HomeMy WebLinkAbout1274 STRATFORD LN; ; 82-37; PermitII) z 0 .:: C a:: ~ u "' 0 .:: I[ 8 cc "' 0 ... 5 ~ "' z ~ z 0 .:: ~ z "' Q. ~ 0 u II) a: "' :.: a:: 0 ~ i[ O I hereby afflnn that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license Is In lull force and effect. Lie No _______ Class _____ _ I hereby afllrm that I am exempt from the Con- ~!<'{~~~,:'; ~w ~t~~:1~~~~1~ county which requires a penmt to construct alter. improve, demoHsh, or repau ll'IY structure, pnor to its iss~ce also requires the applicant for such pemut to Ille a signed statement that he 1s hcensed pursuant to the prov1st0ns of the Con-tractor's License Law {Chapter 9 commencing with Section 7000 of Otv1s10fl 3 of the Business and Pro- fessK>ns Code) or that ,s exempt therefrom and the basts for the alleged exemphon Any v1olahon of Section 7031 5 by an applicant fOf a pemut sut>tects tne apphcant to a c1v1I penalty of not mOfe than five hundfod dollan (S!iOO). O I, as owner ot the property, or my employees ._,th wages as theu sole compensation, will do the WOf'k. and the strtJCture 1s not intended or ottered fOf sa,e (Sec 70,U, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Li.w does not apply to an owne< of p,operty who builds o, improves thereon and who does such worir. himself o, lhrougt" hi sown employees, provided that such ,mproveme:tts a,e not ,ntende1 o, ottered IOf sa..Je It, however, lhe building or Improvement 1s sofd within one year of comp~t1on, the owner-builder will have the burden of p,ov1ng tl'\at he did not build or Improve tor the z.;otsale) s owne, ol the property, am exclusively ling with hcensed contractors to construct the p,01ect {Sec 70,4.C. Business and Professions Code· The Contractor's L1cenH law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves ~~~i~ 7i~nc~~-~!~:~ ~~~~r~~\~;;:.: License Law• 0 I am uempl under Sec _____ , B & PC. tor th1s,eason ___________ _ □ I hereby affirm that I ha..,e a cer11t,ca1e of consent to sell-insure, or a cert1f1cate of Workers' Compensation Insurance. or a cert1hed copy thereof (Sec 3800. Labor Code) POLICYN0 __ COMPANY □ Copy ,s filed with the city 0 Certified copy ,s hereby furnished CERTIFICATl OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This sechon need not be completed 11 the permit 1s for one hundred dollars ($100) or less) V , certify that 1n the perl~nce ot the-wOf'k to, . .t:\.ch this permit 1s issued. I shall not empk)y any person 1n any manner so as to become sub1ec1 10 the Wor1il.e,s· Compensatton Laws of Cahtorma NOTICE TO .APPLICANT If. after makm~ this Cert, hcate of Exemption. you should become sub1ect 1? the Workers· Compensation p,ov,s,ons of lhe l.abOr Code. you musl torthw1th comply wllh such prov1s1ons or this permit shall be <Seemed revoke<! 1 O I hereby affirm th.at !here 1s a cons1ruct1on lending agency tor the periOfmance ol the woo-. tor wt11ch ttl,s permll 1s 1ssue<3 (Sec 3097. C1v1I Code) Lenoer·s Name ___________ _ Lender's Address __________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD ---. ·------...... APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS ... ---- CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, C alifornia 92008 (714) 438-5525 JOB AD0RESS A~·i.Tr~: i1 l:,;1 BUSINESS LICENSE it 1ill:/P/o() PERMIT NUMBER (!1 ?J./ S-r/J .. -J...thJJ;: • 'H / r-11,rll q-i,, -3-1 OWNER'S NAME ~ I OWNER'S PHONE PRIME CONTRACTOR C0NTFIACT0RS 'l'HQl',c • ZONE ,TDI-IAI J.I fYIIUlLIN ?~Q-1/~~q SELF , OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS LICENSE NO. PLAN 1.0. # BLDG USE CODE 7 /31,S I/ 'lla.11 t:.~ f:.1\/f;, I , LOT 1 BLOCK SUBO~ Assr.~i,.PARCEL ~4-,,-DESIGNER STATE LICENSE# ·i STANDARD PLAN# BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE -/~ -I. ('_n11 aN. 1<£UER , ~"2--:2-3 0ESCRIPTI0N OF WORK • 0ESIGNER'S ADDRESS DESIGNER'S PHONE ll ._L SmCJ.£ Fl/f1lll-'/ t.JJJ.1r 5c.v, N /},Tm-"'ta. ~A.J:-,()e "'J~'l-3'/51 . --F/P FLA ELEV. NO °f.G!3 EDU STORIES I i vO NO CENSUS TRACT I GP LANO USE PAR➔IN,i;;CE I RES UNITS I GRADING ~ERMIT ISSUED I REDEVELOPMENT ¥J,J OCC L0A0 FIRE SPR J AREA YO N 0 YO NO v0 N'ltJ.· Not Valid Unlt!ss Machine Certifi«I QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE ').JO QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE ~-su~/MARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER ------" EACH FIXTURE TRAP ~-(' -I INSTALL FURN. DUCTS i.JP TO 100,000 BTU '-h-BUILDING PERMIT ..J~ F.), J/j EACH BUILDING SEWER .. l,,,._ v ., '°" OVER 100,000 BTU SIGN PERMIT \ -· -I.,- 1 EACH WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT -.,_:r:; BOi(E ~COMP~SOR UP TO 3 HP ~ f?. 5(j PLAN CHECK JJ ' EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS -.a BOit'\ -~ OMPRESSOR 3·15 HP TOTAL PLUMBING J h ' ~ ~ O ./'1 . ~ ;,t'IL- EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MDRE ~AL-FIREPLACE • ELECTRICAL ' • I L.'?.---. . EACH INSTAl .. ALTER. REPAIR Wj!TE PIPE I . \ . ~ 1W °\EN T FAN SINGLE DUCT 7 lb--MECHANICAL .J -z_~ -- EACH VACUUM BREAKER , I j "\... ./"' MECH EXHAUST -HOOOIOUCTS'/ J MOBILEHOME ~ WATER SOFTNER I\ J A 'rl'',/ I .' \ RELOCATION OF EA F~AC,i/Hfl,\lfER MOBILEHOME PARK If ISP . ,, I J r, r EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) \ SOLAR .. I -TOT /..JOflAltlCAl. STRONG MOTION JI.},_ y}',, . TOTAL PLUMBING \-I ._..r(J_.,... "'2-~. --FIRE SPRINKLERS - PUBLIC FACILITIES . FEE 2,,c,(,""t--,_ - QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE 7 -'-QTY. SOLAR -ISSUE -BRIDGE FEE NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT/BKR '7--1)0 ...... rh-COLLECTORS SCHOOL FEE -DI l,TRICT 1 PH 3 PH STORAGE TANKS Carlsbad j EXIST BLOG EA AMP/SWT/BKR ROCK STORAGE Encinitas ' 1 PH 3 PH PUMP San 01eguitQ.i> REMODEL/ALTER PER CIRCUIT PLAN CHECK FEE San MarcoS4 TEMP POLE 200 AMPS /£1 r --fL ~ - OVER 200 AMPS . ~D ., ~r:::: V-f'\ / ·~··e-:.7~"" 1 TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYS) ,-, -' - TOTAL ELECTRICAL 1-lrn,,-TOTAL SOLAR TOTAL FEE'.' ,S PAYABLE I a. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY Exptr1t1on. Every permit issued by the Butldtng Ott1c1al under the provIs,ons of this * AN OSHA PEINIT IS REQUIRED FOfl EXCAVATIONS OVER CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shaJI exS)tre by hm1tat1on and become null and void If the bu1td,ng or work J/ !>' O" DEEP ANO DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION Of DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS authorized by such permit ,s not commenced w ithin 180 days from the date of such STAUCT\JA£S 0\/EA 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT ISSUED. TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNT" AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON :~i;;~n~ 1!1 t:~y t~:i:ff.~~h:~~,:~h:~r:~i~,~~ r~~~I~f9~:r:1.~ or STRUCTION, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND A~OT'S SIGNATURE .. ~ONTRACTOR 0 AP~ \->flf)VE0 BY /E 0 KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE \~ ~ ~ BY PHONE 0 • j I IJ /1-,~ GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. ~~~a )'A A .J ~ l· ~ ' INSPECTION TYPE ···-· --··-·· ... -DATE . INSPECTOR BUILDING I FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL I MASONR Y I GUNITE OR GROUT I FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME ' I SHEATHING I. FRAME I I EXTERIOR LATH I NSULATION : INTERIOR LATH & DRYWAL L l PLUMBING I SEWER AND BL/CO PLUMBING UNDERGROUND PLUMBING TOP OUT I TUB AND ~HOWER PAN i GAS TEST ; ELECTRICAL ' I TEMPORARY POWER l I ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND I ROUGH ELECTRIC I I ELECTRIC SERVICE ' BONDING ~ ' G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR . I MECHANICAL ' I DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING HEAT -AI R COND. -SOLAR SYSTEMS _. . ..., ' . VENTILATING SYSTEMS . ,-,-. .__. CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED . JOB SITE FINAL I ' ' . ;_-1v ,· PLUMBING ; ELECTRICAL ' l • ! \ '. 1 MECHANICAL . GAS "'· \ . ) \ I_.\.\ I BUILDING . SPECIAL CONDITIONS CERT OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED .. . . 4 FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REOUlf:lED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTION REQ IF INSPECTOR'S CHECKED APPROVAL SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRES TRESSED CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SPECIAL MASONRY PILES CAISSONS - ~ -r--ru ·. ' . --. •- . . I ~ I ~ • • ..._ . ~ ' ''\ r ',-\\'\~:: r--. -. ·' l . ' - J ,\ INSPECTOR'S NOTES .K DATE J , , ' ·•· ' , - ' I \ '. -. . ' ' . ( .. ' \ ,r ~ . ' ) -· '. 1 , .. , .. ( < .\ •O ·J I ,·. \ ' ' ' J L--~~ ~T',~ I > \ rT i""f \{ J . ' J --I I I , . ' I :<-\ \ " ';~ -t • I ,~ I • €itp of €arlsbab ~~ J~AISDICTION: ________ _ DATF. ro-1h.1 i>PoJEcT ADDREss , /;)11/ Sn '.ln :::cJ,zo L ,_, Nt: TO: ;9Pl7Llu-JJ/r PLAN CORRECTION SHEET BZ-B 7 1ft 11 PIAn Ch.-ck No. _______________ _ 1 ,r,• r•lans r~cci•,ed by juri~diction _____ _ plan checker j11/t), %1..... ,.,. ,,,, •••••• , , •• ,, ,~p••···~•,,:T,;'1 "•Hr r•lana received by fl'I~ £,i<'IID I PLEAS£ READ rtao check ia limited to technical requirement• c~ntained in the Uniform Building Code, UniforM Plu~bing Code, Uniform M~chanical Code, National Electrical Code and etate laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access tor t he h4~dicapped. The plan check ie based on regulation• enforced by the Building Inspection O~partment. You may have otner correction■ based on laws and ordinances enforced by the ?Janning Department, Engineering D~partment o r other departments. T~e items c i rcled below need clarification, rodification or change. All circled items have t c be satisfied before the plana will be in conformance with the cited code• and regulationa. Per Sec. lOl (cl, 1979 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plane doe■ not permit the v iolation of any state, county or city law. A . 2 Pl.\~S Please make all correction• o al tracings and ■ubmi w sets of print■, a nJ any or· plan seta that may have ~ rned to you by the jurisdiction, · Ltv @ i ea iov-< e,iq.~, 1LE:sot ve-Tt-.e 1+e;;i .s. ~ T '-K 0 Cb1.n J1€I) To facilitate rechecking, please identify, nex~ to each circled item, the sheet of t he plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plane. APPLICANT COP D CITY COPY D PLAN CHECKER c.v\Cl ( Q . . I' • Dates M 9 2--Jurisdict ion c A g Ls e Ai v VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE I" Bld g. Dept. 0 ,f,. SG; I L- PLAN CHECK NO . 8:.:, ~ ·. 1 BUILDING ADDRESS / 2 7 :/ S 1 ~-f: 'f f ors D /..../4 ,,u € APPLICANT/CONTACT _________ PHONE NO. _____ t---,.-- BUILDING OCCUPANCY 'R -j /,,u , I DESIGNER PHONE ' ---+---- TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V-:-.-v CONTRACTOR PHONE _ __._ __ _ BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER J.111 1,.._;~ A REA 3,'2.23 "/2 I -/?-£, 3 {.,CJ I - 6iA R A 6.E' 7 (,. C. I / -8, '+A r.o , - Dt(:K 'l / / G:,, €9 I 'I 3 5'. - Co v e ,.{. n PEcK /f #-"'lo l.77 'f; l O -I I &'!;, - I ,1 1.J -1/l=Nt.E R // 2. '/, -'-I 70, Air Conditionin~ Commercial Residential Fire Sprinklers Total Value l '/G 8Go -I • .) r v Building Permit Fee ____ , ___ ._._-______ _ 3 r? AC Plan Check Fee -.;J • -______ ;..._---=--------- CO MM EN TS, __ .J..av....::::t:JtL.L.:kLC~da:.::f:::~..l..__f>~!__.F_FL.!:E:=a====::,t..:=-!LL1D.1r!lril_ ___ _ ,1 ; I 2. 7 "/ Pt..B~ Pfl.MIT F1::--£' I S~E:1<. I WATE:"R, I --- 1RAP.S - w c_ ---I l l --/.Au /.s1.AJ"-. -Hf!-I -·-® ru. 13 /sH-fl... -I// CI WAS/I&'~ I WH/SF1. Wli II ~Ars -----II/ I V A:l t.t'-<M Ult ltS =- D, WA.s~"-fl... I } Q) H. g ,_'s I j l I // t i FL€'C... -P0,/1117 FcE' A. S£R.lltc.e' ME<!.H . -PER,M rr FEE I FAU.. I KIT, /.1-0t::>O I f'AI.J I BA, FA.v ' ' I l ii f l 11 I 'lo Citp of Carlsbab JUJUl:;JCTJO;., CA!3l..S l>AD . DATE -------n ,:.JEC': ADDRESS, I~ 7'f S71?ATFORD J..,4A/£" TO, I ~ Please malte all correction• on the original tracing• and 1ubmlt two new ••ta or print,, and any original plan ••ta that may have been returned to you by the Juriediction, to, .f!LPG I IIUS,1? J20Pri 0 APJ :.:-;,.: ::~:r-f --------------~C:TY -·,f Cl PI.Ar, cH::::r.E? ccr-= / To f acilitate rechecking, i:lease identify, r.Pxt to each circled ite~, the sheet of the plans upon wl':.ich eacr. correctior. on this sheet ~.as been made and returr. this check s heet wi th the revised plans. f:As CCRRECTION SHEET Sif;C!.! FA.Y.ILY ANO DUPLEX DWELLINCS Plan Cl':.eclc roo. 82-3 7 Stories _ Date J:lans received by. jurisdiction Z -17-8 "L t:y Q.D Date r:a::s received by Date ::.!':i tial i;lan check COl'lpleted ;;1../~,;J,,18 2 ty ~ ~rc::::.::~;:;:_:-------- Plan check is li~ited to technical require=ents contained in the Uniform Building Code. Unifoni Plu::ibin,; Code. Uniform Mechanical Code, 1,ati onal Elec- trical Code a.~d state laws regulatinc energy conservation, noia• attenuation ar.d access for the handicapped.TIie plan check ia based on regulations enforced by the Building lnspection Depart- ment. You may have other corrections baaed on laws ar.d ordi~- ancea enforced by the Planning Depar1Zllent, Engineerir.g Depart- ment or other depar1Zllents . The iteu circled below need clarification, aodification or ch&nc•• All circled itna have to be aatiaried before the p"lana •111 be in conformance with the cited codea and regu• latlona, hr Sec, )0) (c), 1979 Unlfoni Building Code, the approval or the plane doe, not peralt the violation of any 1tate.·co\lft1;J or cl,:, law. ~ y. r 6. Ir.dicate on plans the na!!le of the leµl owner and name of person responsible for the preparation of t he plans, Sec. J02(b) Subr!lit fully dimer.sior.ed plot plar. drawn to scale showing location size, ar.d use of all existin£ ar.d proposed structures on the l ot. Identi~y prcpert, lines and show l et di~er.sions ar.d all ease~ents. Show location of all cut or fill slopes a.~d appr ox:~ate ~inisr. floor elevations for all strucrJres a.::d s how elevations at all lot corners. (Sec. J02(t)~). :ndicate distance from center-line of street er allPy to property line and distance from curb t o prcperty line. (Sec. J02(b)?), Plans, specifications and calculations shall te si(C'led by a California State licensed engineer or architect. (California Business & Professions Code) B. FIRE PROTECTION )t'£. Walls closer than J feet to property lines sr.all be ore hour fire rated construction. (Table .S-A) • ~ Walls closer than J feet to property lines s~all have no openings. (Table 5-A), /4 Walls closer than J feet to property lines s~all have JO inch parapets when the building floor area exceeds l,000 square feet per floor. ~ Projections, including eaves, may not extend more than 12 inches into the J foot setback fr0111 the property line, (Sec, ·1710 and Sec .S04(b) ), ~ Projections, including eaves shall be one hour fire resistive construction, heavy timber or of non-c011bustible -terial it they project into the )' Htbaclt area troa th1 property line, Section 1710. Y, Show location of 1mr not be battery opert electrical power eu1 C. ROOM SJZ&:; LJCHT1 VI ft, 7- ~ ~ pr: )e': ~ ~ ~ One room must contaJ superficial floor ar, Habitable rooms, oth1 least 70 square feet Window area must be e a minimum of 10 squat to be deficient in Openable window area and a minimum of l L rooms, and similar r One-half of all req~ Provide mechanical, five air changes per compartments, laun~ required windows ar No habitable room, than 7•0• in any di.I Show that ceiling h, minimum of 7'-6•, (~ Show celling height dors, and bathrooms ~ Provide Jo• clear wi and 24• clearance in ~ No cooking room shal unless complying as 1 ~ Specify safety glazil such as glass doors, ,.!lazing adjacent to /. /. Sleeping rooms man h emergency exit. Sill above the floor wi t h minimum, with net hei net wi dth of opening Eavea and cornice• yard 110re than 2 inch 1t required windo• o f ~ /-A ~•iianin• ia an intel"fflediate floor and ~•Y not have a floor area exceeding)) 1/) perc•nt of th• total floor area in the ro0111 below, and the me11an!ne floor muat have a clear height or 7 feet, above and below, and ■uat have 65~ of the long aide open to the roo- below. ~ T!:e loft you ahow does not comply as a me1ian!ne f l oor and ia, by Building Code definition, a story c. ~ITS, STAIRWAYS, AND RAILINGS ~ :loors above the second story shall have not less than 2 ex:ts. ( Sec. ))C2(a)), Y. ~eq~ire1 exit doorways shall be not less than )6" :~ w::t~ a::d not less than 6'-8" in height, No door :eaf s ~all exceed 4• in width, (Sec, JJOJ(e) a::d )JO)( f );, @ :rovide )6" high protective railing for porches, balco- 09 ~:es, a::d open sides of landings, Maximum opening ~e"twee~ railings ia 9", <sec, 1716), Show how guardrail connection details are adequate to s~pport 20 pounds per lineal foot at a right angle to the top rail, 17able 2)-B ~ Provide stairway and landing details, (Sec, JJ05(b) & (c) ), /. Kax!mum rise a· and ·mini.mum run is 9", 'ti, ~ &/. y. & Minimum head room ia 6•-6•, Kini:111.1111 width is JO", frovide har.drails for all stairways with two or more risers. (Sec, JJ05 (j}), Provide handrails for stairways over JO" hieh when servi~~ a sin,1e dwellin~. (Title 24 , Sec, T25-22(b)), Handrail st.all be )O" to J4" above the nosine of treads, (~ec, )JOS (j)). Handrails projecting from a wall shall have a space not less than lt" between the wall and the handrail, (Sec, JJ05(j)), The hand ~ip portion of handrails shall be not less •than 1¼• nor more than 2" in cross-sectional dimension, (Sec, JJ05 (j)), ~ Every stairway landln,i: shall have a dimension, ■eaaured in the direction of travel, at leaat equal to the atairway width, (Sec, JJ05(g)) • ~ A door swinging over a landing ■hall not reduce the width of the landi~ to l••• than 1/2 the required width in any poaition nor by ■ore than 7 inches when fully open, (Sec, JJ05 (g)), ,fY!r. Provide detail■ or winding atainey, a, Mlni.m1.1111 tread la 6 inches at any point and minimW!I 9 inches at a point 12 inch•• from the aide or the atairway, b, Maxi.mum rise is 9 inch••· e. Mini.m1.1111 width is JO inchea, (Sec, JJ05 (d}), ~ Provide spiral stairway details, a. Mini.mum run is? 1/2 inches at a point 12 inches from where the tread is the narrowest, b, Maximum rise is 9 1/2 inches. c, Minimum headroom is 6 feet 6 inches. (Sec, JJ05(f )). _✓. Spiral stairways may not be used for require: exits when the area served is greater tha.n ~CC sq, ft, See. JJ05(!} /, Spiral stairways must have a clea: -llting space of 26 inches between the col1.111111 and handrail, (Sec, ))05(!)}, ✓-In buildings over 2 atories in height, provide )/4 hour !ire rated assemblh• tor all openings :..:: the exterior wall below or within 10 feet horiio~~lly or an exterior stairway. An exit balco1!Y with 2 separated stairways is exempt. (Sec. JJ05(L)), ~ Exterior stairways shall not project into the J !oot setback from the property lines. (Sec, )J05(r.)), 59, The -11s and ao!!ita or the enclo1ed u■eable 1pace under interior stairs 1hall be protected on tte enclosed side as required !or one hour fire-resistive cor.struc- tion, (Sec, JJ05(c)}, E, ROOFING ..n: Specify roof pitch, Y, Roof pitch is.not adequate for roof type apeel!~ed. ~ Specify tCBO as,proval covered in UBC, 74, ,ef.' £9 /y. Specify roof elope !or aCCWIIUlated -ter. (S Show roo! drain• and o Provide ■kylight detai )401 or 5207 or provid, Provide plastic roof pa with section 5206 or pr /, Show attic ventilation, of attic area or l/)00 ot the required vent i1 joist■, (Sec, )205(c) H, ~ .,,-~ fi ~ ~ 9d': 9', ')£. ~- JI'· MASONRY Provide fireplace cons Show veneer support ar Sec. )002, 4, 5, 6 ar· Provide veneer anchor of veneer and No. 9 he wire for all anchored IV, (UBC Standard JO Show height and cons' -111. (Chapter 24), Note t~.at cleanout op bottom or all cellJI t 1ingle pour. Cleanou after inspection, (St Provide engineering e~ and connections, ( Set Show floor and roof cc Connection shall resis design loads,whichever Provide oaterial speciJ masonry and reintorcir~ Show how masonry house waterproofed, Note that special insp, required !or ____ _ Specify 11ini.mU11 pitch or--------:-------• @ Specify~;,att;)al; application;'to~"'lfl..'1,_ "-''~ SE£ 31 ~ c.,~ c?:>~b ,~c.e • CJJ u .. oc.>"!: .. c. ~ ~ ~ }In· y:: GARACES Al!J) CARPORTS Carage require• one-hour tlr• protection on the garage •11• ot •lla and cellinp coaaon to the dwelling. (Table S·B, Sec, SOJ(b)), All eltimenta aupportlng floor above prage to have one-hour tire realative protection on th• prage aide, (Sec, SO)), Show l )/8• aolld core •elf-closing door for opening between garage an4 dwelling, (Sec, SO)(d)). Garages are not permitted to open into a roo: used for sleeping purposes, (Sec, 1104). Openings bet-.oeen car port and residence require sel!- closing doors and stationary windows, (Sec. 1214). ~ Show garage framing section, size of header over garage opening, lateral cross bracing at plate line ar.d method of bracing garage front. (Chapter 2)), :-!. NOTE , Mini.mum plywood diaphrap ratio is ) 1/2 to 1 or 2•.4•, (Table 24-I). :O!r.'l~AT:C~ R!;UIRDIENTS ~ Note on pla.~.s that a soils engineer shall evaluate any w-.anticipated uncompacted fill or expa::sive soil ~ I:> 0 ~ ~ " ~ ~ ½ ~ z ~ 121. 122, 1p. or other soil problems discloaed dur~g cor.st:-~ction, Subclt a soil classification dete=ir.ation ty a licensed engineer or architect based on obser,ation, tests, borings, or excavations, and containing co~r.e:-:.ts on the degree of expansiveness, c0111pressibilify ar.d ~earing value, (Sec. 290S), "ote on the plan the •oil classification, whether or not the soil ls expansive.and note the allowatle bearing value, or have the foundation confor.:i to Table 29-A, (Sec, 2905), The foundation plan do•• not comply •1th the aoll report rec01Cmendatlone tor thia project ______ _ Provld• note• on the foundation plan liating th• aoil raport rac011111endatlone for foundatlona, alab and bulldlnc pad preparation, 124, "ote on the foundation plan that •Prior to the Contrac• tor requ-■tlng a BullcHng Depar1alent foundation ~ Show foundation alll 125. ~ ~ ~ ~ ? 1)1. inspection, the aoils 9"1gineer ahall adviae th• ~\ J-11= Building Official ln writing that, lf , l, the building pad waa prepared in accordance with JP)4 the eoila report, ~ t 2, the utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and, ~• ), the foundation excavations, fon:iing and reinforce- ment comply with the aoils report and approved plan,• frovide spread footir.gs for concentrated loads desigr:ed for 1000 PSF eoil bearing or per bearing value as determined by an engineer or architect. (Chapter 29 ), Show height of all four.dation walls. (Chapter 2)), Show height of retained earth on all four.daticr. walls. (Chapter 2) ). Show distance of foundation to ed~e o! c~t or !ill slopes a.~d show steepness ar.d heights=! =~ts ~• !ills. ,!::hapter 29 ), ~ote ::-:. ;:lans that wood shall te ~-ato·,~ !"i:-.::;~ ~3::le. 15ec. 24l?(c:)· ), :;ote on plans that surface water wili ~ra::-. away !r=-=: ~uildir.g and show drainage pattern a::d key elevations. iSec, 2905(f~ c~ "~ So, .. s. ~o.z.,, ~i::iension foundation per Table 29A, TABLE NO. 29-A -POUNDAT.:ON !'CR S'I"~':l BEARING WALLS MI!fOOJ!II REQUIRS-.E:'1':S P6· V · ~- ~ yef. Y'l· ;;d: ,. Dept!'! C! r :oundatior. Edow !'latura: Thickness Of S:.ir!ace Foundation Wall Width Thiclcnesa :! Ground Number C! or I Inches l Unit Poo ting ? Of :.r.d Finish Footing Crade Stories 1 2 ) Concrete Masonry (Inches) 6 6 12 8 8 lS 10 10 18 (Inches) (Inches) 6 12 ~ 7 18 8 24 equal. (Sec, 2Si? (. Show foundation bolt (Sec, 2907(e)). Specify ehe, ICBO n. driven pins. Show e< (Sec. )06(fl). Show size, l.mbedment on foundation plan, Note on plan that hol place prier to founda Show adequate footir.@ 23ll(e ll . Show stepped footings (Se::. 290?(c)), Show ::iini::,= 18• cle, ~oists and ~inimum l; (Sec. 2517), Show pier size, spac soil. (Table 29-A) Show :inimum under 2!17) , Show :i~i::i= under sq. !t, !or each 25 with openings aa cl~ provide cross ventil opposite sid••• (Se FRA.lll!I~G ~ Show all joists, raf thick to be No, 2 Cr~ All posts an:1beus s• ~ouglas Fir-Larch or Show wall bracing. E main cross partition at least every 25 fee let-in brace or equi Note cross bridging o more t~.an 12• in dept shall be supported la not exceedinc 8 feat, .... ~- )Hf. ~ ~ ~ y£ Show blocking at end■ and at ■upporta of f loor j oleta, and for ratter■ at exhrlor -11■• (Sec, 250'..I ,> l . Show ■olld blocking at rldge line and at exter!or -11■ on tru■■ed root■• (Sec. 2506(g)l. r Show double joi■ta. Ploor jol■ta ■hall be doubled under bearll'I& partition■ runnlnc parallel with the joi■ta. (Sec. 2518(d)S). Show rafter purlin braces to be not leas tha:: 45 degree~ to the horbontal. <sec. 2518(h) ) • Show rafter ties. Rafter ties shall be spaced not more tha:: 4 feet on center where rafters ar.d ceilir.g j oists are not parallel. ( Sec. 2518(h) ). Show l/2" minimum clearance between top plate o! ~ ~ ~ l?«;. ~- interior partitions and bottom chord o! u-usses. _-~To e:-:sure loading will be as designe!.) r, :r.cw double top plate with minimum 4e• lap splice. ,J!9 /~ ::,e::, 2518(g)4 ATT,.._<-t't /JP Sr.ow r.ailing will be in compliance •~tr. tatle 25-:, f:-::·nde !ire stops between stories, :etwee:-: tc;: s-:c:-; a::d roo! space, at ceilings and !loo:-levels ~r. ir.terio~:- (§) ~ ·@ ar.d exterior walls, in mansard root or eyetrow so no 1=3· concealed or rurred apace la greater thar. lC' ~o:-i~on- tally or vertically, between stair atrir.gers at top and ,%- bottoa and between studs alone and in line wit~ stair ~joining ■tud -11• and partltio:-.a, at perimeter r- o! ■liding door pockets, between chi=ey and wood frame using metal or incombustibles !or the !ire atop /;BE. and at other places that could a!!ord passage o! !lame, Sec. 2517(!) ¢: Show studs, In one or two story build~ngs, s~~ds !o:- uterior walls and interior bearing walls s::a:: ~ be(;\'ot less than 2~ 4 at""i6• ~ s~~ds !::-:::ter:o:- r.onbearing partitions may be 2 x J at 16 o.c. s~~ds 2• to 4• thick and 2• to 4• wide ar.d :-:ot ~o:-e t~a:-. ~ !eat long st.all be •stud grade• Douglas :i:--:.a:-cr. or better when supporting not more than one !leer and a roor. ( Sec, 25l8(g) ). Note an A.I.T,C, Certificate of Compliance !or glued laminated woodmembera ■hall be given to the !uilding Inspector prior to erection. ( Sec. J06( r) ) • Detail all post to beu and post to rooting connections. Sec. 2517tc)4 /. >16, ;,,<: ;ef. ~peclry nall ■ls• and ■pacin~ ror all 1hear •111, floor and roor dlaphra,r;ina. Indicate required bl0c•1r.,. Malntaln maxim1.111 dlaphrap diaeneion ratloe. (Tablee I, J, x.). Show,. a 4• or 2• a 6• ■tuda 1n tlr■t ■tory or three story building, (Sec. 2518(!)); J. 1111".r:KANlCAL All heating, ventilating, a1 ■hall comply wlth the Uniter /§ff? Specify Bro rating or Show the location and Provide tru1s d1tails and tru■■ calculatione. Provide a roof framing plan. (Sec. J02(a)?), ~2• Provide !ruing ■ection■ through _________ _ -------------------~Sec. )02(a)?. appliance■ or system■• Every dwelling unit ah racilltlea capable or or 10° F. at J reet ab rooms, Show baai■ ro Specify all header sizes for openir.g over 4' wide . Sec. 2518(g)?. Provide calculations for rOU.--Ul>PtTICJV ( F ~AM€, Sec. )02(a)?, Ll>rTc"a."'I.. f C.e>N...V~TI0.-(/5 ~ Show minimum )0" deep front o! furnace. ~- In areas subject to water splash ar.! in exterior locations. wood c0lU111nS and posts shall be SUff::-te1 t y fiers . ~ Show furnace apace min per listing. ( Sec. 7011 ~ e1inimu:n J• clear back and top o! furnac Sec. ;ct.:i'!t'.: p:-oJecting at least 2" above the !:r.:s::ed g:-a:e a:-.= ,I' - shall tear on a metal base plate o:-t:-eated woe: .. ~less the ccl .. ~ns or posts are foundatior. g:-ade re:woc: c:- ceda:-. \ Sec. 25l?(c)4). S~ow location or attic scuttle wit~ ~i~:.~·.-. s~ie 22· x JO", l Sec, )205). Show draft separation for attic areas in ex:ess c~ )OOOsq. rt. (Sec, J205). Show draft separation !or space be~ee~ d:-cfpe! ce:lings and floor 1n excess or 1000 sq. !t. (Sec. 251-:. Speci~y plywood grade and panel ider.ti!icat~::-: index. ( Table 25-J) • When root pitch ~s leas than Jal2, desig!': ridge as a vertical load carrying me:nber. ( Sec , 251~:~i .• wood shear walls shall not be used to :-es:s~ r.c:-:io~tal !o:-ce! contributed ?:y ~ascnry ir:. ~ .. il:1::-:gs :·:e:-::--."' story in heigr.t. (Sec. 25l6(b)). ~ypsu::: l ath and plaster, gypsum sheat~:r:.g ~ca:-: a:-.d gyps:.:- wallboard shall not be used in vert::al :Ea;:~.:-a~s to resist forces imposed by masonry c:-:c~c:-ete :onst?"~cticn. Table 47-I. Ir cripple -11 atuda are lea■ than 14•, !ra:iing shall be solid blocking, (Sec. 2518(g)6). Cripple -11 stud■ exceeding 4 feat in height shall be J inch by 4 inch or 2 inches by 6 inches when supporting 2 atorle■, (Sec. 2518(g)6), Show pl)'llOod aheathlnc o•er expoaed ea•e■, or other y: y.' Furnace shall not be s~c. 1c:.:;1t.c Furnace shall not be closet. or in con!in such room, unless sp, enclosed furnace or ( Sec. 704UXC ~ Attic furnace install be listed !or such in ~ Show IC!O approval fo approved installation ~ )¥!. p-t: pf'. Show access to the at pass the largest piec• tha..-: JO ~chea by JO i Note that passageway 1 unobstr~cted and have less tha.~ 24 inches wi Show a per:ianent elect controlled by a awitc 708l1MC r weather expoaed areu, la exterior cr&4e. (Sec. 2517(1))). · Show detail■ to comply under the floor, Sect Section 710 for roof Note on plan, gas ven pauinc throuch thr11 draft ■topped at each l706(a)6) • ,,. .. • It. ELECTRJCAL l"ATIO"AL E'LtCTRICAL COD!) All wlrln« ahall comply wlth the National Electrical Code. (@ Note on the plan the amperage or elactrical service. ~ Ir the electrical in11tallation i• more than 20c a:peree , ahow panel location and provide a aingle line diagrL~ ar.J load calculations including, a . Wirin« method employed, t . Si%ea or all conductora, awitchea, circuit treakers . !uses, and conduita. c. A>proxi.mate length ot aervice and feeders. d. F~ovide plot plan showing services, all pa::e: locatior.a, circuit arrange:e~t and load distti t u- ticn en panel busses, e. F~~vide typical panel ached~le(s). j,2'1': :~e:::~gs a:-~ condooiniw:is requi~e 100 a-.p serri:e. ~ s~.:w location or all electrical receptacles. ,~.~.:. Art, 210-25(b)), @ ~:e:tr:cal receptacle locations and/er spac:ng ajeq·.ate i:-:, Lll/1,()C, K"1 ,, 8£D'-.oo,n I, ,-,,,i-s-re& 8EOR.ooM > is :,o~ f ~ ~ At least one receptacle shall ~e installed o~tdocrs, in tase- =er.ta ar.d attached garages other than laur.~ry outlets.(See 224). @ ~ =ini.:ii::i dwelling lighting (N.E.c. Art,210-26(a ) and G?:'a in garage, batha and outdoors.(N.E.C. Art.210-S(a)). ~ Show kitchen electrical receptacles are located 1:-: cocpliance with code, (N.E.C. Art, 210-25(b)), L. r:....~s=~~ (UNIFORM PLUMBI~C CODE) All pl1.11:ti:-:g shall comply with the Unifonn Plumbir.g Code. @ ~ pr: ~ ~ Pilot.a, burners, heating elements and switches o! water heaters shall be 18• above garage floor, (Sec, lJlO), Show -t•r heater type and location on plans. Show ~•thod of providing combustion air to tuel burning -ter heater. (Sac, lJO?), Show -ter heater clearance from combustible wall, Sec. 1J08 Pual combustion water heater ■hall not be installed in bath or bedrooa or 1n closet opening into bath or bedroom, (Sec, 1J09), ® Provide adequate barrier to protect .. tar heater !roe vehicle damage, (Sac. 1)10), ® Show T and P valve on -ter heater and ahow route or discharge llna. (Sec. 100? (a)), ~ ®) ~ Note on plans that a water pressure re~~lator is req~lre1 if serving pressure i• over 80 p.s.i. (Zee . lCO?), Provide dryer vent to outside. (~.~ech.:ode, j ec. 19C) •• Note on the plan that hose 'bibts ar.~ law:, sprir.kle~ syste~s s~all have approve~ back!l:w pr~ver.~::r. devices, (Sec, lOO)J. M. NOISE INSULATION (DUPLEXES) ~ Show details of duplex COIIU!lcn (par~;) walls ar.~ !loc~/ ceiling asse~blies to achieve a 3our.d l'rans::iissior. Class (STC) rating in walls o! != decibels a:-:d L"l ~ ~ ~ Extra window area r, it juatitied by a pt T20-140), In cooled buildings , glazing areas ln exc The glazing area on degrees or North ne calculated glazed a Frovide energy anal of the gas central f design heat loss by 48,000 Bro/Hr. outpu Impact Insulation Class (ITC) ratir.g or. !loor/ceilir.g ./Seasor.al Efficiency of 50 decibels,(Titl• 25). ~ ~ote on plan that a· ~ Show how per.etrations or assenb::.es !or p:pir.g, elec~ical/ !ittir.g joints of H jevices, recessed cabinets, tat~~.~s. sc!!its, or pressure sensitive ~eati~g. ve~tilating, or exha~s~ !~c~s s~a:: te s~a:e~. 1 ir.ed, or :.nsula ted to main ta:.:-: :-e:p ire= sc:i:-.= trar.s- ::::.ss ior. ratings, (Title 2;). y. ?~~vije insulatior. in walls an= :e:::r.g t : a:r.:eve s-:: of 50 between garage and li·.-:r.g area :f ;:-arage is not controlled by the resider.t .. ::t:e ,; .• ~ 20-l~C4, ·ote o:-. plan that · "Y.: Section 100 5. @ !'-ote er. plan that :.se -#) or to :.."lcondi tione /I/ striped per ANSI S ~ Note on plan that N. ~~~y CONSERVATION y." All additions to existing resider.tial buildi:-:gs m~st comply with Title 24 energy reg-.lat:.cr.s. Additions exceeding )0,C of the existing b~::1:r.g requires the existing and addition to have R-:9 ceilir.g :r.s~lati::-: :f the existing ceiling area i s a::essitle !er ins4la- _pt: 27). ,4: t ion installation,(T20-1401(c)I. 5pecity the insulation R values !or walls, roar, and ceiling. (R-11 for •lls1 R-19 !:r Ceilir.gs, or provide details and analysis fer an alterr.ate desig:-:,l (T20-140),Table A and (2)(8)), Specify the gross floor area o! r.eated portions of the dwellln«, and the area of glaze~ openings on the plan. (T20-140)), Provide an analy•l• justifying ~creaaing the single glazed area beyond 16,C of the gl":ss floor area. Show method to reduce heat lo■■ to t~.a~ which would occur with baalc claling.(f20-140Z, de!.) all !an systems exl T20-l40), ~ !J.ectrlcal realatan. unless, / ? ~ a. ec,C ot heating/ so:.irce, t. supplement■ a ht C, less than 10,C of d, lite cycle cost Note on plan that a efficiencies shall c Suber.apter 4, Articl Note on plan that n may ba installed wit Device, (T20-140S), Note on plan that th in attics, cane•• 0 to provide aaxim1111 l TZ0-1406, ,. ?-tlectrlo rell1tanc1 -tar ""tlnc h not penalthd unlnt ••rifled•• 001t tffectl•• bJ • llf• cycle coat analyalt, T2O-llt06, ?-Outdoor poolt "1th fo11ll t'U•l heat•r• r•qulre pool co•er■ •• ••11 •• other 1n1ro •••ln& 4e•lce■ ■uch •• tlaa clocka, etc, (T2O-1406). O. MJSCELUN£0US ~ ~ r Show ainlmlllll 2• wld■ air ■pace and flashing between planter and building -11e. (Sec, 25l?lc)}. Show a weep ■creed at the foundation plate line on all exterior stud -11■ to be ■tuccoed. (Sec. 4?0f(e ),. Shower stall shall be minlmu:i width 30· with a minlmu.~ floor are'a of 900 sq. in, (U.P.C. 909(d)). @ Specify material to be used under the shower tlle,(Sec. l?O?(a )). ~ Specify lath and plaster to comply with Chapter 4?, UBC. ~ Frovide an approved waterproof building paper under wood siding. (Sec. 1707(a)). 6 Specl!y an approved flashinc for exterior openlnp 4ft41- pa npe$ ... u, (Sec. :)208). ~ Two J/4" copper pipes must be installed :fro::: wat er heater location to convenient l ocation o:f :future solar panels (City Ord. 809)), ;pr. Provide sleeves (roo:f jacks) i n roo:f :for two :future J/4• copper pipes to convenient location of future solar panels (City Ord. 809)). )l'(!. Note that solar -ter piping is to be insulated • i n areas that are not heated or cooled, (Ci ~ Ord. 809)), @ See attac~~ent f or roo:fing requir ements. (City Ord. 809)) j1f. R eche <k by E h<jr,-'!.<c r eo I,/ , , ~ ·" 51/-0<.U Jf 7ou have an7 qu11tlon1 •~carding thlt plan che, call ✓ ,.~ at (?lit) S60-11 would alto be Jlle••~ to 111u•t •lth )'O\I, at no cha1 addltlonal 11al1tanc1 lr. needpd, ADDI TI ONAL REMARK Di:<:.I<.. f)cTAII-S -FLR. JS7, S l-C. c G;<.< J:. D_RII\ 1 l- .srA,rz.. 5TR1,,u4,fB, SPAc1A.Jc, A-?A"< 1, W I TH F I ~ E: R A 7 ,;i D Pt SS $ ;113 L 't' . 5How n11AI~ _1...o ,,,. /11:~RTH &I( 11=.us/O.-fJ' 'Ci ~s 92.c.:h en , t,Q 2 NO ~ Tz. 1)e<::..J::;;. • / VJ?;;)Z ~--rze I C (,,,,'r1 ~I,-::{_; J ~>t{Z/ ~ ~ 1 ' /ZH17SJZ -hes CE, ~s M e ~'1 0 ,~, ~ e__"J.._Ct?5S ... ... Cr dlrnry r oof cov~rln,c 11111y b~ ue~d only on buildln,n1 of' r.r o•;J I( or r11par.c-11•c . (City Ord. 809)) on all reeldentlal 1979 EDITION UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 3203 (cl 1-·ire-retardant Roof Covuinis. A fire-retardant roof cincrmy ,hall he am one of the follm,m(! roofing\· I .\m ( la~, A or B liu11t-up roof mg assembl~ "' An~ mineral aggregate !>urfaced built-up roof for application 10 root-na\ln(! a slope not more than 3 inches to I:! inches applied a~ \pe.::1f1ed in Section 3203 (di I consisung of no1 less than the tollo"mf· Roof Deel. Sohd surtace on noncomhumble materials or minimum of 1 :-in.::h ply" ood or 1-mch nominal boards or ocher ma1erial appr0, ed t,~ the building official. Base Sheet and Plie~ F-our la,er, of Type I~ periora1ed or~ani.: fit-er felt. N Three ia~er• oi Type I~ organi.:-N mNgam, fit-er frlt. and ~urfacin2 ~taterial -1()() r0unds per ro0fing square 0f gra,el. cru~hed rock. ceramic or arrr0, ed ~1milar rnrtacmg material. or JOO pounds per roofing square oi crushed ~la~. (See L .B.C. Standard No. 32-~ tor mineral roofing aggregate "eigh- mg les~ than 60 pounds per cubic f 001., J . An~ built-up roof for application to roofs hanng a slope no1 less than ·: inch 10 I:? inches applied as specified in Section 3:?03 (d) I, cons1mng of no1 less than the folio" mg: Roof Deel. Sohd surface on noncombustible materials or minimum of 1':-inch plywood or I-inch nominal boards or other material approved by the building official. Baw Shttt and Plits Two layer~ of Type I~ organic fiber felt, or One layer of 14-pound glass fiber felt base sheet, or combination sheet, or One layer of Type 30 organic fiber felt. or One layer of Type 45 asbestos fiber felt base sheet, and Cap Shttts , One layer of 90-pound mineral surfaced organic fiber felt cap sheet (requires not less than two layers of organic fiber felt), or Two layers of 55-pound mineral surfaced organic fiber felt splft sheet, or One layer of 80-pound mineral surfaced asbtstos fiber felt cap sheet, or ~ -~ Onr la,rr of 72-round mmrral ,urfacrd ,1a" m,r, frlr l·ar ,hrrr. 01 1 w11 la, tf\ of T ypr I~ a,t,r,10, f1htr fini,hinp frlt,. 4 Anv C'la" A or n prrparrd roohn11 \ An, C'la" C mineral ~urfacrd a,phalt ~hinple, laid ,o rhat thcrt· arc nor Ir,, than '"11 thu.:lrne"e' at an~ point and thr tn1al wciphl per rllClhnF ,quarr" not le\\ than 23~ pound, t, A,t,e,10\-cement ~hin11le, or ~hcet, 7 C oncrete i.lah roof k Mrtal roof covennr 9. Slate shingle, IO Cla, or concrete roof uk 11. An~ WCII co,ering l,)'l,tem, Cit "OCld shingle, or shaJ..c\ ha\'ing a Class B rattng. A Special Purpose Roof complying with UBC Standards r:c. 32-14 r-.ay be used providec t he building is: (1) '"ot ~ore t han two stories in height: (2) not nore :ha'" c ,OC C S .:. of proj ected roof area: ar.d (3) t here is a r-.i:-.:--:u.'."' cf 10 f eet fror-: t he extrerni ty of the r oof t o :~e prcper:y l i'"es on all sides . (City Ord. 809)) UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STANDARD NO. 32-14 SPECIAL PURPOSE ROOFS Wood Shakes and Shingles with Asbestos Felt Stt. 32.1401. (al Wood Shakn. Special purpose wood shake roofing shall con- form to grading and application requirements of Chapter 32 of the t..:niform Build- ing Code for shakes. In addition, the drck shall be constructed of ';•inch ply"ood "ith exterior glue or I-inch nominal T and G boards, overlaid "ith a layer of ap- pro\·ed asbestos felt lapped 2 inches on the horizontal and vertical joints. An 18-inch "ide s1rip of the same asbestos felt shall be shingled in between each course of shakes in such manner that no felt is exposed to the weather belo-. 1hr shake bum. {b) Wood Shin2lrs. Special purpose wood shingle roofing shall conform 10 grading and application requirrments of Chapter 32 of the Uniform Building Code for shingles. In addition thr deck, whether of spaced boards or solid. shall be o,er- laid with a layer of appro\ed asbestos felt lapped 2 inches on the horizontal and ,er- tical joims. (cl Asbotos frll. Appro,ed asbes1os felt for special purpose roofing shall -.e,gh not less 1han I 2 pounds per 100 square feet. be not less than .022 m.:h in 1hid.ncs,. non-bi1uminous satura1ed . .:ontaining a fire-and "ater-retardani bmder. and rem- forced "i1h glass fibers running length" ise of the sheet not more than , in..:h apart. Wood Shakes or Shingles with Gypsum Board Underlayment Sec. 32.1402. Spe.:ial purpose "ood shake or "ood shingle roofing shall conform 10 the grading and appli,a11on n:quiremcnts of Chap1er 3::! of the L'nit'.:,rm Building Code. In addition an underla~mem of •,:-inch Type X gypsum board shall be pla.:cd wider 1hc solid or spa.:ed ~heathing. INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET ,:EC E IVE D BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING ADDRESS: PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' ,;:i_ ~ a.A:_ • ;?Oe<. (:, 6 _LOT I "'.ONE __ /(~/ __ 7,.._~-~Q_u_ 1 LOT SIZE UNITS ALLOWED UNITS PROVIDED • ----------------'----4 PARKING SPACES REQUIRED .;l_ % covERAGE ALLOWED "'-ID 7o BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED -----"'?-~ __ I ____ _ FRONT SETBACK: SIDE SETBACK: ALLOWED ~ ~ PROVIDED======'()=:&==.:==== INTRUSIONS LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION PLAN COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS : OK TO ISSUE: M ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT \ R.O.W. ______ INDUSTRIAL WASTE __ _.:!![.'. SEWER CONNECTION _______ .vJ¼ _____ J.,·~J GRADING PERMIT ______ _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION _ _:_..:....:....-=---__:_.!..._...,!.._!cL..._--lf-~~'7"5-~-----=~==:--~---;:;---::::=;.::---- ____ OK TO FINAL ____ DATE ___ _ FIRE DEPARTMENT SPRI~KLING SYSTEM ___________ FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP. _______ _ FIRE ALARMS EXITS _______________ _ ~"<\TION ATTI;NTION·PIDPERI'Y OWNER: An "ow.i-1~-builder" building permit has been applied for in your name and bearing your signature. Please canplete and return this information in the envelope provided at your earliest opportunity to avoid unnecessary delay in processing and issuing your building permit. No building permit will be issued until this verification is received. 1. 2. 3. I personally plan to provide the major lal:x>r and materials for construction of the proposed property inprovenent (yes or no) --!i.~ : I (haveihave not) ~gned the applicati ~or a building permit. I nave contracted ~~following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction. Address ------------Contractors License No. ----- City~------------ 4. I plan to provide portions of the ¼Ork, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major ¼Ork. Name --------------Phone ------------- Address ------------Contractors License No. ----- City ____________ _ 5. I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated: Name Address Phone Signed: Property Otmer 'rft&u . ~ ~~ Social Security Number ---------------- Da te: 2 -/? -~ Type of Work 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEPHONE: 714-438-5525 f, t,, ii=-€i tp of er: arlsbab 0ear Property 0wner, t' J -3 7 I J.._ 7 Y ~cfl / ~ An application for a building t:ermit has been sul:mitted in your name listing yourself as the builder of the propert'J folprovements specified. i:'or your protection you should be aware that as "owner-builde:c" you are the responsible party-of re.:::ord on such a permit. Building permits are not required to be signed by the property owners unless they are personally perfonning their own work. If your ½Ork is being perfonred by sareone other than yourself, you.ma.y protect yourself £ran possible liability if that person applies for the proper permit in his or her name. Contractors are required by law to be licensed and J::xmded by the State of california and to have a business license from the City of Carlsbad. They are also required by law to put their license number on all permits for which they apply. If you plan to do your own work, with the exception of various trades that you plan to subcontract, you should 1:e aware of the following information for your benefit and pro- tection. If you ernploy·or otherwise·engage any persons other than your irnnediate family, and the work (including material and other costs) is $200 or more for the entire.project, and such persons are not licensed as contractors or subcontractors, then you may be an em- ployer. If you are an employer, you must register with the state and federal government as an employer and you a;rn subject to several obligations including state and federal incane withholding, federal social security taxes, workers' corrpensation insurance, dis- ability insurance costs, and unemployment contributions. There may be financial risks for you if you do not carry out these obligations, and these risks are especially serious with respect to v.0rkers' compensation insurance. For specific information al:x:mt your obligations under federal law, contact the Internal Revenue Service (and, if you wish, the U. S. Sn.all Business Aoministration). For rrore specific info:mation a.rout your obligations under state law, contact the Department of Benefit Payments and the Division of Industrial Accidents. If the structure is intended for sale, property owners who are not licensed contractors are allowed to perfonn their work personally or through their own employees, without a licensed contractor or subcontractor, only under limited con::litions. A frequent practice of unlicensed persons professing to l:e contractors is to secure an "owner-builder" building pennit, erroneously implying that the property owner is providing his or her own laror and material personally. Building permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are performing their own v.0rk personally. Informa- tion a.rout licensed contractors may l:e obtained by contacting the Contractors State License Eoard in your conrnunity or at 1020 N Street, Sacramento, CA. 95814. PLEASE COMPLETE AND RErURN THE ENCWSED OWNER-BUIIDER VERIFICATIOi.~ FORM SO THAT WE CAN CONFIRM THAT YOU ARE AWARE OF THESE MATI'ERS. THE BUIIDillG PERMIT WILL NCJl' BE ISSUED UNTIL THE VERIFICATION IS REI'URNED. Very truly yours, Building Departrrent City of Carlsbad '(