HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 347-2M; RP 94-06; CARLSBAD BY THE SEA BUILDING 3; 01-11I. 2. 3. 4. !5. 6. 7. GENERAL NOTES RECLAIMED WATER NOTES ALL WOQK SHALL 8E DONE N ACCOQDANCE WITH T~ CAl:?I..Sl.'IAD M....NICPAL WATER DISTRICT'S 'CARLSBAD .!ECLAIMA TION Rl.LES E l<E:SULA TIONS f"OQ CONST121.JCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS' DATED OCTOBER 1993. DRINKNG FOLNTAINS SHALL 8E PROTECTED FROM SF'QAY OF l:lECLAIMl=O WATS!. BeST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE USED TO MINIMZE RECLAIMBJ WATER ENCROA~T ON PU3LIC FACILITIES SU~ AS PICNIC TABLES, BBO'S, PLAYGROUNDS. SAND TOT LOTS. ETC. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES S~L E3E USE=D TO l=LMINA TE Or:! CONTI<OL TO The Bl=ST EXTENT POSSIBLE PONDING, RUN OFF, OVERSPRA Y AND MSTING. fe!0SE BBS ARE STRICTLY PROHBITED. ON-SITE CR0SS-CQ\,N!;CTIONS BETwe!!!N Rl!eCLAIM!!!D WATER LN!!S AND POTABI..!'! WAT!52 LINES IS STRICTLY PR0~TED. NO SLBSTITUTION OF PF'E MATERIALS WN..L 8!!: ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. ALL ON SITE PIPES 51-lALL HAlll!e WARNING TAPE Pl!!!2 CARLSBAD M..NCF'AL WAT!!R DISTRICT RU.ES AND REGULATIONS. l'l.• TI-E IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL Rl.N Be'TWl!!!l!!!N Tl-IE HOL.RS OF' 1000 PM AN'.l 6'00 AM T~ FOLLOWING MORNNG (SPOT l~ATI0N COULD BE DONE AT A DlrFER~ TIM: WITH QUALIFIED SLPERVISION P51SONNEL ON SITEJ. 9. PR0VDE A MINMJM OF AT LEAST 18 INCi-ES OF C0Vl!I.! OV!!!I.! ALL WRNG ANO F'PI\IQ. 10, NON-DESIGNATED USE A12EAS 51-lALL BE Pl20TE:CTED ~ CONTACT WI™ Re:CLAIMeo WATER, WhlETI-ER BY WINDBLOWN SPRAY OR BY DIRECT APPLICATION T~O~ IRRIGATION OR OTHER USE. LACK OF PROTECTION, W~HER BY DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE OR SYSTEM OPERATION, IS STRICTLY PROl-,E!ITED. n. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. l<RJQATI0N I-EADS SHALL BE REi.OCATED Or:! ADJUSTeO TO PRl!:Vl=NT OVER-SPRAYING ON SIDEWALKS, STREETS AND NON-DESIGNATED USE AREAS. RECLAIMED WATER QLICK COLF'LING VALVES ~LL BE OF A TTf'E De:SIGr-ED FOR TI-E USE ON RECLAIMED WA TIER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS CSPKES NOT INTB<C~BLE WI™ POTABLE WATER QUICK COUPLER SPIKES) PER CARLSBAD MLNCPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND .!EQULA TI0NS. METERS SHALL BE SIZED BY TI-E CITY OF CARLSBAD MLJI\ICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. ALL RRIQATI0N PIPES SHALL BE STE!NCLED WITH THE WARNNG, 'NON-POTABLE OR RECLAIMED WATER', COLOR-CODED (PI.Rf'LEJ AND LAID WITH WARNNG TAPE AND STENCLING ORENTED TOWARD ™E TOP OF THE TRENCH PER ™E CARLSBAD M..NCPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGLLATIONS. ALL POTABLE WATER AND RECLAll\leD WATER PIPNG 51--lALL Ell! NSTALLED WITH THE STENCLING ORENTED TOWARD ™E TOP OF ™E TRENCH. WHEN POTABLE WATER LIN= AND l<ECLAM:D WATER LNE c~ss. T,-e; ~AIMB) LIN!! $..!ALL BE NST ALLED Wl™IN A PROTECTIVE SLEEVE. THE SLEEVE SHALL EXTEND O FEET FROM EA~ SIDE. FROM THE CENTER LINE OF POT ABLE LINE, FOR A TOT AL OF 20 FEET. A 10 FOOT HORIZONTAL SEF'l::RATION 81::TWEEN POTABLE WATIER AND RECLAIMED WATER MAINS MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. ™E POT ABLE Lr-ES MUST 8E INSTALLED ABOVE THE RECLAIMED LINE. 18. A MINIM.JM OF 12 NCHES OF lll!el:.>TICAL S~r.!A TION E!ETW!::eN UTILITll!!S MUST Be MAINTAINED AT ALL TMES. 19.• DEVELOPER/ CONT.?ACT0R SHALL CONDUCT A Cl:!OSS-C0ll.'i'IECTION TI;ST AND CO\Je!l:!AGI!: TE:ST AS DIRECTED BY TIHE CARLSBAD MLNCPAL WATER DISTRICT ENGINEER OR TIHE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVRONMENTAL HEALTH PRIOR TO ANY USE OF .!ECLAIMED WATER. 20. QUCK C0LPLING VALVES USED IN RECLAIMED WATER SYSTIEMS SI-IALL CONFORM TO Tl-E FOLLOWING. 21. 22.• 23.• 24. 25. A. l<l=CLAl!VeD WATeR -QUICK COUPLING VALVF!S L..J8EO IN t:IECL.Nv',ED WATT!!R SYSTEMS $..!ALL HAVE ACNE TYPE TIHl2EADS AND PLRPLE COLORED LOCKING COVERS PERMANENTLY ATTACHED TO THE VALVE. QUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE NELSON NO. 7645, HUNTIER NO . ..IVIOOA-RL-1'-P OR APPROVED EQUAL. ($PIKES NOT INTERCHANGEABLE WITH POTABLE WATER OUICK COUPLER SPIKES.l THE REQURE:D a:20$S-C0NNECTI0N INSPECTION SHALL BE DONE BY E:ITHE':12 THE CARLSBAD MLNCIPAL WATIER DISTRICT AND/OR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. COPIES OF INSPECTION REPORTS WLL BE FORWARDED TO THE NON--INSPECTNG PARTY. DEVELOPER SHALL $..!OW 11-E LOCATION OF R.C. SIGNS 'DO NOT DRI\K' ON Tl-ESE PLANS. AN 0'-4-SITE USER / SUPERVISOR SHALL BE DESIGNATl!:O IN WRITING, THIS INDIVIDUAL S..IALL BE FAMILIAR WIT..! PLLM31NG SYSTEMS WITl-l'J TIHE Pl20PERT'r. WI™ The BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKR..0W / CROSS CONNECTION PROTECTION. AND THE SPECFIC RE0UIREl'IIENTS OF A RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM. COPIES OF 11-E DESIGNATION. WITH CONT ACT PHONE NUMBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND CARLSBAD M..NCIPAL WATER DISTRICT. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT MAINTENANCE SUPERVISI0R CHARLIE ABDI, KOLL Rl!!:AL !16T A Te • (619) m-5550 OR AFTER HOURS CONTACT MAMENANCE SUPERVISI0R CHARLE: ABDI, KOLL Rl!!:AL l!:ST A TE • (619) m-!5550 SHOW ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATI!: POTABLE WATER MANS ON IMPROVEMENT PLANS. • ITEMS 8, 19 ~ 23 SHALL BE REQUIRED JUST PRIOR TOT.£: ACTUAL USE OF .!ECLAIMl!!D WATI!r.!. • ITEM 22 THE SIGNAGE SHALL BE A PART OF T~S IP. BUT TI-E ACTUAL SIGNS AND TAGS WILL BE INSTALLED J.JST PRIOR TO ACTUAL USE OF RECLAMED WATER. ON RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS. ALL APPI.RTIENANCES ($PRII\KLER 1-e:ADS, VALVE eoxes. ETC.) SHALL BE COLOR-CODED PIRPLE PEI< AWWA Sl..JIDELI\ES AND SECTION 4049.54 OF' THE CALIFORNIA HEAL TH AND SAFETY CODE. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RIDGE LANDSCAPE ARCc.jlTECTS 34072 VIOLET LANTERN, STE. C DANA POINT, CA 92629 CIVIL ENGINEER 0'DA Y CONSULT ANTS 2320 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE, STE B CARLSBAD, CA 92009 OWNER CALIFORNIA LUTHERAN HOMES 2312 SOUTH FREMONT A VENUE ALHAMBRA. CA 91803 -EL1 (714) 248-9211 FAX1 (714) 248 9215 CONT ACT• JIM RIDGE Al<C~ITECT Te-jE STEINBERG GROUP 11835 WEST OLYMPIC BLVD, STE 298 LOS ANGELES, CA 90064 -EL1 (310) 445-9588 FAX1 (310) 445-1488 CONT ACT• DA VE MITANI PROJECT TEAM TEL1 (760) 931-7700 TEL1 (818) 570-5600 FAX• <760) 931-8680 FAX• (818) 570-5610 CONT ACT1 GEORGE 0'OAY CONT ACT GARY WHEELER (FUTURE) RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (PRIVATE) CARLSBAD BY THE BUILDING 3 SEA SIGNAGE NOTES Carlsbad, THE l"OLL0WINQ Gl.D!!LN!:S l"Or.! T,-e; LISI!: OF .?eelAIMl!!D WAT!52 AQE: TO ee P!!!l<MAr-eNTLY POSTED INSIDE THE DOOR OF EACH CONTROLLER W..IERE T..IEY ARE EASILY VISBLE. PLACE ON 81/2" X Ir SIZED SIGN. COLOR• PURPLE BACKGR<ll.,J\JD WITH BLACK LETTERING. I, GUDa.NES FOR RECLAIMED WA Tei.? USE I. RRIGATE BETWeeN THE HOLRS OF l0O0 F'M AND 600 AM ONLY. WAT1!!131,1G; OUTSIDE THE TIME FRAME MUST BE D0I\E MANUALLY WITI-I QUALIFED SLPERVISORY PIERSONNEL ON-SITE. NO SYSTEM SHALL AT ANY TIME BE LEFT UNATTENDED DL.JRlNG USE OUTSIDE THE NORMAL SCHEDULE. 2, RRIGA TE N A MANNS! THAT WI.L MNMIZI!: RLJN-Ol"I"', ~0LING, AND F'ONDING. THE APPLICATION RATE S..IALL NOT EXCEED The IN"ILTRATI0N RAT!;; OF THE SOI.. TIMS$ MUST BE ADJUSTED SO AS TO BE C0MPATBLE WI™ TI-E LOWEST SOL INFILTRATION RATE PRESE:NT. THIS PROCEDlRE MAY BE FACILITATED BY TIHE EF'FICIENT SCHEDULNG OF THE ALJT0MA TIC CONTROL CLOCKS. (I.E. EMPL0YNG THE REF'EA T FUNCTION TO BREAK UP THE TOTAL IRRIGATION TIME INTO CYCLES THAT WILL PROMOTE MAXM.JM SOIL ABSORPTION. 3. ADJUST SPRAY HEADS TO ELIMINATE 0VERSPRAY ONTO Al<EAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLE. POOL DECKS. PRIVATE PATIOS AND LOTS, AND STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. 4. MONITOR AND MAINTAN THE SYSTEM TO tvW>IM!Ze 1!:QUPMfNT AND MA T!5!1AL FAILURE. BROKEN SPRINKLER f-EADS, LEAKS, l..N<ELIABLE VALVES. ETC. SH0LLD 8!!: Rl:=PAIRED AS SOON AS THEY BECOME APPARENT. 5. E!:DLJCA TIE ALL MAINTE:NANCE PERSOr-.r-EL ON A CONTINOUS !ASIS OI" T,-e; Pt:leSE:NCE: OF RECLAIMED WATER. PERS0NI\EL MUST BE N"0RIVED THAT RECLAIMED WATER IS MEANT FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES ONLY, AND IS NOT APPROVE:D FOO DRINKING PURPOSES, ..!AND WASHII\G, CLEANNG OF TOOLS, ETC. GIVEN THE HIGH TURNOVER RA TE OF EMPLOYEE:$ N TIHE LANDSCAPE NJUSTRY, IT IS ltvlPORT ANT THS NFORMA TION BE DISSEMINATED ON AN ALMOST DAILY BASIS. IT IS YOU, The LANDSCAPE C0NTIRACTOR WHO IS RESPONSIBLE F0r.! EOUCA TING EAC..I AND l!Vl5i!Y ONE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES. 6. OBTAIN PRIOR APF'R0V AL OF ALL PROPOSl!!:D CHAI\Gl!!:S AND MODll"ICA TI0NS TO ANY PRIVATE ON-SITE FACILITIES. SUCH CHANGES MUST BE SL.EMITTED TO, AND APPROVED BY. Tf-E DISTRICT ENGI\EERING OFFICE: ANO OESIGNE:D IN ACCORDANCE: WIT..! DISTRICT ST ANDAl<DS. 7. ALL RECLAIMED WATIER $PRNKL..E!:R CONTROL VALVE$ ~LL BE TAGGED WITH IDENTFICATIQN TAGS. A. TAGS SHALL BE WEAT~OOF PLASTIC 3' X 4' PI.RPLE IN COLO.? WITH Tl-e: WORDS 'WARNING RECLAIII.ED WATER -DO NOT DRINK' ll'vf'RINTED ON O'E SIDE, AND 'AVIS0 -AGUA IMPURA -NO TOMA!<' ON THE 0™ER SIDE. IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMAt,ENT AND BLACK IN COLOR, USE TAG AS MANUFACTURED BY T. CHRISTY ENTERPRISES OR APPROVED EQUAL l!!I. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH VALVE AS FOLLOWS. I. ATTA~ TO VAL.VE STEM DIRECTLY OR WIT..! PLASTIC Tli;;-WRAP OR 2. ATTACH TO SOLB'IIOD WQE DRECTLY OR WITH Pt..ASTIC TE-WRAP Or:! 3. ATTAC..! TO VALVE COVER WIT..! EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT. S. ALL SPRN<LE:I< f.eADS S..!ALL BE IDENTFIED AS RECLAIMED WA TIER SPRINKLl5i! 1--EADS II. E:ACH AUTOMATIC CONTROLLl!!R ANO ITS ASSOCIA Tl!!D l!!OUPMl!!NT SHALL ell!: IO~ WITH A SIGN BEARING TIHE WORDS 'RECLAIIVED WATER USED FOR RRIGA TION" N ENGLISH AND SPANIS..I, WITH BLACK LETTl5!S I' HIGH ON A PURPLE: BACKGROUND. T..IE SIGN SHALL BE PL.ACED SO THAT IT CAN BE READILY SEEN BY ANY OPERATIONS Pl:RS0NNEL UTLIZINQ THE EOUPMENT. D!!!CLARA TI0N OF i:?e!SPONSll!!LP!: CHAr.!GP!:• I1-el<EBY DECLARE THAT I AM LANDSCAPE ARCHITl!:CT OF WORK FOR THS PRO..ecT, THAT I P!:XCERCISED r.!ESPONSIBLE CHA~ OVER THE DESIGN OF ™IS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSII\ESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT ST ANDAl<DS. I UNDERSTAND THAT TH! CH!CK OF" Pl.!0Jl!CT DRAWINGS AND SPf!Cll"ICATIONS BY TH! CITY OP" CARLSBAD AN'.l Tl-IE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF' ENVRONMENT AL ..!EAL T..I IS CONFINED TO A REVIEW 0NL y AND DOES NOT RELIEVe ME. AS LANDSCAPI= ARCHITeCT OF WORK, OF MY RESP0NSIBILrTIES FOR PR0JE:CT Df=stGN. F'RM NAME;: AND ADDRESS• Ta.!!Pi-<ON! N....Ml!!:!"15• Rl=GISTRA TK)',j NUMBERS• P!:XPIRATION DATES• DEVELOPER NAME AND ADDl:lESS- Ta.ep\-lON! N....M!!15?• RIDGE LANDSCAPe: ARCHTE;:CTS 34072 VIOLET LANTERN, SUITE C DANA POINT. CA 92629 (714) 248-9211 / (714) 248-9215 I" AX 2809 MAY 3L 1999 CALIFORNIA LUn-.ei:!AN ~ 2312 SOUTH FREMONT AVENUE ALHAMBRA. CA 91803 Cl'lll'l> 5 70-5600 California INSPECTION PROCEDURES L CITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SHALL INCL.LOE• A. LOCATION OF PF'e LN:S. C. ~ Sl!PARATION <HORIZONTALLY AND VERICALLYl O. PA= OENTIFICATION E. POINTS-0F-c<:Jll.t-ECTION <POC'Sl I". LOCATION AND IDl!:NTFICATION OF SPRINKLER f-EADS G. WAl2r\l\lG SIGNS AT THE SITE AND ON THE T121.JCKS I-IAl.LING ReCI..AtrlAED WATER (IF RECI...AM!:D WATIER IS USED FOR CONSTRUCTIONJ. AN APPROVED LETTER Rl=GARDING THE INSPECTION OF THE PRO..ECT SHALL 8E OBTAI\ED FROM THE CITY AND THE DISTRICT, AND BE FORWARDED TO T..IE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PRIOR TO FINAL NSPECTION APPl20VAL. 2, DISTRICT FINAL NSPECTION SfelALL INCL.UDE• A. COVERAGE TESTS, AFTER COMPLETION OF TIHE SPRN<LER SYSTEM, TO DETERMNE THE ADEQUACY OF COVERAGE ON THE APPROVED USE AREA AND PROTECTION OF AREAS NOT APPROVED FOR RECEIVING RECLAIMED WATER. 15. WARN',JG SIGNS AND L~. C. QUCK COlF'I...ING VAL VE$. 0, ALL ASPECTS OF TI-E RRIGA TION CONDITIONS I\CL.l..ONG WINDBLOWN SPi:IA Y, RI...NOF'F' AND PONDNG. E. REGll..l2ED PROTECTION OF AUL RESIDl!.'NTIAl. ARE;AS. F. l:2EQl...l2f:D PROTECTION Of" WELLS, STr.!EAMS, ~O~. ETC. G. CROSS-CON\IECTI0N. 3, AI\N.JAl. INSPl!CTION 51-lALL NCI..L()!!;, A COMF'LETE INSPECTION W~ 51-0ULD COVER PARTS 'A', 'B" AND 'G' OF 1hE DISTRICT FNAL NSPECTION. LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRPTION PW PROPOSED POTABLE WATIER SYSTEM ~ PROPOSED RECLAIMED WA T62 SYSTEM . -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-Pl:.?0P0SED IRRIGATION SYSTEM MANLINE ALL PROPOSED LAND-~ OF RECLAlt\ED WATER USE ~APE AREAS WI™ ThE CEPTI0N OF THE POOL AREA/CQURTY ARD • $ LOCATION OF C"""-ECTION PONTCS) - METER AND BACKFL0W PREVENTION ... 'DO NOT DRINK' SIGN LOCATIONS TYPICAL SIGNS ~---BLACK LOGO ,------PLRPLE BACKGROUND ~ 12'X36' 36' CN.T.5J ~-r BLACK LETTERS RECLAIMED WATER AVIS0 -AGUA IMPIJRA N0T0MAR .060 ABS F'I..AST1C CR STlCK-ON \/M'L SIGNS ALSO .Ol6 Al..l..fl,N.1IA '----r BLACK LETTERS '----2· El.ACK LETTERS W-=t...AM::D WA'l?R DONOTD0,K AVISO -AGUA M"I..RA NOTOMAR 18'X 18' size .Ol6 l>J..J..MN..M .060 ABS F'I..AST1C OR STICK -ON \/M'L SIGNS. SHEET INDEX SHeeTTITLE RECLAIME:D WA TIER / TITLE 51,EE:T RRIGA TION PLAN (2 51-lEETSl li<RIGA TION DET ALS PLANTING PLAN <2 SHEETSJ PLANTING DETALS IRRIGATION SPECFICATIONS PLANTING SPECFICA TI0NS PALM TREE AND LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE: SPEC'S " < '-' ( RECLAIMED P.0.C. HEET 2 IRRIGATION EET 5 PLANTING POTABLE P.0.C. Sii L,_I 1\1..JMBEJ;? I 2-3 4 5-6 7 8-9 10 11 SHEET 3 IR~IGA SHEET 6 PISANTI I ~ I 0 0 PROJECT MAP NOT TO SCALE: @ ASSESOI< PARCEL NO. 212-120-25+26 MAP NO. 11811 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE ® APPROVED .&tr~J-V~ ENGINEE GP CHE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ''AS BUILT" REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL. TH ENGINEER, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. I SH1EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ L!!_J CARLSBAD liAUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT .Af¼-' £~, ,, 7-01-,tA WILL.IAM E. PL.UMER,DISTRICT ENGINEER DATE R.C.E. 28176 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTliAENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ti·<~--~~ 7.1,~,1 APPROVED BY; DATE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK BY: JAl,IES J. RIDGE l'lAliAE: RIDGE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS L.A.: REG. NO. 2809 EXP.: MAY 31, 1999 ~A1Nic1P~ ARCHITECTS TEL 714 148-9211 FAX 714 148 9215 REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR 11/¥11 DATE RECLAIMED WATER / TITLE SHEET CARLSBAD BY THE SEA BUILDING 3 R.C.E. ______ r---+--1-----------------1----, ::C~===:,;;;;=:::,::=============: PROJECT NO_ RP 94-06 CMWD 94-C425 ORAWINO NO. 347-2M C~';) LO.O .I I 16 )' < )' -< GRAND 14-' 18 A21 1 • AVENUE ; ' / ,~~"~"'~ / /(.~ ! I ri"""'"""n ~,~ n \,,. ii \,: ', ~ 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,, :;::, '\:;::11 ~/:.i ,.y V ;:>:' ~::,·~ :;:i ' ,,7/, .;_!(' -~ ' ,----"== NOTEi 'i MAN.N: SHOWN WTTl-lN PAVING AND OUTSIDE OF i:2.O.W. FOR CLAQITY 0/\l.. Y, ACTUAL MAN..1',E LOCATION TO BE A lv1t,,M...M OF 18" Of"F ADJACENT 1--lA>lDSCAPE AND OT\-6! OSSTACLE:5 ANO OUT OF R.O.W. (W~ F!:ASm ALL L.A TOUT $1-lAL.L. BE COI\FRMED N FELD W!Tl-i OWl'IER'S AU IZ!;D ~se:NTATIVf=. -3 4• .. l .... ~-+-------------- :GF===~3/:,:,..4.+3t4 •=. ~;_=:i.~t---,J I I I u , I I '; 1" / ; « :I •','',, ~ . ~ J ~: t·~--~ i--....,,....,..;. r11~7/ :~ t . ·<'••IL ......... . / I( ~==::::::::::::: • : ,::/i,.J -.......__ NOTI!:• !LBBL~S Al',O LATI!!RAL LN!!S ARE SHOWN W1TI-I\I PA\ING FOR CLARITY ONLY, ACTUAL LOCATION TO BE WITI-I\I PLANTI'S!. BLBBLB2$ $1-lAL.L. BE ALIGNED WITl-l TREES ANJ AS D12ECTED BY OWI\ER'S AUTl-lORIZED REP~SENT A TIVE. COf\FIRM ALL LAYOUT IN FIELD WITl-l OWNER'S AUTl-iORIZl:D REPRESENT A TIVI: PRIOR TO COMMB'JCING WORK. 0 ~ < > LU ...J ::> 0 co Cl < co V, ...J ~ ~ < \ u ) I DQE5JJC WAJ132 PRES9 RE CAI O I AJl)NS I PEO 4U3J WAIFR PRES9 RE CAI a I AID6 NOTE1 CONTRACTOR S~ALL MAINTAIN A MIN. 10 FT. SEPARATION (PER CMWD) BETWEEN POT ABLE AND RECLAIMED WATER LINES TYPICAL. ALL LAYOUT $1-lALL BE CONFIRMED IN FIELD WITl-l OWNER'S AUTl-lORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. 0 4 8 16 24 SCALE AND NORTH Sweeney & Associates, Inc. lrrlg•elc:a-n D••••n a oara•u1tln• 11441 ..... C.U::• 11111. llt. I : "'-! .$'··~· .... ,. T--.CA..., j : Ph. IOI NI 2117 Fa. IOI -un • 1-11111:: LIO...... Gmll .., ,, 11 1 "'+ ~ ._ 1D. 714 248--9211 FAX 714 248 8216 -·---------' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ''AS BU I LT'' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC 1-iEAL. Tl-i ENGINEER, ASST. PL.ANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. CITY OF CARLSBAD PL.ANNING DEPARTMENT ~ L!_J REVIEW!:;D 9Y: '{.A.PD ,_□_"-T_E~BY~ _____ D_Es_cR_1P_r1o_N _____ ~_•P_P__,'D DWN BY-~--12. .£;L. CHKD,'BY Ji:2 D•TE REVISIONS rlELD BY PROJECT NO. RP 94-06 CMWD tt94-C425 DRAWING NO. 347-2M <.~ L3.I -IO -..., 1- UJ LUI QI!: I- V'>! Q - LL. Ci::: < IC...:,1 --· ·······;.;i.:,·=j Ct,' I I • I I • • I I • I 1/~' 3/4" 3/4' 3/4" E 14 14 4 I • a l I ·.-rr---.-+---,-+-r-+--.--t-.---+--c.---~+----,----,-------,------,=-=+-=---+==-=---,-+-+-=------,---\+-:;,-<j--\---+--;;...,._· --- . 7 • --·· ..... J LL I _ ""' •••i~•;••:•:";"G.,. ·i::::·····=······=··· ·=o=+=~,.:::=::::: 1 ._ i <, t ~ --~•~1l.... r .. ' ... :.:d.·.·.·.·.·.··.···.: .. ·. i ... · .. ··.·.·.·.·.·.·.--I •···•-ii.---..lll(lit;; ····-· ·•····•····· -... ....... . ----. ---\ I ' 3/4" ._ .-. I I I . 2'' , .. , """"" I I : 'I(\ r-·· .. ,, .. .,. ... ..., ••• f······· •···· --·-···· J 10 1 :i' "'=-ft----~--~.-+-~___J__l~ I ):;):)~ ·,.J'Xll-><.k>~·-'::-':,--,--±:;::::\'!"'Sli:IC:::;:;;:;;:;l::;:11:i:f:1=~~;;::;:iIDm==e I: I 3/4" 1. . 3/4' . • . I I· I II I I I I I (lr---11). r,mm••l++,.,,,, ...... ,. '' ·········• OC!ME'5TIC-I-JATE:-f2.. I-IN~ TO f>UII-DIN6 w/ \<P 11 Vcl2-TICAl- 5EPA:~Tl0N F~oM 11<'..itlC.AT/ON MAIN LINE.. 111 ·1 __w~-4-\1/2" MAINLIN!:. 1-0CATe.D ii : , MAINL\NE:.1I I~ :5L.E.EVE.f::I 101 rl !::MT AN~ 4ei' IJ£$~/ oF \~POME5TIC LiN.E:... ' I Ii F (,,1 f\tO~ FUS. OF C.U\2.f.> 0 ~@ii0 17 18 A I , .. ,,,,,' ,,,, .... ,,,, •,mmv•, ... 'I I / < <_ ,.,, i:::;::::'"'"' '' ~~:""'"' """""""; ............... ::? c;.;.c, .. L .. '. 11 11 I I I I I ,1;,·);:,,,:c=--;;;;;;;;;; 1 ===•·''·'· '·'·'·····Jnn··:s···'d71. r--r-1 ",1/ . !1•: ... r···-~"-" i : (~'~, I . I !f!!I!: NO~ 19 l!!l!!..O ..... ,o" \.... . · 1i! I I < ,._,.,-,,.,,,.,_,..~,,,._.,, ' '""""'"'~rn □1 M (') _J ; 1-c:s:s:F : W ·:1~ w i I~ : 7I~ 'O I:~ I I 2 ' : ' !'·"' I~ I <.." FltoM l'W:-K :o,= W6-LL I I ............ .... i Z'.,";~~~•i~l.:--~~-i-□~=:..1 .. : : , 1 i 11 ...... ,, · /4;~ l 3/ I •.. tJ . ·' .. ·,. : ...... :'·6····'":o::::;,:~~~~~er;:1/1/#·.• . ' ' [~1····· ,······"····· < 1 ~ 1 l 11 f J ·\~;~ •g lllllrif□: I ll 11 \I i . . ~ .. ~ I I 1 I --'--A\ ._:.'.,; tc(El: NOTe MAN.N!: Sl-40WN Will-IN PAVNG Ar,[) OUTSIDf: OF R.0.W. l"'OQ CLAkrTY Ot-L Y, ACTUAL MAN.IN: LOCATION TO BE: A MNM.JM OF 18" OFF ADJACENT ~AkDSCAPE Al'D OTl-6! OBSTACLES Al'O OUT OF k.O.W. CV'-II-B1E FE'ASBL.El, AL.L LA TOUT Sl-4ALL ElE COl'IFJ<t.'ED N FIELD WITI-l OWJ>El<'S AUTHORIZED "1EPl<ESENT A TIVE. DOMESTIC POC ONLY VALVES Al6-A22 IRRIGATION MATERIAL LEGEND SYtvSOL T 1-1 F MAl'U"ACT. MODEL r-.o. / DESCRIPTION GPM PSI RADlJS DETAL .... --TORO 570Z-12P-GOM-5-0/T/H-PC POP-LP $1-2..B ~D 570Z-12P-COM-IO-O/T/W5-PC POP-LF' S~ 1-EAD 570Z-12P-COM-4-EST/SST-PC POP-LP 51-2...B ~D 570Z-6P-COM-6B-90-PC-.50 POP-LP STREAM BLB8I ~ 1-EAD 570Z-6P-COM-FB-t00-PC POP LP FLOOD Bl..B8L6! .09, .r.2, .18 30 5 FT A (!I e • TORO .33, .44, .66, L33 30 10 FT A TORO .-i "" .43, .86 30 4Xl5 FT A 4X30 FT " TOl<O ,50 30 7 FT A v' TOl<O 1.00.0) 30 2FT A E:ACH SYPIIBOL "1EPl<ESENTS TWO B..BE3l.ER5 PER TREE ---3 E-P.0.C I V4" COPPER Sn.a-OUT FROM BULDNG, PROVOED BY OTl-6!$, V6!FY LOCATION N F'EI...D A A El i=eaco 825Y-r REDUCED F'RESSIRE BACKR.OW 1"12EVENTION ASSEMBLY~ Ar Bl20NZE fflE STl2AII\EI:! !SIi WATTS 813-r 'EPOXY FUSED' CAST I120N MASTEl2 CONTI20L VAL~ NOT 51-lOWN AS APPROVEDWAT~ PROOF \/'IRE CO\N:CTION WrTI-1 CCll"P62 Cl:!M"', TWO f'l!:CE CAPSL.Le AND F'ASTE SEALANT, F'QI:! ALL Sf'UCES .--------1VALVE ~ NOTE A• ~----vJ>.Lve SIZE NOTE• CONTRACTOR SI-IALL MAINTAIN A MIN. 10 FT. SEPARATION (PER CMWDl BETWEEN POT ABLE AND RECLAIMED WATER LINES TYPICAL. ALL LAYOUT SI-IALL BE CONFIRMED IN FIELD WITI-I OWNER'S AUTI-IORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. F'OC TO BE r ~AIME!D WATEl2 MErB! WrTI-1 Ar $6'2VICE! Lr-E. kb & TO S, k&, ~V!:M:NT' fOLANS FOR ACTUAL tvETU::! LOCA TIOflL VEkFY SI~ LOCATION. Al'O Pl<E:SSLRE, IN FELD. WITH OWl\l';R'S AUT~ED REPRESENTATIVE Pf<IOQ TO ~ WORK. ST A TIC PkESSl.RE 68 PSI DESIGN ~ 70 F'S! MAXM..M DEMAND 18 GPM NOTE8' A A A A A A A A A POC TO BE 1/4" DOMESTIC COF'PER Slt.&OUT R20M El.LONG PkOVDffJ BY PLLMEk, kb & TO PllM3NG PLAN FCQ AcruAL LOCA T10N. VERFY SIZE, LOCATION, Ar,[) PRESSLRE, IN FB..D, WITH OWl'IEQ'S AUTe-\OklZED 112EPl2ESENT A TIVE PR10k TO CClM',,1ENCNG WOl2K. Sweeney & Associates, Inc. STATIC PkESSlRE 68 PSI DESIGN PRESSI.RE 75 PSI MAXM..M DEMAND 20 GPM NOTE• BLBBLERS Al'O LATERAL L.11\ES ARE SI-OWN WITI-11\1 PAVNG FOR' CLARITY 01\1... Y, ACTUAL 1-0CA TION TO BE WITI-IN PLANTER. BU981..B2S sµAL.L. EE ALIGI\ED WITµ Tl<EES AND AS Dli<ECTED BY OWNB2'$ AUTI-IORIZED 12EPl2ESENT A TIVE. COJ\FIRM ALL LAYOUT N FIELD W1TI-I OWI\ER'S AUT~ORIZED 12EPR'E$ENT A TIVE PR'IOI< TO COMMENCNG WOl<K. ..--... CONTR'Oi..1...6 SHALL BE W.C.S MOD. " ETIC-24 NST ALLED N B..ECTRICAL EOLPMENT ROOM FNAL LOCATION OF CONTI20l.l..5.' Al'O ELECTRICAL F'OC 51-W.l. BE COIIFIRIVED WIHT OWN:!<$ AUTI-Ol<IZED REPRESENTATIVE Pl<IOk TO COMMENCING WORK. REFER TO LEGEND AND DETAIL 51-EET FOR CONTROLLER MAKE AND MODa.. 0 4 8 16 SCALE AND NORTH 24 lrrl••11•n D••••n A Can•.,.lt:■n• 11441 ...._ C8116.:.Ja M. ltti. IC :,_,;.•'~'" • '••.,• .. -:! t......_CA... j : Ph. tot NI W7 l'a. NI NI .1•u . • l!-flllll: l.SCIH.. -'f (IO I 1 0 .. m 714 m-1211 rAX 714 2<18 9215 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. I : I I I I 11 11 11 1 j • I I .... 1 ... 1.1 ... _.11. 4--.. ---i • , I '' AS BU IL T '' ' .. ; f'NCINFCR .. 'VIC>R ,o CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT I I I 11 I ~--ttt, + . ............... . .. ; vi .A 0 *,;. 1 ~-Hfc□--:,<"·"'···4··"· ,t,.. ..... ·/········· 411 • : I -;r~hflld~ LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN CARLSBAD BY THE SEA BUILDING THREE ~-12..LA. # .2BO"l ~.C.E. ----kS PLAN GECK \;!E-SlfMTTAL (\ /=,J ......... 1-.«-.w<,i ii I 11 REVIEWED BY: -.J;~ &·11 · 97 DATE ~---,f-kS-+aTY--9...E!MTT--AL-113----------+----, APPROVED ~~ I') ~ ~~=-fulo.,.,.,~e....:t't~=---~~~--Y-Z/. 9F 1-------.,---1-----------------1-----. ASSISTANT L.ANNiNG DIRECTOR DATE ~====;;;;:===;~====,;=====::; t-0-A-TE-+-B-Y +-------DE-SC-R-IPT-10-N------+-AP-P-'D--I DWN BY_=-- 1--------"'-"-'-"--------'-'"'-'--"---'------------'-'-"-'---'---I CHICD IY JI:! ---REVISIONS flELD BY PROJECT Na. RP 94-06 DRAWING NO. 347-2M CMWD tt94-C425 L3.2 • - l'NS-l!'ll GRACI!' N TIJll" AIZAS .--------.----PLASTC =rANGI...I.AR VJJ!.Vf!?. BOX wm.l l!OL T DOWN co=. 1..61= STANJ:55 l!OLT, NJT, AN;) W-. BOX TO EE Pl..ACBJ AT~ ANlol.la TO~ EDGE. f-EA T IRl>ID 'MV" ONTO lD. C()l,IIR()I. VALVf:. ~~!"a! SPeC, '---P'N61 l!D GRACI! N 9-AJl!I ,._ 24'\AIM!LOOP VALVf!?. 0 TAQS F'VC 8GI 4C' -wt' AD-.2llEaRl!!O ~~~rc:cs. :Q!!J,.---BRICK ~ ~----IIRASS LNON ~-----l!QASS l',f'PLf; T'l'P'. '-------I.AICSCAP!:FAIIRIC ~------a/4' ROCK 2 a.SIC PoT. ~------------PVC-PPI!' l"ROM ~~SP!:CS. M)ffl SECTION YIW N I S USl!a 4a Ol!II & ..1.1.S TO A™ MAN.llfa Del"TI-I l"ll0M LP-Sri:leAM see OF T1-E MASTS VAL~ ASSl!!l,/B_y_ @ MASTER CONTROL VALVE ~----f'N81-1 ~ADEN lU!F = F'l.ASTIC ~"I\IQ! I Ai:! VAL\11!! l!IOX Wffl-1110..T DOWN 001/ER, USf STAN.!'SS l!OLT. NJT, AN;) WASl-l!!R. BOX TO Ill, F'l.AC!=D AT RIQ.IT ANSl.e TO ~ EDGE. >EAT El.!l>ID TlC/1/' AN;) CONT1lOl. STA 110N • ONTO P"NS--WGlll!ADI!, NSI-RUI~ ~:11::;;:J;==== VALVf!. 0 TAG -1:!;NL.::,<~-l., .... PVC n-o. B.J. 30-I l!IO PVC "-----lll:f-11---CONmOI.VALW ..,..--5CM 60 PVC l'-FPI..!! TYi". ~~-l!li:!ICK Sl..l"l"Oi:!TS SCI-I. 80 LNCIN--__J 1----IIIIIIIIGA TION MAN..N!!! SIA' OIIIJ!!I.W GIIIAl/!l. TWOCJ!IIC~ ~-----l..l>KISCAPl!~AEIRIC SECTION VIEW -N I $ ® REMOTE CONTROL VALVE CL..E:AN COMPACTED -------~ BACKFIL-L C2lW~ TAPES PAVING, BY OTI-IS! SCI-I 80 FOR VE~LE 111 111 ~~6s!f~E ~ 40 LMlEI? F'E~~tiiz:~AV _::: 1111 111 111 MAINLlr-E SLEEVE SCI-I 80 UNDER ~a...E PAVING =I I 1=111= TAPE CONTROL WIRES TO MAN..I\E I • 6' • I 10 FE:E:T ON CE:NTE:1< DE~ AS 61-lOWN OR ON CONCl<ETI: SL.A!! FOR ON STRI.JCTL.RI!! INSTALLATION. SLEEVE:S Tl-l<OL.JGl.l WALLS BY OTI-El<S. -+ + + + . + + + + • + + + + -+ + + + • + + + + . + + + + ••• CD SLEEVE NST ALLATION ,,,-----1<1,tt1e1< Dl2AN CAP ~ ~ co. NO. 0704-05, 4' ------FNS-1 SRADE J.li!------=Fcif'£,_~ TCf' r Ea.OW FNS-1 GRADE i---tffiiofflll.-----SCl-l 80 i'FPI.E:. Lfl'Gll-1 AS l<EQLl28), 2 l<EQl.lH) l'=t;l-~IF-e+------VALCON V2" ANTI DllAN VPJ..~ -------NATIVE SCI. "t'-"...<!..LI"=,------PVC LA&PJ.. I.N: --------D12U. 11-QO...Gl-l PA!! "------V? PVC fil CS n ~+-------4' rlA. 36' LONG F'S11"a!A 'TBl PVC CQAN f'P! Fl.l iMTl-1 3/4' GRAVB. TO BOTTOM ()' 0-ECK Vl>J.. VE '-----------MM:N)E[) BACKFU. '-------------l100T BAU. OF 11<EE CD DEEP WATER BUBBLER STREl!:TSLRFACE~--~t ~OTA!U!: MA.NJ~------, CSEE IMP!:!OVEMENT DRAWNGSl 12' MNMLM !.!EGLRED VERTICAL Sl=PAr.!ATION l<ECL.AIM!!D WATER RRIGATION MAN..N!---i NOTE• ALL RECLAIIVeD WA TES:! RRIGA TION Pf'I\IG AND ~Vl!!S 51-lAl..L BE PLRF'LE MC Lt>BEl ED AS SPECIFED N 'STANDAr.!D SPECFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE: IRRIGATION SYST!!!t,,1$' 'CARLSBAD !.!ECLAMA TION lalLES AND REGlLA TIONS FOi.! CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAl'JS' OCTOEl6! 1993 (] POTABLE MAINLNE CROSSING NOffl l"NSI-IGllADE ~------i:!IP DeVICla = L5ll!Nl FOR SPB:f"ICATION ~----!RASS EIALI. VALVf!?. rtP>. r-----t---1-'l""'""I----IRASS ~ II.ell. 4" TYi". ~+---l!RA85 E!l.l.. 4 IZl!!OU2I!!) 1---IIACKflOW ~06l.RI! I" Ill I!: W ~--l"li!eSSlRE ~TOil Cli! W'1'1= STi:!A"8i! F SPECA=O, SE!E 13B..OW ..J,---l!RA5B LN0N. 2 ~ IRASS ~ l.8¥ilTl-l AS l<!!O, l..)j:J!Jn--PVC MAN.N! TO MP-81151 VALVI!! '----SCI-I 80 PVC l"l!MAI..I! AOAPTl5I '-----SCI-I 80 PVC r.FPI...E! 6' II.ell. '---------CONCReTE: SI.Ml,= !la.OW '------------PVC MAN.IE P' WY!! Em!-Oi:! l"lle!8.III!! llll!GU.A TOR ICl S i!Oi W. , .ST ALL ON ~ Tl-li! ~ONTAL PPf.G Oil ON TI-e OOWNST2AM L.eG AS SPACE Pi!RMTS. ~ l3U,B 8-IALl. EE rd'U..M A' '11-«::K, IS' 1/-.1:JE! ANJ EXTl!N) AT l.!!AST 1!1' PAST lME! BACXFI..OW u:&s.e. T PF'NG. P' BACXFI..OW =.061..R!!: iu G LU W N 1l-E i...EGE!'-o, 1l-E CONCr.1ETE! Sl.Afl SI-IALL Bl!' 1l-E SIZI!: ~ BY 1l-E MAN..P'AC11.lll!!i:!. NST ALL BACl<J"LOW cel/lCe' AS ~ CMW,D. ST ANJARD Ol.?AWNG NO. W-20. CCJi',N!CTON TO PVC MAN.1'E TO Bl!' MADI!' I.J5tG fEMAI.E ADAPTERS ANJ sa-1. l!IO IIF'P\..l!IL @ BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY ~---~ lillADI!' N TIJll" ~ ,------;;;;;---Pl.ASTC ~ VAL\11!! BOX WITI-I IIIOI. T ClOWN COVS!, use ST AN..E55 EIOL T NJT »D WA51-BII, I-EAT l!RANl '0CV' ONTO lD. ~ l"N!M!D GRACI! N &-RU!! /,Ri!AS lri.i!~ffll~ it----4----STAN..E!SS ST!!E!.. a.AMO !RICK Slf'l'Ol1TS ~--CU!A --AS8'9 '!') ~ J0NT Will-I ON= PECE ERASS II.FT i'R'I...I!! MOD, " hl>J912 'r---4..!ILJ--_,_-MAN.le. SI!!!; SF'l!CS i--------04 36' -STAl<:l!S. 2~ '--------~FAl!ll:IK: SECTION VIEW -NI$. 314• ~ 1 Cl.BC FT, NOT,!, (UO:: COlJ'l.51 f"ITTNGS ~ NOT TO Ille ~ Wl'l'I-I POTAIIU!: WATER FITTNGS. OI..ICK COI..A.l!R VAL\/e TO EE De5IQl',l!D TO EE L..SED Will-I~ WAT5!, use TER.ON TAPE ON ALL~ l'IT71IIGS TYPICAL @ QUICK COUPLER VALVE CLEAN COMPACTED---------, BACKFILL FNISI-El Gl<A,Dei----.... (2) WARI\IIJG TAPES {\/:?{\{{:}{}?:\}}} {::\:{: .:·.:}/·.\:.:-::.:-.:•::\•::-:·~·\.:•::.:,.\"·.:·)\'· ·:-:,.:,:;--..:,: LA Tl!!RAL L.J\e!';----....,..,..J±!.-,,,,,±!,jj;;;:t"• MAN...I\E Ai'O =ill=ill= ·-:,·-::\:):):(:\:·:)·•:,........,;:: T-'' ,-111_1 I I CONTROL WI~ =ffimffimill~ffi~Gfn~fnffimffi TAPE CONTROL WIRf!S TO MAII\I..N;; I .. 6' .. I JO F'EE:T ON CENTER DEl"TI-6 SI-OWN AJ:!e l"'OI< N GROL..NO NST ALLA TIONS. ON STRUCTLRI!! INST ALL P1P1NG AT DEPTH SHO\NN QI.! AT CONCRETE SLAB DEP11-t (8) PIPE INSTALLATION Pd!!T!R BOX WI MET6? -------, SIOEWALK-------~ Cl..REl-----==.....,_ __ .,___h,~--2_4_'==-i APPROXB 12' MNIMUM F'OT Al'!IL!: 515lVICE LN~-------1-I ~Alfv'ED WATER IRl<IGATION MAN..lf\l; WI 51..l!!e'V...✓ NOTE• VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12· MN...M1'A 1$ MANDATORY Wl-eN CROSSNG PA™ OF A POTABLE WATE:R LINE. l'JSTAl..LATION OF RECLAIMED WATER IR121GATION MAIN...N: 24' FROM FACE OF Sl~ALK WLL PROVIDE: T~ I\ECESSARY 10' I-IORIZONT AL CLEARANCE FROM POTABLE MAN.I'll= l'J Tl-f: STREET. (© POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING ~-----L.OW VQI..TA!ill!, ~-3 MAXM.M ~--OllTl!i:! CASI!, OF C0N'eCTOi:! STAP AJol) TWIST Wlllll!!l!I l"OIII PAO & C()NleCT10N CAM' CC. I & ...-NST/IJ..Ll!D WTTH ~ TOOL COIUCT~NSl'!UF-------------' N01B Fl.I. OIJTS CASI! iMTl-1 S!!H..51 FIIIIIOI! TO l"NAI. >!ll!l!IA Y. @ WIRE CONNECTION ~ NSTALL sPllN::LS eEAD f"I..LS.l Wffl-1 fNSl-f!O @Are N 11.RF AllEAS i-----l"OF'-LP G"IINCl.51-eAD. S'QAT CR l!OTOi:! 8l!E L.eGeKl !"a! Sf'l!:a'lCATION •----NIITALL -.:S l-l!AD 11%' A110V1!! f"NSl-l!D GRACI! N 5-A.J!I AN;) GQOLND COVl!RS AIZAS --'illill~mr -----LNJIS1Ui!l3ED 601. rn, 11~illr ~~d~~-""1 N.l:T AN;) W"T OJ1I.ET . LAY t.=n-1 TO !le 6' MNM.M SIZE AS PER~ OUTLET ~--SCI-I 40 PVC S 5 T TeE: F'ITlNa LATS!AL S'l1NC.i!R N..ET" $1Z1!! LATI:i:!AL i.N;. sa. S tJ..iiC,..,TIONB l"QI:! ~ Ar,() D!"l'Tl-l ~ NSTALL l!PIII\ICl..l!R l-l!AD8 6' f'llOM PAVNi i!DGII!! N Ql!OLN) COll!5! ~ NSTALL l3F'i:!NQ.!!i:! I-EADS A' RlOM PAVNS EDGI!: N 1U1F />REAS. NSTALL ~ 1-eADS R.lMI-AOJ.JST SPli'AYS Oil N02ZLE STl:!l!AM TO COll!5! I..A/'06CAPE: ACl!:A l'\ffi-OJT o=5PRAY ONTO PAVN0, f1311CES. WALLS 011 EII.I..DNQS-® POP-LP SPRINKLER 1-EAD ,------~ GQAOe! N TIJll" ~ ~--PL.AST1C =-rANGI..I.Ai:! VALVE IIOX WITI-I 110..T DOWN COV!5!, USE: ST AN..!SS EIOL T. N.JT, ANl WAG--15!. BOX TO llE: PL.ACED AT iaQ.IT ANGLE TO 1-lARDSCAP!! EDGE. 1-1:AT B;?AN;) 'BV' ONTO L.O. 9ALI. VALVf:. SEE L£GalO FOIi S c:cn::;,.., ,"ION -~ Gi:!AOI! N l9I-RUI -...S \..._--;;-l~~"'-t:!'-';--'C;> 1-Y--l"lffl59,. ~-r I.N!! ,.. DePll-1 AS Pi!i:! SF'l!CS ~--PVC MAU: AOAF'TBl ~--IRICK SI.PPOi:!TS '--------IR,ASS ll'«lN '-------IRASS l'Ff'I..I: '--------LAIIDSCAPEF♦-:l -'---.,.--.----314' =· 2 Cl.BC,.,._ N01'l!I -i;ppp YI .., NL Ir BOX TO Ille NSTALLl!D AS TO AJ.J..aN l"CJ. /IROI-!!11 Gl'!!i:!ATICN Of'~ V/IJ..vr!/. NST ALL AT -.IT AN9LE TO 1-1Ai:!DSCAPE i!DGE. NST ALL VAi.Vi!! Ol'l'-Cl!!NTl5! N IIIOX. NSTALL VAL\/e BOX exn:NGONS AS ia:a..ReD TO AO-EVE: f'IIO'B< vALVf!?. NSTALLA 110N AT MAN I.N: DePT\-1 48" @ BALL VALVE MOI.NT ~ AS~ MANJ"AC1Ul&S i<ECOIIIM:N)Al10N CONJ.!OL.LfR, SB= LEQE!IO f(,.,. & ECHCATION. WAU. MOl.N'l'e, fN:I.05I..Re FSECIED IO VOLT~ !LPPL Y N J-80)(, BY OTI-EllS iaa> !l..!!CNICAL CON1JT G"l TO ~AN ~ II" S CCI W, ON~-N ~ V2' CCNlllT LOW VOLTAQI!! 'Ma!! N laQ[) F'VC COilD.JT C3i PVC B.cCTl<ICAL fNtt!t!I' TO EXTallOQ a.LONS WALL l1-ROLGI J-BOX Bl.l.llNS R.OOII BY 011-l!RS NOTE: ROUTE WIRES AND SLEE'/£ THROUGH WALL AS PER LANDSCAPE ARCHITEcrs RECOMMENDATION. @ CONTROLLER l"NSheD GRADE t>J Tl.RI" ARE:AS ~--A...ASTIC l<'ECTANGU.AJ:! VALVE BOX WITH l!IOLT DO'M\I COVER. USE STAN..es5 BOLT. NJT. AIIO WA~. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGI-IT ANGLE TO I-IAl2DSCAPE EDGE. I-IEAT BRAND 'BS' ONTO LID. ASKET Sn.1A~. SEE LEGB\O FOR Sf"ECl"ICATION mill I 111 Ill= -l"'NSl-eD SRAD!!! t>J SI-QI..B AREAS PVC SCI-I 40 l"'eMAU!! AQAC>1""°' L PVC MAN...IIE TO MAST5! VAL VE, PIPE P6! SPECS. :t----19R!CK ~s ~-----!!<ASS UNON '--------Br.!ASS I\FPLE ITP. '---------LANDSCAPE FABRIC '----------314' ROCK. 2 o..BIC FT. '-----------------PVC MAN...I\E PROM P.O.C. NOTE• vcmN YIIW -NJ,1, USE 4!:> D1!G1a!!1!: l!I..LS TO ACI-EVE MAN...N!!: ~ FROM LP-STREAM SOE TI-E BASKET STRAI~ ASSE:""8... Y. GD BASKET STRAINER Q V [9 ~ .._ " " (9 SYMBOL T H 'V .,. [9 El ~ l""I ~ .... ... " e ~ e 0 e ~ F 'f EB ■ I.iii • • e '"' "" 'v IQ ISi NOT SHOWN 121 _,... ® • IO IEI IE] MANUFACT. TORO TORO TORO TORO TORO TORO TORO TORO TORO TORO TORO P.O.C. HAYWARD WILKINS GRISWOLD NIBCO NELSON RAIN BIRD w.c.s. W.C.S. N/A AS APPROVED RECLAIMED IRRIGATION MATERIAL MODEL NO. / DESCRIPTION 570-6P-COM-10-Q/T/H/5-PC POP-UP TURF HEAD WITH N.P. CAP 570-6P-COM-12-Q/T/H/F-PC POP-UP TURF HEAD WITH N.P. CAP 570-6P-COM-15-Q/T/H/F-PC POP-UP TURF HEAD WITH N.P. CAP 570-6P-COM-4-EST/SST-PC POP-UP TURF HEAD WITH N.P. CAP 570-12P-COM-5-Q/T/H-PC POP-UP SHRUB HEAD WITH N.P. CAP 570-12P-COM-10-Q/T/H/5-PC POP-UP SHRUB HEAD WITH N.P. CAP 570-12P-COM-12-Q/T/H/F-PC POP-UP SHRUB HEAD WITH N.P. CAP 570-12P-COM-15-Q/T/H/F-PC POP-UP SHRUB HEAD WITH N.P. CAP 570-12P-COM-4-EST/SST-PC POP-UP SHRUB HEAD WITH N.P. CAP LEGEND GPM .33, .44, .66, 1.33 .48, .64, .96, 1.92 . 75, 1.D, 1.5, 3.0 .43, .86 .09, .12, .1B .33, .44, .66, 1.33 .48, .64, .96, 1.92 .75, 1 .o. 1.5, 3.0 .43, .B6 570-6P-COM-SB-90-PC-.50 POP-UP STREAM BUBBLER HEAD WITH N.P. CAP .50 570-6P-COM-SB-90-PC-1.0 POP-UP STREAM BUBBLER HEAD WITH N.P. CAP 1.0(2.0) EACH SYMBOL REPRESENTS lWO BUBBLERS PER TREE PSI RADIUS 30 10 FT 30 12 FT 30 15 FT 30 4X15 4X30 30 5 FT 30 10 FT 30 12 FT 30 15 FT 30 4X15 4X30 30 3 FT 30 2 FT 1" RECLAIMED WATER MITER W/ A 1' SERVICE LINE, VERIFY LOCATION, SIZE AND STATIC WATER PRESSURE IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO STARTING WORK MODEL 72 SIMPLEX 11 /2" BRONZE / THREADED BASKET STAINER, IN VA1._VE BOX 500-HLR 11 /2" BRONZE PRESSURE REGULATOR, SET PER PRESSURE CALCULATION 2000E-11/2" "EPOXY FUSED" MASTER CONTROL VALVE T-580-70 BRONZE BALL VALVE, LINE SIZE , 2" MAX 7645 QUICK COUPLER VALVE, INSTALL INSIDE A 1 O" ROUND VALVE BOX QUICK COUPLERS INSTALLED MAXIMUM DISTANCE OF 100 FT ON CENTER FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE MAIN LINES PESB SERIES 1" PLASTIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE, SIZE AS SHOWN FT FT FT FT DETAIL A A A A A A A A A L L N/A J B C D E F ETIC-24 IRRIGATION CONTROLLER, SIZE AS SHOWN ( INSTALL WITHIN EQUIPMENT ROOM, PROVIDE CONDUIT TO EXTERIOR AS REQUIRED) G RG/RG-VR "RAINGUARD" RAIN SENSOR, MOUNTED ON EXTERIOR OF BUILDING PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL POWER, PROVIDED BY OTHERS, VERIFY ACTUAL LOCATION IN FIELD RECLAIMED WATER PVC PIPE 3/4" -3" CL. 200 AS LATERAL LINES 12" BELOW GRADE PIPING SHALL BE COLOR CODED PURPLE AND MARKED AS INDICATED IN RECLAIMED WATER NOTES, SEE SHEET T -1 G N/A H ----AS APPROVED RECLAIMED WATER PVC PIPE 11/2" SCH. 40 AS MAINLINES 24" BELOW GRADE, ALL PIPING SHALL BE H NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL NO SYMBOL COLOR CODED PURPLE AND MARKED AS INDICATED IN RECLAIMED WATER NOTES, SEE SHEET T-1 />S APPROVED RECLAIMED WATER PVC PIPE SCH. 80 AS SLEEVING UNDER VEHICULAR PAVING, TWICE THE DIAMETER OF PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLE CARRIED PLACE BELOW ALL PAVING, HARDSCAPE, ETC., AND AS DIRECTED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. PIPING SHALL BE COLOR MARKED />S INDICATED IN RECLAIMED WATER NOTES, SEE SHEET T-1 />S APPROVED RECLAIMED WATER PVC PIPE SCH. 40 AS SLEEVING UNDER PEDESTRIAN AND PRIVATE DRIVEWAY PAVING, TWICE THE DIAMETER OF PIPE I OR WIRE BUNDLE CARRIED. PLACE BELOW ALL PAVING, HARDSCAPE, ETC., AND AS DIRECTED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. PIPING SHALL BE COLOR CODED PURPLE AND MARKED AS INDICATED IN RECLAIMED WATER NOTES, SEE SHEET T -1 />S APPROVED IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE #14UF AWG DIRECT BURIAL (U.L. APPROVED) H,I RAIN BIRD ST -03 GREY "SNAP-TfTE" WIRE CONNECTORS AND PT-S5 SEALER />S APPROVED ALL VALVE BOXES SHALL BE PURPLE COLOR CODED AND MARKED AS INDICATED IN RECLAIMED WATER NOTES, SEE SHEET T-1 N/A AS APPROVED ALL VALVES SHALL HAVE RECLAIMED WATER ID TAGS INSTALLED AS INDICATED IN RECLAIMED WATER NOTES. SEE SHEET T-1 N/A AS APPROVED ALL CONTROLLERS SHALL HAVE RECLAIMED WATER PLACARDS INSTALLED AS INDICATED IN RECLAIMED WATER NOTES, SEE SHEET T-1 N/A '' AS ...-----'VALVE NUMBER 35 --<G.P.M. ..._ _____ _ 40 QTY. OF EMITTERS (IN DRIP ZONES ONLY) '------'-IALVE SIZE BU IL T'' Sweeney & Associates, Inc. lrrle•"lon D••lan • Oon•ulUn• l<EVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC I-IEAL TH ENGINEER. ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN F'IELD. &¼J§cip~ ARCHITECTS m 1a 2-4&-1211 FAX 714 248 1215 ' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT /9 RS CITY SLBMTTAL LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION DETAILS DATE RS B..OG. DEPT. Sl.BMTTAL CARLSBAD BY THE SEA RS CITY 5LB'.f1TAL "2 BUILDING THREE R.C-E. -----R.C.E. ----~ i:-.:=-==i-cRS=-t_,_PLMJ:::...:_:c.:O.a:Kc..==-cRE-=-=SLEIMTT=.:..:..:.:AL..:::.... _______ --+---l :=:::::===~:====:;.::============~ RS CITY SLBMTTAL IC APPROVED ~-/'. ,1 REVIEWED BY: DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D INSPECTOR DATE REVISIONS ~ Y-Z/7f -AS-S-IS_T_A-NT---, ....... N~N~IN-G~D-IR-E-CT_O_R---~ DATE DWN BY CHKD BY JR ---- FIEI.D BY PROJECT NO. RP 94-06 CMWD i:i94-C425 DRAWING NO. 347-2M ~ L4.I w z _j I 0 I I I I T-5 6 T-1 I-~~~===;::;i' ~L I 4 T-5 I I I I I TALL QOOT e1~~~ SF'ECFICATIONS, SOL SAMPLE 2 LOCATION T-4 -----:i:::;i, -----li CE1[><] 3 T-2 3 T-2 GRAND NOT!!< CONmACTOI.' OQALL WOl<K T-2 AVENUE ((,V' II II II l~ CJ CJ CJ NST ALL l.'OOT l!IA~ PER SPEOFICATIONS, TYP. DTevl. 2 T-1 r:l.O.W. // ..........____ I: / I '( :\ ......______ FOR PLANTING DETAILS AND NOTES - SEE ·S~EET L6.I (7) ! i -.---EXISTNG S, r:lCL, Tr:lEE (MAGNOLIAl, TYP. 0 \ ) ~ \ ) LU _,J :, 0 cc 0 < cc Vl ...J ~ ~ < \ u ) ~ \ ) PLANT LEGEND SYMBOL NO. BOTAI\ICAL / COMMON NAM= PALMS AND TREES • 0 @ 0 @ @) * E9 0 0 T -I WA&-N;TOI\IA l<OBUST A / MEXICAN FAN PALM T-2 ~CASTr:ll.JM r:lOMANZOFFIAI\I..JM QUEEN PALM T-3 PI--OENIX DACTYLIFB2A / DATE PALM T-4 CLPANIOPSIS ANACAr:lDIOIDES / ~OTWOOD T-5 ERIOBOTr:lY A DEFLEXA I BRONZE LOOUAT S-1 BO..JGAIWLLEA 'r:lOSEAl\l<A' / PROSTRATE BOUGAINVILLEA S-2 CA121SSA G12ANDIF'I...OQA 'BOXWOOD BEAUiY' I NATAL PLLM S-3 CLIVIA MII\IATA / KAFFl2 LILY S-4 ESCALLONA Fr:lADeSI 'Fl2ADES ESCAL.LONA' / ESCALLOI\IA S-5 M..JSA PARADISIACA / BANANA S-6 PI-IORMUA TENA)( 'ATROPI.RPLQEU\A' I !<ED R.AX S-7 PITTosPORLM TQBS:!A 'Tl.Ri'B2S DWAJ:!F' DWARF VAl.!IEGATED MOCK ORANGE S-8 $T12EL.ITZIA l.!EGNAE / 131.'D OF PARADISE G120L..NDCOVB!S ~ G-1 AIIN.JAL COLOQ w G-2 M'A TENS WALLERANA I 13USY UZZE [ZZl G-3 r:lOSMA121N.JS OFFICNALIS 'PROSTRATUS' I F't?OSTQA TE r:lOSEMARY [TI[]]] G-4 CAMPAI\U.A IS~LLA 'ALBA' I W~ITE ITALIAN BELL.Fi..OWB! ~ G-5 Tr:lACI-EI..OSPEr:lMUM JASMNOIDES / ST Ar:.! JASMl'E . D G-6 MARA Tl-ON ALT A FeSCLE Tl.RF Vl'IES • V-1 PASSFLOQA ALATOCAB!LLEA / PASSION VII\E V-2 PARTI-ENOCISSUS TRICUSPCATA / BOSTON IVY SIZE /SPACING 28' B.T.1-l. I0'-25' El.T .H. 15' B.T.H. 36" BOX ST ANDAr:lD TRLN< 36" 80)( ST ANDAr:lO TRLN< 5 GAL./ 3'-0" O.C. 5 GAL. I 'Z-6" 0.0. 5 GAL. I Z-0" 0.C. 5 GAL. I 3'-0" O.C. 5 GAL / PEl2 PLAN 5 GAL. / 'Z-6" O.C. 5 GAL. 1 z-o· o.c. 5 GAL./ 'Z-6' O.C. 4" POTS / 8" O.C. I GAL. I 18" 0.C. R.ATS / 2' O.C. 4· POTS/ IT O.C. I GAL. / 24' O.C. SOD 5 GAL. I PER PLAN I GAL. / PEl2 PLAN DET AL r:lEF. SHEET L4.I E D C A.B A. B A,B A,B A,B A,B A,B A,B A A. B A A A.B ~AN STAKE AGANSTWALL B LEAN STAKE AGANSTWALL DEl'.OTES SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION -RO ER TO ITEM W OF PLANTNG NOTES ON SH:ET L4.I (3 LOCATIONS TOT ALl 0 4 8 16 SCALE AND NORTH 24 m 714 :m-t211 FAX 714 248 9215 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. '' AS BU IL T'' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC ~EAL Tµ ENGINEER. ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. CITY OF CARLSBAD JI sHe:ntrs I PLANNING DEPARTMENT _ 19 ~ CITY SUMTTAL LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN DATE ~ aoG. DE¥r. SLBMTTAL CARLSBAD BY THE SEA RS CITY Sl.EMTTAL 112 BUILDING THREE R.C.E. -----R.C.E. ----i--------:--i----RS----t-PLAN __ Q.ECK __ l<E-_$1.131v1TT __ AL ________ -t-_---t ~===================: f---l-RS-+CITY--SL8\,fTT--AL-u_3-----------1-----i APPROVED ~~ REVIEWED BY; 1----i-----t----------------t-----t ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR INSPECTOR DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D DWN BY_-"=,---...,...,,,,,---f---'-'-'-..._ ____ __:""'-'~.;.:.;.;.----------'----'"--'----=----l CHKD IIY_J_r:l __ DATE REVISIONS FIELD BY PROJE:CT NO. RP 94-06 CMWD U94-C425 Y-Zl-ff DATE DRAWING NO. 347-2M L5.I 1--' LU LU ~ I- ti') o: , /I ...J' 'ff/ LU - LL. ~ < (.J 6 T-2 SOL SAWl"l.l': LOCATION I I I I I I I I I ~ \:i= 11 11 11 11 I\ (_ ~ 11 11 11 11 ~ D ---- ---- ---~ ---- = ----..,-;;:::::::::!.::J II II V I\ CTOl2 TO 08T R.O.W. ~T W012K WJT)..f,,j R.O. . Al<EAS p-----\J ----- ~)) II II II )) " V ={] (1 11 11 11 11 ~ NST ALL T IBARRl!R F"1::R SPE: ICA TIONS. TYF'. 5 2 T-2 ----:r::,7 ----u T-5 POOL < 7 T-2 2 T-3 T-1 =fl ' ' ' ' ' ' ■ I I I I >t ~ I _J □ [I 7 I I I ,....... L() ......, -. L() _j I-w w :I (f) w w U) w z -_j :I 0 I- <! L PLANT LEGEND SYIIIBOI. NO. BOTANICAL / COM'v10N NAM!: PALMS AND Tl<EES 0 • • 0 @ 0 @ @ ~ ffi 0 0 T--1 WA$h1NGTONA i:!OBJSTA I MEXICAN FAN PALM T-2 Al2ECASTQLM 120MANZOFFIAN...IM QLEENPALM T-3 PhOENX DACT'r1..1"!:12A / DATE PALM T-4 Cl.PAI\IOPSIS ANACAADIOOES / CAA"10TWOOD T-5 5?1080T.!Y A DEFLEXA / 8"10NZE LOQUAT S--1 BOUGAIIWIL.LeA 'flOSEAN<A' / PROSTRATE BOL.GANVLLEA S-2 CAQISSA GRANDF'LORA 'BOXWOOD BeAUTY' / NATAL PLUM S-3 a.MA MNIATA I KAF'FIR LL Y S-4 ESCALLOI\IA FRADESI 'f'RADES ESCALLONA' / ESCALLONA S-5 MUSA PA.!ADISIACA / BANANA S-6 ~RMILJM TENAX 'A~• / "1B:l FLAX S-7 PITTOSPOOJM TOBRA 11.RNS!S DWA.!P DWARF VAREGATE:0 MOCK ORANGE s-a STRB.JTZIA REGINAE / BRD OF PARADISE GROLNDCOl/62S ~ ~ [22J Eiiill ~ D VII\ES V G-1 MN.JAL COLOR G-2 M='ATIENS WALLEl2ANA I BUSYLIZZE G-3 ROSMARNJS OFFICNALJS 'PROST.!A TUS' / PROSTRATE QOSEMAQY G-4 CAMPA~A ISOPI-IYLLA 'ALBA'/ Wl-rTE fT ALIAN BELLFLOWEl2 G-5 r.!A0-6..0SPERMLM JASMNOIOES / ST AR JASMII\E G-6 MARAT~ AL TA FESCLE Tl.RF V-1 PASSFLOl2A ALATOCAERLLEA / PASSIONVJ\E V-2 PAQn-eNOCISSUS TRICUSPOATA / BOSTON IVY SIZE /SPACING 213' 8.T ~. I0'-25' B.TH 15' El T.1-l 36" BOX STANDARD TRLN< 36' BOX STANDARD TRLN< 5 GAL. / 3'-0" O.C. 5 GAL, / Z-6" O,C, 5 GAL./ Z-0" O.C. 5 GAL. I 3·-0· O.C. 5 GAL. / F'6! PLAN 5 GAL. / Z-6" O.C. 5 GAL. 1 z-o· o.c. 5 GAL. / Z-6" O.C. 4' POTS/ a• O.C. I GAL, I 18" O.C, l"'LA TS / Z O.C. 4" POTS / 12' O.C. I GAL. I 24" O.C. SOD 5 GAL, I F'6! PLAN I GAL. / F'6! PLAN DENOTES SOL SAMPLE LOCATION· QS CQ (0 ITEM 'H' OF PLANTNG NOTCS ON S1-EET L4.I <3 LOCATIONS TOT AL) FOR PLANTING NOTES AND DETAILS -SEE SHEET L6.I (7) DET AL i:lEF. SI-EET L4.I E E E D C A,B A, B A. B A,8 A,8 A,8 A,8 A. B A A. B A A A, 8 B LEAN STAKE AGANST WALL ~AN STAKE AGANST WALL m 714 2-18-1211 FAX 714 2-18 1215 I O 4 8 16 24 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE SCALE AND NORTH LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS • ' r:==::===========;'1 l~--~~----------+-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!ll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t '' AS 8 U I LT'' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER. I SH6EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~I ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLANNING DEPARTMENT l____!_J I IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. N:>19 RS CITY SLBMTT AL DATE i:IS a.oG. DEPT. SLBMTTAL i:15 CITY SLBVITT AL 112 I R.C.E. _____ R.C.E. ~ Pl.AN GECK RE-Sl.81dTTAL RS CITY SLBMTT AL 113 REVIEWE:O 8Y; I DATE SY DESCRIPTION ■ INSPECTOR DATE REVISIONS APP'D LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN CARLSBAD BY THE SEA BUILDING THREE APPROVED DWN BY_"=-'"-- CHKD 9y_J_l2 __ FIELD BY PROJECT NO. RP 94-06 CMWD tt94-C425 R=21-zr DATE DRAWING NO. 347-2M L5.2 PLANTING NOTES A. kB & TO PLANTlNG SF'eal"ICATION5 ANO D!!TALS l"'ot:/ SOL ~MATION, FERTILIZATION, Ml.LC~NG Ai',O OTI-B! PLANTING NFOQMATION. B. NOTIFY THE o~s ALJTI-IOQIZED l.!f3-ll.!2™ATIVE 48 I-IOI.RS Pl.!IOI.! TO COM/vENCEMENT OF WORK TO COORDNA TE PRO...ECT NSPECTION SCheDL.l.!:S. C. VB!FY ALL EXlSTNG CONDITIONS, OMENSIONS Ai',O a.EV A TIONS BEFOi<e Pf<OCEEDNG WITH THE WOl.!K. NOTFY LANDSCAPE Ai:2CHITECT IMVEDIA TEL Y $HOLLO FELD CONDITK:lNS VARY FROM THOSE: SHOWN ON PLAN. D. 1:/EPORT DISCRB='ANCES N THE DRAWINGS OR BETWE:EN THE DRAWNGS AIIO ACTUAL FB..D CO!\OITIONS TO n-E LAl',OSCAPE MCHTECT. CORl.!ECTED Di:?AWNGS or.: NSTRUCTION SHALL BE ISSLED PRIOR TO THE CONTNJATION C, Te-IS WORK. ASSUME FU..L RESPONSIBILITY FOl2 ALL N':CESSARY Cor.:RECTIONS OLE TO FAILLRE TO REPORT KNOWN DISCREPANCES. !e, LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTUTES WI-En-EQ SI-OWN ~N OQ NOT ANO PQOTECT THEM FROM DAMAGE. NOTFY THE OWN32'S l<EF'RESENT ATIVE IMMEOIA TEL Y ANO ASSLll'JE FU.I.. REsPONSBLITY FOi.! EXPENSE OF l.!EPAII.! OR REPI...ACEll,ENT N CONJUNCTION WITH DAMAGED UTIL.ITES. F. LOCATION OF N.LC. CONSTl<UCTION 6.~5 ~ AS ~TS. Sl(;NS, WNTS. HYDRANTS, TRANSF00v151S, ETC. AJ:!E APPROXINIATE. NOTIFY THE LAN:>SCAPE ARCHTECT MMEDIATa Y S-OLLO THE LOCATION OF THESE ITEMS INTERF ERE: WITH THE Pf<OPER EXECUTION OF WORK. G. OBT AN ALL SOL FOR LANDSCAPE PI...ANTNG ~ Ol2 l!:'IE52MS ~OM ON-srre EXCAVATIONS. SHOLLD IMPORT SOL. Be I\ECeSSARY, SLBMIT IMPOl2T SOL TE:STNG RESU. TS FOR APPROVAL. PRIOR TO IMPORTATION. SOL SHALL BE SANDY LOAM CONT AN\IG NO TOXIC CHEMICALS OR ELEMENTS WHIG! MAY I\MEIIT OR RETARD NORMAL PLANT GROWTH. H. AFTER l20UGH GRADES HAVE BeEN ESTABl...151-eD N PLANTI\G ARE~. HAY!! SOL SAMPLES TAKEN AT THE LOCATIONS NDICA TEO BY DESIGNATION ~ HA VE SAMPLES TESTED BY SOL AND PLANT LAB, (714) 558-8333, FOi.! SOL ~ILITY, AGRICU...TlRAL SUTABLITY TEST AND SOL ~PARATIOO RECOMMENDATIONS. TAKE TWO SAflAPLES AT EACH L.OCA TIONi CO GROLND LEVEL TO IO' DEEP, (2) 24" TO 36" DEEP. EACH SAMPLE SHALL CONTAIN APPROXIMATELY I QUART OF SOL TO BE LABELED PER LOCATION AND DEPTH. INST ALL. SOL PRB"ARA TION Al'IO BACK FU.. MIX TO COI\FORM TO Tl-ESE RECOMMB\JDA TIONS ON.. Y LPON RECEPT OF WRITTEN CHANGE ORDER FROM THE OWNER, SL.EMIT SOIL REPORT TO LANDSCAPE Al<CHITECT PRIOi:? TO PI...ANTNG. CITY NSPECTOR MUST APPROVE SOIL TEST RECOMM3'-JDATIONS Pl.!IOR TO DELIVERY OF SOL AMENDMENTS TO SITE, I, KLL Ai',O i:?EMOVE ALL EXISTNG WEEDS FQOM SITE AREAS PER SPECFICA TIONS. J, ASSLJ;!E POSITIVE 01.!ANAGE NALL PLANTING AREAS, 2S l'v1N'-,ILl\1, K. LOCATE ANO TAG ALL PLANT MA TB!IAL MA TEl.!IAL 51-lALL BE N CON'"Ql,!MANCE WITH PLANTNG PLAN D!:'SCl.!IPTIONS Ai',O SPECF'ICATIONS. ALL PLANT MATEl.!IAL. IS SUB..ECT TO r.:EVEW Al'IO APPl.!OVAL PRIOR TO NSTALLATION. Pl<OVIDE:: PHOTOS OF REPl<ESENT ATIVE EXAMPLES OF EACH TAGGED BLOCK TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MNM..IM 21 DAYS BEFOr.:E ANTICIPATED DELIVE:k'Y. PI-OTOS S~ALL NOLL.DE A PEl<SON F'OR SCALE F'Ur.:POSES. LANDSCAPE ARCHTECT MAY OPT TO l.!E\/EW MATERIAL AT Gr.:OWING N.RSERY. MA TB2tAL DalVEr.:ED TO TI-E SITE MAY SE !<EJECTED BJI.SE:O ON UN-EAL T~ APPEARANCE OR NON-COl'FORMANCE WITH SPECFICATIONS EVEN F PREVIOUSLY REVEWED BY THE LMDSCAPE ARCHTECT OR THE OWN5i!. L. ALL Tr.:EES WITH\J A SPECl!:'S 51-lALL 1-lA VE MA TCl-l'JG FOl.!M. M. Fl'IJAL LOCATION OF ALL PLANT MA T"eRIALS SHALL BE SLE..ECT TO TI-E APPROVAL OF' THE OWNEl.!'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. N. PLANTNG QUAN 111 ES ARE GIVEN FOR CONVENENCE ONLY. PLANT SY~S ANO SPECIFIED SPACNG SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE. 0. AT EDGES OF PLANTNG AREAS, THE CENTER LNE 01" TI-E LAST rlOW OF $1-11.!1..eS AND/OR Gl.!OUND COVER SHALL BE LOCATED NO FARTHER F'ROM THE EDGE THAN ONE~ALF Tl-E SPECIF-ED ON CENTER $PACING, P. INSTALL GROUND COVER AND/OR 51--1a.13 MASSES WITH TRIANGU..AR 5PACNG l..N..ESS 01l-ERWISE NDICA TED. Q, ALL CLRVE TO CLJ:!VE AND CLJ:!VE TO TANGENT Lf\£8 5I-IALL ~ I\EAT, TRltvl, SMOOTH AND L.NFORM. R. RIEMOVE ALL IIJ...J2$ERY 5TAKl!!'5 Ai',O !$PALll52 RACKS IMMl!!DIATl!I...Y Af"Tf!I.! NST ALLA TION UPOO PROVIDING Sl.F'PORT PEi:1 PLAN. S. Dl.11.!NG THE LENGTH OF THE GUAlc'ANTEE PEr.:100, BE ~ FOi.! PROPER ST AKNG AND/CY.< GUYI\G OF TRE:E:S TO ENSUi:?E ST ABLITY. T, MU..CH ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS CEXCLUDNG Tl.RF) 1-lAVNG LESS THAN A !al SLOPE WITH A 3' DEEP LA YER OF 'MEOUM Gl,!fl.JD MU.CH' SLPPLIEO BY BLUE l<IBBON N.RSERY, C714l 633-3666 AT THE CONCLUSION OF PLANTING OPERATIONS. SLBMIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR F'Oi:? APPOOVAL PRIOR TO !!U.K DELIVERY TO S1TE. U Al'NJAL COLOR TO BE $1!9.J;CTeQ BY LANDSCAPE: Al2Cl-n'eCT AT TM!: 01" INSTALLATION. REOLEST RECOMMENJA TION A MINM..JM OF 48 HO..RS l'\J ADVANCE OF NEED FOR DELIVERY. EROSION CONTROL NOTES SLOPES l.!EOLRING &OSION CONTROL MeASllc!!S AS ~ ..C..:LI~ SHALL !!I!: TQEA TED WITH 01\E OR MOl.!E OF THE l"'OU.OWING ST ANDAl.!DS• A. STANDARD Ill -C0\1!92 Cl<OP ..1JT!: Ml!:91-1 COVEi.! Ci:?OP SHALL BE A SEED MIX TYPICALLY MADE LF' OF l"'AST CO~ Gl.!ASSE:S, CLOVE:k'S, ANO/OR WLD F'LOWERS, SLBMIT SPECF1C SEED MIX FOR CITY APPl.!OVAL Pl.!IOR TO APPI...ICA TION. THE COVEi< Ck'OP SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RA TE AND MANNER SlFFICIENT TO Pf<OVIDE 90% COVERAGE WITHN 30 DAYS. TYPE OF ...uTE M93H 51-lALL. BE APPl.!OVED BY Tl-I!: CITY ANO ST AKEO TO Tl-I!: aOPE AS r.:ECOMMEI\OED BY THE MAN..FACTLRS;i. JJTE MESH SHALL BE 12E'QI.Jlr.:ED WHEN PLANTING OCCLRS BIETWE::8'J AUGUST 15TH AND APl<L 15TH. DURING Tl,,,'f: r.:EMANOER OF THE YEAI.!, Tl,,,'f: COVER CROP AND/OR JUTE MESI-I SHALL BE USED. E!I. STANDARD 2 -GROUNDCOVS/ IOOS OF Al2EA TO BE PLANTED WITH A Ql.!Ol..M COVS/ KNOWN TO HAVE EXCELLENT SOIL BNDING CHAl<ACTERISTICS (PLANTED FROM A IVN'vUvl SIZE OF R.ATTED MATERIAL AND SPACED TO PROVOE F'U.L COVERAGE WITHN {I) YEAR). ALL SLoPES 3•1 OR 61LEFES/ AND 4' OR Gl.!EATE!I.! IN~ r.:EQUll.!e STANDARDS I ANO 2. COVER SEED CROP CO~ITON TO Bl!!!• DESCl.!IPTION ESCHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNCA 1 .. 1..PN.JS SLJCCU...ENTl.JS O'CONNOR'S l..EGiJvE F'lBER MULCH 16-16-16 FEi:?TLIZER ST ABLIZING BNDER 2 2 20 2000 400 120 E I : ., . w 0 8 b ' (U PALM PLANTING Le(Zf\[) U!Ql!N:) I. FRONDS TO BE TIE:D AND PROTECTED DURING SHIPMENT. UNTIE FRONDS AFTER 30 DAYS. OR AS DIRECTED BY PALM TREE EXPERT OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 2, TRUNK HEIGHT, MEASUl<ED F'l<OM ORIGINAL Gl<ADE LEVEL AT BASE Of TRUNK TO TERMINAL BUD AT BASE OF FRONDS. TRUNK TO BE CLEAN. STRAIGHT AND F'REE OF SCARS OR ROT, SET TRUNK PLUMB VERTICAL 3. PLANT BASE OF Tl,!EE AT OR SLIGl-ffL 'r ABOVE FINISH GRADE. DO NOT BUR, ANY PART Of TRUNK 4. FINISH GRADE 5, ROOTBALL• TO BE PROTECTED DUl.!ING SHIPMENT MINIIVUM 3'-6'X 3'-6'X 4' DEEP. 6. 6" MINIMUM 7, WASµED COARSE CONCRETE SAND BACKFILL. DO NOT USE EARTH OR OTHER TYPES OF SAND. 8. CONCRETE CURB PER CIVIL ENGINEER'S DRAWINGS 9, 2' THICK DECOMPOSED GRANITE MULCH IO, 6" DIA. BLACK PVC SLIP CAP. TOP 3' MAX. D. SOLID 6" PVC PIPE 12. Tl<EVIRA 11Sll27 ON BOTTOM AND SIDES (UP 6" WITµ PEGS) 13. 12" DIA. X 8" DEEP AUGURED HOLE FILLED WITµ 3/4' CRUSe-ED GRAVEL 14, 6" DIA. X 8' PERFORATED PVC PIPE -CENTE:R IN HOLE 15. END CAP 16, 4' PERFORATED PVC ORAINLINI": (CENTERED UNDER PALM BALLl NOTE, SEE PALM TREE PLANTING AND MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS ' ,-,, , .... ,tt-------{4 _.. ". 5 '•• , __ _, L 1/2" PVC Dl2AINA~ N9F'l!!CTION TL.1!!11!!: 2. 2" MJ..CH LA YEI< PER SPECFICA TIONS 3. 'MPS SLBRRIGATION SYSTEM' FU Tl.Bl!:, CUSTOM Ll!NGTH AS ~ 4, EXTERIOR CAPILLARY PLANTER SOL BY BANDN (213)263-7391 5, PLANT CONTAII\ER, MODEL. 11 AS LISTED BEL.OW, MANLFACTLJ:!E!D BY MAGNALITE, (800) 356-2462, COLOR/F'INIS~ NS42. 6, "MPS SLSli:?r.ltGA TION SYSTEM', MODa 11M-IOL. T (l0-LITER TANK), WRAF'PeD WITH SOL SEPAl.!ATOI.! FABRIC 7. SUBSLRFACE DRANAGE MATTING BY ENKA C714l667-7713 6. DRAINAGE HOLE TO BE FILLED WITH SILICON: CALLK NOTE A. "MPS ~ATION SYSTEM' AVALAl!L!!: !"'ROM PR!MeSCApe PRODLCTS, C800l 872-4261, EXT. 127 CONTAINER PLANTING SCI-EDULE CONDITION COOTAN:R PLANTING SCl-elv'E QUANITITY A MODEL IIFC2412 Cll LIRtOPE M..JSCARI / 131G E!ILU!: LILY 4 TOTAL I-EIGHT• 12' TURF, CENTERED N POT OUTSIDE cf> 24' Cll 4' POTS OF AI\N.JAL COLOI.! SPAC!!!O NSIDE ¢• 16" EVENLY AROUND PERIMETER !!I MODa IIFC:3618 CO 15-GAL. EIRUIFB..SIA P. 'FLORetJ\OA' / 2 TOTAL >-13GHT• 18" YESTERDAY-TODA Y-ANO-TOM0121.!0W, OUTSIDE cf> 36" CE'NTE::l<ED N POT NSIDE ¢• 27 05) 4' POTS OF HEDl5!A ~IX 'V ARIEGA TA' / W>-ITE V AREGA TeO E!NGLISH IVY, SPACED EVENLY Al.!OLND PERIMETEI.! C MODa. -,.C~4 Ql 15-GAL, PHOE:NX r.:oe::ea..N / PGMY 5 TOTAL 1-EIGl-ff• 24' DA TE PALM, CENTEl.!ED N POT OUTSIDE <I> 36' C9l I GAL. GEl<ANUM INCANUM. SPAGeD INSIDE ¢, 'Z7" EVE:N... Y Al<OLN) PERtMETEI.! CONTAINER PLANTINGS D i~ :a t:. 2 ~l 4 !i i '" ~ -11 1:s ~ ~ Tiffi t <'l 11-MIil II= --111 I~= I 8 ,x OIA, CO' aQOT!IAU.. PLAN VIEW LEGEND L 24' CORDED TIE. SEE SPECIFICATIONS. ATTACH WITH R00FNG NAILS <4 TYP.l. 2. 2" DIA. X IO' LODGE POLE PNE ST AKE (2 TYP.l KEEP CLEAi.! OF ROOTBALL SEE sPECFICATIONS 3, WATER BASIN. 3' tv',11,J, DEPT~ AFTER WA TEl.!NG BY HOSE. r.:EMOVE BASIN N LAWN AREAS ANO AS DRECTED BY LANDSCAPE Ai:?CHTECT. 4. Fl1'151-eD GRADE, 5. AMENDED BACKFILL, SEE SPECFICATIONS FOR MIX AND PIT SIZE. 6. 21 GRAM PLANT TAELET, SEE SPECFICA TIONS. 7. EXISTNG SOL. 8, SCAl.!IF'Y SIDES AND BOTTOM OF PLANTING PIT 9. ARBOR-GARD TRI..N( Pl<OTECTOR FOR USE IN TI.RF Al2EAS IO, SE:T TOP OF ROOTBALL 3' ABOVI: SLRROL..Kll'JG Gr.:ADE ANO SLOPE F'OI.! DRAINAGE. II. INST ALL IILB24-2 ROOT BARRIER PER PLAN AS MGF'D BY DEEP ROOT COl.!P. (714) 898-0563. NOTE• NOI\E RE□Ll<EO. NOTE• MAINT AN TlRF 3" CLEAR F'l.!OM TREE TRtJNK. A NOTES A. ALL S-Ql.BS/GROLNO COVERS SHALL BE Pl.ANTED AT EQUAL SPACNG CTRIANGU.ARl LN..ESS O'fl.ERWISE NDICATED ON PLANS. SEE LEGEND FOR SPACNG RE:OUREM:NTS, SHRUB / GROUND COVER SPACING TREE PLANTING/STAKING -15 G./24" B. LEGBIO L SPECMEN TREE, 36 ' BOX OR LAl.!GEl:1 2. BLACK PVC HOSE: WITl:J 1/8' Bl.!AlDED GALVA"'2EO STEEL GUY CABLE, USE: GAL V ANZE:D CABLE CLAMPS AND T\..Rl'BJCKLE. MINMI.M 3 GUYS PER TREE, Pf<OVIDE ADDITIONAL GUYS IF REQUIRE OLE TO SITE CONDITIONS 3. FN5H G.!ADE. CROWN OF TREE M.JST NOT BE PLANTED 138..0W THIS LEVB.. 4, WATER BASN -MNM..M 4" DEPTH, MU..CH TO 2' DEPTH ANO DEEP WATEIR TREE IMMEDIATELY LPON PLANTING. REMOVE BASN AT END OF MAMENANCE PB210D ~. TREE ROOTBALL -lv'UST NOT BE ROOT BOLN:i. LOOSEN ANY TIGHT PACKED ROOTS 6. AMENDE:0 BACKFILL MIX -SEE SPECIF'ICATIONS. TAMP AND SETTLE BACKFL..L EEFORE PLANThG 50 THAT TREE DOES NOT SINK AF'T'B< PLANTNG 7, FERTILIZE:12 TAEI...ETS -SEE SPECFICATIONS 8, EXISTNG SOIL 9. MODE:I. 68 DUCKBLL EAl<'fl.. ANCHOR WiTl-11/8' 81.!AIDED GALVANIZED STEEL CABLE IO, 1/2" DIA. X 2'-0' LONG WHTE PVC WARNNG DEVICE -TO BE NST ALLEO N PLB...IC AREAS l ROOTBALL DEPTH PLUS 18'. F BEDROCK IS ENCOLNTE:RED, NOTIFY OWI\El.!'S l<EP. 12. 1WICE i:?OOTBALL WIDTH 13. ARBOl.!-GARD Tl.!U\K Pl<OTECTOR FOi< USE N TLll.!F Al2E'AS 14. NST ALL. 11LJB24-2 1.!00T 9Al.!lo?IER PER PLAN AS MGF''D BY DEEP ROOT COl.!P. (714) 898-0563. TREE PLANTING / GUYING -36" BOX + ~ C, IOOOT!! ...,.,. •. 11 1 I ~~~-;;;7777:,z ffi=li I= I 1=1 i 1=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 I 1=1 I I- L 2XaoolWIU.. l ., WDTLI ., LEGEND I. ON: Tf-QOUGH FIFTEEN GALLON CONTAN5! SIZE PLANT 2 WA TEI.! BASN-MIN. 4' DEPT~. 1.!EMOVE BASN AF'TEI.! MANTENANCE PB?IOD 3, FINISHED GRADE, 4. AMENDED BACKFU. MIX-SEE SPECIF'ICATIONS. TAll,f> OR WATER SE:TTL.E SO PLANT DO!:'S NOT Sl!'IK AFTER PLANTNG 5, FERTLIZ1NG TABLETS. SEE SPECFICA TIONS 6. ROOTBALL OF PLANT-MUST NOT BE ROOTBOLNO. LOOSE:N ANY TIGHT-PACKED ROOTS 7. EXISTNG SOIL 8, "Ci:?OWN' OF PLANT MUST NOT BE a.RED BELOW LEVB.. OF SURROUl'IONG SOIL SHRUB PLANTING M&c1P~ ARCHITECTS l m 714 248-9211 ~ FAX 714 248 1215 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE '' AS 8 U IL T'' DATE REVISIONS IIIIUST BE APPROVED BY PLELIC HEAL TH ENGINEEI,!, ASST. PLANNNG DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT RS CITYSI.BMTTAL LANDSCAPE PLANTING DETAILS RS B.DG. DEPT. Sl.BMTTAL CARLSBAD BY THE SEA RS CITY ruMTTAL 112 BUILD/NC THREE R.C.E. -----R.C.E. -----1---+RS--I_PLAN_~CI-ECK~~l<E-~SUMTT __ AL ________ --t---! ~:::::::::::::=::::::::::::==================: RS CITY SU3MTTAL ~3 APPROVED ~ REVIEWED SY, INSPECTOR DATE ~ 9".?/-7f- l---+--+-----------------+----I 7AS~s""1s=r~A~NT=--cP~LA~N .... N~IN=G=--=0=1R=E=c=To""'R~---DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP1D REVISIONS OWN BY_..c,,;:;___ CHKD BY_J_R __ FIELD BY PROJECT NO. RP 94-06 CMWD u94-C425 DRAWING NO. 347-2M L6.I SECTION 02811 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL BE FAMILIAR WITH CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRIcrs IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS AND IN CASES OF CONFLICT BETWEEN 11-lESE SPECIFICATIONS AND CMWD'S SPECIFICATIONS, CMWD'S SPECIFICATIONS WILL TAKE PRECEDENCE. PART I -GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. It Is the intent of the ,paciflcotlons and drawing■ that the flnlshad s)llltem 11 complete In evary raspect and shall be ready for operation satisfactory to the Owner. B. The work shall Include all materials, lobar, services, transportation, and equipment necessary to perform the work as Indicated on the drawings, in these specification, ond as necessory to complete the contract. 1 .02 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS A. Due to the scale of the drawings, It is not possible to indicate all offset,, fittings, sleevas, etc. which may be required. The Contractor shall corefully invastlgate the structural and finished condlllons affecting all of his work and plan his work accordingly, furnishing such fittings, etc. os may be required to meet such conditions. Drawings ara generally diagrammatic and Indicative of the work to be installed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid conflicts between Irrigation systems, planting, and architectural features. B. All work called tar· an the drawing■ by notes or details shall be furnished and installed whether or not specifically mentioned In the specifications. When an item is shown on the plans but not shown on the specifications or vice versa, It shall be deemed to be as shown on both. The Landscape Architect shall have final authority for clorlficotlon. C. The Contractor shall not willfully Install the Irrigation S)llltem as shown on the drawings when It Is obvious In the fleld that obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies in area dimensions exist that might not have been considered In engineering. Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the Landscape 'Architect os soon as detected. In the event this notification I■ not performed, the Irrigation Contractor shall assume full responslblllty for any revision necessary. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide at least one engliah speaking person who shall be pr.,..nt at oll time• during execution of this portion of the work and who shall be thoroughly familiar with the type of materials being Installed and the manufacturer's recommended methods of installation and who shall direct all work performed under this section. B. Manufacturer's directions and detailed drawings shall be followed In all coses where the manufacturer of articlss used in this contract furnish directions covering points nat shown In the drawings and specifications. C. All local, municipal and state laws, rule• and regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby Incorporated Into ond made a port of these specifications, and their provisions shall be carried out by the Contractor. Anything contained In these specifications shall not be construed to conflict with any of the above rules ®d regulations of the same. However, when thesl specifications and drawings coll for or describe materials, workmanship, or construction of a better quality, higher standard, or larger size than Is required by the above rules and regulations, the provisions of these specifications and drawings shall taks precedence. D. All m<lterlals supplied far this project shall be new and free from any defects. All defective .materials shall be replaced Immediately at no additional cost to Owner. E. The Contractor shall secure the required licenses and permits Including payments of charges and fees, give required notices to public outhorltle1, verify permits secured or arrangements made by others affecting the work of this section. 1.04 SUBMITTAL$ A. Materials List: 1. After award of contract ond before any Irrigation system material• ore delivared to the job site, submit to the Owner a complete 11st of all Irrigation systems, materials, or processes proposed to be furnished and in,1tolled as port of this contract. 2. Show manufacturer's name and catalog number for eoch item, furnish complete catalog cuts and technical data, furnish the manufocturer's recommendations as to the method of lnetollatlon. 3. No substitutions will be allowed without review and approval by the City and prior written accept<lnce by the Landscape Architect or Owner's authorized representative. 4. Manufacturer's warranties shall not relleva the Contractor of his liablllty under the guarantee. Such warranties shall only supplement the guarantee. B. Substitutions: If the Irrigation Contractor wish•• to substitute any equipment or material ■ for those equipment or materials listed on the Irrigation drawings and specificotlon1 he may do so by rrovldlng the following Information ta the City and the Landscape Architect or Owners authorized reprssentotlve for approval. 1. Provide a written statement Indicating the reason for making the substitution. 2. Provide catalog cut sheats, technical data, and performance lnforrnatlon for each substitute item. 3. Provide In writing the difference In Installed price If the Item Is accepted. 1.05 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. The Contractor shall varlfy and be familiar with the locations, size and detail of points of connection provided as the source of woter, electrical supply, and telephone line connection to tha Irrigation system. B. Irrigation design Is based on the available ,tatlc water pressure shown on the drawings. Contractor shall verify static water on the project prior to the start of construction. Should a discrepancy exist, notify the Londscope Architect and Owner's authorized representative prior to beginning construction. C. Prior to cutting Into the soil, the Contractor shall locate all coble■, conduits, sewer septic tonks, and other utilities as Qre commonly encountered underground and he shall take proper precautions not to damage or disturb such improvements. If a conflict exists between the such obstacles and the proposed work, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Landscape Architect and Owner who will arrange for relocotlons. The Contractor will proceed in the some manner if a rock layer or any other such conditions ore encountered. D. The Contr11ctor shall protect all existing utllltl1111 and features to remain on and adjacent to the project site durln'il construction. Contractor shall repair, at his own cost, all damage resulting from his <lperatlons or negligence. E. The Irrigation Contractor shall coordinate with the General Contractor for lnstollotlan of required sleeving as shown on the plans. 1.06 INSPECTIONS A. The Contractor •hall permit the Land1cap1 Architect and Owner's outhorlzed represantotlva to visit and Inspect at all times any port of the work and shall provide safe occess for such visits. In addition, the City Inspector will ask for a preconstruction meeting and periodic Inspections. B. Where the spaclfications require work to be teated by the Contractor, It shall not be covered over until accepted by the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and/or govarnlng agencies. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for notifying the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies, a minimum of 48 hours in advance, where and when the work Is re<ldy for testing. Should any work be covered without testing or acceptance, It shall be, If so ordered, uncovered ot the Contractor's expense. C. Inspection■ will be required for the following at a minimum: 1. Sleeving 2. System layout 3, Pressure test of Irrigation main line (Four hours at 125 PSI or 120" of static w11ter pressure, which ever Is greater). 4. Coverage test of Irrigation system. 5. Final Inspection prior to start of maintenance period 6. Final acceptance D. Sit■ observations and testing will not commence without the record drawing■ a■ prepared by the Irrigation Contractor. Record drawings must complete and up to dot11 for each site visit. E. Work which falls testing and I■ not accepted will be retested. Hourly rotes and expenses of the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing agencies for relnspection or retesting will be paid by the lrrlgotlon Contractor at no addition11I expense to Owner. 1.07 STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Use all means necessary to protect Irrigation ■)llltem materials befora, during, and aft■r installation and ta protect the Installation work and materials of all other trodes. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the acceptance of the Landscape Architect and Owner ond at no oddltlonal cost to the Owner. B. Exercise care In handling, loading, unloading, and storing plastic pipe and fitting ■ under cover until ready to install. Transport plastic pipe only an a vehicle with a bed long enough to 1;1llow the pipe to lay flat to avoid undue bending and concentrated external lo<ld. 1.0fl CLEANUP ANO DISPOSAL A. Dispose of waste, tra■h, and debrl■ In accordance with applicable laW9 and ordinance, ond as prescribed by authorities having jurisdiction. Bury no such waste materl11I and debris on the site. Burning of trash and debris will not be perrnitted. The Contractor shall remova and dispose of rubbish and debris generated by his work and workmen <lt frequent Intervals or when ordered to do so by the Owner's authorized representative. B. At the time of completion the entire site will be cleared of tool•. equipment, rubbish ond debris which shall be disposed of off-site In Q legal disposal area. 1.09 TURNOVER ITEMS A. Record Drawing,: 1. Record accurately on one set of contract drowlnga all chongn in the work constituting dep<lrtures from the original contract drawings. 2. The changes and dimensions shall be recorded In a legible and workmonllke manner to the satisfaction of the owner. Prior ta final inspection of work, submit record drawings to the Landscape ArchltBct or OwnBr's authorized representative. 3. Dimensions from/to permanent points of reference such as buildings, sidewalks, curbs, etc. shall be shown. D<lto on record drawings shall be recorded on a day to day basis os the project ls being Installed. All lettering an drawings shall be minimum 1 /8 Inch In size. 4. Show locations and depths of the following items: a. Point of connection (Including water meters, bockflow prevanter,, master control valvee, etc.) b. Routing of sprinkler pressure lines (dlmen1lons shown at o maximum of 100 feet along routing), Including sleeves for pipe and wire. c. Boll valves d. Autom<ltic remote control valva• •· Quick coupling valves f. Routing of control wires g. Irrigation controllers h. Related equipment (as m11y be directed) 5. Maintain record drawings on slta ot all times. Upon completion of work, transfer all as-built information and dimensions to reproducible sepia prints. B. Controller Ch<lrts: 1. Record drawings must be approved by Landscape Architect and/or Owner's authorized representative before charts are prepared. 2. Provide one controller chart for each automatic controller. Chart shall show the area covered by the particular controller. 3. The chart is to be a reduced copy of the actual "record" drawing. In the event the controller sequence ls not legible when the drawing Is reduced, It shall be enlarged to a readable size. 4. When completed and approved, the ch11rt shall be hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being o minimum 20 mil• In thickness. C. Operation and Maintenance Manuals: 1. Two individually bound copies of operation and maintenance manual, shall be delivered to the Londscaps Architect or Owner's authorized representative at least 10 c<llendar days prior to flnol inspection. The manuals shall describe the material Installed and the proper operation of the system. 2. Eoch complete, bound manual shall include the following information: a. Index sheet stating Controctor's address ond telephone number, duration of guarantee period, 11st of equipment including names and addresses of local manufacturer representatives. b. Operating and maintenance instructions for oll equipment. c. Spare parts lists and related monufccturer Information for 1111 equipment. D. Equipment: 1. Supply as a part of this contract the following items: a. Two (2) wrenches for disassembly and adjustment af each t'.,Pe of sprinkler head used in the Irrigation system. b. Three 30-lnch sprinkler keys for manual operation of control volvas. c. Two keys for each automatic controller. d. Two quick coupler keys with a 3/4" bronze hose bib, bent nose type with hand wheel and two coupler lid keys. •· One valve box covar key or wrench. f. One 5-foot tee wrench for operating gate valves 3 Inches or larger (If used). g. Six extra sprinkler heads of each size and t'.,Pe. 2. The above equipment shall be turned over to Owner's authorized representative at the flnal inspection. 1.10 COMPLETION A. At the time of the pre-maintenance period Inspection, the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, ond govarnlng agencies will Inspect the work, and If not accepted, will prepare a list of Items to be completed by the Contractor. At the time of the past-maintenance period or final Inspection the work will be reinspected and final acceptance will be in writing by the Landscape Architect, Owner's authorized representative, and governing agencies. B. The Owner's authorized representative shall hove final authority on all portions of the work. C. After the system has been completed, the Contractor shall Instruct Owner's authorized representative In the operation and maintenance of the Irrigation system and shall furnish a complete set of operating and maintenance Instructions. D. Any 1ettling of trenche1 which may occur during the one-year period following acceptance shall be repaired to the owner's satisfaction by the Controctor without any additional expense to the owner. Repairs shall include the complete restoration of all damage to planting, povlng or other improvements of any kind as a result of the work. 1.11 GUARANTEE A. The entire sprinkler •ystem, Includlng all work done under this contract, shall be uncondltlonolly gu11ronteed 11galnst all defects and fault of material and workmanship, Including settling of bockfllled areas below grade, for a period of one (1) year foll owing the filing of the Notice of Completion. Should any problem with the Irrigation system be dlscovernd within the guarantee period, It shall be corrected by the Contractor at no additional expense to owner within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of written notice from Owner. When the nature of· the repairs as determined by the Owner constitute <ln emergency (i.e. broken pressure line) the Owner may proceed to make repairs at the Contractor's expense. Any and all damages to existing Improvement resulting either from f11ulty materials or workmanship, or from the necess<lry repairs to correct some, •hall be repaired to the satisfaction of the owner by the Contractor, all at no oddltlonol cost to the Owner. B. Guarantee ■hall be submitted on Contractors own letterheCJd as follows: GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that the sprinkler irrigation system we hove furnished and installed is free from defects In m11teriols and workmanship, and the work has been completed In accordance with the drawings and specifications, ordinary wear and tear 11nd unusuQI abuse, or neglect excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defective material during the period of one year from dote of filing of the Notice of Completion <lnd also to repair or replace any domogs resulting from the repairing or replacing of such defects at no additional cost to the owner. We shall make such repairs or replacements within 10 calendor days following written notification by the owner. In the event of our faTiure to make such repairs or replacements within the time specified ofter receipt of written notice from owner, we authorize the owner to proceed to hove said repairs or replacements made ot our expense and we will pay the costs and charges therefore upon demand. PROJECT NAME: PROJECT LOCATION: CONlRACTOR NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: SIGNED: DATE: Part II -MATERIALS 2.01 SUMMARY Use only new materlol ■ of the manufacturer, ■IJe and type shown on tha drawings and speclflcotlon ■. Materials or equipment Installed or furnished that do not meet Landscape Architect's, Owner's, or governing agencies standards will be rejected and shall be removed from the site at na expense to the Owner. 2.02 PIPE A. Pressure 1upply line from point of connection through backflow prevention unit shall be . Type K "hard" copper pipe. B. Prsssure supply line lnstolled over structure shall be Type K "hard" copper pipe. Copper pressure supply line Installed over structure shall be secured to the concrete slab using Architect approved fasteners. C. Pressure supply lines 2 inches In diameter and up to 3 Inches In diameter downstream of bockflow prevention unit shall be Closs 315 solvant weld PVC. Piping shall conform to ASTM D2241. D. Pressure supply line■ 1 1 /2 lnchee In diameter ond smaller of the bockflow prevantlon unit sholl be Schedule 40 solvent weld PVC conforming ta ASTM D17B5. G. Reclaimed water copper pipe to be Installed with color coded warning tape In color ond marked with reclaimed water warning statements "CAUTION -RECLAIMEO WATER" in English and Spanish. Refer to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirement an sheet 1 (L-0.0) for further Information. Reclaimed water piping must be <lccepted by the local reclCJlmed water governing agencies. 2.03 METAL PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Bross pipe shall be 1!5 percent red braH, ANSI, IPS Standard 125 pounds, Schedule 40 screwed p lpe. B. Bross fittings shall be medium br11s1, screwed 125-pound class, C. Copper pipe shall be "hard" Type K. D. Copper fittings shall be soldered type. 2.04 PLASTIC PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Pipe shall be marked continuously with manufacturer'• name, nomlnol pipe size, schedule or class. PVC t'.,Pe and grade, Notional Sanitation Foundation approval, Commercial Standards designation, and date of extrusion. B. All plastlc pipe shall be extruded of on Improved PVC virgin pipe compound In accordance with ASTM D2241 or ASTM D1784. C. All PVC fittings shall be standard weight Schedule 40 and shall be Injection molded of on Improved virgin PVC fitting compound. Slip PVC fittings shall be the "deep socket" bracketed type. Threaded plastic fittings shall be Injection molded. All tees and ells shall be side gated. All flttln9s shall conform to ASTM D2466. D. All threaded nipples shall be standard weight Schedule 80 with molded threads and shall conform to ASTM D171!5. E. All solvant cementing of plastic pipe and fittings shall be o two-step process, using primer and solvant cement applied per the manufacturer's recommendations. Cement shall be af a fluid consistency, not gel-like or ropy. Solvent cementing shall be In conforrnonce with ASTM 02564 and ASTM D2855. F. 2.05 A. B. C. D. 2.06 A. B. C. D. When connection Is plastic turn with a strap wrench. equal. ta metal, female adopters shall be hand tightened, plus one Joint compound shall be nan-lead base Teflon paste, tape, or BACKFLOW PREVENTION UNITS The bockflow prevention unit shall be af the manufacturer, size, and type Indicated on the drawings. The backflow prevention unit shall be Installed In accordance with the requirements set forth by local codes. The bockflow prevention assembly shall consist of brass piping, unions and fittings. Bockflow preventer enclosure shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type Indicated on the drawings. Enclosure shall be constructed of 3/16" stolnl111111 steel angle stock with 1-1/2" No. 9 expanded metal panels and a 3/B" U-bolt lock to be secured ta the concrete mounting pad. VALVES Boll Valvas: 1. Ball valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type Indicated on the drawings. 2. Boll valves shall be double union design, Sch. 80 PVC blocked. with Teflon ball seats. End connector carrier and stem ore to hava either EPDM or Vltan 0-rlngs. Ball valves are to have threaded connections. 3. All boll valves shall hove a minimum working pressure of not leH than 125 psi and shall conform to AWWA standards. Quick Coupler Valves: 1. Quick coupler valves shall be of the manufacturer, sl:te, and t'.,Pe Indicated on the drawings. 2. Quick coupler volves shall be brass with a wall thickness guaranteed to withstand normal working pressure of 150 psi without leakage. Valvas shall hove 1" female threads opening ot base, with two-piece body. Valves to be operQted only with o coupler key, designed for that purpose. Coupler key ls Inserted into volva and o positive, watertight connection shall be made between the coupler key and valve. Hinge cover shall be the locking type constructed of braH with a rubber-like vini,i cover. Automatic Control Valves: 1. Automatic control valves shall be of the manufacturer, size, and type Indicated on the drawings. 2. Automatic control valves shall be electrically operated. Anti-drain Valvas: 1. Anti-drain valves shall be of the m11nufacturer, size, and type indicated on the drawings. 2. Anti-drain valves shall hova 18-6 stainless steel springs and valva stems with Buno-N seals. 3. Anti-drain v<llves will hove threaded connections the size of the riser ar pipe they are to be installed onto, or the next available size. No slip connection anti-drain volvss are allowed. CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING SHEET MiclP~ ARCHITECTS E. Non-prllllsure lines 3/4 inches In diameter and larger downstream of the remote control valve shall be Class 200 PVC. Non-pressure lines 1 /2 Inch In diameter shall be Class 315 PVC. Non-pressure piping shall conform ta ASTM D2241. 1!l. 714 248•1211 FAX 714 248 1215 F. Reclaimed watar PVC pipe to be color coded "purple" in color ond marked an two sides with reclaimed water warning st11tements "CAUTION -RECLAIMED WATER" In English and Spanish. Refer to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirements on sheet 1 (L-0.0) for further Information. Reclaimed water piping must be accepted by the local reclaimed water governln_g agencies. Reclaimed water PVC pl.re sh11II 0 use standard Sch. 40 PVC fittings. Reclaimed water PVC pipe to be Brownline Alertllne or equal. '' AS BU IL T'' I REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBL.IC HEAL T1-l ENGINEER, ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO MPLEMENT A TION IN PIELD. ~ arr SLSMTT ~ DATE i/'1.9/91 RS EI.OG. DS'T. SL8M1'T AL -· -· ~ arr Sl.EMTTAL 112 R.C.E. ------R.C.E. _____ _ APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT SHEETS n LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS CARLSBAD BY THE SEA BUILDING THREE APPROVED REVIEWED BY: ,c.7,,,.. /4 /7 r.. 1----+--+----·---------+----I ___ ____,;1/~,?'L7~,U-,-Y=------0Zl-7F"' PLAN"1ING DIRECTOR DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D INSPECTOR DATE REVISIONS ASSISTANT OWN BY __ ~=~-- CHKD 9y_.Rc:c..c.. __ FIELD BY PROJECT NO. RP 94-06 CMWD i:t94-C425 DRAWING NO. 347~2M L7.I SECTION 02!111 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION (cont'd) Part II -MATERIALS (cont'd) 2.07 VALVE BOXES A. Valve box•• sholl be fabricated from o durable, W.other-reslstont plastic material resistant to sunlight and chemical <1ctlon of soils. B. The valve box cover shall be purple In color, ••cured with bolts and morlu..t with reclaimed water worn Ing statements "CAUTION -RECLAIMED WATER" In English and Spanish. Refer to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District requirement on sheet 1 (L-0.0) for further lnformotlon. Reclaimed water valve boxes must be accepted by the local reclaimed water governing ag11nci11\!I. C. The cover and bax shall be capable of sustaining a load of 1,500 po1-1nd ■. D. Valve box extensions ehall be by the some manufacturer o■ the valve box. E. Automatic control valve boxes •hall be 16"x11"x12" rectangular 11:H, Valve bo>< caver■ shall be "heat branded" in 2" high letters "RCV" with the valve Identification number. F. Boll valve, flush valve, master valve ond quick coupler valve boxe• shall be 1 O" clrculor size. Valve box covers shall be "heat branded" In 2" high letters with either "BV", "FV", "MV" or "QCV". 2.0!1 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER Automatic controller sholl be of th• manufacturer, size, ond type Indicated an the drawings. 2.09 ELECTRICAL A. All alectrical equipment shall be NEMA T)l)• :3, wat■rpraofed for exterior ln ■tollatlane. B. All electrical work sholl conform to local codes and ordinances. 2.10 LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRING A. Remote control wire shall be dlrect-burlol AWG-UF type. size a■ Indicated an the drawings, and in no caee smaller than 14 gauge. B. Connections shall be either epoxy-sealed packet type or Penn-Tite connectors. C. Ground wires shall be white In color. Control wires ■hall be red (where two or mare controllers are used, the control wire■ shall be a dlfferentcalar for each controller. These colors shall be noted on the "Record Drawings" plans locoted an controller door). D. Provide a 24" long expansion loop far all directional changee In control wire routing. 2.11 IRRIGATION HEAOS A. Sprinkler heads ond drip emitter■ shall be of the manufoctur.-, ■l:z■, t)'Pe, with radlu1 of throw, operating pressure, and discharge rate Indicated on the drawings. B. Pap-up heads and riser heods shall be ueed a• Indicated on the drawlngL Part Ill -EXECUTION :3.01 SITE CONDITIONS A. In spectlon s: 1. Prior ta all work of this ■ectlon, carefully Inspect the ln ■talled work of all other trades and verify that all such work Is complete to the point where this Installation may properly commence. 2. Verify that Irrigation system may be Installed In strict accordonce with all pertinent codes and regulations, the original design, the referenced stondorda, and the manufacturer's recommendations. B. Dl,crepon cles: C. D. E. 1. In the event of dlecrepancy, Immediately notify th• Lond■cope Architect or Owner's authorized representative. 2. Do not proceed with Installation In area■ of dl■crepancy until all dl1crepancle1 have been resolved. Grades: 1. Before starting work, carefully check aH grade■ to detenmlne that work moy safely proceed, keeping within the specified materlol depths with re■pect to finish grade. 2. Final grades shall be gccepted by the Engineer before work an this section will be allowed to begin. Fleld 1. 2. :3. Measurements: Make all necessary meo■urementl in the fleld to ensure precise flt of Items in accordance with the orlginol design. Contractor shall coordinate the Installation of all Irrigation materials with all other work. All scaled dimensions are approxlmote. The Contractor shall check and verify all size dimensions prior to proceeding with work under this section. Exercise extreme care in excavating and working near existing utllltle■. Contractor shall be responsible for damages lo utilities which are caused by his operations neglect. Diogrammatic Intent: The drawings gre essentially diagrammatic. The 1iz■ ond location of equipment and fixtures are drawn ta scale where possible. Pro\4de offsets In piping changes In equipment locations as necessary to conform with structures and ta ovald obstruction■ or conflicts with other work at no additional expense to Owner. F. Layout: 1. Prior to Installation, the Contractor shall stoke out all pra■■ura ■upply lines, routing and location of sprinkler heads, valves, backflow preventer, and automatic controller. 2. Layout Irrigation s:,,,tem and make minor ad)J■tments required due to difference■ between site and drawings. Where piping Is shown on drawings under paved areas, but running parallel and adjacent to planted areas, install the piping In the pl anted areas. G. Water Supply Connections ta, or the Installation of, the water supply ■holl be ot the locations shown on the drowlngs. Minor changes caused by actual site conditions shall be made at no additional expense to Owner. H. Electrical Service: 1. Connections ta th■ el ■ctrlcal ■upply ,hall be at th■ locatlan, ■hewn on th■ drawings. Minar changes caused by elte conditions sholl be made at no additional expense to Owner. 2. Contractor shall make 120 volt connection to the Irrigation controllers. Electrical power source to controller locations shall be provided by others. 3.02 TRENCHING A. Excavation• shall be ■trolght with vertical sld■-, even grade, ond support pipe continuously on bottom of trench. Trenching e><cavatlon shall follow layout lndleoted on drawings ta the ·depths below finished grade and as noted. Where lines occur under paved area, these dimensions shall be considered below subgrad11, B. Provide minimum cover of 18 Inches on pressure supply lines 2 Inches and smaller, or as ovollable when Installed over structure. C. Provide minimum caver of 18 Inches far control wire,, or as avallable when installed over structure. D. Provide minimum caver af 12 lnche1 for nan-pres■ure lines, or 01 avalloble when installed over structure. F. Pipes Installed In o common trench shall have o !I Inch minimum apace between pip■-. :3.0:3 BACKFILLING A. l!lackflll material on all line• 9hall b■ the ,om■ as adjacent ,..,n free of debris, litter, and rocks over 1 /2 Inch in diameter. 8. • Backfill !lholl be tamped In 4-lnch la~rs under th■ pip■ and uniformly on bath ■Ide■ for the full width of the trench and the full length af the pipe. Backfill materials shall be sufficiently damp to permit thorough compaction, free of voids. Backfill shall be campocted to dry density equal ta adjacent undisturbed soil and shall confonm to adjacent grades. C. Flooding In lieu of tamping I■ not allowed. D. Under no circumstance■ shall truck wheels be u■ed to compact bockffll. E. Provide sand backflll a minimum of 6 Inches over and under all piping und.-paved areas. 3.04 PIPING A. Piping under e~i•tlng pavement may be ln1talled by jacking, boring, ar hydraulic driving. No hydraulic driving ls permitted under asphalt pavement. 8. Cutting or breaking of existing pavement Is not permitted. C. Corefully Inspect all pipe and fittings before installation, removing dirt, ■cale, burr■ reaming. Install pipe with all markings up for visual Inspection and verification. D. Remove all dented and damaged pipe sections. E. All lines 1holl hove a minimum cl110rance of 6 inches from each ath■r ond 12 Inches from lines of other trades. F. Parallel lines shall not be ln■talled directly over ■och other. G. In solvent welding, use only the specified primer and ■olvent cement and mak■ all joint■ In strict accordance with the monufacturer's recommended methods Including wiping all excess solvent from each weld. Allow solvent welds at least 15 minutes setup time before moving or handling and 24 hours curing time before filling. H. PVC pipe sholl be lnetalled In a manner which will provide for expansion contraction as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. I. Centerload all plastic pipe prior to press1-1re testing. J. All threoded plaetlc-to-pla1tic cannectlane shall be au■mbled u ■ing Teflon tape or Teflon paste. K. For plastic-ta-metal connection■, work the metal connections first. Us■ a non-hardening pipe dope cm all threaded plastic-to-metal connections, e,ccept where noted otherwise. All plastic-to-metal connections shall be made with plastic female adapters. L. All connections between PVC lateral line■ shall be made using Sch. 40 PVC fitting■ with compression odapter11. All connections between drlpperllnes ta be made using compression fittings of manufacturer of the drlpperline. Use no pipe dope, Teflon tape, primer or solvent cement on compression fittings. :3.05 CONTROLLER A. The exact location af the controller shall be approved by th■ Londecope Architect or Owner's authorized representative before lnstollotion. The electrical service shall be coordinated with this location. B. The Irrigation Contractor sholl be re■panslble for the flnal electrical hack up ta irrigotlan controller. C. The irrigation sy■tem shall be programmed to operate during the perlode of minima! use of the design areo. :3.06 CONTROL WIRING A. Low voltage control wiring shall occupy the same trench and shall be installed along the some route as the pressure supply lines whenever po••lble. 8. Where more than one wire Is placed in a trench, the wiring sholl b• taped together In a bundle at Intervals of 10 feel. Bundle shall be secured to the mc:,lnllne with tape at intervals of 20 feet. C. All connections shall be of an approved t)l)e and ■hall occur in a valve bo,c, Provide gn 18 Inch service loop at each connection. O. An expansion loop of 12 Inches shall be provided at each wire connection and/or directional change, and one of 24 inches shall be provided at each remote control valve. E. A contlnuoue run of wire shall be u ■ed between a controller and each remote control valve. Under no circumstances shall splices be used without prior approval. :3.07 VALVES A. Automatic central valves, manual valves, gate valves, and ball valves ore to be Installed In tha oppraximate locations Indicated on the drawings. B. Valve shall be installed In ehrub areas whenever possible. C. Install all valves as Indicated In the detail drawings. D. Vglves to be Installed In valve boxes ehall be installed one valve per box. :3.0!1 VALVE BOXES A. Valve boxes shall be Installed In shrub area, whenever possible. B. Each valve box ehall be Installed on a foundation of :3/4 Inch gravel backfill, :3 cubic feet minimum. Valve boxes shall be Installed with their tops 1/2 Inch above the surface of surrounding finish grade In lawn areas and 2 Inches above finish grade In ground cover areas. 3.0ll BACKFLOW PREVENTERS A. Install backflaw preventer unit as Indicated In the detail drawings. 8. Install backflow 011emblle1 at lacatlon11 approved In the field and ot height required by I a cal codes. C. Install W)"I stralnert1 and pre11ure regulators on the backflaw assembly. D. If backflow preventer 11 inetalled adjacent to a building, wall, ar other obstruction, Install unit sa that the test cocks are facing outward away from the obstruction. E. ln•tall backflow encloaure as recommended by the manufacturer. 3.10 SPRINKLER HEADS A. Sprinkler heads •hall be ln1talled a■ Indicated on the drawings. 8. Spacing of heads shall not e><ceed maximum Indicated on the drawings. C. Riser nipples shall be of the 1ame size as the riser opening In the sprinkler body. D. Pop-up 1prlnkler heads. shall not be Installed ualng side outlet openings. 3, 11 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT A. Install all a1sembll11s 1peclfied herein according to the respective detail drawings or specifications, u1lng best standard practices. 8. Quick coupler valves shall be set approximately 12 Inches from walks, curbs, header boards, or paved areas where applicable. C. Unles■ designed as an Integral part of the Irrigation head, anti-drain valves will be Installed under IIVllry head. The anti-drain valve will be the •ome diameter as the riser and be Integral to the riser assembly. D. Install roln sensor as Indicated an the drawings and as recommended by the manufacturer. :3.12 FLUSHING THE SYSTEM A. Prior to installation of sprinkler nozzle■, the valves ■hall be opened and a full head of woter used to flu1h out the llnea and risers. B. Sprinkler nozzles shall be Installed after flushing the system ha11 been completed. 3.13 ADJUSTING THE SYSTEM A. Contractor shall adjust valve■, align heads, and check coverc:,ge of each syst ■m prior to coverage teat. B. If It la detenmlned by th■ Landscape Architect or Owner's authorl:ted representative that additional ad)Jstments or nozzle changes wm be required to provide proper coverage, all necessary changes or ad)Jstments shall be made prior to any planting, C. The entire system shall be operating properly before any planting operations commence. D. Automatic control valves ore ta be adjusted so that the sprinkler heads operate at the pressure recommended by the manufacturer. 3.14 TESTING AND OBSERVATION A. Do not allow or cau11e any of the work of this section ta be covered up or enclosed until It hoe been obeerved, tested and accepted by the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies. 8. Th• Contractor ehall be solely responsible for notifying the Landscape Architect, Owner, and governing agencies, a minimum of 48 hours In advance, where and when the work la ready for testing. C. When the sprinkler ■y■tem la completed, the Contractor shall perform a coverage test af each system in It■ entirety to determine If the water coverage for the planted areas 11 complete and odequata In the presence of the Landscape Architect. D. The Contractor shall furnish all materials and perform all work required to correct any Inadequacies of coverage due to deviatione from the plans, or where the system has been willfully installed as Indicated an lha drawings when It Is obviously inadequate, without bringing this ta the attention of the Landscape Arc:hltect. Thia test shall be accepted by the Landscape Architect and accomplished before starting any planting. E. Final 'Inspection will not commence without record drawings as prepared by the Irrigation Contractor. 3.15 MAINTENANCE During the maintenance period the Contractor shall ad)Jst and maintain the Irrigation system In a fully operational condition providing complete irrigation coverage ta all Intended plantings. :3.16 COMPLETION CLEANING Clean-up shall be made as each portion of the work progresses. Refuse and 11xc11S1 dirt shall be removed from the site, 911 walks and paving shall be broomed, and any damage sustained on tha work of others shall be repaired to original conditions. END OF SECTION '' AS BU IL T'' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC 1-f':AL TH ENGNEER, ASST. PLAt\NING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN PIELD. ~ ~ arr 51..BMTTAL DATE ~/79191. ~ a:..oo. DEPT. SLBMTT AL , ~ arr 5LIMTT AL 112 R.C.E. -----------'-· R.C.E. _____ _ REVIEWED BY: DATE BY DESC:RIPTION APP'D INSPECTOR DATE REVISIONS I:,!! 1!I. 114 %41-9211 FAX 714 Z41 1215 '\.Pl «ri',:,,; ,j I :;,. 1,'-I (orlle) or CA1 \ :;, APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. SHEET 9 CITY OF' CARLSBAD PLANNINO DEPARTMENT LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS CARLSBAD BY THE SEA BUILDING THREE APPROVED ~ ASSISTANT PLANINGDIRE Y-,Z/-'f'R DATE DWN BY~;:--PROJECT NO. CHKD BY_=...12=----- rlELD IIY RP 94-06 DRAWING NO. 347-2M CMWD t:i94-C425 L7.2 • .. SECTION 02950 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PART 1 -GENERAL 1 .01 WORK INCLUDED A. Soll Preparation. B. Planting. C. Stoking. D. Sodding. E. Clean up. F. Container Pot Planting. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Section 02811 ~ Landscape Irrigation System. B. Section 02970 -Landscape Maintenance 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quollty: 1. Submit documentation ot leo■t 150 da.)111 prior to planting that all plant moterlols ore available. Moteriols ore sub Ject to Inspection ofter confirmation of ordering. 2. Moteriols ore subject to Inspection at ploce of growth and upon dellvery, for conformity to specifications. Inspection, approval and rejection con also toke place at other times during progress of work. 3. Request. In writing, ln11pection of plant materials at place af growth, Identify ploce af growth, and quantity of plants to be inspected. Inspection may be waived at the Owner's option. 4. As described in the planting notes for tree togging ,the Landscape Architect may opt ta either visit the tree nursery or review photogrophs submitted by the Contractor. In either case visit the nursery and select trees conforming to specifications prior to review by the Londscope Architect. Should trees not meet specifications at the time of review in person by the Landscape Architect, the Contractor may be required to reimburse the Owner ot the Consultant's current billing rate. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to Installation submit for review and approval specifications and product Information on Items being used on project. Submit bound with 11st of Items as cover sheet. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE ANO HANDLING A. Deliver fertilizer to site In original unopened containers bearing manufacturer's guaranteed chemical analysis, name, trade mark, and conformance to State low. B. Provide copies of receipts for all amendments specified in these specifications or in the Solis Report. C. Deliver plants with legi9Je identification labels. Lobel trees, evergreens, bundl11s of containers of like shrubs and groundcover plants. State correct plont name and size lndic<lted on plant list. Use durable waterproof labels with water-resistant Ink which will remain legible for at least 60 days. D. Protect plant material during delivery to prevent damage to root ball or desiccation of leaves. E. Notify Owner 7 days in advance of delivery of plant materials and submit itemizotlon of plants in each dellvery. F. Store plants in shade and protect from weather. G. Maintain and prot11et plant material In o healthy, vigorous condition. H. Exercise core In handling, loading, unloading and storing of plant materials. Replace damaged materials. 1.06 JOB CONDITIONS A. Perform actu<ll planting only when weather and soil conditions ore ■ultobla In <lccordonce with locally occepted practice. B. Coordinate this work of this section with Installation of underground Irrigation system, utilities, piping and watering heads. 1.07 SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Owner reserves the right to toke and analyze somples of materials for conformity to specifications. Provide samples for testing upon request. Remove rejected materlols from site immediately upon rejection at no additional cost. Testing cost,, will be paid for by Owner If materials prove to be In compllance with specifications. B. Prior to amending soils, contractor shall hove soil tested for agricultural suitability as described in planting notes. City inspector must opprove soil test recommendations prior to delivery of soil amendments on site. C. Provide 1 cubic foot sample of medlum grind topping mulch to Owner and City Inspector for review on d approval. 1.08 GUARANTEE A. Gu<lrontee moteriols against poor, inadequate, dlseosed and inferior materlols ond workmanship for one year after 90 day malntenonce agreement expiration. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. The following organic, soil omendmenl8 and fertilizer ore to be u1ed for bid J>Urpoees only. Specific amendments and fertmzer will be selected and specified ofter rough grading operations ore complete and Contractor hos hod soil samples tested. B. Provide standard, opproved and first-grade quality materials, in prime condition when Installed and accepted. Deliver commercially processed and packoged material in manufacturer's unopened containers bearing the monufocturer's guaranteed analysis. Supply o sample of all supplied materials accomponled by analytical doto from an approved loborotory source illustrating compliance, or bearing the manufacturer's guoronteed analysis. C. Organic Amendment: 1. Nitrogen Stabilized: D.56 to 0.84 percent N basl!d on dry weight for wood residual or rice hulls. 2. Particle Size; 95 to 100 percent passing 6.35 mm standard sieve; 1'10 to 100 percent poeslng 2.33 mm standard sieve. 3. Salinity: Ensure that soturatlon extract conductivity does not exceed 3.5 milllmohs per centlml!ter ot 25 degrees C. os determined by soturotion extract method. 4. Iron Content: Minimum D.08 percent dilute acid soluble Fe on dry weight basis. 5. Ash: O to 6 percent dry weight. D. Sall Amendment: 1. Soll Sulfur: Agrlculturcl grade sulfur containing minimum of 99 percent sulfur expressed cs elemental. 2. Iron Sulfate: 20 percent Iron expressed as metallic Iron, derived from ferric cnd ferrous sulphote, 1 O percent sulfur expressed os elemental. 3. Calcium Corbonote: 95 percent lime as derived from oyster shells. 4. Gypsum: Agricultural grade product containing 98 percent minimum calcium sulphate. E. Fertilizer: 1. Plcntlng Fertlllzer: pelleted or granulor form consisting of the following percents by weight ond mixed by commercial fertilizer supplier: 6-nitrogen, 20-phosphoric acid, 20-potosh. 2. Planting Tablets: Provide slow-rele<Jse twa with patentlol acidity of not more than 5 percent by waight containing the following percents by weight of nutrients llsted: 20-nitrogen, 1 a-phosphoric acid, 5-potash, 2.6-comblned calcium, 1.6-comblned sulphur, 0.35-iron elementa,I from ferrous sulfate. Provide in 21 gram tablets monufoctured by Agriform, or other approved. 3. Hydroseedlng Fertlllzar: provide ammonium phosphate which consists of the following percent by weight and mixed by o commercial fertlllzer supplier: 16-nitrogen, 20-phosphoric acid, a-potash. 4. Pre-Sod fertilizer: Provide type consisting of the following percents by weight and mixed by a commercial fertilizer supplier: 16-hydrogen, 20-phosphorlc acid, 15-potash. 5. Sulphate of potash: 0-0-50. 6. Single super-phosphate: Commercial product containing 18 to 20 percent available Phosphoric Pentoxide, or other approved. 7. Urea formaldehyde: .38-0-0. F. Import or Amended Top Soll: Ensure silt plus clay content of top soil doee not exceed 20 percent by weight, with a minimum 95 percent passing the 2.0 mm sieve. Do not cllow the sodium absorption ratio SAR to exceed 6. The electrical conductivity (ECE) of the saturotlon extract cannot exceed 3.0 millimohs per centimeter ot 25 degrees C. Ensure boron content Is less than 1 part per million as meosured on the saturation extract. To ensure compliance with these requirements, submit samples of soil for onolysis prior to, end following backfilling. G. Plant Materials: 1. Provide plant materials In occordonce with State Deportment of Agriculture's regulotlon for nursery Inspections, rules and ratings. Provide plants with a normal habit of growth, sound, healthy, vigorous and free from Insect infestations, plant dlseoses, sunscolds, and other disfigurements. Ensure tree trunks are sturdy and have well hardened systems and vigorous and fibrous root systems which are not root or pot-bound. In the event of disagreement as to condition of root system, the root conditions of the furnished plants in containers will be determined by removal of earth from the roots of not less then two plants, or more thon 2 percent of the total number of plants of eoch species or variety. Where container grown plants are from several sources, roots of not less than two plants of each species or variety from e<lch source will be inspected. In the event that the sample plants inspected ore found to be defective, the entire lot or lots of plants represented by the defective samples m<ly be rejected, Plants rendered unsuitable for planting due to this Inspection will be considered samples and will be provided ot no cost to the Owner. 2. Size of plants wlll correspond with that normolly expected for species and variety of commerclolly available nursery $lock or os specified on dr<lwlngs. The minimum occeptobla size of plants measured before pruning with the branches in normal position, must conform with the measurements specified In plont list. If approved by The Owner, larger sized plants may be used, but without additional cost. If larger plants ore approved for use, the boll of earth or spread of roots for each plant will be lncreosed proportionately. 3. Plants not meeting requirements of these specifications ore considered to be defective whether in place or not. They must be immediately removed and replaced with m,w acceptable and approved plants of the required size, species ond variety at no additional cost to the Owner. 4. Pruning: Do not prune, trim, top or alter the shape of trees or plonts except as approved. 5. Provide plont material true to botanical and common name and variety os specified in Annotated Checklist of Woody Ornamental Plants In California, Oregon and Washington, published by University of California School of Agriculture (latest edition). 13. Nursery Grown and Collected Stock: Grow under climatic conditions similar to those in locality of project; container-grown stock in vigorous, healthy condition, not root-bound or with root system hardened off. Use only liner stock plant material which is well estobllshed In removable containers or formed homogeneous soil sections. 7. Sod: Provide Marathon. 8. Select trees which are aesthetically desirable and ore good examples of the species. Trees with gosh.,s, mishoppen trunks or branches, topped leaders, structural defects, badly crossed branches, or other visual defects will not ba occepted. H. Guying and Stoking Materials: 1. Wood Tree Stokes, lodge pole pine, full treated lwth Coppemophthanote Wood Preservative in strict occardonce with FS TT-W-572 Type I, Composition B,2 Inch minimal normal size diameter by 10 feet long, no spilt stokes. 2. Ties: Provide 36 inch corded rubber tie as monufoctured by Gro-Stroit Product■, wlr■ and hose tie by Nunes Turfgrass, or other approved. Provide rigid tie stock No. LP, 24 Inches as manufactured by VIT company or other approved. 3. Steel Guy Anchor: provide 3/4 Inch diameter by 36 Inch steel vane as manufactured by Maxwell Steel Compony, or other approved. 4. Guying Hardware: Wire-pliable Q gouge galvanized; hose 1 /2 Inch new rubber; turnbuckles -galvanized or dip pointed, size as required; safety sleeve -1/2 Inch white pvc full length of wire. I. Tree Paint: Provide Morrison Tree Seal, Cabot Tree Point, or other approved. J. Water: Provide cleon, potable water. K. Mulch; Provide medium grind bork such as supplied by Blue Ribbon Nursery (714)633-36156, consisting of fibrous, woody bark mixture of varied particle size such that 90 to 100 percent posses 1 inch sieve, BO to 100 percent posses 1/2 inch sieve, and 2D to 60 percent posses 1/4 inch sieve, or opproved equal. L Wood Heoderboords: 1. Provide 2 inch by 4 Inch pre■■ure treated Douglas fir or redwood construction g,rade headerboords. Moke splices with 1 inch by 4 Inch pieces no less that 12 inches long. Place 1 Inch by 3 Inch by 16 Inc stakes at Intervals of not more than 5 feet. Cut stokes level and set below top headerboards. 2. On sharp turns and curves, four 1 /2 Inch by 4 Inch laminated boards, or two 1 Inch by 4 Inch laminated boards moy be permitted. 3. Noll stakes and splices with golvonlzed common noils. Nall <ls required for solid lnslollation. 4. Provide headerboords as shown on drawings, laid true to line and grade. protect In-place adjacent improvements, shrubbery and other properties. Place stakes on ground cover sod of headerboards. M. Sand: Provide washed slllca sand. N. Root Sorrier: UB24-2 by Deep Root Carp., {714)898-05153. lnstoll with grovel backfill option per manufacturers specifications. F'ART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Obtain certification that final grodes to 1/10 foot have be■n established prior to commencing londscaping operations. Provide for Inclusion of all amendments, settling, etc. Be responsible for shoping all planting oreos as indicated on drowings or os required. B. Inspect trees, shrubs and liner stock plant material for Injury, insect lnfsstatlon and trees and shrubs for Improper pruning. C. Do not begin planting of trees until deficiencies ore corrected or plants replaced. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Soll Preparation: 1. After proper finished grodes h<lve been verified or established, condition and fertlllze soil In accordance with recommendations of soil testing loboratory and as approved by Owner and City Inspector. The following Is for bid purposes only. Uniformly spread and cultivcte amendments thoroughly by means of mechanical tiller Into top [6] Inches of soil. Application rates per 1,000 square feel: Nitrogen stablllzed orgonlc amendment - 16-6-8 Commercial Fertilizer ~ Agricultural gypsum - Soll sulphur - 8 cubic yards 15 Pounds 200 pounds 15 pounds 2. At time of plonting, ensure thot top 2 Inches of all 0reos to be planted or seeded are free of stones, stumps, and other deleterious matter 1 inch in diameter or larger, and free from wire, plaster, concrete, wood, and similar materials which would cause hlndronca to planting or maintenance. B. Final Grades: Make minor modifications to grade as moy be necessory to estoblish required final grade, Ensure that finish grade provides proper drainage of the site and surface drainage ls away from building. Final grades ore to be 1 Inch below adjacent poved areas, sidewalks, valve boxes, headers, cleon-outs, drains, manholes, etc., or os shown on drawings or required by Architect. Eliminate erosion scars prior to commencing maintenance period. .3.03 JUTE MATTING A. Apply and incorporate fertlllzer and amendments Into the soil as specified prior to )Jte matting installation. B. Rall matting In the direction of the flow of water In drainage channels and smooth and secure in ploce as shown on plans. The material shall be opplied without stretching and Ile smoothly but loosely on the soil surface. In coses where one roll of matting ends and o second roll starts, the up chonnal piece shall be brought over the burled end of the second roll so that there ls o 12 Inch overlop. Where tw<l or more widths of matting are applied, side by side, the overlap shall be not less than 3 inches. C. Maintain jute matting until oll work on the Project has been completed and accepted. Maintenance shall consist of the repair of eroded areas and the repolr or replacement and restopling of loose or undermined matting, including reseeding and bedding, D. Make check slots before the matting la rolled out. Dig a narrow trench across the channel perpendicular to the direction of the flow. Fold Jute, the same length os the trench, ond press together. Location of check slots shall be maximum of 50 feet apart. E. Overlap which runs parallel to the direction of the flow In channel bottoms shall be stapled at 2-lnch Intervals. Outside edges, centers and overlaps on banks shall be stopled across the chonnel ot 6-lnch Intervals. F. Spread loose topsolls over outside edges to allow for smooth entry of water. G. Tap dress Jute oreo with a thin layer of top:soll. After the top dressing, the yarns shall still be visible. H. lnstoll plant material through matting. I, Any clods, which hold the Jute off the ground sholl be stomped Into the soil. Force )Jte matting down Into any depres9lons and hold there with o staple. J. The matting shall completely covered all areas as shown. Overiops must be ample and well stapled. Loy matting smoothly, loosely, and in continuous contact with the soil surface at all points. .3.0+ PLANTING INSTALLATION A. General: 1. Perform actual planting only during those periods when weather and soil conditions ore suitable and In a,::cordonce with locally accepted practice, as approved. 2. Distribute in plontlng areas only as many plants as con be planted and watered that some day. 3. Ensure that containers which are opened ond plants removed ore handled with core •uch that boll of earth surrounding roots is not broken end that plants ore planted and watered immediately. Do not open containers prior to placing plants In planting areas. +. The irrigation system shall be operational and approved prior to planting. 8. Pre-Plant Weed Control: 1. Use a non-selective systemic contoct herbicide as recommended and applled by on approved licensed landscape pest control advisor and applicator. Leave sprayed plants intact for at least 15 days. 2. Clear and remove these existing weeds by mowing or grubbing off all plant ports at least 1 /4 Inch below surface of soil over entire areas to be planted. 3. After irrigation system is operational, apply woter for 5 to 10 days as needed to achieve weed germinotlon. Apply contact herbicides and wait os needed before planting. Repeat as required, 4. Maintain weed free site until acceptonce by Owner. C. Loy-Out: Mork locations for plants and outlines of areas to be plonted before any plant pits ore dug. Gain Owner approval. If underground construction or utility llnes ore encountered In the excavation of planting areas, other locations for planting may be selected by Owner. Accomplish loyout with flagged grade stokes Indicating plant nomes and specified container size on each stoke. Confirm location end depth of underground utllltles and obstructions. D. Planting of Trees ond Shrubs: 1. Strip and stock approved excavation for planting which Is encountered within oreos for trenches, tree holes, plant pits and planting beds. 2. Remove from site excess soil generated from planting holes end not used for backfilling. 3. Protect areas from excessive compaction when trucking plants or other materials to planting areas. 4. Provide excavated holes with vertical sides with roughened surfoces and of a size twice the diameter and 1-1/2 times the depth of the root boll for all trees and shrubs. 5, Remove bottom of plant boxes befor" planting. Remove sides without damage to root boll after positioning plant and partially bockfllllng. 6. Center plant in pit or trench. 7. Face plants with fullest growth Into prevalllng wind. 8. Set plant plumb ond hold rigidly in position until soil has been firmed around ball or roots. 9. Backfill for container plants to be: 6 ports by volume on-site soil 4 parts by volume organic amendment 1 pound 6-20-20 fertilizer mix/cu, yd. of mix 2 pounds iron sulfote per cubic yard of mix Note: The above Is for bid purposes only. Specific backfill recomn:,endatlons ore mode os a result of the soils testing described on the planting pion. 10. Raise all plants which settle deeper than the surrounding grade. After plant has been placed, odd sufficient bockfill to hole to cover approximately 1 /2 of root boll. Add water to the top and thoroughly saturate root ball and adjacent soil. 11. After water hos completely drained, place planting tablets {21 gram unless otherwise noted): 1 5 gram tablet par plug of flatted groundcover 1 tablet per 1-gallon container 2 tablets per 5-gallon container 3 tablets per 15-gallon container 4 tablets per 24 Inch box 5 tablets p11r 30 Inch box 6 tablets per 36 Inch box 7 tablets per 42 Inch box 8 toblets per 48 Inch and larger boxes Set planting tablets with each plant on top of root boll while plonts are still In their contolners so the required number of tablets con be verified. 12. Bockflll remoinder of hole and tomp firm. Construct an earthen basin around each plant after backfilling. Provide basin of depth sufficient to hold at least 2 inches of water. Construct basins with amended backfill. Remove bosin in all turf areas after lnltlol watering. 13. Limit pruning to minimum necessary. Remove injured twigs and branches. Pruning may not be don11 prior to delivery of plants. Paint cuts aver 3/4 Inch in diameter with tree point. 14. Stake trees Immediately ofter planting. Install stakes plumb. 15. Do not bring Iron sulfate Into contact with concrete surfaces due to potentlol staining. Contractor Is responsible for cleaning or noplocing stolned surfaces. E. Plontlng Groundcover, 1. Ensure that groundcover remains In the flats until transplanting. Flats' soll must eontoln sufficient moisture so It will not foll apart when lifting plants. 2. Plant 9roundcovers in straight rows evenly spaced unless shown otherwise, and at interval, required by drawings. Use triangular apoclng unless otherwise noted on drawings. 3, Pl<int each rooted plant with its proportionate amount of flat soil. Immediately sprinkle ofter planting until entire area Is socked to full depth of each hole. Protect plants from damage and trampling. F. Sod Planting: 1. Remove rocks, weeds, debris from areas to be sodded. Work up soil to o depth of 6 Inches, and break up oil clods. 2. Carefully smooth oll surfaces to be sodded. Roll area to expose soil depressions or surfoc• lrragulorlties. Regrade as required. 3. Spread turf fertilizer 16-20-0 onto soil evenly ot rate of one pound per 100 square feet of lawn area. Rake In lightly. Be sure soil Is level and smooth before laying sod. Avoid loylng sod on bone dry soil. 4. Loy first strip of sod slabs along a straight line use a string In Irregular areas. Butt ]olntlil tightly, do not overlop adges. On second strip, stagger joints much as in laying masonry. Use a sharp knife to cut sod to flt curves, edges, sprinkler heods. 5. Do not lay whole lawn before watering. When a conveniently large area has been sodded, water lightly preventing drying. Continue to lay sod, ond to water until Installation is complete. 6. After laying sod, roll lightly to eliminate Irregularities and to form good contact between sod and soil. Avoid heavy roller or excessive initial watering which may cause roller marks. 7. Water thoroughly the completed lawn surface. Soll should be moistened at leost 8 inches deep. Repeat sprinkling or regular Intervals to keep sod moist at all times until rooted. After sod Is established, decrease frequency and Increase amount of water par application as necessary. 8. Replace all dead or dying sod with equal materiel. G. Container Pot Planting: 1. If not specified, submit onnuol color choices to Owner for approval. 2. Place plants and liners as required. 3. Backfill pot to within 1 inch of rim with a thoroughly mixed blend of: 4 cy washed plaster sand, 3 ey peat moss, 3 cy flNe nltroll7ed fir bork, 4 lbs Colclum Carbonate llme, 4 lbs Dolomite lime, 20 lbs 6-20-20 fertlll7er, 1 lb Iron sulfate. Amounts ore for 10 cy. H. Mulch Cover: Dress all groundcover, perennial and annual beds with 3" layer of mulch, except 3: 1 slopes and turf areas. 3.05 CLEAN-UP A. After oil planting operations are complete, remove all trash, excess soil, empty plant containers, and rubbish from the property. Repair scars, ruts and other marks In the ground end leave ground in o neat and orderly condition. B. Leave the site In o broom-clean condition, and wash down ell paved areos within the project site. Leove walks in o clean and safe condition. 3.06 OBSERVATION SCHEDULE A. Notify Own<ir In advance far the following Inspections, according to the time specified: 1. Pre-Job conference -7 days. 2. Final grade review -48 hours. 3. Plant material review -48 hours. 4. Plant loyout review -48 hours. 5. Soil preparation and planting operations; one tree with each type of specified stoking -41'1 hours. 6. Pre-mointenance -7 doys. 7. Final Inspection -7 days. B. If Owner authorizes a party other thon the Landscape Architect to make scheduled Inspections, prl!sen t Londscope Architect with evidence of such Inspections. C. No site visits shall commence without all Items noted In previous observation reports either completed or remedied unless such compliance hos been wolved by the Owner. Failure to occomplish punchlist tasks or prepore adequately for desired Inspections sholl make the Contractor responsible for reimbursing the Owner at Consultants current billing rote per hour plus transportation costs. No further Inspections shall be scheduled until th is charge hos been paid and received by the Owner. END OF SECTION m. 714 248-1211 FAX 714 248 1215 APPROVED FOR PL.ANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. '' AS BU IL T'' REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBL.IC "4EAL Tµ ENGINEER. ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 410/91 ~ CITY SLBMTTAL D/o.TE 5/'ll/91 l.'S El.00. DEPT. SU3MTT AL V2h/91 ~ CITY Sl..l3MlTT AL "2 LANDSCAPE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS CARLSBAD BY THE SEA BUILDING THREE R.C.E. ------R.C.E. ______ f---+----+-------------------+-----1 ~=====~======-;;;:================~ APPROVED _.?F_. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 1------+---+--------+----, --~~Q,'2'~-.,, ~,,.~~ __ ,y.Z/·Fr ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D REVISIONS OWN BY __ '°="'"-- CHKD ey __ JR __ _ FIELD BY PROJECT NO. RP 94-06 CMWD ~94-C425 DRAWING NO. 347-2M L7.3 • • SECTION 02955 PALM TREE PLANTING AND MAINTENANCE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. Palm trees. B. Pruning. C. Removals, backfill. D. Maintenance. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Section 021!l11 -Land,cape Irrigation. B. Section 02970 -Landscape Planting C. Section 02950 -Landscape Planting 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quality Control: 1. Submit dacumantotlon to Landscap• Architect at least 150 day■ prior to planting that oil plant materials are available. Contractor Is responsible for all polm trae moterlals listed on plant list. Substitutions due to unavailability must ba requested In writing prior to confirmation of ordering. All moterlals are subject to inspection by Landscape Architect at ony time ofter confirmation of ordering. 2. Plants ore subject to obsarvatian and opproval of Landscape Architect at place of growth. 1.04 GUARANTEE A. Newly planted palm trees shell be guoronteed agolnst ony end oil poor, inadequote, or Inferior plont materlols, and workmonshlp for two yeors following plontlng and occeptonce by Owner. 8. During the guorontee period, ony moteriol found dead or not in a satisfactory growth condition shell be removed from the site. C. These trees end disturbed Improvements shall be replaced at no added expense to the Owner, with the some variety and size as originally designated. Palms and oil disturbed areas shall be guaranteed for two yeors from time of plonting end re-planting to the satisfaction of the Owner. 1.05 OBSERVATIONS AND PERMITS A. Observation 1. Notify Owner's representative minimum of 72 hours in advance of observations to schedule required Inspections. 2. All palms are to be Inspected by a palm 11xpert for dls11ose prior to their preparation for removal from growing site. Contact, schedule ond poy for this Inspection at no extra cost to the Owner. The lnspactlon will tak11 piece from ground level with field glaMes. If disease ls suspected provide o man lift for closer inspection at no extra cost to the Owner. 3. The palm expert shall be Dr. Henry Donselman (619 / 679-7384) unleee otherwls• approved In advance by Owner's authorized representotlve. 4. All polms wlll be observed by the Landscape Architect for height, girth, and overall form in meeting design Intent. Said observation and approval does not constitute a review of the palm's health, vigor, and required health-free state, for which the Contractor ls solely responsible. 5. The landscape Architect may opt ta either visit the tree nursery ar review photographs submitted by the Contractor. In either case visit the nursery and select trees conforming ta specification prior to review by the Landscope Architect. Should tree not meat specification at the time of review In person by the Landscape Architect, the Controctor moy be require to reimburse the Owner at the Consultant's current bllling rote. 6. Observations are as follows: Observation Observation of trees at source Observation of plonting locations on site prior to digging pits Observation of palm on site prior to planting for verification of conformonce to plans and specifications Observation of condition of equipment end typical planting operations {1st plonted palm) Pre-mointenonce observation Observation at end of mointencmce period B. Permits Polm Tree Expert X Contoct: 1. Provide all necessary permits ot no addltlonol costs to Owner. 1.06 PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS Owner1!i Representative X X X X X A. Exercise extreme core in excovatlng planting or working neor existing utllltles or lrrlgotlon systems. 8. Be responsible for damages to utlllties which are caused by work operations or neglect. C. Check utility drowings and as-built planm for utility ond irrigation locations. D. Replace all plant materials disturbed by 111xcavation or planting. Plant-pit area where palm tree will be replaced will not require replanting. After tree Is In place, blend planting of graundcaver or turf with existing. 1.07 JOB CONDITIONS A. Perform octuol planting only when weather and soil conditions are suitable In accordance with locolly accepted practice. B. Do not plont palm between October 31 and April 1, unless the approved palm expert provides written recommendation to do so, and unless this recommendation is approved In advance by the Owner. 1.08 SAMPLES AND TESTS A. Landscape Architect reserves the right to take and onol)l7e samples of material ■ for conformity to specifications at any reasonable time. 8. Provide samples upon request by Londscape Architect. C. Rejected moteriols shall be Immediately removed from the site ot Contractor's expense. D. Cost of testing of materials not meeting specificotions shell be pold by Contractor. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PALM TREE DESIGN STANDARDS A. All palm trees are to b11 of uniform quality and appearance, matching representative somple opproved by Landscope Architect. 8. Trunk condition shall be free of any scorrlng or blemishes. Controctor to clean trunk and form pineopple per specificotions. C. Brown trunk height shall be per Drawings. D. Trunk dlometer per heights stipulated In the drawings shall not vary more than 25 percent. 2.02 PALM BACKFILL SOIL A. Backfill mix shall consist of washed concrete sand, and slit plus cloy content of this soil shall not exceed 20" by weight with a minimum 95" passing tha 2.0 millimeter sieve. The sodium absorption ratio (SAR) shell not exceed 6 and the electrical conductivity (ECE) of the soturotion extract of this soil shall not exceed 3.0 mllllmhos per centimeter at 25 centlgrode. The boron content of this sond shall be no greater then 1 pm as measured on the soturotian extract. In order ta insure canformonce, submit samples of the import sand to the soils loboratory for onolyels prior to backfilling and submit report to Owner's representative. 2.03 FERTILIZER A. After 14 da)'II, then monthly, ■pray the frond (foliar drench) with the following mixture. No compound should exceed Its recommended rate. The fallowing rates are for a 100 gallon tank mix. 1. Kaclde* 101 w.p. {3/4 lb.) or Manzote•• -1 qt. / 100 gollons. 2. W.R. Grace's Minor-Gro (1 /2 cup) 3. Hydrated urea (5 cups or 2-1 /2 lbs.) 4. Spreader Sticker -8 oz. "Boslc H" 5. 1 lb. Benlote / 100 gollons of wat•r 6. Option: Add a general Insecticide to prevent Insect larva lnfestotlon. (We hove dropped the insecticide in our mix due to the increosed environmental ond health risks.) All rotes ore recommendations only. Do not exceed label directions. Be sure to follow ell label Instructions. 8. Fertilizer will not be used ot time of planting. After four weeks, use a light application of "Wood Ace Polm Speciol" ovailable from W.D. Young {619 / 347-79015) approximately 6 lb. nitrogen per tree lightly cultivated into the soil. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PALM TREE SOURCE AND PREPARATION FOR PLANTING A. Obtoln source of polms for inspection and opproval by Polm Tree Expert and Londscope Architect. B. Subm It documentation and permits (if required) that the source af palm trees is approved. Obtain palms from an approved source and replace or repair damage from palm tree removal. C. Palms collected for planting shall be grown under cllmotlc conditions slmflor to those In locality of project. D. Palms shall be Inspected by the Palm Tree Expert ta Include health, defrandlng, tying end polm remove!. Any palms rendered unsuitable for planting because of this inspection shell not be used. Relnspectlon of suitable palms will be ot the Controctor's e)(pense. E. All polms must be tagged, Inspected, end approved by the Palm Tree Expert ond by Londscope Architect for planting prior to shipment and lnstallotlan. F. Defrondlng and Tying: 1. In preparing palm treee for relocation, all dead fronds ■hall be removed and the entire trunk diamond cut clean to the height of green fronds. Care shall be token ta prevent injury to the trunk of the tree. Green fronds below a horlzontol position shall be neatly cut off leaving a 4 inch stub. 2. All remaining fronds above horizontol shell be lifted up end tied together oround the crown In on upright position. Due caution shell be taken not to bind or Injure the crown. A lightweight rope or cord not less than 1/4 inch in diameter shell be used In tying up the fronds; wire will not be permitted. After tying, the tips of the fronds shell be hedged off above the crown op proximately 1 /3 to 1 /2 of the frond length. Defrondlng and tying work shall be completed prior to digging the rootboll. Submit documentation that palms have been reviewed by the palm tree expert <ind that they are dlseose free. G. Digging the Rootball: 1. When digging out the rootball, no excavation shall be done closer than 2+ Inches to the trunk ot ground level end the excavation shall extend belaw the major root system to a minimum depth of 6 feet. The bottom of the rootboll shell be cut off square and perpendicular to the trunk below the major root system. Under no conditions shall the Contractor cut down the size of the rootboll in width or depth. 2. The Cantroctor shell not free/oil, drag, roll, or abuse the tree or put o strain on the crown at any time. A protective device shall be used around the trunk of the tree while lifting ond relocating so cs not to scar or skin the trunk in any way. This device shall consist of either a rubber or leather sling made out of timbers sufficiently sized to withstand coble/choker pressure. At no time will trees be balled out and laid on the ground with rootball left exposed to dir11ct sunlight and air. The rootboll shall be kept moist and shaded at all times. 3. Palms shall not ba stockpiled for replanting. 3.02 PLANTING OF PALMS 3.03 3.04 A. Excavation for planting shall Include the stripping and stocking of all acceptable topsoil encountered within the oreos to be excavated for the tree holes. 8. Excess soil generated from the planting holes and not used as backfill or In establishing the fine! grades shall be removed from the site. C. Protect oil creos from excessive compaction when trucking plonts or othar material to the planting site. D. Center palm In pit or trench; align with other palms. E. Set polm plumb and hold rigidly In position until sand has been watered In around roots. The sand needs to be washed Into voids around roots to achieve o good Interface. F. ~II excavated holes shall hove vertical sides with roughened surfaces and shall be of a size that ls twice the diameter and 24 inch minimum to 4 foot maximum deeper In the ground than the palms originally stood. G. Root-growth stimulant shall be applied when the bock,~lllng ls J:,etween 1 /2 to 2/3 up the rootboll. Application rate shall be one ounce of Boslc H end 2 toblespoons of "Stem" In a 5 gallon bucket of water. Stimulant shell be poured full strength equally distributed around the rootboll, and watered In thoroughly. CLEANUP A. Following plontlng work, all remaining excavation shall be b0ckftlled and compacted in accordance with the requirements of the Landscape Architect. Burying of debris In holes will not be permitted. All excess soil and debris from the relocotion work shall be disposed of off the site by the Contractor. This site shall be left neat and clean to the satisfaction of the Owner. MAINTENANCE A. Be responsible for maintenance and guarantee of all Installed new palms and existing polms to the satisfaction of the Owner. 1. Maintenance wm Include, spraying to control or prevent disease and weekly water monogement to include soil probing end mointenonce of sump clean-out pipe and palm tree pruning. 2. Pruning shall be done with reciprocal saws (chain sows will not be allowed). 3. Sow blades wlll be sterilized between eoch tree with 50% household bleach and 50% water for five minutes. 4. Pruning will be done to maintain a neat appeoronce as approved by the Lan dscope Architect. 5. Proposed pruning schedule is to be submitted to the Landscape Architect for approval. B. The spring after planting, loosen but do not fully remove rope around fronds. Fully remove ropa at end of summ11r, 60 days after planting. END OF SECTION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES SECTION 02970 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE A. [90) day maintenance. 8. Weeding. C. Fertlllzotlon. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED IN OTHER SECTIONS A. [Section 02811 -Landscape Irrigation.] 8. [Section 02955 -Palm Tree Planting and Maintenance.] C. [Section 02950 -Landscape Planting.) D. [Section 02514 -Portlond Cement Concrete Paving.) 1.D3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Provide servlcea by an experienced landscaping molntenonce company. 1.04 MAINTENANCE PERIOD A. Continuously maintain all site oreos Involved In this cantroct during the progress of work and during the maintenance period until final occeptonce of the work by Owner. Improper maintenance or possible poor condition of the project at the termination of the scheduled molntenance period moy cause postponement of the final completion dote of the Contract at no additional cast to Owner. Continue maintenance until occeptoble to the Owner. B. Provide sufficient numbers of workers and adequate equipment to perform work during maintenance period. C. Maintenance period does not start until all elements of construction, planting, and Irrigation for th11 complete project are In accordance with the cantroct documents for this project. D. Request on Inspection to begin maintenance period after all planting and related work has been completed In accordance with controct documents. Maintenance period commences os described In written notification by the Owner. E. Prior to commencement of maintenance period, ensure that oil ground covers and lawn areas have bee~ planted and that all lawn areas show on even, healthy stand of grass seedlings or sod, gross having been mown twice. F. Any doy or doys that there Is failure ta properly mointoln plantings, replace suitable plants, perform weed control or maintain hordscope areas wlll not be credited as port of the [90) days maintenance. The project will not b" segmented Into maintenance phases. G. Keep paved areas free of silt, dirt, leovas end other planting orea debris. Molntaln these areas at least broom clean through the durotion of the mointenonce period, cleaning no less often than once per week. 1.05 GUARANTEE ANO REPLACEMENT A. Guarantee: Guarantee plont material against any and all poor, Inadequate or Inferior materials and workmanship for one year. Reploce plants found to be d11od ar In poor condition due ta faulty materials or workmanship, ot no extra cost to Owner. B. Replacement: Replace materials found ta be dead, missing or In poor condition during the maintenance period lmmediotely. The Owner is the sole j.Jdge of the acceptability of condition. Moke replacements of materlols within 15 days ofter condition develops or written notification from Owner hos been sent. Owner hos the right to moke emergency repolrs without releasing Contractor's guarantee and warranty to Owner. 1.05 INSPECTIONS A. Request normal progress Inspection at least 72 hours In advance of an ontlalpated Inspection. Inspections are as follows: 1. Immediately prior to commencement of this maintenance work. 2. Completion of first [90] doy mointenonce period. 3. Final acceptance. 1.07 PROJECT FINAL ACCEPTANCE A. Prior to dote of fine! Inspection, acquire approved reproducible prints and finally record from the job record set, all changes made during construction and deliver them to Owner. e. Deliver guarantees to Owner. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Ensure that all materials conform to other sections of these specifications for planting and Irrigation, end os acceptable to Owner. B. Provide monthly record of oil herbicides, Insecticides and disease control chemicals used on site. PART .3 EXECUTION 3.01 MAINTENANCE A. Weed and cultivate oll oreas at Intervals of not more than [10) days. 8. Perform watering, mowing, rolllng, edging, trimming, fertilization, spraying, pest control, and cleonlng as moy be required. C. Street gutters and curbs are ta be Included. D. Maintain adequate protection for people ond property, and be flnanclally responsible for damages and Injuries. Notify Owner Immediately shauld damage accur as a result of molntenonce operations end provide repair or remuneration as required by Owner. E. Between the 15th and 20th colendor doy of the molntenonce period, reseed or resod all spots or areas within the lawn where normal turf growth Is not evident. 3.02 TREE AND SHRUB CARE A. Watering: Maintain a large enough water basin around plonts !lo that enough water can be applied to eetabllsh moisture through the major root zone. Whan hand woterlng, use a water wand to break force of water. 8. Pruning: 1. Prior to any pruning obtain written approval from the Owner to proceed. 2. Trees: a. Propose tree pruning to the Owner should there be heolth or structural reasons for doing so, Including the need to eliminate diseased or damaged growth, eliminate structurally unsound growth, reduce potential for wind toppling or wind domoga,or mointain growth within limited space. b. If requested by the Owner provide pruning 'for aesthetic enhancement according to "Pruning" by Sunset Books. c. Mojor pruning of deciduous trees shall be during their dormant season. C. D. E. F. G. 3. Shrubs: a. The objectives of shrub pruning are the some as for trees. Do not clip shrubs Into bolled or boxed forms unless such Is required by the design. b. Moke pruning cuts to loterol bronches or buds of flush with trunk. Stubbing will not be permitted. Staking and guying: Ensure that stokes ond guys remain In place through occeptance and monitor to prevent girdling of trunks or bronches ond to prevent rubbing that causes bark wounds. All nursery stokes shall be removed. Weed control: Keep all areas free of weeds. Use recommended legolly oppraved herbicides. Avoid frequent soil cultivation that destroys shallow roots. Use mulches per specifications to help prevent weed seed germination. Insect and dlseose control: Molntoln a reasonable control with opproved moterl<ils. Fertilize as specified by the ogronamlc soils testing recommendations ond os follows for bid purposes: 1. Commencement of maintenance period -[6] pounds per 1,000 squore feet with top dress fertilizer. 2. 3. 4. At end of first [30] days of molntenonce period -[6] pounds per 1,00D square feet with top dress fertilizer. At end of maintenance perlad and at [30) doy lntervols should maintenance l?erlod be extended for any reason -[6] pounds per 1,000 squore feet with [fertilizer] mix. Avoid applying fertilizer to the root ball and base of main stem; rather, spread evenly under plant to drip line. Rates will vary from about a cup of nitrate fertilizer (depending upon nitragen percentage) oround a newly Installed small plant to about 1/2 pound of actual nitrogen per Inch of truck diameter measured four feet from the ground for mature trees. Raplocament of plants: Replace dead, dying and missing plants with plants of a size, condition and variety acceptable to Owner at no additional cost ta the Owner. 3.03 GROUND COVER CARE A. Waed control: Control weeds, preferably with pre-emergent herbicides, but oleo by hond or with selective systemic herbicides. Hoe weeds as little os possible since this may result In plant damage. 8. Watering: Water enough that moisture penetrates thraughout root zone and only os frequently as Is necessary to malntoln healthy growth. C. Trash: Remove as It accumulates, but no less often than weekly. D. Edging ond trimming: Edge ground cover to keep In bounds. E. Replace dead and missing plants at no additional eost to the Owner. 3.04 LAWN AND TURF CARE A. Turf must be well-established prior to fine! acceptance. B. Watering: Water lawns at such frequency as weather conditions required to replenish soil moisture below root zone. C. Weed control: If needed, control brood leof weeds with selective herbicides. D. Mawing: 1. Perform mawing at such times of the day or week os may be requested by the Owner so as not to Impede the Owner's operations. Mowing times may be at times ath11r than normal working hours or doys. Perform work at Owner's convenience ot no odditionol cost ta the Owner. 2. Cleon up gross clippings during and after mawing, and remove legally from site. Use of blowing-type equipment In lieu of sweeping or vacuuming Is not acceptable. E. Renovating: 1. If required, remove thatch by vertlcuttlng,preferably In the Foll of the yeor, but otherwise In the Spring. At this time, fartlllze with nitrate and aver-seed If needed. Over-seeding must precede pre-emergent herbicides by at laost 4 to 6 weeks. Normally, this means thot !owns which have been invaded by crobgross would be renovated and over-seeded In the Fall and treated for crabgrass control i the following late Winter. 2. Clean up grass clippings during and ofter mowing, and remove legolly from site. Use of blowing-type equipment In lieu of sweeping or vacuuming Is not acceptable. 3.05 IRRIGATION SYSTEM A. Inspection: Check all systems for proper operation. Loteral lines must be flushed out ofter removing the last sprinkler head or two at each end of the loteral. Adjust heads as necessary for unimpeded coveroge and no overspray. B. Controllers: Set and program automatic controllers for seasonal woter requirements. Give Owner a key to controllers and Instruction on how to turn off system In cose of emergency as specified In other sections of these specifications. C. Repair all damages to Irrigation system at no addltlonol cost to the Owner. Moke o!L repairs within one wotering period. END OF SECTION m 71' W-t211 • FAX 714 2oll 9215 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. '' AS BU IL T'' l<EVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC >-lEAL Tel ENGINEER. ASST. PLANNING DIRECTOR AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD. CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE R.C.E. ------R.C.E. _____ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE i411o, = RS CIT'I' SLBMTT AL 5129191 ~ a.oG. DB"T. 51..fMTTAL k1?6f91 ~ CITT SLBMTT AL 112 APPROVED~ yt?/-75 >----+-------------------+------1 ~A-=-s""s1"'sT""A'"'N""'T,-,;;cP-N,..,.N"'1N""G,-,,D"'!R"'E"'C"'TO"'R=------DATE DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D REVISIONS DWN BY "'"' CHKD ey __ .R __ _ FIELD BY PROJECT NO. QP 94-06 DRAWING NO. 347-2M _J CMWD tt94-C425 L7.4 •