HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 337-5L; PIP 94-01; INNOVATIVE TIME; 01-08GENERAL IIOTES R!CLAIHED WATER ■OTES l. All work ahall be done in accordance with the Carlsbad Municipal Wa~r Districts "Carlsbad Reclamation Rules & Regulations for construct~on of reclaimed Water Ma~ns" dated 0ct61;>.:-r 1993. 2. All public facilities such aa co ■fort stations, drlnkln~ fountains, etc. shall be protected from spray by reclal~ed water. 3. No ponding, run-off or over-spray is permitted. 4. Hose bibs are strictly i)ruhibited. S. On-site cross-connections between reclaimed water lines and potable water lines is strictly prohibited. o. No substitution of pipes materials will be allowed without prior approval of the City of Carlabad Municipal Water District. 7. All on-site pipes allall have warning tape i'er Carlsbad Municipal Water District#s Rules and Regulations. /8. The irrigation systems sllall run between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and E,:00 a.a. Toe following morning (spot irrigation could be done at a different time) with qualified supervision personnel on a i te. 9. Provide 11 ■ini,.um of at least 18 inches of cover over all wlrin, and piping. 10. Private lots shall be protected from contact from reclaimed water, whether by windblown spray or by direct avplication, through irrigation or other approved use. Lack of protection, whether by desii.n, construction practice or ayste ■ operation, ls strictly prohibited. 11. Contractor shall adjust heads to prevent over-spraying on all aidewalka, 1treets and private lots. 12. Quick coupling valves shall have a 1peclal couple key per Carlsbad ~unicipal Water District's Rules and Regulationa. 13. heters snall De sized bf the City of Carlsbad Municipal Watar District. 14. All irrigation pipe shall be ateuciled, color-cuded (purvle) and laid with warniu~ tave per tile City of Carlsbad Hunicival Water District&'~ Rule~ and 1e~uiat1ons. 15. • All potable water aud reclah1ed water installed with the stenciling oriented toward trencn. piping sllall the top of be the 16. ~hen a potable water line and reclaimed water line cross, the reclaiwed line shall be installed witnin a protective sleeve. The sleeve shall extend 10 feet frum each side, from tile center line of potable line, fur a total of 20 feet. 17. A 10 foot horizontal separation between potable .water and reclai~ed water mains must be aaintained at all tiwes. The potable line wust be installed above the reclaimed line. 18. A 11inimum of 12 inch"• of vertical sea>aration between utilities muat oe maintained at all times. -t" 19. D,veloper/contractur •hall conduct a cross-connectiOll teat and covera~e teat as directed by the Carlsbad Uunicii>al Water District Engineer and/or the San Diego County Departmeot of kealth Services prior to any use of reclaiQed water. 20. Quick•COUiJlin~ valves used lu reclaimed water systems shall conform to the following: A. Quick-coupling valves ihall be l inch aominal size nelson #7645 with brasa construction and a normal working pressure of 150 P.S.I. or Rainblrd #44 NP. B. Iu order to prevent unauthorized use, the valve shall be operated only with a svecial coupler ket with an acme thread for opening and closing tbe valve. C. The cover shall be permanently attached to the quick- coupling valve. It snall be purple rubber or vinyl. D. Locking covers!.!.! required. 21. An anuual cross connection inspection will be done by ~itber Carlsbad Municipal Watar District or San Diego County Devattment of Health Services. Copies of inspection reports will be forwarded to the non-inspecting party. * 22. Developer shall show the location of R.C. signs "Do Not Drink" un the plans. .:lft" 23. An on-site user/sui>ervisor shall be designated in writini1. ' This individual shall be familiar with i>lu~blng systems within the 1 ,>ro.,ertt, with the basic coucepts uf backflow/crosa-connection protect iun, and the Si)eC l f ic requirements uf a reclr.ililed water SfSt""'• Copil!■ of the designation, with contact pllune numbers shall be ;,rovided to the San Diego County DepartQent of Heal tb Services and Carlsbad Municipal Water uistrict. 24. Show all i>Otable water lines on the plan. lo case of emergency contact INNOVATIVE TIME-MICKE NOVAK (619)438-0595 or after hour• contact MICKE NOVAK @ (619)438-0595 * Ite~s No.'s 8, 19, & 23 snall be required just prior to tne actual use of reclaimed water. ~ Itea No. 22: The signage plan shall be a i>art of this 1.P. but the actual signs and tags will be installed just prior to actual use of a..c. water. -FUTURE RECLAIMED WATER SY.STEM (PRIVATE) SIGNAGE NOTES; EDISON PLACE, CARLSBAD: The following guidelines for the use of reclaimed water are to be permanently pos tealh.Si<I:: the" door .ofca::h .::,,r,troller w.-iere ~ are ~i!~ V~1/;,~. c;;l•r= purple background wl th black lettering~ f'l.-::e on f)'l-z,~ 11 siza:1 Sl~r'l, A. Guidelines for Reclaimed Water Use 1. Irrigate between the ilours of 10:00 p.m. and ~:00 a.m. only. Watering outside this time frame must be done wanuallJ with qualified supervisory personnel on-site. No system shall at any time be left unattended during use outside the normal schedule. 2. Irrigate-in a manner tllat will minimize run-off, pooling, and ponding. Tha •~plication rate shall not exceed the infiltration rate of tne soil. Timers ■ust be adjusted so as to be compatible witil tile lowest soil infiltration rate present. This procedure may be facilitated by the efficient scheduling of the automatic control clocks (i.e. ~•ploying the rei>eat function to break up the total irrigation time into cycles that will ~romote maximum soil absorption). 3. Adjust spray heads to eliwinate overspray the control of the customer. For exam~l•, patios and lots, and streets and sidewalks. onto areas not under pool decks, private ,i • Monitor and failure. Broken repaired as soon maintain the system to minimize equipment and materi&l sprinkler heads, leaks, unreliable valves etc. should be as they become'apparent. 5. Educate all maintenance personnel on a continuous basis of the presence of reclaimed water. Personnel must be informed that reclaimed water is meant for irrigation purposes only, and is not .approve for drinking purposes, hand, tool, washing, stc. Given the high turn.:iver rate of employees in tne landscape industry, it la important tbat this information be disseminated on an almost dally basis. It la you, tile landscape contractor, who ls responsible for educating each aud ever, one of your eaployees. 6. Obtain prior approval of ell pro;,osed changes and 11odlficatlo11a to any private on•aite facilities. Such changes must be submitted. to, ,and approved bt, the District Engineering Office and designed in accordance with distract standards. 7. All reclaimed water sprinkler control valves shall be tagged with identification tags. a. Tags ■hall be weatherproof plastic, 3"x 4", purple in color with the words "WARNING: RECLAIMED WAlER. 00 NOT DRINK" imprinted on une side,~ 1'/'.VISO AGUA IHPURA -NO TOHAR" on tne other side. Iaprint1ng shall be permanent and black in color. Use tags as manufactured by T. Cllristy Enterprises or approved equal. b. One tag ahell be attached to each valve as follois: l. attach to valve stew directly or with plastic tie-wrav or 2. attach tosolenold wire directly or with plastic tie-wrap or 3. attach tovalve cover with existing valve cover bolt 8. All 1prinkler heads shall be identified as reclalaed water apri·nkler heads. 11. Each automatic controller and its assoclat~d equipment shall be identified with a Bign bearing the words "Reclaimed ~ater Used for Irrigation" in English and Spanish, with black letter 1• high on a purple background. The sign shall be placed so that it can ba readily seen by any operations personnel utilizing tile equip- ■eut. DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I nereby declare that I am La ad scape Architect of work for this project,that I have exercised responsible charge ov~r the design of this project as defined in section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code and that the design is consistent with current standard a·. I understand that the check of project drawings and specifications by the City of Carlsbad and the San Diego County Department of Health Services la confined to a review only and does not relieve ■e, as Landscape Architect, of work,· of my responsibilities for '· project design. FIRM ~AMES & ADDRESS: HARDI£ HARWOOD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 4011 Chippewa Court San Diego, CA 92117 Phone No. (619) 272-6669 Registration No. CA 2602 Expiration Date: v/";i:J/"14 ITEL VICINITY MAP INSPECTION PlOCEDURES 1. 2 • 3 • CITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A. Location of pipe lines B. Trencll depth C. Required separation (horizontally and vertically) D. Pipe identification E. Points-of-connection (poc'a) F. Location and identification of sprinkler heads G. Warning signs at the site and on the trucks hauling reclaimed water (if reclaimed water ia used for cons true tlon) An approval letter regarding the inspection of the project shall be obtained from tne city and district, and be forwarded to the County Health Department prior to final inspection avproval DISTRICT FINAL INSPECllON SHALL INCLUDE; A. Coverage test, after completion of the sprinkler system, to determine tile adequacy of coverage on the avproved use area and protection of areas not approved for receiving reclalmea water B. Warning signs and labels C. Quick coupling valves D. All aapecta of the irrigation conditions including windblown sp~ay, runoff, and ponding E. Required protection of all residential areas F. Required protection of well, streams, reservoirs, etc. G. Cross-connection ANNUAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A complete inspection which should cov~r Part A1 f.Al'-T e '7 ~"f--i G, of the district final inspection. ATIO IBl!ll!lT TITLI IIIU DUD CM W D TITLE SHEET l PLANTING PLAN, PLANTING NOTES 2 IRRIGATION PLAN, IRRIGATION LEGEND ~ PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 4 PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS S PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS, IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 6 IRRIGATION SPECS, PLANTING DETAILS, GENERAL NOTES 7 IRRIGATION DETAILS, IRRIGATION NOTES 8 1D1 N'T Dl'-INl<-1 ~,:;t'< •' D~ i'i"f" ~Nk' \ G,1~N NO EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE 000\NQOOO EXISTING POTABLE WATER SYST!X ' (EXISTING 'L II WATER SERVICE) SITE PLAN --1<,_(' --PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER SYST!X ~"~"':"""i1i1 AREA 01' RECLAIMED WATER USE L-~.'....:L:2.:J (SHOWN SHADED) 111 ='70'· c,li r,ofTH- o CONNECTION POINTS '<.eCl..('IV!r;D 1,-{if'"'"ejO(. l!(l.E /"!'<,Bl'< ± [4 4-oC' s.f 1i'T-"'l., ppo !.,Cr.£ t,c~ss .s11=, ~;~, {Sl:f& CJVIL..) ,__· f;i.-fcj<:.. LOGO rf1 METER iJ BACKFLOW PREVENTER = DO NOT DRINK SIGNS r flff'Le BACKGROUND r-1~ 5(,-A:;1', LETTERS • 36" "'r.-------'---.;.._-~N.t.s. ·r WARN!NG RECVJMEO WATER DONOTORINK WARNING RECLAIMED WATER DO NOT DRINK RECLAIMED WATER AVISO • AGUA IMPURA NOTOMAR 1, ..,. • Cl) ... -.., e (S!2.f:) 12" X 36" .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS M..5O •• 016 ALUMINUM 1 • ~!'Ci<--LETTERS 2" 'f:JL!CK LETTERS TYPICAL SIGNS ..,. lo IL -s REYIEVED BY• INSPECTOR AVIS/J • AGJA IMPURA NOTOMAA 1a• X 18" SI.ZS ,018 ALUMINUM, .060 ASS PI.ASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYi. SIGNS. DATE ..-----------------LlJ[Cik\~JN£AJ:_~BAP ,~ ,Afff".OVB-D -----· LE_j r--------"------,--------------------,,Revisior.s m~s: J?e appr~ved'by Public P.ea:_:ME_ncineer, City Engineer t. Q,s~r, t £n meerpr,or ~o 1mp!ementa~1on inliPIC:. ,; ~ ...... ,~----RECLAIMED WATER YSTEM FOR: .~~!~JG FL.11--J Cf1CC~~ INNOVATIVE TIME HEATHER HARDIE HARWOOD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 4011 CHIPPEWA CT. SAN DIEGO. CA 92117 (619) 272-6669 FAX (619) 272-6353 CALFOANll\'2602 CARLSBAD MUNICIPA~ WATER DISTRICT 808 COATGS, DISTRICT E,~G111,f:ER R.C.~. 1,J928 CATE OISTRICT APPROVED C~M<GES OE,' Rlf'l:ON \PPROVF.0 DA TE t-+-------------+----lr-- DEVELOPERS NAY~ INNOVATIVE TIME-5858 IS LACE CARLSBAD A'.JDRESS: _ 6054 CORTE DE CEDRO-APPR CARLSBAD.CA 92009-1514_ ,,;:·_<;: ~:~ONE 438-0595_ ::>ATE ?l.Ai\ ?R:C:?,;R~) ~H l'l449y-~ SHEET OF OWN BY: CHKO BY: __ _ RV\.ID BY• PROJECT NO. ~flf' 14-ol _SHEETS SDP CMWD N.,. "14-c411 <i.J_~ (],_ I t t,.ry f'V f's.: l.,,A si l-- oAT GM.ss C tJ f'--.,A i-~ ~ F NV ' Vl6: A :r--&e f l'r-t-1 :vy , £:;;,· , . /'C" s--: l ---,.J+'----,--+-A....:.r---ec,_.;_'f'-.'2:>_.:...;..I r<----:uJv4:...._·...:..fZ-_oM:...._,_'_A!'0-=·u....:.6fF __ _,_i _A._N u....:........i,,-------/~:>-f++--HH~i-+--...:.::::::::-.~--~--------,-,-~~ %11 8'~/ cpue:eN J>r,t,,Jv1 _ __ ____ ,_ ~ ~ ±10' p,-r-ti AW\IL---Ff,,:lYI Vis-ff\ 1!<..!SB F.A'.'!Vf r L'.~'1,. --·- Gf,ADs:::::, -::C)I\/AL.,B 1 TYP1r1-;.i__ (M1N. 2.e.%) : 11 :z_ -J-f-1 '8"X 4 10 G,A.l.-- ( Js ,,:r:-i;:rfJ ~ I ' . ' ' I ' . , ! i 1 i; I CAL.--i Pt f,NJ A 5{ c::.~ f JV) v"-e, I I I I / / I/ I; I i ; : / ', i I_ I ii,, '1!--j.,j ' AVA I 1.-f',~~ ffJM' Vl5TA wee r-""!f:M ' t • ( 1y I ' ' -~ I / )/" "'\ , _,.-·, . ------~ \ G.I'--\.,.. . ,,..., .. , .--' -------, V"'-\ ,, ,0,_ '~r~ <J.fl ' I --\_, ,, ,--·-~--., ) / """-,,_ \ ( ) ) 0 R.. i \ PLANTING NOTES 1. This plan is diagrammatic and shall be used as a guide· for setting out plants. 2. Plant materials shall conform to nurseryman's standards for size and health. All plants are subject to rejection by the landscape architect if substandard in size or quality or health. 3. Provide waterproof species identification tags on one plant per species per grouping. 4. Plant counts are for the convenience of the contractor only. Contractor is responsible for all plants shown on the plan. 5. Irrigation system shall be fully operational and all planting areas thoroughly soaked prior to planting. 6. Landscape contractor shall maintain a 2% minimum drainage away buildings. Finish grades to be smoothed to prevent puddling or water. contractor shall coordinate with other trades to maintain during construction. from all standing drainage 7. Except as noted, the landscape contractor shall remove all existing vegetation, trash, clippings, rock and other debris in planting areas. Rake and fine grade all planting areas prior to commencement of planting. 8. Planting pits shall be per details and specifications. 9. Planting pits and planters shall be backfilled with existing site soil and 1/4 (by volume) nitrified topsoil mix (per manual -backfill per soil test) . 10. Trees and shrubs shall be fertilized at time of planting with 21g •agriform' tablets at the following rates: lgal ........... 1 Tblt 15gal ........•... 5 Tblt sgal ........... 3 Tblt 24"box .....•...... 8 Tblt 36"box .......... 10 Tblt 48"box ........... 12 Tblt ••...._ 11. Stake 2" caliper and smaller trees. Guying · is required on larger ...-trees. Contractor shall be responsible for tree stability during the length -'1 y "-~ " ) -) ', 1/ y \ . . . / / ~ ( t ) // ~ ~) ~ '"V'---_ ✓ / / / \ . { 0, \ / 'r-7 )\"" ____,/y ~ /}/ / \ / --/ (_)f-/ / / _/ , / B / / • • / / / / / / _{<J 0 / / / ,,0 . ;1...:,-,;:; t> ,.,, -~ , .. . ~-:-~ .~·~;:; ~--==-=---·. ,\ • / ./ . of the guarantee period, 12. Verify tree pit drainage with 24 hour water fill test prior to planting. All trees not draining are to have a 4" diameter auger hole drilled through any hardpan or compacted earth and filled with gravel. 13. All planting areas shall be prepared by applying the following amendments to the soil and tilling into the top 6" of soil [for bid use only- all soil amendments to be per city approved soils report only): 3 cu.Yds./1000 sf nitrified wood shavings 100 lbs/1000 sf agricultural gypsum 25 lbs/1000 sf 12-12-12 fertilizer contractor to submit test results of chemical and agricultural analysis / recommend amending for approval. 14. Post planting fertilization shall be performed by contractor at 30 days after planting. 15. Shrubs and trees shall be underplanted with groundcover as shown by the adjacent groundcover symbol. 16. Groundcover shall be planted using triangular spacing. 17. Landscape contractor shall maintain all plantings per landscape specifications. All areas shall be kept clean, watered and weed free. All dead or dying plants shall be replaced during the maintenance period. 18. Contractor shall guarantee plant longevity per specifications. 19. All landscaping to be installed per City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. 20. Jute mesh shall be required when planting on slope area between August 15 and April 15on slopes 6:1 and steeper. 21. Slope planting to be per City Standards, Sec. IV, E.3 of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. Contractor shall provide additional slope planting as required by the City Inspector. 22. All planting areas except areas 3:1 or steeper or turf areas, shall have a ~n thick layer of organic shredded bark mulch. 23. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash and debris. Eq.'ISf!NG )(YL,OS[,'IA ..5!'.◊1;\"< ~~.:;.._~./ L./....,,.e;;_ ________ +----,','---u,--~;.,_---'-•;-,:8:-:r.---'-"-----'----- / / . _, 24. Prior to final occupancy, a letter from a California licensed landscape architect shall be submitted to the Planning Director certifying that all landscaping has been installed as shown on the approved landscape plans. 25. All herbicides shall be applied by applicators licensed by the State of California. / --, ',,\ £3.'---, \. / •~_..- / • • // /1/ • • • . • HEATHER ...----____;·;.__ ______ --r-__________ -, APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 11 AS BUILT" TITLE _______ _ REVIEVED BY< INSPECTOR DATE DATE l-----+--+--------------+--t--t---------1--. I S~EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ~=£,-==-'==:=:P:::L:::AN:::N:::l:::N:::G::;;:DE:;P::;A;::R=T=M=E=N=T===.'.::L_L_j==~ 1------+--+--------------t---+--t------t----i I PLANTING PLAN FOR: INNOVATIVE TIME !5 ' ~ 0 : l½iN f?'\t'-t<-, ~'---,r----1-,-_.;....f'_;__f-.1\l_!D_E:----'j--T....:._Ff'S __ ----'-r_-fZfC_":'_-_E,-flrc_,_Lf I BY v1c"(?'ft 5rt,i--:L.£Y ['1o[0L,-;: :-i+ HARDIE HARWOOD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 5858 ,j,"TnSON ~ACE. CARLSBAD I w; Ds-'2,f 1..,1 o cJt,,of-, Ei..fC h -...-----··-----p I I j ~ 4011 CHIPPEWA Cl SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 (619) 272-¢669 FAX (619) 272-6353 CALIFORNIA '2002 INDIANA •ARL 8820 DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPR□V AL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: __ ,_ CHKD BY: __ _ RVVD BY• I PROJECT NO. PIP '94-til I DRAWING NO. 0?1-Sl.- : I 1 1 I I I I _I / }I I II ?Ji/ I,( 11 I \ . I \ \,. t;,' II \ 7' / I \ I / \ ~ \ ?,1 t/ \ ' ' ------ -1d1 ~ . ~ 1;. ,, II -~~ 'y I Pf/'--.__ ~ ..... , • ,-.. I • I I Ir;} J \ I I~. I ?11,l I ~ I '-......._ __ ...::_'-~~;......;~=---~--__/ 1/ -- • • • • ·, ' ' 1 , I 1''' ' I ~ , ' .·/ \ \ / ,/ ' / \ ,, ' .~· ' . ' , l ' / ,// ' / '/ ,7 / y /' ' 1/ • • • • ' I d ,, 'J';,JJ"fl If, 1c.l' ,,._.77'.-.. / 1/ // / V1- . ,I I / • ., ,\I .· • -:,h/ 1/ . / •• • • I / / I I I· • • / HEATHER HARDIE HARWOOD I / LANDSCAPE •• •• IRRIGATION LEGEND Note: Existing irrigation system on slope to remain. Upgrade areas of existing system only as necessary to City standards. Verify point of connection andJ,ffir.:;ik to City standards as Yl&:eS&:lf'j, SYMBOL HANUF. MODEL# DESCRIPTION NOZZLE PSI GPM RAD PATTERN ------------------------------------------------------------------~----- V HUNTER V T S-TYPE PS-04 S-TYPE PS-04 • C RAINBIRD 1806 • TORO 514-20 ~ HARDIE P..W 700 NELSON WILKENS FEBCO WILKENS 7645 850T 825Y YSBR 6" Pop-up head (adjust radius as required) 6" Pop-up head (adjust radius as required) 10-A-R 10-A-R 10-A-R 15-A-R 15-A-R 15-A-R 25 25 25 25 25 25 0.4 10 1 QUARTER 0.8 10 1 HALF 1.6 10' FULL 0.9 15 1 QUARTER 1.6 15 1 HALF 3.4 15' FULL 4" Pop-up spray 15 EST 30 .61 4x15 END STR 15 CST 30 1.2 4X30 CNTR STR 611 POP-UP HEAD 360 2 0 2 • 0 0 FLJXXEUBBLER ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVES (size per plan) -QUICK COUPLER -3/4" with purple locking cover BALL VALVE (line size) REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER ] 'rz_'I (install per City of Carlsbad standards- concealed from street view in shrub bed) WYE STRAINER -1 1/2" / ~ ( install as integral part of backflow assembly) / / I / I / / / I • ■ I / / I I I I I / / • • / ...._ / I I ~ / / / / / "'- I I • • HUNTER R-TYPE PR-04 4" POP-UP'HEAD (adjust radius as required) Q-28-V H-28-V F-28-V X-24-V 40 40 40 40 1.2 2.5 4.7 2. 9 26 1 26 1 26' 26 1 QUARTER HALF FULL 195 '=3 IRRITROL MC-Plus 8 station controller with built in moisture sensor -Rain Guard by Water Conservation systems, Inc. (phone#: (714) 621-5805) automatic rain shut off. Hook into controller and install in open unobstructed location (roof, eave, etc.). Provide electrical service (117 vac, lamp lOOva -verify) dedicated for irrigation controller only see plan for controller location. Provide Le Meur controller enclosure. Controller shall be programed to run between the hours of 2am and 5am. ALERT LINE PVC PIPE PIPE SIZE SCHEDULE OR CLASS LATERAL 1/2" CL. 315 ·, 3/4"-3" CL. 200 ----PRESSURE 1/2"-1 1/2" SCH. 40 2"-3" CL. 315 ~~ -~-:::::: SLEEVING (2x line size) SCH. 40 control wires to be in schedule 40 sleeves, minimum paved areas (walks, patios, etc,) 18" MIN. COVER 12 II 12" 18" 18" 1B"/30"@drive below grade under Control wires to be in schedule 80 sleeves, minimum 30" below grade under drives. Mark sleeves at each end during installation with a spot on back of curb or similar, Install metallic-backed locating tape along entire length of sleeves-typical, 12 11 directly above the sleeve. Tape shall be marked "Reclaimed Water" throughout (per CMWD specs). All sleeving for contro_l. wires to be 1 1/2" diameter. '· - SYMBOL LEGEND / REMOTE CONTROL VALVE SIZE \ .-1---GALLONS PER MINUTE IFf-!GlqlcN SfSTT?t/ 3f1AL,t,., vnL-tz,e ~~STATION SEQUENCE ' -~= f-BCL-Ai rvre.o iv~ j/\iAte:.f--Ncrre. f-· .'Q ~. ~IM e:v 11" 1 ,:,N 0t;eq t . 0 Al"-(;" · ."14 '2-4.:,. H . A ,ti, l"i.Bl. 1ci+ 11f'½; filU ... -r" . " . ARCHITECT APPROVED FOR PLANTING 11 AS BUILT'' ~M-~ AND IRRIGATION ONLY, ,zt; ;\\x'"::;i ''lf- INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE l,ANt;gmrJ;;' Af;Cft ½f'.~ DATE ""'"'. q.7,0, ""I~ LOCATION OF PLANTING REVJEI,/~ AREAS. L. fiU, /11:_ INSPECTOR JilTE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD 1s;Ts I ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT IRRIGATION PLAN FOR: INNOVATIVE TIME 5858 ·@ISON PLACE. CARLSBAD -APPRQm -r/7 it''/.,'t' 4-6-7f" DATE 4011 CHIPPEWA CT. SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 (619) 272--6669 FAX (619) 272-6353 DATE INITIAL DATE INITlAL DATE INITlAL ASS!.=~ 1 Pl ANNING DIRECTOR , DWN BY: / PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: r11""' 4-t· ~1 ~1-~L-CAUFORNIA "2602 INDIANA •AIII. 1)82() ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPR□V AL CITY APPROVAL RVIJD BY, LANDSCAPI! WORK PART l -GENERAL e. The Laod ■cape Cont,:actor ■hall notify the. ci~ lm~e, . Laadacape Archite(t prior to the beginning of 1-•· I the work and ■hal: be respooaibl ■ for , G. No aall ■hall be moved into areas when either ,all exiating grade la too vet, dry or when deleterloua •aterlal ■ are preaent, or 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS Drawing, and general provi ■iona of contract, including General and Supplementary Condition ■ ,ectioa,, apply to work of thi ■ ,ection, The work deacrlbed ia these specification ■ include ■ all labor and •ateriala necea ■ary ta inatall all pla~ting work a ■ indicated on these plan ■• 1.02 DESCRIPTION OP VOIK A. Extent of landscape development work 1 ■ shown on drawings and in ach~dulea. B. Subgrade l!levatioa,: !xcavatio~, filling cod grading required to establish elevations shown on drawings are not ■pecified in thi ■ aection. Refer to earthwork section ■• c. Included in Work; 1. Contractor to arrange for ■oil ■ teat. {Prior to having test, check with Landscape Architect caarainating his work with the Owner, C1tv,·, Architect, other construction trades and government agencies. f, Landscape Contractor ahall be charged tor the Landscape Architect'■ time~-the Landscape Architect•• contra~t rate when laspectlons are called for and the work 1 ■ not ready for inspection or the appointment ■ not kept, g. Examine the areas and condition ■ under which work of thia Section vlll be performed. Correct condition ■ detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unaatiafactory conditlooa ara corrected. 12. PRODUCT HANDLING a. b, regarding previoua 10111 teat at ■ite.) TB-ST!i'-G ~CY },1V$f f:€. rr-c-Mfr',4veo e.Y c111 fr-, l,\£1,L, r'6 I '-ST ;",5SVL-Ts. r1<-to~ Tl! f'l.l'CIN:;,. c. Protect plant ■ during delivery to prevent damage to root.ball or deaiccatian of leaves, Immediately re•ove from the ■1te plants and •aterial ■ which do not comply with the specified requirements, Regularly water nursery ■tock in container ■, and place them in a cool area protect~d from ■un and drying winds, D, 2. Preparation of 1ubgrade to receive topsoil. --J"-.M~r-1E:cH-T?• l. 4. Spreading topsoil, Fertilizing 5. Tree ■, ■hruha and groundcaver. 6, Seeding 7. Maintenance of landscaped areas during •aintenance perl~d. Source Quality Control; 1. General: Ship landscape ■aterial1 with cartiffcate1 of inspection required by governmental authorities. Co~ply with regulation ■ applicable to landscape a.ate.r ial.s. 2. Do not ••k• 1ub1tltutlon1. If apeclflad landscape ■aterial 11 not obtainabler 1ubatitutian1 ■uat be approved by L. /'lf'(C'f-1 •. t:t Cf'r( _ . If 1u b ■ ti tu ted material ■ are installed without approval, they aay be reJected and the Landscape Contractor required t~ remove auch material ■ fro ■ tha ■ite at hla own expense. 3, Analy111 and Standard ■: Package standard product ■ with manufacturer•■ certified analysis. for other ■ateriala, provide analyaia by recognized lahoratorJ ■ade in a accordance with methods eatabli ■hed by th~ Aaaociation of Official Agricultural Chealat•• wherever applicable, 4. Tree ■, Shrub ■ and Plants: Provide tree ■, shrub ■ and plant ■ of high quality free of 1njuriee, abraaion ■ or disfigurement, 5. The plantlog plan 11 dlagr ■a ■atic and ■hall he u,e~ aa a guide for ■etting out plants. Prior to planting, the landscape architect ■hall he contacted to approve all plant location ■ and ahall direct adjustment ■, 6. Plant •ateriala ■hall confor• to nur ■ery ■an•a 1tandard1 for ■lze and health, All plant ■ ar ■ ■ubject to rejection by the landscape architect if ■ubatandard la ■lze or quality or health. 7. Provide waterproof 1pecla1 identification tag ■ on one plant per apecies per aroupiog. 8. Plant count ■ ara for the convenience of the contractor only. Contractor ia responsible for all plant ■ 1hown on the plan. 9. Label at leact one tree ■nd one ■hrub of each variety with a ■ecurely attached waterproof tag bearing legible designation of botanical and comaon name, Vhere for•al arrangement ■ or consecutive order of tree ■ or ■hruba are ■hown, ■elect ■tock for uniform heigbt and ■pread, and label with number to a ■■ure ayametry lo planting (Poplar, abelia etc,) 10, Inspection: The Landscape Architect ■ay ln■pect tree ■ and ■hrubs Al/ril'l..!J . progress of work. Remove rejected trees or ahrubs immediately from project aite, 1,03 SUBMITTAL Certification: 1. Submit certificate, of Inspection a ■ required by governmental authorities. Submit •anufacturer'■ or vendors certified 1naly111 for ■oil amendment ■ and fertilizer material ■• Submit other data substantiating that material ■ comply vith specified requ.irement,. 2, Submit aeed vendor ■ certified statement for each ■eed aixture reoulred, atatln~ bQtanlcal and common name, percentage by weight and percentage ■ of purity, ger•ination and veed ■eed for each ■eed ■peciea. Planting Schedule: Sub ■it propoaed planting ■chedula, lndicatiag date ■ for each type of landscape vork during normal ■eaaona for such vork in area ■lte, Correlate with specified maintenance period ■ to provide ••lntenance from date of substantial co,pletlon. once accepted, revise dates only aa approved in writing, after documentation of reasons for delays. Maintenaace Instruction ■: Submit typewritten in- ■tructions recommending procedure ■ to be eatablished by Owner for •aintenance of landscape vork for one full year. Submit prior to expiration of required maintenance perlod(s), t.04 DJLIVERY, STORAG! AND HANDLING A. Packaged Material ■: Deliver packaged material ■ in container ■ ■bowing weight, analyaia and naae of aanufacture~. Protect material• fro ■ deterioration during delivery and vhile ■tared at ■ite. I. Tree ■ and Shrub ■: Do aot prune prior to delivery unles1 otherwise approved by Landscape Architect. Do no bend or hind-tie tree ■ or ahruba in such manner i■ to da ■age bark, break branches or destroy natural ■hape. Provide protective covering duri~g delivery. Do not drop balled and burlapped ■tock during delivery. C, Deliver tree ■ and 1hrub• after preparation ■ for planting have been completed and plant immediately. If planting la delayed more than 6 hours after delivery, ,et trees and ahrubs in shade, protect from weather an4 ae~hanlcal damage, and keep root ■ •ol•t by covering with aulch, burlap or other acceptable mean■ of retalniag aoisture. D. Do not remove container-grown stock fro• container ■ until planting tiae. 1,05 J08 CONDITIONS A, Proceed with and complete landacape work a ■ rapidly a ■ portion• af •ite become available, working within seasonal limltatlon ■ for each kind of land ■cape vork required. B. Utilities: Determine location of underground utllltiaa and perfor• work in a ■anner which will avoid possible damage. Hand excavate as required. Maintain grade ■take ■ ~•t bJ oth~r• until removal is •utuallv agreed upon bv parties concerned, 1.06 SPECIAL PRODUCT WARRANTY A, Varranty tree ■ ■nd ■hrub ■ through 1pecifled ■eintenance period and until final acceptance. B, Varranty tree ■ and ■hr•~• for a period of one year after date of 1ub1tantial completion against defects including death and unaatlsfactory growth, except for defect ■ reaultlng from neglect by Owner, abuse or damage by other ■ or unusual phenomena or incident ■ which are beyond Landscape Inataller ■ control, C. Remove and replace tree,, ,hrub•• or other plant ■ found to be dead or in unhealthy condition during warranty period. Hake replaceaent ■ during grovth ■eason following end of warranty period, Replace trees and shrubs which are in doubtful condition at and of warranty period; unless, in opinion of Landscape Architect. it la advisable to extend Yarrsaty period for a full-growing season. ti. Container ■: container• ■hall be unopened at delivery and respective labela ■hall ahow contents. Store containers off the ground and protect from weather. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2,.01 TOPSOIL A, Tot1oil baa been (or will b■) 1tockplled for ra-uae in landacape work. If quantity of ■tockpiled topsoil la in1ufficient, provide additional topsoil aa required to co■plet ■ land ■cave work. B. Topsoil for landscape work ■ay not ba available at aite and must be furnished aa ■pecified. C. Provide uev topsoil which la fertile, friable, natural loam, ■urfaca ■oil not le ■■ than 6% organic ■atter, and pH value of 5,9 to 7,0, reasonably free of ,ub ■oil, clay lu•p ■, bruah, weed ■ and other litter, and free of root ■ atu•p~. 1tone1 larger than 2" in any di•an ■lon, and oth;r extraneous or toxic •■tter harmful .to plant growth. D, Tap ■oil 1, Source: on-■ite atockpila 1uppleaented with off ■ite borrow taken from aource approved by the le~dacape architec:t. 2. Acid-alkaline range to ba ph 6.0 to 7.0 3. Free of peats, peat larvae and matter toxic to plants. 4. Percentage of organic •anner: 2% mlnlmu• 5. Kaximum 5% volume of alag, cinders,. ■tone ■ or other extraneoua material 1/2" in diameter. 6. .Pree of noxiou ■ Yeed seed Te ■ta and aampllng of topaoil: 1. Sampling by contractor: at three locations per landscape architect. 2. Teat ■: organic •atter, nutrient analy1i ■ and 1alinity r. Provide nltrJtzed douglaa fir ■having, fortified with organic nitrogen and with 11 poutida per cubic yard bona •e■l • G. Provide "Walk On" ground· bark chip ■ 1/2" to l/4" in ■lze of Douglas Fir bark, H. Tree ■take ■: Unle ■■ otherwiae indicated on the drawing•, provide redwood 1takea, Con ■truction grade, rough ■awn, 2"x2"x8' long. I. Other •aterial ■: provide other ■aterial•• not ■pecifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, a ■ ■elected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Landscape Architect, 2.02 SOIL AMENDMENTS A, Sarvon: Place one {1) cup of Sarvon la each traa hole; 1/2 cup in each shrub hole. B, Llaa: Natural dola•itic limeatoo~ containing not le ■a than B5% of total carbonate ■ with a minimum of JO% aagneaiua carbonates, ground ■o that not leas than 90% passes a 10-meah aleve and not le ■a than 50% paaae ■ f 100-me ■h sieve. C. Aluminum Sulfate: Commercial grade. D. Peat Huaua: PS Q-P-166 decoaposed peat vith no ident- ifiable fiber ■ and with pH range aultahle for intended use. !, Bonemeal: Co••erctal, raw, finely around; 4% nitrogen and 20% phosphoric acid. F. Superphoaphate: Soluble ■ixture of treated ainerala; 20% available phosphoric acid. C. Sand: Clean, wa1hed aand, free of toxic ■aterlal,, H. Perllte: Conforming to National Bureau of Standard ■ PS 23. I. Vermiculite: Horticultural lrade, free of toxic ■uba- J, . Sawdu ■t: Rotted aawdu ■t, free of chips, ■tone ■, atick ■, ■oil or toxic aubatancea and with r.s lbs. nitrogen uniformly ■ixed into each cubic yard of ■awdust. r: •. !lulch: Organic •ulcb free fl"o• deleterious aaterial, and suitable for top dre ■alng of tree ■, ■hrub ■ or plant ■ and con1lating of one of the following: L. 1. Shredded Hardwood 2. Ground or Shredded Bark 3. Wood Chip ■ ;v~': ~Fi&; 1r2 c~ ""r c3ffl'llr~I pt"1~~'1~d-elt~!~j- .. Commercial Fertilizer; Complete fertilizer of neutral character, vith some elementa derived from organic aource ■ and containing following perceotagea of available plant nutrient•: l, 2. l, 4. 5. ,. 7. 8. 10. Par tree ■ and ahrub ■, provide fertilizer with lea ■ than 5% total nitrogeo, 1D% available phosphoric acid and 5% soluble potash. not Agricultural Gyp ■um: Shall ·ba approved, atandard brand ■griculturll calcium ■ulfate (CAS0/4) aa commonly applied to soil ■ and 1hall contain 19% combined sulfur. Iron Sulfate: Shall be approved agricultural ferric sulfate (FE2S04), granular in compoaitton and containiog 20% metallic equivalent iron and 17% combined sulfur. Ammonlu• Phosphate: Shall be approved commercial fertilizer containing 16.5% nitrogen and 20% phosphoric acid. Po•t Planting Fertilizer: All planting areas ■hall be broadcast with. milorganite fertillzer at the rate recommen&~d by the manufacturer after all plan ta are installed F -::;ajl· tcsf: Planting Tablet1; All plant ■ ■hall receive agri- for• plant tablets placed below grade (J• far container stock, 1• for flat plant ■) at the following rates: 1 -5g per each flat plant 2 -21g per each one-gallon plant 4 -21g per each five-gallon plant 6 -21g per each fifteen-gallon plant 1 -21g per each linear 4· boxed •aterlal ■lza Deliver Fertilizer: In waterproof bag, 1h0Ying weight, che ■icsl analyais and name of ••nufacturer. Inapection ■ A. Examine areaa to receive 1011 preparation to aaaure work of other trades has been c:ompleted, ' B, Verify grade ■ with landacapa architect prior to beginning 1011 preparation, C. No 1011 preparation shall be performed until all' structures and wall ■ and construction item ■ {including irrigation maioa and drainage line ■) have been lnatalled. D. Site ■hall be free of weed ■, traah and deleteriou ■ material prior to ■oil preparation. I!. Verify that planting material to remain 1a , undiaturhed. · F. Do not proceed with 1011 preparation until un1atl1factory conditions have been corrected. Soila teat a. Contractor ahall provide teat results to c:11½ -ei-land ■cape architect and confirm all 1011 amend ■~n~af prior to application. Soil additives to be determined from result of 10111 teat by ■oil agronomist. Landscape contractor to arrange for and bear the cost of this teat. Any 11 AS BUILT" TITLE ________ _ REVIEVED BY• DATE t)..4 M f' f-C' r' i 4'1't INSPECTOR DATE'. 11, In ■pection will al10 be required for the folloving: a, Vhen ■hruba and tree ■ are provided for planting but before planting holes are excavated. c. Excavation: When con~1tion1 aetrlmental to plant growth are encountered, ■uch as rubble fill, adverae dra.lnage conditions or obatruction ■, notify Landscape Architect before planting. D. Planting Time: Plant or in ■tall •aterial ■ during nor•al plantiog aeaaon, !or eacb type of landscape work required. Correlate planting vith ■pacified maintenance periods to provide maintenance fro• date of 1ubstantial co•pletion, t---t---+------------+----+--~---i-----.-1I SH~E.T I CITY OF CARLSBAD I S~E'.TS I 'T PLANNING DEPARTMENT l./ b. Yhen planting and all other indtcated and 1peeified work prior to the aaintenance period has been completed. c. Final lnapection at the completion of the ■aintenance period. d. Give tbe Laadacape Architect forty-eight (48) hour ■ notice prior to all requlre4 llupec tlonl a,~ t,,..,\i o~ Cft,1 rl~ffC-t'nV:: E, Coordination with Law...,• Plant tree ■ and ahrub ■ after final grades are eatabli1hed. r. When existing (or ■tockpiled) 1011 1 ■ available, the contractor 1hsll verify with the ganeral contractor the quality, quantities, and deteraine location, and planned movements of 1011 on the lite, Stockpiled soil ahall HEATHER . /-HARDIE HARWOOD -JI ~ )-""'L A"-=-'N~o-=s-=c~A~P ~E -A~R-C~ HITE CT 4011 CHIPPEWA CT. SAN DIEGO. CA 92117 (619) 272·6669 FAX (619] 272-6353 CA.IFORNIA '2'>02 IN()IANA •ARI_ 8820 DA IT 1Nli1AL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITlAL DA TE INITlAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY:_, __ CHKD BY: __ _ RVVD BY, PROJ!:CT NO. YI I' · 4t-· a[ DRAWING NO. o/-'7 7 . t:;;, l- 11. l ■port fill ■hall be te ■ted before i ■port1Dg to ■ite. All re ■ult ■ of ■oil• te~t• 1h11ll be given .1; .,_,1 landscape architect 41 Cl-ti-f .pn,.,.-ill ,ris~ll&l"f71\,'lt 1u ff'1' · verify tree pit drainage Jtth 24 hour water fill test prior to planting. All boxed trees not !. Stake ■ and Guy ■; provld ■ ataka ■ and daad ■an of ■ound new hardwood, traated aoftwood or redwo"'4 color, ■aterl■l and aize to protec:t tree trunk ■ fro ■ da ■■I• _ w 1 rr •. PAIT 3 -!X!~Ur1ull by . draining are to hava a 4• dia ■etar auger hola drilled through any hardpan or co■pacted earth. ].Ol PREPARATION 2.03 PLANT MATERIALS Quality: Provide trees, 1hrubs and other plant ■ of ■iza, genus, ■peciea and variety shown and scheduled for landscape work and complying with recommendations and requlrementl of ANSI Z60.l •American Standard for Nurser) Stock". · l use adequate numbers of ■killed workers who are • thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the apeclfied requirements and the aethods needed for proper performance of the work of thl• Se~tion. Standards: l plant ■ and planting material: Meet or exceed the c. o. !, F. • ■pecificationa of Federal, State and County law ■ requiring inspection for plant disease and insect 2. J. control. Quality and alze: Comply with current edition of "Horticultural Standards" for number one nursery atock as adopted by American Association of !lurserymen. All plan ti; True to aa••• with one of each bundle or lot a. tagged with the na•~ and aize of the plants iD accordance with ■tandard ■ of practice of American Association of ~urserymen. b i 1 ■e ■ take preceJence over b. In all case,., otan ca 11a common wamea. Plant 11ames on these drawing• co11for• to standard plant aamea eatabllahed by the ~American Joint Com•ittee on Horticultural Nomenclature· and, except for the plant names covered therein, the established custom of the nursery will be followed. provide symmetrical plant ■, typical for variety and apecl••• aound, healthy, vigorous, free fro• i11 ■ect ■ or thelr ■ggs, with healthy and normal root ayatems, lllall -filll11g their container• but not to the point of being root bound. Do not prune prior to delivery ■xcept 81 authorized by the Landscape Architect or her representative. Meaiure h~ight and spread of plant, with branches la thelr normal position. Deciduous Trees: Provide treea of height and caliper ach~duled or shown and with branching configuration recommended by ANSI Z60.1 for type and ■peciea required. Provide single ate• trees except where special forms are shown or listed. Deciduous Shrubs: Provide shrub• of the height 1hown or listed and with not less than ainlmua number of canes required by ANSI Z60.1 for type and height of ■hrub required, C. · Coni!erou ■ and Broadleafed Evergreen• 1 Provide 4V(J.r~ 1reena of ■izea shown or listed, Dlmen ■ion ■ indicata ■inimum spread for 1preading and aemi-apreadin& type evergreens and height for other type ■, auch •• globe, dwarf, cone, pyramidal, broad up-right and columuar. Provide normal quality evergreen ■ with well-balanced for• complying with requirement ■ for other aize rel•tlonship1 to the priaary dimenaioo.■hown, 2.04 GlOUMDCOVEl Provide plant ■ aatabli1h•d and well-rooted in ra•ovable container• or integral peat pot ■ and with not le1a than ■ioiau ■ nu ■ber and length of runners required by ANSI Z60.l for the pot size ■hown or liated. 2.05 MISCELLANEOUS LANDSCAPE MATERIALS A. Wood Header ■ and Edging: Of ■ize1 ahown and following wood apeclea: 1, Redwood. 2. Pi:-oviaa Wood Stake1.:.:.of 3tri;lar·• 1pecie ■, 2• ·;it 2• x 24" long and galvanized nail ■ for anchorlng haadara and edging, B. Gravel: Water-worn, hard, durable 1rav•l, waahed free of loae, ■and, clay and other foralgD aubatance ■ and of following size, range and color: ( f,.,.-1 ·,,,u:i, l--·i"'Yi->-; c. 1, ·s1za laaga: 3/B" ■axi•u•, 1/B· ■inl ■u ■ {pa ■ gravel). 2. Color:. hifor ■ tan-beige color rang ■ acceptable to Landscape At-c:!1itect. -. Decomposed granite: ·o-■..• • pre-,■argaot harbicida auch •• oryzalin in both apring d fall. Do not install black plaatic under the granite doe ■ not atop weed ■ that germinate iD ■oil gradually b n into crack ■ between the gravel piece ■ and CP.D cau1e prob~• by bucklin1). laka out the gravel aa necesaary to ■•int-a.in a raaaonably neat appearance. t;r.,:Y bic,'J.e ~fjl 1iruf.,~ rnvsf' ..... ~e I.-~~ 6~ ~ -Grafe a( . 9a 1 in I" I'\ i.::-, ~, . . "' filtr.ation/Separation Pabric; Watar per ■eeble ~r•- / tion fabric of fibergl•• or polyprop:,leaa. fabric. '"· '-. a. c. I, Preli ■lnary grading ■hall be don• lo ■uch • ■anner •• to anticipate the fini ■h grading. Land ■cape Contractor ia ra ■pon ■ible for ■aiotaining existing grade ■oil level around trunk ■ of treea. "111 tor( araa ■ ■hall receiva 4• of i•ported aaudy-loa ■ toplotl, un1~•~notad otherwi ■e on the drawings or in the ■pecificat!olI'S.----.-. ·-_ .. Layout individual tr•• and ■hrub loc:etlon■ and eraaa for aultiple planting ■• Stake location ■ and outline 4reaa and aecure Landscape Arehitect'■ acceptance before ■tart of plantio1 ttork. Mak• ■inor adjuatmant ■ •• ••Y be requested. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 11.01 11 • 02 The ■oil ■hall not be worked wheD tha ~oiature content la ao graat that axceaaive co•paction will occur, nor when it la ao dry that a duat will for■ in the air or that c:loda will not break readily, Water ■hall be applied, lf naceaJ ■ry, to pra~ida ideal ■olatur• content for tilling th• planting herein ■pecified. In all planted area ■, remova dabrt ■, rock ■ and clod ■• Finish planting aurfeca ■hall ba a ■ooth and even. Weed ■ and root growth (including bermuda graaa) ■hall be dug out fro ■ all planting area ■•· When neceaaary to di1couraga regrowth, the ~ --t~~ :-peU~r.,y-•ay apply • auitabla h;r1i'lclda according to the ■anufacturer'■ ■pecificatlon ■• Remove rocks end other object ■ over 2~ in diaaater, Delay ■ixlng of fertiliaer if planting will not follow placing of planting ■oil within• few day ■• r-.rr---pi_', and treach-typa backfill (for tree ■, ahruba and vioe~f;-0% topaoll with 40% nitrogen-atabillze nga plua one ounee of iron ■ulfate to each cubic foot ---■.1.!.!_ure. uae accurate proportioninA containera,--.U~anting 101!-,_ l!,.rlor to backfilli~g •nd atockpil• at~-~?-f1111 mv;t-b& ~,,~ :ll<'/1:5 ~st: · ·· --.._ For planting beda and lawns, ■ix planting aoil either prior to planting or apply on surface of topsoil and •ix t·horoughly before planting. Mix l1•e with dry soil prior to ■ixing of fertilizer. Prevent lime from coutacting roots of acid-loving plant1. Apply phosphoric acid fertilizer (other than that constituting a portion of c~~plete fertilizers) directly to subgrade before applying planting soil and tilling. Place approximately 1/2 of total amount of topsoil required. Work into top of loosened subgi:-ade to create a transition layer aud then place remaiuder of planting soil. Add specified soil amendments and mix thoroughly into upper 4" of top,oll, Apply specified commercial fertilizer at ratea specified and thoroughly ■ix into upper 2" of topsoil. all planting areas except non-groundcover areas shall be prepared by applying(y:er-::rre. .;.Ji! J("'S,t r'<!Silfs) amendments to the soil, and tilli, int~ the top 6" _ of soil: {For-,-a>!Dt::::1NG pu)'lfo~~ q..i-Y'\ 3 cu.Yds./1000 Sf nitrlfled wood s~avlngs 100 lbs/1000 sf agricultural gypsum 25 lbs/1000 af 12-12-12 fertilizer Contractor shall provide a soil test of chemical and agricultural analysts per the direction of the laudscape architect. Soil leaching shall be at the discretion of the landscape architect. Poat planting fertilization shall be performed by contractor at 30 days after planting. Y!all'.ti-lS ,u.... •nd pl . .lJ!.ters ah•ll be backfilled 11ith exiatiug site soil and 1/4··-Tby-·volu ■·et···~t-tTtHed-... - topsoil mix. Trees and shrubs shall be fertilized at time of planting with 21g 'agriform' tablets at the fol l<> .. tl\g, rar.ea: lgal ••••••••••• fl..Tblt 5gal ••••••••••• 4Tblt 36"box •••••••••• t}1 Tblt lSgal ............... " Tblt 24 .box ••• • •••••••• c;;, Tb.J. t 48"box ••••••••••• 12 Tblt 12. Soll conditioners a. b. c. d. e. Peat: cauadian peat moss Herbicides: aa required upon landscape architects approval Fertilizer: 1. For la11n areas: n-p-k ratio a ■ req'd by soil report 2. For ahrub areas: as req'd by soil repnrt Orgsulc aoil a ■endments: derived from redwood of fir bark, granular in nature and stabilized witlt nitrogen. A■endment ■ to have following properties: 1. Organic content: •lnlmu ■ 90% by weight. Minerals; 1. Soil sulfur as req'd by 1011 report 2. Ferrous sulfate as req'd by soil report 13. 14. 1 S. 16. 17, 18. A. B. 3. Agricultural gyp•u• caaq42h20 aa req'd by ■oil report (calciu• sulfate of 98%) Schedule of Planting Soil Mixture tequire ■ent ■·, indicating required rate of fertilizer application is attached at end of this ■ection. Slope all planting areaa away fro ■ buildings at 1/4" per foot minimum horizontal distance where applicable. Finish grade at building edge shall be 3" below fluish floor elevation. Provide grades at 6" below top of curb• and walkways in planting areas for topsoil preparation. All concrete subsurfaces to drain at a ■ini ■u ■ slope of 1%. All planting areas to drain at ■. ■inieua ■lope of 2%. landscape contractor shall maintain a 2% alniau ■ drainage away fro ■ all bu;ldinga. Piaiah grades to be smoothed to prevent puddling or standing water, Conti:-actor ■hall coordinate with other trades to maintain drainage during construction. Moisten prepared lawn areaa before planting if soil is dry. Water thoroughly and allow surface moisture to dry before planting lawns. oo not create a muddy 1011 condition. Preparation of Planting Beds: Loosen subgrade of planting bed areas to a minimum depth of 6. using a cultiiulcher or similar equipment. Remove atoues over 1-1/2" in any dl ■enalon and sticks, stones, rubbish and other extraneous ■atter. Soil shall be made loose and friable. F. Fill excavations for tree ■ and shrub• ~1th water and allow to percolate out before planting. G. Apply pre-e ■ergent herbicide control tu ac:cordance with ■anufacturer'a reco••endation ■• H. Plnish grade: a. Upon co•pletion of rototllling and topaoll placement ■, all area ■ shall be watered to settle aoil. b. When the 1011 haa dried ■uffic:ientl:, to be readily worked, all lawn and planting area■ shall ~;e_ graded to previously eatabliahed grades. I. Grades not otherwise indicated ■hall ba unlfor ■ly level ~r-' ■loping between point,;, \i/h1tre elevations are given. Fini ■h grade shall be a smooth, even and uniform plane with non- abrupt chan~e of elevation. J. Soil areas adjacent to building ■ ■hall slope away fro• building to allow natural run-off of water; surface water ahall be directed aa shown on drawin&a by remodeling 1urface to facilitate natural water run-off. l. Low spots end pocket ■ shall be graded to drain properly. L. Pioiah grade of planting area ■ ahall be fluah with top of curbs, paving to assure positive drainage over aurface. H. Hinor adjustment ■ of grade ■ shall be made, if required, at direction of the landscape architect. Spread planting soil ■ixture to ainimu ■ depth re- quired to meet lluea, grades and elevation, shown after light rolling and natural aettlement. Place approximately 1/2 of total amount of planting soil required. Work into top of loosened subgrade to create transition layer, then place remainder of the plantlng soil. Dig beds not less than a• deep and mix with specified 1011 amendment ■ and fertilizers. 3.02 EXISTING PLANTINGS a ••. Topsoil: In areas scheduled for seeding or sodding of lawn, replace topsoil tr: ate I ptlt to a •inlmum depth of 4· over all areas. A. Existing plantings may remain aa approved by the owner or the landscape architect. B. The landscape contractor ■hall re ■ove all exi ■tlng tra ■h, clipplngs, rock and other debri ■ in planting areas. c. lake and fine grade all planting areas prior to commeucement of planting operations. 3.03 PLANTING b. In ar¢~~ scheduled for ornamental groundcovers, place topsoil to a minimum of 2" deep. c. Soil preparation: 1. Apply amendments per test results and incorporate to depth of l" by raking all area•• 2. Rake, drag, roll smooth all planting surfaces until free of hollows and ridges and until surfaces conform to established 6 rade (+/-1· rise in 10'-0" run) Excavatin1p a. For shrub, in one gal containers, dig a hole 11,. diameter and 12" deep. b. For shrubs and trees in five gallon containers, dig a hole 20" in diameter and 18" deep. c. For trees and shrubs in 15 gallon containers, dig a hole 30" in diameter and 30~ deep. d. Box trees shall have planting pits dug twice the diameter and of eoual deoth to the box. PLANTING GROUND COVER lake existing 1011 1aooth and free fro• 1011 lumps, rocks, ■ticks and other deleterious •aterial. Planting: 1. Space the ground cover plauta evenly aa indicated oa the Drawings, ■taggerlog the ■paces around shrubs and trees as well as in the open areas. 2. Plant only in soil that la moist but friable, never wet or soggy. PLANTING GlOUNDCOVEl AHO VINES -groundcover ■hell be planted using triangular ■pacing•• noted oa legend. Vines shell be secured to adjacent fence ■, posts or walla using vine tie ■• I • A. B. c. Time of Planting: Do not plant antil aprinkler ■yste ■ 1 ■ complete, final grade ■ have been established, the planting areas have been properly graded and prepared (plantlug area ■ shall be thoroughly ,~aked prior to planting) and the work approved by the Landscape Architect. Location of Plants: Relative position of trees and plants is subject to approval of Landscape Architect and, if oecessary, by locating as directed by the Landscape Architect. Placlog of Plants and Trees: Set plants so that, when settled, they bear the same relation to the required grade a ■ they bore to the natural grade before beiug transplanted. Plant in the center of the pit and backfill with prepared ■oil. Tri ■ off broken or frayed roots. Refer to ·detail of pla.nting of palms. Planting. -r,-~icar~ NJ~ •· Fill holes with backfill aixture consisting of two parts 1011 taken fro ■ the hole and one part specified soil amendment, by volume (E'~ S4IL.-1f;.ST) b. Pill to proper height to receive the plant, and thoroughly tamp the ■lxture before setting the plant. c. Set plant lo upright position in the center of the hole, and compact the backfill mixture around the bal 1. d. Thoroughly water each plant when the hole 1 ■ 2/3 full. En=-=:0=1::=o-Ro-~iH4 )- Dig holes large enough to allow for ■preadlng of root ■ and backfill with planting ■oil. Work soil around roots to eliminate air pockets and leave a ■light saucer iudentation around plant ■ to bold water, Water thoroughly after planting, taking fare not to cover crown/' of pla?t11wt,th wet anilsf lu0t-al1 ,!-~lre..11 -1-0 -10 -0 -ralc!a1'· ~ ,.::k::M 1£1t 0, u rl~v1 . Mulch areas between ground c ver plent ■ place not leas than-,• thick. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 4011 CHIPPEWA er_ SAN DIEGO, CA 92117 (619) 272,M69 FAX (619) 272'635.3 CN.lfOlllM "2602 NlV,NA --882() APPROVED FOR PLANTING 11 AS BUIL T 11 AND IRRIGATION ONLY, ----··· '2. + '•.) !-..!"<" :. , .~ ,, ,il-INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEVED BY, • AREi\S . INSPECTOR DATE w -..... CITY OF CARLSBAD s.ie:::.T:_" ti -? PLANNING DEPARTMENT ----·--· -~ .. .. fl,.-1\NTfNG 6Pec-lFIC/rnCNS Ftf--..- ,._,,_ ·-INNOVATIVE TIME .. . •. 5858 EDlSON PLACE. CARLSBAD u•.•-.• APPRO~ ~-., 1 /;, (J., _ -~ o/'-~;tz'] . - ~-~--· ASSISTMT Pl ANNING D!Rl7CTOR ---~ " -' 7 DATE' INITIAL DATE' OWNS~ f l~~Jqf ~~LJ~jN~~ INllll\L DATE . INITIAL CHKD BY: ENGINEER or WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION □TH(R APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RV\JD BY, Planting Tree ■ and Shrub ■; I. Set container-grown stock on layer of coapacied planting soil aixture, plu•b and, water thoroughly before placing remainder of backfill. Repeat watering until no more la absorbed. Water again after placing final layer of backfill. 2. Set bare root stock on cushion of planting cut in- jured root ■ clean; do not break. 3. Diah top of backfill to allow for mulching. 4. Mulch Pita, Trenches and Planted Areas: Provide not leas than 2• thickness of aulch and work into top of back;ill and finish level with adjacent finisft grades 5. Apply anti-de ■alcant uaing power apray to provide an adequate fil ■ over trunks, branches, stems, twigs and foliage. lf deciduous trees or shrubs are ■oved in full-leaf, spray with anti-dessicant at nursery before moving and again 2 weeks after planting. J • CLEAN-UP AND PlOTECTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. During landscape work, keep pavements clean and work area ln an orderly condition. Iamedlately clean-up apilla, soil, conditioners on paved and finished surface areas, Remove debris and excess ■aterlals fros the project •ite. [eep planted areas free of debris, cultivated and weeded at not more than ten -(10) day intervals. ~•rtillze. pla?t .•r••· ~r-~·,15 ~ fhir111_ (?If) ~s ~ -11-e k"Z'jlm1Y'j. of ti'01h~a.., thtivv~hl11 v,erreA 1r. Keep hoses, maintenance equipaent and materials neatly stored when uot in use ln an area authorized by the Landscape Architect. Provide competent maintenance foreman on the Job, experienced ln landscape maintenance and capable of discussing ~atters with the Landscape Architect on a i te. 6. Prune, thin-out and shape trees and shrubs in ac-. cordance with standard horticultural practice ·i, .;ir1nv,-cj 0'1 \,..,". Prune trees to retain required height and spread. Protect landscape work and materials from daaage due to landscape operations, operations by other contractors and trades and trespassers. Maintain protection during installation and maintenance periods. Treat, repair or replace damaged landscape work as directed. F. G. Unless otherwise directed by Landscape Architect, do not cut tree lead•~• and remove only Injured or dead branches from flowering trees, if-any, Prune shrubs to retain natural ch,~acter. Remove and replace excessively pruned or miaformed ,tock reeulti~g froa improper pruning, 8. Guy and ■take treea immediately after planting, set trea into plant >It and backfill, Stake trees aa detailed on ~le drawings. Damaged stakes are uot acceptable. . 9. S-cake 15 j,'<'f'2tj-,bojfY~es. Guy larger tree,. Contractor shall be r~aponsible for tree stability during the length of the guarantee period. Stake treea, ualug one stake per tree with two tree ties per stake, and driving ■take• into the ground •t least two feet. Baslning: Fora a shallow basin around the plant to bold enough water to saturate the rootball and backfill. Cutting Cans: Open canned stock by cutting can verti- cally on two opposite sides of can. Do not open with ax or shovel. 6~pa~u!sfon of Planting: The Landscape Architect will supervise the planting aed plactng of plant / materials. Forty eight (48) hours notice ls deemed nece,.ary, H .~1~~1,.anter•: Place not less than 4• layer of gravel in lill~~IL_of planters, install flltrat1onfrle'1>&.ration fabric sud fill with planting I • l- ■oil ■ixture of 1 part topsoil, 1 part course ■and, 1 part peat humus, an bs. lomitic limestone per cubic yard of mix. Place soi ightly compacted layers to an elevation 1-1/2• below top or----, nter allowing for natural settlement, Excavation for Tree ■ and Shrub ■: grown stock, make excavations at as wide as the ball diameter and depth. For container- least half agai-a lw;u, equal to the ball of subsoil removed fro ■ planting exca- vations. Don . lanting soil or use•• backfill V'1c~ V-tr-1f1,::ti 'W/ 601 MAINTENANCE 1. The maintenance period shall be 1ixty (60) calendar days from date of •Acceptance of Work• issued by Landscape Architect. 2, Landscape Contractor shall continuously maintain all areas included in this aection during the progress of the workJ the maintenance period and the final acceptance_ (,n no case less than 60 day1 after ■ubstantial co ■pletion of planting} 3, Maintain trees, ■hruba and other plants by watering, pruning, cultivating, mowing, mulching, trimming and weeding once per week or as required for healthy growth. Restore planting saucers. Tighten and repair ■take and guy supports and reset trees and shrubs to proper grades or vertical position as required. Restore or replace damaged wrappings, Spray as required to keep trees and ■brubs free of insects and disease. f . Replacements: a, At the end of the aaintenance period, all plant material shall be In a healthy growing condition. b. During the maintenance period, should the appearance of any plant indicate weakness and probability of dying, immediately replace that plant with a new and healthy plant of the same tvDe and aize without additional cost to the Owner. c. Replacements required because of vandalism or other causes beyond the control of the Contractor are not part of the Contract. d. Extenaiou of maintenance period: Continue the maintenance period at no additional cost to the Owner, until previously noted deficiencies have been corrected, at which time the final inspection will be made, INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE 1 • ]. 4. At the completion of the maintenance period, areas included ln this contract shall be cleaned of weeds and debris. Replacements; Immediately replace plant materials which, for any reason, dies or ls damaged while under this maintenance period. Replace with plants as indicated or specified for the original planting. When landscape work is completed, including malntenanc~, Landscape Architect will, upon request, make an inspectlon to determine acceptability. Landscape work may be inspected for acceptance in parts agreeable to Landscape Architect, provided work offered for inspection ia complete, including maintenance. Where inspected landscape work does not comply with requirements, replace rejected work and continue specified maintenance until reinspected by Landscape Architect and found to be acceptable. Remove rejected plants and materials promptly from project site. ~-GUARANTEE (See also Warranty section) l, Prior to final acceptance from the Owner, provide a written guarantee as follows: •• Guarantee shrubs for growth and health for a period of ninety (90) days after completion of maintenance period. b Guarantee trees for growth and health for a period of one (l) year after completion of maintenance period. SECTION 02811 1.01 MAINTENANCE Contractor shall ■aintaln the irrigation aystem for a period of ■ixty (60) calendar days from ~ate of acceptance of work, issued by Landscape Architect, and shall water on a dally basla or as required for each type of plant aaterial. 1.02 FINAL ACCEPTANCE Final acceptance of the work shall be obtained froa the Owner upon aatiafactory completion of all testing, inspections and installation, and at the end of the aaintenance period. 1.03 SCOPE OF MORK A. All labor materials, equipment, accessories, permit fees and incidentals necessary to complete the landscape sprinkler system as herein specified and indicated on the drawings. 8. Irrigation plan la diagrammatic only. Locate all equipment within property lines. All irrigation lines and appurtenances are to be installed outside of the public right-of-way. C. All irrigation heads, lines and valves are diagrammatic; the landscape contractor is responsible for ·approved·, adequate coverage due to possible ainor site drawing discrepancies. 1,04 INCLUDED IN WOlK Pipe and fitting ■ for a coaplete system. Sprinkler heads and risers. Control valves and controller,. Excavation, installation of ■ystem to water source, testing and backfilling. 1.05 PRODUCT DATA Submit product data in accordance ~1th these ■peclficationa. 1.06 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION DATA Submit product data in accordance with these ■peclfications. 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE Installation and material ■ uaed shall comply with the latest application of: America,. Standard for Testing Materials (ASTM) Aaerican National Standard Institute (ANSI) High quality workmanship la the induatry. 1.08 INSPECTION SCHEDUL! A, Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the ~lT( l.,NDSCf' C.:?1'6t..'L,T/t'iT" 'q ~WNe~~ r-6P "t'Of":... _the following inspections,. !N AVVr'N::-c according to the iteas listed below~ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pre-job Conferen,ce: ~even (7) da~• prior to the+ start of work ~J {'?b J ~!i?\}t""" v.:>nor-r,:::,~~ 1~0f-,a_Ue ic1)1. Pressure supply line install•tion and testing: thirty-six (36) hours. System layout: thirty-six (36) hour ■• Coverage testing: tblrty-aix (36) hour~ in advance of placement of backfill. Testing: forty-eight (48) hours after planting 1 ■ complete. PART 2 -IRRIGATION PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPING MATERIALS A. General: Piping ■hall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC) unlea ■ otherwise noted, marked permanently with •anufacturer'1 naae, pipe size (UPS), class schedule, SOR number (for class pipe only),ASTM number (D-2241 for claaa pipe and D-1785 for schedule pipe), aanufacturer'■ lot number and National Sanitation Poudation (NSF) approval, Do not use pipe wltb dents, ripples, wrinkle• or heat marks, Deliver pipe to site in twenty (20) foot lengths. B. Contractor shall check and verify water pressure at POC prior to b~giuning of work. Notify Architect of any discrepancies. c. Pressure plpi~g: PVC 1120/1220 _-,....,L.:e'!"'1~1f-lE -pvm,,s Cct,.df-i'-- !lon-pressure piping: PVC 1120/1220 · Avf?f9L..,i~~e -f'Uf'f'l,..~Cdl...,tfl-,* PVC Class 200, SDR21, Type 1, Grade II, Solvent weld type. ,(::'' -1 1 \ y.L"AJ.!h /J_ 2.02 FITTINGS lj: r'u .1 i,;:-C:'"'1 r'U rr91<£. Pqoa: ~ ..,,:1 a-~1 .~nz. . A. Shall be schedule 40, atandard weight, unleaa otherwise indicated on the drawings and ■ball bear the name of the manufacturer, the material designation, size, applicable schedule and NSF approval. 8. Solvent cement of PVC piping and fittings shall confora to ASTM D2564 and shall be made as prescribed by the pipe manufacturer. C. Copper fittings shall be Type "L• aort or hard drawn copper. D. All copper pipiQg shall be soldered with 50-50 soft aolder using a non-corrosive type flux. E. G, II • I. Brass riser,/nipple ■ and fitting ■ 1hall be red brass, Federal Specification WN-P-351. _ e,~IL Valves shall be red brass and conform to AWWA C500, Type 1, Class A, line size. Backflow preventer, •~tomatic controller and remote control valves aball be model and type•• Indicated on the drawings or approved equal. Quick coupling valves 1hall be -odel aud type as indicated on the drawings or •~proved equal. Provide Owner wlth three (J) caat brass coupling valve keys of same manufacturer ■a coupling valves. J. ea IC• L. M, Remote control lo~ voltage wiring (24V) ■hall be ■ingle copper conductor number 14, a WC (aln) type or approved for direct burial, Common wire to be white and control wires to be black or color-coded and to be continuou ■ fro ■ controller to valve,. Valve boxes ■hall be made of durable green plaatic, Ametec or approved equal, and rectangular in shape with a plir"fre-., locking lid._ They ■hall lie of adequate size to house• maxiaua of or~ (1) controller valve and "Irrigation Controller• ■hall be indicated on the lid, Sprinkler heads shall be ■odel and type a ■ indicated on the drawings, or approved equal. Sprinkler bead risers shall be PVC schedule 80 or a ■ indicated on the drawing ■• N. Flexible riser, shall be [lng Brother ■' Excalibur or approved equal. D. Concrete: 1. Shall have a minimum compressive ■trength of 2,000 psi at 28 days. 2. Portland cement shall conform to ASTK Cl50 types I or II. Use one brand throughout work. l. Aggregate shall be• maximum of one inch in size and confora to ASTM CJ]. 4. Water ahall be from a domestic aupply and free of deleterious material ■• PART 3 -EXECUTION ).01 GENER.AL A. No apparstua and equipment or installation ■hall be fabricated into the work which would provide a crosa- connectlon permitting backflow or syphonage from any source into the domestic supply system. B. Coordinate the installation of all irrigation materials with the installation of all landscape materials to avoid interference. C, Do not willfully install the lrrl1a1io~ system aa indicated on the drawings when it la obvious in the field that unknown obstructions or grade differences exist that have not been considered in the engineering or if discrepancies in details, legend or specific notes exist. l.02 EXCAVATION AND TlENCIIING A. Excavate and trench as required for the installation of the irrigation system and specified herein or aa indicated on the drawings, including the shoring of the earth banks to prevents cave-ins. B. Trench width to allow two (2) l.achea between pipe and trench sides and two (2) inches b~twee~ parallel piping where it occurs. Keep trenches free of debris, ■aterial c. D. or obstructions that may daaage pipe. Trench depth to provide a cover over piping and/or wiring to finish grade a ■·followa: 1, Kala pressure supply piping: 18 inche ■ 2. Non pressure aupply piping: f'2. incbea 3. Low-voltage control wiring: 18 Jnchea .q_ st..e:eves IJf-!De./'"'-Df<JvtW"--Y: ";4 1nc~s:;. Contractor ahall ■aintain all warning ■igns, ahoring barricade& and flares, etc, as required by the ■afety orders of the Division of Industrial Safety and any local ordinance,. 3.03 INSTALLATION A, Pipe and Fittings (Including nipplea) 1. Contractor •hall be prompt in in1talling all piping (PVC, copper, etc.) so•• to keep all excavations for this work open for as minimal aaount of tlae as possible. No piping •hall be permanently closed or covered prior to inspection and approval of the Owner's representative ?4---!h::-C-rh.f "AS BUILT 1 TITLE________ DATE ' REVIE\JED BY, '4"14 I , ' INSPECTOR DATE I SH~EJ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH,;:TS I 1----+------t-------------------+---+---+---+-----l ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 'V' t-----+-------1r---------------------+---t----t----+----I f't,...,ANTI N1:; Sf' Et:.:s / I f--"-1 G;"-;f/C N sos:..,.:.:.;, . INNOVATIVE TIME 5858 cu...;t)N,,eLACE. CARLSBAD ASSISTANT PLMiNING DIRF,:c;il'DR DA TE INITIAL ENGINEER Of WORK R,EVlSION DESCRIPTION OAlE INl11AL DAlE INl11AL OTH£R APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL DWN BY: ---1 CHKO BY: __ _ RVlo/D BY• PROJECT NO. f If' • 1f · 111 DRAWING NO. :,, . ., I . r;L- . ._j ., 8. c. D. ... 2. 3. •• 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 • 2. 3. Cover or plug •11 opening•\~ pipe•• ·tttting•• and other related equipment at th# ~nd of -ch work day to prevent debria from enterln~. Each fitting and piece of pipe ~bll n 1napecte4 inside and outside to aaaure tlua!: there are no defects or obstructions. Reducing fittlng only (bushings), •hall be ~aed whera required. All screwed copper, bra•• and othec approved materials ah•ll be •saembled using teflon+~r~ or approved_@qual_appli!d to_ ~'!~_male th_re_~d• dnly and iigiite-n to prevent leakag@. Scr@w@d ,PVC fittings ■hall receive same application wher@ used in aain pressure supply piping and where screwed into •ny material other than PVC. All piping ehall be cut square and ends shall be reamed to full size with all burra removed before applying appropriate compound aa specified by the manufacturer. Sol~@ cement used shall be applied by using a non-synthetic bristle.brush. Piping ahall be accurately cut to length a ■ required. No piping shall b@ forced · . into place. All offsets shall be made with fitting ■• f-16 rre:nai~-~f r:~~,fwd \WicY" rr-x · · • All pipe runs shall be a .. de of full length ■ with the minimum amount of joint ■• All copper piping ends and flttlng ■ocket ■ shall be brushed with emery clor,h or wire brush before a uniform coat of non-corrosive type 1oldering flux i ■ applied. The joint ■hall be made promptly and surplus solder and flux shall be wiped clear. All piping 1hsll be installed to provide at least a ■ix (6) loch clearance froa piping of oth@r trades. All pressure aainline ■ ■hall be installed at eighteen (18) inches deep, and all lateral ■ ■t twelve (12) inches d@@p. Contractor ,hall provide ■---~.;ill-valv@ to separate each group of valves fro• the aaia line. . Shall be installed according to th@ governing codes and a ■ indicated on the drawings. Contractor shall provide line eize check valv@ where necessary to prevent low head drainage and/or•• per plan. Automatic Controller 1. Shall be installed where approved by the Architect and ■s indicated oa the drawings and according to the manufacturer's written instructions. 2. Controller chart: a. b. c. d • Provide one controller chart for each automatic controller installed. The chart shall be a blackline print on 20 lb. or beavier weight. Shall show the overall area covered by the controller and a different color ■hall be used to show the area covered by each individual at11tion (valve). Shall be a reduced drawing of th@ approved record drawing ■nd sh ■ll be the maximum slze the controller cabinet will allow. Whe~ completed ■nd approved by the Architect, prior to the final inspection, the chart will be hermetically sealed between two piece ■ of plastic, each piece being a minimum of 20 mil ■, thick and having a gloesy finish. The chart shall be mounted, using Velcro or approved equal type of face. Remote control valves 1. Shall be installed as iadlcated on the drawings and grouped together where practical. Place no closer than eight (8) inches to adjacent walks, curbs, and walls, etc. 2. No more than t!Yl"' (1) valve may be housed in one box.· Quick Coupling Valves 1. Shall b@ installed aa indicated on the drawings an~ placed no closer than six (6) inches to adjacent walKe, curbs and wall•, etc. 2. Quick couplers shall be placed -•r valve ir'Dd upstream fro• gate valve. Valve Boxe ■ 1. Locate all valve boxes, irrigation line ■, ate., 1• planting areas adjacent to paveaen~ locationa ■hown on plans. 3.04 2. Shall be installed a, indicated on the drawing ■• l. Vher@ installed adjac@nt to walks, curb ■, •tc., cbe top surface plane •hall match with the ■urface ■ of the item ■ listed above. 4. Vh~re ta,talled ■dj ■cent to walk ■,· curb ■, etc., tb@ box ■hall be parallel to the items llated above. G. Sprinkler Head Risers 1. 2. l. Shall be lnatalled a ■ Indicated on th@ drawings Contractor ,hall thoroughly flush ayatea out after riser ■ are installed and before installing head ■• liaera to be--:~o:3,r.,· f",(." s;i;h.~, no wht te ached ul@ 40. liaer ■ to be eig~teen (18) Inches abov@ grade or as noted on drawings. I. Sprinkler Beads 1. Shall be installed a ■ indicated on the drawtngs 2. Contractor shall locate and adjust the angle, arc and radius of all heads to provide an @ven desired coverage, and to keep the maximum amount of water 6ff and away from walks, buildings and other improvements. Remote control low-voltage wiring 1. 2. 3. 4. Shall b@ installed according to the valve I manufacturer~• instructions and shall occupy the ~ame trench and be installed beside the main pressure f.~--··:_:_whenever possible. ~iring occurring under paved walks, and other fixed improvements, ■hall be encased in a schedule 40 PVC JP.. sleeve, extending twelve (12) inches minimum beyond the edge of th@ items listed abov!J)'!91"1"1'1;,wil/;>j l"G_.:_~h~, 2,411 c,n,.,.,,-;+ dr-1'.t'.7 ~ <;>Ch ,to ;.t--ai r-.:or FVl'::J- Vhen more than one wire occurs In a trench or aleeve, the wires ■hall be taped at ten(IO) inch intervals with 3/4~ black plastic electrical tape and wires shall be wrapped a minimum of three time ■• All wir@ splices are to b@ msde using •scotch Lok- Unipak" waterproof sealing packets, "Pentite" connectors or approved equal to ensure a watertight connection. Provide four (4) to six (6) inch diameter expansion loops every twenty-five (25) feet. Wice splice ■ will only be allowed in runs of ovei:-five hundred (500) feet) J. Concrete shall b@ installed a ■ indlcated on the drawing ■ and in a neat workmanship manner. t<-• rci.i ""h~cK valv'l's to Jc,t-e~irt-klw n~ cfr..)1r,oqe., BACKFILLING AND COMPACTIONI J ,. . B. c. D. No backfilling will be permitted until all work lo the ti:-enchea has been inspected an4 all tea.ts are made and approved by the Owner,s rep. ·ei c,~ 1..-nk. 11"6f1'~ and any changes ■hall be recorded in a record set of prints. All irrigation mains shall b@ pressur@ tested for -foU'r' (1-)hblJf"§ W1inirn1Jl-f'I .,.f 1'2-? p-sj · and inspected and ■igned off by Landscape Architect prior to backfill. Upon approval, backfill all excavatt·ooa per GlVfWD spee:. Backfill shall be compacted in four (4) inch l~yer1 and compacted to 9'S% minimum dry density'W,:l~i---f"VI~ n:-.1~. 4. 3.05 GUARANTEE On@ y@ar froa completion date, Owner ■hall ■djuat controller ■ for the lea ■t practical irrigation. again a111ount ~"'6 W'v-100 Contractor ■hall provide a written guarantee covering the ) entire ■yatem in ■talled, stating that the system la guaranteed for a period of one year from date of final acceptance by the Owner and ■igned by an authori~ed company representative. NOTE, ALL POTABLE WATEK SUPPLY LINES HUST HAVE VARNING TAPE AS WELL AS ~ECLAIHED WATER LINES. 11-tl:S ~AIL. • ai~H Tl6 - I\Pf'U~ l' 3 .sr~e ~'f _.AL;L-sizes. I a. 2i FClhl.T.s • i:;:;-~,,. Z-4-~ . "-+----~~ ~mi; _ _ 1--tt---•li!! _,Litx-1;1. WClS 2• ST/\re ON wiNv- FINt5r+ eoJYOe J. W~ ~ "F . f'P-t:!f'"l'-eD ~IL- . . . e,,• P]AN I Tree·~it':, GENERAL NOTES 1. It is the responsibility of the contractor to inspect the job site and become aware of all grade differences and any other existing site conditions prior to bidding or construction. See Architecture Plans and Civil Plans for all wall (free standing and retaining) and drainage locations and details. Location and elevation of existing improvements within the area of work shall be confirmed by field measurements prior to construction. Contractor shall make exploratory excavations and locate existing underground utilities sufficiently ahead of schedule to permit revisions to plans (if required) due to actual location of utilities or boulders. 2. It is the responsibility of the contractor, in case of discrepancies or questions as to the scope of work which may arise in the field, to notify the architect. 3. The contractor is responsible for the results of any errors, discrepancies or omissions not reported to the landscape architect prior to bidding or construction and/or fabrication of work. 4. The contractor is responsible for any and all damage to existing elements that are to remain, caused by themselves or their sub-contractors or anyone under their direction, and shall pay for all the costs of replacement or repair. 5. It is the responsibility of the contractor to perform all clean-up of any and all trash, debris, spills, etc., created by themselves or their sub- contractors or anyone under their direction. Contractor shall remove any demolition items completely from the site and dispose of them in a legal manner. Clearing shall consist of the satisfactory disposal of vegetation not applicable to the planting plan including snags, brush a.nd rubbish occurring within the property line. Stumps, roots and boulders 1n areas to be cleared shall be cut-off or removed to 6" below the finished grade. 6. All concrete items shall have a minimum compressive strength of 2000psi at 28 days and shall be a minimum of 3 1/2" thick. 7. All workmanship and materials shall conform to governing codes and ordinances and in accordance with the local area regional standard drawings. 8. It is the responsibility of the contractor to obtain permits. 9. Subgrade under paved areas shall be compacted to 90%. 10. All planting areas to drain at a minimum of 2%. 11. All shrub and groundcover planters to include -?:J' depth shredded bark mulch. 12. It is the responsibility of the contractor for maintaining existing grade soil level at trunks of trees. Groundcover Spacing Detail f'P{=f'AP-ep -SOIL- . . mrn~llll@fll~' llill . . ·1: ~~Ill: .:i('t.,,.. ~· l 1.~•11 ~ 1. -ser°c:::::-N o,r ,a,r I!' • I ( 1• ~tt::te1-~ ~ ;•~•(>:::Ee: VJ./ 1•~ -t"'IN. e,,,,,, ce. . : ~ MIX/>6~---G : w,,m..: 1"'U::DU!'.◄ ~ • ~ f'l<'l<>fl:: "rd _,,...,..., -;&:t.:e!,. ~ ·'" c•ofl& Ltc7e 3.05 INSPECTIONS AND TESTS 13. Site drainage is the responsibility of the civil Engineer. Landscape contractor shall protect ahd preserve all finish grades, swales, etc. established by the grading plan. A. General 1. Contractor shall make necessary arrangements, at no coat to the Owner, for Inspections and/or tests aa required by ~he governing codes and as indicated la thl1 section. r B. Pip@ Testing c. 1. 2. Main pressure supplyliae shall be tested for leakage, when all joints have cured at least_-_fovr• (4-) hour!', by applying a c_on1tinuou• __ 12,~ P~I water pressure -t"r ~ U>1:L0:',\1UY\'1 r7t:ri~ .?+ ct°)\,l,f\Jf-0- Non-pressure supply lines shall b@ tested for leakage, when all joints have cured for at least twelve (12) hours, by applying a continuous static water pressure for a minimum period of two (2) hours. Coverage Testing l • Shall be when system has been flushed out thoroughly and all sprinkler heads are installed and adjusted to provide an even de•ired coverage. 2. Obtain an irrigation coverage approval from Landscape Architect prior to planting. Contact Architect at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of desired 1 n s pee t l on ti me; S'f';,J1?YI 5J-I.A-l-l., ee "'~11 <lN/sl-~ l°ll/ll'l{f'i1t, -~'-<;Eve1,J c-n DAY-s ~OP-l1l ft.,,,.~ ff;fs. CfJ<L.::6-,D f>-eCI.-.AIME;.D fL-1..-f::S f:f r:fG, .J. "~ ~&f'IT · fl,'N=-oFF, c OHTr-ll.1..-GF-stt'\kl-_re fO_JIJ!;~o DAl-1. '( If~.~ aiMf'!.-fTTl~ of planting, Owner shall adjust controller programs to water slopes at more conservative rates. HEATHER HARDIE HARWOOD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 4011 CHIPPEWA CT. SAN DIEGO. CA 92117 (619) 272·6669 FAX (619) 272-6353 CAI.IFO!lNIA '1002 INDIANA ~ ARI.. 5820 DA.TE INlllA.L E:NGINE:E:R OF WORK ~~~- ____ ,_ DA.TE INtllAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL Shrub Plantfng Detail HAS BUIL TH TITLE DATE REVIE\JED BY, . 14 vi AF--~ H ,.l-'14 1 Ii I <..,..., · • ' • INSPECTOR DATE I S1ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I S0ETS I PLANNING DEPARTMENT ff-f-/"GATJo'N sra:s I P!---A/'fT[N.;;-DE:Tl-iL--S INNOVATIVE TIME 5858 8')1$0l'l P ACE. CARLSBAD APPR0//2, , ., ;! , '/ A ?(-S-f// ~/ . ~--, . ASSJSUl1.JT Pl A>.NNING D!Rt;;CTOR DATE , OWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO.i DA.TE INfllAL CHKD BY: ri ~ -"l.f ·cl QTY .-PPROVAI. RVIJD BY• %1.G~, Pll-l~ ~i:v,.oe \ ,-----~L.L. ,--------.,...4 .. F'L"(i,..la.7C, ~~ FV-f1:t '9eCWPa0 1V HM...L- r--,--r-----f r,.o VIDS ~;A DE; D CONN SCt1 l1'-l f.:5T\VN. C01',DUfT 81 C~NJ'1'41..,~ w 1~(---~T'C, TP+Z~ C.01--M"f'OI J gp ,,______ A]'JC f-+ of-. 7" 1/.1,6-l,. l- ( '2-tl-f--C~S; ~+.:::-;-----;---~ID~ a t:crFlQ.L.- DUPL-eX rt,f2. ~ ~ a:::.-t"I.QH ~~'-:::-;J, 1,/~FJ_-:_.-:_ ___ 1 1 HOM. DA., '!z:H. ro p.1.c, iH Pl~ --~!Z ..._ __ ~ ~1-J c::1,6,. T1?H OR pt.Vi IH.6! IRRIGATION NOTES 1. Irrigation plan is diagrammatic only. All lines should be located in planter areas whenever possible. 2. Landscape contractor shall verify P.O.C, and existing P.S.I. at site. Any discrepancies with the plan shall be brought to the attention of the landscape architect. 3. Refer to the specifications for additional instructions. 4. Refer to the details for installation instructions. 5. Backflow preventer and all other applicable items to be installed per City of Carlsbad standards. 6. All heads within ten (10) feet of any pedestrian use shall be popups. 7. Landscape contractor shall field verify all dimensions, existing pressure lines and point of connection. 8. Watering shall be done as infrequently as the plant allows after establishment (see CMWD Reclaimed Water Specs for watering times). 9. Controller programming shall prohibit excess run-off. 10. The contractor shall furnish the following materials upon completion of the work: a. Laminated diagrammatic plan of the proposed irrigation system identifying station numbers and their respective irrigated areas. Mount inside the controller. b. Two keys for each controller enclosure. c. All equipment guarantees and operation manuals. d. Two quick coupler valve keys with hose swivel 'ell', 11. Contractor shall provide record plans.:;1'-'l"The following shall be dimensioned from two permanent points of reference (i.e. building corners, sidewalks, etc.): a. Points of connection b. Gate valves 12. Contractor shall adjust all heads to not throw onto walks, buildings or windows. 13. When system is complete, contractor shall perform a coverage test in the presence of the owner. Contractor is responsible for inadequate coverage. 14. The plan is diagrammatic. All irrigation equipment is located in planting areas and not in paved areas, unless indicated otherwise on the plans. Refer to notes, details and legends to verify location of irrigation equipment, 15. Install all sprinkler heads per manufacturer's recommendations using double swing joints. 16. Plastic saddle and flange fittings are not permitted. 17. All substitutions must be approved by the owner or landscape architect. 18. Irrigation system shall utilize reclaimed water. Refer to Carlsbad Reclaimed Water Manual for specifications, details and requirements for piping, heads, etc. 19. Provide check valves to prevent low-head drainage. 20. The proposed irrigation system shall remain independant of the existing irrigation system on the slope area. The landscape contractor shall verify that th~ backflow preventer and all other applicable items are installed per the City of Carlsbad standards. Any part of the system that requires upgrading to city standards, shall be a part of this contract. -----~I--IOl'-f.D~-><"""O~ ~ ¼JE!laF" PM~ . EH ~T. cv-.lOUl"r" l3Ll-FOFL i:c,,...i~ ~UP r-:.. ....----LATEfAL c. Pressure line location Automatic Controller Detail ~lf"WIR!SS~ '"½,"" 1"":-:cr-t\ 'El-V -------,~ ====~~~= Wire Connection Detal fVC -r-tr-lN I.-/N-E:7====~::J:~ Y'\" tJO f\!C--,-,---,;,-'r-~-= -= -= ~~1,.J! )'--l lffL.6 .,. q., B '(10 fV6 E';:L---L--f1;.l>J-J v1ew QUick Coupler Valve Riser Detail ~'.';_~<SH~ "Y ru 1'714 ur _ Bubbler Detail ~ll"YC. VV/ -----M,-',J.L A!,'IWP.,S-&11 WC. fl =--cr-1 CHO 5':'j--t e,o l"VC. '-'"'I::.~ --------UHt:- Shrub and Pop-up Spray Head Detail flNISH 1Af ~N +4 I 0-I2.B Vv/, PUFf'L.-e ~TCOVp~ d. Controller and control valves e. Quick couplers f. Control wire sleeves STREIT SURFACE---, STREET SURFACE--~ POTABLE A-IAJNLJNE · ~ ;:;-Ft::-;=7 ,......... ._ POTABLE MAJNL/NE :3.SFEET (SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS)--,, I I I (SEE JMPl",0\/EMENT DRAWINGS) 7 " I ~ l 41 '2!1: 1'2f>Pl..P6-nc.. YN..'le. !!,o>< W./ PVr"-f'l,E.: \.L:t:..l(JNG, f't.AS.tlC., co,/E& z..,f ~. ~ Wlf""E.. l"IN.G-~-- ~;.:.::::~~~~r-J_if:-/J-f,.....,1N,sr,>-.u_ ,EE. R:>l'=- '\.-,,__--::m,J~~~~~ij"' YN.:>IE.. MANII":>~ -,• P-c;:A 6-MVJEL_/ . ./~~ IN 'lP-1...vE. eac) f"VC.. ~-UNE... . Remote Control Valve Detail UP.'C. ~ T"'tTTlNl;JII Approved Backflow Assembly with ball valves Banding Jumper __,---,--(when required) ground level . . maximum 1 2" 36" Bonding Jumper (when. required) Union ( optional) . . m1n1mum maximum .... , -~-·-..:::J..~-= ',I::= POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING »OTBS POR BACXPLOW ASSEMBLY l. Except as shown, there shall be no fittings or connections to other facilities between the meter and the backflow assembly. 2. The backflow assembly must be installed a min. of six inches (6") and not to exceed a maximum of two feet (2') from the meter except where this would require the backflow assembly to be installed in the public right- of-way. In which case, the backflo~ a~sembly must be installed a maximum of two feet (2') inside the property line. The backflow assembly may not under any circumstance, be installed in the public right-of-way. 3. Type K hard or type L hard copper or brass with solder joints or threaded fittings must be used between the meter and the backflow assembly. 4. Preceding the number one shut off valve, connection must be made with a copper or brass riser to a copper or brass 90 elbow. Shut off valve may be preceded by a copper or brass nipple and/or a brass union. Riser must be of sufficient length that the bottom of the backflow assembly is twelve inches (12") to_ thirty-six ~nches (36") above grade in an area not subJect to flooding. 5. Following the number two shut off valve, the connection must be made with a copper or brass 90 degree elbow to a copper or brass riser to a copper or brass 90 degree elbow. Shut off valve may be followed by a copper or brass nipple and/or a brass union. Riser must be of sufficient length that the bottom of the backflow assembly is twelve inches (12") to thirty-six (36") above grade in an area not subject to flooding. 6. If backflow assembly is to be installed on a slope with a horizontal to vertical ratio of 4:1 or greater, a two food (2') high retaining wall ~ust be bu~lt surrounding the assembly on three sides with the o~e~ing on the down side of the slope. There must be a minimum two foot (2') horizontal clearance between the retaining wall and the backf low assembly. Assembly must be located in an area not subject to flooding. I 7. Only the reduced pressure principle backflow l..-s:; prevention assemblies which have been approyed by the f_i r ii! 1 cubic foot I" II-7 -state of cal ifornia Department of Heal th Services ~ay be • NOTE: , ALL ~£C:..AIM!0WATEA ;;::;;;,1QA;-;cN °.1P= AND EL=.=VES Si-fAL!.. SE ,0 !.JRPL.E AND LAEE:..=:; AS SPE·~:FiE:J -N~ ~5--;-,,J.NOARC SPEC:F:CATTCNS r-:JR _~_',/VAT= :RRX3A-;-,·cN s-rs,::MS" "'CARLS£AC PEC~AA~A/;CN .=tLLES AND MEGUL.3.T:CNS !=CR CC-NSffiUCTICN CF RECLAIMED WA7'';;~ MAINS-Jt:Ne :ss~ POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING 0 AS BUILT' TITLE.--------DATE REVIEIJED BY, '-:::::mi::o:=l~============r=~f.=1:::::,.. .~thrust.block ~ \'~~=c-used on water services within the Carlsbad Mun1c1pal _ J , -7': (typical) l'!-;, ..... I Water District. 2A-MAf'-Cf·7 1114' INSPECTOR DATE fl ?IZA?? __J -~ ,.,_,.._"1!:!¥: =·..,_"""-' ...--r---,,-----------i--r--r--,■-.,-;:I ~s~~E"~-T~l ~C~IT~Y-;::O;:F~~C~A~R~LS~B;=A:;:;D~;;, s;;,'!,;;ET~s,11 y ' 1 ---+----+-------------------t---r---,--,-7 V PLANNINCi DEPARTMENT V ,i ... I---+--+--------------,--,-,--,--, i«.NGAT lcN .JF-f,Al'._,,.c 1 'VTf:'. .. S EY-cr-:t=l-OW AssE::~~L,'f 1 Ae,ove ,, INNQV A TIVE TIME l--------l--+-------------t-----r--r----t--1I 5858 .:0.6(soN __ PLACE. CARLSBAD f"-577' HEATHER HARDIE Gate Valve Detail Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly Detail HARWOOD LANDSCAPE 4011 CHIPPEWA CT. SAN DIEGO. CA 92117 (619) 272·6669 f.tv( (619) 272-6353 ASS~ANT 11! ANNING DIRFJCT□R DATE OWN BY: ___ 1 PROJECT NO. INlllAI. REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DA TE INl'TlAI. ENGINEER Of" WORK CTHER APPROVAL CITI' APPRDVAL CHKD BY: __ _ RVIJD BY1 f I f' :1+ -c i C.AI.IFORNIA "2602