HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 334-6L; CT 89-38; COSTA PALMAS; 01-07• / -~-.,,, z. I} ~::::::::::;::~~vi". Coi;TA 8LvJ:, v OC-P-.1 Io r-.J M ;::,-. r I HEREBY 0ECL<JlE TiiAT I AM IBE LICENSED DESlGNER OF .WORK fOR 11-IIS PROJ£CT, THAT I HAVE EXERCISED R£SPONSIBU: CHARGE OVl:R IBE DESIGN OF IBE PROJ£CT A5 DEFlNED IN SECTION 6703 Of-TliE BUSINES.S AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND Tl{AT TliE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT IBE CHECK Of PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPEOFlCATIONS BY IBE err( OF CAIUSBAD IS CONFlNED TO REVlEW ONLY AND OOES NOT RELIEVE ME, A5 THE LICENSED DESIGNER Of W0RX, OF MY R£SPONSTBIUTIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PlANS HAVE BEEN PR.EPA.RED IN SU8S"l \NTTAL CONFORMANCE WTTl-1 IBE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, 'wATU\ CONSERVATION PLAN. FIRE PROTicnON PLAN. AND Ail CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL R.EV.TED TO lANDSCAPING. BY: (l12+n0g, ~- / ~p,l 1"1'1' DAIT: JJAH P'?CP--f E'::-f'-12<::, r-411"B-e-J ,it-I B lw ) Ff2..a.J8CT I - Ii I -) ,..-,~...... .. ........~ w \\ .I ii • ,J plz. lvP 'e ~R 1/>l<:..O ) c -r--rr. > M,,.-r,;..rl lj .. -Ljj;;d;;:;;;;:Ji-:;;;:-=----===-i----l--4-t=-==--= -==p 9 n -\,,it48:--I _flf-lVi'=-'fe-~pf2. I Y~lCS C. ryr, ) ' 1,,/j,,,,,..==~ I .__...r-'...,W I LI Y....,__,. 2 1,16,....-=[,# ------J--___, ~ 'I L-u c.. I E. r:,._ N A G ;,.. ~ - 10 . :d • I I '11 12 c:; ~ · -1 •. t I I l.--OfS 3'1Gc ~ :>'17 OF l---P-. C:::.O.S'T,A M~l::'(5H5 iJr-llT r,..b, Z IN 1'r-1E:;. C..-1 TJ Of ~ L-i:;e, r"~ 1 c.'.PJ~ Of ~P'N e:? I ~ ;.I ,--YE;-0 f U"'t..--1 ~ ,Qi I .A ~~Nb To Hl'-P NO• w4cS, fit...£:IO 1N of'r-"1,::..E:. OF'.'-'Tf-l'l==-~1"( ¥4:;.~Bf<.. ~ 5f'I--J bi t:'i.,O I F11'2--I (_... -.;2.1 I 14 71 ON~~ ~i r=--r;=,l,,,"--1 rs-L---. P. r-?l"t,,\ r,ie.rl ,,,,.,. 1---1 N rTB,:.? f Pv2:n--tocs r+1 P /"b lOR-.e:-5 S ,.-t-.p,0.: 21-s-330-1?1 1+ EX I S7'IN b -WN ING f Kt':? -H f""'~foSE:"LJ 2?NIN G, '-12--l::J ~ M f--v ~f=>-& ~ ; j. t:;)4' ~' 0o, op-w'f '5 : I 8 N o. of t:::r-1 e. 1--L.-q,J 0 S ~ I 2 w Y/--L-L--e.C-\ 10<.: N UN ; e-1 p f"l-- rl ~ ~IS"j~vT * l.,,i::;l)v!",01/='-7i2v-J81Z t::1 S11if-il.-f JAMES R. IVERSEN & ASSOC. 1415 MACKINNON AVE. CARDIFF, CALIFORNIA 92007 C 619 ) s 4 2-174 2 1.ANCBCAPE ARCHlTECT 1B18 LJ NOT Ee;; L 11-H~;. ~op.. MLJS1 tJo'r1 ~ ri-+e c,iy f\-,...-N a-+~ ~.;.UL--T~NT {cPl"1) 4-'3B -I ltpl ~-re:t-J~1ot-l 422 I -72 f-buf<'.<;5. { 1P12EeH01e1<=Jt-.!6 ~~) r-"1£,.lof<.._ TO >T~77r.J.,s, eot-tsr~uc:.,71or--) f"'t--1~ /"'1/2-0 TO !i-&f-lel::)L)L,E:, ;> ~- ~ ~c.,jl tJN M ee:nt-l 6, 2. 1}+8-L--f"t-l~~e A-b a2... 1 ~Gl""Tl&N ,'.'.'..?~,-c.To~ 1-;; To ~1FY' ~s17NG P,'::>, I. PT Joe, $l18-~1or:.. TO 1NS"f'!'"-1--L--ii--,.ks, f-'J!'-N~,6-F"e,. I P--/<..IGP-TI~ .,;1~N. v~ ~l~I o,..J ~j--1f'-(..L,., BE: ca-le. N178 -n-!e ~oi"'"lci1-Te N~ ~Si'f1.Jef fO!Z. lf"llS r,<oJec...-r, 3. n+~ ~c.e t:.? ~ :S5UF! e. B~oi,--,1 ~eVSNj'E.R :,~J""l.,i,..,-' ~ iES,-EP ?1 1 e~ 1!'l.S.Tf""I...L..-~17~1 ~e.i,.,O~lct-11 o~ f<,ep,0 ·H~.s ~ f"" .:::.111 ,-.f'rfc.d\./e.P ~ie.r1 Fl e-o "f'eSTJ:=f<.., cf""I...L---~e • 02..1 b pop... r w s-r .:::r-.:::-111 ~f'l~Ni:::P ~S""fl=:~-G.. ~l.-Or"~ ~ OHNB1' 1-s ~S"f'CN$1131--E:--~ sur~r-lG f"" C..Oi( Of ~$f ~l.JL.--'fS TO T)-li::. 0. r-1, r-1. t:) r-11:;qBk <;~of'. C.::,1--1--~r,.?f<. 1s f2-E.,;~..,;.1e. t.-~ ~I'-?-oe.rr1N,t--1G e,ulL--k:::lr-tb /'t-llo ~lJMeittJG 1°13<t--11--p; ~! oP.. To ~ M Ei-J .:::.1r-10 vJ ,-. l---L---~S7"J.e-Uv1lor--l /="f-1 P I t:Z-ie-J&r'"fl a-J 1 r-Js.T M.-l---' f>'TI ot--l ~s pec-rrve l>(~ CE:,. p-l.,v Hojt.t.K. f'.f:=f<.~ s=> '?1-fl"'{..-L..-Be. \:?ONE: IN /"GC.-~fflCE:-H TT'H 11-l-e. C.11'( of ~l'""f2-l-.-Se,p..p l---1"1--1~.P"f""t:S N;,-...ILJr"'{.-1-"'01.,.,[c:;:.1~:S f"'t-li::> ir2.~11'2-BM~"S. c,, I joe..ie..J &,..O,l7 or--! 9"f'S'"T~ s f,.?f?-. 1 ~ ~YH:::>U ,,....l---FM2,i:::: ~ 5 i-+~ H'l""v'IS foirif,;; op CG?r-,l r-l ~--no N ~ I ~I &r"'l7 oi-,l S"j's--T~ e,E?:fH l== er-I n-+e ~!<.. Me-T'E:R f"-1...Jo H/-"'Tt=~ 5e-ievic.s 12-1set<-.. 1t-ljo n+e.. ~e1-J...-1Ne-~ia ~ op ,Pi--J'-( ~ f"'-1ef<.. !<IS61)1..-...... jl ON t'.:)~Vlc.lS INS.j~t? ~ lf+E: l-='v4e~e,, 7, f>'L--{..., 1..---r--r---lt:?.s:r-pe-o M~-5 Q-+,Pi-L--l:!>r::-NriNjFir..J[;::.D IN ,.e:,.. l~,r-L.---n+1 A"'-ID TM).e iv, r-l. & ur-Jl:?111 or,..J I p=-r-e8;:: f~ rl ee k:)5 1 1F-r--srl n-J k:=) k:?13'B1<2..1 s-. -s rl e: !ST ::St-+~tars -s r+E:: E=-T s "5t-l: ee T 5i-4SE:.T ,1-n.-e./ ~f<. lt:z.P-IG.ATION pi.,,, f"'-N"T I r-J If;? ~~ t:::)5 t:?e-f/"'-1 L-'$/-$.pt:;C,! F=i?r"'Tior-1-S 11 AS BUILT" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOC1\TION OF PLANTING AREAS. TITLE______ DAl[ REVIEl,ED BY: lNSf'[CTOR DATE S-?>l i Jr.,. : ~ 'l-lWeT_r-t_,6,'fC.ti---'--'-l,l_'Je:.~s~o,...,_· _w,.,~c,.;r---.1--t------t--------11 s~r:T I CITY OF CARLSB_i\D ~7' I PLANNING DE?ARTME!H ~ I I . I . I I OATL 1n1TIJ..L I · .. -.,.-., er -.--·] t.., .... •ti:.r:..;,.: ........... rl,. REVISION DESCRIPTION OA IT. ltllfli=.L DATE: 1~11TIAL :Jf!-iS.R liP!=~:VAL Cirf A??ROV~L COSTA PALMAS (CT 89-38} ,, : t_,/' / ! I lo .. , .. .... ,, :· ··-. ·/ ·, 201 , .;c=I ; ! I \ / .... ; ; ..... , . ---. ... , .. ; ). f;,._ 'cl' . .j. ' i/ ' ._i~ ' ,_. ,: -~·-· "•"•:-r,•;_, i i i ·-. , •• -<. ! i / I \, i ······f, :.,,.<;i;f!!> / ._t: ·····J '. /~.:·;,;:'.'; ,:;t};;-t:,;,. ._,_;; i "'.1 .. , ,,. ,,._ '"•"•"•"•""' .,,.._, .. •. , .. .. ,i .. i ' j%{· :'!i1f'l',)(1P,•):,,11'('.,)l!lid/!.; :1;,-;1r.1·.--'/rf.''i : .-,:,Y:/•fl;,),-J.'•:--:,r."'JN ''-iY,'-.,-,y1;;;i .;%-c ),:. ,, . ··' ' . . . .;,}.,,,._,,;.;/•!• ·.,,,,., .. !;,;-~• .. ).,t;.,;.: : .,. ",/-,·-.,,;, /!.;,-, : ,,-·_:,;,! ... .f f !j ./ ·• .. \\~ ; i tl ,. • •-,• , •• ••,-••••••••J•,,r,•,•, ,•/•• •f•"•"•'~••t ,,, ..• .,-,., • • pF2-IY P'~ P.IS'f>i'!'-y 1-p.t:J )_:· .. I ,--_:_. • .. ",. ,1 //,. ,,1_--~-- . ( 1/ j/(,J,""> .-{f---ii.:,··· _'(,· ·,::-~,: / 1/1' / I i I ._..,{., . ;:. :,;, .-:,J. :,,.,.,.,,.y.•:1.·-:,J!:. '.;,,:.;;'~~.r- \ \ ,, irI < ~.,i_:_.,.·.·:,'~c..: •...• +:.gs:.; c::\"'>~,.---~-A±::..,:.,..1 ~c'.._. ' . .fc0:;.-'__.:c,;;:;;'~2:c:.::..c'i./L¥t:~.=::c! ,,~~or· ~''s=..,,e~·I!-·· ·-0 . . . ' i P+1f°'1F°r:) 1-(Jk n.-r-i--1-i Ns r--JD \ 1z fZI &P.. Tl DN a< i,>( I :--J CL L) r.:1 ['l C.,,, r:::,f2-e:. (::.. I S E- l.,a v P-T I 0 N of r~~ f:"1,.:. r'fZl:::P-.S RC£ RE\IIEY,£0 BY: INSPECTOR "AS BUil T" EXP. DATE DATE ~8-~-q-,q-+-~-~ _____ ,t=1 __ &_~_~_w_£_, _______ -+--~---i----.---11~2nl~C~J_l~r-~_1~_P_,f_<=.7-~_~_f_PR~h<_Y3~~-~·-1_J._~•~q~'~~Ts1 'l------+---+-------------------jf----4---1-----+----I REVISION Dl;SCRIPTION I r::::. P--I 0 1--J I o 1--I COSTA PALMAS (CT 89-38) PRO~CT NO. -r-,1/1 ' (...,/ . OR!l'MNG NO. ~ i ,t •-... , ...... ,.,._._., • ; I i I s ---;:·:),.:, ->~ / _,·,_ f % ' (i I . I I 2- \ \ , .... ,,,, \ 1.' i.1 :-•· ·;c i,;tt I % % "•"•'M•p,•••••,r,. ' % 1 ' i i; ' ' ' Ji-.::/, % Ir. i. , ,"i -_,'_,·~ "" _.,, " i".,1·, 5,;,H ,, "::>'i' -...: _'. ;_ . . I\ ' " f1.2-,; , .. _/!. IA' 1"_ . . .. ' I. . .. -·· I I Fc-/'!fl"G,I.) ;,-µ.;c i '7 1 q::' rr'/IGB t ,, ~-" .... , , .. ,,. ' ' . DA1t .. , ..... ENGll'IEER OF WORI( REVISION Dl;SCRIPTION %~ %" '" '•! . ~~;e o R::p_ Pi.,,ANTi :ls AN k:J I !Z i'<-16r-TION o--J \..>-( INGL u 01 i" e:, f'ke c Is E- kl c, ,A Tl o\"l or r i.--;:,r--t 71 N G ,,.,. I;, E:c-P..'S "AS BUil T" RC£ EXP. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR . ~-fZ-I 6 ,c,.. 1 ! ,;1 N .,-------------------~-~---·-··· DAlE N1IAl DAlt K1W. OllU "1'1'f!OVAI. CITY APPROVAL COSTA PALMAS (CT 89-38) APPROV"i:0 OWN tn:-__ _ CHKD ay, __ _ RV'M) BY: PROJECT NO. )/;A --· /, ,;.: '--I _,.. ... DAlE DATE D,',lt DR,',WING ND. "' '",cl ' - I(• ,!· ,1-) _L if. /. -i'. ! i ;_1 .;. I . /,. •.:i ' ! c,,,., .. ",,.~ ._,-: . J:. ' f. :.'J f. '/:{ '· . !!1 0:: ·;}"·· , . .,./. r•~,-;,_;. , ' ,,, .. , ! ! f t ' .. ,-,,c,,-H•r-•J>"' '""·"J""',J. .. , \. % ' '· \ . .. ; ,.,;.,; .. ,:. i -----·/. ' i -. it ; f \..r!.4 • {'.k _/'.~ j .,,,_,., .• ,.,.,'!;""·" .,_ \\ I, ,. \ , / I , . f1)'"'":'""~-~,JN" M/-~-·•-<•, \~--- \ /· j I:"-' r-- ?;i:1i:✓tt:),;:•;::1-'.r):J'.".:i%'~r';·,.1,;:w· ) ~· Cl,,P. {-~----~----, ~ /. ' ~:' \ , I, . ~ ,., .. /" :'.',;' '.;/.-/ i .•.' .1 ,,,, ; (,-:,:/_;,. ..... ,[ ~: __ :};. l~j/:L~:>r ! .Jp..c;:.. MIM- . .,,. ,; DAlE NllAL ENGINEER Of'WORK if?_,_,._._. C4M· it~, .. / . ·, .. . . ;, ·.,F-· !.;:'" \ ~FY '--------------- 01?' ;·. . , .. ,. '- 11~ '51_ KN""-t+bi \':b,.£v_:;, tf'1r) ."j. REVISION Dl;SCRIPTION ;;-;;_,,.1_;-;;,,1,:;lt ~::- ""1'2..1 V .N I 8;-- fet~ Y ~ ·; .. pie..1 v,....1e..- 1-E-~~ y pl-" .. L:> lfr'P<:JVco ,re:~ rv/"'t-h7 N 0 /-Np i Kk , ,~., r---"'." I cn'1. (k~ :. • ( INL-L ) ~! ,"+ C7 1'1:ZI:'0 I s i .. ~ vtZ,,Afl UN er pt,, f'N•-r ~ f1 ~P--S DAlE N1W. DAlt KIW. Dna! N'PROVAL QTY APPROVAi. .\-\/':~i!-'q;_ :f;. ::;_.,_:i<(:;_;,;/i:S/\/.::-(:,-.,~- "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. REVl(Y,£0 BY: INSPECTOR COSTA PALMAS (CT 89-38) q /2~ ,,,. DATE DATE DATE DRAV.,NC NO. . ) f.· '···~;;;c,, ... , ••.. .,, .. J.,,, I 20 .1 w5 kl:;pt::fi s -c;, 10""=I-I.::; f' /"'t,.t> -Y I, cie.1 B ~;,, 1)-i.;.,: . _,,,·· i { ._r,~- 1 . : . _,-.,. f. /' ,_,i'(,. ;· .'f" /i .,. ( ,/ i i ;• . •. . /. Vi I ... f , ' • ' ' ' i ' , ' ' ,.-,m,,.~ ]?ITV~, d1 /, ,,/ .(. ' ,/'_. . /,<'' ,i-~ "':•.,1 0:~ub;:;1,r;:1,ff~?f-'.liM;;~ ;,-p..r3;, ROH,/ -:;, ,,. 1)1 I y i""'F-. J ; i . ,, ... .,.,, ::>~j I " ~11 ~p, c;,i.,;:,.(\ , . ---c,i:./ 1-J Ji{.,;,. ({> t' (,fi ' ' ·• i ; .. ,. Net..--, C{t.J I / ! !'· N,61<'..., · ;· · · · . · · , .. • ... :J."(;,y,,·,;~;.: ,;;,1; ·'.i1: '. · r::;;;::-rz;~ \, I~ §.: '· i ·' PA REVISION Dl;SCRIPTION . ·' ,.,,,.,, .• u,. ~ ,. p'~.IVl'i" .,.~; K~•Y,;-¥P lh ·,;;_ '::;J:f;>/(. ;., .. H ') '.), • Pl"2-1V~11 iz F'l-r~--~: l l';P.D ; (• • '• B)C ·, i.- MfZC.V13a ~!<: f'..,.Pt-rT1 NG f-tJ i.--J I iZf<. I & ,AT I ON 6N t-y I NC:::.. L--v I:? I rlG PIZ-8 Cl S' E:-- 1,.,,?c;,f''T)CN 4" fi.---,Prt11 NG r"'f<-P--A ';:,, 0 Iii "AS BUil T" RC£ EXP. REV,EWEP BY; INSPECTOR P L--AN T! N & COSTA PALMA$ (CT 89-38) l>A1£ N1IAl N1IAI. l>llE! N'f'ftOVAt art APPROVAL CHKO BY:---1 RVV.O BY: PROJECT NO. v -1 --,?i1e, DAT£ DATE DR,O.'MNG NO. :<t ... '(: ING L.-EGE-~D I \ • Q ,' -' I T I w~ C!i) 13.A:::,f•l.-'(r'lTJ .S fb ~ ~ ~ 0 :;> p I N tJ s 1-l ~ r>er-J s I s M !a,,. O U 1 . tv1 a.f'-1..--t'VC::...P.. 6<. l.li N QL.-l~ ~I f"- 1 I fri.t.J, c:8F-, ~u~uS G~I ~ ~~~- f't-20· l l)t-,1. ~or--tfo prlo81--J 11 cviJN,0 s i-+PN iPN? . pol?. N,..,.k., r7ot>ocf'"l2.¥)VS M ;,-j::;::.l I --rtz,. Cr-f'· TBL".'.or--1,,.,._t:z..Jf", ?l"-jO~SI S ~e,. Pi=3/"-, ;::-frZ-' ["l I i, ' r-11, v f"iZ , t-\ I f7, r-2-05, 6.J fZ . G l:ZE;'. ~p. cvr, JUN,~. }-J~. Oor-,1. ~.Bf'-V• bte'. 13k::. , #I", f'·r'· ('+~1:,, f'.20('.::. I C::, ~ 0 Tr+ l)~ U>N GH f>-- pvvN ~ f",60 Cff'~SIS I I vlbtJSDZ-Ul---'I J ~)<...Pt.l UH I I .xytvs M f" c. · C.ON f'l"C--T r i:x:,,A--t,,L-Ot--ll,a. P'~I ,s;f ~0..,1 1 :z.1 I>-0 I .::.o L---r-1 I i-1 I B,, I $:::.W S i:z.o..5,c,,. -5, 1 rh;?~-, E::LJl-e:Yof:?;_; G~~\t,..,~ I I ie,t>f]-4 I t7~ I 5 I , C: 1,., f'i<.r I I -1 ut-1 1 r~ .; . ,-6-12..:::: P,..,::, 1 p. -0 H-1 k;:;?i i-J f-' ~ N !:½-'Tl <.::.,,... I I ~ H I OL,~ I 5, Bpt,..Wg,.2.q,J A bl ~.S~col---OI<.. 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O &r'>L.., # =N=·=?=T=ee.=~=l"V1=N=G=s=c='c=I 2=s=1=7=0=4=. =q=~==~· ,,. .. -·, ' .. ...-~ 42:11 x -~ /. &141 S'5/ r-r /'- 1 0 I Nt.-HE½ x ... , 210 !. u,I 4-1 tj:i X ,:i,-, .. p ,.-:2. ,.: . o?, j_j?, J ~ri.--- 4 81 '1 5 I 3 _ _ C•? ,r" 1.-- ,c[ J , 7 5,) (J' br"'"" - t""·f'l"P.0, 1[?/J ii:)K \.>v;~;-.JljNC:c f-°'>t-il) I tz~I c0f""Tk)N or---\ L-"i/ 1 N & 1-cJPI ~ c.;., pi2. ,:::CC::: , S C- "AS BUil T" RCE __ EXP. -~-DATE (.,-('.;;c:.,?f t'..'N Cf' f':..-r-NTT:---1 G-1-----------------1 REVlEWED BY: ~c?P--'S I I P,-C:::.,, Y ,E32.. & );2.Cj= P.S f et.z. M I )I,. l'-T L,f'.'PT TO BE':.-f-t( ,J i'Z;J $ E,EPep f><T ~f-Tf:=; p r..eo v I .::)t';:, 4 C 0/o eo,....;E? ~ f:=:-N 11"f+ 1 N 3 o ~ I'-'-'(~ . ';>'! J-t-,ibl""l2.p #' I INSPECTOR DAT£ :2, J u,e;. M e<;J-t \:2-f'6< L.)1 r2-E::O v-l"-+nJ i,:?~?r-171---l& O?uL)k"...S e.,G-rv-,1ec"'N r"l/61...1 (tf IS rt-J~ ,.cf/e.l L.,., I G , :s' b~VN t,c:..p~ TO !:)E;. f:?vr>Nib'?O I &O o/~ oF 4, 1.-o re ~.l?P, fi'201'--1 ~ rvlP'fe.e.J;,.v 1-r---\a Sr""~ 1.2-11 c • .:., iv y::>1Z.0/10e. fvL-v ~F-GB--IA.l11T-hr-i ot,112-'(i:?-A-)£., '5ir'"f4bpld::=:> # i-- 1 1,--0i-J Sl1f2.V6S 1tJ 6~ f-"?t+~D .P'S 1:"\?'2 5Tt;J,.;:,1"'12~ ~ j L--1'-r---l'::'.!~~~ t'-'IPr--JVrv 5, -fle-e-8 S: rt-lv 5~,z.,ve:,s; <!. l 01-\.., P..-PN'f r l:'.'.L 2 co Sq fl' /"4"2.W. S'i~t?r.e..~"' 4- P····"'·/~t~rnN0 ~ \k.k.)-·::~·-,1'.-·--~ -I-.• : ~:<✓-_ .. _.-.-:·",; -. COSTA PALMAS (CT 89-38) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS A. SCOPE OF WORK The work to be dane inch,de$ the furnle,.hing of all labor, ,naterials, equip- ment and tran:sportation, both fore..,eable and unfore~le, in performing illll the work required to complete said work indicated on the"" drawing:< and specifications. Bac.kfill for all shrubs and trees shall consist of: (a) 1/3-nitroli:ed organic redwood soil conditioner (bl 2/ 3-native soil B. WORKMANSHIP The work of constructing an<l instilllling landscaping shall be <;_onducted in an efficient ~nd s.atisfactof"y m.af'lrr,er - (c) Pre-plant ferlili>er M. PLANTING C. PERMITS ANO NOTICES Contractor sh.II be responsible for obtaining any and .oll necessary budding permits and notices unless otherwise stated. D. LICENSES AND INSURANCE Contractor shall carry a necess.ry California State Contractor's Lic~n>-e. Contractor sh.all c.1rry .1111 r-..cessary compcnMllon and liability lnsur;i,nce to cover his workmen and work so ""' to protect O•ner froca any suits, liens, and damages. E. STORAGE OF MATERIALS All m.oterlals $h,oll be stored in a IOCilliOn agr ..ed upon ,., per Owner's instruc- tion& .1nd ..,_II be stored It> • ,n.an,,...-"° as not to obatruct v,y public rights of way. Contractor shaill bot ,.,sponslble for protection of all his equipment and material&. F. SITE INSPECTION Contr,.ctor $hall visit th,. site ;and ,i,h.-11 fam.ill;arbe hin1.,.lf with all existing conditions prior to final submission of bid. COf\trKtor sh.Ill also determine U>e .,.....n5 of transferring materla,ls to the job slta and "ny ott.r factor• which may pert.oin to said job. Site Conditions Exercise extreme c.are In excavating and wcu•king near existing utilities •t joot> · site. Contractor to coordir>at• with Ownoor ~II utility locations prior to any work. ContrKtor shall be responsible for any da""'ges to utllltles due to hh operations and/or neglect. G. WA TERI NC Owner shall t,., responsible for ,.upplylng "II n•cessary .,..,tar through tt.. existing dbtributkln system. Contractor must $Upply ;all necessary equip- ment to distribute wat•r. H. CHANGES AND EXTRAS Any changes ilnd/or O!Xlras from original ConlrKl ..,_II h.ove prior written approval by the Landscape Architect and/or Owner. I. SAFETY MEASURES Contractor. i;h;;ill provide ;all ._.rety measures sue.I', as >ign,., guards, lights, barricades, and other protective m~sures as -y b<t cequired. J. INTERPRETATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Should there b<t an error or dh.crepAncy In or be:w-n u,. plilns, spec,flc.-- tions and planting 11st. Contr,.ctor shall notify the Landscape Architect. Contr;,ctor la responslbl• for -rifylng all plant counts prior lo bid accept- ance, and shall notify L.andSGllpe Arc;hitact of Mid error(,.) .ond discrepan- cies. K. SITE PREPARATION 1. Existing soll sh.II be cf-red of all rod(, debris, and noxious mater1 .. 1s. l. Stockpile soil for Nrth _..nda shall t,,. pi.c.d in permanent location aind graded to· flnlah shap<t. 3. 1. 2. 3. If. s_ All plant material shall be true to name and subject to Inspection and approval by Owner. Substitution of any plant material "ubject lo approval by Owner and/or Landscape Architect 1Nle-Vr'11'1G C-11'( op C:,.,-~~.> bPD P-f'fKOVPL--, Contractor shall be responsible for all plant m.oterlal from delivery to the site to the written acceptance of contracted work. Container-grown plants shall be planted In plant pits two I l) times width of plant container .,nd one and one-half I 11) times depth of plant container. The plant crown lo be set slightly highar lo com- pensate for compaction. Prune plants as directed by Land,-cape Architect. 6., All plants to be watered immediately after lnstall•tion. 7. All planU to receive Agriform 11-gram tablet (20-10-5) at a rate of: (a) One per one-gallon, two per five-gallon. three per fifteen-gallon, three per foot of box tree width. ' (b) All rooted ground cover planU to receive I~~ 5-gram (10- 10-5) tablet per plant. B. Plant hormone shall be installed on all boxed plant material as per manufacturer's spe..:::ifk.ations~ 9. All trees up to · '2-4-'I ~t;::J windward side of tree. All tr.,.,s immediately after planting. size shall be st.oked. Set stakes on sh.Ill be guyed, staked or anchored 10. All shrubs and trees sh.II receive watering basin and mulch as per deta,ils. 11. All planting areas sh.II receive po•t planting fertilizer sixty (60) d"ys after planting operations, and shall be applied at ii rate per 111<1nufa<:- turer's specificalions. 12_ Plant quantities on the pl.,nt list are for Contractor'$ convenienc• only and not guaranteed to be accurate. 13. Plant •)(mbols take prECedence over quantities •~lfled. I 4, . f-!--!.,-t-JON -TJ 1:2. F ,"'l:ZE:'pS Srif"l--L--~ve-3' ..-~Of' o~ Ii::;. Mv\..?H N. PLANT MATERIAL GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENT ?>r1Si-"WS0"2 Sf~ ,t>a.e., e-,x~ All shrubs trees and ground cover instaolled shall be guaranteed by Contr..:- tor to mal,;tain healthy. vigorous growth and appearance for • minimum period of ninety ( 90) day a after wdtten acceptance of projec:t and/or final accept.once by Owner. All plaints found to la dead or In unhealthy state ,..,.11 be re- placed immediately. 0. MAINTENANCE 1. Maintenance• p.riod sh"II begin on tha first day .. fter .,11 planting In the profect Is complet•, checked, .,ccepted. and writt.tn approval froa Land- scape Architect and/or Owner la given to begin the nWlintenanat p<trlod. and sh.II continue for no less than sixty [ 60) daiys (continuous days). (a) Mainte,-.,.nce shall consist of watering, weeding, earing for plants, edging, mowing and cleain-up. -(bl The proje<:t st,.,11 be kept In • neat. presantable "PP"-"'"~ at alt times. All ground co..,.,, are .. a sh.all recel-the following a,-nd-nta whk:h SNIII be thoroughly mixed into top t,• of ,oil. />f'-'Ei\.JbMW['S P5 f:,f'Z ;;t?il,_5 ~ •• (;,) Nitrolized Organic Redwood Soil Conditioner (bl GypM.1■ Cc) (d) Ory Commer.::iaf "Wat.I" in• Pr .. -plant Fertlllz.,.. All grOUMI eov-er an,a• shall r,ocal,.. -.d control tr•1->I conslatlng al EC Surfl.an rated as ~ mar,ufKturer'• ..,...:iflatlons. All lawn a,...s >hall r--=-1._. the following .. ....,,d-nt1 which shall t>. thoroughly mixed Into lQP t,• ol soil. f"t-1~~~ P',, f'l:':;Z.. ~OIL,S, [;2.e.~ (b) (cl Nltrolbed Organic Redwood Soll Conditioner Pre-pl.1nt Fertllizar (d) Dry Commercial "Water In" s-d Application at Rat.t of Stolon Applicatloo "'' R•t• of Sod L<lwn to 1,- :zo11:-s IDT f-t-l,:::, :;::, o ik JE:S'Jjt:Jb ~y S.\-1.Pw f?i;::-lj:-p~Go &t Cit::( All lawn ;areas snall i,. pre-mol5tanad to a depth of a• lla!Mdlately orior IQ .,ny planting. All ,..,.wly-sodded, seeded. •nd stoloni•ed areas shall ti.. p,-ot<a<:ted frOM tr•ffk y,/ A Llu.+-t 41l~!S'~ ~ I LL- TREE STAKING DETAIL F SHRUB PLANTING ~"" f\,--L, f:-N t:i--lb::::N ~ 5 J:?p,:::,~I u....-1 ~\ L-\-Z.f>-11 ON SrV'>L,L-,e.B-p~ $91t.--S ~o~ ~ l'"f'f~Lo 7011...> p&et,.k...-1 /'{.-\..-p.--rN1T M & rt-J l? I ,:ZJe.. I & r 1 1 o N "?f-ff"vv ?<?Nrc?i"-1'1 TO W8-c.1-,y 'r° ~B,.,-t? VPN i:;:.:>5C,,Af?\9.'.. M r-N i.J f"'L--P"NL.:.:J G,~~6 \..-- -$~ pk::r··l7 or--!<; f0'2-~l"'i--hl t-1& ffll? ir<-KI <2>,P-TI or-l IN,;.T ,-6L,vr<fl ON IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS A. SCOPc OF WORK Work included in tkse spe<:iflcatlon5 $hall include turmshing of all mater- ials, equipment. appliances, labor and permits for the Installation and con- struction of .on irrigation sy,tem "' shown on tt;., pla,na. B. INSTALLATION }. AH line~, v.-,lve5, ~nd spr-inkJe:r heads. :s.hown on plans are dlag.-~mm.atic ,.nd .are to be located In planter a,.,.,, where po»ible. 2. All "'orkm..nship ,md materials shall conform to local building and plumb- ing <:odea. 3. Trenche,. for piping $hall be straight with bollon1 and uniform In grade. (;a) Mainline ,.h;,ll h;ave minimum earth co.,,er of 18". (bl uterals shall have minimum earth <:over of ii.'1, ~-Backfill of all trenche" shall be r.-... of rocks ,1nd foreign materials. Backflll to be uniformly placed, t.omped and finish-graded to final grade,.. 5. All PVC pipe to be lns\alled as per mamufacturer's instructions. 6. All lawn pop-up heads to be Installed flush with finished grade. 7. All shrub heads to be installed 11,• above grade and set a minimum of q• .. ay from ;odj,.cent paving _and/or structure5. 8. All Impact heada to be reinforced with l/8• diameter reinforcing steel 1'nd ,secured with galvanl2ed win,. No. 3 re-bilr sh.II be a minimum of II" In length. 9. All electric remota control valves shall be grouped and Installed Jn I .-neter lo'iillve boxes. V•lve boxea to be installed with top of box level with finish grade. M.Pl<-1 t->1VN ~ :.z vpwG-.5 ~""? 1,!,,:,x_ l-_ ~FW ,.i 1<>eV1 w 1 10. ;:a:,,J ~ fii.t,;(Vlt& v to b<i install.,d as per manufacturer's speci- fi(Sltions P+l c:.:> r~ c:::>e:f P-1 ...-• C. TESTING I. All Irrigation llne:s lo be flushed prior to placement of sprinkler heads. l. COAtractoo' $h.tll be resAQnsible for le;ok-proof system and shall repair •ny visible 1.,.ka. t-'1/""IN\.-IN!:;; T'7 e,e. p);2..E>5_$tJi<'.Z,-rt»71!:0.:1, I 2.'::> P>I ~~tJ.,,;. ~ ~----' ~-re,v,.ov..,ios e,,,-;:,:; ""'" C Tfr'i """"J _, _______ _,__. __ ___, ~u"-o'--=~"""- { -e:r:i-I"!-' "' i,<;, P,-1 Jf''"--:::J-----------'--f-+-----l ~-V~Y6',> --------\---------' t-----, ~ ... S\Sl2,.s ~-pi,-11!,H -e.- e GEARED SHRUB ROTOR ----lie-. :Z, f;;:.jt..ticH lt:crt:lli/ Zt:f, Mf $ :i(:~ 80 1 /2" X J/4• lHO REDUCER BUSHJSG (US[ w,JH 1/r lHO RlS!:R ONLY) lf ::, )2..t,; 13 ,.,..z. s'1M-e--' .l!nl:,dlz, ?\ffl n--;.;c:, V GVf'P'~i FINISH GRADE-Jicddlru~ i--J-30 1/2' OR J/4' PVC RISER ~,:/ (U:NGlH -"S REQUIRED) PVC TEE 0/-t 4-0 PVC LATERAL LINE o:?,;L. Cl,P$s 3 I:', pee. 1/ .z_ 11 f'VG M/'-1--E> ~p,pro...., ~v \--o ?, ; ~~T~ttc;~c_Pf ~1~,.'1'::i~~1~~~t'fiJ;,~ A~Y~~E STREAM ROTOR SPRAY HEAD Tl I ~ 1-'V-rn= V/>-l.-Vle> =>< W/""""'9"" I e,:1,. =f!"-1 "'-'-?-L-v,,o.- 1 ,,.,,.,__ "'0'>-1--=r-- ---1 fi;,p.u... VALV=- k!--.....,-,...,,.~,4---19.D' =L..--I'"¥--"-"'.t--11 Ao l"'·~~Vt:eL. 9-:? ....,,.......____,....---'- I "'""'-'-""11:=Ll.--w1=-- J j~~~~ 1"'-----..-~="-;;:o.,-,~ I II"",__. --,x;, i-Jl191"'-.... -'-----------j_---.......l--~W-.µ-,,LlrJ"'--I 1.-ii-lt=- ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE y__~----_-_-_-_ --lj&Jt:f-'-UVpl-U-\,1•V.$-- --,.,,1;;....;c;~y..;;;,.. -f'INl,S.H "1-=-- i r ct = . , ................ ___ _ -:51 .:_t·-l :-<.,_ ··.,,..; ~-----l«j1 bO p,tt.-r-J,if'l-'ee>- // _ ___,, x+-i ,jo pv& i-= BJ.-1, GUICK COUPLER VALVE fr:,~ 3 Hoi--lie.S. MIN, ~~ ~1w..11'-l& ( o5~ ei-r.::::rry1r-iy~0!o;i:.) 0. SPRAY ADJUSTMENTS p.~E;Tf.:'S1'TO E!!;;: Nf'l?G TO I r-l,:1,11£9 r~~ ~---➔:c+h-"f'JP-> "c.2-~1' _ pt--11w4=e.- .-J f""P-"f"' He-t>-o Contractor sNll adiust all sprinkler heilds as to minimlte overspray onto walks, paving, •nd building •tructures. E. GUARANTEES I. AU m.at<1rials and inst.illatlon of work sh.Ill be guilr;anteed to be free of problenos -,,d shall be operable for a period of one ( t) y.,,.r from the dat.t of acceptance. f"t-1..---~11 t, p I r"B Srl/"l.-v 15ef">R.. Tt+B-f!-1-i-,-C\AI 1N G M f>!2+-j NG5 : M rt, u p~--ru i2-P~,; t-Jh-1 e I rl-ot--11 rJ P-1..--p Ire s1 ze-1 ~t-r!G:k::::W i..-t& ?'1,-2---a,p-;~1 T'(fl;; c?f' H,t:,.~t,.-.t.-: f~...,C..,-UILB ie,,=,-'Tlr-Ls-1rJ r 5 I 1 ['-J SF s ~ Cf=' ~v P. L-1 pNI.Q ~ Pfc;. ?I"'~,; I or-/ ::z .pt2.e;:;: s Uk'.£.-.,;IJff' ~ 1...-1 N 1:::-<; I 11;..!1 Ab SM~ T?) B ~ o/Oi 4.0 l"Vv, Z:1 L--11--l.e:.5 ?f-.ll::) v~ TO BlS. Cl.-P-SS 31.;; .iO~ H~ pvc.--, NON pr2-8--S:5l,11£e, 1----iN!=::5 1 o BS ~s "1c:ofVv /"t--l;a ¼--t-1--4-6 f-'1VC.. fok 1/;z . .." :;,\2.B-, :3. ,"1,-1...--" p1r)t--l&s TO BB-o/&H-4-0 pv,:;, A-it? I t-1-J e,::,.7TC1"--) No~ op-;:,--.\. I Np.z.ovB.::? PVu ATflr-l& UM(OUNb. 77-+~ ,CL--PS"17l--f'tTT1fibS-1fl BB-1tt-J~1T04 Mt?wia:?- 4-, PvL--0H V[,\_.,T~E:; N112JNG -ro PE-Hore ~vv~ TO Be::. tJ 1 ~i -13u l.z.l?v N & -up 1'tfBi s 12Bo ~~ N & -"Pi, ·7 f't--1':>H' ""r=~ -+---~-----1 f'"""' ~-!3:J F'"~ !'-', M2. l--r,c';>'---~----+r'"-' ;::,v-1,,-4,1 -6:1° An~Y .,',?f1 A-0 PJ&, ';I ,~f'S5-U,OfVC.. v~ '-"NJ=-"5 SHRUB 5::.H SO f\l:::.., L.JN U r--i ~ tfO l~i [::"f\__,-C, ( HEAD DETAIL _J;, To N rt-l w p-r-0'")1 1w ew 1 s s,ioi:=:v1A~I or!s, M1~ 51 z..-e 14C?rLl~, 5. e-ot-1r--J~V1101--J~ fo e,Go em+~ eic,@'--(-S~ p~ 7"--(f~ c.¥2-Pi=::-N t-J l---i ~ .:oi--1 r--1 B::..--T o\Q..S:, v, &f<-0..I N l'.:I WI ~ 5 4rt,f'U_.., F->8:--Ht+ rw I N. {.(JI-Of<-, ~ L-W I µes To re-e,~,..~-rf2-0VJoe Mitt er 1:i-11 ~><fr'NS1t:N ~ 11' ~ v ;,vve-.,-. 1 N $f pt,.L, c:::: o Ni~ l---V-11 12& s ,r"l-11o 1 ~ &P-n oN p>1p!'.S ltit:-oMt-'lt>N 1¥2--0[\.k:.-H 1 N11✓ ?o-.,,'E<:...Z... op le>'~ Hi12.JH-0 '.q--t?l.-l/ BIS Tr'fl=:'-1::? Tt'G,~~ t"'fi~,c.i,.,,,; Of \2, f€:Gl', 7, HM~ 1 Nt?it.A1 eo ~ k'.?~1 ri6. us~ ~ B~t-Ss -9c:.,¼.e,\l-l 80 ~ p~ c.t.>r-+ f0~1"r---lS 1o .p60e-fr"i..-- -0P~ p:i ~f""""fi ON S ff" v-1 H -P-4& 0 , Fl,-v f ITTI ~ & S" T,::::, P,,~ ~ Bl:2P-5S P\..,:;:.o, ',I 'H AP PRO \1ED ?OR PL),\Tl\G ),ND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOC ;\TIO N OF PLAi\irfING AREAS. ·---\--------r-------------l---L________ JAMES A. IVERSEN & ASSOC. 1415 MACKINNON AVE. CARCIFF, CALIFORNIA 92007 -~-~I _____ ------------~----------1------l-----'--,--- 1 ( 619 l 94 2-1742 <ANCSCAPO .,.,,.,..,,n,c-,. ""~ :;_,/,. _..,.--·____.,.. I I ! HEAD DETAIL -zi 112.JOGI O ST1':eL-,. ~ T!TI.[ ________ _ REvIE',[D 5Y, COSTA PALMAS (CT 89-38) f;;;z{:;ZS ~ . ,-_- ~ .--s '.,_