HomeMy WebLinkAbout1230 STRATFORD LN; ; CB961408; PermitB ll I L D I N G PERM I"' / ~b 09:26 Page 1 of 1 Job Aldress: 1230 STRATFORD Permit Type: ELECTRICAL Parcel No : lSb-164-42-00 Valuation: 0 LN .,u1 te: Lot#: Occupancy Group: Reference#: Descr1pt1on: ADD 20 AMP CIRCUIT TO LIGHT : SHED & 1 CONDUIT FOR FUTURE Permit N : CB9o14 Pr Ject No: A9b02 ~9 Development No: 8901 08/05/96 0001 1 02 C-PRt-tT Construction Type: Status : Applied : Apr/Issue: Appl/Owm: MERCHANT . MICHAEL 1230 STRATFORD LN Entered By: 6119-634-0783 20 00 NEW ISSUED 01::1/05/Yb 08/05/91) RMA CARLSBAD CA A 'I< Feez Required Fees: Aljustments : Total Fees: fee description Enter "Y' for Ele Ente:r:: ''Y" for Rem * ELECTRICAL TOTA CITY OF CARLSBAD .00 .uo 20.00 Ext fee Data 10.00 Y 10.00 Y 20.00 APPROVAL \N SP. ~-· OATE t/A1{Ltt!) CLEARANCE----- 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 . PERMIT APPLICATION 0 . . PI.AN CHECK NO. City of tarlsbod Buildi1111 D-rtant 2075 Las P■l-Dr., tarlsbod, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 J. P£ilMI I HPR From Llst 1 (see back) give code of Permit.'I'ype: ___________ _ --------------------------------------------------------- For Residential Projects Only: From List 2 (see back) give Code of Structure-Type: ____________________ _ Net Loss/Gain of Dwelling Units 2. PROJECr INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY BuUdmg or Suite No. W:AL DESCRIP 116N Loe No. Subd1vis1on Name/Number Omt No. Phase No. CHECK BEWW IF S0BMII 1£0: □ 2 Energy Cales □ 2 Structural Cales □ 2 Soils Repon □ I Addressed Envelope DESCRJPTIOlyOF WORK Tv-, 1-1,,c ~-ff/ eq' • # OF STORIES V -e -ec f-""-1 c~ Con, 1,1, f y$--(XO /f1'1p C tr<u i'f 3. WN IALI Pmst.JN (II dllierent from appbcant) NAME (last name first) # OF BEDROOMS / '' ro, fu iuveJ:oF BATIIROOMS ADDRESS CI1Y STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE 1. XPPUCAfU UWNIRACIUR UAGENI FOR WNIRACIOR ADDRESS DOWNER UAGENI FOR OWNER NAME (last name tint) Cl1Y STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE S. PROPFlfrY OWNtk /2'30 Sf ra 1-fc;.;/ /-rJ 1-f?Lf-f?t ;;;L/ NA!,IE; (last !l'lme first) i/1/1 cl:,..t/ C... ·yYJ..evCV\ CA. n,'TJ YYII ADDRESS CI1Y Ca v /, 0 c, d STATE C /'f ZIP CODE 'fi'2:01 DAY TELEPHONE •. WNiRAClbk .L ~ J j) L ,0 2 NAME (last name first) Lee__ C t,,i 5,or,,....,, , <>'e.ADDRESS r·O. VO}< 'f-?7 CITY tFk,,;,-u, 5 STATE (Jfi. STATE UC.# ZIP CODE 'jlZl!,6 7 DAY TELEPHONE (,,/C/-C,, 3'1-o 7? 3 LICENSE CLASS C-)O Cl1Y BUSINESS UC. # as name m;t CI1Y STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE STATE UC.# 7. Wuitk£itS' WMPENSA I ION Workers; Compensanon Oeciarat1on: I hereby affirm that I have a cert11lcate of consent to sell-insure ISSued by the Director of lndustnal Relations, or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance by an admitted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicate thereof cenified by the Director of the insurer thereof filed with the Building Inspection Deparnnent (Section 3800, Lab. C). INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NO. EXPIRATION DATE Cemtlcate of Exemption: I cemfy that m the performance of the work for which this penmt IS issued, I shall not employ any person many manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. SIGNATURE DATE 8. OWNER-BUliDER DEi!LARXIION □ Owner-Builder Declaration: I hereby aihnn that I am exempt from the Confracfofs License Law ior the ioiiowmg reason: I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the' structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). I am exempt under Section _______ Business and Professions Code for this reason: subjects the ap Hean o a c· 'I pe I~ more an fiv hundred dollars ($500]). (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a pennit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such pennit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom'jan the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.S by any applicant for a permit SIGNATIJRE DATE g-5/ 9 fa ls the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? □ YES □ NO ls the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? □ YES □ NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of che oucer boundary of a .school site? □ YES □ NO IF ANY OF TIIE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL Cl!RTIFlCATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NC7r BB JliSllED AF11!R JULY 1, 1989 llNLESS TIIE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MElmNG TIIE REQIJIREMl!N1'S OF TIIE omCE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND TIIE AIR POLLIJTION CX>N111OL DISl'RJCT. 9. WNSI RUCJ ION LENDING AGENCY I hereby aUlnn iliac iliere IS a construcbon lending agency for the perlonnance of the work for which this penn1t 1s LSSued (Sec 3097(1) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS I 0. APPUCXN I CEt I OJCXI ION I cemfy that I have read the apphcabon and state that the a&ive mfonnauon 1s correct. I agree to comply wuh all Gty ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I AISO AGREE ID SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS TIIE Cl1Y OF CAR1SBAD AGAINSI" AIL LIABilJTrei, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WIIlCH MAY IN ANY WAY MXl\UE AGAINST SAID CTIY IN CX>NSl:QUENCE OF TIIE GRANTING OF Til1S PERMIT. OSHA; An OSHA pennit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. , PERMIT# CB961408 DESCRIPTION: ADD 20 SHED & TYPE: ELEC CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST FOR 08/15/96 AMP CIRCUIT TO LIGHT 1 11 CONDUIT FOR FUTURE INSPECTOR AREA TP PLANCK# CB961408 OCC GRP CONSTR. TYPE NEW JOB ADDRESS: 1230 STRATFORD LN APPLICANT: MERCHANT, MICHAEL CONTRACTOR: OWNER: REMARKS: MW/MIKE/434-8621 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: STE: LOT: PHONE: 6119-634t-u'783 PHONE: PHONE: INSPECTOR--,---------- TOTAL TIME: CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS 39 EL Final Electrical ll/7 -:?L/ ________________ AZ============================== -------------------------------------- ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE DESCRIPTION 081296 Underground/Conduit-Wiring ACT INSP AP TP COMMENTS