t-ed in strd t qh~ rows. a~d even l Y spaced, qn I ess otherwise r'lOted, and at I ntervcl I,,. c::a I I ed ou1· in tho draw i t"lg,:;. T~ r anQu ! ar· si:ioc Ing rs requ I red excBpt where dev i at: on i ;~ unGvo f dab le. Each rooted 'JI cmt sha l I be ~) l cmted w I th i ·rs t)r''(Jl1ort1onat-G amoun: of flct ,so[ I. PIGnt~r19"are1:1s_shal I be spr ink I Bd u'fter p I anting unt I I ,7;aturated o m1 n 11rurn 6" Jeptt·1, f)Q no'I' de I ay upp I y I rn~ wa tor for more than five mlnute.s after plonting. Top Dress I nq: App I y 3" dHep rnu I ch '"'op dress i ,"lg ov~r al I grotmd cover/ shrub <1reas. Whore mu I ch is 5Dec If Ted . wl ~haut ground cover p I ants. the rru I c:h sha l I be Gpp l I f.!d 3" dee::i. Avoid i r.j 1.Jr"y to ground caver PI c'ltlts when p I acing m.J I ct1. When p I an+s me · ncJdver tent I Y cover·ed ckw t ng p I acem0nt uf 1nu I ch. ·tho mu I ch shc.J I I l>e removed to oxpo .... e the p I cmts. Such ren)".JVo I 5ha_l I ::)G' done gent I y. to nvoid injury ·1·0 the plonts. Submi·t 1rulc~h sample -i-o 01ty I nspeotor for" opprova I prior to de I 1 very, SOD Pl ANTI NG: Pr·eparlng So: I; Remove rcck~1 weeds, debris from area t·o bo soddec, T; I I mo i s-t so I I to deot-h ot 6 i nche.s • ond bre(Jk up (J/ I clods. Grading smd Ro ( I 1 ng; Carefu I I y smooth a J I surf<"Jces to be ~-.c~dded. Hol I arec ta reveal surface irn~gulart tr~s. RegroGe as requlred- Fewt·l I izing. Spread turf fer-ti I 17.er ( 16-20-0J on~o the soi I even I y Gt' /·he r<Jt$ of cno pound per 1 0~ :-sq. tt • .,of lawn crea. R~Jke In I ightly. ~e sur~ .sot I 1s I eve! ... (~r;d mnooth be+oro layi:HJ Jod. Avoid l()y r1g 5od on dry ..:.01 I. l (lying Sod; Loy first iYITlp of sod ~~lobs along a ~tr-a i gl"lt I 1 nF-( use a str i nq 1 n i rrogu l ar areas J. But,,. j Or nts t'f g,~t I y, do not o•,1cr I ap e<:(le:-;.. On 5econd Gtr l P • st egger j o I r1-ts as l n I ay i n~J br 1 ck.s. Jse a sharp kn I -fe to cut sod 1-0 fit <-1round curves. ed<Jes, ,'5Dr Ink I er heads• Water I nQ: Do not de I ny wGter l ng unt i 1 ent ! 1e I own Ts lq/d. 1t!'hen 100 S(J. -f·t. has been !cJid. wQter I i9;1tly, P:evrJnt dr·yin9. Cont·inue to lay sod, and to water"" :J/ltl I i nstn I I Gtl on i 3 comp I ete. Ro 1 1 i ng :;ol"l. . ~-f-~er I ay i n~J ,1 I I sod, ro I I I i ght l y to el lmlnate lrregLl,;r it!e.s and l·o form (,;:ood contact between ~~od ,~nd soi I • rwo id G very heavy ro I I 6r ,,,.. excessive initial wqterlng which mc;iy cause roller marks. 1 rr ! gat ! on: Wate,--the comp! eted I ciwn thorough I y. Soi I shou Id be mo i ,5tenod ,Jt I f:(1~,t 8 Inches deep. leDfl<Jf, $plink I ina at n,HJulnr lntervals to keep sod rnolst at al I i"tmes unti I r"OotHd. Aftor sod i;J estab! fG/70d, decrease frequency and i ncre(J.!':e nrioun·t of water per OpJ; · l cat l 0:-7 suff!ci0rlt to ~;(']il;=,fy l'~O water r"e(lulrernent ot the Qr<J$$ and enco1.Jr"GGe deop r-oot I r'1(J. CLEANUP After plantlng hes been corrpleted, remove ol) trash, excess soi I, empty plant contc1lnf.!rs and rubb1,sh from the ;::iroper·ty. Al I .scars. r·ut,-=;: or ,)'!-hor grace detormltles ccJu.sed by .._he wor'k :sha I I be r·e:_")(] i r·ed. ~nc -the ground I eft in rJ necit c:ondl -~· ton thr"olJ(Jhout l·hc s1 e, Coritrr.ctor ,'5ha I I pi ck ~up ci I trGsh r-0~u It i nq from th ls work not fess l;requert Ii than ~dch F,..., day befcnc: I .... av I n-g the s i t·e, or the I (lSt work i n:;J chy ~ad· week, The contrnctor s:-ia I I broorrr-c I ean paved areas ef-fec;ted by h If; work and sha I I wdsh .jowr G l I pav i r"IQ w ! th In th~ . Contr8ct un-Ki. I eav i ng the pr-·~m :o;e.s in c I san cond It I on. INSPECTION SC11[0UlE APPROVED J. 5. 1 3.6 J. 8. 1 1.0 1 • I 1 • 1 , I 1 . 1 • 2 1 . 2 ,. 3 I. j. 1 1 • 3. 5 1. 4 1 , 4. I , .•. 2 1.5 I. 5, I I • S. 2 1.6 i I "T"he Contractor shat I reQwest Inspections withTn the ( .specTfied noti rtc:atlon tima irdicut~d below. 1 . 2. 3, 4. 5. F 1 na I grade <i1:,prova I -48 hours.. Plant rooter!GI insoeotion ~ ,rn hours, Pl~nt ,ayout-. -48 hours. \ Soi I preparrJtlon and plan"ing oper"ctlons. One tre<:{) wl th ea~~h type of specified 8tGk 1 ng sha I I be dpproved prior to plcmttng of trees-~ 48 hours. Fina t wc:1 I k through -7 days, J nspec't ions sha I ! not be schedu ! ~d, and if sch~du: erl, shd t I no-r be per..i::or1ned unt ! i. a I I i terns on prev •' ous Inspection punch I ists have 1)(;}en corroleted, or by . consent of -the Owner-. Shou Id -tr:e Owner !'f represontat Ive arrive ~1t the s i '1"@ to condl,Jc~t an I ns~ect I on at th~ r-equ~st of ·the Co:1tractor. ard cancel +:-;e:_ !n.spect1on because an Item or items on the previous 1nspect1on !)t,.irich I ! .st hes not been c:Jrrected. the Contractor. sha I : be bi I led ·for the tlme of the OwnHr s representative. including. travol time. FtJrther Inspections 0hCJI I n1:1·t be ,c,chedu I ed unt i I pc;yrnent of -this fee hCJs been rece I ved by ·tho Owner". MAINTENANCE see Section 02840 ~ P'cntlng and lrri~otlon Maintenance. END OF SECTION I SECTION 02840 -PLANTiNC AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCEJ GENrnAl CONDIT l ONS: The requ I remen ts 01', the "G:,nera I Conditions of the Contract" and of Dtvfs1on !• Ceneral Requirement::,,11 , shal I apply to QI I worl<. of +hts Se-::t!on w J th the same force ond effec"t as throu~h rep~atod In full herein. SCOPE OF WORK: Work Specified in this Section: Furnish ol ! la~or, rnJ-t 6 r i al • equ i prnent and services 1e9u ! red to rn:::1: n~91 n t~h1 I ands cape in an ottr-act Ive cond 1--:-1 on a5 spec If I ed herein f"or a perlod of 6.0 days. Related Wor"k Specified in other Sectlons: 1. Lcnd.'5c:ape planting. 2. Landscape irrigot!on. QUAI. [TY ASSURANCE: The Contractcr' s super-v I sor sha I I be e;(per: enced in I cmd5cape me; i ntsnance and sna I I have r0celv1:1d on ~duca"tion in orndmental hortioultu1e. MA!N'fENANCE PERIOD: The Contractor shal I cor-ttnuously malntafn all areas t nvo I ved in tt"I Is Contract dur i n9 the pr-o,;Jress of ~he work ond for 60 days vis-:-f 1 na ! acce~+-c:ice of the work by tho Owner. Indications qt fmproper mainten(mce end/or po~ _ ,~cir1dttlon of any plwntlng at '"'he time of the 1n~pect1on for ti no 1 <'.lcc:eptance m:Jy cause r:>Gstoon?ment of t· 1 ne'.J I acueptcmce. Mar n+enance ,c;ha I : ~e , con; 1 m.~e=;d t;~ !he Contrac-:-or unt i I th1::1 , andGcape I ns.t<.1 t · Gt I on 1 ~ Judged acceptabl~ by the Owner. Mai n'l'onance per I od sha I I not start unt ! I ';1 I I e ! emen-ts of constn;c:+ ! on, inc! ud r ng p I <1nt 1 ng, and I r--r 1 <J<lt 1 on are corll) 1 eite. Proj ec+ :'.ihCJ I I no·'!' be se,:J;t1ented i ni"o lll'.Jfn~endnce phases. Contractor .shti l I requesi an i n~pect I on t-o begin the I cndscc:ipe ma I n-tenanae 1)er I oC af-or a I I PI ant l ng. and re! a-ted wo1k l1c.10 been co:-rp I e+ed r n :Jccordanc0 w1 th tlif.t Contr·cJct documents. Wheri, ln the judgemerit of the owner or owner;:; repreisentat i vB, the tJppropr i a-rA c_~r I ter 1 a has not been mt, CJ fie Id n9·t•_ifiGatior1 ah?I I bo 1.Jsued to the Contra-:::Tor to estcb I 1 :';r1 the effect I vs 1 . .:iP.Q Inn r ng date of t'he maintenance per I od, ~he Contractor's. ii'!CJlntenanco P0\ied shal I be e;,dended dt hiG cost if tl:e provisions n~cu1red within the pl(ms Gnd srJec r fl cations ore not fu ! fl I I ed. GUARANTeE AND REPLACEMENT, p I ant meter id I I nsta I l_ ed under th~ Contract sha I ! be . guar:lnt€1ed against inter r or mater I a Is and/or wor~mansh IP for a period O"f one year. PI ?nts fourd dead O\ 1 n ~oor condition due to tau I ty mater Io I ,5 or ·Norkm::Jns.n r P • ~5 determlned by tne ownF-r or owners cepresentattve, .... hal I be rep I <.JCHd by the Contractol"" <Jt h 15 expense. Contractor sha l ! no't de I ay r"'ep I dcement of cead or f<Ji I Tno plants: CLJr""ing the rmlntsnancH_perlod. Plants sha I I :,e r-ep I aced wi ·thin ten <,l<'iys not roe from trH~ llwnf.!r. INSPECTIO~S: The fo I I owing ma i :-itenance progrsss Inspection sha I I be requested by the Contraot::ir-nt I ~ast seven t 7) dayo 1 n e1dvC1nce: p I t e I 1. CorrrnencerMnt of malntencnce, ( re-man enanc 2, C0trpletfo.7 of mointenonce period. \Final waik-through) Al! c:ondlt:ons noted in Londscape Plantin~ Sec:tfOri ShCJl I app ! y to m(] i ntene11ic.;f:I. F: NAL ACCEPTANCE: ?r 1 or to f i na ! i ilSpect I on, t-h13 Contractor .sha I ! obta 1 n reproduc I b I 8 Pl r rit.s af the approved (1rnwl rigs from -'-he owner ar owners r~0 .-~5 enti"Jtfve and r·ei:::ord a! I ,Js-bui It :nfo!'"'f!1Gtio!] from the job record as-bui I·!' ~Iona, Label .said prints Record Dr"'(']w(n\15 11 , and dsl iver-t::i t~e owner or owner.5 ~ repnsisentative. and :f n3qu1red, tQ any _occl Agenc.;y. Prior·+("> the j,:::rh'.3-of fin(1I inspec~icn, the C<mtrc.1cto~ sha I 1 de I i ver to the owner or owr'er ~J reprose!]·~at Iv~ he requ r red "l_ond.scope a;1d Irr I 'J:Jt ! on GuorantHe , Su Id GtJ~l•aniee shal I be on th~ Ccn-trcJctors letterhead, and dated the da:t <:if f 1 na I Gcc0ptcnc~ - SHEET NO. C--6. 3. PP654 '.l-lJ-"13 TITLE ________ _ DATE REV!E\.IED BY• ;,,,. -----------!ENGINEERING PLANCHF.CKER DATE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE ,#-0 r~olf bre man V' landscape architecture 3045GROV!:ST. ~CAl>Jal3 Cll05l "'3-04~~ • C...;t:..L. A. al l'"f&::J DATE ENGINEER INl11.AL I OF l'ICPK REVISl:JN DESCRIPTION DATE NITIAL OTHER APPROVAL DATE INillAL CITY APPROVAL I S~F.Tl CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH~ETS I PLANNING DEPARTMENT CARLSBAD SERVICE CENTER , OWN 8°F-· ___ _ CHKD BY: ___ _ RV\JD BY<. ~- CMWD 89-C-290 DRAWING i'JO 333 I Lj -·-···'" '• . ' ! ' ' I i ' I ' i ' ' I I I ' ?. • 0 7. . I 2.2 3.0 3, I 3. 1 . 1 3. 1 • Z 3.1., 3,2 3,2.1 3.2.\,\ 3, 2. 1. 2 3.2.2 3, 2, 2. 1 3,?.?.-1-2 3,2,2.1.3 J.2..2.2.2 PRODUCTS: Al I moterfals 1~sed shcl I conform to Landscape P11:1ntln,O spec r f 1 cat Ions · n other sect l ons. Deviations from app1-oved meter i a I:~ :'-,;he I 1 be approved 1,y the OwnBr, 'he Owner ~;hol l be <;1lvon a mon~t1ly r~cord of he1bi(~il'1es. I n!'5ect I c ides •.'Jnd di s1,H.JSB L;ontro I chemi ca I:-. u.5ed. fop dr1,,H::i/:l. fert! izer ,3h□I I can~l:a.,-t of l·he fol luw!ng perr.:e:ntage.s by weight (Jfid shal I bo mixed by CJ corrmeroial fert· i I i zer supp I i er·: 16o/. N; troQen 207-Pt"h'.)f.l[)hor i c Acid Oo/. Potash EXECU I ION: General m<Jit1tericnce shal I be accordrng ""'o the fol lowfng i:,,+andards: Al I c,reQs shal ! ba kept freP, of debr1s and c1\ I planted an)as sra I I t)e w~eded at i nterva Is of not mo~e than -t-P.il (10) dc:1ys. Cul ~ivation of plunted areas is ~ntirely pr-oh i bi ted. weeds mu.st be 1-,3moved i rid 1 v 1 aua I I y, Gnd with 11,ln\rn...Hn dls"turbance of· tl·1B sol I -Street ~Jutte-rs =,;hal I be cleaned ut. pC'!r-t-of (:eb1-is1a: ltutlor, removal, T!ie Contractor sha 1 I be respQn5 I b I e for me i nta in Ing e1dequa'}!::l protect I on o-f The aroa4 ocmiqed Greas sha I l be repu i n~d qt the Contr1Jctor' s exp~n:se. 8e·rweer1 tt"IH · 5th ,j(]y 1Jnd the 20th c.tay of "the ma i nte11cmce perlod, the Contracto·· shol I ro.see,j or r~<':3od a/ I spots or areO$ wi tt~ ! ,7 :he I awn where ·H:irma I turf' Qrowtr1 i ~; not evident, Tree and shrub (;ore: WaTer' n,;::i; Mai ilta in water l ng t>as 1 ns qno expGnd and rep(iir Gs needed t·a permit lrnpound\(7<J o-f water"' GbQve :-he :oO"t' ba I I sufi' i c i ent to prov i ,je adet;uGte mo; s'ture unt i I roots qn;:w into 1hc surround l ni;-1 .::.,Q 1 I . Whon han,j-wa-t·er \nq~ use CJ water-wand tQ 1educe water veloc::ity ond erosive dama-;;e. Use rru J che:::; to n·:':dt;ce ~vapo1:Jt ion, fr·eciuency o-f wcte!"'; nq, ar,d encourage <JdEHl1.1f1te gas exchange by ovoiding cn.istir~q ,:Jf ~;oi I over the rc:iot hc1l:. Pruning: Trees: Tree3 sha I I be pnJ11ed under :j i rec·+ ion o·-r'. the Landscape Ard 1 I tec~t c)r other-Owner repre.ser-tat i vei, Prun i r'I\J :s:-ia I I l::ie per-formed to obt<iin proper Glruotun.:i; to eliminate di .seuserl or·· dt1rnaged wood:; ~o n~di.Jc;~ Topp I i ng and 'Jreakaac from wind by thlnnl'la :)U~ crowno: -G rnafntarn qrowth.withln ,<;p<Jc~ iml 1·a+·orls; to ir-orove appuarrn1(~e; fu bc:1 I anct:' cr-owr with r·ooh:;. ..;nder-r,:::, cir''ct1rnf;-CJnces shGl I str ippinq oi' lower '.:Jr<lliche~ ( "Roisin~ up··' I of youn() t1ess be permii·-t-ed. l_ower branches :::;t1c.1I I l)e ~etnlrie(j :n a "-t-ippecl hC1ck" or "pirH:hecJ back" con,ji i ion witf·1 q~; rn.JCh tol iaqe <:l~ ',)OSG lb! e. to p!O(i\Ot!-: GG ( i per trunk growth ( tGpei-cd tnmk,). Lower bnJ'lches ::lho, I be cu't back to tt1e trunk on I y after· th~ trtte s tJb Io t·o stanLl en~c.t wi ~hout stqklng or othor Guppo1t. EverQreen trees sha ! ! ba th I nn~d owt and !'",hoped when necAs.sdr"y h-, prevent wind and ,"'~tCJrrn dama9:J. Pr i rnary 1.11un i n(J of coc i CIUO'.J.S tr~e!', .:;ha! I bo dorie dqr'" 1 nq the donnont '·,ern-;nn. Dama-:ied 1-r-ees or· tho5e '"na I' cons+: t1,te hP.Cl l t·h or Gafoty t1a2<"lr·cJ.,,; ,-n<Jy be pru11od at rn"ly t 1 rne ot H~0 year us r E-!q1,i t r·~d. Tlitt objectives of .shrub prun I nQ are t·h0 .same os ~or trees. Shrubs ,-:lh(J I I not be c I i pped into bri I 1 ed or boxed forms ur1 I P.~~:cJ ;;~uch is r0qu ired by thR des 1 gn and directed by the owner 8 r-,Jpresentut 1 ve. A I ! prun Ing cut· s .she I I l;ie mode to I at"e'.'"a i br-onche.s or buds. "SttJl)IJlno'' 1,s not' permitte<1. ''f=" lush cut·ting" it; nC)t perni 1 i•oo. McKe <'::ut:S immediately in fnJnt of br-'.Jnch of i i 1Tb co ,1 I er-~,. s·tak i ng ur:d Guy I nq: Stakes arid guy.s :-,ha I I be inspected tc) prevent g I t-d l i no:;J of trunk-5 or Drenches .Jnd to 1:irevent bar I<. -,.,ounc.s. R~p I m;e l)r·oken stakes (Jnd t l !':ls wl ·l•h 01'"i~Jirn1I \·y 5peciflo,j material~:,. Weed -::ur1tr ol: Keeo ba.s!ns ana or-~a,.,; b~+ween olants fr"GP. of-w~eds-Avo!d GOi I cultiv<.ition thct de.stroyo sr1(,1l low n:ioi-:s. Use ·ru',d1es to inhlb1 t weed seed aermlnat1on. T n:i:::ect and Di ::::ease ::'on+r·o I : Apply contra I n~~ct I c · des with .Jtrrio:-:;t c;<Jlt;-, <:ind cau1·lon, .,he leds"t -oxic ore preferred including i nsf:H.~.,..l c) da I soap f·:ir-con+ro I of aphids c11icl ~~ca I e, one: G:r~ -traps tn reduce bo·\-h4 3.2.6 3,7,,6.1 3.3.2 3,3,3 3.3,4 3.3.5 3.4 J. 4. I 3. 4. ·1 • I J.4. \.3 3-4,2 3. 4. 4 3.5 3. 5. 1 3,5,2 3.5.J F~r""t! I lzat'on: Fsrti I f:z:e pl<:mtlng ar-eas; 1 • At ·the end of th~ -f 1 r s·t JO-day and at 30-day inter-vnls -h lbs. per-1 .000 squG10 fee-t Qf top dress h:ir"t i I i zer. 2. At t·ho end of the rmtn-tBnance J)ertod 6 lbs, per- 1 ,0'.)0 squar"~ feei' of \-op dr"P.5S tet-l"'. I izer. 3. Per·furrn nn analysis pr-ic:>r to ooch appl icC'1tlon to ver T fy fer-t· i I i zer riB6ded. Provide qwner w i lh (J copy of r·e,.·HY t one r-,:acommer-1ckJt J on.s. Avo i i.1 f,i=;r t·: I i zer cont<ict w ! l·h -he root bo I I (]r:d base c;if main ste:n. '.~l)r·~ad evenly ur1der p:ar1' l·o c:lr:1., I lne. Rep I acernent of PI an ~s; Rep I ace c:aad, dy i r1,;;i ar:d ml ,5S i no p I anT:s wi t-h p I ur1ts of equal s i :.::e ond "the same s~:,ec 1 es and var· i ~ty. Ground cover ct1re: Weed Contn::il: Control weet1$ wtth chomical systemrc spr(lY or w i \·h toe Is ond h~chn i que;::; th(.1+ (NO id damage to plan\.s, ir.oludinq root bal 1~3. Waterfn9: Water only~~ me i rrta in i·1eu \ th'-.1 qrowt7. -ft"eCjt.Jf:mi"ly wi1h .. moistu~·e pGrt i cu I ar I y a-r· t · rnH-i) ot frequently ns nec0ssary to Monl10:-soi: moisTur'e :·:iensonJ and/cir so! I ;:,robes. cover~ :.~ I 1 mate chcnge. F~f'"t'. I izing; ferTi \ 1ze as speci·!;iHJ under~ rr-·ee <:md Shrub core- E<1Ge grourd cover to kP.ep in bounds qnd tr l m !'OP ,~rowth as necess.n(·y to Gch l evo on ovf;rCl I I t:wen appeor<1nce. R6p I ace dead 11nd ml ss \ ng pl Gnts (.Jt '..:on-tractor--'.'; <:'txpi:,ns0. LAWN AND TURF CARE: Mowing and Edging: Mow i r1q of tt_,i;-f s.r-:a I I ,.::or«nence when tha <Jr(1!':>S ~as reached the he I 9h t· r:9coiruner"1cied for •-he sDeC i es. Mow i lcJ sl·ic1 I I be at weekly fnter·vc1 s afh3r t-he 1~1rst cut. Tur·i: 11'1.lSt Je we I l --es--,-ob 1 i c',,.herj. frc~e 0·1: bore ~c.o+s an<."l wAeds ro rhe sat i r,fcc+ ion (.)'t' the owner or awr1er·s reprosentat 1 ve pr r or ro f: rica I c.1cceptance. Grass cl i 1,1p1nQs she!\ be p\e,ked-up and 1emov-ed fr·orr t-he -5/fe'I. Edges .sha I I be tr·' r~d twT ce month I y or as needed Por neat uf.1\"Jenrance. CI i pp i n<)cJ .:".>hall o i thEir· In-; vacuumed or ,\-;Wf:'IDt • W<"1+~r Ing: Lawns she l I ba '"'<J't·ered ut stJGh frequency :Js weather cond1t1Q!7-S ·-equire to n;~ole:-iJ,-;h soi I :noi;:,tur0 be I cw the roo ! zone Gnd rr1t:1 I n"ta in hea I tt·1y qrow·rh. Ev i denco •:Jf '.Jv~r wnh~, l nq may Je I uy qcc;eo I c:ncei by the owner-. Fet-t·' lizi.1g: l.J_,.,;e-, f-erTll::z::ers '.-;pP-cif!o(j uncr.:w Tn~e (Ind .Shrub cm·c;l. Weed Con-tr'"O I ~ It needed, contro I broad I ~elf weeds w i -th se I ect i vr:, her-bi c i de~;. Spo1' sprny i nq i .s profe:r·ed to oven1I I ClPP: lca'~lon, IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Th~ Controc1·c:ir .sra I I d"Jeck GI I :3y.s~ems week I y for pt-oper operc·l·ion .... r.)te:-·ql I ines shLll \ ;·.,f! flu&horj 1)ut ufter- r·ernov t !l<J the I .-J.s "! Gpr i 11k I f'!r-hea1j er two rit eocr on(j of the I (J ! cr·a I . 1\ I I hecJdS arc to bP-CJJ i u.s b:icj a.s nece½½CJIY for uni rrpeded covcrJge. Se"t and p•-og1i::rn mnornat t c ::ontn;i I I er-~. Ci ve Owner'$ repl8.'.:>HflTc1t' v~ rJ k.oy -• o cor~·trr.i I I ers and i n.str1JGt ions on t1ow to tur·n oft sys tern 1 n Ga.so of 8,ffiE:lfqency. Rep(lir' tJI I 1amagos t·o in~i:J<Jtion sy13tem ut CQntrac·ror' s ~xpen5:e. Repc in-; .sh(J I I 1.Je rnoCe within ,:me wa-ter i no period. The C0ntrCJcto1--Sha I I corni:> I F.te I y check the :'iystem r n t-he SprlnQ fol lowin~) im-~tal lat ion. E\D OF SECT ION orange Office Lab. No. 64026 May 2B, 19 93 SOIL AND PLANT I.ABORATORV, INC. Wolf Breiman, Landscape Architect 3045 Grove st. Ventura, CA 93003 :;T~.'l'E FARM INSURANCE COMPANY -CARLSBAD SERVICE CENTER Following is a report on our inspection and soil sampling of the aLvve project on S-22-93. Composite surface soil samples were collected from the two general areas designated on the enclosed site plan. General Inspection The light reddish brown colored surface soil at location 1 varies from coarse sandy loam to light loam in texture. The location 2 soil area, which is also light reddish brown in color, is slightly higher in silt plus clay content than location 1. There is a wide variation in particle size di~tribution in both soil areas, particularly location 1 which would make these soils easy compacted. Soil Analysis soil reaction is neutral at location 1 and moderately acid at location 2 with lime content low and boron concentr:ations below the toxic range. •rhe salinity (ECe) levels are adequately low for satisfactory growth of most landscape plants and based on the SAR values soluble sodium :s adequately balanced by calcium and magnesium. In ,;ummary, both surface soil areas sampled are non-saline and non-sodic in natuce. The soil fei;ti.lity data show available nitrogen and phosphorus low in both cases with potassium optimum. Calcium and magnesium levels ace also satisfactory for' soils of this texture. Recommendations Since soil compaction wherever possible areas a minimum 9" depth. will to be probably occur during site preparation landscaped should be thoroughly tilled to for turf and groundcover planting, the following amendments should be uniformly broadcast and thoccughly incorporated to a depth of 4 -6" by means of co toti. l le r or equal: P 0. Box fiti66. Orange, C;i11fom"' ~261::!•6568 / (714\ 282-8777 FAX i714) 282-8575 PO. Box 15:1, H:~rna Cl:J.t;.l, C<.dil11rn1a 05052-0153 I (408_1 727-0330 FAX ((.08) t:2/-.'i1:15 P.O Box 1648, Bellevue. Wa8hin,;;t:Jn 98t)Ll!l-H-;4!l I (ZQl:il 74fJ·l:lf::lfj5 (AX, i206l 5€2-9531 ~-----------------------•-------··---- \ I ' I WOLF BREIMAN LA 3045 Grove StrRet Ventura, CA 93003 Sam Half -Parts Per ple Sat'!:/ ' N03 NlH # 1EC ' ' N N 1 22 3 3 0,1 2 26 1 2 0.1 Million P04 p !( 7 110 O.J a.a 7 170 O.J 1.1 SOIL FFRTIL!TY AND AGRICULTURAL SUITABILITY (A04) samp,es Taken: 5/22/93 Parts Dry Soil-pH/ ---~saturation ' Qual ' ca Mg ' I Ca Mg I Lime :r.ce rne/1 ms/1 ' 4400 726 7.0 3.7 25.S 9,2 2.9 4.1 Low 4850 840 4.S 3. 5 21.9 9.6 2. 7 4.0 Low SOIL AND PLANT LAEIORATORY,INC. Page 2 Wolf Breiman, Landscape Architect May 28, 1993 AM'T/1000 SOUARE FEET 4 cu. yds. nitrogen stabilized organic amendment derived from redwood, fir or cedar sawdust 15 lbs, 16-20-0 ammonium phosphate The planting pits excavated twice the rootbal 1, for container grown trees and shrubs should diameter and one and one-half times the depth of be the Onsite soil should be used without amending for backfill to the depth of the rootball. The backfill mix for use around the rootball should be prepared as follows: 6 parts by volume on-site 3oil 4 parts by volume niti:ogen stabilized organic amendment 1 lb. 16-20-0 per cu. yd. of mix 2 lbs. iron sulfate per cu. yd. of mix The above materials should be thoroughly blended at a central onsi t e location and the iron sulfate should not contact cement surfaces since severe staining could occur. If the 16-20-0 is incorporated preplant as recommended, the postplant maintenance can consist primarily of a nitrogen-only fertilizer program. Beginning approximately 30 days after planting ammonium sulfate should be applied at the rate of S lbs. per 1000 square feet on a monthly basis. Howevec, in order to ensure continuing adequate soil phosphorus a,nd potassium nutrition Best Fertilizer Company 16-6-8 or equal should be substituted for the ammonium sulfate in early spring and again 1n late fall at the rate of 6 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. Also, when plants have become well established, the frequency of fertilizec applications can be decreased .. FORREST FULLMER FF: ac P,O. Box 6586, O~anq~, CalitQrri1a 92613-656€-f\714) 2f'.2-B777 FAX (714) 282,8575 PO Bolt 153. S;;nta Clara, California 95052-0153/(408) 727-0330 FAX (408) '12'1-5123 PO Box 1648 Bellevue, Washington 08009-1648/(206) 746-6665 Oran9e Office La~ No, 64026 PAX (206) 562-9531 STATE FARM INSU~ANCE CO Extr;;i,ct Values------ N" K B me/1 rne/1 ppm 14.0 0.3 0.1B 13.6 0.5 0.46 cl me/1 ' I : SAR[ SM'lple Description & Locy Number 3.4 Location l 93-A16811 14 2 3.4 Location 2 93-Al6Bl< 14 2 I ---·-········· SHEETNq. C-6.4 i pp 664 ! APPROVED ,---------..IENGINF.ERING r'l.ANCHECKER APP RO \lED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY,. INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. T:TLE~--------- REVIE\JED BY: iNSPECTOR j-lJ-..3.1 DATE DATE l----+-------1--------------+----+----+----+------il SH7EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH7EETS I ~LANNING DE 0 ARTMENT ~==:::'...'.:::::::::::====::=::::::::::=======-====; .......... -CARLSBAD SERVICE dR ~ . /s,;,f<.-c&,.."--·.-t----t---t-------------t---t---t----t----t :======;:,·::"::7::c<;ENTE~ /~k bre man APPRo~;,i.-~ / /J, !l -h. ¾'-4-//1 landscape Jl'.'.t::..., · -/~~· ---t=. ·~a.. architecture · ASSIST11N-Pl~ANNING D(RECT□R l)A rE . ~~ DATE iN1nAL DArr INITIAL DATE INITIAL ~~~D s;Y: --.-. I CUPPR .. O.J9ECOT ~ol .I ~3AW31N~ NIO L. llm!Ml0,55 c:,~INt:ER IJF WOSK RE\/IS:ON DESCRIPTION CTTHER APPROVAL C\1'1' APPROVAL R\/\..ID BY: . C:.,<.L.A. "',-f~~ CMWO 89-C-290