HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 359-3L; MS 97-05; MAR VISTA AT LACOSTA; 01-10SIGNAGE NOTES= TI-IE FOLLOWING 61JIDELINl3 FOR TI-IE USE OF RECLAIMED HATER ARE TO BE PERMANENTI.. Y POSTED INSIDE TiiE DOOR OF EAC,H vONTROL.1.ER l"+-ERE TI-IEY ARE EMILY VISIBLE. PJ..AC-1:; OH e>--l/2"XII" 5IZEP 516H. COLORS SHALL BE PURPl.1: BAc.K6ROIA'JD HITH BLACK LEi iERn-.6. I. 6UIDELINE5 FOR RECLAIMED HATER USE. A. IRR16ATE BETYffN THE HOURS OF 10,00 PM AND b,00 AH ONLY, WATERING OUTSIDE TI-1I5 TIMI:, FRAME l-1U5i BE DONE MANJALL Y HITH GUALIFIED 51JF'ERVISOR"r' A:RSOHNa OH SITE. NO SYSTEM 51-!ALL AT AN"r' ilME BE LEFT l/NATTEHDED DURING USE OUTSIDE TI-IE NORMAL ¼HEDUI...E. B. lkkl6ATE IN A MANI-ER THAT HIL.L MINIMIZE RUN Off, POOLING, AND PONDING. TI-IE APPLICATION RA TE 51-!ALL NOT EXCEED 11-IE INFIL TkA TION RATE OF T1-IE SOIL. TIMERS MUST BE AD.JJSTID SO A5 TO BE COMPATIBLE Will-I TI-IE LOWES, SOIL INFILTRAilON RATE PRESENT. n-115 PROc.E~ MA'1' BE FACILITATED BY TI-IE EFFICIENT sa£DIJLIN6 OF THE Al.lrOMAilC CONTROL CLOC.IG, (IE, a,IPLOl'lN6 TiiE REPEAT RJNC,TION ro BREAK LlP TI-IE TOTAL IRRl6ATION TIME INTO <:;Ye,U:5 THAT WILL PROMOTt' MAXIMUM SOIL AB60RPTION). C.. AD..JLIST Sl"RAY HEADS TO ELIMINATE OVER5PRAY ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE C.ON"TRDL OF TI-IE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLE POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PATIOS AND LOTS, AND 51'Rf:eT5 AND SIDEWALKS. D. MONITOR AND MAINTAIN TI-IE SYSTEM TO MINIMIZE EGUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FAILI.IRE, BROKEN SPRINKLER HEADS, LEAKS, UNRELIABLE VALVES, ETC. 51-lOlJLI:> BE REPAIRED AS SOON AS WEl' 6EC-OME APPARENT. E EDUCATE ALL MAINTENANCE PERSOHNEJ... ON A CONTINIJOIJ5 BASIS OF THE PRE5ENGE OF REvLAIMED HATER. PERSONNEL 1-1.JST BE INFORMED THAT REGLAIMED HATER 15 MEANT FOR lkkl6ATION PURPOSES ON!..Y, AND 15 NOT APPROVED FOR DRINK.ING PURPOSES, HAND, iOOL HASHIN6, ETC. 61VEN THE Hl6H "TURNOVER RA TE oF EMPLO'T EE:, IN TI-IE LAND5GAPIN6 INDU5TRY, IT 15 IMPORTANT n-1I5 INFORMATION BE DISSEMINATED oN AN ALMOST DAILY BASIS. IT IS YOU, THE L.AND¼APE C.ONTRAC,TOR, NHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EDUGATING EAc.H AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES. F. OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL OF ALL PROPOSED CHAN6E5 AND MODIFICATIONS TO ANY PRIVATE ON SITE FACILITIES. SUCH CHAN6E5 MUST BE SU6MITTED ro AND APPROVED BY T1-IE DISTRICT EN61NEERIN6 OFFICE AND DESIGNED IN ACCQRDANC,E HITH DISTRICT STANDARDS. 17 ALL REC-LAIMEV HATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE TA66ro Hin-I IDEN'!"IFIGA TION TA65. I. TA.65 SHALL BE Y'IEATI-IERA'WOF PLASTIC 3"X4' PURPLE IN COLOR WITH THE WORDS 'HARNIN6 RECLAIMED HATER -DO NOT DRINK' IHPRINTED ON ONE SIDE AND 'AVISO -A6UA IMPURA -NO TOMAR' ON THE OT1-IER SIPE. IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK IN COLOR USE TA65 AS MANUFACWRED BY T. CHRIS1Y ENTERPf-<.15ES OR APPROVfD EGUAL. 2. ONE T.Ao SHALL BE ATTACI-IED TO EACH VALVE A5 f'OLLOHS, a. ATTACH TO VALVE STEM DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE WRAP OR b. ATTACH TO SOLENOID i"IIRE DIRECTLY OR i"IITii PLASTIC. TIE HRAPOR ,:._ ATTACH TO VALVE COVER Hl-rH EXl5TIN6 VALVE COVER BOLT. H, AL.L SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL l3E' IDENTIFIED AS REG,LAIME:D HATER SPRINIQ..ER HEADS. II. EACH Al.lrOMATIG CONTROLLER AND ITS ASSOCIA"TW EGII.IIPMENT SHALL BE IDENTIFIED HITH A Sl6N BEARING THE ~RDS "REGLAIMED Y'IATER USED FOR ll<Rl6ATION' IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH, Y'llnl Bl.ACK l..ETTER5 I INCH H16H ON A f'lJRPLE BACK6ROIJIND. THE 510N SHALL BE PLACED 50 THAT IT GAN BE READILY SEEN BY ANY OPERATIONS PERSONNEL U5IN6 THE EGUIPMENT. INSPCCTION PROCEDURES I. GITY CONSTRl.lCTION INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE A. LOGA TION OF PIF'f= LINES B. TRENCH DEPTH C. REGIJIREO SEPARATION (HORIZONTALLY AND vERTICALl..Y) D PIPE IDENTIFICATION. (P.O.C.'5) POINT OF GONNECTION5 E. LOC.ATION AND IDENTIFICAilON oF SPRINKLER HEADS F. .HARNIN6 Sl6N5 AT THE SITE AND ON THE TRIJGK5 HAIJLIN6 RECLAIMED WATER, (IF RECLAIMED HA~ 15 lJ5ED FOR GONSTRIJC,TION). AN APPROVAL LE1 IER RI:6ARDIN6 THE IN5PECTION OF THE PROJl:CT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY AND DISTRICT, AND BE FORHARDED TO THE SAN OIEoc> C.OUN1Y DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL Hl=ALTH PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION APPROVAL. IL DISTRICT FINAL INSP!'cGTION SHALL INCWDE, A. COVERA6f TEST, AFTER COMPLETION fO THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, TO DET'l:RHINE 11-E AOEGllJAC,Y OF COVERAGE ON THE Af'PfWVED Ll5E AREA AND PROTECTION OF AREAS NOT APPROVED FOR RECIEVIN6 REGLAIMED HATER. B. HARNIN6 Sl6N5 AND l.Af:lELS C. GllJIGK COUPLING VALVES D. ALL A5PEGT5 OF THE IRRl6ATION CONDITIONS INCLUDIN6 l'IINKBLOWN SPRAY, RUNOFF, ANO PONDIN6. E. Rl:GllJIREO PROTECTION OF ALL RESIDENTIAL AREAS. F. REGIJIRED PROTECTION Of HELLS, STREAMS, RESERVOIRS, ETC. 6, GROSS CONNEGTION Ill, ANN.JAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE, A. GOMPLETE INSFf:CTION WHIGH SHOULD COVER PART A, PART B, AND PART 0 OF THE DISTRICT'S FINAL INSF'EC,TION. VICINITY MAP= 'N,','t,'N,•,•,•,•,•t,'lt.•t,•.•.-: -•-•------•-.--,--,---,.:' :: ... , ... , .. __ : ___ , ____ ---- :::::::::::::::: ::::: ~:-: ·: ,~ ~: ::::: . ::::'.~: ::: t.{ .. :iff/H:·.£} -.-.-.-_-_-_-_-_-_-,-... -:.-.-...... .-.~·-·_·:_·_··_·_. .-.-.-.-.·.-.-.-.-::.-.-.-.-.,::.-.•.•--···•·-',',",',',•. •:•:•:··,:,:,:•:•:•:•:•:.:~•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:~•:•':-'.·'.•:•:._ lJi!\:,·:ll!l ·illi•!.lill!!ill (J\ et NORTH NTS SITE (PRIVATE) RECLAIMED WATER NOTES= LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR= I. ALL i"IORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACGORDANCE Wini TI-fE GARLSBAD HJNIGIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S 'GARLSBAD kl.JI.-E5 AND RE6ULATlot,15 FOR CONSTRUC-TION OF RECLAIMED HATER MAINS" DATED OCTOBER 1"1"13. 2. DRINK.IN€. FOUNTAINS SHALL BE Pro:OTEGTID FROM SPRAY OF RECLAIMED HATER. ., BEST MANA6EMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE USED TO MINIMIZE REGLAIMED HATER ENCROAGt-lMf:NT ON. f'UBL\C FACILITIES 5LlC,H AS PICNIC TABl..l:5, BBG'5, LOTS 1, 2, 3, . AND 4 CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PLAY6ROUND5, SANO TOT LOTS, ETC. 3. BEST MANA6EMENT PRACTICES 51-fALL BE U5E:D TO alMINATE OR GONiROL TO nlE BEST l=Xl"ENT POSSIBLE, PONDIN6, RIJN-oFF, OVER5PRAY AND MISTING-. r-... I 4. HOSE BIBBS ARE 5TRIGTL Y PROHIBITED. I 'I...J 5. ON-SITE CROSS COIIN:CTIONS BETWEEN ~LAIMED WATER LINES AND POTABLE HATER LINES ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. b. NO 5UB5Tll1.ITION OF PIPE MATERIALS i"IIU.'.'BE AL.LOWED i"IITI-lOUT PRIOR Af'!"ROVAL OF THE C,ARJ...SflAD MJNIGIPAL WATER. Dl5TRICT. 1, AL.L MAIN!..INE PIPES 5t-lAL.L HAVE HARNIN6 TAP!= f'ER CARLSBAD ~ICIPAL HATER DISTRICT5'5 RULES AND RE6ULATION5. * e,, THE IRRl6ATION SYSTEMS SHAL.L BE RUN BETH=EN THE HOURS OF 10,00 PM AND b,00 AM. TI-IE FOLLOl"IIN6 MORNIN6, (SPOT IRRl<$>ATION GOULO BE DONE AT A DIFFERENT TIMI;), WITH GII.IALIFIED 5UPERVl5ION PERSONNEL ON SITE. <1. PROVIPE A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST If> INGHES OF COVER OVER ALL i"IIRIN6 AND PIPING-. 10. NON-DESl&NATED USE AREAS SHALL BE PROTl:C,TID FROM CONTACT l'IITH RECLAIMED HATER l'l!iETHER BY WINDBLOl'>IN SPRAY OR DIRf:GT APPLIGATION THROU6H IRRl&ATION OR OTHER USE.· LACK OF PROTEGTION, WHETHER BY DESl6N, CONS"TRJGTION PRACTIGE OR SYSTEM OPERATION 15 SlRICTL Y PROHIBITED, II. IRRl&ATION HEADS SHALL Be RELOGATED OR ADJJSTED TO PREVENT OVER SPRAYING ON 5IDEWALIG, 5TRE'ET5 AND NON-DESl6NATED USE AREAS. 12. RECLAIMED WATER GOICK COLlPLING VALVES SHALL BE OF A TT1"E DESIGNED FOR THE U5E ON RECLAIMED WATER DISTRIBIJflON SYSTEMS, (5Pll<f':5 NOT EXGHAN6EABLE WITI-I POT.ABLE HATER GII.IICK GOIJPLER 5PIKE5), PER CARLSBAD HJNIGIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. KEY MAP= DEVELOPER= 13. HE,i.'R SHALL BE SIZED BY THE CARLSBAD MJNIGIPAL ~IER VISTRICT. 14. ALL IRRl6AilON PIPES SHALL BE STENCILED WITH THE i"l,I.RNIN6 ''NON POTABLE HATER" OR 'REGLAIMED HATER', COLOR C.ODED (f'URPLE) AND LAID Wini WARNING TAPE AND 5TENCILIN6 ORIENTED TOWARD THE TOP OF TI-IE TRENCH PER CARL.5BAD MJNICIPAL WATER DISTRIGT'S RULES AND RE&ULATIONS. NO. KEY MAP LE<SEND, * NORTH NTS DENOTES AREA OF PROPOSED RECLAIMED HATER. Df:NOTES LOCA flON OF CONNEC flON POINT METER, GA TE VAL VE AND BAC,KFLOW PREVENTION. "00 NOT DRINK" Sl<SN LOCAflONS RECLAIMED MAINLINE LOCATION TYPICAL RECLAIMED SIGNS= NTS A\IISO -AfJJA IMPURA NOTOMAA Sl6N STYLE "A" 5I6N STYLE "B" 30'' RECLAIMED WA A\/f!JQ -AOOA IMPURA NOTOMAR I" Hl6H BLACK LETTERS BLACK LOGO PURPLE BACKE>ROUND NOTES, .Olf> ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL 5I6N5. BLACK L060 I' Hl&H BLACK LETTERS ;2" Hl<SH BLACK LETTERS PURPLE BACK0ROUND NOTES, .016 ALUMINUM, .ObO ABS PLASTIG OR STICK-ON VINYL 5I6N5. AVALON HOMES 26440 LA ALAMEDA, SUITE 370 MISSION VIEJO, CALIFORNIA 92691 (714) 582~4111 CONT ACT: MR. SCOTT REDSUN SHEET INDEX= 1 TITLE SHEET 2 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION PLAN 3 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN 4 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN 5 LANDSCAPE ,CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 6 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 7 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS/ SPECIFICATIONS 8 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS 9 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS 10 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS DECLARATION= I HEREBY DECLARE' THAT I AM THE LICE'NSED OESl6NER OF i"IORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARE>E OVER THE DE5I6N OF THE PROJE~T AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6103 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT THE DESl&N 15 CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOHlED6E. I UNDERSTAND THAf THE C-HECK OF PROJEGT DRAl-llN66 AND SPECIFIGAflONS BY THE GllY OF CARLSBAD AND THE SAN DIE60 DEPT OF ENVIRONMENT AL HEALTH 15 CONFINED TO l<EVIEW ONLY AN DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, THE LICENSED DESIE>NER OF i"IORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJEG f OE5I6N. THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, i"IAfER CONSERVATION PLAN AND ALL CONDlflONS OF APPROVA L RELATED TO LAND5CAPIN6. BY,/~ DATE, ,;;t-/✓---u 15. ALL POTABLE AND RECLAIMED WATER PIPES 5t-lAL.L BE INSTALLED HITH THE 5TENvlLIN6 ORIENTED TOHARVS THE TOP OF THE 'TRENGH. 16. HHEN A POTABLE HATER LINE AND RECLAIMED HATER LINE CR055, THE REGLAIMED LINE SHALL BE INSTALLED i"IITHIN A PROTcCTIVE SLEEVE. T1-!E SLEEVE SHALL EXTEND 10 FEET FROM EAGl-l SIDE, FROM THE CENTER LINE OF POT AeU: LINE, FOR A TOTAL OF 20 FEET. 11. A 10 FOOT HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BE1l"e=N POTABLE HATI:R AND REGLAIMED HATER MAINS MJST !3E MAINTAINED AT AL.L TIMES. THE POTABLE LINE M.JST BE INSTALLED Al30v'E THE RECLAIMED LINE. IE>. A MINIMJM OF 12 INGHES OF VERTICAL SEPARATION BETl"IEEN UTILITIES MJST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. . * I<!. DEVELOPER/CONTRACTOR SHALL GONDUGT A CR055 GONNEGTION TEST AND COVERA6E TEST A5 DIRECTED BY CARL5BAD MUNICIPAL HATER DISTRICT AND/OR TI-IE SAN DIE60 COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PRIOR TO ANl' USE OF RECLAIMED i"IA TER. 20. GUICK GOLlPLING VALVES USED IN RECLAIMED HATER SYSTEMS SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOL.LOl"IIN6, REGLAIMED HATER, GUIGK COUPLIN6 VALVES USED IN REGLAIMED HATER SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE ACME 1YPE iHREADS, (SPIKES NOT INTERGHAN6EABLE Hin-I POTABLE WATER GIJIC,K COLlPLER SPIKES), AND PURPLE COLOFIED LOC,KIN6 COVl:R5 PERMANENTLY ATTAC.HEO TO THE VALVE. GUIGK COLIPLERS SHALL BE NELSON N0.1645, HUNTER NO. HVIOO-Rl.-NP OR APPROVED EGlJA,. 21. AN AN),IJAL Cl<055 CONNECTION INSPEGTION SHALL BE DONE BY El'Tl-£'R CARLSBAD MJNICIPAL WATER Dl5TRIGT OR SAN DIE60 COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH. COPIES OF INSF'EGTION SHALL BE FORHARDED TO THE NON IN5f'ECTING PARiY. * 22. DEVELOPER SHALL SI-IOI'! 'RECLAIMED HATER 00 NOT DRINK' 516111 LOCATIONS ON * THESE PI..AN5. . 2:3. AN ON SITE USER/SUPERVISOR 5HALL BE DESIGNATED IN i"-8<.ITING. -rHIS INDIVIDUAL SHALL BE FAMILIAR WITH PLUMBING SYSTEMS i"IITHIN TI-IE F'ROF'ER1Y, WITH THE BASIC. CONCEPTS OF BAC-KFLOH CROSS CONNECTION PR0715C-TION. AND THE SPECIFIC REGIJIREMENT5 OF A REvLAIMED HATER SYSTEM. COPIES OF T1-IE DE5I6NATION, Wini CONTACT PHONE 1'UvlBER5 SHALL BE PROVIDED TO CARLSBAD MJNICIPAL HATER DISTRICT AND SAN PIE.so COIJNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AL HEAL nt INCASE OF EMER6ENCY CONTACT ____ l::!8-~rnJ3!;!2fML ________ AT _JJ.1_~.1=-1:l!L~-2;' _____ _ NAME PHONE INCASE OF EMER6ENCY CONTACT _____ t::!f3~ffe...>BJ:"_Q:!8Qt:/!P-,i:l:;!3 _____ AT _JJ.~-E.=1.l!L~-~------NAME . PHONE 24. SHOW ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE POTABl..E HATER MAINS ON THE PLAN5. 25. ON REC.LAIMED WATER SYSTEMS, ALL APRJRTENANCES, (SPRINKLER HEADS, VALVE BOXES, ETC.I, SHALL BE WL.OR CODED PVRPLE PER ~ 61.JIDELINl:5 AND SEGTION 404"154 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEAL TH AND 5AFE1Y GODE. * ITEMS N0.5 f>, I<!, AND 2:3 SHALL BE REGUIRED JJ5T PRIOR TO THE AC-TUAL lJ5E OF RECLAIMEV HATER, ITEM NO. 22, THE 5I6NA6E PLAN SHALL BE A PART OF THIS IRRIE>ATION PLAN, BUT THE ACTUAL Sl6N5 AND TA65 i"IILL BE INSTAU.1:D JJST PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL USE oF RECLAIMED WATER. ., Kobzeff & Associates LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN . 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 105 Laguna Hills California 92653 Ph one: {714) 770-7 340 FAX: (714) 770-8385 APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUI Lr' R E EVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEALTH AND IRRIGATION ONLY, CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 4-k:f{A't; , { f-?4,, 1 /2 -//-97 WILLIAM E. PLUMMER DATE; DISTRICT ENGINEER RCE 29176 DISTRICT APPROVED CHANGES DESCRIPTION APPROVED DATE DEVELOPERS NAME; ------------- ADDRESS;---------------- TELEPHONE;----- DATE PLAN PREPARED: -------BY: ---- BENCH MARK DESCRIPTION--------------- LOCATION ---------------- NGINEER. CITY ENGINEER AND DISTRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENTATION IN FIELD ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ,,.-1 'A' JP; • '1 17/;i.,./7 7 ,,. EN~ INEERIN<S PLAN CHECKER tlATE 1< -. -... 4,i INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE: DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SH1ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD lliJ PLANNIN.G DEPARTMENT 0 MARVISTA LOTS 1-4 f'\..J APPROVED_#,;:% / C • .. 0 C!°-~ ;a,, L . lz-;;,~_97 ASSISTANT" PLANNIN~ DIRECTOR t-+-------------+----t---lRECORD FROM---------------- ELEVATION --------DATUM----- DATE INITIAL NGINEER Of WORK REVISION DATE INITIAL DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO .. DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: MS 97-05 CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PUD 97 08 359-3L . ' CMWD 97-C 457 '€ ® 0 . . ,• . ,• . "'·. I • .~.• .. \·~.,:.: .::, :, . ·~ •' , .. ' •'• ' . ·: -~ ·, ·: . ~· . LIi 0 N 5 6 ~ c ~ ~ -~ " .-~ : ';~ NORTH .. .. ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLAN CHECKER DATE DATE INITIAL NGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION GENERAL NOTE5, I. ALL li'IORK SHALL CONFORM TO Af"PLIC,Ael.E LOC,AL cooe. 2. CONTRAGTOR SHALL MAKE HIMSELF FULLY AHARE OF SITE CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ISSUING BID. LAGK OF KNOY'ILED6E OF EXISTIN6 SITE CONDITIONS SHALL NOT BE A BASIS FOR ADDITIONAL COSTS DURING CONSTRUCTION. B. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATIONS Of ALL UNDERGROUND UTIL.ITIE5 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. ANY DAMME TO EXISTIN6 SITE EL.EME:NTS/\JTILITIES SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY AND PROPERLY REPAIRED TO IT'S FORMER STATE AT NO ADDITIONAL. COST TO THE OY'INER. -4. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE L.ANDSC,APE ARC-HITEC,T IMMEOIATEL. Y SHOIJL.D ANY DISCREPANCIES BE FOUND ON THESE PLANS. ANY HORK DONE PRIOR TO REC,EIVIN6 A CLARIFICATION MAY REGUIRE REMOVAL AND REGONSTRUGTION BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THE CONTRACTOR'S COST. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARGHITEv T IMMEDIATa Y SHOULD FIELD C,ONDITIONS VARY FROM PL.AN. 6. THE WNTRAGTOR SHALL NOT HILL.FULL. Y F'ROCEE:D Y'IITH GON5TRUGTION AS DESI6NED HHEN IT 15 OBVIOUS THAT UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONS AND/OR 6RADE DIFFERENCES EXIST THAT MAY NOT HAVE BEEH KNOHN DURINc';, DESI.SN. SLIGH CONDITIONS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY BROIJ0HT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSGAPE ARC,HITEc.T. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL NEc.ESSARY REVISIONS DUE TO FAILURE TO 6IVE SUCH NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO Y'IORK. l',, CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A GUALIFIED SUPERVISOR ON THE '!'>ITE AT ALL TIMES DURIHG CONSTRIJGTION THROUGH GOMPLETION OF PICK-IJP lo'IORK. "I. AT THE TIME OF BID, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE THE OWNER AY'IARE OF THE EXPECTED CONDITION OF THE SITE PRIOR TO HIS V'IORK. 5HOIJLD ViORK BY OTHERS, PRIOR TO THE GONTRAGTORS MOVING, ON-SITE, C,AIJSE ADDITIONAL. EXPENSES TO THE OWNER, THE GONTRAC TOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OWNER OF THE EXPENSES PRIOR TO ANY HORK BEING DONE OR THE CONTRACTOR MAY AS51.JME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THESE ADDITIONAL EXPENSES. 6RADING NOTES, I. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINISH e.RADES BEIN6 SMOOTH HITHOUT HAVIN6 LOY'! SPOTS OR GRAPING IRRE6ULAR.ITIE5. 2. Y'IHERE PAVIN0 AND FINISH 6RADE ME:ET, THE FINISH <,RAOE SHALL BE DEPRE55ED 2" IN SHRUB AREAS, AND I" IN TURF AREAS . 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO MEET ALL E;XISTIN6 6RADE5 AT PROJEc.T BOUNDARIES. -4. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAININ6 THE ORl6INAL POSITIVE 6RADES AND DRAINA6E DESl6N. CONSTRUCTION LE6END, (I) DE;NOTES DOWNSLOPE TO STREET @ DENOTES 16" 5QUARE SPLIT-FACE BLOCK PILASTERS @ @ DENOTES SPLIT-FAGE BLOCK RETAININ6 HALLS, SEE EN6INEER'5 PLANS FOR HEl6HTS @ DENOTES 6'-0" Hl6H SPLIT-FACE BLOCK GARDEN HAL.LS @ @ DENOTES 6'-0" HIGH HOOD FENC,E; BETHEEN LOTS TYPIC.,AJ.. @ @ DENOTES 3'-0' Y'IIDE BY 6'-0" Hl6H HOOD SIDEYARD 6ATE TYPIC,,AJ.. @ G) DENOTES 6'-0" HIGH HROU6HT IRON FENCIN6 HITH 3/-4" VE;RTIC,"1..S AT 4" 0,C,, MAXIMUM @ @ DENOTES 4'-0" Y'IIDE CONCRETE SIDEWALKS i'IITH MeDIUM BROOM FINISH @ @ DENOTES GONGRETE DRIVEWAY. INSTN.L EXPANSION JOINTS AT 6ARA6E AND BAGK OF CURB LQC,ATIONS. CRACK CONTROL JOINTS SHALL BE LOCATED 50 PAVIN6 DOES NOT EXCEED 100 5QUARE FEET HITHOUT A JOINT. @ (jg DENOTES SHOVELGUT PLANTIN6 ED6E ~ Kobzeff & Associates LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 1D5 Loguno Hills Colifornia 92653 Phone: (714) 770-7340 FAX: (714) 770-8385 APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUil T'' AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE: DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SH2ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ Pl.ANNING DEPARTMENT 0 MARVISTA LOTS 1-4 APPROVED ~lj /2-23-97 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR F OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKO BY: MS 97-05 0TH ER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PUO 97-08 359-3L CMWD 97-C '4-57 (@ _____ .,......,. ....... POINT OF C<Jt,,N::CTION -POTAE3Lf: WATt=R• CONNECT TO I" HOA POTABLE IRRl6ATION HATER METER. REFER TO CIVIL ENGINEER'S PLANS FOR LOCATION OF METER. HATER PRESSURE DERIVED FROM PAUL AT VALLEC-ITOS V'IATER DISTRICT. PEAK HATER DEMAND, AVAILABLE PRESSURE, REQUIRED MINIMJM PRESSURE, SET PRESSURE REDUG,ER TO, POINT OF COI\I\ECTION -CONTROLLER 'A'• LOCATE CONTROLLER IN AREA DENOTED ON PLAN. VERIFY FINAL LOC.ATION HITI-l OHNER'S REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR 120 VAG TO CONTROLLER LOCATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BY OTHERS. HOOK-UP OF CONTROLLER TO 120 VAG SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. STATION RlJN ORDER SHALL MA TGH PLANS. PRESSURE LOSS C~ART -~.G.L. -815.0 VALVE• A5 GPM• 34.2 BAGKFLOH PREVENTER ,5 LF OF 2" MAINLINE FITTINGS (20% MAINLINE LOSS) I" VALVE LATERAL LINE LOSSES, (FIXED) MISCELLANEOUS LOSSES, (FIXED) ELEVATION(+) UPHILL,(-) DOHNHILL SPRINKLER OPERATIN6 PRESSURE TOTAL PRE551JRE REQUIRED, PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT P.O.G., (REDUCED) RESIDUAL PRESSURE, tl N l C 'l.O PSI .B PSI .2 PSI '1.0 PSI 5.0 PSI 5.0 PSI 1.0 PSI 25.0 PSI 55.0 PSI 65.0 PSI 10.0 PSI 0 Nlo o R IRRIGATION LEGEND: SYMBOL PRODUCT MODEL t:. RAINEIIRD 1000• I\ RAINBIRD IBOO* 8 RAINBIRD 1800" ... RAINBIRD IBOO" 0 RAINBIRD 1800" • RAINBIRD 1eoo• 0 RAINEIIRD IBOO• ijf RAINEIIRD IBl2 i;! RAINBIRD 1e,I2 tf\ RAINBIRD PA-BS + RAINBIRD PA BS (j) RAINBIRD PA-BS ' RAINBIRD PA-es 0-RAINBIRD PA-BS ijf-RAINBIRD PA-es LOCATION OF RECLAIMED HATER 516N, OUTSIDE OF R.O.W. 20b \~() ...._ ---- \ \ \ I IE>.O LOCATION OF POTABLE MAIN LINE, REF'ER TO CIVIL EN61NEER'S PLANS. -~---~ DESCRIPTION NOZZLE POP-UP SPRAY HEADS I2f POP-UP SPRAY HEADS I2H POP-UP SPRAY HEADS I2T POP-UP SPRAY HEADS I2Q POP-UP SPRAY HEADS 8H POP-UP 5PRA Y HEADS 00 POP-UP STREAM SPRAY 22H-55 12" POP-UP STREAM SPRAY 22Q-55 12" POP-UP SPRAY HEADS I5GST-B STANDARD SPRAY HEADS I2H STANDARD SPRAY HEADS I2Q STANDARD SPRAY HEADS f,H STANDARD SPRAY HEADS 8Gl 12" STANDARD STREAM SPRAY I6H-SLA 12" STANDARD STREAM SPRAY I60-SLA NORTI-1 RADIUS II' II' II' II' l' ,' l"I' l"I' 5' II' II' l' •' 15' 15' IRRIGATION NOTES, I. ALL HORK SHALL CONFORM TO APPLICABLE CODES. 2. THIS DESl6N 15 DIA6RAMMATIC. ALL PIPIN6, VALVES, AND OTHER EQlJIPMENT SHOHN HITHIN PAVED AREAS OR OUT Of PROPERTY 80UNDRY5 15 ONLY FOR DESIGN GLARIF'ICATION AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN PLANTING AREAS HHERE POSSIBLE. NEVER INSTALL IRRl0ATION OUTSIDE Of PROPERTY LINES OR LIMITS INDICATED ON PLAN. AVOID ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, PLANTIN6, AND ARCHITECTURAL OR UTILITY ELEMENTS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATIONS OF ALL AOOVE-6RADE IRRl6ATION EGIIJIPMENT HITH THE OHNER'5 AUTI-lORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR MAY BE REQUIRED TO MOVE THEM AT THE GONTRAGTOR'5 COST. 3. ALL POP-UP TYPE SPRINKLER HEADS INSTALLED IN TURF AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED SO TI-lE TOP Of THE SPRINKLER HEAD IS FLLISH HITH THE ADJACENT 51DEHALK, GIJRB OR PAVIN6. ALL POP-IJP HEADS AHAY FROM EDGES IN TURF SHALL BE FLUSH HITH THE TOP Of 0RADE TO PREVENT CONTACT HITH MOHERS. 4. ALL HEADS SHALL BE SET PERPENDICULAR TO THE FINISH GRADE OF THE AREA TO BE IRR10ATED. 5. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL FWSH AND ADJJST ALL SPRINKLER HEADS FOR OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE AND TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO WALKS, ROADWAYS, AND/OR BJILDIN0S AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. THIS SHALL INCLUDE 5ELEC-TIN6 THE BEST DE6REE OF ARC-TO FIT THE EXl5TIN6 SITE CONDITIONS AND TO THROTTLE THE FLOH CONTROL AT EACH VALVE TO OBTAIN THE OPTIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE FOR EACH SYSTEM. 6. IT IS THE INTENT Of THE IRRl6ATION PLANS TO INDICATE THE INSTALLATION Of POP-UP TYPE SPRINKLERS IN LANDSCAPED AREAS ADJACENT TO PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR AREAS. IN THE EVENT THAT POP--lJP TYPE SPRINKLERS HAVE NOT BEEN SPECIFIED IN THESE AREAS, IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO BRING THIS TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY TO RECEIVE A CLARIFICATION PRIOR TO GONSTRUGTION. e,, IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CON~TOR TO FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF HITH ALL 6RADE DIFFERENCES, LOGATION5 Of HALLS, RETAININ6 HALLS ETC. HE SHALL COORDINATE HIS HORK WITH THE GENERAL GONTRAGTOR AND OTHER 51.JBGONTRACTORS FOR THE LOCATION AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE SLEEVES THROU6H HALLS, UNDER ROADHAY PAVIN6, ETC. '1. THE IRRl6ATION CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLIN6 ALL CONTROL HIRING, CONTROL HIRE SLEEVES, LATERAL AND MAINLINE, AND PIPE SLEEVING UNDER ALL PAVED AREAS PER PLAN, PRIOR TO PAVING. 10. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR 5lJBMITTAL5, INSPECTIONS AND OTHER APPLICABLE INFORMATION. II. 120 V.A.G. ELECTRICAL POHER SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CONTROLLER LOCATION BY OTHERS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRl6ATION CONTRACTOR TO MAKE THE FINAL HOOK-LJP FROM THE ELECTRICAL SOURCE TO THE CONTROLLER UNIT ONLY. 12. INSTALL ALL MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A5 5HOHN IN THE DETAILS. lJ5E TEFLON TAPE OR TEFLON PIPE DOPE ON ALL SPRINKLER 5HIN6 .JOINT AND VALVE ASSEMBLIES. IB. THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESl6N IS BASED ON THE MINIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE AND THE MAXIMUM FLOH DEMAND SHOHN ON THE DRAHIN65 AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION THE IRRl6ATION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY HATER PRE55lJRE PRIOR TO GON5TRIJCTION. REPORT ANY DIFFERENCES 8ETHEEN THE HATER PRE55lJRE INDICATED ON THE DRAHIN65 AND THE ACTUAL PRE551JRE READING AT THE IRRl6ATION POINT OF CONNECTION TO THE OHNER'5 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT PRES5lJRE DIFFERENCES ARE NOT REPORTED PRIOR TO THE START OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM CON5TR1JCTION, THE IRRl6ATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSVME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY REVISIONS NECESSARY TO BRIN& THE SYSTEM TO A PROPER V'IORKING CONDITIONS TO THE OHNER'5 SATISFACTION. 14. THE HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR Tl-llS IRRl0ATION SYSTEM HAVE BEEN ESTABLl5HED U51N& THE MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED ON Tl-ll5 PLAN. l. DO NOT HILFULLY INSTALL THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM AS SHOHN ON THE DRAHINpS WHEN IT 15 OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT OB5TRUGTIONS, &RADE DIFFERENCES, OR DIFFERENCES IN THE AREA DIMENSIONS EXIST THAT Ml6HT NOT HAVE EXISTED AT THE TIME OF THE IRRl6ATION DESl6N PREPARATION. SIJGH OBSTRUCTIONS OR DIFFERENCES SHOULD BE BROLl0HT TO THE ATTENTION Of THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IMMEDIATELY. IN THE EVENT THIS NOTIFICATION 15 NOT 5UB5TITUTION5 MADE TO THE MATERIALS BY Tl-lE CONTRACTOR HITHOIJT PREVIOUS ACCEPTANCE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND CITY INSPECTOR SHALL PLACE ALL LIAB- ILITY Of THE IRRl6ATION SYSTEM ONTO THE IRRl6ATION CONTRACTOR. NO SUBSTITUTIONS OF EQUIPMENT HILL BE ACCEPTABLE HITHOUT PRIOR HR.ITTEN APPROVAL BY THE LANDSGAPE ARCHITECT. THE IRRl0ATION CONTRACTOR MAY BE REGllJIRED TO REMOVE AND REPLACE ALL SUBSTITUTED EQUIPMENT IF SO ORDERED BY THE OWNER. GIVEN, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL A55UME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR A':!Y AND ALL CHANGES NEC.ESSARY TO BRIN& THE SYSTEM BACK TO A GONDITION ACCEPTABLE TO THE OHNER. 10. THIS PROJECT SHALL BE BUILT ACCORDING TO ALL RECLAIMED HATER GODES AND ORDINANCES. THE HOOKUP TO RECLAIMED HATER SHALL OCCUR AT A FUTURE DATE NOT YET DETERMINED. U5E ONLY "PURPLE PIPE" AND ALL OTHER LIKEHISE COLORED ELEMENTS. 11. INSTALL POP-UPS HITHIN 10 FEET OF ALL PEDESTRIAN USES. _ PONT OF COI\I\ECTION -R.JT\...RE RECI...AIIVED WATER• 12. INSTALL CHECK VALVES AS NEEDED TO PREVENT LOH HEAD DRAINAGE. PLAN INDICATES FINAL CONDITION Of IRRl6ATION SYSTEM ONCE RECLAIMED HATER IS AVAILABLE TO Tl-lE SITE. UNTIL SUCH TIME, THE IRRl0ATION SYSTEM SHALL OPERATE FROM THE POTABLE WATER MErER. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT INSTALL AS PART OF THIS GONTRAG T THE RECLAIMED HATER METER. SYMBOL PRODUCT MODEL DESCRIPTION DETAIL & RAINBIRD ESP-BMC AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER 'A', IN "STRONGBOX' VANDAL-RESISTANT ENCLOSURE I I L-5 INSTALL HITH RAINBIRD RAINCHEGK RAIN SHUTOFF DEVICE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL RECLAIMED SLEEVES AND PURPLE PIPE AS INDICATED ON THIS PLAN. THE RECLAIMED METER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN THE FUTURE HHEN RECLAIMED B .... FEBGO B25Y NIBCO T-I 13 EIACKFLOW PREVENTER -1-112' 2 / L-5 0ATE VALVE -LINE SIZE 5 / L-5 HATER,IS AVAILABLE TO THE SITE. PEAK HATER DEMAND, 34.2 GPM AVAILABLE PRESSURE, {POTABLE) REGIIJIRED MINIMUM PRESSURE, 155.2 PSI STATIC 55.0 PSI • RAINBIRD () NELSON 68 SERIES ELECTRIC REMOTE CONTROL VALVE IN BOX -SIZE PER PLAN 4 / L-5 111645 QUICK COUPLING VALVE HITH PURPLE LOC-KIN6 CAP -3/4" (REGLAIMED) b I L-5 SET PRESSI.JRE REDUCER TO, 65.0 PSI L16HT DASHED LINE DENOTES TEMPORARY PURPLE PIPE CONNECTION TO THE POTABLE METER -rJ) UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE RECLAIMED METER 15 INSTALLED. ONCE RECLAIMED METER IS INSTALLED, GAP THE RECLAIMED PIPE AND A6ANDON THE TEMPORARY ,..; MAINLINE. RECLAIMED SYSTEM SHALL INCLUDE VALVES A5, Ab, Al, AB, AND A"I. ~ LOCATE MAINLINE OUTSIDE -OF R.O.H. TYPICAL v, INSTALL MAINLINE FROM POTABLE METER TO VALVE Al AS PURPLE PIPE TO BE SWITCHED ~ OVER ONCE RECLAIMED HATER 15 AVAILABLE TO THE SITE. "--'--LOGA TION OF RECLAIMED HATER SIGN, OUTSIDE Of R.O.W. 40 60 GPM PSI PATTERN 2.4 25 FULL 1.2 25 HALF .8 25 THIRD .6 25 QUARTER .12 25 HALF .36 25 QUARTER l.4f> 25 HALF .14 25 QUARTER .5 25 FLOOD 1.2 25 HALF .6 25 QUARTER . ,2 25 HALF .36 25 QUARTER I.4b 25 HALF .,6 25 QUARTER DETAIL 8 I L-5 <HIO I L-5 RAINBIRD 33-DLRG QUICK COUPLING VALVE HITH YELLOW LOGKIN6 GAP -3/4" (POTABLE) • ~ HILKINS 500 PRE551JRE REDUCING VALVE I / L-t> 2" BIJRIED PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPING -GLASS 315 FOR 2" AND LARSER, AND SCHEDULE 40 344 I L-5 ---FOR H/2" AND SMALLER -SIZE PER PLAN. PURPLE FOR RECLAIMED, HHITE FOR POTABLE HATER. 1/2" BIJRIED NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE PIPIN6 -PVC GLASS 200, (CLASS 315 FOR 112")-SIZE PER PLAN. Bt4 I L-5 2" F'!JRPLE FOR RECLAIMED, WHITE FOR POTABLE WATER. --:(i---PIPE SLEEVE FOR IRRl6ATION PIPING INSTALLED UNDER PAVING -PVC SCHEDULE 40 ~----SIZE NOTED ON PLAN, IF NO SIZE NOTED, lJ5E THIC-E THE DIAMETER OF THE INTERIOR r---PIPE. IRRl6ATION CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL 5LEEVIN6, INC-LUDIN6 HALL PENE- TRATIONS HHERE NECESSARY. I" __ , ___ GONTROL HIRE SLEEVE INSTALLED UNDER PAVIN6 BY IRRl0ATION CONTRACTOR. -----PVC SCHEDULE 40 -SIZE A5 'DENOTED ON PLAN. @1e.o DENOTES REMOTE CONTROL VALVE SEQUENCE NUMBER, AND FLOH IN 6PM DENOTES VALVE SIZE /4' * NOTE, INSTALL 1806-6" POP-UPS IN GROUNDCOVER/SHRUB AREAS AND 1804-4" POP-UPS IN TURF AREAS. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY DENOTED OTHERV'IISE IN LEGEND ABOVE. DENOTES AREAS DESl6NED TO BE IRRl6ATED HITH RECLAIMED WATER. USE ONLY PURPLE PIPE IN THESE AREAS. Kobzeff & Associates LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN 23121 Verdugo Drive, su;te 105 Laguna H;lls California 92653 Phone: (714) 770-7340 FAX: (714) 770-8385 CMWD APPROVAL O{c RECLAl~ED WATER USE MAP COLORED APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUILT" AND IRRIGATION ONLY, DISTRICT ENGINEER DATE INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE: DATE ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON APPROVED PAGE 1 ONLY LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. " ~ ENGINEERING PLAN CHECKER DATE INSPECTOR DATE I S3ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD lliJ PLANNING DEPARTMENT . MARVISTA LOTS 1-4 . APPROVED d?'d!J 12,.{, L 7 ti JI ~ ~~-£(,' -• ' _.Jj ASSISTANT PO.NNING DIRECTOlt . ' . ·,;;,;..,-~ . OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: MS 97-05 359-3L ~NGINEER OF WORI REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAi.. CITY APPROVAi.. RVWD BY: PUD 97-08 CMWD 97-C 457 ' OPEN SPACE EASEMENT TO HOMEOl"lNER"5 AS50C-IATION PER DOC-__ ~REG OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT TO HOMEOV'INER'S ASSOCIATION PER DOG REG, U ~ l C N\O oB \ \ \ _.---IHST,O.LL ...UTE Ml"'SH ON SLOPE FACINIS EL F\JERTE STREET. \ \ \ \ NORTI--1 PLANT ZONE LEGEND: Ill . . . DENOTES ZONE I, ('TURF) FL>,NTINc!>5 OF HYJ:!4111.ID eeRM.JDA WARM SEASON GAASS, (1,848 5Cil.lARE FEET, OR 15.6 PERCENT OF TOTAL LANDSGAPE) DENOTES ZONE 2, (REFINED) LAND5CAPE TYPICAL SHRUB AND GROUNDWVER PLANTINGS (2,"100 SQUARE FEET, OR 24.4 PER.GENT OF TOT AL LAN~APE) DENOTES AR£A TO REC,IEVE JJT"E MESH, ~ASE 1"110) ADD AL TERNA TE I, INSTALL HYDROSEEDED GROUNDWVER OYeR ...UTE MESH AREA ,t,,S FOLLOWS, AL YSSIJM 'CARPE'T OF SNOV'I' -:! LBS./ACRE AL Y551JM 'VIOLET QUEEN' -4 LBS./ACRE HJLGH -2,000 LBS./ACRE 13I050L FERTILIZER -1,200 L.135./ACRE SENTINAL BINDER -100 L65./AC-RE DENOTE5 GAZANIA RIGENS LEUGOLAENA -TRAILING, GAZANIA FROM FLATS AT 18" O.C-. TRIANISlJLAR SPAC,INIS DENOre!"> EXISTIN6 SLOPE VEGETATION, (NON-IRRl6ATED) L.ANOSGAPI:: MIXED NATIVE AND NON-NATIVE 5HRlJBS AND GRASS (2,Bb:! SQIJARE FEET, OR l'!.<l PER.GENT OF TOTAL LANOSC-AF'E) SUMMARY: TOTAL LANOSGAF'E AREA, TOT AL LAND5GAPE AREA, G>R05S SITE AC,REA6E, II,at,1 SGIIJARE FEET 0.21 ACRES 0.5<1 AC-RES ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON APPROVED PAGE 1 ONLY ENGINEERING PLAN CHECKER DATE DATE INITIAL PLANTIN6 NOTES, I. ALL ~ SHALL WNFORM TO APPLICABLE LtX,AL C-ODES. 2. ALL TREES SHALL BE STANDARD IN FROM, UNLESS OTHER v"IISE SPEC-IFIEO. B, ALL PLANT L.OC-ATIONS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC. AGTlJAL LOC-AflONS SHALL BE VERIFIED WITH THE LANDSGAPE ARGHITEGT PRIOR TO PL.ANTING. 4. ALL PLANT MATERIAL Jl'!ITHIN A 5PEC-IES 5HALL HAYE IDENTIC-AL FORM. ANY TREE DEEMED UNAGCE'PTABLE BY THE LANDSGAPE ARGHITEC-T SHALL BE IMME:DIATEL.Y REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND SHALL 6E REPLAC-ED WITH AN AC-CEPTABLE TREE OF LIKE TYPE AND SIZE AT THE 00NTRAC-TOR'S EXPENSE. THE SAME SHALL HOLD TRUE FOR SHRUBS AND GROUNDGOVERS. ANY MATERIAL HAVING THIN OR SPARSELY SPAGED BRANGHES SHALL BE REJEGTED. ANY MATERIAL APPEARING TO BE UNHEALTHY, EVEN IF DETERMINED TO STILL BE ALIVE, SHALL NOT BE ACC-EPTED. THE LANDSCAPE ARGHITEGT SHALL BE THE SOLE ...UDGE AS TO THE AC-CEPTABILITY OF PLANT MATERIAL. 5. THE C-ONTRAC-TOR SHALL PROVIDE AB" LAYER OF SHREDDED RE:DWOOD "WALK-ON' MULC-H UNDER ALL PLANTINGS, LAYING> UPON THE SURFACE OF THE SOIL. THE MULC-H SHALL BE I' DEEP v"IITHIN PLANT BASINS. REFER TO SPECIFIC-ATIONS FOR MULGH TYPE. NO BARE SOIL SHALL BE SHOl'IIING. 6. REFER TO SPEGIFIGA TIONS FOR v-!EED ABATEMENT PROGRAM. 1. REFER TO SPEGIFIGATIONS FOR SOIL PREPARATION PR06RAM. e,, THE C-ONTRAC-TOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE PROJEGT FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY, /'30) DAYS. <l. C-ONTRAC-TOR SHALL SUBMIT A SAMPLE OF MULGH GROUND COVER FOR C,ITY INSPEGTOR TO APPROVE PRIOR TO BULK DELIVERY TO SITE. 10. LOC-ATE ALL STREET TREES A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" OUTSIDE OF R.O.W. TREE LE6END, MIN, HEl6HT EF -EIJGAL YPTlJS FIC.IFOLIA -RED FLOViERIN6 GUM 15 GALLON STANDARD 1'-e,' 6P -GEIJERA PARVIFLORA -AUSTRALIAN l'IIILL.Ol'II 15 GALLON STANDARD 1'-8' KB -KOELREUTERIA BIPINNATA -C-HINESE FLAME TREE 15 GALLON STANDARD 1'-e' PC--PINIJS C,ANARIENSIS -GANARY ISLAND PINE 15 GALLON 6'-1' PG -PODOC,ARPUS GRAGIL.IOR -YElrl PINE 15 GALLON STANDARD 2'-3' 5HRIJB LEGEND, AA -A6APANTHUS AFRIC-ANIJS -LILY OF THE NILE AR -ACAGIA REDOLENS -PROSTRATE AC-ACIA -48" O.C-. TRIANGULAR SPAC-ING APR -ARGTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-URSI 'POINT REYES' -BEAR.BERRY -48" O.C-. TRIANGULAR 5PAC-IN6 C-G -C-ARISSA GRANDIFLORA 'TUTTLE' -Dl'IIARF NATAL PLUM C-YP -C-EANOTt-t.JS GRISEUS 'YANKEE POINT' -C-EANOTHUS -48'' O.G. TRIANOOLAR SPAGIN6 EF -E'UONYMUS FORTlJNEI 'EMERALD GAIETY' -EUONYM.JS EE -ESC-ALLONIA ESONIENSIS 'FRADES' -PINK PRINCESS ESGALLONIA HH -HEMEROGALLIS HYBRID STAR.BURST YELLOl'II' -EVERGREEN DWARF DAY LILY LJ -LIGUSTRUM JAPONIC-UM TEXANUM' -PRIVET LM-LANTANA MONTEVIDENSIS -TRAILIN6 LANTANA -48" O.C. TRIANGULAR Sf',O.C,ING LMB-LIRIOPE MUSC-ARI 616 6LUE' -LILY TURF ND -NANDINA DOMESTIGA GOMPAC-TA' -DHARF HEAVENLY BAMeOO PF -PHOTINIA X FRASERII 'INDIAN PRINCESS' -DHARF PHOTINIA PT -PITTOSPORIJM TO6IRA 'l'IIHEELER'S Dl'IIARf' -Dl'IIARF MOC-K ORAN6E PN-PITT05PORUM TOBIRA 'VARIEGATA' -VARIEGATED MOGK ORANGE PM -PODOGARPUS MACROPHYLLUS MAKI' -SHRUBBY YEl'II PINE RI -RAPHIOLEPIS INDIC-A 6AL.L.ERINA' -DWARF INDIAN HAlrlTHORNE RJ -RHYNGHOSPERMUM JASMINOIDE5 -STAR JASMINE GROUNDGOVER LEGEND, i::,::: ~:.-.-::"j DENOTES SODDED TlJRF. BERMUDA 'TIFGREEN'. DENOTES EXISTING SLOPE VEGETATION, (NaN-IRRIGATED) LANDSC-APE MIXED NATIVE AND NON-NATIVE 5HRUl3S AND GRASS PROTEGT IN PLAC-E. DENOTES HEDERA HELIX 'HAHNII' -HAHN'S ENGLISH IVY FROM FLATS AT 12" O.C,. TRIAN6ULAR 5PACIN6 WITH MULCH GROUND COVER PER SPEGIFIGATIONS. PLANT MATERIAL LEGEND, DENOTES PL.ANT MATERIAL TYPE, SEE LEGEND ABOVE DENOTES QUANTITY, AND SIZE, (24"=24" BOX, 156=15 GALLON, 56-=5 GALLON, IG=I GALLON) DENOTES C.LEMATIS VITIC-ELLA 'ETOILE VIOLETTE' VINE 5 GALLON, SPLAY ONTO HALLS. Kobzeff & Associates LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE EN111RONMENTAL DESIGN 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 105 Laguna Hills California 92653 Ph one: (714) 770-7 3M) F'AX: (714) 770-8385 APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUILf' AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE: DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY, AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SH4ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD lliJ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0 MARVISTA LOTS 1-4 - APPROVED ;;-:;/U /2-2?-<J'J ASSISTANT PLANNMlfG DIRECTOR . DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: MS 97-05 :NGINEER OF WORI REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PUD 97-08 359-31 CMWD 97-C -457 8 9 6' MAX ---F'OP-UP 5F'RAY HEAD, FLUSH IN TURF, I' ABOVE FINISH GRADE IN 6ROI.JNDCOVER ::..-----------PVC "10 OE6REE STREET ELL e" MINIMUM PVC. 5c.HEDULE eo NIPPLE ,--MARLEX "10 DE6REE STREET ELL '----PVC LATERAL LINE AND FITTIN6 POP-UP ~EAD SCALE• NTS 6" MAX. <1 ,,----'"----t--FINISH 6RADE ., 4 . <I u.,...--ViALL, Fl!Nc.E Oft VER.TIC.AL ED6E __....---~-,ARLEX <to DE6REE STREET ELL ST AND ARD RISER ~EAD SCALE:• NTS --,11-= = ~111 111-111 •11=111= ~-----=::~_;~;,AY NOZZLE li'I/ ADAPTER ~ ~ H 00 PVC. NIPPLE RIS!:R TYPIC.AL ...---l/2''X36" .SALV. STL. STAKE .--IHeAVY DUTY STAINLESS STEEL HOSE C.LANP (2 REG1lJIRED) __...-KIN6 ei't05. "CV' !SERIES RISER SIZE L---~ C.HEC.K VAL VI': __.--PVC. SC-H.00 NIPPLE FINISH .sRADe PVC. <10 DE~E STREET E:LL MAFlLEX <tO DEGREE STREET ELL 1 Q ST AND ARD HEAD ON SLOPE SCALE:• NTS 5 6 7 1ID=I I :u.l .....,.,.,,,..,, I ffi__ . . · NOT!:, ~JOI'; 12' LON6 EXPA~ION PVC 5CHEDULE !}() PIPE; RISER t," MINIMJM L,.._YER OF PEA GRAVEL LATERAL LINE TO VALVES =rlJJffiill1n"--nr-nr-n·1-r1 ~---·· , ~111-111-111-111-111111~11·~~---=111 .. 11 1=111:=-111-• . . 11 RED BRIC.K TYPIC.AL, 4 REGIUIRW -li----~E MAINLINE SX5X5 FITTING ~~~--C.OMMON ANO CONTROL WIRES REMOTE CONTROL VALVE SCALE• NTS GATE VALVE f' MAX,, __ 'f 1 ,,..------,6111.EEH l'OlJND VALVE !:'!OX (PURPLE FOR REC.LAIMED ViA TER) EXTENSIONS AS REG'D . ,--6ATE VALVE PVC MALE A01'PTER (5C-H eQ) PROVIDE l'-2" AIR SPACE BTWM BOTTOM OF VALVE AND TOP OF ROC-K. ,----e• MINIMUM LAYER OF PEA GoAAVl':L ,--RED BRIC-K TYPIC.AL, 4 REGIUIR!:D .-----FINI~ 6'RAD!" SCALE• NTS ..,---C.AR.SON INDUSTRIES 1IOIIO-12e ~ <;i,REEN BOX (PURPLE FOR RECLAIMED WATER) ,--QlJIGK COIJPLIN6 VALVE _,.---RED BRICK, (4 REGIUIRED) ..,----1 GUBIG FOOT OF PEA 6RAV!:L _,,----BRASS NIPPLE ,,---Ell<.A55 "10 DE6F!t:E STREET ELL 1. I .,,......--EIRA55 "10 DE6REE STREET ELL ,,----b" BRASS NIPPLE ~-MAINLINE PIPIN6 AND FITTli'-16 BRASS STRf:ET ELL NOTE, GUIC.K COUPLER SHALL Ele' APPROVED FOR RECLAIMED HATr!R ONLY. QUICK COUPLING VALVE SCALE• NTS ; • c;() 3 4 i :Z • N ~-------FINl5H 6RAOE 6' aJRB OR PAVING ED6E . ,(I ., I I _,t.......j,i.j$~~lJ._-C.LEAN BAC-KFILL SOIL I' C.OMPAC-TED TO MATCH NATIVE 5LJRROIJNDIN6 SOIL VALVE C.ONTROL l'llRE '---2" DEEP C.LE.IIN, APPROVED BAC-KFILL MATERIAL TRENCI-UNG DETAIL SCALE• NTS • ~-------FINISH 6RADE ~-PAVING,, (SEE PLANS) BASE MATeRIAL IF REG!IJIRED CLEAN BAC-KFILL SOIL C,OMPACTED TO MATC.H NATIVE SURROUNVIN.S 501L SAND BAC-KFILL AROUND PIPES TRENCHING UNDER PAVING SCALE• NTS ~~i~~~0s SIGNATURE REQUIRED oN PAGE 1 ONLY ENGINEERING PLAN CHECKER DATE .., ..... DATE INITIAL NGINEER OF WOR! REVISION DESCRIPTION 1 2 ~----------FINISH 6RJIIOE _____ _,c_=::::----CONTROLLER MOUNTED IN v...,.,i,AL- SLOPE TO DRAIN RESISTANT ENCLOSVRE J....---VANDAL-RESISTANT ENC-LOSI.JRE (PEDESTAL MOUNTED) l-t----12O VOLT POl'lER 1111RE5 IN CONDUIT. INSTALL PER ALL APPLIC.A61..E C.ODES . ~--ti----POl"«;:R SY'IITC.H ---OIREC-T BURIAL C.ONTROL WIRl5 ~-IOOlll C.LEAR SILIC.ON J.!UBBER, I" il'IIDE, AT ,45 AN6LE, ViATER Pf<OOFIN6. ---12OVAC-POWER IN WNOUIT 2" DIAM Sl'lEEP ELL PER ALL ELECTRICAL WOE REGIUIREMENTS POURED CONCRETE BASE t,• MIN, ANO AS REG'D BY MANJl"Ac.- TURES INSTALLATION OOIDE. CONTROLLER SCALE• NTS TO POINT OF C.ONNECTION ADAPT AS NECESSARY, ALL ilVRK SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE GODE5 l9RA5S COUPLll'65, TYPICAL ~-BRA55 il'l'fE STRAINER. il'l/60 MESH SC.REEN BACKFLOH PREVENTER UNIT HITH 6ATE VALVES 6RA55 <to Dl:6REE ELLS t PLU6 12'Xl2'Xl2" THRU5T BLOCKSi :::; FINISH GRADE i::! - ill.' ·11=1 ~4 1---1' · 11' TYPICAL ,-eAA!,;s NIPPLES TT'l"IC.AL 6RA55lJNION ElRA55 C-OUF'LIN6 PVC SC.H 00 ADAPTER ----l--•-·~<:( AND PIPE TO SPRINKLERS " . " NOTE, INSTALL PER C.Ml'<D STANDARD DRAll'IIN6 •W-20. RP BACKPLOW Kobzeff & LAl'lDSCAPE ARCHITtCnJRE 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 105 Phone: (714) 770-7340 SCALEi NTS Associates ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN Laguna Hills California 92653 FAX: (714) 770-8385 APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUILT" AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE: DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SH5ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD Lill PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0 MARVISTA LOTS 1-4 APPROVED ,~~ I 2·25-'T) ASSISTANT r'CANMNG DIRECTOR , DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAW1NG NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: MS 97-05 OTHER APPROVAL CITY N'PROVAL RVWD BY: PUD 97-08 359-3L CMWD 97-C 457 8 9 10 ~•-~-----TREE MATERIAL ll[Y..• --,Q.-----2" DIAMETER X 1O'-O" L.OOOeFOLE PINE TR.EE STAKE L-------"6RO-STRAl6HT" RUeBER TREE TIES (2 PER TREE MIN) ~---AMENDED SOIL TREE BASIN ~---MULGH GOVER, I" MAX. DEPTH IN BASIN. ,-----ROOT BALL, (TOP MUST BE FLIJ5H HI SURROUNDING FINISH GRADE) ,-----AMENDED BAGKFILL PER MRONO- MIST'S SOIL REPORT REGOMMEN- DATIONS. r----PLANT-TA6 LOCATION ,----AMENDED SOIL LEVELIN6 LAYER r--FINISH GRADE 1\----\!----/';"V~i"' ~--NATIVE SOIL I I I NOTES, ">i,---j;a:S,,,-;l,,i~,.,.,;,,.,;,.,.,~~f,J>~ I I I. REMOVE NURSERY STAKES 2. PLANT-TABS SHALL BE 21 <;RAM MRIFORM TABLETS AT THESE RA TES, -------' m~.~m m--..lil -, , 2X ROOTBALL 1 PER 15 0ALLON 15 PER 24" BOX TREE PLANTING DETAIL SCALE• NTS ~---AMeNDED SOIL TRl:E BASIN ,-----MULCH COVER, I" MAX, DEPTH IN BASIN ,-----ROOT BALL, (TOP .t1l!S_T 6E FLUSH HITH SURROUND I N6----i'9NISH GRADE) ,-----AMENDED BACKFILL PER MRONO- MIST'S SOIL REPORT RECOMMEN- DATIONS ~---IPLANT-TA6 LOCATION ,----AMENDED SOIL LEVELIN6 LAYER ~--FINISH 6RADE ~;:;:::~~-:f;,_7' Jq:;:~:;z;:;:;Z:7::,,-~-NATIVE SOIL -I NOTES, ~ • 1 I. REMOVE NUFI.SERY STAKES f--2. PLANT-TABS SHALL BE 21 8 6RAM A6RIFORM TABLETS AT CY THESE RA TES, ~ 11: I PER I 0ALLON I 2 PER 5 6ALLON I ' 1 PER 15 6ALLON 2X ROOTBALL SI-IRUB DETAIL F'OTAEILE MAINLINE GR055IN6 SIDEY'IAL CURS POTABLE SERVICE LINE C :z: N--z 21-011 :z: z • N STREET SUfl!.FAGE SCALE1 NTS POTABLE MAINLINE, SEE ll'lf"IWVE- MENT DRAHIN6S. SLEEVE r-'i'<~<CLAIMeD i"IA-n,t lli!.Fl.16,-,TION MAINLINE NOTE, ALL RECLAIMED i"IATER IRRl6ATION PIPE AND SLEEvES 5HALL BE PUR- PLE AND LABELED AS SPECIFIED IN, -STANDARD SPEC.lflC.ATIONS FOR PRIVATE IRRl<SATION SYSTEMS. -CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUC- TION OF RECLAIMED V'IATER MAINS. OCTOBER 1qq3_ METER BOX HITH METER NOTE, VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12" MIN- IMUM 15 MANDATORY HHEN GROS- SING PATH Of A POTAEILE il'IATER LINE, INSTALLATION OF REGLAI- MED V'IATER IRRl6ATION MAINLINE 24" FROM FACE OF SIDEV'IALK HILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY 10' HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POTABLE MAINLINE IN THE STREET. 10' MIN. TO POTABLE MAINLINE IN 5TREET~'-',r-~RECLAIMEP i"IATER IRRl6ATION MAINLINE HITH SLEEVE. POTA6LE SERVICE LINE C.R055IN6 CROSS-CONNECTION DETAILS SCALE• NTS 5 6 7 • C,ONC,, C/>.P Oflt:,O OR EGIUIVALENT TOP OF ADJACENT V'V,LL OR FENc.E. 17,:Zl==:z:z::z2Jl.-....,·rel!!L VE!RTIC-AL '5 TIES EXTENDED 12 DIAM. l"OOTIN6 u--aH~'-!'ll~"'";-----=1s~E~C,~Tl~O~N= ;: 16" SGVARE 5F'LITl"AGE COLUMN BLOCK, ALT SPLIT LINES. 1,1 .----------ANC,HOR ADJACENT METAL AND +--► Ii HOOD FENCES TO BLOCK HITH ANC-HOR BOLTS. • • t,t,----------6ROUT PILASreR SOLID '5 TIES AT 12" Qt:,, MIN. FINISH 6RADE (4) 114 MIN. GONT. !"'ROM l'"OOTIN6 TO TOP OF PILASTER GOMPACTED SU66RADE '-'-, ...... ~,'!,,b!i'--------CONG-. FOOTIN6 NOTE, I. EXTEND ADJACENT ~LL STEEL THROU6H PILASTERS, BOTH TOP MIDDLE AND FOOTIN6. 2. C,ONC, ! 6ROUT TO REACH 2/X)O PSI WMPRE55IVE STREN6TH AT 2b DAYS. SPLIT FACE BLOC PILASTER J:;Z?ZJ-----------!!,l"LITl"AGE l!ILOvK CAP l---------6"Xt',"Xl6" Sf'LITFACE 6LOGK i'IALL __.--11-4 REBAR v'ERT AT 2-4" O.C. 4~LT. ENDS AT FOOTIN6. .,,--414 REBAR HORIZ AT TOP AND MID HEl6HT OF HALL. 2"X4" MORTAR KEY 114 REBAR WNT IN FOOTIN6 CONCRETE FOOTIN6 FINISH 6-RADE NOTES, I. USE Pc=2PQO PSI MIN. CONC FOR FOOTINGS. MIX SHALL BE, I PART PORTLAND CEMENT 2-1/2 PARTS SAND 3-1/2 PARTS 3/4' MAX 6RAVEL 1 <SALLONS 1"IA TER MAX PER SAGI< 2. MORTAR TO BE Pc=l,000 PSI, I PART PORTLAND CEMENT cl-1/2 PARTS SAND 1/4 PART HYDRATED LIME OR LIME TOP OF PUTTY. OOTIN63. REBAR SHALL BE DEFORMED "f 11 '--'ffic .. :ff[::-.:ffi AND C.OMPL Y HITH ASTM-A6l5-e>2, ·111 ·: 111:-'II 111 <SRADE 40. -=I I ~· · 111_: 4. <SROUT SOLID il'IALL, AND SHALL "¼---'---'-~"-tp,, fTT BE Pc•2/X)O PSI. l'-6" 5'-0" MIN. 6' MAX. SPLIT FACE BLOCK WALL :::=====================2"X6" i"IOOD e,,i,,p, GONTINIJOUS l"X'.3" FRAME AT TOP ANO BOTTOM, FRONT SIDE rlJ._-----------l'Xb" VERTICAL FENCING 2".>G" HORIZONTAL BRAGE lii-,-----------AT CENTER OF FENCE, FRONT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4"X4" l-'IOOD POST AT f,'-0" MAX O.C.. AND ENDS, (I" Ai"IAY FROM BUILDINGS). 2".x:B" FRAME AT TOP AND BOTTOM BACK SIDE OF FENGE ::;::::::=--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--=2"X4" BOTTOM RAIL FINISH GRADE ""1II!fi~Jl~i~L------CONCRETE FOOTIN6, SLOPE TOP ffi' TO DRAIN. ~-------GOMPN:.TED 5UB6RADE 12" 6' MAX. WOOD FENCE NOTES, I. LA6 OOL T FENCE TO OTHER FENCES ONLY UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERHI SE BY Oi"INER. 2. PROVIDE POST AT END OF i"IALL ADJACENT TO BUILDING il'IALL. 3. PAINT FINISH F't:R Oil'INER'5 5PECIFICATION SHEET. 4. PRESSURE TREAT ALL POSTS. 5. ALL 1"100D SHALL 6E R0\.16H SA1"1N. SCALE• 1/2'•1'-0' • b" 3 CONCRETE PAVING • ,...,_ ____ _ rn-------1- 4 METAL FENCE NATURAL COLOR CONCRETE, FINISH SHALL BE NON-SLIP, 6 11X611 10-10 1"IIAIM AT GENTER Of' SLA8, FLAT SHEETS. CONTROL JOINT. 1/4" il'IIDE X I" DEEP. ALL JOINTS SHALL BE STR.Al6HT AND UNIFORM IN DEPTH XPANSION JOINT. 1/2" HIDE 61- TIJMI NOUS FE'L T 4' CONCRETE 5LAl!I 114 X 1e," AT E.J. o 24" Qt:,. COMP AC TED SUMRADE 6RANULAR BASE PER SOILS EN6INEER'5 RECOMMENDATIONS . NOTE, I. LOCATE EXPANSION JOINTS AT 6ARA6E AND SIDEY'IALK 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT 24" sa. SAMPLES OF FINISHES TO OHNER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL C.RAc-K CONTROL JOINTS 50 SLABS DO NOT EXCEED 100 5.F. il'IITHOVT A C,ONTROL JOINT. l"X 2' MTL. TOP RAIL SCALE• 1-112·-1·-o· 2"X2"Xl/8' MTL. l\JBIN6 POST AT b'-0' O.C,. MAX, SPACIN6 3/4"X3/4' MTL. l\JBIN6 VERTICAL MEMBERS l"X 2" BOTTOM RAIL ' FINISH 6RADE OR TOP OF PAVIN6 CONCRETE FOOTIN6. SLOPE TOP TO DRAIN. COMPACTED~ NOTES, I. PAINT HITH THO COATS RUST- 0-LEIJM PRIMER AND TWO GOATS ENAM!;L. 2. 6RIND SMOOTH ALL VELDS 3. COLOR SHALL WNFORM TO OHNER'S COLOR SPEC. SHEET • SCALE• 1/2'•1'-0' EN~IN,5ER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY AP R VED ENGINEERING PLAN CHECKER DATE DATE INITIAL NGINEER OF' WORt REVISION DESCRli:>TION 1 2 24' l\JRF SIDE OF SHOVEL CUT EOOE 3" DEEP CUT AT -4!5 DE6REE AN6LE MJLC-H CO\IER 6ROUNDC,OVl;:FI. SIDE OF GUT SI-IOVEL CUT EDGE :~t;:_::.-1,~r;;::=======-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-::.~T::'.==~~ TOP OI" G>ATI!: SHALL MATCH T TOP OF ADJACENT FENCE GAP • G _, '° -1 WOOD GATE Kobzeff LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ADJACENT POST/ANC,HOR ADJACENT FENCE l"Xb' VERTICAL Y'IOOD SIDING>, NAIL THROIJGH TO 2'X4' FRAME ON REAR SIDE OF 6A TE. l"x.3' FRAME ON FRONT, AND 2'X4' FRAME ON REAR OF 6ATE. AT TOP, MID AND 60TTOM. 2"X4' FRAME SHALL 6E AROUND PERIMETER OF GA Tl!:. NOTES, I, COLOR SHALL 6E SELEG TED 6Y Oi"INER. 2. ~O SHALL BE ROU6H 5Al'IN D.F. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL HIN6ES AND LATC.HHARDY'IARD,ONREAR YARD SIDE OF THE 0ATE. FINISH 6RADE -4. INSTALL SELF--CLOSIN6, SELF- LA TC.HIN6 HARDY'IARE. & SCALE• 314·-r-o· Associates ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 105 Laguno Hills California 92653 Phone: (714) 770-7340 FAX: (714) 770-8385 APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUILT' AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE, DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SH6ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD Lill PLANNING DEPARTMENT 0 MARVISTA LOTS 1-4 APPROVED -d§'af /Z·Z3~7 ASSISTANT PDINNING DIRECTOR 7 OWN BY; PROJECT NO, DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: MS 97-05 OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PUD 97-08 359-3L - CMWD 97-C 457 SECTI□N 02910 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE OF 'wORK• A, Related 'wo.-k Sp•c1f1eol In □th11r Sl!ctlons• I. Londscope Plontlng. 2. Lonclsc11pe IrrIg11 tIon. B, The length of the Mlntenonce pha5' to be perfor!'l•d by tht contractor shall be thirty (30) days. C, The Contr11ctor shall furnish all labor, equlpl'lent, Material, tools, transportation, houllng. duMplng. fertilizers, Insecticides, cheMlcals, services, and speclnl skills required to perforM the l11ndscope Maintenance as set forth In these speclflcntlons. Mnlntennnce shnll Include rou-tlne Maintenance of plant Moterlo~ Irrigation systel'ls, nnd hardscape areas, D, Maintenance of plant MO terlol shall Include, but not be llMlted to, Mwlng. trlMMlng. pruning. watering. fertilization, aeration, thatching. weed control, cultIvatIon, pest control and dl'an-up, It Is the Intent to provide plnnt MterI0I Molntennnce MethOds to keep the site In n state of perpetulll growth Md repolr, Irrigation rolnteno.nce shall include periodic operation of syste,.,, odJustMents, ond Minor repolrs. E, All hardscape shnll be kept clear of debris frDl'I the MO.lnteoonce opern tlons, erosion, run-off frol'I storMs, lrrlgaltoo, or wllld blown debris, Cleon-up of wolks, drlvewoys ond pnrklllg oreos shall be the Contractor's responsibility, Street gutters sholl bt Included within the debrls/slltotlon reMoval progrOM, F, The Contractor shall provide o generol cleon-up operotlon ot leost once o week for the purpose of picking up trnsh or debris which My accul'lulate frol'I the use of the oreo, wind blown debris, dropping of twigs or brMches froM trees, G, All personnel on the project shall bl' well trained, cleo.n, ond neat ot all tlMes, and sholl be conversant with these speclflcotlons H, All work shall be perforMed In occordance with thP best landscapP l'!aIntl'nnnce practIc!'s o.nd 1n keeping with thl' high oesthetlc level of the fnc1lIt1es being MaIntallled, I. Contrnctor shnll be responlsble for reMovelng all weeds In cracks of sidewalks, curbllnes, o.nd hardscape oreos throughout the project J, All landscape <1reos shall be patrolled weekly to check for vondallsM do.M<>ge, broken tree branches, rodents, Insects, snoIl1, pests, nnd dlsenses, etc. K, 'water ManngeMent, 'wnter only ns required to o.llo• penetration Into the soil ond o.vold excess run-off, Pinnt Mnterlal has been selected for low wnter requlreMents due to the possibility of woter shortages In the future. □nee plant Material Is established, water only as needed to Mlntnln health plant r,oterInl. Avoid w11ter wnsteI excessive use of wnter will not be tolernted, L, Avoid blocking the clear view of signs, Illur,InntIon of light fixtures, the air flow out of vents and conflict with pedestrians <>nd vehicle or their views, M. Snfety of users shall be o prlMe goal of MOlntenoncP espt'clally In regard to pruning of trees and trlMMlng of ground covers owoy froM wolkwoys nnd/or structures, N, The Contractor, at his own expense, will replace oil plant MOterlnl thQt hos foiled due to negligence; Including but not llMlted to• turf, ground cover, trees, nnd shrubs, 1,02 QUALITY ASSum«:E, A. 'work Force, Contrnctor-'s r-epr-uentatIve shall be experienctd Ill londscnpe Ptalntenonce and shall hove r-ect>lved on educotlOn In ornol'lentol horticulture, The Contractor shall give his persono.l supervision to the work or shall hove n coMpetent ForeMon on the Job site nt nll tlMes during progress of the work, B. The contractor shall provide and MOlnt<>ln n current list of er,ergency telephone nuMbers for 2•-hour er,ergency response, The Contractor shall Initiate reMdlol llCtlon within 2 hOurs froM the ttMe of notlfIca t1on. 1.03 START OF MAINTENANCE PHASE:, A. The MnIntennnce Ph11se shnll not sto.rt until oll eler,ents of construction, planting, and Irrigation for the entire proJect ore COMplete, B, The Contractor shall request on Inspection to begin the Mnlntennnce Phnse ofter all planting and related work hove b .. en coMpleted In occordonce with the contract docuMents, A prlMe requIrer,ent of the Construction Phnse Is that oil lawn nreos shnll show on ev"n, healthy stand of gross fror, seed or sod which shall nove a MlnlMUM of one Mowing, If such criteria Is ""t to the sotlsfnctlon of the Owner's representative, o field notification will be Issued to the Contractor froM the o~ner, to establish the effective beginning dote of the Maintenance Phnse, The □wner hos the ultll'lnte nuthorIty In setting the beginning dote for the Mnllltenonce Phose, C. Maintenance period sholl sto.rt upon receipt of field notlflcntlon froM Owner denoting stnrtlng dote. 1.04 MAINTENANCE PHASE, A, The Contractor sholl contlnuousl y Minto.In oll nrens Ill vol ved In this contract during the progress of the 100rk nnd during n Mnlntennnce Phnse until flllnl occeptnnce of the work by the □wner, B, IMproper Maintenance or possible poor condition of ony plantings during or ot the end of the scheduled Maintenance period Moy cause postponer,ent of the final cOl'ljlletlon dote of the contract, Project l'lolntenonce shall be continued by the Contractor until nil work Is occeptoble to the Owner, C, In order to execute the l'IQlnteoonce work, the Contractor shall furnish sufficient r,,.n and adequate equlpl'lent to perforM the work during the Mnlntenonce Phase, D, Projects will not be segMented into sepnrote Mo.lnteno.nce Phnses unless specific work phnses ore lndlca ted with the controct docuMents. E, Any period of t!Me the Contrnctor fo.lls to od!'quot!'ly r,alntoln plantings, replace unsuitable plants, perforM weed control or other work, as deterr,lned by the Owner, that tlMe will not be credited to the ptnnt r,aIntl'nonce period. F. The Contractor's Mlllnten11nce period shall be extend,.,, to the □wner's sotlsfotlon should the provisions within these plans and speclflCotlons not be fulfilled to the □wner's sotIsfactlon, 1.05 GUMANTEE ANtl REPLACEMENT• A. All plant ,1nterInl lnsto.lled IMl!R'r tM contract shall bt guaranteed ogoinst any and llll poor, 1ooaequ<tte or inferior Materials and/or workManshlp for o period of one year, Thts guarantee shall beglll froM the dote of flno.l acceptance n t tht tnol of the ninety doy Maintenance Phose os established by the □wner, Any plant found to be deod, Missing or In poor condition due to faulty Materials or workMOnshlp, os deterr,lned by the Lnndscnpe Architect, shall be replaced by th<' Contractor n t his expense, B, Any MQ terlnls found to be dend, MIS Sing, or In poor COndltlOn during the Maintenance PMse shllll be replaced IMMedlo.tely, not ot the end of the Maintenance Phase prior to the Inspection, The Landscape Architect shall be the sole Judge os to the condition of Ptoterlol. Mnterlol to be replaced within the guarantee period shall be replaced by the Contractor wIthIn seven (7) do.ys of wr;tten not1f1cntIon by the Owner, 1.06 FINAL PROJECT SUBMITT ALS1 A, Prior to the d<1te of the flntl 1nsptctIon at the tnd of thl! ninety do y Maintenance Phose, the Contractor shall <tcquire froM the Landscape Architect Mylar prints at Contractor's expense, and record froM the Job record set all changes Made during construction, label sold prints 'Record Drowlngs,' ond deliver to the Owner, Prior to the date of final Inspection 11t the end of the ninety day Maintenance Phase, the Contractor shall deliver to the □wner the 'Lo.ndscope ond Irrlgo.tlon Guarantee• os requlrl'd, All other subMlttats ns incorporated In the IrrI9atIon and Planting Speclflcntlons shnll nlso be CoMpleted prior to final occeptonce, PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS, A, Atl Mnter1nts und shall either conforl'I to lnndscnpt spqcIf1cotIons In other 5qctIons or sholl otherwise be o.cc1tptnlol1t to the □wner, All MOterlnls shall conforr, to all codes oppllcablt to herbicides and pesticides, The Owner shall be given o Monthly record of all herbicides, Insect1eIdes nnd dlseose control cheMlrnls used, PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 MAINTENANCE• A. Maintenance shall conforM to the fol\owlng sto.ndords• I. All areas shall be kept free of debris and all planted Qreo.s shall bl' weeded ond cultlvoted ot lntervnls of not More thnn seven (7) do ys, 'wn ter1n9, Mwlng. rolling. edging. trlMMlng. fert1UzotIon, sproylng and pest control, os Moy be required, shall be Included In the Mo.lntenonce period, 2, The contractor shall be responsible for Maintaining odequatt protection of the entire project area, Dnr,nged oreos caused by erosion, tire doMOge, grn fltt\ pests, or other dor,age as deeMed by the Owner shall be repaired o t the Contractor's expense, 3. All sidewalks, paved ort'os and other oreos odJocent to the planting nrens shall be denned of all debris, soil, or other Moterlals at Intervals of not More thun seven (7) days, 3,02 T~EE At<ID SHRUB CARE, A, 'watering, Maintain o largt tnough 'lll.ttr 1oc.,In erouna plants In groundcover orens so tho t enough wn ter con be <>pplled to estnbllsh Mlsture through th<' Major root zone, 'when hand-watering. use o wnter wand to break the water force, Use r,ulches to reduce evoporo tIon and frequency of wo terIng, B, Pruning• I. Trees• n, Prunt trtts to ulect nnd develop perManent scaffold branches that ore sMO.ller In dlo.r,eter than the trunk or brunch to which they ore attached which hove vertical spacing of froM 18' to •a• ond ro.dlol orlento tIon so os not to overlay one nnotheri to ellMlnote diseased or do.roged growth! to ellMlnote narrow V-shoped branch forks thot lock strengtl'u to reduce toppling nnd wind dMage by thInnIng out crowns, to Mnlntnln growth within space IIMltntlonsi to Maintain o no tural oppearonce1 to balance crown with roots, b. Under no clrcuMstonces will stripping of lower branches, ('raising up'), of young trees be P"'rMltted, Lower brunches shall be retained In o 'tipped bock' or pinched condition with ns Much foliage ns possible to proMote cnllper trunk growth (topered trunk), Lower branches can be cut flush with the trunk only after the tree Is able to stand erect without stoking or other support, No stubbing of Major brunches will be oc-cepted, c, Evergreen trees snnll be thinned out nnd shnped when nec!'ssory to prl'vent wind ond storM do.Mge, The prlMory pruning of deciduous trees shall be done during the dorMnnt season, IloMOged trees or those that constitute health or safety probleMs shall be pruned ot any tlMe of the year as required, cl, All tree pruning sholl be done with hand equlpMent operated froM the ground, If trees ore larger than able to be pruned In such n Mnner, the condItIon will be brought to the a ttentlon of the Owner, who shnll secure the services of on nrborlst. e, Rer,ove no More than SOY. of a plant's foliage during pruning opera tlons, f, Lower branches on esto.bllshed street trees shall be pruned 8' up for pedestrian cleoronce ond 12' up for vehlculnr clearance, g, Topping of trees will not bl' tolero.ted unless approved by the □wner, 2, Shrubs• o, The objectives of shrub pruning Qre the sorie os for trees. Shrubs shall not be dipped into bolled or bosed forMs unless such Is required by the design, b, All pruning cuts shall be MOde to lateral bronches or buds or flush with the trunk, 'Stubbing' will not be perMltted, c, ReMOve any spent blosso!'ls or flower stalks ofter flowering, C, Staking and Guying• 1, Rer,ove stokes and guys ns soon ns they or<' no longer ntt.-d. Stakes and guys ore to be Inspected to prevent gl~lng of trunks or branches and to prevent rubbing tho t co uses bark wounds, Trees found do.M119ed shall be replnced at Controctor's expense, D, 'w1111d Control• Kttp bo.Slns and o.roro.s betWI!.. plants ,rH ot •••· Use recOMMended legally approved pre-eMergent herbicides nnd reroovol by hand, Avoid frequent soil cultivation th11t destroys shallow roots, Use Mulches to help prevent weed seed Qerl'llnotlOn, Avoid post-eMergent herbicides In groundcover areos which r,o.y kill young rooted cuttings, E, Insect Control! '40.lnto.ln o reasono.bl" control with approved MterlQlS, F, Disease and Prst Control• Th, Contractor sho.ll bt r•Jponslble to control oil diseases and pests during the Maintenance Pho.se, All disease and pest control Mnterlols and Methods shall be at the direction of o. licensed pest control opero tor, The Owner sholl approve 11ll Methods and Ma terI11ls to be used for disease and pest control. Upon npprovn~ the Contrnctor sho.ll IMpleMtnt the control r,easures exercising extreMe caution In using pestlcldts o.nd toking all steps necessary to ensure the so.fety of the pl.lbllC, G, Fert1l1:rotIono 1, fertilize nll planting arl'O.S with the tollowlllg Mterlo.ls. These MterIals and schedules ore intended for bidding purposes only, Actual !'loterlals and rotes shall be specified In the project soil fertility and 11grIculturo.l suitability report, Any changes In cost froM these speclf;co.tlons shnll be approved In writing froM the □wnPr prior to nny work, o, Beginning of MO.lnteno.nce period• 5 lbs, per LOOO square feet with a .... 0111uri sulphott, b, At the end of the first 30-doy rinlntenonce period! 5 lbs, per LOOO square feet with OMMOnlUI'\ sulphotp, c, At oddt1onal 60-doy per1ods1 6 lbs, per LOOO squnre feet with 16-6-B grnnutor fertll12er, d. Avoid applying fertilizer to n root ball ond bo.H ot r10In stel"1) r11ther, spread evenly under plant to drip line, Rotes will vary froM nbout o. cup of nitrate fertilizer (depending on nitrogen percentage) around " newly Installed sMoll plo.nt to nbout one-half (1/2) lb, of actunl nitrogen per Inch of trunk dloMeter Measured four feet froM the ground for l'\oture tr-rrs, e, ReplaceMent of Plants• Replace o.ny deo.d, dying nnd l'llsslng plants IMMedlotely during the Molntenonce PhQse with plQnts of o size, condition ond variety Matching the original plants at Contractor's expense, ~.03 GR□UN!lCOVfR CARr, A. 'weed Control• Control wetcls, preferably with prt-el'lrrgrnt herblcldn, but <>l>O with post-trotrgtnt systtMIC herbIcIdu, Hoe weeds ns little 11s possible since this May result In plont dor,ogt, B, 'wnterlng• 'water enough thot Moisture penetrates throughout root zone and only as frequently o.s necessory to MlntaIn healthy growth, Attention sholl be given to plont Moterlol type, water requlreMents, solar orlento tlon, and topographical vo.rInnces when lietting •• terIng tll'!es, C, ReMOve trnsh weekly, D, Edge groundcover to ktep In bounds nnd trlM top gr ow th ns necessary to nchleve nn overall even nppeorance, E. Replace dead nnd PtlssIng plants IMMPdln tely n t Contractor's expense, ,. Operate lrrI9at10n syster, to r1aIntoIn " unlforri Moist condition until the root structure devt>lops to o. depth of 12', Thereatter reduce watering schedule to produce a deep rooted ground cover with healthy growth, G, A cleared circle, 1e• dlal'leter, should be M<>lnto.lned o.t the bo.stt of trees to reduce co1'1petItIon for nutrients by ground cover, H, Edge ground cover to keep In bounds and trlM top growth o.s necessary to achieve on overall even oppeo.ronce. 3.04 LA'wN CARE• A. Mowing o.nd Edging• I. Mowing of turf whall COl'll'lrncr whtn the gr<>ss has rt<>ch•d " height of two Inches, The height of cut shall be l/2'to 3/4', Mowing will be o.t teo.st weekly ofter the first cut, Turf roust be well estnbllshed ond free of bore spots ond weeds to the satisfaction of the □wner prior to final acceptance, 2, Excess gross clippings os deterMlned by the □wner shall be picked up and reMved froM the site and prel'llses, 3, Edges sho.U be trlMMed at least twice Monthly or o.s needed for neat appearance, Clippings shall be picked up and reMoved fr-of'\ the site, 4, ''weed-enters' or slMllnr equlpl'll'nt sho.ll not be us•d around trees or shrubs, T rlMMlng around trees shall be done by hand or cheMlcolly until tree trunk Is to o caliper thnt will not be daMOged by l'lechanlcol trlMMlng, B. 'wo.terIng1 I. Lawns shall be watered at such frtquency o.s wto.ther conditions require to replenish soil Moisture below root zone, Contractor shall be responsible to adjust the controller for differing sensonnl requlrer,ents of plant Materials, Do not under-or over-water plant MOterlnl. C, 'wetd Control, I. If needed, control broo.d leo. f wttds with stltctlvt herbicides. 2, Con-trol crobgross with o sell'ctlvl' post-eMer9ent herbicide ns soon o.s possible. Pre-er,ergent herbicides shall be o.pplled prior to crnbgrnss gerM1no tIon, 3.05 IRRIGA TlllN SYSTEM< A, Contractor shall check o.ll systeM for prOPl!r OP1Pratton o. l'llnll'IUl'I or once o Month, Ln ternl lines shall be flushed out o.fter reMovlng the lo.st sprinkler head or two at each end of the loternl os deer1ed necessary. AU hends 11re to be ndJusted ns necessary for IOOi( covernge, B. Set and pro9r<>M <>utOM<>tlc controllers for seasono.l woter requlreMents, Controctor shall odjUst his wn terIn9 schedulP 1?qu<1l to the application rote ench o.reo Is co.pnble of receiving based on topography, soil type, plant Material, senson, or weather cllMt1c factors, Glvl' Owner's representative n key to controllers and Instructions on how to turn off systeM In case of eMergency, C, Repair all dOM<>ges to Irrigation systeM at Contractor's expense, Repairs shall be Mde within one watt'rlng p<'rlod, All replaced equlpr,ent shall Mtch that equlpr,ent specified In the plans nnd spec1,1eo ttons, 3.06 FINAL ACCEPT/\NCE, A. C011tractor sho.ll be o.ware thot the lnndsco.p11 shall be In o vigorous and thriving condltlOn prior to final o.cceptonce, All plont PtoterIol which r,o.y still be under stress froM the Construction Phase shall ot this tIr,e be rejected o.nd rt>plo.ct>d by healthy nnd vigorous plo.nt M<1terIol at the direction of the Owner prior to flnnl ncc,.pto.nce, B. All plant r,o terlol sh11ll ho. vt new growth trll'll'led neo tly o.nd In conforl'lonce to these speclflcntlons prior to final o.ccepto.nce, -End- ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLAN CHECKER DATE 1 2 Pl'WP05ED SOIL LINE AT 1-1/2,1 MAX. ,,--EXISTIN6 SLOPE LINE AT 2d ---PLANT MATERIAL ,-----::2" MIJLvH WYER ,---ROOT BALL ◊◊ ,"\MENDED 6AC,i<:flLL PER "6RO- MIST'S SOIL REPORT REWM- MENDATIONS r--F'LANT-TA6 LOvATION SHRUB PLANTING ON SLOPE SCALE• NTS 1/ SPACt 1/G ,,--------ED6E Of HARDSvAPE .,,---------FINISH 6RADE SHALL BE 2' eELOH £ ADJACENT ED61N6 f \ .. ',;1.· "'",,_ ~~ ~.f /_ / l"ft.JLGH COVER --t," MINIMUM AMENDED SOIL PER SOILS REPORT li1lttt~~(//~; NATURAL ~B-SOIL " ' ,,_' ' /"--ADJACENT ED&IN6 SECTION PLAN ~-ffi:OU' ~ND<•~~~,OYER PLANTIN<:6, SEE PLAN FOR SPACIN6 MJLvH WYER NOTE, TOP OF ROOT BALL SHALL BE LEVEL HITH 5URROUNOIN6 FINISH 6RADE. GROUNDCOVER DETAIL SCALE• NTS Ko bzeff & Associates LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 105 Ph one: (714) 770-7 340 ENV1RONMENTAL DESIGN Laguno Hills Califomio 92653 FAX: (714) 770-83B5 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVIEWED BY: "AS BUil T'' DATE INSPECTOR DATE l--+---+-----------+----+---+--+----tl sH7EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~o PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ ~=::'._':::;:=========::'._':::;:=~ MARVIST A LOTS 1-4 v~, #: ~ i }1'.~,1-------+~--+------------lf----+---+--+-----t :0:AP::;:::P::;:RO::::::VE::;:O =~=J.a;:::~======= 1 ===2===_2=~='?}_===: * , ,(,v ''* ~SISTANT PLAl'lNING DIRECTOR / I ,-z J OWN BY: PROJECT NO. ~ -W DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY,...:___ MS 97-05 ~'"'"iOf"c,,ll~ 'NGINEER OF WORI REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAi. CITY APPROVAi. RVWD BY: PUD 97-08 DRAWING NO. 359-31 CMWD 97-C 457 NOTE• CNVD SPECIF'ICATI□NS TAKE P"ECEDENCE F□R RECLAIMED 'w'ATER IRRIGATI□N SYSTEM, SECTI□N 02810 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATl□N PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 SC□PE □F 'w'□RK• A. Furnish o.ll lo.bor, MO. terI0.ls, tro.nsporto. tIon, o.nol services necesso.ry to provlole o.nol Insto.lt lrrlgo. tIon systeMs 0.s shown on the dr0. wings 0.nd described herein. B. Rl!'lo. ted 'w'ork Speclfll!'ol In □ther Sections• 1. L0.nolsc0.pe Pl0.ntIng 2. L0.ndsco.pe Mo.Inten0.nce 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND REQUIREMENTS A. PerMlts o.nd Fees• The Contro.ctor sho.ll obto.ln o.nd po.y for 0.ny o.nol 0.lt perMlts 0.nol 0.ll Inspections 0.s required, B, M0.nuf0.cturl!'r's Directions, M0.nuf0.cturer's directions o.nd det0.lled dr0.wIn9s sho.11 be followl!'d In 0.ll C0.Sl!'S where the r10.nuf0.cturers of 0.rtIcles used In this contro.ct furnish directions covering points not shown In the olr0.wlngs 0.nol specIflc0. tlons, C. Oro1In0.nces 0.nd Regulo. tIons1 All loco.I, MunIcIp0.l 0.nol sto. te lo.ws, 0.nd rules 0.nd re9ul0. tlons governing or rel0. ting to 0.ny portion of this work 0.re hereby Incorpor0. ted Into 0.nol M0.ole 0. p0.rt of these speclflc0. tlons 0.nd their provisions sh0.ll be c0.rrled out by the Contro.ctor. Anything contQIned In these speclfIc0. tIons sh0.ll not be construed to conflict with 0.ny of the o.bove rules o.nd regul0. tlons or requlreMents of the so.Me, However, when these specIflc0. tIons 0.nd dro. wings co.II for or describe MQ terlo.ls, workM0.nshlp, or construction of 0. better qu0.llty, higher st0.nd0.rd, or lo.rger size tho.n Is required by the 0.bove rules 0.nd rs>gulQtlons, the provisions of these speclfIc0.tIons 0.nd dr0.wlngs sh0.ll toke precedence, D, Expl0.n0.tIon of Dro.wIngs1 1. Due to the sco.le of dro.wlngs, It Is not possible to Indlc0. te 0.ll offsets, fittings, sleeves, etc. which Moy be required. The Contro.ctor sho.lt CQrefulty InvestIg0. te the structuro.l 0.nol flnlsheol conditions 0. ffectlng o.lt of his work 0.nol pion his work 0.ccordlngly, furnishing such fittings, etc, o.s Mo.y be requIreol to Meet such conolItIons. Dro.wIngs o.re genero.lly dl0.gro.MMQ tic 0.nd lnollco. tlve of the work to be lnsto.lled. The work sho.ll be lnst0.lled In such o. Monner o.s to o. void conflicts bs>twes>n lrrlgo. tlon systeMs, plo.ntlng, o.nd o.rchltecturo.l feo.tures. 2, The worol 'Lo.ndsco.pe Architect• o.s us"d h,.r,.ln sho.ll refer to the Owner's o.uthorlz"d repres .. nto.tlve. 3. All work co.lied for on the dr0.wIngs by notes or o1 .. t0.lls sho.ll be furnished o.nd lnstolled whether or not speclflcolly Ms>ntlons>d In the specIfIcs1 tlons, 4, The Contro.ctor sho.ll not will fully lnsto.ll the lrrlgo. tlon systeM c:,s shown on the olrs1wIngs when It Is obvious In the field tho.t obstructions, gro.de differences or dlscrepo.ncles exist tho t Might not ho. ve been considered In the IrrIg0. tIon design. Such obstructions or dlffer,.nc"s should b" brought to<l-the "ttent1on of the Owner's c:,uthorlzed represento. tlve. In the event this notlflc0. tlon Is not perforMed, ths> lrrlgo.tlon contrc:,ctor sho.ll c:,ssuMe full responsibility for 0.ny revIsIons necesso.ry. 1.03 SUBMITT ALS A, Mo. terlo.l List• L The Contro.ctor sho.ll furnish the 0.rtlcles, •qulpMent, MO. terI0.ls, or proce«ses speclfleol by no.Me In the dr0.wIn9s o.nd speclflco tlons. No substitutions sho.ll be o.llowed without prior written c:,pprovs1l by the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect o.nd City Inspector. 2. A CDMplete MQ terI0.l list sho.ll be SUbMltted prior to perforMlng o.ny work, The MQ terlo.l list sholl be typed on the lo.ndsco.pe contrs1ctor's letterheo.d o.nol sho.ll Include the Ms1nuf0.ctc,rer, Moolel nuMber, sI2e If o.ppllco.ble o.nd o1 .. scrIptlon of o.ll M0. terlo.ls 0.nd equlpMent to be used, Coples of co. to.log InforM0. tIon sh0.ll not b" substItut .. o1 for the MO. terlo.ls list, o.nd will be re Jected o.s uno.ccepto.ble, Al though equlpMent on the plo.ns Mo.y be different froM the exo.Mpls>s bs>low, ths> following 15 o. guide for proper subMltto.l forMQ t, Itl!'M DescrIptIon Bo.ckflow Pr,rventer Pop-up Sproy Heods Electric Control Vo.lve Mo.nuf. Febco Rolnblrd Ho.retie Model No. SIze(s) 825Y 2' 1806SAM NIA 100 Serles 2', 1' 3. Mo terI0.1 list Must Includ,r 0.ll MQ terI0.ls utIlIzed on the proJ,.ct to lnclud" but not be llMlt"d to o.ll volve boxl!'S, quick couplers, prlMer o.nd solvent-ceMent, wire conn .. ctors, control wire o.nd 0.ny specl0.l12ed equlpMent required. 4. Should the lo.ndsco.pe contro.ctor o.gree to use only the B, c. Record Drow1ngs1 I. The Contr0.ctor sho.ll pr()vldP o.nd k•ep up to dote o. coMpletl!' 'record' set of blue line ozs1lld prints which sho.ll be corrected dolly 0.nd show every ch0.nge fro"' the orlglnol dr0.wIngs c:,nd specIfIcc:,tIons 0.nd the exo.ct loc0.tIons, sizes 0.nd kinds of equlpMent, These dro.wlngs sholl 0.lso serve 0.s work progress sheets 0.nd sho.ll be the b0.sIs for Meo.sureMent 0.nd po.yMent for work CDMpleted, This set of dro.wlngs sho.ll be kept on the site 0.nd sh0.ll b" us"d only 0.s 0. record set. 2, The Contrc:,ctor shc.ll Mc.ke nee. t o.nd legible o.nnotc. tlons thereon dc.lly 0.s the work proceeds, showing the work c:,s 0.c:tu0.lly lnstolled, These dro.wlngs sho.ll be 0.v0.llo.ble 0.t 0.ll tlMes for Inspection 0.nol shc:,11 be kept In o. loco. t1on 0.pproveol by the Owner's represento.tlve. 3. Before the do.te of the flno.l Inspection, o.t thl!' l!'nd of the Mo.lnt .. nonce Pho.se, the Contro.ctor sho.ll tro.nsfer o.ll lnforMQ tlon froM the record prints to o. seplo Mylo.r or Mylo.r. The Mylo.r MO.y only be procured froM the Ls1ndsc0.pe Arc:hltect vlo. 0. bonded reprogro.phlcs f'lrM which will pick up the orIgIns1l plc:,ns, print theM 0.nd return the orIgIno.ls to the Lo.ndsco.pe Architects office, The cost of these prints sh0.ll b" po.Id th" reprogro.phlcs flrM directly froM th" contro.ctor. All work she.II be neo.t, drown In woterproof Ink by a technlcc.l Ink pen designed speclflcolly for use on Mylo.r MO terlo.l. 'w'ork coMpleted In felt tip pen or bo.ll point pen will bl' re Jected be co.use of the non-perMonent no.ture of both devices, All work sho.ll be subject to o.pprovo.l by the L0.ndsc0.pe Architect. 4, The Contro.ctor sho.ll dlMensIon froM two (2) perMo.nent points of reference the loco. tlon of the following lteMS' c:,, Connection to existing wc:, ter lines, b, Connection to s>xlstlng electrlcol power, c, Go. te vo.l ves, cl, Routing of pressure Ms1ln line piping, e. Sprlnkl"r control vo.l ves. f. Routing of control 0.nd COMMon wire. g, Quick coupling vo.l ves, h. Bo.ckflow preventer, I. Other relc:, ted equlpMent 0.s dlrl!'ctecl by the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect, 5. On or before the dote of the flnol Inspection o.t the l!'nd of the M0.Inten0.nce Pho.se, the Contrc:,ctor shall deliver the corrected 0.nd coMpleted Mylor to the Owner. Delivery of the Mylc:,r will not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of furnishing required lnforMo tlon tho. t Might hove been DMltted froM the prints coMplled o. t the site. Controller Cho.rts• I. Record drc:,wlngs shall b" 0.pproved by the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect bs>fore controller cho.rts ore prepored, 2. Provlole one controller cho.rt for each controller, 3, The cho.rt sho.ll show the o.reo. controlled by "o.ch c:,utoMQ tic controller 0.nd shall be sized 0.s deslgno.ted by the Owner's o.uthor,zed repr"s"ntc:, tIve. 4. The chort Is to be 0. reduced dro.wlng of the 0.ctu0.l record dro.wIngs, However, In the event the controller sequence IS not legible when the drowlng IS reduced, It sholl be Mo.de reo.olo.ble when the controller cho.rt Is coMpleteol, 5. The c-ho.rt sho.ll be o. blo.ckllnl' or bluellne 020.lld print 0.nd o. different color sho.ll be used to lndlc0. te the 0.reo. of covero.ge for eo.ch stc:, tIon, 6. 'w'hen coMpleted o.nd 0.pproveQI, th,r ch0.rt shc:,ll b,r seo.led by 0. plo.stlc lo.Mino. tlon process, The plo.stlc 10.Mlno. ting sheets shc:,ll be " MlnlMUM of 10 Mil thickness Emch, 7. Controller cho.rts sho.ll be coMpleteol 0.nd 0.pproved prior to flnol Inspection of the IrrIgo. tlon systeM, D. Operc:, tlon 0.ncl Mo.lnteno.nce Mo.nuo.l:!!I 1. Prepo.re 0.nd deliver to the Owner within ten colend,c:,r ci·o.ys prior to coMpletlon of construction, two ho.rd cover binders with three rings eo.ch cont0.InIng the following Inf or Mo. tIon1 o.. Inde>< sheet sto. ting Contro.ctor's 0.ololress 0.nd telephone nuMb,.r, list of "quipMent with noMe 0.nd o.ddresses of loco.l Mo.nufo.cturer's represento. tlves. b, Catalog 0.nci pc:,rts sheets on every M0.terIs1l 0.nd equlpMent lnsto.lleol unoler this contro.ct, c. Guo.r<1ntee st<1 teMent. d, CoMplete opero. ting <1nci M0.Inten0.nce InstructIons on 0.ll Mo.Jar plec"s of equlpM,.nt. 2. In s1ddItIon to the o.bove Mentioned MO.lnteno.nce Mo.nuo.ls, provide the Owner's M0.lnten0.nce personnel with Instructions for MO.Jar equlpMent o.s required, E. EqulpMent To Be FurnIsheol1 1. Supply 0.s 0. po.rt of this contro.ct the following tools, 0.. Two (2) sets of specI0.l tools required for reMov1ng, dlso.sseMbllng 0.nd o.djustIng eo.ch type of sprinkler <1nd vQlve Jnsto.lleol under this contro.ct. b, Two (2) five foot 110.lve keys for operotlon of gott> vo.l ves (0.s requlreol), c. Two (2) keys for eo.ch 0.utoM0.tIc controller. cl. Two (2) quick coupler keys o.nd MO tchIng hose swivels for "0.ch typ" of quick coupling vo.lv" Inst0.t1 .. o1. 2. The o.bove Mentioned equlpM'llnt she.II be turned over to the Owner o. t the end of the Mo.lnteno.nce Pho.se. Before flnol lnsps>ctlon co.n occur, evidence tho t the Owner ho.s received MO. terI0.l Must be shown the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect, MO. terlo.ls 0.s denoted on the plo.ns without 0.ny substitutions, he Mo.y Issue 0. sto. teMent to tho. t effect on his letterheo.ol In lieu of the Ms1 terIs1l list, This sto. teMent sho.ll sto. te tho. t 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING• the contrc:,ctor sh0.ll use 0.ll "qulpM,.nt 0.nd M0.t .. rI0.ls 0.s shown on the Irr Igo. tlon plo.ns, lnsto.llo. tlon details o.nd o.s noted In the lrrlgo. tlon speclflc:0. tlons, 5. The contro.ctor Mo.y subMlt proposeol substitutions for equlpMent 0.nd MO. terlo.ls listed on the lrrlgo. tlon plo.ns by following the following procedures. The lo.ndsco.pe contro.ctor shc:,ll subMlt to th" Own .. r's r"pr,.sento. tlve for c:,pprov0.l on o. sepo.ro. te sheet of contro.ctor's letterheQd poper the following• 0., A sto teMent lndlco. ting the reo.son for Making ec:,ch lndlvlduo.l proposed substItutIon(s), b, Provide descriptive co.to.log literature, perforMo.nce ch0.rts 0.nd flow ch0.rts o.s required for eo.ch IteM the controctor proposes to substitute, Including the so.les/Mo.nufo.cturer's regIon0.l telephone nuMber. c, Provide the 0.Mount of cost so vlngs If' ths> proposed substitute lteM Is o.pproved, 6, Substituted equlpMent or MQ terlo.ls In«to.lleol or furnished 7, 8, without prior o.pprovol of the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect MQy be rejected o.nd th" Contr0.ctor r .. qulr"d to reMov" such M0.terl0.ls f'roM the site 0.t his own expense, The Owner's represents1tIve 0.nol City Inspectorsho.ll ho.ve the sole respon- sibility In 0.cceptIng or rejecting 0.ny proposeol substItutIon, No exception to.ken to 0.ny lteM, o.lternote or substltuts> Indlc0.te,; only that the product appo.rently Meets the r .. qulreMents of the clro.wIngs 0.nd specIfIcotIons on the bo.sls of the InforM0.tIon or so.Mples subMltt .. d, All It,.Ms Must Meet specIfIcs1 tIons, Mo.nufo.cturer's w0.rr0.ntles sholl not rs>lleve the Contro.ctor of his llo.blllty under the guc:,rc:,ntee. Such w0.rrs1ntIes sho.ll only suppleMent the guo.ro.ntee. A, Ho.ndllng of PVC Pipe o.ncl Fittings• The Contro.ctor Is cc:,utloned to exercise core In honolllng, loodlng, unloodlng, o.nd storing of' PVC pipe o.nol fittings. All PVC pipe sho.ll be tro.nsported In " vehicle which 0.llows the length of pipe to lie flo. t so 0.s not to subJ,.ct It to undue bending or concentro. ted externol lood 0. t 0.ny point. Any section of pip" tho. t ho.s been dented or do.Mo.ged will be dlsc0.rded 0.nd, If lnsto.lled, sho.ll be replo.ced with new piping, 1.05 GUARANTEE, A, The guo.r0.nt .. 1t for the sprinkler lrrIg0.tIon systeM sho.ll be MO.de In o.ccordo.nce with the 0. ttochecl forM. The genero.l conditions c:,nd suppleMento.ry conciItIons of these speclflco. tlons, If o.ny, shc:,ll be flleol with the Owner or his represento. tlve prior to 0.ccept0.nce of the lrrlgo. tlon systeM, B. A copy of the gu0.r0.ntee forM sho.ll be Included In thl!' Operc:, tIons c, D. o.nd Mo.lnteno.nce Mo.nuo.l. The guo.ro.ntee forM shown b"low sho.ll bit re-typed onto th,r Contro.ctor's letterheod 0.nd conto.ln the following lnforMO.tlon• Thi!' beginning do. te of the one yeo.r guo.ro.ntee sho.ll be froM thl' written f1n0.l 0.ccept0.nce do. te esto.bllshed by thll' Ownl!'r "t the end of the Construction Pho.se, If no Mo.lnteno.nce pho.se Is included In the c:ontro.ct, or the end of the Ms1Inteno.nce Pho.se If such " pho.se Is o. po.rt of the contrc:,ct, GUARANTEE F □R SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM 'Je hereby guo.ro.ntee thot the sprinkler lrrlgo.tlon systeM we ho.v• furnished 0.nd Insts1lled Is free froM defects In MQ terlo.ls 0.nd workMs1nshIp, 0.nd the work hos been coMpleted In 0.ccordo.nce with the clro Wings o.na specIf'1c:0. tIons. 'w'e 0.gre1t to rlt!)0.Ir or rept0.e1t ony defects In MQ terlol or workMonshlp which MO.y c:tevelop during the perlool of one yeo.r froM the eta te of o.cctopto.nce 0.nd c:,lso to repo.lr or reploce 0.ny d0.M0.ge resulting f'roM the rep0.IrIng or replo.clng of such defects 0.t no o.ddltlono.l cost to the Owner, 'w',r sho.ll Mo.ke such repolrs or reploceMents within o. rl!'0.son0.ble tll'le QS deterMIneci by the owntor 0.f'ter receipt of written notice froM th" Owner. In the evi.nt of our f<1llure to Mo.ke such rep0.Irs or replo.ceMents within 0. reo.sonable tlM" 0.fter r"celpt of written notice froM the □wner, we 0.uthorlze the Owner to proceed to ho.ve so.Id repo.lrs or replo.ceMents Mo.cie o. t our expense 0.nol we will pay the costs 0.nol cho.rges th,rreforto upon oleMo.nol, PROJECT, LOCATION• SIGNED, ADDRESS• I. 5, All splices sho.ll be Mode with Ro.lnblrol ST-03UL Snop-Tlte wlrl!' connector with PT /SS sec:,ler or o.pproved equo.l, ·Use one wire connector per wire ,;pllce. 6. FIelci splice,; between the o.utoMo. tic controllll'r o.nd electric control vo.l ves will not be perMltted without prior o.pprovo.l of the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect. AutoMo. tic Controller• 1. Autor10. tic controller sho.ll be of size 0.nol type shown on the olro. wings:. 2. Fino.I loc0. tIon of o.utDMO. tu: controller sho.ll be o.pproved by the Owner's 0.uthorlzed represento.tlve prior to Inst0.ll0.tlon, 3. Unless otherwise noted on the plo.ns, the 120 volt elE>ctrlcol PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2,01 MA TE RIALS• PHONE• ACCEPTANCE, powl'r to the ,,o.utoMo.tlc controller locs1tIon sho.ll be furnlsheol by others, The flno.l hook-up of the 0.utoM0.tlc controller to thl' 120 volt power soc,rce sho.ll be the responsIbllIty of the lrrlgo. tlon contro.ctor. A. B. c. D, E. F. G, H, Genero.l• Use only new Mo. terlc:,ls of loronci,i; 0.nd types noted on the dro.wlngs, speclfleci herein, or o.pproveci equols, Recl0.lt'led 'Jo. ter Pressure Mo.InlIne or Lo. tero.l Line Piping, 1. Pipe sho.lt be PVC Schedule 40, Clo.ss 315 or Clo.ss 200 ultr0.vIolet reslsto.nt, <PVC-UVR), with solvent welded or gosket type fittings o.s InctIc0.ted by type on the Dro.wlngs, 2, Pipe sho.ll be Mo.ole froM vlolet-coloreol PVC MO terlol with Cell Clo.ss 124B, Type L Gro.ole I, PVC 1120, Meeting ASTM specIfIco.tIon D1784, 1785, 2241, 2672 o.nd 3139 0.nd equo.l to tho. t 0.s Mo.nufo.ctured by Brownllne Pipe, Inc, 3, Mo.rklng on the vlol .. t-color"d PVC pip" sho.ll Include the following noto tlons• c:,, ALERTLINE -CAUTION RECLAIMED 'w'ATER b, NoMlnol pipe size c. Pressure rs1 ting In PSI f!! 73 degrees F d. ASTM ciesIgn0.tIons e, NSF 0.pprovo.l deslgnc:, tlons f. Printing sholl 0.ppeo.r on two sides of pipe o.nci be repeo. teol every 24 Inches, 4, Insto.ll PVC Alertllne 0.s shown on the olro.wlngs o.nd oleto.lls. 5, Pipe for poto.ble wo. ter systeMs sho.ll be white In color 0.nol sho.ll Meet or exceeol obove specIfIc0. tlons without the Alertllne color 0.nd reclo.IMecl wo. ter c0.utIon. l!ro.ss Pipe o.nd Fittings, 1. 'Jhere InolIc0. ted on the olr0.wIngs, USE' r,rci bro.ss screwed pipe conf orMlng to F edero.l Speclflco. tlon ll'J'J-P-351. 2, f'lttlngs sho.ll be red bro.ss conforMlnQ to F edero.l Spec:lf'lco. tlon ll'w''w'-P-460, Go. te Vol vesI 1. Go. te v0.l ves 3' 0.nd sMo.llll'r sho.ll be 125 lb. S'JP bronze go. te 2, 3, vo.l ve with screw-In bonnet, non-rising steM o.nd solid wedge disc, ho. v,r threo.ded ends o.nd be equipped with bronze wheel hondle, Gc:, te vo.l v"s 3' 0.nol sMo.ller sho.ll be slMllor to those Mo.nufo.cturl'd by Nlbco or 0.pproveol equo.l, All go. te vo.l ves sholl be lnsto.lleol per lnsto.llo. tlon deto.I1. Quick Coupling Vs1lves1 1. Quick coupling vc:,l ves sholl hove 0. bross two-piece body designed for working pressure of 150 P.S.I. opero.ble with quick coupll!'r key. Key size 0.nol type sho.ll be 0.s shown on plc:,ns, Co.p sho.ll be recl0.IMecl wo. ter violet color. Bo.ckflow Preventer Unit, I. Bo.ckflow Prevention Unit,; sholl be of SIZlt o.nd type 2, lndlco. ted on the IrrIgo. tlon dro.wlngs, Instc:,ll bo.ckflow prevention units In 0.ccorol0.nce with Irrigation construction oleto.lls. 'w'ye str0.In,.rs Qt bo.ckflow prevention units sho.ll ho. ve o. bronzed screwed body with 30 Mesh Monel screen o.nd shc:,ll be SIMllor to Bo.lley 11100A or 0.pproved equo.l. Check Vo.Ives• L Swing ch•ck vo.l ves 2' 0.nd Sl'lo.lll'r sho.ll be 200 lb. 'JOG 2, bronze construction with repls1ce0.ble c0MposItIon, neoprene or rubb"r disc 0.nci shc:,ll M""t or "xc .. ed F ederol Speclflco. tlon ll'J'J-V5ld, Clo.ss A, Type IV. AntI-drQIn vo.l ves sholl be of heo. vy duty virgin PVC construction with F.I.P. threo.d Inlet o.nd outlet, Interno.l po.rts sho.ll be st0.Inless steel with Bun0.-N se<1ls, Volve sho.ll be flelol 0.dJusto.ble o.g0.Inst dro. wout froM 3 to 40 feet of heo.d, AntI-dr0.In vo.l Vl' sho.ll be slMllo.r to the King Bros. •cv• series or 0.pproved l!'quo.l. Control 'w'lrlng• I. Connections betwee>n the o.utoMo. tic controllers o.nci the 2. 3. 4. electric control vo.lves sho.ll be Mo.de with ollrect burlo.l copper wire A'JG-U.F. 600 volt. Pilot wires sho.rlng the SO.I'll!' 0.utoM0. tic controller sholl be the so.Me color, CoMMOn wire sho.ll be white In color with o. strip" to Mo tch the pilot wires with which It Is circuited on the SO.Me controller, Provide different colors for eo.ch controller lnsto.lled on the so.Me project, lnstoll wlrl' In 0.ccord0.nce with vo.lve Ms1nuf0.cturer's sp,rcIfIc0. tIons 0.nol wire cha.rt. In no co.se sho.ll wire size be less thon ll14. 'w'IrIng sho.ll occupy the so.Me trench 0.nd sho.ll be lnsto.lled 0.long th" SQM" route o.s pr,.ssure supply or l0. terol lines wherever possible, 'w'here More thon onll' wire Is plo.ced In o. trench, the wiring sho.ll be ts1ped together 0.t Interv0.ls of ten (10) feet, An e><po.nslon curl sho.ll be provIol,rol within three (3) feet of' ec:,ch wire connection, Expo.nslon curl sho.ll bl!' of sufflcll!'nt length o. t eo.ch splice connection of ea.ch electric control vs1lve so tho.t In c0.se of rep0.Ir, the vo.lve bonnet Mo.y be brought to the surfo.ce without disconnection of the control wires. Control wires sho.ll be lo.Id loosely In trench without stress or stretc:hlng of control wire conductors, J, Electric Control V0.lve,s, 1. Electric control vo.l ves sho.ll bl!' of the size 0.nol type shown on the dro. wings, 2, Unl,rss otherwise noted on plo.n or construction deto.lls, oil electric control vo.l ves sho.ll ho. ve o. M0.nu0.l flow o.oljustl'lent. 3. Provide 0.nd Insto.ll one control vo.l ve box for eo.ch electric control volve. K, Control Vo.I v,r Boxes• 1, Gote Vo.Ives• Use 10' cilo.Met,rr x 10-1/4' round boxes, Co.rson InolustrIes 11910-12B with violet bolt clown cover or o.pproved equo.l. Extension sleeve sho.ll be PVC -6' MlnlMUM size, 2, Electric Control Vo.Ives• Use 12' >< 17' x 7' deep rect0.ngul0.r boxes, C0.rson Industries lll419A-12B with violet bolt down cover cover for recls1IMed wo. ter, or green for poto.ble L. Sprinkler He0.ds1 1. All sprinkler h"'o.ols sho.ll be of the size, type 0.nol deliver the so.Me ro. te of precIpIto. tIon with the clI0.Meter (or ro.dlus) of spro.y, pressure o.nd dlsch0.rge In G.P.M. 0.s shown on the drs1wIngs. 2, All sproy-type sprinklers Sholl hove o. screw o.dJustMent, 3. Riser/swing Joint o.sseMblles sho.ll be fo.brIc0.tecl In 0.ccord0.nce with the lrrlgo. tlon construction cis>to.lls shown on the drs1wIngs, 4, Riser nipples for 0.ll sprinkler heo.ols sho.ll be the so.Me size 0.s the riser opening In the sprinkler body. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3,02 INSPECTl□N, A. Site I. 2, 3. Conciltlons• All sco.led dlMen,sIons o.re o.pproxlMQ te, check o.nd verify o.ll site dIMensIons. The Contro.ctor shs1ll Exercise extreMe co.re In exc0.v0.tlng o.nol working neo.r existing utIlItIes, Contro.ctor sho.ll be responsible for olo.Mo.ges to utilities which 0.re co.used by his opero. tlons or neglect, Check existing utilities ctro.wIngs or co.II utIUty coMpo.nles for existing utility loco. tlons. Coordlno. te lnsto.llo tlon of sprinkler lrrlgo. tlon MO. terlo.ls, Including pipe, so there shs1ll be no Interference with utIlltIes, other construction or plo.ntlng of tres>s, shrubs 0.nol ground covers. The Contro.ctor sho.ll co.refully check 0.ll grc:,oles to so. tlsfy hlMs,.lf tho.t he M0.y s0.fely proceed before st0.rtIng work on the sprinkler lrrlgo. tlon systeM, 3.03 PREPARATI□N• A, B, c. PhysIco.l Lo.yout, , 1. Prior to Inst0.ll0.tIon, the Contro.ctor sho.11 sto.ke out 0.ll pr,.ssur" supply lines, routing o.nd loc0.tIon of sprinkler heo.ds. Canto.ct the Lo.nolsco.pe Architect IMMedI0. tely If obstructions prevent routing c:,s denoted on plc:,ns, 'w'o. ter Supply• 1. Sprinkler 1rrIg0. tIon systeM sho.ll be connecteci to wo. ter 2, 3, supply points of conn,.ctIon 0.s shown on dro.wlng,;, Connections sho.ll be Mo.de o. t 0.pproxlMO. te loco. tlons o.s shown on the dr0.wIngs. Contro.ctor Is responsible for Minor chonges coused by o.ctuo.l site conditions, The pots1ble wo. ter systeM Is plo.nned for reclo.lMed wo. ter In thl!' future, therefore the contro.ctor sho.ll lnsto.ll o.ll IrrIg0. tIon work In conforMo.nce to o.11 0.pplIc0.ble reclo.IMeol wo. t"r codes o.nd ordln0.nces whether or not included within these plo.ns o.nd speclfIc0. tIons, Etectrlco.l Supply, 1. ElectrIc0.l connl!'ctlons for 0.utoM0. tic controller sho.ll be 2, MO.ole to electrIc0.l points of connection o.s shown on the dr0.wIngs. Connections sho.ll be Ms1de c:,t 0.pproxlM0.te loco.tlons o.s shown on the dro wings. Controctor IS responsible for Minor cho.nges co.used by c:,ctuc:,l site conolltlons. woter, Kobzeff & Associates LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite Phone: (714) 770-7340 105 ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN Laguno Hills Californio 92653 FAX, (714) 770-8385 "AS BUILT' TITLE: --------DATE ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVIEWED BY: ENGINEERING PLAN CHECKEK DATE INSPECTOR DATE 1---4------------+----+--l-----ll----ll sH8EET I CITY oF CARLSBAD ~o PLANNING DEPARThtENT ~ ~=::::...:::=========::::...:::=::::; MARVISTA LOTS * , ;;::: I* ASSISTAN I i-LANNING DIRECTOR '\ I --'I I DWN BY:___ PROJECT NO. ,s,._~--=-~~ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY:___ MS 97-05 ~-rt~ ..,..,.fO"/ "NGINEER OF WOil~ REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PUD 97-08 1-4 DRAWING NO. 359-3L CMWD g7_c 457 3,04 INSTALLATION, A, B. C, D, E, G. H, I. j, Trenching, 1, Dig trenchot!< !<tra1ght o.nd support pipe continuously on bottoM of trench. Lo.y pipe to o.n even grade. Trenching excavation shall follow layout lncllc:o.ted on the drawings o.ncl/or spec:lflco. tlons as noted. 2. Provide for o. MlnlMUM of eighteen (18) Inches cover for o.ll pressure supply lines. 3. Provide for o. MlnlMUM cover of twelve (12) lnch"s for all non-pressur" lln.,s. 4. Provide for o. MlnlMuM cover of elghte"n (18) lnch"s for o.ll control w1r1ng. Backfilling, 1. The trenches sho.ll not be backfilled until all rotqulrotcl tests are perforM.,cl, Tr.,nches sho.ll be co.refully backfilled with the excavated Mo.terlals o.pproved for backfilling, c:onslstlng of eo.rth, IOQM, so.ncly clay, sand or other opprovecl M<> terlals, free froM lo.rge c:locls of eo.rth or stones. Bo.ckflll sho.ll be Mecho.nlco.lly coMpo.ctecl In lo.nclsco.pecl o.reo.s to o. clry density equo.l to o.clJo.cent uncl1sturbecl soil In plo.ntlng o.reo.s, Bo.ckf1ll will conforM to o.dJo.cent gro.cles without clips, sunken areus, huMpS or other surfoce lrregutorltles, 2. A fine gro.nulur M<> terlol buck fill will be Initially plo.ced on all lines. No foreign Matter lo.rger tho.n one-hut f (1/2) Inch In size will be perMlttecl In the Initial buckflll. 3. Flooding of trenches will be perMlttecl only with upproval of the Lo.nclsco.pe Architect. 4, If settleMent occurs and subsequent o.dJustMents In pipe, valves, sprinkler heocls, lo.wn or plo.ntlng, or other construction ore necessary, the Contrac:tor sholl Moke o.ll required o.clJustMents without cost to the Owner, Trotnchlng o.ncl Backfill Under Paving, 1. Trenches loco. ted under o.reos where po. vlng, aspho.l tic concrete or concrete will be Installed, sho.ll be bo.ckfllled with so.ncl (a lo.yer six (6) Inches below the pipe ancl three (3) Inches o.bove the pipe) o.ncl coMpo.ctecl In layers to 951/. coMpo.ctlon, using Mo.nuo.l or Mecho.nlco.l to.Mplng devices, Trenches for piping sho.ll be coMpo.ctecl to equo.l the coMpo.ctlon of the existing o.dJo.cent unclls turbecl soil uncl sho.ll be left In o. flrM uny1elcllng condition. The sprinkler 1rr1go.t1on Contro.ctor sho.ll set In plac:e, cop o.ncl pressure test o.ll piping uncler po. vlng prior to the po. v1ng work. 2. Generally, p1p1ng under existing wo.lks Is clone by Jo.eking, boring or hydraulic driving, but where o.ny cutting or breaking of s1dewo.lks o.nd/or concrete Is necessary It sho.ll be done o.nd repto.c:ecl by the Contro.c:tor o.s o. po.rt of the contract cost. PerM!sslon to cut or breo.k sldewo.lks o.nci/or concrete sho.ll be obto.lnecl froM the o,.ner. No hyclro.ullc driving will be perMltted under concrete po.vlng, 3, Provlolot for o. MlnlMUM cover of eighteen (18) inches betwototn the top of the pipe and the bottoM of the aggrego.te base for oll pressure ancl non-pressure piping lnsto.lled uncler o.spho.l tic concrete po. v1ng, A5seMblle51 I. Routing of sprinkler lrl"lga t1on l!nots o.s 1nol1co. ted on the clra wings Is dlagraMMa tic. lnsto.ll lines (ancl various o.sseMblles) In such a Mo.nner as to c:onforM with the cleta1ls pse,r plons. 2, Install no Mul tlple osseMblles on plastic lines, Provide eo.ch o.sseMbly with its own outlet, 3. Install all asseM<>l!e<; '<pec1f1ed herein In o.c:c:ordance with respective deto.ll. In abs,;,nc,;, of cleto.1t olraw1ngs or speclflco. tlons perto.lnlng to specific: ft,;,r,s required to coMplete work, perforM such work In accordance with the IOe5t sto.ndo.rd practice with prior o.pprovo.l of the Lanclscape Architect. 4. PVC pipe o.ncl f1tt1ng5 sho.ll bl' thoroughly c:ll'o.n.,d of dirt, dust and r,ofsture before Installation. lnstallo.t1on and sol vent welding Methods shall be as r.,coMMenclecl by the pipe o.nol fitting Mo.nufo.cturer. 5. On PVC to Metal connections, the Contractor sho.ll work the Meto.l connec:tlons first, Teflon to.pe or approved equo.l shall b., usecl on o.ll threo.cleol PVC to PVC, o.nd on o.ll threaoled PVC to r,eto.l Joints, Light wrench pressure Is all that is require cl. '.there threo.clecl PVC connections are required, use threo.ded PVC o.do.pters Into which the pipe May be welcled, Line Cleo.ranc:.,, 1. All lines shall have o. r,lnlMUM cleo.rance of ,;1x (6) Inches froM each other ancl fl"OM lines of other trodes or. Po.rallotl lines sho.ll not be lnsto.lled directly over one c,nother. Install per o.ll cross-connection codes applicable to this Site. AutoMa tic Controller, I. Install os per Manufacturer's Instructions. Rer,ote control valves sho.ll be connected to controller In nuMer1cal sequence as shown on the clro.wlngs. High voltage '.tiring for AutoMo.tlc Controller, 1. 120 volt power connection to the autor,o. tic controller shall be provided by the 1rr1gat1on c:ontro.ctor. 2, All elec:trlc:o.l work shall conforM to local cocles, orc11nances o.nd union o.uthor1t1es ha vlng Jur1sd1c:t1on, ReMote Control Val ve>s1 1. Install where shown on the dro. wings o.nd per details, '.then grouped together, o.llow at least twelve (12) Inches between valve boxes, Insto.ll each reMote control valve In a separate valve box. Align boxes .. 1th acljo.cent paving In a neo. t Manner. Flu5hlng of SysteM1 L After all new sprinkler pipe lines o.nd risers o.re In plo.ce and connected, all necesso.ry diversion work has been c:oMpletecl, and prior to Install a t1on of sprinkler heo.ds, thot control valves sho.ll be opened o.nd " full heacl of wo. ter used to flush out the systeM. 2, Sprinkler heo.ds sho.ll be installed only o. fter flushing of the systern ho.s been o.c:c:oMpllshecl, Sprinkler Heaols1 1. Ins toll the spr1nkl1tr heads as cleslgno. ted on the clra wings, Sprinkler heo.ds to be Installed In this work shall be equivalent In o.ll respects to those lteMIZed In the lrrlga tlon equlpMent legend, 2, Spacing of sprinkler heads shall not exceed the MO.><IMUM o.s 1ndlc:o. tecl on the clrawlngs. In no case sho.ll the spacing exceed the MaxlMUM rec:oMMended by the Manufacturer. 3.05 TEMPORARY REPAIRS, A, The Owner re5erves the right to riake tt'Mporo.ry l"t'po.Irs as necesso.ry to keep the sprinkler systeri equlpMent In opero. ting condition, The exercise of this right by the Owner sho.ll not relll!'ve the Contractor of his r",;pon,;1b1l1t1e<; under the terMs of the guarantee as herein specified. 3,0f, FIELD QUALITY CONTROL• A, AdJustMent of the SysteM• I. The Contro.ctor sho.ll flush o.nd o.dJust o.ll sprinkler heo.ds for optlMU"' perfor.,o.nce and to prevent ov.,rspray onto wo.lks, roo.dways o.ncl buildings o.s Much as possible, 2, If It Is detitrMlned tho.t aolJustMents In the Irrigation equlpMent will provlae proper and More adequo. te coverage, the Contractor sho.ll Mo.ke such o.dJuStMents prior to planting. Adju5tMents MO.)I o.lso Include cho.nges In nozzle sizes o.nd degrees of o.rc as required, 3, Lowering raised sprlnklEs>r heaols by the Contractor shall be o.ccoMpllshed within t"n (10) days after not1f1c:o.t1on by Landscape Architect. 4, All sprinkler heods shall be set perpendicular to flnlsh!!d grade unless otherwise aeslgno. tea on th.. plo.n or o.s required for proper covero.ge (slopes, etc.). l!J. Te5tlng of Irrigation Sy!lteM• 1. The Contro.c:tor shall request the presenc:!! of the City Inspector 1n writing o. t leo.st 48 hours In o.clvance of any testing, 2. Test o.ll pr!!ssure lines und"r hydrostatic pr.,ssur" of 150 P,S,I. and prove watertight, Testing of pressure Main line piping shall occur prior to Install<> tlon of electric control vo.lves or qulc:k coupling vo.lves. 3, All piping under po.vecl o.reo.s sho.ll bl! t"sted uncler hyarosto.tlc pressure of 150 P,S,I, ancl proved wo.tert19ht, prior to paving. 4. Sustain pressure In tested lines for not less than two (2) hours for potabt" Mainlines, and (4) hours for reclalMed Mainline!!', If leaks develop, replo.ce Joints o.nd repeo. t test until entire systeM Is proven wo. tertlght, 5. All hydrosto. tic tests shall be Made In the presence of the Landscope Architect. The test May be Mo.de 1n the presence of the General Contractor's superintendent only If written o.ccepto.nce of the test Is forwo.rclecl to the Ownitr and Lo.nclsco.pe Architect, No pipe sho.ll be backfilled until It ho.s been observed, testea o.nd o.pprovecl In wrl ting. 6. Contro.ctor sho.ll furnish force puMp and o.ll other test equlpMent necessary. 7. '.then th" sprinkler 1rr1go.t1on ;;y;;teM ,,. c:ol'lpleted, potrforM a coverage test In the presence of the City Inspector ancl Lanclscape Architect to deterMlne ff the wo. ter coverage for the plo.ntlng o.reo.s Is coMplete o.ncl o.olequo. te. Furnish o.ll MO. terlo.ls ancl perforM o.ll work required to correct any 1noclequo.c1es of coverage clue to elev la tlon froM plo.ns, or where the systeM ho.s been willfully 1nsto.lled a<; 1ndlco.ted on the drawings when It Is iiv1~Ht l(_JWa~'t'il.~i t~r~~it.?i:'t. b'fl(l~n~e i~,s s~St t/;t &~f g~tlf's'J.,ea before e1ny ground cover Is planted, 8, Upon c0Mplet1on of eo.ch pho.se of work, entire sy5t!!M sho.ll be testecl o.ncl adJustecl to Meet site requlreMents, 3.07 MAINTENANCE, A, The entire sprinkler 1rr1ga t1on sy5teM 5hall be und"r full autOMCI tic opero. t1on prior to o.ny plo.nt1n9. B. The Contractor shall keep the frrlgo.tlon systeM coMpl.,t!!ly opera t1onal for the entire length of the Construction and Mo.lnteno.nce Pho.ses of work, 3,08 CLEAN-UP• A, Clean-up 5hall be !'lade 0.5 each portion of work progr!!SS!!S, Refuse o.nd e><cess dirt sho.ll be reMoved froM the site, all wo.lks o.nd paving shall be broOMecl or washed down, o.nd o.ny do.Mo.ge sustained on the work of others sho.ll be repa1recl to or191nal conclltlons. 3.09 FINAL OBSERVATION PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE, A. The Contractor sho.ll operate each !<y5teM 1n its entirety for the Lo.ndsc:ape Architect at the tlr'oe of final observation at the end of the Mo.lntenance Pho.sot. Any lteMs deeMed not ac:c:epto.ote by the Lo.ndsco.pe Archltec:t sholl be reworked to the coMplete so. tls:factlon of the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect. l!J, The Contro.ctor ,:;ho.ll s:how evidence to th!! Landsc:ap!! Architect that the, Own"r has rec.,1vecl o.ll accessories, charts, record drawings o.nd equ1p.,ent as required be,fore final observa t1on co.n occur, 3.10 OBSERVATION SCHEDULE, A. Contractor shall bl' re5pon5Ibte for not1fy1ng the Landscape /1\rc:hltect ana City Inspector In aolvanc:e for the following observa tlons, acc:orollng to the following tlr,e lndlco. teol. The nuMber of site visits Mo.y vo.ry with the contract between Lo.ndsco.pe Architect o.nd Owner, Contro.ctor sho.ll verify the nuMber o.nd type of lrrlga tlon observo.t1on<; necessary prior to work. Typlco.l observo.tlons Mo.y consist of, but not be llMfted to the following, 1. Pre-Job conferenc!s' 7 days 2. Sleeve lnsto.llo. tlon 48 hours 3, Pressure supply line 1nstC1lla tlon and testing 48 hours 4. Autor,at1c controller Installation 48 hours 5, Control wire Ins to.llo. tlon 48 hours 6, Lo. tero.l line ancl ,;prlnkler lnstalla t1on 48 hours 7. Coverage test 48 hour,; 8, Obse>rva tlon to begin Mo.lnt!!no.nc:i, Pha!le 7 cloys 9, F1no.l ob servo. tlon o. t end of Maintenance Phase 7 days B, '.then observo. t1ons ho. vot been concluctecl by other tho.n the Landsc:ape Architect, show evidence of when o.nd by whoM th .. se observe. tlons were Macie. C, In thit event the Contractor calls for an observo.t1on without recorcl dro.,.lngs, without c:o!'lplet1n9 previously noted corrections, or wlthoi,,t pre po.ring the systeM for observe. tlon, he shall be responsible for relMburslng the Lo.nascape Architect at the current norMo.l office hourly rote per hour (portal-to-portal>, plus tro.nsporto. t1on costs, for the 1nc:onven1enc:e. No further observo. tlons will be scheoluled until this charge ho.s been paid. -Encl- SECTICIN 02900 LANDSCAPE Pl.ANTI~ PA~T I -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: or IJO~K, A. F urnl!lh o.ll lo.loor, l'la terio.ls, e~nt o.nd '""rv1c•s r•qul"ed t11 provod,r o.ll lo.ndsc<>p• pl<>ntlng, cor,pl•tr In plo.ce, o.s sho"" on th• dro.wlngs o.nd sp.-clfled hereon. J, Reio ted work specified In oth•r nctlons, l. Lo.ndsc:ape Irr1go.t1on SystO!l'I 2. Lanclsco.pe Mo1nteno.nce 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE:• A. Sourc:• Quo.llty Control• 1. Arrange proc:eclure for 1nsi,,1e:t10n of l)lo.nt 1'10. terio.t with Lo.nol5co.p" Architect prior to work, Should thr contractor deslr1t the Lo.ndsco.pe Archlt.,ct to lnsp•ct the plo.nt ,.,., t•rlal o.t th• nur••ry prior to delivery, the contr"o.ctor sho.ll notify the Lo.nds:cC1.p1P Architect onv w1nrl< prior to this re-que-:5tt!'d ln5pl!'ctlon. Th~ Lo.ndsc:o.pe-Architect sho.ll 1nvolc:1P the contro.ctor for the 1nspec'tlon on o.n hourly bnsls, porto.l to porto.l, Including uny other e~penses Incurred, All s"'ch lnVl"')IC.es: ~ho.IL be po.Id to th• Lo.nclsco.pe Architect prior to o.ny oth,.r 1nsp1tct1ons by the Lunclsco.pe ArchltPct to th• project site. 1.03 SU'.IIHITT ALS• A. C•rt1f1c:o.t• of 1nsp•c:t1on of plant Mo.t,.r1al by Sto.te or r•a•ro.l Authority shall loe presentea If r•qu1t!lt•cl loy thf' Owner. 1.04 PRODUCT DE:LIVE:RY, STORAGE: AND HANDLING, "· B, D•llv•ry1 1. D•llv•o-f•rt1l1z•r to sltot In orlgll'lo.l unop•n•d contaln•r• bi'o.rlng Mo.nufo.cturer's guo.ro.nt.-t"d chitMlco..l analysl!5, na.r1•, tro,d@'MO.rk, nnd c:onforrtonce to sto.te lo..w. 2, Deliver plonts with legible 1clent1f1c .. t1on lo.bPls, a.. Lo.bel trees:1 e,v•r9re-ens1 bundles of con-to,lnprs of ltk• shr-ub!t~ or groundcover plants, b, Use d1,1rnb(e wn terproof labels with wo. ter-reslsto.nt Ink which will reMaln legible for o. t leo.st 60 days, 3. Prot•ct plo.nt MO.t!!rlol ,;.,.ring d"llv.,ry to pr"v"nt do.Mo.ge to root bo.ll or dl!'s:lccntlon of le-o.vlPS, 4. Th<> Contro.ctor sho.ll notify the Lo.ndscape Architect forty eight (48) hours 1n ndvance of clel1very of o.ll plnnt l'IO. ter10.ls and shull sub..,lt o.n ltel'llzed \1st of the plo.nts, StOl""G.Qtfl I. Stor• pl<>nt Mo.totrlo.l In shod• and protect f'roo, ""nther. e. Mnlntnln o.ncl protect plant Mo.ter10.l not to foe plo.nted within foi..tr (4) hours. C. Ho.ndl1ng1 I. Do not drop plant Materlo.l,,, 2, Do not pli""'k up C"onto.lne-r plant l"'IO.ffr-10.l by !lt@'l"t5 or, t~unks, 1.05 JOI CDNDITIONS• A, P•rforr, o.ct1,1al plo.ntll'lg only whO'n w•ather o.nd soil conditions o.re S'-'ltable In o.ccordo.nce with loco.Hy o.c:cepted Industry practice, 1.06 SAMPLES AND TESTS• I\, The Own"r ond City Inspo,ctor r•servots th• right to to.kit and o.no.lyH snl'lples of M<>ter!nls for conforM!ty to speclf1co.t1ons nt any tlM, Re-Je-i""'tecl Mot.•rlo.l~ :sho.ll be-l~rtl!'dlntl!'ly t"'E'l'IOved f'r-ol"'I the Site Qt thR- Controctor1s e-xpense, The cost of teas ting of rio. te-rlo.ls not "'eet1ng spec1flco.t1ons shall foe pnld by the Contractor, I. The Contrnctor "ho.ll ho.v• soil sa,.,ples tested o.fter finish grad•s hove b .. en established o.t the nuMbered loco.tlons 1nellco.tfcl on the plo.ns. Shoi,,td no plo.n loc11t1on nuroloers be ln<ilco.t,.d, to.ke so.roples to best represent the site soil conditions. Surf'o.ce S<>l'lple:r. shall loe ta.ken with o. trowe-l at Qil to 12" deep into -flnl~h gro.de. Should sulo-si,,rfo.ce soroples "" ro,qu.,sted, thes" sho.ll "'" to.ken o.t o. depth of 30' to 36' into finish gr<>de. All so.l'lples sholl foe tested by o.n esto.bllshed so~s loboro.tory for ,mil fertility o.nd ngr1cul turo.l sultc,folllty, Eo.ch snMple shc,ll contnln o.pproKll'IO. tely onl!' quo.rt1 b~t no less, o.nd be lQ.bell!'d p•r plo.n loco. tlon nur,be-r, or stt~ locot1on. Copies of' the lo.boro.tory1s recoMMendo.t1ons sho.ll be s.e-nt. to th&" Dwnvr o.nd the City Inspector upoo receipt by th• Contro.ctor with n •-tnte,,..ent denoting o.ny o.ddltlonttl or deductive costs, The Contro.ctor sho.ll then Install soil u.r,1mdl'lents and bo.ck-f"1ll to conforl" to 'the sOll laboro:tory's recoMMenolotlons loy first r"qu<>"t1ng o.nd receiving o. written cho.nge order froM the □wn•r. This report sho.ll o.lso con-to.In re-c:or,rtendotlons for po.ll'fl tr.-lP :!lub-:5oll dra.lna.Ql!'1 lr,port soil f'or over no,tlve-soil., o.nd/or o..ny other spec10.l conditions po.rt1culnr to th" project site, The Owner l'IO.Y request o.cld1t1ono.l tPstlng of finish grad~s to detll'rMlnE" a.ctual aP'll!'ndMe,nt r-o. tf's pe-r 1.06 A o..bt"l'v'~. c:. The City lnsp•ctor shall npprov• the following• 1. Soll T1tst1ng Laboro.tory 2, Soll t"st r4'COMl'1endo. tlons fDr" o.r,•nd!ng soil, o.nd loackf'll\ for plant pits. 1.07 GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENT• A, All plo.nt r,o. terlnl 1nsto.ll•a under th" c:ontro.ct sho.ll b• guo.ro.nteied O..QQln:lit o.ny o.nd oil poor., lno.dequn. te-or lnf•rlor fl'IO t~rlnl:'!i: o.nd/or workl"'lo.nshlp tor o. period of one (1) yeo.r -Fol"" trees, o.na ninety (90) days for shrulos o.ncl gro1,1nolcovers: frol'1 the effective date of cor,pletlon of the Maintenance Pho.se of the project o.s e5tnbl!,;ht>d by the Owner, Any l)lo.nt found to be cl4!o.d or In poor cond1t1on d1,.1e-to f'n.ulty r1Qttrrlt1l:s or workr1unshlp., o.s deterrolne-d by the Landsco.po> Architect, sho.ll foe reptacl'd by th• Contractor o.t his expense, Material to be replnced within this g1,.10.rnntee period s:ho.ll bv repto.ceci by 1:he Contractor within tutv•n (7) days of written not1f1c.o. tl(")r, by th• □wnll'r, I. Any l'l<>terlc,ls found to be d•nd, Missing or In poor condition during th• Ma1ntennnce Period s;ho.11 lo<> repl<>c<>cl ll'lro•dlo.t•ly, Th• Landscape Architect ,;ho.ll be the sole Ju,:Jge o.s to the condition of Mote-rlo.l. ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED ENGINEERING PLAN CHECKER DATE PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 HA TERIALS• .. • A. Ttw followtng Ol'"QO,nlC o.nd soil """"""'""nts o.nd feo-tll.J:,,•r are to lille used for loOddtng purpos•s only, Sp•clflc c,ro•ndM•nts o.nd f•rt1l12er s:pwclP!c<>tlOn will foe r,o.de o.fter grading operations c-r• coMplete o.ncl soil so.ropl"" o.r• t•st•d loy the Contro.ctor. J, All 1'10. terlal!I shall foe of !ltondo.rd, approv•d c,nd flrst-gro.d• qunl!ty o.nd sho.ll be 1n pr1"'e condition when 1nsto.llecl and accepted, Any cor,l"lerc1ally proc:esswd or po.c::ko..Q•d rto-ter-10.l shall b• deUverit-d to the stte In the or-191noL l)nopened c_(")nta.ln•r b~o.r1ng the Ma.nufG.cture-r':s guo.ro.nte-e-ol o.no.tysls, Contro.ctor sho.U supply the Lo.ndsc:o.pe Architect with o. """'P1• of o.11 suppll•d f'loter10.ls accor,po.n14'd by o.no.lytlcal do.to. froM an o.pproved lo.boro.tory source 1U1..1s"tro.t1ng co,.....pUo.nc• or bearing the fl'!anufo,cturer1 s guo,ronte~ot onalys:I!.: upon r-eque~t. C. Clrgo.ntc: Mo. terl<>h I. Nltrog"n Stnblll:red• 0.56 to 0.84¼ l'l lo<>sed on dry weight for redwood so.wd.,.st. 2. Po.rtlcle Size• 95½ to 100¼ po.sslng 6.35 1'11'1 sto.nd<>rd sleVWJ BO½ to 1001/. po.ss1ng 2.33 l'IM sto.ndoo-d s1ev.,, 3, Salinity, The snt ... ro.tlon o,xtro.ct conductivity sho.ll not exc::eed 3.5 Mlll!Mhos/centll'leter o.t 25 clegrees cent1gro.de as aetei'rMlned loy s:o. turo. tlon extro.ct i,ethod, -4. Ir-on Content1 MlnlMUM 0.08¾ dilute acid solublt> Fit-on dry weight klO.SIS, 5, Ash• 0 to 6,0): (dry weight). D. SoR AMendl'lf'nt• 1. Gyps""'' Agrlc:ulturo.l gr<>de prod.,ce conto.lnlng 98X Mini"""' c;:o.lclur't sulpho.te, E, Fertilizer• I. COMl'lo,rclal planting fertilizer for groundcovwr/sho-ub o.r•a•. Fert1l1zer sh<>ll consist of th• following percentnges by we>lght o.nd sho.ll foe Mixed by O C0"'""rclo.l fertilizer $UppUe-r1 121/. nltrog•n 12¾ phosphorl<: o.Cld 12;,: potash 2, Turf' fertilizer sho.ll conS1st of the following l)•rcent<J by weight Qnd sho.ll be "''"""' by 0. COl'll'l•rclnl f•rtll121'1" supplurr1 16¼ nltrog!!n 20¼ phosphoric: acid OX poto.sh 3. Plo.ntlng tabll'ts, "· Slow releo.se typ4', containing th• following pe-rc:entnges: of nutr1e-nts by we1ght1 201/. nitrogen 101/. phosphoric ac::ld 5% poto.sh b. 21 gr0.1'1 to.lolets as: l'IO.n.,.fo.ctur•d k:>y Agr1for,., or o.pprcved equo.l; o.pplled per MQnufo.ctur•r's: Instructions, ,. Top Soll, 1, Top sol~ o.s r,rq1,11red, sho.ll be obt11ln•d fro" on-site plllntlnQ exco.vo.tlons If o.t all possllole. !!, Topsoil shnll consist of o. no.tur11~ f•rt!le, frlo.bllr, so.ndy loa.n :soil po~!U!Sslng the cho.rncterrstics of" r.-pr-•11e-ntQ trv~ soils tn the v1c1n1ty which produc:r heo.vy growth of crops~ grusses:, or other vegeto.tlon o.nd sho.H be oloto.1ned fro~ rio.. turo.l well dro..lned o.r•o.s:, Before rerv.ovot of the topsoil,, the s:urfo.ce o:t the sour-ce of supply Is to be s:tr1ppwd to G. depth of two Inches In order to t"eP1011e weed seeds, r""Oots, f'tc:. Il"'tported topsoil sho.ll consist of either f'lnt" sonci or (onriy so.no! textur.,d soil Meeting the follo,.lr,g s:pec1f1co. t1ons1 Silt P'"'" clo.y content of' this soil sho.ll not exc:efcl 30:< by weight with o. MlnlMU"' 95)( po.sslng the 2,0 l'lllllMPtPr S!ev•. The sodlUM QD'.!<Orptlon ro.tlo (SAR) sho.ll not .. xceed 6 o.ncl ttw ele-ctrlc:o.l c::cnductlvlty (ECe) of the so.turo.tlon e)(tro.ct of this soil sho.ll not exceed 3,0 MllllMhos/centliYter o.t 25 degrees Centlgro.cl", Tho, boron content of' this soil shall lo• no greo.ter th~t 1 pp~ ~s ~eosured on the s~turo.t~n •~tr~ct. pH sho.ll not eKc:eed 7.0 o.nd foe not less that 6.0. In order to Insure conforMo.nc::e, SO.l'lple-s of' the IMport soil ShQll be sulorittted to a quo.llfleol lo.bor-o. tory f(")r nno.l y~l:!!i: prl(")t"' to Shipping, This speclf'lco. tlon applies to IMport "01\ to lo" used for bo.c:kflll purpo:5e-'!li In proble-1"'1 soil O.l"'eo.s, In to.ndsco.pe Qt"'@'OS where-no sol\ probleMs exist, the-texturo.l charo.c::ter1st1cs sholl be s-lMllo.r to native soil. The-:l!iource of !:Oil sho.U loe free-frori, BerMuao. gro.s5 a.nd other noxious weecls or gro.sse,a, Topsoil shnll loe free frOI" refuse, heo.vy roots, clo.y lut"lps~ stones lo.rger thn.n C'line lnr::h In s1z•1 noxious weeds, sticks, brush, l1tte-r o.nd oth•r de\eterloi.As substanc~s. In no c:o.se sho.ll there be r,orl" tho.n five percent by volur-te of the following,, stone'!!i: torg!"r 'tho.n one IOCh1 CCQt"'!.12' so.net o.nd Sl'IO.ll clo.y l1 .. u•,ps:. Th~ Ccntro.i;;;:tor sho.ll fvrrilsh the Owner with th@' propos•d source-or sourc:~s of topsoil to be used o.t teo.st fifteen (15) working ao.ys prior to delivery, The ContrQctor o.t his own e;l(pense, shall obtain soil sn.r,ples frot"l his Intended top soil source o.nd ho.ve o. sell o.no.lys1s pe-rforMed k:ly o. soil testing lo.boro.tcry to ensurll!' ~onforr,lty with th1t pre-ce-dlng speclflco. tlons. Top soil shnll not be c1 .. uv.,re<:1 to the work site prior to <>pprovo.l by the Owner, Any delny co.used by the fo.lluri!' of soil tests to r,eet tnes:e spec1f1cntlons shall be the sol" responsllolllty of the Contro.<:tor. Kobzeff & Associates LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 105 Ph one: (714) 770-7340 ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN Laguno Hills Colifornio 92653 FAX: (714) 770-8385 "AS BUILT' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. TITLE: --------DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 1---+--+-----------+------+--+---1-----1 I sH9EET I CITY oF CARLSBAD ~o PLANNING DEPARTMENT L..!Qj :==.....,_.===========::'....'::::=~ DATE INITIAL NGINEER OF WOR REVISION DESCRl~TION DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL I DATE INITIAL CITY APPRO\/Al MARVISTA LOTS 1-4 ASSISTANT ~IN::RECTOR APPROVED~ 12-B:D I DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO CHKD BY: MS 97-05 359-,L RVWD BY: PUO 97-08 CMWD 97-C 457 G. Plo.nt Mat•rto.11 l. Plo.nts sl'lo.U b• In c:onfOrl'lo.nc:• wltl'I tl'I• Co.llfol"nlo. Stat• DepartMent cf Agrlcultctre's regulation for nctrs•ry 1nspec"t1ons1 rules o.nd rating, All plo.nts sho.ll ho. ve o, norMo.l ho.bit of growtl'I o.nol sno.ll toe sounct heo.lthy, vtgor-ous o.nci free of lnst!'ct lnf'l!'s:i:o. tlcn!j:, plo.nt dhJll!'0.51!'S~ sunsco.lds, fresh o.bro.slons of the bo.rk, exce-!1.'.:i;lve obro.slons:, or other obJect1ono.ble clisftgurel'lents, Tree tnmks shall be sturoly u.nd w~ll •ho.rden~a• off, All plo.nts sho.ll ho.ve narMnlly we-ll-de-veloped bro.nch sys:teM'.'!I,. nl""Jt :111o:por:s~1 Irregularly spo.ced, thin br-anched or having off-bo.lo.nceol heo.a, AH sho.ll ho.v~ vlgor-01,.1s: o.nd f'lbrous root systeMs: which o.r.-not roct or pot-bcund, The root conditions: of the plo.nts Furnished by the Contra.c::tor in conta.1ne-rs will be dl!'tl!'rr1ln•d by r-el'llovo.\ of eo.rth froM the roots of not less tho.n two plo.nts of eoc::h species or vo.r1ety. Where contn.1ner--grown plo.nts a.re f'rorl several s:ourc:e5", the root5 of not less tho.n two plo.nt:5 of eo.ch species or vo.r-le-ty froM eo..Lh $i"liUt"('.".~ will k>e inspected. In case the so.Mple plo.nts Inspected o.re focmol to be def'ec""tlve-, the Lo.ndsco.pe Arc:hltect reserves the right to rt> J~Lt th~ ~ntlre lot or lots of plo.nts represented by the d<'fectlve so.Mples, Th" City ~o.nasc:o.p" Architect ts the sole judge <>s to o.cc.,pto.btllty. Any plo.nts rendered unS"ultable for plo.nt1n9 beco.use of this 1nspeL.t1on will be considered o.s saMples and will be provided o. t thfi' lilxpvn•• of' the Contractor. 2, Th" size of the pto.nts will corr-.,spond with that norMo.lly expected tor species o.nd vo.r1ety of col'IM~rc1ally o.vo.Uubl• nursery stock or as specified In tne dro.*lngs. The l'l'!lnll'"H;lr'I o.cceptable size of o..ll plo.nts, Measured be-fore-pruning with "the bro.nches In norr'l(ll po5ltlon, sho.H c:onforr'I with the rrieo.surel'!ents, If' o.ny, spectf'led on the drawings, Plonts la.rge-r 1n c.on"t.Qlner :size than spectfl~ci l"IO.Y be used with thl' o.pprovo.l of the Lnodsca.pe-Architect, but the u.sie of lo.rgil!'r pto.nt5 will Mo.k~ no cho.nge In contra.ct price. If the use of lo.rg~r pldnts Is o.pproved, the ball of ear-th or sprcta.d of roots f'or eo.ch plo.nt will be lllcreas.rd proportionately. 3, Re-Je,ctlon or s:ubst1tutlons:1 All plo.nts: not conforr,ing to the re-qulrel"le-nts herein spec1-f'1ed, sho.ll be cons1der~d defective onci s1,.,1ch plo.nts, whe-ther In plClc:~ or not, sho.ll b• rio.rk"ol a,; rejected o.nol IMr\edto.tely rer,oveol fror, the site of the wor-k o.nd repla.L.ed with new plo.nts o.t th~ Contro.ctor's e><pense-. The plo.nt:5 5hull b~ of the species, variety, size o.nd condition specified hf!-r~ln or o.s shown on the olro.wings, Unaer no conclltlons will there be o.ny sulost1tut1on of plants or sizes listed on the o.c:;col"lpo.oy1ni;;i plo.ns, ~xcept with the- e,)(pr~sse-d written cons~nt of the City Lnndsco.pe Architect, 4, Pr1,,1nlng1 At no tll"le shall trees: or plo.nt Ma -tl!'rlo.ls bll!' pruned, trlrif'led or topped prior to delivery. Any o.ltw-ro.tlon of tl'IE'lr" sho.pe shall be conoluctea only with the o.pprovo.l o.nol wrle-n In the-pre~e-nc:e of' the City Lnnd$co.pe Architect. 5. Plo.nt f'\O. terlo.l sho.ll be true to botanlt:O.l o.nd COl"'ll"'IOn no.f"t• o.nd vo.rlety o.s specif lea In, 'A Checklist of \voccly Drno.l"lento.l Plo.nts In Co..llf'ornlo,/ Mo.nuo.l 321 published by the University of Co.llf ornlo. SC'hool of AgrlC"ul ture (1963), 6, Nursery Grown ana Collec:tea Stock• o.. Grown under-cllrio.t1c c::ond1t1ons s:IMllo.r to tho5e In loc:o.llty of the prOJ<><::t, b. Conto.lner-grown stock In vigorous, h•althy c:ondltlc~ not root-bound or with root syst~r1 ho.rdened off. c, Use only liner-stock plant M0ter10.1 wh1eh 1s well esta.blls.hed In rl."Movubtli" i;;;onto.lriers or forl'l'led hoMogene,ous soil s~ctlon,;., 7. Substitute plant Mo.terlo.l will not be perl'llttea without ~pec:tflc: written o.pproval loy the Lo.ndsc:ape Architect. 8. S:odt 0., b, C, d. "· H, I. J, Gen•ral Dl'ftnltlon• Sool sho.11 be aefln"d o. Living gro.ss, (or groundcover such o.s dlchondroJ,. consisting of blo.desi crowns, roots, o.nd a. tto.ched soil. ln tt,e case of plo.nts which produce rhlzor,es or stolons, the ~O.l'IE' sho.ll be Included o.s po.rt of the .sod. Living grns,i;: !!'ihnll be lnterpreteol to Include, gross tho.t IS sea.sono.bly dorl"lo.nt o.nd co.po.ble of' renewing growth n fti?r the dorMo.nt period, Mo. terlols o.na Col"tpos1t1on of Soch This :sod shall be c:oriposed of Southland Sod FarMs 1'10ter101 or o.pprov•c:l equo.l grown froM high quo.llty seed or vegetntlve Mo.terlo.l, (stolons or plugs), 1.,,1pon soil treo.ted with (lpproprlo.te-Sto.te-o.nd Feclero.l regulo.tory agency opproved pesticides for c:ontrol of d1se-o.ses~ Insects, o.nd weeds, Ji; shnll be produced 1n fields per1od1co.lly Inspected toy the C0llforn1-, D"po.r-tM,.nt of tood o.nol Agr1L.ulture-1 Nur$ery Section to insure high qua.llty and f'ree-doM fror1 cllSl!'o.5~5, ln5ects~ o.nd weecis o.ccordlng to the sto.ndnrds In effec:"t In the c:ur-rent puk>llshed 'Sto. te of Caltfornlo. Regula tlon~ for Nursery InspPctlon." Sod Str-ength, Tnl<:kn~s" of Cut, nnd Roll"r Slo.1:> s1ze1 Sod strength sho.11 be such that the soa rolls or sl0b11 rrio.y be ho.ndled, l1fte,d1 a.nd Moved without substo.ntlo.l bre-o..klng or teo.rlng. Sod sho.ll be cut by 1""10.Ch!ne to a. soil thickness of between 1/4' o.nd 5/8', not 1ncluoltng top-growth or tho. tcl'I. Stze of rolls or slobs sho.11 b• consistent to the suppliers sto.ndo.rd wtolth o.nd length nnd Is not to vo.ry 'by r,ore tho.n 2% In each dl1"1en:slon. Molstur~ Content o.n~( Ccndltlcn Llf Tcp~Grcwth, Moisture content of sod at harvest or during transport sho.ll bl.' :5.uCh o.s to not o.dversely affect tro.nsplo.nto.blllty, (nelth~r toe w~t nor too dry). Top-growtn ,;ho.II be of goool color o.nd be untfcrMly Mowed uc:c:ordlng to o.ccepto.ble l'IOWlng heights for the 91v~n turf. Ex:c:11t:ss.' dippings and other surfo.ce debris s:ho.H hove been ref"love-ci, Ho.rvesteci sod shall bie delivered o.nci lnsto.lled within 24 hours In wo.rr'I weo.ther or 36 hours In cool weather-, Sod not lnstalli?d within these-tlMe-periods sho.ll b~ Inspected o.nd o.pprove,ci Or" r~Jectl!ci by th!! Lo..nd~co.p~ Arehlte-ct. Subst1tut1ons, Sulostltutlons shall not loe perMltteol wlthout the exprie-s:s written a.pprova.l by the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect. Tre-~ Stn.klnQ Mo.te-r10.l1 I, Stakes for Tree Sctpport• o.. lvocd Stokes• Sto.kes shall b• ,stro.lght grained lodgepole pine, Stoke" snoll to., fr.,e froM knots, checks, splits, bends, or dlsf'lgureMents, Mlnlru..11'1 noMlno.l size sho.ll be 2' In dto.~eter x 10' long o.nd pointed at one end. Adjust to fit tre .. 01zo,, Trl'at with copper naphth0.no. ti!', 2. Tr•• supports shall toe rubber Gro~Str-o.lght tree tlP<I, o.llow1ng liMlte-d trunk Mover1ent. Jut• Mo.tt1ng1 Jute-Mnttlng shall loe bf ht!>l"lp r..atl!'r"'IO.l Which IS heo. vy Jute Mesh of o, 1.,mlf'orM plQ.ln open w•o.ve of unbleoche-ol single Jute yarn o. vero.glng 130 pounols per spindle. The yarn sl'lo.11 be of loose-ly tw1steol CL1nstruct1on ho..v1ng an o.vero.g~ twist of not less than 1.6 turns pier Inch und 5ho.U net vo.ry In thh:;;kness of l"'IOre tho.n 1/2 It's norMo.l dlo.rieter, The Jute r1e-sh sho.ll be furnished In approxt~o. tely 90 pouna roll strips, Mulct'\ Cov,.r, Mulch cover-shall consist of o. un1forr1, gr-ouna redwood or f'1r P10.terkll, deu.r of debris or-deleterious fl'IO.tt"rlo.l, Size i.:ho.ll be-1/2' -2" equal to Fo.r-Vest For-e'.!.:t'.!.: "\Ja.lk-on-Bo.rk', Provide depth of 2" MlnlMUl"'I over finish gro.d!I', Curbs, wnlks. or other po. vlng sho.ll be loco:teci l' over the top of the Mulch covil'r, No bo.re eo..r-th sho.ll be showing throu9ti Mulct'! cover. • PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSPE:CTIDN1 A, Ver-tfy tho. t ftno.l gro.dl's ho.w lol'•n l'Stablt-d pr-tor to Dl'glnnlng plo.ntlng op•ro. ttons. B, Inspect tree11, shrubs, o.nd liner stock plo.nt l'lo.t•rto.l f'or tnJ.,.ry, Insect lnf'es;to. tlon o.nd tr••s o.nd shrubs: f'or lrw.prope-r prurilng, C, Do not lo,0;1n planting unU trrtgo. tton Mo.lnltne pressure t,rst o.nol trrtgo. tlon coverage test o.r-e o.ccepted, 3,oe PREPARA TIDN, A, Stoke out loco. tlons f'or-plo.nts o.nol outllnc, of plo.nttng to•ds on the ground with non-toxic substo.nce as gypsur,, :S, Do not lo,rgtn exco.vo.tton until plant loco.tions ana plant toeds o.re o.ccep"tQble to La.ndsco.pe Architect. 3.03 INSTALI..ATION• A, Exco. vo. tton for Plo.nt1ng1 b, 1. Pits o.nd Trenches.1 o., Sho.pe-1 (l) Vertlco.l Slcl•s anal flo.t bottOl'I, (i!:) Plo.nt pits to be squo.r-e l'or <10>< MO. t .. rlo.~ clr-culo.r for-co.nn~d Mn t•rlo.l. S1ze1 (I) All plo.nt pits for" llhr"uloS sho.ll b,o olug t"'"" th• dto.Meter o.ncl tw1c.. tne depth of tn.. root loo.II. ReFer to the plo.n!i f'or slz~ of tree plo.nt pits. B. Pr.-po.ro. tlon or Plo.ntlnQ Arll!'o.s• I, The o.reo. to be plo.nt~d sho.11 be a•l'p-rlpp1td to o. dl'pth of twelve (12) Inches. The deep-ripping shall be dontt In o. cross po. ttern, o.f'ter the s.ttliP ho.'!ii been rough gro.ol•d., Q.nd prior to spreaoltng soil O.l'lenaMents o.nd conditioners, All rocks which o.re greo.ter tho.n two !riches In dlalfle-ter,. "e-o.sur-e-d o.t their lo.rgest dlo,l"leter, shnll bl!?-rE>Moved f'rol"I the top two (2) Inches cf the ripped o.rea, At tl'le cof!lplet1on of the-deep-ripping op~ro.tlons, the-o.r~o.:5 to receive top soil o.nd/or soil conditioners sho.11 be brought to o. SMooth, un1f'orl'I s1,,1rfo.ce free of ruts, furrows and ottutr" lrre-gularltles, Acclderito.l swo.Le-s o.nd ~ounds sho.U be llMlted on one-inch vert!co.l devlo tlon froM a regulo.r ,..,.rfo.ce. DD NOT C□NDITl□N SOIL ON SLOPES OVER 3•1, 2. A.Pter-o.ppro)(IMote-flnl»h£"d gro.des ho.ve been esto.lollshect soil sho.ll k)e conolltloned and fertilized. Actual 1'10.terlo.l11o a.nd ro.tl!'s sha.ll be deter"l"llned by the soils lo.boro.tory recof"tt"te-ndo. t1ons. The-following MO. ter10.ls o.nd ro:tes o.re included for lo1dd1ng purposes only, Once the soils report ho.s: been revli&1wed o.nd bid costs o.dJu-ste-d occordlngly~ th• Owner sho.ll issue a field not1f1c:o.t1on for the o.ctua.l O.Menct,ie-nts, ro.te$, a.nd r10.nner of lns:to.llo.tlon. For bidding purposes, Nltroge-n -sto.b1llzed orgo.nlc o,!"'lendMent, O.l"'tMOnluM pnospho.te and gypsul'I shal~ o.t the following rat,.,., be unlforrily spread <>nol ,;;ulttvo.ted thoroughly by ME'O.ns of Mecho.ntcol tiller tnto th" top 6' of soil. o., Planting Beols• (1) Nitrogen s:ta.blllz•d orgQnlc o.M•ndm•nt1 4 cu. yds. per-1,000 sq. ft. (2) CcMMerclnl f.,rt1llzer 12-12-12, 15 lbs. per 1,000 sq, t't. (3) Agrtcul turo.l gypsul'I• 200 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. to. tr... ond Shrub Bo.ckflU, (1) 6 ports by voluMe on-site soil (2) 4 part$ by vol""'" nltrog•n stablll2•cl orgo.nlc o.l'lendMent (3) 1 lb, 12-12-12 fertllizl'r per cu, ya (4) 10 lbs. 0gr1cultural gypsu01 per c:u, y,l. (5) 2 lbs, lrcn ,;ulphd t• per c:u, yd. 3, All SOIi o.reo.s sho.ll be COMpacted o.nd s"ttled by 0ppllco.tl0n of heo. vy lrrlga tlon to o. Mlnlf'IUM depth of twelve (12) inches. C. F'ln&I Gr-o.aes• After-tl'I" for•gOlnQ sp,t<:lfl<lol <l••P wo. ter1ng, r11nor r1oalflca tlon to graolt> Mo.y be required to establish the f1no.l gro.de. These-o.reo.s sho.ll not be worke-ol until the-Moisture c:ont•nt ho:;: b•~n r~duc~d to a point where-working It Will not de-str-oy soil :5truc:ture, I. Finish gro.ollng sho.ll Insure prop•r olr<1lno.g• of th• site. 2. All nr•o." shall loe gro.dotol so tno.t tne ftno.l grades w111 b,o l' below o.ciJo.cent pove-ci o.reo.s, sidewalks, VQlve boxws, o.nd 2' In groundcove-r o.r~o.s, 3. Surf-,ce aro.1n<>9e sho.U k>e o."o.y froM 011 bullatng founolc,ttons, 4, EllMlno te o.H erosion sc;:;o.r.$, 5, At tll'le of plo.nt1ng, the top two Inch"" of o.11 nr•o." to b• planted or seeoled shall be free cf stones, stul'lps, or oth•r deleterious 1"'10.t"ter 1' In dlo.Meter or lo.rger1 o.nd sho.ll b~ fre-e f'r-ol'I a.tt wlre1 plaster, or SIP'lll0:r obJects tt,o.t would loe o. hlndro.nce to pla.nt1ng or Maintenance, 6, Finish grading :sho.ll be consistent o.nd free" fror1 undulo. ttons, 1rregulo.r1t1es or depressions, Areo.s fllh,ol by f'loa. ting loose-soil Into depres.5lona i..ho.ll b11r thoroughly wo. te-red to e-nsure r:oMpo.ctlOh, D, Dispose of Excess Soll• Dispose of uno.c:c•pto.bl• or" unused •xc•ss soil off-»lti&1. E, Erosion Control< Insto.11 Jut• '"""h on oil slopes In l'Xcess of 2,1, o.nd o.ll 2,1 slopes over five <5') high, Only tnstnll Jut• Mes:n MO. terlo.l on slope» to recewe groundcover MO. terto.l fro"' -Flo. t15 or i;;;-ont(llrters. Do not plo.ce Jut• Me:5h on o.reo.s to r~celvl!' -turf or hydroseec:Ae-d f'i'IO.terlo.ls, Verify Jute Mesh loco.t1ons with the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect prior to tn,.to.lla tton, Jute l'lesh shall be place,d during the 1'1'110.lnteno..nce pho..:s:e when nncl o.s dlr-ec:ted by th• Lo.nolsco.pe Architect where ~oil "ro,.lon ,,. evident, Jute l'lesh sho.ll be lnsto.lleol loosely, up o.nd down the slop• 1n a vertlca.L Manner. The lnsto.lled ""sh n .. tt1ng sho.ll flt the soil surfo.ce contour and saho.ll toe held In place loy nine Inch (9') long, 1l ga.uge l'llnlr1ul'1 st~el wire sto.ples driven vertlca.lly Into the-soil o.t o.pprox1,.,<1te1y twenty four Inch (24") spo.ctng. Jute ,.esn netting strips shall overlap o.long the sides o. t leo.st six inches (6'), LQ.p o..ll ends of rolls: o. fYllnlMUM of twenty four Inches (24'), F. Mo.tnteno.nce of rtno.l Graa•s• It sl'lo.ll b" the r-esponslblilty of tl'ie Contr-o.ctor to Mo.1nta1n the final gr-o.ol•s throughout th<r Constr-uc;:tlon Pho.liv, All erosion shall be properly repolred n t th• contro.ctor-1s expens~ to thf> □wne-r's so. t1sfo.c:t1on. Any slope soll run-off onto <1dJ0cent p<l ving o.reo.s sho.11 be cleo.neci regulo.rly by the Contro..ctor. 3,04 PLANTING INSTALLATION A. Gener-o.ll 1, Actct .. l plo.nttng shall H pl'rfor-M•d olurtng thos• pl'rlods when weo. ttier ().nd :,:oil conditions are sulto.ble o.nd In o.ccordo.nce .. 1th lo,.nlly o.ccepted practice, o.s o.ppr-oved by the Lanolsco.pe Architect. 2. □nly o.:5 Mo.ny plo.nts o.$ con bf" plo.nte-d o.n~ wo.ter,.,-d on thnt. sar1e do.y sho.U be d1str1buted In a planting o.reo., 3, Cont0.tners sho.ll be opened o.nd plo..nts: »ho.ll be r&Mov•d In suc.h n tl'lo.nner tho..t the ball of eo.rth surroundtng the roots l:5 not broken o.na the-y shall kle plnnted o..nd wo.tt!'re!d o.s he-rein speclf'led IMMedlo.tely ofter rel'<'!ovol ft"'-OM the conto.1ners. Conto.1ner-s shall not be op.,ned prior to placing the plo.nti.: In thw plo.ntlng o.reo.. I. C. D, E, W••ol Contr-011 I, ,l\ft•r s<>ll pr•Pt.l"O. tton o.nd ••to.toltsh,.•nt o, f'lno.l gro.d.01 prior to any pto.ntlng, tM Contractor shall tr-r-lgo.t• tnoroughly for o. per1ocl of t1r1e, two to thr-•• w••ks, until the weecl .!H••cls ho.v• Q•rl'llno.t.-d. \t/hl'n there IS s.ufflclent weed seed ger-Mlno. tlon, ti'\" Contro.,.tor sno.11 o.pply o. post er1.,r111>nt canto.ct her-btclde o.ccorollng to the directions cf the 010.nufo.cturer, conforMlng to o.ny o.nol o.ll cod"s effecting h~rblclde ho..nolllng o.nd U!iie', The-Contro.ctor sha.H th@'n WO.It an o.ddltlono.l two (2) w .... k,. to o.llow the ho,rbl<:lole to dlsstpo. te, then plo.nt o.s tnatco. tea In the plo.ns o.ncl spec1f1cn tlons. The Contro.ctor :.hQll rc-l"tova o.ny reslduo.l follo.ge-, Roots shall bl!' rl!'Movl!'cl ll!'xce,p-t on slopes 211 or greo.. te-r whet"'t-they sho.ll reMo.ln to o.olol to the s.lop• stability. Lo.y-out of Mo.Jar l"lo.nt1ngs• I. LocQ t1ons of plo.nts o.nol outliMs of' ar-•o.s to lo• plo.nt•a sho.11 toe rio.rked on tl'I" gr-ound with gypsuM oy the Contro.c:tor before o.ny plant pits o.ro, olug, All s"ch loco.ttons shall be approved by the L<1nolsc0pe Architect, If o.n unc;.,rground construction or 1,,1t1llty line l:'!i t-nt':ountctriPct 1n the exco.vo.tlon of plo.ntlng o.rf!'o.s~ othe-r-locntlons f'or plo.ntlng Mo.y be s~le-cte-d by the Lo.ndsco.pe-Archlti!-ct. ~antlnQ of' Tr-••• o.nol Shrubs1 I. Exco.vo.tton for plo.ntlng sl'lo.ll lnclucl• th• stripping and sto.cktng of o.ll nccepto.ble top sotl encountered within th., areas to b" exc:avo.t"d for trencho,s, tree holes, plant pits o.nol plo.nttng o,ods. 2. Excess soil genero.t .. ol fror, th• plo.nttng hol•s ana not usea o.s bo.c:kflll or tn o,sto.bltshtng the final gro.oles sho.ll b" rel"'loved frof"l the site, 3, Protec1: all o.rens frol'I exc•sstv. coMpo.ctlon "hen trucking pl<>nts or other Mater-to.ls to th• planting site. 4, i'ill ~1<L.o.vo.t1Pd hollf':5 '.!'1:ho.ll ho.v1t vertlco.l slde-:S Witt'! r-ougt,e,n,pd surf'o.ces, 5. Center plo.nt In pit or tr•nch, 6. Face plants "1tn full•st gr-owth Into prevailing .,,na, unless otherwise directed by the Lo.nolsco.p,t Architect. 7. Set plo.nt pluMb o.ncl hold rigidly In po.,1t1on until soil no.s been to.Mpea flrl'lly around root boll, 9. All plo.nts which settle deE"per tho.n sp•clfl,rol o.bov• shall be ro.iseci to the corre-ct level. After the plo.nt ho.s: been plo.ced, o.daltlono.l backfill shall be o.dded to the hol<' to cover appro~IMately one-ho.If of the height of the root boll. At thl,s sto.ge, WO ter ,sho.ll be o.dcled to the top of th .. po.r-tly filled hole to thoroughly SQturo.te the root b<>II <1nd o.dja.ci•nt soil. 9. Co.n Re~ovoll o.. Cut i;;;o.ns on t•o slcl•s with 0n o.cce-pto.bl• ca.n cuttii'r, b, Do not lnJur• root ball, c, Do not cut co.ns with spo.ae or ox. d. Co.rli'f'ully rirMove-plo.nt$: without Injury or do.l"IO.g• to root bo.11. "· After reMovtng plant, sup•rf'lcto.lly cut eag•-roots with kntt'e on thr-ee sides, 10. lo~ Rel'lovo.lo a. ReMov,. bottol'I of plo.nt bo""" b•for• plo.ntlng, b, ReMove-!Jld,r,5 of' box *lthout ci0.1"'10.Q~ to root ball o:fte-r pos1t1on1ng plo.nt o.nd po.rtto.lly backfilling, II, Dig planting hole,,o to O.C<eOMMOolo. te root b<>lls, 12. Ho.nd plOCI? plo..nts whll.""'h nre In conto.lne-rs: less tho.n Ol'llf gnllon size, 13. Hand backfill o.nol ho.na to.Mp leo. vlng o. ,;light depr-•sston nround bQs•s of plonts, 14, After th" water has c0Mpl,.t1rly drained, plo.nttng to.bl,rts sho.ll b~ plo.cl!'d 0.5 lndlco. ted below. a. One tabl.,t p.,r one-go.lion c:ont<1tnrr-, b. Two to..bhi."--tS pwr flve-go.llon con1;o.toer. c, Seven tnlolets pe,r 1s~go.Uon conta.ln•r. 1:5, The reMo.tnder-of the hole sho.11 then be bo.ckUlea, 16, Planting tabh,t" shnll be set with e<1ch plant on the top of' the, root bo,ll While the plo.nts Qt"'~ ~till In thi!'lr c:ontalne'r"'S so tn., reqwr•d nuMber-of to.blets to be useol In each hole co.n be eo.slly verified. 17, Aft,.,. bockftlltng, o.nd eo.rth•n b<1,01n sn-,11 to• constructed around <'Och plo.nt, Eo.ch basin shall bl' of <1 olepth suff1c:1ent to held o..t l•o.:st tow Inches: of wo.ter. Bo,!:lns snail toe of a size sutto.k>le for the 1na1v1duo.l plant, In no co.s,; sho.11 th" basin for <> IS-go.lion plo.nt be less than four (4) feet In cilo.fl'!eter-J n 5-gnllon plo.nt be l•s:s than thrcte (3) feet tn alo.l'leterJ o.nd o. 1-go.llcn plant be less than two feet In ollo.Meter, The bo.slns sho.11 be constr-uctea of o.Mend~d backfill SOil. 18, Pruning, o.. Pruning sho.ll be-u...itit-d to the l"'llnlf"IUM MC1tss0.ry to re,.ov"' tnJur-,.d t.,1gs o.nd brc,nches nna to col'lpen~o. ti' for los:s: of roots during tro..nsplo.ntlng, but never to exceli'd Onie-third of the bro.nc:hlng structure. Upcn o.pprovo.l of tne Lo.nasco.p• Arcntt .. c:t pruning l'lo.y be aone b,.for" d•llv .. ry of plo.nt, but not before plo.nt,o l'lo.ve to""n Inspected <1nd o.pproveol, I'll. Stoking o.nd Guying, o.. Sto.klng of all trees sho.ll conforM to tr-"• ,oto.klng and tref! guying a«-to.ns. b, One tree cf eo.ch size sho.11 lo• sto.k•ol anol o.pproveol by th~ Lo.nd:sco.pl!' Architect prior-to contlnu.-ol "Ito.king, Plo.ntlng of Grounolcovo,rs, 1. Groundcover plo.nts sho.ll b• grown 1n f'lo.. ts~ p•o. t pot ii, scolded or to.ken as cuttings, o.s 1na1c0 t,od on the plo.ns, Flat-grown plo.nts, (rooted cuttings), shall re.,o.ln tn tho•• flo.ts until tro.nsplo.ntlng. The flo.t's soil sho.ll c:ont01n suff1c1ent l'\Otsture so th<1t 1t will not fall apart when lifting the pl<>nts, If pl<1ts fr-oM peat pots o.r" usect th<t pots sho.11 b., prot .. .-t .. d ot o.11 tlMes prior to plo.nt1ng to prevent unn,.cesso.ry drying of the root ball, 2. Unrooted cuttings sho.11 be 10' or MOre 1n l"ngth. They 3. !i, sho.ll be-Insect and dlS!'O.Se free tip cuttlng:5 frOM heo.lthy, v1gorol.ls and strong-growing plo.nt5, Mo. tYr'=' or brown-color.-d steM growths or cuttings which ho..v~ be-en trll"IME-d or r"'Ooted before planting will not be o.ccepted, Cuttings sho.11 b" planted not l'\ore tho.n two do.ys o.fter cutting and sh.,11 not be o..llowf!'d to ctry or wither. Groundcov.r sho.11 bl' plo.nt•a 1n !ltro.1gnt r-ows o.nol evo,nly s:po.L.ecl,. unl•:;:s: otherwise note-ct o.nd o.t Intervals called out on the-dro.wlngs. Trlo.nguto.r spo.cing sho.ll be usl!'d unle:!:5 otherwise ncte-ol on the dro.w1ri9s. Plants sno.lt be loco.ted o. r10x11"1ul'I dtsto.nce of' 1/e the sp<1c1ng d1sto.nce froM adjacent po. v1ng, curbs,. or othl'r edge-s:, Eoch rooted plo.nt sho.ll toe plo.nted with it's <1pproprlo.t• O.MOYn-t of f'lo. t soil In Q l'lo.nner tho. t will Insure Mlnll"'ll.tM dlsturbo.nCE' of' the r-cot -;.y<i:;t.-Pt. To o..vold drying out, pl0nt1ngs shall bo, ll'IM.,ollately sprinkled o.fter plo.nt1ng until the-ehtlre o.reo. IS soo.ked to thlf' f'ull d~pth of' @-0.Ch hole-,. unLP-ss otherwise-noted on the olrnw1ngs, Care sho.11 be exercised at oil ttMes to protect the plo.nts after pl<1nt1n9. Any do.Mo.ge to plo.nts by tro.Mpllng or other opero.tlcn:5 of this t:ontract sl"loll be repo.lred lMMl!'dlo.tlf'ly loy the Contractor, f'. Sodding of Lawns, I, Lo.wn shall b• soaa•d tn o.ll o.r•o.s o.s c1 .. not•d on plo.n, 2. o.. ReP1ove a.ll rocks, weeds1 o.nd diebrls: froPI thit o.~•o. to be "odciO'g, Work up soil to o. depth of 6 Inches, o.nd break up <111 clods, Add ten <LO) pound" of 16-20-0 fertilizer per 1,000 squo.re f'eet of lo,wn nreo.. o.rtd Mix tnoroughly with soil o.l'lendMent!i, b. Co.r,.fully sriooth oil ,oc.,rfo.co,s to be sodolecl. Soll surf'o,ce should be 1" below wo.lks, po.t1os, o.nd artvewo.ys to accoMModo.te sod thickness, Roll1n.i o.r"o, 1ttlll expose soil depre-sslong: er :surfo.cll!' lrregulo.rltles o.nd r,lnlMlzir e-xc:esslvl!' settling, c. Spreo.ol 16-20-0 fertilizer onto th• soil •venly o.t the ro. te or ten pounds per 1,000 sq, ft. o.nd r-ake 1n lightly, Be sure the surfa.c&-Ui level o.ncl !il'IOO-th befor• lo.yln.i sool, Avolol laying sod on dr-y soil. d, Lo.y first strip of soa slabs along o. straight line, (use o. string In Irregular o.reo.s), Butt Joints ttghtlyJ olo not overlap edg,.s, On s"cond strip, stagg•r Joints, Use o. shorp knife to cut sool to flt <:• .. wv~s, edge-s o.nd sprinkler hl!'o.ds, e, Do not lo.y entire lawn before wo.tertng, When o. convenie-ntly lo.rg., <1rlla ho. 1o.,,m "odolva, W<l ter lightly to prevll!'nt drying, The wo.rrw.er o.nd drying the--we-o. the-r-, the greo.ter-the need for thtoa fnst lnltlo.l .. o.terlng, Continue to lo.y sod o.ncl to water until tnsto.llo. t1on ts c;:oMpletli'. f, After-lo.ytng o.ll soot roll lightly to eliMlno.te 1rregc,lo.r1t1es o.nd to forr, o. good contact between sool o.nd soil, A heo. vy roller or excessive In1t10.t wo. tertng l'IO.Y co.use roller Marks o.nd should be o. volcied, or re-sodding sho.ll be necesso.ry o.t no o.ddltlonQl co:st to the □wner, Q, \lo.ter thoroughly the coMpletea lawn surface, Soll should be IYIOl:!itened o.t leo.st B Inches deep, Repeo.t sprinkling o.t regular 1nterva.ls to ke-e-p scd F"IOlst o..t oil ttMes until rooted. The first 10 olo.ys o.fter lnsto.llo.t"lon o.re-crltlco.l .. After sod 1:i; e:§tabllshed, decreo.se frequency and o.Mount of' wo.ter pe-r 0ppllco.--t1on to an o.c;r,;;:e-pto.bll!' hn1el. R"-soadlng• "· All bo.re spots sho.ll be re-sodded loy the Contro.ctor within 10 olo.ys of soaollng, The Contractor sho.11 be respon:,;.lklle for o.ll re-sodded o.reo.s f'or o.s long o.s o.fter sodding o.s nei::esso.ry until a.nd acct>pto.bhi:' stand of gro.ss Is o.tto.lned o.nd o.pproved. b. All turf-loco. ted tree bo.slns shll.ll be reMoved o.nd re s:odoled 30 day5 prior to l!'nd of th~ Mo.lnter,o.nce Period. \ ' 3.03 CLEAN-UP• A. Aft~..-nil plnntlng op.,ro.t1ons no.v• b"•n coMplo,ted, r•Mov" o.11 tro.sh, excess soil, er,pty plant c:ontatn,.rs anol rubbish fro01 the property, All sco.rs,. ruts or other Mar-ks In the-ground cnuse-d by thl5 work sho.11 be rep01red o.na the ground left In o. neo.t o.nd orolerly condition throughout the site. The Contro.ctor shall pick up o.U tro.sh resulting fror1 this work no less frequently tho.n eo.t:h Frldo.y loefore leo.vtng the site, once o. week, nnol/or the last working da.y eo.ch •~~k throughout the Construction Phase-. All tr-nsh sholl loe re-Moved COl"'lpletely fr-oM t~ site. B, The Contractor shall leo.ve the site area broori-clean o.na sho.ll wo.sh down o.ll po.v~d o.r•o.• w1th1n the contro.ct o.reo., leo.v1ng the pr-eMl:5es In o. c:leon conolltlon thro1,,.1ghout tne Construction Pho.s:e-, -END- Kobzeff & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 105 Phone: (714) 770-7340 Associates ENIIIRONMENTAL DESIGN Loguno Hills Colifornio 92653 FAX: (714) 770-8385 "AS BUILT" TITLE: --------DATE ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVIEWED BY: ENGINEERING PLAN CHECKER DATE INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ t-----"--+--r---------------1---1---1---1----1 :,C~=o=='--====P=LA=N=N::::IN:=G=D=EP=A=R=TM=E°"N::::T==:-!...!~==o=:! DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ,NGINEER OF WOR REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL MARVISTA LOTS APPROVED • _/"_ /----z-7 / ~ ~ s. (II¼'_,; . A ASSISTAN i'Y"'LANMNI,; DIRECTOR DWN BY: __ /_ CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. MS 97-05 PUD 97 OB 1-4 /Z-Z1t.4 "7 7 DRAWING NO. 359-3L CMWD 97~C 457