HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 360-5L; PD 478; Carlsbad Research Center Lot 48; 01-14GENERAL NOTES RECLAIMED WATER NOTES I . ALL \IIOIIC SHALL fl IDNE IN ACalROANCE Wffil THE ~SIWJ HUNOPAL WA TUI DISTRfCTS 'CARLSBAD ff:CLAMA"OON RU.ES AND REGLl.AIDNS FDR aJNSTRIJCTDN Of RECL"tlED WATER MAINS. DATED OCIDfl'R, 1993. 2. ~KING FOUNTAINS SHALL EIE PtlClTEClEO FROM SPRAY OF RECLAt1EO WATER. EES1" HANAN8El'1ENT PRACTlCES SHALL BE USED m MINtllZE RECL"'1ED WATER ENOOACft'IENT ON PUik.iC FACLITFS SUCH AS PICNC TA8LfS, !BJ"•, PI..Arr«JUNDS, SAi,() mT LOTS, etc. 3. EES1" HANA001EN"T AW:TUS SHALL BE USED m ELIMINATE OR llJNTROL TO THE BEST EXTENT FOSS8..E FOtOING, RUN-OFF, 0\/ER-Sffi.AY ""m Ml'™G. 4. HOSE 8185 Ml£. S'TlllCTL r PROHIEITED. 5. ON-Silt CROSS·COlft:Cr()NS BfTWEEN RECLAt1EO WATER LKS AND F'OTAl!ILE WATER LINES IS S11!CTL Y PIIOHBITEO. 6. tO SUBSTTTUTON OF PIA: MATERlALS Wll.L IE ALLOWED wmour PROR APl'l()VAl OF TH: CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIP"L WATER DtS'TRICT. 7. ALL ON~TE PIPES SH"LL HA\11c WARNING TAf>E PER CAAl.st!AD MUNICIPAL WATER OISTRX:T"S RULES ANO REGULAIDNS. * B. nt: ~TON SIS"TI'MS SHALL RLN IE1WEEN TIE I-OURS OF 10:00 P .M. AND 6:00 A.M. THE FOLLOWING MORNNG (SF'OT IRRIGA TON COULD BE OONE AT" DIHERENT Tt1E) WITI-1 QUALIFIED SUP£RVISllN P£RSONNEL ON SITT. 9. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 18 INCHfS Of (l)vl:R OV£R ALL WRING ANO PIPING. 10. tON-!1£SISNATED USE AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM OJNTACT WITH RECLAIMED WATER WHEll-lER BY WINOfl.OWN SPRAY OR BY DIRECT APPUCA1l)N n«JUGH lflRIGAIDN OR Ont'.R USE. LACK OF f'RDTECTl(;)N, WHElHER 81' CESIGN, CONSTRUCTON PRAC11CE OR SYSTEM OPERATllN, IS SffilCTLY PIOHIBITEO. 11. ffl!GAIDN HEADS SH,',LL BE RELOCATE□ OR ,',DJJSTEO TO 1'11,VENl OVER-SPRAT ING ON SIDEWALKS, STREETS ,',Ml NON--DESIGN.A,TED USE AREAS. 12. RECLANED.WATER CLICK DJUPI..ING VALVES SHALL EE Of A TI'PE DESIGN'D FOR "fl,f USE ON RECL"'1E0 WATER DISTRl!llfffiN SYSTEMS (51'1KES NOT INTERCHAN6£Afl.E WITH l'O· TABLE WATER QUICK COUPLER SPIKES] PER CARLS8AO WATER flSlRICT llllES Ar,(] REGULAIDNS .. 13. mcRS SHALL Bf SIZED Bl" 1l£ DTY OF CARLSBAD MLNCIP"L WATER OISTRICT. 14. ALL 11116AnON PIPES SHALL BE !TTENCILEO WITI-1 Tl-£ WARNING, "tON·flOTAaE' OR "RECLAl'1£D WATER'", COLOR COOE.0 (PIJRPLE) "ND LAID W1Tli WARNING T•PE ANO STHCILING ORUITED TOW,JlO M TOP OF Tl-IE TllENO-i PER CARLSBAD WATER DIS'TlllCrS RULES ANO REGULA TONS. 15. ALL l'OTABI.E WATER AND fff:CLAIMED WATER PIPING SHALL llf INSTALLED Wffi1 M STENCILING DRIE@O TOWARD THE TOP OF Tl-IE TllENCH. 16. WHEN A F'OTABI.E WATER LINE ANO RECLAl/1£D WATER LINE CROSS, M RECLArlED LINE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHN A PROTECnVE SLEE'<'£. Tl-I£ SLEEVE SHALL EXTEND IQ FEET FROM EACI-I SIOE, FROM THE Cflffi:R LNE OF PoT A&.E LINE, FOR A TOT Al OF 20 FEET. 17. A 10 FOOT HORllONTAL SEPARAmN BETwEEN l'OTAa.E W-'TER -'NO RECLAt1ED W-'TER MAINS MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL Tt'IES. 11-E FUT ABLE LINE MUST BE tlSTIILLED AID\IE THE RECl.AMED LIN::. 1 B. A Mlrc-1Lt1 OF 12 INCHES Of VERTICAL SEPARATl)N 11.iWEEN l!Tl.JTES MUST t!E MAINTAINED AT ALL Tl'IES * 19. OEVELOf'ER/CONlllACTOR 9Wl. COMOU:T A CROSS-OONNECTDN TEST ANO COVERAGE TEST AS DIRECTED ffr M CARLSl!AD MUNIDPAl WATER DISTillC"T ENGINEER OR Tl-£ SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTHENTOF ENl/llll~NTAL HEALTH PllllR TC ANY US€ Of RECLAIMED WATER. 20 QUICI( COUPLING VALVES USED IN RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS SHALL CONFORM TO THEc FOLLOWING. . RECLAIMED WATER: QUICK COUPLIN~ VALVES USED IN RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEMS SHALL liAVE ACME TYPE THREADS [SPIKES NOT INTERCHANGEABLE WITH POTABLE WATER QUICK COUPLER SPIKES) AND PURPLE COLORED LOCKING COVERS PERMANF.NTI .. Y ATTACHW TO THE VAL.VE .. QUICK COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE NE! .. SON NO, 7643, HUNTER NO. HVJ00A·RL,NP OR APPROVED EQUAL 21. THE IIEOLIRED 00SS CONNECIDN INSl'l:CTON SHALL IE OOt.l: 81' Ernf':R THE CARlst!AO MLIIICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND/OR 11-E SAN OEGO COUN1Y DEPARTMEtlT OF ENYIRON1ENTAL HEAL TI-I. COPES OF INSl'ECTION REFURTS WILL BE FORW ,\ROEO TD Tl-iE l'OlttlSPECTING PAim'. * 22. ll:V£LO~ SHALL SHOW TH: U)CATON OF R.C. SIGNS •oo l>(JT (,ilNi;· ON TijfSf PLANS. * 23. AN ON--511£ U9ER/SUl'ERVISOR SHALL fie DESIGNA ml IN Wff!TING. THS ll<JIVllUAL . SHALL !I: FAMLIAR WITT-I PI.U'11!IN6 S'IS'TE!1S Wrn-llN Tl-£ PtlClPERTI. W1T1-i me BASIC COto:PTS'□f !IACKFLOWICROSS-CO"'lECTllN ~TECllJN. AND TH: Sl'ECFIC RroUIRtl1ENTS OF A RECL,1,11'1[0 WATER 5YS1U1 COPl:S OF Tit: OESISNAffiN, Will-I CONTACT PHON: Nltt8ERS SH-'LL EE FIOVIOED n:J Tl-l SAN ll(OO COUNTY DEPARil1ENT OF ENve'.ltf1EtlTAL I-EAL TH AND CARLSBAD MU1'1CtP"L WATER DISTRICT. IN C-'SE OF EMERGENCY CONT,',CT: 0I\IERSIFEO ~PERTB AT (619) -4-4'r71!81 OR AffiR fOURS CDNT"CT: DIVERSFED Pl()f'ERTES AT (!.i 19) 4<49-71!61 2~ St-OW ALL l'\8..IC 6. l'RfVATE f'OTAfllE WA TtR MAINS ON t11'RlltfMOIT PL.w.i. 25. Otl RECL,\MED WA1£R SYSTEMS ALL APIUITINANCES (SPRtlKLER HEADS, VAL 'JE OOX!t ETC.) SHALL EtE COLOR CDOEb PURPLE PER AWWA llUIDELN:S ,t.M) SECT()N 40"9.~ OF I ti: CALFORNIA HE,\L Tl-I AND wm CCll:. * ITEMS l<JS. e, 19 6. 23 SHALL BE REQUlllED JUST fllll(lR m me ACT\JJ,l USE OF REQAKD WATER. fm1 Ml. 22 Tl£ SIGNAGE PLAN SHALL BE p,-flT OF THIS I.P. llJT TH: ACTUAL SIGHS II. TAGS WlL II: NSTALLED JJST l'RllR TO ACTUAL USE OF R.C. WATER. Ill.ACK LOOO r r. FUlPlE BACKROUNO I' l!l...ACJ( LITTERS ... / RECLAIMED WATER 12" X 36" SIZE .0 If, ALlHN.t1, .060 AIII IU!IT"C DR STCK,ON VNYL SIGNS I" 1UCX LETTERS 2" II.ACK LETTERS TYPICAL SIGNS RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM (PRIVATE) CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER (LOT 48) SHEET INDEX Sl:IEEIJID E TITLE SHEET CONSTRUCTION PLAN CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS IRRIGATION AND PLANTING LEGENDS SHEET NI /MBERfS) 1 2 3 4 5 SHEET INDEX (cont.) &JEFTJID f SHEET NUMBERfS) IRRIGATION DETAILS 7 IRRIGATION DETAILS AND NOTES 8 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS 9-10 PLANTING PLAN 11 PLAN"TING DETAILS AND NOTES 12 IRRIGATION PL.AN 6 PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 13-14 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SIGNAGE NOTES THE FOLlOWINli G\Jl[l{LINfS FORM U9f OF RfCU.l'IEO WAltR "1lc TO !IE PE~ANH(T\. Y POS1t0 INS(l! TH' OOOR OF Lt.CH COh'OOLL [JI \lll<ERE Tl£! AA£ Lt.Sil I lll'Slll. [ O\.ACf ON a 1/2" X I 1· SIZED SIGN ClJLOR: P\JRFU 8.t.0:IJRJUNO \rlrTu fll.Af): l.ETTU!ING 1 GlfiLINt. S FOR RECLAIMED WATER L& A IRRl(;A IT !IET\rlfEN TI-iE ~lllS OF 10:00 ~.1'1. /IND 6:00 A,l'I. ON. r WATUING OUTSIDE Tl-IS T.tlE FRN1£ MUST BE 001'[ HAN.JALL l Wlrn QUALflED SU'ER'll9JRY Pl:l&JNNEL ON-11TE. I'{) S!STTM SHALL AT /00 T.tlE 81: LEFT LNATTl:N0£D DURING USt OUTSIO£ TH: ~~Al SCHfDU f 8 IRRIGA TI: IN A MA~ER 11-1A T Will MINIMIZE RU!,-OH. i\JOLING. ANO P\JNO!NG TI-£ APl'\.ICATION R.ATT SHALL t-llT EXCHD Tl-1£ ll+l TTIAT(JN RATE Of ™E SOIL TKRS HUST Bt ADJUSTED SO AS m 6t Cl.JMPA1lll.l wcrn 11-iE LOW[S1" SOL INFk."TAAmN RATE mSENT. lliS PA()C[()JRE MAY BE fACLITATTD BY n-c EFflCIO-lT SCl-iEIUiNG Of Tl-E Al.ITTlMATC W"'™ll. ~lOCKS. (LE. EMPLOIING THf RF.Fl:AT FUNCTION TO BREM UP M TOTI.I. IRRIGATl□N TIME INTD CYCl.fS TW. T Will Fll01!JTE HAlll'llJ"! SOIL ABSORP"TlON) C. AW.J!IT SPRAY f£AOS Tl) Eli'11NATE OVERsPRAY ONTlJ AAEAS P(")T UNDER™£ CDNTROL OF THE OJSTDMER. FOR EXN1PLE. FtlOL DECKS. Pl!IVATI: PATIJ5 ANO LOTS, Ai'O STREETS ANO SIDEWALKS. □. MONITOR ANO MAINTAIN lll€ 'lYSTEH TO MINt11ZE E(JUll'NENT ANO MATIRIAl FAILURE BROKEN Sl'RINUER HEADS. LE AAS, UNRELIABLE VAL \1:S, ETC. SfOlA_O BE Rf PAIRED AS SOON AS DU BECO!'E Al'l'ARENT. E. EDUC A TT ALL MAINTtNANCE f'Ef&JNJ,{L ON A CTJNTIN..OUS BASIS OF 11-iE flllf:SEM::E OF Rl:CLAMED WATER. PER9Jl'ff:L MUST BE INFORMED nj,i. T Rf:CLAt1EO WATER IS MEANT FOR RRIGATION PURPOSES ONLY -'>ND IS l>llT APPROVED fOR DR!N(tlG MFOSES, HANO WASHING, CLEANSl1'«i or TOOLS. ETC. GIVEN Tl-IE ffGH 1URl'{)\IER RA Tl Ot EMPLOYEES IN Tl-IE LANOSCAFf lt-OiETRT, rT IS t'IPDRTANT THIS INfORMATON BE DISSEMINATED ON AN AU'l(]ST DAILY BASIS. IT IS YOU, THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR, Wl-0 IS RESPONSfllE FOR EWCATING EACH ANO EVERY ONf OF YOUR EMPLOYEES F, OBTAIN PROR -'>PP!iOVAL OF All PROPOSED CHANGES ANDMOOFICAT(JNS TD ANY PRIVATE. ON·Slll. FII.CILITlS, SUCH CHANGES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO, AND .>J'l'ROVE□ BY, THf □ISTlilCT fN!ffERING □HICE ANO DESIGN£□ IN ACCORDANCE WITH DISTillCT ST A~~ 2. ALL Rt:CLAl1ED WA TTR SPRll«UR CONTROL YAl VES SHAil fl£ TACHD WITH 1DfN11flCA TON TAGS. A. TAGS SHALL BE WEATl-lfRPIOOF l'\..ASTC, 3"x , •. l'I.Rl'l..t IN CllLOR. li'/ffij THE WORDS "WIIRNING RECLAf'IEO WATER· 00 l'OT ORIN~· Mf'RINTED ON ONE 510£, AND "I\\,!~ · AWA 111'URA· NO TIJMAR" 11PRINTEO ON TH! OTHER SIOE.11l'RINTINO SHALL flE Pm-1ANENT ANO BLAC~ IN COLOR. US£ TAOS AS M-"NU' AcnM'O ar I Ctfij~"TI ENlIR~ISEO OR A~l/£0 EQUAL. !l. ONE TAG SHAU. l:l ATTACHED TO EACH VAL VE AS FOLWWS: I. ATTACH TO VAL VE STEM DIRECTLY OR WrTH PI..ASTlC TIE,WRA,OR 2. ATTACH m SOLENOID WIRE OIRECTL Y OR WITT-I PLASTIC TIE·WRAP OR 3. ATTACH TC VAL VE CO YER WITT-I EX!STl-16 VAL VI COVER OOL T. 3. ALL Sl'IIINIQf.R 1-f.ADS SHALL Bf IDDITflED AS RECLAr't£0 Ir/ATER , Sf'RINl(LER HEADS. '4. EACH AUTOMATIC C01'TAOLLER N«l ITT! AffiCIA TEO EOUIP'l'IENT !!HALL Ill rOEN11flfO WITH A SIGN BEARlt-«; 11-E WORDS "REUAl"IEO WATER LISE□ FOR IRRIGATllN" IN ENGUSH AND SPANISH. WITH Ill.ACK LETTERS 1· HIGH ON" f\.RfU BACl:IOUNO. THE SIGN SHALL El" PLACED SO THAT IT CAN BE READILY SEEN 81' ANY OPERATIONS Fl:R9JNNEL UTILIZING THE EQll~ENT. QECURATIDN OF RESF(JNSH!lE CHARGE; I HEJIE8Y ~Cl.All£ TW. T I AM T>tE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Of WOii!( FOii nilS l"ll(UCT, THAT I HA lit: EXERCISED RESl'ONSRE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THIS l'RO..ECT AS DEFINED N SECTlON 6703 OF Tl£ BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS OJDE AND TI-IAT 11-iE DESIGN IS CdNSISTfNi WITH CU!RENT STANOAROS. I UNOERSTANO ll-lAT Tl-IE CHECK OF l'Rll.ECT DRAWINGS AND SPECFICAroNS BY Tl-IE CITT Of CAA\.58AO I\NO SAN DEOO COLNTY Dt:P-'lm1ENT OF ENVRlNMENTAL HEAL TH IS CONFINED TO A RE Vlf.\o/ Or«. I ANO OOES NOT RELIEVE Ml', AS LANDSCAPE AROfTECl OF WORIC, OF MV RESR)NSBILITIES FOR PRO..ECT DESIGN FIRM NAME AND ADDRESS: STUDIO KATZ 6384 ROCKHURST DRIVE SAN DIEGO, CA 92120 PHONE NO: (619) 265-2757 REGISTRATION NO: 2568. EXPIRATION DATE: 5•31-98 18" X IB" SIZE .016 ALU11NU1, .O&O ~ fUSTIC OR STIC(--ON VINYL SIGNS 1LEGEND SYMBQ~ DESCRIPTIQ.t,! --W---• EXISTING POTABLE WA"TER SUPPLY LINE PROPOSED RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM -----EXISTING RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE -----• AREA OF RECLAIMED WATER USE '"\ _ ~7~rr7--rr-f-=r11r--t-~rn-T1·nn -rr1 r1·11·fnrT 11 r . r----.------------------~ 11111> LOCATION OF CONNECTION POINT/METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTION ··oo NOT DRINK" SIGN LOCA"TIONS I ---------.-------------1- -f{ __!,,-" \ I..--- 1 1----u' w 1i,;e w~-rl!lrP.., ......,,r,,,eN,--Tvf\ -------l"tl'-fif 6f'l',1N/"-i.8A /'-.JB&J., ,,,_,,,:,,~r1,t-1 LOT<8 BUILDING "/\" ~' _.~\ .-\ l~, ,Y \ _+_ ?->'\\-11--4------F"IA/!!, ~e,,._,..,_ ~ ~~_.:_ \ \ :· \ \ · ,::-.,,.,...,.,...----"',-._, vii,._ ( -r..,ee>J6p • L A&1 .... 1MC, W,'17"~ ... ,....,,,,,) --\ .: ! -t-,,p~--·n=r.------.1 ' \ _.,,, '-. " J, -----------.. :::---:> ·---------•• .. --~ --"" -----------2 i:-> :=~:-'_ 177111J Tl~ / / INSPECTION PROCEDURES I. cm OJNSTRUCTlON tlSPECTDN SHALL INCLUDE: A. LDCA mN OF PIPE LINES. fl. TRENCH DEf'TH. C, REQL.HO SEPAR.AffiN (HORIZONTALLY "NO ','1:Rl1CALLY). 0. PIPE IOENTll'ICAIDN. E. l'OINTS--OF-CONNECTON (f'OC"S). f. LOCAnli': hNO IOE~ICAIDN OF SPRNO..ER 14:AOS. 6. WARNll',ll S<GNS AT Tl-£ sm !r«l ON l1-E TRlJ:l(S fiAl...l..lNG FECLAMEO WA WI ' (If REQ.Al'ICD WATER IS USED FOR CONS'TRLCmN). AN APPROVAL LETTER REGARDING TH: IHSl'ECTKlN OF THE fll!ll:CT SHALL BE OBTAINED F1U1 THE CITY ,',ND TuE Dl!mlCT. AND 8E FORWARCEO lU THE COl,tffi HEAi. TH ll:PARTMENT PROR TO FINAL INSAcCmN APRlJVAL. 2. DISTRICT FINJ,l lNSPECnlN SHALL INClUOE: A. COl/1::R.AGE TEST, AFTER COMPlETllN OF TI-E SflRINKI.ER SYSTl:M, TO OETE"11NE THE ADEQUACY OF CTJVERAGE ON Tl-l APl'ROVED USE AAEA AND l'ROTECTlON OF AREAS POT APPROVED FOR RECEIVING RECI.At1ED WATER I!. WARNll'<G SIGNS AND LABELS. C. QUICK CTJUPllNG VAL 1/1:S. O. ALL ASFl:CTS OF TuE IRRGAIDN CllNlllmNS INCLUDING WIN□ll.OWN SPRAY, RLMIFF, AND PONDING. L REQUIRED pt;QTECTION OF Alt RESIOENTI,\L AAEI\S. F, REQUIRED ffi!JTECllON Of WELL, STIIEAMS, RESERVOIRS, ETC, G. OOSS-CONNECTION. 3. ANNUAL INSPECTIDN SHALL NCLUDE: SITE PLAN N.T.S. A COHRffi fflPECTllN WHICH SHOLlD COl'ER PART A, PART ll AND PART G Of rnE ~ Ft.AL INSPECTON. VICINITY MAP REVISONS MUST ll( Al'l'ROVED 11Y f\lLIC fiEAI. TH ENGINEER, ASST. PUNNING DIRECTOR e.. CffilllCT ENGINEER PRIOR TD t11'1..EMENTATON IN FELD. N .. ·A~ EXISTING POTABLE WATER METER APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS .. AS BUil T" REVlEWEO BY: U?);1J;. /.A'\1.1':.0J( At(HfJKWllf nM;>;!)L~l(,:-.' ~lSi RlXf..11l:lt>l lWl\l: )l!IIF A 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD i'I..ANl'N, 0€PAR11'1ENT • PRIVATE (ONSITEl RECLAIMED r..LJ \....= P.IIIIC.. l/U•/PI WAltR SYSTEM FOR; 14 SHEETS -L__f!~~~f:i...~P1..A.~"'£1c.l-l~~LJPJ1.~~~ CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DEVELDPERe NAME: DIYERIIIFIEDl'Q't.ff,S .d,u,~,4 L~,h-:!'l:~%~tll!~!!!-~f,~ .... ~QUdl#!1ffl!:# r•->~-,.,ft.':fJ.~~----➔t_-_-_-_:_:_-_-_-_:_-_-:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-=..-_-_-_-_-=..-:_-➔t_-_-_-_-_-=..--lt---_-_,-iADOREss: 1 no G1t.LESP£ WAY, sum 101 WLJ.it'f'E f'LU1111ER DA TE r B C• OH C4 92029 oorrRCT ENGN:E" ~.C.E. 21! 176 TELEPHONE: (619) W-7881 -'SSIST SAN OEGO COt.tm DEfli OF EN~NTM. 1£AL TI-I .,. k--::::c-c::-c:--:::=c-=:--...:_=-:_~:::___::::::~~~===:-t-111': ~~·!~ ,.1 A':>= .t" 1.., ,. al"' :~-:~-=---=---=--~-=---=---------+---+---! :TE PL.AN PREPARED: 1-::DQl)==III'-, __,.___ ___ -l Po 4-1 b ,, T 48 C.M.W.D. JOB NO. 91270 / I Ct) C\J LO 0 a: ,. ·•·' \ \ \ \ \ \ 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT--- (P€S f'-. (,lv/t.--f<,AN,-) \+----- \ \ \ \ COLLEGE BOULEVARD ------- PLANTED AREA TYP. SYM. ----LIGKT STANDARD BY OTHERS, TY_P.. SYM. • (N.I.C.) ( I(!:;-. ~1,.,€/"_;7",0. /OA'-/1'/.,<,AN I>) +---FIRE HYDRANT BY OTHERS, TYP. SYM. -(N.I.C.) (peip... ,A,~uH I m,✓re1 /'sA... /'1,A N ~) .. :-"-----;:r'"'="".=-:::::.=-==1-_,1 r,A, P.A, I I L_ FUTURE MECHANCAL ROOM BY OTHERS, TYP.,SYM. · (N.I.C.) t-----------UTILITY TRANSFORMER BY OTHERS, TYP. SYM. -(N I.C) {f€:A E,1,e,:",,-f-1,,,-1,...-fl/ANG) • • f.A +---------EXISTING MANUFACTURED SLOPE ----------,. P,A, 1------VERIFY TOE OF SLOPE CONFIGURATION, LIMITS, ETC. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION · _,__ ____ VINE POCKETS BY OTHERS, TYP. SYM. • (N.I.C.) (fG/1·, -~,4 .e,tf11;.-;r"'t'-,,..e;~ .P1.--~r--l15) LOT48 BUILDING "A" P,A, IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS CONSTRUCTION PLAN AND HARDSCAPE LAYOUT DEPICTED ON THIS PLAN (NON-SHADED CONCRETE, ASPHALT, ETC.) IS BASED UPON THE MOST RECENT ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN AND ENGINEERING GRADING PLAN PREVIOUSLY RECEIVED. FOR LAYOUT OF THE HARDSCAPE WITHIN THE CENTRAL COURTYARD AREA (SHADED CONCRETE), THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL NON-SHADED HARDSCAPE LAYOUT (INCLUDING BUILDING FOOTPRINTS AND UTILITIES) ON APPROPRIATE ARCHITECTURAL, CIVIL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL PLANS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. +------------, ---LIGHT BOLLARDS BY OTHERS, TYP. SYM. • (N.I.C.) ( /"Bl'-A AG/ I T5~TU l"v'. t-f'i-A N;G I I I I -t--CONCRETE PAVING BY OTHERS, TYP. SYM. • (N.I.C.) (feA ,,.,1"£;/f, =.,,,.,,,..... f"-A ~ J -,-------------PARKING LOT: CURBING, LAYOUT, STRIPING -____ ___, BY OTHERS, TYP. SYM. • (N.I.C.) ( ff5f'-,.. //1'-,c,f/"/-rf':.-C-•T•l,'-,Ai.-fi,Ar-!S) P,A, Jr \ \ f.A, -. \~·t<~}; \ ..:__ -.._ RUTHERFORD ROAD .,.. .,..,. ..... .......... ........ ..... ..... ..... .,.. ,.,,...,.. --~c--_______ ..,,_ __ TRASH ENCLOSURE BY OTHERS, TYP. SYM. • (N.I.C.) ( pt!,,-. Af-1:,H/ ~,-_,,nM ._. (LAN,;.) f',A. ···· -CONSTRUCTION PHASE LINE, TYP SYM ,,,';----;,,,__',;-J,:J:C----t';-><r"AriSr<',-.t .:fd1riT" f"/5P,. ~" o~r.,.,, .. •·i::, ·•, 611ear ,; .-r,,.,_, / ,-_,,p, 9)'Mt>t>,._ _ .... ------,1..,//-,/E; ,.,,,. fP,.,,fl!:'99'=> /!ll)/t.,,,_1,-,,:;,, .// ~II- IM • ·---e-df' ,::,,m,c, APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS ,<"t.-"t.-A a,-i...,,__.,, ll 6' f,,A,;,,.,,._€,:,_ 1'& i,1,.x,, 'e," - 0 10 20 ORTH l»,i:,scm AROm:CT\.llf llR!m DBIGN 6:li:i lOOORJRSf DIU\t SUITT A W, DEW CAUfOINLI llUD " AS BU I LT" RCE ___ EXP. ____ _ DATE REVIEWED BY, INSPECTOR DATE 1----+--+-------------i-----t--;----r--------i I SH2ECT I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT L1±_J ::::::::==-============--==~ CONSTRUCTION PLAN CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 48 • r-------------------------------------------------------------------------------f" , I'< !, -:.' ;~t ...... --""--~- 1 LE6END 2. ""~ ~IOS.I20t{1A.L ~ Jc-,· 0 3 t3 y'j;R11<,.,..\t,.. o lb' 0.C •~-(2) s3 C.-ONT, ~, r:;i~ GO!'-IP Al, T--i;.i::;i RA.OE b, t:'.XFN!5I0N -X)INT FINI SHED S{.IRf" N .A.DJACENT TO f¥:!"6fr 7'0 Jo/,J, p,,-(,41/S. 1, I' V .JCi!t--IT E>. I" IOOLED RA 1/V/IN·Z" Z,, <.,c,./C EA/,,:A;/c5 o;/ 11c,1-/>;e/,,Ak c<-7Vp& Nf/T. t'j!<i!:,.Y Cot,of,c.. /3' r1,!,5;.I TT> ~ pt.c,AS, o!I d &1- 3. u,,!I fV/€5 e;)(. r,p 5~-"?t!:5. ELEVATION CONCREAT SEAT WALL IN/ASHTRAY INSET ·--·--·--········· ;.;. -r.:S'. - F.G LEeENO t GAST IN PLACE co►.-:: •. ~Ll. 1. ~, HQr,'!:tcNl'"AL • 1(ioc B i=3 ve;RT!~At !It lti'c.c. 4, (;!) W::3 G<)flT. S, 9C'% C..C,KOAG TED S0B0RADE 141' :. ti N --' '.) q 1.:1-, exi:::ANSION .JOINT ~N ADJ.AC0{T 'fO FIN:SHED ~-RFAGf· ~!£P,-, -ro J/Jr; P,i6rAn .. 5 I, 111 V JO!MT e,, 11'T()OLE0 RAOrli=I .. /. Ml;/ Z'' CU!<Af,,,,'Jt-k,15' e;;,/ 4;,t,. /e.15'•~~ ELEVATION z_ c,:,,,/,t;p,!:T;.-TO ~6 /l/4r ql't&Y t:.,,:y,e,Je.. 3. c;. o;/CJ/=T,5 p:;,,/,s;./ 7 6 /46' /11 t,p . .Sf'l.;./p/f!JC,AST • o;/ Ae,:.. Gx;/,'os,1:r;b .sokr4CFS. E "' '-1-- \ , ~ .. ,---r'bvru""-"'Tw,i-.Je 91".AV"1T f'e-R ,Jo1NT PETAtL, •'o" .,..,-11s &Heii-r 1--o/~" ¢ fOL'(STYf"..EN!: e,f<C:f'.IS-f f".DO (f<ECE9;', 1/i' Df'PTl-1) ~--E.Xf?--f.ls10N ..JT t'Ef:::: JOINT pe \Al L, '',::,'' 1"1"119 Drleer 1 _ r,t>i.-et:, .j'dtfo/T f8P... e:,e!r°O'llv 11 1?11 I -rt-11 ~ GH l§;eT p b I ~ • • I ' • l=-!l = \\1-m . 11~=\II II!= --- l 11,::_ J I I.::. I==" I I ==' I = /I 111 1,1 ::= \ [I_ ell ,, = 11 ! :'.-..: if L::: I I I L " ~@ 1s o .. c...1!3GfH WAfs- :5wGrz1-o~ PER GEOTi':CHf'JIC/IL Ev/.LUA110N 4 f2.ECDMMEf-iDl>TION \ ____ ~ ~Hg-p N::68&iG/IT~ flNl~i-1 .1'(.P-(.,..,,r~1 a,w,-.., g,1-e, e'T"O, i-" ee ~&-1'60 e:,-/ c:1wN€f.,..:. ~ · vb,-..1 Fi PP..1&1P... 1"'0 N ~ \ C,or-1,;:;,rf"-.iJt'.:'7'1dr-1 J rHt$ ,;,,e,.,,.,n... f"'I"-t)<'N&'r/1'-U"i°l"'N c:>F PGl:le~l'-1"""" ddN!Pp.&rt!i WA.-1'-WA'i (.ii ,A~ i;>l¾,IC,, NAf"ei7 ( ~rlAOSO ,A i"-e.,..,,&) i:,,-J ?-,IJ,-.,C,, T7--Uot'I ,N f t...."-1-' (.')Nvj , ... c!NISH Gf'.ADE -LAWN Af'.EAS 1·•OLlf'.EI) CONCf'.ETE lvlOW CURrl W/ 3/8" 1'001.1'() JOIN'.'.'• ,rn \';>' O.C .. /,//.\" t:Xl'1\N'.;/()N .JOll✓T0 (ii) 4-~' 0.C f'JA/ ( C-l,;/f:$ 5"!,0 • (, "Zpa)) •----~., ...... ,,._,,---~ COlvlf'/,CH:D :',UBCf'.ADE ,o qoo/o ®_· -':-TY-:-:P-='"IC==A~L::..;C;::;.O:::,:;.w.NC~RE_...T-=-E .:...!p A~V.!..!.l:..::.NG~W~IT.:.:.H.:.._ ___ _ WATER WASHED AGGREGATE FINISH SECTION-NOSCALE ,-..-------------.. ··--FINISH GRADE -LAWN Af'.f::AS DEU' TOOLED JOINT WI 3/f/' 1: TOOLED .f--------l,DGES -Sl'ACING P[R l'LAN ~--CONCf;[lT f'AVt:MENT l'Er'. f"/..ArJ +------------:0/8'' I'. TOOLf::D [DGES (o)CONCRET~PAV_~E_M_EN_T_JO_IN_T_S ________ N_o,--,c~AL_1: _ \ll,M 111 Ill• 111~!:,~~lcl_".,i[!!lim!!L' -, #?, 5T'\R~V\"? @/8" o.c. ,,,, ' .. '·--.- ,,_ ______ II?" 1''.ADIU'.', roo1.1:D r:DGE -IYI''. FINl(~I I GRAD[ -::,HRUl3 BEDS ---II:'! CO~IT., 01/eTl:!Af' IZ" Q 8/'ttcl!p ® CONCRET.~E_B_A_N_D_IN_G ____ ~-~~~~~-N-0-SC-A-LE- APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS "AS RCE ___ EXP. · REvlEWED BY: INSPECTOR LlNDsu.tt ARauncn.'tl L'lllJ-/ DE,~lGN 6.39~ 1WCJ.Jil1ST DR.'YE sum .... ~ OIEGO. OJ.JFOR."AA 91n0 BUil T" DATE DATE 1--t---+------------+---l----l---+--.fl SH3EETI CITY OF CARLSBAD ~4 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ l---t---+-----------------l-----+--+---+------1 ;:c::;o=N:;:;ST:;:;R;::U'...;C;:T::;IO=N::;D::;E:;:;TA:::l=Ls=, ==========-==== OA 1'( INITIN.. ENC:N= 01' WORl< RE\i1SION DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 48 ,t,,PPROVED s-z~-,tf ASSISTANT PL,ANN DATE OWN BY: DATE INITIN.. DATE INITIN.. CHKD BY: __ _ OTHUI APPROVAi. CHY >J>PRO\/Al. RVWO BY: PROJECT NO. 7 DRAWING NO. Po 41b ';~(}-£,1.,, C.M.W.D, JOB NO. C,,7·2-?lc l [~ • " -N - r CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS PART l • GENERAL 1. 1 SUMMARY: This section covers the furnishing and installing of cast-in-place concrete work as shown and noted on the drawings and as specified. The conditions of the Contract and Division I apply to this section as f~lly as if repeated herein. 1.2 CODES: Except as modified by the requirements specified herein and/or the details on the drawings, concrete work $hall conform to the "Uniform Building Code" (UBC), Chapter 26, "Concrete". 1 . 3 REFERENCE".>: The editions of the specifications and standards referenced herein, published by the foll<>wing organizations, apply to the work only to the extent specified by the reference: American Concrete Institute (AC!) American Society for Testing and Matedals (ASTM) 1.4 SUBMITTALS: 1.4.1 Submittal procedures and quantities are specified. in Section 01340, . 2 Shop drawings: Submit shop drawings showing the following items: .a Dimension the locations of construction and . expansion joints. .b Dimension the location of irrigation sleeves. . 3 Samples: Submit samples of specified aggregate 1n clear plastic zip lock bag. 1 . 5 SAMPLE PANELS: 1.5.1 Construct 2 initial sample panels of concrete paving for the ol'/#6'R'?AIJT/l~zep1{1tF approval, consisting of one panel of natural, colored concrete with exposed aggregate finish and one panel of natural color concrete with a salt finish 1 sawcut joints and sandblast finish as indicated on building entry, enlargement drawings. Sample panels shall be cured a minimum of 10 days .. pnor to review by oM,./fi/'t.'s 4Vrt/oR/ZfiP/(M'-The sample paving panels shall be approximately S' square. . 2 The concrete mix design used to prepare the sample panels shall be identical to that used for this project. If the Landscape Architect rejects either sample, the contractor shall construct additional samples as required. Remove reJected, sample paving panels from the job site and dispose of them legally. . 3 The approved samples shall serve as a standard of color, texture and workmanship for the project's concrete work. Do not remove or cover the approved sample panels until the concrete has been installed and the owi./1#!, Aur,,bka~p"M has approved it. 1 . 6 CONCRE11l MIX: 1.6.1 Submit certificates of compliance for Portland -Cement. . 2 Submit manufacturers technical literature for admixtures,. curi_ng c.ompounds, expansion joint filler and sealer~hardener. . 3 C9ntractor shall employ an approved Testing Laboratory who shall petcrmine concrete mix to fulfill the specified requirements for strength, aggregate size and workability of concrete, and such designs shall be used in proportioning all structural· concrete. Mix shall be submitted for review. Each design shall be signed by a California State Registered Civil Engineer ·employed by the laboratory. .4 Concrete mix shall be made in accordance with AC! 211.1-81 for regular concrete and AC! 211.2-84. . 5 Review shall not be considered unqualified approval, and shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to furnish concrete to proper consistency and specified strengths. . 6 Cover and clear distances between reinforcing bars shown on the drawings shall be considered rn determining the aggregate size for mix designs and may result in an aggregate size smaller than the maximum aggregate size allowed elsewhere in this specification. 1. 7 PROPERTIES AND PROPORTIONS: 1. 7 .1 Concrete: Minimum concrete strengths at 28 days shall be 3500 psi. . 2 Maximum Slumps: 4 inches. Concrete exceeding the maximum specified will not be accepted. . 3 Maximum aggregate size~ in no case shall the maxim urn aggregate size used exceed 20% of a member's thickness. nor shall it exceed 3/4 of the clear spacing between reinforcing. In addition, it shall never exceed the size indicated for the following: a. Slabs: 1 inch; 3/4" (max.) for exposed aggregate. . 4 The maximum allowable water cement ratio for slabs on grade shall be 5.5 gall1>ns per sack of cement, including the use of poziolan. , 5 The average drying shrinkage shall not exceed 0.048% for all concrete ·. 6 Grout: One part· Portland cement. and two parts fine aggregate, by volume. Grout shall be of a consfatency suitable for the intended purpose and shall be used immediately after mixing, Grout used under minor bearing plates shall be "drypack" and shall be rammed into place. Small quantities of grout may be mixed by hand, but any grout requmng one-half sack of cement, or more, per batch shall be machine mixed. I. 8 FTELD QUALITY CONTROL 1.8.1 Provide field quality control testing anti inspection during concrete operations. . 2 Contractor shall provide adequate notice, cooperate with, provide ilCCe.ss to the work, obtain samples; and assist test ,agency and their representatives 1n execution of their function. . 3 Provide shunp testing on first load of concrete delivered each day and whenever requested. PART 2 " PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS: 2.1.1 Portland Cement: ASTM C150-89, Type II, low alkali domestic cement. One brand from the same J>lant shall be •~sed for all exposed concrete. . 2 Pozzolan: ASTM C 6 l 8-89a, Type F. Limit use of pozzolan to not more than 20% of cement cClntent by weight. , .. 3 Regular Weight Concrete Aggregates: ASTM C 33-90. In lieu of the use of ASTM C 227 -87 to dctemnne a\kali reactivi t.y of the air.regates as specifiecl therein, the alkali reactivtty shall he ''inirncuous" as determined by ASTM C 289"87 . . a Fine aggregate shall be washed clean, shall be uniformly screen graded, and shall contain not more than 2% by weight of deleterious materials sllch as shale, schist, alkali, clay lumps, earth, loam, mica or similar materials and shnll have n rninimurn sand equivalent (SE) of 75 when tested in accordance with ASTM D 2419-74. Fine aggregate shall be graded "niforrnlv om fine to coarse. .b Coarse aggregate shall consisi o-f clean, hard crushed rock or washed gravel. free from organic materials or sol t or friable materials and shall nm contain more than 2% by weight of shale or cherty material and not more than 15% by weight of elongated fragments, and shall have a m1mmum cleanliness value 9CV) of 75 as determine by-CAL.TRANS Calif. Test No. 227. .c Aggregate shall be in conformance with UBC Chapter 43-for Class A concrete. . 4 Admixtures, if used: UBC Std. No. 26-9 and ASTM C 494-86, of a type that 111crca,es workability and reduces water demand of concrete, but will not incn,,.,e shrinkage.. Admixture shall be subject to approval as to type and amount used. Admixtures shall not contain chloride ions. . 5 W'ater Used 111 Mixing" Concrete: Potable, clean and free from deleterious amounts of acid, alkali~. organic or other materials. . 6 Curing Membrane: Non·staining paper conforming to ASTM C 171- 69, or 6 mil thick polvethylene film. . 7 Curing Compound: ASTM C 309--89, liquid membrane forming, with fugitive .dye for identification. Compound shall be compatible with finish to be applied thereto. Curing compound and areas receiving it must be approved. . 8 · Expansion Join_t Filler: Pre-molded, of sizes and thicknesses . shown on drawings, conforming to ASTM D1751-83. . 9 Expansion Joint Sealing Compound: Expansion JOtnt sealant and backer rod shall be rn accordance with Section 07920, . 10 Sandblasting S.and: 30 grit coarse crystal silica sand. . 11 Forms: Wood or metal of sufficient strength to resist concrete placement pressure and to maintain horizontal and vertical ahgnment during concrete placemeqt. Provide forms straight, free of defects and distortiofl, and height equal to full depth of concrete work. .a Provide 2" nominal thickness, surfaced plank wood forms for straight · sections. .12 Reinforcing sreel: ASTM A615, or A617, Grade 40 new dome:stic deformed stee] bars_ . 13 Form release agent: Non sta1mng chemical form release agent free of oils, waxes and other materials harmful to concrete. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 MIXING: 3. 1. 1 Concrete shall be ready mix concrete. Mix ·and transport concrete in accordance with ASTM C94-90. . 2 Retempering: Concrete shall be mixed only rn quantities for immediate use. Concrete which has set shall be discarded and shall not be retempered. . 3 Indiscriminate addition of wate, to increase slump shall be prohibited. When concrete ardves at the project with slump below tha't,suitable for placing, water may be added only if neither the rnaxilnum permissible water-cement ratio nor the maximum slump is' ·exceeded. The water must be incorporated by additional mtxmg equal to at least half of the total m1xtng required. Any addition of water above that permitted by the limitation of water- cement ratio must be accompanied by a quantity of cement sufficient to maintain the proper water-cement ratio. Such addition must be approved by the Construction Manager. 3. 2 CONVEYING AND PLACING CONCRETE: 3.2. l Notification: Notify the City Inspector andoiJ./1113-,4//1,/uJr/Zlfr,,,.,_ at least two working days in advance of placing concrete. . 2 Preparation Before Placing: ' .a Hardened concrete and foreign materials shall be removed from the inner surfaces of the conveying equipment. . b Remove all loose surficial soil and debris from base surface before placing concrete. .c Scarify subgrade to a mm1mum depth of 12" and recompact to a m1mmum of 90 percent of laboratory standards, Proof roll the subgrade and do all necessary rolling and compacting to obtain firm, even subgrade surface. Fill and consolidate depressed areas. Remove uncompactable materiab, and replace with clean fill. • d Install, align and level forms. Stake and brace forms in place. Maintain following grade and alignment ""tolerances. All encrustations shall be removed. .e Coat form surfaces in contact with concrete with form release agent. Clean form, afler each use and coat with form release agent as neces,ary to assure separation from concrete without damage. f Provide reinforcing bars locations indicat.ed. adequately supported and secured to prevent ,lisplacement, .g Install pipe sleeves for irrigation system as specified under Section 02441. Stake location nf irrigation sleeves. See irrigation plan for sleeve locations . 3.2.2 Placement .a Comply with ACI 304 "Recomnicnded Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete", and as specified herein. . b Moisten base to provide a uniform dampened condition at the time concrete is placed. Verify manholes or other structures are at required finish elevation and alignment before placing concrete. .c Place and spread concrete to the full depth of the forms. Use only square-end shovels or concrete rakes for hand-spreading and consolidating concrete. Exercise care during spreading, and consolidating operations to prevent segregation of aggregat<: and discoloration of reinforcement. . d Place concrete 10 a continuous operation between expansion joints. Provide construction joints when sections cannot be placed continuously. .e Place concrete m one course, monolithic constructio_n, for the full width and depth of concre_te work. . f Strike-off and bull-float concrete after consolidating. Level ridges and fill voids. Check sllrface with a 10'-0" straightedge. Pill depre·ssions and relocate repaired areas. Darby the concrete surface to provide a smooth level surface ready for finishing, .g Keep a record of time and date of placement of concrete . 3.2.3 Expansion Joints: .a Provide pre-molded expansion JOtnts to full depth of slabs where indicated on the drawings. Install with 1op edge 3/4" below the surface and tool adjacent concrete edges to a 1/8" radius. Use steel pins to hold material in place during placing and floating of concrete. After a. minimum of 28 days after slabs have been placed and finished, fill tops of expansion joints with backer rod and sealant to 1/8" below surface of slabs. No traffic shall be permitted to travel over sealed joints until sealer is thoroughly dry, .b When not indicated, provide joints at maximuni Z0'-0" on center for curbs and walks. Align expansion joints at abutting curbs , walks_, and building. 3. 3 Concrete finishing: ,3.3.1 Perform concrete finishing using mechanical or hand methods as required. .2 Upon completion of floating, and after bleed water has disappeared and concrete can sustain foot pressure with nominal indentation, cut concrete away from forms. Work-~Cdges with an edging tool. Round ~dges peT detail on drawing~ . .3 All concrete stiall be consolidated by vibration, spading, rodding, or forking, so that the concrete is thoroughly worked around the reinforcement, around the embedded items, and into corners of forms, eliminating all air or stone pockets which may cause honeycombing, pitting, or planes ·of weakness. All mechanical vibrators shall have a minimum frequency of 7000 rpm and shall be operated by competent workmen. Over-vibration aod use of vibrators to transport concrete within forms shall not be allowed. Vibrators shall be inserted and withdrawn at· many points, from 18 to 30 inches apart, for 5 to 15 second duration. A spare vibrator shall be kept on the job site during all concrete placing operations. Particular care. shall be given at exposed concrete surfaces. • 4 Complete surface finish as follows: .a. Provide pavement surfaces with a salt finish. Edge outside edges and all joints with a radius edging tool. , .c Exposed Aggregate: .1 Provide a surface retarder method for exposing aggregate for those areas so indicated on the drawings. .2 The aggregate exposed shall consist of the 3/8" regular weight a,ggregates which have been approved during submittal process. .3 Finish shall match approved sample panel. 3.4 Curing· 3.4.1 General: Preshly deposited concrete shall be protected from premature drying and excessively hot or cold temperatures, and shall be maintained I without drying at a relatively constant temperature for the period of time necessary for the hydration of the cement and proper hardening of the concrete . .2 Initial Curing: Initial curing shall immediately follow the finishing operation. Concrete shall be kept continuously moist at least overnight. One of the following materials or methods shall be used. .a Ponding or continuous sprinkling. .b Absorptive mat or fabric kept continuously wet . .c Sand or other covering kept continuously wet. .3 Curing Compounds: Compounds shall be applied in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and shall not be used on surfaces against which additional concrete or other cementitious finishing materials are to be bonded, nor on surfaces on which such curing 1s prohibited by these specifications. Curing compounds shall not be used where waterproofing ,s to be applied. . 4 Final Curing: Immediately following the initial curmg and before the concrete has dried, additional curing shall be accomplished by one of the following materials or methods. .a Continuing the method used 10 initial curing. .b Waterproof paper covering. .c Other moisture-retaining coverings as approved: . 5 Duration of Curing: The final curing shall continue until the cumulative number of days or fractions thereof, not necessarily consecutive, during which temperature of the aiT in contact with the concrete is below 50 degrees F has totaled seven days. If high early strength of concrete has been used, the final curing shall continue for a total of three days. Rapid drying at the end of the curing period shall be prevented. · , 6 Formed Surfaces: Steel forms heated by the sun and all wood forms m contact with the concrete during the final curing period shall be kept wet. · If forms are to be removed during the cunng period, one of the above curing materials or methods shall be employed "immediately. Such curing shall be continued for the remainder of the curing period. 3. 5 Protection from Mechanical Injury: During the curing period, the concrete shall be protected from damaging mechanical disturbances, particularly load stresses, heavy shock, and excessive 3.6 vibration. All finished concrete surfaces shall be protected from damage caused by construction equipment, materials, or methods, and by rain or running water. Self-supporting structures shall not be loaded in such a way as to over;tress the concrete. Joint sealants: 3.6.1 Install joint sealants where indicated rn accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions. Clean and prime joints. Remove dirt and loose coatings . .2 Apply sealants in continuous beads, without open joints, voids, or air pockets. Hand tool and finish all joints . . 3 Confine materials ro joint areas with masking tape or other precautions, . 4 Remove excess compound promptly as work progresses and clean adjoining surfaces . . 5 In rough surfaces or joints ,t-~neven widths, install joint scala!lt well back into joints. 3.7 REPAIROPSURFACEDEFECTS: 3. 7. J Repair of surface defects. All form tie holes shall be filled and repairable defective areas patched immediately after the forms have been removed. Remove fins and burrs. . 2 After forms have been removed, any concrete which is not formed as shown on the plans, or which is out of alignme111 or level beyond required tolerances shall be removed and replaced. Defective surfaces may be repaired and patched m accordance with the following procedure. All conditions requrnng patches and completed patthes will be inspected. Patches disapproved as not restoring the quality and appearance of the surrollnding work shall be removed and replaced so as to match the surrounding work. . 3 Repair Procedure: .a All honey combed and other defective concrete shall be removed to sound concrete, but 10 no case to a depth of less than 1 inch. The area to be patched and an area of at least 6 inches wide surrounding it shall be dampenetl 10 prevent absorption of water from the patching mortar. A bond of neat Portland Cement and water, and, if permitted, some fine sand passing a No. 30 sieve, shall be rnixed to the consistency of thick cream and shall then be well brushed into the surface. Other concrete bonding agents may be used when approved. .b The patching mixture shall be made of the same material and · of approximately the same proportions as used for the concrete, except that the course aggregate shall be omitted and the mortar shall consist of not more than I part cement to 2-1/2 parts sand by danip loose volume. White Portland Cement shall be substituted for a part of the gray Portland Cement on exposed concrete in order to produce a color matching the color of the surrounding concrete, as determined by a trial patch. .c The quantity of mixing water shall be no more than necessary for handling and placing. The patching mortar shall be mixed ,n advance and allowed to stand with frequent manipulatiort with a trowel, without addition of water, until it has reached the stiffest consistency that will permit placing . ,d After surface water has evaporated from the areas to be patched, the bond coat shall be well brushed into the surface. When the bond coat begins to lose the water sheen, the premixed patching mortar shall be applied. The mortar shall be thoroughly consolidated into place and struck off so as to leave, the patch slightly higher than the surrounding surface. To permit initial shrinkage, it shall be left undisturbed for at least one honr before being finally finished. The patched area shall be kept damp for seven days . .4 Prior to proceeding with any parch work, the Contractor 1s responsible for establishing trail patch areas 10 develop the approved patching color and the method of applying and surface texturing the patching material. 3. 8 DEFECTIVE WORK: 3.8. l Defective concrete work shall be removed and replaced at Contractor's expense . 3. 9 CLEM'ING 3. 9 .1 Perform cleaning during completion of the work. debris, and equipment. operations . installation of the work and upon Remove frbn1 site all excess materials, Repair damage resulting from concrete . 2 Sweep concrete pavement, wash free of stains, discoloration, dirt and other foreign immediately prior to final acceptance. • • W.'05CAP! AJ:oun:cn:n: URMNOESIGN 6}81 ~OCk.'tfURST OU\1: StmA S,..,... O&o, CJ.LIFOLW. 9lUO II AS BUil T" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS RCE ___ EXP. ____ OATE REv1EWEO BY: INSPECTOR DATE t------t----t-----------+--+---+---+---1 I SH4££T I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~4 Pu\NNING DEPARTMENT ~ :=:::===-================---==~ CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS O,\Tt INITI1'1. (NGIN!Dl OF WllRX RE'.1SION DESCRIPTION CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 48 OWN BY: I f-O_,._Tt _ _.__lN_ITI_Al.--'-+--OA_Tt_;_....1._IN_ITI;..;Al.c..:.::...-1 CHKD BY: __ _ ono APPROV,ll CITY APPROVAL L!R~VWD~!,!_£8.!.Y;_: ===e.J PROJECT NO. Pc 47b J DRAWING NO. ~i:1-· s L,, C.M.W.D. JOB NO. 272.70 ..i .. -· ,.., .. • Irrigation Legend SYM. --~ .. _,......, .-, _ _..,._ -I \ rt • • • \It V "' C, MAN.1.!E RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD RAIN BIRD FEBCO RAIN BIRD DATA INDUSTRIAL RAIN BIRD KBI NELSON HARDIE (IRRITAOL) WC$ P.O.C. MODELw:1 -,_ -. 1 B04·SAM· 15VAN 1804-SAM-1 SF 1804-SAM-15H 1804-SAM-150 1804·SAM-12VAN 1804-SAM-12F 1804-SAM-12H 1804-SAM-120 1804-SAM-SVAN 1804-SAM-SF 1804-SAM-SH 1804-SAM-SQ 1804-SAM-15-EST 1804-SAM-15-SST 180/l,-SAM-15VAN 1801l,-SAM-15F 18°""SAM-15H 180~-SAM-15Q 18Qo,-SAM-12VAN 18~-SAM-12F 180,,-SAM-12H 18fl,\,•SAM·12Q 1 eo .... sAM-SVAN 1800 -SAM-BF 1800·SAM·8H 180(,-SAM-aQ 1806-SAM-15-EST 1806·SAM· 15·SST VARIES 30 3,70 30 1.85 30 0.93 30 VARIES 30 2.60 30 1.30 30 0.65 30 VARIES 30 1.57 30 0.79 30 0.39 30 061 30 1.21 30 VARIES 30 3.70 30 1.85 30 0.93 30 VARIES 30 2.60 30 1.30 30 0.65 30 VARIES 30 1.57 30 0.79 30 0.39 30 0.61 30 1.21 30 !'!At!. DESCRIPTION . . ·-. --· .-- 15' POP•UP TURF SPRAY 15' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 15' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 15' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 12' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 12' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 12' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 12' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 8' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 8' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 8' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 8' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 4'x15' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 4'x30' POP-UP TURF SPRAY 15' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 15' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 15' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 15' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 12' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 12' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 12' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 12' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 8' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 8' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 8' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 8' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 4'x15' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 4'<30' POP-UP SHRUB SPRAY 1 ao .... sQ-B 0.5 30 5' POP UP STREAM 8UBBLER 1800-5H-B 1.0 30 5' POP UP STREAM BUBBLER \ 1t,o0>-5F•B 1.5 30 5' STREAM BUBBLER WI RAIN BIRD PASS SHRUB ADAPTER 41~~ ADJ. TO 30 ,' FULLY ADJUSTABLE l>l/fll(M\ ,_,,-a,.(Al ', 0.50 GPM ;'.\. \ (fll<lvr'r otl Ml"blf>O 11>~4-l"'f-llf _./ i.1.\ \, ""°1 .,, rA bl/ A(}A r-re,..._ 825Y REDUCED BACKFLow PREVENTEA,(1•Jlls1ze. 1NSTALLwrCi<1Ns vsBFi. (1'/,,:') SIZE WYE FILTER DOWNSTREAM OF BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY AVAIL.P.S.I. ON SITE; IF AVAIL P.S.I. EXCEEDS 80 P.S.I. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A WILKENS 500 PRESSURE REGULATOR DOWNSTEAM OF BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY AND WYE FILTER. 150-PEB MASTER CONTROL VALVE, (1-112") SIZE LARK #220P (LINE SIZE) FLOW SENSOR. INSTALL MIN. 36" DOWNSTREAM OF MASTER CONTROL VALVE WITHIN 10" DIA. VALVE BOX TO MATCH BALL VALVE INSTALLATION (GRAVEL, BRICKS, ETC.). PESB-PRS-B REMOTE CONTROL VALVE, SIZE PER PLAN (LOCATE IN SHRUB PLANTER AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE). IMPORTANT NOTE: INSTALL (1) LINE SIZE BALL VALVE (PER LEGEND BELOW) UPSTREAM OF AND ADJACENT TO EACH VALVE MANIFOLD WITHIN SEPARATE 10" DIA. PLASTIC VALVE BOX AND INSTALL CHRISTIE RECLAIMED WATER IDENTIFICATION TAG (OR APPROVED EQ.) ON EACH VALVE. WLT-XXX-T BALL VALVE, LINE SIZE (LOCATE IN SHRUB PLANTER AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE). #7645 NON-POTABLE QUICK COUPLER VALVE WITH LOCKING RECLAIMED WATER WARNING COVER. (3/4") SIZE. MC-3', PLUS AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER. WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER ON EXTERIOR ELECTRICAL ROOM WALL. VERIFY EXACT MOUNTING LOCATION AND ELECTRICAL SOURCE WITH OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. RG-VR "RAINGUARD" RAIN SHUT OFF. WALL MOUNT RAIN SHUT OFF ON AUTO. CONTROLLER CABINET AND WIRE TO CONTROLLER PEA MANUF. SPECIFICATIONS. EXISTING 1" "RECLAIMED" WATER METER PER CIVIL ENGINEERING PLANS WITH APPROX. 75 AVAIL. STATIC P.S.I. VERIFY SIZE, TYPE, LOCATION AND AVAIL. PS.I. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ·-----PER SPECS. TYPE 'K' COPPER SERVICE LINE, (1 ·112") SIZE. INSTALLED BETWEEN IRRIGATION METER AND IRRIGATION BACKFLOW PREVENTER. NOSYM NOSYM. • • • ' ; ,.r •.. /\ ( ____ ._. /1\\ ___ ,_,,_ PER SPECS. PER SPECS. IRRIGATION MAINLINE (PURPLE ALERTUNE), 18" MIN. COVER -SIZE PER PLAN (1-1/2" AND SMALLER: SCH. 40; 2" AND LARGER; CLASS 315). CLASS 200 LATERAL PIPING {PURPLE ALERTLINE) · 12" MIN. COVER · SIZE PER PLAN. U.L. APPROVED IRRIGATION CONTROL WIRE #14Uf AWG DIRECT BURIAL. ALL WIRING SHALL BE SLEEVED SEPARATELY UNDER HARDSCAPE, (SEE IRRIGATION NOTES FOR CLARIFICATION). DURA (OR EQ) SCH. 40 PVC "DEEP SOCKET" VIC FITTINGS. STATION NUMBER VALVE SIZE VALVE DISCHARGE (GPM) , . .. . . --- SLEEVES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: INSTALL MAINS, WIRING, LATERALS UNDER VEHICLE PAVING IN PVC SCH. 80 SLEEVE wl 30" COVER. INSTALL MAINS, WIRING, UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING IN PVC SCH 40 SLEEVE w/ 18" COVER. INSTALL LATERALS UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVING IN PVC SCH. 40 SLEEVE wl 12" . COVER. __ ,, __ •"· Supplemental Irrigation Notes 1. 1.ALL HUNTER AND RAIN BIRD HEADS WITH LOW HEAD DRAINAGE SHALL RECEIVE BELOW HEAD CHECK VALVES (HUNTER OR APPROVED EQ.) AND IN-LINE CHECK VALVES WHERE NECESSARY TO ELIMINATE ALL LOW HEAD DRAINAGE. 2. FOR ALL SPRAY HEADS THAT REQUIRE GREATER THAN 30% Rl:DUC-IION Of' FULL FLOW RADIUS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE THE APPROPRIATE PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREEN (RAINBIRO PCS-XXX). 3. ALL POP•UP HEADS SHALL BE !NSTALl,.ED WITH RECLAIMED WATl:.FI. PUR~LE CAr'S. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT INSTALL THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM AS INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELO THAT UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONS OR GRADE DIFFERENCES EXIST. DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE IMMEDIATl;'LY BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND/OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. IN THE EVENT THAT THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT PERFORMED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR REVISIONS NECESSARY. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT INSTALL ANY ITEMS WHERE IT IS OBVIOUS THAT THEY ARE IN DIRECT CONFLICT WITH UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS OR PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICULAR SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS. SPRAY HEADS ARE NOT TO BE SCALED OFF THE DRAWINGS, BUT LOCATED TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDINGS, WALKS, AND STRUCTURES. DO NOT LOCATE TREES OR TALLER SHRUBS IN LOCATIONS WHERE THEY WILL BLOCK IRRIGATION HEADS AND PREVENT ADEQUATE COVERAGE. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE LATEST EDITION OF THE CITY GUIDELINES AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENTS AT THE PROJECT SITE AT ALL TIMES. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PRESSURES ON SITE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND PROVIDE THESE TO THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN WRITING. 8. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, LOCATION OF WALLS, RETAINING WALLS, CURBS, FENCES, WOOD STRUCTURES, CONCRETE STRUCTURES, BUILDINGS, ETC. IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND OTHER SUBCONTRACTORS FOR LOCATION OF PIPE SLEEVES THROUGH WALLS, UNDER ROADS, PAVING AND OTHER STRUCTURES. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY IN THE FIELD WITH THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZl;D REPRESENTATIVE, AND THE LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCY REPRESENTATIVE, ALL LOCATIONS OF POINT OF CONNECTIONS, WATER METERS, MAIN WATER SUPPLY LINE, BACKFLOW PREVENTER, AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER RAIN SWITCH, AND VALVES, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY FLUSH ALL LINES AND ADJUST ALL HEADS FOR OPTIMUM SYSTEM PERFORMANCE: AND TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO WALKS, STREETS, AND STRUCTURES. THIS SHALL INCLUDE SELECTING THE BEST NOZZLE RADIUS TO ACCOMMODATE UNUSUAL SITE CONDITIONS. 11. ALL CONTROL EQUIPMENT SUCH AS REMOTE CONTROL VALVES, BALL VALVES, AND QUICK COUPLER VALVES SHALL BE LOCATED IN SHRUB PLANTED AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE LOCATION OF IRRIGATION PIPING WITH THE LOCATION OF TREES (REFER TO PLANTING PLAN) AND SHALL MAINTAIN A MIN. OF THREE (3) FEET CLEARANCE BETWEEN PIPING AND TRUNKS OF TREES WHEREVER POSSIBLE. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY Pl S<4~fi4,k-i,;.,;;, 13. ALL IRRIGATION CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL AND REGIONAL GOVERNING CODES. 14. ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE INSTALLl;'D PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS 15. CONTRACTOR/OPERATOR SHALL ONLY APPLY SUFFICIENT WATER TO PROMOTE HEALTHY GROWTH OF THE PLANT MATERIAL. AT NO TIME WILL THE CONTRACTOR/OPERATOR APPLY WATER AT A RATE OR FRE_OUENCY W_HICH CAU'.,Efc, RUNOFF OR SOI~ SA TUR}. TION. . . .. ... "' · ,. --, A.....,_ H-D W•T>IJ.., I<>' cf" i'lfpe'a"!"P,.IAN HA,._~~pe (WAo,~~, ~ ', e\TC,,) <;.ttALA,,, -MOU"'TeD ,.,,.. 1'6f-UP &<>o•l!OS re,. T't,e, ll'-l'-IE>Atv .. I ec ♦,.,i::,, ) t·IYUJ l/\ULIC WU!ll'-..'.'.iJ-!1.:.1.:: I r'llOJECT· enc LOT +l!> LOCATION: CA~l.!18AD, CA □ATC: 11 1~]1"1 SfATIC l'Hf':3SUl1E INFORMATQN OOTAINED CllOM AO.I. 1-oT ~4<1'1,:,-c,,,1,11T l"E,C.M Of' "'1ATl!!'1. Melli!,<. STATIC rnE'J.:iUn~: 'Cl.ASS: WATER MUEil: NIA 8ACl~FLOW Pflt:V!.::N'f'ION OL:VICE; NI A R[MOT[ CONTf101_ VALVE; (1;,TA. ,,a.; .... zs:) NIA NON-1-'l'lE~;surtF l.lNIC: NON-rHESS\JHi:. UNl:: NON-1.:intssunr:= t,1Nr:.: t,lo'1-f'l'-l:$<;UP.J:' CJ il II: Pf"HC!"',<J.IJn[: surPLY UN[: 11,-,.n,1'-c"'1T!l<>C y,..wE; ELEVATION: LosG.; Gain; PSI RF.QUlnED@ HG\D: :?oo 200 200 zoo '?I'> NIA 1-11:'" '.) ! '1 It I II 1 -1/ ~ ~l 1-V-r." 1." \:.1;,,iY LOSS/HI0': NIA NIA NIA '<'-~" 1.-, 1,0 ,.~, O,t,Z NIA Ll.~NG'fl !'. NtA @ N/A @ NIA (rj) t,\ (ii} ~, <!:"!! G (.p_ (!I' ,z @ t,4-(;> @ N/A @ NIA 'l-1 ,Zl 7,e, 10.1 '"·" 'l.l ,z,7 'l"/ PHI.LOSS: "I, 5 J,$ Z.'11 ,.., ... f;'.S~ 0. 'Z1 '!,.ii I. 0 11:utJlotnl ft.$1 ,;iQ.Q.Q_ . ,, ___ , iQTJ\L PR.f:~_§_l,![l_f: 1.g~_S: __ ...c,.._,_.,,...,_,,.-v::==----=--====-·=· =-=-=· =:..-==ir=,•n, ===="'=="'=•'l=(P= ,, . .flTII~"'.;, II')'/.; f>."1 TOTA,+ I'>¾: (,.,Z,05 nrs1DUAL .. ... 0 Plant Legend SYM. BOTANICAL NAME TREE.6 COCOS PLUMOSA CUPANIOPSIS ANACAADIODES D , JACARANDA ACUTIFOLIA + PYRUS C. 'CHANTICLEER' • • TIPUANA TIPU TRISTANIA CON FE RT A COMMON NAME QUEEN PALM CARROTWOOD TREE JACARANDA ORNAMENTAL PEAR VAR. 1'\PU TREE BRISBANE BOX DJ..Y. filZE 7 1 3 19 12 45 8' BTH 24" BOX 24" BOX 24"BOX 24" BOX 15 GAL. ,\ TRANSPLANTED ERYTHRINA CAFFRA (KAFFIRBOOM CORAL TREE). REPLACE WITH 36" BOX SIZE ERYTHRINA CAFFRA (MULTI-TRUNK) IF TRANSPLANTED TREE DIES. >C EXISTING ERYTHRINA CAl'FRA {KAFFIRBOOM CORAL TREE) TO REMAIN. PROTECT IN PLACE. fil!Bl.!_es & VINES .c=J BEGONIA F-1 HYBRIDS 0 CUPHEA HYSSOPIFOLIA ~ FICUS REPENS ~t?':1 HEMEROCALLIS 'YELLOW' _..,t£'.:~0)::1~4• BY OWNER) 0 LIAIOPE M. 'BIG BLUE' • HYBRID BEGONIA FALSE HEATHER CREEPING FIG (STAKED) (REMOVE NURSERY STAKE AND ATTACH TO BUILDING WALL) DAYLILYVAR. 24''0.C. BIG BLUE LILY TURF as roq'd. 1 GAL. 58 1 GAL. 8 5 GAL. as teq'd. 1 GAL. 5 GAL. (~; \ ;..i,e;,.,;.. 6i,.;;,,',,~,,.;...-,.;., -' . -, ;,.__, """""-"' . . . .. :\ • -.c _... • ~----., ••• -._- 88 73 5 GAL. 2'·3' BTH 5 GAL. ,:·0 t!) ® (?)@ PHOENIX ROEBELENII PHORMIUM T. 'BRONZE' PHOTINIA FRASERI RAPHIOLEPIS I. 'PINKIE' G<>T•NeA!'>Te'-flll'-l'ISl"I GflOIINP COVER & __ LAWN HEDERA H. 'HAHNII' LONICEAA J. 'HALLIANA' MARATHON IIE TURF (OR OWNER APPROVED EQ.) 'TIFGREEN' BERMUDA PIGMY DATE PALM BRONZE FLAX FRASER PHOTINIA INDIA HAWTHORN VAR. rAP.l"B-/ <,O'f"~Ne>AfJrel',. HAHN'S IVY HALL'S HONEYSUCKLE HYBRID FESCUE 7 3 121, 535 ,2,!:, 5 GAL. SGAL. 6E,A .... as req'd. FLATS as req'd. FLATS as req'd. SOD HYBRID BERMUDA VAR. as req'd. SOD (SOIL PREPARATION AS REQUIRED FOR STD. GOLF GREEN INSTALLATION) • REMARKS MATCHED STAGGER HTS. (1i" o.c.) (1~" 0,c.) • ... • l.A.\'05CAl'E AJOOTKn.lE UW.~ DESICN 6~1 Rooo-rL15T Otl\'E 9..'ITT .I !All DIIQ). CAUIO!IIM llllO v,IIDSC4p,. II As Bu I LT" &,<;) --< -c,j i t;,-.:Y, ~,r,.ll l. If,, %, APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND · !J /4.N~1._z;:/_~: t IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING .lj<, \ I ~~-::'."t7') * PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING ~.r;.,, -~~ RCE ___ EXP. 011n: REVIEWED BY; AREAS ~OFcAl.l\<l~ c:::::1:::::c::::::::::::::::=---~---~-~-~-~_:_~_~_:_-_-_-_-_-_--l1_-_-_-_-_-_1-_-_-_-_-.... r_-_-_-_-_--1~-=-~-==-~ --l~;~=Al~N~S~P~E~C~TO~R~::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::;;~o~A~TE~;~ t 1---------1-----.J..-..---------.J..-..----+-1------1-----1 ~. CITY OF CARLS BAD ~4 f:: LU PLANNING DEPARTMENT L_!±_J 'i'I jl-----1---l-----------------l----1---1----1---l ;:I R:::R;::IG;:A:::1:::'IO~N::A=N:::D=P;:L=A=N::::Tl::N::G::L::E:G:::::[N:::D:::S:::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::==::::..'.:::::===! ~ CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER _.....,LOT 48 Af'PROV£.D-7~/✓f/ ---------f::µ-//.:d?:£_~-=------~Sc'3-9F ASSISTANT Pf'ANNING DIRECTOR QA TE 1 ~ DATE; INITIAL DAit ll<ITI/.L DAit ll<l'llAL OWN BY: I PROJECT NO. J DRAl'l1NG NO. RE S O DESCR P CHKO BY: --I?,-, ,i,1 n.. ;j,~,:J-J:,/.-1 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ !~;;Q;1<;W.;;~~-~K;h===~;~;l;N~;;~l~TI;Q;N:::===::!~o;no~~~;;;~~o;v;~~~Q;IT;;~;~;o;vAL~~~R~VWO~~B~~~==~~;::::;~r~v~~1~o~~~g~~~-;· ·~~=~~-,! C.M.W D. JOB NO. cJ7 2 7 b ~ l I I I i II I \ \ ~l'r , -~ , ... 11/,f "114' COLLEGE BOULEVARD -- • -L------EXISTING SLOPE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS TO REMAIN, PROTECT IN PLACE RELOCATE AND ADJUST EXISTING ROTOR HEAD LOCATIONS TO BACK OF NEW PARKING LOT CURB MAINTAIN HEAD TO HEAD COVERAGE AND PROPER WORKING CONDITION OF EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS, ------------------1----+- vi' \ STUBOUT WITH A CAPPED RISER (IN PLA.NTER) .RAISED 12" ABOVE FINISH GRADE, BEFORE TURNING CORNER OF BUii.DiNG. .,---.. ... :=======--r- ,,,_ __ .l'IELOCATE EXISTING ROTOR HEADS TO 4' BACK OF NEW PAR ING LOT CURB. COORDINATE RELOCATION WORK WITH EW IRRIGATION HEAD INSTALLATION IN THIS VICINITY AND REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL AND ~NGINEERING PLANS AS REQUIRED OR LIMITS OF CURBS, ¥----IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT IS SHOWN OUTSIDE OF PLANTING AREA FOR CLARITY, LOCATE ALL IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT WITHIN PLANTING AREAS AND OUTSIDE OF R.O.W. ill -- PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF NEW ENTRY DRIVEWAY. _____ _,;:"""';;.: CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE EXIS G HEADS AFFECTED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION, ADD NEW LATERAL INES WITH SLEEVING UNDER NEW DRIVEWAY, AND CONNECT NEW . TERAL LINES TO EXISTING TURF ll'lRIGATION SYSTEMS WITHIN R.0 .. OF ADJ, LOT, ADD OR ADJUST HEADS AS NECESSARY TO INS E PROPER WORKING CONDITION OF EXISTING IRRIGATIOl'j SYSTE MAINTAIN HEAD TO HEAD COVERAGE. RUTHERFORD ROAD ---SLEEVE EXISTING MAINLINE. WHERE OCCURS, UNDER NEW . CONCRETE DRIVEWAY. ___ .,............_ .... , --------------.....---·-••,--·....--·-·-....----,.r-,.............. ... r, ----,., .-.,.. ""'-y---'·~-~ -~--• -~,., . ,_........_....~, ... .....__,...,.~,,.,~_,, --..---·--.:-·----,,.._:_ --::~. -~ --·--- ................... , , ., '-.... ~ ... ----1-· ,,__,...----.,,.,.•' ·---./ --"v~"• ~-•----~'),-···--r"··' -" ~iiiii~iiii~~·-··¼~-=~~· ~•::.::1"!:' ::.:· 3~~-, ~------,...,_ -~---EXISTING IRRIGATION MAINLINE, FIELD VERlFY Af'iD PROTECT IN PLACE. CUT AND CAP E:XISTING R.O.W, TURF------>,. IRRIGATION LATERAL LINES AS NECESSARY (DUE TO '.'JEW DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCTION). REMOVE, ADD, OR ADJUST HEADS AS NECESSARY TO INSURE PROPER WORKING CONDITION OF EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEMS WITHIN R.O.W. ADJ LOTS, MAINTAIN HEAD TO HEAD COVERAGE. ,ii n• ,~ -~ ,. 4-----CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL !e_l'ITERAL PIPE FITIJNGS AND SLEE.1/IHG UNDER PAVING PRIOR TO POURING ASPHALT OR CONCRETE PAVING. STUBOUT (AT IRRIGATION HEAD LOCATIONS) WITH CAPPED· RISERS, RAISED 12" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. FLAG AND PROTECT IN PLACE ALL RISERS. LOT48 BUILDING "A" SLEEVE ALL RECLAIMED WATER LINES WHERE IT CROSSES POTABLE WATER LINES. SEE NOTE THIS SHEET. _.,......... ~---....------· :::~::: ::----. - -.,.,-J ··• 'I 11 I¼ , i I /1\ I / ,--~~ B ' 11 Ll,_'j ~ ' . . ,; ,~,, .. A I ;. 14 I I . ·, , ' " ~ ~_;.----..,,---.,,----...,~ NO"f8,: M,1,,-MMW!e. ~ £ M(J( Of' lUfP::9.(fJD.lJVC>.l-~1:e~~~~~~~ij~~~~~~: ~ ~ IMPORTANT NOlE; APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT LOCAL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT IMPORTANT NOTES; ALL LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION SHALL CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE CITY AND REGIONAL STANDARDS FOR LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE IF ANY EXISTING HARDSCAPE OR LANDSCAPE INDICATED ON THE APPROVED PLANS IS DAMAGED OR REMOVED DURING DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION, IT SHALL BE REPAIRED ANDIOR REPLACED IN KINO AND EQUIVALENT SIZE. - SEE SHEET 5 FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND, NOTES & WATER CALCULATIONS SEE SHEET 7 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS SEE SHEET 8 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS & NOTES SEE SHEETS 9 & 10 FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS NOTE; WHERE RECLAIMED WATER LINES CROSS POTABLE WATER LINES, ALL RECLAIMED WATER LINES ARE TO BE SLEEVED IN A 20' LONG SLEEVE. MIN., AND CENTERED. REFER TO IRRIGATION DETAILS. 1 "l!!!201-0" 0 10 20 40 6lti ~oc»l'-"ST ORM IIJITTA IN< lllGO. CA!JfolMA tlllO BUil T" DATE r- "'" \ ~~:------------u"~ REV,~'/,£~ BY: I ~ ~ k.f2_.:qe,~ 4.·2l ·:29 - INSPECT R DA TE :,1 CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ \.= PLANNING DEPARTMENT L..2i_J L ,fl_ i IRRIGATION PLAN NOTES:. I. n-£RE~E£t--llfrrn1'GS CF ro«DlCNS 10 on-€R F.<X:U11ES EElWEEN THE M£Trn MO BtO-i'l.D,'I ASSEM 8Cf. fr._ 2. Bt.O<.Fl.ON ~ MAY ~ E£ ll'GTIILLED ~ R.a.X: RO-!T·a'·WAY, 3. CCNSTR\..CT 2' HK,l-\ FtfAININ'.j WAU. CN 3 S0:S CF ~ ~ Y,1-£,N ~ 0'-4 41 CF Q-OTUl SJ:ff. O'Ul 00 SHAU. OC AT ~f-U. SlOC Cf SlLff. FfO.-U 2 f'Ol\ZO'IT AL. QfARAIU 0CTWE£N WALL AH) f'AYJ'W,1/ FR€\/£NTER. 4. 00 I-OT INSTM IN fJR:.A SUBJECT m FLCXDr.G. ' ' ' I I I . I I I • I 12" MIN. 36' MAX. 'MAX. 3 ~,-{5 -----{ 2 C ..::-:.:-_-_ __:: =; ;;, ,..J:'l.tl,,)<:: PRNA b_~~~'.!::~'.>o!.R.C>ISC--R:'-'E""S":'PQ-,IS--""-=i6"."'I .... LLJ[[Y-'::-:~~ ... TO Et: NSTAU£D P...RSI.J,l.NT TO "4..Nelf'/\l cca: OCO<. f4 CS 00, «:a-SEC. 5 B Tl n.£ 17 Of rr1 E CALI F ORN IA ADM IN I STRATM:: co:€. REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER SECTION • NO SCALF. rr'n-----3/4'11"1-YWcoo MOUNTING . f'\..A-re: 5E:CUP,el;? 10 w.LL Ntn+ HIN. a= 0-1;411 I?\,'-.. ANa-laF-~~ oµ. i;:;i.(~NT) lr--tl:77'1----AUT~c: l~lJON CCN7120Lt.a<- -,----<V41 f2.1Git:? ~La:1-JtulT ---:!>' Nct-1, t:'IA. "!O" LcNG '5v-Jl!i::F" Pvc E.l..EC. CCNt:oUIT~FCP-- =i---rn,.c,l,.. HI~. '--,----ca-!Tf'.OL l---.lllz&S (aii-Jt:'l.i; it~PE @ ~1 IN'Te~VALS) CONTROLLER-WALLMOUNT SECTION -NO SCALE 6 ,-.Id 'l"f!t-: "'IVI ''"' ,::,O'-'P ... 91', ,;,H,.,.,.. ~ l?ll""l"eN!!N?" ANt:O' G,HA,_.,_, N,,1'" f!:,(3 IN1'"6'1',,;,rlAN~A~ WITH p,,r,.,,e,,e WArer--f'"ltTl>l,;,S,. VALVE L CD • QUICK COUPLER VALVE l,J.j~q,!f ?VP ( ,l"'[/Jll7"U!) I'" . (g> · QUICK COUPLER KEY W/ SWIVEL (4-)_ ret'--e,:r,. 1"-froe of" µ1v1"""-u,vpl.fi!f-. @-2" BRASS NIPPLE @ . FLUSH IN TURF AREAS, 2" IN GROUND COVER OR SHRUB AREAS @. !o>'1MIN1 l'l-" M,.,.. P'Ji<>t•I """"5i _,.,,. ,,.,.._.,._, WALKS, EiC. @ · PVC SCH 80 ELL (ST) SECTION-NO SCALE . ==!:=.:::1 I .,,,---20 J-!e5h C-0111• shop111~ rf1re. Screen Protec.·tof CONTROLLER MOUNTED RAIN SENSOR UNIT SECTION-NOSCALE ®- 0--i ' 0 SHAUB BUBBLER @ PVC SCH. 80 PVC RISER LENGTH AS REQUIRED (v 2'1 MIN 3" MAX. 0 · 12" MINIMUM ® · SWING JOINT ASSEMUY (2 MARLEX ST. ELLS) (j) -PVC NONPRESSURE (lAT,RAL) LINE (SEE S?ECS.) © . PVC SCH .:JJ TEE ($Si) OR Ell (ST) ~. l'l-'1 &,t..~. t11u.J. ,r~ e,~. Gufl--1":ir"\CSe·:. \!J fNC,,t.,U~INc,,,.. f:,Uffdt"---T ~vVMN8. B FINISH GRADE " e,.11 ~ C' C: :) .:~.MIN,1 1 ~~. "" t .... 12· 18-" ~ ---·L-<i0 l11111 ..,,-~--® 11111 l@llll!§IIIII 0-REMOTE 1COIHROL VALVE c,v. PVC SCH so NIPrlE (TOE) ®· f',/C, .!lOtt, bo UNl<>N __ @·PVC SCH 40 COUPLER (SS) 0· WAHRPROOF' Wlr-El'SPLICE @-,vc SCH ,:J) FEMALE.ADAPTER (ST) CONNECTORS('?eie ,;;yet:,',;,) @ lyFINISH GRADE (FLUSH IN TURF, 0· CCNrROL WIRES; BUNDLE -:i." 111 GROUNDCOVER) AND TAPE (II'///!," V,IN. ,,;'.;\ fXTRA \'/IRE) AT /0 '().C. \0·PVC SCH 40 1EE (SSS) OR Ell (SS) ON MAINLINE ,;-,_ VAL VF •ox a~ JtRnJf · '-V et:Jv/l!JR N~''RC-V" @uNDISTURBW / COMPACTtD ©-PVC o!ON)•PRF.SSURE PIPE, (<,,ee SUBGRADE -<"f'BC'':!>'. (j) · PVC PRESSURE PIPE @-BRICK OR COIJCRETE SUPPORTS Q)-f\lC SCH 80 NIPPLE (TBE) @·1 CU. FT. Mill. PEA GRAVEL . @6Mg OP Ptt'9P 1/fF~&'flllVIS REMOTE CONTROL VALVE SECTION-NO SCALE ---SIOEWAl.K ,--METE/1 BOX WIMl::---rER CURB---. I APPROX. a· 12 11MINIMUM =--- 10· MINIMUM TO POTABLE MAINLINE IN ST RECLAIMED WATEA.JRRIGATTON MAINLINE WiSLEEVE -~ NOTE: VERTTC/', ClEAFIANCE OF 12"MINIMUM IS MANOATOF?Y 'MIEN CllOSSINGPATH OF A POTABLE WATER UNE. /NSTAllA noN OF RECl.AIMEO WAT/:R /f!RIGAT'OV MAIM..INE :i,t• FROM FA<:E OF SIDEWAU< WILJ. PROV/OE THE NECE_$SARY 10· HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POTA8LE MAIM/NE IN THESTREIT POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING SECTION -NO SCALE G). REMOTE CONTROL VALVE 0 · POP-UP SPRAY HEAD w/Pt.JJ'rT',t.8' c,4P 0-SOLENOID 0-SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY (1 SCH 80 NIPPLE AND 3 MARL EX SJ. ELLS) Q) · ANGLE WILL VARY WITH HEIGHT Of POP-UP BODY) 0 · PVC SCH 40 TEE (SSl) OR Ell (Sl) ®· WATERPROOF WIRE SPLICE CONNECTORS (SEE SPECS.) @· CONTROL WIRES; BUNDLE AND TAPE (W/ 4 FEET MIN. EXTRA WIRE) 0 . PVC NON-PRESSURE LINE. (688 spec,'9) @-PVC SCH 80 UNION 1 8" rv1AX. @-->; < ; .,.. -"--'--''-'-"""--~ ~;!'@~~ I 10 --;,.;;;;a;; 9 Q)· SALL VALVE 0· PVC SCH. BO UNION 0 · PVC SCH 40 45° ELL (SxS) (TYPICAL) (j). PVC SCH.W FEMALE ADAPTER (TYP.) @-flNl,.H """""'6 ( F .... .,_ I"' 11JJ'-.F', .,_,, ,., i;,~"' a,,ve,,._) 0· 1 CU. FT. (MIN.) PEA GRAVEL SUM? (,i'i. VALVE BOX 111/~J'Xe ~o. COMPACTED SUBGRADE, 1/Nt?len,p..e,eo ~-,4Nl>6"~~L.ID ® ·. SHORT PVC SCH. 80 11 . BRICK OR CONCREJE NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQ'D) SUPPORTS (TYP.) @-18" MINIMUM BALL VALVE SECTION-NO SCALE STREET SURFACE --- .. .:=-t:::."".""""_ _.J POTABLE MAINLINE f.J5 FEET (SEE IMPROVEMENT ORA_~'.~C~S} ~------· t, ______ ----... ----· .!'-__ , t '9 12"MINIMUM F!EOUIRED VE!?TICAl SEP4RATIONI ----, --<"' (c;:3~.----SLE~VE RECLAIMED it✓A 7'c;F, IRFilGATION MAINLINE _J- ®" @- @- NOTE 3f. P(JJ1PLE ANO lA8E!..~'D AS S?f:CIFif:O rN; S r.ANOAf70 5;:,t;c;r-1e,., nCNS ~,:)F-{ P,c:,/'/1\ r~ IRRIGATION SYS ;·EMS~ 'CARLSl!I\O RECLAMA,,CN .9ULES ,<NO flEGULATTCNS FCfl CCNsr;cwcnov OF HF.Cl.A/MEO WA(,,fl .\A,\INS-.XT-, /1"/j POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING 14 PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (TYP.J (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) PVC SCH 40 FEMALE ADAPTER (TYP.) FINISH GRADE (FLUSH IN TURF, 2" IN GROUNDCOVER) UNDISTURBED / COMPACTED SUBGRADE BRICK OR CONCRETE SUPPORTS SECTION • NO SCALE l.Ai',OSCAl'E Arl:D-UTECTUE Uki.J.NDE.!i!l'.iN 0· f-:L11 b...,._. Ao:f. T<> e,,,..,oo,, t!,uJ'-.F',N,80 @-VALVE BOX(SEE wcs.) W/ f 11 MI rJ • I "'J,. 11 MA.,,,• r f"-CM F-~ ~F-1.-«-t'.A.&l.'--ro p.p ec,va,--.. @- IMf i'-<'VE! Me,,..m, ~. e. WA,...1'-9, (j). PVC PRESSURE PIPE (-,,66 ,;.pe,;'9) PEA GRAVEL SUMP I I,,._,, ,-,T-M•N• 18" MINIMUM mt ROCl:lfu>ll DIUI t SLIITA ---© tAJp;..~1 61re WAt.,j,..G,,~1P..1PG, er.::;;.. G)-I' IN vAWN AP-8,"6, 'l-11 IN ,G;tll'<JI!> Al'-&\9 (f) f~Mlr-1, 0.J F-I >I 141"1 e, P..AP,e; MASTER CONTROL VALVE tilt-m-m, S[CTlot✓-NO SCALE "AS BUil T" POP-UP SPRAY HEAD APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND SECTIO:✓-NO SCALE RCE ___ EXP. ____ _ DA TE'. REVIE'M::D BY: AREAS INSPECTOR DATE 1---t----+------------+-~+--+--+--i I SH7£ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~4 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ :::===-===========:::::'...':::=~ OA TE INITIM. EN<;>NEER OF WORK RE'v1SION DESCRIPTION OA TE INITI/ll DA TE 11<1111\l Oll-lER APPROVAL CllY APPIIOVAL. IRRIGATION Df:TAILS CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 48 D'M'l BY; __ _ CHl<D BY: __ _ RV'WD BY: PROJECT NO. Pt? 4-1b C.M.W.D. JOB NO, '17"L."7 &.., .l t= ,Ii. ,:, t -~~ 1 \'.i._ IRRIGATION NOTES 1. THE BASEPSITE PLAN AND SURVEY WAS PREPARED BY J.P. ENGINEERING. ANr7 -n),":: IT A /'--cio--< 17"<,,C-fS), 2. IN ADDITION TO THE ATTACHED DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS, REFER TO THE CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES & REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS; PART Ill-PRIVATE SYSTEM, PAGES 72 THROUGH 86, PREPARED BY THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, OCTOBER 1993. 3. THIS IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED BASED ON A STATIC WATER PRESSURE OF 1!,1 PG I 6x1,;;,-,,-,b <tVr n-16 6-IT'l=o . THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE STATIC WATER PRESSURE AT THE POINT OF CONNECTION PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIAL OR STARTING CONSTRUCTION OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM, AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE =-'f> AvrtiDl'-11--&D P..6ff,€;.eNTAT11€ OF ANY DISCREPANCY IN STATIC WATER PRESSURE IF THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO NOTIFY THE OIN'-'01'---1-;; A\Jnl-. N31'· PRIOR TO ORDERING MATERIALS OR BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR WILL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ALT[ RATIONS DIRECT[ D BY TH[ O/VN6'f'"-.'9 Avn---1:'f'-''/.er;:? l'-6fl'-6eie.->.J,,.,,n ve 4. THIS IRRIGATION SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED FOR CONVERSION TO RECLAIMED WATER. THE IRRIGATED AREA FOR THE RECLAIMED WATER IRfllGATION SYSTEM IS APPROXIMATELY-2'\'l.1" SQUARE FEET AND HAS A PEAK DEMAND OF 2,0 GPM. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE IRRIGATION SYSTEM TRENCHING AND CONSTRUCTION WITH AL.I. OTHER UTILITY INSTALLATIONS 6 IRRIGATION PLANS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC. 7 ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE SET PERPENDICULAR TO FINISH GRADE OF THE AREA TO BE IRRIGATED. ( e"'i'"''f1' R>P. f<YWP--t-\~-1'-e,,t:'-G/l-. w ort.-6) 8. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO SET THE ADJUSTABLE PART- CIRCLE SPRINKLERS AND INSTALL THE PROPER NOZZLE ARC IN THE SHRUB AREAS. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE INSTALLATION OF PROPOSED SLEEVES WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE FLATWORK AND ASPHALT PAVING. ALL SLEEVING SHALL BE INSTALLED BY THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED INSTALi. SLEEVING BASED ON THE FOLLOWING SLEEVE SIZING SCHEDULE: PIPE SIZE OR WIAE OUANTIJY· REOU\REO SLEEVElSJ.; 3/4" LATERAL 1" LATERAL 1 114" LATERAL 1 112" LATERAL 2" LATERAL 2 112" LATERAL 3" l.ATERAL 1 -20 CONTROL WIRES 21-40 CONTROL WIRES 41-60 CONTROL WlllES '-. __....~ ( 1) 2" SCH 40 PVC • ( 1) 2" SCH 40 PVC • (-1) 2 1/2" SCH 40 PVC• { 1) 3" SCH 40 PVC • ( 1) 4" SCH 40 PVC • ( 1) 6" SCH 40 PVC • ( 1) 6" SCH 40 PVC • (1) 2" SCH 40 PVC• (2) 2" SCH 40 PVC • (3) 2" SCH 40 PVC • (· SCH 80 UNDER VEHICLE PAVltJG w/ ~" c,:,>IM I ~tt ~c v,-,oe.r,,. ; [;\ Pl!l~l'-UI\N PA"ll'Jt,.-"'/I& ,j 1:1-• ~-_, · · _j -- 10. CONTRACTOR .. SHALL COOROINATl(AND FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS OF TURF AREAS AND SHRUB BEDS TO ENSURE THE PROPER ALIGNMENT OF MOW STRIPS ANO APPROPRIATE IRRIGATION HEADS. 11. THE INSTALLATION OF THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL CONFORM TO THE REGUL.ATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF IRRIGATION WATER SYSTEMS WITHIN THE 'CMWD" (CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT) AND THE ACCOMPANYING Pl.ANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 12. ALL PRIVATE, CONSTANT PRESSURE. RECLAIMED WATER, MAINLINE INSTALLED ON THIS PROJECT SHALL BE IDENTIFIED IN ACCOF,DANCE WITH THE "CMwo·s·• REGULATIONS AND THE IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS (WARNING TAPES ALSO REQUIRED). 13. CONSTANT PRESSURE & NON-PRESSURE, RECLAIMED WATER, PIPING SHALL BE "ALERTLINE" VIOLET COLORED PVC AS MANUFACTURED BY BROWNLINE, INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL. 14. MARKING ON THE PURPLE COLORED PVC PIPE SHALL INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: ALERTLINE. CAUTION RECLAIMED WATER, NOMINAL PIPE SIZE PVC-1120 PRESSURE RATING IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH AT 73 DEGREES. ASTM DESIGNATIONS SUCH AS 1785, 2241, 2672, 3139. PRINTING SHALL BE PLACED CONTINUOUSLY ON TWO SIDES OF THE PIPE. 15. WARNING TAPES SHALL BE USED ON ALL CONSTANT PRESSURE, MAIN LINE PIPING CARRYING POTABLE WATER AND RECLAIMED WATER 16. WARNING TAPE FOR RECLAIMED WATER PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE. THE PLASTIC WARNING TAPE SHALL BE PREPARED WITH SILVER PRINTING ON A PURPLE FIELD HAVING THE WORDS, "CALJT\ON: RECLAIMED WATER LINE BELOW" THE OVERALL WIDTH SHALL BE 3 INCHES. 1 WARNING (CAUTION ) TAPE SHALL BE AS MANUFACTURED BY THOR ENTERPRISES. INC., P 0. BOX 450, SUN PRAIRIE, WISCONSIN, 53590, (PHONE: (608) 837-7197). . WARNING TAPES SHALL BE INSTALLED DIRECTLY ON TOP OF THE PIPE 1 LONGITUDINALLY ANO SHALL BE CENTERED THE WARNING TAPE SHALL BE INSTALLED CONTINUOUSLY FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE PIPE AND SHALL BE FASTENED TO EACH PIPE LENGTH BY PLASTIC TAPE BANDED AROUND THE PIPE WITH FASTENERS NO MORE THAN 5 FEET 1 APART. TAPING ATTACHED TO THE SECTIONS OF PIPE BEFORE LAYING IN THE TRENCH SHALL HAVE FLAPS SUFFICIENT FOR CONTINUOUS COVERAGE. ALL RISERS BETWEEN THE MAINLINE AND CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH WARNING TAPE. A SECOND WARNING TAPE RUNNING CONTINUOUSLY ABOVE PIPING TO BE INSTALLED 12 INCHES ABOVE RECLAIMED WATER LINE. 17. THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR SHALL BE NOTIFIED THREE WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION AT {619) 438-3367. : 18. AS-BUILT DRAWINGS OF THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE INSPECTOR PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROJECT. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE DRAWINGS MAY RESULT IN THE FORFEITURE OF THE CONTRACTOR'S STANDARD RE1ENTION FEES. THE OWN8P..'0 ~o. r-,ep. SHALL REVISE CITY OF 19. ALL PRESSURE MAJN LINE PIPING FROM THE RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED TO MAINTAIN 10 FEET MINIMUM HORiZONTAL SEPARATION FROM ALL POTABLE WATER PIPING. WHERE RECLAIMED AND POTABLE WATER PRESSURE MAIN LINE PIPING CROSS, THE RECLAIMED WATER PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED BELOW THE POTABLE WATER PIPING IN A CLASS 200 "ALERTLINE" PURPLE COLORED PVC SLEEVE WHICH EXTENDS A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF THE POTABLE WATER PIPING ANO PROVIDE A MINIMUM VERTICAL. CLEARANCE OF 12 INCHES. CONVENTIONAL (WHITE) PVC PIPE MAY BE USED FOR SLEEVING MATERIAL IF IT IS TAPED WITH 3 INCH WIDE RED WARNING TAPE WHICH READS "CAUTION RECLAIMED WATER". 20. ALL RECLAIMED WATER SPRINKLER CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE TAGGED WITH IDENTIFICATION TAGS. A. TAGS SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF PLASTIC 3" X 4", PURPLE IN COLOR WITH THE WORDS, "WARNING RECL.AIMEO WATER -00 .NOT DRINK" IMPRINTED ON ONE SIDE, AND "AVISO IMPURA -NO TOMAR" ON THE OTHER SIDE IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK IN COLOR. USE l'AGS AS MANUFACTURED BY T. CHRISTY ENTERPRISES. 1207 WEST STRUCK AVENUE, SUITE "E", ORANGE. CA 92667(714)771-4142 B. ONE TAG.SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH VALVE PER ONE OF THE FOLl.OWING: 1. ATTACH TO VALVE STEM DIRECTLY OR WITH PLASTIC TIE· WRAP. 2. ATTACH TO SOLENOID WIRE DIRECTLY OR WITH PI_ASTIC TIE- WRAP. 3. ATTACH TO VALVE COVER WITH EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT. 21. ADJUST SPRAY HEADS TO ELIMINATE OVERSPRAY ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL TO THE CUSTOMEFl. FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DECKS, PRIVATE PATIOS, STREETS AND SIDEWALK. 22. REFER TO THE· IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS FOR A DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF ALL IRRIGATION SYSTEM SITE OBSERVATION REQUIREMENTS. FAILURE TO CALL FOf-'I THE REQUIRED SITE Ot:ISERVATIONS MAY RESULT IN FOHFEITLJRE OF THE CONTflACTOR"S SlANDAf10 RETENTION FEES. 23. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OR ALL OF THE ABOVE GUIDELINES IS IN VIOLATION OF THE DISTRICT'S RULES ANO REGULATIONS AND WILL. RESULT IN TERMINATION or:· SERVICE UNTIL CORRECTIVE STEPS HAVE BEEN TAKEN. 24 THE CONTRACTOR MUST NOTIFY THE CITY PLAN CHECK CONSULTANT (619-4.38:1161 EXT. 4221) 72 HOURS (THREE WORKING DAYS), PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION 25 THE LANDSCAPE OR IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY EXISTING PS I. AT JOB SITE PRIOR TO INSTALLING LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. VERIFICATION SHALL BE MADE WITH THE APPROPRIATE WATER DISTRICT. 26 ALL REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTERS SHALL BE TESTED AFTER INSTALLATION, RELOCATION.· OR REPAIRS BY A CITY APPROVED CERTIFIED TESTER. CALL 438-2722 EXT 152 FOR A LIST OF CITY APPROVED CERTIFIED TESTERS. DEVELOPER i OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SUPPL YING A COPY OF' THE TEST RE SUL TS TO THE CITY WATER DISTRICT, 5950 EL CAMINO REAL. 27. OWNER SHALL "PROVIDE A 6" CONCRETE MOW STRIP BETWEEN MOWED TURF AND GROUNDCOVER Al"-,eAe. IN.51"AL--L.-per---t?!;c>TAIL.-A, GH e,e;-, # .a,_ 28. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING BUILDING AND PLUMBING PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WALL CONSTRUCTION ANO IRRIGATION INSTALLATION, RESPECTIVELY 29. INSTALL lt..1-L-1NG' ,.,,,a;:,;,.,-. ~c.:,w He.-1,.,. c,Hez;"': _ ':?:'L-vEi'S Ae t..Je.6-cer:;, T<? pp-...e.;ew-r A<---1-1..-&W HF.At? Dr,>--AIN-""""=" • 30. INSTALL POP-UPS FOR ALL HEADS. ( e,,-oerr e,v~ HEJA<=) ~~® ~----ll..--..,---··-0 ~.:'f,,,~:-,,==~@~·~~-~----~----··~---•,:::•· ~~~l="""=-=-=;-=-1~11i:L--~,~11=~i,;j ~ ' K~t3'.~>Q,..k( .. C , ,.,. • ...... ----1~) 5 PIPE DIAMETERS MIN. . l O PIPE DIAMETERS MIN. ...... -·-----·-··-~- CD-FLOW SENSOR / PB!'--IP...P...16'ATJ""' ~>JD) (D· COMMUNICATION WIRE ' . 0· WATER PROOF l!Sfi:,><y W/r>,e C-<0tJWl!5<:'.>1""1"-.9 ' G). VAL VE BOX WITH EXTENSIONS ( WI 1----<'<"l<-Ail't.B f'Vl'--r....e> ~el'--) ~)-AT FINISH GRADE IN TURF; I" IN SHRUB AREAS 0· BRICK OR CONCRETE BLOCK SUPPORTS 0· 1 CU. FT. PEA GRAVEL SUMP 0· UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE (?)· ANY FITTING OR HARDWARE (TYP.) FLOW SENSOR Q) · GEAR DRIVEN SHRUB ROTOR (ADJUST ANGLE OF RISER TO BE BETWEEN VERTICAL AND PERPENDICULAR TO SLOPE) Q) · ANTl•DRAIN SPRING CHECK VALVE p,sp-.. 1,.,a,,,e;t..1"" Q) • PVC SCH 80 RISER/ NIPPLE (IYP.) (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) 0, !..,_'' MIN, @ · SWING JOINT ASSEMBLY / I &,H. !!.o IJlftl.A& ANt:' 2, MAA--.>.---19;,< €Ir. 61-L.--G) @) · 10" MIN, FROM FINISH GRADE , ri'-" MAX. (J) · PVC NON-PRESSURE LINE (SEE SPECS.) @ · PVC SCH 40 TEE (SSl) OR ELL (ST) !J_) · 6"108" Ff'Olv\ .;.1-ra-1!"1Pi>oVE">MGNT!, A"1l? P/1,..- -.jf-.;,...,_/f/J'.f/ --0 w E . ~ ~ 3 FACEDFSLOPI' PEi-lPENDICUI.AR 10 S~OPE ........... r-------12" FROM FACE OF FIXED IMPROVEMENTS (6" WHEN PLANTING AREA IS LESS THA "' STAKE AS REQ'D.,......--#-1► WI 18" #4 REBA ,, I < c• T ; ' ' ' I I < ' I I I ' ' • • l-+, ...... ,........--Af'· f't.~1" i'IRM~ fl."--z; I ~f.Of'.fiS .,..._ __ ,-----1'""~-"'--PUNCH"LOL< CLAMP OR EQUAL (USE WITH REBAR STAKE) '"~--FINISH GRADE ~~Htt.l"I'=------PVC SCH. 80 RISER ....----o STREET ELL W/PVC 90° ELL. (5CJf 4o) ~----8" MIN, 16" MAX. OFFSET ~ PVC THRfiAOt!t, !'JCH t!O NIPPJ,.fi. \___PVC ELL OR TEE@ LATERAL LINE SHRUB ROTOR HEAD SHRUB HEAD ON RISER ON RISER SECTION-NO SCALE SECTION -NO SCALE TOP ROW $0% OF RADIUS 120% Or RADIUS P~R?l;NDICU:..AR 'IC SLOPE TOE ROW (D • SPRINKLER HEAD AND CHECK VALVE Ci)· PVC SCH 60 RISER 0• PVCLATERAL DETAIL SHOWS: ANGLE OF HEAD AND RISER ASSEMBLY TO BE BETWEEN VERTICAL AND PEllPENDICULAR TO SLOPE. THIS IS A GENERAL RULE AND A0JUSTMENTS MAY BE NECESSARY I.N THE FIELD DEPENDING ON ANGLE Of SLOPE AND PERFORMANCE OF SPRINKLER. THE INTENTION IS TO MAXIMIZE UNIFORMl1Y OF CCVERA.GE, RELAnvE LATERAL SPACING ON SLOPE WITH THE MIDDLE ROW OR ROWS CLOSER TO THE TOP OF SLO?E THAN THE TOE., THIS APPLIES TO ALL MIDDLE ROW LATEAALS BUT AS A UNIT. THE SPACINGS BElWEEN ALL MIDDLE ROW LATERALS IS TO BE UNIFORM AND ALL ARE TO ADJUSTED UP THE SLOPE EQUALLY. SPRINKLER HEAD ANGLE AND PLACEMENT ON 2: l SLOPE SECTION-NO SCALE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS ,,; ~~@~~ ... -.....CL;....!f-:.,...t....~ * F CAU\O IJJ,,'DSCAPE AROUIKTL"Rf ~D~1GN SUITE A SAN OIK,Q, CAUfOR.W. 9ll2tl "AS B U i LT" RCE __ _ EXP. DATE REVIEY-1£D BY; INSPECTOR DATE t----t--+-----------+---1----.J-.--+------I I SHSEET I CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~=:...==::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::=-.=====: IRRIGATION LEGEND, DtTAILS AND NOTES CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 48 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DA TE 0111'£ INITIIIL 0IITE ltllTI/\L CHKO BY CARLBAD'S MYLARS TO INCLUDE CONTRACTOR'S AS BUILT INFORMATION. 011TE INITIN. OWN BY; ---PRO-JECT NO. ··] DRAWING NO. Ef,jGl1'1EtR Of WORK RE',1SI0N DESCRIPTION : --fl? .,J,.1 t1. :;,...,.,.,~ ,:;, l-+,--------------------------------------------------------":"E:c~no:::N•:N:o~s:c:/l.~LE~--------------------------------1=======::::::::::::=:::::::::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;;:;:;:::;:::;:::~o:111:£.R;::N'=PR~o~v~Ald~o~n-~,v,;J>R~o~v~~~~R~VWD~~B~Y~: ;;;;:;;;~;;;;;;;;~7~~c;,::;;;:;::t:'.:~'.:/l~•~~~.;;;~~il; C.M.W.D. JOB NO. ~ 7'210 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS PART 1-GENERAL J.1 SUMMARY: 1.1.1 This section covers the furnishings of all materfols and performing all operations to provide a complete operable landscape irrigation system as shown on the drawings indwling the following: .1 Trenching, stockpiling excavated materials and refilling trenches. . 2 Irrigation system components, including, but not limited to: piping, backflow prevention devices at1d enclosures, valves, fittings, spray heads, controllers, wiring and final adjustments as determined by the Architect to insure efficient and uniform distribution. .3 Pipe connections to water meters and bi!ckfl(Jw ,prevention devices. .4 Testing and inspection of irrigi\tion system. .5 CJE;-.an-up and rnilintenance, 1.1.2 The condit,ons of the Contract and Division 1 apply to this section ,,s fully as if repe;1ted hcre,n. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS: 1.2.l Landsc~pii1g I.3 GENERAL_ REQUIREMENTS: ·1.J. I Code Requirements shall be those ofState ilnd Municipal Cocks and R,•g\ll,stions locally govern,ng lhts work, provtding that any n'~piirc-n-wnls of the Drzi.wings nnd Specifications, not '\.~nnflicting th.ercwil'h but extt:~cding the Code I{L'quirc-ments sh.,11 govern, unk-.;s writtcJl Pt'rmi!,sion to the contrary is grM1tc•d by thi:> OJJN-6f~..l9i PVrttt1f!-1::t9-0 (L@fl'<~N ,An,,,;, ( C/A. I'· ) · - 1.3.2 Confonn to the rcqu iren1ct1 ls of lh1.,~ rdcr0nl.\~ i nforn, <1 lion I iskd below, except where 11"\ore stringent n•quircrnents ,He ~;hown or specified in tht";' rnost current" set nf construction docun:11/nt·s. .I American Society for Testing M,tl(,rial (i\STM), fnr test mcthot.l, specific~Jly referenced in this section. ' Underwriter's Laboriltorics (UL), for UL wires and cablc>s. 1.3.3 Ll.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.3.7 1.4 l,11 1.4.2 143 14.4 1.4.5 wbrk ,nvolving subst,111tial plumbing for installation <lf copper ptptng, backllow prevention dcvict•s and other rd,,t-,d work ,h,,11 b,• executed by~ lic.:"enst~d ctnd bonded plurnbing Contractor ,\ny 1H?C'.'f~Ss:1ry perm.its sh.:11l b~ nbt:-i.incd prior to beginning work. Specified depths of pressure supply lines, laterals and pitch of pipes ,ls stated in this section are minimums. 5<'ttll'mcnt of lrer1d1es lower than r,rades specified on the final gr,1ding pLrns is cause for removal of finish grade trc:ltment, refilling trenches, rc•con1pctcting ,ind rep,·llring.nf finish gr<H.k trratrhr.nt. Follow current printed mant1factt1r<•r's specifkations ,111d dr,,wi-ngs for items or informat,on not specified or graphically indicat,•d in the most cun:inl sE'l of construction drawings. Scaled dimensions ,1rc .1pproxim,1te ,ind ,1t ti1TieS it is not possibh~ to inclicate offsets, fittings and other rc0 l.1tcd cq11ipmcnt graphic,1lly on tlw construction drawings. Contr"ctur ::;h,1lr be responsibll~ f1)r minor ch~,nges caused by actual site c1..rnclitions. Before proceeding with r1ny work, the Cor1tr,1ctor shall cardt1lly check ,rnd vPrify all d,men,;ions of related ard1itcctural elements. utilitil)S .HH.1 LHldsc1ping ,uid. . ft1rnish and instill! required fittings. Do not install the irr,gation system ,15 shown on the construction drawings when it is obvious that actual field conditions sud1 as physknl ob5truc::tions, grziding discrepancies and fic•ld dirnensions vary from those recorded on the construction drawings. lmmc'di,1t0ly bring any st1ch discr~p<1ncics I<) the attention of the 0.A, I',, prior to procced,ng with work. If immedi,1tc nottfication is not given and such discrepancies exist, the Contractor shall assunw full rcspons,biltty for necessary revisions, ,1s dctcrminrd by the 0-,._,p.., EX[STING !'!ELD CONDITIONS; Prts~rvc ,J.nd protect all existing lr(•i?'>, pt.,nt.s, rliotiuments, slrti'ctur('S, hurdscape 11nd iirchitecturn.1 clements from dam,\gc due to work 111 this section. In the event th;:it d,1111,1ge dO(:!S u~\."llr to in,1nim,1t(• obj,:d ,1nd struclun>~, the Contractor will n.•p.,ir or rq::il.1t.:·t:> ~uch d.unagt~ tn Hu.~ s..1tisfoction of the Owner or Ownt,:,r's n?pr(;-''.Wt1t.:.1tive:,_ Damage nr injury to Jiving plant mntcrial will be replaced by the Own,•r at the Contractor's expense. Trenching or other work r<'quired in this section under the limb spread of ex,sl'ing trees shall be don,' by hand or by other methods so as to prevent damage or h,,rm to ltmbs, branches and roots. Trenching' in areas where root diamet('r exceeds 2 inches shall be done by hand. Exposed roots of this size shall be heavily wrapped with moisten,,d burlap to avoid scarring or excessiv(' drying. When' a trenching machine is operatec1 in proximity to roots that iHC less than 2 inches, the wall of the trench shall hP hand trimmed, m,,k,ng clean cuts through roots. Trenches adjacent to or under existing trees shall be closed w,th,11 24 hot1rs, and when this is not possible, th<:> side of trench closest lo the tree or trees affected shall be cov.,r,•d with moistened burlap. Protect, maintain and coordin,Ue work with other contracts, specifications, trades and utilities. Extreme care shall be exercised i11 excavating and working in the are,1 due to existing utilities. Contractor sh,,ll be responsible for ,iilmages caused by their operations. In the event that damage does occur, the costs of S\Kb repairs shall be paid by the Contractor unless other arrangements have been made with the Owner_ 1.4.6 l.5 1.5.1 1.5,2 16 I h. I . 1 .2 ' Use caution where trenches and piping cross existing roadways, sidewalks, hardscape, paths or curbs. 111 the event that d;image do«s occur, the Owner will repair such damage at the Contractor's e,pense SUBMITIALS; Submit (6) s,x sets of ,111 irrigation cquipnumt to be used, m,1nufodurcr's brochures, service manu,11s, guarantees ilnd operating instructions for approvill to the 0-/\· I",· prior to beginning work . Submiltals should be in a bc>t1nd form complete with table of contents. The Contractor shall not proe<'NI with work in the field unttl this submittal is approved in its t'nltrety by the .:>-A-I'--· The Cimtractor shall ft1rnish (4) four sHvice rn"nuals to the Own(•r prior to sch,,dtliing" walk throt1gh for substantial completion of tlw,r work. M,1nu;ds ~hc,Il be submitted lrr fl bound form complete wit·h ,1 table of contents, copy of Contr.ictor's w,urnnty and workm,mship form on company 1,,nerhe,Hl and shall contain complete ,•nlargcd dr,1wings of' illl equipment ins;t,llkd, ~bowing c-ornpon('nts \v1HrMlf1l'S l1nd (aLllog nurnbE'rs l()gcth(1r wilh tlll' manufacturl'·r's n,1rne ,1nd -t1ddress. Manuals ~hc1ll indudc npt:•r;\ttli~.~ instructions. \1,HH1als ,;h,111 be subjrct lo i1ppro1·,,I by the Owner or Owner's repn'Sen1,1tiv,~ ,1.s lo complt>tcness. l<FCORD DRAWINGS: Prior to bqiinning work 1t\ tlw tkld the Cpntractor ~hall secure ,1 complctti :jd of irrig:·ition plans, details .u1d specifications on di,,zo niylars ,1t the origln,ll '.'.<:(1.le The Contr,"lt..'t(lr ~hr1ll be responsihk (nr making" set of bluelin<' prmls for cvPry week on the project. At tlw end of each working day, the Contractor shall record ,111 work accomplished for th.1t day on the set of bluclinc prints 111 red ink. These record drnwing:s sh,1\l bt" brought up to dJtc-at the end of each work wet·k by ,1 qu;'1:Jifit'd dr;dhrwrson. Th1:.•sc, dr;Hvings should indic,1te the follo1,ving: At1 y 1.uning ch.-.ngt:~-. . . . . Dinwnsion from two permanent points of reference (building corncr~1 fixt-d hJrdsl',ipe corners, road intersectious, pcrm<1nent existfng utilities) ,,nd th<• lo,,,tion of the following iterns, ~,. Connection to l'xisting w;~ter lines .tnd sk'L'\'f' locations. b. c. d. c. f. g. h. I. j. k. Routing of pressure Sllpply lines ,it every 100:. ,1hrng routing. Electric control valves. Ball valves. Quick coupling ·valves. -Control wire routing ( if routed s,,p~rately from pressure supplv line). lkltkflow 'prevention drvices. Con trotler. Grounding rods. Other equipment as dtrected by the Architect. , 1.&.2 Prior to scheduling a walk thn,ugh for substantial completion, provide a record set of field as-built dr.1wings i\S described ,,bove to the Architect for review. Alter review, the r;.,,T"I' j.,,.Pl!IO'fi,,..., (,it,....., Af'r,..,,.J9 /JOl'IT~,-M-..,,vr :At,r::, r,-.9~u~T p1-hl '; p,o.ep..,,,_ t""' Cjl,1'",<1tl'I C,IT"f M"fL-.,.,,4 At<c> P..l!tVI._,._, ...... Mlf . . 1'"0 1,-lc,1,1106 'T'ttB "IS-1:WIIA' 11"f'<>t4Vli'Tldll/ . . J -.',Ar1l·h&> TII.,., 1 ,4 \/V,'tl,,"" ntP-OUblt r,,,-.. !i>\lll>S,'f"""ri" .... ' CL>Mfl,l!:Tl(lt,I t,A""'/ l!e ... .:.Hl!i'O<J...et:>, ·'. ' 16.J Prior to sdwduling the final w,,lk thrnugh, ,, final sc•t of ,,s-built drawing::,, ()rt di.1?0 rnyL,rs ~hall be cotr1plded and providt'd to ~he Ownt~r or Owner's rcpn-:-scntative 17 1.7. I 172 17.3 I 7.-t 1.7 5 1.8 1.8.1 CONTROLLER DRAW!NCS After .completion of the final set of ,1s•built dr,,wings and prior tn scheduling a final walk 'through, tl,,e Contractor sh,,11 obtain a Sl't of completed as-built drawings from .lhe OwnPr or Own~r's rC'prescnL1ti've for the prcparatton of controllrr drawings. Provide two sets of controller drawings for e,,ch controller insta11t,d on the project. The controller drawings shall be an ,,ctual blueprint reductton of the area covered by th'1t ,·on1roller and shall be at the maximum allowable scale that will fit inside the controller door without folding the drnwing. Color each controller drawing with colored pendls using a different color to represent each separate zone. Each controller drawing shall be hermetically sealed between two (2) pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimt1m of 20 mils thick and submtlted to the Arch,tect for review. After review, the Architect will return the controller drnwings to the Contractor and the Contractor shall make any required adjustments, -after whkh the Contractor will perm;inently flx (l) one controller drawing to·the inside of each controller ,ind bind one complete set of controller drawings in a loose leaf binder and submit to Owner or Owner's representative prior to schcdt1ling a final walk through. MA[NTENANCE: The maintenance period for irrigation shall begin after a certificate of completion is provided by the o. A,f-,., to the Owner. ··· 1.8.2. · I 83 l.8.4 l 8.5 1.8 6 1.9 .1 .2. . 3 .4 I , · The Contractor sh,1ll warrant materials against defects and guarantee · workmanship for the period specified under the maintenance ,,greement. Contractor shall .be responsible for coordinating warranty items with manufacturer/distributor and Owner. Settlement of trenches which may dccur during the maintenance period will _be repaired by the Contractor at 110 expense to the Owner, Repairs required due to vandalism before the end of the maintenar,ce 'f)criod will be performed at the Contnctor's expense. 'freeze damage to equipment during the maintenance period shall be repaired or replaced at Contractor's expense. Prior to a release of responsibility at the end of the maintenance period, the Contractor shall schedule a walk through with the Owner or Owner·~ 'represent;itive, disclose a'i,d provide the following: Current w.1.tering .scht..~dulc rcqu_ircnwnts . Two (2) sets of the required tool, for removing,, disassembling an,1 ;,djusting each type of sprinkkr head and valve used on the proj«<"t. Two (2) keys for f'ach controller . J.'our (4) qc11(k couplc'r keys and m..tching swi,,els for ,•acb type of quick coupler llS~d Or\ the prnjcct. EXTRA STOCK: 1.9. l Provide the Owner with the following items at the end of the ma,nten,1nce period: . I Five (5) pop•up spray heads with nozzles of each type used, for ev~i) 100 pop-up spr"y heads installed on the project, • PART 2 · PRODUCTS 2.1 l'IPING: 2.1.1 Ccneral Piping: .I l'ipe si7es shown are nomin,1I ,nsidc diam_eter, unless otherwise noted. .2 2.1.2 . I 2 .3 ldentiiy pipe with the following incfolible markings: A. Manufacturer's name. 8. Nominal pipe size. C. Schedt1J,, or cl.1Ss. D. rn.'SSurt' rating, E.. N:',l' (N,1tion,1l Sani.tahon Foundation) seal of approval. F. D.1 te-of extrusion. Solvent Weld l'ressure St1pply Line: Solvent _Weld Pressure Supply Line (downstream of b11ckflow prevention device): PVC Class 315 -2" & over; PVC Schedule 40 · I I /2" & under. A.. M,mufactured from virgin polyvinyl chloride (PVC) n,mpound in accordance wilh ASTM D2241 and ASTM [)1781: cell classification 12454-B, Type I, Grade 1. r'ittings: St,\l\dard weight , Sdwdule 40, inj,iction molded PVC, comp!) ing with ASTM ·01784 ;rnd D24f.6, cell C'lassific';\tion 12454-ll A. Threads -Injection molded type (where required) 13. T,•es and Ells -side gated. Threaded Nipples: ASTM D2-164, 5chedul'e 80 with molded thread,. 4 Joint (',•nwnt ;1nd Prim0r· Type as recommended by the manuf.1cturer of pipe and fittings. 2.1.3 Non-Pressure Lines: , 1 :"-J(rn-Pressure Lines (downstream of electdc. ,;ontrol valves): PVC Class 200, confonnir\g to ASTM 01785-83. .2 Fittings: Standard weight, Schedule 40, injection molded PVC, complving with ASTM 1)1784 and D2466, sell classilicahon 12454· l3' A. Threads• Injection molded type (where required), B. Tees and Ells~ stde gated. C. Threaded Nipples: ASTM 02464, Schedule 80 with molded threads. .3 Joint Cement and Primer: Type as re,ommended by the manufacturer of pipe and fittings. 2.1.4 Sleeving: . 1 Twice the nominal size of the pipe within_ .2 PVC Schedule 40 or 80 (for Pressure Supply Line and Non Pressure Lines) manufactured from virgin polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compound in accordance with ASTM D2464, 2',66 and ASTM 01784; cell classification 12454-B, Type I, Gride L 2.1.S .I .2 .3 2.1.6 . 1 2 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 223 2.'.l 2.3. I 2.:l.2 2 ,l 2.4.1 25 251 26 2.6.1 . I 2 3 2.6.2 . I 2.7 2.7. l Copper Pipe and l'ittings: Pressure supply line (frntn point of connection throt1gh b,,cktlc>w prevention device): Type K Hard Copper, hard tempered, in accordance with ASTM B4284- Fittings: Wrought copper, solder joint type. Joints: Soldered with solder 45% silver, 15% copper, 16'7,, 1in, ,,nd 24% cadmilltn ,rnd solids <111125° F,rnd liquids at 1145° F. Brass Pipe and Fittings: flrass pipe shall be regular wdght, 85% r;,d br"ss, ANSI Scht>dulc• 40 screw,,d pipe. Fittings: ~ftJdium brass, scrcwl•d ,lt 125 pound class, VALVES: Uectric Control Valves; Per lrrig,1tion L,•gcnd ll,,11 V.dvcs: PVC blllch•d lnre un,,,n, per lrrig,1t1on I .egl'rld. Quick Cl)upling Vi,lves: Br,1~s two pi1..'CL' body with locking rubbl·r c,1p, Lit-signed for working pn·ssurL· nf IS\) psi; u~wr,1bk• ,Vith quit'k nH1pl1.'r. Scl, lrrig,Hion Lq;eth.L VALVE BOXES: fl,,ll V,1lves, and Wire Splices: Carson 11910· 12. Electric Control V,1lvcs: C.1rs"n 111419-BB. SPRI:S..:KLER HE.<\DS; F,1bric;1_tcd r1ser units in <li.:-Cl)tdiHli..'.'C wilh det(iils~ with risl~r nipplt.•s ot ",lme size as riser opening in .:,-;prin'.Jer body .. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER: Automatic ControllPr as specified on the lrrig,i.tion 1.vgcnd, ELECTRIC CONTROL WIRING: Low Voltage: AWC UI' UL ,,pproved No. 14 dir-·ct burial copper wire for ,,ll ,·n11trol wire~ and No. 12 direct buriii.l copper wire for all connnnn wirPs. Wire Colors: A. Control Wires • Red. B. Common Wires -White. C. Spare Wtrc's -Cre~n (l,,bclcd .,t termination) D Additional Wires· Same as ,ontrol wire (labeled at·t,,rm,n,ition) Wire Spike, Connectors: Rain bird Pentitc Connectors High Voltage: Type required by local codes and ordinances, or proper size to .1ccommodate needs of equipment serviced. ll/\CKl'LOW PREVENTION [)EV!CE: llackilow Prevention Device•: Reduced prcsst1re principal ba,ktlow .1ssembly shall consist of ,,n approwJ brass c>r bronze body, bra,, i.:ht-':'Ck ,·,1lvcs, hydraulically ,1ctu.1tcd r0lit'f valve-, inkt and disch,Hgt:' shutl)ffs, pressure rcguL1tor ,1nd field tl'~t rocks. Sec Irrig,llion Legend. I 2.8 PRESSURE REGULATOR; 2.8.1 Pressure Regulator: As specified on lrrigat,on Legend. 2.9 Tl·IRt..:ST BLOCKS: 2.9.1 TI1n1st Blocks: Concrete thrust and anchor blocks shall be placed at m:i/,i/rn~ ,,J,'rc.dl'.,. ch,,,JU ,1nd shall consist of Class C @2,000 psi with 4" sl\lmp portland cement concrete, 2.10 SAND BEDDINC: 2.lO. I Sand bedding shall be construction grade . PART 3 -EXECUTION J.l PREPARATION: J. I. I Examine field conditions prtnr tu l>eginn,ng work described ,n this section. Cradtng operations .sh,,11 be complrted ,>nd approved prior to bt.'ginning 1,;,:ork 1. I ' v,,rify all sleeve loc~tion.s priDr Ill beginnin).'; work in this section ,'Ind tbg sleeves and conduits inst,1llcd by utlv~r tri1de~'-Report t1ny conrlii.:ts to i;;,.A.f-.. immt•diatl'lv .1.I .. 1 lrrig,1t,011 system shall be const'rncted to the sizes and grades ,it the loc,,tions shown on the drawings Mark with powdcn,d lime ,,r m,uking p,,int rout,ng of pressur<' supply line ;ind st,1ke the location o( 0.,ch sprayhead,. clt)('trk control valve and other rebted equipment for Lhe first three zones. o. A· f',-, shall review staking and direct .1ny neo!ssary changes with the Contrilctor prior to proceeding to otht.~r 7(irlt.'S. This ri.}vil'w docs not in <1ny vvay alleviate the Co~tr,1ctor from thl) n'~pon.sibiliticS ,1ssocialed \Vith proper uni(()rrnity ,lnd distribution of he[ld plc1ccrnL'nt ,lftcr stJking. J.l.•-l lnst,1ll sl(•cving under p<1ving, h.1nbcap,~ <1ni,1s, sidewalks and paths prior to .:1spha\t .ind concn:.'ll' <1pi.•r,\tion~, to ai:.;-commod,1.te piping ,1nd wiring. Compact backfill .1round ,;!L'L'\'(''.-1 tt, 95(7., \!1odified Proctor Dvn:-.ity wilhin 2'"1r1 of optimum !lHW·,l\irc i.:nntent ln accordancL~ with AST\·! D1557. , 2 EXCAVATION AND flACKFILLI'.\JC OF TREl':CHES: 3 2 I Trench excavation shall as mud, ,1s possible follow the layout shown on dr.1wings Trenches sh,,11 be str,1,ght in c>lignment and st1pport pipe• continuously on bottom of trench. R('move rocks and debris gr(',1ter th,1n l" in diameter. Ovrr exc;lv~ite JS required for bedding in,, l<.' ri ,, I. Dt•pth of Tre11ch: Prc•ssurc Supply L,nc· 18" from top of pipe to finish gr<1dt•. Nlln•['ressure Line (5pr,,y Heads): 12" from top of pipe to finish grad,,. Control Wiri11,;: Directly ,1t ,nle ,rnd bottom of pressure supply line Pressure Supply Line L,,cater Ti1p;,: 6" i\bove top of pipP. • • l.A,\'DSUJ'~ AIOlITTCTl 'I! 1.ruAN D£51(,'N 6}8' POCIOfl.'51 DPJ\t. 5t;Tl'EA SAN Dl!GO. t:.illm'<IA 1mo 619· 265· 1i57 "AS BUil T" APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS RCE ___ EXP. REv1EWED SY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE t------i--+-----------+--l----+--+------I I SH .. 9EET I CITY OF CARLS BAD ~4 PLANNING DEPARTMENT L,!.:!.___J ~l~R~R::=IG,:::A:=T::l~O~N::S::P::E::C::l:cFl:::C:::A::::T:::10::::N::S:::" :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::;==~===~ 0ATE INITIJ<l, E:.NCINE'ER OF WORK CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT48 APPROVED ,1//~ rJ __ ____,/.c,.,.o:..,"-~,h"=:'.'.x:'.:._:_ _ __:_· _3il_··Z3· ztf ASSISTANT PL.ANNING DIRECTOR ~ DA TE 0A TE \Nill"'-0A TE INITIAi. CHKD BY ' ---------ji---1----l----l---1 ~D~WN~~B~Y;:; = _=_= _= _= _= -~,~==P~R~O;J::::E~C::::T=N:::;:Q_=::".7~=D=R=A='M=N=G=,.,=o~. RE1;1sI0N oEscRtPTioN ~o.,;,11-1_E11.,;;.,_AP_.,PR_av,.;.AJ.~....:.;0 -"'rr=--AP-LPR"-'0""v:..: ...... '-' ~Rc!,vwo.!!!!...':18!.ly""'; :::-::-:i '.o 4-1b ~a-&>1.-" .J-----------------------------------------------------===================::::::::::::::::::::::~S==========~-: C.M.W.D, JOB NO. 972'70 ' 3.2.3 .1 .2 .3 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 12.6 Depth of Trench under Vehicular Paving: Pressure Supply Line: 30" from top of pipe to aggregate base. Non-Pressure Line: 30" from top of pipe to aggregate bas,,. Control \Vi ring: Directly at sidco ,md bottom of pre,,\ln' stipply line. Pressure Supply Line Locater Tape: . 6" above top of pipe. Piping located under ,1sphalt p,1ving or concrete sh,111 be insulkd with the appropriate sized sleeve and backfilled with sand twdding (6" below pipe and 12" ,1bove pipe). Compact backfill material in 6" lifts at 90% maximum dc'nsity determined in accordance with ASTM D1557 using manual or mechanical tamping device. Set in place, cap and pressure test piping in the presence of the Ownl'r or Owner's representative prior to backfilling. Width of Trench: Pipe Less th<1 n 3": Width between Tr,,nchcs: lrrigntion Tn'nch to lrrigntion Trend1; lrrig~,tion Trench and other TrJ(,k Trcn..:ht.1:.,: 7" niinimurn. h" minimum. 12·• rninirnum. llnring: Will be only be perrr>itted where pip'-' must p,,s, und,,r ,rn obstruction that c.innot be avoided or removed. lloring b,Kkfill sh,1II m,1tch surrounding ~oil deii.sity and gr~1in. Bl)rinn under ._,,isting P'-'Ving1 hanisc~lpc or sidewalk~ may be permitwd: at Cnntr,,ctnr's tH\'11 risk. ContrJctor is rcsponsibk for ,rny rrpc1irs or datnage. tu surh itrms at thf-:ir own <?Xpcnse Backfilling: llackfilling of trench~s m,,y n<Jt be done until .,II r,'quir,,d testing for the irrig,,tion system has hern c"mplctcd. . ' .1 Matcri(11· ExG1v.iled. material is g(:•nf'rally con~il'krcd to bt..~ ,\def.1u,1lt..' for backfilling oper,1tions. llefore beginning lhe b<1ckfillin1; operillion, insure that b,1ekfill rnatcrial is not fn)ZPn, is free fr()m l"ll'bri5 .-,nd rocks gn)~1tcr than 1" in l..'liam.eli.:.'r~ ;\nd is not !'ni'X'ed with topsoil TI,esc m,1teri,1ls, after scp,u,,tcd from b,1ckfill, sh,11l be lcg,1\ly dispos,,d of ,i\t Contr;:ictor's e--:pcnse. · 'l. Bed pressure supply line with constru,:tion gr,1de SM'ld 12" ,1bo\.:e ,lnd 6" below pipe. H.t.•m,,ining b,,ckfi\1 n\,ly bt...· ,1s lks(rilH_•d ,1bovt~ ,3 fled all elec\ric'al control wiring th,ll is tri'nclwd s,'p,1rale rmm pressure supply line with cnnslrudion gr,Hh.1 ,,,llh .. i 6" ,ibovt' ,,nd 6" below wires_ .4 When backfilling, slightly mound filled trl'n,hes for scttl,•mcnt ,1iter backfilling is completed. Compact ba,·kfill to., 90¼ milximum ,knsity in accordance with /\STM 1)1557 with a n,e,d1anicc1! tam;wr Dn not letive trenches opc-n for a period greater th,1.n -18 hours, Open trenches shall be protected in accord,rnce with current 051 IA reguli\tions. .5 Smooth trenchc•s to finish grade prior to n•qucstii,g a w.ilk tl:rnugh f<>r subsi,rnli,11 compl<'lion with the ow,:i~•,;;, A'Jf'rl,:::,P.l..et:' ~,'\Tlve (t>Afl-.-) 3 3 POINT OF CONNECTIONS: 3.4 3.4.1 34.2 3.43 3.4 4 3,4.5 3.4.6 3.4,7 348 3.4.9 3.4.10 3.4.11 3.5 3.5.1 : .5.2 Point of connection sh,'lll ht~ approxirnately ;.1.s shown on drnwing~. Connect new undprgrnund piping ,ind valves and provide all 17.:,nges~ ,1daptcrs, or other necessary fittings for connection, · INSTALLATION OF SOLVENT WELD l'('lLYVlNYL CHLORIDE PlPE: l'olyvinyl chiLiride pipe shall bc cut with a l'VC pipe cutter designed for that purpose only. All plastic-to-pl,1stk solvent weld Joints· shall use ,,nly the so·lvcnt rec<Jmmenct,,d by the pipe manuL1,t,1rer. Do not install solvent wdd pipe when temperature is bdow 40° F. Pipe ends and fittings shill! be wiped with :vIEK, or equal approved in accordance with Section 01630, before wc,ldinr, solvent is applied. W(1lded joint:<=; shall be given i1 minimum of 15 minuh•s to set b0fore moving or handling. Pipe sh,1I\ be snaked from side-to•sidc of lrl'nd, bottom lo .,llow filr c-xpansion ,1nd contractions. All changr,s or direction over 15 dcgr<'<'S sh,dl be m;1de with fittings. When pipe laying is not in progress and at the end of each working d.iy, close pipe. ends with tight plug or cap. Install pressure supply line loc,1ting t,1pe ,;long the entire length of pressure supply line. Center load pipe with small amount of backfill to prevent arching and slipping under pressure. Leave joints exposed for inspection during testing. Coordinate pressure supply line with sand beddii,g operations. No water shall be permitted in the pipe until inspections have been corr>pkted and a period of at least 24 hour~ h,lS elapsed for solvent weld setting and curing. All changes of direction <1ver 15 degrees shall be made with fillings, INSTALLATION 01" COPPER PIPE: Copper piping shall be cut by a power hacksaw, a c•rcular cutting machine using an abrasive wheel, or by means of a hand hacksaw. No piping shall be cut with a metallic wheel cutter of any description. All pipe shall be renmed ,md rough edges or burrs removed so that a smooth nnd unobstructed flow is obtained. Eccentric reducing fittings shall be used where any change in pipe size occurs. Bushings shall not be used unless specifically authorized by lhe /.A, P..- 353 3.5.4 3.6 3.6,1 J,6.2 J 6..1 3.7 3. 7. I J.7.2 3,8 .1.8,2 . 1Y l ') I Apply emery cloth lo all pipe ends and wipe clean with cloth prior to solder welding pipe end to fitting. Apply ,,n ev,,n \.1yer of flux along area to b~ soldered and then solder uniformly around joint and let cool. After cooling lightly apply emery cloth along soldered area until smoothed. All exposed piping under·structural slabs shall be stenciled with · , "Irrigation Main" or "lrrig"tion Lateral" ,is required, ilt ten foot (10') intervals in black lettering, 3/ 4" minimum high. · INSTALLAilON or-BRASS PIPE: Brass piping sh<11l be cut by a power hacksaw, a circular cutting machine using an abrasive whe€1, or by means of a hand hacksaw. No piping shall be cut with a rndallic wheel cutter of any description. All pipe sh,,11 be reamed ,,nd rough e,Jges or burrs removed so th,11 a smooth Mid unobstructed now is obtained. Eccentric redllcing fittings shall be used where any change in pipe size occurs. flushini~s shall not b0 used unless specific.illy authori,rd by I he t>, _,., · f'-, • Joint compound shall be cardlllly ,rnd smuothly pl,1,·cd c>n the n1,1h, thre;:u.i only. All ::,(,·rc\.\'(1d jl)inls must br• tiJ~h!Clil'd with t()n~ts nr wrt~nd1Cj. C,Hilkir~g uf ,,ny kind \Vil! not hr pt..•rmitlt.'d. l:iLECTRIC CONTr1OL VI\ LYES: lnsr,1\t c~1d11..'lt..~ctrir control v.\lvt:' in a ~q~,Hi\lL' v,1lvt• box ..,o th,,t l'r(h'l h.1ndh..1 is 3" b(']ow t()p of lid of valve bnx -i::. ~p,)cift,._,J l>n tht) dr,Hvrn~~'.'. Croup electric control \\llves togetlwr ,1s :-.pcc-ifie:.1d on tht! dr,1wings (lllowing. a m,Lximum of 12" bc-t\\.'i..'('n l~,,ch v,lh't? bt)X. lnst,111 v.1lve boxes in the s.une direction ,u"tt.,I p,H,,llr...•\ ,.,vith 'l)ne ,lnOlht.~r Mh.i perpendicul::':ir to pavin~;, h,1rJsL,\~W, sidcw.1\ks ,rnd p,Hhs ll,\LL VAL VE5: lnstttll ball v,1lves downstream ,1nd in a :-,;ep,1rntc v,,l\'c box.,~ -:;hown on drawi1~~S- Size of baJl v,.1fi,,~ ~h:i!I be ·the s,1m~ .is the 11ornin.:1l pipe Si;-:t• it is biJing connected lo. QUICK COUl'l.!\:C V,\1.Vl:S: Angkd nipple rc'l,1\ive lv pressure' ,;upply li11c ,h.111 be "'-' gr~,,t~r th~n 45° ,1nd no less thiln 10°. 3.10 VALVE BOXES: J.10. l Install valve boxes with cad1 type of 1rrig.1tion equipment so th,,t top of v:tlve box is .. lbove finish grade l1s sptcit'ied on tlH~ drawings. Valve box extensions ,ire not ;,ccept,1ble. (e><c.epr @.J F"""1 ,;:-,.e>rJ0,,..). 3.10.2 Place gravel sump lwlqw and around ec1ch valve box prior to installing valvl:' b~_Yx 1,s ~pecifi~d on the drawings. J>bcc rem.:itning portion of gravel 'Inside ,·a!ve box ;,\lowing full ilCCCSS in .ind around all fittings. Villve box shall be fully supported P&f'.. t::>e,;,t\ll4-. 3.l03 310.4 3. I 1 .3.11.1 3.11.2 3.11.3 3.11.4 3.115 , 3.11.6 3. 12 3.12.1 3,12,2 3,12.3 3.12.4 Drand controller letter and station number on the lid of each associated electric control valve. Br.ind ball valve valve box lids with the letters "13V". Brand wire splice valve box lids with the letters "WS". Letter ,ind number size of brnnd she11l be no less than 1" and i10 grc,1ter thJJ\ 1 l /2" in height and sh,111 be 1 /8" maximum in depth. Provide sample branding to the Owner or Owner's reprcs,'l1tative prior to commencement of work. Wi>lk through for substantial completi,)n will not be allowed until all branding is complete SPRAY HEADS: Install spray he,1ds as specified on dr,,wings, allowing minimum distance betwten building, paving, hardsc,1pe, sidewalks and paths. Spray heads shall not exceed the maximum head ilnd row spacing specifi~d nn the drawings or staked in the field by the <"·,'\, p-.., lr1 110 case may spr,1y heads be instJll,id at a diStilllCC between h,•ads that exceeds the-rn,1nufacturer's. n).conunendetJ rnaximum dislM\Ce. /\ngled nipples on swing joints below spra~ heads shall not rxceed 45° nor bP less than 10°. After instJllation adjust noz~)e sizes, arcs ,rnd radius of throw to allow head lo head uniform distTibution. Adjust ,1II spray heads to correct height as detailed. No over spr,1y will be all<Jwed <Jtl building, paving, hardsc,1pe, sidewalks and paths. Adjust adjacent plant material so that it dot's not interfere with uniform distribution of each spray head. Archit,;,ct may request nozzle changes and/or ad1ustments without additional cost to Owner. AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER: Verify electrical p<1wer at location of automatic controller prior to installation. Notify Architect immediately if power source is not avaiLlble. Install automatic controller wh<>re shown on drawings per manufacturer's specifications. Controller shall be tested with complete electrical connections. The Contri1ctor shall be responsible for temporary power to the Controller for operation and testing p,nposes. Connect electric control valve wiring to controller in the same numerical sequence as indicated on the drawings. install a separate ground wire for each controller as specified on the drawi11gs. 3.12,5 J.12 6 3.12.7 3.13 3 13.1 .1 2 /1 Below ground conduit shall be PVC SCH!l,o pif'<' with appropriate fittings. l.ab!'I <each a11tomatic controller with the letter or nitmber d<>signat<>d ,m the drawings. Letter or number sh,,ll be located rn a visible· location on the inside panel cover with 3" high vinyl letters Each and l.'Very automatic contro!ler shall be completely operable prior to scheduling a walk through for substantial completion. ELECTRICAL WIRING: t.ow Voltage Wiring: !Jury control wiring in s,1me trench ,is pressure supply line as spc>dfied. Bundle all 24 volt wires at 201 int£'rvals with electrical tape. Provide expansion loops ,It every pressure supply line angle fitting, insidt> uach and every electric control valve valve box, and at 250' 1c,ngth inkrvals .ilong ro\llinf;. Form expansion loop by wrapping win .. ~ ,1 rni11imum of 10 t1n"1t .. 1s ,n<..nind a J/4" plpc ,1nd withdr,Hving pip,•. l.irnit spliting of dtclric,11 1,vir11\~. Provide l'<\Ch spike rnade ,1t ,nterv.i,b t>r ln t"'iectrir..:: l'dnlrt.')I t·,\l\c with Rainbird Petite n)nncctl,r--.:.. \\'ire spikes ,,ccurring ,11 intuvals outside electric control valv~s sh.ill he m,L1llcd in;, ·,q,.,r.,te v,1lve box. Pruvide (IJ orw electric.:1I (Ontrol win.• h)r each t\ni..i every ekctrk l'untrol v,1lve. r1ggy b,1,ckin~ like zone:, (Ht the s.1me ~lectric,11 control v.,·irr~ i~ not .,llo,v~?d. , lnst,1\1 (2) two sp.ire #l.1-1 ck-ctrical control wires from the automatic ~,ontrolh.•r pedt•st,ll to the !.,st t•lt!ctric 0 1 ntrol valve on l~ach and every :q.t of pn::>~~1.1r(• ~upply line. L\"J(,1.le thc~t.• spare wires in their own \ .1h 1' hn, ,l:o; "V'Vrifi'-'t.i. ln ,1.ddi!ion to these spnre wires, check the dr.Hvm.):"' 1~·\r ,~n_v ,1ddi!ion~ll \,1in.?S that may b~ n~guircd·Jnd locut~ llll'ni. in lhl;' :,;,une valv(• t•1.)X ,,s !he "ip,Ht...,-'wiresc 3. IJ 2 · I ligh Volt.1ge \Vir,ng: :l.14 lnsL11l 120 volt po\1.'er lrom po-i.vt·r :,;:ource to tht.." ~utomatic controll• .. r in conform"-1nce with lol\11 govt•rniiig n1des <rnd (1rdinu.ncc-s. l!ACKFLO~V l'REV[NTION DF\/ICE: 3. 14.1 l11st,1ll backflow prevention device and b,1tkflow prevention device c•ndosure ,It the loca tilln sp.-cified 011 the drawings. 3.14.2 Coordin,ltt• installation with local governing codes and ordinances. 3. 15 PRESSURE REGULATOR: 3.15.1 Install pressure regulator ,rnd set psi <1! the location specified on the dra\vings. J.16 QUALITY CONTROL: 3.16.1 3.16.2 . l 3.16.3 l .2 Flushing: Center i0ad all piping prior to flushing. After all new irrigation f'iping ,,nd risers are in place .1nd connected; all nec<'ssary d1versto11 work h,is bee11 completed; ,1r1d prior to the installation of sprinkler hends .itid quick coupling valv,,s, thoroughly flush piping system undi'r full heJd of pressure for a dur.Hi<Jn of five minutes after lhe furthermost riser from the point of connection begins to llush. After the system is thoroughly flushed, cap all ris..rs. · Testing: Aitcr b;ickfilling, flushing nnd the instali'1tion of e<1ch electric control valve, ball valve ,ind quick coupling valves, the irrigation system may be pressure tested. Pressure testing sh.ill be performed in the presence of the Owner or Owner's representative utilizing the following procedure: A. Pressurize th!' irrigation system to 125 psi for a period of no less than 1 hours, All pump equipment and other equipment · necess,iry for the pwssun, test shall be furnished by the Comr,1ctor. ll Test is acceptable if no leakage occurs within the system for the d,.,r.1tinn of the trsting period. C. If lc;iks do occur, repair said leaks and begin press,tre test ag,,in, Repeat this oper,,tion until no leaks occur in the irrigation system. D, Before requesting a walk through for substantial completion, the entire irrigation system shall remain under pressure for a period of no less than 48 hours. - Walk Through for Substantial Completion: Before requesting a walk through for substantial completion the following requirements must be entirely satisfied: A. The entire irrigation system is completely installed, flushed and s<1tisfactorily pressure tested_ ll. All vJ\ve boxes have been branded. C. All aut"mMic controllers are fully operable. D. Record as-built drawings have been submitted to the Architect and reviewed as to completeness. I'. (4) Four Services manuals have been delivered to Owner or Owner's representative. Once the above requirements have been met a walk through for substantial completion may be requested. The following procedures will be used during th1 walk through for substantial completion: .'.\ A. Contractor must have (2) two personnel available with radio communicntion for the entire length of the walk through for substanti.il completion. B. All valve box lids shall be removed from valve bpxes and p\ac,:,d face up adjacent to the valve box prior to beginning the walk through for substantial completion. C. The walk through for substanti,11 completion will be divided into (2) two sections and proceed as follows: a. Physical Walk Through: ihis will consist of w<1lking through the entire irrigation system and examining all components of the system without turning on zones. A punch list will be established of dc>fincncies in the construction and workm,1nship of the irrigntion system as compared to the construction drnwings, details ,1nd spedfic;1tions. b. Operational \Valk ihrnugh: This will consist of walking through the entire irrigation systl'n1 ag~in 11nd observing each zone in a fully oper,1blc condition. Valves must be activ;1ti:-d from the-autom.;1tic controller (manual blet:>ding of individital electric control v,,lves will not be acccpt,ib\,,). ,\ punch list will bl' ,·st:iblished of the ddiriencies in the operation nf (',h:h l.t.)I\~ in tht.~ irrigation system, i~v.llu,,tin~ hl'.,1d sp~1cin~, row ~f-"",l(..·ing, nozzle ~i:,i;lng, correct r,Hiiu.':> oi throw ,rnd c.:orrl'ct sts\tu)nlng. ,1::. cornpareJ to the constru1..·lion dr,lwings, det:iil.~ i'!nd spt.•cifi(~~lticms. Once the ,V,,lk Thr(l\1;',h tor Subs1,1n1ial Completion is comp\ctc>ci,t!te O-A· r--. will provide a c,1py ol ,1\1 punch list ,terns to the Ow11csr for distribution tu the Contr,H~tor. It is the Cnntr~Ktor\; rc:::ipon~ibility lt.' n'p,1ir, rt'pl,1ce ,wd ,,dju,t .111 ilo.'ms on the ptinch list prior to n .. ·questin~ a t'ir1.al w:l\k tlHou~h. J.164 Fin,,! W,ilk Through: I !ldorc ,\ fini\l w,1lk thnJugh, tlw foll"wing rt'quirempnts must be t.•ntircly s.1lis!\l.1d· A. Each il<'rr\ on tlw w,,lk through tor subst.111ti.1I completion h," been thoroughly .,ddressed ,rnd resolved by the Contr,\C'lnr . & A fm,1I fvn,rd ,is·l.>uilt h.is h·,•n pcci,hll'Ct! ,ind provided to th,, < ),,-111.:•r. C. t.:~HHrollcr dn,wir1~s rt)r l..',lch ,n1tomatir conlroller unit h,l\'1.: been c,>mplet,'d, installed ,ind provided to the Owner, t). All <'Xtra stock has been turned over 10 the Owner or Owners repres<c'n t,1 ti ve .2 Once the .ibove rcqtiirempnts h.1ve been met, a final walk lhrot1gh 111ay be rc,quesled. The follc)wing procc,dures will be cf;cd during the willk thmugh for substi\ntial compktion: A Cnntractnr must h,we (2) two personnel ,w,1il,1bll' with radio communic,,tiun for the entire length of the w,1\k through for sub"anti.11 completion. B. Only tl10se v~lve box lids shall b,• rc'moved from v,1\ve boxes ,ls indicatcc1 cin the w,,lk ihro\lgh for subst,1nti,1I completion punch list. These valve bo, :ids shall be pL1ced foce up ,1djacen1 to the valve box prior lo t,pginning the final walk through. C. The final walk through will be divided into (2) two sections ,ind proceed ,1s follows. a. Physical Walk Through: This will consist of walking through the punch list items cre,ited at the time of the walk through fnr substantial compldicrn and e~amining all components of the systc'm without t,.irning on zones. Any remaining deficiencies in the construction and workmanship of the irrigation system ,IS compued to the punch list generated al the time of the walk throc·>gh for substantial completi,m, construction drawings, details and specifications will be noted. b. Operational Walk Through: This will consist <Jf walking through the punch list items created at the time of the walk lhro\tgh for substantial completion and observing each /l)nc in a fully operable condition. Valves must be activated from the automatic controller (man\lal bleeding of individLtal electric control valves will not be acceptable). All rem,1initl)l; deficiencies in the operation of each zone, including but nni limited to, head sp,1cing, row spacing, nozzle sizing, correct radius of throw ,1nd correct stationing, as compared to the punch list generated at the time of the walk through will be noted. - .3 3 16.5 ,[ 2 APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS Once the Final Walk Through is completed and all items created 011 the iinal _punch list ~~ve been addressed, the maintenance period may begm. Any add1t1onal walk through's that are necessary because of the Contractor's inability to address all issues on the punch lists described above will be provided at the Contractor's expense. Maintenance. Period: Shall be as indicated in the contract agreement and will begin once all items or, the final walk through punch list have been satisfactorily ilddr~ssed by a written statement indic,,ting such from the t!J,A· f'.· to the Owner. · The Contractor is respot1sible for obtaining and following any maintenance manuals created spenfically for the project frorr1 the Owner at the begmntng of the maintenance period. /\t the end of the maintenance period and prior to turning the project ov~r to the Owner, _the Contractor shall provide all necessary marntcnance materials over to the Owner or Owner's representative for 111specl1on. Once accepted in writing by the Owner, the rn,1inten,1n.:e period will end. • r .,-, I • LJJ,'OSUJ"f Alo-mcn:n l,'IM.~ DF_'ilGN 6}64 Rooa-mm DRIVE ILTI1'A ~ DIEGO, GIJ.JFOP..'AA 92UO "AS BUil T" RCE ___ EXP. DATE REVIE'M::D BY: INSPECTOR OAT£ t---t--t--------------11-------1---+-------.1.------1 ~o CITY OF C ARl.S BAD ~4 ~L!Q_j:::;:;~~=::::=::=:P=LA=N=N=l=N=G=D=E::P=A=R::::T::::M::::::E::::N:::T===='-;'~==~ IRRIG/\TION SPECIFICATIONS CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 48 APPROVED ASSIST ANT PLANNING DIRECTOR DA TE 1-..,o_A~TE-+-tll_1_n_Al......J.-------------------11-0-"-TE--+-tN-,-n-AL-1-0-,.-TE---l-1-ll-tn_Al___. ~D~WN~=s~v,~i}~~~}-~~,==~P~R~o=J;E:,::C=:::T=N:=:o=. :::'"'.'l~::::D=R=A=,...,=N=G=N=o~. ENGlliEER Of WORK RE\.1SION DESCRIPTION OlllOt l<i'PAOV/<J.. OTY l<l'P11OVAL ~~ :}---. PP 412:, -~,;,,.::'~81.,, C.M.W.D. JOB NO. !'17 '') b • ' \ • 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT-----¥.- ( pp.,1vAT~) • \ ,It., \ -':i,1: \ ..ll..-"'F' ("' /t./9-rA.,.., ""I"' RI"-1'"P,..J§,'f:4NIA ---- -rAl!:-50 i'-c,'' 1"NM f/.,., MA1Nf"r'l1N MIN, 5 1 c,-.-el'-A1.tc4ft e,erw&&,-.1 ,;-1.,. pf'-rr--ee p,,-.,r::, ~N1;7l?!f'-bl'·-a,N,::; 191'-AIN.A,,.6' Pll'e,, ('roTA<, &!'>-10 T,'<.88$), ,ABP-61',., f'd' C,,N/.. Gi'M:,, , GA.%·1.-N .?N-1 TN• 1,,, f'-,A, N f',,> P.... f I Pe u:,r . .,_ 7' /(JN 'T-,I f e I f!:'r t,, ' fV' & 'a;--.f!' r-1?• • • -- • • I ------+--EXISTING SLOPE PLANTING (TREES, SHRUBS AND GROUND COVERS) TO REMAIN, PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL REMOVED OR DAMAGED DUE TO NEW IMPROVEMENTS SHAI.L BE REPLACED OR REFURBISHED. --··~----- • • • • • • r -----------------__ __j_ --__._ ----~--- ''<:~. Po t./tff 1,,/r,n,.u,, "'~vtJ&>CCI/Eflt. ~NT7Ne --,-4-----i~~,;;'1---- "'6/\IIIF.471-/ 51-/AVIJ H.1>$$1.5 (""1 CkyU'-/16$ 1,./Hl'llCIJ= «-~) .AAJ, 71> J/1.l-DS, ~ TYP 6/fl.cU.,.,/.OCDVs« SI-/A(.L, 8~ Pt..-AC£.p LOT48 BUILDING "A" IZ" ~ f>(.AJ>/T MAlrl 'iTE!H WHl!i1i'lE ~,G,U,-Z'f,. ~p .. :rH ~t=f,,.NI.'·./~ ( ,..:i'T"' drVNf!:i\',;; ~)6~,f-._Gr:·'T"1 l."rl) -r-,,f, cl'-(+) A/\t.AG, M rG, ,.,._,, .. ,,.,,., _.,,..,G f.,FE.~r1v~ -rn AP,J, p,.1,-.11:;,-, c .. t<iAc~,.; -,iJ,.,(·:~P~ 1"t.> OJv'li,.., r.6N~/N6-~r,..p,.J(r-, t(,.,,.~Ni;, fi~t;; ~Jtrr. 1, fo,-.. "l'"'P9oJi..,, f3f~,dF-1~.A'rl'l'I.& --CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A M' CLEARANCE BTWN, BUILDING WINDOWS (WHERE OCCURS) AND ADJ. PLANT MAIN STEM, TYP. FOR ALL BUILDING WINDOWS. FOR ALL OTHER SURFACES ,,.,BUILDINGS, MAINTAIN A 18" CLEARANCE STWN. BUILDING SURFACE AND ADJ. PLANT MAIN STEM. \ '~' '-\/·' ,---- ~\~,': "' ~--....;i,... __ _ ._._ __ -JI_. ' . ',! + ,. " RUTHERFORD ROAD SEE SHEET 5 FOR PLANTING LEGEND SEE SHEETl't FOR PLANTING DETAILS & NOTES SEE SHEETS 13 & 14 FOR PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS / TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA: 29,216 S.F, \ TOTAL NON RECREATIONAL USE TURF AREA: 4,087 S.F, % OF LANDSCAPE AREA USED \ FOR NON RECREATIONAL USE H,Q% \ MAX. (15%) ALLOWABLE NON RECREATIONAL USE TURF AREA 4,382 S.F. \ \ TOTAL RECREATIONAL USE ', TURF AREA 4,743 S.F. \ 1 "::::20'-0" \ ' I ; /t;?'(_==,¥=---OA~lf-0 t,,/!'IE& t!,rJ,,/r/. tAWl'I TYl"ES /I.El'~ (,.IMIT5 OF l.A/-IN iYl'A!fS {,H.S:f;#i ~ /0<'"7' MO;./a,,11,86,). ffFe,< W Nlr. .,.-RJtZ l'tANT ~a uJ,t,!",(JJ"f AA0{1JlCTIM l.i .. MX DESIG,-. · EXISTING PARKWAY TURF ON ADJ. LOT TO REMAIN, PROTECT IN PLACE. RESEED ALL SARE AND DAMAG~D TURF AREAS. EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL REMOVED OR DAMAGED DUE TO NEW IMPROVEM~NTS SHAI.L BE REPLACED OR REFURBISHED. IMPORTANT NOTE: PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT LOCAL UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT. 10 t\ L. ,t -~ (jJ I"' \.4-.Ql!U::...'..l'.::.::.!:A ~ II AS RCE EXP. 6Ut ~OCl.:HUIIS1 rJll\'f SLTTtA SM' DIEC,O. CAUFORMA 9llJl BUil T" DATE Oil BELOW '¼ .. / LOWEST s " BRANCH 12" I c;i,Aa.-. Of'--i-"t 0<'>< Tl'>!'!e (6) -TREE TIES PER SPECIFICA-+-------------FORM 3" WATERING BASIN WITH / · BACKFILL SOIL MIX (reMP.). J'.eM<i\/l!i' 1IONS. SPACE A$ SHOWN. INS1ALL EQ. PER MFR. RECOMMENDATIONS (2) -2" DIA. X 10' LONG TREATED /,.. _ { ~ PP-..,.,.,.._ -r<" t,A Ut.-c,H r N0T Avt.-.A T ,.,,;.1 . ;J 'v-''"' BREATHER fUBE(S) FOR 15GAL. SIZE AND LARGER, SEE DETAIL LODGEPOLE PINE STAKES. INSTALL TRUE AND VERTICAL. DRIVE INfO EQ. UNDISTURBED SOIL ADJ. ro ROOT BALL. NOTE: FOR 24" BOX TREE, USE 3" DIA. TREE STAKE. iREE ilE DETAIL 24" ~ .... 0 0 0 0 --kc'-------1, 5, OR 15 GALLON CONTAl~lER ,J TREE OR SHRUB ~;·n/,'--'------2" lv\ULCH LAYER (SltP..IJ!:> A~ ONvt) . ,.,, ~.;;;,___,,...._ -l.'>.~,1--------PLANT SO ROOf BALL IS 1/2"-3/4" ABOVE FINISH GRADE (AFTER BACK- FILL MIX HAS SETiLED). ,~1------PIT BACKFILL MIX PER SPECIFICA· TIONS 3' . . . . . -"CROSS" TIE BE1V-IEEN SiAKE AND TRE:E AS SHOWN. l . \_ l-----~ FERTILIZER TABLETS PER SPECIF!· f'l-ANnN3 Frr CATIONS. INSTALL so THEY TOUCH :Z.X RCO, PALL 'I ROOT BALL. 1---1·1/2" GALV. ROOFING NAIL '\ ' PLANTING NOTES DOUBLE TREE STAKING DETAIL 1..1 CLE.AF-, NHE~'E ff-:DJf E;til,1ffR. Of \/1:'HIC::LE i'.J',tf-1..ff'::' Cllf.B. EQUAL EQUAL ' SHRUB & GROUNDCOVER SPACING 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE ANO PAY FOR AGRICULTURAL SUITABILITY & FERTILITY ANALYSIS TEST!NG OF SIX (6) REPRESFNTATIVE SOIL SAMPLES ,ROM THE PROJECT SIT!:' rnron TO ANY PLANTING WORK. CONTnACTOR SHALL REQU[;Sl OWNER'S AUTHORIZED mrnESENTATIVE TO LOCA IL THE SIX AREAS TC) BE TESTED. SOIL ANALYSIS SHALL BF rnoM AN APPROVED SOIi. LABOflATORY (SUC/I AS SOIL AND PLAN/ LAl.l OF SANTA ANA, CA). fllD SET PL/INT/NG Rr:OU/n[MENTS AND SOIL AMENDMl:NT SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON A PRl'LIMINARY ANALYSIS OF ON SITE SOILS. TEST RESULTS SHAI.I. BE COPIED TO THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZE'D l~FPRESENTATIVE FOR POSSIBLE REVISION TO PROJECT !'LANTING REQUIREMENTS. CITY or CAnLSBAD PLANNING DEl'ARTMENT [IEPRESENTAI IvI; SH/ILL APPROVE !)"'" 1'6'TINE,, f-lP..M f ~.,, ... T"E¾T l',8{.oMeNl:l<ln,,..c p,-,.,.,... T"ll $01\, Af"\er-io,.,& <>PeP.ATIONi',. 2. rLANTING AREAS AND PLANT OUANTITIF:S SHOWN ON LEGEND AllE FOR CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE IN ~STIMATING ONLY. CONTRACTOR IS RLSl'ONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING PLANT MATERIALS SUFFICIENT TO COVI 11 AllEAS SHOWN ON PLANS 3. THI: PLANTING PLANS Anl.c DIAGRAMMATIC, MINOR ADJUSTMENTS IN PLANT LOCATIONS MAY BE MADE AT THE DISCRETION Of' THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESlNTATIVE. PLANT MAIFlllALS SH/ILL BE SPOTTED AllflRQXIMATELY AS SHOWN ON -n-tr. LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS AND ARE TO 8[ APPnOVED BY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED 1'1EPRESENTATIVE/CITY INSPECTOR DLl'011E BEING REMOVl'U FROM CONTAINERS AND [XCAVATING SOIL FOR PLANTING. 4 C□NrnACTOR SHALL Pl10TECT EXISTING VEGETATION OUTSIDI' THE LIMITS OF GRADING AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBI.E FOR REVL:GF:TATION AND IRl1IGATION AT THE DIRECTION OF THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED r1FPRESENTATIV[. OF DISTURBl:P A~E/\S OUTSID[ OF [)AYLIGHT LINE:S SHOWN ON GRADING PLANS. 5 THE CONTll/\CTOR SHALL INSTALL A 3" L/\YER rn· 3/8" -" FIR LiAllK MULCH IN ALL GROUNDCOV[;R/SHRUB ARCAS AD.IACENT TO THE BUILDING UNLESS INDICATED on-rcnwrsE. OMIT MULCH FOR PLANTING AREAS ON SLOPES 3:1 OR Gl'\EATER, UNLESS INl)ICATED OTHERWISC. "SDG&E IYl'E SHREDDl.'IJ (3' THICK LAYLA) MULCH SHALL BL' USED IN ALL PAf1KING ISLANDS AND PEl1IMETER AITEAS ,; ..... ,r MVl..bt1 SAMP~ TD DIT't I~ r<>!L Al't'P6>'At.. l'!'-1¥-Tb J;!,Ut..i<-tle!Avefl-7' 11' ,,n, 6. ALI. PLANTED AREAS SHALL Bf' RAKED CLEAN ANll CLE/\R OF ALL L'XTr1ANEOUS MATr::nlAI .. S. FINISH GRADES AND SURFACE DRAINAGE PATTERNS SHALL Be RESTOf1ED TO THI:' APN10VED SPECIFIC ENGINEERING GRADING PLAN AfTi.'11 TREE AND SI IRIJ/1 INSTALLATIONS AND PlllOR TO GF\OUND COVER on B/\RK INSTALLATION. 7. AI .. L PLANT MAfEnl/\L SHALL BE APPROVED ON-SITE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION IJY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED RCf'(1ESENTATIVic. /\LL PLANT MATERIAL SHAU. CONFORM TO NUflSERYMAN'S STANl)ARDS FOR SI/E ANO HEAl.,TH. THE CONT'lACTOR SHALL SUBMIT PHOTOS OF AU. ROX SIZE TRCLS TO OWNER 1'011 /\PPROVAI.. 8. ALL NIJllSERY TYING MATERIAL AND MARKING TAPCS SHALL BE REMOVED AT THE TIME or· PLANTING. ALI. PLANT MATl.l'llAL SHALL llE DELIVERED TO THE SITE WITII THE FOLLOWING: NUnSERY TAG INDICATING GROWER NAME AND ADDRESS. TAG INDICATING GCNIJS. SPECIES AND VAlllETY OF PLANT MAT LnlAL 9. ALL Pl.ANT MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN ON THI: l'L/\NS. AU .. PLANT MATEITIAL DELETIONS OR SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNl"HS AUTHORl7I,D REPRESFNTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. I l, 5, & 15 GALLON CONTAINER PLANTING SECTION. -NO SCALE INSTALL BREATHER TUBES ON ALL TREES PERfHE FOLLOIVINGSCHEDULE: 1 & 5 GALLON NON[ 15 GALLON (1) -3" 24" BOX (2) • 3" 36" BOX (2) -4" 48" BOX (3) -4" 60" BOX & LARGER ( 4) -4" B&B PALMS. (4) • 4" ROOT BALL SECTION -NO SCALE ,__ ____ NDS SLOffiD GRATE • PIPE SIZE -. -:--:.-\-FINISH GRADE "--'Cl----DUCT1APE OVER HOLES WITHIN 6'' OF " FINISH GKADE ..... •' ' ' ~ · : :----1---RIGID PERf'ORAfED HANCORE PIPE . ' . '\ . ·. ;\\''. : ... · SEE SCHEDULE AT LEFT FOR SIZE · . .:, ' ,, AND NUMBER PER PLANT. · ·· r : 1\\ • -Ii ,---l---"DRAINGARD" SOCK· -·~·: r. (.., ~ ' ~ •, . . If' · ' ·--4---BACKFILL MIX PER SPECIFICATIONS -.'·,\· #I~ • ·•;, \ ..._~ I • I._ ____ BREATHER fUBE TO EITTND TO FULL DEPTH OF PLANTING HO~E BREATHfJI.IU~B-=-E .==D.!;;.ET~A.!!!I L::..------......,.,,=---,-~- sEcnoN -NO SCALE SECTION -NO SCAI.E 11. CONTRACTOR SH/ILL NOTIFY THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY OF ANY PLANT MIi TERi/iL THAT IS l)AMAGED OR IN POOR CONDITION TO Dl.'TERMINE ACCEPT/\BILITY. 12 /\LL flAnDSCAPE LOCAT[I) IIVE FEET OR CLOSER TO PI.ANTr::o Tnl:[$ OF\ AS INDICATED ON THE PLAN SHAI.I. BE PROTECTFD VylTH A TYPAR BIO-OARRWR n(JOT CONTROL SYSTEM. INSTALL ADJACENT l'O I IAi11lSCAPE /IND MIN, FIVE FEET BEYOND Tl·II'. 'fl'1UNK OF THE TREE IN /\LL DIRECTIONS. INSTALL l'Ell M/\NllF/\CTUR[ll SPECIFICATIONS /\ND DLTAILS. 13. INST/ILL om AIHl,11 TUBES ON TIii LS I\CCDnDING TO THE DETAILS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 14. INSTALL TRUNK PllDTECTORS ON Al.I. TREES LOCATED IN LAWN ARl'AS, 15, ALL TREES ([XCEPT PALMS) SHALL BE LOCATED MIN. 6' (f'l''l.:T) FnOM HARDSCAPE SURFACES nETAINING WALLS. BUILDING rOUNDATIONS /\ND EAVES AND SUBSURFACE UTILITIES INCLUDING DRAINAGE LINliS. DOMESTIC SUPPLY LINES AND SEWER LINES WHEREVER POSSIBLE. ANY Tl1EE PLANT[D WITHIN .6'(FEET) OF HARDSCAPl, SllnFACES, WALLS OR BUILDING FOUNDATIONS SHALL RECEIVE A PROT[CTIVE llODT CONTROL BARRIER (TYl'AR 'BIO BARRIER' OR APPROVED 1,QUAI.) INSTALLED ADJACENT AND PARALLEL TO Tl-II: HAl11)SCAPE, WALLS OR FOUNDATION AND 5'(FEET) BEYOND.THE TRUNK IN ALL DIRicCTIONS. IN CASE OF DISCREPANCl[S IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY OWNERS AUTIIOl11ZEC REPRESENTATIVL IN ADDITION, TREES SHALL BE LOCATED MIN 3' (FEET) FROM ALL MAIL ROXl'.S. WATER METERS. AND Sl/RSUCU'AC[ UTILITIES INCLUDING TEI.EPI-IONC, ELECTRICAL CAllLI, TV. /IND IRRIGATION LINES, MIN. 8' (FEET) FROM TH[ DOOR SIDE OF ALL TR/\NSFORMUl BOXES, AND MIN. G' (Ll'LT) FllOM ALL STREET LIGHTS. PARKING LIGHTS, SIGNS AND POWER POLES CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL UTILITIES. EASEMCNTS. HARDSCAPE, WALLS AND EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO THE INSTALLATION OF TREES 16 PLANTING flACKFILL FOR TRELS ANIJ SHRUBS (SUBJECT TO CHANG" PER SOILS ANALYSIS) SllALL iiE A THOROUGHLY BLENDED MIXTURE OF TOP SOIL (2 PARTS), SOIi. CONDITIONER 'LOAMEX' OR APPROVED EOIJAI. (1 l'ART). AGRICUl.:rur<AL GYPSUM (25 LOSJC,Y.) surEl1THRIVE PLANT HORMON[ WATEllED WEI.I. FOR EACH TR[[ AND SHRUB (1 CAPrLJI_), ALL PLANT BASINS SHALL Rl:'Cl'.IVE SARVON SOIL PCNETR/\NT APPLY Pl.'I1 MANUF SPECIFICA/'IONS 11. AL,L, Tl'-li'eG .S,~AI,(., e,,a, '-"'l'.'.>ATEil:" MIN, 7!.,:..•1 FN>NI ~1p.,;: tt-11::>fl.A,-JT.§. 18. SLOPES OVER 8' IN VERTICAL HEIGHT HAVE: A) STANDARD# 1-COVER CROP/JUTE MESH (100% COVERAGE) B) STANDARD# 2-GROUND COVER, MINIMUM FLATTED SIZE (100% COVERAGE) . C) STANDARD# 3-LOW SPREADING SHRUBS FROM MINIMUM 2-3/4" LINERS (70% COVERAGE) D) STANDARD# 4· TREES AND LARGE SHRUBS FROM MINIMUM 1 GAlLON (1/200 SQUARE FEET) 19. SLOPES BETWEEN 4' AND 8' IN VERTICAL HEIGHT HAVE STANDARD #1, # 2, # 3 ABOVE. DEMOLITION NOTES: 1. ALL EXISTING PLANT MATERIAL WITHIN Ni;Wl.Y PLANTED AREAS SHALL BE REMOVED UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON PLAN. AI.L REMOVED ORGANIC OR INORGANIC MATERIAL SHALL BE DISPOSED Of AT AN APPROVED LEGAL DISr'OSAL SITE. EXISTING STUMPS ANO ROOTS SHALi. 8[ Rr'MOVED WHERE THEY COME IN CONrLIC'I WITH LOCATIONS OF NEWLY PLANTED MATERIAi,. VERIFY CONDITIONS IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES: 1. FINISH GRADING CONTRACTOR S/-IALL COORDINATE ALL FINISH GRADING WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACT0I1 2. ALL N~WI. Y PLANTED AREAS SHALL. SLO/>E MIN. 2% AWAY FROM BUILDING f'OUNDATIONS AND SITE WALL FOOTINGS TOWARD DRAINS SHOWN ON THE ENGINEERING PLANS. 3. /\LL NEW rAVING SHOWN ON HIC PLANS SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM BUILDING FOUNDATIONS PER SPECIFICATIONS SHOWN ON ENGINEElllNG PLANS. 4. FINISH GRADES OF ALL NEWLY PL.ANTED AREAS SHALL BE MIN. 4" BEi.OW EXISTING STUCCO SCREEDS (WHERE APPLICABLE). AND 2" 81:1.0W FINISH SURFACES OF WALKWAYS. CUITBS AND DRIVEWAYS. WHERE SOD IS LAID ADJ. TO THl"SE IMPROVEMENTS, FINISH GRAD[, flEFOITE LAYING SOD SHALL BE 3" BELOW THE FINISH SURFACE. !J" r------FORM 3" WATERING BASIN WITH SOIL EXCAVATED FROM PLANTING HOLE. ,--.----1, 5, OR 15 GALLON CONTAINER Tf~EE OR SHRUB ,__ ____ 2" lv\ULCH LAYER •' .• . -,,• .. NOTE: CUT AND FILL iO BE 1:1 SLOPE RATIO MAXIMUM. ~-EXISTING 2:1 SLOPE GRADIENT FILL I • • •• , • I t7'.;: .. . . . < Y/-:,_;. -..-----PLANT SO ROOT BALL IS 1/2"-314" . . . .,.;,-. ;/ 1/ R:CO, r>11LL ABOVE FINISH GRADE (AF1ER BACK· FILL MIX !iAS SETTLED). PIT BACKFILL MIX PER SPECIFICA- TIONS l l-----FERTILIZER TABLETS PER SPECIFICA· PL,1NrfN3 Pl, TIONS. INSTALLSOTHEYTOUCH ROOT --,i"'"-:z.....,.X""',;,_00 ___ 1_{?)_/IL_L_""''\"" " BALL. 1, 5, & 15 GALLON CONTAINER PLANTING DETAIL (SLOPE) ROOT BALL SECTION -NO $CALE ~---~•REATHE TUBE PER DETAIL THIS SHEET (PIPE TO BE 6"DIA. & QTY. Slli\LL BE (I) PER TREE). FILL WITH 3/8'' CRUSHED GRAVEL TO w:THIN t OF ~TT""'NI L7F-bMt:e '+--~-'-I---BUB8LER HEAD PER LEGEND -(1) PER '· .• BREATHER TUBE. INSTALL t" BELOW BOTTOM OF GRATE. . . . .. .',, ~-PVC NON-PRESSURE LINE '--+-~"--'+----PVC SCH. 40 ELL. . . . I ' <il-3, ROC.IJIL'R5l DRI\t SUllH SAN DIEC.O. CAUFOl.'4A !1]10 "AS BU I LT" CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT48 APPROVED 10 CONIHACTOR SHALi. STAKE Al.I. TREES PERPr:NDICUL/\R TO PRl.cVAILING WIND. STAKE TREES/IT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE POINT ABOV[ GllADE THAT STILL PROVIDES STABILITY FOR TH[ TREE (THIS IS TO [NCOURAG[ SELF-STRENGTHENING 01' THE TREE TRUNI( AND ROOT SYSTEM). NURSERY STAKES ~A~SS~l~S~T~A::N:::T::P:::LA:=N::::::;;=::::::::::~:;:~:::,:::::=;::::~=;';:;,=:=0:::A::TT:=:=~ OATE INITIAL DATE iNrllAl CHKD BY;___ i,, SHALL BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY UPON INSTALLATION OF STAKING PER PLANTING DETAILS. t--;:O::-A"'TE'"'1-::,1N""rn'"'Al~'------------------+-~=--+-::--c-+---i----1 DWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. · ] D.R .. AW1NG NO. ENGINEER OF WORK REv1SION DESCRIPTION OT}lER APPRoY/.l QTY APl'flovAL Rvwo BY: 1 v 47 b . :J>vc1-.3i-+------------------------------=================:::=:!::==~==~~~~~~~~ C.M.W.D. JOB NO. c.7 1 ·2. 7.6 PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 • GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY: The work includes ,,ll services, labor, m,,tcrials, transportation and equipment necessary to perform the work indicated on the Drawings and as specified. The conditions of the Contract and Division 1 ,1pply lo this section ,is fully as if repeated herein. 1.Z SUf!MITTAI..S: 1.2.I Submit certificat~s of compliance and invoices for S<)il ilmendm,'nts, fertilizers, and pbnt materials, with ,1uantitie, of ,,ad,. 1.2.2 Specimen Tre,i Samples: Deliver to the site, mw sample of ~ach tn>e vari1: .. ty and siz1..: indic..Jted1 15 gallons in size and larger, bt>fore instal1,1tion. At the Contractor's <."':iption and expense, he m,1y reL1in the services l"1f the LM'ldS(\1p~~ Architect to review lH.:'t.~':::i 15 g,1llnn ,ind l;Hgt'r L.,gg~d at the nursery or at its plan.> of growth, nr as otlu~rwisl' indicated. l,::!.3 Shrub .ind Tr(~t.1 S,11nplcs: Subrnit :1 ;;,11nph~s uf l'dch v,1rh.'ly ,111d .--.i:1.0 of plant m,1lt>rials ,1t the '.:,itc ,1 minimum uf 15 d,lys h1...,fptc pb.nting oper:"ltions. At...:cq>tcd '..;;1rt1plcs sb,111 r·crn,\in tH'l lht.' sit,~ ,Hl.d sh;'lll h.> m,lintaincd as _s;t,111J,ul.h <..."If (ornpari•;nn t'nr pLuH t1LllL~ri,1ls lo lw furnisht~d. S;1mpks may be incurpur,ited into tile work. L3 GUARANTFE5 AND REPL,\CL\!Fi'-ifS, 1.3.1 Shrubs, vines ,1nd groundcovcrs sh,lll be ~;uatdntL't'd to remain healthy and vigorously ~-~ruwing fur ,l pt•riod of nim .. :ty ('JO) lL1ys rrorn d,1te l)f final ,llXtpt;;ln(c of \1,iint(•n,in<...:c f?(•riod (,f project. 1.3.2 Trees shall bt~-gu,H;H'llc,~t.'d lo live in,, healthy 1·nndition for(\ pt1r-i,xt of one (l) yc,lr frdm LL1k ~.,f final ;,cceptance nt' m,1intcn,1nn• pt..'riod uf [Jrojl'Ct. 1.J,J Plants found to be dt:;1.d nr not in a "igorous t..'(rndltion w_1thin tht~ \1,1inten,u-:c~ dnd Gu,1r,111tce r\,ri1..>l."ls ;-,h.111 b1...• n.:pLlced within lourteC-r, (l,t) d,\y:-:;. .it Contra(tor's '·'"'11'-'n:-;t~. 1.34 l'l,ints used fur repl.«·,,nwnt ,h,lll b,· the'"°'" kind ,rnd sizt; as specified in the plant list. l'lwy sh,1ll bi, turni,;lwd, pl,rntcd ,rnd krtilizcd .,s originally specitkd. The l'xpensc of .1ll rcp,1ir \V;irk on c·xisting irnprovenwnts d;1m;1ged during r'-:'placem.?nt .sh,111 h• burnt• by tlH~ ("nntr,1c..~tor. 1.4 QUALITY ASSlil\Af\:CL L-l.1 Reviews herein .,pecificd ,,h,'lll be m .. H..ic·by tht.• L.ltH.Jse.-1pe Architt?d. The Conlractor sh.-·dl request review in writmg a minimunt of 48 hours in ,1<lvJnt'.'e, for the following p,1rb of w(irk, (The request fur review n-1~y be be telephone, however, a written copy oi the r,'quest must follow for the n'Cord.) . l Pre-job meeting to introduce C,ulsbad L1ndsr,1re ln.~pE•ctor, CJWNa~i;;. Au~·z.f.t.J 1'<,t'.(6.,..~.), Contractor, j;,b Project Man,1ger ,rnd Job SupC'rin\cndcnt and lo discuss the fJarticulJr n'quirc111<•11ts of the jub. .2 Incorporation of soil conditioning ;ind fr~rlili/ing i"nto the .-:.oil. Ir1vokes ::.howing n1,1l1.'ri.1l::-; ,lnd qu.-rntilH's purch11scd ,;h.,11 be availabk fur review. 3 Upon compll'linn of grading prior lo 17L111ting. Rt'vi,0 w Df pl,mt mJtt'rials is to coincide wilh this review. .4 When tret.:s, $hrubs and vines are ~potlt:d in 1"'L1(c for plMiting, but bt'fore plan ling holes are excavnli::·d. 5 Upon completi,m of finish gr,1,lcs .,nd plantiqg Application of pre- emergent herbicide is lo coincide with lhis rt~view. .6 When planting, and all oth,ir indic,Hed ,rnd specified work, except the. Maintenance l'eri,Jd, h,,s bc'en ·comr,lcted. ,\cceptiln(l', in writing, sh,111 estJblish beginning (>f the M<.\intcnance Period. .7 Final review at the completion of th€ 1'faint~nance l'eriod. Contingent on accept.1nce, this review shall t'st.1blish the beginning date f<1r the Cua.rantee Period. 1.5 ~1AINTEN,\NJCE: 15.1 The Contractor shall continuously maintain ,ill involl'ed .ire,1s during the progress of the work and during tlw maintenance period until the final acceptance of the work. 1.5.2 Regular planting maintenilnce operations shall begin immediately after each plant or lawn is planted. PJ;,nts and lawns shall be kept in a healthy, growing condition and in a visually pleasing appearance by walenng, pruning, mowing, rolling, trimming, edging,. fertilizing, re-staking, pest and disease controlling, spraying, weeding, deaning-up and other necessary operations of maintenance. Landscape areas shall be kept freed weeds, noxious grass, and other undesired veg~tative growth and debris. Plants found to be dead or in a11 imp,1ired condition sh,11! be replaced immediately. Maintenance operations shall include filling and re-pl,rnting of any low Me,is which may cause standing water, adjusting of sprinkler head height and watering pattern, filling and re-compaction of eroded areils, and daily removal of trash, litter, dippings, ,1nd foreign debris. 1 .5.3 New lawns shall be m"wed when they reach three inches (3") in height or twice a week if necessary. 1.5.4 The Maintenance Period begins on the first day after written acceptance of planting operations is received from the Landscnpe Architect, ,md shall continue tlwrcafler for no less than 11inety (90) continuous calendar days. 15.5 The contract completion date of the contract maintenance period will be extended, when in the opinion of the o.A. f"-· , improper maintenance or possible poor or unhealthy condition of planted material or unest,1blished non-covering lawns are evident at the termination of the scheduled maintenance period. The Contractor shall be responsible for additional maintenance of the work ,inti! work is completed and acceptable. 16 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1.6. l The term "Planting Arca" shall mt,an all areas to be pl,rntcd with trees, shrubs, grou1~dcovt:rs, sod .lnd seed. 1 6 2 Adu,,! planting shall be performed during those periods when WL',1t!wr ,w.d -;oil conditions ,,r~ suiL1ble in accc..-.rd;u1ce with h>c1l\y ,1c1:t'~)ll'd lwr1iu1ltur.1l pr,1cticc. 1.6 J All rock and otlwr growth or debris accumulatc-d during the d11r,1ti,m of the project shall be rc,,novcd from the ,ile. L6A Prior to excavation for planting l)r pl..tcing of plant lnakri~1ls, ln(dle- all underground improvements, utility. linl's, de ;1nd take proper prcc,n11ions to avoid d,1m,\gc-. In the event nf a ~·nnflid between s11ch lints ,Jnd pl,ir'lt locJti(1t1.s, nolify O-A·P...· ,Hld rccl!ive direction pril1r to proce(1ding. l"he Conlr,h:t~)r a.s~umcs rc·spon.:-.1bility (or m.1king n!p,1ir.:.-; fur d,~rr1,1gc-; rcst1l1ing from \Vnrk. as h('rein 'iPl'l'ifiL'LI. 1 .-, ... , Cr,1ding ,1nd suil pn;p~lr.1.tion \\.-'Urk ~~h,111 be performed only during tlw pl'[l~Ki wlwn bt.'nd.ici,1! ,lnd nptimu1n rt::-.ults m,ly b(' Pbt,Hrh.:d. ft tlw llll}i<-illll't~ ronlt.>nt nf the suil ~;ht.nild rt.',h:h ,;uch ,, levc>I lh-lt working it ~\.'\Juld tk•;11oy ,;di! •;tntdut'L~, :,;pn_•,1ding ,tnd gr.1d1ng opc1~,ltions :--lull l-.e ~u:-.pt.·n,.!l'd unlil 1lw mui...,lllfP c1.Hltcnt is ltl(rc<1.-;cd or n~dun'd to ;u_-rcpt,1b\t• lt.."·.'l'ls ,ind t!w (.fr,.:i11'1l rt.•sults ,ne \ikl'l_y lt) bt..~ nbl ... \ined, l .l> ,-, t;c,1kd dinwnsi,Jns ,1re ,1pproxim,1ti.:-. Before procct~Jing with \vnrk, r.ul'fully l'ln·, k ,rnd verify d1m~n~,ions ,HHi immcdi.1tely inform tfw ~, A· p......, Jt di:--rrf•p,1n<..."it1s bt.'l\•,:1.'cn the dr,Hvings ,111d spl'C1fil',1lions ,wd .l1..'t u,t\ t.'1Jlhii l inn.s. 1.6-7 Qu,.1ntitil•s fJ.)r pl.H\t n,;\lcri.ils are ~hown lur conVi.;'nimKC' only, ,\nd n,Jl gu,1rr1nlL't.'d. Check ,11H...i Vt.'t"ify count .ind ::;upply sut'fidenl number lll fulfdl intt'nt l)t dr11wings. 1 tJ H ,\d,·cp1,1l~'ly sLik(•, b,nrk,1c·k, ,lnd proll>ct 1rrig,1tion L"quIpn1t..'11t, r11.11d11d,'s, t11i!11y lin~•s, Jnd nthcr t'\:.isting pruperly during ,,ll ph.1.;:.t·S-nt thl.-• -,oil 1111,·ndi11g ,1nd 1~r,1d1nf~ op1.-.'r,itiun:i . ! l >,w ,.1mplc l',H.:h ~)f l',H:h lri:e varil~ty .1nJ ~izc, (<llil~d out 1.111 dr,lwings, L~ g,,I\, q\ ,1th.! LHgcr :~h,Ill bt? t:kliv~'rcd to tht> project s.itc for appnH',d prior to i11st,1ll.1tion .2 Tlw Contractor shall immediately remove trees not approved. .3 The Contractor, at his option and ,1t his expense, may retain thr services of the o . ....-., p.._.. to review trees 15 g,1llon ~lnd l,1rger t,1gg.ed at the 1n1rsery ,1nd/or at \ts place of growlh, nr as othcrwi:-;e specifil~d t)I1 drawings. 1 .ii Ill Shrub ,rnd tree samples: Typical s,1mplcs, three each llf all v.irit'lics ,rnd •,i,,,s of ,1ll pl,rnt material, shall be submitted for review at th,• site ,1 1nin1rnu1n nf Hftl'.en r.:Llys prior to ptu1,t1ng upt'!rJtions, Ai.:;:n,ptcd s(1rnpk:<:i sh,111 remain ,,n the site nnd ,shall be m,1int.1it,cd .is sL1nd,Hds of comparison for pl.mt materials to b~ furnished. Sampks ,;h,,ll be incorporc11<•d into the v,,..ork. · - 1.6.11 Rejection and Substitution: !'Ian.ts not conforming to the requirements herein speciiied shall be considered defective, and such plants, whether in pl.ice or not, shall be m,irk,•d as rejected and be immedi,itcly removed from the site of the Wllrk and repl.1,.ced with accept;,ble pl,111t m,1teri,ils. The pbnt m,1teri,1ls sh,dl nv:d all ,1pr1lic.1ble inspections n'qu,rcd by law. l'l,rnts sh,111 be of lhe species, ,v;nh:.·ty, siZl?, d)~l.:', flower color ,n1.d condition as specified lwrdn ilndh.>r ,is indi{--;11c,i on Ille drawi~gs, Under no cund1tion will tl1-.?n~ bl' any subt-litution of pl,1nt -;p1.,~ck, v.1riety, or reduced sizes for those listed on the ,,ccon,p.11,ying drnwin>~.S, PX(l'pt· with the expressed written const'nt of the Landscape Architect. 1.6.12 All utilities (water and electricity) used during the installation ,rnd maintenance of the landoeaping and irrigation systems for this project shall be paid fm by the Owner. 1.7 INVOICIJ\;G OF PLA:',;T MATERIALS AND SOIL PREPARATll J;-.; A\JD 501L l'REPARAT[O:s.i CONfORM,'\NCE TEST: 1.7. 1 Upon delivery of tn,lt~ri,ils and completion of s,.Hl conditioning i!nd grading, but prior le) initiating planting op<·ralions, the c'l.A. r,._. with the heretofore spedficd signed copies nf required certifk1nes, trip silps j)nd invoic~:, for soil preparation materials, \vill invoice SLich ·material, comp;irir1g the total qu,1ntities l'lf each mdterial furnish,:d against the tol.11 area to each operation. If the minimum rates of application have not bt•en met, the o. A· f"-, will require the dislnbution of additional quantities oi these materi,115 to fulfill the minin1um ,,pplicatio11 requir,·tl".c·t1ts specified. 1.7.2 After installation of plant m;iteriab, and coinciding with the pn'- maintenance observation, the c,. A, P-.... , with the heretofore specified signed copies of the required certiiicates, trip slips and invoices for the plant materials and relat,,d items, will ,nvou;e such matenal, comp,1nng the tot,1I Mea and/or the amounts specified. If the minimum amounts have not been furnished, the CJ. A, p--.. will require the insulbtion of ndditi,111,11 materi,,ls to fulfill the minimum requirements specified or r<'quire that the Contr,,ctor provide credit(s) to the Owner. 1.7.3 A sample of the soil amendments,including manufacturer or supplier certificate or invoice·, shall be delivered to the e>, '°I· P--· within th,rty-five (35) days aiter recording of the Contract. 1.8 PINAL SOIL AYIENDMENT QUANTITJES: PART2 · PRODUCTS 2.1 SOIL AMENDMENT AND PERTILIZER: 2.1.1 Soil conditioner shall be Butkr's Mill Loamex, Wilbur Ellis Wil-Cro Life, St'quoiJ Forest I'rnducl5 Forest Humus or Terra Products Terra Blend. 2.1.2 Gypsum ,hJll be a commercially processed and packaged gypsum (( ·.,..;,,, 2H IIJ with m111<mum RO% grade containing 14% niinimum combined :-iUI I 11r 2.1..1 Iron Sulphate: Ferric or ferrous ,ulph,He in pelleted or·granuhr form Cllnl.1ining not less th,>n 18 percent mct,1llic iron. Matcri.11 shall c(1nf,mn to tlw Agricultural Code of the State of Caliiomia. 2.1.4 l're .. plant icrtilizer sh,1!1 be of .,n homogeneous granul;,r composition suit,,ble for applic,1tion with approved equipment and shall contain the follnwing minimum avaiL1ble percentages by weight of plant food: ;\.;lt:-ngen PlH,:-;phurk µi.,;-id Pnt,1'-ih 1 '7o n1inin1u1n IO(.lri 1n1n1mum I l)'.{_. mi 111 rnu in 2-1.~ l\i~l•pl,,nling Fertilizer: Orgc1niL· b,bl\ long Listing, nonburning, slow n•l1',ht.', !'rt:L' t'kJwi11g, unifonn in 1...·nrnpo:--it1on, _,;uili'tbl~ for ;lpplic,1ti(1n wi\h ,ip1Jn>vl'J l~quiprncnt, ;11Hi sh,1\1 cont,,in llH.' following n,inimum -..1.v,,il.,ble ~'l'ff,'nt.1g1':--r of Wt'i~ht of pL1nt (nod with tr,1L't miner,1ls of 3 pe-rc,?nt iror1 (t'\!H\_'...,'-il:d 1net,,llic) ,1nd ~ p{'fCl:nt sulfur (L.:lement.il). :',;itrogen l1hu..:.phorh.· ~H::id P,)t-1.-;h 14% mtn1rnurn 7(fc m1rnmurri 3% 1rdnirnum \YARNING: Some fc'rtilizcrs n,ntain chel,1ted iron which h,,s c.iused t:-t,lining of ,.-t>11crde surfaces in other projects. Cuntr11ctor shall be rcspnnsiblc fnr ren\lw1ng i:ill tn)n st,1ins from concrete by s,11u.iblasting, or JS dircclcd by .ird1ikct, ,1t 110 ,11.lditional cost to the Owner. 2.1 6 l'Lrnting T,,blets: Tightly compr<'sSed chip type commercial gr,1de pl,1ntin); L1ld,,ts, i\griform or ,1pprovcd ,'q11,1l, of varying sizes with the f()lluwing (l\ ,1il.:1ble percentages by weight nf pl,1nt toud. 2.2 :·< i u·og1..•n l 'hp:-; phuric (1cid Pdt.lSh 20?o minim~III\ H)'?o minimum 5% mit'li1nutn l'L,\i'iTl:\:G IJACKPII.L: 2 2 1 Planting backfill shall be a thoroughly blended mixture of topsllil amendments ilt tht:.--. following niixture: Soil Conditioner 1 part Stock-piled on site soil 3 parts 2.4, 10 Identify plant species or varieties correctly on legible, weather-proof labels attached securely at the job site. There shnll be ,, minimum of one labeled ph1nt for each 5 plants in ii lot. ,. 2.4.11 Groundeover plants shall be he,\lthy vll\"""" rooli!d C\lttini,~ ).lWIVn in ilats until transplanting. 25 CRASS OR TURF: See drawil\)\S for location ,rnd lype of turf. 2.6 2.61 HERf!ICIDE: 26.2 Weed cont,Kt spr,1y sh,,ll be lfounch.1p nr c'qu.1!. 2.7 1'1l/LC1 IJNG ~1ATERIAI..: Muld1ing m,,t.,ri,11 sh.ill b,, .1/ll" -I /2" di,1. scrt'<'IH·d fir bark, Vil:, b.irk, or appruv,:d t'<Jl1,ll Shn~ddl'd 'Sl)(;._~E' t~;pe mukh 111 •y h 1 ll~l·d, If i1p~1 rt'\'l'd in writing, by the CJ.A, f'-,. All s,1mplt•s 11111ol .dso bl' ·'I'f'rn,·,,d l1y thL' city in<-:.~,cctnr prior to dt..'livery. 2.8 ROOT ll,\RRIEl<S, PART 3 -EXECUTlON 31 SOIi. CO'-;DITIONl'-;C, ITRTll.1/.1'-;C & ROTOTILi.iNG: J.1. I /\fkr the ,H(',lS h,1v~ \ic1Jn gr;'ll,kd, 1h1..' totl\1\\ ini~ r,1ti•-; n( ..,,l"lil n~nd1tion1111; ,.111d ,Hncth_ltr:t."·nt nutcri.,I~ -.,h,tll l1<.• i..'\, nh. -,prv,1d nvcr ,111 pl.rntin~~ .trc,h .utd ::ilhll! be tlinr011ghly -iL'.Hificd tn .111 ,1\·er.1ge dL'.pth t.)f ~ix (6) indH"i. liy rut11lilling ,l rnini1nurn·nf l\.vo (2) ,1lti~rn,1t1ng p,lt-Sl'S: { fh1:-. 1~ tD be th1'd .is .i ·b,1:,is for hiddini~, dnd m,1y bt..• modifivd !i,1--:1.·d lln :,1)il l1...•~ts.) .! ~oil CDrn Ii t iDrwr 'ioil sulphur Iron Sulphcltc Cyp:-un, l'rl'-plant fertilizer .J cu. yd. pvr l,tt\JU •,q.tt cl) lbs/p,·r 1,tl\11) ·''I II. cO lbs/per I ,Ot)I) sq II !Oll lbs/per l,tlUO sq f1. 20 lbs/ pt'r l ,1100 sq. IL .2 Fertilizer (per plant) sh,,ll be incorpornted into the tc,p six (6) inches of fini;h gr;1de. Fertilizer shall be <1pplicd after k,1ching operati,)n 3.1 2 The thoroughness ,1nd complekness of the rolotilling and iltn,rporalll)ll 1.A' the soil conditioners/c1mcndmcnts sh,1\l L1t~ ,lccepl,1ble tt..) the L1nJscape ,\rchitt-r..:-t/Owner's rcpresent,11ive. Slo11e~ 2.1 and :,;tl'1.~pt.·r, or ,ls per the dr,nvin ►~;1, umit soil conditioner ,1ppli~.Hion ,11,1 I tilling. Iron sulphate 2 lbs/pcr cu. yd. of mix J. L.3 Dc•,•p w,1ter le;,ching (contr,1tor to verify with l.,1ndsc,1f"' Architect if Cyp~un1 10 lbs/per c.u. yd. of mix de~p w,,ter lc,1ch111g is to be done. II 1101, skip secti" 1 1 1.3.1 ,rnd continue to l'r<'•pl,111t. fertdizc>r 4 lbs/per cu yd of mix sec\ion 31, 2. If deep water le,irhing is necessary, cL1nl1nue to ><'Ctton 3.1 31): /11:JOVli· ,',wr[,•,:r,M,:•) .... Qt,:l\rrr,r,f;;', Sf/AU. !;,I;;. GU!Oil"EO'i T2) OHAN;;,.;> F\SF!-,>IJll,,a,.,-p.e.~. Soil to be used as planting medium for the project shall b,i fc·rtik, w~ll~drai1wd, of unifo~n1 quality, free l>f ~tones over l inch diamct~tr, :-;ticks, oils, clh'.tnic.-.ds, plaster, concretf~ ;;1.nd othl•r d(.-!lE:-'terious materials. On-:-dte soil may be stockpill.'d ior re-use prnvi,kd it mc,'ts ,ill requirements . 2.3 STAKING MATERIALS Single staki11g; Stak<is ,hall be o( lodgepole pine. These shall be straight sh,1i'ts, sh,w<'d and cut clean and bare (,f branch~s and stubs, of uniform thickness with a minimum diameter ()f 2 i11chcs, free ol loose knots, splits ur bends. St,iks·s shall be no less thiin eight 18) fret in length. 2.4. l N,)rnt'nclature: The scientific ,u1J comm.on rh\mes of pli'lnts hGrdn specified conform with the approved na1nes given ir. ··A Checklist of W(x>dy Orn,arnental l'lants nf California'·, published by the University of C;,litornia, College of Agriculture, Manual 32 (1963) See list of plant material on dr(1wings. 2.4.2 Qua'ity and size of all plants shall be :'-!o. 1, of !'into Tag stock They shall be vigorous, of normal growth, free from dise,ise, insects, insect <'ggs, and/or excec•d the measurem~nts specified. Pinto Tags shall be subrrntted to the O,A•P..· 2.4.3 Container stock (1 gal., 5 gal., and 15 gal. boxes) shall have grown in cont,1iners f«r at least six months, but not over \wo years No container pLrnts I hat h,,ve n,,i:ked or broken balls ,,f earth, when taken from the container, sh,111 be planted, except upon special approval. No trees with ciamaged rO<>t, or broken balls shall be pLrnted 2.44 l'runing shall not be done, prior to delivery, except by written approval. .·1 Afk•r compl~te install,1tion dnd testing of 1lw inigaLion systl'n1,, .11l ,1n'as sh,\11 be dc<,p water leached ,111d COll1f'i1Cted an.I ,,,ttled by cnntim1ous ,,pplk,ition of irrigiltion w,Hcr until the soil has re,·civcd a minimum oi 12" of w,1ter. 2 Soil s,1mples shall be t<1ken by Contractor l"'r Architect's dirl'ction ,1nd given to tlw Owner's soil l;1boratory for t,'sting. Snil il'St shall mec't the fr,llowir,g rt·qui r1.'rncnts: Ee,, -M,ninnun J.O pH -M,nimum 7.50 • M,nimum 6.00 .J Re-,,pplic,ltion of soil amendment and leaching l)perathm sh,,ll be waived by the OwnN·s representative if in his opini<>n the FC and pl I .ue at '1C(cptable levels. .4 Oe~p water leaching shall be done prior to the ,,pplic.ition nf the comff1.erdal fertilizer. 3.1.4 Cu~ shall be taken that the rate o/ application L>f water does 11c1t cause erc,sion or slciffing of S1)ils. Do 11ot undertake leaching operations in expansive soils. 3.1.5 All depressions, voids, erosion sc,irs and settled trenches ge,wrated by the deep watering shall be filled with conditioned topsoil and brought to finish grade. 3.;z FINISH GRADING: 3.2. I Finish gr;H.ieS shall be D5 indk1\te>d on biv11.-~N88P..-lt-JGe, drawings. Contractor sh,,11 notiiy OA· p-,.. for a dedsion should any discrepanci<'S e,ist between the drawings a1nd site conditions. 3.2.2 Finish gr;,des shall be nwaslHc'd JS the final wa1ter compacted and settled suri,Ke gr,,cks and sh,1!1 b<> within ±Jl I foot cif the spot elevations nnd gr\1de !int•s indic.1kd. 3.2.J Finish gr,1des shall be measured at the top surface of surface m;.ltcri~lls. 3.2.4 \folding ,111d rounding of the grad,,s shall be pnwided .it ,,Jl chnnges in slopt?. .11_::; ,\\I ~1ndul.,th_H,s ,ind irr~~gul.Hitics in tht~ pl:1nting surfaces resulting f1·u111 till,,ge, rototilli11g ,ind ,111 utl«·r <1per,1tions sh,,11 be leveled ,rnd flo,1ted t)llt hl'(tirt~ pl,H\tin~.~ 11p1;.1 r1Hions ,HC lniti,1tcd. .1 ~. h f.1ke <.'v1;.•ry pn .. ~caution ti:> pnH~ct ,,nd ~,void dam,,gc to sprinkler IH',hb, irri~<,tiun \inc~, <,nd ntht.'r uni.krgtound ulililit•s d11ring grading dnd l'Pnditiuning npl'r,1tiuns .1.2.7 Final finish gr.1des ,;h,111 insure positive clr.1in,1ge uf the site with ,1!1 surt'.,c~ drain,1gc aw,1y from buildin1~:--, w,~\b, ,1r1d hHV,Hd roadways, drains and l"<l tch b,\:.;.i ns_ 3.2.ll Fin,,! gr,1tl,·s sh,111 be ,,ccept,1l•lL· tll the pLlnting t)per,1tions will lK' l,llowL\d tn begin. bdore -J.2.9 PL1nti11~ :-illrf,1t.."es sh,111 be ~~rl1d..:.•...;t with no ll'SS th.Ht 2 perct.>nt surfAcc ~lope (or po:-:;itivt:~ dr,lin,lgl'. 13 l'I.A:--JTl's(> J,J. I The \,1ynut nf loc.1tlon~ fDr pl,mts c1nd lH.1tl1nl•:,;. 1)f groundcover beds tu he pL1nll'd sh.111 h~ dpprovt:,d t)n l!w :--ilt.; by the O·A f'"-,., prior l<) lhc'ir pl,111ting. All such locatiuns sh,111 be ,·heckc•d for possible interference 1.vith t~xic...ting llthkr1.~ro\1r'l.d piping prl1ir to L'XC,h/,tli~1n Df holes. If u1h.lL~rgr,)lrnd L·o11'.-itrth.'tl{i11 (Ir \llility ltl\L'.S ,uc L~11L·1H1nlL'n·d in tlw t'xl.'.'av,ltion uf pL;1nling :1n.;,1.iS, ulh1..1 r h.K,lliuns for thP. pldnting rnay be ~elected by lhE:" (?. A· r---, D,im,1ge l\) ~.•xisting utilities :--h;1ll b,., the responsibility of the Contr,1ctor J.3.2 Planting Trc..:·st Shrubs ,1nd Vines: . I ,\II exc,w,,tt>d holes shall have vc>rtic,1I sides with roughened. surfaces -1nd shall be of lh0 minimum sizes indicated on dr,,wings. Holes sl1all be, in ,1II c;\Ses, IMge enm1gh to pt>rmit h.,ndling and pl.1nting without injury or bre,,k,.1gc nf t'OOt bid\s. or roots- .2 F,cavation shall indude the stripping and st,,cking of all acceptable soil ,,n,·ount,,rc,i within tlw are,,s to be' excavated fur pl,1nt pits ,,nd planting 1;'!1;,•i..b. Protect .1ll ,1r~~.1s th,)t ,HO to bt..~ tn1(k1?d ov(.'l" .1nd upnn which soil is to bi..• tcrnpor,nily st.,ckL'd f-\o.:•nding its re-uSt! for the fillings of holes, pits ;1nd beds. .J Excess sod, gcn~r.lled from the· pl.inting holes sh,,ll be spread on the site as directed. • ',~· -:~:j' ,· • "/ '', ·; ·~ LJ.Noso.re )J(QU1KT1..7,£ UU\NO~ICN !!&I ROC'111.1ill DIM SUITT A SAIi Di!GO. C,WR;JR.',\', 91.liO "AS BUil T" . ' 2,.4.5 pbst'rvation L1f Plant Materials, required by City, County or State APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS RCE ___ EXP. DATE authorities, ,hall be" responsibility of the Contractor, and where necessar~, he sJ,all hav,.' secured permits or certificates prior to delivery of plants to s,te. 2.4.6 !'!ants shall be subject to observation and approval or rejection, at the REVIE'lv(D BY: INSPECTOR DATE project site at any time before or during progress of work, for size, variety, CTI:] C1TI condition, latent ddects and injuries. Rejected plants shall be removed from CITY OF CARLS BAD 4 the project site immediately. t---+--+------------------+---t----J-----j---f ~=3=:::.:===P=LA=N=N==IN=G=D=E=P=A::R::T::M::E:::N=T=====~==~ ~ PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 0 2 4 7 Substitutions will not be permitted except that if proof is submitted ;~ that any plant specified is not obtainable, a ptopo~«l w(ll b_£ considered for us~ , CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER w'., ,oA, f.,~~~~rr~~\~tqut:~~+,W~o;,_,vin~t·y· .. ~ ... n.·_.d cost ..... ·.'C:, . .'T'/. ·-··.·.~~ .... ~,-""IP,"= J iJ\ lt---+--+------------------+----+---+-----+----1 LOT 48 J Upon completion of all backfill and/or rough grading of planted areas, a rr , _ ~~ minimum of six (6) representative samples of existing ~oil found in the 2 4.8 Quan ti tie; ·shall be furnished as needed to complete work shown on N planting areas shall be taken by the Contractor and at his expense sent lo an drawings.AP -,:-::-:P::-R::-0::-\/1:;--:-.:0:-=-~~ P.~~.,.L~(}~=:-::---.:....-......!J.~-ZJ. 'itf , independen't soil testing laboratory for an agriculturalfsuitabidlity analysdis and ASSISTANT P>t~NtNG DIRECTOR DATE i recommendations for quantity and application rate o amen ments an 2.4.9 The t!>./>,, p--... reserves the right to observe root condition ~"' ·-~ 1.5.( Tl\e Contractor shall be responsible for m:3-intaining adequate include any corrective measures required to adjust pH or salt to acceptable ·of any species, particularly those grown from .seed, and if found defe,;tjve, to OATE tHlll>J. DATE INITI>J. OATE INITI>-t. OWN BY: ___ PROJECT NO, DRA'MNG NO, , protection of the areas. Damaged areas shall be repaired immediately at the levels, Thes( recommendations shall then be compared with those listed in reject the plants representel:l by the defective sample. -RE',lSION DESCRIPTION CHKD BY: ---PO -41 b W-81--~ j--~C~o:n~tr:a:ct:o:r:·:s~e:x:.pe:n:se:· __________________________ ~P:a:r~a=gr=a~p~h~3~.l'...:a:n:d~t:h:e~c=o:n~tr=a~ct:.:m:o:d:i~f~ie:d~a:c:c:o:r:d:in~g~l~y~.-----------------------------------------------------~=DICl:1<:EE!l=::Of':::;:WOIIK;::~===================fo:lliOl:;::;:AP::::;PR:O:V:AL::::~o::;:TY;::AP=:PR:O:V:Al=:!:::=RVWO:=:=B:Y~:===~~§:~~=i~~§~~~=¥~===:::!+=~ C.M.W.D. JOB NO.•/ )J; Ii.,,, -r------4-·) ---------:,----------------------------- I - .4 Plants in can containers shall have the cans opened by cutting vertically on opposite sides of each can with nursery can openers; tin snips or other approved instruments for this purpose. All used cans shall be removed to the storage area or from the site daily. .5 The plants shall be planted at approved locations with the heretofore spedfled condiHoner and soil planti~g backfill. .6 The plants shall be placed in the planting pits on the backfill material which has been hand-tamped and water settled to the rootball base levels · prior to the placement of the plants. After setting the plants, the remaining backfill material shall be carefully tamped .ind settled around each rootball lo fill all voids. . 7 Each lree and shrub shall be placed in the center of the hole and ,hall be set plumb and held rigidly in position until the planting backfill has been tamped around each rootbal!. .8 All plants shall be set at such a level that.after settling they bear the same relationship to the surrounding finish grade as they bore to the soil line gradt, in the container, unless otherwise noted. .9 Planting ti\blcls shall be plnced i11 e.ich planting hole at the following 1-3 gr.1111 tablet per liner ,ind flat size pbnt 1-2 l gr,1111 t,1blct per gallm,-,cont,1i11er 3-21 1;r,1111 t,,blcts per 5 gallon co11t,1iner •1"21 gr,nn t.1bti..>ts per 15 gallon cont.1in<2r 1-21 gram tabkt per c-ach 4 inch of bo~ ,izc .10 No plant will be accepted if the rnutball is brok<'n or cracked, citlwr before, during, or ,,lter the process of 1nst.,ll,1tion . . 11 ,\II pl,rnts .sh,11l be thoroughly watc'rCd irlto the full depth of each planting hole immedi,1tely after planting_ .12 All trees, 15 gallon or larger, shall be staked per the details c>n the drawings. The stakes shall be driven in plumb and secure. Special c"cire sh,11l be Likt.'n thflt the driving in of the sL,,kc dol'·s nol· dnm,,g~ th~ tree rOot.s or rootb,111. Tn~t? ties :;htdl be fastened 10 eM~h tree and stake by 11.)oping figure H's with \he in.side di,1!1wt1:r t\f the lie ;lt '2 or J times the di.1meter of thi; trt..'(? ,rnd by Licking ilw b.1rk ,,f tlw tie to !he sl,1kc . . U A 11 vines s h.i 1 I IIA~lll' N~P4&"'1 G1"Al'-"'9 ""8WVIII-I<' ,;,,,.,,:;, iii'fe,r,,I~ ,'\-rr,AC+1e,p W ~-WA...,_. w/ e,f>,x-,' V1Ne "Tl~, .14 The ,1,,k111g ,rnd /\uying shall bL' ,Kn>mplished i11 ,,uch a manner .,st,) insure the proper ,ind hc,,lthy growth and the s,,fcty of the pl;1nts, property, ,Hld th,: po blic. .15 TI1e Contractor shall be responsible for all surface and subsurface drainage required which may ,,ffect his guarantee of the trL'es, shrubs, and ' . vines, .16 Pruning after planting shall be required on all (recs, shrubs, and vines when necessary to provide the specified or ,1pproved standard shapes, form ;1nd/or sizes characteristk to each pli!nt. Pruning may include thirming, topping, and/or cutting ,111d shall.be under 1he direction of the owt,Ji;p.l. }l.l'T\'l"f"IU,C:, ~-Cuts (>Ver 3/4 inch ir1 di.1111etN shall be painh1d wilh ,,n ,1pprn1·,•d lrL'C se.i:l,1nt- 3.3.3 Planting Croundcovers: .·1 Croundcovers shall be planted in the areas indicat,1d on the drawings. The groundcover plants shaft be rooted cuttings grown in flats and shall remain in those flats until transplanting . . 2 All groundcover plants shall be pl,rntcd with sc>il ,,round roots in staggered row, evenly spaced at the int,:rvals called out on the drawings . . 3 The groundcover plants shall be planted sufficiently deep to cover all roots and a 5 gr,,m planting tablet shall be pl.iced in each planting hc>le and shall be immediately ,prinklcd after pl,rnhng until the entire area is soaked to 1he ft1ll depth of all holes, ·· . 4 The groundcover planting area shall be hand smoothed after planting to provide an even, smooth final finish grade. 3.4 IIYDROSEEDINC (tJM 1,-) .1 Hydroseeding shall be applied in the areas indicated on the drawings in accordance with the mix indicated on the drawings. .2 Hydroseeding Equipment: Hydraulic eqttipment used for the application of fertilizer, seed, and slurry of prepared wood pulp or fiber shall be of the "Super Hydroseeder" type. This equipment shall have a built·in agitation system with an operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend, and homc>geneously mix a slurry containing 1,200 pc>unds of mulch and seed The slurry distribution lines shall he lMge en9ugh to prevent stoppage and shall provide even distribution of the slurry. The slurry tJnk shall have a minimum capacity of 1,350 gallons and shall be mounted on a traveling ,init which will place the slurry tank and spray nc>zzles within sufficient proximity to the areas to be sprayed so as to provide uniform distribution without waste. .3 Application Method: Using the wood pulp as a guide, spray the soil with a uniform visible coat of slurry. The slurry shall be applied in a sweeping motion, in an arched stream, so as to fall like rain allowing the wood fibers to build upon each other, until a complete, even coverage coat is achieved. .4 Hydroseeded areas shall be kept moist at all times 20-24 days after planting or until the new growth of the plants are sufficiently well established. · .5 Hydroseeded areas shall be protected against foot traffic and othe.r use immediately after hydroseeding is completed by placing wamirig signs and temporary twine and flagging around the areas. .6 Re-hydroseeding of bare areas shall be done 30 days after initial · application. ,7 Hydroseeded areas shall require jute mesh if planting occurs between Aug. 15 and April 15. Jute mesh shall be approved by City Inspector and 3.5 HERBICIDE 'APPLICA TlON: Note, All herbicide or pesticide applications shall be performed only by personnel licensed for such work by the State of California_ Pre-emergence herbicide shall be applied to planted groundcover areas only, and in accordance with manufacturer's specifications, Do not apply in lawn areas. Owner's Represe11tative shall be notified and present at the time of application. 3.6 CONCRETE MOWSTRlP: Concrete mowstrip shall be installed as per drawings . 37 MULCHING: Landscaped or bare soil areas 3:1 or less in slope gradient, and in other aw,1s if indicated on the drawings, shall be covered with the specified mulching material to a minimum depth of three (3) inches. 3.8 CLEAN-UP: As pn,ject progresses, Contractor shall maintain all areas in,; 11~,lt m"°'"'r and remove unsigh1ly debris as necessary. ,\fter completion ,,f prnject, Contnctor shall remove all /Jebris and containers used in ,1c,oinpli~h1ng work. He shall sweep and clean all sidewall<s, asphalt, and concrt'le ;1r,,,,s adjacent to p!.rntings. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS lt--t--+------------+---1--1---1---_J i II AS I RCE ___ EXP. RE\1E'M:O BY: , INSPECTOR • • ;:, ,, U>olCAI! AAoll!Kll,>! 1/UA)<O>SICN llll 1000\tffl Dlllt Slm A 5'11 DIEGO. C,\Ul<)RIM 9Sl0 BUil T" DATE DATE CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER LOT 48,. APPROVED ~, ,,F/1 ~ 3-z~ fR ASSISTANT PCANNtNr. DIRECTOR' DA TE staked to the slope as recommended by the mani,facturer. DATE INITIAL DAT( INITIAi. DAT( INHlAL OWN BY: ----1 PROJE~l DRAWING NO. , ~------------------------:---------------------------------------""""'.' ________________________________ ,!:°':CtN=EER=~=-=====R=E=IJl=S=l=O=N=O=E=S=C=R=IP=Tl=O:;:;N::;;;;;::====O=lHOl=="'=PR=OV:Al.::±::::Q:TY:::N'=PR~O;V~AL:!~~~~~l(=O=:~~~~===~~;:;;f'~l?~4i~~-~~==~?1~4,§~~-~!!,~(...~~·"W·Ll~1 ----···· · -C.M_W,D. JOB NO. '-r'/ 2. 71., I