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2021-09-15; Planning Commission; ; SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS
Item No. Application complete date: January 11, 2021 P.C. AGENDA OF: September 15, 2021 Project Planner: Jason Goff Project Engineer: Allison McLaughlin SUBJECT: SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS – Request for a recommendation of approval of a Site Development Plan and Coastal Development Permit to allow for the demolition of four one-story commercial structures, and construction of a four-story mixed-use building consisting of 17 residential apartment units, 2,185 square feet of commercial and an enclosed at-grade parking garage situated on a 0.32-acre project site at 3039 Jefferson Street in the Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan and within Local Facilities Management Zone 1. The City Planner has determined that this project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to section 15332 (In-fill Development Projects) of the State CEQA guidelines. This project is not located within the appealable area of the California Coastal Commission. I. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 7425 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of Site Development Plan SDP 2019-0015 and Coastal Development Permit CDP 2019-0033 to the City Council based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Setting: The 0.32-acre (13,978 square feet) project site is comprised of a legal lot located on the west side of Jefferson Street between Carlsbad Village Drive and Oak Avenue. The Madison Street Alley runs north- south along the project western boundary. The site consists of a relatively level property and is developed with four (4) one-story structures constructed in 1976. These existing structures are occupied by commercial/office uses. The project site is located within the Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP) and within the Coastal Zone. Table “A” below includes the General Plan designations, zoning and current land uses of the project site and surrounding properties. TABLE A Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use Site Village/Barrio (V-B) Village/Barrio (V-B) – Village Center (VC) per the VBMP Commercial/Office North V-B V-B (VC) Single-family residential South V-B V-B (VC) Office 2 PLANNING COMMISSION Staff Report . 0 SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 2 TABLE A (CONTINUED) Location General Plan Designation Zoning Current Land Use East V-B V-B (VC) Multiple-family residential West V-B V-B (VC) Madison Street Alley, single- family residential, office, commercial Project Description: The project developer, Bejan Arfaa Architects, is requesting approval of a Site Development Plan (SDP) and Coastal Development Permit (CDP) to demolish the four (4) existing on-site structures; and in their place, construct a 35,855-square-foot (gross) four-story mixed-use building consisting of 17 residential apartment units, two (2) ground floor commercial tenant spaces totaling 2,185 square feet and an at- grade parking garage. A detailed breakdown of each unit is summarized in Table “B” below. TABLE B – DETAILS FOR UNIT TYPE Unit No. Floor No. Unit Size Bedroom/ Bathrooms Private Deck/Balcony Open Space* Commercial 1 1 1,100 SF -- -- 2 1 1,085 SF -- -- Residential* 1 2 1,150 SF 2/2.5 138 SF 2 2 845 SF 1/1.5 192 SF 3 2 1,276 SF 2/2.5 183 SF 4 2 830 SF 1/1.5 80 SF 5 2 810 SF 1/1.5 80 SF 6 2 1,570 SF 2/2.5/Den 333 SF 7 3 1,150 SF 2/2.5 139 SF 8 3 845 SF 1/1.5 140 SF 9 3 1,326 SF 2/2.5 243 SF 10 3 830 SF 1/1.5 138 SF 11 3 810 SF 1/1.5 138 SF 12 3 1,610 SF 2/2.5/Den 217 SF 13 4 1,420 SF 2/2.5 115 SF 14 4 1,242 SF 2/2.5 214 SF 15 4 810 SF 1/1.5 145 SF 16 4 830 SF 1/1.5 145 SF 17 4 905 SF 1/1.5 262 SF *Common residential open space is provided in the form of a 1,075-square-foot second- floor roof terrace overlooking Jefferson Street. Construction of the at-grade parking garage will include a total of 19 vehicle parking spaces. Of these spaces, three (3) have direct perpendicular access to the alley, and 16 are enclosed within the garage. All spaces are covered by the building floors above. Two (2) of the interior spaces are dedicated to accessible vehicle parking and three (3) are for electric vehicle (EV) charging (one (1) installed/two (2) capable). Vehicular access to and from the parking garage is provided via Madison Street Alley per the requirements SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 3 of the VBMP. Pedestrian access to and from the parking garage is provided through the front lobby facing Jefferson Street, and through two doors located on the side (north) and rear (west) elevations of the building. The project increases on-street parallel parking along Jefferson Street by one (1) parking space through the elimination of an existing driveway access to and from the site. The proposed density is 53 dwelling units per acre (du/ac) as requested through state Density Bonus Law. The residential units combined with the commercial uses result in a net decrease of two (2) average daily trips (ADT) compared to the existing on-site commercial uses (192 Existing ADT/190 Proposed ADT). Grading for the proposed project includes 93 cubic yards (CY) of cut and export. In addition to 3,964 square feet of private balcony/deck area open space, a second-floor common area open space is provided in the form of a 1,075 square-foot roof terrace overlooking Jefferson Street. In addition to EV installed and capable parking spaces located within the parking garage, photovoltaic solar panels are also proposed on the roof. Frontage improvements along Jefferson Street include new curb, gutter, sidewalks, street trees and landscaping. An existing mature city street tree (Indian Laurel Fig) will remain within the public right-of- way along the project’s frontage on Jefferson Street. The building frontage on Jefferson Street is primarily finished with stucco in a light sand finish. Accents include exposed heavy timber outriggers projecting from gabled roof elements; and glass railings and tile insets adorn balcony/deck areas. A heavy timber trellis, painted in dark brown, is positioned over two (2) of the third level private deck areas. Storefronts consist primarily of clear glass with dark bronze colored aluminum frames. Side and rear elevations are similarly finished with stucco also in a light sand finish. The building is painted in earth tone colors primarily consisting of off-white and light grey. Two (2) additional shades of taupe are provided for residential accent and trim. A black ornamental metal ventilation screen for the garage is proposed on the ground floor west elevation flanking one side of the garage entry. The roof consists of a standing seam metal in a medium bronze color with gable and hip configurations that terminate at stucco finished parapets. The building is broken up with varying wall planes, vertical massing, and deeply recessed balconies; and a common area roof terrace, adorned with landscape, is located over the commercial storefront. The building also steps back at each floor from Jefferson Street to help reduce the buildings mass as viewed from the street. Pursuant to Chapter 21.86 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (CMC), the applicant is requesting a 35 percent density bonus, which requires a minimum of 20 percent of the base maximum density units as inclusionary (i.e., rent-restricted) units affordable to “low-income households.” With this density bonus, the maximum number of units allowed for the 0.32-acre site is 17 units, with three (3) of these units required to be made affordable to low-income households. The project is proposing 17 units, three (3) of which are low-income units. The project is also required to comply with the city’s inclusionary housing requirement of 15 percent of the total proposed units, or three (3), affordable units, which is satisfied though the provision of the three (3) low-income units being proposed. A detailed breakdown of each affordable unit is summarized in Table “C” below. TABLE C – AFFORDABLE UNITS Designated Affordable Unit No. Location Unit Type Unit Size Unit 4 2nd Floor 1 Bed / 1.5 Bath 830 SF Unit 7 3rd Floor 2 Bed / 2.5 Bath 1,150 SF Unit 17 2nd Floor 1 Bed / 1.5 Bath 905 SF The 17-unit project has a proposed density of 53 du/ac. As part of the density bonus request for providing 20 percent of the base units affordable to low-income households, up to two (2) incentives or concessions SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 4 may be requested (CMC Section 21.86.050) and an unspecified number of waivers. No incentives, concessions or waivers are being requested. Section “A” below provides a detailed discussion on the density bonus request. The applicant conducted early public outreach in accordance with Part A (Early Public Notice) of City Council Policy 84 (Development Project Public Involvement Policy). The early public notice consisted of a mailed notice soliciting comments from all property owners within a 600-foot radius the subject project parcel, and all occupants of properties within a 100-foot radius the subject project parcel because of its location within the Coastal Zone. In addition, an onsite project notification sign was posted at the project frontage along Jefferson Street. Public concerns received included a general dislike for the increased density and taller buildings that are being built within the Carlsbad Village, not enough parking being provided by the specific project; and traffic impacts on the Madison Street Alley. The project design is meeting city standards (including project access from the alley), the required number of parking spaces complies with city standards (for the commercial component) and Government Code Section 65915 (for the residential component), and the proposed density is allowed per State Density Bonus Law. The SDP is required per Section 6.3.3.B.1(a) of the VBMP for new construction of buildings over 5,000 square feet in size or new buildings or projects with more than four (4) dwelling units. The CDP is required per Section 6.3.3.D.1 of the VBMP for development project located in the Coastal Zone not otherwise exempted by Section 6.3.2.B. The project requires a Planning Commission recommendation and City Council approval. III. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following ordinances, standards, and policies: A. Village-Barrio (V-B) General Plan Land Use Designation and Density Bonus Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.86); B. Village-Barrio (V-B) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.35), Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan; C. Village-Barrio Segment of the Local Coastal Program; D. Qualified Development Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.06); E. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.85); and F. Growth Management Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.90), Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 1. The recommendation for approval of this project was developed by analyzing the project’s consistency with the applicable regulations and policies. The project’s compliance with each of the above regulations and policies is discussed in the sections below. A. Village-Barrio (V-B) General Plan Land Use Designation and Density Bonus Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.86) The subject property has a General Plan Land Use designation of Village-Barrio (V-B) and is within the Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP). The minimum and maximum densities for residential development are established in the VBMP. Table “D” below identifies the permissible density range for properties within the VC District, as well as the allowable density range based on the size of the project site and the proposed density and units. SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 5 TABLE D – PROPOSED DENSITY Gross Acres Net Acres Allowable Density Range; Min/Max Dwelling Units per Village and Barrio Master Plan* Project Density; Proposed Dwelling Units 0.32 0.32 28-35 du/ac Minimum: 5 dwelling units Maximum: 12 dwelling units 53 du/ac 17 dwelling units * For mixed-use projects, the minimum density shall be calculated based on fifty percent of the developable area and the maximum density shall be calculated based on the entire developable area (VBMP, Chapter 2.4). For density bonus projects fractional units shall be rounded up per CMC Section 21.86.040(G). The proposed project entails a request to construct a 17-unit mixed-use project. As summarized above, the maximum number of units for a 0.32-acre parcel at 35 du/ac is 12 dwelling units. In order to construct 17 units, the applicant is requesting approval of a density bonus pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.86, the Residential Density Bonus and Incentives or Concessions Ordinance. CMC Chapter 21.86 was established as a means to implement state law and the goals, objectives and policies of the Housing Element of the General Plan which includes the provision to provide housing affordable to lower- and moderate-income households. The project is not requesting an incentive, concession or waiver. Specifically, the applicant is requesting a 35 percent density bonus pursuant to Table A of CMC Section 21.86.040. In exchange for the 35 percent density bonus, the applicant is required to designate 20 percent of the 12 base maximum density units, or three (3) units, as inclusionary units. The inclusionary units are required to be affordable to “low-income households” for a period of 55 years. Pursuant to CMC Section 21.86.020, a “low-income household” is defined as a household whose gross income is more than 50 percent but does not exceed 80 percent of the median income for San Diego County as determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. As discussed in Section D below, CMC Chapter 21.85 requires a minimum of 15 percent of the project’s total number of residential units as inclusionary units, or three (3) inclusionary. The project is satisfying both requirements by providing three (3) inclusionary housing units. Summary of density bonus request: Base maximum density: 12 du/ac Base maximum units: 0.32 acres x 35 = 12 dwelling units (round up per CMC Section 21.86.040(G)) (15% or 3 units required to be inclusionary units) 35 percent density bonus: 12 + 35 percent = 17 units (round up per CMC Section 21.86.040(G)) Proposed number of units: 17 units Proposed density: 17 units ÷ 0.32 acres = 53 du/acre Table “E” below summarizes the project’s compliance with standards required for a density bonus. SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 6 TABLE E – CMC SECTION 21.86.090 - DENSITY BONUS HOUSING STANDARDS Standard Analysis Comply A. Required target dwelling units shall be constructed concurrent with market-rate dwelling units unless both the final decision- making authority of the city and the developer/applicant agree within the density bonus housing agreement to an alternative schedule for development. The three (3) affordable units will be built concurrent with the market rate units. Yes B. Whenever feasible, target dwelling units and density bonus dwelling units should be built on-site (within the boundary of the proposed development) and, whenever reasonably possible, be distributed throughout the project site. The inclusionary units will be built on- site in the same building as the market rate. More specifically, the three (3) inclusionary units consist of Units 4, 7 and 17; and are distributed within the 2nd and 3rd floor of the building. Yes C. Whenever feasible, target dwelling units should be located on sites that are in proximity to, or will provide access to, employment opportunities, urban services, or major roads or other transportation and commuter rail facilities (i.e., freeways, bus lines) and that are compatible with adjacent land uses. The proposed project is located within 0.4 miles from the Carlsbad Village Transit Station, and the project is located within the Village that contains urban services. The proposed project is compatible with the mix of adjacent land uses. Yes D. Whenever feasible, target dwelling units should vary in size and number of bedrooms, in response to affordable housing demand priorities of the city. The inclusionary housing component includes two (2) one-bedroom units that are 830 and 905 square feet and one (1) two-bedroom unit that is 1,150 square feet. Yes E. Density bonus projects shall comply with all applicable development standards, except those which may be modified as an incentive or concession, or as otherwise provided for in this chapter. In addition, all units must conform to the requirements of the applicable building and housing codes. The design of the target dwelling units shall be reasonably consistent or compatible with the design of the total project development in terms of appearance, materials and finished quality. The project is consistent with all applicable development standards. Further, the design of the target inclusionary units will be the same as the market rate units as they will be incorporated within a building also containing market rate units. Yes F. No building permit shall be issued, nor any development approval granted, for a development which does not meet the requirements of this chapter. No target dwelling unit shall be rented or sold except in accordance with this chapter. A density bonus agreement is conditioned to be recorded prior to building permit issuance. The agreement will include details as specified pursuant to CMC Section 21.86.130. Yes SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 7 G. Upon the request of the applicant, the parking ratio (inclusive of handicap and guest parking) for a housing development that conforms to the requirements of Section 21.86.040(A) shall not exceed the ratios specified in Table E or as noted, below. If the applicant does not request the parking ratios specified in this section or the project does not conform to the requirements of Chapter 21.86.040(A), the parking standards specified in Chapter 21.44 of this code shall apply. The residential development includes the maximum percentage of low-income units as provided in Chapter 21.86.040(A), which requires the developer to designate 20 percent of the base maximum density number of units, or three (3) units, as inclusionary units. Additionally, the project is located within 0.4 miles of a major transit stop, as defined in the state Public Resources Code (subsection (b) of the Section 21155). Consistent with CA Government Code Section 65915, the residential development qualifies for the 0.5 parking spaces per bedroom parking ratio as requested by the applicant on December 9, 2020. The parking breakdown is as follows: Nine (9), one-bedroom units: 9 bedrooms x 0.5 spaces/bedroom = 4.5 spaces Eight (8), two-bedroom units: 16 bedrooms x 0.5 spaces/bedroom = 8 spaces Total Residential Parking Required: 4.5 + 8 = 12 spaces (rounded down). However, pursuant to AB2345 (effective January 1, 2021), parking requirements for projects with at least 20 percent lower income units, which are located within 0.5 mile from an accessible major transit stop, are reduced from 0.5 space per bedroom to 0.5 space per unit. The parking breakdown can be further reduced as follows: Total Residential Parking Required: 17 units x 0.5 spaces per unit = 8 spaces (rounded down) Yes 1. If a development includes the maximum percentage of low- or very low-income units provided for in Chapter 21.86.040(A) and is located within one- half mile of a major transit stop, as defined in the state Public Resources Code (subdivision (b) of Section 21155), and there is unobstructed access to the major transit stop from the development, then, upon the request of the developer, the city shall not impose a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of handicapped and guest parking, that exceeds 0.5 spaces per bedroom. For purposes of this subsection, a development shall have unobstructed access to a major transit stop if a resident is able to access the major transit stop without encountering natural or constructed impediments. SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 8 While the applicant did NOT request this level of a parking reduction, a total of eight (8) parking spaces for the 17 residential units could be provided instead of the 13 that are included onsite. 2. If a development consists solely of rental units, exclusive of a manager’s unit or units, with an affordable housing cost to lower income families, as provided in state Health and Safety Code (section 50052.5), then, upon the request of the developer, the city shall not impose a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of handicapped and guest parking, that exceeds the following ratios: N/A N/A a. If the development is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, as defined in state Public Resources Code (subdivision (b) of section 21155), and there is unobstructed access to the major transit stop from the development, the ratio shall not exceed 0.5 spaces per unit. b. If the development is a for-rent housing development for individuals who are 62 years of age or older that complies with state Civil Code (sections 51.2 and 51.3), the ratio shall not exceed 0.5 spaces per unit. The development shall have either paratransit service or unobstructed access, within one-half mile, to fixed bus route service that operates at least eight times per day. c. If the development is a special needs housing development, as defined in state Health and Safety Code (section 51312), the ratio shall not exceed 0.3 spaces per unit. The development shall have either paratransit service or unobstructed access, within one-half mile, to fixed SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 9 bus route service that operates at least eight times per day. 3. If the total number of parking spaces required for a development is other than a whole number, the number shall be rounded down to the next whole number. The total number of residential parking spaces has been rounded down from 12.5 spaces to 12 spaces. Yes 4. For purposes of this section, a housing development may provide “on-site” parking through tandem parking or uncovered parking, but not through on- street parking. N/A N/A 5. The applicant may request parking incentives or concessions beyond those provided in this section, subject to the findings specified in Chapter 21.86.050(A) (2). N/A N/A 6. Notwithstanding subsections G.1 and G.2 of this section, if the city or an independent consultant has conducted an area-wide or jurisdiction-wide parking study in the last seven years, then the city may impose a higher vehicular parking ratio not to exceed the ratio described in Table E, based upon substantial evidence found in the parking study, that includes, but is not limited to, an analysis of parking availability, differing levels of transit access, walkability access to transit services, the potential for shared parking, the effect of parking requirements on the cost of market-rate and subsidized developments, and the lower rates of car ownership for low- and very low income individuals, including seniors and special needs individuals. The city shall pay the costs of any new study. The city shall make findings, based on a parking study completed in conformity with this paragraph, supporting the need for the higher parking ratio. N/A N/A Summary of General Plan compliance: Table “F” describes how the proposed project is consistent with the various elements of the Carlsbad General Plan. SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 10 TABLE F – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE Element Use, Classification, Goal, Objective, or Program Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply Land Use Goal 2-G.29: Maintain and enhance the Village as a center for residents and visitors with commercial, residential, dining, civic, cultural, and entertainment activities. The proposal to construct a mixed-use project with 17 residential apartments and ground floor commercial would enhance the vitality of the Village by providing new residential and commercial land uses near the downtown core area. The project reinforces the pedestrian orientation desired for the downtown area by providing residents an opportunity to walk to shopping, restaurants, recreation, and mass transit functions. The project’s proximity to existing bus routes and mass transit help further the goal of providing new economic development near transportation corridors. Overall, the mixed-use project would contribute toward the revitalization of the Village area. Yes Goal 2-G.30: Develop a distinct identity for the Village by encouraging a variety of uses and activities, such as a mix of residential, commercial office, restaurants and specialty retail shops, which traditionally locate in a pedestrian–oriented downtown area and attract visitors and residents from across the community by creating a lively, interesting social environment. Policy 2-P.70: Seek an increased presence of both residents and activity in the Village with new development, particularly residential, including residential as part of a mixed-use development, as well as commercial, entertainment and cultural uses that serve both residents and visitors. SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 11 TABLE F – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE (CONTINUED) Element Use, Classification, Goal, Objective, or Program Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply Land Use Policy 2-P.8 Do not permit residential development to exceed the applicable Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) density unless the following findings are made: a. The project qualifies for and will receive an allocation of “excess” dwelling units, pursuant to City Council Policy No. 43. b. There have been sufficient residential projects approved at densities below the GMCP so the citywide and quadrant dwelling unit limits will not be exceeded as a result of the proposed project. c. All necessary public facilities required by the Citywide Facilities and Improvements Plan will be constructed, or are guaranteed to be constructed, concurrently with the need for them created by this development and in compliance with adopted city standards. Pursuant to SB 330, Government Code Section 66300 (b)(1)(D) and City Council action (Resolution No. 2021-074), the city cannot use the city’s EDUB under the Growth Management Program (City Council Policy 43) to regulate the number of units built in the city and to limit or prohibit residential development. Therefore, this finding is not applicable. 17 dwelling units will be withdrawn from the EDUB for residential unit tracking purposes only. N/A Policy 2-P.9 Incentivize development of lower- income affordable housing by allowing residential development above the GMCP and maximum densities permitted by the General Plan, subject to the findings specified in 2-P.8, above, and an evaluation of the following: (a) the proposal’s compatibility with adjacent land uses, and (b) the project site’s proximity to a minimum of one of the following: freeway or major street; commercial center; employment opportunities; city park or open space; or commuter rail or transit center. The proposed 17-unit mixed-use project includes, three (3), inclusionary units, which are required to be rented to low- income households. The adjacent properties are also located within the VC District of the VBMP. Given the variety of existing uses within the vicinity of the project site, which include multi-story residential and commercial developments, as well as the wide variety of uses permitted in the surrounding VC District, the proposed project is compatible with existing and future land uses. The project site is conveniently located 0.4 miles from the Carlsbad Village train station. Yes SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 12 TABLE F – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE (CONTINUED) Element Use, Classification, Goal, Objective, or Program Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply Mobility Goal 3-G.3: Provide inviting streetscapes that encourage walking and promote livable streets. The proposed project is located approximately 0.4 miles from the Carlsbad Village train station, which provides rail and bus service throughout the day. The project’s proximity to the transit station would provide residents with the opportunity to commute to major job centers, thereby reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMTs) and the carbon footprint. Furthermore, the project supports walkability and mobility by locating the project near existing goods and services within the Village. Yes Policy 3-P.5: Require developers to construct or pay their fair share toward improvements for all travel modes consistent with the Mobility Element, the Growth Management Plan, and specific impacts associated with their development. The proposed project has been designed to meet circulation requirements, which include maintaining or enhancing frontage improvements consisting of sidewalks and landscaping. Traffic impact fees are not required for this project because the proposed uses have less ADT generation compared to the existing on- site uses. Noise Goal 5-G.2: Ensure that new development is compatible with the noise environment, by continuing to use potential noise exposure as a criterion in land use planning. The proposed project is consistent with the Noise Element of the General Plan in that the building’s design, with windows closed, complies with the requirements of the project noise study (Helix Environmental Planning, June 2020) and adequately attenuates the interior noise levels for the new condominiums to 45 dB(a) CNEL or less (i.e., interior average noise level) and exterior balcony/decks to 65 dB(a) CNEL or less (i.e., exterior average noise level for mixed-use projects). The project is conditioned to provide mechanical ventilation and to comply with the construction methods outlined in the noise study. Yes Policy 5.P.2: Require a noise study analysis be conducted for all discretionary development proposals located where projected noise exposure would be other than “normally acceptable.” SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 13 TABLE F – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE (CONTINUED) Element Use, Classification, Goal, Objective, or Program Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply Housing Policy 10-P.15: Pursuant to the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance, require affordability for lower income households of a minimum of 15 percent of all residential ownership and qualifying rental projects. The proposed project includes three (3) inclusionary units (20 percent) which will be required to be rented to low-income households. The provision for inclusionary housing will contribute toward achieving the city’s Regional Housing Needs. The project has been conditioned accordingly to require the approval of an Affordable Housing Agreement prior to building permit issuance. Yes Policy 10-P.18 Adhere to City Council Policy Statement 43 when considering allo- cation of “excess dwelling units” for the purpose of allowing development to exceed the Growth Management Control Point (GMCP) density, as discussed in Section 10.3 (Resources Available). With limited exceptions, the allocation of excess dwelling units will require provision of housing affordable to lower income households. Pursuant to SB 330, Government Code Section 66300 (b)(1)(D) and City Council action (Resolution No. 2021-074), the city cannot use the city’s EDUB under the Growth Management Program (City Council Policy 43) to regulate the number of units built in the city and to limit or prohibit residential development. Therefore, this finding is not applicable. 17 dwelling units will be withdrawn from the EDUB for residential unit tracking purposes only. N/A Public Safety Goal 6-G.1: Minimize injury, loss of life, and damage to property resulting from fire, flood, hazardous material release, or seismic disasters. The proposed structural improvements would be required to meet all seismic design standards. The Fire Department has reviewed and approved the proposed conceptual building design with fire sprinklers included throughout the building per the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 13 standards. Therefore, the proposed project is consistent with the applicable fire safety requirements. The project would be required to develop and implement a program of “best management practices” for the elimination and reduction of pollutants which enter and/or are transported within storm drainage facilities. Yes Policy 6-P.6: Enforce the requirements of Titles 18, 20, and 21 pertaining to drainage and flood control when reviewing applications for building permits and subdivisions. Policy 6-P.34: Enforce the Uniform Building and Fire codes, adopted by the city, to provide fire protection standards for all existing and proposed structures. SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 14 TABLE F – GENERAL PLAN COMPLIANCE (CONTINUED) Element Use, Classification, Goal, Objective, or Program Proposed Uses & Improvements Comply Public Safety Policy 6-P.39: Ensure all new development complies with all applicable regulations regarding the provision of public utilities and facilities. The project has been conditioned to pay all applicable public facilities fees for Zone 1. Yes B. Village-Barrio (V-B) Zone (CMC Chapter 21.35), Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan The subject property is located within the Village Center (VC) District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP). Mixed-use is permitted by right in the VC District. The project’s compliance with the development standards specific to the VC District, as well as the Area-Wide Standards of the VBMP, are provided in Tables “G” and “H” below. Please see Attachment 4 for an analysis of the project’s compliance with the Design Guidelines of the VBMP. TABLE G – VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN - VILLAGE CENTER (VC) DISTRICT Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply Front Setback Minimum of 0 feet; maximum of 5 feet to building (at the ground floor). Additional depth permitted where area includes a plaza, courtyard, or outdoor dining. Additional depth is also permitted to accommodate electrical transformers, utility connection, meter pedestals, and similar equipment only if other locations are infeasible as determined by the decision-maker. Jefferson Street: 1st floor: 0 feet to 5 feet 2nd floor: 21’-8” 3rd floor: 21’-8” 4th floor: 31’-8” Yes Side Setback No minimum setback North side: 4’-2” to 6’-4” South side: 0 feet Yes Rear Setback No minimum setback 0 feet Yes Lot Coverage Not applicable 90 percent Yes Density 28 to 35 du/ac 53 du/ac per Density Bonus Law Yes SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 15 TABLE G – VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN - VILLAGE CENTER (VC) DISTRICT (CONTINUED) Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply Open Space Minimum of 60 square feet of private open space per unit; minimum dimension of 6 feet in any direction. All private open space is proposed as a balcony/deck area. The smallest balcony/deck area proposed is 80 square feet. Each private balcony/deck area exceeds the minimum area and dimensional requirements. Yes Service/ Delivery Areas Service and loading shall be conducted using alley access where the condition exists. Alley access exists. Waste Management, the trash service company servicing the building, has acknowledged in a letter dated February 22, 2020, that they can service the trash/recycling enclosure from within the parking garage from the alley. Yes Building Height Maximum 45 feet, 4 stories Equipment screening, and parapet walls allowed up to 42 inches above maximum height. Building height ranges between 44’- 3” and 45’-0”, 4 stories. A stair tower with fire access to the roof extends up to a height of 49’- 1”. This tower feature is considered an allowed protrusion above height limits (see “roof protrusions” discussion below). No equipment screening or parapet walls extend beyond the maximum height. Yes If a 4-story building is proposed: A maximum of 30 percent of the 4th story, street-facing façade can have a zero-foot setback. The remaining 70 percent shall be set back a minimum of 10 feet. Jefferson Street 4th floor: All the building’s lineal street frontage is set back greater than 30 feet. If a 4-story building is proposed: The total square footage of enclosed 4th story floor space shall not exceed 80 percent of the 3rd floor footprint of the building (exclusive of balcony/patio) 3rd floor area: 7,888 Excluding balcony/decks: 6,695 SF 4th floor area (excluding balcony/decks): 5,081 SF The enclosed 4th story floor space represents 75.8 percent of the 3rd floor area. SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 16 TABLE G – VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN - VILLAGE CENTER (VC) DISTRICT (CONTINUED) Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply Building Height Ground floor wall plate height: 14 feet minimum. This standard applies only to the ground floor street frontage uses permitted within the boundaries of the use restriction area identified on Figure 2-2. 14 feet. Yes Building Massing No building façade visible from any public street shall extend more than 40 feet in length without a 5-foot minimum variation in the wall plane, as well as a change in roofline. All building elevations visible from Jefferson Street have been articulated to incorporate the minimum 5-foot variation in wall plane. The building roofline is also varied appropriately. Yes Ground Floor Street Frontage Uses New ground floor street frontage uses shall occupy more than one- half of the habitable space developed on the ground floor and shall span at least 80 percent of the building frontage. Up to 20 percent of a building frontage may be used for a lobby or entryway to uses above or behind ground floor street uses. The new ground floor street frontage uses oriented towards Jefferson Street occupy more than one-half of habitable space developed on the ground floor. Additionally, the ground floor commercial uses spans approximately 86 percent of the building frontage. The proposed residential lobby entrance spans approximately seven (7) percent of the ground floor street frontage uses. In addition, the ground floor commercial spaces all adhere to the minimum 14-foot floor plate height. Yes SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 17 TABLE H – VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN - AREA-WIDE STANDARDS Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply Ingress/ Egress Development shall be permitted a maximum of one access point from the public street. The city engineer may permit an additional access point or points upon demonstration of need. A driveway curb cut shall not exceed 20 feet in width and shall maintain a free line of sight. Access is provided to the project from the alley for vehicular ingress/egress. The project will close an existing driveway into the site from Jefferson Street and restore the area to on-street parallel parking. Yes Parking Residential units: 0.5 spaces per bedroom* *If a development includes the maximum percentage of low- or very low-income units provided for in Chapter 21.86.040(A) and is located within one-half mile of a major transit stop, as defined in the state Public Resources Code (subdivision (b) of Section 21155), and there is unobstructed access to the major transit stop from the development, then, upon the request of the developer, the city shall not impose a vehicular parking ratio, inclusive of handicapped and guest parking, that exceeds 0.5 spaces per bedroom. For purposes of this subsection, a development shall have unobstructed access to a major transit stop if a resident is able to access the major transit stop without encountering natural or constructed impediments. See Table “E” Section G.1 above for residential parking analysis.* No. of Residential Spaces Required: 12 spaces No. of Commercial Spaces Required: 2,185 SF ÷ 415 = 6 spaces Total No. of Spaces Required: 12 + 6 = 18 spaces Total No. of Spaces Provided: 19 spaces Yes Retail/Commercial Business: One (1) space per 415 SF Property Line Walls/ Fences All property line walls/fences (including combination retaining walls and fences) located anywhere to the rear of the required front setback shall be limited to a maximum of 6 feet. A 5-foot-tall wood fence is proposed along the north property line with gate access leading to the side entrance of the parking garage. The building setback along Jefferson Street ranges from 0-feet to 5-feet. The gate and fence are located to the rear of this required setback. Yes SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 18 TABLE H – VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN - AREA-WIDE STANDARDS (CONTINUED) Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply Building Orientation and Entrances Buildings shall be oriented toward primary street frontage. The primary entrance of a ground floor commercial use shall be oriented towards the primary street frontage. The building is oriented towards the Jefferson Street frontage. Ground floor commercial storefronts and entrances have been oriented towards the Jefferson Street frontage. The upper floors of the building, which include residential units, have also been oriented such that balconies and decks are oriented towards the street to help activate the street frontage below. Yes Window Glazing 45 percent minimum glazing of ground-floor façade for retail uses adjacent to a public street. Façade measured from plate height to finish floor. Façade Area: 1,265 sq. ft. Percentage Required: 45 percent (633 sq. ft.) Percentage Provided: 63 percent (798 sq. ft.) Yes The bottom of any window or product display window shall not be more than 3.5 feet above the adjacent sidewalk. Storefront glazing extends to the ground. Transparent or translucent glazing is required on the ground-floor façade of a commercial or retail use facing a public street. Opaque, reflective, or dark tinted glass is not permitted. Storefront glazing consists of transparent glass. Elevation plans are noted that opaque, reflective or dark tinted glazing is not permitted. Roof Protrusions All roof structures, including protrusions such as equipment housing and guardrails; parapets and equipment screening; architectural features such as decorative or accent elements and towers; flagpoles; and roof decks and their amenities, shall complement and be consistent with the design of the building. An architecturally integrated stair tower with fire access to the roof extends 4’-1” above the 45-foot maximum building height for the VC District. The tower element has been reduced in size and massing to the minimum necessary to meet roof access requirements. Like the rest of the building, the exterior will be finished with stucco in a light sand finish and the roof covered with standing seam metal panels. Yes SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 19 TABLE H – VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN - AREA-WIDE STANDARDS (CONTINUED) Standard Required/Allowed Proposed Comply Roof Protrusions Roof mounted mechanical equipment and freestanding screening that is not architecturally integrated shall be set back from the building face at least equivalent to the height of the screening. Mechanical equipment is provided on the roof of the fourth floors consisting of HVAC units and photovoltaic solar panels. Mechanical equipment screening is provided in the form of architecturally integrated building parapets. No additional setback is required. Yes C. Village-Barrio Segment of the Local Coastal Program The site for the proposed project is located within the Village-Barrio Segment of the Local Coastal Program (LCP). Consistency with the Village-Barrio Segment of the LCP is required for this project. The Village and Barrio Master Plan (VBMP) serves as both the land use plan and implementation program for the Village- Barrio Segment. Therefore, if the project is consistent with the VBMP, the project is consistent with the LCP. As discussed herein, staff finds that the proposed mixed-use project is consistent with the VBMP and is, therefore, consistent with the LCP. D. Qualified Development Overlay Zone (CMC Chapter 21.06) Pursuant to Section 6.3.3.B.1(a) of the VBMP, new construction of buildings over 5,000 square feet in size or new buildings or projects with more than four (4) dwelling units are subject to the approval of a site development plan (SDP) pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.06. The project meets the required findings as summarized below. The project is consistent with the General Plan and the VBMP as discussed in this Analysis section. The project will not be detrimental to existing uses or to uses specifically permitted in the area in which the use is located in that mixed-use is a permitted use within the Village Center (VC) District of the VBMP and is compatible with the other commercial and residential uses surrounding the project site. The site is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed use in that the project complies with the development standards (i.e. front, side and rear setbacks, lot coverage, parking) of the VC District and the VBMP, as demonstrated above. The surrounding street system serving the project is adequate to handle the 190 Average Daily Trips (ADT) generated by the project, which is a net decrease of two (2) ADT below the existing on-site uses that generate a total of 192 ADTs. E. Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.85) The Inclusionary Housing regulations, specifically CMC Chapter 21.85, shall apply to any new construction of rental units where the developer receives offsets or any incentives of the type specified in the density bonus law pursuant to the provisions of CMC Chapter 21.86 and the developer agrees by contract to limit the units to either: 1) rents for below-market-rate rental units; or 2) below-market-rate for sale units. Pursuant to CMC Chapter 21.85.030, not less than 15% of the total units approved shall be constructed and restricted both as to occupancy and affordability to lower-income households. To satisfy this requirement, the applicant proposes to designate 15%, or three (3) units, as inclusionary units. The three (3) units will be affordable to households earning more than 50% but not exceeding 80% of the San Diego Area Median Income (AMI) as determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The city’s Housing Policy Team recommended approval of the request on October 19, 2020. SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 20 As required by CMC Chapters 21.85 and 21.86, the project has been conditioned to require the approval of an Affordable Housing Agreement and Density Bonus Housing agreement, respectively, prior to issuance of a building permit. F. Growth Management Ordinance (CMC Chapter 21.90), Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 1 The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Zone 1 in the Northwest Quadrant of the city. The impacts on public facilities created by the project, and its compliance with the adopted performance standards, are summarized in Table “I” below. TABLE I – GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE Standard Impacts Compliance City Administration 60.13 square feet Yes Library 32.06 square feet Yes Wastewater Treatment Residential: 3,740 GPD Commercial: 268 GPD Total: 4,008 GPD Yes Parks 0.12 acres Yes Drainage 3.8 CFS, Basin B Yes Circulation Existing: 192 ADT Proposed: 190 ADT Net Decrease: 2 ADT Yes Fire Station 1 Yes Open Space N/A N/A Schools Carlsbad Elementary: 1.99 students Carlsbad Middle: 1.05 students Carlsbad High: 1.34 students Yes Sewer Collection System Residential: 3,740 GPD Commercial: 268 GPD Total: 4,008 GPD Yes Water Residential: 4,250 GPD Commercial: 503 GPD Total: 4,753 GPD Yes Growth Management is a tool utilized by the city to track anticipated growth within the city and plan for future facility needs. Properties located within the VC District of the Village and Barrio Master Plan do not have a Growth Management Control Point or an allocation for dwelling units. Pursuant to SB 330, Government Code Section 66300 (b)(1)(D) and City Council action (Resolution No. 2021-074), the city cannot use the city’s Excess Dwelling Unit Bank (EDUB) under the Growth Management Program (City Council Policy 43) to regulate the number of units built in the city and to limit or prohibit residential development. Since 17 residential units are proposed to be constructed on the site, a total of 17 dwelling units will be deducted from the city’s EDUB for residential unit tracking purposes only. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City Planner has determined that the project belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment, and it is therefore categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents pursuant to Section 15332 (In-fill Development Projects) Class 32 Categorical Exemption of the State CEQA Guidelines. The project is consistent with the General Plan as well as with the Zoning Ordinance. The project site is within the city limits, is less than five acres in size, and is surrounded by urban uses. There is no evidence that the site has value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. Approval of the project will not result in significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. The site can be I I SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS September 15, 2021 Page 21 adequately served by all required utilities and public services. In making this determination, the City Planner has found that the exceptions listed in Section 15300.2 of the state CEQA Guidelines do not apply to this project, including historical resources. Specifically, the four buildings on-site that were constructed in 1976 are not included in a local register of historical resources, and a qualified professional has determined that they do not meet the criteria for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources so their removal will not constitute an adverse impact. A Notice of Exemption will be filed by the City Planner upon final project approval. The project is consistent with the Climate Action Plan (CAP) because the project will be required to comply with all applicable CAP ordinances and state law requirements in effect at the time of application for grading and building permits. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 7425 2. Location Map 3. Disclosure Statement 4. Village and Barrio Master Plan Design Guidelines Analysis 5. Reduced Exhibits 6. Public Comments 7. Full Size Exhibits “A - T” dated September 15, 2021 OAK AVJE F F E R S O N S T M A D I S O N S T M A D I S O N S T A L L E YCARLSBAD VILLAGE DRJ E F F E R S O N S T A L L E Y H A R D I N G S T R O O S E V E L T S T A L L E Y SDP 2019-0015 / CDP 2019-0033 Jefferson Street Apartments SITE MAP J SITE E L C AMINO R E ALLA COSTA AVCARLSBAD B L MELROSE DR ....... :- ••.• -.. -'-:-:-:-:):'::}}::-:-/(_:,:- . ·.-:•->.°-':: :·: _ :--·----:-/:_.:•;:- .·:·:=·: .. : . :-.::.-.~.-:-...... ·;. { City of Carlsbad · DISCLOSURE STATEMENT P-1(A) Development Services Planning Division 1635 Faraday Avenue {760) 602-4610 www.carlsbadca.gov Applicant's statement or disclosure of certain ownership interests on all applications which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council or any appointed Board, Commission or Committee. The following information MUST be disclosed at the time of application submittal. Your project cannot be reviewed until this information is completed. Please print. Note: Person is defined as "Any indi_vidual, firm, co-partnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, in this and any other county, city and county, city municipality, district or other political subdivision or any other group or combination acting as a unit." Agents may sign this document; however, the legal name and entity of the applicant and property owner must be provided below. 1. APPLICANT (Not the applicant's agent) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having a financial interest in the application. If the applicant includes a corporation or partnership. include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Kambiz Marashi Corp/Part Sonny Investments, LLC Title Managing Member Title --------------Address PO Box 3277 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Address ------------- 2. OWNER (Not the owner's agent) P-1(A) Provide the COMPLETE, LEGAL names and addresses of ALL persons having any ownership interest in the property involved. Also, provide the nature of the legal ownership (i.e., partnership, tenants in common, non-profit, corporation, etc.). If the ownership includes a corporation or partnership, include the names, titles, addresses of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares. IF NO INDIVIDUALS OWN MORE THAN 10% OF THE SHARES, PLEASE INDICATE NON-APPLICABLE (N/A) IN THE SPACE BELOW. If a publicly-owned corporation, include the names, titles, and addresses of the corporate officers. (A separate page may be attached if necessary.) Person Kambiz Marashi Corp/Part Sonny Investments, LLC Title Managing Member Title -------------- Address PO Box 3277 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Address ------------- Page 1 of 2 Revised 07/10 3. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OR TRUST If any person identified pursuant to (1) or (2) above is a nonprofit organization or a trust, list the names and addresses of ANY person serving as an officer or director of the non- profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary of the. Non Profit/Trust________ Non Profit/Trust ________ _ Title Title ------------------------ Address Address ---------------------- 4. Have you had more than $500 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, Commissions, Committees and/or Council within the past twelve (12) months? D Yes l■I No If yes, please indicate person(s): __________ _ NOTE: Attach additional sheets if necessary. I certify that all the above information is true and correct to the best .of my knowledge. W-~ Signaureof applicant/date Kambiz Marashi Kambiz Marashi Print or type name of applicant Si owner/applicant's agent if applicable/date Bejan Arfaa Applicant Print or type name of owner/applicant's agent P-1(A) Page 2 of 2 Revised 07/10 ATTACHEMENT 4 VILLAGE AND BARRIO MASTER PLAN DESIGN GUIDELINES ANALYSIS SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 (DEV2019-0156) – JEFFERSON STREET APARTMENTS INTENT The Design Guidelines (guidelines) intend to implement and enhance the existing character within the Village and Barrio as new development and property improvements occur. Together, the Village and Barrio are a unique, mixed-use environment. They serve as both a shopping and entertainment destination as well as a place to live and work. The guidelines aim to improve the character of the Village and Barrio while improving livability. Guidelines address many components of building style and orientation, including site layout, building massing, roof form, building façades, and appurtenances. Images are intended to provide a visual example of a targeted topic described in the caption and may not represent all aspects and direction provided within this document. Through these areas of focus, the guidelines strive to foster authentic designs with straightforward and functional construction. All development should align with the spirit and intent of the design guidelines presented in this chapter. Designers and developers should consider at a minimum that these guidelines are a starting point for quality development, and do not comprise every possible strategy for achieving high quality design. Therefore, it is prudent that designers use their own techniques for achieving authentic, high quality design. The following guidelines apply to all new and remodeled development within the entire Master Plan Area unless exempt as determined by Section 6.3.2. 2.8.2 SITE PLANNING GUIDELINES CONSISTENCY STATEMENT A. Site layout 1. Place buildings adjacent to, and oriented towards, the street. Locate prominent architectural features near corners and intersections. 2. Orient storefronts and major building entries towards major streets, courtyards, or plazas. 3. Minimize gaps between buildings in order to create a continuous, pedestrian-oriented environment. 4. Place parking lots so as not to interrupt commercial street frontages. 5. Incorporate functional and aesthetic vehicular and pedestrian connections to adjacent sites. 6. Create small pedestrian plazas along the street wall through the use of recesses in building form. 7. Provide easily identifiable pedestrian access from the street and/or sidewalk to key areas within the site. 8. Incorporate plazas, landscaped areas, fountains, public art, textured pavement, and vertical building features to create focal points that enhance a pedestrian’s experience. 9. Utilize atriums and outdoor courtyards to increase the variety and number of views and to bring additional sunlight into large developments. 10. Give careful design consideration to corner lots, as they are typically a focal point in the urban fabric. 11. Utilize courtyards or other methods to break up the building mass and provide natural ventilation, wherever possible. The proposed mixed-use building is adjacent to and architecturally oriented towards the street. To encourage pedestrian-oriented interaction, the ground floor frontage primary uses contain two commercial retail spaces and a residential lobby entrance to the residential units above the parking garage to the rear. The ground floor uses provides storefront glazing throughout 63% of the façade (45% is required). Public utilities, such as the fire and domestic water backflow devices, have been recessed into an alcove on the south side of the building so as not to be easily visible from the street. The SD&G power transformer has been located to the rear of the site along the alley, and the gas meters are contained behind a stained wood fence on the north side of the property. B. Parking and Access 1. Locate parking behind buildings and away from the street, wherever possible. 2. Use pervious paving materials, whenever possible. 3. Buffer residential uses from commercial parking lots by landscaping, fencing, and/or walls. 4. When walls or fences are utilized to screen parking, provide breaks to allow for pedestrian circulation and limit Parking is located to the rear of the site inside a covered at- grade parking garage with access provided from the alley. Parking is covered so pervious pavement is not a factor. The adjacent residential use to the north is buffered by garage walls. 2 height for safety and security purposes. C. Plazas and Open Space 1. Provide private or common open space and pedestrian connections to such spaces to enhance the living environment and contribute to a walkable neighborhood character. 2. Semi-public outdoor spaces, such as small plazas and courtyards are encouraged between private and public spaces to support pedestrian activity and connectivity. 3. Design plazas and building entries to maximize circulation opportunities between adjacent uses. 4. Provide landscaping and high-quality paving materials, such as stone, concrete or tile, for plazas and open spaces. 5. Place outdoor furniture, such as seating, low walls, trash receptacles, bike racks and other elements, in outdoor pedestrian spaces. 6. Site buildings to define open space areas. Ensure that outdoor areas are visible from public streets and accessible from buildings, as well as, streets and pedestrian and bicycle networks. Each residential unit contains a private open space area in the form of a deck that exceeds the minimum 6-foot dimensional requirement in either direction. Each unit includes multiple decks that extend from the interior living and dining spaces as well as a bedroom or bedrooms depending on the unit. Common open space is provided on the 2nd floor overlooking the Jefferson Street frontage above the two retail tenant spaces. There is a large 1,075-square-foot rooftop terrace with two large planter areas flanking the space to the side and rear. While the planters serve the building as bio-retention planters, they also enhance the space by providing vegetative relief and physical separation between the adjacent uses to the north and south and the common open space seating area. The space aims to serve the residential tenants, providing a place to interact with one another; however, given its orientation overlooking Jefferson Street, it will also help to activate the public street below. D. Outdoor Seating 1. Incorporate seating into well-trafficked outdoor areas, to maximize opportunities for people to interact. 2. Consider movable seating so that people can accommodate their own preferences and respond to the weather or time of day. 3. Provide lighting to ensure that outdoor seating areas are safe places at night. The common open space, located on the 2nd floor and facing Jefferson Street, will serve the residential tenants and provide a place to interact. The space is open to the sky (under canopy of existing tree) and removable seating with integrated shading structures will be provided by ownership. E. Connectivity 1. Connect all commercial buildings to the public sidewalk via a publicly accessible path or walkway. 2. Provide attractive, well-marked pedestrian links that create a clear path of travel between parking, buildings and sidewalks. 3. Ensure that alleys are well lit, open, and visible to passersby. 4. Enhance existing walkways or paseos to become more inviting. 5. Provide secondary entries to alleys. To encourage pedestrian-oriented interaction, the ground floor frontage primary uses contain two commercial retail spaces and a residential lobby oriented towards the public right-of-way. Together, the storefront façade provides 63% glazing where only 45% is required. The commercial entries are located within 5 feet of the property line, while the non-entry store frontages are located at the property line. Along the public right-of-way, the project will be closing an existing driveway into the site and replacing it with new parkway and additional parallel street parking. A new 5-foot-wide sidewalk will be poured along the entire frontage. The new and existing parkway planters located between the street and sidewalk are being enhanced with new landscaping. F. Mechanical Equipment and Service Areas 1. Carefully design, locate, and integrate service, utility, and loading areas into the site plan. These critical functional elements should not detract from the public view shed area or create a nuisance for adjacent property owners, pedestrian circulation, or vehicle traffic. 2. Locate loading areas in the rear of a site where possible. 3. Locate mechanical equipment and service areas along and accessed from alleys or the rear of properties, wherever possible. 4. Place public utility equipment, meter pedestals, and transformers underground or away from sidewalks and Public utilities, such as the fire and domestic water backflow devices, have been recessed into an alcove on the south side of the building so as not to be easily visible from the street; the SDG&E power transformer has been located to the rear of the site along the alley; and the gas meters are contained behind a stained wood fence on the north side of the property. The trash/recycling enclosure is located inside the parking garage; and Waste Management, the trash service company servicing the building, has acknowledged in a letter dated February 22, 2020, that they can service the trash/recycling enclosure from within the parking garage off of the alley as proposed. 3 pedestrian areas, where feasible. 5. Screen all mechanical equipment from public view. 6. Ensure roof mounted mechanical equipment and screening do not interfere with required solar zones or installed solar photovoltaic or solar water heating systems. 7. Design trash and recycling enclosures to be consistent with the project and building architecture, and site and screen them to minimize visual impact. G. Landscaping Landscaping shall meet the policies and requirements set forth in the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. 1. Utilize landscaping to define building entrances, parking lots, and the edge of various land uses. 2. Utilize landscaping to buffer and screen properties. 3. Consider safety, environmental impacts, and accent elements when selecting and locating landscaping elements. 4. Landscaping, between the front property line and the building creates a visually interesting transitional space. Select and place plants to enhance and soften architectural elevations, screen undesirable building features and contribute to the overall quality of the streetscape. 5. Select species that are compatible with Carlsbad’s semi- arid Mediterranean climate, and that will grow to an appropriate size at maturity. 6. When there are minimal landscape areas between the building and the street, incorporate planters onto porches, recessed building entrances, and planters on decks and balconies. 7. Minimize paved vehicle areas such as driveways and parking areas. Design driveways to be no wider than necessary to provide access. Incorporate permeable surfaces, such as interlocking pavers, porous asphalt, power blocks, and lattice blocks/grasscrete or ribbon driveways where feasible. 8. Utilize planting to screen less desirable areas from public view, i.e., trash, enclosures, parking areas, storage areas, loading areas, and public utilities. 9. Provide landscaping between any parking lot and adjacent sidewalks or other paved pedestrian areas, as well as, within surface parking lots. 10. Incorporate native and drought tolerant vegetation whenever possible. Avoid use of invasive or noxious plants. 11. Incorporate lattice work and landscaping onto existing blank walls to support flowering vines growing out of planters placed at their base. 12. Plant trees and fast growing and flowering vines along fences and walls to soften the appearance of the fencing and screen views to functional on-site work and storage areas. 13. Utilize vines, espaliers, and potted plants to provide wall, column, and post texture and color and to accentuate The project complies with all applicable policies and requirements set forth in the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. The project proposes new landscaping in the public right-of-way parkway, which will also include two new 24-inch box sized street trees (Dwarf Southern Magnolia) to flank the existing city street tree (Indian Laurel Fig) on the north and south side. On-site landscaping incorporates raised bio- retention planters located on the ground level on the north- west side of the building and along the 2nd floor common open space area. The driveway leading into the parking garage off the alley is designed to its narrowest width and is flanked on the south side by additional landscaping facing the alley. Bougainvillea is proposed to be planted at the base of the building and trellised to the wall along a 50-foot section of the north elevation and 15-foot section of the west elevation. 4 entryways, courtyards, and sidewalks. 14. Incorporate large planters into seating areas. Planters should be open to the soil below and should incorporate permanent irrigation systems. 15. Maintain landscaping and yard areas regularly to keep a desirable, healthy appearance, eliminate trash, and control vermin. 16. Incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) strategies, site design, and source control measures into projects. Examples include rain gardens, rain barrels, grassy swales, soil amendments, and native plants. 17. Utilize seasonal shading from trees and shrubs when developing planting schemes for courtyards and streetscapes on south and west facing facades. H. Fences & Walls 1. Construct fences of quality and durable materials, such as, wood, vinyl or wrought iron. 2. Architecturally treat all site walls to complement the building design. 3. Chain link fences and other “see-through” fences are not appropriate for screening. 4. Fences and walls directly adjacent to sidewalks and pedestrian plazas in commercial and mixed-use areas should be avoided unless designed as a pedestrian amenity or a low wall landscape feature. There is only one fence proposed along the north and northeast corner of the property. It will be constructed of stained wood and is used to hide an egress path from the parking garage to Jefferson Street and the gas meters located along the north elevation. Decorative metal will be used as the ventilation screen for the garage on the west elevation and will only be visible from the alley. 5 2.8.3 BUILDING FORM AND MASSING GUIDELINES CONSISTENCY STATEMENT A. Building Form and Articulation 1. Reduce the imposing appearance of tall buildings by stepping back from street level on elevations above the ground floor. 2. Utilize horizontal and vertical articulation to break up monolithic street walls and facades. 3. Utilize techniques to reduce massing, such as variation in wall plane and height and variation in roof form and levels. 4. Surface detailing may be used but does not serve as a substitute for distinctive massing. 5. Consider adjacent low density uses when designing and orienting a building. For example, avoid balconies overlooking rear yards. 6. Minimize the vertical emphasis of architectural design elements by incorporating features such as horizontal bands, reveals, trims, awnings, eaves, and overhangs or other ornamentation, along different levels of the wall surface. 7. Minimize blank walls by: a. Adding window openings and/or entrances and other relief. b. Providing recessed glazing and storefronts. c. Adding vertical pilasters which may reflect internal building structure. d. Changing color and texture along the wall surface. e. Varying the planes of the exterior walls in depth and/or direction. f. Adding trims, projections, and reveals along different wall surfaces. 8. Articulate the building façade by varying building elements to create contrast. Integrate all architectural elements into the building design to avoid the look of “tacked on” architectural features. 9. Utilize facade projections and recesses such as bay windows, planter boxes, roof overhangs, and entry way recesses. 10. Arrange columns such that they appear to support the weight of the building or feature above and are balanced in height, weight, and depth. Spindly columns can appear out of proportion with the element it is supporting. 11. Size shutters appropriately, when used to cover the window opening. 12. Avoid exterior sliding or fixed security grilles over windows along street frontages. 13. Discourage and avoid “chain” corporate architecture and generic designs. Each project should strive to achieve the unique architectural style or character. 14. Design roofs to accommodate a solar photo-voltaic system and/or solar water heating system, as required by California Building Code. 15. Utilize details such as wall surfaces constructed with The project has been designed to reduce the appearance of massing from Jefferson Street. To accommodate this the building steps back at all floors, with setbacks ranging from 21’-8” (2nd and 3rd floors) to 31’-8” (4th floor) from the property line located at the back of existing sidewalk and face of the ground floor retail. The wall plane along the frontage is broken up via multiple vertical and horizontal planes and the addition of glazing throughout helps to further its effect. The roof planes are also varied. All windows and doors will have a 6-inch-wide by 2-inch-deep trim piece around them giving the illusion that they recess into the surrounding wall plane. These trim pieces will consist of a contrasting plaster finish to the wall plane. Four different colors of plaster/stucco finishes are being used. Two will be used to differentiate the different planes throughout the exterior and the other two will be used for the trim and eaves. Inset decorative tile bands and glass at the balcony walls and heavy wood timber for the trellis and outriggers are included. The roof is a combination of standing seam gable and hip configurations that terminate at the stucco finished parapet. The flat roof area that is setback and hidden behind the sloped roof facing Jefferson Street will utilize solar panels. 6 patterns, changes in materials, building pop-outs, columns, and recessed areas to create shadow patterns and depth on the wall surfaces. 16. Ensure that proportions are consistent with selected architectural styles. 17. Incorporate the characteristic proportions of traditional facades in new infill development. 18. Balance the ratio of height, width, and depth of arches and columns to emphasize strength and balance. 19. Ensure consistency between the height of a column and its mass or thickness with the weight of the overhead structure the column supports. 20. Infill buildings that are much wider than the existing facades should be broken down into a series of appropriately proportioned structural bays, or components. 21. Consider transitions between the height of new development and the height of adjacent existing development. 22. Utilize vertical building focal elements. Towers, spires, or domes may foster community identity and serve as landmarks. 23. Utilize windows and open wrought iron balconies to provide opportunities for residents to passively observe and report suspicious activity. 24. Utilize accent materials to highlight building features and provide visual interest. Accent materials may include any of the following: a. Wood b. Glass c. Glass block(transom) d. Tile e. Brick f. Concrete g. Stone h. Awnings i. Plaster (smooth or textured) 25. Use building materials and finishes that are true to the structure’s architectural style. 26. Windows, doors, and entries should be designed to capture the desired architectural style of the building. 27. Generally, use no more than three different materials on exterior wall surfaces. While certain styles may successfully incorporate multiple surface materials, caution must be used as too many materials can result in a less than aesthetically pleasing building. 28. Ensure material changes occur at intersecting planes, preferably at inside corners of changing wall planes or where architectural elements intersect, such as a chimney, pilaster, or projection. 29. Utilize light and neutral base colors. Generally muted color schemes will promote visual unity and allow awnings, window displays, signs and landscaping to be given proper emphasis. 7 30. Ensure lighting is architecturally compatible with the building. 31. Articulate storefronts with carefully arranged doors, windows, arches, trellises, or awnings, rather than blank walls. 32. Ensure that the main entrance to a building is clearly identifiable and unique, as it is the primary point of arrival and should be treated with significance. 33. Window type, material, shape, and proportion should complement the architectural style of the building. 34. Utilize recessed windows where appropriate to the architectural style, to provide depth. B. Awnings 1. Use awnings made of commercial grade canvas or metal and that are either fixed or retractable. 2. Avoid plasticized, and/or vinyl fabrics, and back-lit awnings. 3. Maintain a minimum six (6) inch clearance from second floor features such as windows. 4. Avoid wrapping awnings around buildings in continuous bands. 5. Place awnings only on top of doors, on top of windows, or within vertical elements when the façade of a building is divided into distinct structural bays. No awnings are proposed. C. Balconies 1. Place balconies adjacent to operable doorways. Faux balconies or those that do not appear usable are discouraged. 2. Visually support all balconies, either from below by decorative beams and/or brackets, from above by cables, or by other parts of the building. 3. On corners, balconies may wrap around the side of the building. No faux balconies are proposed with this project. Each residential unit provides an outdoor balcony/deck area located adjacent to operable doorways. D. Roof Forms 1. Ensure that roof materials and colors are consistent with the desired architecture or style of the building. 2. Utilize multi-roof forms, hips, gables, shed roof combinations, and sufficiently articulated flat roofs to create interesting and varying roof forms that will reduce building mass, add visual appeal, and enhance existing Village and Barrio character and massing. 3. Avoid long, unbroken, horizontal roof lines. 4. Avoid flat roofs unless sufficient articulation of detail is provided, such as precast treatments, continuous banding or projecting cornices, lentils, caps, corner details, or variety in pitch (sculpted), height, and roofline. 5. Avoid the “tacked on” appearance of parapets, and ensure their appearance conveys a sense of permanence. If the interior side of a parapet is visible from the pedestrian and/or motorist area of the project, utilize appropriate detail and properly apply materials. The roof consists of a standing seam metal in a medium bronze color with gable and hip configurations that terminate at stucco finished parapets surrounding an inner flat roof area. The roof form is well articulated and varies in height. The result is a reduction of building mass, addition of visual appeal, and an enhancement of the existing Village character. No interior side of a parapet will be visible from public view. 8 E. Lighting 1. Provide exterior building lighting, particularly in commercial and high-pedestrian areas. 2. Design or select light fixtures that are architecturally compatible with the building. 3. Integrate light fixtures that are downcast or lowcut-off fixtures to prevent glare and light pollution. 4. Design lighting in such a way as to prevent the direct view of the light source from adjacent properties or uses, particularly residential properties, or uses. 5. Utilize lighting on architectural details, focal points, and parking areas to increase safety, help with orientation, and highlight site attributes and the identity of an area. 6. Use energy-efficient lamps such as LED lights for all exterior lighting along with adaptive lighting controls to contribute to energy conservation and potentially reduce long-term costs. Architectural exterior lighting is proposed on the commercial tenant and lobby entrance elevations fronting Jefferson Street. Proposed light fixtures are selected to be compatible with the architectural style and considered downcast or low cut- off type fixtures. They will help to prevent light glare and light pollution. For increased safety, light fixture locations have been selected that provide exterior building lighting in the commercial and high pedestrian traffic areas. They will help with pedestrian orientation, and will also accentuate architectural detailing at night. All project lighting is required to comply with CA Energy Efficiency Standards (Title 24) for lighting compliance on exterior. From:Jeffrey barry To:Andrea.Ambriz@resources.ca.gov; Lisa.Lien-Mager@resources.ca.gov; Heather.Williams@resources.ca.gov;Elizabeth.Williamson@resources.ca.gov; Jason Goff; Planning; Jeffrey barry; Matthew Hall; Council InternetEmail; secretary@resources.ca.gov Subject:Secretary Crowfoot"s approval of a project which will destroy a century old Fig tree Date:Sunday, September 5, 2021 12:13:55 AM Dear Secretary Crowfoot, Deputy Secretary Ambriz, and other distinguished government leaders The City of Carlsbad City planner has stated Project SDP 2019-0015/ CDP 2019-0033"belongs to a class of projects that the State Secretary for Resources has found do not have a significant impact on the environment." There is a huge majestic fig tree directly in front ofthe site on city owned sidewalk land that would be destroyed if the project is approved. In light of global warming and rampant urbanization, to destroy this majestic tree, this gift fromour Dear Lord, from Mother nature, from God above would be a terrible mistake. I just can't believe Secretary Crowfoot would allow this to happen. The hearing where he couldpermanently squelch and stop this horrible destruction is September 15, 2021 at 3pm. It's on www.carlsbadca.gov and the planning commission can be reached at 760 602 4600. JasonGoff can be reached at 760 602 4643. This project must be stopped since the tree would be obliterated. Honorable Crowfoot should not let this happen to Mother Earth. I ask and pleadfor the defenseless tree. She is mighty and wonderful and protects us all with cleaning the air and emitting forest health enhancing chemicals. How can we continue this onslaught onour environment? Please help. Please save the defenseless and priceless treasure from God. God bless everyone. (Pursuant to the Notice of Public Hearing, please consider this letter as equivalent to providingwritten comments and concerns to the planning commission) Sincerely, Jeffrey Barry310 591 7411 jbarry163@gmail.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. GROUND FLOORPROJECT INFORMATION TABLECOMMERCIAL RETAILAREA (SF.)2,185 SFAFFORDABLE HOUSING TYPEAFFORDABLE HOUSING TABLEREQ'D % OFAFFORDABLE UNITSLOW-INCOME HOUSEHOLDS20%2.4 UNITSREQUIRED. TOTALAFFORDABLE UNITSDESIGNATED AFFORADABLEUNIT NUMBER:PROVIDED TOTALAFFORDABLE UNITS3 UNITSLOCATIONUNIT TYPEUNIT AREA2 BED / 2.5 BATHUNIT 73RD FLOOR1,150 SF1 BED / 1.5 BATHUNIT 42ND FLOOR830 SFRESIDENTIAL LOBBYSTAIRCASES, ELEVATORGARAGE AREA (COVERED PARKING)SECOND FLOORRESIDENTIAL UNITSSTAIRCASES, ELEV. & CORRIDOR, LOBBY6,481 SF2,151 SFTOTAL GROUND FLOOR AREA:TOTAL SECOND FLOOR AREA:8,632 SFTHIRD FLOORRESIDENTIAL UNITSSTAIRCASES, ELEVATOR & CORRIDORS6,571 SF1,317 SFTOTAL THIRD FLOOR AREA:7,888 SFFOURTH FLOORRESIDENTIAL UNITSSTAIRCASES, ELEVATOR & CORRIDORS5,207 SF971 SFTOTAL FOURTH FLOOR AREA:6,182 SFELECTRICAL ROOM12,419 SF8,867 SF1,162 SF205 SFTOTAL BUILDING AREA:35,121 SFLOT AREAAREA (SF.)AREA (SF.)AREA (SF.)13,978 SF (0.321 ACRES)PROPOSED COVERAGE90%INCLUDES COVERED ENCLOSED PARKING GARAGEBUILDING HEIGHTSGROUND FLOOR PLT. HGT.OVERALL BUILDING HEIGHT14'-0" (COMMERCIAL) 10'-0"+ (REMAINDER OF BLDG.)44'-8 FROM LOWEST GRADE TO HIGHEST POINTSCOPE OF WORK4 STORY BUILDING WITH THE GROUND FLOOR DEDICATED 2,185 SF COMMERCIAL RETAIL SPACEALONG JEFFERSON AVENUE AND AN ENCLOSED PARKING GARAGE. THE 2nd, 3rd & 4th FLOORSCONTAIN 17 RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT UNITS WITH 3 DEDICATED TO LOW INCOME AFFORDABLEHOUSING.BASE MAXIMUM DWELLING UNITSALLOCATION FROM E.D.U.B.12 (0.32 x 35)BASE MAX. DENSITYPROJECT INFORMATIONLEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOTS 23, 24, 25, 26 IN BLOCK 48 OF TOWN OF CARLSBAD, CITY OFCARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIAACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO 535 FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THECOUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 2. 1888A.P.N.:203-351-22PROPERTY ADDRESS:3039 JEFFERSON STREET CARLSBAD, CA.ZONING LAND USE DESIGNATION:DISTRICT 2 , COASTAL ZONE, ZONING P2, CARLSBAD VILLIAGEMASTER PLANOWNER & CONSULTANT INFO.OWNER:SONNY INVESTMENTS LLCPO. BOX 3277BEVERLY HILLS, CA. 90212PH. 760-497-1532CONTACT: KAMBIZ MARASHIARCHITECT:BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS2900 4TH AVENUE SUITE 110SAN DIEGO, CA. 92103PH. (619) 293-3118VICINITY MAP35 DWELLING UNITS / ACRE5 UNITS (12 x .35.= 4.2 ROUND UP)ALLOWABLE NUMBER OF UNITSPROPOSED DENSITY52.9 D.U./ AC.17 UNITSAVERAGE DAILY TRIPS CACLULATIONSLOCATIONADTBUILDING AEXISTING COMMERCAIL RETAIL BUILDINGS192 ADTAREA873.5 SFBUILDING B1,739.6 SFBUILDING C1,172 SFBUILDING D1,019 SFTOTAL4,804.1(40 ADT / 1000)PROPOSED PROJECTCOMMERCIAL RETAIL 2,185 SF88 ADTRESIDENTIALAPARTMENTS17 UNITS102 ADT(6 ADT x 15)TOTAL190 ADTADT DECREASE =--2 ADT < 110 ADT (NO TRAFFIC STUDY REQ'D.)LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:HUTTER DESIGNS3625 RUFFIN ROAD SUITE 108SAN DIEGO, CA. 92123PH. (619) 337-4044CIVIL ENGINEER:LANDMARK ENGINEERING3443 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTHSAN DIEGO, CA. 92108PH. (619) 260-0420PARKING CACLULATIONSFOR PARKING CALCULATIONS AND REQUESTED PARKINGREDUCTION RATIO SEE SHEET A1.0SHEET INDEXSITE PLANA0.0GROUND FLOOR PLANA1.0SECOND FLOOR PLANA1.1THIRD FLOOR PLANA1.2FOURTH FLOOR PLANA1.3EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA2.0EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSBUILDING SECTIONSA3.0A3.1ROOF PLANA4.0LANDSCAPE PLANL-1LANDSCAPE PLANL-2CODE DATAPROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2019OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATIONS: B (RETAIL)R2 (APARTMENTS)S2 (PARKING GARAGE)CONSTRUCTION TYPE:TYPE I (GROUND FLOOR)TYPE VA (2ND THRU 4TH FLOOR)SPRINKLERED:YES NFPA 13C.A.P. INFORMATIONTHE PROPOSED PROJECT CONFORMS WITH THE FOLLOWING:.90 ALLOWED OUTDOOR LIGHTING.90 ENERGY BUDGETCONTAINS ON-SITE RENEWABLE ENERGY VIA PHOTVOLTAICS47.9 kWdc PER GFA METHODCONTAINS COMBINATION OF SOLAR THERMAL & PHOTOVOLTAICWATER HEATING SYSTEMSCONTAINS 2 EV SPACES. (1 EVSE INSTALLED)LANDSCAPE CACLULATIONSFOR LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS AND WATER CONSERVATIONIRRIGATION INFORMATON SEE SHEETS L-1 THRU L-4ALL LANDSCAPING ON OR WITHIN R/W SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THEPROPERTY OWNERSHIP1 BED / 1.5 BATHUNIT 172ND FLOOR905 SFBUILDING SECTIONSA4.1IRRIGATION PLANL-3IRRIGATION PLANL-4COMMON OPEN SPACE CALCULATIONSLOCATIONAREA PROVIDEDSECOND FLOORREQUIRED TOTAL AREA: 255 SF (17 UNTIS x 15 SF)1,075 SFUSEEXTERIOR COMMONDECK...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-S~D'.'::P~2_0':'.:1_,9":°"'0071s CDP2019-0033 I I I/ X ~ ALM,~ u 8 x EX. TRASH EX. TRASI m ~ 0 u x w ~w -----~I le x w ' u 5 u x w u 5 u x w ~ --\ u 5 u x w EX. BLDG RAIS D BIO-RETENTION PLANTER .J ~-+---~::i.•----f's '[s~ l/\ \/\ ·0 ,/ ,/ /\ '\ I\ v " ''' -.!\/\/\/\/.; ' V '' ./\I . I\/\ I\ · \ 1 \/\,II\; ;/\I I\ ,I '\/ 1\/\ ./ I\ 22 N55'28'45"E 139.49' ~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +1A~1rit:-MD + + + + + + + -1--1-:i-u+n-4-" " + + + + ~ H"""""i"""""""""""""""""""""=:s::;;;-;-............................. 'l_ __ -~ 0 23 cjl EVSESPACE (INSTALLED) -- ---EX. BLDG J ' w u ~ x w I I 1/1 I ! I 2 ' 19 16 >-w _J _J <C 1 o' u 6 u I, NEWT ANSF I u 6 u x w ~'o6 "''" 2.0% \~!,1/ --r+----l!v"-1 --~1=a-17 b ' "' -----lo --"'".0%------EVSESPACE (CAPABLE) 14 C)· ~ l;ll~PACE ~ABLE) EX. ~~G TO .~E REMOVED '1 24 \; 11 ELEV. CLOSET 1.4% I 1111 I\ 11111 Vl I ~1-t----WTI'R'ffl---L \S~ - --+--s-----i&Y -------~·· ~~~~! ~I ~ ~ / REFUSE ~ ____ _ -t-t-----t--V z~;;::::1~:::1::1::1::1::====''==~-----~~ .~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ =! C 20' ~if ' 1 ()' ,,, ~ \ _12!-~ _l_2s EX. BlO,,:BE REMOVED 1 0% 7 46.35 COVERED PARKIN~ GARAGE --~------------1 2 3 l 9 F.S. 47.65' COMMERCIAL RETAIL • • • ,..OlJQ Q.t,Oc,,ip, Ii o .,,o I ••• EW STREET TREES I -~~~-.-t=~=-J-c+--~~m·l£E=tc-=---=-==ffl EX. BLDG TO BE REMOVED FF 47.84 . . . ; ~t:i + Oo./ + a ,..1_....,,,.--ER LANDSCAPE PLANS ~ u "" ~ • ••_,? a ~ ~ r~ 1 OOSF o "' "' c, 1~ (nA ' ' ' 0 "' •0 11 ' l"'-2 t 10 ~v ---ri-7'."'llll:CJ':nfflr-f C7'----trH+-0"\"0:t'"-"7 -rl''t ~~ : 40' 4 Q' Y ' 1 u,. I r:, r, i:, ,¥ Qt, + II 111 rn BE REMO\/£D-1 R--"1~~s.--':o:c+-s,Jl',t--'---''----+--------,l"-t----,--~~----t--tt-y1----t--1 5' w,,,---j:j t-. I' ~~G ....,, '' .Is "'o0 o o0 15. ti.ti. ;g 0110°&0 i~~IJ:c'J•--tt+---'"E. WATER LINE TO BE KILLED --< 11rt. • ~ 24'+ 24'+ ·.r.·. + 1~ "' "' + (.')+ + • • 1'-EX. WATER METER TO BE REMOVED ,-NEW 2'' SERVICE W/ I 2' WATER METER ·"· , 16'+ '" 5' ± r,1¼., ~· X '"' 0 :;, FS45.50 'i's '"~ N55'30 03 E 139.62' ~ 17 ....,, "',,0 1\-6.'IB -+---'.----------------~1--+----'r" -v ~(,;) ~ 6iivi~NC // ' :~ 11-~x' / / ~c..'_N1W 4" FIRE SERVICE z <( 2 i;' \ u 6 u i:5 27 ~------EX. BLDG L__J -r-ndr.;,. "' "" Pss Ave q, •• • <1-Carlsbad Village(:) Starbucks~ @Village Faire @Las Olas Me)jiCatl 0ce:in Palms ., Beach Resort and Carlsbad Inn ""' Beach Resort ~AY .t--::,-::.-::.-::.-::.-::.-::,-------,c-cL?'------f-,/,_ ___ ,j,, I I NEW □oMl;,,,c BACK FLOW ~---PER CIVIL / "'!?,. NEW FIRE SER IICE'1(PDA __ ~ PER CIVIL EX. BLDG --+r-==-=~~.__irlr '5 ;[ I Shell@) Pine Avenue Park Chase Field @ w 0 u, CJ 0"---14-+--EX TRANSFORMER TO BE REMOVED -~ Cl'. w s w (/) l \ SITE PLAN SCALE 1'" 10' NORIH CITY OF CARLSBAD -PROJECT INFORMATION TABLE Sil[ DEVELOPMENT PLAN OWNER: SONNY INVESlMENTS LLC ADDRESS: 3D39 JEFFERSON SlREET ARCHIITCT: BEJAN ARFAA ARCHIITCTS TYPE: MIXED-US£ / MULTIFAMILY HOUSING V-8 (~WAGE BARRIO) ZONE: CARLSBAD ~LLAGE MASITR PLAN Sil[ DATA (AREA) LOT: 13,978 sf BUILDING: 35,855 sf PARKING: SEE BELOW LANDSCAPING: ON-Sil[ 1,068 sf LANDSCAPING: R.O.W. 1,123 sf PARKING (SPACES) SEE PARKING ORD. REQ.: CALCULATION TABLE GARAGE: 19 COVERED: OPEN: LOADING/ lURN: HANDICAP: TOTAL: 3 2 19 PHONE: 760-497-1532 PHONE: 619-293-3118 ACCESSORS PARCEL NO: 203-351-22 Dl\l'lllNG UNITS SlUDIO 1 BDRM 9 2 BDRM B 3 BDRM TOTAL UNITS 17 DRIVEWAY TYPE: N/A ~DlH: SLOPE: OPEN SPACE DATA COMMON I PRIVA 1[ SEE "UNIT DATA TABLE' DN SHEETS: Al.1. Al.2 & AU SETBACKS FRONT: REAR: R-SIDc L-SIDE: 0 FT MIN. 5 FT MAX. 0 FT 0 FT D FT 1. BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES 2900 Fourth Ave. Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92103 PH.619 293-3118 FX.619 293-3419 en r-z w ~ ~ ~ <( ~ ::::) >< ::::) _J z 0 en 0:: w LL LL w --:, 1-w w 0:::: I-C/) z 0 ~ w LL LL w --:, 0) ('I") 0 ('I") BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES EXPRESSLY RESERVES 11S COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT & OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THIS DOCUMENT. ms DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, CHANGED, OR DISCLOSED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER l'MATSOEVER ~Tl-iOUT OBTAINING EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS. 2020 C,\OFFlCE STANDARD\BORDERI-D REVISIONS DATE SCALE FILE DRAWING NO. AO.O USEPARKING CALCULATION TABLECOMMERCIAL - RETAIL 1 SPACE / 415 SFREQUIRED. RATIOAREA ORUNIT QUANTITY2,185 SFRESIDENTIAL - 1 BED(TABLE A, 21.44.020)1 SPACE / UNITRESIDENTIAL - 2 BED 1.5 SPACE / UNIT98TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED6 SPACES9 SPACES12 SPACESBASE TOTAL REQUIRED PARKING27 SPACESMODIFIED RESIDENTIAL PARKING REQUIREMENTS PER CALIFORNIAGOV. CODE 65915 BASED ON AFFORDABLE HOUSING .TOTAL REQUIRED RESIDENTIAL PARKING OF 0.5 SPACE PERBEDROOM:25 BEDROOMS x 0.5 Rounded down = 12 SPACES (RESIDENTIAL)12 SPACES (RESIDENTIAL)TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED19 SPACESEXTERIOR HARDSCAPE (ON-SITE)TOTAL AREA ON THIS FLOOR = 856 SFLEGEND - FLOOR PLANSLANDSCAPE AREAS = 280 SFMAINTAINED BY PROPERTY MANAGEMENTSEE LANDSCAPE PLANSKEYNOTES - FLOOR PLANSBIO RETENTION LANDSCAPE AREAMAINTAINED BY PROPERTY MANAGEMENTSEE LANDSCAPE PLANSGROUND FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONSTOTAL GROUND FLOOR AREA= 12,419 SFCOMMERCIAL RETAIL SPACES = 2,185 SFRESIDENTIAL LOBBY= 510 SFEXIT STAIRCASES & ELEVATOR= 652 SFELECTRICAL ROOM = 205 SFPARKING GARAGE= 8,867 SF76 SPACE (COMMERCIAL)18 SPACES REQUIRED10ro I m N ' ~ I ITT ' N m 1--I ~ N D N . 22'-9" 15'-9" ,. 8 l'~z,;;;~~Au;_°¥'~~~~;;"'1;;1:'-~~~"'II--------\/ \I \I \I \l\j\l\ 1\1\j\l _j\1\/\f\/ \/\/\/\ ~/\ ~/\~/\/~/\\\I/\ \\j\,1\/\ '\/\ '\) 50'-1" 19'-6" --------------1-------LANDSCAPE 30'-o" TYP. 2 ----+-------+------1 I\ I \ I\ I I\ I I\ I $ ¥' ':rtl\~/~/~ \7~ /7\77/t/\r/77/:;:)1-;::==1===~~~~~~"1(:==;:;=:;;;:;;::::::;+:;;;:;=:;;;:;=;:;;::;:;;;:;:;;i ~ ~ \/ \ I\ I\ \ \ ~!i>RH Ci \ ,(),, ~. " I\/\ I\/\ I\ l 1 \ I \,__J__~~~sl::@2..~~GA~sl::@'-'~~GA"'sl::@a..!i !Gi~A:.!t:£~;.J:~~A.;.ts °"@'------I I\/\ I\/\ I "I l,... 11' ~/ I~-,. \I\ I I\/\ I " ~ ''---;:,=..-------' ' ___________ _,,__ \/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\1/\\,;;\/\\/~ ;;oo!~ \ r----7 -J-\/~-I\ I\ ~1 ,71-+ I . /\ 1 . /\ 1 \ 1 \I\ I rf\l\ I\ "" ~ i i ELECT. ROpM : ,-,-Gl ~ ,---7 i i ' J I I I I "I 00 0 u ~ 00 -, -< ' z ~ I 9 b I 0 -19 . ' ro I "' 18 0 I 17 0 -20'-Q" ' I ~~ 1 ' ' -----7 I I I I I I I I I I I ,-----" 1 w ~ <( u ~ 0 z <( ~ 10'-o" 5 >---.II ~------1 ">----------1--,1-a 5'-3" . \ . 2'-1" ( ( , __ '. D ' 2 s'-6" • b I 0 -• ' ro I ro • " ro I ro EVSE SPACE {INSTALLED) 16 15 EVSESPACE {CAPABLE) 20'-Q" 14 • ------' D I 0 N • EVSESPACE {CAPABLE) 13 ' 3 4 s'-6" s'-6" • • 24'-Q" ro ;;, 12 ' D I D 11 20'-0" I I I I I I I 11111H RESIDENTIAL STORAGE F.S. 47.60' COMMERCIAL RETAIL SPACE 2 1,085 S.F. 6 \ u,~-,,,, ~,I~ r, , (n 1 ~!~E j\. \ ~ c::::::::::!:::!:::::::!:::!:::::::!:::==::::::L.J RESIDENTIAL LOBBY 14'-10" K I I I I 4'-4" u 0 u I SJ -, -< ' ''"==~ V F.S. 47.75' ~ n:::=======~4 ~ z ~ ~ I COVERED PARKING GARAGE D I ~ N k I _, 5 6 7 8 9 s'-6" s'-6" s'-6" s'-6" s'-6" • . . . ' 102'-2" " ;,v 10 s'-6" • F.S. 47.65' COMMERCIAL RETAIL SPACE 1 1,100 S.F. 4 3 10'-1" • 30'-0" ,.,.. I I u.. • • GROUND FLOOR PLAN @ SCALE 118"" 1'-0" NORTH b I "' -b I ,__ ' ~ I n N ' 0 I ro ' ' ' ' • • w w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' w " • • • • ' w w w w w w TRANSFORMER ON PAD 0 DOWNSPOUT, DISCHARGE POINT INTO BIO-RETENTION PLANTER GAS METERS FIRE SERVICE RPDA DOMESTIC WATER BACKFLOW DEVICE LINE OF FLOOR ABOVE LINE OF 14 FT. PLATE TRANSITION TO 10 FT. PLATE IN PARKING GARAGE TRASH CHUTE FROM FLOOR ABOVE OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR WI DECORATIVE VENT SCREENING DRAIN LOCATED IN ELEVATOR PIT. SEE CIVIL DRAWINGS & SWQMP FOR DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD -PROJECT INFORMATION TABLE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OWNER: SONNY INVES™ENTS llC PHONE: 76D-497-1532 ADDRESS: 3039 JEFFERSON STREET ARCHITECT: BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS PHONE: 619-293-3118 TYPE: MIXED-USE/ MULTIFAMILY HOUSING ACCESSORS PARCEL NO: 203-351-22 ZONE: V-B i~LLIAGE BARRIO) CARL BAD ~llAGE MASTER PLAN D\\£LLING UNITS OPEN SPACE DATA SITE DATA (AREA) STUDIO -COMMON I PRIVATE LOT: 13,978 sf 1 BDRM 9 BUILDING: 35,855 sf 2 BDRM B SEE "UNIT DATA TABLE" ON SHEETS: PARKING: SEE BELOW 3 BDRM -Al.1, Al.2 & AU LANDSCAPING: 1,068 sf TOTAL UNITS 17 ON-~TE LANDSCAPING: 1,123 sf DRIVEWAY SETBACKS R.O.W. PARKING (SPACES) ORD. REQ.c SEE PARKING TYPE: N/A FRONT: 0 FT MIN. CALCULATION TABLE 5 FT MAX. GARAGE: 19 LOADING/ TURN: 3 ~DTH: -REAR: 0 FT COVERED: -HANDICAP: 2 SLOPE: -R-SIDE: 0 FT OPEN: -TOTAc 19 L-SIDE: D FT BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES 2900 Fourth Ave. Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92l03 PH.619 293-3118 FX.619 293-3419 en r-z w ~ ~ ~ tu <~ I-~ Cl) ::> z >< @ ::> 0::: _J ~ z tt 0 -, en ~ c::: g w LL LL w ..., BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES EXPRESSLY RESERVES IT'S COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT & OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THIS DOCUMENT. THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, CHANGED, OR DISCLOSED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER WITHOUT OBTAINING EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS. 2020 C: \OFFICE STANDARD\BORDER1-D REVISIONS DAlE SCALE FILE DRA'MNG NO. A1.0 A-A-B-B-D-D-C-C-UNIT NO.UNIT SF. *PRIVATE OPEN SPACEUNIT DATA TABLE - SECOND FLOORLOCATIONTYPEAREA (SF)UNIT TYPE123456845810EXT. DECKEXT. DECKEXT. DECKEXT. DECKEXT. DECKEXT. DECK2ND FLOOR2ND FLOOR2ND FLOOR2ND FLOOR2ND FLOOR2ND FLOOR1 BED/1.5 BATH2 BED/2.5 BATH1,1501,2768301,5701381 BED/1.5 BATH2 BED/2.5 BATH/DEN2ND FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONSTOTAL 2ND FLOOR AREA= 8,632SFTOTAL 2ND FLOOR RESIDENTIAL UNIT AREA = 6,481 SFTOTAL 2ND FLOOR PRIVATE OPEN SPACE = 1,006 SFTOTAL 2ND FLOOR COMMON SPACE AREA = 1,075 SF2 BED/2.5 BATH1 BED/1.5 BATH19218380803336 x 2SLIDER0 62 x 20 04 x 20 03 x 40 02 x 26 05 x 40 04 x 40 06 x 40 03 x 20 06 x 20 62 x 56 6SLIDERSLIDERSLIDERSLIDERSLIDERSLIDERFIXEDAWNINGDBL. HUNGAWNING6 x 72 PANEL SLIDER0 010 x 70 03 x 60 8SINGLE LITE FRENCH4 PANEL SLIDERPR. 3 x 70 0SINGLE LITE FRENCHW/ 30" SIDE LITEPR. 3 x 60 8UNIT PRIVATE OPEN SPACE WITH MINIMUM OF 6FT IN BOTH DIRECTIONS.SEE CALCULATIONS ABOVE FOR SQ. FTG. PER UNITLEGEND - FLOOR PLANSFLAT ROOF AREA(NON-HABITABLE)SLOPE ROOF AREA W/ STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF.ROOF PITCH = 4.5 :12ROOF AREA ON THIS FLOORUNIT DECKSBIO RETENTION RAISED PLANTERS ON DECKMAINTAINED BY PROPERTY MANAGEMENTSEE LANDSCAPE PLANS(INCLUDES PRIVATE OPEN SPACE & PRIVATE DECK AREASTHAT DO NOT QUALIFY FOR PRIVATE OPEN SPACE)TOTAL 2ND FLOOR PRIVATE DECK AREA = 1,670 SF39' o" 39 -3 17'-5" 14'-o" 28'-6" , , , 21'-8" PROPERTY LINE ;,, I N ----'.------n I N ------'~---f--+-DOWNSPOUT, DISCHARGE POINT INTO /~--BIO-RETENTION PLANTER ' I ~ \ \I \I \f , I \I , I \I \ \I \ I \I · I \I · I \I • I \I /\/\ \/\ \/\ \j\ \/\/ \/\;\/\ \/\ \/\ \/\ \/\; \/\! \/\J \/ ~m~/\ I\/\ I\/\ I\/\/ r\/\f\l\j\l\j\,\/\1\/\IA'\A'\A'\A'\I\ -~ LLLLLLLLLL I )," LLDE<IK.LLLL . ' N 0 BEDROOM MASTER 77' 9" ( 0.X~ ~□ ~: '□ I "' LMNG/DINING 1,150SF 2 BED/2.5 BATH UNIT 1 75' 3" 13'-71" ' 0 LLLLLLL~LI LLLLLLL~L' LLLLLLL~Li LLLLLLe.,_~L LLLU-Lli~L 0 LLLL't':'t"it"~ LI LLLLLLL~LI LLLLLLL~L LLLLLLL~L LLLL(Ll_' L " I " I " " I " I " " I " I ~ ~ I 11' o" J BEDROOM Ill c,111 n ~ i/;, ----+-N I ~ -----~LLLL~LLLL~LL~LLLLL~LLI ~.-.-•• -•• -.-•• -•• -.-•• -.~ •• ~ •• -.-•• -•• -.-•• -.-•• -•• -.-•• -.•.• ~,-..• -.•.• -.-•• -.-•• -•• -.-•• -•• -.-•• -.-•• -•• -.-•• -•• -.-•• -.-.. ~.-----Jllttttttttt~ttt=ttttttt~ r::;:~~~';!;'';";";'I;::::;J~~~~~~r;"T";'~~"T'T'r-'!J-ct: L 7-c1:. T-[r CT ~ L b!,,J_ LL L Loi Le-·e--e--e--e--e--e--e--e--e--e--11111111 , ~LLI LLLLLil 0 Ll"t"LLLLLI , , , , , , , , , , , 11111111 , L.~ LLLLL ,-LLLLLLLLI ~ 11~~s11111 1111111~ ,:LL LLLLL '' 1 '1 1 " 111 -r-r-,,,11 111rllEtr,r'., , ~LL LLLLLL 0 1 1111[1111[ 1111111~ [ I I I LLLLl~::..1_1 1 11111111 , • LL LL LL LL LL LL .......... .. LL ............ . . . r; . . . . L'.. / ;,;';\ :\ /\/\~ /\ ; "'/\/ \/\/ " \ /\ . I \ I \ I \/ \/ \/ \ , / \ / \ 1 \/\I\ V 11111111, 0 1;==:::,e,==~-.,c::;i!J,_ _ _(_1'.12":. c'6i"" __ -Jl-__ _11_5'5.::._3"3"'__f---Jl----1144c:• :(JO"_" --1--.11 ........... .. 0 MASTER 0 I\/\; I \I 0 ' ill LIVING/DINING 845SF 1 BED/1.5 BA TH UNIT2 14' g" >--'I<---~-, KITCHEN 0 I "' ' BEDROOM 1 ;,, 12' 4" LIVING/DINING 'scl-BED ROOM "o ~ BEDROOM ~ ~ "" f----"1,2~7~5S~F=~N C) -~ "> ' -"" c;' 11 I "" N / 2 BED/2.5 BAT!i f UNIT3 b I "' !'.g} 11'-10" 11 I I II 11 I 'o I II II I I I II 11 L ____ lfl ___ _J II ih-------F-----_J .. fl\ .... ·'0:/_··· >©«······· \/\/' ,I \j \/ , ' I \ I ' \/ \/ .I \I \ \ ; ........... c ................ ·.. . . . . " %'-ti:'/ r=n u#=FI ""::F (0=;=· .~~;:::::::;J ~ ..':. D ~ II I ' I II ~ _I ~, ~ Q ~~-------CD~ (;~:11::::;:::;::;::;::e-;ll:;:::;::;:II ~~~:,::ii:::::;~1f\ : • 11 L ___ _J II lh----_-___________ -_--!I " I II I I ll ELEV. K ' 0 I ~ N 0 -u ~ CD ~ ,,---_-________ ---77 II ,-----,-7 II "'Nl[)III II I "I I II II I '° I II dbl I!! g' 6" --==:;,I" I " 'icrtp-' i-i" ')Ji ""--IL) .... I :: I ,,11 "' 117' 5" ( ~ ( V CORRIDOR ~2NDFLOOR F.S. 58.65' l)' I('" II :,:, rr-----~ __________ ----il ~ 11 --------7 11 11i~ ,,.-Ill II I (D / I II /7" lc::1 II I I II '\, ic""'::'.\11=" =>I. " 15' g" ~ CJ ~ 9' 6" "' L _ _J L _ _J CORRIDOR DEN !========= --------u 16' 8" 21' 2" ' ~ I 11 \._ / I " / \ ' " 5• 1"<Q'J LOBBY DECK COMMON ........... <r ........... ::::<:<::~: 4 "' .. -, .. © ' 0 I "' ' 0 I "' I I:= n I (0 -0 ~ (])< ' ill ( --------' ;,, "' ~ KITCHEN 9'-6" ,----N (0 sh~· ·@ ...... . . C .. . ~~~;~!~~ ' ~ I ro ©I LIVING/DINING 830SF LIVING/DINING 810SF ~LLL, LLillLI 0 ' io (0 ·1" X 1.6=6 ,~ >®< .·.·.·. <·««c 'o I -~ BEDROOM 1 BED/1.5 BATH UNIT4 1 BED/1.5 BA TH UNIT5 J BEDROOM ' ttt~ BEDR1~~~.. 15'-7" 16'-1" LLL=-IJl'---~--1-~w----+-------,11---------1-----.11 .......... LLLLI LLLLI Lli'-ln'LI 12'-o" 1s'-o" 14'-9" 12·-10" ' ;,, LLLLL: -r,-.k4I I ~ 0 0 LLLLLL I\ , L QI l,!;:::;11;1~~7 _ = LLLLLL _L ~ ,L ~ 1,570 SF 'i.i--i 2 BED/2.5 BATH/DEN ;'. UNIT 6 LIVING/DINING f.-' MASTER BEDROOM N 0 ©.·.·.· ........... [·~ -....... "' ........ ........... "~~-~ r.:-, r.:-, LL"-"·LL L LLLCC0-_LLL '0 LLLLL= LLL L"" C:::: LLLbb,1'.-LLLl ITT ~~ L' LL!>Et!:KLLLL 0 0 LL ~ ~ 4l, en LLLLLLLLL_LLL~ ....... L LLLLLLLL!::;:~cl',o=='===L_ ==== LLLLLLLL1 L LLLLLL _LLL LLLLLLLLL_LLLc_. "----------+ l"=='"============a-LLL LLLLLLLL ,f-LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLlc L LLLLLL _LLLL , r.:-, LillLLLLLLL_LLLL ' ........... LL!.;,, Ll,eb.LLLLL , LLu.,J.,.LLLLLLLLLLLL L L LLLLLL LLLL 'd LLLLL!JEl'KL6_LLLL .... . -U..~L:il LCl"'LLLLL ~ LL LLL'l".'1".LLL' LLLLL' ' LLLLLLLLb_LLLL ,~ , ........... ~ :c ccccccct-:1 cccccccct =:J . . . . _ · = ........ ·. •• =cccccctccccccccccccE=cccf-· · · · · · · · n b I · · · · · · · · · ..... :i: ... · LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL_LLLL ............ • • • ........... .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.n·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ·.-:.'cti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.· .................... I. ·JJ,/,/,/JJ>JJ>JJJJJ•<J<JJ··············,1,1.,1,1 .. ,1,1 .. ,1,1,1,1,1 .. ,1,1 ........... <<<@<· ' ' ... ' .... ' .... ' ' .... ' .... .-.-.":s't."' ' .... ' ... ' ' ... ' ' ' ... ' ' ... ' .... ' ..... ' ' .... ' .... ' .... ' ... ' ' ..... ' ... ' ' ... ' ..... ' ' . . . . ... ' ..... ' .... ' ... /\/' I 1/0" \ I \ \ I\ ; I V\/\'\ I \ I I \/ \; \ I \I\ I \ I \ I \ ,/\/\! \/ \ I \ ~\/\I I\N\ I\ I \i \!\/\ /\/\/ .. ~~;:\~~~ "\/\! /~ /\/\ \/\/\/\/ -<> 4'-3'' ' 0 I ITT ·c--1 n N ' 0 I ~ 1-LLLLLLLLL 1-LLLLLLLLL 1-LLLLLLLLL 1-LLLLLLLLL 1f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-1-LLLLLLLLL i--LLLLLLLLL i--LLLLLLLLL 1-LLLLLLLLL 1 f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-.... .... ........ .... ...... . ... . ... .. ...... ........ .... ...... .... . ... II]] /\/\/\/\; \i\1\/\/\ /\!\/\!\/ -'!----------tjcccc=~ ' PROPE TY LINE '_, I N '"'--._I"---_ DOWNSPOUT, DISCHARGE POINT INTO '------BIO-RETENTION PLANTER I, 12'-4" I, WINDOW SCHEDULE SYMBOL SIZE OPERATION 0 ® © ® © ® © ® 0 0 ® 31'-5" I, 25'-6" EXT. DOOR SCHEDULE SYMBOL SIZE OPERATION 0 0 0 0 0 NOTE: FOR SOUND MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL WINDOWS AND PATIO DOORS SEE NOTES ON SHEET A-3.1 & A-3.2 24'-10" ,. , 22'-11" I, 16'-1" 30'-4" I, SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE 118' = 1'-0" NORTH CITY OF CARLSBAD -PROJECT INFORMATION TABLE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OWNER: SONNY INVESlMENTS llC PHONE: 760-497-1532 ADDRESS: 3039 J'FFERSON STRITT ARCHITECT: BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS PHONE: 619-293-3118 TYPE: MIXED-USE/ MULTIFAMILY HOUSING ACCESSORS PARCEL NO: 203-351-22 ZONE: V-B i~LLIAGE BARRIO) CARL BAO ~llAGE MASTER PLAN 0\\£LLING UNITS OPEN SPACE DATA SITE DATA (AREA) Sl\lOIO -COMMON I PRIVATE LOT: 13,978 sf 1 BDRM 9 BUILDING: 35,855 sf 2 BDRM B SEE 'UNIT DATA TABLE" ON SHEETS: PARKING: SEE BELOW 3 BDRM -A1.1, Al.2 & AU LANDSCAPING: 1,068 sf TOTAL UNITS 17 ON-~TE LANDSCAPING: 1,123 sf DRIVEWAY SEIBACKS R.0.W. PARKING (SPACES) ORD. REQ.: SEE PARKING TYPE: N/A FRONT: 0 FT MIN. CALCULATION TABLE 5 FT MAX. GARAGE: 19 LOADING/ l\lRN: 3 1110TH: -REAR: 0 FT COVERED: -HANDICAP: 2 SLOPE: -R-SIDE: 0 FT OPEN: -TOT~ 19 L-SIDE: 0 FT BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES 2900 Fourth Ave. Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92103 PH.619 293-3118 FX.619 293-3419 en ..... z w ~ ~ 0: <( ~ ::> >< ::> .....J z 0 en c::: w LL LL w ...., 1-UJ UJ 0::: I-C/) z 0 ~ UJ LL LL UJ -, en C") 0 C") BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES EXPRESSLY RESERVES IT"S COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT & OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN ms DOCUMENT. THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, CHANGED, OR DISCLOSED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER WITHOUT OBTAINING EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS. 2020 C: \CfflCE STANDARD\B0RDER1-D REVISIONS DAlE SCALE FILE DRAWING NO. A1 .1 A-A-B-B-D-D-C-C-UNIT NO.UNIT SF. *PRIVATE OPEN SPACEUNIT DATA TABLE - THIRD FLOORLOCATIONTYPE AREAUNIT TYPE7891011121,610EXT. DECKEXT. DECKEXT. DECKEXT. DECKEXT. DECKEXT. DECK3RD FLOOR3RD FLOOR3RD FLOOR3RD FLOOR3RD FLOOR3RD FLOOR2 BED/2.5 BATH1 BED/1.5 BATH2 BED/2.5 BATH/DEN8451 BED/1.5 BATH1,1501,3268308103RD FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONSTOTAL 3RD FLOOR AREA= 7,888 SFTOTAL 3RD FLOOR RESIDENTIAL UNIT AREA = 6,571 SFTOTAL 3RD FLOOR PRIVATE OPEN SPACE = 1,015 SF2 BED/2.5 BATH1 BED/1.5 BATH1391402431381382176 x 2SLIDER0 62 x 20 04 x 20 03 x 40 02 x 26 05 x 40 04 x 40 06 x 40 03 x 20 06 x 20 62 x 56 6SLIDERSLIDERSLIDERSLIDERSLIDERSLIDERFIXEDAWNINGDBL. HUNGAWNING6 x 72 PANEL SLIDER0 010 x 70 03 x 60 8SINGLE LITE FRENCH4 PANEL SLIDERPR. 3 x 70 0SINGLE LITE FRENCHW/ 30" SIDE LITEPR. 3 x 60 8SINGLE LITE FRENCHUNIT PRIVATE OPEN SPACE WITH MINIMUM OF 6FT IN BOTH DIRECTIONS.SEE CALCULATIONS ABOVE FOR SQ. FTG. PER UNITLEGEND - FLOOR PLANSFLAT ROOF AREA(NON-HABITABLE)SLOPE ROOF AREA W/ STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF.ROOF PITCH = 4.5 :12ROOF AREA ON THIS FLOORUNIT DECKS(INCLUDES PRIVATE OPEN SPACE & PRIVATE DECK AREASTHAT DO NOT QUALIFY FOR PRIVATE OPEN SPACE)TOTAL 3RD FLOOR PRIVATE DECK AREA = 1,193 SFm n 0 I m N ' ' ' A. \..___,I ~ \..___,I CD 0 u ~ CD -, ~ z ~ 11'-9" 15'-11" 11'-4" 1s'-s" . \I \/ \I \ \ ,I \ ,/ \ ,I /\/\/\!\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\!\ \/\/\/\/\ \/\/\/\/\/\/ I /\ I I /\/\/\/ I\J\/\J\/\J\ \/\/\/ /\/ \/ \ \ \/\/\/\ - - - - - -7 \ I\ /\ I \ I \ /\ I /\ I\ /\ . \ /\ /\ I I /\ I\ /\ I C:Ji"""""""E""""'C=1 _, ~, ...... , ..... , ...... ,-, 1--, ...... , ..... , ...... ,-........ ® L_ __ ' 1111111111 -I m r;:: ",,,,,,,,,, 110 -12'r-1 ' [T "1110ECK11111 I Ci: LLLLLLLL L.11 L LilEdK_ L Ll _ I LLLLLL L -~ :,,,,,,,,r:r: -f-f-.;.-J-f-; LLLLLLL LI 11,c.1111 =E[FF,o~ 0 ' 1,150SF N ' ' 2 BED/2.5 BA TH w ro © ' BEDROOM -UNIT? ,-,; -MASTER LLLLLLL LL LLLLLLL tt 0 11111 LLLLLLl'.s, 0 LLLLD~LL,;, LIVING/DINING 0 LLLLLLL'c [[ LLLLLLL 845SF LLLLLLL L[ 0 1 BED/1.5BATH -f-f-f-©-f-f-BEDROOM I UNITS w 11'-9" 1.'>'-.," ' 11'-o" 14'-9" 12'-4" ( __/ 'ro ® Xt> 0) " ' " I " BEDROOM >--'I<---~ -,-(0 (0 ~ D 2 ! i==;==:;,:;;::;;;;;;;j -~ \ I ::1A 1:: (0"°~ ~ D ~ 0 1 TCHEN " I " I " " I " I :: I 111 O 111 ,, ,P ~ ((J, II I ' I II ~ I '--"" • ~I r., 11 'r---II ~Q 7' Y 11 L ___ _J II ~ < , r;,L!:::":L __ :;: __ :;: __ :;_-=_-;: __ ;llr:;:•---:;:~~==:::::;ir'I \ ! ii I= CORRIDOR rr--------71 11 ,----. 7 11 ,,,Nu;i111 W 0 .....! : ii ~"' l)C111 I "\_ II l),--.1,, '111 'Ii, I II II I • I II II I <D I II io " ro l_l I!! <~ KITCHEN 0 ' "' ,,-----~ ----------4 II 1-"------7 II II I 7 _,,.,---, I II II I. / I II = i(Q) "3RD FLOOR F.F. 68.15' II I <D I II II ~ DEN ' -' ,-,; -23'-7" PROPERTY LINE 17'-5" ' n I N 14'-o" 28'-6" 21'-s" , A _J -----',--------II I " I II L _ _J L _ _J ' w ~ 0 12'-6" ~ BED ROOM ( "'. I------(0 ii ' m I °" CORRIDOR 15'-3" 1,326 SF 0scJ-,-~=~---< ' 2 BED/2.5 BATI-1 N UNIT9 N LIVING/DINING -------"1lil I D I -----' j' ' " I " ' " 0 14'-0" BEDROOM MASTER \ ,_ J0 n -" I 0 ,,,,,~ I e 11111c I ffiFI"' I rt-I -, I I I I-~ I'--lD 110.&11 _I I ,,11,, I " 111111 ,,,,,~ I 111111111r ~ . :'.'.'X -©-_J ' m r ' "' 1(0)11' 10" ii I , I II 11 I O I 11 II I I I II 11 L ____ Ll') _ _j II LL----------=" __)MAINT. X '/ /' CLOSET = ,,-------;------71 II ,--G -7 II II I _I I II © -I 29'-9" ' 1 ' I I I I I I I u CD 0 u I Sci -, -< ~ z ~ I m ro I ◊~ ' ' ~ 9'-6" © (Q//' b I ~ <.. C I C b -9'-6" '""" =· 16'-8" 21'-2" 6'-1""<61 ,,_ ( " ~ I I ~ "' . w ~ ~~"1=1!:;1 :!!::;j'=====T=rJ__ ______ l-t--t-----------'1-' ~rt-"---'r11t-~-_'"_°_ __ 7~t--==~==---71~~~Q©;;::;o 10·-o· = "'----"' (0 n I _I "' ,..,---. = (0 " ,,_ © ' n I @XV~~ -'I.-------~==~~t-_J I (0 "' X 0 I m ~ KITCHEN (0 s~x-®-7 l.!=='~"""t;;::::J,;=;c=;=i:;~~~~*------+---l------~~-' n . 0 I ro 0 -I m ®I . ' I . 0 ' BEDROOM tj-12'-o" 0 111111 -,,,,R =FF<F~i-: -11111r 12'-4" WINDOW SCHEDULE SYMBOL SIZE OPERATION @ ® © ® © 0 © ® 0 0 ® LL Lk J,L,;; IIIL C LIVING/DINING 830SF 1 BED/1.5 BA TH UNIT 10 1s'-o" 0 LLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL LLllEE"LLLLL LLC:_LLLLL LLLLLLLLL ;,, I ;,-'" I " LL L1,, LU: ,~ Ill L 31'-5" LIVING/DINING __) 810SF 1 BED/1.5 BA TH UNIT 11 BEDROOM I ;, 14'-9" 12·-10" 0J 0 ,f-f-f-f--,11-1111111 _LLLLLLLLL[ '''Dlf'F'' _LLLLLLLLL 111 111 _LL m LL L fr1 ·,---,-,-,-,-,-_LLL_ LLL _LLLLLLLLUIJ ' I ;.. 12'-8" , EXT. DOOR SCHEDULE SYMBOL SIZE OPERATION 1f-,f-f-f-~. I @ 13'-1" 15'-7" 14'-7" 1111111 © BEDROOM 11,-__ _.,__._---1_-----Jy,__-+-_._,__.__ ___ -Jl-__ _..__,_---1-_-----J<r,,,,,, I 1,610SF BEDROOM"' 111111 ;,-2 BED/2.5 BATH/DEN MASTER ~ 0 I r"F"• I I I -I UNIT12 111111 111111 6'-0" _ro~ I n ©-I L< i 0l m -LIVING/DINING I ~ Qi t::§Ltc"'~7=LLLL I • ~LLL LLLL -0~~□ LLL~ ~LLL r=r=ae,=====ct==i::J~=~-~ii"·~~~~~LL~~ L~LLLLLL~LLL I L © J::[_1-::[T:C:ij-~C:LL LI' LLLLLLl"_LLL C n ____ LLLLLL LLLI ifLLLLLLLLLL PROPE TY LINE 12'-10" f-++++++-L f--+-I f--f--f--f--f--f--f--f-+-L f-+-22'-11" C ' m I N 16'-1" ,,,,,r.; I 1111111 _J . , /', V I 24'-10" 30'-4" C 0 0 THIRD FLOOR PLAN 0 0 0 NOTE: FOR SOUND MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL WINDOWS AND PATIO DOORS SEE NOTES ON SHEET A-3.1 & A-3.2 SCALE 118' = 1'-0" NORIH ;,, I N ' ro I ~ I N r-LLLLLLLL~l r-LLLLLLLLL 1--LLLLLLLLL 1--LLLLLLLL~f r-f-+++++-f-++-1--LLLLLLLLL 1-LLLLLLLLL 1-LLLLLLLLL r-LLLLLLLLL r-LLLLLLLLL ' .. " ' .. " .. " " ...... .... '""" -CITY OF CARLSBAD -PROJECT INFORMATION TABLE SITE DEVELDPMENT PLAN 01\NER, SONNY INVESTMENTS LiC PHONE, 760-497-1532 ADDRESS, 3039 JEFFERSON STREET ARCHITECI BEJAN ARFM ARCHITEClS PHONE, 619-293-3118 TiPE, MIXED-USE / MULTIFAMILY HOUSING ACCESSORS PARCEL NO, 203-351-22 ZONE, V-B i~LLIAGE BARRID) CARL BAD ~UAGE MASTER PLAN DWELLING UNllS OPEN SPACE DATA SITE DATA (AREA) STUDIO -COMMON I PRIVATE LDI 13,978 sf 1 BDRM 9 BUILDING, 35,855 sf 2 BDRM 8 SEE "UNIT DATA TABLE" ON SHEElS, PARKIN~ SEE BELDW 3 BDRM -A1.1, A1.2 & A1.3 LANDSCAPING, 1,068 sf TOTAL UNITS 17 DN-SITE LANDSCAPING, 1,123 sf DRIVEWAY SEIBACKS R.O.W. PARKING (SPACES) ORD. REQ., SEE PARKING TiPE, N/A FRONI 0 FT ~IN. CALCULATION TABLE 5 FT ~AX. GARAGE, 19 LOADING/ TURN, 3 \\1D1H, -REAR, 0 FT COVERED, -HANDICAP, 2 SLOPE, -R-~DE, 0 FT OPEN, -TOTAc 19 L-SIDE, 0 FT BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES 2900 Fourth Ave. Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92103 PH.619 293-3118 FX.619 293-3419 en ..... z w ~ ~ 0: <( ~ ::::) >< ::::) ...J z 0 en c:: w LL LL w --, 1-w w a::: I-C/) z 0 ~ w LL LL w --, 0) C") 0 C") BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES EXPRESSLY RESERVES IT'S COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT & OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THIS DOCUMENT. THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, CHANGED, OR DISCLOSED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER WITl-WUT OBTAINING EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS. 2020 C, \OFFICE STANDARD\80RDER1 -D REVISIONS DAlE SCALE FILE DRAWING NO. A1.2 A-A-B-B-D-D-C-C-UNIT PRIVATE OPEN SPACE WITH MINIMUM OF 6FT IN BOTH DIRECTIONS.SEE CALCULATIONS ABOVE FOR SQ. FTG. PER UNITLEGEND - FLOOR PLANSFLAT ROOF AREA(NON-HABITABLE)1314151,420810EXT. DECKEXT. DECKEXT. DECK4TH FLOOR2 BED/2.5 BATH4TH FLOOR2 BED/2.5 BATH4TH FLOOR1 BED/1.5 BATH1,242SLOPE ROOF AREA W/ STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF.ROOF PITCH = 4.5 :12ROOF AREA ON THIS FLOOR4TH FLOOR AREA CALCULATIONSTOTAL 4TH FLOOR AREA= 6,182 SFTOTAL 4TH FLOOR RESIDENTIAL UNIT AREA = 5,207 SF80% OF 3RD FLOOR ( 7,888 sf x .80)= 6,310 SF >6,182 SF80% OF 2ND FLOOR (8,204 sf x .80)= 6,563 SF >6,182 SFTOTAL 4TH PRIVATE OPEN AREA = 881 SF(INCLUDES PRIVATE OPEN SPACE & PRIVATE DECK AREASTHAT DO NOT QUALIFY FOR PRIVATE OPEN SPACE)16174TH FLOOR4TH FLOOR1 BED/1.5 BATH1 BED/1.5 BATH830905EXT. DECKEXT. DECK6 x 2SLIDER0 62 x 20 04 x 20 03 x 40 02 x 26 05 x 40 04 x 40 06 x 40 03 x 20 06 x 20 62 x 56 6SLIDERSLIDERSLIDERSLIDERSLIDERSLIDERFIXEDAWNINGDBL. HUNGAWNING6 x 72 PANEL SLIDER0 010 x 70 03 x 60 8SINGLE LITE FRENCH4 PANEL SLIDERPR. 3 x 70 0SINGLE LITE FRENCHW/ 30" SIDE LITEPR. 3 x 60 8SINGLE LITE FRENCHUNIT DECKSDECK BELOWSEE SHEET A-3.0 &A-3.1 FOR DECK WALLCONSTRUCTION ANDSOUND MITIGATIONAT THIS DECK.SEE SHEET A-3.0 &A-3.1 FOR DECK WALLCONSTRUCTION ANDSOUND MITIGATIONAT THIS DECK.TOTAL 4TH FLOOR PRIVATE DECK AREA = 1,101 SF0 n 0 0 I "' N N 0 0 0 ~ ~ . 8 -5 32 -3 ,, 20'-7" ----+--,f\ ,f\ ,I\ ,I\ ,I\ ,I\ ,I\ ,f \ ,f \ !\/\ !\/\ !\/\ l\/\/\l\l\/\/\/\1\/\I\ \ !\/\ /\ I\ /\ I\ '\ I\ /\ I I\ I\ I\ I\" I\ I\ I \ \ I\ \ I I\ I\ \ /\ 1\ /\ 1\ /\ / \ I \ I \ I\ I_ \ I \ I \ fi=''=i========iii'l"=='=='=='=='==il I\/\/\/\\\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\; ' ' -' L LLLL LLLLLL LLLLl,;;L ~tLLt-"L LLLL LLLL LLLLLL ~ LLLL 19' 7" 905SF 1 BED/1.5 BA TH UNIT 17 LMNG/DINING ~ 0 I N -' ,,,, ''''''-' ,,oecKif ''f@'"' '' ,, 11' g" MASTER 0 ro BEDROOM I N -\ ' L, , 18'-2" . PROPERTY LINE II 15'-8" 12'-7" ,, 31'-7" , ___ ...J_ -__ __,___ -~ II #II .LLL 0 I-J+-tt!-+J-jj-ll-11-l+-ttl-++-ll-lll-ll-!J;-fl--li+--lf'============'i--f----~-i.-I LLL N 0 LLLf -LLL BEDROOM I 8 [El~t MASTER N -LLL ~~ 17'-1" f-sf=b+ LLLLL L LLLLL L ' LIVING/DINING LLLLL L LLLLL L I'---.. -' I ~ ~-X ,. ,. I ([: 13'-4" " s'-o" 10'< LIL LLLL 1--_1''::'55"_" ---41 j~ct-,;jtL'.±' ~·"t' ~-~_'_-~~~H~-'-:1~~1Fi'(0~3 ctztc·· .,r KITCHEN i ([: • LJ " , BEDROOM 1,420SF LLLLL L 0 LLLLL L 2 BED/2.5 BATH I 0 UNIT 13 "' L~L L -LL:C L L f-0 [) ( I KITCHEN N -0 -N I / ITT -u CD 0 A u ~ CD ~ ~ z ~ © ® ~ t:t~ I ro / -□ ~ ~ l~-~ (+--"--'=='-----+--t----'=------'=----6'-8" I, 9'-6" ., L LL L '\, =p;=f'I-~ • --'i, LLLLLI [: ~ ~ ,, , \.. rr 1 .... , 1 " , ------LLLLL n ,'-r.:!iiil 11 I I 11 lllll D Ii I \ LLLLL 1--I C!!!J II " I'--I II ~ O 11 I 1 1 11 UNITSTORAGE II I --ttttt U9 <.,» I :: :: I [X] : :: , !! 0f ( ~ I II LL_ +--_J J / ,)(, V -(D 11 \1!1-=:::!!::===" ::!!:=~=~=~=~~,===~=~=~:::!:~====:If c=======Utrot../ .::,··utrot../ .::,··uL...,:::::!I,\ CORRIDOR -'4TH FLOOR F.S. 77.65' L _ _J L _ _J I. 0 LLLLL L 21'-1" LlzloJ.oL L LLLLL L ~ ELEV. I\ •-----c1 I w - --11---¥-L\-\Q) i\T J; rr======= =71 \oJ 11; _J :: u,'11 \oi, r.l II J D : :: II 1-=-----7 11 0 ~~j~----, II r----------------., D ~ 0 -----------., l)======:!J II R ' II II I " II I " II I " !! I !! 9' 5" ro I II ' !! "' -< i:;E] ~ CQl e 0 0 ', = I 0) IX v 0) 0 ' 0, LIVING/DINING ro ' "' 0 ' 0, ~ L/ <" 111 "-II -!! ! 1 / ! !! ~ / "" ! !! , i'--+.~-4--KIT_C_H_EN __ ____c2c:s_' -_:s_" ---f---~,ljttl-;L1-,i.y-1r'f=-_~)4'L·-L" ,L-1+-,ffl!-~ !! I I !1 i--------<D ( I \ I !! 111 co _LLLLLL:111~~-="=-~~-~ 9, 6·i-----11 1s' 3" _LLLLLL LIVING/DINING 0 I N BEDROOM ( 8 1,242SF _LLLLLL '---'D/2=-=-~~ _LLLLLL 2BE .5BATH 1 0 _Llgl'rll<LL UNIT14 @ LL:~LL LIVING/DINING _LLLLLL1m...+----+H---Jl+-_LLLLLL / _LLLLLL ~rni'TI'ii\,;,('/ ~LLLLLL tr ,LLLLLL 830SF 810SF 0 1 BED/1.5 BA TH 1 BED/1.5 BATH ~c_c ~c_c_Lc_c_c_c_LL le LLLLLLLLI l'j LLOECK-LLLI .L LLLLLLLL L LLLLLLLL IF =0 71 II ,----:-h II II, ~f'. I II II I I I II 1---LLLLLLIIII rr • ·1• ~ -===='i,=;-;:::;:::;::;::::;:=:.liLLLLLL fl-11~'➔-H+-c~lll-m---lW---------+---+-------'i~----'I.-1 BEDROOM N 12'-0" 8 "' UNIT 16 "' ' ' in in -15'-0" -0 I '''''''''' '' ~ ''''''''''' ,,, ,,,,,i;;:.i;;-,,,,,, ,['i' ,,,,Ff"r,,,, ''"' 11 ''''''''''' ,[, n I ~ UNIT 15 14'-9" 0 ''''''''" ,,,,,,,,,F '' r;;,:-,<v, ''' ,,r"Pf",,,, ,,[,,,,,, BEDROOM ' 12'-10" 0 ~ I m ' 0 m II I [.()III !! I I II 9'-10" 12'-10" (, 0 o= ' I BEDROOM 0 0 MASTER I n ~ l)<I?",~ -' ,, 11 LLLL I LDBCK-L , L,,,"L,"'-L LLLI' : _LLL I 0 0 I m • ' N I ITT N I "' -0 I ' ~ _ L===h--=--====~:-c:===::-c=-====-=-i:==l=--¾==:::l:=--=~===c-=t--c===::-c=-====-=--===1'=--=c-==1'===:-c:=-ccJc====-d':~~~~~~~~l.=~::-;==df--------~--'1 PROPERTY LINE N 12'-4" 31'-5" 12'-8" 12'-10" 22'-11" 6'-4" 8'-4" 31'-9" ,, . WINDOW SCHEDULE EXT. DOOR SCHEDULE FOURTH FLOOR PLAN SYMBOL SIZE OPERATION @ ® © ® © 0 © ® 0 0 0 SYMBOL SIZE OPERATION 0 0 0 0 0 NOTE: FOR SOUND MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL WINDOWS AND PATIO DOORS SEE NOTES ON SHEET A-3.1 & A-3.2 SCALE 118'" 1'-0" NORTH UNIT DATA TABLE -FOURTH FLOOR UNIT NO . LOCATION UNIT TYPE UNIT PRIVATE OPEN SPACE SF.* TYPE AREA 115 214 145 145 262 1---LLLLLLLLL 1---LLLLLLLLL 1---LLLLLLLLL 1---LLLLLLLLL 1f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-1---LLLLLLLLL 1---LLLLLLLLL 1---LLLLLLLLL 1---LLLLLLLLL i--LLLLLLLLL .... ...... .... . ... ... ...... .... .... ... ....... .... . ... ... ...... .. .... .. . ,,, ...... .... .... llffl NOTE: FOR SOUND MITIGATION AT 4TH FLOOR DECK WALLS FACING JEFFERSON AVENUE (EAsn AND THE NORTH EAST (UNIIT 13 DECK) SEE THE REQUIREMENTS ON SHEET A-3.1 &A-3.2 CITY OF CARLSBAD -PROJECT INFORMATION TABLE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OWNER: SONNY INVESlMENlS llC PHONE: 760-497-1532 ADDRESS: 3039 .EFFERSON STREET ARCHITECT: BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITEClS PHONE: 619-293-3118 TYPE: MIXED-USE/ MULTIFAMILY HOU~NG ACCESSORS PARCEL NO: 203-351-22 ZONE: V-8 i~LLIAGE BARRIO) CARL BAD ~LLAGE MASTER PLAN 0\1£LLING UNllS OPEN SPACE DATA SITE DATA (AREA) Sl\lOIO -COMMON I PRIVATE LOT: 13,978 sf 1 BDRM 9 BUILDING: 35,855 sf 2 BDRM B SEE "UNIT DATA TABLE" ON SHEffi: PARKING: SEE BELOW 3 BDRM -Al.1, Al.2 & Al.3 LANDSCAPING: 1,068 sf TOTAL UNllS 17 ON-~1£ LANDSCAPING: 1,123 sf 0Rlvl'WAY SEIBACKS R.0.W. PARKING (SPACES) ORO. REQ.: SEE PARKING TYPE: N/A FRONT: 0 FT MIN. CALCULATION TABLE 5 FT MAX. GARAGE: 19 LOADING/ 3 1',qQTH: -REAR: 0 FT 1\/RN: COVERED: -HANDICAP: 2 SLOPE: -R-SI0E: 0 FT OPEN: -TOT~ 19 L-SIOE: 0 FT BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES 2900 Fourth Ave. Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92103 PH.619 293-3118 FX.619 293-3419 Cl) r-z w ~ ~ ~ <( ~ ::::) >< ::::) _J z 0 Cl) 0:: w LL LL w ---, 1-UJ UJ 0::: I-C/) z 0 Cl) 0::: UJ LL LL UJ --, 0) ('I) 0 ('I) BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES EXPRESSLY RESERVES IT'S COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT & OTl-iER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THIS DOCUMENT. THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, CHANGED, OR DISCLOSED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER WITHOUT OBTAINING EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS. 2020 C: \OFFICE 5TANDARD\B0RDER1-D REVISIONS DAlE SCALE FILE DRAWING NO. A1.3 A-A-B-B-D-D-D-D-LEGEND - ROOF PLANFLAT ROOF AREA - SINGLE-PLY T.P.O. MEMBRANECOOL ROOFCOLOR: LIGHT GREYKEYNOTES - ROOF PLANSLOPE ROOF AREA W/ STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF.ROOF PITCH = 4.5 : 12ROOF AREA CALCULATIONSTOTAL ROOF AREA = 7,647 SFTOTAL FLAT ROOF AREA = 3,975 SFTOTAL SLOPED ROOF AREA = 3,672 SFPERCENTAGE OF SLOPE ROOF AREA = 48.0%31122333666(SLOPE DIFFERS OVER ELEVATOR SHAFT AND FIREACCESS STAIRCASE)7PROPERTY LINE I 5 ~_::-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~l,_-_-_-_-_-_-_----=,---------r====I I_--=~---, ,;., I •~ 0 i5 eov~.,,, ,,,._, -··· iii I i;',-l 11 ' ' ' . ' ' . . ' I I~ LL S: gg ccW a, ,_ Coli·?s .· .. ·•·•·•·•·••·•·•·•·• .. ·•·•·•·• .. ·•·••••·•·••••·•·•••••••••11£·· ),i~◊ . r;,"-' ~ .... . . :,i, ·~ :::::. ·.·~. .~ ... ................ ,_. "" I• •, L,_L,_L,_LU .. J_...,L,L,_L,_L,_L,_LLU .. J . ...,L,L,.L,_L,_L,_LLLL,L,L,L,_L,_L,_L,_LLLL,L,L,L,_L,_L,_i,_LLLL,L,L,L,_L,_L,_i,_LLLL•l..,L,L,L,_L,_i,_l.LLL• • • LL:L,L.:L:_L:_l:_1:...LU .. _i_.:L,L.:L:_L:_l:_LLU .. _i_.:L..:L.:L:_L:_l:_LLLLLL.:L.:l.:.L:_l:_LLLLL:L.:L.:l.:.Lcl:...LLLLL:L.:L.:L.:Lcl:...LLLL:L.:L.:L.:L:_L,_ ., · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · L:J:J: ... LLU .. .:L.:L.:L:J:_i:_t:_LLU .. .:L.:L.:L.:L:_L:_LLLL1....:L.:L.:L.:L:J: .. LLLL1....:L.:L.:L:.L:J: ... LLLL1....:L.:L.:L.:L:J: ... LLLL:L.:L.:L.:L.:L:J: ... t...LLl.: · 0 LL:L.:L.:L:J:_1:_1:_LLLL:L.:L.:L:J:_1:_t...LLLL:L.:L.:L.:L.:l:_LLLLt..:L.:L.:L.:.L.:l:_LLLLt..:L.:L.:L.:.L:J: ... LLLLt..:L.:L.:L.:L:J: ... LLLL:L.:L.:L.:L:J:_ · · · · · · · · ., · · {I · ·j+;~ccccctfil"""'lcfil"""""fffil""""ffcl±"'""ffcl±"""'"cccc"'""' ·:. 1=====1 -· -· · · · · · · · -s'} ~ · : -IT~tilltcmttillccmttillccmttttl:cc:ci±ttttEcccrrtttttc:cc±ttttt : ·: · 11=====1 ,·,· ... cg,•. °Q, , ·.. __.___._,L...L,_L.._L.._L.._1,_LLJ....LL...L...L.._L._1,_LLLJ....LL...L...L.._L.._1,_LLLU....L...L...L.._L.._1,_LLLLL,L...L...L.L.._1,_LLLLL,L...L...L...L.._1,_LLLLL...L...L...L.L.._ •• · "f'v•" !_<,.. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • ld,_1,_LU .. A .... L....L...L.1,_1,_LLU .. A .... L....L...L.1,_1,_LLLLLL....L...Ld.d,_LLLLLL....L...1,_1.,J,_LLLLLL....L...L...L.1,_LLLL.L....L....L....L...L,J,_LLU .... · · · 'v,' ·\u' · · LL,L,L.,_L.,_1,_1,_1,_1,_u ..... LL,L.,_L.,_i,_i,_i,_LU ..... L,L,L.,_L.,_L.,_i,_LLLU .. ..:L,L... L.L.1,_LL LU .. ..:L,L.,_L.,_L.,_1,_LLLU .. ..:L,L,L.,_L.,_t,_LLLLL,L,L,L.L. "A. -~.. . . . .......................... · l.:.l.:.l,_LLLL,L,L.,_L:.L:.l.:.LLLLLl...,l.:.l.:.l.:.l.:.LLLU .. ..:L,L:.L:.l.:.l.:.LLLU .. ..:L,l.,_L:.l.:.l,_LLLU .. ..:L,l.,_l.,_L:_l,_LLLL:L,L,L,L.,_L:.1,_LLLL . ~ U .. .:L..:L:.l.:.l.:.l.:.l:..LLU .. .:L..:L:.l.:.l.:.l.:.l:.. LU .. .:L..:L:.l.:.l.:.l:...LLLU . .:L..:L:.l.:.l.:.l:...LLLU . .:L..:L:.l.:.l.:.l:..LLLU . .:L..:L..:L:.l.:.l:..LLLL:L..:L..:L..:L:.l.:. ·. -~ · · .......................... ·. ·. · t:t-~[b:1::H::CC:t:t'~[b:1::H:: L:.t:t'[[b:b:ld::[l::l::t'[[b:b:ld::CC:Ct:C:[b:b:1:1[[!::H:C:[l::[[[[l::HC:[l:: . ..... LJ .. 1.,.1.,.l .. J,..: .... l,t .. 1.,.1.,.l .. J,..: 1-(· . l..l.,.1.,.1.,.\_'. ..... l..l..l..t...l..'. ..... l..l..l..t...l..'. ..... l..l..l..l..'.l,.'. .... LJ .. l..l..l..'. ' ' ' . ... ·::, • •I-1-. I-I-1-I-L DECK BELOW DECKS BELOW •> q) 0 . . . . . . . !if.·.·.·.·.·.· ···· CO;•n¥'········ ... ··:-o:; ., ...... . . .. ·(s-···"··· :::'<) :. ::::::: .... ·"'". ... ·,c_\J' .. ........... " ' II V V PROPERTY LINE ' . 0 ....J ~<v~ cc~ ' .~' II ' II Ilg . .[raj • . ' . ' -' ' ' ' ,~~ Jt;!Nr ~ -' ' . -' 5 7 5 ROOF BELOW , "" ..¾"~ / -&'I' U,,'1~J 5 ROOF BELOW ROOF BELOW 5 _J ROOF PLAN SCALE 3/32" " 1'-0' NORTH 0 PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS AT ROOF 0 ROOF PARAPET 0 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF "ATLAS COLONIAL SEAM" COLOR: MEDIUM BRONZE 0 ROOF RIDGE 0 LINE OF FLOOR OR ROOF BELOW 0 HEAVY TIMBER TRELLIS 0 ROOF TOP MECHANICAL UNIT CITY OF CARLSBAD -PROJECT INFORMATION TABLE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 01\NER: SONNY INVESTMENTS LLC PHONE: 760-497-1532 ADDRESS: 3039 JEFFERSON SlREET ARCHITECT: BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS PHONE: 619-293-3118 TYPE: MIXED-USE / MUL]FAMILY HOUSING ACCESSORS PARCEL NO: 203-351-22 ZONE: V-B j~LUAGE BARRIO) CAR BAD ~llAGE MASlER PLAN DWELLING UNITS OPEN SPACE DATA SITE DATA (AREA) SllJDIO -COMMON I PRIVATE LOT: 13,978 sf 1 BDRM 9 BUILDING: 35,855 sf 2 BDRM 8 SEE "UNIT DATA TABLE" ON SHEETS: PARKING: SEE BELOW 3 BDRM -A1.1, A1.2 & AU LANDSCAPING: 1,068 sf TOTAL UNITS 17 ON-SITE LANDSCAPING: 1,123 sf DRIVEWAY SETBACKS R.O.W. PARKING (SPACES) ORD. REQ.: SEE PARKING TYPE: N/A FRONT: 0 FT MIN. CALCULA]ON TABLE 5 FT MAX. GARAGE: 19 LOADING/ llJRN: 3 l\1DlH: -REAR: 0 FT COVERED: -HANDICAP: 2 SLOPE: -R-SIDE: 0 FT OPEN: -TOTAL: 19 L-~DE: 0 FT BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES 2900 Fourth Ave. Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92103 PH.619 293-3118 FX.619 293-3419 en 1-z w ~ ~ ~ <( ~ => X => __J z 0 en 0:: w LL LL w --, 1-w w 0:: I-en z 0 ~ w LL LL w ""') 0) C") 0 C") BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES EXPRESSLY RESERVES ITS COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT & OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN Tl-ilS DOCUMENT. Tl-ilS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, CHANGED, OR DISCLOSED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER \\t7ATSOEVER I\HHOUT OBTAINING EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS. 2020 C, \OFFICE STANDARD\BORDER1-D REVISIONS DAlE SCALE FILE DRAWING NO. A2.0 LEGEND - ELEVATIONSSTUCCO FINISH WITH LIGHT SAND FINISHKEYNOTES - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSSTANDING SEAM METAL ROOF. ROOF PITCH = 4.5 : 12FACADE AREATOTALSTREET GLAZING CALCULATIONREQUIREDGLAZING %1,265 SF45%632.5 SFREQUIREDGLAZING AREA798 SFPROPOSEDGLAZING AREAPROPOSEDGLAZING %63%ON-SITE NOISE BARRIERS FOR TRANSPORTATION NOISE:THE NOISE ATTENUATION WALL MUST BE SOLID. IT CAN BECONSTRUCTED OF MASONRY, WOOD, PLASTIC, FIBERGLASS, STEEL, OR ACOMBINATION OF THOSE MATERIALS, AS LONG AS THERE ARE NO CRACKSOR GAPS, THROUGH OR BELOW THE WALL. ANY SEAMS AND CRACKSMUST BE FILLED OR CAULKED. IF WOOD IS USED, IT CAN BE TONGUE ANDGROOVE AND MUST BE AT LEAST ONE INCH IN TOTAL THICKNESS OR HAVEA DENSITY OF AT LEAST 3 1/2 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT. WHEREARCHITECTURAL OR AESTHETIC FACTORS ALLOW, GLASS OR CLEARPLASTIC 3/8 INCH THICK OR THICKER MAY BE USED ON THE UPPERPORTION, IF IT IS DESIRABLE TO PRESERVE A VIEW. SHEET METAL OF 18GA. (MIN.) MAY BE USED, IF IT MEETS THE OTHER CRITERIA AND ISPROPERLY SUPPORTED AND STIFFENED SO THAT IS DOES NOT RATTLE ORCREATE NOISE ITSELF FROM VIBRATION OR WIND. ANY DOOR(S) OR GATESMUST BE DESIGNED WITH OVERLAPPING CLOSURES ON THE BOTTOM ANDSIDES AND MEET THE MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS OF THE WALL MATERIALSDESCRIBED ABOVE. THE GATE(S) MAY BE OF ONE INCH THICK OR BETTERWOOD, SOLID SHEET METAL OF AT LEAST 18-GAUGE METAL, OR ANEXTERIOR-GRADE SOLID STEEL DOOR PREFABRICATED DOOR JAMBS.SEE KEYNOTE:EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR NOISE LEVEL LIMIT:WINDOWS WITH DUAL GLAZING PROVIDING A MINIMUM STC 25 RATING BYLABORATORY TEST SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL RESIDENTIAL UNITS.INCLUSION OF GLAZING PROVIDING A MINIMUM STC 25 TEST RATING WILLREDUCE INTERIOR NOISE LEVELS TO LESS THAN 45 CNEL FOR HABITABLELIVING SPACES IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY AND STATE STANDARDS.APPROPRIATE MEANS OF AIR CIRCULATION AND PROVISIONS OF FRESHAIR SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ALLOW WINDOWS TO REMAIN CLOSED FOREXTENDED INTERVALS OF TIME SO THAT ACCEPTABLE INTERIOR NOISELEVELS CAN BE MAINTAINED. THE MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEMSHALL MEET THE CRITERIA OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE(CHAPTER 12, SECTION 1203. OF THE 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE).SEE KEYNOTES:EXTERIOR NOISE AT THE GROUND FLOOR COMMERCIAL USES IS LESSTHAN 65 CNEL ASSUMED MINIMUM REDUCTION, INTERIOR NOISE WILL BELESS THAN 50 CNEL LIMIT. NO FURTHER ANALYSIS IS REQUIRED.GLAZING AT RETAIL SPACESALL STOREFRONT GLAZING SHALL BE TRANSPARENT. OPAQUE,REFLECTIVE OR DARK TINTED GLAZING IS NOT PERMITTED.SOUND MITIGATION NOTES17NOI-1NOI-25FIRE ACCESS STAIRCASE TOROOF PER REQUIREMENTS OFCBC 2019 1011.12171819HINKLEY ATLANTIS LED WALL MOUNT LANTERN 1649SK-LEDw z ::J ~ w a. ~. a. I 3 5 9 2 1 11111111 11111111 11111111111 1111 -LINE OF 45 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT TAKEN FROM EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRADE (WHICHEVER IS LOWER) ~-~ 7 ----i----I ;,, I .. .. in I 1o in I 1,, in I 1,, -'k----1',-,.F .S. 58.65' '-"2ND FLOOR----.--~ 0 I -F.S. 47.65' I '·. 1 .·,. '. ' '· . ·~~~~~,: ~. ·-~1r==:1ic==il I I\ 6 31'-8" 4 TH FLOOR STEP BACK 21'-s" 20 lYP. / ' I;/ \ I\ I ' / ' / 2ND & 3RD FLOOR STEP BACK 17 15 S~~~~~~IAL ------{---------~ --1 -~-. ' \ I •·· . I / ~ F.F. 47.60' . . . I ' -1 .. . . ..vMMERCIAL --~ ----~ ·-to-20 lYP. 7 I I\ / ' I;/ / I'\\ /1 ' ' ~l~e==~~I I \ / ' I/ / \ I ' / ' / 7 , .. / I 17 8 I I 19 7 I I -t--I I PLT. 61.65' -----COMMERCIAL ' 0 I .. ___ F_.F.47_.so•~--'i<-COMMERCIAL SPACE 2 ◊ ◊◊ EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION ~-. ' \ . / / / . . ----20 lYP. 1 ---SCALE 118" = 1'-0' II 11111 I II 1111111111111 EXTERIOR SCONCE DOWN LIGHT I!:!! -------....I , I~ II I ~------I ffi a. ~ a. I m-r-,, _____ PLT._86.1,5'-f'J---''I<--F.F. 77.65' ------4THFLOOR F.F. 68.15' ------3RDFLOOR • m I 1o in I 1,, • m I m -· ~ / 14 l--1 N F.S. 45.70' -------STAIRCASE EXIT NORTH -EXTERIOR ELEVATION SCALE 118" = 1'-0' 0 STUCCO I COLOR 1 WITH LIGHT SAND FINISH 0 STUCCO I COLOR 2 WITH LIGHT SAND FINISH 0 ROOF EAVE WITH STUCCO FINISH -STUCCO COLOR 3 0 EFIS FOAM 6" WIDE AND PROTRUDING 3" FROM FACE OF WALL W/ PLASTER FINISH AROUND ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS -STUCCO COLOR 4 0 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF "ATLAS COLONIAL SEAM" COLOR: MEDIUM BRONZE 0 ALUMINUM STOREFRONT GLAZING SYSTEM IN BRONZE FINISH. GLAZING TO BE TRANSPARENT 0 GLASS GAURDRAIL WITH NO TOP RAIL 0 TILE INSET BAND AT DECK WALLS 0 STUCCO FINISH PARAPET WITH EIFS TRIM -STUCCO COLOR 1 ~ HEAVY TIMBER TRELLIS PAINTED DARK BROWN 0 DECORATIVE METAL VENT SCREEN 0 GARAGE OVERHEAD DOOR WITH DECORATIVE METAL MATCHING GARAGE VENT SCREENS w NEW SDGE TRANSFORMER 0 RAISED BIO-RETENTION PLANTER ~ RAISED BIO-RETENTION PLANTER AT 2ND FLOOR COMMON DECK ~ HEAVY TIMBER OUTRIGGER UNDER EAVE 0 SEE NOl-1. SPECIFIED DECK WALLS ON THE4TH FLOOR SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5 FT. TALL WITH THE TOP 2 FEET 1/2" TEMPERED GLASS. DECK CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLY WITH THE NOl-1 NOTE. ~ SEE NOl-2. NEW WINDOWS PER PLAN. WINDOWS SHALL CONFORM TO THE NOl-2 NOTE REQUIREMENTS ~ SEE NOl-2. NEW PATIO DOOR PER PLAN. PATIO DOORS SHALL COMPLY WITH WINDOWS REQUIREMENTS PER THE NOl-2 NOTE REQUIREMENTS ~ EXTERIOR WALL MOUNTED SCONCE LED DOWN LIGHT CITY OF CARLSBAD -PROJECT INFORMATION TABLE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 01\NER, SONNY INVESlMENTS LLC PHONE, 760-497-1532 ADDRES& 3039 JEFFERSON SlREET ARCHITECT BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS PHONE, 619-293-3118 TYP~ MIXED-USE / MULTIFAMILY HOUSING ACCESSORS PARCEL NO, 203-351-22 ZONE, V-B j~WAGE BARRIO) CAR BAD ~LLAGE MASTER PLAN DWEWNG UNITS OPEN SPACE DATA SITE DATA (AREA) Sl\JDIO -COMMON I PRIVATE LOT 13,978 sf 1 BDRM 9 BUILDING, 35,855 sf 2 BDRM B SEE "UNIT DATA TABLE" ON SHEETS, PARKING, SEE BELOW 3 BDRM -A1.1, A1.2 & A1.3 LANDSCAPING, 1,068 sf TOTAL UNITS 17 ON-SITE LANDSCAPING, 1,123 sf DRIVEWAY SElBACKS R.O.W. PARKING (SPACES) ORD. REQ., SEE PARKING TYPE, N/A FRONT 0 FT MIN. CALCULATION TABLE S FT MAX. GARAGE, 19 LOADING/ l\JRN, 3 y,qD'JH, -REAR, 0 FT COVERED, -HANDICAP, 2 SLOPE, -R-SIDE, 0 FT OPEN, -TOTAL, 19 L-SIDE, 0 FT BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES 2900 Fourth Ave. Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92103 PH.619 293-3118 FX.619 293-3419 Cl) I-z w ~ I-a::: <( I-a.. w w <( a: ~ I-Cl) z ::> 0 >< Cl) ::> a: w ...J LL z LL w 0 --, Cl) a, ('I') a::: 0 ('I') w LL LL w ..., BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES EXPRESSLY RESERVES IT'S COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT & OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THIS DOCUMENT. Tl-ilS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, CHANGED, OR DISCLOSED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER \\t7ATSOEVER WITl-iOUT OBTAINING EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS. 2020 C, \OFFICE STANDARD\BORDER1-D REVISIONS DATE SCALE FILE DRAWING NO. A3.0 FIRE ACCESS STAIRCASE TOROOF PER REQUIREMENTS OFCBC 2019 1011.12LEGEND - ELEVATIONSSTUCCO FINISH WITH LIGHT SAND FINISHKEYNOTES - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSSTANDING SEAM METAL ROOF. ROOF PITCH = 4.5 : 12ON-SITE NOISE BARRIERS FOR TRANSPORTATION NOISE:THE NOISE ATTENUATION WALL MUST BE SOLID. IT CAN BECONSTRUCTED OF MASONRY, WOOD, PLASTIC, FIBERGLASS, STEEL, OR ACOMBINATION OF THOSE MATERIALS, AS LONG AS THERE ARE NO CRACKSOR GAPS, THROUGH OR BELOW THE WALL. ANY SEAMS AND CRACKSMUST BE FILLED OR CAULKED. IF WOOD IS USED, IT CAN BE TONGUE ANDGROOVE AND MUST BE AT LEAST ONE INCH IN TOTAL THICKNESS OR HAVEA DENSITY OF AT LEAST 3 1/2 POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT. WHEREARCHITECTURAL OR AESTHETIC FACTORS ALLOW, GLASS OR CLEARPLASTIC 3/8 INCH THICK OR THICKER MAY BE USED ON THE UPPERPORTION, IF IT IS DESIRABLE TO PRESERVE A VIEW. SHEET METAL OF 18GA. (MIN.) MAY BE USED, IF IT MEETS THE OTHER CRITERIA AND ISPROPERLY SUPPORTED AND STIFFENED SO THAT IS DOES NOT RATTLE ORCREATE NOISE ITSELF FROM VIBRATION OR WIND. ANY DOOR(S) OR GATESMUST BE DESIGNED WITH OVERLAPPING CLOSURES ON THE BOTTOM ANDSIDES AND MEET THE MINIMUM SPECIFICATIONS OF THE WALL MATERIALSDESCRIBED ABOVE. THE GATE(S) MAY BE OF ONE INCH THICK OR BETTERWOOD, SOLID SHEET METAL OF AT LEAST 18-GAUGE METAL, OR ANEXTERIOR-GRADE SOLID STEEL DOOR PREFABRICATED DOOR JAMBS.SEE KEYNOTE:EXTERIOR TO INTERIOR NOISE LEVEL LIMIT:WINDOWS WITH DUAL GLAZING PROVIDING A MINIMUM STC 25 RATING BYLABORATORY TEST SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR ALL RESIDENTIAL UNITS.INCLUSION OF GLAZING PROVIDING A MINIMUM STC 25 TEST RATING WILLREDUCE INTERIOR NOISE LEVELS TO LESS THAN 45 CNEL FOR HABITABLELIVING SPACES IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY AND STATE STANDARDS.APPROPRIATE MEANS OF AIR CIRCULATION AND PROVISIONS OF FRESHAIR SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ALLOW WINDOWS TO REMAIN CLOSED FOREXTENDED INTERVALS OF TIME SO THAT ACCEPTABLE INTERIOR NOISELEVELS CAN BE MAINTAINED. THE MECHANICAL VENTILATION SYSTEMSHALL MEET THE CRITERIA OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE(CHAPTER 12, SECTION 1203. OF THE 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE).SEE KEYNOTES:EXTERIOR NOISE AT THE GROUND FLOOR COMMERCIAL USES IS LESSTHAN 65 CNEL ASSUMED MINIMUM REDUCTION, INTERIOR NOISE WILL BELESS THAN 50 CNEL LIMIT. NO FURTHER ANALYSIS IS REQUIRED.SOUND MITIGATION NOTESNOI-1NOI-2171819LINE OF 45 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT TAKEN FROM EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRADE (WHICHEVER IS LOWER) 3 19 9 2 1 I, ' 31'-8" 4 TH FLOOR STEP BACK 24•-10" 2ND & 3RD FLOOR STEP BACK ,, w z __J ~ w ~ ,<>,, 18 5 1:S ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ J~,, ,s,~,i<J~,7. <%-,o;_°?,7 ~-+-----< 10 In_ ----· ----.--------~~ ~-f'qp ,- -----~~;_~---__ ,j_ ------------------------------,_ __ ,___ I / 17 .'b~◊ ~~-----• 0 -I ;., ... ' I \ J..I.V ~ Ll ~ ~ I -,,. ________ ----<. 3 ,:,,: = = :;;:;; · ·• ·. ,):::i ,::·;::: i:/" -•.,.· (:_ 1_ ·. I II Ill II I 11 7 ~ ~....---i----<@ ,,;.*:.: .. ... . . ' ·.• .. ,,·:·.:,:_• ·.'.• .. ··., f-----,c--+--,,-------,--t',~---+------'"-----'k-'.,· ': :" ·-: . : . 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B 7 15 16 '• SOUTH -EXTERIOR ELEVATION LINE OF 45 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT TAKEN FROM EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRADE (WHICHEVER IS LOWER) 19 10 ~'r.,;~-~~----~---111 II I I • 'f I ex, • co I O> I c:-~ :;H ;~~~R --_ 1 _ , ••• _--)LLl_ -YJ,,:fl _ _j_L. _ _j__...q..·:~·;:',;,;.·:·,;;;•·;·;,,:,,;:._ .-;..;'.;;.·::-',;;,.;•~:::s;;::.;;,·:;;;;,.:,.~.i,,;,;~~-.:•.;.;:;· .. :S·--i;;,. :;;;:\~/;;;;·,.;;.:-"_;;· ·..;.·':·;.;;:,.;._;,"'/~::,_;;-:·;;;;;i.;: ~,f;f00---if}:_::_Joi(QJf,--:~:ii-_ = •--1 ~ii~:·.--,•: ·:.·~·..,.··· .. ~.--·~~:_' .. :,.·,,:·::-·.:.--·,..-::."· . · .... :· ~~F.F.~.1L ____ I _ _le; r::~t:'.:}'.\\:.>::/_.\:::•i/.'/·t::•?;?/::/:(,:\,0'.::/:::,_· --·•-···· .. :: • co ~---<e5 9 18 3 I I I I I I 111 I I I I I 11 t= ~ e--1 ' 0 -~--=a-,a;';;=_"'#"= ____ ==~-----""""-"""--,Pi-----...J =i -I :'.< ;., ... 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F.F. 47.65' -. ·-1-w w ~ I--Cf) 51 ~ w LL LL w -, GI I I :o I ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 0 w 0 STUCCO I COLOR 1 WITH LIGHT SAND FINISH STUCCO I COLOR 2 WITH LIGHT SAND FINISH ROOF EAVE WITH STUCCO FINISH -STUCCO COLOR 3 EFIS FOAM 6" WIDE AND PROTRUDING 3" FROM FACE OF WALL W/ PLASTER FINISH AROUND ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS -STUCCO COLOR 4 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF "ATLAS COLONIAL SEAM" COLOR: MEDIUM BRONZE ALUMINUM STOREFRONT GLAZING SYSTEM IN BRONZE FINISH. GLAZING TO BE TRANSPARENT GLASS GAURDRAIL WITH NO TOP RAIL TILE INSET BAND AT DECK WALLS STUCCO FINISH PARAPET WITH EIFS TRIM -STUCCO COLOR 1 HEAVY TIMBER TRELLIS PAINTED DARK BROWN DECORATIVE METAL VENT SCREEN GARAGE OVERHEAD DOOR WITH DECORATIVE METAL MATCHING GARAGE VENT SCREENS NEW SDGE TRANSFORMER RAISED BIO-RETENTION PLANTER RAISED BIO-RETENTION PLANTER AT 2ND FLOOR COMMON DECK HEAVY TIMBER OUTRIGGER UNDER EAVE SEE NOl-1. SPECIFIED DECK WALLS ON THE 4TH FLOOR SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5 FT. TALL WITH THE TOP 2 FEET 1/2" TEMPERED GLASS. DECK CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLY WITH THE NOl-1 NOTE. SEE NOl-2. NEW WINDOWS PER PLAN. WINDOWS SHALL CONFORM TO THE NOl-2 NOTE REQUIREMENTS SEE NOl-2. NEW PATIO DOOR PER PLAN. PATIO DOORS SHALL COMPLY WITH WINDOWS REQUIREMENTS PER THE NOl-2 NOTE REQUIREMENTS EXTERIOR WALL MOUNTED SCONCE LED DOWN LIGHT CITY OF CARLSBAD -PROJECT INFORMATION TABLE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN O\ll<IER: SONNY INVESlMENTS LLC PHONE: 760-497-1532 ADDRESS: 3039 JEFFERSON STREET ARCHITECT: BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS PHONE: 619-293-3118 TYPE: MIXED-USE / MULTIFAMILY HOUSING ACCESSORS PARCEL NO: 203-351-22 ZONE: V-Bj"1LUAGE BARRIO) CAR BAD 'iiLLAGE MASTER PLAN DWELLING UNITS OPEN SPACE DATA SITE DATA {AREA) STUDIO -COMMON I PRIVATE LOT: 13.978 sf 1 BDRM 9 BUILDING: 35,855 sf 2 BDRM 8 SEE "UNIT DATA TABLE" ON SHEETS: PARKING: SEE BELOW 3 BDRM -A1.1, A1.2 & Al.3 LANDSCAPING: 1,068 sf TOTAL UNITS 17 ON-SITE LANDSCAPING: 1,123 sf DRIVEWAY SElBACKS R.O.W. PARKING (SPACES) ORD. REQ.: SEE PARKING TYPE: N/A FRONT: 0 FT MIN. CALCULATION TABLE 5 FT MAX. GARAGE: 19 LOADING/ TURN: 3 \\1DTH: -REAR: 0 FT CO\/ERED: -HANDICAP: 2 SLOPE: -R-SIDE, 0 FT OPEN: -TOTAl 19 L-SIDE: 0 FT BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES 2900 Fourth Ave. Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92103 PH.619 293-3118 FX,619 293-3419 Cl) 1-z w ~ I-C::: <( l-a.. w <( ~ I-~ (/) ::::, 5 >< (/) ::::, 0:: _J ~ z tt 0 ..., Cl) ~ a:: g w LL LL w --:, U,J;,,ll ,C,f-f-.L.A, Al<:--111-CI:-; & ;::,c;C:JCl4TIS -:.;p,;-c;c: i C:FS=P\'F'.) -':) 1.::Cvlt;IOI-I .C..1/.; c:::-r·m1cw & :TH::=: PP'.l,"E=ff, I-' Gr:O 1-1 --113 .1:;,CUlvlf . IH 5 .lOC_lvlH S 1_0_ I 1-JGT "' RIF·r:,c;_,c-n. CC" CH/J-IGED, c::, 1;1::·; · ,,_._ 1-1 ,-..J.I( -,:;.,;'>/ .)f: -1.".'II\ T 'i.'I "-FOl'>JT '.'.-ITHJUT :::•ICT.C\ II ·K: C:·TP-SS WRI-TFl•I cc;•i:e=-r,JT F=::-:,k c'll.C..1·-A,f-J-4,A ,u,:_:-lll_.l'o 1,::,:.,1: * No.09996 * .,'Ii~ C:\ofFlCE STANJARD\BOfillEFi1-D REVISIONS DATE SCALE FILE DRAWING NO. A3.1 .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S=D .... P=20._1.._9-... 0=+015 CDP2019-0033 ' w I tj-tj-w z ::J ~ w c.. ~I 0..1 -I ~ I D w I D z 0 ~ ~ m --.,~ ' ,t,· ---1/ ' 1/ ' - -w z ::J ~ w -. FIRE ACCESS STAIRCASE TO ROOF PER REQUIREMENTS OF CBC20191011.12 h.p,,~~c,'> 0-"-' ~ ~'Z:tY ---~ef!,,---~ "-~ ', -----·, / / \. ,/ / \. // •. \. ', / L / ' - -LINE OF 45 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT TAKEN FROM EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRADE (WHICHEVER IS LOWER) --------------I •. / \. / . ' ' ', CORRIDOR / . // . \. . ,, ' / ' CORRIDOR . / . / \. ', / ', / CORRIDOR / ~ I / \ J \ PARKING GARAGE TRASH • 31' 10" -4TH FLOOR STEP BACK 19'-o" 2ND FLOOR STEP BACK w z ::J ~,~ ~ ~ <:,'h 6,-w ~ c.. I C?J'-· ~ 0 f, '<),'~~ ~I -l' ~&;--. -~~---------------f-_______ _l ________ PLT.HGT.86.15'-, -----I 4TH FLOOR-/ / w . I m . \. F.F. 77.65'_..._ · . ~ ~ ' ---- ---- - - ---- ---- - - - -I 4TH FLOOR-' I ' / m / ________ J _________ ~~~~-I m . \. ·, CLOSET --------I 3RDFLOOR-m I I . in / 1 F.F. 62.65' -/ DECK LOBBY •, ,.r' COMMON SPACE DECK -•'j' \. ·, F.S. 58.65' --tj--~---------2NDFLOOR~ I I ' 0 . . / \. r I / ', ·o . -•, / \. / . F.S.47.75' •, ' RESIDENTIAL LOBBY RESIDENTIAL LOBBY -- -BUILDING SECTION -A LINE OF 45 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT TAKEN FROM EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRADE (WHICHEVER IS LOWER) w z ::J ~ ~I 0 SCALE 118'" 1'-0" ~I ~I ------------------~<ff __ -------------__ _A ___ ---. -----------~~½ ________ fl -'----s-f.LT.86.15' ___ _ 4TH FLOOR -" " " " ~u~ I II II II II II II 11 11 r 1.-, 11 II I II II II I II II L--□ □ I LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL -----s,f,F. 77.65' ___ _ 4TH FLOOR ~ D ~ ~u I l r----1 ~ ~ \.-----" I [JIIDDI IDDI□ l_ SFL_68.15' ___ _ 3RD FLOOR ~LT.61.65' COMMERCIAL F.S.47.65' s£0MMERCIAL SPACE 2 -/ / / ? I I ~~ill~~ --- -~ill~ill "" ""' I • 0 I I ' ;, / -. . ... . / / / / J~~M:W~M~~~ 7· ... +-PLT.61.~ I COMMERCIAL I - - - ----.----I F.S. 47.60' ~EBCALSPACE!,s BUILDING SECTION -B SCALE 1/8' = 1'-0' I-w w a: !;; zl 0 ~ w u. u. w -, c.3-' I I I ' I I CITY OF CARLSBAD -PROJECT INFORMATION TABLE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OWNER, SONNY INVESlMENlS llC PHONE, 760-497-1532 ADDRESS, 3D39 .EFFERSON STREET ARCHITECT, BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITEClS PHONE, 619-293-3118 TYPE, MIXED-USE/ MULTIFAMILY HOU~NG ACCESSORS PARCEL NO, 203-351-22 ZDNE, V-B i~LLIAGE BARRID) CARL BAD ~LLAGE MASTER PLAN D\\l'LLING UNllS DPEN SPACE DATA SITE DATA (AREA) Sl\JDIO -COMMON I PRIVATE LOT, 13,978 sf 1 BDRM 9 BUILDING, 35,855 sf 2 BDRM 8 SEE "UNIT DATA TABLE" ON SHEElS, PARKING, SEE BELOW 3 BDRM -A1.1, A1.2 & A1.3 LANDSCAPING, 1,068 sf TOTAL UNllS 17 ON-~TE LANDSCAPING, 1,123 sf DRIVEWAY SEIBACKS R.O.W. PARKING (SPACES) ORD. REQ.c SEE PARKING TYPE, N/A FRONT, 0 FT MIN. CALCULATION TABLE 5 FT MAX. GARAGE, 19 LOADING/ l\JRN, 3 111DTH, -REAR, 0 FT COVERED, -HANDICAP, 2 SLOPE, -R-SIDE, D FT OPEN, -TOT~ 19 L-SID8 D FT BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES 2900 Fourth Ave. Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92103 PH.619 293-3118 FX.619 293-3419 Cl) .,_ z w ~ ~ 0: <( ~ ::::) >< ::::) ...J z 0 Cl) c:: w LL LL w --, 1-UJ UJ 0:::: I-C/) z 0 ~ UJ LL LL UJ --, a, ('I") 0 ('I") BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES EXPRESSLY RESERVES IT'S COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT & OTl-iER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THIS DOCUMENT. THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, CHANGED, OR DISCLOSED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER WITHOUT OBTAINING EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS. 2.02.0 C: \OFFICE 5TANOARO\BORDER1-0 REVISIONS DAlE SCALE FILE DRAWING NO. A4.0 ~ w z ...J ::J :ii! ~ 0-, I w a. L.~ ~I a.I _ _I_ -I I I I I I I ~ I I " w ~ I I " ~ z sj-0 ~ 0 rn I LINE OF 45 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT TAKEN FROM EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRADE (WHICHEVER IS LOWER) -----------------d'---------'~ DD DD LJLJ LJLJ DD LJ LJ LJ LJ LJLJ LJ LJ LJ LJ , 1.,~'f9-------·~ ----DD□ Ill II LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ LJ . / 1/ I'. '-44'-4" 4TH FLOOR STEP BACK 21'-10" • 2ND FLOOR STEP BACK , w z ::J ~ w a. I 0 ~I -------------LJ LJ _______________ _l ________ PLT.HGT.86.15'-• LJ LJ --/ / . . '-. / I 4THFLOOR~ ' ~ I rn F.F. 77.65' -~ I 4THFLOOR~ I ' _________ l _________ ~~~~-rn I m • I 3R□FLOQR-. rn LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I I IU;:;:;1I61I1~ in 1 F.F. 62.65' -• COMMON SPACE DECK -•0 ~ I I"'-F.S. 58.65' -·s-. f--- - - - - - - - - -+------------2ND FLOOR -I I 0 I 0 -F.S. 47.60' ~ .-,.F.S.45.72' ~I ,,_A/-bl:::::::=:· =·======!==========~==============================~======================= ""STAIRCASE2 .:f"" -~ ,.,_{, ' I ·, COMMERCIAL SPACE~ ~ ---'C?· ~-~ <;)," BUILDING SECTION -C FIRE ACCESS STAIRCASE TO ROOF PER REQUIREMENTS OF CBC20191011.12 ' 1•. LINE OF 45 FOOT HEIGHT LIMIT TAKEN FROM EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRADE (WHICHEVER IS LOWER) w z ::J ~ w ~I a. I -PLT. 86.15' --------~~ _L ___________ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--.Ll~L:JL• ~_-_.l_-__ -_-_-_-_--_-_-_J-...._-,-::-----------'-----: ---------, ~,rl_~4TH FLOOR ----t----I 1~,--,·--.r-----7r------1r--71r--71----7r--~-~-~-7-:::-:--7,_:c==::::;:=i1 . . • m ~ l . -'i<--~-,-,F.F. 77.65' _ _ _ _ _L 1-===J-=::::::;~====~:=====:==~==~===::::::======~=====--~----. h( '-/ ·, . / . / '-. . m~ I / f I .'-"' l -. -'k-~=ll-:.:o :~~~R------~tt'.;:::===!~======::::::======:::::==::::::::==:::;~=:::'.'.:•/=/:'.:::==============:::;:===:::;:~ I I SCALE 118'" 1'-0' ,_ w w a: ,_ "' zl 0 g/ w u. u. w -, 0-, I I SDP2019-0015/CDP2019-0033 p 1. BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES 2900 Fourth Ave. Suite 110 San Diego, CA 92!03 PH.619 293-3118 FX.619 293-3419 en .,_ z w ~ .,_ c:: ~ <( ~ => >< => ...J z 0 en c:: w LL LL w ...., 1-UJ UJ 0:: I-C/) z 0 Cl) 0:: UJ LL LL UJ -, m C"') 0 C"') BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS & ASSOCIATES EXPRESSLY RESERVES IT'S COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT & OTHER PROPERTY RIGHTS IN ms DOCUMENT. THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED, COPIED, CHANGED, OR DISCLOSED IN ANY FORM OR MANNER WHATSOEVER WITHOUT OBTAINING EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITECTS. 2020 io I ;,, IE"" -/ / CITY OF CARLSBAD -PROJECT INFORMATION TABLE -'k-~~ll-~:o :L~~R-- - -iJ::;::::::::::::~==::::'.====::;::==· ===========~=======·=================::::::;:==~:;-, 1/ ~-~ ~ARA_GE _____ lf-'------------'----"'-----ll---L-...L-.ll....-.lL--...Lilll-...;..J '1....J1.---------"----------"-----'-----'-1 ·--~-----------------------------------------------------... --BUILDING SECTION -D SCALE 1/8"" 1'-11" SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN OWNER: SONNY INVESlMENlS llC AODRESS: 3039 JEFFERSON STREET ARCHITECT: BEJAN ARFAA ARCHITEClS TYPE: ZONE: SITE DATA LOT: BUILDING: PARKING: LANDSCAPING: ON-~TE LANDSCAPING: R.O.W. MIXED-USE/ MULTIFAMILY HOUSING V-B (~LUAGE BARRIO) CARLSBAO ~llAGE MASTER PLAN (AREA) 13,978 sf 35,655 sf SEE BELOW 1,068 sf 1,123 sf PARKING (SPACES) SEE PARKING ORD. REQ.: CALCULATION TABLI GARAGE: 19 COVERED: OPEN: LOAOING/ l\JRN: HANDICAP: TDTAc 3 2 19 PHONE: 76D-497-1532 PHONE: 619-293-3118 ACCESSORS PARCEL NO: 203-351-22 D\1£WNG UNllS Sl\JDIO 1 BDRM 9 2 BDRM 8 3 BDRM TDTAL UNllS 17 DRIVEWAY TYPE: N/A 1!1D1H: -SLOPE: -OPEN SPACE DATA COMMON I PRIVATE SEE "UNIT DATA TABLE" ON SHEElS: A1.1. Al.2 & AU SEIBACKS FRONT: 0 FT MIN. 5 FT MAX. REAR: 0 FT R-SIDE: 0 FT L-SIDE: D FT C: \OFFICE STANDARD\BORDER1-D REVISIONS DAlE SCALE FILE DRAWING NO A4.1 rn • "' ~ 8 ~ ~ l N 0 N ~ s 0 ~ ~ u !, ::s 6 w !Ji z I w ! .8 ~ e ~ ~ ~ " • " ~ ~ GRADING NOTE: 1. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE (2% GRADE IN PLAN TING AREAS) AWAY FROM STRUCTURES AND TERM INATING IN AN APPROVED DRAINAGE SYSTEM. MAINTENANCE NOTE: ALL REQUIRED LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER. SOIL TESTI NG: AFTER ROUGH GRADING, SOIL SAMPLES SHALL BE TAKEN FROM ENOUGH LOCATIONS ON THE SITE TO REPRESENT ADEQUATE CROSS SECTION OF CONDITIONS. SOI LS TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED SOI LS TESTING LABORATORY (PRE-APPROVED BY THE CITY). THE TEST SHA LL INDICATE BUT LI MITED TO THE FOLLOWING: A) ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT B) N,P,K C) pH D) EC E) SOIL TEXTURE (SILT, CLAY, SAND) F) RECOMMEDATIONS FOR AMENDMENTS, LEACHING, AND MAINTENANCE FERTILIZATIONS. THE RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOIL TESTING LABORATO RY SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE CITY. THE APPROVED RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AMENDMENTS AN D BACKFILL SHALL BE INC ORPORATED INTO THE LANDSCAPE PLANS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE PART OF THE APPROVED PLANS. PR ESCRIPTIVE COMPLIA NCE NOTES: 1. INCORPORATE COMPOST AT A RATE OF AT LEAST 4 CU. YDS. PER 1,000 SQ. FT. TO A DEP TH OF SIX INCHES INTO LAN DSCAPE AREA (UN LESS CON TRA INDICATED BY A SOILS TEST). 2. FOR RESIDENTIAL AREAS, INSTALL CLIMATE ADAPTED PLAN TS THA T REQUI RE OCCASIONAL, LITTLE, OR NO SUMMER WA TER (AVERAGE WUCOLS PLANT FACTOR 0.3) FOR 75% OF THE PLANT AREA EXC LUDING EDIBLES AND AREAS USING RECYCLED WATER. 3. A MIN IMUM 3" MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED ON AL L EX POSED SOIL SURF ACES OF PLANTING AREAS, CREEP ING OR ROOTING GROUND COVERS, OR DIRECT SEEDING APPLICATIONS WHERE MULCH IS CONTRAINDICATED. 4. TURF SHALL NOT EXCEED 25% OF THE LANDSCAPE AREA IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS, AND THERE SHALL BE NO TURF IN NON-RESIDEN TIAL AREAS. 5. TURF IS PROHIBITED IN IN PA RKWAYS LESS THAN 10' WIDE. 6. AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS ARE REQUIRED AND MUST USE EVAPOTRANSPIRATIO N OR SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR DATA AND UTILIZE A RAIN SENSOR. DI RT DIAL TOLL FREE 1-800-422-4133 AT LEAST TWO DAYS BrORE YOU DIG UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 3039 LUXURY APARTMENTS 3039 JEFFERSON STREET ! 1 Pacific ~ Ocean NO SCALE VICINITY MAP ~ \jl) North 7. IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS SHALL BE OF A TYPE WHICH DOES NOT LOSE PROGRAMMING DA TA IN THE EVENT THE PRIMARY POWER SOURCE IS INTERRUPTED. 8. PRESSURE REGULATORS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE IRR IGATION SYSTEM TO ENS URE THE DYNAM IC PR ESSURE OF THE SYSTEM IS WI THIN THE MANUFAC TURER 'S RECOM MENDED PRESSURE RANGE. 9. MAN UA L SHUT-OFF VALVES (SUCH AS A GATE VALVE, BAL L VALVE, OR BUTTERFLY VALVE) SHALL BE INSTALLED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE POIN T OF CONNECTION OF THE WATER SUPPLY. 10. AREAS LESS THAN TEN (10) FEET IN ANY DIRECTION SHALL BE IRRIGATED WITH SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION OR OTHER MEANS THAT PRODUCES NO RUN-OFF OR OVERSPRAY. 11. THE APPLICATION OF ORGANIC MU LCH MATERIALS MADE FROM RECYCLED OR POST-CO NSUMER MATERIALS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER INORGAN IC MATERIALS UNLESS RECYCLED OR POS T-CONSUMER PRODUCTS ARE NOT LOCALLY AVAILABLE. INSPECTION PROCEDURES INSPECTION OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF THE WORK, OR HIS DESIGNATED AGENT. REFER TO THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND REQUIRED SUBMITTALS. FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF THE WORK, THE LANDSCAPE ARCHTECT OF THE WORK WILL CERTIFY THAT THE INSTALLATION HAS BEEN COMPLE TED BY SUBMITTING THE "FINAL LANDSCAPE CERTIFICATION FORM" EMAIL TO: bp@dugmoredesignstudio.com A REQUEST FOR A FINAL LANDSCAPE INSPECTION BY THE CITY MUST ALSO BE MADE BY CALLING THE LANDSCAPE INSPECTION REQUEST PHONE LINE: 760-436-7327. PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE DESIGNER OF WORK PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK AND THE DESIGNER OF WORK SHALL REVIEW THE PROJECT UTILITY LOCATIONS AND REVISE PLANS ACCORDINGLY TO FULLY SCREEN ALL UTILITIES FROM VIEW AND PROTECT ALL UTILITIES (ABOV E & BELOW GRADE) FRO M INVASIVE PLANT GROWTH AND ROOTS . FINAL INSPECTION AT THE TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION, THE PERMIT APPLICANT MUST PROVIDED THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY WITH A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION, CERTIFICATE OF INSTALLATION , IRRIGATION SCHEDULE AND A SCHEDULE OF LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE . ONLY SUBSURFACE IRRIGATION SHALL BE USED TO IRRIGATE ANY VEGETATION WITHIN 24 INCHES OF AN IMPERMEABLE SURFACE UNLESS THE ADJACENT IMPERMEABLE SURFACES ARE DESIGNED AND CONSTR UCTED TO CAUS E WATER TO DRAIN ENTIRELY INTO A LAND SCAP E AREA. SDP2019-0015 I CDP2019-0033 Hutter Designs, Inc. Landscape Architects 3625 Ruffin Road , Ste. 108 San Diego, Ca 92123 T: (619) 337-4044 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT. THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF THE PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IS CONFINED TO REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO LANDSCAPING. BY: STEVE HUTTER DATE: 03-31-21 SIGNATURE: I~ Fl ::t!w;:b PHONE NO: (SW) 337-4044 REGISTRATION NO: RLA# 3392 EXPIRATIO N DATE: 03-31-23 WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE DECLARATION: I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATI ON PLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH TH OSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONSTRUC TION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT US E OF WATER. BY: STEVE HUTTER DATE: 03-31-2 1 SIGNATURE:,1~Fl. :fft;;:b PHONE NO : 71) 337-4044 REGISTRATION NO: RLA# 3392 EXPIRATION DATE: 03-31-23 BACKFLOW PREVENTER TESTING ALL BACKFLOW PREVENTERS SHALL BE TESTED BY A CERTIFIED TESTER AND RESULTS MUST BE GIVEN TO THE CITY AND THE WATER DISTRICT. CALL (760 ) 438-2722 TO OBTAIN APPROVED CONTRACT BACKFLOW TESTERS. PIPE BETWEEN THE METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE "SCHEDULE K HARD COPPER". SHEET INDEX TITLE SHEET PLANTING PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN HYDROZONE DIAGRAM L-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 PRESCRIPTIVE COMPLIANCE PLANS Issue Date: 11-23-2019 Revisions: Building dept.: Drown By/Checked: Consultant: Project Number 2015-02 ..... = Q,) e .,.I ..... Q) s-.. Q) ~ ■ C'CI .,.I C"CS Q.. V'l u < = ' "O 0 C"CS ~ vi ,.c s-.. ~ vi ~ = -~ ..... C"CS >< Q) u = -0' ..:I M Q'\ 0 M M 0 M Sheet Title: TITLE SHEET Sheet Number: L-1 SHT NO. 1 OF 4 SHTS u ._ _________________________ _._ __________________________ ..._ __________________________ .._ _________________________ _._ __________________________ _. ::; f: w il\ z 0 ~ oc I:' I 15 { ~ ~ e 0 X e 0 a 3- • 0 I ;,, Appendix D Prescriptive Compliance Option This app,.,mhx contains prcs<:np!ive r'-'9uircmcnts which may be u:;cd as n u,mplianu, option 1o till' \\"atcr Efficient Landscape O rdinam:c and this Landscape :danu:tl for projects of kss rlun 2.500 s9u:1rc kct. Compli,in<·c \\'ith the followm, item~ is nmnJal\Jn· ,uH.I mu,I be Ju..:1.uncntcd on a fandsi;anc rlmi m o rder lo use 1111:; ontion PrnicLt .-\pr.lirnnl: STEVE HUTTER D:11c: 6/15/2020 Proicct .'i.Jdrcss: 3039 JEFFERSON STREET .-\sscs,;or's Pared ~umba: 'J ' '0 " ·1·ornl Lands,,;apc .-\1ca: 1 . 8 8 2 S.F. Turf :\rca: 0 I !'!ant .-\rc:r ?: no -s ' Proiect T rnc: .1 ~tment s + J Comm ,;:::.1 n,-,;t- \X1a11.·r Su,plv Tvpc: OTABLE WATER SUPPLY l'rnicct Cunt;ict :,.,:amc :mJ Nun,hcr: KAMBIZ MARASHI 760-497-1532 "I :igree to coonpl)' with the rcqunemcnts of the-prcscripuve compliance option to the Cit)" of C~rlsbml Lnnd:;cn[><' !-lanunl" -' '. , Sivrn:d· YES X X X X X X X X X X X X X X rl ,A~--I Dntc: 6/15/2020 NIA REQUIREMENTS 0 X :\. Inrn1porntc· wmpost ~t a iate of al least fuur cubic yarcls p<.;r \,Oll(I s4un1c feet to n depth of six im:h6 inro hnd.srnne ~re• fnnlc~s cnntrnindic11ed h1·" soil tesrl B. Plan I material shall rnmrih· ,,itb all of the foll owin)l: L Fur rcsiJ cnlial ~rcas, ins1"1l diurnlc adapted plant~ 11m l rcyuirc m,rn,iunal, li11k ur nu SL1r1nnc1· watn (avcrngc· \VUCOLl pl.mt factor 0.3) for 75% of tht pl.mt area cxcludmg edible~ ,md Hreas using rccvded w:irer 2 For non-rcsidcnnal areas, inM:ill clin1are :id:iptcd pbnr~ th:n rc9111rc ousiional. little 01 nu summer water (avernge \1-fl.JCQL_<; plant fannr O .. l) for 1()()% of the pLmt area excluding edihks "nd ,m·as usii.i , rec\"ckd ,vain. ' .-\ minimum 1h1ce inch (.)") h rer of m ,Jch shall he applied on all expo>e<l soil >urf:u:es of planting are,rl; except 111 turf arc"'· ucq,ing or mo1ing groundcuvcrs, or direct ~ecJing "pphcations where mulch is contraindic~t<'d. C. Turf shall rnmoh-v.ilh all of the follo"win11:: 1. T m( .,\mil nol excc:cd 25% of 1hc h ndscape ~rea in n:s1den11al areas, and there shall be no turf in nun-rt:sidt:nlial art:as. 2. Turf shall no1 bt planted 011 sloped a,cas whKh exceed a alupe of 1 fool vcrtk al clcvatHJn clrnngc for even· ,1 fr<et ofho1i~ontal lcm•th 3. Tucfis prohibited in parhvays less th;in 10 feet wide, unless the parkway is adj;iccn! to a parkinl\ stiip and used tu enter and exit vehicles .. \1w turf in parkways must he-irrigated by subsurface irri11:ution or b1·-nther rechnolo11y tlrnt creates no over~t1r~1· or rnnoff. D. l rri)(ation sntcms shall compll' with the follow1n)(c 1 . .-\uronrntic irri)(:,fion (ontrollers are required and mus! use cvapo tr.1tupiration or soil moisture sensor ilala and utiliic a rain sensor 2. lnigation con!rolkrs shall 1,c uf " !)'pc whid, Jm·s 1ml lose protrammin!_'; Jata in the cvcnr 1hc r>riman· powe r sonrce is int,·rruotcd. 3. P1·cssurc tC)\lLLIIOrS sh,111 be insrnllcJ on the irrigMion SJ"Slcm lo rnsurc the dynami( pres~urc of the system is within the manufacturers recommended r.ressurc r"ni:c 4. i\fonu~l shut-off v;ill'CS (sucl, ,1,s a g:ne valve, lrnll v:1ln :, or l11111crny valve) sh,1l1 be inst:ilkd a~ clo~•· as ntlssihlc to ihc 1101111 of conncc11on of (hc water suuolr. 5. :\11 irrigauon CllllSSh)n devices must tnccl the rc'luir~mcn r., sc1 in the .--\N!-J st,imbrd, :\S:\BE/ICC 802-2014. "L•nds..:apc 1 rri)l;ation Sprinkler and Emitt~r Standard." .,\11 sp,·inklcr he,1ds inst.ill~d in the hindscapc musr document a distrilrnticm uniformit)' low 9ua1rtcr of 0.65 or higher using the protocol defined in .,\S,<BE/!CC 8O~ 2014 6. :\r~as less thnn !Cll (10) fecT in v.~d 1h in anr dirccliun shall he irrig"t~d wi rh sul,surE1<.:e irrig"ti,m or other mcnns thar nmd"':cs nn runoff or O1·crspr~1· E. For non-rcm.kn1ial pruicct! wirh landscape :irea~ nf 1.000 ~<I-ft . or mrm:. :1 piivarc suhnw1cr(s) rn m~asme Lmdscanc w~1cr use shall he insr,,Jltd ,-\1 the Time of fin:11 Inspection. the pe rmit .tpphc:1111 must pn,v1J~ the ,,v.:1u:r ,,f tl,c l'"'!'""t)' w,th" '.:1·:1ific 1r~ of cnmpkrion. ccrt1fic:1tc of instal1,1tion, irrigation s(\,~du\c :ind a schedule of bnJscc,pc :md lrrl •~lion lll:111\!l'll:IUCe. Appendix D City gf C;ufsbad Landsc:ape Manual NOTES: PLANT SO THAT TOP OF ROOT BALL IS EVEN v.1TH THE FINISHED GRADE. LOCATE TIES AT THE LOWEST LEVEL AT WHICH THE TREE CAN BE SUPPORTED (MAX. TIE HEIGHT AT 3/4 HEIGHT OF TREE). TREE TIES, CINCH TIE AS MANUFACTURED BY V.I. T. CO. OR APPROVED EQUAL TRIM STAKES 6" BELOW TREE CANOPY 2" x 10' LODGEPOLE PINE TREE STAKES AT ROOTBALL EDGE DRIVEN FIRMLY (MIN. 3'-0") INTO SUBGRAOE PRIOR TO BACKFILLING LOCATE ONE TREE STAKE ON v.1NDWARD SIDE OF TREE ~-1" BARK MULCH OVER ROOTBALL IN NON TURF AREAS SEE SPECIFICATIONS I!ii'min!'!!>---FINISHED GRADE ---... __ 3" WA TERI NG BASIN, NON-TURF AREAS ONLY PLANT TABS, SEE SPECS FOR QUANTITY ROOTBALL DIAMETER "DEEP ROOT" UB-24 ROOT BARRIER (TYP) FOR All TREES v.1THIN 7' OF HARDSCAPE 2X ROOTBALL DIAMETER ~-SOIL BACKFILL MIX, WATER & TAMP TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS UNDISTURBED GRADE 0 -~-c~-L;-, E_N_T-.~--L_A_N_T_IN_G_A_N_D_S_T A_K_I N_G_ "' CL w Cl _, _, < f!:! 0 0 0: X N '-- I t-CL w Cl :J < CD t-0 0 0: 3" 3" ROOTBALL DIAMETER 2x ROOTBALL DIAMETER TOP OF ROOTBALL 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE 2" MULCH AROUND ROOTBALL FORM BASIN v.1TH 3" CONTINUOUS RIM, NON-TURF AREAS ONLY 5" BARK MULCH, TYPICAL FINISH GRADE SOIL BACKFILL MIX, WATER AND TAMP TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS PLANT TABS, SEE PLANT NOTES MOUND SUGHTL Y AND COMPACT B f-------® SHRUB PLANTING s c ALE, N. T.S. I SDP2019-0015 / CDP2019-0033 300 SF. BIO-RETENTION AREA ALL PERIMETER FEN CING SHALL BE A 5' HIGH WOOD FENCE -SEE DETAIL "A" ON SHEET L-3. • 4 • • • • • " • 4 X . . 1($)-'•'-,,-+,:.._,..-·-'''-'--'--Jt+-,---EXISTING WALKWAY TO BE REMOVED Hutter Designs, Inc. Landscape Architects 3625 Ruffin Road, Ste. 108 San Diego, Ca 92123 r------------7 r----------------' r---, I I ', ' ', ', ' ,,, ,,, T: (619) 337-4044 • • 19 18 17 ' • 1 2 T 3 EVSE SPACE (I NSTALLED) 16 15 EVSE SPACE (CAPABLE) 14 EVSE SPACE (CAPABLE) 13 4 ~ 12 11 ~ i I II X I REFUSE AREA FIRST FLOOR COVERED PARKING GARAGE 5 6 7 8 PROPERTY LINE 9 10 ELECT. RGpM : I I ,-, I I I I RESIDENTIAL STORAGE ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ', ' ' ,,, ,,, 0 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' LOBBY DECK COMMON ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ', ', ', ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I I I I f~➔~i..,; ' I I I I • I . • / / / ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ -!__++t-- ♦ ~...----.-- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • • • • • • ... .. f-8' CLEARW \ \ I \ \ I I I I 0:::: f-- (J) XISTING 36"' CAL. FICUS RETUSA -INDIAN LAUREL FIG IS A DESIGNATED STREET TREE AND IS TO REMAIN AND PROTECTED IN PLACE. z 0 (J) 0:::: w LL LL w J >'IJ',,-__ EXISTING SIDEWALK TO BE REM OVED AND REPLACED I ,, I • I ,. I I I I . I I . I ' 5'± • • • • • • • PER CIVIL EN GI NEERING DRAWINGS FLOW PER W-20 R ICE W/2" WATER METER NEW 4" FIRE SERVlCE POWER POLE NCHOR TO REMAIN TRANSFORM ER 0 10 SCA LE EXISTING STREET TREE NOTE: THE EXISTING FICUS TREE IN THE PARKWAY IS A DESIGNATED CITY STREET TREE AND SHALL REMAIN AND PROTECTED IN-PLACE. IF THE CONTRACTOR HAS ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS TREE THEY CAN CONTACT (CITY PARKS DIVlSION) MORGAN ROCKDALE-(760) 434-2985. THE PLANT PALETTE HAS BEEN SELECTED IN ORDER TO STRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF WATER-WISE LANDSCAPING, AS WELL AS PROVIDING AN AES THETI CALLY PLEASING LANDSCAPE FOR THE COMMUNITY. PLANTS SELECTED ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE CARLSBAD VILLAGE MASTER PLAN DESIGN MAN UAL AS WELL AS CARLSBAD VILLAGE CENTER DESIGN MANUAL / DISTRICT 1. ALL PLANTED AREAS SHALL RECEIVE A LAYER OF BARK MULCH TO REDUCE IRRIGATION AND MAINTENANCE NEEDS. IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESIGN: THE SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED TO REDUCE OVERALL WATER REQUIRED FOR SUPPLEMENTAL IRRIGATION. A FLOW SENSOR, RAIN SENSOR AND ET-BASED CONTROLLER SHALL BE UTILIZED TO ACH IEVE THIS GOAL. THE DELIVERY METHOD WILL BE A COMBINATION OF LOW PRECIPITATION ROTOR SPRAYS, BUBBLERS, AND DRIP IRRIGATION. HYDROZONES WILL BE SEPARATED BASED ON PLANT REQU IREMENTS AND SOLAR EXPOSURE. IRRIGATION DESIGN SHALL CO MPLY WITH THE AB 1881 AND CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL. ROOT BARRIER NOTE: 1. TREE ROOT BARRIERS "DEEP ROOT UB-24" SHALL BE INSTALLED WHERE TREES ARE PLACED WITHIN 5' OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING WA LKS, CURBS, STREET PAVEMENT, OR WHERE NEW PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ARE PLACED ADJACENT TO EXISTING TREES. DO NOT WRAP ROOT BARRIER AROUND ROOTBALL. MAINTENANCE NOTE: ALL REQUIRED LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER / HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. THE LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAINED FREE OF DEBRIS AND LITTER AND ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A HEAL THY, GROWING CONDITION. DISEASED OR DEAD PLANT MA TERI AL SHALL BE SATISFACTORILY TREATED OR REPLACED PER THE CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT IRRIGATION NOTE: IRRIGATION FOR LANDSCAPE SHALL HAVE A SEPARATE WATER SERVICE -ALL IRRIGATION FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL BE LOW VOLUME / DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEMS -NO SPRAY SYSTEMS. WITH POTABLE WATER(TYPICAL) ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL HAVE POSITI VE DRAINAGE (2% GRADE IN PLANTING AREAS) AWAY FROM ALL STRUCTURES AND TERMINATING IN AN APPROVED DRAINAGE SYSTEM. NO LAWN IS BEING PROPOSED FOR TH IS PROJECT. NOTE: MIN . OF 3" LAYER OF BARK MULCH FOR ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS (TYPICAL) NOTE: 50% OF THE SHRUBS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5 GALLON SIZE. (TYPICAL) NOTE: ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE SCREENED (TYPICAL) PLANT LEGEND PLANT SYMBOL STREE~ TREE 0 8 BOTAN ICAL NAME COMMON NAME MYRTUS COMMUNIS TRUE MYRTLE MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLOR A "LITTLE GEM" DWARF SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA L,, ~ RHAPHIOLEPIS I. 'PINK LADY' SIZE QTY DETAIL 5 GAL 6 B / L2 24" BO X 2 A / L2 5 GAL 5 A I L2 '-" PINK INDIA HAWTHORN 0 f------+----+---f-- " CALLISTEMON CITRINUS "LITTLE JOHN" DWARF BOTTLE BRUSH 5 GAL 18 A I L2 © 0 -C3 BIO-FILTRATION BASIN~ BOUGAINVILLEA "BARBARA KARST" BOUGAINVILLEA TULBAGIA v10LACEA SOCIETY GARLIC BAMBUSA MULTIPLEX "GOLDEN GODDESS" GOLDEN GODDESS BAMBOO 5 GAL 1 GAL 15 GAL 5 A I L2 18 A I L2 11 A I L2 f-----------------,f-----+---+-- PHORMIUM TENAX 'Amazing Red' AMAZING RED NEW ZEALAND FLAX MYOPORUM PARv1FOLIUM MYOPOROUM JUNCUS PATENS CALIFORNIA GRAY RUSH 5 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 8 75 AS NEC A / L2 A / L2 ,2~ o.c. TRIANGULAR SPACING WUCOLS CLASSIF. LOW MOD LOW LOW LOW MOD LOW LOW LOW 20 30 IN FEET NORTH PLANTING PLAN Scale 1 "= 1 o· Issue Date: 11-23-2019 Revisions: Building dept.: Drawn By/Checked: Consultant: Project Number 2015-02 ~ = Q,) e ~ ~ Q,) -Q,) I,., • ~ ~ C'C ~ Cl'l u < = .. "'O 0 C'C ~ 1:/l .c -I,., 1:/l ~ = -I,., I...,; C'C ~ Q,) u = -O" ..:I M 0' 0 M M 0 M Sheet TTtle: PLANTING PLAN Sheet Number: L-2 SHT NO. 2 OF 4 SHTS u ._. _____________________________________ .._ _____________________________________ _. ______________________________________ .._ _____________________________________ ..... _____________________________________ ..... SDP2019-0015 / CDP2019-0033 ~ z 6" w t;s z 0 ~ ~ w I ~ ~ e 0 I ~ r----------------------,----------------------,----------------------,----------------------..---------------------- 0 I LO ELEVATION NOTE: ALL REDWOOD SHA LL BE MERCHANTABLE OR BETTER . ALL EXPOSED SURF ACES RECEIVE (2) COATS OF SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN. COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER. A WOOD FENCE 300 SF. BIO-RETENTION AREA PROPERTY LINE r ------------7 r --------,-- MAXIMUM APPLIED WATER ALLOWANCE (MAWA) MAWA = Maximum Applied Water Allowance per year (gallons). ETo= Reference Evapotranspiration (inches) 0.55 = ET Adjustment Factor LA = Landscape Area including Special Landscape Area (square feet) 0.62= Conversion factor SLA= Special Landscape Area (square feet) 0.3 = Additional ET adjustment Factor for Special Landscape Area Show Values: ETo = 40.0 in./yr. LA = 2,082 Sq. Ft. SLA = 0 Sq. Ft. MAWA = (ETO) (0.62) (0.55 x LA) + (0.3 X SLA) MAWA = (40.0) (0.62) (0.55 X 2,082) = 28,398 MAWA = 28,398 Gallons per Year ESTIMATED TOTAL WATER USE ETWU= Estimated Total Water Use per year (gallons). ETo= Reference Evapotranspiration (inches) PF= Plant Factor from Wucols (U.C. extension) HA = Hydrozone Area (high, med, low water use areas) SLA= Special Landscape Area 0.62= Conversion factor IE= Irrigation Effi ciency (minimum 0.71) ETWU= (ETO) (0.62) (PF x HA/IE) + SLA ETWU= (40.0) (0.62) (.3 x 2,082 / .81) = 19,124 ETWU= 19,124 Gallons per Year ~---2"x4" RWD CAP ---1" X 4" CEDAR PLANT-ON ,,---2"X4" RWD TOP RAIL l~----~x~RWP~TB'~C.MAX. 1 "x8" CEDAR BOARDS (BUTT JOINTS TIGHT) 1" X 4" CEDAR PLANT-ON 2"X4" RWD BOTTOM RAIL CONCRETE FOOTING (8" DIA) 1" ABOVE GRADE • • 1111 I @ I ~: ~T~tffim '[]LI 19 18 17 • 3/4" 1 ___ J HUNTER I-CORE 6 STATION IC-600-SS AU TOMA TIC CONTROULER 3/4" 15 EVSE SPACE (CAPABLE) 14 EVSE SPACE (CAPABLE) 13 WAUL MOUNT -VERIFY LOCATION W/ OWNER 2 3 4 ~ 5 DRIP IL'fID '\iil I~ I I I I DRIP .&ID "\iil DRIP "SOLAR SYNC" SENSOR INSTALL PER MANUF. RECOMMENDATIONS REFUSE AREA 11 I I FIRST FLOOR COVERED PARKING GARAGE I _J 5 6 7 8 PROPERTY LINE 9 10 STATION NO. ---<-t:4•)~--VALVE SIZE G.P.M. (MAX) . . NOT[: /RR/GA noN MAINLINES SHALL BE LOCATED OUTSIDE THE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY. NOTE: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WA TfR DISTRICT WA T[R PRESSURE IS 88 PSI. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE A PRESSURE REGULA TOR AS SHOWN. FINISH GRADE IRRIGATION LEGEND -DRIP 1" X 8" 1" X 4" 2" X 4" PLAN VIEW REQUIRED PIPE COVERAGE AND IRRIGATION SLEEVE SIZE AND DEPTHS: PRESSURE LINES: LESS THAN 3" IN DIAMETER· 18" COVER 3"-5-1 /2" IN DIAMETER -24" COVER 6" OR GREATER· 36" COVER LATERAL LINES: 12" COVER SLEEVES UNDER ROADS: 6" OR LESS IN DIAMETER -36" COVER GREATER THAN 6" IN DIAMETER· 48" COVER SCHEDULE 80 PVC SLEEVES UNDER PAVING (NON-ROADS): LESS THAN 3" IN DIAMETER -18" COVER 3"-5-1 /2" IN DIAMETER -24" COVER 6" OR GREATER IN DIAMETER -36" COVER SCHEDULE 40 PVC SYM. MFG. RAIN BIRD I • § I=== I • PVC @ RAINBIRD ® DURA MODEL DESCRIPTION XFS-06-12-XXX SUB-SURFACE DRIPLINE AND FITTINGS INCLUDES COPPERSHIED TECHNOLOGY EMITTERS 0.60 GPH @ 12" O.C. CONTRACTOR TO SPECIFY LENGTH OF TUBING WHEN ORDERING FITTINGS: RAINBIRD XF DRIPLINE INSTALL LINES AT 18" APART (POTABLE IRRIGATION ON PRIVATE DECKS). INSERT FITTINGS XFD-06-12-XXX SUB-SURFACE DRIPLINE AND FITTINGS INCLUDES COPPERSHIED TECHNOLOGY EMITTERS 0.60 GPH @ 12" O.C. CONTRACTOR TO SPECIFY LENGTH OF TUBING WHEN ORDERING FITTINGS: RAINBIRD XF DRIPLINE INSTALL LINES AT 12' APART. INSERT FITTINGS PVC SCH 40 ELL (SS) PVC CONNECTION TO POLYETHYLENE LATERAL RAINBIRD: ARV050 AIR VACUUM RELIEF VALVE. INSTALL IN A BOX AT THE (1/2" AIR RELIEVE VALVE) HIGHEST POINT OF EACH INDIV1DUAL VALVE ZONE T1-005W FLUSH VALVE ASSEMBLY. INSTALL IN A BOX AT THE FLUSH END OF SYSTEM SCALE: N.T.S. (TYPICAL FOR ALL PERIMETER FENCING) NOTE: IRRIGATION SLEEVES SIZES TO BE A MINIMUM OF OF TWO (2) TIMES THE SIZE OF THE LINE IT SERVES. Hutter Designs, Inc. Landscape Architects 3625 Ruffin Road, Ste. 108 San Diego, Ca 92123 T: (619) 337-4044 (J) RAINBIRD OPERIND DRIP OPERATION INDICATOR. INSTALL AT THE FLUSH END OF SYSTEM 3/4" COPPER MAINLINE TO 2ND FLOOR BALCONY PLANTERS 0 ' ' • r---7 I I ELECT. RopM : I I ,-, I I I I RESIDENTIAL STORAGE LOBBY DECK COMMON • ·"' 0 I 3/4"1 I I I I I 1-1;2·1 SLEEVE : I 3/4" 0 0 ;µ. • 11 11 11 ~: 111 1 111 1 rm 111 11 I 4 R0 0 ' . ' . •. , I ,, ,. " I ,. ·• ~ ~ ~ "' w in x w I 1-----" ~ '\iil DRIP ,. ·, • . 11 11 11 111 ''' 111 111 111 1111111 111 1111111 111 '].W--l-l+-/..l! I I ~~~~ I I I. I I ·E : pp . '. NOlE: CITY REQUIRES lHAT BACKflOW PREVENTER BE INSTALLED YIITHIN 2' Of THE METER LOCAllON . BACKFlOW PREVENTER TO BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE Of PUBLIC R.O.W. 3/n-lASTER VALVE 3/4'"PRESSURE REGULATOR 3/4'"BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHUT-OFF VALVE TO BE INSTALLED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE P.O.C. I-w w 0:::: 1- (J) z 0 (J) 0:::: w w~ LL <si" I • u~ l...J._ ,0 Ci'd w J EXISTING 1'"METER AT EXISTING STATIC PRESSURE= 88 PS MAX FLOW = 7.5 G.P.M.I CE W /2" WATER METER NEW 4" FIRE SER~CE IRRIGATION LEGEND -EQUIPMENT + CONTROLS SYM. MFG. MODEL DESCRIPTION * --POINT OF CONNECTION TO WATER SERv1CE 1M] --EXISTING 1" WATER METER ~ ZURN/'MLKINS 975XL2 3/4"N BACKFLOW PREVENTER ® \\1LKINS 500 SERIES 3/4"N PRESSURE REGULATOR --Poe Western (Sch 40 for 1-1/2• + smaller) IRRIGATION MAINLINE (POTABLE WATER) 0 HAMMOND 8501 BRONZE BAUL VALVE (LINE SIZE) s RAINBIRD PGA SERIES El.IC. CON1R<X. VALl/f. -SZE PER PLAN PAC. WESTERN CL 200 PVC (SEE PIPE / SLEEv1NG REQUIREMTS AT RIGHT) IBil HUNTER I-CORE SERIES 6 STATION WAUL MOUNTED IRRIGATION CONTROLLER ---PAC. WESTERN (SEE PIPE / SLEEv1NG REQUIREMTS AT RIGHT) ---(Sleeving) 0 RAINBIRD 44 LRC 3/4" • QUICK COUPLING VALVE [i'j] HUNTER "SOLAR SYNC" WEATHER-BASED SENSOR ~ HUNTER ICV-101-40 REMOTE CONTORL VALVE & REGULATOR/ FILTER ASSEMBLY DRIP (DRIP SYSTEM ONLY) 3/4" VALVE 111TH FILTER SYSTEM FOR DRIP, PRESSURE REGULA TED 40 PSI. ~ RAINBIRD PES-B-PRS SERIES PRES.-REGULATING MASTER CONTROL VAL\/f. e RAINBIRD MODEL 1402 -.5 GPM TREE BUBBLER -FULL CIRCLE (2) PER TREE IRRIGATION NOTE: 1. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ARE TO BE IN STALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH \,p.MDSC THE CRITERIA AND STANDARDS OF TH E CITY OF CARLSBAD WATER EFFICIENT REGULATIONS, IN CONJUCTION WITH THE CAR LSBAD MUNICIPAL WA TER DISTRICT'S STANDARDS. 0 10 20 30 I I I I SCALE IN FEET IRRIGATION PLAN Scale 1"=10' $"\) ti STEVEN HU 0 No. 339 !tJ ,_ Exp. /1 NORTH ~ / 0 .... __________________________ ___. ___________________________ _._ ___________________________ .._ __________________________ ___. ___________________________ .J Issue Date: 11-23-2019 Revisions: Building dept.: Drawn By/Checked: Consultant: Project Number 2015-02 .._ = Q) 8 ..-.._ Q,) -Q,) ~ • ~ ..-C"CI ~ ~ u < = .. "C 0 C"CI ~ Cll .c -~ Cll ~ = -~ ~ C"CI ~ Q,) u = -O" ..:I M 0' 0 M M 0 M Sheet Title: IRRIGATION PLAN Sheet Number: L-3 SHT NO. 3 OF 4 SHTS I 0 ~ ~ ::s ~ w t;s z 0 ~ ~ w I .8 ~ e 0 t ~ / 300 SF. BIO-RETENTION AREA PROPERTY LINE r------------, 19 18 17 ' • 1 2 □ r -----------___ ...J 3 EVSE SPACE (INSTALLED) 16 15 EVSE SPACE (CAPABLE) 14 EVSE SPACE (CAPABLE) 13 4 REFUSE AREA FIRST FLOOR COVERED PARKING GARAGE 5 6 7 12 11 8 PROPERTY LINE DESCRIPTION IB88J R.O.W. ZONE □ STREET TREES ~ GROUND FLOOR ~ BIO-BASIN ~ 1 ST FLOOR ~ BIO-BASIN ~ 2ND FLOOR WUCOLS RATING LOW USE MOD USE MOD USE LOW USE LOW USE . --~--- 9 10 WUCOLS RATING DRIP IRR. BUBBLERS DRIP IRR. DRIP IRR. DRIP IRR. r---, I I ELECT. RCipM i I I ~-~ I I I I RESIDENTIAL STORAGE SQUARE FEET 1,014 SO. FT. 48 SO. FT. 280 SO. FT. 300 SO. FT. 440 SO. FT. LOBBY DECK COMMON " RAISED BIO-PLANTER 2 220 SF 2ND FLOOR BALCONY COMMON OPEN SPACE 1 CD NORTH I 2,oa2 so. FT. (TOT AL) I NOTE, LOW WATER USE IS GREATER THAT 75% OF TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA. IRRIGATION HYDROZONES DIAGRAM 3039 JEFFERSON STREET , . . . . . Hutter Designs, Inc. Landscape Architects 3625 Ruffin Road, Ste. 108 San Diego, Ca 92123 T: (619) 337-4044 1-w w Cl::'.: 1- U) . ' z 0 U) I ,. ,· • I I I 1--DK I I. I I I I 0 Cl::'.: w LL LL w 7 10 2 0 30 SCALE IN FEET IRRIGATION HYDROZONE EXHIBIT Scale : 1 • = 1 o• NORTH u .._ _______________________ ___. ________________________ ___. ________________________ _._ ________________________ ....._ ________________________ _. Issue Date: 11-23-2019 Revisions: Building dept.: Drawn By/Checked: Consultant: Project Number 2015-02 ,._ = (1) e .-I ,._ Q.) s. Q.) C"O ~ ■ .-I C'tl ~ v:i u < = .. "C Q C'tl ~ ~ ,.Q s. ~ ~ ~ = -~ l,i.,i C'tl ~ Q.) u = -O" ..:I M 0' Q M M 0 M Sheet Title: IRRIGATION HYDROZONE EXHIBIT Sheet Number: L-4 SHT NO. 4 OF 4 SHTS GENERAL INFORMATION; QWNER/QmLOPER SONNY INVESTMENTS LLC KAMBI MARASHI PO BOX 3277 BEVERLY HILLS, CA. 90212 PHONE 760-497-1532 PROJECT CML ENGINEER LANDMARK ENGINEERING CORPORATION LAWRENCE E. COLE, RCE 36292 3443 CAMNO DEL RIO SOUTH #204 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 PHONE: 619-260-0420 STREET ADDRESS 3039 JEFFERSON STREET ASSE$$0!'$ PARCEL NUMBER: 203-351 -22-00 LEGAL 2ESC!1PJJQN; PARCEL A, A CONSOLIDATION OF LOTS 23, 24, 25, 26 IN BLOCK 48 OR TOWN OF CARLSBAD, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 535, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 2, 1888, PER CERTI FICATE OF COMPLIANCE RECORDED AY 21, 2019 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2019 -0192471. sm: ACREAGE 0.321 ACRES sm: INEQRMADQN EXIST. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION EXIST. ZONING PROPOSED ZONING EXIST. LANO USE PROPOSED LANO USE MASTER PLAN COASTAL ZONE: EXIST. NO. LOTS V V P2 P2 DISTRICT 2 DISTRICT 2 VILLAGEMASTER PLAN YES 1 1 PROPOSED NO. LOTS PROPOSED DENSITY (DU/AC) TOTAL BUILDING covtRAGE BUILDI NG SQUARE FOOTAGE PROPOSED DENSITY (DU/AC) = 17DU/0.321AC = 53 DU/AC TOTAL BUILDING covtRAGE = 90% PERCENT OF SITE TO BE LANDSCAPED NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES PROVIDED AOT SEIIER DISTRICT WATER DISTRICT SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSED WATER DEMAND AVERAGE PROPOSED WATER DEMAND PEAK PROPOSED SEIIER GENERATION L E C LANDMARK ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3443 Camino Del Rio South Suite 204 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 260-0420 BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE = 34,693 SF PERCENT OF SITE TO BE LANDSCAPED NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED = 18 NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES PROVIDED = 19 EXISTING SITE ADT = 193 RESIDENTIAL = 17 APTS X 6/DU = 102 ADT COMMERCIAL = 40 AOT /1 ODO SF X 2185 SF = 88 ADT CARLSBAD WASTE WATER DIVISION CARLSBAD WATER DISTRICT CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT RESIDENTIAL = 250 GPD X 17 DU = 4250 GPD COMMERCIAL = .23 GPD/SF X 2185 SF = 503 GPD RESIDENTIAL = 1.2 X AVERAGE GPD = 5100 GPD COMMERCIAL = 1.2 X AVERAGE GPD = 554 GPD RESIDENTIAL = 220 GPO/DAY X 17 DU X (1EDU/DU) = 3740 GPD/DAY COMMERCIAL = lEDU/1800 SF X 220 = 2185 SF /1800 SF X 220 = 268 GPO/DAY SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WAS GENERA TED BY GROUND __ METHODS FROM INFORMA T/ON GATHERED ON JULY 17 , 20J..5._ BY LANDMARK ENGINEERING CORPORATION TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN HEREON CONFORMS TO NATIONAL MAP ACCURACY STANDARDS. PROJECT LOCATION THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED l\1THIN ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER($) 203-351-22-00 THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE INDEX OF THIS PROJECT IS: N 363 380.4 E 1,664,550.1 O:\ORA'MNG FlLES\TlllE SHEETS\GRADING Tln.£ SHEET.DWG REVISED:02/15/17 LEGEND DESCRIPTION PROPERTY LINE EX. EXISTING GROUND CONTOUR EX. WATER MAIN (12" ACP) EX. SEWER MAIN (8" VCP) FINISH GROUND CONTOUR FINISH FLOOR (FF) FINISH GRADE ELEVATI ON (FG) EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION EX. ASPHALT EX. CONCRETE EX. WATER METER DWG.NO. SYMBOL EXISTING -700- -w--w-- -s s - --700-- FF = 701.00 827.5 FG ~ ASPH CONG. FH[OJ pp EX. FIRE HYDRANT EX. POWER POLE TRENCH RESTORATION SEWER LATERAL CITY STD. GS-25 CITY STD. S-7 ~~ ----,(@ REPLACE SIDEWALK PRIVA TE SIDEWALK RETAINING WALL LANDSCAPE REMOVE & REPLACE AC ALLEY FLOW DIRECTION PROPOSED CONCRETE PROPOSED CURB PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER DRIVEWAY TOP OF CURB FLOW LINE PAVEMENT FINISH FLOOR PROPOSED 4" FIRE SERVICE W/BACKFLOW SDRSD G-07 SDRSD G-07 W-3, W-21 F::-:7 t..:2L.::.:I • • • • • • • • • 17 Z Z ;J -- - !..LE DWY TC FL p FF ~ RP QUANTITY 54 LF. 1 EA. 427 LF. 776 SF 1 EA. MADISON STREET VICINITY CITY OF OCEANSIDE PACIFIC OCEAN >a MAP ROA GA cOsr ·_ AVf. ," L. . .r-,. \ CITY OF VISTA L-··-··-··7 ~! L .. 1 ,. . .i ; ; SDP 2019-0015 CDP 2019-0033 CITY OF ENCINITAS ; .. ...F"\....,J INDEX OF SHEETS TITLE SHEET GRADING PLAN X-SECTIONS DEMOLITION PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHEET# 1 2-3 4-5 6 LOTS 2J, 24, 25, AND 26 IN BLOCK 48 OF TO'M/ OF CARLSBAD, IN /HE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STA TE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP /HEREOF NO. 535, FILED IN /HE OFFICE OF /HE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 2, 1888. PROJECT ADDRESS 3039 JEFFERSON STREET CARLSBAD, CA OWNER/DEVELOPER NAME: SONNY INVESTMENTS LLC/ KAMBI MARASHI ADDRESS: PO BOX 3277 BEVERLY HILLS, CA. 90212 PHONE NO.: PHONE 760-497-1532 EARTHWORK QUANTITIES CUT: 93 CY FILL: 93 CY IMPORT: D CY EXPORT: 0 CY REMEDIAL: 1550 CY BENCH MARK DESCRIPnON: CLSB-130 (Sff RO$ 17271} LOCA T/ON: SET 2.5" DISK IN SOUTHEAST CORNER OF DRAINAGE BOX INLET AT /HE END OF CURB RETURN IN /HE NOR/HEAST CORNER RECORDED: OF GRANO A V[NU[ ANO WASHINGTON ST. ELEVA nON: 40.91 DA TUM: NGVO 29 I SHE1E T I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH EETS I ENGINEER ING DEPARTMENT 6 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR: JEFFERSON LUXURY APARTMENTS TITLE SHEET EX. BLDG ~ -- - -- - -__L~...(--7 ;\ i 21 I/ I l __ _r I I _J "'c& 46so \ \ \ I I I I I I I . ,_t-IJ,_,_ I "' f EX. CONC. \4'1 , 1 f 1 ----7 I EX_ BLDG \ l''r-1 I~ ii PARCEL 1 1 \ \ z~'IS. ~(b 2 2 \ \ ~ I \ I i I M\ ~4 1,~~-+-I i,i'" I I P M 3339 "~ I d _,«' "-BLDG ~~ g (j I d r:S I I I / EX.WALL EX. TRASH -(gt) ,1 EX. K EX. TRASI PALM ,/ \\ I ~~ ~r;, C) I ~~-~ ~~ N ~ I ► o/ • -~ ~ ~ «i l-¼· l l-,1. ~~ 1 ' ~ -~ st.~"~ 1 ,o 4q'~ PROPERTY L~ • • •· • • • • • • • • ' _ • , ~ §9, --• , l -" "'-I "'-"-"- "-1 @1 1 + + + + + + + ~ -+ + + + + ....,__ ..., ....-,,, ~ T\ " ~ q .--,,.,_11;-~ A -4 -4 -4 ,, 5 -~ : • : : •• r-._ ~ I"-" " " ~ "" I" I f " ., , , • , • J\ A . " ~,., l'<l' ii! ~i~~r,,.J ,, -: --,zi',X -, ,, ,.. ,,, " "'' • • • -, I i ~----"'"' t~ --~~ -(46) -_j EX. ASPH. i ~tir1~ir79%: ;,,ffi.3%F 4? --~ l~,o ~23 q 1Jt, ~l'Y,;Jf--f!\',,1'\~o;.!:•b-,----E-L-EC_T_J_RQOM' ;; ~D • :x:,: j 1 ,~~~~:e~tNING : II \1 r:S O I FL45-07 cf/ IU " 4TH FLOOR FF 77 65 ° 9 -~ • • • • I I ie COVERED PARKING~ · 0 a -Ex_ BLDG ci'<' • , ••0,• -I d ~ I 19 3RD FLOOR FF 68.15 ' ~ ll~~~t!;;l!cl=J Ff48_12 ::i • ,,.,,,,, ,,., I I 16 2ND FLOOR FF 58.65 ""' 123 12 IU b BE RE•OVED ": -.:'~ .'o,.•IR~Gr-h I ~t4I 5-1~-f=i="=======~----II------GARAGE FLR GF 46.30 __ ~ c .:--1 0Jr$ ~ ¼ ~~1 J ~ "'--"-N-P.i';~--+_.,f-coNc_ COMMERCIAL RETAIL L_ "s '.... ____ ---~TO BE REMO'vfD 20% --t----t-<o/ , L-J,----j-j--,=---"81''A€~!-~===1l:LI "'•~,, ~: -<( ' V°' ~ I ~XBASPH-15 ~ , "'Gl!lo"-~ I'"' /§j RSETSOIDRAENGTEIAL x_CURB 1,085S.F. I-'Ii '.£• ,;";,1 :.· -l~~is~uE/s~W'( t; -~ ii r , ~ r, :;'. 0"-"-"-' "'-4 '•;•:~ ~c~N•c· ~----~GUTTER I ~ , Ir I F.S. 47.60' tif "' ~ COw:.RED PARKING - ' • • "1,t---I w 17 I ==-1--1 ~ • • • \ ':. ~ I I ! ~ U ~ \ 0:x_ r,:;:)11 n I: t---..._ Fs ,.., .., ~ =• I.... <C ...... '"': s I rs. LJ.J 1 ~-:J}, ~ 1 ~ ) 1 -:. ~.., .., ·' -r~iirE~~~~f~~~E : I{/) I l:i C:S--zs1s< x -\l---\-,--~-""'"" , ';: ,,p'9 ~-~I ----,. w_ _ ~o AROUND lREE ROOTS w 1 1 I "$.__<k. #:.._'h:-~· B u..1 ~ ·l'o ~ -<--.[1/ =-= ~ 1-· '\ w . ". .., '\. i;;_.:. tTO PROTECT THEM 3: -~ ·1~ 1 ~~ \ 11 n ~ "b _ lt~ ~.: . •~ ;Nfu.,,1 ~ 1 1f- 10 9 '.1)'0 14 VJ ,.., ' 2 4 ~ w. <2 ~'?' 13 1~ \ ~ -'",;,,,_ ~)1: / ~'s:f-1!=::::::::;'f;:;===-:::j O J~ G;J __ ., __ "". I ~ •j --':~ '-¾. •• -••. j I ~I §2 I I w nl '-X_ -o; '\ 1, • ---\'ul I \'-=='=!cc~'='==='-Li=======~44/,( oin • • • • \ OC) I / w '"'===i==:'.::'::==~~"='=~~===~=-es"g;,.i~";i::A;:;;L•~a L-i3x . z 1_ ~ I <i /4 ._:d:::i';•.._ .., l:::J-.i: . II -~ ~~ ~ -r? ._,,. --E~t.'J~/ / / --/-4JK'-'>_ ,'--__ HI,'. 5'MIN '4,.a. :;f· -. 1-,k: : Ll : i Er~ I ~ I~~-1-1::=!:!¼:!::!:!':':!::==~~--.... ""'""'""Ex"'_ .. ASP_H-1_ I fS46Ti.J-•:L'i-=_,,__3/rr==>== .. ,=i ,= _________,.=7===-=l-==i:,,7il 17'i~===~====;¢~f::-'" . • • • VI t 1/ ~ .~, I rV JJi--r ~f fl " en • • • • I 11/) I 5 I 8 I REMOVE & REPLACE AC ALLEY I/ 20' ; & ~ i'.i ~ 1· ~z: ,i;,. • • • • I I l"'v' N I / ~ COVER D EN TREE COVERED PARKIN G, AGE ( .~ ~ ""< [ L.L. _________ _,!f-------j++-~/,L-;f,I g, 4TH FL1 OR FF 77 65 /; • ~ • • • I I w ~ t 10' , 10' e-• 0 I II '--_47_ , -• , , ••• ~iLANDSCAPE#2 I z ~ J4--'-"----l--l"'--+~'-"---1' I 3RD FL OR FF 68.15 § "" ~ .,,, ~.,,,.,, j GROUND LEVl'L I LL Q ~ ~ ' I/ 0 2ND FL OR FF 58.65 d / REMO.t COMMERCIAL RETAIL n · "••'0t1 ··~ I LL I d .,,s. rs,s{ _ ASPj-\ GARAGE FLR GF 46.30 1 ---------E_x __ c_o,_, __ --+---f1f----,---SPA,6E-4-•-~ ~~• :,:o.. • a ~ I / W I ;::-~ IJ-L;:::;::.:;:;1. w, I \~ 1 W, 1{,~'Ri t100S.f;'., ; , if,◊¾~: I I[~ -:> ~ -•••••• 1 \ 1 TO BE RE•o NI A ex_ ...___ I 'htf' • ,,,., ~~ ~ I \ / ~ I ~-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N °0;,, ISD-5 I BACKFLOW V ;;~ '•' "" • + + + I ~ ,,. 6'. REMOVE r, • t,r, . q "" A : : : : : :: _ . b'·" :~~=~I -q I?:•~$" • ~-~t~ sit~ ~t8~ ~rn W=~8 1 1 _J ~ •••••• ~ W.'t~~ 26 ~ ~ -lq.0 A· ~ 1 • 1 I I <( •A• A+ BE Rrno.rD 1/ t1/ f\T" V REMO.t N w 2" SERf CE w /2" WATER METE~ / ,._ EX_ ELEC. lRANS_-'1A----' 0 ~ • NEW RIVATI: SIDEWALK I .. TO BE RELOCATED R" a' ,"-9-+ ,,---NE 4" FIRE SER1,1CE I 8l PROPOSED ' "6-"'· A;, ., ;,../, • ' = • • • -I,, """" ~ " '\:" " ..JU_"_ '\: ' 'C!'.« ;'· TRANSFORMER 46 ,,~ ;fJ I ·,, 9' I ~~--~ '-'-'-, , , , , , '<( \ FSf550 , _ , -· ~ .::,.... I"~"-"-"-f'-. """' , ~----------+I r I; ~ N55"30 03 E 1_39_.62 ~ PROPERTY LINE ~'" ...... ...... ...... ...... I • ~ ~ . ~----:ti-l'-------~n~f P. iP~NI t vd I --7 ~r"J-EX_ CONC I ~fl~~ i I "" 1 & CLEANOUT ~ -o-.., .67 cFs (PRE-DEVJ / ............ ..., DRl.tWAY d I a bi · 1.00 cFs (Pl E-DEVJ a ..,-.92CFS(Posr-oEvJ I I t r-7_ 40• ac.._•1.12cFS(P<ST-DEVJ POi •2 1 2 7 I EX BLDG Li -__/ / ( ,._ ~ "'?G•l I ~ '¾ ~ L J i 7~ 16·11 . i 24'± I d ---,--_J EX_ BLDG i--:1 ====:---=~-~ 1-')Y' I ~~6:/t~V 7 EX. BLDG + + + I + A + + + + ...:f.6.2r ~-g i,,<:i.9B__. \ Zs ~u , " -~ I ,1,,- I I u § d _§.ff;--- y u r c;,24'± ~ 6° FREE BOARD (MIN_) -"'z SURFACE • CD 40' /2' PONDING ~ G ~ I I I I I I I 16'± I . \ \ \ \ 5'± ~ "' 0 ~ 'ls r ~ \ \ I ~ II, ,,_ SDP 2019 -0015 CDP 2019-0033 EASEMENT NOTES: Q) AN EXIS]NG EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND FACILl]ES AND ABOVE GROUND STRUCTURES TOGETHER 111TH THE RIGHT OF INGRESS ANO EGRESS THERETO AND EGRESS THEREFROM TO SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY PER INST_ NO_ 76-374117 RECOROEO NOVEMBER 9, 1976, Q_R_ THE EXACT LOCA ]ON AND EXTENT OF SAID EASEMENT IS NOT DISCLOSEO OF RECORD_ SOURCE CONTROL BMPs ~ PREVEN]ON OF ILLICIT DISCHARGES INTO THE MS4. ISC-3! PROTECT OUTDOOR MATERIAL STORAGE AREAS_ ~ PROTECT OUTDOOR MA TERI AL STORAGE AREAS_ ISC-5 I PROTECT TRASH STORAGE AREAS_ ~ PROTECT ADDITIONAL BMPS_ SITE DESIGN BMPs \SD-4I MINIMIZE SOIL COMPAC]ON_ \SD-5I IMPER'10US AREA DISPERSION ~ RUNOFF COLLEC]ON \SD-7I LANDSCAPING 111TH NA]VE OR DROUGHT TOLERANT SPECIES 1 1 1 --1 i RETAININ:~A: I I d I 5 I I II I !l X ~ ~ 6" MIN[\ ~',:1 ~RETAINING WALL ~-\ CLEANOUT7 r: !:.i: ~· ~~-----------•~----------' --~u w /(r~gf~6~i ~~16~TEciNU~i'.~fTEM 3° WELL-AGED SHREDDED tfg; V ! HARDWOOD MULCH ~ GRADING NOTES: 1 _) PROJECT PROPOSES GRADING 100 PERCENT OF THE SITE_ L_7_ - \v.,.~, I ~ , 2 8 ---1 ' i 1 ,""" ,o +1 scf>..lt-Jl/ LD Lf) 1 " MEDIA 111TH 46_3246_07 EX_ AL(J:Y_ ~ ~,L ~x ~~~ ~~ TE 4g 07 • -. 0 :❖:❖: ,.. I 1111 BW44.57 3" FlLTER COURSE LAYER *PROPOSED PRIVATE PUMP SYSTEM (LOCA]ONS SHOWN ON PLAN) 12" AGGREGATE STORAGE BW44_57 \ MIN_ 3° AGGREGATE BELOW UNDERDRAIN 6~ DIA. PIPE - SEE PLAN IMPERMEABLE LINER BIOFIL TRA TION BASIN BIOFIL TRA ]ON LOCA ]ON EX_ NO SCALE 80' ff'_ c_ ___ ~ST.LT. L LANDMARK ENGINEERING CORP ORATI ON E 3443 Camino Del Rio South Suite 204 C San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 260-0420 0. \DRAWING FILES\TillE SHEETS\GRAOING TITLE SHEET.DWG REVISED.02/15/17 10 0 ----I - - EX. R/W 1111 "" 7 10' VARIES 2-5% - 10 I SCALE 1" -10' <t_ , , I , I , 10' VARIES 2-5% 20 I EX. R/W 30 I /L EXISTING AC •1111 •1111 TYPICAL ALLEY SECTION NO SCALE EX_ CURB -~ & GUTTER ' ' " 5•~ EX. AC, -r' .,, \ ?%1 'ffe' L _r-:: - -Ill ~1111~1lr- 'L = = -~ / ~ 11 ~ EX_ SIDEWALK EX_ AB ~ ~ EX. CURB & GUTTER TYPICAL SlREET SECTION JEFFERSON SlREET NO SCALE BENCH MARK CLSB-130 (SE£ ROS 17271) SET 2.5" DISK IN SOUTHEAST CORNER OF DRAINAGE BOX INLET AT TH£ £ND OF CURB RETURN IN TH£ NORTHEAST CORNER OF GRAND A VENUE AND WASHINGTON ST. NGVD29 £LEV.: 40.91 'NOTE: GRUNDFOS MODEL AP12 STAINLESS STEEL SUMP PUMP. 1_5" NPT, 7/16' PAR]CLE HANDLING, 1/2 HP SINGLE PHASE 115VAC MOTOR 111TH AUTOMA]C FLOAT. ~THE SUPERVISION OF: ~ c..-.-~ ~ DATE: _3.,_,/'-"2""3/l.'2""0"'21,___ LAWRENCE E. COLE R_C_E, NO_ 36292 EXP_ 6/30/22 2_) PROJECT PROPOSES TO DRAIN ROOF DRAINS TO LANDSCAPED AREAS AND PLANTERS. THEN THROUGH A SIDEWALK UNDERDRAIN D-27_ 3_) EXCAVATION-93 C.Y. FILL: 93 c_y_ EXPORT/IMPORT: 0 c_y_ REMEDIAL: 1550 c_y_ ~ CIT Y OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I L____l__J ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 6 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR: JEFFERSON LUXURY APARTMENTS GRADING PLAN L E C LANDMARK ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3443 Camino Del Rio South Suite 204 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 260-0420 D:\DRA'MNG FILES\TITLE SHEETS\GRADING TITLE SHEET.DWG REVISED:02/15/17 10 20~_----"'.30 SCALE 1" = 10' 7 I I EX. BLDG I I I ------_J : <I 4 -:. . . ; .,1 CONC ] UPPER LEVEL LOBBY DECK COMMON F.S. 62.65' 0 ·::. 0 / __/ 7~ I ~ .. 4 EX. CotlC. DRIVEWAY 4 ~ ~ < w 3' w " " z <n ~ x ~ w 4 .. ~ ~ w fjl x w -H -LO LO ~ 2ND I FVfL + + .. NEW + + + + I I I I \ n\ ,, 0 "'"' '5~ I/ I I Cf) I~ ~ I I I I I ~ M9DlflE[). D-25 I .,-W 3 x12 OPENING -..J ~ & CLEANOUT I I I I I I CLOSE EX. DWY NEW CURB&: IGUffiR I I I I I ~I ~ I Cf) ~II ~I ~I ro I x wl I I I i I I I I ~ ii -~ r f I 1l---1W 1W I~ I I--I (l)f "13 I AT~~IDE~ALK :r I I 1 zl i IO~ I (I) ~ I ~ ~ I I LANDSCAPEJ_2 GROUND LE L I w N I LL ~ I I LL c.5 I l._J_ ~r I II~ I I I I I \ I ~ I \ I I \ \ ?< \ ~ \ -< " ~tW ~~~~ ~t8W ~t~ W= ~g i / + ,9 Et.' 1· I I / + ~ + .. T" REMl>VE 2" sERv1bE w12· WATER METER I I \ \ + I ., _,,;,,+-ttt-+--NEW PRIVATE SIDEWALK + NEW 4" FIRE SERV1CE \ 5'± m \ " "' 0 ~~ m '"' ,. MOD/FIE" D-25 / w'3 x12'' OPENING & CLEANOUT r \ 5s \ ?i I " ~ I 40' 16'± I ,;-.::; I I I I I I I EX . ..-..p.ST.LT. ~ I 24'± • "Om "'" 40' ,;:24'± BENCH MARK CLSB-130 (SE£ ROS 17271) \ \ 16'± \ SET 2.5" DISK IN SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ORA/NAG[ BOX INLET AT TH[ [NO OF CURB RETURN IN TH£ NORTHEAST CORNER OF GRANO A VENUE ANO WASHINGTON ST. NGV029 £LEV.: 40.91 JW66 90 3° WELL -AGED SHREDDE HARDWOOD MULCH 3" FILTER COURSE LAYER----'+-t-"fll! PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION DF; SECTION A A NO SCALE 8 PLAN V1EW BIOFIL TRA TION BASIN BMP _____________ DATE; _____ _ LAWRENCE E. COLE R.C.E. NO. 36292 EXP. 6/30/22 No. 36292 Exp. 06/30/22 SDP 2019-0015 CDP 2019-0033 LOCKED, REMOVABLE CLOSE-MESH GRATE SLOPED INSTALLATION • 6 .-. ,• STEEL VAULT FRAME • • -r® •.OUTFLOW/ DUD EI PEIAIL NOTES BIOFIL TRA TION BASINS G) ROOF DOWNSPOUT @ WATER PROOF BARRIER Q) EMERGENCY DISSIPATOR (E.G. SPLASH ROCKS) @ SOIL MIX (SEE PLANTING MEDIA NOTES) @ PLANTER/STRUCTURE @ 8" OVERFLOW PIPE AND INLET (z) GRAVEL (1/4" OV1ER 5/8" OR CLASS 2 PERMEABLE) @ PERFORATED 4" PVC PIPE SHALL RUN ENTIRE LENGTH OF PLANTER @ 4" PVC DISCHARGE TD AN APPROV1ED LOCATION @ PLANTS (SEE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PLANS) IU) PLANTER OUTLET SEE DETAIL Q) EASEMENT NOTES: AN EXISTING EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES AND ABOV1E GROUND STRUCTURES TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS THERETO AND EGRESS THEREFROM TO SAN DIEGO GAS &: ELECTRIC COMPANY PER INST. NO. 76-374117 RECORDED NOV1EMBER 9, 1976, D.R. THE EXACT LOCATION AND EXTENT OF SAID EASEMENT IS NOT DISCLOSED OF RECORD. SOURCE CONTROL BMPs Isc-1I PREVENTION OF ILLICIT DISCHARGES INTO THE MS4. !SC-3 I PROTECT OUIDOOR MATERIAL STORAGE AREAS . ~ PROTECT OUIDOOR MA TERI AL STORAGE AREAS. ISC-5 I PROTECT TRASH STORAGE AREAS. !SC-6 I PROTECT ADDITIONAL BMPS. SITE DESIGN BMPs !SD-4I MINIMIZE SOIL COMPACTION. !SD-5 I IMPERV10US AREA DISPERSION !SD-6 I RUNOFF COLLECTION ~ LANDSCAPING WITH NA TIV1E OR DROUGHT TOLERANT SPECIES GRADING NOTES: 1.) PROJECT PROPOSES GRADING 100 PERCENT OF THE SITE. 2.) PROJECT PROPOSES TO DRAIN ROOF DRAINS TO BMP. THEN THROUGH A SIDEWALK UNDERDRAIN D-27. 3.) EXCAVATION-93 C.Y. FILL; 0 C.Y. EXPORT/IMPORT. 0 C.Y. [sHEfil CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I l__J_J ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 6 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR: JEFFERSON LUXURY APARTMENTS GRADING PLAN L E C I I ~ LANDMARK ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3443 Camino Del Rio South Suite 204 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 260-0420 EX. CURB & GUffiR D:\DRA'MNG FILES\TITLE SHEETS\GRADING TITLE SHEET.DWG REVISED:02/15/17 Iii w "' >-"' z 0 gc! w "-"-w ~ G-' w z ::, ~ w G:i ll. J "' J ll. <( G-' w z ::, ~ w ll. ~ ll. BIOFILTRATION BASIN#2 .J.J..J..J..J.J...L.J..J..J..J..J....J...L.J..J..J..J..J COMMERCIAL SPACE 1 SECTION A-A SCALE: HORIZ. 1" = 10' VERT. 1" = 10' SECTION C-C SCALE: HORIZ. 1" = 10' VERT. 1" = 10' BIOFILTRATION BASIN #3 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL COMMERCIAL SPACE2 w z ::, r= "' w ll. 0 "' ll. z G:i ::, r= J J "' <( w G-' ll. 0 "' ll. PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: ______________ DATE: ______ _ LAWRENCE E. COLE R.C.E. NO. 36292 EXP. 6/30/22 >-w w "' >-"' z 0 gc! w "-"-w ~ G-' EX. CURB & GUTTER SDP 2019-0015 CDP 2019-0033 1 sH4EET I ._c1T_Y __ oF_c_A_R_1_s_s_A_D_ I sH6EETs I _ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR: JEFFERSON LUXURY APARTMENTS X-SECTIONS L E C LANDMARK ENGINEERING CORPORATION 3443 Camino Del Rio South Suite 204 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 260-0420 D:\DRA'MNG FILES\TITLE SHEETS\GRADING TITLE SHEET.DWG REVISED:02/15/17 EX. BLDG r -----=-T 1 I BC~c; I I I I I ---w z ::, ~ w ~ ll. -r---7 I I I EX. BLDG I w z ::, ~ w ~ O'. ll. BIOFILTRATION BASIN #1 COMMERCIAL SPACE 1 SECTION B-B SCALE: HORIZ. 1" = 1 O' VERT. 1" = 10' COMMERCIAL SPACE2 SECTION D-D SCALE: HORIZ. 1" = 10' VERT. 1" = 10' UJ z ::, ~ UJ ll. ~ ll. r I I --EX. BLDG 1 ----I I EX. I I BLDG I --EX. BLDG PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: -7 I I _____________ DATE: _____ _ LAWRENCE E. COLE R.C.E. NO. 36292 EXP. 6/30/22 SDP 2019-0015 CDP 2019-0033 [sHEfil CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I l___2_j ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 6 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR: JEFFERSON LUXURY APARTMENTS X-SECTIONS I EX. BLDG I =-i_ __ _J _ _J EX. CONC. PARCEL 1 ~ ; PM 3339 ~~ ~ \ ~e-~I TI40;_:,:;;;;1===~====~,;::::;;;.""° . ':(en, /I EX. TRASH -< 9v 1--=-s 10 EX. ASPH. 9 ; 8 t t1! ~ 7 I I --1 s I I I I I s I ---,1 -~ L LANDMARK ENGINEERING CORPORATION E 3443 Camino Del Rio South Suite 204 C San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 260-0420 D:\DRA'MNG FILES\TITLE SHEETS\GRADING TITLE SHEET.DWG REVISED:02/15/17 u Is u x w ' ,,/;!: >, ~~ '\ ' r u fl, z 0 < u ~~ 1~ ~ => u . . -----¼ X V, w < >-w _J I <( 1 o· I I, I ~ ·,b' • ~ 8--1 ~s~ ·,?~ r 0. V, < x w -I I t-x _w I I I \ i REMOVE ,___~ EX. ASP=H. __ _ l I ~ ''& -0) i,--J,___ -sj-n z 20' 1 o' I, . -!, -li' '-' -I I I \ -I I \ ' -I -1 I I \ EX. ASPH. ' REMOVE I I I I i -1 -7 ~ I I --· N55'28' 45"E 139.49' ~ -EX. BLDG FF 46.41 ----TO BE R-=EMD=YE"'-D --I ---_,1==:::::::'.. __ REMOVE EX. ASPH. --....... i ~ ~ ,!:!. I I 23 -24 -I EX. BLDG 2 6 FF 46.36 ' .-----' u ~ ~ -0 ~~ I r 'V,/J EX. CURB I , REMOVE \ \ ~~ ~a w . "' 1:i \ -r, r, \ . ...i~ Cif& I I -\ \ ~ ~ I I I EX. ASPH. ) REMOVE /-1 / CON_~: EMOvi EX. BLDGi FF 4B.12 TO BE REMO D EX. MAIL REMOVE EX. CURB REMOVE EX. ASPH. REMOVE -1 I !, ~ =,a -0) 00 -sj-n ,. '3 ~ "" u < "' x 1 REMOVE EX. CONC. ,---------~====-----==r===---===I~ n z I \ \ I \ t--.. ,J ..;;.,·_., __ '~ \ j \ \ I \ \ t--.. ..If:-~ 'L 16.'tf I \ EX. CONC. I f-----------l \ EX. \ WM D-f-1---1-----'" -I ''qi I I I I I ~"'-! . 41 I ~~I -I L-~~ I '----'I C:G I 1:j.., j I I I I I I-w w Ct: I-(/) z 0 (/) Ct: w LL LL w ---:, II I ! I II I II I :;; I U1 I 111~ I II I .l{; '" -i I ,, 4~~ " II I I I II I II I I I II U1 i I :;; II I I I II I II I I I Tl I ~ ~ ... :;; .s ~ ~ I I I I I ,I,-I I U1 I \ ,..m X ~~ \ I I I ~~ ~"' \ I I I I \ I I I I I :;; \ I I \ ~ I ... IUl .s I I I I \ 8--1 I I \ I I \ I .lJ; <> n, I '( 4nf, N--_ I , •u :;; I I I I 1 EX. BLDG FF 47.B4 TO BE REMOVED D EX. BACKFLOW REMOVE I, 40' I .l-t---+-----++-~~1----J,L.....l--____,j-____'.!~-----l-j_j_______'.,.:..+..-_j_ II I 40' ~\ ·, I . I ~ \ -I 16'± ~~ ,, 24'+ • I 24'+ 1 ! 3' ± TRANS. --,5'±, I I , \ \ SDP 2019-0015 CDP 2019-0033 m ?' ~ m ~ !. ii sc/\Lr.. Jv" '\''"' 'o' 1, TO BE REMOVED I I I rr= TO BE IJl:LOCATED 'j~=;-fr--==i, l~----------,------;r;-------,s,------,--~-l~, "C&, ~ ~ EX.GAS -~ 1..._ I I I I I ~ \ 'I, 5'± ~ ~ I < 01 I ~ ., \ --I ~---L _ ___J N55'30'03"E 139.62' ~ ----t,6JH•--:::,._--...=-_____________ --1J 1---7 I EX. BLDG I 27 I I L ___ _J 28 r= I I L_L_ k EX. BLDG i I -(47) ...._ EX. CONC. --... DRIVEWAY / / /7~ I BENCH MARK CLSB-130 (SE£ ROS 17271) SET 2.5" DISK IN SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ORA/NAG[ BOX INLET AT TH[ [NO OF CURB RETURN IN TH£ NORTHEAST CORNER OF GRANO A VENUE ANO WASHINGTON ST. NGV029 £LEV.: 40.91 G? ~ 1i w fjl x w ~ 0 't!, I --./._ I I I ,;-~ I I I I I I I I I I I ,_ _,,,_ I '~ I I -----fjj I ...._ re ,_ I '(~ I I I ~ I I I I I I I /z -< ::;; Q:'. w ;;: w U1 x w U1 I ~ PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: ~ I -B;l':;, -\ :;; \ • -om """ \ :;; ~l'-orEss,~ f!:,'<fl \ICC:£'. ~ ~ "' ~ ~ \il No. 36292 Exp. 06 /30 /22 -I< * ~"' C IV\\. f<.~ __________ DATE:_____ ·o OF CALl'iO LAWRENCE E. COLE R.C.E. NO. 36292 EXP. 6/30/22 m--; ?< "' " m "' > !. \ \ [sHEfil CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHEETS I L__§_J ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 6 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR: JEFFERSON LUXURY APARTMENTS DEMOLITION PLAN From:jdvitalie@aol.com To:Planning Subject:SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 Jefferson Street Apartments - Comments Submitted Date:Friday, September 10, 2021 1:09:53 PM Attachments:Baker Sentence.pdf Per your Notice of Public Hearing regarding SDP 2019-0015/CDP 2019-0033 Jefferson Street Apartments dated 9/3/2021, below are my written comments, which you should feel free to read into therecord at your upcoming meeting. 1) The proposed 17 unit apartments, plus 2185 square feet of commercial space, is too dense this 0.32acre site. As well, it would be situated square in the middle of mainly one story residences on the westside of Jefferson Street. 2) Street parking is already at a premium on this stretch of Jefferson Street. Beyond the "at gradeparking" in the proposal, you can anticipate overflow parking on the street by visitors of the businesses,and tenants who have multiple vehicles beyond what the proposal provides. Current residences andnearby businesses would suffer from lack of available parking. 3) The alleyway in the rear of the property is very narrow, often blocked by garbage trucks, or deliverytrucks at the KFC/Taco Bell. If rear alleyway entry/exit is planned, this just adds to the alley congestionthat already exists. A traffic study on Jefferson Street and the Madison Street alley should be conductedby the city, even if it is not required by the city for this proposal. 4) While these ugly "big box" constructions such as the one proposed are appearing all over downtownCarlsbad, what is especially galling about this one is that the property owner, Dr. Bruce Baker, is aconvicted tax cheat (see attached SD.NEWS,\.com article). Why would Carlsbad desire to have thisfelonious individual continue to spread his dirty money throughout downtown Carlsbad? I for one do notwant this kind of criminal element constructing yet another big box, too dense for the neighborhood, nextdoor to my property at 3037 Jefferson Street. Thanks for your consideration of these comments. Best regards, James Vitalie 3037 Jefferson Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-729-3449 jdvitalie@aol.com CAUTION: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 9/4/21, 2:40 PM San Diego Community News Group-Retired%2525252BL.a%2525252BJolla%2525252Bdentist%2525252Bgets%2525252B15%2 ... About Us • I Community Links I Sections • I Events I Biz Directory • I Real Estate • I Gallery I Advertise I Classifieds I 4-Fun I My Account• sdnews.com SAN DIEGO COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER GROUP SDNEWS.COM La Jolla Village News I Beach & Bay Press Peninsula Beacon Visitors' Guides/ Digital Archives I articles V j search I Retired La Jolla dentist gets 15 months for elaborate tax evasion by NEAL PUTNAM Published -07/19/21 -01 :30 PM I 2682 views I 5 ~ I 35 I 1211,g, Share This Article I Blue tinted monotone image of a gavel and scales of justice A retired La Jolla dentist with leukemia will surrender by July 28 to begin his 15- month federal prison erm for an elaborate tax evasion scheme with a former rabbi. Dr. Bruce Baker, now 75, has paid $805,901 in restitution of the 1.3 million loss back to the Internal Revenue Service, wrote his attorney, Tom Warwick, who had asked for six months home confinement. Warwick had asked U.S. District Court Judge Cynthia Bashant for probation with 100 hours of community service in June, saying he could perform dentistry with people who could not afford dental procedures. "He could help a lot of people in need in the time he does have remaining on this earth," suggested Warwick to the judge. The U.S. Attorney's office recommended the 15 months, with a prosecutor writing "some degree of punishment is essential. .. to send a sufficient deterrent message." "The United States submits that the reasonable sentence for this 75-year-old retired dentist with no risk of recidivism and a terminal diagnosis of leukemia is a sentence sign in Trending • WEEKLY BRIEFING -Pacific BeachFest downsized, Taste at the Cove postponed, comedy workshop in Point Loma • Marine veterans start nonprofit to help vets and Mother Earth • Annual PB Counts provides data on non- motorized mobility • University City football team: ·we are family' • San Diego Comic Convention begins construction on new Comic-Con Museum V8TEHERE www.sdnews.com/pages/full_story/push ?article-Retired%2S2525252Bla%2525252528Jolla%252525252Bdentist%252525252Bgets%252525252B 15... 1 / 4 9/4/21, 2:40 PM San Diego Community News Group -Retired%2525252BLa%2525252BJolla%2525252Bdentist%2525252Bgets%2525252B15%2 ... caused the greatest tax losses." Bashant ordered Baker to pay $574,727 to the Internal Revenue Service, which is the balance he owes after paying more than half of it back. Baker pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud the U.S. and filing a false tax return. Warwick said he has since amended his tax returns. Baker remains free on his own recognizance until July 28. Baker conspired with Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, who formerly worked at the Chabad of Poway and reported that Goldstein gave $2.6 million in charitable donations to the synagogue. Goldstein secretly returned $2.4 million back to Baker, according to court records, keeping 10% as his fee. Goldstein, 59, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud the U.S. and wire fraud, and is free on bond before he's sentenced in October. A 19-year-old gunman attacked the Chabad of Poway synagogue on April 27, 2019, killing Lori Gilbert-Kaye, and shooting Goldstein in both hands, along with wounding another man and a girl. Goldstein's index finger was shot off. The announcement of the case against Goldstein, Baker, and four others was on July 14, 2020, by the U.S. Attorney's office. It was startling because Goldstein was perceived to be a hero and had met with the president after the attack. He was dismissed from Chabad of Poway. A number of former patients and fellow colleagues of Baker wrote the judge and urged mercy. "For Dr. Baker, this has been a humbling experience. He understands that he made an enormous error in judgement," wrote his attorney. Baker wrote a letter to Bashant, saying "I made a big mistake. I take full responsibility." He said he had known Goldstein for 35 years. "What I am trying to say is that because Rabbi Goldstein was involved, I was able, due to his involvement and the regard I held for him, to justify my illegal actions to myself," said Baker. The U.S. Attorney's office said Baker and Goldstein worked together to hide his income from the IRS on other scams. This was Baker's first conviction. ---------------x'\ , I , !I IBl§ADERS CHOICE AWARDS V&TEHERE Cast your vote for a chance to win a dinner for two! 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