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SCOTT REDSUN SHEET INDEX= 1 TITLE SHEET 2 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION PLAN 3 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLAN 4 LANDSCAPE PLANTING PLAN 5 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 6 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 7 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 8 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS 9 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS 10 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS 11 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE LICENSED DESl6NER OF V'kJRK FOR THl5 PROJECT, THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE GHAR6E OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6103 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS GODE, AND THAT THE DESl6N IS CONSISTENT NITH CURRENT STANDARDS TO THE BEST OF MY KNOV'ILEDGE. ENGINEER'S SIGNATIJRE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED A n JC-7.,,,v,;, • • '• -¥{/tJ! "'!JJlil. C.JVJJ,. Elf&/C. ATE Ko bzeff & Associates LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENIARONMENTAL DESIGN 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 105 Laguna Hills Colifornio 92653 Phone: (714) 770-7340 FAX: (714) 770-8385 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT' TITLE: ------DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAV'!IN6S AND SPECIFICATIONS BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE SAN DIEGO DEPT OF ENVIRONMENT AL I SH1EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~1 i----i---------i-------------------11----11---------.--------.----1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT L.!...!..J t----t----t----------------,i-----<>------+-----0-----1 HEAL TH IS CONFINED TO REVIEV'! ONLY AN DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, THE LICENSED DESIGNER OF V'!ORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN . THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE li'IITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, V'!ATER CONSERVATION PLAN AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO LANDSCAPING . DATE INITIAL _NGINEER OF WOR1 DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL MARVISTA LOTS 1-17 - APPROVED. ,?/ ,,/ I/ ./J "r. 7/2" ·-'r'7 b. ~E:'.'___---':;l._~.1.1..::t /f.:t;'-4..'· X____.j ASSISTANT '1'!.ANNl)(G DIRECTOR' . DWN BY: ,' PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: • CT 97-08 RVWD BY: 359-91 ® 0 EXl5TIN6 l"IOOO P'ENGIN6 ~ __ ,---+--, ---_-x'--~~:---l-_--x:----'---+--:-----l---:----. ---~1-x,--..,./-.x'-----+/x,--===i:------r-=== - I. 0 G [3 0 91...oi-! V1!!61!TATI LDABLE AREA -Ml.l<!!DNATI ~ (J1 LI) () II PROPERTY LINE 5 .,::. \~ 1-"'l) ~ 6!:NERAL NOTES, I. ALL Y'IORK SHALL CONFORM TO AF'f>LICA&.E LOCAL CODES. 2. CONTRAc.TOR SHALL MAKE HIM5ELF RJLL Y Al"IARE OF SITE CONDITION!'; PRIOR TO I55(.IING BID. LAC,K OF KNO~ED0E OF EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS SHALL NOT BE A BASIS fOR ADDITIONAL (,()!;,TS DURING CON5TRIJC,TION. :I. CONTRAC-TOR SHALL VERIF'Y LOC-ATIONS OF ALL UNDER6ROVND UTILITIES.PRIOR TO ANY EXC,,..VATION, ,,._NY DAMN';,E TO EXISTIN6 SITE ELEMENT5,tlTILITIES SHALL ElE IMMEDIATELY AND Pl'i?OF'ERLY R.EPAIRE:D TO IT'S FORMER STATE AT NO ~ITIONAL COST TO THE OHNER. ~- 5. b. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSc.APE ARc.HITEc.T IMMEDIATELY 5HOIJLD ANY DISCREPANCIES BE FOUND ON THESE PLANS. ANY HORK DONE PRIOR TO RECEIVING A CLARIFICATION MAY REQUIRE REMOVAL AND RECONSTRUCTION BY THE C,ONTRAC-TOR AT THE CONTRAc.TOR'S vOST. CONTAAC-TOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARGHITEvT IMMEDIATELY SHOULD FIELD CONDITIONS VARY FROM PLAN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT HILLFIA..LY PROCEED l"IITH C.ONSTRUGTION AS DESIGNED HHEN IT 15 OBVIOUS THAT UNKNOHN 065TRUGTION5 AND/OR GRADE DIFFERENvES EXIST THAT MAY NOT HAVE BEEN KNOHN DUR.ING DESl6N. 51.JGH CONDITIONS SHALL BE IMMEDIATELY BROU6HT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSc.APE ARCHITECT. THE C.ONTRAc.TOR SHALL A551JME RJLL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALL NEC.ESSARY RE:YISIONS DUE TO FAIWRE TO GIVE SIJCH NOTIFICATION PRIOR TO HORI<. e. vONTAAC-TOR SHALL MAINTAIN A QUALIFIED SUPERVISOR ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES DUR.IN6' vONSTRIJCTION THROUGH COMPLETION OF PIGK-UP HORK. •t AT THE TIME OF BID, THE CONTRAC-TOR SHALL MAKE THE Ol"INER AHARE OF THE EXPECTED CONDITION OF THE SITE PRIOR TO HIS Y'IORK. SHOULD Y'IORK BY OTHERS, PRIOR TO THE CONTRACTORS MOVING ON-SITE, CAUSE ADDITIONAL EXPENSES TO THE OHMER, THE CONTAAC-TOR SHALL NOTIFY THE OV'INER OF THE EXPENSES PRIOR TO ANY Y'IORK BEING DONE OR THE C.ONiRAC.TOR MAY ASSUME l"ULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THESE ADDITIONAL EXPENSES. GRADING NOTES, ( 485, 5) (485,7 ) ! ~ I / 1 ARI l~ 1 0 ( 489, 5) .5' .l> ..n 0 I. THE C.ONTRAC TOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FINISH 6RADE5 BEIN6 SMOOTH HITHOUT HAVING LOH SPOTS OR 6RADING IRREGULARITIES . 2. HI-IERE PAVING AND FINISH 6RADE MEET, THE FINISH 6RADE SHALL BE DEPRESSED 2' IN SHRUB AREAS, AND I" IN TVRF AREAS. l[) Cl) "<t" "<t" Cl) "<f' y ® 12' V ,. sll © 4' "<t c-~ .I,. co "v (;, u, ® D ® @ 5 0 b 5 . "I' I ~ I 1BR ALT ,!) 4' ( 484, 8 0 If\ 1 UNICORNIO ( 486, 2 ) 0\ 'V QJ 'V ® l[) ® 'V Cl) e 'V 16' () N AVENUE ~ ro ro 'l" f\) ® 13' Ext5TIN6 STORM DRAIN EASEMENT (\J Cl a-, a -<t" 5 ® 14' I * ., 0 \ ® @ e, -9 () - B. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO MEET ALL EXISTING GRADES AT PROJECT BOUNDARIES. 4. CONTRAc.TOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THE ORIGINAL POSITIVE <SRADES AND DRAINAGE DESl6N. CONSTRUCTION LEGEND: (D DENOTES DOV'INSLOPE TO STREET @ DENOTES lb" SGll.JARE SPLIT-FACE BLOCK PILASTERS Cb) @ DENOTES 5PLIT-FAGE BLOCK RETAININ6 l"IALLS, SEE EN6'INEER'S PLANS FOR HEl6HTS @ DENOTES 6'-0' Hl6H SPLIT-FACE BL.Oc.K 6ARDEH HALLS ® @ DENOTES 6'-0" HIGH HOOD FENCE BETl"IEEN LOTS TYPICAL ® @ DENOTES :5'-0" HIDE BY b'-0' Hl6H l"IOOD SIDEYARD 6ATE TYPICAL @ G) DENOTES b'-0" Hl6H HROI.J6HT IRON FENCING HITH :1/4" VERTICALS AT 4' O.G. MAXIMJM @ @ DENOTES 4'-0" HIDE CONCRETE SIDEl"IALK5 HITH MEDIUM BROOM FINISH @ @ DENOTES CONc.RETE DRIVEHAY. INSTALL EXPANSION JOINTS AT GARME AND 6ACK,OF ClJR.B LOCATIONS. C.RAGK CONTROL JOINTS SHALL BE LOG,,._TED 50 PAVING, DOES NOT EXvEED 100 SGUARE FEET HITHOIJT A JolNT. @ l@J DENOTES 5HOVELC.UT PLANTING ED6E @ @ DENOTf5 SPLIT FAC-E 61..0C-K R.ETAININ6 l"IALLS HITH l'IOOD FENCE -ON TOP SIDE BETHEEN LOTS. TOTAL HEl6'HT NOT TO EXvEED t,•-o•. SEE ENGINEER'S PLANS FOR RETAINING l"IALLS. Kobzeff & Associates @ DENOTES 4'-0' HIDE EIY 6'-0" HI~ METAL 6ATE LOCATION LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN @ 23121 V9rdugo Drive, Suite 105 Loguno Hills California 92653 Phone: (714) 770-7340 FAX: (714) 770-8385 6 @) DOUBLE l"IIDE t,' Hl6H HOOD 6ATES @ APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUIL1' fjj) DENOTES COHC-RETE PIGNIG TABLE ON SLAB. TABLE AND IRRIGATION ONLY, SHALL BE MODEL GI-LBT-'16 PT BY G!IJIC:,K CRETE NORC,O, CA INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE: DATE @ ~~~rJiti5 SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY; AREAS. • INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE I SH2ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ULJ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 MARVISTA v~ LOTS 1-17 ~ ·~:, fs}-+, ·~ APPROVED -</"'/20 1./i· (jf -✓. "/, ASSIST ANT PL.A DIRECTOR -( '-1e~ * r I DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO.I _x _,,. 7_ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY; CT 97-08 359-9L ~~Of'~ ,NGINEER Of WORI REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER lf'PROVAL CITY lf'PROVAL RVWD BY: -- 0, ,,----------...... 485,7 -- -- G ' ....... ·. 0 - f I ~ l ------@] \ d:) \ 0 .,, .... ' . .. . .. , ~· .... . ·•. ... . . . . l 22· -'I UNICORNIO 0\ "<t" co "'I'" -- 'SI" co 'SI" 25' -- 21' PLANT HO TREES HITHIN EXISTINoS STORM DRAIN EASEMENT --PF I~ 21' AVENUE PLANT ZONE LEGEND, DENOTES ZONE I, tiuu') PLANTINo:!6 Ol" H"T""M.ID f'El'HJDA l'IARM SEASON 5RAS5. (1,.5B5 SQUARE FEET, OR 45.0 PERCENT OF TOTAL LANDSGAPE) DENOTES ZONE :2, (REFINED) LAND5GAF'E TYPIGAL SHRUB AND GROl...tIDCOVl:R PLANTIN65 (1,360 SQUARE FEET, OR 44.0 PERCENT OF TOTAL LANDSGAF'E) Df'NOTES ZONE B, (NAT\JRALIZIN6/TRANSITIONAL) LANDSCAPE SLOPE PLANTIN6S OF DROI.IGHT TOLERANT PLANTIN65 (1,e,e, t, SQUARE FEET, OR 11.0 Pf:RGENT OF TOTAL LANDSGAPE) DENOTES EXISTIN5 SLOPE VE6ETATION, (NON-IRRl6ATE:D) LAND5GAPE MIXED NATIVE AND NON-NATIVE SHRUBS AND 5RASS SUMMARY, TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA, TOT AL LANDSCAPE AREA, 6ROSS SITE ACREA6E, lb,1el SQUARE FEET .Be5 AGRES 2.4 AC-RES * NOTE, ALL TREES SHALL BE LOC-A TeD A MINIMUM OF 3'-0' OUTSIDE OF R.O.H. PLANTIN6 NOTES, I. ALL i"IC>RK SHALL GONFORM TO APPLIGABL.E LOC,AL GODE:S. :2. ALL TREES SHALL BE STAHDAF-!D IN FROM, UNLESS OTHER 1/ilSI!: SP!!:GIFIE:D, B. ALL PLANT LOC-ATIONS ARE DI.A6-RAMMATIG, AC-TUAL LOC.ATIONS SHALL 6E Vf:RIFIE:D 1/ilTH THE LANDSCAPE: ARCHITE:C-T PRIOR. TO PLANTING. 4. ALL PLANT MATERIAL HITHIN A SPEGIES SHALL HAVE IDENTIGAL FORM. ANY TREE DEEMED IJNAC-C,EPTABLE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL BE: IMM!=DIATELY REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND SHALL BE REPLACED WITH AN AC.GEPTABLE TREE OF. LIKE TYPE AND SIZE AT THE GONTRAGTOR~ ExPENSE. THE SAME SHALL HOLP TRUE FOR SHRUBS AND 5ROUNDGOVERS. ANY MATERIAL HAVINoS THIN OR SPARSELY 5PAC-ED ElRANC-HES SHALL E!E REJECTED. ANY MATERIAL APPEARING TO E!E UNHEALTHY, EVEN IF DETERMINED TO STILL BE ALIVE, SHALL NOT BE AGGEPTED. THE LAND¾APE: ARCHITECT SHALL BE THE SOLE: JUDGE: AS TO THE AC-CEPTAE!ILITY OF PLANT MATERIAL. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AB' LAYER OF SHREDDED REDWOOD 'i'W...K-ON" MlJLGH UNDER ALL PLANTINGS, LAYIN5 UPON THE SURFACE OF THE SOIL. THE l"U-GH SHALL BE: I" DEEP HITHIN PLANT BASINS. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR MULGH TYPE. NO E!ARE SOIL SHALL BE SHOHIN6. NO MlJLGH ON 3d SLOPES OR STEEPER, 6. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR HEED ABATEMENT f'RC)(;,RAM, 1, REFER TO SPEGIFIC-ATIONS FOR SOIL PREPARATION PRO<:;,RAM. e,. THE GONTRAGTOR. SHALL MAINTAIN THE PRO..EGT FOR. A PERIOD OF THIRTY, (00) DAYS. TREE LE6END: 6P -6EIJERA PARVIFLORA -AUSTRALIAN ll'llLLOW 15 C::,ALLON STANDARD MIN. HEl6HT KB -KOELREUTERIA BIPINNATA -GHINESE FLAME TREE 15 <:;,ALLON STANDARD 1'-f,' PG -PINUS GANARIENSIS -GANARY ISLAND PINE 15 <:;,ALLON P6 -PODOGARPIJS 5RAGILIOR -YEl/i PINE 15 <:;,ALLON STANDARD SHRUB LEGEND, AA -A6APANTHUS AFRICANUS -LILY OF THE NILE AR -AC-AGIA REDOLENS -PR05TRATE AC-AC-IA AT ,t.e,• O.G. MIN. SPREAD 2'-B' APR -ARGTOSTAPHYLOS UVA-IJRSI 'POINT REYES' -POINT REYES BEARBERRY AT 4-e' O.G. G6 -CARISSA t:,RANDIFLORA 'TUTTLE' --DHARF NATAL PLUM GYP C-EANOTHJS 6RISEU5 'YANKEE POINT' -YANKEE POINT C-EANOTHUS AT 4E>" O.G. EE -ESCALLONIA ESONIENSIS 'FRADES' -PINK PRINCESS ESCALLONIA HH -HEMEROC-ALLIS HYBRID STARBURST YELLOl'I' -EVER6REEN Dl'IARF DAY LILY LJ -Ll6USTRUM JAPONIGUM TEXAN.JM' -PRIVET LM-LANTANA MONTEVIDENSIS -TRAILIN6 LANTANA -4e," O.G. TRIANGULAR SPAGIN6 LMB-LIRIOPE HJSGARI B10 BLUE' -LILY TURF MP -MYOPORUM PARVIFOLIUM -PROSTRATE MYOPORUM ND -NANDINA DOMESTICA GOMPAC-TA' -DHARF HEAVENLY BAMBOO PF -PHOTINIA X ~SERII 'INDIAN PRINCESS' -DlliARF PHOTINIA PT -PITTOSPORUM TOBIRA HHEELER'S Dl'IARF' -Dl'IARF MOC,K ORAN6E PM -PODOGARPUS MAGROPHYLLUS MAKI' -SHRUBBY YEH PINE RI -RAPHIOLEPIS INDICA BALLERINA' -Dl'IARF INDIAN HAHTHORNE RJ -RHYNC-HOSPERMUM JASMINOIDES -STAR JASMINE 6ROIJNDCO\/ER LE6END, ffi DENOTES SODDED TURF. BERMJDA 'TIFGREEN', DENOTES EXISTIN6 SLOPE VE6ETATION, (NON-IRRl6ATED) LANDSCAPE MIXED NATIVE AND NON-NATIVE SHRUBS AND 5RAS5 PROTECT IN PLACE. DENOTES HEDERA HELIX 'HAHNII' -HAHN'S EN<E-LISH IVY FROM FLATS AT 12' O.G. TR.IAN151.JLAR SPAC-IN6 HITH MULGH 6ROUND COVER. PER. SPEGIFICATIONS. ~----""--·""·-·""· "'I-DENOTES SLOPE NURSE GROP HYDROSEED MIX, !!' ............... ., AL YSSUM 'GARPET OF SNOH' -B LOO/AGRE -.:.'f'¼»r.+?❖:{«~ AL YSSUM VIOLET GIUEEN' -4 LBS/AGRE MULGH -2poo LBS./AGRE BIOSOL FERTILIZER -1,200 LB5/AGRE SENTINAL BINDER -100 LBS/AGRE ~ DENOTES 6AZANIA Rl6ENS LEUC-OLAENA -TRAILIN6 6AZANIA ~ FROM FLATS AT If,' O.G. PLANT MATERIAL LE6END, {i£j DENOTES PLANT MATERIAL TYPE, SEE LE6END ABOYE w DENOTES QUANTIT,Y, AND SIZE, (24",.24" BOX, 156<'15 6ALLON, 56-:,5 6ALLON, 16=1 G>ALLON) VINE LE6END, DENOTES GLEMATIS VITIGELLA 'ETOILE VIOLETTE' -VIOLET STAR 5 0ALLON -SPLAY ONTO FENGE AND WALLS ~---NOTE, DASHED LINE DENOTES SIGHT LINES. NO PLANTIN<E-OVER 30" Hl6H WITHIN Sl6HT L INES. ITYPIGAL AT EAGH INTERSECTION) Kobzeff & Associates LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 105 Laguna Hills California 92653 ffp ~) Phone; (714) 770-7340 FAX; (714) 770-8385 "AS BUILT' APPROVED FOR PLANTING IIICl TH 1·-20· AND IRRIGATION ONLY, 00 '" ., I INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE; DATE EN~INi¥vR'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY; AP R VEO AREAS. • INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE I SH4ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD [jT] PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 MARVISTA v"'!'.' LOTS 1-17 APPROVED -5~~ ;;;. I ,f. f' f" • ASSISTANT P[)IIIJ' NING DIRECTOR DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY; CT 97-08 359-91 NGINEER OF WOR1 REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER N'PROVIIL CllY N'PROVIIL RVWO BY; 8 9 __,.,...---FINISH 6RADE ,,---CARSON li'Vl.lSTRIES 11<110-121' ll!OIJND GREEN BOX .----GUIC.K C,OIJPLIN6 VALVE .----RED BRIC.I<, (4 REQUIRED) .,---I CUBIC FOOT OF PEA GRAVEL f'-'-"T"TT! _,,.--19RA55 NIPPLE _,.---l'RA55 "10 DEc:!,R.E:E STREET eL.L _,---6" BRASS NIPPLE ,----MAINLINE PIPIN& AND FITTIN6 BRASS STREET ELL QUICK COUPLING VALVE IN BOX SCALE, NTS NOTE, ~DE 12" LON6 EXl"AN!SION .,---------FINISH 6RADE AT 1/2' BELOH TOP OFOOX ~-LATERAL LINE TO VALVES _,..--SC.H 40 PVC. MALE ADAPTEIV. GARSON INJJIJ5TRIES •141<1A-126, 6REEN SQUARE BOX HITH -'.:---""Jr~~:=:=:=~~~~rlJ]i;;=LOC.KABLE LID I -=I j i' II \t=UJz--u~~RPROOF HIRE CONNEC.TORS r' 11, Ii' I \\-,.1-r--REMOTE CONTROL VALVE -=1 I 1-1\U,~ PVC. SC.HEDULE 00 NIPPLE5 TYF'. ' ' I PVC. SCHEDULE 00 NIPF'L.E RISER LATeRAL LINE TO VALVES -tl----PRE~ MAINLINE SX5X5 \ ~~~----FITTIN& ~ C.OMMON AND C.ONTROL HIRES REMOTE CONTROL VAL VE, (ASSOCIATION) ~~t'LE• 1i,,,----C.QNNl!:GTOR AND C.ONTltOL Hll't!':S PROVIDE 12' MIN. I" PIG-TAILS ELEC.TRIC.AL OR MAN.JAL ANTI- SYPHON VALVE, INSTALL 50 THE AIR 6AP IS 6" ABOVE THE Hl0HE5T SPRINKLER HEAD ON THE VALVE C.IRc.lJIT __......-VAL VE HIRE FROM C.ONTROLLER f-----PVC. MALE THREADED ADAPTER COMMON HIRES .---6REY PVC. SCHEDULE 00 PIPE, ABOVE 6RADE. ATTACH TO LATERAL i'ilTH SXS SCHEDULE 40 FITTIN6S FINISH 6RADE &REY PVC. SCHEDULE 00 PIF'E, ABOVE ISRADE. ATTAGH TO MAINLINE i'ilTH SX5 SC.HEDULE 40 FITTIN65 10 ~OMEOWNER VALVE WIT~ AVB SCALE:• NTS 5 6 7 ,---------FINl!>H 6RADE ~~--¼l,::;~;;;;.!:!:l,;,;;./I i-----NON-F'RE5SIJRE LATERAL LINE _, I lilll Ii' 111 I =1 Ill Ii' Ill ~~@~\21: ml Ii' 11111 WI IITI ffi I I ,,_,, ,_, " II I II ,_I I,, ,_I-,,' TRENCHING DETAIL PRES51JRE MAINLINE . VALVE CONTROL HIRE: ....._ __ 2" DEEP C.LEAN, APf'ROll'ED BAGKFILL MATERIAL SCALE, NTS ,.--------FINISH 6RADE __.--PAVIN6, (SEE PLAN!;) _,.--BASE HATERIAL IF REGUIRED C.LEAN BACKFILL SOIL C.OMPAGTED TO MATC.H NATIVE 5URROUNDIN6 501L SAND BACKFILL AROUND PIPES TRENCHING UNDER PAVING DETAIL SCALE• NTS GATE VALVE ------G-RE~N fltOUND VALVE EIOX ,.---FINISH G-RADE EXTENSIONS AS REG!'D. ..,---c:!,ATE VALVE PVC SCH 00 MALE ADAPTER. PROVIDE l"-2" AIR SPAC-E BTHN BOTTOM OF VALVE AND TOP OF ROc.K. ,,---e" MINll"U-1 LAYER OF PEA 6RAVEL ~-RED BRIC.I< TYPIC.AL, 4 REGUIRED .f71--¥-+-~ SCALE1 NTS 3 4 TO POINT OF c.oNNEc.TION ADAPT AS Nr=C-E55ARY, ALL HORI< SHALL C.ONFORM TO ALL ,-"'PREY-;VRE REcSIA..ATOR ON RISER BRASS il'IYE STRAINER WbO MESH SCREEN APPLICABLE CODES BACKFLOH PREVENTER UNIT HITH BALL VALVES .. Pl.U6 12'Xl2'Xl2" THRUST BLOCK~ FINl5H 6RADE t! PVG ADAPTER AND PIPE ~ TO SPRINKLERS NOTE, BRA55 <10 DE6REE ELLS TYPICAL ,--EIRA!.S NIPPLES ~-i, TYPICAL BRA55 WION BRASS C.OUPLIN6 INSTALL PER C.MHD STANDARD DRAHIN6 IIH-20 RP B.ACKFLOW PREVENTER SCALE: NTS P0551EIL.E Loc.ATION OF PRES- SURE REOOLATOR IF NECESSARY, (BY OTHERS), DOHNSTREAM OF TEE TO IRRl6ATION MAINLINE. HOSE BIBB BALL OR 6ATE VALVE Loc.ATION (BY OTHERS) BRASS TEE, SIZE PER MAINLINE BRASS PIPE, SIZE PER MAINLINE __.--BRASS EIALL VALVE, LINE SIZE BRASS PIPE, SIZE PER MAINLINE FINISH 6RADE I. <O -SC.HEDULE ,40 10'-----t--;-------PVC. MAINLINE, BELOH 6RADE SERVIC.E LINE FROM HATER METER TO RESIDENC.E. r---------__:'.__FAGE OF E!IJILDIN6 HOMEOWNER POINT OF CONNECTION SCALE• NTS ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED INSPECTOR DATE "'~~ ~ ., ., " * i~'~\, ~ • )(l~:,e'•7-° \i'7 ~~~ DATE INITIAL NGINEER OF WORI REVISION DESCRIPTION 1 2 r------------FINl!!>f.l CSoRADE ,------...,c.=::::;----c.oNTROLLl=R MOVNTl!D IN VANDAL~ SLOPE TO DRAIN R.E:SISTANT ENc.LOSURE J..---VANDAL-RE515TANT ENC-I.OSI.IRE (PEDESTAL MOUNTED) J-t----120 VOLT POHER HIRES IN CONDUIT. INSTALL PER ALL APPLICABLE C.ODES _...-jf+-___ POHER SHITC.H ,..-.--DIRECT EllJRIAL C.ONTROL HIRES ,--10()% C.LEAR SILIC.ON RIJEIBER., I" HIDE, AT 45 AN6LE, HATER PROOFIN6, ,---120VAC-POIAIER IN C.ONDUIT PER ALL ELEC.TRIC.AL WDE REGUIREMENTS POURED GONC-RETE BASE 6' MIN. AND AS REG!'D BY MAI-U'Ac.- TURES INSTALLATION GUIDE. 2' SC.H '4-0 Sll'EEP ELL PEDESTAL CONTROLLER, (ASSOCIATION) SCALE• NTS ,----------FINISH 6RADE _,,.--CONTROLLER IN LOCl<ABLE eox PVC. C.ONDIJIT FOR C-ONTROL HIRES ONLY ,,,--120 VOLT POHER HIRE5 IN CONDUIT. INSTALL PER ALL APPLICABLE ELECTRIC.AL WDES ~--------POYER Sl"IITC.H INSTALL (2) PLASTIC. ELEC.TRIC. PULL BOXES WALL CONTROLLER. <HOMEOWNER) SCALE• NT$ Kobzeff & Associates LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 105 Loguno Hills California 92653 Phone: (714) 770-7340 FAX: (714) 770-8385 APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUILT" AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE: DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. • INSPECTOR DATE I SH5ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD Lill PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 MARVISTA LOTS 1-17 APPROVED ~~ ~-lf·7f ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CT 97-08 OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: 359-91 8 9 10 4-'-6" HIN "'1) .JACl!!NT l!!ILOC.K P'ILA5Telt5. A TT ,O,C,H 6ATE5 l"IITH HEAVY DUTY HINGoES. HIN6!!:5 SH"-LL BE ATTACHED TO METAL HOOKS EMBEDDED IN HASONRY PILASTERS. l"Xf>' VERTIGAL l'o:X)D SIDIN6 l"X;!" FRAHI= ON FRONT, AND :2"X4" fll1.AMI! ON REAR OF 5A TE, AT TOP, MID AND BOTTOM. 2"X4' FRAHE AT TOP, SIDES AND BOTTOM OF 6ATE 2' X DI A60NAL l'!ll'U,C,E ON REAR OF 6ATE ,..,.....-LOC.KIN6 HASP GANE BOI.. T ON ONE SIDI!! FINISH SURFAC.E NOTES, I. C.OLOR SHALL el!: ~Ll!G TED BY Oli',NER. 2. l"IOOD SHALL flE ROIJ6H SAl"IN 3. C.ONTRAG TOR SHALL PRO- VIDE ALL HIN6ES AND LATGH ARD~RE. 4. INSTALL LATCHING HASP ON FRONT FOR LOC.KIN6. DOUBLE WOOD GA TES SCALE: 112·-r-o· 4 11 o.c. . '.,...' ~ l"X 2" HTL. TOP RAIL 2"X2''XI~" MTL. TIJ61NG POST AT 6'-0" O.G. MAX. SPACIN6 ,, v ,,. ~ i"' X ~ • () .,'. I "' V ✓ ./ V ✓ V / ' ./ :... , ... " / . II ~ ' ,_ ---I g -ea ' . C rfl • • • . • ' . ~ I- " 8,'. DI)\. I' n ' ,,. v ,,. ,,. v v ., ., V V / / V V / / V V / J II ~ v ,., V / ./ > V / v- / V / --t11Tnl.11;....----;i1 \ 3/4"~/4' MTL. TVBIN6 VERTIGAL MEM6ERS l"X 2" BOTTOM RAIL ' FINISH 6RADE OR TOP OF PAVING C,ONGRETE FOOTING. 51..0PE TOP TO DRAIN. COMPACTED SUBGRADE NOTES, I. PAINT HITH THO GOATS l'W5T- 0-LEUM PRIMER AND Ti"IO C.OA TS ENAMEL. 2. 6RIND SMOOTH ALL HELDS 3. GOLOR SHALL CONFORM TO Oi"INER'S WLOR SPEC. SHEET, MET AL FENCING DETAIL SCALE:: 112·-r-o· HIDTH PER PLAN • • ·---rn, ___ + 8' DI METAL GATE __.--1-f!!:AVY DUTY MTL. Ht~, 2 MIN. ON COURTYARD SIDE OF <SATE LOGKABLE HASP ON HOUSE SIDE OF GATE _,--;.("X2"Xl/8" MTL. TU61N6 POSTS "/4"~/4" HTL. ll.Jl51N6 Vl::RTIGAL MEMBERS H/2"Xl-l/2" 6ATE FRAME, (4 51DE5) FINISH 6RADE OR TOP OF PAVING GONGRETE FOOTING. SLOPE TOP TO DRAIN. yOMP AG TED 51.JeGRADf' NOTES, I. PAINT i"IITH THO GOA T5 l'l!UST- 0-LEUM PRIMER AND Ti"IO GOA TS ENAMEL. 2. 6RIND SMOOTH ALL i"IELDS 3. GOLOR SHALL CONFORM TO Oi"INER'S COLOR 5PEC. SHEET. SCALE:: 112·-r-o· 5 6 7 24" Sl-lOVEL CUT EDGE • I ~---• ~ , - :1 " CONCRETE PAVING TUfltf' SIDE Of' SHOVEL CUT ED6E "" DEf:P GUT AT 4~ DEt;.ltl!:E ANGLE 6ROVNDC.OVER SIDE OF a/T SCALE• l"•l'-0' NA TUlltAL C.OLOR GONGl'!f:Te, FINISH SHALL ElE NON-SLIP, 6"X6" 10-10 Y'IHt-1 ATC.ENTER OF SLAB, FLAT SHEETS. GONTROL JOINT. 1/4-" HIDE X I" DEEP. ALL JOINT5 SHALL ElE STRAl6HT AND UNIFORM IN DEPTH XPANSION JOINT. 1/2" HIDE BI- TIJMINOU5 FELT 4' GONGRETE 5LAe 114-X 1e" AT E . ..J. • 24-" O.G. COMPACTED SUl:!6RADE 6RANULAR BA5E PER SOILS EN61NEER'S R.EGOMMENDATIONS. NOTE, I. LOGATE EXPANSION .JOINTS AT GARAGE AND SIDEH.ALK :2, CONTRACTOR SHALL SleMIT 24" SG. SAMPLES OF FINISHES TO OHNER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. B. GONTRAGTOR SHALL INSTALL GRACK GONTROL JOINTS SO SLABS DO NOT EXGEED 100 5.F . i"IITHOUT A c:oNTROL JOINT. SCALE• 1-1/2'■1'-0' ::::t:::::ll~======~~===~~ TOP OF <!>ATE SHALL MATGH It---,----TOP OF ADJACENT FENGE GAP WOOD GATE ,6,DJAGENT POST/ANGHOF!. ADJAGENT FENGE l'X6" VERTIGAL HOOD 51DIN(!o, NAIL THROU6H TO 2"X4' FRAME ON REAR SIDE OF 6ATE. l"X:3" FRAME ON FRONT, AND 2"X4" FRAME ON REAR OF 6A TE. AT TOP, MID AND BOTTOM. 2"X4" FRAME SHALL ElE AROVND PERIME:TER OF 5ATE, NOTES: I. GOLOR SHALL BE SELEG TED BY OHNER. 2. HOOD SHALL 81: ROUGH SAHN D.F. "-C.ONTRAGTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL HIN6ES AND LATCH HARD~RD. ON REAR YARD SIDE: OF THE 6A TE. FINISH 6RADE 4. INSTALL SELF-GLOSING, SELF- LATGHIN0 HARDHARE. SCALE• 3;4·-r-0· 3 4 ~t.------===~~y NOZZLE W ADAPTER -----~ ___..-sc.H eo PVC. NIPPLE RISER TYPIGAL _,---1/2")(36" 6ALV. STL. STAKE ' ___..-HEAVY DUTY STAINLE55 STEEL HOSE GLAMP (2 REQUIRED) L ---------KING BROS. 'C.V' SERIES RISER SIZE ,.-....,1 GHEC-K VALVE ..--PVC. SC.H.00 NIPPLE FINISH GRADE HARLEX qo DE6REE STREET ELL ST AND ARD RISE 1-lEAD ON SLOPE SCALE• NTS _----,,3 REBAR X le>'. ATTACH TO AVB HITH METAL HOSE GLAMP TMOSPHERIG VACWM BREAKER HITH UNION -------1'v.e, SGH eo NIPPLE PVG SGH 80 MALE SXT ADAPTER SGH 80 INGOMIN6 AflOVE .,,.---6RADE PIPE ------.:,v,e, SGH 80 MALE .f>XT ADAPTER SGH 80 OUT60IN6 ABOVE GRADE PIPE ,,,--r-lNISH e.RADE NOTE, INSTALL ONLY ON NON-PRE55URE LATERAL LINE. INSTALL 6" MIN. HEl6HT ABOVE THE Hl6HE5T HEAD ON THE SYSTEM. A TMOSPl-lERIC VACUUM BREAKER, CA VB) SCALE:• NTS EN~INEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY AP ROVED INSPECTOR DATE • DATE INITIAL N()INEER OF WOR~ REVISION DESCRIPTION 1 2 6" MAX _.---POP-IJP SPRAY HEAD, FL~ IN TURF, I' ABOVE FINISH 6RADE IN 5ROUNDCOV!:R ~-----------PVC. qo DEGREE STREET ELL e" MINIMJM PVG SGHEDULE eo NIPPLE ~-MARLEX <10 DEGREE STREET ELL '--PVG LATERAL LINE AND FITTING POP-UP SPRINKLER 1-lEAD SCALE:• NTS 6" MAX. " <I <t-~-----t---FINISH 6RADE <I .. q iv--H.ALL, FENGE OR VERTIGAL EOOE __,,....---__..,,,ARL_EX qo DE6REE STREET aL ST AND ARD RISER 1-lEAD Kobzeff & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 105 Phone: (714) 770-7340 SCALE• NTS Associates ENvlRONMENTAL DESIGN Laguna Hills California 92653 FAX: ( 71 4) 770-8385 APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUILT' AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE: DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SH6ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ULJ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 MARVISTA LOTS 1-17 I APPROVED ~~ : ASSISTANT PLA~ DIRECTOR .;2./f. 7~ I DWN BY; PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO, DATE INITIAL OATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CT 97-08 359-91 OTHER APPROVAi. CllY APPROVAi. RVWD BY; 8 ,,---------ED6E OF HARDSC-AF'1!: ,,.--------FINISH GRADE SHALL BE :r ef:LOl'I ADJAC,ENT ED6IN6 _---MULGH GOVER ,,.,--6" MINIMUM AMENDED SOIL F'!=R SOILS REPORT _§f6;ffci~rci~~~4,-----NATIJRAL SUB-SOIL ------,' --, ,-,_ -, ,-- S!!:CTION l"L.AN GROUNDCOVER DETAIL ~--AD.JAGENT ED6,I N6 _,,.---e,•ROIJNDGOVER PLANTIN6!:o, !IEE PLAN FOR SPAGING MULGH GOVER NOTE, TOP OF ROOT !'!ALL SHALL BE LEVEL HITH SIJRROL!NDING- FINISH 0RAIJE, SCALE• NTS 5 6 7 _j _j <( ~ ,n...----"6'RO-STRAl6HT" i:weeER TREE TIES (2 PER TREE MINJ ,,----AMENDED SOIL TREE BASIN ~---Ml!LC,H C,OVER, I" MAX. DEPTH IN BASIN. ,-----ROOT ElALL, (TOP MJST BE FLL!SH W SURROL!NDING FINISH 0RAIJE) ,-----AMENDED BAGKFILL PER A6RONO- MIST'5 SOIL REPORT RECOMMEN- DATIONS. ----PL.ANT-TAB LOGA TION ~--AMENDED SOIL LEVELING> LAYER ~-FINISH GRADE ~;;j,-~~~7",_,,,,---NATIVE SOIL I '1,,-----!,a:;\;;.,-,i,l~r,-;..,,:;,.,,;;..;;:,,.,;;ii,;;.,-,t:: I I -:;:llllll~lli'11 111ill1 -,, __ .,_II, 2X ROOH.JALL NOTIES, I. REMOv'E NIJRS!':RY STAK~ 2. PLANT-TABS SHALL BE 21 6RAM A6RIFORM TABLETS AT THESE RATES, 1 PER 15 6ALLON 15 PER 24" BOX TREE DETAIL SCALE: NTS ~ f-a 0 Cll ~ ,----AMl':NDe:D SOIL Tltf:E !'IA51N ,_ ___ MULGH GOVER, I" MAX. DEPTH IN 15ASIN ROOT ElALL, (TOPM.!5T !'IE FLLl5tt WITH SURROIJNDINin"ll-llSH GRADE) ~---AMENDED B.-.CKFILL PER ..½RONO- MIST'S SOIL REPORT REGOMMEN- DATION5 ,----PLANT-TAB LOGATION ~--AMENDED SOIL LEVELIN6 LAYER ,,---FINISH 6RADE ,----NATIVE SOIL NOTES, I. REMOVE Nl.RSBrr STAK15 2. PLANT-TABS SHALL BE .21 ,s;RAM A6RIFORM TABLETS AT THESE RA TES, I PER I 6ALLON 2 PER 5 6ALLON 1 PER 15 6ALLON SI-IRUB DETAIL, CFLA T AREAS) SCALE• NT$ l"!'ltOPO!!!eD SOIL LINf AT 1-1/2: I MAX, .,,--f'XISTIN6 SLOPE LINf' AT 2,1 ·..---F'LANT MATeRIAL ~--2" Ml!LGH GOVER ,---ROOT 15ALL ~-AMENDED BACKFILL PER ~- MIST'S ~OIL REPORT RECOM- MENDATIONS ,---PLANT-TAB LOGATION NATIVI: SOIL NOTES, I-~ '<'I 1k. I. REMOVI!! l>iJR.SeRY STAK~ 2. PLANT-TABS SHALL BE .21 6RAM A6RtfORM TABLETS AT THESE RA TES, --= I 1=· ',,::--t ',, I PER I 6ALLON 2X -?OOTBALL '·,,, 2 PER 5 6ALLON 1 PER 15 &ALLON SI-IRUB DETAIL, (SLOPE AREAS) SCALE, NTS 3 4 .;:_.::_:.:.:.:.:.:::_:--::-:-:-=:-::-:-:=-:-~=2•xt,• HOOD GAP, GONTINUOUS I "XS" FRAME AT TOP AND BOTTOM, FRONT SIDE tu.------------l"X6" v'ERTIGAL FENGIN6 2"X3" HORIZONTAL. ElRAGE tti------------AT GENTER OF FENGE, FRONT l...-------------------4"X4" HOOD POST AT e'-0'' MAX O.C, ANO ENDS, (I' AvlAY FROM BUILDIN65). 2"X3" FRAME AT TOP AND BOTTOM BAGK SIDE OF FENCE 1211 --2"X4" BOTTOM RAIL FINISH GRADE CONCRETE FOOTING>, SLOPE TOP TO DRAIN. ,~®!J~-------WMPAGTED SUBGRADE JU NOTES, I. LA6 BOLT FENGE TO OTHER FENGES ONLY UNLESS DIREG TED OTHERV'<IISE BY OWNER. 2. PROVIDE POST AT ENO Of il'IALL AOJAGENT TO BUILDING WALL. 3. PAINT FINISH PER OWNER'S SPEGIFIGATION SHEET. 4. PRESSURE TREAT ALL POSTS. 5. ALL WOOD SHALL E.lE ROIJ0H SAWN. 6' WOOD FENCE SCALE• I12·-r-o· . . . . . . . -~·' -~ . .. . . . . ., . . . . . .. . .. .,._ . . . . . :-. .· ... , .· . . ,. '.· .. .... .. . .. . . .. ·.. . ·.'• .. ,·. ' . .,; . • + ... . •, .. . -. ·~ ' •, : . .·:·. . ·•·· . . . . . . .... ,. . .... I' :J..----PICNIG T Ael...E, REFER TO PLAN FOR MANUFAGTIJR.ER AND MODEL. ."12":", .. p:P. .. , \. r • • . •. . .·, ... ., 4" DEEP CONCRETE SLAB WITH b"Xb" 10-10 V'lWM ATC-ENTER OF SLAB, (FLAT SHEETS). INSTALL FINISH 6RADIE I" BELOH TOP OF GONGRETE SLAB. ANGHOR TABLE TO SLAB WITH EPOxY CEMENT. ·:~ ..... ·:·.-:···. _::·•· .. . . . ~ . . '• ' . . . . . . -.: .. ;: · ... CONCRETE PICNIC TABLE SLAB SCALE• S~OWN EN~llt~~•s SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 AP R D ONLY INSPECTOR DATE * \),111'41::~-,~ ~~~ I~ ' ~~ DATE INITIAL ~°" NCINEER Of WOR1 REVISION DESCRIPTION 1 2 GONG.C-APO!-!CO OR ~IVAL.F;NT TOP Of ADJAGENT ~L OR FENCE. EXTENDED 12 DIAM. FOOTINcS- 1-;:-----:JSE§c~TE1o~N= :::: 16" SGUARE SPLITI"AGE GOUJMN 6LOGK, ALT SPLIT LINES. 1,j ---------ANGHOR ADJAGENT METAL AND --• fi HOOD FENGES TO BLOCK HITH ANGHOR BOLTS. .,.,... _________ 6ROIJT PILASTER !SOLID SE TION 113 TIES AT 12' O.C. MIN. FINISH6RADE • t(\ • ~ .. • (4) 114 MIN. GONT. FROM FOOTINcS- TO TOP Of PILASTER 1:'mJ~l':'--------GOMPAGTED SU66RADE ....,,...>llrn!,bl,-------GONG. FOOTIN6 NOTE, I. EXTEND ADJAGENT IIV\LL STEEL THROtkS>H PILASTERS, BOTH TOP MIDDLE AND FOOTIN6. 2. GONG-4 6ROUT TO REAGH 2,::,00 PSI GOMPRESSIVE STREN6TH AT 2e DAYS. 16" SQUARE PILASTER SCALE• 314•-r-o· • ~ c::::.:,,,.-0---------ROUNDf'D MORTAR GAP fL--------6"Xf>'Xl6' SPLITFAGE BLOGK HALL __..,-114 REBAR VERT AT 24" O.C.-. 5'-0" MIN, ~T. ENDS AT FOOTIN6. _..,....-....,4 REBAR HORIZ AT TOP AND MID HEl6HT Of WALL. 2'X4' MORTAR KEY 114 REBAR GONT IN FOOTIN6 GONGRETIE FOOTIN6 FINISH6RADE NOTES, I. USE Pc.=2poQ PSI MIN. GONG FOR FOOTIN65. MIX SHALL BE, I PART PORTLAND CEMENT 2-1/2 PAR.Th 5ANO B-I/2 PARTh 3/4' MAX 6RAVEL 1 6ALLONS HATER MAX PER SACK 2. MORTAR TO BE Pc~l.000 PSI: I PART PORTLAND GEMENT B-I/2 PARTS SAND 1/4 PART 1-fl'DRATED LIME OR LI~ TOP OF PUTTY. TING3. REBAR SHALL BE DEFORMED AND COMPLY HITI-1 ASTM-A6I5-&.2, 6RADE 40 . 4. 6ROUT SOLID WALL, AND SHALL BE Pc.~2,000 PSI. 6' BLOCK WALL Kobzeff & Associat~s LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN 23121 Verdugo Dri11e, Suite 105 Laguna Hills California 92653 Phone: (714) 770-7340 FAX: (714) 770-8385 APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUil r• AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE Tin.£: DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. ' INSPECTOR DATE I SH7ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD url PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 MARVISTA LOTS 1-17 APPROVED /2:/"',? 4 /_f/_ -.:?.lf.~R ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR • OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CT 97-08 359-91 OTHER APPROVAL CllY APPROVAL RVWD BY: SECT!CIN oe,tO LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE PART I -(j£NERIIL 1.01 SC□PE □F 'o'IR(1 A, R.tntrd lilork Sprclft.d In Dthrr S1Pc'tl011•• I. lo.ndsco.pe Plo.ntlng. 2. Lo.ndscnpe lrrlgn tlon, B. The length of the i.nlntenancr pho.~• to IN perforMol by the contractor shnll be thirty (30) doys. C. The Contrnctor sho.U furnish o.ll lnbor, equipl'lent, 1'1<1ter1a~ tools, trnnsportn t1on, hnuling, duriplng. fertilizers, Insecticides, cherilcnls, services, o.nd speclo.l skills rE'qulred to perforri the lnndscnpe Mtllntennnce ns set forth 1n these sprclflcntlons, MolntE'nancE' ,;ho.U 1ncludE' routlnE' l'l<llnteno.nct of plo.nt Mtlterltl~ lrrlgotlon systeMs, o.nd ho.rdscnpe oreo.s. n. Nnlnteno.nce of plo.nt Mo.terlo.l sho.11 Include, but not be lll'lltrd to, Mo•lng, trlMMlng, pruning, ... terlng, fert,1zot1on, o.erotlon. thntchlng, weed contro~ cult1vo.t1on. pE'st control o.nd cleo.n-up. It Is the intent to provide plo.nt rm ter1ol MOlntenance ""'thods to keep the site 1n n sto.te of perpetual growth ond rirpo.lr. Irrigation MOlnteno.nce sho.ll Include periodic opero.t1on of syste.,, ndJustMents, o.nd Minor repo.lrs. E, All hardscape shall be kept clear of dirbrls frOl'I the MnlntPnanc" oper<1tlons, erosion. run-off fror, storl'ls, lrrlgolton. or wind blown debris. Cleo.n~up of wo.lks, driven ys o.nd p<1rklng o.reo.s sho.ll be the Contro.ctor's rE'sponsillllity. Street gutters shall be Included w1th1n the debrls/siltotlon reMovo.l progrnM. r. The Contro.ctor sho.ll provide o. generol cleo.n-up operntlon nt least once a week for the purpose of picking up trash or debris which M<ly nccuMulnte froM the use of the o.reo., wind blown debris, dropping of twigs or bro.nches frol'I trees. (j, All personnel on the pro Ject sho.11 be well trained, clenn, and neat ot oll tlMes, and shall be conversant with these speclflco. tloes H. All work shall be perforMed In accordnnce with the bPst lnndsco.pir Malntenonce pro.ct1ces and In keeping with the high o.esthetlc level of the foc1l1t1es being r,nlntnln£'d, I, Contractor shall b£' responlsble for reMovelng nil weE'ds In crocks of sidewalks, curblinE's, ond hordsco.pe o.reos throughout the project, J, All lo.ndsco.pe o.rens sho.ll be po.troUed wHkly to check for vandalisM dnr,o,ge, broken tree bro.nches, rodents, Insects, ,no.1ls, pests, <1nd dlseo.ses, etc. K, lilnt£'r Mo.no.9erient1 lilater only o.s required to o.llow penetrnt1on into the soil ond ovoid E'XCE'S£ run-oH. Plo.nt MO terlol hos been selected for lJw water requ1reP1ents due to the possibility of water shortages In the future, □nee plant Mnterlal Is estobllshed, wnter only as needed to Mo.Into.In henlth plnnt Material. Avoid w<1ter w<1steJ excessive use of wnter will not btt tolerated. L. Avoid blocking the cl110.r view of signs, llluM1no.t1on of light fixtures, the o.lr flow out of vents ond conflict with pedestrto.ns and vehicle or their views. M. So.fety of users shnll be n prlMe gool of MO.lntennnce npirclnlly In regard to pruning of trees nnd trll'll'llng of ground covers o.wa y froM wnlkwoys ond/or structures. N. The Contractor, ot his own E'•p11nse, dl r•plO.Cl' oil plnnt Mterlal that ho.s foiled due to negligence, Including but not 1iM1ted to, turf, ground cover, trees, ond shrubs. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE• A. li/ork Force, Contro.ctar's r~~•ntnt1v11 ~ho.ll loe •~p11r1rocn In lnndsco.pe r,o,lntennnce o.nd shnll hnve received <1n l'ducot1on In ornar,entol horticulture. The Cootrnctor shall give. his personal supervision to the work or shall hove o Col'lpetent foreMnn on the job site o t oll tl~es during progress of the work, B, The controctor sholl provide nnd Mnlntoln a current list of eriergency telephone nuMb£'rs for 24-hour eMergE'ncy responu. The Contro.ctor sho.ll lnltlnte reMedlol octlon w1th1n 2 hours froM the tlMe of notlflcotlon. 1.03 ST AFIT OF MAINTENANCE PHASE• A. The Maintenance Ph<1se sho.ll not stnrt until all l'll!l'IPnts of construction. planting, and lrr190.t1on for the entire project are coriplete, B. The Contractor sholl request on inspection to begin the Mnlntennnce Phase ofter all planting o.nd related work have been coMpleted In accordance with the contro.ct docur1ents. A prlMe requ1reMent of the Construction Phnse Is tho.t o.ll lo.wn oreos shall show on even. heo.lthy sto.nd of gro.ss froM seed or sod which shall hove o MlnlMUM of one MOw1ng. If such crlterlo Is Met to the so.t1sfQct1on of the Owner's represento.tive, n field notification will be Issued to the Contractor froM the □wner, to est<1blish the effective beginning dnte of the Mo.1nteno.nce Phose, The □wner has the ultiMOte authority In setting the beginning do.te for the Mo.lnteoonce Phose, C. Ho1ntenonce peri<Jd shnll sto.rt upon r!'c!'lpt of fl,-ld not1f1c<1t1on froM Owner denoting starting dn te. 1.04 MAINTENANCE PHASE, A. The Contro.ctor sholl contlAuously Mo.Into.In o.ll arPo.s 1nvol,td In this contract during the progress of thE' work and during tht Mo.lntenance Phase until flnol occepto.nce of the work by the Ownrr. B, [r,proper Maintenance or possible poor condition of o.ny plantings during or o.t the end of the schedult>d l'l<llntennnce period r,o.y c .. use postponeMent of the fln<1l coMpletlon dnt£' of the cootroct. Project Molntennnce shall be continued by the Contractor until oll work 1s acceptnble to the Owner, C. In order to e•ecute the r101ntenooct work, thr Controctor sho.ll furnish sufficient Men o.nd o.dequote equlpMent to perforM the work during the Hnlntennnce Phase. D, Pro Jects will not be sl!gP1ented Into seporn te Mo.1nt,-nanc,-PhnsPs unless spE'clflc work phnses ore lndlco ted with the contro.ct docuMents, [, Any period of tlMe the Contro.ctor f<11ls to o.clrquo.tPly Mo.Into.In plantings, replo.ce unsultoble plants, perfom weed control or other work, as deterl'lined by the Owner, tho.t tlMe will not be credited to the plo.nt MnlntenancE' period. F'. The Contro.ctor's MO.lntennnct p,.rlod sholl be extendltd to the Owner's sotlsfo.tlon should the provlSlons within these plo.ns nod speclflc<1tlons not be fulfilled to the □wner's satlsfo.ctlon. I.~ GUIIRIIHTEE IIHII RE'.f'LACE:N£NT• A, All plnnt MO.ttrlO.I lnsto.lled urdlr the c:antr1et Shall be guornntt•d ago.inst any nnd nil poor, lno.dtquote or lnftrlar MO. terlnls nnd/or .orkr,o.nshlp for o. period of one yiro.r. Thill gunro.ntee shnll begin fror, the dnte of final occ@pto.nce <1t w ffld of the ninety dny Mo.lntennnce Phase ns E'Stnblisl'l"d by the awner. Any plont found to be dead, l'IISSlng or In poor cond1t100 due to foul ty MO. ter1ols or workManshlp, as deterMlned by the Lo.ndscope Architect, sho.ll be replo.ced by the Contro.ctor nt his r•pense, B. Any r,o,terlnls found to be dPo.d, l'll~lng. or In poor condition during thr Mo.lntennnce Phose sholl be r,-plocE'd IMl'll!dio.tely, not o.t the end of the Mo.lntE'nance Phnse prior to the Inspection. The Londscope Architect sho.ll be the sole Judge as to the condition of MnterIol. Mo.ter101 to be r"ploced within the gunrnntee period shall be reploced by the Contractor within seven (7) days of written notIf1c:ot1on by the □wner. 1.06 f!N"L PROJECT SUBMITTALS• A. Prior to thir do.ti! of thr i'lno.l 1Mptct1on o.t tlW rnd of th,-ninety day H<11nteno.nce Pho.se, the Contractor shall acquire froM the Landscope Architect Mylar prints at Contractor's expense, o.nd record froM the Job record set oil cho.nges l'l<l<lir during construction, lo.bel so.Id prints 'Re,-ord Drawings,' ond d .. liver to the Owner. Prior to the do. te of f1nol inspection o t the end of the ninety dn y No1nt ... nance Phase, the Controctor shall dirllver to the Owner the 'Landsco.pe and Irrigation Gunrantee' os required. All other subMltto.ls o.s Incorporated In the lrr1gnt1on nnd Planting Specifications sho.11 o.lso be COMpleted prior to flno.l <1cceptonce. P~T 2 -~RODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS• A. All MO.tertals us•d ,ho.II either conforri io lo.ndsco.p, specifications In other sections or sho.11 otherwise bt o.cceptobl't to the □wner, All MO. terlols sholl conforM to all codes opplico.ble to herbicides ond pesticides. The Owner sho.ll be given o MOnthly record of all herbicides, Insecticides ond disease control Chl'PllcO.ls used. PART 3 -EXECUTl□N 3,01 MAINTENANCE, A. Molnteno.nc• tho.ti con/or., to tk, followlng sto.ndo.rels• I. All areos shall be kept free of debris ond all plo.ntei o.reo.s sho.ll be weeded o.nd cul.tlvnted ot lntervo.ls of not MOre tho.n seven (7) dnys. lilnterlng, riowlng, rolling, edging, trlMMlng. fertilization. spraying o.nd pest control, as MOY be required, sho.ll be Included In the Molntenonce period. 2, ThE' contractor sholl be responsible for Mlnto.1n1n9 o.dequo.te protection of the entire project area, D<1Moged nreas cnused by erosion. tire daMOge, gra fltt, pests, or other daMo.ge <IS deel'led by the □wner sho.ll be repo.lred • t the Contro.ctor's expense. 3, All sidewalks, pnved nrens o.nd other ar110.s o.dJo.cent to the plontlng oreos sho.ll be cleo.ned of o.ll debris, sole or other Moter10.ls o.t lntervo.ls of not More tho.n seven (7) dnys. 3.02 TREE AND SHRUB CARE, A. lilnterlllg• Main to.In o. lo.rgP .nough IHI. ter l!ll!lill o.round plants In groundcov@r nreo.s so that enough water co.n be o.pplled to Ht<>klllsh Moisture through the MJor root zone, \ihen ho.nd-waterlng. use o water wand to break the wnter force. Use Mulches to reduce evaporation ond frequency of w<1terlng. B, Pruning• I. Trees, a, Prune trees to sel,ct and dev11lo1> perMo.n•nt 1coffold branches tho t o.re sMo.ller In dlo.Meter than the trunk or brooch to which they nre o.ttnched which ho.ve vertical spncIng of froM 18' to 48' ond ro.d1ol orlento.tlon so os not to overlo.y one o.notherJ to ellMlno.te d1seo.sed or dO.l'IOQed growth) to eliMlnnte narrow V-shnp.,d brnnch forks tho t lo.ck strength) to reduce toppling and wind dnr,o.ge by thinning out crownsJ to r,nlntaln growth •lthln sp<1ce lil'lltotlonsJ to r,0Int<11n o no.turn! opp£'nrnnceJ to bo.lQnce crown with roots, m. Under no clrcul'lsto.nces will stripping of lower branches, ('raising up'l, of young trees be perl'llttrCII. Lower bro.nches shall be reto.1ned 10 n 'tipped b<lc:k' or pinched condition with ns r,uch follo.ge ns possible to pror,ote caliper trunk growth (to.pered trunk). Lower bronches co.n be cut flush with the trunk only ofter the trE'E' Is oble to stond erect without stoking or other support, No stubbing of Mnjor branches will bir occepted. c. Evergreen trers Sholl be thinned out o.nd sho.ped when necessary to prevent wind <1nd storri dnl'la9e. The priMo.ry pruning of deciduous trees sho.ll be done during the dorMo.nt season. Do.l'loged trees or those' thot constitute heo.lth or so.fety probleMs shall be pruned nt Gny tlMe of the year os required. d. All tree pruning shall be done with hond equlpMent operated froM the ground. If trees nre lnrger tho.n able to be pruned In such a l'lo.nner, the condition will be brought to the attention of the Owner, who sholl secure the services of on nrbor1st. "· ReMOve no l'IOre than 50:>: of o plant's folio.ge during pruning operations, f. Lower brooches on established street trees sho.ll be pruned 8' up for pedestr1o.n cle<1ronce nnd 12' 14> for vehlculo.r cleo.rnnce. g, Topping of trees wrtl not be tolerated unless opproveCII by the OwnE'r. 2. Shrubs• a. The obJtctlvts of shrub pruning ore thP SQl'IP as for trees. Shrubs sho.ll not be clipped Into bo.lled or boxed forris unless such Is required by the design. lo. All pruning cuts sho.11 be MOdE' to lo. ternl bro.nches or buds or flush with the trunk, 'Stubbing' will not be perMltted. c:. Rer,ove o.ny spent blO!ISOl'IS or flower stnlks after flowering. C. Staking ,.n,t Guying• I. Rmove stokes nnd 9uys o.s soon o.s they are no lon1:1tr nPedeCII, Sto.kes o.nd guys o.rE' to be Inspected to prevent girdling of trunks or brnnches and to prevent rubbing tho t causes bo.rk wounds. Trees found daMoged shall be repto.ced o. t Contro.ctor's e•pense. D. v,,d c.,,,;,,..,h Kttp loo.11111 ,.,,.. ..,.,...,. bl!1-pla.nts tr.. of tt•ds. Use recoM~endltd lego.11 y o.pproved prr~t herbicides o.nd reriovol by hnnd. Avoid frequent soll cultIvnt10n tho.t dl'Stroys shnllow roots. Use Mulches to help prevent weed sel!d gerl'llno.tlon. Avoid post-£'M£'rgent herbicides In groundcover nrens which Moy kill young rooted cuttings. E. Insect Control, Maintain a reo.sonoblr control with o.pproved l'laterlals. r. Dls,.ose <1nd Pest Control, The Contractor sho.ll be r11sponslbl• to control nll dlseo.ses nnd pests during th• Mnlntenonce PhQS@, All dlseasl' o.nd pest control MOterlols ond Methods sno.11 be ot the dlrE'ctlon of o licensed pest control opero.tor. The □,mer sholl <1pprove o.ll Methods ond Moterlals to be used for disease o.nd pest control. Upon opprovo.~ th<' Contractor sho.ll IMpleMent the control Measures exercising e•trerie caution In using pesticides nnd tnklng all steps necesso.ry to ensure the SQfety of the public, (j, Fertllizo.tlon, I, Fertlliie oll plo.ntlng o.reo.!I' with the following l'IO.ttrlo.ls, These l'IO.terlnls and schedules are Intended for bidding purposes ooly, Actual r,aterlo.ls and rotes shall be specified In the project sol fertility o.nd o.grlculturol suitability rPport. Any changes In cost froM these speclflcotlons sholl be opproved In writing froM the Own•r prior to nny work. o.. Beginning of Molntenonce period• 5 lbs. per LOUD squnre feet with O.l'll'IOnl""' sulpha ti', b, At the end of the first 30-do.y l'lo.lntennnce per!Odi 5 lbs, per 1,000 squo.re feet with O.l'll'IONUM sulpno. te, c. At oddtlonol 60-do y periods• 6 lbs, per LOOO square feet with 16-6-8 gro.nulor fertilizer. ,t, Avoid npplylng fertilizer to the root bnll and bnn of Main steMJ ro. ther, sprend evenly under plont to drip line. Rotes wlll vary frori about a cup of nitrate fertilizer (depending on nitrogen percentage) around n newly Installed sl'IOll plant to o.bout one-ho.lf (1/2) lb. of octuol nitrogen per Inch of trunk dio.Meter "ensured four feE't frOl'I the ground for Mature trees. f, Reploce~ent of Plants, Replace ony de<1d, dying <1nd l'llsslng plonts ll'll'ledl<1tely during the Mo.lnteno.nce Phnse with plo.nts of o. size, condition o.nd variety r,ntch1n9 the original plants at Controctor's e,ptnse. 3.03 GRIVIDCDVER CAIIIE• A. li/ePd Control1 Control weirds, preferably with pre-eP1ergrnt herblCldes, but o.lso with post-eP1er9ent syste.,,c hrrbicldes. Ho• weeds os little os possible since this r,oy result In plo.nt dnr,o,ge, B. \io.ter1ng1 li/oter enough thot l'lolsture penetrates throughout root zone ond only •~ frequently o.s necessary to Mnlntnln healthy growth. Attention sho.ll be given to plont Moterlo.l type, water requ1reMents, solor orlento tlon. and topogrnphlc<1l v<1r1nnces when setting wo.ter1ng tll'leS, C. Rt'Move trnsh wPekly. D, EdgP groundcover to krep In bolms o.nd trlfll top growth as necesso.ry to o.chleve o.n ov,rrnll ev,m "PP"""(lllCe, E. Repl<1ce dead <1nd l'IISSlnQ plnnts ~tely o.t Contractor's expense. r. ~ro.te 1rrignt1on systl!M to Mo.111to.1n o. un1f'orP1 "ol!t condlt1011 until the root structure devl'lops to n depth of 12', Therro.fter reduce watering schedule to produce n deep rooted ground cover with healthy growth, G. A cleo.red circle, 12' dlo.l'll!ter, should be Plolnto.lnPd nt the bo.s11 of trees to r£'ducP coP1pet1t1on for nutrients by ground cover. H. Edge ground cover to keep In bounds o.nd tr1r, top growth as necessory to nc:h1eve nn overall even appeo.rance. 3.04 LAWN CARE• A. Mowing o.fld Elilglllgo I. Mowing of turf li,&(l CON'll!ncl! wlwn thl! gro.ss ho.s rHchird o height of two lnch,.s. The height of cut shnll bt l/2'to 3/4'. Mowing dl be <1t leo.st weekly o.ftt'r the first cut, Turf Must be well esto.blished and free of bnre spots o.nd weeds to the sntlsfo.ctlon of the Owner prior to flno.l o.ccepto.nce. 2. Excess gro.ss clippings as dl>terl'llned by the OWlll!r shall be plckE'd up o.nd re.,oved fro" the Sit.. ond pr,.Mlses. 3. Edges shall be trll'IMed o.t least twlee MOnthly or o.s needed far neat o.ppenrnoce, Clippings sho.ll be picked up ond rer,oved frDPI the sltt'. 4. 'li/eed-ea ters' or SIMllor equlpl'll!nt sho.ll not bt' used nround trees or shrubs. T rlMPllng o.round tre"s shnll bl' donE' by ho.nd or chel'llco.lly until treE' trunk Is to o. co.l1per tM t will not be daMo.ged by l'lechanlC'O.I trlMMlng, B, \ia ter1n91 I, Lawns sho.ll be wntered o.t such fr•qu11ncy as weo.ther conditions rl'QUlre to replenish soil l'lolsturl' below rooi zone. Contractor sho.11 be responsible to ndJust the controller for differing seosono.l requ1r'eMents of plant Moter10.ls, Do not under-or over-water plant Moterlal. c. "'"'":I Control• I. If needed, control broo.d leaf weeds with s"l"ctlv" herbicides. 2. Control o·nbgra.ss with o. nl11ct1ve post-.,r,ergent hrrblC!M ns soon <1s possible. Pr.,-er,ergent herbicides sho.ll be applied prior to crnbgra.ss gerl'llno.tlOl'l. 3.05 IRRIGATl(tj SYSTEM! A Contrnctor sho.ll chrck o.ll syst11r,s for proper-opero:tlllrl o. MIPllJfl or once n P1onth. Loterol linl's shllll be flushed out o.fter rel'IOvlng the lost sprinkler heo.d or two <1t each end of the latero.l os deeMed necessary. All heads o.re to be <1dJusted as necessnry for 1001/. covernge. B. Set o.nd progro"' o.utoi'lo.tlc controll,-rs far sensono.l wo.t11r requlrerients, Contrnctor shnll o.dJust his wo. terlng schedul" •quo.l to the opplico.t1on ro.te eo.ch areo Is co.pnble of rece1v1ng l!llsed 011 topogrophy, soil type, plQnt Mnter1n~ season. or weather clil'lo.tlc fnctors, Give Owner's represento.tlve o key to controllers nnd Instructions on how to turn off systel'I In case of eMergency. C, lllepo.lr <Ill dnl'ltlQl'S to lrrlgtltlon syster, ot Contro.ctor's e,pense. Repairs shnll be l'IO.dt' within ooe wo. terlng p,!'rlod. All reploced equlpl'lent sholl "° tch tho. t equ1p.,ent specified In th" plans and 3,06 rJNAL ACCEPTANCE• A. Contro.ctor Shnll be o.wo.re tho.t th• lo.ndsco.pt sho.ll b• In a vigorous o.nd thriving condition prior to flnnl nccepto.nce, All plo.nt Mo.terlo.l which ""Y still be under stress frol'I the ConstructlOn Phos, shall at this tll'le be rejected ond reploced by henlthy o.nd vigorous plo.nt M<1terlol at the direction of the Owner prior to flno.l o.cceptance. B, All plo.nt Mterlo.l shall have ne~ Jrowth trlMMed neatly o.nd In conforMonce to these spec:1f1cot1ons prior to flnnl ncceptance. -End- ~ilNEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON ROVED INSPECTOR * ~s:~ ~ -~~\ lYwf),11 ,, '/F-, ) * DATE INITIAL PAGE 1 ONLY DATE ~'/ ~O,:CN,J~ NGINEER OF WORI REVISION DESCRIPTION Kobzeff & Associates LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ENvlRONMENTAL DESIClN 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 105 Laguna Hills Colifornio 92653 Phone; {714) 770-7340 FAX: (714) 770-8385 APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUILT" AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE: DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY; AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SHBET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ULJ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 MARVISTA LOTS 1-17 APPROVED ~ .;2./,f 7cf- ASSISTANT PI.JdofNlf.lG DIRECTOR DWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CT 97-08 359-91 OTHER APPROVAL CllY APPROVAL RVWO BY: SECTlrlN 0M!0 LANDSCAPE IRRIGAT!rtl PART I -GENERAL 1.01 SCCFE IT IJ[IRI(, A. Furnl5h nil tnbor, l'IO.tPrlGll, tro.MIportntI011, Gild nrvlces necessary to provide and Install Irrigation systel'ls as ,shown on the dro.wlngs and described herein. B. Reta ted w'ork Specified In □ther Sections, 1, Landscape Planting 2. Landscape lfolntenancP 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND REQUIREMENTS A, Perrilts and reps, The Contractor shall obtain o.nli pay for any and all perl'llts and all Inspections as rE>qulred. B. Manufacturer's Directions, lklnufncturer's directions Mli detailed drawings shall be followed In all cases where the Mo.nufQcturers of <>rtldes used In this contr<>ct furnish directions covering points not shown In the dr<>wlngs and specIfIrntlons, C, Ordinances nod Reguto.t1ons, All loco~ l'IUlllclpo.l o.nd state lows, and rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby lncol"pora ted into and Made o. part of these specifications and their provisions shall be carried out by the Contractor, Anything contained In these specifications sh<>II not be construed to conflict 11th any of the above rules and l"egulotlons or l"equlre,ients of the sal'le, However, when these specifications and drawings call for or describe ,ioterlols, workr,onshlp, or construction of o. better quo.llty, higher standard, or larger size tho.n IS required by the o.bove rul.H Md regulations, the provisions of these speclfIco.t1oOs and dro.wlngs sho.ll to.ke precedence, D, E,plano.tI0n of Draw1ngs, I. DUP to the sco.le of dr1u1!flgs, It Is not ponle\e to lnalco. t• all offsets, fittings, slePves.. t>tc, which ,io.y be required. The Contractor sh~II carefully lnvPstlgote the structuro.l and finished conditions o.ffectlng all of his work o.nd plan his work accordingly, furnishing such fIttIngs, etc. as l'IO.y be required to ,ieet such conditions. Drawings ore genero.lly dI0.gro,i,io, tic and lndlco. tlvEr of the work to be Installed. The work shall be Installed In such o. r10.nner o.s to o.VOld conflicts between Irr1g<1tIon systeris, planting, and architectural features, 2, The word 'Lo.ndscope Architect' o.s used hel"eln sho.ll refer to the □wner's authorl;oed represento.tIve. 3. All wc:·k called for on the drawings by notes or details sho.ll be furnished and lnSt<>lled whether or not speclflco.lly f'lentiooed In the speclfIcotIons, 4, The Contro.ctor shall not Willfully Install the IrrIgo.tIon 1.03 SUBl41TTALS systef'I as shown on the dro.wlngs when It Is obvious In the field that obstructions, gro.de differences or dlscrepo.nclH exist that r1Ight not hove been considered In the IrrIgotIon design, Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the □wner's authorized represento.tlve. In the event this notification Is not perforMed, the Irrigation contractor shall o.ssuMe full responsibility for any revisions necessary. A, Mo. terlo.l List, I. The Contractor shall Furnlllh the artlcll!s, equlpl'IPnt, Mo.terI0.ls, or processes specified by nol'le In the drawings ond speclflca tIons. No substItut1oOs sho.ll be allowed without prior written approval by the Londsco.pe Architect z. A coMplete Mo.terIal list shall be subr,ltted prior to perforMlng any work, The Mo.terkll list shall be typed on the lo.ndscape contl"octor's letterhead and shall Include th" Manufacturer, l'lodel nul'lber, sI:ze If o.ppllcoble and Itel'I description of all rioterlo.ls ond equlpf'lent to be used. Copies of co.to.log InforMatIon shall not be substituted for the MaterI0.ls list, and will be rejected as unacceptable. Although equlpl'lent on the plans My be dIffel"ent froM the e,o.,.,ples below, the following Is a guide for proper subMIttol forMoto Description Mo.nuf, Model No, Slze(s) Backflow Preventer Febco 825Y 2' Pop-up Spray Heads Ralnblrd 1806SAM N/A Electric Control Vol ve Hardie 100 Serles 2', .... 3. Mo.terIal 11st l'IUSt include all J'IO.tO!rlo.ls utilized on th" project to Include but not be llMlted to all valve boxes, quick couplers, prl.,er and solvent-ceMent, wire connectors, control wire and any specialized equlprient required, 4, Should the landscape contractor o.gl"ee to use only the Matel"lols o.s denoted on the plans without o.ny substItut1ons, he Mo.y issue a stnter,ent to that effect on his letterhead In lieu of the J'laterIal list. This sto.ter1ent shall state that the contractor shall use all equlpl'lent and Materials as shown on the IrrigntIon plans, InstallatIon details and as noted In the lrrlga tlon specific a tIons, 5, The contl"octor l'IO.y subf'llt proposed substitutions fol" equlpJ'lent and Moterklls listed on the lrrIgo.tIon plans by following the following procedures. The landscape contractor sho.11 s\.P'llt to the □wner's representative for <>pproval on a sepo.rote sheet of contro.ctor's letterheo.d paper the following, a. A staterient Indicating the reason fol" Mo.king each 1ndIviduo.l proposed substItutIon(s), b. Provide descriptive catalog literature, perforf'lanc, charts and flow cho.rts as required for each lteM th" contr<>ctor proposes to substitute, Including the so.les/Mo.nufo.cturer's regional telephone nuMber, c, Provide the o.Mount of cost so vlngs If the propos@d substitute lteM Is approved. 6. Substituted equIpMent or l'latf>rlals Instolled or furnished wlthOut prior approvo.l of the Lnndscope Architect MO. y be rejected and the Contractor required to re,.,ove such Materials fror, the site at his own e,pense, The □wner's representative shall have the sole responsibility In accepting or re JectIng any proposed substitution. 7. No e~ceptlon takf>n to o.ny Itel'I, o.lterno.te or substitute Indicates only that the product o.ppo.rently Meets the requlreMents of the Ciro.wings o.nd specifications on the bo.sls of the lnforMatlon or S<ll'lples subMltted. All Iter1s Must r,eet specIfIco tIons, 8. Manufacturer's warr<>ntles shall not l"elleve the Contro.ctol" of his liability under the gu<1rontee. Such wo.rro.ntles sholl only suppler1ent the guarantee, J. "'cord Dro.wll'lgs• 1. The Contractor sho.ll provide &"d k•~ up to lio.t, " col'lpl@te 'record' sl't of' blue line ozo.lld pl"lnts which 5ho.ll lot col"rected dally oncl show every cho.nge fror, the original drawings o.nd specIfIco.tIons and the e,o.ct locations, sizes o.nd kinds of eqUlpMent. These drawings shall also serve as work progress sheets o.nd shall be the bo.sls for aeo.sureritnt o.nd p<1yMent for work COf'lpleted. This set of drawings shall be kept on the site and shall be used only os o O"ecol"d set. 2. The Contractor shall l'lake neo.t o.nd legible onnoto.tlons thereon dally <1s the work procef>ds, showing the work as o.ctuo.lly Installed, These clro.w1ngs sho.ll be o. vallo.ble o.t oll t""es for Inspection o.nd sho.ll be kept In a loco tlon apprdved by the □wner's representative. 3. Before the do. te of the final Inspection, at the l'nd of tl'lt Mo.lnteno.nce Phase, the Contractor shall transfel" all lnfor..atlon fl"ol'I thf> rf>cord prints to o. sepia Mylar or Mylo.r. The f'lylor My only be procured froM the Landsco.pe Architect vI0 o bonded reprogro.phlcs flrl'I which will pick up the original plo.ns, print thef'I ond return the orlgln<>ls to the Londscape 4rchltects office, The cost of these prints sho.ll be paid the reprographlcs fl"M dll"ectly froa the contractor, All work shall be neat, drawn In wo. tl'rproof Ink by n technical Ink pen designed spl'ClflCo.Uy for use on "'ylo.r Mn terI0.l. IJork cor,pl.eted In felt tip pen or ball point pen will be re Jetted because of the non-perManent nature of both devices. All work sho.11 be subject to npprovo.l by the Lo.nctscupe Architect, 4, The Contractor shall dlMenslon fl"o"' two (2) p.,rMnent polnh of reference the locn tlon of the following Iteris1 o.. Connection to e,IstIng water lines. b. Connection to e,IstIng electrical powtr. c, Gote volvrs. d. Routing of pressure MO.In line piping, e. Sprinkler control vol ves, f, Routing of control and COl'll'IOn wire. g. Quick coupling valves. h. Backflow preventer. 1. Other rf>loted equlpMent o.s directed by tl'le Landsco.pe Architect. ~-□n or before the do.te of the final Inspection at the end of thf> HoIntenonce Phase, the Contractor shall d.,llver the COl"l"ect .. d and cor;pleted Mylar to the Owner. Delivery of the f'lylo.r will not relieve the contractor of the •responsibility of furnishing required lnforMatlon that Might have been OMltted frol'l the prints COMplled O t the Site. C. Controller Cho.rts, 1. Record drawings 5holl be approved by thl' Lnndsco.p., ArcnIt@ct before controller cho.rts o.re prepo.rtd. 2, Provide one controller chart for each controU~r. 3. The cho.rt sho.ll show the area controlled by each autorio.tlc controller and shall be sized os deslgno.ted by the □wner's authorized representative, 4, The cho.rt Is to be a reduct•d drawing of the actunl record drawings. However, In the event the controller sequence Is not lf>glble when the dro.wlng Is reduced, It shall be f'lode reado.ble when the controller chart Is co~pleted. 5. The chort sholl be a blackllne or bluellne ozo.lld print o.nd a different c:olor shall be used to lndlco.te the areo. of coverage for each sto tlon, 6. IJhen cof'lpleted ond approved, the chart shall bf> sealed lly o. plo.stIc laM110.tIon process. The plo.stIc lo.,i1nat1ng sheets shall be a l'llnlMUl'I of 10 Mil thickness each. 7. Controller charts shall be COl'lpleted o.nd approved prior to fino.l lnspectloO of the Irr1g<1tIon syste~. D, □pero.tlon and Mo.1ntenance Mo.nuals1 E, 1. Prepo.re ond deliver to the □-r Within torn co.l•ndor days prior to col'lpletlon of construction, two hard cover binders with three rings each containing the following lnforMa tIon1 o., Inde, sheet sto.tlng Contro.ctor's address and telephonr nuMber, list of eqU1pr1ent with no.Me and addresses of local Mnufocturer's representn tlves. b. Co.to.log and parts shf>ets on evf>ry r,o. terI01 o.nd equlpf'lent Installed under this c:ontro.ct. c. Guarantee sta tel'IPnt. d. Col'lplete operating and Maintenance Instructions on o.11 ~oJor pieces of equlpMent. 2. In addition to the above r,entloned r101ntenance ,.,..nuo.ls, provldf> thf> Owner's Mnlntf>no.nC'f> personnel with InstructIon5 for Mo.Jar equlpMent as required. EqulpJ'lctnt To Be F urnlshed• 1. Supply as o part of this contro.ct the following tools• a, Two (2) sets of special tools required for rer1ov111g, dIsasseMbllng and adjusting eo.ch type of sprinkler o.nd valve Installed under this contro.ct. b. Two (2) flvf> foot vo.lve keys for operation of gate valves (as required). c. Two (2) keys for eo.ch o.utor10.tIc controll•r. d. Two (2) quick coupler keys and Matching host swivels for each type of quick coupling valve Installed, 2, The o.bove r,entloned eqUlpMent shall be turned over to t~ □wner ot thf> end of tne Mo.Inteno.nce Pho.se. Before final Inspection con occur, evidence tho. t the □wner has received r10.terI0.l Must be shown the Landscape Architect. 1.0-4 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING• A. ~o.ndllng of PVC Pipe and Fittings• ThP Contractor I~ cautioned to f>xercl,;e corf> In ho.ndlIng, lo<1dIng, unloo.dlng, o.nd storing of PVC pipe and fittings. All PVC pipe shall be transported In a vehicle which allows the length of pipe to lie flo t so as not to subject It to undue bending or concentro.ted e,ternal load at any point. Any section of pipe that ho.s bef>n df>nted or do.Mo.ged will be dlscnrded ond, If Installed, shall be replaced with nf>r pIpIng. 1.05 GIJAll?ANTEE• A, The guoro.ntre for the sprlnklrr Irrigation systel'I shall br l'lndr In accordnnce with the attached fol"M, The genel"ol conditions ond supple,ientary conditions of these specifications, If any, shall be fllf>d w1th the □oner or his represento. tIve prior to acceptance of the lrrlga tlon syster,, B. A copy of the guo.ronttte forl'I shall be included In thr □peratlons and lkllnten<>nce Manual, c. The guornrrtee for" shown below sholl be re-typfd onto the Contractor's letterhead and contain the following Inforl'latioo1 D. The beginning date of the one yeo.r guo.ro.ntee shall be froi, tht written final o.c:c:eptance do.te established by the Owner at the end of the Construction Phase, If no MoIntenance phase Is Included In the contl"oct, or the end of the Molntenonce Pho.se If such a phase Is o. pnrt of the contract, GUARANTEE F□R SPRINKLER I~RIGATl□N SYSTEM IJe hereby guarontre tho t the sprinkler ll"l"lga tlon systorl'I wor ho. vor furnished o.nd Insto.lled IS free fro~ defects In Mo.te>rlols nnd workMonshlp, and the work ho.s been coMpleted In accordo.nce with A, B. C. D. E, r. G. H. the drawings o.nd sprclflco. tIons, IJe ogl"ee to l"epolr or l"eplo.ce o.ny cf@fects In riotel"IO.l or work..anshlp which "°Y develop dul"lng the pel"lod of one year frol'I the elate of o.cceptance o.nd o.lso to repo.Ir or replo.ce any deMogt ruultlng froM the repairing or replacing of such defects at no additional cost to the □wner. IJe shall Make such rep<>lrs or reploceMents within o reo.sonable tli,t> o.s deterJ'llned by the owner after receipt of written notice fro,i the □wner, In the event of DUI" failure to Make such repairs or reploceMents within a reasonable tll'lf> o.fter rf>celpt of written notice fror, the □wner, we authorize the □wner to proceed to hove said repairs or replocel'lents ..nde at our e,pense and we will pay the costs and charges therefore upon del'land. PR□JECT, L□CATIONo PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS, SIGNED, ADDRESS, PHONE, ACCEPT ANCEo -----------------------------------~ Genero.l1 list only nrw l'laterklls of brands o.nd types noted on the drawings, specified hrl"eln, or approved equals, PVC PressurP Mo.in Llnf Pipe and nttlngs, I. Pressure f'IO.ln line piping for sixes 2' ond lo.rg,r shall be PVC Closs 315. 2. Pipe sho.ll be r,ade fror, NSF o.pproved T ypr I, Gro.dr I, PVC co,ipound conforl'llng to ASTH resin speclflca tIon DI 784, All pipe Must Meet requlreMents as sPt forth In rrderol SpecIfIco. tIon PS-22-70, with o.pproprI0. te stondo.rd dll'lenslon (S.D.R,), (Solvrnt-\leld pipe). 3, Pressure Main line piping for sizes 1-1/2' nnd s .... 11 .. r sho.ll be PVC Schedule 40 with sol vent welded Joints. 4. Pipe sh<>ll be Made froM NSF o.pproved Type I, Grade I PVC COMpound c:onforl'llng to ASTM l"esln speclfIcotI0n 1785. All pipe !'lust l'leet requlrel'lents o.s set forth In Ff>deral SpecIfIco.tIon PS-21-70 (Solvent-\leld Pipe). 5. PVC solvent-weld fittings sho.ll be Schedule 40, 1-2, 11-1 NSF approved conforl'llng to ASTM test procedure D2466. 6. Solvent cel'lent ond prll'ler for PVC solvent~wl'ld pipe o.nd fIttIngs shnll be of the type ond lnstMLa tIon l'lethods prescribed by the ,ionufo.cturer. 7, All PVC pipe Must b..ar the following Mo.o-kln951 o. Mo.nufacturer's nol'le, b, Nol'llnal pipe size. c, Schedule or class. d. Pressure rntlng In P.S,I, e, NSF (Notional Sanitation foundo.tlon) o.pproval. f. Do.te of extrusion. 8, iloll fittings shall beo.r the ,.,..nuf<>cturer's no.l'le or tro.der10.rk, MO. terlo.l deslgna tlon, size, oppUco.ble I.P.S. schedule and NSF seal of approval. f'VC Non-Pressure Lo.terol Lint P1p1ng1 1. Non-Pressure burled lateral line piping shall be PVC class 200 with sol vent-weld Joints. 2. Pipe shall be r,ode frol'I NSF opprovett Type L Grode II PVC cor,pound conforrilng to ASTM resin specification DI 784. All pipe Must Mf>f>t requIrer1ents set forth 1n rec1ero.1 SpecIfIco.tIon PS-22-70 with on o.pproprkl te sto.ndard d\Menslon ro tI0. 3, Except o.s noted In paragraphs I and 2 of this sectlo11, o.11 requlreMents for non-pressure lo.tero.l line pipe and fittings shall be the so.Me os for sol vent-weld pre,;sure rioln line pipe o.nd fittings o.s set forth In Section 2,01B of these specIfIca tlons. Jro.ss Pipe Md Fittings• 1, IJhere lndica ted on t~ drowlngs, usl' red brass screwed pipe conforMlng to Fedl'l"ol SpeclfIco.tIon #\IIJ-P-351, 2, Fittings shall be red bro.ss confor,ilng to Federal Specification IV\I-P-460. Cio.te Valves, 1, Go. te vo.l vu 3' o.nd sl'laller sho.ll bl' 125 lb. S'wP bronn go ti' vo.lve with scrE>w-ln boMet, non-rlSll'IQ stel'I o.nd solid wedge disc, hove threaded ends and be equipped with bronze wheel handle. 2, Go. te valves 3' o.nd Sl'IQU@r shall be s""llor to those l'lanufactured by Nlbco or approved equal. 3, All go te vo.l ves sho.11 be lnsto.lled per lnstallo. tlon dl'talt Quick Coupling Vol ves, I. Quick coupling valves sho.11 ho.ve o. bro.s~ two-piece body designed for working pressure of 150 P.S,I. operable with quick coupler key. Key size o.nd type shall be as shown on plo.ns, Co.p sho.ll be rubber with yellow c:olor. llo.ckflow Prev@nter Unit, I. Bo.ckflow Prevention Units sholl b• of sin o.ncl type Indicated on the Irrigation drowlngs, Install bo.ckflow prevention units In accordance with lrrlga tlon construction details, sho.U ho.v@ o. SCl"f>f>n and sho.11 2. IJye strainers at bockflow prevention units bronzed scl"ewed body with 30 l'lesh r,onel sIr1Ilar to Ballf>y #!OOA or o.pproved equo.l. Check Vo.l vuo 1. Swing check val VI'S 2' o.nd Sl'lallrr shall be 2 bronze construction with replo.ceo.ble COMPO or rubber dlsc and shall r,eet or exceed F SpecIfIco.tIon IV\I-V5ld, Class A, Type IV. 00 lb. ',/!JG sltlon, neoprene ederol rgln PVC tlet, Interno.l seals. Valve ~ 2, 4ntI-dro.1n vo.l ves sho.ll be of heo. vy duty vi construction 11th F,I.P. threod Inlet o.nd ou parts shall be stainless steel with Buno.-N shall be field adjustable against drawout of heo.d. AntI-dro.In valve shall be SIMllol" Bros. •cv• series or approved equal. frol'I 3 to 40 f.,.,t to the King 2. IJll"lng shall occupy t~ so.I'll! trench o.nd shall be Installed along th@ sal'I@ route as pr@ssur@ supply or lo.teral lines wherever possible. 3. \/here More than one wire Is plo.ced In o trench, the wiring shall be taped together o. t lntervo.ls of trn (10) f@@t. -4, An upanslon curl shall be provided within thrH (3) feet of eo.ch wire connection. Expo.nslon curl shall be of sufficient length at each splice connection of eo.ch electric control valve so thot In cnse of repair, the valve bonnet Mo.y be brought to the ,;urfoC'e without disconnection of the control wires, Control wires shall be lo.Id loosely In trench without stress or stretching of control Wire conductors, 5, All splices sh<>II be l'lade with Ralnblrd ST -03UL Sno.p-lite wire connector with PT /S5 seo.ler or o.pproved equo.l. Use one wire connectol" pel" wire splice, 6, Field splices between the o.utoMOtle controllrr o.nd electric control valves wlll not be perf'lltted without prior approval of the Lo.ndscape Architect, l, Autor,Q tic Controller, I, Autol'latlc controller shall be of size o.nd type shown on the drawings. 2, Final location of o.utOl'IO.tlc contl"oller shall b" approved by the □wner's outhOrlZed represento.tlv@ prior to InstollotIon. 3. Unless otherwise noted on the plo.ns, the 120 volt electrical power to the autOl'latlc controller loco.tlon sh<>II be furnished by others, The flno.l hook-14> of the auto.... tic controllel" to the 120 volt power source sholl be the responsibility of the ll"rlgatlon contractor. J. Electric Control Vo.lves, 1. Electric control valves sholl be of the size and type shown on the drawings, 2. Unless otherwlsf> noted on plon or construction details, o.11 electric control v<>l ves shall hove a ,iaJMal flow adJustl'lent. 3, Provide and Install onf> control valve bo• fol" each electric control vol ve. K. Control Valve Boxes, I. Gate Valves, Use 10' dlo.l'leter • 10-1/4' r<Mld bo.es, Corson Industries #910-12B with violet bolt down cover or approved equal. E,tenslon sleeve shall be PVC -6' rilnlPIUl'I size. 2. Electric Control Vo.Ives, Use 12' x 17' x 7' deep recto.ngulor bo,es, Corson Industries 11"'19A-12B with green bolt down cover or approved equal. L. Sprinkler Heo.ds1 I, AU sprinkler heads sho.U be of the slz<', type and deliver the so.Me l"Q te of precIpIto. tlon with the din Me tel" (or radius) of spray, prl'ssurf> and discharge In G.P.M. as shown on the drawings. 2, All spro.y-type sprinklers shall have a screw adJustrient. 3. Riser/swing Joint asseMblles shall be fo.brIco.ted In ac:c:ord<>nce with the Irrigation construction deto.lls shown on the drawing,;, 4. Riser nlppll's for all sprlnklf>r hf>o.ds shall be the snl'le size o.s the riser opening In the sprinkler body. PART 3 -EXECUTl□N 3,02 INSPECTI□N, A, Site Conditions, I, All sco.led dI11enS1ons or@ opproxll'IO.te. The Controctor sho.ll check o.nd verify o.ll Site dIr1ensIons, 2. E•erclse extrerie co.re In exco.vo.tlng o.nd working neo.r e•lstlng utilities, Contractor shall be responsible for dof'loges to utilities which o.re co.used by hi<;; opero.tlons or neglect. Check e><1stIng utllIt11>,; drawings or co.ll utility co,.,ponlf>s for existing utility locations. 3. Coordinate InstnllotIon of sprinkler IrrIgotIon Mterklls. Including pipe, so there sh<>ll be no Interference with utilities, other construction or plaotIng of trees, shrlA>s and ground covers. 4, The Contractor shall carefully check o.U i,-ades to satisfy hIMelf that he MY safely proceed before sto.rt1ng work on the sprinkler lrrlgo.tlon systel'I, 3.03 PREPARATION, A. Physical Layout, I. Prior to lnsto.llo. tI011, the Contractor shall stoke, out o.11 pressure supply lints, routing and loco.tIon of sprinkler heads. Canto.ct the Landscape Architect IMMl'dla tel y If obstructions prevent routing o.s denoted on plans. B, IJo.t@r Supply, C. I, Sprinkler lrrlgo.tlon systel'I shall be connected to water supply points of connection as shown on drnwlngs. 2, Connections shall be r,o.de o t o.pproxIMo. te loco. tIon,; o.s snown on the dro.wlngs. Contro.ctor Is responsible for Minor chnnges caused by actuo.l site conditions. Electrlcol Suppl Y' 1. Electrical connections for. auto .. atlc controll"r sho.11 be MO.de to electrIcol points of coonectlon o.s shown on the drawings, 2, Connections shall be !'lode o t opproxll'IO. te loco. tIons o.s shown on the drawings. Contractor Is l"esponslble for Minor changes co.used by actual site condItIons, APPROVED FOR Kobzeff LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite Phone: (714) 770-7340 PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE: & Associates ENV1RONMENTAL DESIGN 105 Loguno Hills Colifornio 92653 FAX: (714) 770-8385 "AS BUil T'' DATE Control 'o'lrlng, ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: 1. Connections bl'twl'en the autOl'latlC contrOllt rs Mel the direct burial electric control valves shall be ,iade with copper w1re AIJG-U,r. 600 volt. Pilot wires outor,atlc controller shall be the sar,e col shall be white In color with o stripe to r,a wirf>S with •hlth It IS cr-cuited on the so~e Provide different colors for each control the so.Me project. Install wire In accordanc J'lanufQcturer's specIf1eatIons o.nd wire cha shoring the so.Me or. CoMMon wire tch the pilot contrOller. ler lnsto.lled on e with valve rt. In no c:o.se shall wire size be less than 114, " ..... ~ I Ii! * "( /?:." * -/~;, s ~ 1',;0l'<;W INSPECTOR DATE . DATE INITIAL ~NGINEER OF WORt REVISION DESCRIPTION AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SH9ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ULJ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 MARVISTA LOTS 1-17 I APPROVED PLA~R .2-lf·.ft:1 ASSISTANT OWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CT 97-08 359-9L RVWD BY: OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL ,,,,·7, 3.04 INST ALLA TI□N, A. Trenching, 1. Dig tr♦nch"s stro.lght o.na support pip" c0nt1nuously 0n bottol'l of trenc:h. Lo.y pipe to o.n even gro.de, Trenc:hlng exc:o. vo. t1on sho.ll follow lo.yout lndlc:o. ted on the dro.wlngs · o.nd/or speclflco. t1ons o.s noted, 2, Provide for o. MlnlMUM of eighteen (18) lnc:hes c:over for o.ll pressure supply lines, 3, Provide for o. MlnlMUM c:over of twelve (12) Inches for o.ll non-pressure lines. 4, Provide for o. MlnlMUM cover of eighteen (18) lnc:hes for o.ll c:ontrol wiring. B. Bo.ckf1ll1ng1 1. The trenches sho.ll not loe loo.ckfllled until o.ll required tests o.re perforMed, Trenches sho.ll be co.refully bo.c:kfllled with the exco.vo.ted l'lO.terlo.ls o.pproved for bo.ckf1ll1ng, consisting of eo.rth, loo.M, so.ndy clo.y, so.nd or other o.pproved l'lo.terlo.ls, free froM lo.rge clods of earth or stones, Bo.ckfill shall be Mecho.nlco.lly coMpo.cted In lo.ndsco.ped o.reo.s to o. dry density equal to o.djo.cent undisturbed soil In plo.ntlng o.reo.s, Bo.ckflll will c:onforM to o.dJo.cent gro.des without dips, sunken o.reo.s, hul'lps or other surfo.ce 1rregulo.r1t1es, 2, A fine gro.nulo.r MO. terlo.l backfill will be Initially plo.c:ed on o.ll lines, No foreign Mo. tter lo.rger tho.n one-ho.If (1/2) Inch In size will be perMltted In the lnltlo.l backfill, 3, Flooding of trenches will be perMltted only with o.pprovo.l of the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect, 4, If settleMent occurs o.nd subsequent o.oljustl'lents In pipe, vo.lves, sprinkler heo.ds, lo.wn or plo.ntlng, or other construction o.re necesso.ry, the Contractor shall l'lO.ke o.ll required o.dJuStMents without cost to the Owner, C, Trenching o.nd Bo.ckflll Under Po.v1ng1 1. Trenches loco.ted under o.reo.s where po.vlng, o.spho.ltlc c:oncrete or concrete will be Installed, sho.ll be bo.ckf1lled with so.nd (o. lo.yer six (6) inches below the pipe o.nd three (3) Inches o.loove the pipe) o.nd col'lpo.cted In lo.yers to 95¼ COl'lpo.ctlon, using Mo.nuo.l or l'lecho.nico.l to.Mplng devlc:es, Trenches, for piping sho.ll be c:oMpo.cted to eq1.o.l the COMpo.ctlon of the existing o.dJo.cent undisturbed soil o.nd sho.ll be left 1n a flrM unyielding condition, The sprinkler lrrlgo. tlon Contro.ctor sho.ll set In plo.ce, co.p o.nd press1.rtr test o.ll piping under po. v1ng prior to the po. vlng work. 2. Genero.lly, piping under existing wo.lks IS done by Jo.eking, boring or hydro.ullc driving, but where o.ny cutting or breo.klng of sidewalks o.ncUor concrete Is nec:esso.ry It sho.ll be done o.nd replo.c:ed by the Contro.ctor o.s o. po.rt of the c:ontro.c:t cost, PerMlsslon to cut or breo.k sldewo.lks o.nd/or concrete sho.ll be obto.lned froM the Owner, No hydro.ullc driving will be perl'l1tted under concrete po. vlng, 3, Provide for o. Mlnll'luM cover of eighteen (18) Inches between the top of the pipe o.nd the bottol'l of the o.ggrego.te loose for o.ll pressure o.nd non-pressure piping 1nstnlled 1.nder nsphnl tic concrete po. vlng, D, Assel'lblles, E. l. Routing of sprinkler lrrlgo. tlon lln•s o.s 1nol1cn ted on th• drnwlngs Is dlo.gro.l'lMO.tlc, Insto.ll lines (nnd vnrlous o.ssel'lblles) In such n Mnnner o.s to conforM with th .. details per plnns. 2. Install no l'lUltlple o.sseMlol1es on plo.stlc lines. Provide each nsseMbly with Its own outlet, 3. Install o.ll o.ssel'lblles spec:lfled herein In o.c:c:ordo.nc:• with respective detail. In absence of detail drawings or spec:lflcn tlons perto1n1ng to spec:lflc: lteMs required to c:ol'lplete work, perforl'l such work In o.ccordo.nc:e with the best standard pro.ctlce with prior approval of the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect, 4. PVC pipe o.nd fittings sho.ll bl' thoroughly c:l•o.ned of dirt, dust o.nd Moisture before install a t1on, lnst<1llo. tlon <1nd sol vent welding l'lethods sho.ll be o.s rec:oMMended by th.. pipe o.nd fitting l'lo.n1.fo.ct1.rer, 5, On PVC to Metal connections, the Contro.ctor sho.ll work the Metnl c:onnectlons first, Teflon tape or npproved equal Line 1. shall be used on o.ll threaded PVC to PVC, o.nd on nll threaded PVC to Metal Joints, Light wrench press1.re Is o.ll tho t Is required, Where threaded PVC connections are required, 1.se thre<1ded PVC o.do.pters Into whlc:h the pipe Mny be welded, Cle-0.ro.nce-1 All lines shall hove o Mlnll'lUl'l cleoro.nce of six (6) Inches frol'l ea.ch other o.nd froM lines of other trades or, Po.ro.llel lines shall not be Installed dlrec:tly over one nnother, Inst<1ll per nll cross-connection codes o.ppllcnlole to this site, F, AutoMo. tic Controll<!'r• G, 1. Install o.s per Manufacturer's lnstruc:tlons. Rel'lote c:ontrol High 1. 2, vo.lves sho.ll b., c:onnected to controller In nuMerlc:nl sequence as shown on the drnwlngs, vol toge Wiring for A1.tol'lo. tic Controller, 120 volt power connection to the o.utoMo. tic controller shall be provided by the Irrigation contro.ctor, All elec:trlcnl work shall conforM to locnl c:odes, ordinances o.nd union o.uthorltles ha vlng Jurlsdlc t1on, H, ReM0te Control Valves, 1. Install where shown on the drawings o.nd per oleto.lls, When grouped together, allow o. t least twelve (12) Inches between vol ve boxes. Install eo.c:h reMote control vnl ve In n seporo te valve box, Align boxes with o.dJo.cent po vlng In a neat P'lanner, I. Fl1.sh1ng of Systel'l1 1. After all new spr1nkltrr pip<!' lines and risers or• In plo.ce o.nd connected, o.ll necesso.ry dlv<!'rslon work hos been c:oMpleted, ond prior to lnsto.llo. t1on of sprinkler heo.ds, th• control valves shnll be opened nnd o. full heod of wo. ter used to flush 01.t the systeM, 2. Sprinkler heo.ds sho.ll be lnsto.lled only after flush1n9 of the systel'l has been o.c:c:oMpllshed. J, Sprinkler Heads• 1. Install the sprinkler heads as deslgno.tl'd on the drawings, Sprinkler heods to be Installed In this work shall be equlvnlent In nll respects to those ltel'llzed In the lrrlgo. tlon equlpMent legend. 2. Spoc1ng of sprinkler heo.ds shall not •xceed the l'lOxlMuM o.s 1nd1co. ted on the dro. wings. In no co.se sho.ll th• spacing exceed the MO.XIMUl'l rec:oMMended by the Mon1.fncturer, 3,0:5 TEMP□RAll!Y REPAIRS, A, The □wner reservtrs thtr right to Mo.k• ttrMporo.ry r,rpo.lrs o.s necessary to keitp th• sprinkler systeM equlpMent In opera. ting condition, The exercise of this right by the Owner sho.ll not rl'lleve the Controctor of his responsibilities 1.nder the terl'ls of the guo.ro.ntee as herein specified, 3.06 l'"IELD GlUALITY CONTROL, A. , AdjuStMent of the SysteM, I. The Controc:tor sholl flush ond o.dJust o.ll spr1nkltrr hl'o.ds for optlM'-<l'l perforMo.nce ond to prevent overspro.y onto walks, roo.dwo.ys and buildings as l'luc:h as possible. 2, If It Is deter,i1ned tho t o.dJustl'lents In the lrrlgo. tlon eq1.1pMent will provide proper o.nd More o.dequo. te c:overo.ge, the Controctor shnll ,inke such odjustMents prior to plontlng. AdJ1.stMents l'l!ly o.lso Include changes In nozl"le sizes and degrees of o.rc as required. 3, Lowering ro.lsed sprinkler heads by the Contractor sho.ll be o.c:c:ol'lpllshed w1th1n ten (10) do.ys ofter notlflc:ntlon by Lo.ndsco.pe Arc:hltect, 4, All sprinkler heads sho.ll be set perpendicular to finished grc.de unless otherwise deslgnn ted on the plon or as requlr,.d for proper covernge (slopes, etc.), B, T .. sting of Irr 190. t1on SysteM1 1. The Contractor shall rl'quest th• presence of th• Lo.ndsc:o.p• Architect In writing o. t lea.st 48 hours In o.dvo.nc:e of o.ny testing. 2. Test nll pr .. ssure lines under hydrostatic press1.re of 125 P.S,I. ond prove watertight, Testing of press1.re Mo.In line piping shall occur prior to 1nsto.llo.t1on of elec:trlc: c:ontrol valves or quick coupling vol ves. 3, All piping under paved o.reo.s shc.ll be test .. d under hydros to. tic pressure of 150 P.S.J, and proved wo. tertlght, prior to pa vlng. 4. Susto.ln pressure In t,-sted lines for not less than four (4) ho1.rs, If leoks develop, replace Joints and repeo t test 1.nt1l entire systel'l Is proven wo. tertlght. 5. All hydros to. tic tests shC\(l• be Mo.de In the presitnce of th" Lo.ndscope Arc:hltect, The test l'lOy be Mo.de In the presence of the Genera.I Contro.c:tor's superintendent only If written nc:c:eptonce of the test IS forwarded to the Owner and Lo.ndSC!lpe Arc:hltect, No pipe sholl be bo.c:kfllled 1.ntll It hos been observed, tested and o.pproved In writing, 6, Contro.ctor sho.ll furnish fore: .. pul'lp ond oll other test equlpl'lent nec:esso.ry. 7, When the sprinkler Irrigation systeM Is coMpleted, perf0rM o. coveroge test In the presence of the Lo.ndsco.p,-Architect, to deter Mine If the wo ter c:ov,-ro.g,-for plont1ng o.reos Is COl'lplete nnd o.dequnte, f:"1.rnlsh nil Mo.terlo.ls o.nd perforl'l o.ll work required to c:orrect o.ny lnodeq1.o.c1es of covero.gtr d1.e to deviation froM plans, or where the systeM ho.s been willfully 1nsto.lled o.s Indicated on the dro.wlngs when It Is obviously Ina de quo. te, without bringing this to the a ttentlon of the Londscope Arc:hltect, This t,-st sholl be occoMpllsheel before nny ground cover Is plonted. 8, Upon c:oMpletlon of eoch pho.se of work, trntlre systeM sholl be tested o.nd o.dJusted to l'leet site requlreMents. 3.07 MAINTENANCE, A, The entire sprinkler lrrlgo. tlon systel'I shall loe under full nutoMn tic: opern tlon prior to any planting. B. The Contro.ctor shall keep the lrrlgo. tlon systeM coMpletely op.,ro tlono.l for the entire Length of the Construc:tlon o.nd Mo.lnteno.nc:e Phnses of work, 3,0S CLEAN-UP, A. Cleo.n-up shall be Mo.Ille o.s eo.ch portion of work progr•sses. Refuse o.nd excess dirt she.II b,. reMoved f'roM the site, all wo.lks and po. vlng sho.ll be brooMed or washed down, and <1ny do.Mo.g• susto.lned on the work of others shnll be repnlred to original conditions, 3.09 FINAL OBSERVATION PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE:, A, The Contrnc:tor shall opera. te ea.ch systl'l'l In Its entirety for the Landscape Architect at the tlMe of flno.l observation at the end of the Mnlnteno.nce Phose, Any ltel'ls deeMed not o.cceptnble by the Lo.ndscnpe Arch1t,-ct shall be reworked to the co,.,plete so.t1sfo.ct1on of the Londscope Architect. B. Th .. Contro.c:tor shall show trvldtrnctr to the Lo.ndsc:o.pe Arc:hltec:t tho. t the Owner ho.s received all o.ccessorles, charts, record dro. wings o.nd eq1.lpl'lent as required loE"fore flnnl oloservo. tlon can occur, 3,10 OBSERVATION SCHEDULE• A. I'!, C. Contro.ctor sho.ll be responsllole for notifying the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect In o.dvo.nce for the following observo. t1ons, C1ccord1ng to the following tlMe lndlc:o. ted, The n1.Mloer of site visits l'lO.Y vary with the contro.ct between Landscape Architect o.nd Owner, Contro.c:tor shC1ll verify the nul'lber o.nd type of lrrlgo. tlon obs.,rvo.tlons nec:esso.ry prior to work. Typlco.l observo.tlons l'lO.Y consist of, but not be lll'llted to the following, 1, Pre-Job c:onferenc:e 2. Pressure supply line lnstnllo. tlon o.nd testing 3, AutOMO tic controller Install a t1on 4, Control wlr,-lnsto.llo. t1on 5, Ln tero.l line o.nd sprinkler 1nsto.llo. t1on 6. Coverage test 7. Db servo. tlon to begin Maintenance Phase 8. Fino.I observo. tlon o. t end of Mo.lntennnc .. Pho.se 7 days 48 hours 48 hours 48 ho1.rs 48 hours 48 hours 7 dnys 7 do.ys 'tlhen observo. tlons ho.ve be .. n conducted loy other than the Londsc:o.pe Arc:hltec:t, show ev1d .. nce of when o.nd by whol'l these observo. tlons were l'lode, In thtr event the Contro.c:tor c:o.lls for o.n observo. tlon without record drowlngs, without co,ipletlng pr .. vlo1.sly noted corrections, or without preparing the systeM for oloservot1on, he shall be responsible for relriburslng the Lo.ndsc:o.pe Arc:h1tect o. t the c1.rrent norl'lo.l office ho1.rly rote per hour (porto.l-to-porto.l), plus tro.nsporto. t1on costs, for the lnc:onvenlence. No f1.rther observo. t1ons will be scheduled until this c:ho.rg .. ho.s been po.Id. -End- SECTION 02'JOO LANDSCAPE PLANTING PART I -GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE Of" IJ□RK1 A, Furnish o.ll lo.bor, "'°' te-r-10.ls, l'CfUlpl'll'nt and .-:•rvlces rll!'qulrecf to provide-o.ll lo..ndscnp• plo.nt1n9, coripli!'tll!' In plo.C:1!', o.s shown on the, dro.wlngs <ind specified hel"eln, I, Related work spec1F1•ol 1n oth•r s•c::t1on•1 I, Londsco.po, lrr1go tlon Systel'l 2, Lo.nolsco.po, Mo.lntenonce 1.02 GILIALITY ASSURANCE• A. Source Quo.llty Control• 1, Arro.nge procedure For Inspection of' plGnt "'"' ttrrlol with Lo.nolsco.pe Archltl!ct prior to work, Should thl! contro.c:tor clei,lre tho, Lo.ndsco.pe Architect to Inspect tho, plo.nt ,io. terlGl Gt the nursery prior to clellvery, the contl"o.ctor sho.ll not1Fy the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect on• w,,.,k prior to this re-quPst•d lnsp.-ctlon. The Lo.ndscnpe Architect :s:hn.ll Invoice- the contro.c:tor for the Inspection on o.n hourly loo.sis, porto.l 'to portQl, Including nny other-e)(penses Incurred. All such Invoices sho.ll be po.Id to th" Lo.nclsco.pe Architect prior to o.ny other inspections by the Lo.ndsco.pe, ArchltiPct to the project site, 1.03 SUIIMITTALS• A. C.-rtlf"lcQt• of' lnsp.-ctlon of' pta.nt Ma.t.-rlo.l by Sto-tt' or F'"•d•ro.l Authority sho.ll be pres.,nted If requesteol loy th• □wn•r. 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING, A. D•Uv~ry, 1. D.-Uvitr f'•r-tlll%•r to sltllt In orlglno.l uno~n•d c::ontalners b1P"arIng Mo.nufo.cture-r's guorQnt@'ecl chel"'IICO.l o.no.ly:s:l:S, noP'I•, tro.del"lc.\r"k., o.nd c::onforrio..nce to state lo.w, i", Deliver plo.nts with legible lolentlflco.tlon lo.bets, o., Lo.lot,[ trePs; evergreens, bundles of contG>lners of like shrubsJ or grounolcover plo.nt5, lo. Use-oluro..bl~ WO. t~rpt""C")Of lo.bels •Ith WO. ti!'r-+ri!'515to.nt Ink whlc;h Will r<'l'lo.ln legible for o.t l<'O.St 60 olo.ys, 3. Protect plo.n-t "'10. ter-lo.l during deUvQ'ry to prevent o1a1t10.ge to root bo.ll or drslcco tIon of leo. ves. 4, Th,. Contro.ctor sho.ll notlf'y the L11nclsco.pe Architect forty eight (48) hours In o.dvo.nce of olellvery of o.ll plo.nt ,.,., ter10.ls o.nol sho.ll sulol'llt o.n 1te,.,1zecl (1st of the plo.nts, B, :Storo.gl!• l, Store p\o.nt l'lo.terlo.l In she.de Gnd protect fro" weo.ther, 2. Mo.Into.In ond protect plo.nt "'"t"rl<>l not to be plo.nted within four (4) hours. C:, H<>ndllng, I, Do not olrop plo.nt l'lo.tel"lo.ls, 2, Do not pick up c;onto1net"" plo.nt "'Q t1trlo.l by ste-r,s or trunks, l.~ JOB CONDITIONS, '11, Perforl"I a.c:tua.l plo.nthQ only wh~n W@'O.tt'\er-and soil conclltlons o.r11t sulto.ble In o.ccorolo.nce with loco.lly o.cc.,pteol Industry pro.ctlce, 1,06 SAMPLES AND TESTS, A. I, c. Thi! Owner reservots thot right to to.ke o.nol o.no.ly2e fO.l'lpl,ts of rio.terlo.ls f'or confor.,lty to spec:lf'1c:o.t1ons o.t o.ny t1,.,e, Rejec:teol MQ Wrlo.l:5 sho.ll be-IMl"'tedlo. t1tly rer1overd f'r0r1 th• site at the ContrQctor's e-x~nse-. Thlf' C"".OSt of testing of' r,o.te-rlo.ls not l'le<'tlng specific 0. tlons sho.ll lo<' po.Id by the Contro.ctor, Th• Con"tr-Qctor sho.U ho.Ve SOil so.r..pte-s t•st•d Qft•r flnl:s:h gr-Qdes ho.vii!' b.-e-n eestQbllshed. tQ.kllP SQPlples: to best represent th<1 salte soil conclltlons, Surfo.c,e so..,ples shall loe to.ken with o. trowel ot o• to 12' deep Into flnl5h gro.ole, Shoulll sub-surfo.ce so.ripleli 1:,,. requesteol, these sho.ll loe to.ken o. t o. depth of 30' to 36' Into finish gro.de, All ,so.Mples sho.ll be t.-,.ted loy o.n e,sto.lolls~d "oils lo.looro tory for soil fo,rtlllty o.ncl o.gr1cul turo.l su1to.lo1Uty. to.ch so.l'lple sho.ll con to.in o.pproxll'IO. tely on" quo.rt, b1.t no less, Coples of the lo.looro.tory's recor,,.,endo.tlons sho.ll be sent to the Owner o.nd the City Inspector upon rec:.-lpt loy th.-Contro.ctor with o. st<>teM<'nt ol<'notlng o.ny o.cldltlono.l or ~eductlve costs. The Contro.ctor 5hall then tnsto.H soil "'"'''"d"ents o.nd loo.ckflll to conforl'I to the soil lo.lool"o. tory's recoMl"lendo. tlons by f'lr-st r-equestlog o.nd rvr.:e1v1n9 a written cho.nge order fror1 the-□wn•r. This r•port '!1.hnll o.Lso contn.ln r~cor11-tendatIons Fot"" lr,port soil over no. tlve sot~ o.nol/or o.ny other i,pec10.l conditions po.rtlculo.r to the proJect s,t.,, Th" Owner "'°'Y req1.est o.d<11t1onal testing of finish gro.oles to oleter"''"" 11ctuul o.l'lencll'lent ro.tes per 1,06 A o.bove. The 1nspec:tor sho.ll o.pprove the i'ollowtng, l, Soil testing lo.boro. tory 2, Soils test l"ecol'l.,endo.tlon for °'"ending soil o.nd bo.c:kf'lll for plo.nt pits, 1.07 GUARANTEE AND REPLACEMENT• A, All plo.nt rio. tl'rlo.l 1nst<>lled Llnolitl" the cootr,.et sho.ll be guo.ro.nt••d Q.Qolnst Q.ny a.ncl QH poot"", lnoclequo. te or lnftrlor Mn ter-I0.Ls o,nd/or wor-kP'lo.nshlp for o. pl!'rlod of on.-(l) y.-o.r for tre<'s, o.nd ninety (90) 010.ys for shrubs o.nd grounolcovers fro" th• eff".,ct1ve do.te of col'lpletlon of the Ho.1nt .. n11m:e Pho.se of' the project o.s e"stabllshe"d loy th• □wn<Pr, Any plo.nt founol to loe d•ocl or In poor condition clue to fout ty Ma te-rlals or work~anshlp, QS Architect, sh<>ll be replo.ced by the oleterr,lneol by the Lo.ndsco.p" Contro.ctor o. t his expense, Mo. QUQro.ntee period »hall be rep (7) olo.ys of written notlflco.tlon terlnl to bo, replo.c:ed within this lo.c:eol by th<' Contro.c:tor within seven by the Owner. d, l'IISslng or In poor conolltlon s:hall be rl!'plo.ce-d 11¥11Pdlo. tely, The I. Any "'°' t1rrlo.ls found to b<' oleo. during thi!' Mo,Inteno.nce Pi!'rlod Lo.ndsco.p,. Archlt.,ct sho.ll loe the sole-Judge o.:s to the-condition of MO. terlo.l. ~~~~&ii? SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY INSPECTOR DATE DATE INITIAL NGlNEER OF WOR~ REVISION DESCRIPTION PART 2 -PRODUCTS i",01 MATERIALS• A, Tho, following orgo.nlC Gnd sot ol'l•ncl,i,rnts o.nd f'•rtlllZ6'1" o.r• to be u!!li!'cl for bldcllng put""pos~s only. Spitclf'lc a~ .. nolr,ents Qnd fertilizer spec1f1co.t1on will be l'IO.lle o.fter gro.011ng optrro.t1ons o.r• COl'lplete llnd soil so.,.,ples o.re tested by the Contro.ctor, B. All ,., .. t•rlols sholl loe of sto.ndo.rol, o.pprovl!d o.nol flrst-grool• quo.llty <>ncl "ho.ll be In prll'le conclltlon when 1nsto.lled onol o.ccepteol, Any co,.rierclo.ll y processeol or po.cko.g•d ria to,rlo.l sho.ll bw clvlIver•cl to the s:/'te In the orlg1na.l 1..1nopened contnIn,er beo.r-lng the l'lo.nufactur.-r's QUQro.nte1td ano.lysl:s, Contractor sho.U supply the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect with o. so.l'lple of' o.ll supplleol l"IQ tlf!"rlo.ls o.ccorip11nle-d by o.nQlytlc;ol do.to f'rori o.n o.pprove-cl lo.boro. tory source lllustrQ ting coMpllo.nce or bttn.rlng 'th@" Ma.nufQcturer's guo.ranteed o.nalys:1s upon reQuest, C, □rga.nlc:: MQ terlal• I. Nitrogen Sto.blll21tol1 0.:56 to 0.84:( N loo.s•ol on dry wtrlght fol" redwood so.wdust. 2. Po.rtld,r S1ze1 95¾ to 100¾ passing 6,35 ""' sto.nclo.rd SIIPYeJ 80)! to 100)! po.si,lng 2.33 I'll'! sto.nolc,rd sl•ve. 3, So.llnlty, The so.t1.1"0.t1on •xtro.ct conoluctlvlty sho.ll not exceed 3.5, l'lllllr1hos/centll'leter o.t 25 degr••s co,ntlgl"o.de o.s deterl'llneol by so.turo.tlon extro.ct l'lethool, 4, Iron Cont<'nt, Mlnlr,ur, 0.08)! olllute o.c101 solulol• n, oo dry weight loo.sis, 5, Ash• O to 6,0;: <olry weight), D. Soll Al'lenal'lent, l, Gypsu.,, Agrlc:ul turGI gr<>ole proolu,ep eonto.1n1ng 987. "lnl"'u"' co.lclul'l sulpho. te. [, F'ertM1zer1 I. co.,.,erclo.l plo.ntlng Fertilizer f'or grounolcov•rlshrulo 0.1"•0.s, f"ert1U:rer sho.ll c:onslst of the followlnQ perc:ento.ges loy weight o.nol sho.ll 1o.. l'llXl'cl by 0. co .. l'lel"CIO.l f"rtlllZ"r supplier• 12¼ nltl"OQIPn 12¾ phosphoric: o.c:101 127. poto.sh 2. Turf fel"tlllz•r "hnll consist of the following ptrrc•nts by weight o.nol sho.ll loe l'llxeol loy o. co,.l'lerclo.l fertilizer supplier'' 167. nltrog,m 20¼ phosphoric o.cld o:,: poto.sh 3. Plo.ntlng to.blets1 o.. Slow rel,mse type, conto.lntng the following percento.ges of nutrients by weight• 207. nitrogen 10% phosphoric o.clcl 57. poto.sh b, 21 gro." tablets o.s r,o.n1.fo.c:tureol by Agr1f'orl'l or approveol equ(l.l, o,pplled per 1'10..nuf'o.c:turer's Instr-uct1ons. F, Top Solh l. Top sol~ o.s l"l!qulrect sho.ll b• obto.1n•ol fro" on-site pl<>nt1ng exco. vo. t10ns If' o. t o.ll possible, 2, Topsoil sho.ll consist of o. no. turo.~ fertlll!, i'r10.lole, s<>noly loaM soil po5se-sslng -the cho.ra.cterlstlc:s: of' r•prlR's~nto. tlve soils In the-vicinity which procfuci!" hii!o.vy growth of crop:1:1 gro.sses, or other vi,geto. tlon o.nd sho.ll be obto.1ned fro,. no. tural well dra.lned o.reo.s. Befol"'e rer,ovo.l of' -the topsoil, the surfGce o.t the source of supply Is to loe stripped to a de,pth of two Inches In order to rer1ovr wee-ct s~eols:> roots, etc, I"port"cl topsoil sho.ll consist of' either fine so.nd or loo.My 110.nd textured soil r1ee,t1ng th• folleiw1ng s.:p~clflco. tlon&1 Silt pl1.s c:lo.y c:ontent of this soil sho.'.l not exceeol 30¼ by weight with o. P>lnlMUM 95¼ po.sslng th• e.o r11ll1,., .. ter siev•. The soollUl'l o.bsorptlon ro. tlo <SAR) ,;hall oot exceeol 6 o.nol the elec:trlco.l conoluct1v1ty (ECe) of the saturo.tlon extro.ct of this soM sho.ll not exceed 3,0 l'llllil'lhos/centl,.,eter ot 25 degrees: Centigrade. The boron cont•nt of thl'.'!i: :SC'"lll '!!ihO.ll b• no 9reat•r tha.t 1 PP"' o.s Measured on the s.a.tura.tlon v><trQc:t. pH sho.ll not exceeol 7,0 <ind loe not less tho. t 6.0, In order to Insure confor-Mo.nce~ sa.l"'lples of the lr1pc-,rt :'!.oil shall be sulo,iltted to <> quallflecl lo.locro. tory for nno.ly51s prior to shipping, This speclflco. tlon o.pplle~ to ""port soil to loe used for ba.ckf'lll purposes In probler-. soil o.reo.s. In la.ndsco.pcr o.reo.s where no soil problel'ls .. x1 .. t, th" textural cho.ro.c ter1st1cs s:ho.ll be-slMflQr to na--tlve soil, The SOIJt""Ce of SOil shall be-frel!' frof"I B•rpiudo. gr-Q.S:I o.nd other noxious weeds or gro.sses, Topsoil sho.ll loe i'ree fro,. ra,fuse, heo.vy roots, clQy h.u .. p:a-, stonvs lQ.rg•r tha.n one Inch In s12:e, noxious: •••ds, sticks, brush,, Utter and other c1 .. 1 .. ter1ous sulosto.nces, In no co.s" sho.ll there loe l'lore tho.n five perc<'nt loy volurie of the following, stone" lo.rger tho.n one inch, coo.rs:• s:Qnd,. and :.1¥10.U clny lur-.ps. Th" Contrnctor shllll furnish the Owner with the proposed source or sourc:;•s of topsoil to be used o.t leQst fifteen (15) working olo.ys prior to d•llvery, The Contro.ctor o. t his own expense, sho.ll obtoln soil so.,.,ples f'rori his lntrncwd top soil source o..nd ho.ve, o. soil analysl:5 perfor-r'!e-d ~y o. soil te-stlng labot""o. tory to ensure conforl"llty with thP pre-C"".•dlng speclf'lc:<> tlons, Top soil "ho.ll not b" delivereol to the work Site prior to o.pprova.l by the Owner, Any delo.y co.used by the fo.1lure of soil tests to MO"et thesO" speclflcQ tlons sho.ll be the sole responsibility of the Contro.ctor. Kobzeff & Associates LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE EN"1RONMENTAL DESIGN 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 105 Loguno Hills California 92653 Phone: (714) 770-7340 F'AX: (714) 770-8385 APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS BUILT' AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE TITLE: DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED SY: AREAS. • INSPECTOR DATE CT[] CITY OF CARLSBAD Lill 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 MARVISTA LOTS 1-17 APPROVED 7ffU .;;>./k-~/;, ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR OWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO, DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CT 97-0B 359-9L OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: G. Plo.nt Mo.t•rio.l• 1. Pion ts 5ho.H b• In con/orhone• wltti 'tt.• Co.llf'ornlo. Sto. t• Depo.rtl'li,nt of Agrtcultur•'s r•gulC1t10n for ,u,.s•r"y Inspections, r"Ulu; C>nd roting, All plo.nts sho.ll ho. ve o. nor.,o.l ho.bit of g.-o,.th Md shC\ll be souncl, h•o.l thy, vigorous o.nol free of lnse-ct lnfe-sto.tlon:s, plo.nt d1s11to.se-s, sunsco.Lds, f're":sh abrQslons of' th.-bo.rk, e')l:Cesslve-o.brQslons, or othe-r obJectIonC1ble dIsfI9urehents. Tr.,e trunks ,;ho.IL be stw·dy o.nd weU 'hQrden•d' off. All plo.nt" 5ho.ll ho. V<' nor,.,olly we-ll-cleve-lop•d loro.nL""'h s:yste-"s, not spo.r~•i lrre-gularly spo.cecl, thin bro.nchea or h<1vlng off-b<1i<1nc"d he<1a. All shall ha. Vt' vigorous o.nd fibrous root syste-r1s which ort" not root or pot-bound. n,.. root c:ond1t1ons of the plo.nts furnished by the Contro.ctor In conto.ln.,rs will b" d"tt'rhlnt'd by rer1ova.l of e-o.rth fror1 "the roots of not less than two plo.nts of e-nch species or vo.rlPty. Where conto.lner-grown plo..ntJi arv f'rol'I severo.l sources:, the roots: or not les:s: tho.n two plo.nts of e-a.ch spl!'cle-s or varle-ty frorri ,e,,o.ch sourc• will bil' Inspected. [n co.se the so.i..pll!' plo.nts lnsp•ct•c:I o.re found to be defectlvP, th• Lo.ndsco.pe Architect reserves the right to r~Je("'.t the l!'ntlre-Lot or-tot5 of plo.nt:5 re-pr11':51Pntied by the defective so.l'lples, Ti--City Lo.nasc:C>pe ArchIt•ct Is tho> sole Judge "" to o.cceptoblllty. Any plc,nts rendt'reot unsuIt<1ble for plo.ntIng b•c:nuso> of this Insp,.ctIon will bt' c:on5:ldvred o.s: s:aMples and will be provlde-d o.t th.-;o>q::>ens• of the ContrC>ctor, 2, The size of the plMts "Ill correspond with tho. t norhe>Hy expected for SP<'Cl"s o.nd vo.riety of COhl'l•rclo.lly o.vo.lle>bl• nursery stock or o.s sp .. cl·f'lied In the dro.wll'lgs, The l"'llnlMU"' G.cceptot:ile size of all plo.nts, i..e-o.:5Ure-rJ b~fore pruning with the br-anches In norMa.l position.. sho.H conforM with the heo.s....-el'lents, If o.ny, spec:lfl,..d on the dro.wtngs, Plo.nts lo.rger In conto.tnrr size tho.n specified r10.y bl!' usl!'ol with t~ o.pproval of the Lo.ndscClpe ArchIt .. ct, but the use cf lo.rger plo.nts will l'\o.ke no cho.og" In contro.ct prlc:e. If the '"'" cf large-r pln.nts Is o.pprovect the bo.ll of e-o.rth or spr~o.d of roots fer eo.ch plo.nt will btP lncr.,o.s"a proportlOM tely, 3. Rt-Jectlon or s:ubst1tut1ons1 All plo.nts not conforF'llng to the requ1re""ents herein sp@c1f1e-d,. shall biP LoMUde-r~d dtrf'erctlvl!' Qnd :such plo..nts:, whether In plo.ce or not, sho.ll b., r,o.rked o.s re Jected Md IMl'\edlC>tely ,..,,.,oved fro., the site of the work o.nd replo.c:ed with new plo.nts o.t the Contractor's expense. Th• ph,nts sho.11 be of the species, vo.rlety, size o.nd c:ond1t1on specified he-rein or o.s :s:hown an the drawings, Under no conditions will there be o.oy substItutIon of plo.nts or sizes listed on the o.cco.,po.nylng plo.ns, except with the e-xpre-sse-d wrltt~n Ll."'ln~1umt of the City Lo.ndsc:o.pe Architect. 4. Pr1 . .m1ng1 At no tlP1e sho.tl trees or plo.nt Mn ter1als be pruned, trll'll'led or topped prior to delivery. Any "l tero.tIon of their sh<1pe sho.ll be conducted only with the o.pprovo.l o.nci whl!'n tn the-pr.-sencP of the City Lo.ndsco.pe Archltec::-t, 5. Plnnt 1"'10. terlo.l sha.ll be true to boto.nlco.l o.nd coMt'lon no.Fl'lle o.na vo.rlt'ty o.s spec:Ifl"d io, 'A Checklist of Woody □rno.Mento.l Plo.nts In Co.llfornla,' Mo.nuo.l 32, published by the Unlver5lty of Co.llfornlo. School of Agriculture (1963), 6. Nursery Grown o.na Collected Stock• o.. Gro"n unaer c\iho. tic conditions sll'\llar to those In loco.llty of the proJ,.ct, b. Conto.lner-grown stock In vigorous, M<1lthy cooaItI011, not root-bound or with root sy5teri hQ.rcl,m~d off. c. USE" only liner stock plant MO. terlo,l wtilch IS well estntollshed in reF'!iovoble conto.lners or f'orr1ed hoMog~ne-ous soil s•ct1ons. 7. Substitute plant l'IO.ter"IO.I will not b• p•r,.,ltt•d without sp•clflc writ-ten opprovo.l loy ti,,. Lo.ndsce>pe Architect, 8. St""tdl Cl, G,rn,rro.l D,rflnltlon• Sod sho.11 b• defIn•a <I living g,ro.ss, (or groundcover such o.s dlchondrQ), con•l.-tln; of blo.des, crowns, root,;:,. nnd otto.ched soil. In the cnse of plo.nts which produce rhlzor111?s or stolons,. th~ s:o.rie-5ho.ll be-lnclude-d o.:5 po.rt of the sod. LIVlng gro.ss sho.ll be interprl!'te-d to lndudi.-gro.ss tho. t Is sl'o.sono.bly dorMo.n-t o.nd ce>po.l>le cf renewing growth o. fter the" dorrio.nt period. b, M<1 terI<1ls Ma CohposItIon of Soa, This sod shc,ll b• co,.,posed of Southl11nd Sod F'o.rhs "'" terlo.l or o.pprov•cl equo.l grown fro"' high quality se"a or veg,.to.tIve i,o.terlo.~ (stolons: or plugs:)_. upon soil treo. teol with o.pproprlo.te Sto.te o.nd Fe-thrro.l rirgulo..tor-y a.gency o.pproved p~stlcldes for control of c:Oseo.ses, Insects~ o.nd weeds, It sho.ll l>e produced In fll'lois perlodlco.lly lnSpPct•d loy the Co.llfornlo. Depo.rtMent of F'ood o.nd Agr-1cul ture, Nursery Section to Insure high quality o.nd fre-edoM f'ror, dls~o.ses, Insects, and wee-ots o.ccordlng to the stc,ndo.rds In eff,.ct In the current pubUs;hed •sto.t" of C<1llfornlo. RegulC>tlons for" Nurse>ry Inspection.' c. Sod Strength, Thlcknt'ss of Cut, o.nd Roller Slolo Sl:,t'• Sod strength sho.ll be such thC> t the sod rolls or "lC\b'il "'"Y loe hondlo,cl, lIft,rd, o.nd hoved without substo.ntlo.l bren.klng or teo,rlng, Sod sho.U be cut by Mo.chine to a. soil thickness of b•twe,m I/ 4 • o.nd 5/8', not including top-growth or tho. tch. Sl:,e of rolls or slo.los sho.ll be c:onsl§"tent to thf!' suppliers sto.ndo.rd width o.nd length Q.nd Is not to vory by l'IOre -tho..n 2Y. In each dll"!ens1on, d, Mol:!5tur~ Contl!'nt o.nd Condition of Top-Gr-ow.-th• Moisture content of' sod o.t ho..rvest or dl.M"'lng tro.nsport sho.ll btr s.ui;;;h o.s to not o.dv&r:;:ely n.f'fect trnnspto,nto.blllty, (neither too we-t nor too dry), Top-growth sho.ll be of good color o.nd be unIfol"hly "'""ea o.cccrdlng to o.cceptablt' ,.,owing heights for the given turf, ExLe~<; clippings o.nci other-sur-f'o.ce-dlfrbrls sha.ll ho.ve-bee-n re-Moved, Hn.rvested soct sho.ll t>e delivered o.nd lnsto.llea within 24 hours In w<lrM wea.ther or 36 hours In cool weo.ther-, Soct not Insto.lled within these tll'le periods she>ll be lnsp•ctHI o.nd o.pprove-d or rejlj!'cte-d by the Lo.ndsco.pe Arc:hltl!'i;;;:t, If', Subst1tut1ons1 Substitutions sho.ll not b~ p~rMltte-d without the express written Clpprovo.l by the Lo.nasco.p• Arc..,1-tect. H. Tr"e Sto.k!Og Mo.t,.rlC>I• I, Sto.kes for Tre" Support• "· Wood Sto.k1ts1 Sto.kes sho.ll H stro.lght gro.ln•d lodgepole pine. Stnk•s sholl be fr!"e f'r-ol"l knot:1:1 checks, splits, bends, or alsflgureheots, Mloi"'u"' nor,Ino.l size sho.ll be 2' In dlo.Meter x 10' long o.nd pointed o. t one end. Adjust to flt tr"e slz,., T r•o. t with ccppt'r no.phtho.no. te, 2, Tr•• supports sho.11 be rubloer Grc-Strolght tr"" ties, o.llow1ng llr,lted trunk Mover•n~·nt, I. Jute Mo. ttlng, Jut• ho ttlng sho.11 bt' of hehp l'IO t<trlo.l whieh Is heo vy Jute M-esh of' o.. unlfOf'l"'I plo.ln op•n weo.. v• of unbleo.checf single Jute Y"'"" o.v•r11glng 130 pounds pl'r spindle, The yo.rn sho.ll be of loosely twisted constr-uctlon ho.vlng o.n ave-ro.g• twl:!it of not less tho.n 1,6 turns per Inch and :s:ho.ll not vo.ry 1n thickness of' r1ore thQO 1/2 It's nor-1'10.l dlo.rn!'tl!'r, The Jutl!' Pll!'~h sho.ll be furnlsheol In C>ppr"O>Cl,.,C\tl'ly 90 pound roll strips, J. Mulc:h Cov,.r1 Mulch covl'r t1hC\ll consist of o. unlf'Orl'I, ground redwood or fir ho.terlo.~ cleo.r of debris or deletPrlous l'IO.terI0.l. SIZ:11!' sho.U bit 1/2' -2' ~quQ.l to Fo.r 'west Forests •'walk-on-Bo.rk•. Provide depth of 2' Mlnll'ILAM ove-r finish grade, Curbs, wn.lks, or other po.vlng sho.ll be loco.tea I' over the top of the Mulch covPr, No bo,r"'e earth sho.U be showing through riulch cover. PART 3 -tXtCUTION 3.01 INSPECTION• A. V,rrlfy thc,t flMl grc,d•s l'lc,vl' lo<t•n l'sto.blltlh<td prior to lo"Qlnring p\.,ntlng op•ro. tlons. B, Inspect tr"""• ,st.rubo;, o.nd Uno,r stoek plo.nt ,io. tOPrlo.l /or Injury, lns~ct lnfesto.tlon and trir•s o.nd shrubs for 1r1prop•r pruning, C, Do not ll"gln plo.ntlng until IrrIgo. tlon Mo.lnlln• prlP55Urt' tt'5t o.n,; 1rr190. tlon ("'.(")Vero.ge test a.re-o.cc@pted, 3,02 l"Rtl"ARA TION• A. Sto.ke out loco.t1on11 for plo.nts <1nd outllnl' of plo.ntIng ll•ds on thl' ground With non-<toxlc substonce o.s gypsul'\, B. Do not be-gin .. xcavQtlon 1.,mtn plo.nt loco.tlon• a.r'ld plo.nt b•ols a.r• o.ccepto.ble to Lo.ndsc<1pl' ArchIt•ct. 3.03 INSTALLATION• A, Exco.vo.tlon for Plo.ntlng, 1. Pits o.nol Trenc:hes:1 C\. ShC>pe, (I) V•rtIco.l sld•s onot flo.t bettor,, (2) l"lo.nt pits to I>• •quc,r• For box hO. tttrlo.~ clrculo.r for co.nni!-d l"IO. te-rla.l. b, Slz•• (I) AU plo.nt pits for shrubs •ho.ll btP <lug twIc,. th• alol'let"r o.nd twlc:e tht' dt'pth of thlP root bc,11, (2) Refer to the plo.ns for sI2 .. of tre" ple>nt pit~. I. F'r•pa.rn. tlon of Plon"tlng Ar@-O.!I• I, The o.reo. to be plo.ntt'd sh<1ll lo• d••p-rIpp•a to o. d•pth of twelve <12) Inches, Th" deep-ripping sho.ll b• done In o. cross po. ttern, o.ft•r the site ha.s;: been rough gro.deol, o.ncl prior to 5prl!'ndlng soil O.MenolMi!'nts o.nci c:ondltlon!'rs, AH rocl<s which o..re grec-te-r tha.n two inches In dlor"'teter, f'l4fnsur-ed o.t their lo.rgest dlol"'leter~ sho.ll be reMove-ol froM the top two (2) Inch"~ of the rlpp<'ol oreo., At ti-. coMpletlon of the de-ep-rlpplng ope-ro. tton$, the o.reo.s to receive 'top soil anct/ol"" soil c:ond1t1oriers sho..ll be brought to o. sP1ooth, unlforr, surface-f'reEt of' ruts~ furrows a.net oth•r lrre-gulo.rltles, ALCld~nto.l s;,o.lll!'S o.nd S'lound:s :5t'\P,H be lll"lilted on one--lnch vertlc:o.l devlo. tlon frof!'l o.. regulnr surfo.c:e. D□ MOT CONDITION SOIL □N SLOPES □VER 3•1, 2. After o.pproxIe,<1 t.. flnlsho>d -,ro.des ho. ve be"n estobllsh•oL s:cll s:ho.ll be concOtloned ond f'ertlllzed. Ac:tuo.l Mo.ter10.ls: o.nd ro. tes 5ho.ll be-cleterMlne-d by the soils lo.boro. tor-y reco1"1Mendat1ons:, The f"ollow1ng l"\O.ter1ots a.nd rotes are Included for bidding purposes only, Once the soils report hns: be•n reviewed nnd bleil costs adjus:te-d a.ccordlngly1 the Owner sho.ll Issue o. field notification for the <1ctuo.l o.Mendri~nts, ro.tes1 o.nd l"\anner of' lnsto.tla.tlon, F'or bidding purpo~es, Nitrogen stabilized orgo.nlc a.t"'lend ... ent1 o.r1Monlur1 phospho. te o.na gypsuM sho.l~ o.t thr follo,.In9 rC\ tt's, be unlforMly spreo.ol a.nd cultlvo.ted thoroughly by MPQnS of l"'leChO.l"IICO..l tiller Into the top 6" of SOil, o.. Plo.ntIng Beds• (1) Nitrogen s:to.b1l1.i:e-d orgo.nlc o.Mendrt•nt, 4 cu. yas. per 1,000 sq, ft, (2) Cor,M<'rclo.l fertilizer 12-12-12• 15 lbs. per 1,000 sq, ft. (3) Agrlc:ul turo.l gypsur,, 200 lbs, per 1,000 sq, Ft. 10, Tr"@-1!' and Shrub Bo.ckfilll (I) 6 ports by voluMe on-sit• soil (2) 4 po.rts by volurv,e, nltrog.-n sto.blllz•d orge.nlc: o.r,enclMent <3> l lb. 12-12-lc fl'rt~Izer p<'r cu. ya U) 10 lbs. o.grlculturo.l 9YP""''" p•r cu. ya, (5) 2 Lio,;. iron sulpho. te per" cu, yd. 3, AH soil o.reo.s ,ho.LI be c:o,.,pac:ted o.nd settled l>y appllco. tlon cf heo.vy Ir.-Igo.tIon to o. "llnlhU,., depth of twelve (12) Inches, C. F'IMI GrC>aes, Aft•r th• for•goIng sp•clfl•ot d••P wo. t•rlng, l'\lnor r,odIfIco.tIon to grade hO.Y be required to esto.bUsh th" fioe>I grnde. These o.r-e-as :!iholt not be worked until the l"IOlstur-e cont•nt ho.s be-irn rieducecl to o. point where-working It will not de-'."'itroy :51."'1lt structure. I. FInI5h oro.dlng sho.11 iosure proper dro.lMgl! of th• sit.,, e, All o.reos she>ll be gro.dl'd ,ao thC\ t the flMl grC\d"s Will l>e 1' below o.dJo.cent po.vecl o.reo.5:, slolewo.lkli1 vnlve boxes, ancl 2" In groundcove-r oreo.s. 3, Surfo.ce dro.lno.ge sho.ll be o.wo.y frol'I <1ll building foundc,tIons. 4, EIIPllno.te o.ll erosion sc<1rs, 5, At tlMe-(")f plo.ntlng. the top two lnch@-s of all o.reo.s to bl!' plo.nted or seeded sho.ll be fret' of ston,.s, stul'\ps, or othl!r deleterlol.As l"'IO. t"ter 1' In dlafllteter or lo.rger, and shall 1';;,e free fror, a.ll wlr•~ plo..'!iter, er slfl'!llo.r objects tho.t would be-o. h1nclranc:e-to pto.ntlng or Molntl!'no.nce, 6. Finish gra.dlng shall bl!' conslstie-nt ond free frol"'I unduto. t1ons, 1rr-e9ulnr1t1es or depressions. Area.-. flll1td by f'loo.t1ng loose '50ll Into twpre5!.lons. :.halt be thoroughly wo.tered to en!..ure C(")r'l'lpQL.tlon, D, Dl:t:posf' of Exc•ss So1l1 Dispose of Ynn.cc,e,,ptabtl' or unus•d •xcess SOil off-sltl', E:, E:ro5Ion Control• lnsto.ll Jute l'lt'Sh on o.ll slop•s In •xc••• of c?,1, Ma <1ll et! slopes ovt'r flv• (!5') high, □nly lnsto.ll Jute Mes:h l'ID. terlal on slopes: to receive gro1..1nolcove-r i,o. terlol f'rol'I f'lQ.1:s or containers, Do not plo.ce Jute-l"l~sh on n.reo.s to recelv• turf or hydro:seeded MO. ter10.ls. Verify Jute l'lesh loco. tlons with th~ Lo.ndsco.pe Archlt.,ct prior to Insto.lln tIon, Jute e,esh sho.ll b" plac:ed during the Malnteno.nce pho.se when o.nd o.s cilr&"cted by th• Lo.nolscope ArchltE.""ct whe-re s:oll ;,ro~1on 1:. evident. Jute Mesh sho.ll be-lnsto.Ued loosely, i...p o.nd down the slope In o. ver-th:a.l "'"""e", The InstC1lled "esh netting sho.11 flt the soil surfo.c" contour o.nd sho.tt blliil' h8'ld In place kly nine loch (9') long, 11 gc.uge rilnlMUl"i steel wire stoples driven vertlco.Uy Into the soil o.t o.pproxll'lo.tely tw.,,ty four inch (24') sp<1ciog. Jute l'\l'Sh netting strips sho.ll ov,;rlo.p olong the sides o.t l"o.st six Inches (6"). Ln.p nll ends of r-olls o. Mlhlr1utri of twenty f'our Inches (24'), F, MoIntenonce of flno.l Gro.dt'!I' It shC\ll btP th• r•sponslblllty of th., Ccntro.ctcr to 1'10.Into.In the fIno.l grC>aes throughout th" Con:!itr-uct1on Phase, All vro!.lon sho.lt bv properly re-pa.Ired o.t ttie contro..ctor's expen!l"e to the □wner1s so.tlsfnctlon. Any slope soil run-off onto o.otJo.cent po. vlng areo.s sho.ll be cleC>ned regulo.rly by thE> Contro.ctor. · 3,04 PL,o\NTING INST ALLA TI□N A, Genernl1 I, Actuol plo.ntlng sholl b• pe,..,or.,.,d during tho•• p•rlools ""'"" weo. th•r-o.nd soil conctltlons o,.re sulto.ble o.nd In o.ccordo.nce with loco.lly o.cc:epted pro.ctIce, C\S o.pproved by the LMclsc:o.p• Architect. 2. Only ns Mo.ny pla.nts os: can be plo.nted o.nrJ wo. t.-red on tho.t so.r,e oto.y !;ho.ll l>e otIstrIbuted In o. plontlng o.r.,o., 3. Containers s:ho.U be opened and pla.nt:li s:ha.ll be rie~ov.-d In :;uch o P'IO.nner tho. t the bo..ll of' eo..rth surrounding th• roots IS not brokl!'n o.nd they shall b• plo.nt•ct o.nd wo. ter,e,,cl o.s herein specified l~flltedlo.tely o.fter ret"'lova.l frol"I the conto.lners, Conto.lners sho.ll not be opened prior to plo.c1ng the plo.nt:. In the plo.nt1ng o.reo.. J. C, Ii), E, W••ol Control, I. Aft"r sotl pr•po.ro. tlOn "nd ,rstc,,bll•h.,.,nt of Fine>! gro.cws prior to o.ny plo.nting, tht' Contro.c:tor shC\ll Ir,-I90. t• thoroughly for c,, p•rlod of t,,.,.,, two to thr•e w••ks, until the-weed se•ds ho.vi' Q•rl"llno.t .. c:1. 'w'h•n th•trie Is: i.:ufflclent we"d """a gerl'llno. tI0,, th., Cootrc,ctor sho.ll o.pply " post el'lergent canto.ct h•rlolcidp o.c;cordlng to th" directions of the Mo.nufo.cturer, confore,lng to o.ny o.nd oil cod•s i,ffec:tlng ht'rl>lcla .. ho.nolllng o.nd use, Th• Contro.c:tor sho.ll tht'n WC\lt o.n o.daltlono.l two (2) w"eks to o.llcw the herbicide to aIssIpo. t,., thl!n plMt C\S InaIco. tea In the plC>ns and 5peclflco. tfons:. The-Con--tro.c;tcr liho.ll r1rr1ovli' nny rv!iloluo.l follng•. Roct:s shn.ll b.-rll!"1¥1ove-a excl!pt on slop@5 211 or grPo.t•r wh•r• th•y ,;ho.LL ,.,.,.,o,ln to odd to the slope sto.blllty, Lo.y-out of Me>Jor l"\onting•• I, Loco. tlons of plo.nts o.nd outlln"• 0¥ o.,..•o.• to b" plo.nt"d sh<1ll be "o.rk"d on th" ground with gypsu"' by th• CootrC>ctor before o.ny plo.nt pits o.re dug, All such loco. tlons sho.ll b• o.pprov"d by the Lo.ndsco.pe Architect, If o.n undel"grouod construction or utility lln.-1:s rncount1-r•d In the exc;o.votlcn of' plo.ntlng o.reo.s, other locotlon:5 for plo.ntlng MO.Y be s~l@'ct•c:I by th~ Lo.nrJ:s("'.opl!!' ArLhlt•ct. F'lontlng of' Tr•es o.nd Shrubs• 1. ExcC1vo.tIon for plo.ntIng sl'lc,ll Includ• the stripping and stacking of o.ll oc:c;epta.bt~ top :soil e-nc:::ounterll'd within the- oreo.s to b" exco. vo. ted for t.-e,cht's, tree holes, plo.nt pits o.nd plo.ntIng becis. 2. Exc;;;e-:.s. sell generat•ol frol'I th• plQ.ntlng hol .. s and net us•d QS bo.ckflll or In estC\bllshlng the flMI gro.des Sh<>H b" reMov~d frori the site. 3. fProtec:t o.H urlfQ§ f'rori l!'XCe'SSIVI!' COMPO.Ctlon •he-n trucking plo.nts or (")ther "'-O.terlo.l5 to the-plo.ntlng 5lte--. 4. l\ll "xco.vo.ted hol .. s sho.ll ho.Vt' Vt'rtlCC\I Slat's With rought'n•d surf'o.ces. 5, Cen-ter plo.nt In pit or tr•nch. 6. F' o.c;e plC1nts with fullest growtt. Into pr,rvo.lllng wind, uni••• otherwise directed by th• Lo.nasco.pe Architect, 7, Set plo.nt pluMb <1nd holot rigidly In position until soil ho.s been to.Mped f'lrf'l'lly o.ro'-'nd roo-t bo.ll. 8, All pl<1ots which s•ttle d••per tno.n sp•clfl"ol C\bOvt' sho.ll b• ro.l~~cl to the correct level. After th~ pln.nt hQs: been plo.cecl, o.daltlono.l bo.ckflll sho,ll be e>dded to the hole to cover o.pproxlh<I tely ont'-ho.lf of the height of the root bc,ll, At this sto.ge, wo.t•r !ihall be o.dded to the top of the po.rtly fllleol holo, to thoroughly ,so.tur<>te the ruot bo.ll and o.dJo.cl!nt sot, 4J. Co.o Rel'lovo.l1 a.. Cut ("'.dns on two sicte-s with an o.cc:e-pto.bl• co.n cutt.-r. b. De not lnJure root bo.ll, c. Do not cut co.ns with spo.cw or o.x. d. Co.re-fully re-i..ov• plo.nts wlthC""Jut Injury or dor-.io.~ to root ball. "• Aft,.,-rel'lovlng plMt, supt'rflcloll y cut •dg•-roots with knife on three s1cles. ID, lo>< Rt'l'lovo.l• o.. R~Movlf' bottol'l'I of pto.nt bO)(lfS b•f'orlf planting. b, Rel'love sld•s of box without d<1Mo.gt' to root bC\ll o.ftt'r posIt1onIng plo.nt o.nd pe>rtlo.lly bo.ckf~llng. 11. Dig plo.ntlng hole" to o.c,:i,,.,.,cdo. te root l>C\lls, 12, Ho.na plo.ce plo.nts which c,r• In conto.lot'rs le55 tho.n ont' go.lion size, 13, Ho.na bo.ckflll o.nd h<>nd t<1"'P l,.o. Vlng o. slight d,.prt'55lon o.ro1,1not boses of plo.nts, 14, After th" wo. ter h"s co-.,l•tt'ly dre>lnt'cl, planting to.blets she>ll be plC>cea C\S lndlCO. tea bt'\Ow, o.. □ne to.bl~t per one-go.Hon conto.lne-r, b, T ,.o t<>blets per five-go.lion conto.ln,rr, c. Seven to.blirt:s pear 15-golton conto1n11"r, 1:5, The rPl'lo.lnder of the hole sho.ll then be bo.ckflll•d. 16, PIMtlng to.bl .. ts 5hC\ll b• S•t with PQCh plo.nt on th• top of th" root boll whIl11 the plonts o.re still In their conto.ln.,rs so th!" r@qulr@ol nuMber of to.ble-ts to be useol In eo.ch hole c:<1n bt' eC1sI1y verIfIea. 17. ,o\ft,.r bo.ckfIllIn0, o.nd eo.rth•n bosln sho.ll b" constructed o.r-ound eo.ch plo.nt. Each basin sho.U b., of a. oliepth sufflclt!nt to hold o.t lt'C,St tow lnCht'S 0, WC\t .. r. Bo.5InS sho.ll be cf o. sI:,e sultobl• for the Indlvlduol plo.nt, In no C<>Se sholl tho, bC\SIO for o. 15-go.Uon plMt be less thC\n four" (4) feet In dlO.l'IPt1tr1 o. :5-go.llon plo.,t b<> '""" the>n thre" (3) feet In dI0.,.,eter1 o.nd o. l-gollon ple>nt bt' less tho.n two feet 1n dlo.l"'leter-. Tli• bo.s1ns: 5'.ho.ll bP t":onstructed of ....... na .. d bo.ckflll so•. 1111. Pruning, o,, Pruning sho.ll bp Ul'llt•d to tl'I• "lnlhUh nt'ct'sso.ry to rer,ove-Injured twigs: a.nd bra.nc:hes a.nd to cor1p~rnso. t• for loss of roots during tro.nsplo.ntlng, but nevt'r to <'><c•ea on.-thlrd of th" bro.nching structurl!, Upon o.pprovo.l of the Lo.nolsco.pl!' Arr;;hltl!'c;t pruning May bl!' don" before dt'llv,.ry of plo.nt, but not b"fort' plo.nts ho. ve b .. en lnsp,.c:t"a o.nd C>pprov"cL I'll, Sta.king ""cl Guying• "· Sta.king of o.U tr••s ,oho.LI conforl'I to trt'• sto.klng o.nd tree guying deto.lls, I>. One tre" of each st:,• sho.ll be sto.k•d and o.pproved by the Lo.nctsco.pe Architect prior to c:ontlnue-d :5tQklng. Plo.ntIng of Grounacov,.rs, I. Groundcov•r plo.nts sho.ll b• grown In ,to. ts, p•o. t pots, liodded or to.ken e>s cuttings. o.s lndlco.t•d on th• plo.ns. Flo. t-grown plQnts, (r--oot•d cuttings), shQU re-Sl'aln In those- flo. ts until tronsplo.ntlng, The flo. t's soil sho.ll con to.In sufflclt'nt l'lolsturt' so tho. t It will not fo.11 o.port when lifting tht' plC>nts. If plots frOl'I poro.t pct" <>re u<iecl, th" pots sho.ll b<' protected o.t o.ll tlhes prior to plo.ntlng to prevent ur.nece:s:sary drying of the root bo.U, Z, Unrootl'a cuttings ShC\ll be 10' or hOr .. In length, They 5ha.ll be-ln:5ect Qnd oll5e-o5e-fr•~ tip cuttings f'rof't heo.l thy~ vigorous o.ru·A strong~gr-owlng plo.nts. Mo.ture or brown-color.-d ste"' growths or cuttings which ho. Vt' been trll'll'led or rooted before plo.ntIng will net be o.ccepted. Cutting,. sho.ll be plo.nted not Mor• tho.n twt":I do.ys Qfter Lutt1ng nnd ~hn.ll not be allowed to dry or wl-ther, 3. Grcundcov•r sho.ll be plo.nted In stro.lght rows o.nd •v•nly spo.ceoL ur.l.-ss othe-rwlSII' not .. d,. and a. t lntervo.ls cnlleol out on th~ dro.wlngs. Tr10..ngulo.r spo.c1ng 5holl be!" u51!'d unle-ss otherwise not .. d on the dro.wings. Plo.nts sho.ll be loco.tea e> l'\O.>CIP\UM dlstMc" of 1/2 the spoclng alsto.nce fro"' <>dJo.c:ent pn.v1ng, curbs, or other •dges. 4, Eoch rootecl pltlnt 5ho.ll be plo.nted with It's opproprio.te o.r,ount of flo.t soil In c, """""r 'thot Will lns....-e "lnll'\ul'\ dlsturbo.nct' of th., root syst...,, To <1voIa drymg out, plo.ntIngs sholl loe ll"i'ledlo.tely 1>prlnkled o.fter plo.ntlng until thP ~ntlre-n.r~n I!). S(")nk:e-rJ to the full depth of il!'OiCh hole, unless otherwise noted on th" aro. wings, :5. Care sholl bl!' ex•rclsed o.t o..ll tlMeS to protect the plo.nts o.ft"r plo.ntiog. MY do.hoge to plants by trtlhpllng or oth•r opero.tlon:5 of' this: c::ontro.ct shalt be re-palr~d ll"ll"le,dlo.tely by the Contrn.ctor. F', Sodding of Lo. ,.ns, I. Lo.wn shall b" soaaea in o.ll o.r110.s os dt'not•d on plo.n. o., ReMove all rocks, •••els, o.nel d•brls fr~ th• Q.r.-o, to bo> sodd•d. Work lAP soil to o. clepth of 6 Inches, o.nd breC>k up <>II clods. Add tt'n ClD> pounds of 16-20-0 f"rtIlIzer per 1,000 squ<1r"l' fe"t of lC\wn "'""" <>nd "'IX thor-ovghly with s.:oll o.l'lvnolr1•nts:. b. Carefully <s:MoOth n.Ll surfQCe"-5 to be 50dde-d. Soll surf'o.ce shoYlol be 1• below walks~ po.tlos~ and drlve-wo.ys to ac:::c::or'lriodo.te sod thickness, Rolling o.r•o. will e,cpose-:soil ol~prr:!i:1lons or :surfo.ce-1r-re-gulnr1t1e-:s o.nd MlnlMlz., •xc.-sslvir settling. c, Spr .. o.a 16-20-0 fertlllzrr onto th,r soil """nly "t tht' ro.te or ten pounds per 1,000 sq. ft. o.nd ro.k" In lightly. Be sur--• the i.urfn.ce IS lev.-t o.nd 51'100tli befor" toying sod, Avoid lo.ylng sod on dry soil, d. Lo.y first strip cf sod slClbs along o. stro.lght line, (use o. string 1n 11"'1"1!-Qulo.r nr•a11:). Butt Joints tightly/ de not overlop edges, On second strip, sto.ggt'r JOlnts. Use o. sho.rp knlf" to cut sod to flt c:urve-s) e~ges o.nd sprinkler-hi!-ools. •· Do not lo.y entire lo.wn be-for• watering, 'w'hen o, c:onvenl•ntly lnrge n.reo. ho.s been soolol•ct wo.ter lightly to prevent olrylng, Tht' wo.rMer o.nd drying tht' w"" tht'r, the-greo.te-r the n~t'ci for this f'o.st lnltl0.l wote-rlng. Continue tc l<1y sod <1na to wo. tl'r until lnstollo. tIon Is CoMplete. f, After lo.ylng o.ll Soc!, roll lightly to 1tUMlno, t• IrregulnrItIes <1oci to forh " good conto.<:t b"twPen sod o.nd soil. A heo.vy roller or excessive lnltlo.l wo. terlng l"IO.y cau:S:1!' rolle-r ~o.rks and should be o. voided, or re-soact--,g sho.ll be neces5o.ry nt no o.ddltlcnal c:os:t to the Owner. g, l.'o.t"r thoroughly tht' co-.,leted lo.wo !lurfo.c•. Soil should bo, hol,aten"d o.t 1 .. 0.st 8 lnc:hes deep. Repe<1t :s:prlnk:Ung o.t-regutor-lntervo.ts to ke-e-p :5od riol5t at <111 tll'l.,S until root•d. Th• first 10 otoys o.fter lnsto.llo.tlon ore crltlco.\., After sod Is esto.bllshed, decr-eo.se-frequency a.nd o.r,ount of wn ter per o.ppltcn tton to o.n acceptable level. 2. Re-sodding• <>, All loo.re spots sho.11 b" rt'~sootdt'd by the ContrC>ctor within 10 cloys of sodding, Th• Contre>ctor sh<1ll be respooslble for-all re-sodoled o.r~o.s fer o.s tong a.s o.. f'tf"r sodding n.s nec:e!l!i:so,r-y until o,nd o.ccepto.hle stand of gro.ss Is o.tto.Ined o.nd o.pprov,.a. b. AU turf-loco. teol tree bQ.slns: shnll be r-eMoved o.nd r .. sodded 30 do.ys prior to e-nd of th~ Mn.lnteno.nce Period. 3,05 CLEAN-UP• A, Af'te-r o.ll planting opl!'ro. tlon:s ho v~ bee-n c:oripl•t•d.. r•Move o.ll trn.'!lih,, excess soll1 e-r'l'lpty plant conto.lners o.nd r,ubblsh fr"'Oftl the- property, All sco.rs, ruts or other l'IO.rks In the -,round c<1usea by this work sho.ll be repo.I.-ea o.nd the ground left In a neo. t o.nd orderly c:onaItIon throughout the site. The Contro.ctor sho.11 pick up 11ll tro.sh rl'sultlng fro"' this work no less frequently tho.n .. och f"rldo.y bef'ore leo.vlng the site, once o. wet!'k_. o.nd/or the lo.st working a<1y eC>ch week throughout th• Construction Phc,se, All tro.sh shQll b" rt'ricv"a co,.p\etely fro"' the site, :a, Th" Contr<1ctor sho.ll leo.ve the Site ........ brooh-Clt'an ond "h"ll wo.sh down 0.lt po.ved o.reo..s: wtthtn the contract Q.reo., teo.vlng the pre-Mises 11"1 o. cleo.n condition throughout the-Construction Phn:5ie, -END- Kobzeff & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 23121 Verdugo Drive, Suite 105 Phone: (714) 770-7340 Associates ENIIIRONMENTAL DESIGN Laguna Hills Colifornio 92653 FAX: (714) 770-8385 "AS BUILT' TITLE: --------DATE ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRE□ ON PAGE 1 ONLY APPROVED APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ l----..+---l----------------+-----l--+-----1----t L.!1-J PLANNING DEPARTMENT L!lJ ~==--==~~....::.;;,__.........,.~==='-'=~ MARVISTA LOTS 1-17 • "L);