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REG Y GLED V"IATER NOTES I. ALL ~K SHALL 6E DONE IN ACCORDANCE JIIIITH THE e,ARL5!3AD MUNIC,IPAL JIIIATER DISTRIC,T$ "C,ARL5!3AD REC,LAMATION RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR C,ONSTRUC,TION OF REC,YC,LED JIIIATER MAINS" DATED OC,TOBER l'l'l5. 2. DRINKING FOUNTAINS SHALL BE PROTEC,TED FROM SPRAY OF REC,YC,LED JIIIATER BEST MANMEMENT PRAC,TIC,ES SHALL BE USED TO MINIMIZE REC,YC,LED JIIIATER ENC,ROAC,HMENT ON PUBLIC, FACILITIES 5UC,H A5 PIC,NIC, TABLES, BBG'5, PLAYeROIJND5, 5AND TOT LOT5, ETC,. !5. BEST MANA6EMENT PRAC,TIC,E5 SHALL BE USED TO ELIMINATE OR C,ONTROL TO THE BEST EXTENT P055IBLE PONDING, RUN-OFF, OVER SPRAY AND MISTING. 4. HOSE BIB5 ARE STRIC,TLY PROHIBITED. 5. ON-5ITE C,ROSS-C,ONNEC,TION5 BETJIIIEEN REC,YC,LED JIIIATER LINES AND POTABLE JIIIATER LINES 15 STRIC,TLY PROHIBITED. 6. NO 5UB5TITUTION OF PIPE MATERIALS JIIIILL BE ALLOJIIIED JIIIITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE C,ITY OF C,ARJ.5!3AD MUNIC,IPAL JIIIATER DISTRIC,T. 1. ALL ON-SITE MAINLINE PIPES SHALL HAVE JIIIARNING TAPE PER e,ARL56AD MUNIC,IPAL JIIIATER DISTRIC,T'5 RULES AND REGULATIONS. ,e,. THE IRRIGATION 5Y5TEMS SHALL RUN BETJIIIEEN THE HOURS OF 10,00 P.M. AND 6,00 A.M. THE FOLLOJIIIING MORNING (SPOT IRRIGATION WULD BE DONE AT A DIFFERENT TIME) JIIIITH QUALIFIED SUPERVISIONS PERSONNEL ON SITE. "1. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST II?> INCHES OF WVER OVER ALL HIRING AND PIPING. 10. NON-DESIGNATED USE AREAS SHALL BE PROTEC,TED FROM C,ONTACT WITH REC,YC,LED JIIIATER, JIIIHETHER BY JIIIINDBLOJIIIN SPRAY OR BY DIREC,T APPLIC,ATION THROUGH IRRIGATION OR OTHER U5E. LAC,K OF PROTEC,TION, JIIIHETHER BY DESIGN, C,ONSTRUC,TION PRAC,TIC,E OR SYSTEM OPERATION 15 5TRIC,TLY PROHIBITED. II. IRRIGATION HEADS SHALL BE RELOC,ATED OR ADJU5TED TO PREVENT OVER-SPRAYING ON 5IDEJIIIALKS, STREETS AND NON-DESIGNATED USE AREAS. 12. REC,YC,LED JIIIATER QUIC,K C,OUPLING VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE DESIGNED FOR THE USE ON REe,Ye,LED JIIIATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS (SPIKES NOT INTERC,HANGEABLE i'ilTH POTABLE JIIIATER QUIC,K C,OUPLER SPIKES) PER C,ARJ.5!3AD MIJNIC,IPAL JIIIATER DISTRIC,T RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1:5. METERS SHALL BE SIZED BY THE C,ITY OF C,ARL56AD MIJNIC,IPAL JIIIATER DISTRIC,T. 14. ALL IRRIGATION PIPES SHALL BE STENC.ILED HITH THE JIIIARNING, "NON-POTABLE OR REC,YC,LED JIIIA TER C,OLOR-C,ODED (PURPLE) AND LAID WITI-1 JIIIARNING TAPE AND STENC,ILING ORIENreD TOJIIIARD THE TOP Or THE TRENCH PER THE C,ARLSBAD MIJNIC,IPAL JIIIATER DISTRIC,T RULES AND REGULATIONS 15. ALL POTABLE JIIIATER AND REC,YC,LED JIIIATER PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE 5TENC,ILING ORIENTED TOJIIIARD5 THE TOP OF THE TRENC,H. 16. JIIIHEN A POTABLE JIIIATER LINE AND REC,YC,LED JIIIATER LINE C,R05S, THE REC,YC,LED LINE SHALL BE INSTALLED HITHIN A PROTEC,TIVE SLEEVE, THE SLEEVE SHALL EXTEND 10 FEET FROM EACH 5IDE, FROM THE C,ENTER LINE OF POTABLE LINE, FOR A TOTAL OF 20 FEET. 11. A 10 FOOT HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BETJIIIEEN POTABLE JIIIATER AND REC,YC,LED JIIIATER MAINS MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. THE POTABLE LINE MIJ5T BE INSTALLED ABOVE THE REe,Ye,LED LINE II?>. A MINIMUM OF 12 INC,HE5 OF VERTIC,AL SEPARATION BETWEEN UTILITIES MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. • l'l. DEVELOPER/C,ONTRACTOR SHALL WNDUC,T A C,R055-C,ONNEC,TION TEST AND C,OVERAGE TEST AS DIREC,TED BY THE C,ARLSBAD MUNIC,IPAL JIIIATER DISTRIC,T ENGINEER AND/OR THE 5AN DIEGO C,OUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 5ERVIC,E5 PRIOR TO ANY U5E OF REC,Ye,LED JIIIATER. 20. REC,YC,LED JIIIATER-QUIC,K C,OUPLING VALVES USED IN REC,YC,LED JIIIATER SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE ACME TYPE THREADS AND PURPLE C,OLORED LOC,KING WYERS PERMANENTLY ATTAC-HED TO THE VALVE. QUIC,K WUPLING VALVES SHALL BE NELSON No. 1645, HUNTER No. HVIOOA-RL-NP OR APPROVED EQUAL. 21. THE REQUIRED C,ROS5-WNNEC,TION INSPEC,TION SHALL BE DONE BY EITHER TI-IE C,ARL56AD MUNIC,IPAL JIIIATER DISTRIC,T AND/OR THE SAN DIEGO C,OUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. C,OPIES OF INSPEC,TION REPORTS v-llLL BE FORJIIIARDED TO THE NON-INSPEC,TING PARTY. •22. DEVELOPER SHALL SHOJIII THE LOC,ATION OF REC,YC,LED SIGNS 'DO NOT DRINK" ON THESE PLANS. *23. AN ON-SITE USER/SUPERVISOR SHALL BE DESIGNATED IN HRITING. THIS INDIVIDUAL SHALL BE FAMILIAR JIIIITH PLUMBING SYSTEMS v-llTHIN THE PROPERTY, JIIIITH THE BASIC, C,ONC,EPTS OF BAC,KFLOi'i/C,ROSS-C,ONNEC,TION PROTEC,TION, AND THE 5PEC,IFIC, REQUIREMENTS OF A REC,YC,LED JIIIATER SYSTEM. C,OPIE5 OF THE DESIGNATION, HITH C,ONTAC,T PHONE NUMBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE SAN DIEGO WUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND C,ARJ.5!3AD MUNIC,IPAL JIIIATER Dl5TRIC,T. IN e,ASE OF EMERGENCY C,ONTAC,T Tim O'Grc:idy AT 160-'l2'l-210I NAME PHONE OR AFTER HOURS WNTACT, Tim O'Grc:i'?! AT 160-"12"1-2101 NAME POONE • • ITEMS NO.'S e,, 1"1, 4 23 SHALL BE REQUIRED .JJST PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL USE OF REC,YC,LED JIIIATER ITEM NO. 22\ THE 51GNAGE PLAN, SHALL BE A PART OF THIS I.P .. BUT THE ACTUAL SIGNS AND TAGS i'iLL BE INSTALLED JUST PRIOR TO AC,TUAL USE OF r,:EC,YC,LED JIIIATER. 24. SHOH ALL PUBLIC, AND PRIVATE POTABLE JIIIATER MAINS ON IMPROVEMENT PLANS. 25. ON REC,YC,LED JIIIATER SYSTEMS ALL APPIJRTENANC,ES (SPRINKLER HEADS VALVE BOXES, ETC,.) SHALL BE C,OLOR-C,ODED PURPLE PER Av-lJIIIA GUIDELINES AND SEC,TION 404'1.54 OF THE C,ALIFORNIA HEAL TH AND SAFETY C,ODE. 26. A PHYSIC,AL SEPARATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BETWEEN ADJAC,ENT AREAS IRRIGATED v-llTH REC,YC,LED JIIIATER AND POTABLE JIIIATER SEPARATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BY Dl5TANC,E, C,ONCRETE MOJlll 5TRIP5 OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS. 21. THE REQUIRED C,R055-C,ONNEC,TION 5HUTDOJIIIN TEST SHALL BE DONE BY THE C,ARLSBAD MUNIC,IPAL JIIIATER DISTRIC,T AND THE SAN DIEGO C,OUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH. SIGNAGE NOTES THE FOLLOHING GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF REC,YC,LED JIIIATER ARE TO BE PERMANENTLY POSTED INSIDE THE DOOR OF EACH WNTROLLER v-lHERE THEY ARE EASILY VISIBLE. PLAC-E ON l?>-l/2"XII" SIZED SIGN. C,OLOR PURPLE BAC,KGROUND JIIIITH BLACK LETTERING. I. GUIDELINES FOR REC,YC,LED HATER USE I. IRRl6ATE BETJIIIEEN THE HOURS OF 10,00 P.H. AND 6,00 A.M. ONLY. JIIIATERING OUTSIDE THIS TIME FRAME MUST BE DONE MANUALLY HITH QUALIFIED SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ON-SITE. NO SYSTEM SHALL AT ANY TIME BE LEFT UNATTENDED DIJRING USE OUTSIDE THE NORMAL SC.HEDULE. 2. IRRIGATE IN A MANNER TI-IAT JIIIILL MINIMIZE RUN-OFF, POOLING, AND PONDING. THE APPLIC,ATION RATE SHALL NOT EXC,EED THE INFILTRATION RATE OF THE SOIL. TIMERS MUST BE ADJUSTED 50 A5 TO BE C,OMPATIBLE JIIIITH THE LOHEST SOIL INFILTRATION RATE PRESENT. THIS PROC.EDIJRE MAY BE FACILITATED BY THE EFFIC.IENT sc.HEDULING OF THE AUTOMATIC. WNTROL C.LOC,KS, /I.E., EMPLOYING THE REPEAT FIJNC,TION TO BREAK UP THE TOTAL IRRIGATION TIME INTO C.YC,LES THAT JIIIILL PROMOTE MAXIMUM SOIL ABSORPTION). :5. ADJUST SPRAY HEADS TO ELIMINATE OVER SPRAY ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE C,ONTROL OF THE C,U5TOMER. FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DEC,KS, PRIVATE PATIOS AND LOTS, AND STREETS AND 51DEJIIIALK5. 4. MONITOR AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FAILURE. BROKEN SPRINKLER HEADS, LEAKS, UNRELIABLE VALVES, ETC,. SHOULD BE REPAIRED AS SOON AS THEY BEWME APPARENT. 5. EDUC,ATE ALL MAINTENANC,E PERSONNEL ON A WNTINUOUS BASIS OF THE PRE5ENC,E OF REC,YC,LED JIIIA TER. PERSONNEL MUST BE INFORMED THAT REC,YC.LED JIIIATER 15 MEANT FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES ONLY, AND 15 NOT APPROVED FOR DRINKING PURP05E5, HAND, TOOL, JIIIASHING, ETC.. BIVEN THE HIGH TURNOVER RATE OF EMPLOYEES IN THE LANDSC.APING INDUSTRY, IT 15 IMPORTANT THIS INFORMATION BE DISSEMINATED ON AN ALMOST DAILY BASIS. IT 15 YOU, THE LANDSC.APE C.ONTRAc.TOR, l"lHO 15 RESPONSIBLE FOR EDUC,ATING EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES. 6. OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL OF ALL PROPOSED C,HANGE5 AND MODIFIC,ATIONS TO ANY PRIVATE ON SITE FACILITIES. SUC,H C.HANGES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE DISTRIC.T ENGINEERING OFFIC.E AND DESIGNED IN AC,WRDANCE v-llTH DISTRIC,T STANDARDS. 1. ALL REe,Ye,LED WATER SPRINKLER C,ONTROL VALVES SHALL BE TAGGED HITH IDENTIFIC.ATION T AG5. A. TMS SHALL BE JIIIEATHERPROOF PLASTIC., 3"X4", PURPLE IN WLOR JIIIITH THE l"lORDS, "JIIIARNING REC,YC,LED JIIIATER-DO NOT DRINK" IMPRINTED ON ONE 51DE, AND "AVl50-AGUA IMPURA-NOTOMAR" ON THE OTHER SIDE. IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK IN WLOR, USE TAGS A5 MA1'1JFAC,TURED BY T. C,HRl5TY ENTERPRISES OR APPROVED EQUAL. B. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EAe,H VALVE A5 FOLLOJIIIS, I. ATTAc.H TO VALVE STEM DIREC.TLY OR WITH PLASTIC, TIE-i'iRAP, OR 2. ATTAC,H TO SOLENOID l"llRE DIREC,TL Y OR l"llTH PLASTIC, TIE- 1'-lRAP, OR :3. ATTACH TO VALVE C,OVER JIIIITH EXISTING VALVE C,OVER BOLT. I?>. ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AS REC,YC.LED JIIIATER SPRINKLER HEADS. II. EAC,H AUTOMATIC, C,ONTROLLER AND ITS ASSOC,IATED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IDENTIFIED l"llTH A SIGN BEARING THE i'iORD5, "REe,Ye,LED JIIIATER USED FOR IRR'IGATION" IN ENGLISH AND 5PANl5H, JIIIITH BLAC.K LETTERS I" HIGH ON A PURPLE BACKGROUND. THE SIGN SHALL BE PLACED 50 THAT IT C,AN BE READILY SEEN BY ANY OPERATIONS PERSONNEL UTILIZING THE EQUIPMENT. I. C,ITY WN5TRIJC,TION IN5PEC,TION SHALL INC,LUDE, A. LOC,ATION OF PIPE LINES B. TRENc.H DEPTH G. REQUIRED SEPARATION /HORIZONTALLY AND VERTIC,ALLY) D. PIPE IDENTIFIC,ATION. (P.O.C,.'5) POINTS OF C,ONNEC,TIONS E. LOC.ATION AND IDENTIFIC.ATION OF SPRINKLER HEADS F. JIIIARNIN6 SIGNS AT THE SITE AND ON THE TRUC,K HAULING REC,YC,LED JIIIATER /IF REC,YGLED JIIIATER 15 USED FOR C.ONSTRUC.TION). 2. DISTRIC,T FINAL IN5PEC,TION SHALL INCLUDE, A. C,OVERAGE TEST, AFTER C,OMPLETION OF THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, TO DETERMINE THAT ADEOUAC,Y OF WVERAGE ON THE APPROVED USE AREA AND PROTEC,TION OF AREAS NOT APPROVED FOR REC,EIVING REC,YGLED l"lATER El. JIIIARNING 5IGN5 AND LABELS C,, QUIC.K C,OUPLING VALVES D. ALL A5PEC,T5 OF THE IRRIGATION C,ONDITIONS INCLUDING JIIIINDBLOJIIIN SPRAY, RUN-OFF, AND PONDING E. REQUIRED PROTEC.TION OF ALL RESIDENTIAL AREAS. F. REQUIRED PROTEC.TION OF JIIIELLS, STREAMS, RESERVOIRS, ETC,. 6. C.R055-C.ONNEC. TION. 3. ANNUAL INSPEC,TION SHALL INCLUDE, A C,OMPLETE IN5PEC,TION JIIIHIC,H SHOULD C.OVER PART 'A' AND PART 'B' AND PART 'G' OF THE Dl5TRIC,T$ FINAL IN5PEC.TION. (PR VATE) RECYCLED ~ATER SYSTEM C~ ST~ ~ ~ S SITE~- LA GOSTA A.\/9 \I \ l VICINITY MAP r 18" N.T.S. In Order to Conserve Water ... RECYCLED WATER IN USE ' Ul "' ...: DO NOT -NO TOME EL AGUA z DRINK WASH HANDS AFTER CONTACTING LAVESE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAR 18" X 18" SIZE .032 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS TYPICAL 516N5 r DIG ALERT SHEET INDEX 51 IEE, DESCRIPTION, 51,EEI NO. TITLE SHEET I .2 :5 4 IRRlcSATION PLAN IRRlcSATION LEcSEND IRR.lcSATION DETAILS IR.R.lcSATION SPECIFICATIONS PLANTINe PLAN 5,6 , PLANTINe DETAILS PLANTINcS SPECIFICATIONS RECYCLED V'lATER. PLAN DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE e, "I, 10 11 I HEREBY DEC.LARE THAT I AM THE LANDSc.APE ARC,HITEC-T OF ~K FOR THIS PROJEC.T, THAT I HAVE EXERc.lSED RESPONSIBLE C.HARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THl5 PROJEC.T AS DEFINED IN SECTION 610:3 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFE5510NS GODE AND THAT THE DESIGN 15 C.ON5I5TENT JIIIITH C.IJRRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE C,HEC.K OF PROJEC.T DRAi'ilNGS AND 5PEC.IFIC.ATION5 BY THE C.ITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE SAN DIEGO C,OUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH 15 C.ONFINED TO A REVIEi'i ONLY AND DOE5 NOT RELIEVE ME, AS LANDSC.APE ARC,HITEC,T OF JIIIORK, OF MY RE5PONSIBILITIE5 FOR PROJEC.T DESIGN. THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL C,ONFORMANGE l"llTI-1 THE APPROVED LANDSC.APE WNC,EPT PLAN, JIIIATER C,ON5ERVATION PLAN, FIRE PROTEC.TION PLAN, AND ALL :::TIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO LAND5c.APIN6. a=) Ll_~ DATE 08-06-04 DENNIS v-l. 61LLE5PIE PREPARER FIRM NAME AND ADDRE55, 6ILLE5PIE DESIGN GROUP, INC-. '1404 GENESEE AVE., SUITE 140 LA JOLLA, C,A. "12031 PHONE NO., (e,5e,) 551?>-1?>'111 FAX, (e,5e,) 551?>-'111?>8 REGISTRATION NO., C,A 1362 EXPIRATION DATE, APRIL, 2005 REVIEWED BY ENGi~ CHECKER ~-2,o·O~ DATE DEVELOPER'S NAME: DATE PLAN PREPARED: BY: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ,.,""' . ., . <' ., .. R. -,. -~", ✓ ... -._.,,.._ WILLIAM E. PLUMMER. DATE , DISTRICT ENGINEER R.C.E. 28176 CAIJPORNL\ STATE LA.11' SA.YS YOU IIUST CALL BEPORE YOU DIG. GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 4218--t2169 STATES THAT "EXCAVATION": SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ~--c_-r-·u-,.,, "AS BUil T" DATE GRADING, TRENCIIlNG, DIGGING, DITCHING, DfflWNG AUGURING, TUNNEIJNG, SCRAPING, CABLE OR PIPE PLOWING, DRIVING, FOUNDATION DIGGING, LANDSCAPE DIGGING PLUMBING, FENCE POST OR ANY OTHER WAY. OUR PERMIT FOR DIGGING 1flLL NOT BE VAIJD WITHOUT A DIG ALERT TICKET NUMBER AND NOTIFICATION THAT THE MARKOUT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. THERE IS ALSO A 14-DAY llINDOlf (SECTION 4216.(E)) IN lfHICH YOU MUST COMPLETE THB PROPOSED DIGGING-. IF YOU lfILL NEED ADDITIONAL TIME BEYOND THE U DAYS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSfflIIJTY TO RECALL DIG ALERT. DIG ALERT TOU.-FREE NUMBER IS 1-800-227-2600. APPROVED BY: ~/,,-M Le4H s DATE RCE EXP,---- DRAWN DB, TS APPROVED MM JOB NO. 02-055 DATE 04/29/04 SCALE AS SHOWN APPROY!:CI l"OR f»I.ANTIN.S ANO IRRI.SATION ONI. Y, INCI.UCIINC$o f»Re!Clse! LOCATION 01" PLANTIN.S AREAS. REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH REVIEWED BY: ENGINEER PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FlELD. INSPECTOR DATE I SHE1_ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD [sRfffil1 ---+-----1f---------------t---+---t--+---I PLANNING DEPARTMENT L....ll.J ---+---,r---------------1----t---t---t-----1 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL Tl TLE SHEET FOR: SDP 02-05 LA COSTA OAKS NORTH: TEMFOR~RY RV PARKING ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. SDP02-05 9-20 DATE DRAWING NO. 4196L ...;... " I t -20 - ~~ 27 -------- _It_ -2....¥= 3!!!!!!C -------. ~z::-==-:::-=r-~--rr-..Jlrv=;.~;;-----~-!~~-~~'----T,~=---µ ,----; =r \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ I \ ' \ 22 INS~ PIPE UNDER_/ ,,. 1 TERRACE DITCH '.f 1 @It I \ , I ( ) \ I \ \ I S../o ~ 5 \ I \ I I \ \ \ I I 1l --1 \ \ 26 20 ... f ' \ 22 ( I l/4 1 I \_ I I I I I 25 19 22 A17 1.5' 1J 23 I ~:=-:::-fl-=1ili::~=---:;:_:e:-,_=-,_=9_ I ! 1· ! ' I *•' 11/4" 1 ! 1· 1· JI' / ( ~ 21/) I .,, 11 RANCHO ...J, -- / 10 28 26 ✓ ). ----RW w 15 SANl r I I - ISi I "' 1" I "' I I I I I t I I I I I I ~- 21 2' m ' I I I - I 21/f, I I I j j I ! 32 t - 4 ------+Pi H' I" • I r I I s 4 ISi I l/4" I I t r 41 I I I I I I < I ◊ lJ ◊ '-' NOTE, I' 21/'l ifr IRRl6ATION AND LANDSc.APINe TO BE PROVIDED ONCE J,,IATER BECOMES AVAILASI.E 11 ~ 20 I /\i.J I I 121/'l 1,....-c-\ I I 2J ::ts. s \ I . --, '-~ :~ \ \ I I NOTE A, POC, TO BE 1.5' REC,l.AIMED Y'IATER METER HITH A :2' SERVIC,E LINE. VERIFY SIZE, 1.0C,ATION, AND PRESSURE IN FIEI.D, WITH Ol+IER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO WMMENCINe WORK. NOTEB, CONTROi.i.ER SHAl.l. 6E A HJNTER ICC--4000M INSTAl.l.ED IN STAINI.E55 STcEI. ENCI.OSURE (SEE 1.EeEND FOR TYPE), FINAi. LOCATION OF CONTROi.i.ER AND El.EC,TRIC,Al. POC SHAl.l. 6E C.ONFIRMED WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO C.OMMENC,INe WORK. NOTE, ! ! ! ! I M < -\ ·- ~ /; C.ONTRACTOR SHAl.l. 1.0C.ATE MAINLINE OUTSIDE OF RleHT OF WAY TYPIC,AL. C.ONTRAGTOR SHAl.l. C.ONFIRM Al.I. MAINLINE l.AYOUT IN FIEI.D WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO C,OMMENCINe WORK IF ANY HARDSC.APE OR l..AND5c.APE INDIC,ATED ON THE APPROVED Pl.ANS 15 DAMAeED OR REMOVED DURINe DEMOLITION OR C.ONSTRIJC,TION, IT SHAI.L BE REPAIRED AND/OR REPLACED IN KIND AND EGUIVALENT SIZE PER THE APPROVED PLANS. I 21ft I ,'-- / ~ V) C) r---§2 ---D / / 18 ~ ~ 18 24 C◊ C c;s. • &~ A. -/- ~ 2\ K'.S::° G;! I \ \ .... -, DRAWN .APPROVED ~ ~--~ 10 19 ~ ,. NOTE, l.ATERAI. l.lNES ARE SHOWN /lilTHIN PAVINe FOR C,l.ARITY ONLY, Ac.TUAI. l.OC.ATION TO BE /lilTHIN Pl.ANTER CONFIRM Al.I. LAYOUT IN FIEI.D /lilTH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO C.OMMENCINe ~I< DB, TS Mlf 19 !) D IG ALERT CAW'ORNIA. STATE LA.W SAYS YOU KUST CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 4218-42169 STATES THAT "EXCAVATION'": GRADING, TRENCHING, DIGGING, DITCHING, DRIU.ING AUGURING, TUNNEIJNG, SCRAPING, CABLE OR PIPE PLOlflNG, DRIVING, FOUNDATION DIGGING, LANDSCAPI DIGGING PLUMBING, FENCE POST OR ANY OTHER WAY. OUR PERIIIT FOR DIGGING WIIJ.. NOT BE VALID 1rITHOUT A DIG ALERT TICKET NUIIBER AND NOTIFICATION THAT TIIB IWUCOUT HAS BEl!N COJIPLETED • THERE IS ALSO A 14-DAY 11INDOW (SECTION 4218.(E)) IN TIIICH YOU MUST COICPLETE THE PROPOSED DIGGING. IF YOU WIU. NEED ADDfflONAL Tllll BEYOND THE 14 DAYS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILlTY TO RECALL DIG ALERT. DIG ALERT TOLL-FREE NUMBER IS 1-800-227-2600. 7i 40 20 0 SCALE: 1 "=20' "AS BUil T" DATE RCE EXP. 60 REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE I SH~ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD w PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 A D c:! \J~ ~ JOB NO. 02-050 l-----+--+-----------------+---1----11----l----l IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: SDP 02-05 DATE 04/29/04 SCALE AS SHOWN APPROV!:D FOR PI..ANTIN6 AND IRRl6ATION ONL."f, INCI..UDIN6 PRECISE: I..OCATION OF PI..ANTIN6 A~AS. DA"TE INITIAL DA"TE INITIAL DA"TE INITIAL ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LA COSTA OAKS NORTH TEMPORARY RV PARKING APPROVE -yJ --~~/~~!!...._ _____ 9-20-Q'/ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: --SDP02-05 RVWD BY: 4196L • • SYMeoL RECLAIMED V'IATER IRRlcSATION MATERIAL LEcSEND G T H F MANUl"AC T. MODl!:L NO. I DESCRIFTION c5FM 1"51 DETAIL ... " " 0 (j) @ ctJ (@ ® ... ..... ~ e • " e • 0 0 $ i'.tl e, ~@ ®@ @@ CO> @) @ (@ El - • NO SY'MeOL El ISi NO SYMeOL HUNTER IHST-12-GV Jl,IITH RAIN eI1'0 5 FT NOZZLES G/TM POP-IP 5HRUEl H!:AD .20, !30, ,40 50 5 FT A HUNTl::R INST-12-GV Jl,IITH RAIN 511'0 10 FT LA NOZZLl:S GIT /H/F POP-W ~ HEAD -"', .52, ,1q, 151 50 IOFT A HUNTER INST-12-GV Jl,IITH RAIN 511'0 12 FT NOZZLES G/1'/H/F POP-W 5HRUEl HEAD .65, .,,, I !5, 2.6 ,0 12FT A HUN'Tl:R INST-12-GV rlTH RAIN el!Ul 15 FT NOZZLES G/T/H/F POP-W 5HRUEl HEAD ,..,, 1.2!5, 1.&5, ,.,o ,0 15 l"T A HUN'Tl:R IN5T-12-GV-LGS/RC,5-5IS 4 SS-5'° SlRIP SPl<A'( NOZZLES POP-W 51f<Le ll:AD .61, 1.:11 ,0 4X15 FT A 4X!l0 FT RAIN61~ '500-5-f'G-sAH-N W NOZZLES 0.15 (QI, 1.5 (\1), 20 (F) HI-POP~ ROTOR tEAD .61, l.:l& 25 20 FT A "-AIN61~ 5012-5-PC-5AM-H W LOH AN5LE NOZZl.l:S 10 (Qi, 20 (HJ, !50 (F) HI-POI" ~ ROTOl't tEAD .60, 1.4, 2.4 25 25FT A RAIN61~ 5012-5-PC-5AM-H W NOZZ!..ES 10 (Q), :ZO (l-1), 40 (F) HI-POI" 5HIU:I ROTOI" Hl:AD o.qi, 1,qq, ,M 25 50 FT A RAIN61~ 5012-5-PC-5AM-N W NOZZLES 1.5 (GI), !10 (l-1), 60 (F) HI-POP~ ROTOR Hl:AD 1.:15, ,.11, 5.42 25 '5FT A RAIN61~ 501:2-PL~AM-N W NOZZLES :20 (QI, 30 (HJ, 60 (F) HI-POP 5fR.B ROTOR Hl:AD 1.6, 5.0,60 25 40 FT A MIR!: 5f"RA'I' AND ltOTOFI. !!l'RINKLER l"AGKMI: 15 5HOil'IN f'Ol't GLAAIT'I' ONL 'I', 50ME INDIVIC)t}AL HEAP AND NOZZLE GOMelNATIONS MAY NOT llE U5eC> ON THf5f DAArt!Ne5. MIR!: 5PRAY OFl. ltOTOFI. l"AGKASES MA'I' HOT BE IJSfD ON THIS PHASf OF THI: PRO-ECT, GONTRAGTOR SHALL ONLY 61D ON AND INSTALL THI: HEADS SHOJl,IN ON Tit; Pl.Ale. P.O.C. i,,tHERE SPRINKLER HEADS ARI: INSTALLED FARTHER THAN 10 FEET FROM l"EDESTRIAN ARl:A5 ~ A5 i'IALKJl,IA'l'S, DRIVEl'IA'l'S, GURBS, MF BOUNDARIES, AND THI: TOE OF 5LOf'f IN SIDE Att:> REAR YAADS, Tit; POP-W SPRAY Att:> ltOTOFI. HEADS MAY BE INSTALLED AS A SHRUB ADAPTER VERSION OF THE H!:AD SHOi'IN, TOP OF 11:AP MUST llE 12' A60VE FINISHED SAADE. ALL IOITElt INSTlll/TIONAL SPRAY HEADS SHALL llE EGIIJIPPED Jl,IITH A REGLAIMl:D Jl,IATI:R 10!:NTll'IGATION BODY GAi" (!>ART NJMElElt 45$:25) IN FLAG!: OF THI: STANDARD BLACK BODY GAP. Rl:GLAIMED l'IATl:R GAP GAN llE FACTORY INSTALLED Jl,IHEN ORDERED FROM THI: MAl«JFAGlVRl:R IN SIJFFIGll:NT G!\JANTITIES, OTHERJ/,1151: THI: Rl:GLAIMED l'IATl:R CAP t-lJST llE Fll:LD INSTALLED BY THE CONlRAGTOFI., GHEGK Jl,IITH HUNTER INDUSlRIES FOR G!\JANTIT'I' Rl:GIUIRl:MENTS AT iE>0-144-5240 1.5' REC.LAIMl:D Jl,IATER IRRl6ATION H:TER, 51:E PLAN FOR LCX,ATION. e Ff:SC.O &25Y o· 4 I 1/2' SIZE TO MATGH METl:R SIZE) M' BAaf'LOJl,I f'l'tl:YENTION A55EMlll. Y Jl,lllli A MOD. 650 ElflOHZE W!'E STRAINER o· 4 I 1/.2' SIZE TO MATGH M' DEVIC,f) D ALL SYSTEMS Jl,IITH STATIC, Jl,IATER ~ EXCEEDIN6 00 FSI SHALL HAVE A l'IILKIHS '500tll.R FRE59lJRE REe4JLATOR IHSTALLl:D ON THE BAC,IQ'LOJl,I ASSEM6LY (SIZE PERM' DEVICE) HUNTE!lt "-AINMASTl:R K.e.l. !It.Al N6I~ HUN'Tl:R HUN'Tl:R HUNTER VIT IGV-2016-1'5-AS-R 51:RlES PLASTIG PRES5U<E REDIJC,IN6 ~ GONTROL VALVE W RGJl,I Jl,IARHIN6 HANDLE, 512E AS NOTED FS-150 FLOJl,I 1'eTER INSTALLl:D PER MANA'AGTlJRER~ REGOMMENDATIONS AND Jl,IIRED TO GONTROLLER U51He l:V-GAe-SfN GABLE BTI!-XXX-1: 5C,Hl:DIJLE 00 ~ UNION PVG 5ALL VALVE, LINE SIZE PER MAINLINE ""'-RG Gll!IGK GOUPLER VAL.VI:, INSTALL INSIDE A 10' ROlJ,ID VALVE BOX, INSTALL AT 100' O.G. ALON6 l:HTIRE LEH6lli OF MAINLINE IGV-XXX6-FS-AS-R 5cRIE5 PLASTIG f'RESSl-"f REDUGIH6 REMO'T'f: GOHTROL VALVE W RC,Jl,I Jl,IARNINi, HAl'a.E, SIZE: AS NOTED I~ IRRl6ATION GOHTROLLER, TO Bl: INSTALLl:D INSIDE A STAltl..ESEl STEEL PEDESTAL 56-Mc.-Bl'Sli SENSOR 61/ARD Jl,IITH MINI-GLIGK RAIN 5IIJT OFF DEVIC,I: AND BYPASS SJl,IITGH BOX, INSTALL ON BACK OF l:NC,I.OSLIRE AND Jl,IIRE TO GONTROLLER 56-24-55 STAINLESS STEEL IRRISATION GOHTROLLER A5SEMeL Y Hllli GIP 'Gll!lc.K PAD' eASe IN LIE!! OF l"OlftD GONGRETI: BAS!: NIA 120 VOLT l:Ll:CTRIGAL POH:R, PROVIDED BY l:Ll:CTRIC.IAN, VERIFY AGT1JAL LCX,ATION IN FIELD N/ A 111'1 51611 !IEE PLAN FOR LCX,ATIOHS AS APl"ROVeD GOLOR c.ooED MPLE, Rl:C,LAIMl:D Jl,IATER, SOLVENT i'EI.D PVG PIPE 5/4' -,, a.. 200 AS LATl:RAL LINES INSTALLED 1:2' efLOl,,I 6RADI:, SIZE AS 51-k:W! AS APPROVED COLOR CODED PURPLE, RECLAIMED HA'Tl:R, SOLVENT Wl:LD PVC PIPE 2" CL. 515 AS MAINLINES INSTALLED It>" eELOH '5RADE, 5" CL. 515 AS MAINLINES INSTALLED 24' eELOH eRADE, SIZE AS SHOWN. MAINLINE TO BE 2 1/2" UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED A5 APPROVED GOLOR CODED MPLE, RECLAIMED Jl,IATER PVG f'IPE (AS eELOl'I) 51.EEVINIS, TJl,IIGE Tit: DIAMETl:R OF l"IPE OR Jl,IIRI: euNDLE GARRIED PLACE eELOl't ALL PAVIN6, HARDSC,APE, ETC.., AND AS DIRECTED BY 01/UR~ IIIITHORIZED REFRESENTATIVE. UNDER VEHIGLE PAVIN6, INSTALL MAIN, LATl:RALS, AND l'IIRES IH SEPARATE 5GHM PVG l'V 30' WVr!R UNDER PRIVATE DRIV6iAY PAVIN6, INSTALL MAIN AND HIRES IH SEPARATE 5GH.40 PVG W 24' WVr!R UNDER Fl:DESTRIAN PAVIN6, INSTALL MAIN AIO Jl,IIRl:5 IN SEPARATE SGH.40 PVG WI&' WVr!R UNDER Fl:DESTRIAN PAVIN6, INSTALL LATERALS IN SEPARATE SGH.40 PVG W 12' GOVER AS APPROVED 114UF Ai't5 DIRECT ~IAL (U.L. AFPROVEDJ LOJl,I VOLTA61: IRRl6ATIOII GONTROL HIRE, ON!: PILOT f'l:R rle,V AND MASTER VALVE AND ON!: COMMON 6Rc:IIJND E F H,J,K l,J,K L L L NIA 0 M M,G H,G NO SYMeOL RAINMA5TER l:V-GAe-SfN GABLE FOR ALL HIRE GOHNl:C.TIOHS et, ,EN FLOJl,I SENSOR AND GONTROLLER M,N,F' p NO SY'MeOL ~ DS-400 DRl-el'LIGE f'RE-FILLeD 51:ALANT, Jl,IATERF'F!OOf HIRE GONNEGTORS SHALL Ell: U5l!D ON ALL Jl,IIIQ: SPLIG!!S NO SYMeOL KB.I. KSc.-XXX~ SJl,IINi, C,l£C,K VALVE:, SIZE PER LIN!: SIZE, PROVIDE: DO~ OF EACH RGV i'IHEN RGV 15 LOJl,ll:R lliAN THI: Sl"Rltf:J.l:RS KG-XXX~ Sl"RIN6 C,l£C,K VALVE, SIZE PER LIN!: SIZE, PROVIDE: DOH6TRl:AM OF EACH RGV i'IHEN RGV IS H16Hl:R lliAN THI: Sl"RINKLERS NO SYMeOL NO SYMeOL NO SYMeOL KB.I. G~ ALL VALVE BOXES SHALL llE R,RPLE COLOR GODED PLASTIC, (FOR Rl:GLAIMED Jl,IATER) Jl,IITH "T' GOVER5 AND MARKED AS INDIGATED IN Tit: DETAILS T. GHRIST'l''S ALL VALVES SHALL HAVE 'MAXI' RECLAIMED Jl,IATER / VALVE ID TAGS INSTALLED AS INDIGATED IN THE DETAILS A5 APPROVED RECLAIMED Jl,IATER 516N5 IN5TALLl:D AT VARIOl./9 POINTS IH PRO-EGT M,N,F' NIA NIA NIA METER eox w METER SIDEV<IALK CURe PPROX. t," 12" MINIMUM POTAeLE SERVICE LINE-------. ~YCLED HATER llf.Rl'5ATION MAINLINE HI ~!!!!VE NOTE, VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12" MINIUMUM IS MANDATOfltY i-+4EN CROSSINe PATH OF A POTAeLE HATER LINE. INSTALLATION OF RECYCLED HATER IRRl'5ATION MAINLINE 24" FROM FACE OF SIDl::HALK HILL PROVIDE THE NEG-ESSARY 10' HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POTAeLE MAINLINE IN THE STREET. @POTABLE SERVICE LINE C.R0551NG NOTE, ~------FINISHeD ~ IN 11JRP' AREA& ~----PLASTIC REGTAN<,Ul.AA VALVE eox WITH eoLT DOl'IN GOVER, USE STAINLESS 60LT, NUT, AND l'IASHER. eox TO 6E Pl.AGED AT Rl6HT AN5LE TO HARDSGAPE EDSE. HEAT BRAND "FRY' ONTO LID. ~-PRESSURE RE6ULATOR, 51:E LEISEND FOR S'PfCIFIGATION lr ,~-.. INl5HED ~ ·· IN SHRUB AREAS , , . ' I ·1· Ii L 1 1 ,i' I' I '11 i .i-.1 .. ::1 , i ~~;: PVC SGH 00 T.O.E. NIPPLE, 3" MIN., 2 REG!. INSTALL C,OHTROI. VALVl!S A MINIMJM OF ONE FOOT Af'AAT IN SH1'IJB AAf/6 UNl.fSS OT!ffloil!lf NOTED. IJ5E 45 C>l:eREE El.LS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTli PROM UP-STREAM SIDI: OF THE PRl:551.JRE Rf:6ULATOR ASSEMel. Y. ® PRESSURE REGULATOR Die ALERT CAIJFORNIA STATE LAW SAYS YOU MUST CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 4216-42169 STATES Tllt\.T '"EXCAVATION": GRADING, TRENCHING, DIGGING, DITCHING, DRIWNG AUGURING, TUNNELING, SCRAPING, CABLE OR PIPE: PLOlfING, DRIVING, FOUNDATION DIGGING, LANDSCAPE DIGGING PLUMBING, FENCE POST OR ANY OTHER 11'AY. OUR PERMIT FOR DIGGING WILL NOT BE VAUD WITHOUT A DIG ALERT TICKET NUMBER AND NOTIFICATION THAT THE MARKOU'!' HAS BEEN COMPLETED. THERE IS ALSO A 14-DAY 11'1ND011' {SECTION 4216.(E)) IN WHICH YOU MUST COMPLETE THE PROPOSED DIGGlNG. lF YOU lfIIL NEED ADDITIONAL TIME BEYOND THE 14 DAYS. IT IS YOUR RBSPONSIBIUTY TO RECALL DIG ALERT. DIG ALERT TOLL-FREE NUMBER IS 1-800-227-2800. NO'Tl: A, POC TO eE 1.5" RECLAIMED Jl,IATl:R METEllt Jl,IITH A 2' !!>ERYIGE LINE. VERIFY 5121=, LOCATION, AND PRESSURE IN FIELD, HITH Ol'INER':5 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCINe J,,IORK. NOTE e, CONTROLLER SHALL 6e A HUNTER IC.C. 4000M INSTALLED IN STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSI.JRE (SEE LEeEND FOR TYPE), FINAL LOCATION OF CONTROLLER AND ELECTRIC.AL POC. SHALL 6e CONFIRMED v-llTH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REf'RESENTATIVE PRIOl't. TO C.OMMENC.INe l'IORK. NOTE, CONTRACTOR 5HALL LOCATE MAINLINE OUT51Df' OF lt.leHT OF HAY 'TYPICAL. C.ONTR.Ac.TOR SHALL CONFIRM ALL MAINLINE LAYOUT IN FIELD v-llTH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMM!:NC.INe HORK. NOTE, LATERAL LINES ARE 5HOY'IN WITHIN PAVINe FO"-C,LAlltlTY ot-LY, ACTUAL LOCATION TO 6E 1-'!ITHIN PLANTER. CONFIRM ALL LAYOUT IN FIELD WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO COMMENCING l'IORK. POC • PRESSURE CALCS PROJECT POC #/RCV# POC WATER TYPE RCVDEMAND HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE METER ELEVATION PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT POC SET POC PSI REGULATOR ra, PSI AVAILABLE SERVICE LINE METER WYE FILTER, CHECK V., TEST STA. BACKFLOW DEVICE WI STRAINER FLOW SENSOR MASTER CONTROL VALVE MAINLINE (3/4"-11/2" Sch. 40) MAINLINE 12"·3" CLASS 315) ISOLATION VALVES RCV SINGLE STATION Sch. 4D LATERALS 11D% OF PSI REQ'Dl SUBTOTAL + 10% FOR FITTINGS TOTAL LOSSES SPRINKLER OPERATING PRESSURE ELEV. HEAD GAIN FROM SPRINK. TO METER ELEV. HEAD LOSS FROM SPRINK. TO METER SUM PRESSURE REQUIRED SURPLUS SET RCV PRESSURE REGULATOR"" LA COSTA OAKS RV PARKING A 19 DOMESTIC WATER· PARKWAYS 25 682 501 # GPM SIZE LENGTH 25.00 2" 35.00 25.00 1.5" 25.00 1" 1" 25.00 2" 25.00 2" 25.00 0.0 0.00 25.00 2.5" 547.00 4 VAR = LINE 1 25.DD 1.5" VAR 2.50 25 PSI 0 FEET 40 FEET 10.12% % -. GPM FEET FEET 78.373 PSI 78.373 PSI 78.373 PSI PSI LOSS 0.77 0.27 PSI 1.40 PSI 2.00 PSI 13.00 1.50 PSI 0.D0 PSI 0.00 0.D0 PSI D.23 1.26 PSI D.70 2.8D PSI 1.50 PSI 2.50 PSI 26.23 PSI 2.62 PSI 28.85 PSI 25.00 PSI 0.00 PSI 17.32 PSI 71.17 PSI 7.20 PSI 31.62 PSI IF AN'Y' HARDSC.A~ OR LANDSC.APE INDICATED ON THE APPROVED PLAN$ 15 DAMAeED OR REMOVED DURINe DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION, IT SHALL 6E REPAIRED AND/OR REPLACED IN KIND AND EGlUIVALENT SIZE PER THE APPROVED PLANS. "AS BUil T" DATE RCE EXP. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DRAWN DB. TS APPROVED MM ---+--+------------+---+----+--+----t I SH3EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~, :==='-===P=L=A=N=N=IN=G:::::D:::E=P=AR=T=M=E=N=T==:::;;'~Lll_j;:::;;;:::;;;: J'OB NO. 02-0~'5 DATE 04/29/04 SCALE A.S SHOWN Al"'Pl'.OV!!:D i-O"-1"1..ANTIN6 AND IRRl6ATION ONI.. "!", INCI..UDIN6 l'"Rl=CISE 1..0CATION OF" FI..ANTIN6 ARl!:AS. ---l----+-----------------+---+-----1-----1---1 IRRIGATION PLANS FOR: SDP 02-05 L.A COSTA OAKS NORTH TEMPORARY RV FARKIN6 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER Of' WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. SDP02-05 DRAWING NO. 4196L .. I -----FINISHED c5RADE: IN TURF AREAS PL .... STIC REG.TAN<5ULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOl"IN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RleHT ANe;LE TO HARDSC.APE EDeE. HEAT BRAND "MV" ONTO LID. MASTER CONTROL VALVE, SEE LEeEND FOR SPEC. • -FINISHED eRADE IN SHRUB AREAS 1I 11 p_,mj!'~~,t--:24" WIRE LOOP I. i i 1 VALVE ID TAeS PVC SCH 40 FEM,AJ.I;: ADAPTER, :2 REGIUIRED '---PVC MAINLINE TO FLOW SENSOR, PIPE PER SPECS. ---(4) BRICK 51.JPPORTS L------BRASS UNION '-------BRASS NIPPLE TYi". '--------LANDSCAPE FABRIC '--------5/4" ROCK, :2 CUBIC FT. '---------------PVC MAINLINE PIPE FROM BACKFLOW PER SPECS. NOTE, USE 45 DESREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH FROM UP-STREAM SIDE OF THE MASTER VALVE ASSEM6LY. @ MASTER CONTROL VALVE p ~ -= - ~I •• EdJ,1 ~ - - © h It::::, ,,-- IRRl5ATION MAINLINE SCH. t,O PVC TEE, SxSxT MAINLINE X MANIFOLD SIZE BALL TYPE ISOLATION VALVE ¾H e,o PVC UNION MINIMUM 1:2" SEPARATION BETWEEN ,..LL VALVE BOXES REMOTE CONTROL VALVE SCH e,o PVC UNION IRRll5ATION 51.JB-MAINLINE LATERAL LINE TO SPRINKLERS HAR.DSC.APE EDeE INSTALL MAINLINE If>" OFF OF HAR.DSC.APE EDeE BALL TYPE ISOLATION VALVE SCH f>O PVC UNION GUICK COUPLER SWINe; JOINT GUIC-K COUPLER VALVE IN A ROUND VALVE BOX. GUICK COUPLER MANIFOLD TO BE SEPARATE FROM A F Q) VALVE MANIFOLD CLEAN COMPAC,TE~----------- BAC-KFILL PAVINe;, BY OTHE . . : ! l 'I' ------u I. ,o• veHIGU! (:2) WARNIN5 TAPES FOR RECYCLED WATEI' AND (I) WARNINe; TAPE FOR POTABLE (1:2") ABOVE MAIN) • i IJJ UNDISTURBED SOIL, . 1:2• Pl!De511'.IAA. I i r l_ ,o• ve+ilC.L.e ·1-1--1 1_: I_. I ,-~";' ·h 1&R PEOE5TRI ... N LATER.AL LINE IN 5L.EEYI!----~, '"'· . ...W.-,--r'-'--fo,-i· l'!J!jl} -1 I i] ~-;g ;g: :i;~:t:v~v1N0.: ........ I'• i i ... _'1 _l· . ~-_,: .· i1'1· ::~= ;l:RE SLEEVE SCH ~ U~~ ~DESTRIAN :i~! 1 :; iJ1;ij MAINLINE • HIRE SLEEVE SCH e,o UNDER VEHICLE PAVIN5 : ! i I TAPE CONTROL WIRES TO MAINLINE I 6' I 10 FEET ON CENTER ' ' DEPTH AS SHOWN OR ON CONCRETE 5LA6 FOR ON 5TIWC,T1JRE INSTALLATION. SLEEVES THROUl5H WALLS 6Y OTHERS, (8) SLEEVE AND TRENCH -----LOW VOL TAee: WIRES,:, MAXIMUM OUTER CASE OF CONNECTOR STRIP AND TWIST HIRES FOR PROPER CONNECTION CRIMP COPPER SLEEVE INSTALLED HITH RECOMMENDED TOOL CONNECTOR INSERT-----------~ NOTE, FILL O\JTER CASE WITH SEALER PRIOR TO FINAL ASSEM6L Y. @) WIRE C.ONNEC. TION5 NOT!:, -------------FINISH l5RADI: --------"-"' DEVIC-e 5EE LE'9f:ND FOR SPECIFICATION ------BRASS BALL VALVE TYP. ,---t---t---;==i-----BRASS NIPPLe MIN. 4" TYF". _ _,_ ___ BRASS ELL, 4 REGUIRED •----BACKFLOW ENc.L05URE IF SPECIFIE 1-----PRESSURE RE6ULATOR OR WYE STRAINER IF SPECIFIED, SEE BELOW J------BRASS UNION, :2 REGUIRED BRASS RISERS LENeTH A5 REG. '18" .CJ;®::!----PVC MAINLINE TO MASTEi' VALVE '----SC.H t,O PVC FEMALE ADAPTER '-----SCH t,O PVC NIPPLE 6" MIN. '----------CONCRETE SLAB, SEE BELOW '-------------PVC MAINLINE IF 1'M!: STRAINell!. OR f'IC!f~ l'!EelJLATOR IS 51"1!CIFlet:>, IN5TALL. ON l!:ITHEl'lt THI!: Hoi=tlZONT AL PIPIN6 0"1-ON Tl£ DOHNSTREAM L.E<S AS SPAC,E PERMITS. CO~RETE SL..Ae SHALL. eE MINIMUM 4' THICK, 16" HIDE AND EXTl:ND AT L.!!AST 6" PAST THE BAc.KFLOH A5SEMBL. Y PIPIN<S. IF BACKFL.OH E~L.OSURE IS SPEC.IFIED IN THE L.E<SEND, THE CO~RETE SL.AB SHALL. eE THE SIZE REGlUIRED BY THE MANUFAC,TUF$ INSTALL. PER C.Ml'ID ST"D, DY'l<S. •H-20 @ BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY ~---FINISH ~E IN TURF AREAS LATERAL- FEMALE ADAP-·~--,a~ SCH. e,o PVC PLASTIC REC.TANiSLILAR VALVE eox HITH eoL T DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER, BOX TO 6E PLACED AT Rl5HT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDIS!:. HEAT 6RAND "RCV" AND CONTROL STATION -ONTO LID. -FINISHED <SRADE IN SHRUB AREAS pnnm11m111~f'.4Al'--:24" WIRE LOOP ~~::II:;:+---VALVE ID TA5 =---PVC THD. ELL SCH e,o PVC ,L----"'-1\.---CONTROL VAL VE '.'l{~J~~i~ 4-,)11.----SCH t,O PVC. NIPPLE TYi". I~~-(4) 6RICK SUPPORTS SCH. t,O UNION --~ 11---IRRl15ATION MAINLINE '--------:,/4" CRUSHED 15"-AVEL TWO CUBIC FEET L-------LAND¾APE FABRIC 0) REMOTE CONTROL VAL VE TAPE CONTROL WIRES TO MAINLINE 10 FEET ON CENTER (:2) WARNIN5 TAPES DEPTHS SHOWN ARE FOR IN eROUND INSTALLATIONS. ON STRUCTIJRE INSTALL PIPIN5 AT DEPTH SHOWN OR AT CONCRETE SLAB DEPTH. (8 FIFE AND TRENCH ' 1~11 I --' I 1ft: Al'.!: CONSl::RVIN~ OUR MOST V AUJA6LE: Rl::SOURCI:: 6'1' IRRl~ATIN6 OUR LAN1'SCAPf ~ITH "-1:CYCLl:D IAATE:R 1:2" ~YCLl!D ~Tl!llt @ MJA ~ICLADA ClONOTDRINK NO TOMe l!J. MAJA --~ DO NOT DRINK 51GN STREET SURF ACE 5.5 FEET POTABLE MAINLINE ------1 (SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWi~) l 1:2" MINIMUM REGUIRED VERTICAL SEP .... RATION SLEEVE 1'1:CYCLED WATER IRl'!.115,..TION MAINLINE ---1 NOTE, ALL RECYCLED WATEI' IRRll5ATION PIPINe; AND 51.EEVES SHALL BE PURPLE AND LABELED ,..5 SPECIFIED IN, "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE IRRll5ATION SYSTEMS" "CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES AND REiSLILATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECYCLED WATER MAINS" OCTOBER 1"1"15 @ POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING -----FIN151t!D eAADf IN TUFtl" ARE/6 ----PI.Af>TIC, ROUND V/>J...VE eox HITH BOLT DOHN C,O'v?:R, l/5E 5TAINLE55 OOLT NJT AND l'W>HER. HEAT BRAND 'lilCN' ONTO LID. ·1: .. ,i , .)H -FINISHED c5AADE IN SHl<lJB ARE/6 ! .J.'.1·.·.1.·.•. I i: .: JU ---\1,J~L.--GIUICI< COIJl"I.Bt V/>J...VE SEE LEGEND FOR SPEC. •---11----STAINLESS STEEL C.LAMP .,,--(-4) eRICI< SUPPORTS ~--LASc.O l'l'e-A55f1'16U:D 5111He JOINT HITH ONE PIEc.E BRA55 MIPT NIF'FLE ~===f~[t::!>--MOD. I 5115-2De> -. MAINLINE, SEE SPEC.S. 1-------1-4 x '6' FQ:BAA STAKES, 2 REGIJIRED L--------LANDSC,Al'E F~IC, '---------3/-4' ROC,K, I CUBIC, FT. ~TEFLON TAPE ON ALL THREADED FITTINeS TYF"ICAL. GUICK COUPLER VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE A~D FOR RECLAIMED HATl:R (8) QUICK COUPLER VALVE CONTROLLE:p;t-----.,ll!'!I---~ 5TAIHL.e5 5"Tm.-, ---i :24" ~IDE F~NT ENTRY C,ONTROLLER ENc.L.~ NEMA 3R RAINPROOF RA POl"ER SHI-r;·CH----1Hl' !IHII AND REC.EFT Ac.LE l----RAIN SENSOR INSIDE AH ENCLOSURE _,---TERMINAL STRIP FOR CONTROL. HIRES TERMINAL. eLOCK F'Ollr-11+--J: COMMUNICATION CABLE (USE IF REGlUIRED) ~----STAINLESS STEEL, U.L . 0 LISTED, PREDRIL.LED, REMOVABLE BAC,K60A~ FINISl,EC ,, PREFOl'I.MED ALUMINIUM PAD el'I.ADE { { ~ •• STRON<SBOX G1UICKPAD ~iZ-~ HITH r I s: i .. ' ,, ..... _.,__ ~~OR~~~UM :::m~yll,,L·'"' .:::-==-'l'l: r1·:·' ( ::£·,U~TJ~~r::~~ .....,._,,,...,-rm----f , ~;;;;;;~::;__-I 1/4" PVC CONDUIT/SJ,-,IEEP ''" ..., TO OTHER C.ONTROLLERS (IF REGJ 51-~~IL ~ FOR COMM/NICATION C.ABLE :5" PVC CONDUIT/SHEEP FOR I 1/4" F'VC CONDUIT/ c.oNTROL HIRES TO VALVES 51'1!:EP FOR E.EC.TRIC. '------5/e>" DIA. x e,• COPPER SERVIC.E: 5ROUND ROD i'l/#10 e;ROUND I" PVC. C.ONDUIT/SJ,-,IEEP FOR FLO~ 5EN50!</MC,V ~IRES (IF REG) Cb) CONTROLLER HIRE AND C.L.AMF DRAWN DB, TS APPROVED "" JOB NO. 02-000 DATE 04/29/04 SCALE AS SHOWN A,.,..lltOYEO !"Olli!. l"'L.ANTINcS, AND llltllli!.lcS,ATION ONl. Y, INCL.UDINcS, Pllli!.l:C.ISI: L.OCATION 01" PL.ANTINIS Allli!.E:AS. ,::,,---------5HRUB AD.AP'TER 5PRAY OR FtOTOR HEAD, 5EE LEeEND FOR SF'l:CIFICATION 1:2" MIN. ---------SC.H t,0 PvC Nll'f'L!!, THO l"!:GlUll"ED LEN<STHS AS REGUIRED ---TRIPLE! 51'11Ne JOINT A55EMBL Y ---5CH 40 PvC 5x5><T TEE FITTINe LATERAL. x SPRINKI.J:R INLET SIZE NOTe, INSTALL SPRINKI.J:R HEADS 1:2" FROM FENCES HAL.L5 OR BUILDIN65. DO NOT INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD l'UTHIN 10 FT OF PAVINe, CURl3S OR TURF B:><SES. INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS PLUMB. AD.JJST SPRAY TO COVER LANDsc.APE AREA HITHOUT OVERSPRAY ONTO PAYINe, FENCES, HALLS OR BUILDIN<SS. @ HEAD ON RISER ~-----FINISHED eRADE IN TIJRF AREAS ----PLASTIC RECTAN<5ULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO 6E PLACED AT RleHT AN5LE TO HARDSCAPE EDeE. HEAT BRAND "6V" ONTO LID, PURPLE IN COLOR. ~-PVC BALL VALVE, SEE LEISEND FOR SPECIFICATION ~ -FINISHED 5RADE IN SHRUB AREAS ' .,, 4' MIN. i '111'.'HI ·:,111.,, i ! I .IIJ L __ )----PRE:551.JRE 51.JPPLY LINE '--L_l-'lc------,I J..-DEPTH AS PER SPECS . :2" .MIN. ' •.l't.O•'•.·.· . .i:, i,..-1-0 ".·_;.,., .. ··.·. ~2" C ... ~, .. :'Qt,-",. " : ( .U I I/•?';" ~~•. ~. i,iii].~~-~)~(i::/~,:,~::._.~ J···~• ~.!fl\1'.•~i1>t .•. ·•t· ~J---BRICK SUPPORTS '--------DUAL UNION CONNECTIONS AS PART OF BALL VALVE L---------LANDsc.APE FABRIC '-----------:,/4" ROCK, I CUBIC FT. NOTE, INSTALL VALVE BOX EXTENSIONS AS REGUIRED TO ACHIEVE PROPER VALVE INSTALLATION AT MAIN LINE DEPTH. @ BALL VALVE NOT!!, I, CENTER VALVE eox OVER l"!:MOTI! CONTIIIOL VALVE TO FAC.I1..ITA"Tt!: Sl!ltVIC.INe VALVE. :2. SET ~v AND VALVE eox ASS!:MBLY IN eROUND-COVl!:R/SHl'We AREA HHERE POSSIBLE:. 5. SET eoXES PARALL.l!:L. TO 1!:AC,H OTH!!!R AND l"f:RPENDIC.UL.AR TO !:Dee, 4. AVOID HEAVILY C,OMPAC,TIN<S SOIL. A~ND VALVE BOXES TO PREVENT c.ol.L.APSE AND DEFORMATION OF VALVE BOXES. 14•x1q• ltl:C.TAN<SUL.AR VALVE eox TYP. IC.K COUPL.IN<S VALVE eox, TYP. 0 0 0 0 0 • ru - @ VALVE BOX LAYOUT DIG ALERT CALIFORNIA STATE LA1f SAYS YOU MUST CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 42111-42189 STATES THAT "EXCAVATION"': GRADING, TRENCHING, DIGGING, DITCHING, DRIWNG AUGURING, TUNNELING, SCRAPING, CABLE OR PIPE PLOWING, DRIVING, FOUNDATION DIGGING, LANDSCAPE DIGGING PLUMBING, FENCE POST OR ANY OTHER WAY. OUR PERMIT FOR DIGGING 1t1IJ. NOT BE VALID lfITHOUT A DIG ALERT TICKET NUMBER AND NOTil'ICATION THAT THE MARKOUT BAS BEEN COMPLETED, THERE IS ALSO A 14-DAY llIND01f (SECTION 4216,(E)) IN WHICH YOU MUST COMPLETE THE PROPOSED DIGGING. IF YOU llIU NEED ADDITIONAL TIME BEYOND THE 14 DAYS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBilJTY TO RECAU. DIG ALERT. DIG ALERT TOLL-FREE NUMBER IS l -800-227-2600. 0 0 a: >-..... • ru - NOTE, -------INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD FLIJ5H WITH FINISHED eRADE IN TIJRF AREAS 1-----POP-UP 5PRINKLER HEAD, SPRAY OR l'!OTOR SEE LEeEND FOR SPECIFIC .... TION .------¾H 40 PVC Sx~T TEE FITTINe LATERAL x SPRINKLER INLET SIZE LATERAL LINE.,_SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR TYPE ANv DEPTH REGUIRED INSTALL SPRINKLER HEADS 6" F~M PAVIN<S !!Dee IN ~ c.ovellt Al'!!AS. INSTALL. SPRINKLER HEADS 4" F~M PAVIN<S ED<SE IN TURF AR!!AS. INSTALL. !!PRINKLER HEADS PLUMB, AD.lJST SPRAYS 0"1-NOZZLE S~AM TO e,ovi,t LANDSCAPE AREA HITHOUT OVERSPRAY ONTO PAVIN6, FE~l:5, HAL.LS OR BUILDIN<SS. @ FOP-UP SPRINKLER/ROTOR ~----FINISHED ISRADE IN TURF A1'1:AS ----PLASTIC REG.TANiSLILAR VALVE BOX HITH eoLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS BOLT, NUT, AND WASHER. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RleHT AN5LE TO HARDSC.APE EDl9E, HEAT 6RAND "FS" ONTO LID, FLOW SENSOR, SEE LE5END FOR SPECIFICATION !!!!!!rc,:,1'--:,--:,--:,-:i~-:.--:,--:,--:,~;:!l)i;;•;;•~;; -FINISHED eRADE IN SHRUB AREAS NOTE, INSTALL FLOW SENSOR A5 PER THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMl:NDATIONS, WIRE TO IR.Rl5,..TION CONTROLLER. USE 45 DESREE ELLS TO ACHIEVE MAINLINE DEPTH ON THE DOl"IN-STREAM SIDE Or THE FLOW SENSOR. ® FLOW 5EN5OR RCE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR IF ANY HARDSCAPE O!lt LANDSC.APE INDICATED ON THE APPROVED PLAN5 15 DAMAcSED OR REMOVED DURINe DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION, IT 5HALL BE REPAIRED AND/OR REPLACED IN KIND AND EGUIVALENT SIZE PER THE APPROVED PLANS. "AS BUil T" DATE EXP. DATE f---+-------------+--+----+--+-----l I SH4EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~1 ;==:::::'...'==:::::::::P:::LA:::N::::N:::IN:::G=::D:::E:::PA:::R:::T:::M:::E:::NT:::::::==~L!_l_j:=::=::;:;;: IRRIGATION DETAILS FOR: SDP 02-05 LA COSTA OAK.5 NO~TH Tl=MFO~A~Y ~V FA~K.ING, APPROVE .,,__ ____ 9-;;p--ot/ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DAlE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO, DRAWING NO. ~~~ i}--SOP02-05 4196L \ SECTION 02~11 PART I_ eENERALLANDSCAPE IRRl0ATION 1.01 SUMMARY A. It Is the Intent of the spec.lflc.atlons and (t"awlf'.'9' that the finished 54stem 15 c.omplete In even,i respeG.t and shall be ready for operation satlsfac:toru to the OH1e:r. ' 6. The work shall lnc.lude all materials, labor, servlc.es, transportation, and e=qulpment neG.e=ssary to pe:rform the work as lndlc.ated on the drawings, In these spec.lflc.atlon, and as nec.essary to c.omplete the c.ontraGt. 1.02 CONSTRUCTION DRAHINeS A. Due to the sc.ale of the drawl')95, It Is not p,::,ssble to lndlc.ate all offsets fittings, sle:e:ves, e:tc.. wh!Gh ma4 oo ri,q_ulre:d. The Contractor shal I Gare:fully Investigate the structlK'al and l'lnlshed conditions aPPec.tlng all of his work and plan his wor'k ac.c.ordlnqly, Purnlsh1119 such fittings, etc.. as may l?e regulred to meet suc.h Gondltlons. IA"awlngs are generall4 alacrammatlc and lndlc.atlve of the work to be Installed. The work shall"'be Installed Tn such a manner as to avoid c.onfllcts between Irrigation systems, planting, and archltectlK'al features. 6. All work called for on the draHlnqs by notes or details shall be Pumlshe=d and Installed whether or not speclflcallii mentioned In the speclflc.atlons. V'Mn an Item Is shown on the plans btlt not stioHn on the speclffcatlons or vice ve:rsa It shall be deemed to be as shoHn on both. The: Landsc.ape: Architect shall hove: Pinal authority for clarlflcatlon. C. The Contractor shall not wll lPully Install the Irrigation system as shown on the: (t"aHl119s when It Is obvious In the Ple:ld that obs~uctlons, grade: dlffe:re:nce:s or dlsc.re:panc.le:s In area dimensions exist that might not have been considered In engineering. 5uc.h obstructions or diPPe:re:nce:s should be brought to the attention of the: Lanascape: Architect as soon as de:te:c.te:d. In the event this notification Is not performe:d, the: Irrigation Contractor shall assume Pull responslblllty for any revision necessary. I.OS Ci!UALITY A55URANCE A. Provide at least one e119lish speaking person who shall be present at all times during e:xeG.utlon of this portion of the: work and who shall be thoroughly famlllar with fne: type: of materials being Installed and the manufac.tlK'er's re:c.ommende:d methods of Installation and who shall direct al I work performed unde:r this section. 6. Manufac.ture:r's dlreG.tlons and detailed draHlngs shall be followed In all c.ases where: the: manufactlK'er of articles used In this contract furnish dlreG.tlons covering points not shown In the: drawings and spaclflc.atlons. C. All local, munlc.ipal and state laws, rules and regilatlons govemlng or relating to ~ P,?"tlon of tflls work are he=r~ lncorporatea Into and" made: a part of these spec.lflc.atlons, and their provisions shall oe carried out by the Contractor. Anything contained In these: speG.lflcatlons shall not be construed to conflict with Orl:j of Uie: above: rules and regulations of the: same. Howe:ve:r, Hhe:n these speclflc.atlons and draHlngs c.aTI for or describe materials, workmanship, or construction of a better quality, hlghe=r standard, or larger size: than Is required by the above: rules and regulations, tfie provisions of these spac.lflc.atlons and dra1-11ngs shall take prec.e:dence:. D. All materials supplied for this proje:c.t !hall be ne.. and Pree from any defects All defective materfa'ls shall be replaced Immediately at no additional cost to Ot-inor. E. The: Contrac.tor shall se:c.ure the required licenses and permits lncludlnq payments of charges and fees, give: required notlGes to public authorlt~s verify permits se:cured or arrange:menrs made by others affecting the 1-1ork of this section. 1.04 51J6MITT AL5 A. Materials List, I. After award of contract and before an4 Irrigation system materials are delivered to the: lob site, stbnlt to lhe Owner a complete list of all Irrigation systems, maf'erlals, or processes proposed to be furnished and lnsl:al led as part of this contract. 2. Sho1-1 manufacturer's name and catalog r'IJl'lbe:r for e:ac.h Item Pumlsh complete: catalog cuts and technical data, fumlsh the: manufacturer's re:c.ommendatlons as to the method of Installation. 5. No substitutions 1-1111 be allowed 1-1lthout erior 1-1rltten acceptance bi.I City lnspac~or 4 the: Landsc.ape: Arcnlte:c.t or Owner's authorized representative. 4. Aanufactiw'er s 1-1arrantles shall not relieve the Contractor of his liability under the guarantee. 5uch warranties shall only supplement the guarantee. 6. 5ubstltutlons: If the Irrigation Contractor Hlshe=s to substitute ~ equipment or mate:rlals for those: e,quif?ment or materials listed on the Irrigation dr'at-1ln~ and specifications he= may ao so by providing the following Information to the LandscaP,e Architect 4 City Inspector or Ot-iner's authorized" representative for approval. I. Provide a written statement lndlcatln9 the reason for makfng the substitution. 2. Provide catalo9 c.ut sheets, technical data, and performance Information for each substitute Item. 5. Provide In writing the difference: In Installed price: If the: Item Is accepted. 1.05 EXISTINe CONDITIONS A. The Contractor shall ve:rlf4 and be famlllar Hlth the: locations, size and detail of points of connection P,rovlood as tho source: of water, electrical supply, and telephone line: connection to the: Irrigation system. 6. lrrlqatlon design Is based on the: available: static water Ft"s~e: shown on the: draw1ngs. Contractor shal I verify static. 1-1ater on the project prior to the start of construction. Should a discrepancy exist, notify the: Landscape: Architect and 0Hner's authorized representative prior to beginning construction. C. Prior to cutting Into the: soil, the Contractor shall locate all cables conduits sewer se:~lc tanks, ana other utllltles as are commonly encountered underq-ound and he= shall take P,r~e:r pre:cautlore not to damage or disturb such Improvements If a conflict exists oot1-1ee:n the such obstacles and the: pr<?Posed 1-1ork, the · Contractor shall promptly notify tho Landscare: Architect and Ot-iner 1-1ho will arrange for relocations. The Contractor wll proceed In the same manne:r If a rock layer or any othe:r such conditions are encountered. D. The: Contractor shall proteG.t all e:xlstlnq utllltles and features to remain on and adjacent to the project site: during construction. Contractor shall repair at his own cost, all damage resulting from his operations or negligence. ' E. The lrrlqatlon Contractor shall coordinate with the: eeneral Contractor for lnstallatTon of re=qulre:d sleeving as sho1-1n on the plans. 1.06 INSPECTIONS A. The Contractor shall permit the City lnspeG.tor and the: Landscape: Architect and Owner's authorlZed representative to visit and lnspeG.t at all times any part of the work and shall provide: safe: access for such visits. 6. l'lie:re: the spec.lflc.atlons require 1-1ork to be tested bi.I the Contractor, It shall not be covered over until ac.c.e:pted by the Landscape: Archlf'eGt Ot-ine:r's authorlZed representative:, and/or govemlng agencies. The Contractor shall be solely re:~onsible: for notifying the: Landsc.ape: Architect, 0Hne:r, and govemln9 agencies, a minimum of 4~ hours In advance, Hhere: and 1-1hen the: 1-1ork Is re:ad4 for testing. Should any work be covered "''~out testing or acceptance, It shall be, 1F so ordered, unc.overea at the Contractors expanse:. C. lnspe:c.tlons 1-1111 be required for the following at a minimum, I. 51.15tem layout 2. F're:ssure: test of Irrigation main line: (Four hours at 125 PSI or 120% of static Hater pressure, which ever Ts qreator). Trenches shall not be backfilled until test Is approved. 5. Coverage: test of Irrigation system. 4. Final Inspection prior io start of maintenance: period 5. Final acceptance D. Site observations and testing will not commence: 1-1lthout the: record drOt-1lngs a!! prepared bi.I the Irrigation Contractor. Record (t"awlngs must be c.omple:te and up to date for each site v~lt. E. Hark Hhlch falls testing and Is not accepted will be re:te:ste:d Hourly rates and expenses of the Landscape: Arcliltec.t, Owner's authorized representative, and gove:mlng aqe:nGles for relnsP,ectlon or retesting Hill be paid by the Irrigation Contractor at no aGldiflonal expense: to Owner. 1.01 STORAeE AND HANDLING A. Use: all means neG.e:ssary to proteG.t Irrigation system materials before, during, and after Installation and to protect the Installation work and materials of all other trcfdes. In the event of damage:, fmmedlate:ly make all repairs and replacements neG.e:ssary to the: acceptance of1he: Landscape: Architect and Owner arid at no additional cost to the: Ot-ine:r. 6. Exercise: Gare In handllnq, load1119, unloading, and storing plastic pipe and fittings under cover until re:adu to Install. Transport plastic pipe only on a vehicle Hlth a ooa long enough to allow the pipe to lay flat to avoid undue bending and concentrated external load. 1.oe CLEANUP AND DISPOSAL A. DISP.05" of 1-1aste:. trash. and dmls In acc.ordal'!Ce: 1-1lth aoollcable laws and ordlna~s and as presc.rlood' l::i.(iiutliorltle:ii liavlng lurlsdlctlon. · Bui] hb such waste miite:rlcil and debris on the site. $urning of trash ana dmls Hill not oo P.ermltted. The Contractor shall remove and dispose: of rubbish and debris generated by his 1-1ork and workmen at frequent Intervals or when ordered to do so by ihe Owner's authorized re:pre:se:ntatlve. 6. At the time: of c'?l'."Pl"tlon the: entire site 1-1111 be cle:are:d of tools, equipment, ri.t,bish and debris which shall be disposed of off-site In a legal disposal area. 1.0'! TURNOVER ITEMS A. Record Drawings, I. ReG.ord accurately on one set oP contract drawings all changes In the: Hork constituting departures Prom the: orl9lnal contract drawings. 2. The changes and dimensions shal I be recorded In a le:qlbTe and 1-1orkmanllke manner to the satisfaction of the: owner. Prior to flnarlnspe:ctlon of 1-1ork, submit re:c.ord drawings to the: Landsc.ape: Architect or Ot-ine:r's authorized re:P.re:sentatlve. 5. Dimensions from/to ~rmane:nt points of reference such as buildings, slde:1-1alks, curbs, etc. shall be shoHn. Data on record (t"aHlngs shall be reG.orde:d on a day to da4 basis as the: project Is being Installed. All lettering on drat-1ln~ shall be mlnTmum I/~ Inch In size. .- 4. ShoH locations and depths of the follo1-11ng Items, a. Point of c.onne:ctlon (Including 1-1ate:r meters, backflow preve:nters, master control valves, e:tcJ b. Routing of sprinkler p,:essure lines (dlme:nslons shown at a maximum of 100 feet along routing) c.. Ball valves d. Automatic remote control valves e:. Quick coupli119 valves f. Routlnq of control wires g. lrrlgaflon controllers fi. Related equipment (as mQ4 be dlreG.ted) 5. Maintain record draHlngs on site at all times. Upon completion of .iork, Landscape: Architect shall transfer all as-built Information and dimensions to original CAD mylars (I set). 6. Contro lier Charts, I. Record dra1-11ngs must be approved by Landscape Architect and/or 01-1ner's authorized representative: 'before charts are prepared. 2. Provide one Gontrolle:r chart for e:ac.h automatic controller. Chart shall shoH the: area cove:re:d ~ the particular controller. 5. The chart Is to l:ie a reduced cop~ of the actual "record" drawing. In the event the: controller se,quence Is not legible when the drat-1lng Is reduced, If shall be enlarged to a readable: size. 4. V'Mn completed and approved, the: chart shall be herme:tlc.all4 sealed bett-lee:n tHo pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 20 mils In t~lc.kness. C. Operation and Maintenance: Manuals, I. Two lndlvlduall4 bound copies of operation and maintenance manuals shall be delivered to fhe LandsGape: Arcliltect or Owner's authorized representative at least 10 calendar ~ prior to final Inspection. The manuals shall describe the: material Installed and the proper operation of the: system. 2. Each complete, bound manual shall Include: the follo1-1ln9 Information, a. Index sheet stating Contractor's address and telephone: number diK'atlon of guarantee period, list of equipment Including names a~ addresses of local manufacturer representatives. b. qperatlng and maintenance Instructions for all equipment. c. ~re parts lists and related manufacturer Information for all equipment. D. Equll:,ment, I. :iuppl~ as a part of this contract the: followlnq Items, a. Two (2) wrenches for dlsassembl4 and adjustment of each type: of sprinkler head used In the: lrrlqaflon system. b. Thre:e 50-lnch spi:-lnkler kel.lS for manual operation of control valves. c. Tt-10 klll.is for each automatTc controller. d. Two qurck coupler keys with a 514" bronze: hose: bib, bent nose type: 1-1lth hand 1-1heel and ti-lo coupler lid keys. e. One: valve box cover key or wrench. f. ~,,"d[-foot tee: 1-1re:nch for operating gate: valves 5 Inches or larger (If 9. Six extra sprinkler heads of each size: and type. 2. The above equipment shall be turned over to Owner's authorized representative: at 1.10 COMPLETION A. At the: time: of the: Pre-maintenance: period Inspection, the: Landscape: Architect, Owner's authorized representative:, and governing agencies Hill insP,e:ct the: Hort., and if not ac.c.ef'U!d, 1-1111 prepare a list oPltems to be completed by the: Contractor. At the time of the: post-maintenance: period or final Inspection the= work Hill be reinspected and final acceptance will be In writing by the Lanooc.ape Are,hltect, OHner's autnorlzed re:prese:ntatlve:, and gove:mlng agencies. 6. The OH1er's authorized representative shall have Pinal authority on all portions of tho work. C. After the: !l~tem has been completed, the: Contractor shall Instruct Owner's authorized representaflve In the operation and maintenance: of the: lrrl9at1on system and shall furnish a complete set of operating and maintenance Instructions. D. Any settling of trenches which rYlQ4 oGcur airing the one~ar period follo1-1Ing acceptance shall be repaired to 'the: owner's satisfaction by the: Contractor 1-11thout antj additional e:xperee to the: 01-1ner. Repairs shall include the complete: restoration of aIT damage to planting, paving or other Improvements of any kind as a result of the work. I.II el.JARANTEE A. The: entire: sprinkler s~stem, Including all 1-1ork done under this contract, shall be unGondltlonal14 guaranteed against all defects and fault of material and 1-1orkmanshlp lnc.ludlng se:ttnng of bac.kPlllect areas below grade, for a period of one (I) year following the flll119 of the Notice: of Completion. Should an4 problem with the Irrigation Sl.jStem be discovered Hlthln the guarantee period It shal I be corrected by the: C:ontracfor at no additional expense: to 01-1ner 1-1lthln ten /10) calendar da4s of rec.elf'! of written notlGe from Ot-ine:r. l'lien the: nature: of the: repairs as de:te:rmlned bi.I the Ot-ine:r constitute an emergency (I.e. broken pressure line:) the Owner may proceed'to make re:~lrs at the Contractor's expense. Any and all damages to e:xlstl119 Improvement result1n9 either from faulty materials or "'orkmanshlp, or from the nece:ssar4 repairs to correct same: shall be repaired to the: satisfaction of the: owner by the Contractor, al I at no additional cost to the Ol,,iner. B. !Suarantee: shall be sibnltted on Contractors 01-1n letterhead as ,01101-1s, el.JARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRl0ATION SYSTEM He he:re:\:':j guarantee that the sprinkler Irrigation SY5tem He: have: furnished ana installed Is free: from defects In materials and 1-1orkmanshlp and the work has been completed In accordance with the dra1-1lngs and ' spec.lfle,atlons, ordlnar4 wear and tear and unusual abuse, or neg~c.t excepted. He agree 'to repair or replace an4 defective material during the pe:rldd of one year from date of flllng of the flotlc.e: of Completion and also to re:P9lr or reP.lac.e: any damage: resulting from the repairing or reP,laclng of such de:fe:c;ts at no additional cost to the oHner. He: shall make sulh repairs or replacements 1-1lthln 10 calendar dcajs following 1-1rltten notification by the: owner. In the: event of OIK' failure to make !!l.lch repair, or replacements within the time specified after re:c.e:lpt of written notice from Ot-1ner, we authorize the oHner to proceed to have said repairs or replacements made at OIK' e:~ree: and we will pay the: e,osts and charges therefore: upon demand. Part II -MATERIALS 2.01 SUMMARY U,e: only neH materials of the manufacturer, size: and type shown on the (t"aHlnqs and specifications. Materials or equipment Installed or furnished that do not meetl.andscape: Architect's, 0Hne:r's, or governing agencies standards 1-1111 be rejected and shall be removed from the site at no expense: to the 01-1ner. 2.02 PIPE A. Pre:55Ure !UP,ply l~e from point oP connection through back.flo1-1 prevention unit shal I be: Type K '1,ard copper pipe:. 6. Pressure suppl4 lines 2 Inches In diameter and up to 3 Inches In diameter downstream of ~~li~f4.fventlon unit shall be Class 515 solvent weld PVC. Piping shall conform to C. Pres!!Ure supply lines I 1/:2 Inc.he:& In diameter and smaller do1-1nstrec:rn of the= backflow prevention unit shall be Schedule: 40 solvent 1-1eld PVC conforming to ASTM Dl185. D. Non-pressure: lines 5/4 lnche=s In diameter and larger downstream of the remote: control ~'!,~ shall be Schedule 40 PVC. Non-pressure pTpln9 shall conform to ASTM Dl1~. 2.03 METAL PIPE AND FITTINeS A. Brass pipe shall be:~ percent re:d braS!, ANSI, IFS Standard 125 pounds, Sche=dule 40 scre1-1ed pipe. 6. Brass flttln9s shall be medium brass, sc.re:1-1e:d 125-povnd class. C. Coppe:r pipe shall be "hard" T~pe K. D. Copper fittings shall be soldered type. Die ALERT 2.04 PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINe5 A. Pipe: shall be marked continuously with manufacturer's name:, nominal pipe size, sche=dule or class, PVC ~ and grade:, National Sanitation Foundation approval Commercial Standards designation, and date: of extrusion. ' e. All plastic. pipe shall be extruded of an Improved PVC virgin pipe: compound In accordance: with ASTM D224I or ASTM Dl1~. C. All PVC fittings shall be standard weight Schedule: 40 and shall be lnlectlon molded of an Improved virgin PVC fitting compound. Slip PVC fittings shall be tne "deep socket' braclc;eted type. Threaded plastic. fittings sliall be lnJec.tlon molde:d. All toos and ells shall be side gated. All fittings shall conform to ASTM D24b6. D. All threaded nipples shall be standard weight Schedule: l!>O 1-1lth molded threads and shall conform to ASTM Dl185. E. All solvent cementing of plastic pipe: and fittings shall be a two-step process, using primer and solvent ce:me:nt applied per the manufacturer's recommendations. Cement shal I be of a fluid conslste:nc4, not qe:l-llke or ropy. Solvent cementing shall be In conformance Hlth ASTM D2564 ana ASTM D2855. F. l'lie:n connection Is plastic to metal, female: adapters shall be hand tlqhtened, plus one: tlK'n 1-11th a strap 1-1rench. Joint compound shall be non-lead bose Terron tape or equal. 2.05 6ACKFLOH PREVENTION UNITS A. The: backfloH prevention unit shall be of the: manufacturer, size:, and type: !ndlc.ate:d on the drat-1lngs. 6. The backfloH prevention unit shall be Installed In accordance with the: requirements set Porth by local codes. C. The backfloH prevention assembly shall consist of brass piping, unions and fittings. D. Backflot-1 pre:ve:nte:r enclosure: shall be of the manufacturer, size:, and type indicated on the dra1-1lngs. Enclosure shall be constructed of 5/16" stainless steel angle: stock with 1-1/2" No. 'I" expanded metal panels and a 5/8" LI-bolt lock to be sec.urea to the concrete mounting pad. 2.06 VALVES A. Ball Valves, I. Ball valve:s shall be of the: manufacturer, size:, and type: Indicated on the dra1-11ngs. 2. Ball valves shall be dolA,le union design, Sch. l!>O ~C blocked, Hlth Teflon ball seats. End c.onne:c.tor carrier and stem are to have: elthe=r EPDM or Vlton 0-rlngs. Ball valves are to have threaded connections. 3. All boll valves shall have: a minimum 1-1orklng pre:$SIK'e: of not less than 125 psi and shall conform to ArlrlA standards. 6. Guiel. C!'IJl'ler Valves, I. Gulck coupler valves shall be of the: manufacturer, size:, and type Indicated on the draHlngs. 2. Quick coupler valve9 9hall be bras9 with a wall thickness 9uarantee:d to 1-1lthstand normal worklnq pressure: of 150 psi 1-1lthout leakage:. Valves !hall have: 5/4 female threads opening at base, with ti-lo-piece ood4. Valves to be operated only with a c.ouele:r ke:y1 deslgne:d for that P,Ur'?,(15". CouP,ler key Is Inserted Into valve: and a positive, Hatertlgnt connection shall be made bett-leen the: c.oueler key and valve. Hinge cover shal I be the locking type constructed of brass with a rubber-likd vinyl cove:r. C. Automatic Control Valves, I. Automatic control valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type Indicated on the: drat-1 lnqs. 2. Automatic control valves shall be e:le:c.trlcally operated. D. Anti-drain Valves, I. Antl-(t"aln valve& shall be of the: manufactlK'e:r, size:, and type Indicated on the: dr""lngs. 2. Anti-drain valve$ shal I have: l~-b stainless steel springs and valve: stems 1-11th Buna-N seals. 3. Anti-drain valves will have: threaded connections the size: of the riser or P.'P" they are: to be Installed onto, or the: next available size. No slip connection anti-drain valves are allowed. 2.01 VALVE BOXES A. Valve: boxes shall be: fabricated from a diK'able, rleathe:r-re:slstant plastic material resistant to sunlight and chemic.al action of soils. 6. The valve: box cover shall be green In color and secured with bolts. C. The: cover and box shall be capable: of sustaining a load of 1,500 pounds. D. Valve box exterslons shall be: by the same: manufacturer as the: valve: box. E. Automatic control valve: boxes shall be 16'xll'xl2" re:c.tangular size:. Valve box GOvers shall be '1,eat branded" In 2" high letters 'RCV" 1-1lth the valve identlPIGatlon number. F. Ball valve, flush valve:, master valve and quick coupler valve boxes shall be 10" clrc;ular size:. Valve: box covers shall be "heat branded" In 2" hl,.,h lette:rs with either 'BV" "FV" 11MV" or 11GGY1• :J ' ' CAIJFORNIA STATE IA.W SAYS YOU MUST CAIJ.. BEFORE YOU DIG. GOVERNMENT CODI SECTION 4216-42169 STATES TBA.T ,.EXCAVATION•: "AS BUil T" GRADING, TRENCHING, DlGGING, DITCHING, DRIWNG AUGURING, TUNNEUNG, SCRAPING, CABLE OR PIPE PLOWING, DRIVING, FOUNDATION DIGGING, LANDSCAPE DIGGING PLUMBING, FENCE POST OR ANY OTHER WAY. OUR PERMIT FOR DIGGING TIU. NOT BE VALID lflTHOUT A DIG ALERT TICKET NUMBER AND NOTIFICATION THAT THE MARKOUT HAS BEEN COMPLETlW. THERE IS ALSO A 14-DAY 111NDOW (SECTION 4216.(E)) IN 11l!ICH YOU l,flJST COMPLETE THE PROPOSED DIGGING. IF YOU WILL NEED ADDITIONAL TDIE BEYOND THE 14 DAYS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBII.JTY TO RECALL DIG ALERT. DIG ALERT TOLL-FREE NUMBER IS 1-800-227-2600. RCE EXP. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE DRAWN DB, TS APPROVED MM r---t--+-----------J--+--l----+--l I sH5EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD fsHETTsl1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT l__!!_J ~I R;::R:7IG::=A:=:T~IO~N:=:::SP;::Ec=.:C=.I F~I C~A~T~IO::N~S~F~O~R:::: ::::::::==::::::=::::;;s!_;D;;;::P ::;0;;;2::::_:;;:;;05 J'OB NO. DATE 04/29/04 SCALE AS SHOWN APP"°V!:D l"'OR PLANTING, AND IRRl<S-ATION ONLY, INCI..UDIN<S- PRE:Cl&e I..OCATION OF PI..ANTIN<S-ARE:AS. LA COSTA OAKS NORTH TEivtFORARY RV FARKIN'5 APPROVE -----9-2.0-q,I ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE t-;D;;;A.;:TEclh1;:;;N1mTI"AL+----------------l---l--+---l---l ~D~W~N~B~Y,== __ =_=_=~;'-';==~P~R~O==JE:::C==T=N=o=.===;:;:D=R=A=Wl==N=G=N~O. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION CRHVWDKD BBYY,.· --SDP02-05 4196L OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL • I '2.08 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER Automatic controller shall be oP the ma11JPacturer, size, and type Jndlcoted on the drawings. '2.0<I ELECTRICAL A. All electrical equipment shall be NEMA Type 3, ~rprooPed Por exterior Installations. 6. All electrlcal Hork shall conPorm to local codes and ordinances. '2.10 LOH VOLTAeE CONTROL WIRINe A. Remote control Hire shall be direct-burial Al-'le-UF type, size as lndk:,ated on the draHlngs, and In no case smaller than 14 gauge. 6. Comectlons shall be either epoxy-sealed packet type or Pem-Tlte connectors. C. ero1111d wires shall be white In color. Control Hires shall be red (where two or more controllers are used, the control wires shall be a dlrPerent,:,olor Por each controller. These colors shall be noted on the "Record Drawings" plans located on controller door). D. Provide a '24' long expansion loop Por all dlrectlonal changes In control wire routing. '2.11 IRRleATION HEADS A. ~rlnkler heac:15 and drip emitters shall be oP the manuPacturer, i&lze, type, with radius oP throw, operating pressure, and discharge rate Indicated on the drawings. 6. Pop-up heads and riser heads shall be ll!!ed GI!! Indicated on the draHlngs. Pa-t 111 -EXECUTION 3.01 SITE CONDITIONS A. lnsP.edlons, I. Prior to all work oP this section, carePull4 Inspect the ln!!talled work oP all other trades and verlPy that all such work Is Complete to the point Hhere this lnstallatlon may properly commence. '2. Verify tnat Irrigation system may be Installed In strict accordance Hlth all pertinent codes and regulations, the orlglnal design, the rePerenced standards, and the manuPacturer's recommendations. 6. Discrepancies, I. In the event of discrepancy, Immediately notJPy the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative. '2. Do not proceed with Installation In area!! oP discrepancy untll all discrepancies have been resolved. c. erodes, I. &Pore starting Hork, ,:,arePully check al I grades to determine that Hork may SG1fely proceed; keeping within the speclPled material depths with respect to Plnlsh grade. '2. rlnal cirades shall be accepted by the Engineer before work on this section will be alloHea to begin. D. Field Measurements, I. Make all necessary measurements In the Pleld to en!!Vre precise Pit oP Items In accordance Hlth tlie original des191:. Contractor shall coordinate the lnstallatlon of all Irrigation materlals .ilth all other Hork. '2. All scalec:t dimensions are approximate. The Contractor shall ,:,heck and verify all size dimensions prior to proceedlnq Hith Hork under this section. 3. Exercise extreme care In excavat1ng and worklnq near existing utllltles. Contractor shall be responsible for aamages to litllltles which are caused by his operations neglect. E. Diagrammatic Intent, The drawings a-e essentially diagrammatic. The size and location of equipment and fixtures are drawn to scale Hhere possible. Provide offsets In piping c'hanges In equipment locations as necessar4 to conform Hith structure!! and J;o avoid o~tru.:.tlons or confllcts with other work at no aadJtlonal expense to Owner. F. La!P-ut= I. Prior to lnstallatlon, the Contractor shall stake out all pressure supply llnes, routing and location of sprinkler head!!, valves, backfloH preventer, and automatic controller. '2. La4out lrrlgc::tlon system and make minor adjustments required due to dlPferences betHeen site and arawlngs. Where piping Is shown on drawings under paved areas, but running parallel and adjacent 'to planted areas, Install the piping In the planted areas. e. Hater Supply Connections to, or the Jnstallc::tlon of, the Hater supply shall be at the locations shoHn on the draHlngs. Mlnor changes caused by actual site conditions shall be made at no additional expense to Owner. H. Electrical Service, I. Connections to the electrical !!Vpf.)ly shall be ct the locations shown on the draHlngs. Minor changes causea by site conditions shall be made at no additional expense to O-iner. '2. Contractor shall make l'2O volt ,:,omectlon to the lrrlgc::tlon controllers. Electrical poHer source to controller locations shall be provldec:t by others. 3.0'2 TRENCHINe A. Excavations shall be straight .-11th vertical sides, even grade, and support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Trenchlnq excavation shall follow layout iridlcated on draHlngs to the depths beloH finished graae and as noted. Where llnes occur under paved area, these dimensions shall be considered below subgrade. 6. Provide minimum cover of 18 Inches on pressure supply llnes '2 Inches and smaller, or as available when Installed over structure. C. Provide minimum cover of 18 lnche!l for control Hires, or a!l avallable Hhen Installed over st rue ture. D. Provide minimum cover oP 1'2 Inches for non-press""e lines, or as avallable when Installed over structure. F. Pipes ln!ltallod In a common trench shall have a 6 Inch minimum space bet.ieen pipes. 3.03 6ACKFILLINe A. Backfill material on all lines shall be the SG1me as adjacent soil free oP debris, lltter, and rocks ovor 1/'2 Inch In diameter. 6. Backfill shall be tamped In 4-lnc.h layers under the pipe and uniformly on both sides for tho full Hldth of the trench and tho full length of the plf1". Elac.kflll materials shall be suPflclently damP. to permit thorough cornpactlon, free of voids. Elackfill shall be compactoo to dry density oqual to adjacent undisturbed soil and shall conform to adjacent grades. C. Flooding In lieu of tamping le not allo1a1ed. D. Under no circumstances shall truck wheels be used to compact backPIII. E. Provide 5and backfill a minimum of 6 Inches over and under all piping under paved aroa,. 3.04 PIPINe A. Piping under exlstlnq pavement may be Installed by 1acklng, boring, or hydraulic driving. No hyclraul I,:, driving Ts permitted unc:ter asphalt pav6ment. 6. Cutting or breaking of existing pavement Is not permitted. C. Carefully lm1pect all pl~e and fittings bePore Installation, romovlng dirt, scale, burrs reaming. Install pipe Hlth all markings up for vl!!Val Inspection ana verification. D. Remove all dented and damaged pipe sections. E. All linos shall have a minimum clearance of 6 Inches Prom each other and 1'2 Inches from llne5 of other trado5. F. Parallel llnes shall not be Installed directly over each other. e. In solvent welding, use only the spec1'1ed primer and solvent cement and make all Joints In strict accordance Hlth tne manufacturer's recommended methods Including wiping all excess solvent from each Held. AlloH solvent Holds at least 15 minutes se1up time before moving or handling and '24 hours curing time before Pilling. H. FVC pipe 5hall be Installed In a manner which wlll provide for expansion contraction as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. I. Centerload all plastic pipe prior to prossure testing. J. All threaded plastic-to-plastic connections shall be assembled using Teflon tape or Teflon paste. K. For plastic-to-metal comectlons, work the metal connections first. Use a non-hardening f?lpe dope an all threaded plastic-to-metal connections, except Hhere noted other1,1J5e. ,6,11 plastic-to-metal connections shall be made Hlth plastic female adapters. L. All connoctlons bet1a1een FVC lateral lines 5hall be made using 5Gh. 40 FVC Pltt1ngs with solvent Helded fittings. All connections bet.ieen drlpperlTnes to be made using compression fittings of manufacturer of the drlpperllne. Use no pipe dope, Teflon tape, primer or solvent cement on compres!llon fittings. 3.05 CONTROLLER A. The exact location oP the controller shall be OP.proved~ the LandSGape Architect or Owner's authorized representative beforo Installation. The electrical service shall be coordinated Hlth this location. 6. The Irrigation Contractor shall be responsible for tho Plnal electrical hook up to Irrigation controller. C. The lrrlgc::tlon system shal I be programmed to operate during the perlod5 oP minimal u5e of the d'eslgn aroa. 3.06 CONTROL WIRINe A. LoH voltage control Hiring shall oCGupy the same trench and shall be Installed along the same route as the pressure supply lines Hhenever possible. 6. 1-+lere more than one wire Is placed In a trench, the l-'llrlng shall be taped together In a bundle ct Intervals of 10 Peet. Bllndle shall be se,:,1.,!'ed to the mainline Hlth tape at Intervals of '20 feet. C. All comectlons shall be of an approved type and shall occur In a valve box. Provide an 18 Inch service loop at each connection. D. An expansion loop of 12 Inches shall be provldocl at each Hire connection and/or directional change, and one oP '24 Inc.hes shall be provided at each remote control valve. E. A contlr111ou5 run of Hire 5hall be U!led betHeen a controller and each remote control valve. Under no circumstances shall spllces be u!led without prior approval. 3.01 VALVES A. Automatic control valves, manual valves, G!Qte valves, and ball valves are to be Installed In the approximate locations Indicated on1he dral-'llngs. 6. Valve shall be Installed In shrub area!l .ihenever possible. C. lnstal I all valves as Indicated In the detall draHlngs. D. Valves to be Installed In valve boxes shall be Installed one valve per box. 3.08 VALVE BOXES A. Valve boxes !lhall be Installed In !lhrub a-eas whenever possible. 6. Each valve box ,hall be 1n,talled on a Poundatlon of 3/4 Inch gravel backfill, 3 cubic, feet minimum. Valvo boxes shall be Installed with their toP,s 1/'2 lncH above the surface of surrounding finish grade In lawn areas and '2 Inc.hes above finish grade In ground cover areas. 3.0<! 6ACKFLOW PREVENTER5 A. Install backPloH preventer unit GI!! Indicated In the detall drawings. 6. Install backfloH a!l!lemblle!l at locations approved In the field and ct height required by local code!l. C. lnstal I wye strainers and pressure regulators on the backflo.i assembly. 3.10 SPRINKLER HEADS A. Sprinkler heac:15 shall be Installed as Indicated on the drawings. 6. Spacing of heads shall not exceed maximum lndk:,ated on the draHlngs. C. Riser nipples shall be oP the scrne size as the riser opening In the sprinkler body. D. Pop-up sprinkler heads shall not be Installed using side outlot oponlngs. E. Pop-up sprinkler heads shall be Installed with purple caps on all 5y5tem!l utlllzlng reclaimed Hater. 3.11 Ml5CaLANEOIJ5 EGIJIPMENT A. Install all assemblles Sf?"GIPJed herein according to the respective detail draHlngs or spoclflcatlons, using best standard practlcos. 6. Gulck coupler valves shall be !let approximately l'2 lnche!l from Halk!!, curbs, header boa-ds, or paved a-ea!l Hhere appflcable. C. 1~~~1~~~;~~::rL0)~~~r~~~l~r~i ~~~:~r11 g:ai~n;~~~a~;:~t:; ~~It~ riser and be Integral to tfie riser assembly. D. ln!ltall rain sensor a!l lndlcoted on the draHlngs and as recommended by the manufacturer. 3.1'2 FLIJ5HINe THE SYSTEM A. Prior to Installation oP !!f'rlnkler nozzles, the valves shall be opened and a full head of Hater used to flush out the lines and risers. 6. 5prlnkler nozzles shall be Installed aPter flushing the system has been completed. 3.13 ADJU5TINe THE SYSTEM A. Contractor shall adjust valves, allgn heads, and check coverage oP each 5ystem prior to coverage test. 6. i, rt Is determined bl! the Landscape Architect or OHner's allthorlzed representative that additional adjustments or nozzle changos will be requlrod to provide proper coverage, all necessary cnanges or adjustments shall be made prlor to any planting. C. The entire 5ystem shall be operating properly before any plantlng operations commence. D. Automatic control valves are to be ad Jll!!ted so that the sprinkler heads operate ct the preseure recommended by the manuPacfurer. 5.14 TESTINe AND 065ERVATION A. Do not a lloH or cause any oP the Hork of this sec tlon to be covered up or enclosed untl I It has been obsorved, testea and accepted by the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies. 6. The Contractor ehall be solely responsible for notifying the Landscape Architect, Owner, and qovernlnq agencies, a mlnrmum of 48 hours In advance, where ana Hhen the work Is ready for tes11ng. C. l'tien the sprlnk.ler system Is completed, the Contractor !!hal I perform a ,:,overage test of each s4stem In Its eni1re1:Y to determine If the Hater coveraqe ,or the planted areas Is complete and adequate In the presence oP the Landscape kchltect. D. The Contractor shall Purnlsh all materials and perform all work required to correct ai:-_J Inadequacies of coverage due to deviations Prom the plans, or where the system has oeen wlllrull~ Installed as Indicated on the drawings Hhen It Is obviously Inadequate, without bringing this to the attention of the Landscape Architect. This fest shan be aCGepted by the Landscape Architect and accomplished before starting any planting. E. Final Inspection Hill not commence Hlthout record drawing!! as prepa-ed by the Irrigation Contractor. 3.15 MAINTENANCE During the maintenance period the Contractor shall adju!t and maintain the Irrigation s4stem In a fully operatfonal condition providing complete Irrigation coverage fo all Intended plantings. 3.16 COMPLETION CLEANINe Clean-up shall be made a! each portion of the Hork ~roc,-eesee. RePuee and excess dirt shall oo removed from the site, all Halks and paving shalT be broomed, and any damage sustained on the Hork of others shall be repalred fo original conditions. END OF SECTION Die ALERT CAIJFORNIA STATE IA1f SAYS YOU MUST CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. GOVERNMENT CODE SICTION 4218-42U19 STATES THAT "EXCAVATION": GRADING, TRENCHING, DIGGING, DITCHING, DRILLING AUGURING, TUNNELING, SCRAPING, CABLE OR PIPE PL01flNG, DRIVING, FOUNDATION DIGGING, LANDSCAPE DIGGING PLUMBING, FENCE POST OR ANY OTHER WAY. OUR PERMIT FOR DIGGING lfIIJ.. NOT BE VALID fflTHOUT A DIG ALERT TICllT NUMBER AND NOTIFICATION THAT THE MARKOUT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. THERE IS ALSO A 14-DAY WINDOW' (SECTION 4216.(E)) IN llBICH YOU MUST COMPLETE THE PROPOSED DIGGING. IF YOU lfILL NEED ADDITIONAL TIME BEYOND THE 14 DAYS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO RECALL DIG .ALERT. DIG ALERT TOIJ.-FREE NUMBER IS 1-800-227-2600. "AS BUILT" DATE RCE EXP. REVIEWED BY: D. IP backflow preventer Is Installed adjacent to a building, wall, or other obstruction, Install unit so that the test cocks are facing outHard away from tho obstruction. E. Install backfloH encloeure a, recommended by the manufacturer. DRAWN APPROVED DB, TS ~--t--t--------------t---t---t---t----t I SH6EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD [sRill's]1 ,-PLANNING DEPARTMENT L__!l_j ::,R=R=IG=A=T=IO:..'.N=S=P=EC=l=Fl:::::C=A=Tl:::::O::::NS::::::::F:::O=R=: =====;'.SD,;;P;;::;0;;2=-;;;:05 JOB NO. 02-0ftft DATE 04/29/04 SCALE AS SHOWN Af"'1"'!1lOYeD 1"0flt l'"LANTINIS AND IJltfli!.IISATION ONL"I", INCLUDINIS Pfli!.f!;CISE; LOCATION OF PLANTINIS Afltl;AS. DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL L.A COSTA OAKS NORTH TEMPORARY RV PARKINi:5, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: SDP02-05 4196L ' j " Q, r"l'!'!IIP--.J.. --J.,. 4, ,1-1 J.. --le -_.,h_ --le --.,h_\_ -le --le --le -T .J.. --.J.. --.J,_ -.J.. -- - \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ 0 ~ 0 \ \ \ l 550 I I I ~o - /- "'1 1.0 ,r,O 0'-\ 0~ <, ' · ~o :11 ot ~) ,.~" fi, ' ,-fl ,fS ! t Y? 1/ i~ 011"'\J'--< ---------. -- t I "' .... • ) "' ,l) - • :g C :t "' ~ ,.., t f ~-.. . -: . ,/ . • I• .I .• -=:-:~ . : ~--.1 · .! --~~--:~·§_r·-~--t·;.f: -::.-i~:\ • • --. .._ •• • ••..... ,?" .... i . . . ~- '";) ;'!f ~,:; J;f Jti' ¾" -. . . -. --·- · ·----~ I --•----• - : ·-:. -. . ·- . ·-: \~·, .. ~ . ~~ (:-~ --:--:~ ',._; ~ : ·- ·-·. ·- _, c:, ~ "'J ~ f; ..I.. &> 52 "' ~ ~D ,. 'CD .J.. -..L 1_ _. -t. 1-----\-;---- :0 ~ --Hi-----'8 -·~-~·.,,, ~1 ! j ING LOT -+- Ci - C) "' l 8' T 4L CHAINLINK " FENCE W GREEN FAB~IC <Si . J ~ 'L SHFJ 'l" - DRAWN DB, TS APPROVED MM lOB NO. 02-055 DATE 04/20/04 SCALE AS SHOWN AFFROVE:D l"OR FLANTINcSo AND IRRlcSoATION ONL 'I', INCLUDINcSo F~CISE: LOCATION 01" FLANTINcSo A~AS. NOTE, - ~ ~ ·'" ~ 490~ r,-'") "' ~ w-"'-,..,, ' "ti ;;J 495~ ' ----- 1 r--_ PLANT LEGEND TIIQ:ES S"l'MEIOL 60TANICAL NAME: JAGAl'lANPA MIMOSll"OLIA 11 0 Tl'I.ISTANIA CONl"~TA SHRUBS S"l'MEIOL 60TANICAL NAME: @ C>OClONAl!A VISGOSA @ AG-AG-I A Rl!ClOU!NS @ G-OTONl!ASTl!R LAG-Tl!US ® LAVATERA ASSUR6eNTIFLORA EB Ml!LALalCA NeSOPHILA (Q) l"l!!NNlel!TUM Sl!T AG-l!UM 'CI.J!"Rl!!UM' cS,ROUNJ:)COVE!R S"l'MEIOL 60TANICAL □ □ COMMON NAME: JAGAl'lANPA COMMON NAME: HOI" EIUSH N<:;N ReP CLUSTl!R ~-'( TIIU9a MALLOl'I Sf'!". l"INK J-eLAI "I 'GA □ i ReP l"OUNTAIN 6l'ASS COMMON NAME: 6AZANIA 'cot"t"l!!R KIN6' 6AZANIA •MY'OPOfl/WM l"ROSTl'lATUM 500 -----------• TO ~ ~ IN Ol't.C)eR TO !"ILL IN AS 6AZANIA Dll!S ot"I". !) MY'OPOfl/WM l"AG-ll"ICUM D IG ALERT CALIFORNIA STATE LAW SAYS YOU IIUST CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. GOVERNllENT CODE SECTION 4218-42189 STATES THAT "EXCAVATION": GRADING, TRENCHING, DIGGING, DITCHING, DRILLING AUGURING, TUNNELING, SCRAPING, CABLE OR PIPE PLOWING, DRIVING, FOUNDATION DIGGING, LANDSCAPE DIGG1NG PLUllBlNG, FENCE POST OR ANY OTl1BR WAY. OUR PERMIT FOR DIGGING WILL NOT BE VALID WITHOUT A DIG ALERT TICIET NUMBER AND NOTIFICATION THAT THE MARKOUT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. THERE IS ALSO A U-DAY WINDOW (SECTION 4216.(E)) IN lt'HICH YOU llUST COMPLETE TBE PROPOSED DIGG1NG. IF YOU 1IILl. NEED ADDfflONAL TIME BEYOND TBE 14 DAYS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBIIJTY TO RECALL DIG ALERT. DIG ALERT TOIJ.-FREE NUIIBBR IS 1-800-227-2600. 40 20 0 20 SCALE: 1 "=20' □ 470 SIZE: 156AL. 156AL. IS6AL. SIZE: S6AL. I 6AL. I 6AL. 56AL. S6AL. I 6AL. SIZE: !"LATS I 6AL. 40 IRRISATION AND LAND5GAPINe TO BE PROVIDED ONC-E l'IATER 6ECOME5 AVAILABLE 5 40' O .C . S:Z :ZS'-40' O.C. GT'!'. -ie :ZS3 ZT"i IZT ISi :Z:Z6 60 ~MAR!<.S 5' o.c. -l"LANS -l"LANS l"el't. l"LANS l"l!!R l"LANS -l"LANS e" o.c. (SUNJ 505W; l:Z' O.C. 505W; :Z4' o.c. (SUN) UNP!!Rl"LANT l'IITH 6AZANIA 'cot"t"l!!R KIN6' • e• O.C. RCE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR CITY OF IF ANY HARDSCAPE OR LANDSGAPE INDIC.ATED ON THE APPROVED PLANS 15 DAMAcSED OR REMOVl=D DURIN5 DEMOLITION OR C.ONSTRUC-TION, IT SHALL BE REPAIRED AND/OR REPLAC-ED IN KIND AND EG1UIVALENT SIZE PER THE APPROVl=D PLANS. "AS BUil T" DATE EXP. DATE CARLSBAD I SH~ET I PLANNING DEPARTMENT w 1 ---+---+-----------------+---+---+---+----1 PLANTING PLANS FOR: SDP 02-05 DAlE INITIAL DAlE INITIAi. DATE INITIAL ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAi. CITY APPROVAL L.A COSTA OAKS NOFc.TH TEMFOFc.AFc.Y Fc.V FAFc.KING ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. CHKD BY: --SDP02-05 RVWD BY: • DRAWING NO. 4196L 092804 0 ROOTBALL ® C.ROI-IN-1" A~ FINl5+-I el'tADe ® FIN15+-1 '5RADE 0 FINl5+-I ~ AT 51.0PE ® DEPTH OF ROOTBALL AND 2 X DIA. © 15Ac.KFILL MIX (SEE NOTES) G) !'"LANT T Al5LETS (SEE NOTES) @ ;5' MIN DEPTH AT SHRUB AREAS @ TOP OF PAVIN6 5Ul=tFAc.E (@) -4" HI~ HATERIN5 BASIN (IF REG'D) ® UNDISTURBl:D NATIVl': 501L 5 ,----, 0 2" DIA. X 10' LOD61:l"OU!! FINE ,-;.. STAKE (2 F!EG'D) l.:V IX2" JrlOOD BRAG-I: ® VINYL TREE TIE (2 l"f!G'D) 0 2-4" MIN. ® SEE TREE l"'LANTINe DETAIL THIS SHEET © 12"MIN. --7 G) TREE TRUNK @ROOTeALL TREE/SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL NTS B ~ 0)2" f ® PREl"'Al'tED 501L • --@ PLANT TABLET . ' • . . . ·, ' ', ,· . . ,',. . ·.· '. ' ' · ..• ' . '·• 4 T T 0 FINISH iSRADE -.-+"-. ·_· .,+,-J,· 1,1·-;_I I ;_I i I-·_· 11~1 i'1-· _· '1 i 1-111 -111:: ® ~~f~MF~:LANT C, I I j I I I I 111 111 11 i_ 11 I CENTER SPAC.INiS -I 11 11 ' ' ' =I 11 111 I '6' C.ONc.RETE MOJ,,I STRIP OR l=I i I= 'V HARD5C,APE IMPROVEMENT !!lj;GTIQN AS INDIC.ATED ON PLAN t, G) C.ONc.RETE e,~ 0111. ; HARDSC.APE IMPROVEMENT ,-L.AN AS INDICATED ON PLAN @ EGlUAL 1/2 DIM. OF C.E:NTER SPAC.INiS NTS GROUNDGOVER PLANTING DETAIL Q -4" DEPTH DECOMPOSED ~ANITE-b' v,IIDTH MIN. MOISTEN D.5. t COMPACT TO 'IOSIS Y'l/'?550 LB. ROLLER @ 2 X b RE:Dv,IOOD Hf:ADE:R v,iHE:FlE 5PECIFIE:D IN PLANS-BE:TWl:E:N D.5. AND T\JRF r.-, C,OMPAc.TED 51Je5RADE-TREAT TOP OF SU~ 4 FIN15H!:D D.el. 51Jf=tl"Ac.E W '.:::..) APPROVED SOIL STERILANT, INSTALL PER MANUFAc.T\JRE:RS RE:c.OMMENDATIONS © l"ROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION TO SLOPE NOTE, 1051. MAX. LONISITUDINAL SLOPE, 251. MIN. CROSS 5LOPE ~---1-4 E D.G. PARKING NTS D e, ,_ ........ ,.....--t-t-,_ i}---, 0 !'"LAN VIEW DOUBLE STAKING DETAIL 0 I 1/!2" o:r,, &ALY. LIN!! l"Ol!!T I'll &ALY. G,,.,. @ lll!!l'Nl'01'G.IN6 'T'!!N&ION 1'111111!! ® el.ACK VINYL COA'T'!!i:> CHAIN LINK, :2" - CONNl!GT 6tltl!l!!N l'A151'1.IG TO GHAIN LINK -MANIJl'AGT. l!!ie!!GI!!. HOl'l.1%0NTAL -I! l"Ol!!T TOI' :2" O.i:>. &ALV. GOl'I.N!!l'I. Ol'I. !!Ni:> l"Ol!!T 0) l'1TTIN6 @ l'Al!!'T'!!N!!l'I. :2' ; "t>I. GHAIN LINK 0 I 1/2" O:D. 6,t,J,.V. 6A'T'!! FIii.AMi! @ HINel!I!! "01 . ® "'-ACK VIN'r'L GOA'T'!!i:> CHAIN LINK, :Z" -GONNl!GT 6111!!1!N l'A151'1.IG TO CHAIN LINK l"el9. MANUFAGT. 51'ee,S. HOl'I.IZONTAL ~ l'OSTTot-. :Z" O:D. 5ALV. G~ Ol'I. !!Ni:> l"Ol!!T 0) l'ITTIN& ®"~~ i --,r------10'-0" -----'- ii GHAIN LINK GATE 0 9/t>" 'l'IIIUI!!! 111.0i:> I'll 'T'!!N&ION!!l'I. @ STllll!!TCHl!l'I. 15Al'I. ® Gl'I.Ol'IN TOI' OI' l'OOTINe l'Ofll i:>111.AINAel!! l'INll!!H 6111.Ai:>1! COM!"AG'T'!!i:> ~ l'OOTINe l:Z" !:>IA. 0 9/t>" Tl'I.IJl!!I!! 111.0i:> I'll Tl!NelONl!l'I. @ l!!Tllll!!TGHl!l'I. ISAl'I. 11 Gl'I.Ol'IN TOl9 OI' l"OOTINe l'Ol'I. i:>111.AINAel!! l'INll!!H 6111.Ai:>1! GOM!"AG'T'!!i:> ~ l"OOTINe NTS NTS NTS DRAWN DB, TS APPROVED MM JOB NO. 02-055 DATE 04/29/04 SCALE AS SHOWN A~Vl=D l"O!ll 1"1..ANTIN6 AND l"-"-l6ATION ONL.Y, INCL.UDINcS l"!lll=CISI= I..OCATION OF PLANTINcS ARl=AS. Die ALERT CAIJFORNIA STATE LAW SAYS YOU MUST CAIJ.. BEFORE YOU DIG. GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 4216-42169 STATES THAT "EXCAVATION": GRADING, TRENCHING, DIGGING, DITCHING, DRIIllNG AUGURING, TUNNELING, SCRAPING, CABLE OR PIPE PLOWING, DRIVING, FOUNDATION DIGGING, LANDSCAPE DIGGING PLUMBING, FENCE POST OR ANY OTHER WAY. OUR PERMIT FOR DIGGING WILL NOT BE VALID lJITHOUT A DIG ALERT TICKET NUMBER AND NOTlFICATION THAT THE MARKOUT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. THERE IS ALSO A 14-DAY 111NDOW (SECTION 4218,(E)) IN lfHICB YOU MUST COMPLETE THE PROPOSED DIGGING. IF YOU WILL NEED ADDITIONAL TIME BEYOND THE 14-DAYS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBilJTY TO RECALL DIG ALERT. DIG ALERT TOLL-FREE NUMBER IS 1-800-227-2600. RCE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR IF ANY HARDSCAPE OR LANDSCAPE INOIC,ATED ON THE APPROVED PLANS 15 DAMA<5ED OR REMOVED DUR.1Ni5 DEMOLITION OR C,ONSTRIJC.TION, IT SHALL 6E REPAIRED ANO/OR REPLACED IN KINO AND EQUIVALENT SIZE PER THE APPROVED PLANS. "AS BUILT" DATE EXP. ___ _ DATE 1----+--+--------------l~--t---+--+---I I SHSEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT LJ.l.._J :=P=L=A=N=Tl::'.N-=G=A=N=D=c=o=N=S=TR=u=c=T=IO=N=DE=T=A=IL=s=r=o=R=, :::;;S;;D:;;:P=o;:;2;::_:;;;os;;; DA TE INITIAL DAlE INITIAL DAlE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LA COSTA OAKS NORTH TEMPORARY RV FARKINc5i APPROVE --v1 =~~~/(£,u~~=---~29-Qf/ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. SDP02-05 DRAWING NO. 4196L -- ~ '° I 6' r-- SECTION 02(:fOO -LANDSCAPIN5 PART I -cSENERAL I.I RELATED DOCUMENTS Sec::.tlon. 1.2 SUMMAR'T' A. This Sec::.tlon Inc::. ludes the fo I lowing, I. Trees. 2. Shrubs. 4. Plants. 5. Soll amendments. b. Fertilizers and mule.hes. 1. Stokes. e,, Londsc::.ope edgings. I.SI 006MITTAL5 A. 6enerol, Submit eac::.h Item In this Artie.le oc::.c::.ording to the Conditions of the Contract. B. Procluc.t c::.ertiflc::.ates slqnecl b!:j monufoc::.turers c.ertlf!:jlng that their procluc::.ts c.ompl!:j with speelflecl requirements. I. Mcinufcic::.turer's c::.ertlflecl anCll!:jSls for stcinclcircl procluc::.ts. 2. Anal!:jsls for other materlcils bq Cl rec::.ognlzecl le1borator4 made ac.c::.orcllnq to methods estciblisPiecl b!:j tne Assoc.Iatlon or Offlc.Ial Anol!:jtic.oT Chemists, where oppllc.oble. 3. Lobel cloto substcintlatlnq that plants, trees, shrubs, cincl planting materials c.ompl!:j with spi!'c.Iflecl requirements. C. Moterlcil test reports from qucillflecl lnclepenclent testing ogenc.1.1 Incllc.citlng ancl Interpreting test results relative to c.ompllanc.e of tne Pol lowing materials with requirements lncllc.ated. I. Anol!:jsls of existing surface soil. 2. Anal!:jsls of Imported topsoil. D. Planting sc::.heclule lncllc.atlng cintlc.lpcitecl clcites cincl loc.citlons for eoc.h t!:jpe of planting. 1.4 GIUALIT'T' ASSlRANCE A. Installer Qualific.citlons, Enciciqe cin experlenc.ecl Installer who hos c.ompletecl londsc.oplnq work s1miTar In material, design~ cind extent to that lncllc::.citecl for rhls Project ancl with Cl record or suc.c::.essful londsc.cipe establishment. I. Installer's Field Supervision, Require Installer to maintain cin experienced full-time supervisor on the Project site during times that londsc.oplng Is in progress. B. Provide ciuallt!:j, size, genus, species, cincl vcirlet!:! of trees and shrubs lnclic.dtecl, c.ompl!:j1ng with oppllc.oble requirements of ANSI Z60.I "Amerlc.cin Stanclciro for Nurser!:! Stock." C. Prelnstallotlon Conference, Conduct conference at Pro lec.t site notlf!:jlnci Cit!:! of Ccirlsbcicl Lcinclsc.cipe Inspector at 160-e,15"-b1oe,, allow 41!> hours notice. 1.5 DELIVER'T', STORAGE, AND HANDLIN5 A. Pcic.kcigecl Mciterlcils: Deliver pcic.kcigecl materials In containers showing weight, onal!:jsls, oncl name of monufac.turer. Protect materials from deterioration during deliver!:! and while stored at site. B. Trees cincl Shrubs: Do not prune trees cincl shrvbs before dellver4, except as approved b4 Londsc.ope Architect. Protect bark, branches, oncl root S!:jstem! from svn sc.alcl, clr!:jlng, swecitlng, whipping, cincl other hcinclllng oncl t!:jlng damage. Do not bend or bina-tie trees or shrubs in such Cl manner as to clestro4 natural shape. Provide protective covering during deliver!:!, Do not drop trees ancl shrubs during clellver!:!. C. Deliver trees, shrvbs, ground covers, cincl plcints after preparations for planting have been c.ompletecl ancl Install lmmecllatel4. If plantinq 1s clelci!:jecl cifter clellver4, set plantlnq materials rn shoc:le, protect Prom weather and m6c.hanlc.cil dcin"iage, c:incl keep roots moist. I. Do not remove container-grown stock from c.ontcilners before time of plcintlng. 2. Water root S!:jstems of trees and shrubs stored on site with c:i fine-mist spra!:!. Water as often c:is nec.esscir!:! to mcilntciln root S!:jstems In a moist conclltlon. 1.6 F'ROJ!:C.T CONDITIONS A. Utilities, Determine loc.c:itlon of above qrode c:incl unclerqrouncl utilities and perform work In a manner whlc."n will avoid clamdge. Hanel exc.civc:ite, as required. Molntc:iln qrcicle stakes until removal Is mutuC11l!:j cigreecl upon ~!:! pcirtles c.oncer9ied. B. Excavation, When conditions detrimental to plcint growth c:ire encountered, such cis rubble fll I, adverse drainage c.onclltlons, or obstructions, notlf!:j Arc.hitec.t before planting. 1.1 COORDINATION AND 5CHEDULIN5 A. Coordinate Installation of plantlnq mciterlals during normal planting secisons for ec:ic.h t!:jpe of plant mciterlc:il required. 1./!J J.-.IARAANT'T' A. 6eneral Y'lorront!:j= The spec.Ic:il warrant!:! spec.Ifled In this Article sho 11 not deprive the Owner of other rlqhts tlie Owner ma!:! hcive under other provisions of the Contrcic.t 'Documents ancl shal I be In aclclltlon to, oncl run c.onc.urrent Hith, other warranties made b!:j the Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. B. Spec.lc:11 Y'lcirrant!:!, Y'lc:irrc:int the fol lowlnq living plcintlng mc:iterlcils for c:i period of one; !:!eor for trees oncl GIO clc:i4s for shrubs, groundc.over oncl plants, ofter elate of 5ubstanflol Completion, against defects lnc.lucling cleoth ancl unsatlsfe1c.tor4 groi-.th, except for clefec.ts resulting from lack of adequcite mcilnfenonc.e, neglect, or cibvse b!:j Owner, cibnormcil wecither conditions unusual for Harrant!:! period, or lnc.iclents that ore be!:jond Contractor's control. C. Remove and replc:ic.e dead plontlnq mcitericils immedlotel!:! vnless required to plcint In the succeeding pTantlng secison. D. Replace planting mcitericils thcit cire more thcin 25 percent dec:id or in an unheolth!:j condition c:it encl of wc:irrc:int!:! period. l.(lf TREE AND 5HRU6 MAINTENANCE A. Molntciln trees c:ind shrubs b4 pruning, c.vltlvotlng, wc:iterlnq, weeding, fertilizing, restorlnq p1c:intlng sc:ivc.ers, tlgntenlng cincl repalrlnq stakes, cind reseteinci to proper grcides or vertlc.cil position, os reqvfred to estciblish heoltl'i!:j, viable plantings. Spro!:! c:is req_uir6d to keep trees cincl shrubs Pree of Insects and disease. Restore or reP.lc:ic.e dame1ged tree wrappings. Mointoin trees and shrubs for the folloi-.Ing period, I. Mciintenanc.e Period, 3 months folloHlng Substantial Completion. I .10 PLANT MAINTENANCE A. Mc:ilntciln all plcints b!:j i-.otering, weeding, fertilizing, oncl other operations c:is required to estcibllsh heolth!:j, viable prcintlngs for the following periocl, I. Molntencinc.e Period, 3 months following 5ubstontlc:il Completion. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 TREE AND 5HRU6 MATERIAL A. 6enerc:il, Fvrnish nurser4-grown trees cind shrubs conforming to ANSI ZbO.I, with hec:ilth!:j roo1: S!:jstems developed bl.I transplanting or root pruning. Provide i-.el I-shaped, ful 14-bronc.hecl, "hec:ilth!:j vigorous stock free of disease, Insect~, eggs, lorvc:ie, c:ini!I defects svc.h c:is knots, sun sc.c:ild, Injuries, cibroslons, cincl disfigurement. B. 6rcide, Provide trees and shrubs of sizes cind grades conforming to ANSI ZbO.I for t!:jpe of trees c:incl shrubs reciulrea. Trees and shrubs of o lorqer size mo!:! be used if oc.c.eptdble to Arc.hltec.t, Hlth o proportionate Increase in size of roots or bolls. C. Lobel c:it least I tree and I shrvb of ecic.h varlet!:! ond caliper with c:i sec.urel!:! ottcic.hed, waterproof tc:ig becirlng legible cleslgnotlon of botonic.cil cind common nc:ime. 2.2 SHADE AND FLO~IN5 TREES A. Shcicle Trees, Single-stem trees with straight trunk, well-boloncecl crown, oncl Intact leader, of size Indicated, conforming to ANSI Z60.I for t!:jpe of trees required. I. Branching Height, 1/2 of tree height. B. Small Trees, Small vprlqht or spreciding t!:jpe, brcmc.hecl or pruned noturoll!:j ac.c.ordlnq""to species oncl t!:jpe, oncl with relationship of c.c:iliper, he1ght, c:incl branching recommended b!:j ANSI Z60.I, c:incl stem form c:is fo1lows, I. Form, Multlstem, clump, with 2 or more main stems. C. Contciiner-grown trees will meet ANSI ZbO.I llmitotlons for contcilner stock. 2.4 BROADLEAF ~ A. Form and Size, Normcil-qucillt!:j, well-bolcinced, brociclleof everqreens, of t!:jpe, height, spread, and shape required, conforming to Af'lrSI ZbO.I. 2.5 PLANTS E. Pee1t Humus, Flnel!:! divided or granular texture, with Cl pH rc:inge of t, to 1.5, composed of pe1rtle1ll!:j decomposed moss pecit (otner thcin sphagnum), pecit humus, or reed-sedge pec:it. F. Pec:it Humus: For cic.ld-tolercint trees e1ncl shrubs, provide moss pecit, with c:i pH rcinge of 3.2 to 4.5, c.oe1rse fibrous t:exture, medium-divided sphagnum moss pec:it or reed-sedge pee1t. 6. Sc:iwdvst or 5rovnd-Bark Humus, Decomposed, nltroqen-trecited, of uniform texture, free of chips, stones, stlc.ks, soil, or "toxic me1terle1ls. I. When site treated, mix Hlth c:it lee1st 0.15 lb (2.4 ~) of e1mmonlvm nltre1te or 0.25 lb (4 kg) of e1mmonlum sulfate per cu. Pt. (c.u. m) of loose sc:iHdust or ground bark. H. Me1nure, Y'lell-rottecl, unlec:ic.hed ste1ble or c.e1ttle me1nure c.ontc:ilnlnci not more the1n 25 percent b!:j volume of stre1w, sciwdust, or other"beddlng me1terle1ls; Pree of toxic. substances, stones, sticks, soil, Heed seed, and me1terlc:il he1rmful to ple1nt growth. I. Herblc.Icles, EPA registered e1ncl e1pproved, of t!:jpe rec.orrimended b!:j manufacturer. J. Y'lc:iter, As provided b!:j loc.c:il water purve!:jor. 2.1 FERTILIZER A. Bonemecil: Commercial, raYoJ, flnel!:! qrouncl; minimum of 4 percent nitrogen e1nd 20 percent pnosphorlc. acid. B. 5uperphosphe1te, Commerclc:il, phosphe1te mlxtvre, soluble; mlnlmvm of 20 percent e1ve1lle1ble phosphoric. cic.Icl. C. C-ommerclal Fertilizer, C-ommerc.le1l-gre1de complete Pertlllzer of neutral c.he1rc:ic.ter. consisting of Pe1st-and slow-relee1se nitrogen, 50 percent derived rrom ne1ture1l orgcinlc sources of urec:1-form, phosphorous, e1ncl potassium In the following c.omposltlon, I. Composition, I lb per 1000 sq. Pt. (0.5 kg per 100 sq. m) of c:ic.tuc:il nitrogen, 4 percent phosphorous, cind 2 percent potassium, b!:j weight. 2. Composition, Nltroqen, phosP.horous, e1nd potcisslum In amounts recommended In soif reports from c:i qvalIFlecl soil-testing e1genc.!:!. D. SloH-Releose Fertilizer, ere1nulor fertilizer conslstlnq of 50 percent 1-JC1ter-lnsoluble nitrogen, phosphorus, cind potassium In the fol lowing composition, I. Composition, 5 percent nitrogen, 10 percent phosphorous, e1ncl 5 percent potassium, b!:j weight. 2. Composition, 20 percent nitrogen, 10 percent phosphorous, e1ncl 10 percent pote1sslum, bl:j weight. 3. Composition, Nltroqen, phosphorous, e1ncl potcisslum In c:imovnts recommended In soTT reports from Cl qualified soil-testing e1genc!:!. 4. 'Agrlform' (or e9.ue1I) plantlnq tablets shall be tlqhtl!:j compressed, long-le1stlng e1nd slow-relee1se. Weights of 5, 10';" ancl 21 grc:ims witn e1n e1n6l!:jsls of 20-10-5 derlvea from the sources listed In the guc:ire1nteed c:inol!:jsls. :2.f> MULCHES A. Orge1nlc. Mvlc.h, Organic. mvlc.h, Pree from deleterious mc:iterle1ls e1nd sulte1ble c:is a top dressing of' trees c:ind shrubs, consisting of one of the following, I. T!:jpe:, erovnd or shredded bcirk. S. Pec:it Mulch, Provide pee1t moss In nc:iturc:il, shredded, or grcinulcited form, of fine texture, with Cl pH re1nge of 4 to 6 cincl o i-.e1ter-e1bsorbing c.e1pe1c.lt!:j of 1100 to 2000 percent. C. Fiber Mulch, Blodegraclcible cl!:jecl-wood cellulose-fiber mulch, nontoxic., free of ple1nt groYoJth-or germlne1tlon-lnhlbltors, with me1ximum moisture content of 15 percent e1nd Cl pH range of 4.5 to b.5. B. Hose Che1Pln9 6ue1rcl, Reinforced rvbber or ple1st1c. hose cit lec:ist 1/2 lnc.h (15 mmTln clie1meter, ble1c.k, cut to lengths required to protect tree trunks Prom dcimage. PART 3 -EXECUTION !5.1 EXAMINATION A. Exe1mlne arecis to receive landsc.oplng for c.ompllonc.e 1-Jlth requirements e1nd for conditions e1Pfec.tlnq performance of work of this Section. Do not proceed with lnstc:il lotion until unsatlsfoc.tor!:! conditions hc:ive been corrected. 3.2 PREPAAATION A. Lc:14 out lncllvlclucil tree and shrub loc.e1tlons cincl cirecis for multlj?Te ple1ntlngs. Ste1ke loc.citlons, outline cireos, e1nd secure Arc.tiltec.t's e1c.c.eptc:inc.e before the ste1rt of ple1ntlng work. Mc:ike minor e1cljustments CIS mc:1!:! be required. 3.3 PLANTIN5 SOIL PREPAAATION A. Mix soil amendments c:incl fertilizers with site soil cit rates lndlc.e1ted. Delc:i!:! mixing fertilizer If planting does not follow ple1c.lng of plcinting soil Hlthln a Few de14s. ,A;menclments will be modified from those noted based on sons reports performed b!:j c.ontre1c.tor min. (3). B. For tree pit or trench be1c.kfll I, mix plcintlng soil before be1c.kfil ling e1ncl stockpile at site. C. For planting beds, mix planting soil either prior to planting or c:ippl!:j on surfe1c.e of topsoil c:ind mix thoroughl!:j before planting. Plant bcic.kfll I shol I be per soil test performed b!:j Cl soil testing lc:iborc:itor!:! (pre-e1pproved b!:j the Clt!:j). The test shc:ill lndlc.e1te but not be lfmlted to the following, a. orqc:inlc matter content b. N, P, K ~: ~~ e. soil texture (slit, c.lC1!:j, se1nd) f. recommende1tlons For e1mendments, lee1chlng and mcilntencince fertillze1tlons. The resvlts cincl rec.ommendc:itlons of the soil testlnq lc:iborator!:! shall be submitted to e1nd e1pproved b!:j the Cit~ of C:..c:irlsoocl. The cipproved rec.ommencle1t1ons for amendments e1nd ooc.kflll shc:111 be lnc.drporatecl Into the lanclsc.e1pe P.lans prior to the ste1rt of c.onstruc.tlon c:incl shc:111 become pc:irt of the cipproved plc:ins. Products specified bl:j product name b4 the soil le1b In the recommendations mc:i!:! be substituted w1th "or equc:il" products e1pproved b!:j the Clt!:j of Ce1rlsbe1d. 3.4 5ROUND COVER AND PLANT BED PREPAAATION A. Loosen subgrc:ide of plontlnq bed c:iree1s to c:i minimum deeth of 6 inc.hes (150 mm7. Remove stones le1rger than 1-1/2 Inc.hes (3e> mm) In Cln!:j dimension cind sticks, roots, rubbish, cind other extrcineous mc:iterlols. 6. Spread plcintlng soil mixture to depth reqvlred to meet thlc.Rness, qrodes1 and elevations shown ofter II9ht rolling c:ind ne1tural seftlement. Place soil mixture In two (2Tllfts e1nc:f Insure proper c.ompe1ctlon of planting beds. C. Ee1c.h plc:int shcill receive (I) 5 grc:im "ogrlform" (or equcil) plant tablet. A. Provide plants established c:ind well rooted In removable contcilners or lntegrcil pec:it pots ond Hlth not less than the minimum number cincl lengtli of runners required b!:j ANSI ZbO.I for the pot size lnclic.oted. D. lnstc:111 5" depth of' mulch In cill non-turf plcintlng areas less steep thc:in 3, I 2.6 SOIL AMENDMENTS A. Lime, ASTM C 602, Clciss T, agrlc.ulturcil limestone c.ontcilnlng o minimum 80 percent c.olc.ium carbonate equivalent, with c:i minimum GIGI percent passinq Cl No. e, (2.36 mm) sieve and Cl minimum 15 percent passing e1""No. bO (250 micrometer) sieve. I. Provide lime In the form of dolomitic. limestone. B. Alumlnvm Sulfe1te, Commerc.lc:11 gre1de, uncidulterotecl. C. Se1ncl, Clean, washed, nc:itvrc:il or me1nufe1c.tured sc:ind, Pree of toxic. mc:iterle1ls. D. Perllte, Hortlculturc:il perlite, soil amendment grc:ide. 2.(lf STAKES A. LJprlqht Ste1kes, Rouqh-se1wn sound, new hardwood, redHood, or pressure-preserve1t1ve-l:ree1ted softwood, free of knots, holes, cross grciln, e1ncl other defects, 2 Inc.hes diameter b!:j length lndlc.e1tecl, pointed e1t one end. 10B NO. 02-01515 DATE 04/29/04 SCALE AS SHOWN Al'"l"'ROVl!!D l"Ol'll l"'L.ANTIN~ AND ll'lll'lll~ATION ONL."r", INCL.UDIN~ Fl'lll!!CISI: L.OCATION OF FLANTINi!o Al'lll!!AS. Die ALERT CALD'ORNIA STATE LAW SAYS YOU MUST CAIJ. BEFORE YOU DIG. GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 4216-42169 STATES THAT "EXCAVATION": GRADING. TRENCWKG, DIGGING, DITCHING, DRILLING AUGURING, TUNNEUNG, SCRAPING, CABU: OR PIPE PLOWING, DRIVING, FOUNDATION DIGGING, LANDSCAPE DIGGING PWMBING, FENCE POST OR ANY OTHER WAY. OUR PERMIT FOR DJGGING lrILL NOT BE VAUD lfITHOUT A DIG ALERT TICKET NUMBER AND NOTIFICATION THAT THE MARKOUT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. THERE IS ALSO A 14-DAY lllNDOll (SECTION 4216.(E)) IN WHICH YOU WOST COMPLETE THE PROPOSED DIGGING. IF YOU WILL NEED ADDITIONAL TIME BEYOND THE 14 DAYS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBIIJTY TO RECAIJ. DIG ALERT. DIG ALERT TOIJ..-FRBE NUMBER IS 1-800-227-2600. DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL O1HER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL "AS BUil T" DATE RCE EXP. ___ _ REVIEWED BY: APPROVE -W ~~~~//Bq_!i!g_ ____ 9--?Q-o-/ ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ RVWD BY: • PROJECT NO. SDP02-05 DRAWING NO. 4196L I I r- -- ,.5 E:XCAVATION f=OR TREES AND SHFWeS A. Pits cind Trenches, Exccivcite i,.ifth vertlccil sides cind with bottom of exccivcitlon sllqhtli.i rcilsed cit center to Clsslst drcilncige. Loosen hcird subsoil In bo""ttom of excc:::ivc:::itlon. I. C.ontc11ner-&oi,.in Trees cind 5hrubs, Excc:::ivC1te to twice container i,.iidth, cind to depth of rootbcill In contcilner, 2. Exccivcitlon cind plcintlnq of trees shcill be completed prior to lnstcillc:::itlon of arciln line. 6. Obstructions, Notlf4 Architect If unexpected rock or obstructions detrlmentcil to trees or shrubs cire encountered In exccivcitlons. I. Hc:::irdpcin Lc:::i~er, Drill b-lnch-(ISO-mm-) dlcimeter holes Into f'ree-drc:::ilnlng strcitci or to c:::i depth of 10 feet (5 m), v-,1hlchever Is less, cine:! bClckflll with free-c:lrcilnlng mciterlcil. C.. Drcilnciqe, Notlf~ Architect If subsoll conditions evidence unexpected i,.iciter seepcige or retention In tree or shrub pits. D. Fil I exccivcitlons i,.ilth i,.iciter cind cil loi,.i to percolcite out, before placing setting lci~er c:::inc:I positioning trees cine:! shrubs. ?5.6 PLANTING TREES AND SHRUBS A. 5et contcilner-groi,.in stock plumb and In center of (?.It or trench with top of' ball level to cic:IJacent finish grades cis lncllcc:::itec:I. I. C.cirefull~ remove contcilners so cis not to c:lcimcige root bCll ls. 2. Plcice bcickf'III ciround bcill In lc:::i~ers, tcimplnq to settle backfill cine:! ellmlnc:::ite voids cind cilr f.'OCkets. When pit Is C1f.'proxlmc:::itel4 1/2 bClckfllled, wciter thorouqhl~ before placlnq remainder of bClckf'11I. Repeat watering until no more Is c:::ibsorbea. Wc:::iter agciln c:::if'ter plcicing c:::ind tamping final la~er of bcickfill. 6. Dish c:::ind tc:::imp top of bc:::ickf'III to form ci 5-lnch-(1S-mm-) high mound around tne rim of the pit. Do not cover top of root ball with bcickfill. ?5.i Tl'-(EE AND SHRUB PRIJNIN5 A. Prune, thin, c:::inc:I shape trees cind shrubs c:::is directed b~ 6. Prune, thin, cind shape trees cmc:I shrubs ciccorc:llng to stcindc:::irc:I hortlculturcil practice. Prune trees to retciln required height cine:! sprecid. Unless otherwise c:llrectec:I bl.I Architect c:lo not cut tree leaders; remove onli.i In Jured or c:lecicf brcinches from flower Ing trees. Prune shrubs to retciln nc:::iturcil chc:::irc:::icter. 5hrub sizes lndlccitec:I c:::ire size cifter pruning. ,.e, Tl'-(EE AND SHFWe STAKIN5 A. Upright 5tc:::iklnq cine:! T41ng, 5tc:::ike trees of' IS gcil Ion cind lcirger. Use Cl minimum of -:2 stc:::ikes of lenqth required to penetrcite cit lec:::ist 24 Inches below bottom of "bc:::ickflllec:I exccivcitlon cine:! to extend cit lec:::ist 12 Inches c:::ibove grc:::ic:le. Set vertlcc:::il stc:::ikes c:::ind sec:::ice to civold penetrating bCllls or root mcisses. 5upport trees with 2 strc:::inc:ls of tie wire encc:::ised In hose sections cit contc:::ict points with tree trunk. Staking cind t~lng of tree Is not Intended to fmmoblllze tree. lnstal I to cil low slcick in ties, civoldlng rigid restrcilnt of tree. !5.c:t PLANTING PLANTS A. 5pc:::ice plants cis lndlccited. 6. Dl holes lcirqe enough to c:::illow sprec:::ic:llng of roots c:::inc:I bc:::ickflll with lc:::intlng soir. V'lork soil around roots to ellmlncite air pockets cine:! ec:::ive ci sllqht sciucer lnc:lentcitlon c:::iround plc:::ints to hola wciter. Wciter thoroughl9 ci~ter plcinting, taking care not to cover plant crowns i,.ifth wet soil. !5.10 MULGHIN5 A. Mulch bClckfilled surfc:::ices of pits, trenches, planted cirecis, c:::ind other areas Indicated. ;3" la~er shall be Installed in shrub cirea with grade less than 5, I. 5ul:::5mlt scimple to cit~ Inspector for cipprovcil prior to bulk deliver~ to Job site. !5.11 C.LE:ANUP AND PRC>TE:C.TION A. During lcindscciplng, keep pcivements clecin cind work area In cin orc:lerl~ condition. 6. Protect lcinc:lscciplng from dcimcige clue to lcindsccipe opercitlons, opercitlons b~ other contrcictors cine:! trades, cine:! trespassers. Mcilntciln protection during lnstcillcitlon cind mcilntencince periods. Treat, repc:::ilr, or replc:::ice dc:::imc:::iged lc:::indscc:::ipe work c:::is directed. !5.12 DISPOSAL Of= SURPLUS AND KA.STE: MATE:RIALS A. Disposal, Remove surplus soil c:::ind wc:::iste mc:::iterlc:::il, lncludlnq excess subsoil, unsultC1ble soil, trash, cind debris, cind legcill~ dispose of it off the Owner's propert~. END Of= SECTION 02c:t00 PLANTING NOTES I. A. THE PLANTING PLAN 15 DIAeRAMMATIC,. ALL PLANT LOC-ATION5 ARE APPROXIMATE. PLANT 5YM60L5 TAKE PREC-EDENC-E OVER PLANT QUANTITIES 5PEC.IFIED. B. GUANTITIE5 SHOWN ON THE PLANTING PLAN ARE APPROXIMATE AND ARE FOR THE C.ONVENIENC.E OF THE C,ONTRAC,TOR ONLY. C-. C-ONTRAC-TOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LAND5C,APE ARC-HITEC,T OF THE Dl5C-REPANC,IE5 BETWEEN QUANTITIES AND 5YM60L5 SHOHN. 2. LAND5C-APE C,ONTRAC-TOR SHALL APPLY A C-ONTAC-T HERBIC-IDE, WHERE Y'IEED5 ARE PRESENT, PER MANUFAC-TURER5 SPEC-IFIC-ATIONS A MINIMUM OF TEN (IO) DAYS PRIOR TO C-OMMENC-EMENT OF ANY PLANTING OR IRRIGATION l-"-IORK. Y'IEED5 SHALL BE ALLOl-"-IED TO C,OMPLETEL Y DIE BAC-K, INC-LUDING THE ROOTS BEFORE PROC,EEDING HITH HORK. HERBIC-IDE APPLIC-ATOR SHALL BE LIC,EN5ED BY THE STATE OF C,ALIFORNIA. 5. LAND5C-APE C-ONTRAC-TOR SHALL SUBMIT A SOIL ANAL Y515 REPORT (APPROVED BY C-ITY IN5PEC-TOR) FROM AN AUTHORIZED TESTING AGENC-Y (APPROVED BY C-ITY IN5PEC-TOR) TO THE LAND5C-APE ARC-HITEC,T BEFORE BEGINNING HORK. 4. PRIOR TO PLANTING, IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY OPERATIONAL AND PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE THOROUGHLY SOAKED 5. ALL AREAS TO BE PLANTED, HHIC-H HAVE A SLOPE OF LE55 THAN 10%, SHALL BE C,R055-RIPPED TO A DEPTH OF SIX (b") INC.HES AND THE FOLLOHING AMENDMENTS SPREAD EVENLY AND THOROUGHLY BLENDED IN PER IPGO SQUARE FEET. THE QUANTITIES PROVIDED BELOH ARE FOR BID PURPOSES ONLY. ALL AMENDMENTS AND QUANTITIES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE SOILS REPORT (APPROVED BY C-ITY IN5PEC-TOR) OBTAINED BY THE C,ONTRAC-TOR PRIOR TO C-ON5TRUC-TION AND INSTALLATION OF THESE PLANS. A. 5 C-UBIC, YARDS NITROGEN FORTIFIED REDl-"-IOOD SHAVINGS B. 100 POUNDS AGRIC-UL TURAL GYPSUM C,. 15 POUNDS IRON SULPHATE D. 25 POUNDS lb-b-e SLOW RELEASE FERTILIZER b. EAC-H PLANT SHALL REC-EIVE "AGRIFORM" (OR EQUAL) PLANT TABLETS A5 FOLLOl-"-15, ROOTED C,UTTING/4" POT (I) 5 GRAM I GAL. C,ONTAINER 5 GAL. C-ONTAINER 15 GAL. C,ONTAINER BOX TREE (I) 21 GRAM (5) 21 GRAM (5) 21 GRAM (I) 21 GRAM PER 5' BOX SIZE 1. FOR BID PURPOSED ONLY, PLANT BAC-K FILL SHALL BE 50% SITE SOIL, AND 50% NITROGEN FORTIFIED REDl-"-IOOD SHAVINGS BY VOLUME. THESE QUANTITIES SHALL BE SUPERC-EDED BY THE SOILS REPORT (APPROVED BY C-ITY INSPEC-TOR) OBTAIN BY THE C.ONTRAC.TOR PRIOR TO C.ONSTRUC.TION AND INSTALLATION OF THESE PLANS. e. PLANT PITS SHALL BE TWIC-E THE SIZE OF THE DESIGNATED NURSERY C-ONTAINER. q_ PLANT MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE ROOT BOUND. FIVE GALLON PLANTS AND LARGER SHALL HAYE BEEN GROHN IN C,ONTAINERS FOR A MINIMUM OF 6 MONTHS AND A MAXIMUM OF Tl-"-IO YEARS. PLANTS SHALL EXHIBIT HEAL THY GROWTH AND BE FREE OF DISEASES AND PESTS. 10. A. STAKE ALL TREES PER DETAIL. B. REMOVE NURSERY STAKES ON ALL VINES AND ATTAC-H TO ADJAC-ENT FENC-ES HITH GALV. NAILS AND GREEN NURSERY TAPE. ATTAC.H TO HALLS HITH EPOXY TIES. C.. REMOVE NURSERY STAKES AND TIES FROM ALL C,ONTAINER 5TOC-K. MAINTAIN SIDE GROWTH ON ALL TREES. II. PLANTS SHALL NOT BE PLAC-ED WITHIN TWELVE (1.2") INC.HES OF SPRINKLER HEADS. 1.2. 5HRUB5 SHOWN IN PLANT AREAS SHALL BE UNDER-PLANTED WITH GROUNDWVER SHOWN BY ADJAC,ENT SYMBOL, TO WITHIN 12" OF MAIN PLANT STEM. 15. LAND5C-APE C-ONTRAC-TOR SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 2% DRAINAGE AHAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS, 5TRUC-TURES, AND HALLS. FINISHED GRADES SHALL BE SMOOTHED TO ELIMINATE PUDDLINS OR STANDING HATER. 14. FINISHED GRADES SHALL BE ONE (I) INC-H BELOW THE TOP OF C.URB5, 51LL5, AND WALKHAY5 IN ALL AREAS. HHERE 50D 15 LAID NEXT TO THESE IMPROVEMENTS-FINISH GRADE BEFORE LAYING 50D SHALL BE 1-1/2" BELOW THE TOP. 15. THE LANDSC-APE C,ONTRAC-TOR SHALL LEAVE SITE IN AC-LEAN C-ONDITION, REMOVING ALL UNUSED MATERIAL, TRASH, AND TOOLS. 16. LAND5C-APE C-ONTRAC-TOR SHALL MAINTAIN ALL PLANTINGS FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY (qo) DAYS AFTER C-OMPLETION. ALL AREAS SHALL BE KEPT C,LEAN, HATERED, AND HEED FREE. 11. AT C-OMPLETION OF ALL HORK OUTLINED IN THESE PLANS, THE LANDSC-APE C,ONTRAC-TOR SHALL C,ONTAC-T OWNER AND ARRANGE FOR A WALK THROUGH TO DETERMINE THAT ALL ASPEC,T5 OF WORK ARE C-OMPLETED. l-"-IORK MUST BE FULLY C,OMPLETED AC,C,ORDING TO ALL PLANS AND 5PEC-IFIC-ATION5 AND MUST BE WMPLETED IN A GOOD l-"-IORKMAN5HIP MANNER AND MUST BE AC-C-EPTED BY THE 01-'lNER IN WRITING PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF THE MAINTENANC-E PERIOD. THE MAINTENANC-E PERIOD SHALL INC-LUDE THE FOLLOWING 5C-OPE OF WORK, A. DAILY HATERING OF ALL PLANT MATERIAL. B. HEEKL Y MOWING OF ALL TURF AREAS. C-. J,,IEEDING AND REMOVAL OF ALL HEEDS FROM GROUND C,OVER AREAS. D. REPLAC-EMENT OF ANY DEAD, DYING, OR DAMAGED TREES, 5HRUB5, OR GROUND C,OVERS. E. FILLING AND REPLANTING OF ANY LOW AREAS WHIC-H MAY C-AU5E STANDING HATER. F. ADJUSTING OF SPRINKLER HEAD HEIGHT AND WATERING 5Y5TEM. G. FILLING AND REC-OMPAC-TION OF ERODED AREAS. H. Y'IEEKLY REMOVAL OF ALL TRASH, LITTER, C,LIPPING5, AND ALL FOREIGN DEBRIS. I. AT 50 DAYS AFTER PLANTING, AMMONIUM SULFATE SHALL BE APPLIED TO LAY'lN AREAS AT THE RATE OF 5 LBS. PER IPOO SQUARE FEET. J. AT bO DAYS AFTER PLANTINS AND PRIOR TO THE END OF THE MAINTENANC-E PERIOD, BEST FERTILIZER WMPANY 16-6-e, (OR EQUAL) SHALL BE APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 6 LBS. PER IPOO SQUARE FEET TO LAHN AREAS AND PLANTING AREAS. 1e,, PRIOR TO END OF MAINTENANC-E PERIOD, LAND5C-APE C,ONTRAC-TOR SHALL C,ONTAC-T OWNER AND ARRANGE FOR A FINAL HALK THROUGH. 01-'lNER MUST AC-C-EPT ALL MAINTAINED AREAS IN WRITING PRIOR TO END OF MAINTENANC-E PERIOD. 1q_ A. ALL GROUND C,OVER5 SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY THE C.ONTRAC-TOR A5 TO GROWTH AND HEAL TH FOR A PERIOD OF SIXTY (bO) DAYS AFTER THE C-OMPLETION OF MAINTENANC,E PERIOD AND FINAL AC,C,EPTANC-E. ALL SHRUBS SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY THE C-ONTRAC-TOR A5 TO GROWTH AND HEAL TH FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY (qo) DAYS AFTER WMPLETION OF MAINTENANC-E PERIOD AND FINAL AC-C-EPTANC-E. ALL TREES SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY THE WNTRAC-TOR TO LIVE AND GROW IN AN AC-C-EPTABLE UPRIGHT POSITION FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (I) YEAR AFTER WMPLETION OF THE 5PEC-IFIED MAINTENANC-E PERIOD AND FINAL AC,C,EPTANC-E. B. THE C-ONTRAC-TOR, WITHIN FIFTEEN (15) DAYS OF WRITTEN NOTIFIC-ATION BY THE LANDSC-APE ARC-HITEC.T, SHALL REMOVE AND REPLAC-E ALL GUARANTEED PLANT MATERIALS, WHIC.H FOR ANY REASON FAIL TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GUARANTEE. REPLAC-EMENT SHALL BE MADE WITH PLANT MATERIALS A5 INDIC-ATED OR 5PEC-IFIED ON THE ORIGINAL PLANS, AND ALL 5UC-H REPLAC-EMENT MATERIALS SHALL BE GUARANTEED A5 SPEC-IFIED FOR THE ORIGINAL MATERIAL GUARANTEE. 20. SLOPES OVER e,• IN VERTICAL HEIGHT SHALL HAVE, A) STANDARD NO. I -C,OVER C-ROP-JUTE MESH (100% C-OVERAGE) BJ STANDARD NO. 2 -GROUND C,OVER, MINIMUM FLATlED SIZE (100% C-OVERAGE) C.) STANDARD NO. 5 -LOW SPREADING 5HRU65 FROMMINIMUM 2-5/4" LINERS (1096 C-OVERAGE) D) STANDARD NO. 4 -TREES AND LARGE 5HRUB5 FROM MINIMUM I GALLON (1/200 5GUARE FEET) 21. 5LOPE5 BETWEEN 4' AND e,• VERITIC-AL HEIGHT SHALL HAVE STANDARD NO.I, N0.2, N0.5 ABOVE. 22. ALL TREES TO SE PLANTED A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF: AJ 15' FROM ALL STREET LIGHT POSTS S.) 5' FROM ANY SEHER, WATER OR DRY UTILITliY LINES C,,) 10' FROM ANY <SAS LINE OR STORM DRAIN. .2:3. ALL TREES PLANTED WITHIN 5' FROM ANY HAR.DSC.APE PAVEMENT, OR CURBS SHALL RECEIVE Aue l.!!>-2 'DEEP ROOT' TREE ROOT BARRIER INSTALLED IN A 10' LINEAR APPLIC.ATION, OR AS SHOWN ON FLANTIN<S FLAN. ROOT BARRIER SHALL NOT ENCIRCLE THE ROOT SALL. 24. TIJRF SHOWN ON FLANTIN<S FLANS ARE WITHIN THE 'TIJRF LIMITATIONS' A5 DETERMINED BY THE C,liY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL SECTION IV C.:3-4.2-I. 25. ALL TREES SHALL MEET THE FOLLOWIN<S 5PECIFIC.ATION5: A. 6. c.. D. CONTAINER SIZE 15 <SAL. (STD) 24" SOX (STD) .24" SOX (MUL Tl) 56" SOX (STD) 56" SOX (MUL Tl) 4.e," eox (STD) 41!>" SOX (MUI.. Tl) DIS ALERT HEl<SHT x WIDTH CALIPER 1'-1!,' X 2'-:3' I" -1.25" q'-11' X 4'-5' 1.25" -1.5" 6'-1' X 4'-5' 1.25" -1.5" l.2'-14' x 6'-1' 2" -.2.5" q'-10' X 6'-1' 1 . .25" -1.5" 14'-16' X 1'-1!,' 5" -5.5" 12'-14' X 1'-,!!,' 2 11 -2.511 "AS BUil T" CALIFORNIA STATI! LAT SAYS YOU MUST CA.LL BEFORE YOU DIG. GOVERNMENT CODI!: SECTION 42115-42160 STATES THAT nEXCAVATION•: DRAWN DB, TS APPROVED MM JOB NO. 02-005 DATE 04/29/04 SCALE AS SHOWN AP!"'ROYl!!D ,-OR PI.ANTIN6 AND IRRlc!;,ATION ONLY, INCLUDINc!;, PRl::Cl61:: LOCATION OF PLANTIN6 ARl::A6. GRADING, TRENClllNG, DIGGING, DITCHING, DRIWNG AUGURING, TUNNEUNG, SCRAPING, CABLE OR PIPE PLOWING, DRIVING, FOUNDATION DIGGING, IANDSCAPE DIGGING PLUMBING, FENCE POST OR ANY OTHER WAY. OUR PERMIT FOR DIGGING 1l'ILL NOT BE VALID WJTBOUT A DIG ALERT TICKET NUMBER AND NOTIFICATION THAT THE MARKOUT BAS BEEN COMPLETED. THERE IS AISO A U-DAY 111NDOT (SECTION 4216.(E)) IN WHICH YOU MUST COMPLETE THE PROPOSED DIGGING. IF YOU WILL NEED ADDITIONAL TDIE BEYOND THE 1' DAYS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBIUTY TO RECALL DIG ALl:RT. DIG ALERT TOLL-FREE NUMBER IS 1-800-227-2600. RCE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE EXP. DATE f----+--+-----------1-----1.--1-----1.--1 ["SHITfl0 CITY OF CARLSBAD fSHEETsJ1 ~L!.Q_J=='....':::==PL=A=N:::NI:':N:::G:::::D::::E:::P::::AR::::T::::M:':EN::::T==~L!l.J:;;:::::;::;;:::::;~ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL aTY APPROVAL PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR: SDP 02-05 LA COSTA OAKS NORTH TEMPORARY RV PARKIN~ DWN BY: __ CHKD BY; __ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. SDP02-05 DATE DRA'MNG NO. 4196L ' • --,0 -~ 0 ' \ \ I I r ..L,. __ ..L,. __ ..L,. __ ..L,. __ ..L,. __ ..L,. __ ..L,. __ ..L,. __ ..L,. __ ..L,. ___ ~ ___ ..L,. __ ..L,. __ ..L,. __ ~_ I I I \ \ I I ' \ I I ' I I \ I \ I \ \ \ ' \ \ I I ' ~ 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I 540 sso ' \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ s 70 \ \ \ - y 1/ I y I )t "') I Sc'; 0 ' \ \ \ Id ,#' ..1... __ ,1-_R ,NC!j_O_ ,t5A ..1...:1~ -· =------r-tf i OAD r ..L.. -1 -..L.. -- :,.... 1 \ -rcr--+ I j I / -/ 42Q I I ~ ' C) I \ C) -, I ( ' ,, ---- ! ! ! ! ~ J < -! ! -C-J ! -+ V) C)C) l C) r---I §2 \ V)~ -A ) i-~ s: C) 2}\ 03~ C) };;.~ ~ DRAWN DB, TS APPROVED MM C) };;. ;:q .10B NO. 02-0!55 DATE 04/29/04 SCALE AS SHOWN \ ~ AFFfitOYED FOR PL.ANTIN6 AND \ IRRl~ATION ONL.Y', INCL.UDIN~ PRE:CISE: L.OCATION OF \ PL.ANTI~ ARE:AS. J t --- r I ....________ AREAS TO BE IRRIGATED BY RECYCLED ~ATER 490 !} Die ALERT CALIFORNIA. STATE LA.lf SA.YS YOU IIUS'l' CA.LL BEFORE YOU DIG. GOVERNlCENT CODE SEt'TION 4-216--42189 STA.TES THAT •EXCAVATION": GRADING, TRENCHING, DIGGING, DITCHING, DRILLING AUGURING, TUNNEIJNG, SCRAPING, CABLE OR PIPE PLOllING, DRIVING, l'OUNDATION DIGGING, LANDSCAPE DIGGING PLUllBING, FENCE POST OR ANY OTHER WAY. OUR PERMIT FOR DIGGING WilL NOT BE VAIJD WITHOUT A DIG ALERT TICKET NUMBER AND NOTIFICATION THAT THE MARKOUT BAS BEEN COMPLETED. THERE IS ALSO A U-DA..Y WINDOW (SECTION 4216.(E)) IN WHICH YOU KUST COIIPLETE THE PROPOSED DIGGING. IF YOU lfll.L NEED ADDITIONAL TIME BEYOND THE U DAYS. IT IS YOUR RESPONSmllJTY TO RECA.U. DIG ALERT. DIG ALERT TOLL-FREE NUKBER IS 1-800-227-2600. 40 20 0 470 \ SCALE: 1 "=20' NOTE, IRRI.SATION AND LANDSGAPINe TO 6E PROVIDED ONC.E l'IATER 6EGOMES AVAILABLE RCE 60 REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR LJlJ CITY OF 1 PLANNING IF ANY HARDSC-APE OR LANDSC.APE INDICATED ON THE APf'ROVl:D PLANS 15 DAMAeED OR REMOVED DURINe DEMOLITION OR C.ON5TR.lJCTION, IT SHALL BE REPAIRED AND/OR REPLACED IN KIND AND EQUIVALENT SIZE PER THE APPROVED PLANS. "AS BUILT" DAlE EXP. DATE CARLSBAD w DEPARTMENT 1 ---1----+-----------------1----1----+---+---t RECYCLED WAlER PLAN FOR: SDP 02-05 DATE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL LA COSTA OAKS NORTH TEMPORARY RV PARKING ,..__ ____ 9- ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DAlE OWN BY: CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. SDP02-05 DRAWING NO. 4196L 092804 -- \J) I 6' r