HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 342-7L; PIP 95-01; AMERICAN RIM; 01-08RECLAIMED WAT~H NUT~S 2. 3 . 4. 5. 7 • 9. JO. 1 1 . ! 2 . J 3 . 1 4 • 1 -• 0 . 7 -• 0 • l 7. l 8 . •19. 20. 21. >JO ro~;cr.~;r~, ;,i;•: ')Ff 'JR !Y✓~?-SPR.~Y IS PERYii"TED. l-lQS2 hff~~: /\i-'f. ',-:t"'Ir;·;;,·r :'?CH~'.1ITFD. ?OR CO~STRCC~'ION ?OUNT.~.::,.;s, ETC. I.INES A~D POTA~LE ~JO '._;::r•:..-r: r1 ·1 :·.'j I F ; ·; :-·~·-·:-·>.,I.-\! s ,,,-Jr..r. RE ,~ .. cc,o·.\·En ·,n't'.-ic";CT F?ICR APr'~O'/,\L CF Tr~~-l_'J''.Y f-·•\.:, '"' .• ';ItJP.11..~. :_..,·_~"'."'?? '.J1~·:"R:CT. .-\[_fi 1 /~-1--:~;1 if·. !'!'.•~•·.; ';H\L!, H\'v'E W,\R\JT}.;G T.~PE PER CAR:.SPAD :-,.-1_;'.'lliCTF·\L ',-,.'_.\·:~q D 1 S'i :-' '. C'l '~' :J ill '.: 'j _\', !) ;_, ~-•-,' ;:,_.l.·:· [ (;N';. :·:-iF. 7t-'J-/I:_;,;1J1;:~ ·,r;T!":--'.1•; ;Ji.l.'.L f.'\.''.\J i~F.i'...:'.=:E\r THE HOCKS OF 10:00 P.:-1. A;'s/D 6!00 .:\.~. IH~-!·11! '.,,·,•,.,r,;r:; .~\J?\JI'.':G (SPOT IRR:c:.J..T!ON :-:'.'Ol__;LD 3E DO!"<E AT A nIE"i~~~\'f ·1·1~~) ~I rH 0,;~r.~FIED SUFERY!SION iJE?SO~~:~L 0~ SITf. PROV![Jf .~ ~iNl."'·" <:Jf AT U .. >5[ 18 I,C~c.$ Of I:ov,:, OVE, .'IL:., ls!RING AcD P!P\ciG. ?RlVA:'E UlT:") :-:H.-\f L HF. ;·;:in·1·1-:(~FI) PRC:--! C~N-:-.-'~CT r~o~ RECL,J..I'-!FD :vATF;?, WHETr'.ER BY ,,,.,·n1D HLOV-.'N 'il'RA':' UR f~Y u:~.E:.CT APPLIC.~TION, THRQ(;GH I~~!r"_;·:srO'.\l OR OTHE? -~Pr-'HOVF.() t:;:r~. f._:'),('K ,;p ""P(:TF(TTn~, -.... ·Ht•"':'HE:-? ny :.ESIG>l", CCNS"'r'R:;cTrON r-:R.-'\CTICE CR SYSI'.E: .. '1 Of'~.:s: .. ;!'!'1\/, ;'.) __ ;:M:1:l:_.y p:~OHIBiTED. CONTRACTOR SHA!.!, AP,Jl.'~T HF·\1•5 ·~o ?HEVENT 0'1£R-S?~AYI,G ON ,,.r.L SID£W,\U(S, STR~FT, A.1\'D !'f?lV:\.J'r:: 1.1)'!'";. C~ICr\ CO!'.]'LT~-1(~ 'J,\L'/'':; ''1\' '. l'.1",. t:: _.\ SP::CL'l.L cor:pr.s r'\£Y r'?R C'.\PLSP.A.D ~l:NICI- ?.~L ·,,·_~TFR Ul :::·: ;,· '. i' ! ':-; :~: !.)•:'.°"; ,\\0 RFt:11; _;,,,_T"!('~::;. ,;LL T?R1c;.-\TION i""1IJYE SH_".rr, HE S";'~'."JCILED, C::OLOR-CODFD (PU?PLS) AND LAID WITH '.-,,'AR\1 f'..iG :·.~tJF. f'L{ THE CITY OF r.ARLS~·'.;'l.l, '~\'\/TCTP.i.r. h.~.···:::R C!S~?ICT'S J\JLF.S A'.'iD ~EGUL.-\7 Jo:,.,:~-:;, _;r_r., PCT . .:i.~,: E '.-..;: :. ~ _\ __ ,,L,. ~FC:.,AT~FC ·.-.'MTER SfE\CI~l\G Jk![~TFD -~CW~H~ r~~ ;.)? Jf ~1ifN A ?OT~?!.E ~~:-~~ '. '.'.~ SHA:..L Rf r~s·:·.:i.~' FD ',✓T f'~1 ~J ~EET F'.iO~ ~0 i:"EET, _.\ ,0 ?OCH .''.,;, \0 '-\l-'.J I" : ~ ·• \. ' .. ,rovE THE RECLAI~~!J _; !"1I'~T!'1U~ OF 12 1~,,;C'•!'. c; ';~- '1AI\; 1"Ai\i:=-~ .-\T .J..: L TIM:'...S. ; f'>RCT FCT IVE .-C ~ • • :· ~ ?IP;"\G SfP,:.L :·riE ft":i:.~•.:H. SLF.EVE. fr--!:-: '.. r ~-F. \' E .SH,; Lr. : \ ; ·· ': ;' 1 0 , ,y:· ... :-i:. ?" t : \j t , r· /~, P ,\ :·. ' . ,, ·.-: ·,,·:-..,·~:·p ,-'.\J '...':::C'.,A!",FU '.<AT;=:~ : Cl!._'-':~~ :_,~\'C: '.ll;ST :-0,E I'JSTALJ_,~r. DEVELO?~R/CONTRACTOR S~A~l-·-~ -Q~5S-C~~;~FCTIO~ ~ES~ AND COVESACE T.E:S1' AS D~~EC~~D B':' TH~ C.,l,RLSE~AD ~L'.·•.;:,.__;~;-',.l,:__, -r"1,.l,":·r3 "•~.:.::·:;-1:cr ~:'s.GI:-JF:::R ~ ".'HE SAN DIEGO COL\"·.":' : ~-: ,.·. ,,: ',".' 0F {HE>-.LTH PRTO~ TO .\1'.'Y 1;s::; OF' ':"CLA :'-'Fil WAT,~. e:NV1f,ONl-'11:'NfAL. Ct'XCK CC)l.'.i-l'._;-.;::-: ·,_".\.: '. ::-·:; 1 ·-::;:-n ,,ff fOLLOWI!\:G: CONFO~'.'-', TO ;·:"'", ""·,· ·,:· .. ,,..0 , ,fl.>!.G 3E l" NOP'1.<L SUS NELSON ;;764c, i,ITH PP.ASS CU'.,.:-i1'i~i .. :,;;~i.1\ .\\ __ \ · :..·•\~. \r"'~;..,::\:r; F'??r;.-r-~E ::,f l':10 ?-S.I. OR 3. c. T:-lS -::ov::~ Si-!,\L;_, RS : ~.:,:-'..\:,: ·;--:-· ~-"\"7''"'.".~.:P:=-!::i TO THE VALVE. :r s~~;.1_ ~E PCRPLE RCBBER 0~ VI~YL- ')t.1 TCK COUPL I :--;C )). LOC,ING COVERS .'IRE ilEOUIRC:D. t,Nv'iRt>Nf<JEl-lTAl AN A'l"::.,L c 0 rss :o,,c:c:·iGN ;,s: tCTION ,.;1;,r, IJE DONE BY e:ITH7.'.'.'THE CARLSBAD ~c:.r1:IPAL WATER DTST?t:T OR ~AN or~~o rot;N7Y ~E?A~~~ENT OF HEALTH. THE DEVELOPER S~A:.: •;~i~~ THESE PL.,,S. ~l~L HE FORl,A?D~D 70 THE ~ON-INS'ECT!NG PARTY. A~ ON-SITE USEP/S(:PE?'J:SOR SHALL BE DESIGNATF) T~ ~RITING. THIS !NDIVI- DUAL SHALL 3E FA~I[,I~3 ~!TH P~.r·u?!~G SYSTE~S WITEI~ THE P~OPERTY, WITH ygE 3AS~C CC'~CFP~s r~ '.:A,~\~!.O~/CRCSS-CO~~~c~·~oN ?ROTECT10N, A~D T!~E S?ECIF1C REQCI~~~E~~S OF A RECL;:u~D ~ATER SY3T~~-COPIES OF THE nESIG- ~ATIO~. XI~H co~~ACT r~0~F ~;·-~DERS SH;:.~. PE F'OO~IrE □ ~o 7HE SAN DIEGO -ot"'TY 1''"'0 'RTV" ~-~ ·---::::-..,. -~,· '"H ,.~.,..._ c•pr ~,,,, '-'LI ~•~r1r'L ''A~CR o·srRr-~ C "' '~• .••. .c, ,.;.eii~et.JTAL ,S,<J r. ~0 ~·•J ''•". • ., 'C ' ' ~" IN CASE Of E:-OERGENCY CO'ITACT MR.~ .WAr-P ____ . _________ (61915':'1-';'22.7 NAME ?HONE OR AFTER HOURS CONTACT ?HONE SHOW ALL PU3LIC AND PPIVA7E POTABLE WATER MAINS ON IMPROVEMENT PLANS. *ITEMS NUMBERED 8, W, & 23 SHALL BE REQUIRED JUST PRIOR 70 THE ACTJAL USE OF RECLAIMED ,A7°R. JT 0 ~ NCMRER 22, THE SIGNACE PLAN, SEALL BE A ?ART OF THIS IM?ROVEMF::'l"T PLA:',1 8GT THE{SIGNS AND lAGS WILL 3E INST_~LLED JUST PRIOR TO THE ACTUhL USE Of RECLAIME· WATER. k-TLlJ>-L SIGNAGE NOTES THE FOLLOWING GUICRLlNES FOR THE USE OF RECLAIMED WATER ARE TO BE PERMANENTLY POSTEU :NSl □E fHE DOOR OP EACH CONTROLLER ~HERE THEY ARE EASILY v:sJBLE. PLACE ON AN 8\ x 11" SIZED SIGN. COLOR: PlJRPl,E BACKGROCND ',;JTH BLAC¾ LETTERING. 5-IZ£ 12.' it. 3'-" /J/,0 Ml~ !'W,~,r., 0~ (<ftlK O>i "l~{L SI~>iS Al.5'. I> I!/' ALl.011"1~ f,1 r------' ----·-- 'l":.t,r,"!1;.,.,:; :::t.C~A:"-'ECl 'NAT~~ '.)0 ";2" 8R ",ilC. RECLAIMicD WATER -- TYPICAL SIGNS 51tE jS", 1~· or.a Mo PLAC nc C,F, 517[ K cl~ VtNiL ;,1.,Js Ac<O bl~' ALUM[tJl,lM 1 s·· RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM CPRIVATEJ 5UPPL-Y AMERCAN RM KELLOGG AVENUE [ . CA~LSBAD1 CALI ro~N A ! 1 . 2. 4. IRRl•~A,E rFTWEEN T'iE HOURS GE 10:00 P.'l .. ,ND 6:00 ~.)-1. ONLY. WATERING C~TSICE ·:·H:S TI~E ??~~E ~~s·:· R= DO\E ~~NCALLY ~ITH QLlAL[fIED SUPER- VISORY PF'lSONNEL DN 5ITf, N(l SY5TEI\ S"Al.C AT ANY T;ME RE :.EFT UN- :i;;rxJCl\TE ALL J,IAINTENJ\NCJ;; PERSCffllEL 00 .A OJNTINUOOS BASIS OP THE PRESEl'ICE OF RECl.ADIED WATER. PERSONNEL MUST BE INFOl1MED THAT == WATER IS MEANT FOR IRRIGATICN PURPOsES ONLY, AN!) IS NC/r APl'ROIIED FOR OOINKING Pl!RPOSES, HAND, ... 'IOJL i'IASHING, ETC. GIVEN TH? HIGH TURNOVER RATE OF EMPLOYEES IN 'IH!:: L/\!IDSCI\PING INII.ISTRY, IT IS IMPORTANT THIS INFORMATIOO BE DISSEMINATEO 00 Al'I Al.KlST DAILY BASIS. IT IS YaJ, THE LANDSC"Af'E OONTRACTOR, WHO IS RES!'(JNSIBL-E FOR IDJCATING E!\Ol AND EVERY ONE OF YaJR EMPL<J\'EES; ; I I . 6. 7. 8. ;JBTA.I\r p:.J_:CR .~FPR•:\i . .;.L OF ,"'.! ~, ;:..')-J;)~·C,S£O :.:~_;,._~J . ..;ss ,.'.,'~i· ''('~':FIC.~-;'=(~\JS :o -~_:-,;y (PSIV~r~) CS SITE ~~CILITlES. SUCH C~A~GES ~UST BE SLl5~I1:ED TO, AND .~?~'RC\'~~c 3Y, T:---!E '.I'.)~~·:cT ;=-:-,-i-::\~:~::::;;·.~-----,-;~;'.""' "'FS1r.~~o '.:---l ACCORD- ALL ?SCLAIMED ~AT~~ SPRI~Kl.~? IDENTIFICATICN TAGS. CO~TPOL A . 1.;Gs Sf'ALL BE ,lEAiHtl\PFlOOf Pl:-A~Tt e,, ;• ~ 4", l>URPL!'. IN COLOR WITH T~E ~O?DS ••~>0 ~7~~ RfCT.AT~RD WATER -DO NOT DRINK" I~i'H:~TED ON 0,E s::;;, ""'" 11/,.YJ,,o-Af,UA 1/"lft.if<A-NC, TOMAR" O~THo OTH!:R s:DE. Tvno;sTJNG SH~LL B~ P~RHA~!NT ANJ 8LACK IN COLO~. 0Sf TAGS AS v.r-c.lUfACTURF'.D &'/ 1. c\.11<.1 '>f'/ ~NTe~fR/7~5 OJ< hPfROllf:.p EQUAL. l . 2. J. AT·r·A,:;i TO VALVF; 5'T~M DIF:fCTLY OR J.JITH PLASTlC T:E-w~;p OR ATTACH TO SOLE~OID ~!R~ DlRECTLY O? hITH PLASTIC TrE-WRAP OR fACH AUTO~AT!C CONTRO",l,ER A~D ITS ASSOC!A7ED EOUIPMfNT SHAGL PE lDENTIPlE) '.,'llTf-1 ,\ SIGN BEARI~~G l'·:!::: ·,._·QR)S "'RfCL\!\<.:=:D •...__~";"Et~ V'S!·TJ f()~ :PRTC.;1~:0N" IN ENGLISH .¼ND SP.~NISE, "f\l'ITH P.':'...AC:'\ LET'T'S!'?S 1 I~CH HI·.::H O~J _;_ F~RPf.2 BACT-\(";?0I:~:~, r11E SIGN SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT IT CA>' BE READILY SEES BY ANY OPERATIONS PE~SONNEL UT'.LIZI~G T~E EUQIP~ENT. INSPECTION PROCEDURES 2585 EI.PJNE ~, Sl1Z 1 . 2 3. CITY CONSTRCCTION !NSPEC110N :=if--l_.\LL INCLU~F: !JM..zf . ~. P. LOCATION OF PIPE ',INES . TRENC~ DEPTH. 1 ". ' I.' D. f .. F. REQtlIRED SEPARATl~N (itOR!ZCN!A[.lY PIPE lDE~TIFICATT~~. .,SD VERTICA!,LY). ?OI~TS Ot COt\~iF.CT:ON (P.O.C. '~.i). LOCATION A~D IDENrIFICATION Of SPR:~K!.ER HEADS. G. WARNING SIGNS AT THE s:TE AND ON rHE 7RUCKS HAULING RECLAI~ED WATER (If RECLAIMED WA7ER IS CSED FOR CONSTRUCTION). ~N APPROVAL LETTER REGARDl~G THE 1,s•ECTICN Of THE P~OJECT SHALL BE '.lBTAINED fROM THE Cl7Y A~D THE DISTRICT, AND BE FORWARDED TO THE COUNTY DfPN',Ti-1t-WT Of, PRIOR TO FIN.~L I'JSPECTIO~ APPROV,\L. ·, 1:,N\J/ pa..H-1 µ,.I TA I-HE:N., TH DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: R. c. D. f. F. G, COVERAGE TEST, AFTER CO~PLE7ION OF THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, TO DETERMINE THE ADEQUACY OF COVERAGE ON THE APPRO~ED USE AREA AND PROTECTIO~ OF AREAS ,oT APPROVED FOR RECE:VING RECLA!~£) WATER. ~ARNING SIGNS AND LABELS. ou:cK COU?LING VALVES, ALL ASPECTS Of THE IRRIGATION CONDITIONS INCLUC!NC WIND BT.OWN SPRAY, RUNOFF, AND PONDING, REQUIRED PROTECTION OF AL~ RES:DENTIAL AREAS. REQUIRED PROTECTION OF WE~L, S,REAMS, RESERVOIRS, ETC .. CROSS-CONNECTION: ANNUAL INSPECT:ON SHALL INCLUDE: fp.i1f ~, A CC'1PLE,E I,SPECTION WHICJ SHOULD COVER f'ART A ✓AND PART ff OE" THE DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION. DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I EAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CEARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS DEFISEO IN SECTION 5703 OF TH! BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE oES:GN Is coNsisTEi.:T w,TH cuRRENT sTAND/\R0S. HlviW~f.11:.NTAL I UN:JERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJeCT DRAWINGS A:JD s;;(cIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THC: COUNTY Of SAN DIEGO DEP.~RT~EN7 Of !IEAL7H IS CON- FINED TO A REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Of WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES fOR PROJECT DESIGN. THE PLANNING ELEMENT 3690 CACTUSRIDGE COURT SAN DIEGO CA 92105-5913 PHONE NUMBER (619) 26.'Lcl]Ql REGISTRATION NUMBER 2585 EXPI~ES 02-9?_ tl1e __ '-~-=-#;\_« __ -<..::=_.;;;.;~- planning element LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PLANNING I . ''., I ·-i' I ' ' ' '' I I I I :1 I I I I I I I I .41 I I I :1 I I I -·----- . ,,_ ___ _ . Exi01INu COMMON MfA VM-\lf'? f MA IN [1 NE, , Col',N~ 'fo RE"C-lAJNeO t,.J;.. -r ~ \YJ ~ w H eorJ LEGEND AV Al i_,,t;l'J L:~ ' -'J .. SYMBOL DESCRIPTION (.. ---PROPOSED DOMESTIC POTABLE WATER i,--.;..1• SYSTEM -',./--EXISTING POTABLE WATER SYSTEM -• -PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM ------AREA OF RECLAIMED WATER USE 00 POTABLE WATER CONNECTION POINT, METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTION ~ RECLAIMED WA1'ER CONNECTION POINT, I/IC).. METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTION ~ REMOTE CONTROL VALVE ~ fl;,TAeU W,"1ef, t1o0e pte, M BALLVALVE @ REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER . A LOCATION Of RECLAIMED WATER "DO NOT - DRINK" SIGNS. (2 PLACES SHOWN) (18" x 18'. SIGN TO BE INSTALLED.) . · =-= .= == ffopC"'.,~t;, ,;,Lft:.V/NG cos s l JAL 311110 C•c:tusddgn Courc. San Diego, CA 02105 (0101 ~8,..2701 SHEET _1_ I I I ~· - OF I -.\---~~---"T~ • ~>-------I RE\l[EV~D BY, • ~ 0 z -1-w w J: ,,,, w I :::J i-Z: ,iJJ , :~ l--.E7/a_c-+-b---- 1NsPEcT □R 'w. RW DATE GFNFBAI NOTES THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE CITY PLAN CHECK CONSULTANT AT (619) 438---1161 EXT. 4221 AT LEAST 72 HOURS (THREE WORKING DAYS), PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. THE LANDSCAPE OR IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY EXISTING P.S.I. AT JOB SITE PRIOR TO INSTALLING LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. VERIFICATION SHALL BE MADE WITH THE APPROPRIATE WATER DISTRICT. ALL REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTERS SHALL BE TESTED AFTER INSTALLATION, RELOCATION, OR REPAIRS BY A CITY-APPROVED CERTIFIED TESTER. CALL (619) 438---271..:Z.., e>Cr. 15z. l'=OJt A LIST OF CITY-APPROVED CERTIFIED TESTERS. DEVELOPER/OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPL YING A COPY OF THE TEST RESULTS . I TO THE q.~l..-71,AJ, Mtlt.Jte-lPAL WAT!oi<'. rl'a?i~ll r, ,y,,;o E'-1..-C#-tlNO {:('f.f>.l.,. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING BUILDING PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WALL CONSTRUCTION. CIJY REQUIRED INSPECTIONS APPLICANTS' LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL CONTACT THE CITY LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR AT (619) 438-11(.1 AT LEAST 72 HOURS (THREE WORKING DAYS) IN ADVANCE TO SCHEDttE THE FOLLOWING SITE OBSERVATIONS: !<ff 4t21 A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING (MAY BE OMITTED ON SMALL PROJECTS). B. TEST OF PRESSURE PIPE; OBSERVE INSTALLATION OF P.0.C, ?L&\/E:S, CONTROLLER, TRENCH DEPTHS, BACKFLOW DEVICE AND VALVES. (NO WORK SHALL BE BACKFILLED UNTIL APPROPRIATE INSPECTIONS AND TESTING HAVE BEEN COMPLETED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY.) C. FOUR-HOUR TEST OF ALL PRESSURE LINES UNDER HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE OF 150 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH, AND PROVED WATERTIGHT. D. ALL PIPING UNDER PAVED AREAS SHALL BE TESTED FOR FOUR HOURS UNDER HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE OF 150 POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH, AND PROVED WATERTIGHT, PRIOR TO PAVING E. IRRIGATION COVERAGE TEST. F. PLACEMENT OF PLANTS PRIOR TO DIGGING PLANT HOLES. G. PRE-MAINTENANCE WALK-THROUGH, INCLUDING COUNT OF ALL PLANTS, IRRIGATION HEADS, VALVES, ETC- • . ! I r..; I • -I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. -I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IS CONFINED TO REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. -THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO LANDSCAPING. LICENSE NO_ ?!'Ao CK1W-5f.'.'.IQ:1€ c-r. SM/ C:,§o 1CA "1 z / 6'3 ADDRESS 5-1-"'1'7 DATE (,:,14) 2&4 -z 701 TELEPHONE AMER1CAN RN SUPPLY NOTE: ~ELLOGG AVENUE- LANOSCAPr • .,fl,)"' \CA~ 2585 ;.,SllZ -P,_ "'''" . PlAN .... --,:, ''-~ < <: ·: \.._ . -;.:, ' .. :"'~· ,._ .. :--;•...;- , ' ~ ,.._~ I ~· :· r. (· (__ '. "'-r, { 4~ 't~:1:E4 'lJ ~ a.. " "(i . ··-I ~f-µ(I ,--,..,_/:. J.-·""'.,~ -:'I -~-.::.:.:.:::,....-_~. , ..... ~ OF G~v,;}, l, ' Lil . ., E, s-;3. 1s. ?·1-,s ' - OW~EBLDEV!;!.,OPl;R: AMERICAN RIM SUPPLY 1621 S_ RANCHO SANTA FE, SUITE C SAN MARCOS, CALIFORNIA 92069 (619) 591-9227 ATTN: MR. ROBERT WARD ._PPROVEO: -PRIOR TO FINAL OCCUPANCY, A LETTER FROM A CALIFORNIA LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DIRECTOR CERTIFYING THAT ALL LANDSCAPING HAS BEEN INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLANS. SHEET INDEX 1. RECLAIMED WATER TITLe. 0HEt:T 2. C..Ov'~R SHEET -CITY OF CARLSBAD 3. IRRIGATION PLAN, LEGEND & NOTES 4. PLANTING PLAN, LEGEND & NOTES 5. IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 6. IRRIGATION & PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 7. PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS & DETAILS 8. IRRIGATION DETAILS .---'------------------- the \#-4~ planning element LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PLANNING JIIQD C•ct.....-ldga Court • San Diego, CA lil2tD!j ,IIIQJ 26q-z7DI "1-1105 II '\ s B IJ l l_ T fl ' I , ' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, ---. ---______ ,, ___ ,,_ - INCLUDING PRECISE --TI L DATE j '\,' ----_, -·-·-·· LOCATION OF PLANTING l<E \i IC I.If. D gv, eN~~KER ~-1,-1-r AREAS. --~~ --·--·-·· -----~---·· ,. _,, ______ ,_ DATE INSPECT UR ~~,E ; tt1_J IC ]TY -0 F -CA It LS BAD j lSHEl '31 ' ' ··-·---· -----·· ------~ ; • -------·---· I-······-······---··-·-,. .,_ -L, -Pl ANNING DlPAR,HUil ----_'b _j ! . ----' ·---. ... ,. ----~ ---·-----· .. ,,, r---·--··-- "" ,. -··· . -----·--· -. ... ,.,. ---·-···-C-li'f Of Z'AfGf>Ab 'TTTCf"-,;}l~~T F0 F".' ' 1 AME.FilGAN R'l~1 0UPFI...Y t , ----------------------t------. - ! f i ------" -' ~l.,1.--G>G& ,AV ~t-tu ~ i i -------------1---------+ ' -------···"'" t------I---·----o-~L5~AP, CAL1foRN1A Cwr~,e-Jl=-')__~ r --i -__ ., _____ '"' _,, __ ,, __ ,, ______ , , .. 1----_,,_ 1------·. -·-·-----· -r--··---r APPROVED -_ '7// / --------- ' ' -·-·--· -., ____ , ____ ,,, ____ ,+-_ --I + • --.... --· "'" 1-----·-·-1--·--.. , ·-· __ ,,_., _____ . p.,;i.1-95 ' I I I ---· + --. ··-· --, .. ··-... ---·-· -·· ----! A:C,SJSTANT lllRECTDR DATE , .. --· ----r-. -· ·-. ---.. -. ·----·. ··--····--,, ___ . --·---___ .,, .. l (.-?fll PLANNING I '~f PROJECT NO. DRA\',1NG NO. ,-,-----r------··--,-_,, ______ ........ ' --.. -. ----· . -.. -· ---• C --·· ----OWN BY: ____ DATT 1J,:]A;_ DATE IN!llAL DA TE INlilAL I CHKD BY: _e.J,.i-PIE 96-0[ 34)-+L--,-----------------i!EVISION D~~:1CRiF' TICN :::t-,,Glr-.lE.[R OF WORK CTH[, APPR:JVAL CITY APPROVAL PV\,/D BY,_ f,, -, FINISH GRADE PI/C SCH. 80 NIPPLE ---.... ( IDGI'H AS filUUIRED) 6" PVC SCI-I. 30 NIPPLE ---- PVC SCH. 40 _ __. ELL OR'= NJI'ES: , R POl?-Ul? HEAD 1-llTl-l fi.lt(.fLt CAf rMi'IRLEX STREET ELL LATEAAL '------MAiUE:C ST!'EE.'J' ELL l. CCOO?ACI' SOIL k'UJND !OroR POP-UP ."SSEMBLY 'IO S(\!'IE □=IT'l No UNDIS'I'Urullll AJ)JACENr SOIL. 2 . AIL THREI\DID CCl'lNE!:TICN5 'ID BE SE/\LEP WITH 'l'EFLOO Tl\PE OR COATED WITH GEIIR DRIVUI ____ ...._. Sl-1!11.JB lU11Jtl WIT~ f'UF.~LE CAP PVC SCH. UO RISER FINISH GW\DE I.J Mi\RU::X: SJ.'REZ1' EtL--~ i { ~~~-+I ~ =r ELL "---k TEE OR -, ~: D rz.Oforz. POP-UP H~t, L ~~ ~,t::IalS 'ID llF. SFi\WJ liI'I1l TEFl.00 TAPE oo CXll\TED Wl'I1i ___,..;.;...;;. ................. ;......;;;~.........;------t-1""""0 ~.;-ie~_q1 ~ A e,EAE: ~1veH ?l:f PUr, e:e:r02: oPrrrnAL sme ------1=1 INLET ~--POP-UP HEAD , W.1 nl ?I,\ f(.f LE Of ~-METER BOX WtMETER ~-FINISH GRADE -Fc--H 24" ---,IL ~"f7>al.~ 12" MINIMUM POTABLE SERVICE LINE---~ 'r CHECK VALVES SHALL BE INSTAU.ED AS NEEDED TO PREVENT LOW HEAD DRAINAGE. ? RELOCATE EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM, AS NECESSARY, TO PROVIDE 100 PERCENT COVERAGE . AND ACCOMMODATE NEW CONSTRUCTION. 0. IF ANY EXISTING IRRIGATION INDICATED ON THE APPROVED PLANS IS DAMAGED OR REMOVED DURING DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION. IT SHALL BE REPAIRED AND/OR REPLACED AS NECESSARY PER THE APPROVED PLANS. • 1e:iJ~ IOME1~ Fo~ v~ -") NOTE: 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXISTING WATER PRESSURE OF 110 PSI AT POINT OF CONNECTION FROM THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (619) ◄38-2722. 2. DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. INSTALL ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT AND LINES IN PLANTER AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. 3. ALL SHRUBS ON DRIP IRRIGATION TO RECEIVE TWO (2) EMITTER OUTLETS AND TREES SHALL RECEIVE FOUR (4) EMITTER OUTLETS. CAP REMAINING OUTLETS FOR FUTURE GROWTH. CONTRACTOR TO ADJUST NUMBER OF OUTLETS PER PLANT AS NECESSARY FOR OPTIMUM GROWTH. r--. I I ti I I '. I I i 1 •· . □ 1 I • ' b~✓tl l7/2-t-1Jt-GE fl/.-T~/2:. r'f/2-Gf='.AlJI J,:; fl-A~ w ~ -z: uJ ~ w '-5 -~ C) ,feN':ilOM E:f'Q!.-flf'.. '4>.cLve.. 1 _J _J • MARI.EX Sl'REET ELLS oorns, PI/C SCH. 40 TEE OR ELL ~--w:: SCH. ·so RISER ~ Ll'/l'EIW, 1. ALL Tll'.8EI\Dlll ~CN5 TO BE $F.1\llD Wl'l'H 'mFLCN '12\PE OR CDATED WI'lH "REL~ 00. 5". IRRIGATION LEGEND INSTALLPER DETAIL .._SY.uM..._B._Q.._.._L_..Mu::Au.:K..,E..,_, wM.,..O""'D""E""L..,.&uD.uE_,S,..C.u.B ... IPi::..I.ul.!o!OllNL...-_ .P.s.l BAD. GPM NOZ, (SHEET/ITEM) CD ® ® (!) ® ® (J) © ® @) ® @ @ !@ s N RAINBIRD XBT-10-6 MULTI OUTLET EMITTER 30 .10 RAINBIRD 1804-120 LAWN POP-UP SPRAY 30 12 .65 RAINBIRD 1804-12H LAWN POP-UP SPRAY 30 12 1.30 RAINBIRD 1804-12F LAWN POP-UP SPRAY 30 12 2.60 I RAINBIRD 1806-120 SHRUB POP-UP SPRAY 30 12 .65 RAINBIRD 1806-12T SHRUB POP-UP SPRAY 30 12 .87 RAINBIRD 1806-12H SHRUP POP-UP SPRAY 30 12 1.30 RAINBIRD 1806-12F SHRUB POP-UP SPRAY 30 12 2.60 HUNTER PGP GEAR DRIVEN POP-UP 30 28 .50 1 HUNTER PGP GEAR DRIVEN POP-UP 30 30 .80 3 HUNTER PGP GEAR DRIVEN POP-UP 30 36 200 6 HUNTER PGS GEAR DRIVEN ON RISER 30 28 .50 1 HUNTER PGS GEAR DRIVEN ON RISER 30 30 .80 3 HUNTER PGS GEAR DRIVEN ON RISER 30 36 2.00 6 RAINBIRD PES-B REMOTE CONTROL VALVE WITH RAINBIRD RBY-100-150 'Y' FILTER, AND RAINBIRD PSI-HMB-30 DRIP PRESSURE REGULATOR IN RECTANGULAR PURPLE PLASTIC VALVE BOX -SIZE NOTED ON PLANS PVC BALL VALVE· LINE SIZE fZ':l WILKENS 975-lc'L, 1" SIZE REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER WITH WILKINS 500 PRESSURE REGULATOR SPRING RANGE 'B', SET AT 80 PSI /IC} RAINBIRD PES-8 REMOTE CONTROL VALVE IN RECTANGULAR PURPLE PLASTIC BID 3/E 3/E 3/E. 3/E 3/E. 3/E 3/D 3/D 3/D 3/A 3/A 3/A BIG NIA BIA 8/C .__11r:::J/I•• T ON S 10' MINIMUM TO POTABLE INLINE IN STflE . .Jt~r-. •.. RECLAIMED WATERJRRfJATION MAINLINE WISLEEVE _,.. ,. NOTE: \IERnCLE CLEARANCE OF 12" MINIMUM IS MANCMTORY WHcN CROSSING PATH OF A,P0fA8LE WATER LINE. INSTALLATION OF RECLAJIIED WATER IRRIGAix:w MAINLINE 2~• FROM FACE' OF SIDEWALK WILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY 1 a· HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POT.ABLE MAINLINE IN 11-IE STREET. f?, .POTABLE,SER.V/CE L1NE OR0SS/NG .---~ ":i!WN.5 POTAJ3LE MAINLINE 3.5 FEET fSEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS)7 ---• 12· MINIMUM REQUIF.Erf VE."iTICAl SE~4P.A,ICN-. L . ,.,-;:-::s_ .-~ -\ \.f,J,' Si..EEVE FiECL.AiMED WA i".::f, iF.F./GA TICN MAiNL!NE 'Y .-VOTE: ALL PECL4/MtcDWATE."i IRR/GA,ION □!PE AND SLl;E\11:S SHALL EE .C'UFiPL~ AND LABE!...EC AS S?ECfFiED .N: "S":",JNDAAC S?ECiF.iCATiCNS ~C'R P!11VAT= IRRIGA;".!QN S'tSTfMS- ·cARLScAC REC:.AMATICN .'1VLES AND REGUL4TTCNS FCR CCNST"fiL'CT:CN CF REC:.AJMEO WA, ccR MAINS' CC('Ode/?.. /"'J"'J 3 ~//',,,-~ EE HI iJ i;, 4''"' /'!> I I t-1. '?t&LLEp 1' l;E,H IND tl)f<,5 I G POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING . . I ' jR Ml IRRIGATION WATER METER· BY OTHERS. TO BE CONVERTED TO RECLAIMED 3/f';J WATER USE IN THE FUTURE. @] WCS, INC. HYDROSAVER NBIC-8-CSS-HSAS-1 AUTOMATIC CONTROL CLOCK-8/F & B WALL MOUNT INSIDE BUILDING. 0 WCS, INC. RAIN GUARD AUTOMATIC RAIN SENSOR. MOUNT TO ROOF OF BUILDING. 8/B e NETAFIM TLFV LINE FLUSHING VALVE BE ,, VALCON ADV# ANTI-DRAIN VALVE -LINE SIZE tv'A --DOMESTIC MAINLINE· EXISTING 3/C -• -IRRIGATION MAINLINE· PVC SCHEDULE 40 ALERTLINE PURPLE PIPE. 3/C-8/H BURY MIN. 18" BELOW GRADE ---LATERAL LINE· PVC CLASS 200/315 (>1/2"/1/2'') ALERTLINE PURPLE PIPE. BIH BURY MIN. 12" BELOW GRADE = =-·:::::::sLEEVING -ALERTI.INE PURPLE PIPE (TO BE TWO TIMES SIZE OF PIPE TO Bf SLEEVED) 8/H PVC SCHEDULE 80 WITH 36" COVER FOR MAINS, LATERALS, & WIRING UNDER VEHICLE PAVING PVC SCHEDULE 40 WITH 18" COVER FOR MAINS AND WIRING UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING I PVC SCHEDULE 40 WITH 12" COVER FOR LATERALS UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING < VALVE SEQUENCE: VALVE SIZE GALLONS PER MINUTE (GPM) ( l GALLONS PER HOUR (GPH) I ~ ---®~---__ =®:=_-~ -® ~1=~-- cotlNE.::.T xr,;TING YALYE-S To NEW HE:-5 As o;;;Howr,J A~D To ,-.le,iiJ Co IT«,L.f..€.. ( 1Jn;.r:,1op,, '6Lorc.) ADJU':>"'fLocATIO N A'S N~f'?°'JU."f 10 Act.a MMDDAT~ Ne::w CCN-Sff: U61ioi-J 1eN010M~« fo~ ~- f W,c1~L1r-lE IM':716-L-U::;1) z' Brn it-lv EA.SITZ IA!""'\'. j . :'j . -•~•I -t: CA\,lf j , I j : ·-t' --_ j - o;..n-_ !NlnAt ------------- lNG1NffR Of WORK ----·----- kLVl:;10N DESCRIPTION 1 I II I I I ~fi.~I II I 11 , I ii .1 17 w w 101 Ml~ ~Tt::t::f.J ror Af1-L 1:: t i:"!,L,,l.AI t.-\e.D WATSJZ. S<>v I I I a 5 1 'S 35 I~ • I Sc.Au.-: 1 = 20 tl1e \~ 4110~ planning element LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PLANNING RlJlL T" ~[ V!fl./f.D BY• APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. L. i:>l-lc-.l-----·-Z5·i& ~··-·-·----·--·-+----I- f--------1--·--+--0A 11'. INln"'-DATE; INlnAL OTHER APPROVAi. CITY APPROVAL IN~PECTDR ~PPRO~D 1_(7}>@ ______ _ ASSIST ANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWNBY~-CHKD BY: _E~ RVVD BY• f'. '2 PROJECT NO. PIP "'5-0I DATE DATE DRA'MNG NO. 34J-1L Uf PIM I:.EPP ifflOL BOTAKXCAL/CQt9f?t! NIH§ Silll OWUltlTJ I] BAUHINIA VARIEGATA PURPLE ORCHID TREE 2/ BOX z+" f36X JACARANDA ACUTIFOLIA ll:XIST JACARANDA ( ~ lr,1 ?>' OL(T:il OE ft(l'-Ue, KO.II/) 2 4" aox MELALEUCA QUINQUENERVA CAJAPUT TREE PINUS CANARIENSIS CANARY ISLAND PINE PINUS HALEPENSIS ALEPPO PINE ,:"\ PRUNUS CERASIFERA \.:J 'KRAUTER VESUVIUS' PURPLE LEAF PLUM RHAPHIOLEPIS 'MAJESTIC BEAUTY' 15 QL 15 QL EXIST i, GAl 15 GAL 15 GAL I '5 2 3 Ii, 4 10 3 4 !, 2 0 TREE FORM INDIA HAWTHORN i:;yc.-AL'irTL/0 "-'fEi'.-llc.0 . e~t+Lff'fus EXIST 5 0 0 SHltUII ACACIA REDOLENS PROSTRATE ACACIA CARISSA MACROCAII.PA 'TUTTLE' PROSTRATE NATAL PLUM 0 CISTUS SPECIES ROCK ROSE 0 0 DIETES VEGETA FORTNIGHT LILY JUNIPERUS HORIZONTALIS 'PLUMOSA' ANDORRA JUNIPER @ NANDINA DOMESTICA @ HEAVENLY BAMBOO 0 8 NERIUM OLEANDER OLEANDER , PHOTINIA FR.ASERI FRASER'S PHOTINIA PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA 'VARIEGATA' VARIEGATED MOCK ORANGE RHAPHIOLEPIS INDICA 'CLARA' INDIA HAWTHORN ' 0 ROSA BANKSAIE LADY BANK'~ ROSE ?:'\ ROSEMARINUS OFFICINALIS ~ 'PROSTRATUS' PROSTRATE ROSEMARY 0 TRACHELOSPERMUM JASMINOIDES STAR JASMINE C\ G,:!>1/11..L.l::A L.AfJJG.tcf<'.A v WwLL Y G.fEVII..L..EA GROUND CAVERS BARK ( 3: 1 OR FLATTER AREAS) WALK-ON -OR EQUAL HEMEROCALLIS HYBRIDS DAY LILY PELARGONIUM PELTATUM 'WHITE' IVY GERANIUM TURF -MARATHON II HYBRID TALL FESCUE *HTDROSEIID COVER CROP DIMORPHOTHECA AURANTIACA AFRICAN DAIS< ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNICA CALIFORNIA POPPY LASTHENIA GLABRATA GOLD FIELDS PLANTAGO INSULARIS PLANTAIN TOll!AL t / ACltl: EXIST 5 GAL '3 GAL EXIST 1 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL EXIST 1 GAL 5 GAL 5 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 1 GAL 3" LAYER l'l 73 7 z 5 .39 18 If> 12. EXIST/1 GAL 3' ON CENTER 1 GAL 3' ON CENTER SOD !/ACRE 2 2 2 oO '' MULCH 2,000 FERTILiaER 250 AZTAC BINDER 120 .I . o;iTANDAfZO NO. 1 *ALL SLOPES 6:1 AND STEEPER SHALL RECEIVEVJUTE MATTING AND HYDROSEli!D "COVER CROPj/ PER LANDSCAPli! MI.NUAL IV.E.3-1.1. L , ..., t 7T J\Nl7 Mil rli, 2 . PE O'f:i"~ p,; ,A,,,,_.. Pl'?Nl:.."fl...ttl~ ll-ti fl+>l'ff raire-o {.tJ11iN1-i'1 12. Q,(,, .- f'I uN I l, ~w++ ( T'(r I C.)>t\.,) *T¼· S PG ~ ~ Ple&o f'2,e¼"'-'i' L'.(;f..lL-pE-Tf1 lik-. lla.rBS: 1. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHOWN DASHED IS EXISTING, LOCATIONS APPROXIMATE, 2. PROPERTY OWNER TO MAINTAIN ALL LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AS SHOWN HEREIN, EXCEPT AT STREET FRONTAGE SLOPE WHICH rs TO ~I?. MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER'S ASSOCIATION, 3, ALL TREES WITHIN 8 FEET OF HARDSCAPE OR BUILDINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN 'DEEP ROOT' (OR EQUAL) .ROOT BA!UlIER. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS, t 4, REMOVE ALL EXISTING PAMPAS GRSSS, 5. IF ANY EXISTING HARDSCAPE OR LANDSCAPE INDICATED ON THE APPROVED PLANS IS DAMAGED OR REMOVED DURING DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION, IT SHALL BE REW.IP-ED AND/OR REPLl',C::~D AS NECESSARY. 6. ALL NEW MANUFACTURED SLOPES THAT ARE 4 FEET TO 8 FEET IN VERTICAL HEIGHT ARE TO BE PLANTED AS SHOWN ON APPROVED PLANS WITH GAZANIA GROUNDCOVER (PLANTED FROM FLATS) AND WITH LOW-SPREADING WOODY SHRUBS (PLANTED FROM A MINIMUM OF 2 3/4 IijCH LINERS OR AS SHOWN ON APPROVED PLANS), THE SLOPES SHALL ALSO BE TREATED WITH ALYSSUM COVER CROP; HOWEVER, SHOULD PLANTING OCCUR DURING THE PERIOD OF AUGUST 15 (OR LATER AS APPROVED) AND APRIL 15, JUTE MESH SHALL BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE ALYSSUM PER LANDSCAPE MANUAL, ~·-¼-.......->--GMDEN OOSE:-....::., _ __:._--;,t.--~ WNE OF SWPE (IF ,,_,.. ...... -. . ...,,._ 2:--. '---=:::C":''""' ·:y. -~ .. f . ' . $LOPE PIA"ll'Illi I -t'-..-------,--,-. S' SllllGICAL TUBIN3 ---........ -4"x4"x2-4'' RWO:o l)E:AiJMI\N • BOCKPILL MIX----!-- (SE£ SPECS.) "-'· l .. . . . . . . 2 >< BI\LL WIDIU . . ' . - ~ ~12 GUl'GE lffilE '---......_ --- ----~ TABlEl' ' ' 0 I " ·-~> ·G --~- •, e,al:F':t2.1Et wt-bf· . ' t -SURfN5-r:f.AlNM~ ~ !=Nt:i1~EE~N9 AA) lt{(:i "') (-fif' l~.bJ...) · . I I -t, > ... I "3 I · 9/, I I= .A0 f /\ E.flE:CT . -- .. . -,. .. j_ .. . --- ~ -. C -.. . " ~. "' . --· f J I ---11---1£ ~ r2-~t;1 f-.k,, FL J><r,.l eci-ow-GrtAl7€ Df?A!NL1 NE ~ii; r::x.1sf1 ,Jn 1.,, I I I 0 5 15 35 SCALI:: : 1 ,, = ZO' ? © D [!@ @ Cl @,, Cl ,.= 0 ~ @,, a; the '~ 411os plan11ing ele1nent I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PLANNING 3000 Coc1usridgo Cm;rl, San Oioga, CA Q2105 (ftlQJ 264-2701 I II r <;' RlJ l L T II . I.} APPROVED FOR PLANTING .U(JM(Q, ff~ _ _L.-~~ AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE r11i1 LAt>\b ----~! DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING f<LVII\./Lll V '( I AREAS ... ~--~ 1-B·Cf& -\NSPE Cf DR DATE A.~·Bl)I L,"f fl.ANT LolA 11 d-'i'.7 _ ... -· -· -,_ -.. ·-· l-~H[(T] cc·rr?--oF· CARLSBAD-w ---.. -. --· . . .. ---... ., . .. ---. .4-_ _ ___ r:L .. 1"NNING DEPARTMENT B .. . .--·--. -------·-- -.. -----... -.•.. ~--------·-. -----·----~ ····-~--_,, ---FCAN Tr NG-PLA ~r Fo-p,. :--" -- --.. . ------------------I -·-·-----· ·-·-1-1ME~llAtt_ f--11"1 RLJfpL)' .. -· -. --·-. ,, ' -. . . ..... ·------··-··---· -· -· -_., ·~-.. ~ ------·--------------------. -, __ -· -~E. rG~ ~E UE ---Lcfjfl~. lA IFO/", 1~ (t..or¥.>, ~ -· -·· .. ~.~ ---··---------·--. -···•-" " -·~~---~--- .. --·-------------·----··----·-· ··-.. ---------~ --· APPROVED ;:1 C I i,,--······" . r-.:?1-9-5 -·-----. --. -----·-·--·· -,. ,, ____ '·c; fu ·---L.·' --·--·--···-----, •.•..... , ... -··-· ... ------·--·--~ -------·--· ,,SSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE -- ' -., ? . 'l"..> '7'5 i•to,'3S 6,1·':'S l ~:-~~~---~i n-~L-. ----------. •··-·--·-------·~ DVIN BY, PROJECT NO. DRA'MNG NO. OAT( INITIAL DATE INITIAL l:;c":? RlVISION DESCRIPTION ---·-CHKD BY, PIP 4'?·01 34~-?L lNG1N(ER Of WORK OHl<:R APPROVAL CITY APPROV"l RV\JD BY• E:;'? COHPLETE CONSERVATION SYSTF.M SPl>CinCATIONS CENTRAL OVERRIDE CONTROL The central override control unit shall provide an eight (6) post tet'minal strip clearly labeled for appropriate connections to the controller, rain sensor and central override receiver systems. Two (2) SPST switches ~hall provide independ~nt manual override control over both the rain sensor and tensiometets. Each SPST 9witch shall incorporate a protective snubb~r network and provido positive indication of override mode via an L.E.D. panel light. CENTRAL OVERRIDE SYSTEM RECEIVER The central override system receiver unit shall receive an over- ride command from the central override control unit and shall cause controller applied current to bypass the ten5iomete~ cir- cuit and aetivat~ the remote control valve solenoid regardless of the amount of available soil moisture present in the zone. The c~rtral override system receiver unit shall be installed in the remote control valve enclosure. The central override sys- tem receiver unit shall be epoxy sealed and provide two (2) double shielded cable leads, one shall be color coded to attach to corresponding leads from the tensiomoter via an approved di- rect burial three (3) wire Gensor cable, the other shall provide four (~) leads color coded: red, yellow, green, and black, which shall attach to the remote control valve solenoid and override common (common 2) circuit. RAIN SENSOR The unit is to be a solid state (ain sensor vhich will terminate a prog~ammed irrlgation after a rainfall reaches greater than 1/8 inch (3.2mm), even tl,ou~h the tenslometers may, at that time, be calling for the irrigation to proceed. The unit shall incor- porat~ a tllermlfitor hea~ source to provide assisted evaporation of water from the rain collection cup. The unit shall be of a type ~hich may be permanently installed in a vandal resistant enclosure, as requjred. TENSIOMETER The unit ls to be a solid state, maintenance free tensiometer. It is to be pre-set by the manufacturer to allow a programmed irrigation only when the soil matric potential (root stress) rises above the specified pre-set value as expressed in centibars (CB). The unit will automatically close the remote control valve power circ11lt to allow programmed irrigation when soil matric potential is at or above the epecified range. The unit shall not be damaged by freezing nor affected by variations in soil particle size, $Oil density, salinity, hydrogen ions or other chemical variations. ELECTRTCAL CONNECTIONS All connections between the tensiometers, the central override system receiver, the remote control valve solenoid circuit and the override common (common 2) shall be made u~tng U,L,/CSA/HIL specification qualified pre-Insulated vater proof connectors. These connectors shall be comprised of a butt joint crimp bar- rel vhich ls not less than 0.625 inches (15.875mm) in length, such barrel being surrounded by a heat shrinKable nylon jacket containing an integral heat activated sealant. This jacket sh~ll not be less than 1.5 inches (38.1mm) In leng~h, Splices shall be crimped using a WCS-UNI 3000 pressure compensating crimp tool (or equal device) and heat sealed using a WCS~UT 100 untratorch (or equal device) such that the outer nylon jacket shall shrink unifo~mly around the crimped splice and release its internal sealant. Approved splices which meet these specifications are: WCS-perma-seal types; 2218R, 14168 and 1210Y, SENSOR C1'BLE Connection between the tenslometer and central override system ~eceiver shall be made using color coded red, green and yellow, copper solid core, double jacket cable of 18AWG or larger (WCS 9503D8 or equal} vhich is labeled as direct burial by the manufacturer. 1'11 connections to this cable shall be made using WCS-perma-seal (or equal) pre-insulated splice connectors. IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS I \ Crtea~e noti:: Carb~ad Mi.1~·1t-ip..t.. w._~,r bi;i;:;J 4ru, f<a.i-1-wr!"' +k f'Tuatnu-J SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION JENERAL DESCRIPTIOr; The irrigation system shall be constructed using the materials as shown on the drawings and as called for in these specific- ations. The system st1all be constructed to grades and conform to site conditions and locations as shown on the drawjngs. Irrigation line~ shown on the drawings are diagrammatic. Lo- cations of all sprinkler heads, valves, piping, controllers, wiring 1 etc. shall be ~8tahlished hy the Contractor at the time of construction and ~pproved ~t tl)e site by the Owner's Autho- rized Representative, prior to installation. Spacing oE sprink- le~ heads or quick coupler va!ves are shown on the drawings and shall not be exceeded without tl1e w~ittcn p~rmission of the Own- er"s ~uthorlzed R~presentalive. Unless otherwise specifiPd or indlcated on the drawing~, the construction of the i~~ig~tion system shall include the rur- nishing, installing# and testing of all mains, laterals, risers, and fitting~, the furnishing and installing of sprinkler heads, quick coupler valves, g~te volv~s, control v~lves, controllers, and all necessary specialtie5 and accessories. the excavation and backfilling of t~enches, and all other work in accordance with the plans and specifications as required for a complete eystern. SCOPE OF WORK The work consists of in5talling a complet~ underground irriga- tion system as shown on the drawings and as hereinafter speci- Ued, Jncludlng the furnishing of all labor, equipment, materials transportation, and permits and in performing all operations in conne£tion with the construction of the irrigation system. KATERlALS All materials to be Incorporated in this system shall be nev and without flaws or defects and of quality and performance as apeci(jed and meeting th~ requirem0.nts of the system. All excess ~aterial at the completion of the ,Installation are the property or the Contractor and are to be removed from the site. PIPE 1'NO FITTINGS Pipe sizes shall conform to those shown on the drawings. No sub- stitutions of smaller pipe slze will be permitted but substitu- tions of a larger size may be approved. All pipe damaged or re- jected because of defects shall be removed from the site at the time of salp rejection. DEFINITION AND INTENT OF DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of the Contract Agreement, the Drawings, and the Specifications1 including all modifications thereof incorporated in the Documents before their execution~ It ts specifically agreed that this Contract shall be in all re- spects con5trued and interpreted in accordance ~ith the laws or the state and municipality in which it is executed •. The Contract Documents are Cl1mplimentary and what is called for by one shall be as binding as If called for by all. The intent of the Documents is to include, unless otherwise stated, all labor, materials, equipmFnt and transportation for the proper execution of the work and as required for a complete system, OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE The Owner shall designate one (I) person as his Authorized rep- resentative to work with the Contractor. The Representative shall have full authority to approve work performed by the Con- tractor, make field changes that are deemed necessary and ap- prove estimates submitted hy the Contractor for payment. PROTECTION OF WOR~ 1'ND PROPERTY The Contractor shall maintain adequate protection of all his work from damage and shall protect the Owne~•s and adjacent property from injury or loss arising from this Contract. TAXES The contractor shall pay all Federal, State and Local Sales and/or Use Taxes applicabl'e to materials, processes or devices purchased or used in connection with the worK under this Con- tra ct. EXAMINATION AND VERIFlCATlON OF ORAWINGS AND SITE It shall be the Contractor"s responsibility to report to the Owner 1 s Authoriz~d Representative any deviations between the drawings, specifications and the site. Failure to do so prior to the installation of equipment and resulting in the replace- ment, and/or relocation of equipment, shall be done at the Con- tractor's expense. DRDINA!;CES AND REGULATIONS All Local, Municipal and State Laws and Rules and Regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are h~reby incorporated Into and made a part of these specifications and their provisions shall be carried out by the Irrigation Con- tractor. Anything contained in these specifications shall not be construed to conflict wltl1 any of the above mentioned Rules, Regulations or Requirements and where a conflict may occur the Rules, Regulations or Requirements of the governing code shall take precedP-nce. flowever, when these specifications and/or drawings call for or describe m~terials, workmanst1ip or·con- struction of a better quality, higher st~ndard or larger size, these specifications and/or drawings shall take precedence over the ,equirements or said Rules, regulations or Codes. MATERI/\LS AND WORKMANSIII p / ~ C. 11y I N0FE,C{ DP- Whenever any material is sped~riert by name and/or number thereof, such specifications shall bel/deemfc'!d to bfJ used for the purpose Of f~cilitating a description 9f the materials and establishing quality, and shall be deemed/and construed to be followed by the words ''0'(' approved equal"./ ,~o substitutions "1ill be permitted which have not been submitted for prior approval by the Owner's Authorized Representative/ fAll materials shall be new and with- out flaws or de!eCt$ and shall be the best of their class and kind, Sufficient descriptive literature and/or samples must be furnjshed for any materials st1bmitted as "equal'' substitutes. All mate~ials shall be guaranteed for a period of one (1) year against material dnfects and worKmanship. All materials and equipment shall be installed in a neat and work- manlike manner. The Landscape Archltect or the Ovner's Authorized Repcesentative reserves the right to direct the removal and re- placement of any items, which in their opinion shall not present an orderly and reasonably neat o~ workmanli~e appearance, pro- vided s1Jch item can be properly installed in such an orderly way by the usual methods in such work. Such removal and replacement shall be done, when dir~cted in writing, at the Contractor's ex- pense without additional co~t to the Owner. PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS Any permits ror the installation or construction of any of the work included under this Contract, which are required by any of the legally constituted authorities having jurlsdicti~n, shall be obtained and paid !or by the Contracto~, each at the proper time. He shall also arrange for and pay for all costs in con- nection vi~h any inspections and examinations required by these authorities. In all cases, where inspection of the irrigation system work is required and/or where po~tions of the work are 5pecified to be performed under the direction and/or obaervation ot the Owner"s Authorized Representative, the Contractor snall notify the Owner 1 s Authorized Representative of the time when such observation and/or dir~ction is required. Any necessary re-~xcavation or alterations to tt1c system needed bec~use of failure or th~ Cont~actor to have the required inspections, shall be performed at the Contractor 1 s own expen~e. PU~POSE OF SPECIFIChTIONS It is the intention of these ~pecifications1 together with the accompanying dra~ings, to accomplish the work of installing an irrigation 9ystem which will operate in an efficient and satis- factory manner according to the workmanlike st~ndards established fof the sprinkler operation½ GUARANTEE rt shall be the Contractor"s responGibility to insure and guaran- tee complete coverage or the areas shown on the dravings to be irrigated. Ile shall also guarantee the satisfactory operation of the entire system and the workmanship, including non-settle- ment of the backfill mix. The entire system shall be guaranteed to be complete and perfect In every detail for a period of one (I) year from the date oE final acceptance by the Owner, RECORD DRAWINGS The Owner ,,ill furnish the Contractor witt1 on~ {l} set of blue- line prints, showing all irrigation vork required under this Contract, for the purpose or having the Contracto~ record on these prints all changes"that may be made during actual instal- lation of the system. Immediately upon installation of any piping, valves, wiring, sprinkler heads, etc., in locations other than shown on the original drawings, or of sizes other than indicated, the Contr~ctor shall clearly indicate such change~ on the Aet of drawings. MJ\TERIAL STORAGE AND CLEANUP The Contractor shall keep the premises free from rubbish and debris at all times and s~all arrange his material storage so as not to interfere with the Owner's ,operation of the job. All un- used material, rubbish and debris shall be removed rrorn tlle site. EQUIP.'IENT, TOOLS ANO LABOR The Contract6r shall 'furnish all such equipment, tools and labor necessary to complete work in an acceptable, timely manner. This ContLact is based on the Contractor furnishinq and usin~ his own equipment, tools and labor whi~h are suitable to cart'y out this Contract in a first class manner, unless otherwise here. in specified, CIINIGES OR ADDITIONAL WOR~ 'rhe Owner, may; without invalidating the original Contract, ordeJ such changes or additions as may from time to time· be deemed de- sirable or necessary. In so doing, the Contr~ct Price shall be adjusted to the Mutual Agreement ~f the Contr21ct.or and the-O\iner, witJ1 all work being dona under the conditiotis of the original Contract except for such adjustments in price and ~n extet1tion of time as may be necessary. The Contractor $hall bring to the attention of the owner's Authorized Representative and they sh,,ll together work out an agreeable change, which may be necessitated by deviations in construbtion from original plans by other con- tractors on the job. Any change in pr1ca brought about by sucl, deviations in construction over original plans by other con- tractors shall be agreed upon by both the Contractor and the Owner before work proceeds. TIHE OF COMPLETION Where~ specified time or completi·on is so de~Jgn~ted in the Cor1- tract, all delays caused by any act of neglect by the Owner or the Owner"s Authorized Representative or by otl1oc contractors in the construction of the project of which this work is A pa~t, changes ordered or necessitated by deviatior1s t,, the qeneral constrl1ctiori•'or sc~edule of other contractors on the ~rbject, inclement weather conditions, acts of God and ~cts beyor1d the control of the Contractor such as strikes, fire, locl{outs, tJn- usual delays in shipments, shall not be cause for delay in puy- mant of estin1ates as presented and sl,all be considered as l~ar1a Fide causes for extension5 of time. The o~rler and the Contractor shall agree on a reasonable extension of time. rr construction contractor is delayed 1n completion of part or parts of the project so that the Irrigatio,, Contractor must leave the job and return at a later date to complete his instal- lation, payments for work completed and mat~rials deliver0d sl1all not be held back and extensions of time for completion of vark shall be granted if needed. Owner shall reimburse the Ir- rigation Contractor fo~ any expenses incurred due to these delays unless otherwise herein specified. INSTALLATION The Contractor will stalte out the location or each run of pipe and all sprinkler heads or sprinkler valve locations prior to -h--encl--iing. Before installation is started ln any given area, the Owner's Authorized Representative shall check all locations and give his approval. Any changes made by the Owner after approv~l and installation, shall be at the Owner's expe11se. Heights o! sprinkler heads or sprinkler valves/valve boxes In relation to·g~ound·level shall be as shown on the accompanying detail3. The Owner 1 s Authorized Representative shall verify and approve installer's settings. Any changes after such ap- proval shall be at the owner's expense. SPECIAL CONDl1"10NS SYSTEM DESIGN CHANGES No consid~tation will be given to any desi~n changes until after the awarding of the Contract. Should any change ■ be deemed necessary after award of Contract, for proper instal- l~tion and operation of the system, such changes shall be ne- gotiated by the Owner with the successful bidder. CHANGES IN SCOPE OF WORK Additions or deletiona in the quantity of work as set forth in these specifications and accompanying drawings may be ordered by the Owner or his Authorized Representative after the Con- tract Price has been adjusted accordingly, to the satisfaction of both the Contractor and the O~ner and they have been accepted in writing by the Owner. EXCAVATION WORK EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL Trenches for plastic pipe sprinkler lines shall be excavated of sufficient depth and width to permit proper handling and in- stallation of the pipe and fittings. The backfill shall be thoroughly compacted and evened off with lhe adjacent soil level. Selected fill di~t or 5and shall be used if soil con- ditions are rocky. The backfill shall contain no ]umps or rocks larger than ane ( 1) 1 nch, All ~rencl1es that are opened during a particula~ working day shall be closed and backfilled the eame day. No open trenches or partially beck- filled trenches shall be left overnigt1t. DEPTH Of TRENCHES Pressure lines Tha exact location of all existing utilities and structures and underground utilities, which may not be indicated on the drawings, shall be determined by the Contractor and he shall conduct his work so as to prevent interruption of service or damage to them. The Contractor shall protect existing struc-- tures and utility se(vices and be responsible for their re~ placement if damaged by him or to make necessary adjustment in their location if required in order to complete ttle work in this Contract. Minor adjustments in the system wl 11 be permitted to clear existing fixed obst,uctions subject to the approval of the Landscal)_e At:chi tect ':.L the Ow_n~,f' s Autho- rized Rep res en tat i ve. A.11. Ll"f1U1i€"';, '5WJ... ~ La:A7w p; 1fle ca,n/;<IC-jr: ry: Ut-lD~N!7 t';f:~✓/cf. A~~rr r ·Bro-4zz-41~? IRRIGATION PIPE PLASTIC PIPE LINES Plastic pipe shall be rigid unplasticized PVC (Class or Sched- ule), (1120, 2120, etc.), [SOR), (PSI Working Pressure) ex- truded from virgin parent material of the type specified on the drawings. Tile pipe shall be homogeneous throughout anJ Cree from Vi$ible cracks, holes, foreign material.is, blist(~rs, del_e_terions, wrinkles, and dents. All 1>1pe ~~q ~ p(-lrple Ali:.r.J-/,/1e tx fx.t~l 1--C-al flpt: · PLASTIC PIPE FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS All~/r~;';~L;l;~t~ings to be installed shall be molded fittings ma~ufactured of the same material as the pipe and shall be suitable for solvent weld, slip joint ring tiqht seal, or screwed connections. No fittings made of other matrrial shall be used except brass saddle tees and cross~s as t1ereln- after specified. Slip fitting socket taper shall be so pipe end, co11forn1ing to these special no more thijn halfway into the socket. fittings will not be permitted. Only Lhreaded. sized that a dty unsoftened provisions, can be inserted Plastic saddle and flange schedule BO pipe may be When connect_ion i~ .Pl.astic to metal, male adapters shalJ be used. The male adapter •hall be HAND TIGHTENED, plus ONE TURN WITH A STRAP WRENCII. Joint sealant shall be Teflon Tape or-R(~Ctor Seal No. ~. IDEN1'IP1C/\TION All pipe shall be continuously and permanently mar<ed with the following information: Manufacturer's name o~ tr.adema~k, size# schedule and type of pipe, working pressure at 73 degrees F., and National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) approval. DEl,IVERY Pla~tic pipe shall be delivered to tl1e site in unbroken bundles or r~lls, package~ in such a manner as to provide adequate pro- tection for the ptpe ends, either threaded or plain. INSTALLATION OF PLASTIC l'IPE Plastic pipe sl,Rll be installed in a mannffr so as to provide for €>Xpansion and contraction as t"ecomrnended by the mc\nuf<'lctur:-C;-r. Al~ plasti~ ~o plrlstic joints st1all be solvent-weld joints or Slip seal Joints. Only solvent ~ecommend~d by the pip~ manu- racturer shall b~ used. Care should be taken so as not to use an excess amount of solvent, thereby causing an obstruction to form on t}le ir1side of the pipe. All plastic pipe and fit- tings shnl l he installed as outlined and instructed by the pipe manufacturer. COVERAGE TEST Upon completion of the irrigation installation and prior to any planting, other than specimen trees, the Contractor shall adjust sprinkler heads to evenly and properly distribute the r~te of precipitation of the water and sh~ll determine if the coverage afforded the lawn and planting areas ls complete and adequate. Adjust and position sprinkl~r heads to Keep all overspray and wate~ off of all walls, ,,indo~s. pavitlg and walks. Contr~ctor shall be liable for all ov~rsprav and excess water from irrigation ~yst&ms. The Contractor sh;ll f~Jrnish all rn~terials and P0rform all work req11ired to cor~ect all in- ajequacies or coverage disclosed by tl1e t;st. I',J.!llG/\TION EQUIPMENT S-°RINK!..ER IIEADS s~rinkler l1eads shall be of the types and sizes with the dia- met~r or_radius of throw. pres~t1re, diAcharge ~nd any ott1er d,~s1gnat1ons necessary to determlne the types and si~es, as in- dicated on_the drawings. They st,all be constructerl of bronze, brass, sta1nle~s steel, cast iron and/or non-metallic materials as specifically specified, herein, for each specific model sprink- 1 {:? r . ~ll heads of a particular type and for a particular function in the srstem shall be or the same manufacturer and shall be mdrked with the manufacturer's name and identification, in such a ?OOition that they can be id~ntified without being removed f=om the system. All sprinkler heads and quick-coupling valves shall be set perpendicular to finished grades unless otherwise designated on the drawings, or· otherwise specified. Sprinkler heads ad- jacent to existing walls, curbs and other paved areas, shall be s~t to grade. Sprinkler heads ~hich ~re to be installed in lawn areas where turf has not yet been established shall be set one ( 1) inch above the proposed finished grade. One-half to one cubic foot minimum, of 3/4'' or 1'' aggrRgate g~avel s~all be placed around each ~otor pop-11p sprinkler head wl1en it is set to grade, for drainage of watRr from ~prinkler C:::,lSe. All sprinklers, having adjustable pin nczzles, shall have tt10 pin~ adjustttd into the stream for proper and adequate distri- h•~t1on of, the water over tt1e coverage p~ttern of thP sprinkler at such lime as the system is finally completely checked out. A~l no~tles on stationary pop-uplsprinklers or stationary spray hi•a~s shall be t!ghtened after installation, All sprinKlers h<lv1ng an adJust1ng screw, adjusting sl~m or adjusting friction co~lars shall be adjusted on a lateral line or circuit as re- quired for the proper arc of coverage, r8dius, diameter and/or gallonage rlischarge. I I i All plastic to metal joints shall be made with plastic male adapters. Ttle joints shal 1 he el lowed to set at least 24 hot1r;'S before pressure is applied to the system on PVC pipe. CLEARANCES l311Ll. VALVES Ail ball valves shall be installed plumb r,•adily accessible. Valves shall be set OLJICR COUPLING VALVES AND KEYS with wheel handl in valve boxes. \f ,~:c::r:.~ .,.,~ 2585_...,..0, EI.AllllE ,._ snz - ,IAII'/ ~),-; A:~n .,, - When two (2) or more plpes are to be placed 1n the same t~ench, maintain a six (G) inch minimum ho,izontal clearance bet~een pipes. A mini~1l1n of two (2) inch vertical clearance shall b~ maint~ined betwee11 pipes whictl cross over one another. No lin€s shall be installed directly over another parallel line. No irrigatiori piping shall be laid within the same trench or ~ith- ir1 twelve (12) inches of parallel lines of other utilities. Install all quick co11plers as indicated on drawings and a~.·"'~ 'Jt(rll d~rected. The valve keys shall be of the same ma~ufactur~r • af; the quick coupling valves and shall be of 'proper size lo ~-~~-•,.,,,, ftt the valves as p~eviously specified. Set all VhJves plumb · ar1d true.to finish grade and a maximum of twelve (12) in~hes PLUSlilNG TIIE SYSTEM After all tlew sprinkler pjping and ~isers are in place and con- nected, for a given section, and all necessary division ~ork has been compleled and prior to the installation of sprirlklec lleads, all C(Jntrol valves shall be opened and a full head of vater used to flusll ttle system. 'rESTI NG TIIE SYSTEM 1--c..1--('( I N<Sfl'=_Lf OP. The Cont.ractor shall t>O, allow or cause any of the/.~work ln~talled to be covered ott1er tt1an c~nter loading of piping/before it has been t~ste~ and approved. T~sting of the system sh~ll be pPr- formed after tl1~ co~pletion of the entire install~~)on in the presence of tl1e Owner's Autt1oriz~d Representative LShould any work be covered before being approved, the Contractor shall be l1eld responsible for tt1e uncovering and testing of the same. No ~ater st1all l)e permitted in the pipe until a period of at least 24 hours hns elapsed for solvent-weld setting and curing. LEAKAGE Tn5T PRESSURE LINES, All irrigation pipe upstream from the control valves shall be tested at the completion of roughing in and prior to backfilling pipe joints. All installed lines on the from pav1ng1 walks, headers, or curbs, and as shown on the plans and as directed. CONTROL VALVES Install control valves per details and as sl1own on Lhe IJlans. Set plumb and accessible for removal and maintenance. Valves s}ial~ be adjtisted so that a uniform distribution of water is app~1ed by the sprinkler heads to the planting areas for each ir1d1vidual valve system. R~MOTF. CONTROL WlRING All electrical con1·rol and gr d · t 1 • ~ oun w1rA .o he used for connecting t.1e automatic remote control valve to tt1~ automatic controllers· ~hall be Ty~f'! '10~"1 600 volt, stranded or so.lid copper, si.ngle conductor wire Wlth PVC insulation and bear ut approval for di.rect undl'>rground burial feeder W\Y-l. Insulation ~hall be 5/64'' thick minimum covering of an approved t~1ermoplast1c compound for positive waterproof protection of sizes AWG size 14 through and including AWG size 10. AWG size B through AWG 00 shall be insulated vith 5/64'' of the approved thermoplastic compound. Verification or wire types and installatior1 procedures shall be checked to conform to local codes by the Owner's Authorized Rep- r1:1sentative. pressure side or valves snail be tested at 150 PSI maximum Ccr1trol wires and mainline irrigation piping shall be installed hydrostatic p(~ssure at the low point in the entire system, ir, the same rrenches wher~ ever possible. Wires shall be bun- for a minimum perlod of four (4) hours and shall shov no vi-died and taped together every ten (10) feet and taped to the sual leakage at1d experi~nce no 1055 of pressure. All leaks underside of the mainline. in pressure lines shall be c"paired and all lines approved by :::'.'~ tlie Owner's Authoriz~d R£'presentative and the City Landscape tl1c· \'4e Inspector bufore backtilling of trenches --~-------- NON-PRESSURE LINES, All plpe downstcream.of control va1vespla111~tincr ele1ne11t shall bq tested at line hydrostatic pressure foh a mjnimum L/\NDSCAl'E ARCIIITECTURE PLANNING BUILT'1 perio~ of one ( 1) hour, and shall show no visual 1t.~rtka<1e and experience no more than five (5) pounds in loss of press,1re. All leaks 5hall be repaired and all lines approved by the Owner's Authoriz~d Repr~sentativP and ttle City Landscape ln- sp~~tor before bacK!illing of trenches. I\PPnovF:D fi'On. PLANTING J\NI) ll\HlGATION ONLY, lNCI.Ul)ING PRECISE LOC:/\'I'lON 01•' PLANTlNG J\l1EAS ---·------------ TITc.E ________ _ REVJEVEJ BY, -------------·- [NSPEC TOR 4;-110';, DATE DATE f----+---+--------------------·-----t----t---+---1---~ A_P_P_Ro_VE_o_""'l/'-"--;...,,L--t:....;/ ti-;..=:::..._(}_--_____ _':',r-_.;:z1_ 'is I ASSIST ANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DA TE . DWN BY: ' A, ~=:_:cP=R=o=J=Ec=T=N=o=. =~=o=R=A=wt=N=G=N:::::o DATE INITIAL E:NGl~EtR OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION f-----D_A_TE_--1_I_N...cl n_A--'L'-1....:DA_TE _ _._I_N_ITI_A_L--t □To(R APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CHKD BY: lcA';, b r P °' i=.. 0 1 · Rvvn BY,..Ms r ,, .,; -3t1J.-1L I i : ! ELECTRICAL WIRE CONNECTIONS Wire connecticns to remote control electric valves and splices of wire in the field shall be made In the Collowing manner, using Rain Bird Pen-Tite wire connectors, or equal, and sealing cement: l. Strip end$ of wires and pu~h wires through tl1e holes of the base socket. 2. Twist wirea together and rneehanically bond together using ctirnp sleeve and crimp pliers. 3. Pull wire connection back into base socket as far as possible. 4. Apply solvent cement to outside of sealing plug and ttien fill cavity of sealing plus completely with solvent cement. 5. Push sealing plug into base socket, ltSing a slight twisting motionf until it bottoms. 6. rush wires sown into base p111g as Ear as they will go, without unseating sealing plu0, This assures cement completely sealing around wire insulation and water~ proofing the connection. It is important that the joint be absolutely waterproof so that there is no chance for leokage of water and corrosion build-up on the joint. Control wire splices will be al lowed only at terminal points. AUTOMATIC INRIGATION CO~TROLLER Automatic controllers shall be Installed per details at locations shown on the drawings with exact locations verified with the Owner's Authorized Representative prior to installation. The controller housing shall be easily accessible for controlling and maintenanc~ and shall be protected and kept clean at all times. See drawings for ~equi~ed power connections for con- trollers. A legible copy of a reduced and approved mylar record drawing of the irrigation system operated hy each controller shall be taped inside each cabinet door. BACKFLOW PREVENTER The bacKflow preventer ass~mbly shall b~ installed in accordance with the manufacturer"s specifications, located as directed on the drAwings, and shall conform to all applicable code ~nd ordinanee requirements. The exact location and positioning shall be verified en the site. PRESSURE REGULATOR The pre~sure regulator shall be installed as indicated on the drawing~. Verify tlte final location with the Owner's Authorized Representative. ~OST INSTALLATION fhe Cont(aclor shall be responsible for complete maintenance and protection of the irrigation system until final acceptance of the worK is given by the Owner's Authorized Representative. The Contractor shall turn over to the o~ner 1 s Authorized Rep- resent~tlve all of the following special equipment prior to final acceptance of the work: -control valve Keys as required by the Owner -Wrenches for removing ~ach different type of sprinkler head; if r;equ 1 red -48" tee wrench for operating gate valves -OuicK coupler key5 and hose bibb assemblies -Key~ for opening and locking each automatic controller -Approved se~vice manuals to all equipment The Contractor shall transmit to the /;..,:m~pt ,Ar-thiJ:u-t L~qible, •~&-~i_lr in.ft>!'matk,n wi~ir1 .f,ve Cr:,) c~\el'l,:(;;~ d:ot.i~ ,:,f f.D\'tlfle+ttl ifrltj-!lht't1 1r1,;.t.all::.+tot1 tor tr.i~i--'tito Ci+y rrt~l-ar{, CLEAN UP A~ the project progresses, tl,e Contractor shall m8intain all areas in a neat mannP-r and remove unsightly debris as necessary. After completion of the project, the Contractor shall r~move all debris and containers used in accomplishing the worK. lie shall sweep and clean all sidewalks, asphalt and concrete areas adjacent to plantings PLftNTING SPECJFICftTIONS SCOPE AND DESCRIPTION GRNERftL DESCRIPTION Tl1e planting installation shall be installed using the materials as sho~n on the drawings and as called for in these specifications. The planting ~s show~ on tht! drawinqs is diagrammatic. 1·he lay- out locations for plants and outlines of ground cover to be planted shall be establ I shed by the contractor at the time of construction and approved at the site by the Owner's Autho~ized Representative, pclor to planting. Unless otherwise specified or indicated on the drawings, the installation of the planting sl1all include the furnishing, in- stalling, maintaining, and guaranteeing of all plants and lawns, 3ll necessary specialties and ~cccssories and all other ~ork in accordance with the plans and specific~tions as required for a thriving landscape. SCOPE OF WORK Tl1e work consists of inst~lling a thriving landscape as shown on the drawings and as herein~fter sp~cified, including the fur- nishing of all labor, equipment, mnter-iuls, trani=:portation ~nd permits and in performing all operations in connection with the installation of the landscape. HJ\1'ERIAI,S All materials shall be of stand~rd, approved, and first grade quality and sh~ll be in pr'\me condition when installed and ac- cepted. All ~om~ercially processed or puckaged n3terial shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened containers bearing the mariufacturer's guarantPed analysis. All excess material at the completion of the installation are the property of the contractor and ~re to be removed from the site. DEFINITION AND INTENT OF DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of the Contract Agreement, the Drawings, ar)d the Specifications. including all modifications thereof incorpc)r,-i':lted in the Documents before their' e:xecution. It is specifically ag~eed that this Contract shall be in all re- spects construed and interpreted in ~ccordar1ce with the laws of the state and mt1nicipality in which it is executed. The Contract Documents are comple~entary and what is called for by one shall be as binding as if call for by all. The intent of the documents is to include, unless other~iee stated, all labor, materials, equipment and transportation for the pro- per execution of Lhe week and as required for a thriving land- scape. OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENT!\TIVF. The Owner st1all desig11ate one (l) person as his Authorized Rep- resentative to ~ork with the Cor1tractor. The Representative shall have ft1ll authority to approve work performed by the Con- tractor, make field changes that arc deemed neceasary and ap- prove estimates submitted by the Cotitractor for payment. PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY The Contractor 5hall maintain adequate protection of all his work from damage and 5ha11 protect tt1e Owner's and adjacent properly from injury or loss arising f(O~ this Contract. TAXES The Contractor shall pay all Fedcrdl, State ,;1nd Local Sales and/or Use Tax~s applicable ta materials, ptocesses or devices purchased or used in conr1cction witl1 the work under this con- tract. EXAMINATION J\ND VERIFICATION OF DRAWINGS J\ND SITE It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to report to the Owner's Authorized Representative any deviations between the drawings, specifications and tile sit~•. All scaled diroer\~ions on the dra~ing~ are approximate. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall carefully check and verify all dimensions, quantities and grade elevatior1s, and shall immediately inform ttte Owner's Authorized Represen- tative and/or Landscapo Architect of any discr~pancles. Quantities for plar1t matetials are st1own for convenience only, and are not guaranteed. Check and verify count and supply suf~ ficient number to fulfill ~he intent of tl1e drawing5. Failure to do so prior to the installation of material and re- sulting in the replacement and/or relocation of material, sl1a11 be done at the Contracor's expense. ORDINANCES AND NllGlJL!\TIONS All Local, M~.nicipal and State La~s and Rules and Reguiations gov~rning or relating to any portion of this work are hereby Incorporated Into and made a part of these specifications and their provisions shall be carried out by the Landscape Contractor. Aayth1ng contained in these specifications shall not be con- atrued to conflict ~ith any of the above mentioned Rules, Regulations or Requirements and ~t1cre a confl.ict may occur the Rules, Regul~tions or Requirements of tl1e governing code shall take precedence. tlowever, wt1~n these specifications and/or drawings call for or describe materia1St workmanship or con- etruction of a better quality, higher stand~rd or larg~r size, these specific~tions anrl/oc drawings shall take prec~dence over the requirements of said Rules, R~gulations or Codes, HJ\TERIALS JIND WORKMftN$11IP Whenev~r an inert material i5 specified by name and/or number thereof, such specification8 shall be deemed to be used for the purpose of facilitating a description of the materials and establishing quality, and shall be deemed and construed to be followed by the words "or approved equal''. No substitutions will be permitted whlch have not been submitted [or prior ap- p~oval by the Owner's Authorized Representative and City Land~ scape Inspector. All materials shall be new and witltout flaws or defect• and shall be the best of their class and kind, Suf- ficient descriptive literature and/or samples must be furnished tor any materials submitted as •equal'' substitutes. All mote- rials shall ~e gua~ant~ed for a pe~iod of one (1) yea~ "gainst material defects and work~anship. All materi~ls and equipment shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner. The Landscape Architect or the owner's J\.slthorized Representative reserves the riglit. t.o direct t..he rt~~ moval and replacement of an}' items, whjc;h-in their opinion ~hall not present an orderly and reasonably rieat or workmanlike ap- pe~rance, provided such item can be properly in~lalled in such orderly way by the usual methods in such work. suct1 remov~l ~nd replacemettt sh~ll be done, when directed in writing, at the Contractor's expense without additional ~ost to the Owt1@r. PERMITS J\ND INSPECTIONS l\ny permi.t.s for the installation or construct..ion of ,:iriy of tlie ~ork included under this Contract, which are rec111ir0d by any u( the legally constituted a~tt1orities havit1g iurJsdiction, sh~ll be obtained and paid for by the Contractor,· each at the proper" time. He shall also arrange !or and pay for all costs in cor1•• nection with any inspections and examinations required by these autl1orities. In all cases, where inspectior1 of the landscap~ installation work is required and/or where portions of the work are specified to be performed under the direction and/or ob- servation of the owner"s nuthorized Representative, the Con- tractor shall notify the Owner's Authorized Representative of the time when such obse~vation and/or directjon is required. Any necessary re-excavation or alterations to the installation because of failure of the Contractor to h~ve the r0quired in- spections/observations, shall be performed at the Contracto~•s own expense. PURPOSE OF SPECIFlCATIONS It is the ir1tention of these specifications, togetller witti the accompanyiny drawings, to accomplish tl1c work or i,1stalli11g ~ thriving landscape which will grow in an effici€~rit ~1nd satisf,;.1c- tory manner according to the ~orkmanlike standard~ eslabli~hed by th~ landscape industry. GUARANT!lE It sliall be the Contractor's responsibility tc insure and guarantee the workmanship and the healtt1y growth of ttle plant material in tl1e areas sho~n on the drawings to be landscaped. The entire landscape shall be guaranteed to h~ complPte and perfect in every detail for tt1e following periods from tt1e dat~ of final acceptance by the Owner. -All trees installed under the Contract shall be guc1ra11teed to live and grov in a healthy condition for a period of one (1) year. -All other plant material, includir1g shrubs and ground covers, shall be guaranteed to live and grow in a healthy condition for a period of ?JO calendar days. -Any n1atcrial found to be. dt~ad, missing or in ~r condition i11 the opinion of the Landscape Arct1itect or tt1e Owner's Authu.rizr:-d Representative during the Contract period ~,;hcdl be replaced immediately. Material found to be cl1!2d or iri poor condition vitllin the GUARANTEE PERIOD shall be t('placed withi11 fifteen (15) days of written notification by tt1~ owner -Replacement shall be made Lo the same specificali0r1s requlred for the original plantings. -Material and labor involved in replacing material sl,ull be supplied by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner and shall again be subject to full guara11tee period specified in this section. -Replacement during GUARANTEE PERIOD shall he limit~d to r~- placement of unhealthy plants, and shall not ir1c1ude loss due to vand[llisrn, theft.., or: adverse we:.J.t!t~r. MATERIAL STORftG£ AND CLEANUP The Contractor sl1all keep the premises free from rutJbleh und debris at all times and sl1a11 a~range his material storage so as not to interfere with the Owner's operation of the job. All unused material, ~ubbish and debris shall be removed from tt1e site. EQUIPl'lENT, t·OOLS AN!J LABOR The contractor shall furnish all such equipment, tools and labor necessary to complete work in a acceptable, timely i~ar1ner- T~is Contra~t is based on the Contractor furnishing and usi11g his own equ:iprnent, t.ools and labor whicb are suitable to c~arry out ttiis Contract in a first class manner, unless otherwise herein specified. USE OF UTll,JTIES All utilities (wate.t;' and electricity) used dlil""inq t.tHi instdl- lation of the landscaping for tl1is project shall. ~e p~id foe by the general contractor or owner. During the M~intenar)~P Period the O"Wner shal .1 be respohSible for the pnymPnt of the utiliti~s. CHANGES OR lllllllTIONAL WORK The Owner, may, without invalidating thi:! oriqirtal contract., If construction contractor 1s delayed In completion oc pact or pa~ts of the proj1~ct so tllat the Landscape Contractor must leave the job and return at a later date to complete his in•tallation, payments for wor~ compl~ted and materials delivered shall not be held ba~k and extensions of time for completion of work shall be granted if needed. Owner shall reimburse tl,e Land- scape Contractor for any expenses incurred due to th~~e delays unless otherwise hereir) ~pacified. INCLEMENT Wf,ftTIIER \✓hen conditions ,"It;'(~ such, hy reason of drol1ght, hiqh l,(inds, exce~slve moiKture or other factors, that ~~tisfactcJry rPRUlts are tiot l\kcly to be obtain~d, tll<~ worK sh~ll be ~tor~1ricl and sh~ll b~ r~sumed t>nly whnn conditions ~r1t agair1 favor~hle as apprrived by ~tie I.andsc~pe Architect. LftNDSCftPE DESIGN C'l!ANGES No consideration will Pe qivrn to J.ny d0siqn cttanqcs unt.il ;:ift~r the aw~rding of the contr~ct. Sl1ould any changes be de~med necessary after award of Contract, s•1ch cl1ar1q.es , . shnll bf':! ncqo- tiat,·d by the Owner witl1 the successful bidder. SUBS'l'TTIJTIONS J\Nll REJEC1'IONS All pl~11ts shall tJ1~ of the 1,5pecies, vari!?ty, size, age, flow~r co1or and condition as srflcified herein and/or as indic~t~d on ~~e rlrawings. lJnd~r no co~dition will there be any si1bstitu- l1on nf pla:1t .'3pec1e~, v2r1-e-ly, or reduced $ized for tho~~e li~ted or1 ll1e ~ccompanying drawings, except with the ~xpress wr1tton consent of the Landscape Architect and the City Land- ~cap~ Insp~~t~r. All plants not conforming to tl1e r~quirements l.ere1n s~~c1fied ~hall be considered defective, arid such plants, ~t1ett1~r 1n place or not, shall be marked as rejected and be lmmed1nlely removed from t.l1e site of the work and replaced with acce~lal,1u ~lant materials. The plant materials shall meet all appllc~ble inspections req~ired by la~. CIIIIN(;ES IN SCOPE OF WORK Additi(ins or deletion~ in tt1e quantity of work: as set forth in lt1PS~ specific~tions a11d dccompanying drawings mJy be ordered :;y.th~~ Owner or h~s _'\uthorlzed_Repn~s~ntative aftP.r the Contriir-t , rice l1as been adJusted a~cord1nglyr to the s~tisfaction of both th~ ~or1tractcr a11d the Owner and they have been accepted in ~r1t1t1g by the owner. OBSEl{Vft'J'IUN Observations herein ~pecifi~d shall be made by tMP Owrler's nuthori~ed Rep.re~e11tative and/or the Landsc~pe Ac~hite~t. The ~or1tra~Lor shall r~quest ob~ervation at least forty-eight (48) /\01J:s 1n.r.1dvance of thP. time observation is requit'e-d. Ohser- vat.ion w111 be. req_uired for tt1e foLlowing parts Cf tl}e ...,.0 rk.. M::l,l,m,.t ~rvat1i,t1!, w,U bo< ri-ft,n-ned blj +h, C,~':1 Wlnct,,&.ilpt int,,p,"<--t,:;r. -Incorporation of soil cor1d1-t1oning and fertilizer into the soil. -Uµo11 tl10 completiun of grading prior to planting -Approval uf plant materials ~When trees and shrub~ are spotted in place for plnnting, but b~fore planting )toles are excavated -Verification of finisl1 qrades -Application of pre-erncrgence herbicide -Wli(~n plat1ting, dnd all othe.r indicated [.)r .specified work, exc~pt. Maint1~na.nce Period, has been completed+ Accept.a nee and wr1tb~n ,:,pp~ov,:.11 ~hnll (~Stablish Ute beginning of the l'--L11nlt"~na.nce Pl".·r1od. -Fin~.l Obs1.:r;ation at tl10. comµletion of the 'Q day Maint~nance Period. 1h1s observation ~hall establish the beginning dal.P for tt1e onn ( l) year guarantee of a11 trees. This Contractor or his 311!..horized r!:'presentative shall bf! on the site at the Lime of e~ch observation. I\CCF.1'1'/\NCE Upon_completion or the Final Observation and the work of this &ect1on, the Contractor will be notified in writing whether the work is acceptable and if there are any requirements neces- sary for completion and acceptance. EXCAl'JITJON WORK UTILITIES Tll~ exact locatior1 of all Pxisting utilities and structures and undPrgrouna utilities, which may not be indicated on the dravings sl1all be determined by thP Contractor and he shall conduct his ' worK so as to prevent interruption or ~ervice or dam~ge to theID The Cont~actor shall crotect exiatino ~truct~res and utility • 8 ervi~es and be responsible for their replacement if damaged by himi In the event of a conflict bet~een euch llnee and/or 5tructures ahd plant locations, notify the Lan~scape Architect who shall arrange for tt1e re-location of one or the other. Adequately staKe, ba~ricade, and protect all Irrigation equip- ment, manholes, ut1l1ty Jines and other existing property dur- finis\, gradss shall be moaBured ae tho final ~ompatt@d end s@t- tles !;urface grades and shall be within plus or minus O. 1 feet of the spot elevations and grade lines indicated of the C1v11 Enginee~1 s drawing. Finisl1 grades shall be measured at the top s 1.1rfac"= nf surface ma~ori.als, _witt1 lawn 1/2 inch minimum and ground co~er ar~3 s l 1ncli maximum below sidewalkfi and curbs, unless they caus~ imprur10r drainage. Moli:11i1g and-,.rounding of the gractp-s sh~ll bt~ provided dt all c}1.Jnqf': . .; in slope. All ur1 1~ulations and irregularities in the pl.21,nti.n(l sur(aces rE:fiUJ.t.1nq from tillnqe, rotary t-.1lling and all oth.-?r operations ~;hal.l be leveled and floated out before pl;,,ntinc; opr'r:ations an~ i rii t t .:it ed . r·innl finish gr~d~~ ~hall insure positiv~ drainaqe of the ~ite with .:--11 sc1rfac,, dra1r1-0 g~_ ... ,.,.,.), F--bu·1d· d · ~, = r. ..... ,.o,,, 1. 1nqs, w2111s an to- ward t·oadways, drains 21nd catch ba5ins. - Fin~] grades sl·1all be acceptable ta ttt~ Owner"s Authorized RPprrsentative and/or the Landscape Architect beCore planting opPrnt.ion5 will be allowed to begin. PlanLinq surfaces sh~ll be graded with no less that two {2} percer:t ~lope for positlve drainage. PRODUCTS IIER!lICJDES Pre-etrH'"rgence he:r;-bicida shall be surfl.an, 'J'reflan, Dyrnid ''Approved Equal''. or Posl-(!mergence contact spray shalt be Round-up by Monsanto or ''Approved Equal''- GYPSUM G~psu~1 sh~ll be a commercially packaged gypsum ~ith the ac- tive ingredient (C~lcium Sulfate) at 95% Minimum by volume and sh~ll be U.S. Gyps1.Jm, Dolmar, Bandidi or "Approved Equal". SOIL ANENDHEN'l' Soil ~rne~dment shall hr) a commercially processed soil amend- tnent c'.er~ved (ram wood products, and shall be Wil-Gro ''Life'', nutlPr Mllls ''Soil Conditioner Forest Hum~is.", or "J\pprove:d ~qua1·. Sub~it sarnpl~ Mnd analysi.s of material for approval to thE, Owner s Authorized Representative. SOTL '..,IJ!,FUR Soil Sulfur shall be 98% elem~ntal sul[ur ~nd shell bA Wil-Gro, Unio~1 Chemicals, Baker Industries or 1'Approved £q1i~1••: FEHT!l IZER F~r~ilizer. (comwe~ci~l) st1all be a combination of n 3 tural or- ganic an~ 1n?rgan1c gr~nular fertilizer$, free-flowing. suitable for ~r-~l1ca~1~n with ~pproved equipment1 anrl shall contain the · follo~1ng m1n1murn ava11abte percentages by weight of plant food: Nitrogen Phosphoric-; acid Potash 12% Minimum 8% Minimum 8% Minimum Fertilizer shall be granular, s1·rn,·1ar d an equal to Gro-Power contrclled release 12-8-8. Planting tablets shall be 21 gram tightly cornprPssed chip type commercial grade planting tablets with the following minimu~ available percentages by weight of plant food: Nit.ror_:ren Phosphoric Acid Potash 20% Minimum 10% Minimum 5'X, Min:i.rnum Th~ an~lysis o( the above for bidding purposes only tf"~ts. mentioned fertilizers is Lo be u~ed and m~y be modified based on soil IRON SIJLPMftTE Ir?n Sul~ate shall be a long la5tinq pelleted soil supplement, u~1form 1n compos~tion, free-flowin~, suitable for application ~1 th approved equipment, and shall contain tl1e following mum a~aildble percentages by ~eiqht of plant food: Nitrogen (ammonic~l) I ror .. 'l in C' 1·otal combined Sulfur Sulfate Sulfur f:i-1lciurn Mr1q1.rs i um cohult Copr,f.~r- 1% 12% 1% 17% 7% 3% 1 • 5o/~ .00-1% . OV'i, • LANDSCAPE Anet IITECTU!1E PLANNING ord~r such changes or additions as ~ay rrom time tO time be deemed desirat,1e or necess~ry. In so doing, the Contract Price shall be adjusted to the Mutual Agreement of the Contractor i?g all phases of the grading, soil ~mending or planting opera- tions. 3800 CflcttJ:Yldue C tlf°t; c o· □ . ~~nl'l 1 '1'1JD • C" :,i10, (<,I~) 21.4-2701 and the Owner, with all ~otk being done under the conditions or the original Contract except for such adjustments in price and in extension of time as mey be necessary. 1'he C0ntr~ctor shall bring to the attention of the Owner"s Authorized RPp- rcsentat1ve and they shall togethe~ work out an agree~bl~ chai1ge, which may be 11ecessitated by deviations in const(~irtiot1 fr(lm original plan~ by other cont~actors 0n the job. Any cl1~nge in price brought about by such deviations in construction over original plans by other contractors shall be agreRd 1Jpo11 by both tt1e contractor and the Owner before work p~aceed~. TIHE OF COMPLETION Wtiere a specified time of completion is so designate(l i11 tt1e FINISH GRADING Finish grades sha dJ;"aYit1g; witl1 the to dfain away fro Owner'5 Authorize immediately of dr Contract, all delays i;,;aused by any act of neglect by the Owner ,._t1oo C or the Owner's Authorized Representative or by other contractor 5 ~ IC ,1 in the construction of the project of which this work ls a part ~ ~,,f A('-', '1 I d ' '-<,:-· 'l!s•s ~,._' 0 c'langes ordere or necessitated by deviations in the general ~ cJ.,. "' f'J ,. o'\-:::. construction or schedule of other contI;"actors on the project, i ID ~E~,'NEA.!)+TZ~-· :=t clement weather conditions, acts of God and Gets beyond the con w ~· · o trol of the contractor such as strikes, fire, lockouts, unusua.1 o: I/· "--I delays in shipments, shall not be cause for delay in payment J\\,(:'-.~ ,{/I of estimates as presented and shall be considered as Bona Fide ',,lr~ ¼ :-.. Ci;:!uses for extensions of time. The Owner and the Contractor f: ~---~:-;;..~~ ~ shall agree on ~ea,sori.able extension. of time. , ~\. ~·iO -<?'7 '5 'l:,, "75 S·i-~5 11 be as indicated on tt,e Civil Engineer's II As BUILT" understanding that these gr-ades allow "1ater /\r1 P1;:ovr,;o f01t PLANTING m structures to drain inlets. Noll fy the d Repr:esentative and/or Landscape Jlrchitec-t .'\NJ IR 11 IG ATIO N ONLY, ----·· ainage discrepancies. lNCLlJDlNG PI'ZECISE TI TL_E DATE f.OCJ\TION OF PLANTING REV!E\./ED BY, , J\1-{EAS. --!NSP[CTOR DATE I .. .....,.,, ·---·-.. . ,...... --. ! .,. -·· .. ---. I SH~ET I CITY. I -_, --OP CARLSBAD II SHEETS: -··· ---·-· ----+-'--·---·------·----·-·--·-. ., ___ , ··--··--· ·-·---· ---·- ···--·-·····-•' . . ---I ···-·-____ .... , PLANNING D[PAPTt-1[NT B "·---· ------·-"------------.. ----------"..,___,_ IPl'.IGATION rLMi-rrt-1& ···-·--·-··-···· ·--·-ANl.7 t; fl:'. vi I' I MI IV N S foll.' ' ---. --·1 -----------·····-·---' --·---~ ____ , ..... ----AME:Kl uAN ~IM SUPPL'( I .. -----t= ·---·· l(i; 1..-1..0&G AVt,: N 41:. I ·---··-... -----.. , ·---··-· ~----··-~ --~~---C-Aftl..'>e./lt>7 CAl..-1 f11p.~1A (Lor 4S, Ck.,) --~. , .. --i ----,· -- r AF'PROVED . I ., -, -·-•--"----··· 1Jv .. I ---,_ ---· ·--J?l-95 I -----ASSISTANT PLANNING --DIRECTOR DATE DA n: INl"TlAL I OWN BY: ,_ I PROJECT NO. DATE INITIAL O~TI INlnAl DRAWING NO. ENt;l,S«R or WQRK i REVISION DESCRIPTION -· CHKD BY: ., I t-"11'7 01H(R APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVVD BY, .., '7'5-0 I 3+J-7L , ' ti , I i BACKFILL 1-!lX Planting backfill mix shall be ac~u~ately measured ~nd thoroughly mixed at one (I) location on the project site and shall consist on the following: 6 parts by volume topsoil 4 parts by volu~e soil amendment 4 pounds commercial fertilizer (l?-U-8) per cubic yard of mix 2 pounds Iron Sulfate per cubic yard of mix I pound soil Sulfur per cubic ya,J of mix 12 pounds gypsum per cubic yard of mix The composition of this backfill mix Is to be used for bidding purposes only and may be modified ba,;ed on soil t,rsts. llARI\ MULCH Bark mulch shall be pine or fir bark consisting of bark chips, graded to approximately 1/2" to l" size, clean and free of debris. Contractor shall submit 1/2 cubic foot of bark mulch to the Owner's Authorized Representative for sample review and approval. STAI\ING MATERIALS Tree stakes shall be two (2) inch nominal dlometer by ten I 10) foot length Lodgepole pin~ stakes pointed on one (1) end and treated with copper napthanate. Tree ties shall be Cinch-Tie or ''Approved Equal". GUJJNG Ml\.TERIALS Guy wires shall be of pliable, zinc-coated steel of no. 12 guage, Anchors (deadman) for holding guy wires sh•ll be of 4'' x 4" solid lumber, l '-6'" In length. Hose for covering wire, shall be of two (2) ply reinforced rubber, ,ised or new, garden hose type of at least 1/2 inch in diameter. flags, to be attached to guys, shall be of white PVC pipe, 1/2 Inch in diameter and four (4) feet long for turf areas and ahall be of surgical tubing, l/8 Inch in diameter and four (4) feet long, and of uniform thickness for other a~eas. ROOT BARRIER Root barrier shall be a root zone plastic hacr!er, made or high density polyethylene, and shall be manufactured by Peep root Corporation or ~Approved Equal'', PLANT I-IATERIALS The scientific and common names of plants herein specified shall conform with the approved names given in ''A Checklist of Woody Ornamental Plants of California'', published by the University of California, College of Agriculture, Manual 32 (196]). Quality and size of all plants shall be Number one (l). They sh~ll be vigorou9, of normal growth, free from disease, insects, insect eggs and meet or exceed the measurements specified. Container stock (I gallon, 5 gallon, 15 gallon and boxes) shall have grown in their containe~s for at least six (6) months, but not over two (2) years. No container plants that have cracked or broken balls of earth 1 when taken from the container, ahall be planted, except upon special approval. No trees with damaged roots or broken balls shall be planted. Pruning shall not be done, prior to delivery, except by written approval of the Landscape Architect. Inspection of plant materials, required by City, County or State authorities, shall be the responsibility of the Contractor, and where necessary he shall havn secured permits or certificate~ prior to delivery of plants to site. Plants shall be subject to inspection and approval 04 rejectionr at the project site at any time before or during progress of work, (or size, variety, condition, latent defects and injuries. Rejected plants shall be removed from the project site imme- diately. Substitutions will not be permitted except that if proof ls sub- mitted that any plant specified is not obtainable, a proposal will be considered for use of the nearest equivalent si~e or variety and cost, All substitutions are subject to the Land- scape Architect's written approval. Q~antities shall be furnished as needed to complete work shown op the drawl~gs. The Landscape Architect reserves the right to inspect root con- ditioh of any species, particularly those grown from seed, end if found defective, to reject the plants represented by the de- fective sample. Ground cover plants shall be healthy, vigorous rooted cuttings grown in flats until t(~nsplanting, unless otherwise 5pecified herein. Lawn sod shall be a fully mature and living sod and well main- tained. Sod shall be delivered, freshly cut in a healthy weed- free condition with adequate moisture content, within 24 hours after cutting and be kept cool and moist at all times. Lawn seed shall be labeled ~nd shall be furnished in sealed standard containers with duplicate signed copies of a statement from the vendor certifying that each container of seed delivered is fully labeled in accordance with the California State Agri- cultural Code and is equal or better than the requirements of these Specifications. Seed which has became wet, moldy or other~lse damaged in transit or storage will not be acceptable. The minimum perc~ntage by weight of pure, live seed in each lot of seed shall be specified in the planting legend. JUTE HATTING Jute matting shall be of hemp material which is heavy jute mesh of a uniform plain open weave of unbleached single jute yarn. The jute mesh sl)a.11 _P,'l~n!sjled ~· approx!~ately 9~pounq roll strips. 1''(!"!:. Of JJft Mt:}1,1 f!t-/¥7 B"( 1Hl' C1{1 t -:;;1NQ'.l71o 11-iE. ~ M F}¾OM~eNW,i? Wf Hf. MANllfJV Rf!', MOUNDS Mounds shall be shaped and sculptured to create a smooth and ir~egular natural mountain effect aa pe~ plans. TOPSOIL Topsoil, it required, to bring soil up to grade or ror use in crib wall backfill mix shall be approved stockpiled on-site topsoil or imported from a source approved by the Owner"s Authorized Representative. Ar1 agricultural soils test shall be performed and submitted to the Ow,ner's _Authorized Repre- sentative and the city L~r7~ ,,J~~'(L,C1'<'l"', EXECUTION WEED ERADICATION Prior to planting, eradicate all weeds ~!thin the limits or worK in the ro11owing manner: -Irriga~e twice ea~h ady for approximately ten (10) minutes each watering for a period of fourteen (14) calendar days. -Apply Round-Up post-emergent (no known equal) weed spray according to manufacturer's recommendations. Take care to protect existing plant mater~l which is to remain as shown on the plaps, Hr:'Ff-i{lvE A[7L1c.A1,';f( ',i,1AlL l"-f=. LrCF..tJ«:P ei-(1HI:'. ff"~ Cf (f>.Ll(r<'./'111'1 -Wait the required period for Lhe post-emergent to take ef- fect (approximately 7-!4 days). -Physically remove all weeds dead or alive within the limits of the work. -Spray all planting areas wtdch are not to be hydroseeded or hand seeded with a pre-emergent herbicide, per manufac- turer's specifications, immediately before or after planting of rooted ground covers. The herbicide shall be applied to .2.._U soil, then, within one (l) hour of application, shall be incorporated into the soil by irrigation for a minimum of 15 minutes. Avoid wat0r run-off or soil erosion after the pre- eme.r:gent hE'r-blGide has been appl led. SOIL AMENDING, fERTlLfZlNG AND ROTARY 1"1LCJNG After the are~s t1ave bnen graded, lhe following rates of soil conditioning and amendment m~t~rial.s shall be evenly spread over all planting areas and st1all be thoroughly scarified to ~n average depth of six (6) if1ches by rotary tilling a minimum o[ two (i) alternating passes• '~-\ L, ,11.,1 , I 1 •• r L,. ,/ ix,i l -\:e<!J ,,h;1ll '-e P"l"torh'IM vi ;;, '!)O[ ""'7fl"0 ,;ii, f'\'& ·,lffW/t<:1 •~ tt1l An agricultural k-;ils r-cpor·t ~ha. 1~ be taken at the c:onc~usion Cr~~ of rouqh grading.\ 'I'he following 1s to be U~£id as a basis for biddin~, and may be modified basPd on the ~usults of the soils report. !<'#Lllr7 .ol1d l'tcQmtr141da-hon, Pf t~t ~i~ +~,;,~ ~b, 4.ill i,e -'ll"f"O'{tcl l,J ti-re. Cif'1 ;,,; pct' t11, l.3t1d¾,,,!f" f1.at1v;;il MATE~IAL PER 1,000 SQ. FT. Soil Amendment 4 Cu. Yds. Soil Sulphur 20 Lbs. Iron Sulphate 20 Lbs. Gypsum 100 Lbs. fertilizer 20 Lbs. The thorou~l1ness and complcteticss of the rotary tilling a11d in- corporation of tt1e soil condition~rs/amendments shall be ac- ceptable to the Owner's Authorized Representative and/or J.and- sc~pe /\i;"chitect. On slope~ 2: I and st8epe.r, as per the drawings, omit soil conditiot1er applicatior1 and tilling. All soil sl1all be tharouqhly leached before planting. PLANTHiG The layout of locations for plants and outlines of ground cover to be planted shall be approved on the site by the Owner's Au- thorized Representative and/or Landscape Architect, prior to their planting. All such locations shall be checked for pos- sible interference with existing underground piping, prior to excavation of holes. [( under~round construction or utility lines are encountered in tho Pxcavation of planting areas, other locations for the planting may be ~elected by the Land- scape Architect. Damage to oxisting utilities shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. 1'REES, SIIRURS AND VINES All excavated holes shall have vP.rtical sides with roughened surfaces and shal.l be of tl1e minimum sizes indicated on the detailed dri"l'wings. Holes shall be, in all cases, large· enough to permit h~r1dling and planting ~itl1out injury or breakage of ~oot balls or roots. Excavation shall include the stripping and stacKing of all amended top$oil encountered witl1in the areas to be excavated for plant pit~ and planting beds. Protect all areas that are to be trucked over and upon which soil is Lo be temporarily stacked pending its re-use for the filling of holes, pits and beds. Plants in metal containers shall have tl1e cans opened by cutting vertically on opposite sides of each can ~ith nursery can openers, tin snips or other approved instruments for this purpose. All used cans shall be removed to the storage area or from the site daily. The plants shall be planted at approved locations with heretofore specified amendments and soil planting backfill. The plants shall be placed In the planting pits on the bacMfill material which has been water settled to the rootball base levels prior to the place~ent of the plants. After setting the plants, the remaining ba<~kfill material shall be carefully tamped a)1d settled around each roolb.:tl 1 to fill all voids. Each tree and shruh shall be placed in the center of the hole and shall be set plumb and held rigidly in position urltil the planting backfill has been tamped around each root ball, All plants shall be set at such a level that after settling they bear the ~ame relationship to the surrounding finish grade as they bore to the soil line grade in the container, unless other wise nuted. Planting tablets ahall be placed in each planting hole at the following rates: Specimen Trees 15 Gallon Trees 1-21 gram tablet per 4" box size 6-21 gram tablets per plant 5 Gallon Trees and I Gallon TS•~.'\ and FLJ:rf 0itEo rt.J-IN7 0 Shrub:;s Shrubs 4-21 gram tabl~ts per plant 2-21 gram tablets per plapt No plant will be accepted either before, during, or 1-5 ~ 1~1 reF-flAli1 if the root ball is broKen or cracKed, after the process of instQllation. All plants shall be t~oroughly wateted in to the full depth of each planting hole immediately after planting. All trees, 15 gallon and larger, shall be staked with two (2) lodgepole stakes, driven into the ground on opposite sldes of tt1e tree. The stakes shall be driven in plumb ~nd secure. Special care shall be taken that the driving in of the stake does not damage the tree roots oc root ball. ~ree ties sh~ll be fastened to each tree and stake according to manufacturer's instructions. All specimen trees 24"' box and larger to be guyed as detailed1 unless otherwise noted. The staking ~nd guying shall be ac- compli~hed in such a manner as to insure the proper and healthly growth and safety of the plants, property, and tt,e public. The Contractor shall be responsible for all surface and sub- surface drainage required which may affect his guarantee of the trees, shrubs and vines. Pruning after pl~nting shall be ~equired or. all trees, shrubs and vines when necessary to provide the specified or approv~d standard shapes, form and/or sizes characteristic to each plant. Pruning may include thinning, and/or cutting and shall be un- der the direction of the Landscape Architect. Cuts over 3/4'' in diameter shall be painted with an approved tre~ sealant. GROUND COVERS Ground covers shall be planted in the ~reas indicate~ on tl1e drawings. The ground cover plants shall be rooted cuttings grown in flats, unless otherwise noted herein, and shall re- main in those flats until transplanting. All ground cover plants shall be planted •dth soil around roots in staggered rows, evenly spaced at th~ intervals called out on the drawings . The ground cover plants shall be pl~nted sufficiently deep to cover all roots and shall be immediately bprinkled after plant- ing until the entire area Is aoaked to the tull depth of all hole~. The ground cover planting ~reas shall be hand smoothed after plantin'I to provide an even, smooth final finish 9rade. "fhre,e(;) inch 1;.ip b;lY~ r,u.1lc.h 4tail hi: akltd in all IVJ!7·furf tl:antin':l flri:.'1t;,. LI\WN -SOD After lawn areas which are to be sodded are rotary tilled, soil amendments incorporated, rocks and debris removed, the Corittac- tor shall install approved sod. Prior to placement or sod, the areas shall be finish graded smooth with a uniform grade between w~lks, curbs, step$ and buildings. The Contractor shall obtain approval of finish grades prior to placement of sod from the Owner's Authorized Representative. Sod shall be laid in st~ggered rows, followinq the· gr~de ele- vations. (Do not lay sod perpendicular to slope of qr~de.) Sodded areas shall be thoroughly watered and kept ~or1tiriuoL1~1y moist as required. Sodded areas which do not st,ow a prompt catch of grass within ten (10) days after installation shall be re-Hodded until an acceptable stand of grass is assured. LAWN -SEED Seeding of lawns shall be accomplished by eitl1er broadcast seeding or hydroseeding. Broadcast seeding st,all be done in the following method. See section entitled HYDROSEEDING for method to establish a lawn by hydroseeding. IJROI\DCAST •SEEDING METHOD Sow seed at the minimum rate of six (6) pounds pe, l,000 square feet by using mechanical sowing equipme11t. Sow one half of tt1e seed in one direction and the remainder at eight angles using a spike-tooth harrow, cultlpacker or other approved device. Immediately after seedirig, compact the entire area with a roller not exceeding 50 pounds for each foot of roller widlh. If seeding is performed with a cultipacker-type seeder or hydrosceding method roAling may be eliminated, On broadcast seeded a~eas, apply a continuous blanket of lawn top dressing materials using 1-1/2 cubic yards per 1,000 square feet. (Approximately 1/4 inch layet). Im- mediately after applying top dressing, apply a fine mist 5pray over the seeded areas, keeping the area moist, but not glistening wet, until full germination. HYDROSEEDING Hyd.roseeding shall be applied evenly and completely in t11e areas indicated on the dravings and as per mix called fer herein. A dispersing agent may be added if evidence is provided l~1al the agent is not harmful to the mixture or plant growth. Mix the materials in a tank having a built-ir1 corltinuo11s agita- tion and recirculation syst~m of sufficient capacity to produce a hornogeneo~p slurry. If applied material begins to dry out, spray lhe dried area with water. The nozzles used ror watering shall produce a spray that does not concentrate or erode the material. Hydroseeded areas shall be kept moist at all times for 20-24 days after planting or until the new growth of the plants are suffjciently well e~M tabllshed. 1lydro~c:f:"ded areas shall be pt'ol1~cl:.f'd i'l.("Ji'linst f()Oi:. t.rr1.ffir~ -'nd other use lrnrned!ately aftec hydroseeding is completed hy placing warning signs and temporary twine and flag9ir1g around :hi~ ar~nA. Re-hydroseeding of bare areas shall be done thirty (JO) days after initial application. POST lNSTJ\LLftTION PLANT V.STAnLISHHENT AND MAINTENANCE The Plant Establishment and Landscape Maintenance Period begins on the day all work on this project is complete, checked, ac- cepted and written approval from the Owner'A Authorized Repre- sentative and/or Landscape Architect is given to begin the plan establishment and maintenanc0 period, and shall continue ther-e- after for !JO calendar days. The Contractor shall continuously maintain all the planting areas of the Contca~t1 including con- tainer planting, during the entire Contract construction period as well as the plant establlst,ment and maintenance period. Regular planting malntenarice operations shall begin immediately after each plant or lawn is planted. Plants and lawns shall be kept in a healthy, growing condition ~nd in a visually pleasing appearance by watering, pruning, mowing, rollingr trimming, edging, fertilizing, restak.ing, pest and disease controlling, spraying, seeding, cleaning up and any other necessary operation of main- tenance. The landscaped areas shall be kept free of weedsr noxious grass ~nd all otliet undesired vegetative growt?l and all debris. All plants found to be dead or in an impaited condition shall be replaced immediately. The Ccr1tractor shall be responsible for maintaining adequate protection of the areas. Damaged areas shall be repaired im- mediately by the Contractor at his expense. All lawns sl1all be fertilized witt1 the heretofore specifi~d fertilizer on ~ regular four-week schedule from the tjmo the lawns are planted u,,til finaJ acceptance. Tl1e fertilizer ~hall be applied uniformly at the rate of thirty (JO) pounds per l ,000 squ~re feet. ~atering shall immediately follow fertilizing. Lawn areas that require re-sodding or re-seeding will be d~siq- nated by Owner's Authorized Representative and/or the Landsca~e ~rcl1itect. The re-work sh~ll be with the materials specified lierelnabove and be in a manner that will cause a minimum of disturbance to the existing stand of grass. All l~wn areas shall be kept moist d1iring the est~blishrn~nt period. The Contractor may have to manu~lly control irrigation system~ for lawn areas which do not receive optimum w~ter from the present irriqation timing to fully bring up the lawn during windy periods cind/or hot weath~r. /1..11. lLI\/TI areas shall be JJHJwcd and edged r1~:p11arly on ;:i schPdlllP c,f ev~ry sevenlh day maximum/ ur1less otherwise approved by the [,dtld~cape Archit(~CL. f'I.Altl iflt, ·-i-bu. ~..e ; N'.71~""'~ 1 Etc' 4:1 i..LA,,, i . ·1 iJ i.,' { / :' i !,VI[ : ·" [ 1_/''. [<JC.Fe'.-B"f 1Hr:" (f.MiiZ-h:'.10"-l'>rfr ·· two (2) times per mc,nth by Uie Cori tractor in the company of the O,.,..ner' s AuU1ori ?:.f'd H<'.p- reser1tative tt1r(Jugt,uut the pl~nl Pstablishment and mdint8nanca period and all necessary maintE~t1<:1nce to keep the plants in prime conr!itior1 !:)hal.l bP. r~.rformcd prornpt.ly. Thi:.~ Contra.C:tnr she>l 1 file be-we~kly n1a111~enatice reports with tt1e o~ner's Authorized R1.!prr:?-Sento.tive indi(_"ating all work that r,os been compl.<_•trd durirlg lhat perio(l and ar1y anticipated problem invclvinq t1is additit'.'rnfll work. i'idditional watet'"ing will be required "\,lhPn in lhe opinion of tlH' r . .:inci~c?-pl:' Architect, the soil moist.1.1rc i'.5 bf=- JOh' optimum levPl for best plant gro1..-th. During tl~t• plnnt p<;t,:1.bli.~hmcnt and maintP.nance period, pl:~rit~; wt1icll die or which 1.re in a unhealthy or impaired cond).tiot1 f>hr1ll ho replaced by Ll1P rontractor at no cost to the owner. No re- plncement plar.t:inq shall bP. donP. at times which are unfavorctble for pldntinq. Al. the cunclusion (;f tlH::! plant estahl ishmcnt and mainten,1nce 1Jeriod, the L21.nd_.._c~r1pl'.' Architect will review all of thu rlants ,n1d lavn,s to doterITiine tlif'ir cortdition l1r,d all plantings found tu h: de,:1d o["· in c1ri impaired condilion ::;hall be repluced im- mediately by the C:ontr-dctor. I"1prop~r mait1tena11c1? and/or possible poor condition of planted mi:l.terial ,,t thf! sclH!dlih•d Pnd of the Contract Landscap~! M,1in- tcnance reriod will c~use r,oslponement of the Final Accept~nce of the C'onlracl VJork by L\1(? Owner. Ma in':",en,l.nce shal 1 be con- tinl1ed by the Contractor ~t no addi tion~l cost to th~ O~ner ,lntll all work meets lhe Contract rP~llirQments and is accepted. CLEAN UP Of PREMJSRS Tl1e Contractor shall keep the premises free from accumulations of waste materials arid debris. Upon completion of the project, lle shall rPmove all waste and surplus materials f~om the site and shall broom clci:)I\ and wash down all paving and walk~., within the Contract areas, leaving the premises in a clean condition. 2"x4'' JU.l~UlJ--~ I IL/\l)IC:: I I 01\l<D i"!il!Sil c.;IU\1)1·'. J N '!\TTlF Ill tr;\ pla1111i11g .,.---2""2"xl2'" <\fD\DD S"tlJ(.£ ( S ' 0. C. Ml\X. ) F"HJl'.)I Cll'\J"it: PlSIDE Pl.'\N[1,:i! -··'-ll ·-·- C1Cl11Ct1( • LINE OF SLOPE I IF~ GioPr. Pl/\."1i'IrY,) \ ----~ \'I 11.'l'I'Ir,G T.\IJLEl'---\ ( r'f:: r "' ft': v1 > \ LtV:l(?IL.l, MTX-----· I :-:u: ~a+~ 5. l • ') L1:\IL WirflH I -----------.'· ---,L A SHP-Ut? FLAH'fl NG -------------~~------------.----- 1vfl,T!I.I, MIX---~ (~;i:r: !_.iPl·X:'.J.) .....___ --... '-.: l,J 1Jl-: Ul·' :--;11..)PF. ( IF'---''1-,--::,..= c;[£ll'll l'LNII'!,;.;) \ • •' . ' . 2 X ll/\LG W 101'1 I b ,f2-EE rLAttflN& -t?oU£?LE "AS ---~ l.()(.XiER)LE s· l '/\!<J::.S ~---PLJ\l\l'I'IIG T,\JlLEI' ( F'Ei<-C,f5'.h.) ...__ BUILT 11 X N 1./\NDSC/\l'E /\nC:1 IITECTl/111: t\PPli'.OVfSD FOE PL/\NTING r;_, 20. ':?5 1:,. 23 r;)S 5 1,,5 Pl.ANNING 690 Cftctu~ridg" Couf t • SPln Diroo • CA - ....... ...... ··--· -··-.. ---· --··--····~·" .-~--, ..... . ~ .... . . -----· ·---·-··----·· ·-· . ...... _ -·-····---~ .. --'"•''"'"•··· .. -----·· ~-~---~··"" - ..... _ --... , .. ,. -~-~-_ .... ·~"•---~- --·-·---·-·-······· -·~---- . ·····-., -~ ... •• ~n-~ -·---·····--~ -·" -·-· -- -. . •-DATT: INITIA._ [NCIN[ER or WORK REVISION /,ND I R l\ I G AT IO N ONLY, -- 92l n!t {G,T")I ]GS-2701 fNCLUDING PRECISE TITLE DATE ··• LOCATION Of PLANTING REV!E\./ED RY, ARSAS. JNSPECTDR DATE I S7ET I .... -· ,_,,_ ~-" CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHBTs I -••, -... -··-. PLANNING DEPARiMENT ---------· . --·--~~-... -~ Pl.ANfrrJ& .0f1,c,1f1c,ATI""'~ A"111 ri;1A1r,, F,,F, ·--·· AM~~] c.AN F-IM '0Uff'LY ,._ ... ---~~ .. k~ I.Le>&& AVENUE: (LoT 45, Ck,.) --·· v,A,f(.L71!,/IIJ7 uAl-1 fOf:'.N I;\ .. --~~- ·---··-_, APPROVED r::;.J'4,f? f-?/.8---·~--···- . ASSIST ANT PL~NN!NG DIRECTOR DATE .. DWN BY: I-AL PROJECT NO, DRA'MNG NO, (iAT( INITAL DATT: INITIAL CHKD BY:~ PIP OJ5-0I DESCRIPTION "-34J-1L OlH[R APPROVAL Cln' APPROVAL PV\./D BY, l ri/\1:'-J SUPPLY J,l!JE ----, 'i'tUNl:tt :w:K[.'J JJ, ll'.ffil.S: J. 'l',\PE /\tflJ lllJtnJIE \/IHJtj(; /''1' JO' l!n1•:CVN..S. 2. /',[.L 111:1![¥; TO IW 1:J<,ri\J .JJlJ IN /\('('(lrnF'JiCE W1111 Li.DI.I, CUJJ•;, J. 1l'1E l\ l.(Xt;l-~ .20" lf:XJJ! 1:1 ,\LL Wll:li,1(--; I\T CfL'\:)";J'::'; ()[;' rnn..r-r:"'l'IO'J (;:-U::J\'I'l•:a 11L'\i'J 30•. u111·1.1c· i\1.1. ux,1~: frr'En /\LL cnr.·nrrro.r-; 1vwE 11Er:1 t\'11.Jt:. ,I_ /\LL Pll\.'::'l'.1C PLPJ 1~; 'H) llf S'tl/\.KflJ IN 'I1~J·:!XJU~; '[() N.I..0.V !·'UH E>~l-'t\l'Jt;ICil NJO "i, 8;1nc;;;·1~1 \At~ L\NC:0 11((::(ifL( N?cMS" M"'-INLiNE:, W}1 c, IT'lS'fALL "fHFtLl~T ~l,.~'?J Ar 'l'tAIH" l?l~E'.tfl/;fl c.;ftANG-~. MIH, 1 r.u. F'11 _ C::.f~TE,., Ml\ Ill filJPPl Y -~ LHIE 12" PVC SCII. 90 --, NlPPIE ~ SC'II. 40 T:l,l, ---,. tlJl'F!-i: ""' ,------~,,., IC\\ CC,,JPLEH ~----F'ItHf;II GR'\UE ~~~--PVC SCII. BO rlTl'l'IE (LFJl'..all N; IUX'J!RFJ)) ~----PVC SCII. 40 FU.. ~---12" 1'1-C SOI. 80 Nll'l'I.Ji ~FVL :,Cl I. 4 0 TEE OR ELL !'1-C SCI I. 4 0 TEE 00 ELL ['I..(: SCI!. 40 l:IL 1. (01Pl'(:T SOIL NUJNlJ <,J.IIC'I( (.U/1'1Ja1l Vi\I,VE !\.S.SFMJLY 1U :,/'Ille DENSITY N; UN- Dlsrut1.t1l'D NJJN::Fllr SOIL. 2. /\JJ, 11mFl\[JfP CT:NIB:;,l<llS 'IIJ llF, :;F;"\!El) ltrnr TE:1'1.IX'l T/\PE 00 (".)/\Til) 1,1'!11 '"R[i:r:'I'OUSEl\L t O .. 5 11 • !. G)Ullll tOUfkE.12-VAWE- cw1ro1.u:n --+--0 120 VOLT WlRE----ttl ,N ())'l!JUIT (XJMLJIT -------1 13" MIN. ......+'l-t;8l,(_Jp:!,: c'..QNt:7Ll 11 10 Nb.LL iN Z ~ I I I I I I • I I I I ...:._---H-------cettn-l 111RE I .,----t'LCX)R I rINr:;11 GAADE: F AU'fONAflc. coN112-oL. cL.octL- FHIISII GRADE , 1'11\S'l'JC V/\LVB -~ rnx w1·111 pUf.PU:-1.it? f'f',E:":RJ~E-41-----~ l"'E'6 LI LA{ Cf-s PRESSUm:----. l1JCJ;lJi..J\'J1.JR 1)1!/\SS hLL RIDIX0) PRESSURE tw::KFl..(W l?REVENI'ER BIU\.SS N l PPLE llRASS ELL ---~ IJM.SS NJ Pl'LF: l " ~No10& JuMvtF----:'--1 ,J.,..J.,1~i..--~-uH,\ss UN I ON Cwftf:l,i ~ll1m.-i; B HI\ S S UN l ON --i-'-,-1 li7 1~ f;,Clh q J > JU f; [TI' -, 1 . .J V Cvlc,r;'1 fr /i\',1cro:: ,~~,u~;;!;E 'rr~~~n~DnIT,1 ( O_ ,M_ r:•n:_R TCJ SYOiTl,M f,f.A (:c,-.-l ~ t·;,v/~ ~;~-H <,(;) u0:1tft {etRLlef !;[__or:..r (M1:J. I (L. ffJ ---~1-,, ~ ' -,... ' ·-' ~ ' 1. EXCEPT AS SHOWN, THERE SAALL BE NO FITI'In;;s OR CONNECTIONS TO 011iER FACILITIES BF:1-/EEN TIJE METER & TRE THE BACKFLOW J\SSEffllLY. 2 • THE BACKfLOW ASSEMBI, Y l1lJST BE INST/\LLED l\ MIN, OF 6" & l'IOT Tu EXCEED /\ Ml\X. OF 2 ' FRrn THE METER F.Jl'CEPT WHERE THIS WOULD REQUIRE THE BI\CKFLOW ASSO!BLY TO BE INSTALLED IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT---01'-WI\Y. IN WHJCH CASE, THE BACRFLOW ASSEMBLY l1lJST BE INSTALLED A MAX. OF 2' INSIDE THE PROPERTY LINE. 'IBE BACRFLOW ASSEHBLY M/\Y NOT UNDER ANY crnaJMsrANCE BE INSTALL!;!) IN TilE PIJBLJC lUGHT-OF-W11Y. - 3. TYPE R Hl\RD OR TYPE L IIARll COPPER OR BRASS WITH SOLDER JOJm'S OR 'l'HRDJJED J'I'ITJ l\1:,S MUST BE USED BF.TWEEN THE METER AND THE BllCKFLOW l\.SSEMBLY. 4-PROCEDin;; THE NO. l SHU!' CIT VALVE, CONNECTION MUST BE MADE WHI! A COPPER OR BRASS RISER TO A COPPER OR BRASS 90° ELBOW. SHur OFF VALVE M/\Y BE PRECEDED BY A COPPER OR BRASS NIPPLE &/OR /\ BRASS UNION. RISER MUST BE OF STJF'FICIENT Lm;nJ THAT TilE JlCTI'0,1 OF THE BllCKf'LOW I\SSEMBLY IS 12" 'J'O 36" l\BOVE GRADE IN 1.N AREA NOT SUBJECT TO FLOODINJ. 5. FOLLOW THE NO, 2 Sim Off VALVE, THE CONNEcrION MUST BE H;'JJE WITI-l A COPPER OR BRASS 900 ELOOW 'I'O /\ COPPEIZ OR BRASS RISER TO l\ COPPER OR BR/\SS 90° ELOOW. S!JtJl' OFF VALVE MAY BE FOLLOWED BY A COPPER OR BRASS NIPPLE &/OR A BRASS UNION. RlSER MUS'.' BE OF SUFFICIENT L~ THAT THE 001 !OM OF TI!E EACKFIDl ~SD!ELY IS 12" TO 36" l\BOVE GRADE IN /\N AREA NITT SUllJECT 1'0 FLOODING, 6. IF BllCRFT..l)W ASSEMBLY IS TO BE INSTALLED ON /\ SLOPE Wl'l'H /l, !lORIZONrAL TO VERTICAL RATIO OF 4: l OR GREATER l\ 2' HIGH RITAINING WALL MUST BE BUILT SURROUNDim THE ASSEMB'I..Y ON 3 SIDES WITH Tl-!E OPENIN:; ct, THE JXJWN SIDE OF THE SI.OPE. '!'HERE MUST BE ll MlN. 2' l!ORIZONTJ\L C1,FJ\R/\NCE BETWHN THE RFfllINil,l; W1\LL & THE BllCKFUJW ASSR'IB:..'f ASSD!ELY MUST BE LOCATED IN J\N AAEl\ NOT SU!\JF.CT TO noooni:;. 7. ONLY THE REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE BACKF!..OW PREVENTION ASSVIBLIES Wl!ICH HI\VE BEEN APPROVED BY THE STATE ::,;:;~•c~fE~r 'FrmJf;; 00 ~~fra:r ;;..ENE~~~- . I ~LE. MIN!?tRr n>c.-O20 v'!ffU%~t'-i.1&CA ~------0R1P l'HJT':'fR Ml~ B1ic'.O 1°'"M1(. -Ml/71 FlNlSII !~Hl\[l[ ~ ~Jt1fr:~m · ,~-1:~=__:__=___,~~;::,J-,JI\'/ --.,...-t;riirt, f< Al~&lfZ-P 1I, · 025 0fp,.l'-f; ~:1,.18-1~' ~1-;,l-'.U.J,/ mr -1i.le1= /tJ,..tJe,1JZ.O ~!3-{, t,.r,i IT f G-tt ~ K WIT!-! Pllf<l"Li;. L1r WHITE RED 1kfll:';; ,,------l'IASl'JC VN,VI': 1nx wn11 fUr<pU-1..117 ----fY-,l_l_ V/\L\11'•: _____ ti'~nJfll:,tl (;P/\1)1; ,----n----l'\.S; M\U; /\1Ji\1'11'R! ",c,l-j 'f6 l. /r·J'~ ';\I.I, \/1\J.VL ll'T'.; •.:,o 'IH\'1' 'Ill['()\-' C'CJ\/l-:H 1:; 2" .'\!l()\_/l,' FfN'[~;11 CIC-,l)E ltJ (;!«.)l.1r'J1) (~')'\.'1'P l\P.1·'./\.'~ Nfl) ~'i'' IM ·n1:n,• ,\P.r:.~;. ). {1,('1 ','\{~f' '.;(')]I, i\J!(J,lf-,lU V,\IV!·: !1':.IX 'l"..J ;;,\l'•T!: nr;,J;;f'l'Y ,l\'.i ln1')J 1\'1Ult:\!•1) rJ~/l\("j,'Jfl' 301.!,. I .i\1.1, ·11t1H.'\[1r·1) ('i:~ltJ!·J"rr.nv; "jt) ni,: ~;l·"./\U·:;ll \Vf'lil "l""!•T'JOJ r-:.:•1,; Ult <.."0:\'/1-::l) IJ]'i11 "!'llTl"lP..'.f·-:.,'J, r¥>. r)". A BALL HYDROSAVER TENSIOMETER INTERFACE MODULE BLACK HYDROSA VER -NBIC , STATIONS 2 3 4 5 •••• BLUE GREEN ·YELLOW MV C • HO c:;,c:ALE RAIN GUARD RED YELLOW GREEN flARJ,fX S1'11El'T Fl,L,; __ ,, ___ _ CONNECT WIRES TO HVDROSAVER TENSIOMETER INTERFACE MODULE AS SHOWN: rv..:.~ SCH. 110-~~ TEE OR ELL ' {C,,Erc_ DE(AI L f'~L.c,w BLACK WIRE TO STATION LEAD FROM CONTROLLER BLUE WIRE TO CLOCK COMMON NOTE: 0Hl1\0L HIiu:--✓ )'1 l"'VC '.;(~IL 00 NJl1l1JJ;:---' ro o::u11,ou..rn I~ END Cf LIN\c=_ / fl\)<'",M I~\:",,, VALVE GREEN AND YELLOW WIRES TO VALVE SOLENOID RED AND WHITE WIRES TO TENSIOMETER ALL WIRE CONNECTIONS IN THE FIELD MUST BE SOLDERED BEFORE BEING ENCLOSED IN WATERPROOF CONNECTORS. 11\!t:: ;;(Jl. 00 lJl)►1)1.J's••----------1 (IJ:1!111 AS Hlcl,/.JIIU'll) r-nrn :;ul't'LY urn,--~ l'\,t' S:"I I. 4 0 '!'EE Ort E.1.L -COMMON 11 IRE ( TO OTtlf-.R \'/\CYfS ON SAMf. <:ONTROLLl'R) --~.--------r__,L_L..l-"-n----. lUit::.:;: l. llt/1'/\LL V/\L\IE ll>X '.J) '1111\T '101' Of ClNffi IS 2" N\OVE FINISII GIW)E IN GfPJ!U lJJVFH Mr-AS i\1-11) >," IN '(1.JIU' ME/\..S. 2, (.\;t,tPN_"l' !",01 L Nl(J.JI IT) V/\LVE OOX TO '.,N,IE 0111S!'l'Y /\.S UtllJI~'I.ITTIJEl) N).J/\CElIT :::;QIL. J. /\LL l-llttl, 'Ill t<E IN'..iTI\Ll.El.J /\.'i Pl,H LJ.X:i\L CCOE. 4. T,"\l'F: Nnl t\l.n~ll>: l~WF. E'VF11Y 20'. 5. l'\\CNUJI'. EXl'NISla-1 C.'O!LS Nf E.i'l:JI l-llRE LUKUL'!'ICT1 1N V/\LVE 11))(, (\-1!\,\P l\lO.Jl'll.J '," PIPE 15 TIMES,) G. Af.L '11Utf,"")F)) c.unn,er101s 1D rm i;r:\l.J·D l-ll'IH 'l~':l-W'-1 'l'i\PE OH CCHTilJ \'11'111 ":U:L .. JUl~SEl\.I., I\Q, 5". 1-+----, NOTE:"";: l. AU .. 'rl!l?Fl\l!Ell CON!\Er'TIO/\''."i TO COl\Tf:'.ll WTTI! ''l~I-:C'l'OHt:;f;/\l, ""!rJ. Hf St-'/\1.FI> WfTIL TEfLON TAPE OH 0 t?~IF 4 r" -' . 0 LINE FLUSHING VALVE. 0 s• ROUND BOX WllH1~~~LG-0 FINISH GRADE. f4' PVC PIPING \.::,,I FROM FOOTER. 0 3/4" PEA GRAVEL SUMP, 1 CU. FT IN SAND. 1.5 CU. FT. IN LOAM. 2 CU. FT, IN CLA V. ~ "c~ ~\f CA,; ~ ~ 0;,,,'t-2sss 16 "' El.AINI;; A snz -~ , ~fl) ·b ! ? " ~~~ It C A' \,~<:iY . I ---. ' --~--.c ---·----..... ·--·------~ --· -----·····-··~----·-·· ,-~ ...... ----·-----_, ···~ .. -t-----, - --~-----___ .. ,~.-.. ~--·-· ~ • 2o-°! >J 5.2,.q, S -1 · .,s - "" .. .. - --.. ___ ------___ . ., -~ _____ ,, ~-~ ---1-- ~ LINE FLUSHING VALVE ------·---1 · - . ' ----.------DA TE I INITIAl -REVISION DESCRIPTION (NslN[ER OF WORK SECTION· NO SCALE . . II As BUIL T1 ' 7 /\ I ' l ' l 1. 0 V Ji; l) ft'O l\ PLANTING /\ND !l{ l\I(; /\TIO N ONLY, T,•• I NC f ,UDlNG PRECISE TITLE_ DATE l,OC/\TION OF PLANTING REVJE'.IED BY, AREAS. INSPECT QR DATE ' I SHBET I . -CfTY OF CARLSBAD I SHBETS] . PLANNING DEPARTMENT ., - ., l~~\C,AflOH l?f.1 A I I.. S Fop., , . AME.~ICAN f.lM supply ·-j( E J_. lt,G,G. ,A\/ E N U I;: { l..oT 46', CAe,) . -C-AP:L, ~AD, CALlft?RNIA --[:OVED ~7 ';'./ / ~ F•;.t.1-'?S ~TANTbP= ~IREC~?:if -_,, ______ ------,__. _____ DATE --. ..... _ OWN BY; I "• I PROJECT NO. DRAWING N1O. DATE INITIAL □~TE INITIAL CHKD BY: EA5 -·--· PIP ~5-01 34~·7L □TH(R APPR,WAL c,rr APPROVAL RV'.ID BY1_.EAS_ I t, a....------------------,---------------------------------------~~~~-·-' / 0 (VI , /)J f) . .. u/ 4 · l I J