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1220 STRATFORD LN; ; 73-1372; Permit
BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Permit No 13.,, /8 z;). Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. JOI ADDA ES$ 0 L :!; 0 1220 Stratford Lane z a, rn ► LOT NO. Q JILK ~ TRACT ll 0 LEGAL I "'/:76' ~(i ,o;.;~ i,TACHEO SHEET! 0 1 DESC~. I.~ -#., ll?f\ I ll rn -.. M~ AD5ftt55 . PHONE .. OWHEIII z,.,.. .. 2 • L.1,0. Affiliates, .0. X 1246 Cul&bad, 72 -6060 CONTIIIACTOR MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICCNSE NO. ' City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Phone 729-1181 3 OWner ' _.AC,Mtec.ei,,.._,,. DESIGNE" ~AIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. I 4 Al Mc ee 2650 A State ut.. Carlab.a<l 72:r-8 91 ENGINEEIII MAIL AOOAE55 PHONE. LICENSE NO. 5 It -1, LENDER MAIL AOOfUSS IUIANCH ·1 6 Oceanaido Federal SaviAqs I~ ust o,-BUILDING , Ir"" 7 Sngl. Fam. Dvlg. 8 Class of work: iJ NEW 0 ADDITION 0 ALTERATION 0 REPAIR 0 MOVE 0 REMOVE 9 Describe work: \food Fraae. 'Bdrm, 2 8th. Stucco, t-U•eion !i'lle Root 10 Change of use from Change of use to 11 Valuation of work: $ ,o·.as1.oo PLAN CHECK FEE --I PERMIT FEE 205.50 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: J Type of Occupancy Const. w Group y J Division -- Size of Bldg. No. of Ma><. (Total) Sq. Ft. 2289 Stories 1 0cc. Load --- Fire use Fire Sprinklers APPLICATION ACCEPTEO BY PLANS CHECKEO BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY Zone l Zone R-I Required O Yes □No ~{pl i~il;;i. No. of OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: JREGt I,..(':, ... R£O -, nso Dwelling Units 1 Covered (2) 528 I Uncovered 0 NOTICE I Special Approvals Required Received Not Required SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB• ZONING ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. HEALTH DEPT. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF FIRE DEPT . CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A SOIL REPORT ~auired Acea-Teat Co. PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM· MENCED. OTHER (Specify) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGHATUPU or CONTftACTOPI Oft AUTHOfllZ.E.0 AGENT IDATEI ,,. , I ~-,I SIG-HAT fU 0111' OWNE'ft IP' OWN£tt---.?'ill..OER OAT£) L WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH INSPECTOR :z 0 INSPECTION RECORD DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL . EXT. LATHING MASONRY J FINAL 7-71/ ~s;o_ USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. 6/aJ/73 Advised Jim Bressi he had to have soil Report as to footing for concrete. T. Mata 7 25 73 Houses dont fit. Side yard~ lrn.<1e not n,e t appro'tled plan requiiments of 6'6'', side yards measure 5'2" -5 1 6". stopped job verbally till They comply. T. Mata IJ-9-73 Nailing · All OK had soR'.le renailin9 to ao , all taken eare of , T , Mata 6-7-74 For final : Much pickup to do. Do not c)ear till taken ca re of on all 4 house s . T. Mata no 0 0 t • Permit No. 7Y. ~ ;.;>cf:,:JJ" City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA z 92008 "' ► JI 0 0 JI Applicant to c~plete numbered spaces only. Phone 7 29-1181 "' .. .. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION JOB A00" lSS /~/4~: _/, ,I, 4 // J /) /._.;:?,....")/I U01" HO-;r / -10LK (/ I TIIACT ./ \rr/~-Qsll ATTACHED SHCETJ LlGAL I 1 ocac11. OWNll" MAIL ADD,.ESS ZIP JtHONl 2 CONT,.ACTO" MA IL ADOII ESS PHONE LIClHSE H0, 9 9<// 3{l .. t J _.,{ t' I.e.,.. ( OA Tr, a. JI {-tJ ~.,~, 9 ...,_ ~r ~ r-1. ..... ....,_,LO, 0 A'IICtflTECl 011 DUIGHlll MAIL A.00111ESS , PHONE --L-1'Ct"Hft Ne!, -' 4 ENGINCllft MAIL AODIIIESS PHONll LICENSt: NO. 5 LENDlft MAIL A00,.ESS IIIIANCH 6 use o, aulLDING 7 8 Class of work: tfNEw 0 ADDITION 0 ALTERATION 0 REPAIR 9 Describe work: PERMIT FEES No. Each Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS: ISSUANCE OF EACH PERMIT NEW CONSTRUCTION, FOR EACH APPLICATION ACCE(O BY: PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY: AMPERES OF MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, <-/_,# FUSE OR BREAKER --/A 1/ NEW SERVICE ON EXISTING BLDG. NOTICE FOR EA. AMPERE OF INCREASE IN MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, FUSE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-OR BREAKER TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A REMODEL, ALTERATION, NO CHANGE PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. IN SERVICE, FOR EA. AMPERE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS INCREASE APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT TEMP. SERVICE UP TO AND INCLUD· PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING ING 200 AMP. CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ~()-. 0 J~, 00 ,. ,' TEMP. SERVICE OVER 200 AMP. PER 100 //)_~ ... ~ •tGNATUIIE' OP' CONT"AC,UIII 0111 A1JTHIICfllllllZ& AGENT (DAl'EJ r MINIMUM PERMIT FEE w , .... .t.t:.M&,TUlll:I. OP' OWN•" ,,. OWNE.11111 autL01." DA.Tl: i---- WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O, CASH INSPECTOR z 0 INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM REMARKS INSPECTOR 1 n ln 71 Wirinrr (:r,r,,"I t.1i ri n rr n i roe:,, ;:, nr'I c:,,-,.,,,...,., 'T' M;::, t-;:i -- .,. . USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. Permit No n; j -~!i~~~~~~S::~~~~!o~!i!~~ TIQN 1050 ;, Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. 1 Phone ,72~-1181 - JOI ADO" tSS I LOT NO. LEGAL 1 DUC~. _ / 3 . ' .( A ;· -. A"CHIT[CT Oflt OESIGNEJII MAIL AOOJlllSS 4 CNGINCC.111 MAIL AOOfU.55 5 LENOt.111 MAIL ADD,i[S$ 6 / USE. 0,-IUILOINC. 7 --/2 t I 8 Class of work: 0 NEW / 0 ADDITION 0 AL TE RATION 9 Describe work: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: APPLICATION ACCEPTEO B} PLANS CHECKEO BY .I ((/ I NOTICE APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGf1ATU"E 0,-CONTIIIACTO,_ Ollt AUTHOftlZED AGENT f ) \ I,. (· I (DATE> !IIGNATt 'IE o, OWNEft (IP' OWNE" 9UILOE:flU (OATC) 10sec ATTACHED 9HEETI PHONE . PHONt LICENSE: NO. PHONE LICENSE NO, PHONE LICENSE NO. l"ANCH 0 REPAIR Type of Fuel; Oil D Nat. Gas D LPG. D PERMIT FEES No. Type of Equipment Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Refrigeration Units-H.P. Ea. Boilers-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnage Ea. ,I Forced Air Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. r Gravity Systems-B.T.U. M Ea . Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters.-B.T.U. M Unit Heaters-B.T.U. M Evaporative Coolers Clothes Dryers Ventilation Fan Range Hood Air Handling Unit-C.F.M. Incinerator PERMIT TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. INSPECTOR Fee $ I $ $ / VI ,. CASH --0 ct> 3 :z PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Permit No. ,,, City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. JOB ADO" ESS \ .,_ 7.......c:;; r \-. LEGAL I 1 DESC~. LOT NO. I T'-'CT OWNCft 2 \ CONTRACTOR MAIL ADOftESS MAIL AOOl'IESS A. ,--:-----l '" ENGINEER MAIL AOOIIIESS 5 LEND£" MAIL AOOIIUSS 6 .... use Of' BUILDING 7 ,. ,,. 8 Class of work: j'gNEW □ ADDITION □ ALTERATION 9 Describe work: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: APPLICATION ACCEPTEO BV. PLANS CHECKED BV APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BV / - NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATURE 0,. e'oNTfU,CTOflt OR AUTHOR11to AO--t.NT ' I ~ , ' (DATE) SIGN.A.TU,.£ OP' OWNC.111 OP' OWNER BUILOE,t) DAT£) Qsu AT,U,CHED SHEET I r--,. \ ....... _/ \ \ • 1 PHONE PHONE LICENSE NO, PHONC LICENSE NO. PHONE LICCNSE NO, BftANCH 0 REPAIR PERMIT FEES No. Type of Fixture or Item 7-WATER CLOSET (TOILET) / BATHTUB '7; LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) / SHOWER / KITCHEN SINK & DISP. / DISHWASHER -LAUNDRY TRAY I CLOTHES WASHER I WATER HEATER URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR-SINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK / GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM I SEWER CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK & PIT PERMIT TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. IVI.O. INSPECTOR 0 <-7) ~ 0 ct> z a, 3 "' .,, ;I) 0 0 z ;I) 0 "' (II (II l ( ( . .( Fee $ I / I / / $ $ ' CASH INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM REMARKS INSPECTOR .., "I:" ..,.., n , , , , . -----_...._ ______ ' ----._.._-••• -~ YVJ.. "'-J::-' t'~J::-'C~ YV.L '-! sizocraft paper, He did so. T. Mata 9-19-73 'VijOOfK Gas gauge O.K. T. Mata USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. .. , . . , APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 72 9-11 81 EXT. 3 5 FOR APPLICANT TO Fl LL IN BUILDING ADDRESS OWNER Crn, T· MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS NEW BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS: I r, l...., - f I, - EXISTING BUILDING /_ 5 ' I I • ()I P1-I H 1$86 I~ , l 'i II I I l LATERAL LOCATION i-: (/) ST. LATERAL NO. _______ INSTALLATION DATE------- ? SE 1141 BUILDING DEPT. ISSUED BY ___ ..:..:_-=...::.....:-=....:..:....:.:_~-------- DATE ISSUED---,:....:,:--'-..:......::..._~_;___ ________ _ VALIDATION LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION ST ANDARD 4" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') ___ __: _____ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @""-___ FT. _________ _ OVER 10' V. @ FT. _________ _ STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') _________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @, ____ FT, _________ _ OVER 10' V. @ FT,---------- TOTAL CON STRUCTION COST---------- SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) _________ _ TOTAL LATERAL CHARGE _________ _ LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NO.-------------- FRONTAGE ____ COST PER FT. ___ TOTAL __ _ OTHER ___________________ _ CONNECTION FEE NO. UNITS_....ac..._COST PER UNIT---TOTAL--- PUMP STAT ION FEES NO. UNITS ___ COST PER UNIT ___ TOTAL--- TOTAL CHARGES (LATERAL ETC.) ______ l_,0:0_.__,__© __ I ...-.. accu-test so,1 €nc;ineeo1nc; Consutunts REPORT OF RECOMPACTION OF FILL AREAS FOR PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES BETWEEN STRATFORD LANE AND KNOWLES STREET CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA ;J/4-{ D Client: Hughes Company July 10, 197 3 Job #C-708-73 182-l E BALL RD. • /,NJ.ll<CIM, CALffORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVUlSIOE (714) 682 7782 ~;;;;;:;;;;= Hughes Company 1718 S. Hill Street Oceanside, California Gentlemen: __... Accu-test Soil €n<,meeRmG ConsultAms July 10, 1973 Subject: Report of Re-compaction of Fill Areas for Proposed Residential Structures, between Stratford Lane and Knowles Street, Carlsbad, California This report represents the results of our field inspections and tests performed during regrading operations on the subject site on June 24 to July 10, 1973. These soils engineering services were con- ducted in cc mpliance with a request by Hughes Company. Foundation and grading recommendations and data regarding soils on the site were contained in our Foundation Investigation Report of June 18, 1973 (Job #F- 886-73). 1824 E. BALL RO • ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 c\ccu-t€st Soil €nqm€€Rmq consultants Job W-708-73 Prior to the replacement of fill on the subject site , roots and loose soil were removed. All areas to receive fill were then scarified to a depth of at least 8 inches, watered to optimum moisture and com- pacted to a minimum of 90% relative compaction. The soils used in the fill were obtained on the site. The fills were re spread in thin lifts not exceeding 6 inches, watered approximately optimum moisture content and compacted by a sheepsfoot . Inspection was continuous during major phases of the fill operation and placement. In-Place Density Tests, in accordance with the Sand Cone Method, ASTM Des: D-1556-65 (68}, were taken at a frequency sufficient to insure adequate control of the fill operations and to provide a cross-section of the compaction obtained . Materials used for fill were non-expansive (less than 3%). Areas failing to meet the 90% minimum were brought to the contractor's atten- tion and we re reworked to passing specifications. A minimum relative c ompaction of 90% or better was obtained. The test results and their locations are enclosed. The allowable bearing capacities recommended in our Foundation Investigation Report of June 18, 1973 (.fl,P-886-73) are still considered valid (i.e. , 17 SO psf for continuous footings placed in compacted fill or undisturbed natural ground at depths of 12 inches). -2- 1824 E. BALL RD. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 9 2805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • R IVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 accu-t€st Soil €nqm€€Rmq Consultants Job #C-708-73 This report certifies that the site covered by this report has been regraded in accordance with sound Soil Engineering Procedures, and in accordance with the Requirements of the County of San Diego, California. We sincerely appreciate this opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us. We will be happy to extend our services to solve any soils or foundation problems that may develop during design or construction of your project. Re spectfully submitted, ACCU-TEST SOIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS F •• LABELLE,R,C.E. 9239 -3- 1824 E. B ALL RO. • ANAHf.lM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERS IDE (714) 682-7782 • ...... accu-test Soil €nc;mee~mc; Consultants -4-Job C-708-73 Stratsford Lane ~ 2 ~ 5 Pad 4 Pad 1 6 ~ 1, 1 ~ 4 ~ 3~ No Scale Pad 3 Pad 2 .. 187 4 E . BALL RO. • ANA H CIM, CA LIFO RNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIV ERSIDE (714) 682 7782 • SUMMARY SHEET Job #C-708-73 -5- DEPTH OF FILL TEST DEPTH DRY DENSITY FIELD MAXIMUM PERCENT OF TEST . DATE FEET FEET LBS ,/CU .FT . MOISTURE DENSITY COMPACTION l 6/24/73 1.5 . 5 108.9 8. 9 118 92.3 2 II 1.0 0.0 109.1 9.2 II 92.7 3 ,, 1.5 0.0 112. 5 10. 4 II 95 .3 1.0 o.o 4 107. 9 9.0 11 91.3 5 II 1.5 . 5 107.4 8.8 II 91. 2 6 II 1.5 o.o 109.0 9.8 II 92.4 ..... '! 1 I I , ...-.. accu-test S011 €nc;m€€Qonc; Consultants PRELIMINARY SOILS ANALYSIS OR PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES, BETWEEN STRATFORD LANE AND KNOWLES STREET CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA JOB #F-886-73 9~~~1 JUNE 18, 1973 PREPARED FOR: HUGHES COMPANY 1718 S. Hill Oceanside, California 1824 E. BALL RO. • A HEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 ·• (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 ( ~ llccu·t est s011 €nc;meeDmc; Consultants TABLE OF CONTENTS STRUCTURAL CONSIDERATIONS PHYSIOGRAPHY EXPANSION CHARACTERISTICS EARTH MATERIALS Subsurface Strata SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Site Preparations Compacted Fills Bearing Capacity Lateral Pressures Settlement and Volume Reduction Footing Design Backfill Utility Trenches LABORATORY TESTS APPENDIX FIELD EXPLORATIONS Boring P.rocedures Sampling Standard Penetration Test CONCLUSION PLOT PLAN LOGS OF BORINGS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION DIRECT SHEAR TEST DI\TA CONSOLIDATION TEST EXPANSION TEST RESULTS PAGE NO . 2 2 3 3 3-5 5-6 7 7 7 7-8 8 8 9-10 11 11 11 12 13 14-18 19 20 21-22 23 ! MAXIMUM DENSI'IY/OPTIMUM MOISTURE DETERMINATIONS 24 TABLE ll, CASE I 25 1824 E. BALL RD • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-778? 1 . Hughes Company 1718 S. Hill Oceanside, California Gentlemen: June 18, 1973 accu-test Soil EnCimeeRmCi Consult~nts Please refer to: Job #:F-886-73 Subject: PreliminaIY Soils Analysis for Proposed Residential Structures, Between Stratford Lane and Knowles Street, Carlsbad, Calif. This report represents the results of our PreliminaIY Soils Analysis of the subject property located in Carlsbad, California. The purpose of the investigation was to determine and evaluate the characteristics of the soils affecting the gross stability of the pro- perty, and to present our opinion on the suitability of the property for the construction of the proposed residences. The accumulated data was obtained through field explorations, engineering consultations and numerous laboratory analyses and testings. Drilling was done on June 15, 1973, and our investigation was completed on June 20, 1973. 11124 E. BALL RO. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 1 • • accu-t est: Soil €nqm€€~mq co nsult:ant:s Job #:F -886-73 -2- STRUCTURAL CONSIDERATIONS: It is our understanding that the proposed residences will be of wood/frame/stucco construction and be supported on shallow, con- tinuous spread footings. The load on the footings is not available at the present time. PHYSIOGRAPHY: The location of the subject site is illustrated on the attached Plot Plan. The subject property , which is rectangular in shape, is located between Stratford Lane and Knowles Street, east of the San Diego Free- way in the City of Carlsbad. The property is relatively level, generally slopes to the east at a rate of 5 to 10 percent. The property is currently being utilized as a avocado orchard. There is a single wood frame structure on the eastern portion ot the site with a avocado orchard south of the structure. Four pads have been graded on the western portion of the site which are basically all cut pads. The site is bordered on the east and on the west by residential structures, and by Knowles Street on the south and Stratford Lane on the north. Drainage runs toward Knowles Street and Stratford Lane. Present planning indicates that the property is to be sub-divided into seven residential lots. three have yet to be cut. It ls understood that the three building pads left to be g raded will be only shallow cuts and fills • 1824 E. BALL RD. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 1 accu-t€st Sotl €nqm€€Rmq Consultants Job fF-886-73 -3- EXPANSION CHARACTERISTICS: Buildings on adjoining properties, streets, walks and curbs show no evidence of expansive soil. Slight shrinkage cracks in the earth mater- ials were observed indicating the nature of the soils are not highly expan- sive. The results of the swell tests performed on undisturbed samples of typical on-site materials indicate the soils as slightly expansive. Please refer to page 20 for Expansion Test Data. EARTH MATERIALS: Subsurface Strata The soils on the site consist of a mantle of silty sand with slight traces of clay, moderately dense, dry, reddish brown to a depth of 2 feet with underlying sands, fine to medium, with a clay binder, very dense, reddish brown to a depth of 12 to 16 feet. Some of the underlying strata down to a depth of 10 to 15 feet indicate~ that there is less of a clay binder than there is in some of the other areas. The soils are con- sistent throughout the whole site. No groundwater was encountered. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Site Preparations The most significant problem to be dealt with on the four pads which have already been graded, is the roots and tree branches a·nd other matter missed during clearing. These roots fo the building and the pavement areas 1824 E. BALL RD. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 accu-test soil €nqmee~mq consultants Job iF-886-73 -4- 'of' should be removed and hauled off to site. Upon excavation of roots from Lot A and Lot B, the westerly 1 S feet :t,:~ of the building pad area should be elllCavated to a depth of 2 feet a~ re-compacted to 90% of maximum dry density obtained by test method f'-""' ASTM Des: D-1557-70, Method A (see Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture Determination sheet). The remainder of the site which has not yet been graded should follow the below recommendations. A. All heavy vegetation and debris in the building, pavement or fill areas should be removed to avoid organic decay, and the cavities created brought to grade with properly compacted material. Any obstruction that are re- vealed during grading operations, along with the above mentioned ob- struction, should be removed and the cavity created brought to grade with compacte d mate rial. These materials should be legally disposed of off the site be fore new construction is initiated. B. Soil, alluvium, or rock materials determined by the Soils Engineer as being unsuitable for placement in compacted fills shall be removed and wasted from the site. Any material incorporated as a part of a com- pacted fill must be approved by the Soils Engineer. 1824 E. BAL L RD. • A N AHEIM, CAL IFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 accu-test soil €nqm€€Qmq ConsuL~t:~ #"' Job tF-886-73 -5- C. After the ground surface to receive fill has been cleared, it shall be scarified, disced or bladed by the Contractor until it is unifonn and free from ruts , hollows , hummocks, or other uneven features which may pre- vent uniform compaction. The scarified ground surface shall then be grought to optimum moist- ure, mixed as required, and compacted as specified. If the scarified zone is greater than 12 inches in depth, the excess shall be removed and placed in lifts restricted to six inches. Prior to placing fill, the ground surface to receive fill shall be scari- fied to a depth of 8 inches, watered or aerated to near optimum moisture content and re-compacted to 90% of the maximum dry density obtained by test method ASTM Des: D-1557-70, Method~ (see Maximum Density/ Optimum Moisture Detennination sheet). D. Any unde rground structures such as cesspools, cisterns, septic tanks, we lls, pipe lines, or others not located prior to grading are to be removed or treate d in a manner prescribed by the Soils Engineer. Compacte d Fills A. Any material imported or excavated on the property may be utilized in the fill, prove ded each material has been detennined to be suitable by the Soils Engineer. Roots, tree branches, and other matter missed during clearing shall be re moved from the fill as directed by the Soils Engine er. 1824 E. BALL R D. • A NAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • R IVERSIDE (714) 682-77 82 accu-t€st Soil €nc;m€€Rmc; Consultants Job iF-886-73 B. Maten.al that is spongy, subject to decay, or otherwise considered unsuitable shall not be used in the compacted fill. -6- C. Imported or salvaged soil for fill shall be clean, non-expansive gran- ular material approved by the Soils Engineer or his representative. D. Material used in the compacting process shall be evenly spread, watered, processed, and compacted in thin lifts not to exceed 6 inches in thickness to obtain a uniformly dense layer. The fill shall be placed and compacted on a horizontal plane unless otherwise approved by the Soils Engineer. E. Each layer shall be compacted to 90% of the maximum density ob- tained by ASTM De s: D-1557-70, Method A (5 layer). It the moisture content or relative density varies from that required by the soils engineer, the contractor will rework the fill until it is approved by the Soils Engineer. F. All fills s hall be keyed and benched through all topsoil, alluvium, colluvium, or c re ep material, into sound bedrock or firm formation mat- e rial where the slope receiving fill exceeds a ratio of five horizontal t o one vertical in accordance with the recommendations of the Soils Engineer. 1824 E. BAL.L RD. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682·7782 accu-test soil €nqmeeRmq consultants Job iF-886-73 -7- Bearing Capacity It has been established by using a safety factor of three, that footings may be designed having a bearing value of 17 50 pounds per square foot for the total of dead loads and frequently applied live loads. The bearing cap- acity may be increased by thirty-three percent for the total of all loads, dead and live, including seismic and wind. Lateral Pressures The recomme nde d active pressure to be considered considered in the design is 40 pounds per square foot. A passive lateral pressure of 220 pounds per square foot and a coefficient of friction of O. 40 between the soils a nd the concre t e foundation may be assumed. Settle me nt and Volume Reduction The maximum s e ttlement of underlying strata as a result of fill place- me nt is expected to be on the order of 1. 0 inches. Furthermore, most of the ultimate s ettleme nt is expected to occur during fill construction. Post c onstruction s ettle ment should be negligible. Vol ume reduction due to compaction of the soil meterial is expected to be a maximum of 14%. Footing De sign Found ation e x cavations should be left, if necessary, slightly uneven ra the r than filling on over excavated areas with loose soils. It woold be desi rabl e t o pour continuous and spread footings neatly against the undis- turbed soils . Footings and utility trench backfill within the building and pavement a rea s s hould be mechanically compacted and flooding should 1824 E. BALL RO. • ANAHEIM , CALIFORN IA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • R IVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 • accu-test soil €nqmee~mq consultants Job iF-886-73 -8- not be permitted. See Table II, Case I, for specific foundation -recom- mendations. Backfill All backfill shall be done with clean and approved, granular, non-ex- pansive soils. The soils shall be brought up in level six inch lifts and com- pacted to 90% of the maximum density obtained by ASTM Des: D-1557-70, Method A (five layers, 25 blows per layer with a 10 pound hammer, 18 inch drop, four inch diameter, 1/30 cubic foot mold). Utility Trenches No problems are anticipated for the utility trenches which shall be backfilled with clean and approved granular, non-expansive soils. These soils shall be brought up in level six inch lifts after properly bedding in the utility and compacting to 90% of the maximum dry density obtained by mech- anical me ans. 1824 E. BALL RD. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 accu-t€st Soil €nc;m€€121nc; Consultants Job #F-886-73 -9- LABORATORY TESTS Soils were clessified visually, texturally and by mechanical analysis. Visual classification wes performed according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Moisture determinations were performed on every sample lot, and unit weight determinations were performed on every undisturbed sample lot. Results of density and moisture contents, along with soil classifications, are shown on the Logs of Borings attached. The laboratory test results, which have been performed on all the samples of the borings, are considered to be representative of the soils under- lying the site. Direct shear tests were performed on selected undisturbed sam- ples in order to determine the shear strength of the soils. These tests were performed at increased moisture contents and at various surcharge pressures in order to simulate adverse field conditions. The yield point values determined from the shear tests are presented on the attached Direct Shear Test Data. Confined Consolidation Tests were performed on undisturbed samples in order to establish the compressibility of the soil. Water was added at an axial load of 1300 pounds per square foot in order to simulate the effect of moisture on the compressibility. The maximum load applied was 52 00 pounds per square foot. Compressibility within the zone of 1824 E. BALL RO. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (7141 682-7782 accu-test Soil €nc;mee12mc; Consultants Job #F-886-73 -10- significant stress of all soils was investigated and the results were con- sidered in our engineering judgements. Grephic plots of the Load Consol- idation Tests are included in this report. Expansion tests were performed on the undisturbed samples at varying depths in order to determine the volume change of the soil due to changes in the moisture content. The samples were confined under a normal surcharge pressure of 60 pounds, saturated, and the resulting expansion measured. Afterwards, the samples were allowed to dry and the resulting moisture loss was calculated. In order to determine the maximum density of the soil, which establishes the compaction required during grading and backfilling, max- imum density tests were performed on representative samples of the upper soils. The compaction method used was ASTM Des: 1557-70 , Method A (five layers, 25 blows per layer, ten pound hammer, 18 inch drop, 4 inch diameter, 1/30 cubic foot mold. 1824 E. BALL RO. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 1 accu-t€st Soil €nl,ln€E:RlnCi Consultants Job #F-886-73 -11- APPENDIX FIELD EXPLORATIONS: Boring Procedures Our investigation included a site inspection and the drilling of 4 vertical, exploratory borings to depths of 12 to 16 feet using a truc k - mounted continuous flight, six inch power auger. Sampling Soils encountered were continuously logged by our Geologist. Undis- turbed ring samples and disturbed bulk samples were obtained and trans- ported to our laboratory in moisture sealed containers to ensure environ- mental conditions for controlled laboratory analyses. Undisturbed ring samples were acquired for shear, consolidation, ex- pansion, and density testing. Disturbed bulk samples, which are beneficial in establishing characteristics of typical material when used as compacted fill, were also obtained. Standard Penetration Test A bulk sample was also acquired through the Standard Penetration Test which is made by dropping a hammer weighing 140 pounds onto the standard drill rod from a height of 30 inches in free fall. The N (number of blows) necessary to produce a penetration of one foot is regarded as the penetration resistance which assists in computing the bearing value. 1824 E. BALL RO. • ANJ\HEIM , CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714 ) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 accu-test so,t €nc;me£Qmc; consult'1nts Job iF-886-73 -12- CONCLUSION: It is our opinion, providing the recommendations presented in this report are incorporated in the design and construction of the proposed pro- ject, that a satisfactory project can be accomplished on the property inves- tigated. Our laboratory test on the samples of the materials encountered confirm the adequacy of the soils to support construction of the residences on this site. Areas not explored by our borings are assumed to be consistent wtth those tested. If conditions other than those noted in this report are discovered during construction, this office should be notified so that proper adjustments can be made. This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you have questions, please feel free to call us. We will be happy to extend our ser- vices to solve any soils or foundation problems that may develop during design or construction of your project. Respectfully submitted, ACCU-TEST SOIL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 1824 E. SALL RO. • A NAHEIM. CALIFORNIA 921105 • (714) 835-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682·7782 -PLOT PLAN -accu-test Soil €nqmee12mq Consultants Job iF-886-73 -13- Knowles Stre~t I I $ Lot B Lot D • I .I • Borings Scale: 1" = 40' I $ I • 1 ~ Lot A Lot C I I I Stratford Lane 1824 E. BALL RD. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 +a 0 ...... z >, ::, (I) ~~ -0. E: c~~ '° oo::9 Cl.) l 124.0 2 109.2 3 116.c; LOG OF BORING +a -0 0 0 ..0 ...... E: ...... C 0. ..... .... >, 0 (I) (I) Cl.) .... ::, 0 +a .... 0. ..c:: +a 0..0 C::, (I) +a (I) .... E: (I) t; U) -0. (I) l'.l >, ~ 0. (I)µ... u . ..., E: ' Cl.) .... 0 0 Cl &~ -'° co Cl.) L..-- Ml L..-- 9. l 36 • ..._ ..._ s ...... ML 6 . I 16 • ,. . , _: : SM : -: : /, 10 -½ 8 . 1 ,CJ • __, ½ SC -◊ -:;,;: -1/ 1 5 "% .__ .__ .__ .__ 'JQ. -- '-- - .__ '-- 25. --- accu-test Soil €nqmeeRmG Consultants -14- Job Number Date F-866-73 June 18, 1973 #1 I Undisturbed Ring Sample Disturbed Bulk Sample • Standard Penetration Sample DESCRIPTION Fine sands with clay binder, reddish brown, moderately moist, dense Fine sands with clay binder, reddish brown, moderately moist, dense Fine sands with clay binder, reddish brown, moist, moderately dense Clayey sands, r e ddish brown, moist, d ense E. 0. B • 1824 I: BALL RO • ANAHl:t .... CALll'OltNIA 9280&. (714) 635 -2297 . itrveitsoe. (714) 682 -7782 0 ..... 4--< :z; >, ::, Q) ..... u 0. ·w--..... E >, C: vi ro .... Q) ..0 U) oo ..... 1 118.0 2 118. 0 3 ..... 0 0 4--< 4--< 1-, 0 Q) Q) ..... 1-, 0. C: ::, Q) t; Ul ~ u ..... 1-, 0 0 o°:~ ..... co 8.4 24 8.5 20 7.9 22 • accu-test Soil €nc;m€€Qmc; Consultants -15- LOG OF BORING ..... 0 ..0 E C: 0. ..... >, U) ..... ::, 0 .c ..... 0..0 Q) ..... Q) 1-, E ..... 0. (1) 0 >, 0. Q) i:,... E Cl) 0 ro U) -ML • ,__ ,__ s._ IML ,__ • ,__ : ,__ ; : SM ,__ : 10 -: : ,__ ~ ♦ SC ,--~ -15 /: - - - ,__ rz o. -- ,__ ,__ -25 -,__ - Job Number Date F-866-73 June 18, 1973 #2 • Undisturbed Ring Sample • Disturbed Bulk Sample • Standard Penetration Sample DESCRIPTION Fine sands with clay binder, reddish brown, moderat e ly moist, d ense Fine sands with clay binder, r eddish brown, mode r at ely moist, d ense Fine sands with clay binde r, r eddish brown, moist, moderately d ense Clayey sands, reddish brown, moist, d ense E. o. B. 1824 E BA~L R O • ANAHEIM . CALIP"O"NIA 921108 • (714) 635-2297 • "IVl!"SDI! • (714) 682 -7782 ...... 0 ..... z >, ::, Q) ~~ ....... 0. E: c~~ co Cl Cl :3 Cl) 1 I I 2. 3 2 116. 5 3 LOG OF BORING ...... ....... 0 0 .8 .0 E: ..... C 0. ..... I-->, 0 Q) Q) Cl) ..... ::, 0 ...... I--0. {; ~ 0 .0 C::, Q) I--E: Q) t; t/l -t'.) >, 3 0. g-i:... u ..... E: Cl) I--0 0 Cl ~~ ....... co '° Cl) - 6.9 8 • Ml ----- 10.3 36 • 5-ML - . -· -·-SM 10 1--. 8.3 Z2 ♦ - - .__ 15 i.... ---- .__ - - 20 - - ---- .__ '-- 25 --- accu-'test so,L €nGtn€€QtnG consultants -16- Job Number Date F-866-73 June 18, 1973 #3 I Undisturbed Ring Sample Disturbed Bulk Sample • Standard Penetration Sample DESCRIPTION Fine sands with clay binder, reddish brown, moderately moist, dense Fine sands with clay binder, reddish brown, moderately moist, dense Fine sands with clay binder, reddish brown, moist, moderately dense E. O. B. 182• I!: 8AI.L AO • ANAHl!:IM. CAl.ll'ORNIA 9280e • (714) 635-2297 •RIVERSIDE• (714) 682-7782 . ..... 0 ..... z >, ::, <l) ~~ ...... 0. E c~~ '° Q Q :3 C/) 1 118. 5 2 116.5 3 LOG OF BORING ..... ...... 0 0 0 .0 ..... E c:: o.-..... 1-, >, 0 <l) <l) C/) ..... ::, 0 ..... 1-, 0. -s ~ 0.0 c:: ::, <l) 1-, ~ <l) t; Vl ...... ~ 0. ~µ., c., Cl.) C) ..... s ,_ 0 0 Q &~ ...... '° a:i Cl.) 1--Ml 6.7 28 • ..__ ..__ s-IMI ---- 9.5 37 • - : : . -: : Io. -~ SM ~ - 7.6 25 ♦ -- ,__ t20.- ,__ ,__ - ,__ 25 - ,__ accu-1:est soil €nc;mee12mc; consultants -17- Job Number Date P-866-73 June 18, 1973 1#4 I Undisturbed Ring Sample Disturbed Bulk Sample • Standard Penetration Sample DESCRIPTION Fine sands with clay binder, reddish brown, moderately moist, dense Fine sands with clay binder, reddish brown, moderately moist, dense Fine sands with clay binder, reddish brown, moist, moderately dense Clayey sands, reddish brown, moist, dense E. O. B. 1B241 f BALL AO • ANAHEIM. CALll'O-IA neoe. (714) 635 -2297 • IUV1!"81:>I!. (714) 682 -7782 Accu-test soil enGmeeAmG Consult:cUlts -18- Job Number _(..;;..' _. _F_-_8_6_6-_7_3 ______ _ Date June 18, 1973 LOG OF BORING -/#5 ..... ...... 0 0 I Undisturbed Ring Sample . 0 ..0 . ..... ..... E: Disturbed Bulk Sample 0 ..... ..... s:: 0. ...... z 0 ID ... >, ..... ::, 0 • ID Cl.) -Bi Standard Penetration Sample >, ::, ........ 0. 0..0 ID ..... 0 s:: ::, ID ... ~ ...... "ui ........... ID t; Ul ...... 0. ~ 0. ~µ.. c., Cl.) E: c@~ 0 ..... E: DESCRIPTION ... 0 0 Cl '° Cl C-:l ::9 ~~ ...... '° Cl.) i:t:l Cl) -Ml Fine sands with clay binder, reddish 1 124.6 8.4 31 • --brown, moderately moist, dense --- 5_ IML Fine sands with clay binder, reddish 2 116. 9 8.9 38 • ---brown, moderately moist, dense , - - ♦ 10. SM Fine sands with clay binder, reddish 3 8.0 29 -brown, moist, moderately dense -E. 0. B. ------- 15 --- ,__ - 20 ------ 1, - 25 --- 1824 E BALL ,.0 • ANAHEIM. CALll'O-IA 921101!1 • (714) 635-2297 • ,_llll! .. 9DI! • (714) 682 -7782 • -19- MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUP TYPICAL NAMES SYMBOLS ~~·· Well 9<oded orovels , oiov.1-scrod m11tur11. b~<; GW • o,.O ltttle or no lines. CLEAN ,Q~.'?t GRAVELS ~•o:•.~ (Little or no ,,,,., ) ...... Poorly oroded orovel• or 9<ovel -,and m1atures: GRAVELS ~===~ GP little or no l1nH. .oo•~==~ (More lhon 50% of coarse lrocl1on tS LARGER I hon the GM Silly orovel•. orovel· sond • sill miatures. No 4 s,eve size) GRAVELS WITH FINES ~ COARSE (Appreciable omt. GC Clayey orovels. 9<ovel • sond·cloy m11tures. GRAINED of l,ne,) SOILS ::, -:·:-: :': (More than 50% of :<:; ·.":= SW Well oroded sonds. orovelly sand•. ltllle or molertol IS LARGER .... no lines than No 200 s,eve CLEAN SANDS .~'.' Site) (Ltllle or no lines) ..... ·· . •. SP Poor I y or oded sonds or gravelly sond•, ltllle SANDS '.::.\:;· or no l,nu. (More than 50 '4 of .. coarse lrocllon ,, .. SMALLER than the SM Silly sands, sond·Stll mtatures. No 4 sieve Sile) SANDS .. WITH FINES (Apprec ,able amt. ~ SC Clayey sonds , sand· cloy m, 1 I ures. of l,nu) lnoroon1c sills and very fine ,and,, rock flour, ML s,lly or clayey fine sond• or clayey 11lt1 Wtlh sltohl plost1c1ly. SILTS AND CLAYS ~ lnor9on1c cloys of IOw to medium plo,t,c,ty. (L1qu1d l1m1t LESS thon 50) CL Q<Ovelly cloys. sandy cloys, s,lly cloys , lean ~ cloys. FINE OL 0.90n1c sills ond oroon1c s,lly cloys of low GRA I NED pl01t1c1ty . SOILS (More lhon !> •1. of MH lnor9on1c sills, m,coceous or d1otomoceou1 mo!er<OI ,, ,MALLER f,ne sandy or silty soils, elost,c sills. lhon No 20() ,ieve ,,,e) ~ SILTS AND CLAYS CH ( L1qu1d limit GREATER lhon 50) lnorgon,c cloys of h19h plost1c1ly, fol cloys I OH Or9on1c cloys of medium lo h19h plost1c1ty, orgon,c s,lls -HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS ::z:z;z;j Pt Peat and other h19hly orgon,c sotls. ;;i:;z:;;i::;z: ~ BOUNDARY CLASS IFICATIONS Soils posses11n9 chorocterist,cs of two groups ore des19noled by cornb,not ions of oroup symbols P ARTICLE S I Z E L I M IT S SANO GRAVEL I I SILT OR CLAY I I C()l,A5( I CO,UtSE COBBLES I BOULDERS f tfril[ M[OIUN FIN[ I NO 200 t«> 40 I«) 10 N04 ...... :,., 112...i u s STANDARD S IE VE S I Z E UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Reference T~ Un,f,e<S So,t Ctoss<f,cot,on System, Corps of Enq,n,.,,. U S Army T~hn,col Memorandum No 3·357, Vol t. Morch , 195 3 ( Revised April, 1960) accu-t€St SOIL laBORc\tORY lnCORPORc\t€0 • • • 3000 2SOO 2008 accu-t€st Soil €nqm€€Rm4 Consultants Job iF-866-73 -20- SHEA~ ST.'.{ENG TH in Pouncls per Sq11are Foot C = 90 PS tJ = 38° SA PLE BO NG A DEPTH(T.) 1000---- n L _j - ] 01,0 V LUES USE I ANALYSIS __ _.__ ___ .__._ ___ _ l ')00 2000 O T< --,1_s at fi0ld mJLs ture cont1=nt • T( sts ;:it.: inct"eased moisture content DIR ~Cr SHEA~ TEST D~TA 2500 30:)0 1824 E. BALL RD. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 • • 0 0 0 0 CV) '1" 0 .00 0.01 0.02 ..c 0 .03 cJ i:::: H .......... ..c 0 .04 cJ i:::: H z 0.05 0 H E--< <t: 0 .06 0 H ~ 0 <n 0 .07 z 0 c.) 0.08 0 .09 0.10 accu-t€st Soil €nc;m€€~mc; Consultants Job*F-866-73 -21- CONSOLIDATION TEST CONSOLIDATION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lJ") I.D 00 0 ..... Boring #1 @ 3 ': Boring #2 @ 2': PRESSURE Pounds/Square Foot. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lJ") 0 lJ") 0 0 0 0 ..... N N CV) ~ If) \0 Fine sands with clay binder Fine sands with clay binder 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 ..... --~ ,r-_..., 0 0 0 II') ..... SAMPLES TESTED AT FIELD MOISTURE: 9.1& and 8.4% 1824 E. BALL RD. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 • • • • 0.00 0.01 0 .02 .c 0.03 cJ i:: H .......... .c 0 .04 cJ i:: H z 0.05 0 H f-< <t: 0.06 c:i H ,-l 0 (/) 0.07 z 0 u 0.08 0.09 0 .10 accu-t:est so,t €nqmeeQmq ConsultAnts Job lr-866-73 -22- CONSOLIDATION TEST CONSOLIDATION PRESSURE Pounds/Square Foot. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M ...;t I.I') \0 ,--.-~ --- r----t__.~ +-,-,-... ,-~ ... r-·.....-•· --r =.1 i,-...--,-_r~ ..... _,.. ·- 0 0 0 0 00 0 ~ ·-~ ,...._ Boring #3@ 2 1: Boring #4@ 3': 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I.I') 0 I.I') 0 0 0 0 0 ~ N N C"') ~ I/') \0 00 • r ... ----....-.. Fine sands with clay binder Fine sands with clay binder 0 0 0 0 ~ ·- 0 0 0 I/') ~ -- SA1v1PLES TESTED AT FIELD MOISTURE: 6.9% and 6. 7% 1824 E. BALL RD. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 • • • • B. H. NO. 1 2 3 5 NOTE: accu-test soil €nqmeeRmq consultants -23- Job # F-866-73 EXPANSION TEST RESULTS SAMPLE M/C AFTER % EXPANSION UNDER DEPTH TEST 60 PSF SURCHARGE 3 feet 18. 6% o. 52% 3 feet 17 .1% 0. 30% 5 feet 13. 9% o. 00% 3 feet 15.1% o. 23% Test performed on undisturbed ring samples, and percent of , xpunsion measured from air dry to soaked condition. The samples are soaked for 24 hours. Critcriu for Evnluution: 0. r, :, to 3. 0% 3 . 0 /, to 6 . 0% (>.0.', to 9.0% 1). 0% and Over Non-Expansive Slightly Expansive Moderately Expansive Highly Expansive 1824 E. BALL RD. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • R IVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 • • - • • accu-test Soil €nqmeeamq Consultants Job iF-866-73 -24- *MAXIMUM DENSITY/OPTIMUM MOISTURE DETERMINATIONS SOIL TYPE: Silty sand with traces of clay with 118. 0 pounds per cubic foot maximum dry density@ 10. 0% optimum moisture content. *Maximum Density a cquire d through compaction method ASTM Des: D-1 557-70 , Method A (five layers, 25 blows per layer with a 10 pound hammer, 18 inch drop, 4 inch diameter, 1/30 cubic foot mold). 1874 E. BALL RD. • AN.GHCIM. C/\LIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PER RIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 accu-test Soil €nGtn€€QtnCi Consultants • • Job #:F-866-73 -25- • • TABLE II C M inimum Reauirements of Exnansive SoilR SOIL GARAGI: A 60 FOU NDATIONS SLAB ON GRADE MOISTURC SLAB s psf CONTROL TREATMENT E QJ .c Reinforcing Thicknesses Reinforcing 0. ht c "O ~ Cf) 1-#4 Bar 4" Concrete 6x6 Wire None Required Conventional ..... :::> I en Top & 1/2" Sand Mesh Construction C: y: 0 '° 0) :::> Bottom 6 mil Plastic 0. z s heet XN . WO ..... N E-< ,..... ~ ..... z 0 0. 0 z:::i u C'.) = None Same as above 6x6-10/10 Presaturate to Presaturation not II > 0::: N Required Wire Mesh 2 5% above opti -required. Plastic ..... w en ...... ,...... C 0... to 2'x~' mum moi sture vapor barri er not '° ~ content 8" below requi red. Provide o.o· X Cl) 1-#4 Bar Same as above 6x6-1 0/10 Slab Subgrade. positive separatior µ.'.)Vl :::i 0 ·~ >P & Wire Mesh at s lab to footing >, 0 -< ..... :::i l~ottom joint & fill with ..... z . .c ~ ('J 1/4" bituminous . S'c ....... E-< ,...... joint filler. -< z Cl) M 0 0 ~\ t -4 4 I' ar .; " Concrete 6x6-10/10 Presaturate to Same as Abov12 ~-Toi=> & '/2" Sand Wire Mesh 25'¾. above opti-..... (/J Bottom , 0 mil Plastic mum moisure C: re "' C/J sheet content 1 2" below III 0.0"' :::i l'' S,incl Slab Subgrade X C wc.o ;::> >,O . ' oc _...._. -· --C\. E-----< ..... ' ►;, \:'. '- ,_. C (!) • i...; "O ,c 0 2 ?.-lf ,1 Bars , 10 as ahove 6x6-10/10 Presaturate to Same as Above Tnp 0, Wire Mesh 2 5% above opti- Got tom mum moisture ~ content 16" ..... -C below Slab Sub-([) ' :;:':J ►• grade ,- IV r: C =,.,. ---:...., ;,: ,_ .. f..-1 ~;i: .... :.,:... f-, -< ' '. ---,tc , ,... '-·•◄ • L, .,.,,..., ...... -• . V cm rrc \I I Y CXP1\NS IVI -12% and over. ~:p1•c. i<,l d •siqn for individual circumstances hy soil engineer 1824 E. BALL RD. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 • RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782