HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-10-12; City Council; ; Arts and Culture District for Village and BarrioCA Review __AF__ Meeting Date: To: From: Staff Contact: Subject: District: Oct. 12, 2021 Mayor and City Council Scott Chadwick, City Manager Suzanne Smithson, Library & Cultural Arts Director suzanne.smithson@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2010 Richard Schultz, Cultural Arts Manager richard.schultz@carlsbadca.gov, 760-602-2086 Arts and Culture District for Village and Barrio 1 Recommended Action Receive a report on the options for an arts and cultural district for the Village and Barrio and provide staff with direction as appropriate. Executive Summary The City Council approved a motion on Feb 11, 2020, directing staff to initiate a State Street Arts Specific Plan with New Village Arts, the stage theater company that operates the theater on State Street. Staff’s subsequent research found that arts and cultural establishments are spread widely throughout the Village and Barrio areas, not only on State Street. This broader geographical base led staff to the concept of designating an arts and culture district for the entire area, rather than developing a plan specific to State Street. Such a measure would not alter existing planning regulations in the area, but would recognize the city’s historic center for its creative contributions and carry out the intent of the council’s direction by making a clear statement of the city’s support for the arts and culture. Staff recommend that the City Council consider the options presented for a creative sector and cultural district and provide direction to staff as appropriate. Discussion The City Council’s Feb. 11 motion directed staff to initiate a State Street arts specific plan with New Village Arts. The motion followed a discussion of the city’s partnership with the theater company. Staff reached out to New Village Arts and the group expressed its interest and enthusiasm for the concept and deferred to city staff’s expertise in handling the details of developing the plan. Oct. 12, 2021 Item #9 Page 1 of 9 Further thought, discussion and research by staff led to an expanded concept that includes not only local arts organizations, but also other enterprises defined by creativity to designate the entire Village and Barrio area, not just a portion of State Street, as a creative sector and cultural district. This district would celebrate all forms of creativity in the city’s historic center and demonstrate the city’s commitment to innovation, ingenuity and the arts. Designating a creative sector and cultural district also aligns with a national emphasis among cities on creative placemaking, which has prompted communities to reassess the role and value of arts and culture and to examine the types of skills, connections and capacities needed to harness the potential of their arts and cultural assets. According to the National Endowment for the Arts, creative placemaking integrates arts, culture and design activities into efforts that strengthen communities with partnerships across sectors. Industries associated with the creative sector are best described as having creativity at their heart. These types of businesses include design, music, publishing, architecture, film and video, crafts, visual arts, fashion, media, advertising, literature, computer games and the performing arts. In addition, businesses that represent the culinary arts are an excellent complement to any creative sector and cultural district. The same spirit of creativity defines the culinary arts, and having nearby dining opportunities helps attract people to cultural destinations. A creative sector and cultural district could contribute to Carlsbad's goals to strengthen the city’s strong and diverse economy and its position as an employment hub in the North County. Such a district could: •Enhance and advance the local and regional image of Carlsbad as a creative hub •Further support the promotion and development of the Village and Barrio’s unique attributes •Help attract businesses to the area, expanding the tax base •Make the area even more attractive to potential employers and employees, both within and outside of the creative sector Staff had a recent conversation with New Village Arts to share this expanded vision encompassing the creative sector and cultural district as defined by arts organizations and activities. New Village Arts again expressed ongoing support for the concept. California arts districts The Legislature charged the California Arts Council with establishing the criteria and guidelines for state-designated cultural districts. (See the California Cultural Districts site for more information.) A cultural district, as outlined by the program, is a well-defined geographic area with a high concentration of cultural resources and activities. Such a district: •Attracts artists, creative entrepreneurs and cultural enterprises •Encourages economic development and supports entrepreneurship in the creative community •Encourages the preservation and reuse of historic buildings and other artistic and culturally significant structures •Fosters local cultural development •Provides a focal point for celebrating and strengthening the unique cultural identity of the community Oct. 12, 2021 Item #9 Page 2 of 9 • Promotes opportunity without generating displacement or expanding inequality The selection of the state’s first cultural districts, in 2017, was based on these criteria: • High concentration of artistic, cultural, heritage or entertainment resources • Partners reflect broader community • Authentic community engagement • Clearly defined leadership • Professional personnel dedicated to district operations and programming Fourteen districts received an initial five-year designation as part of a pilot program and were each awarded $5,000 stipends per year for two years as an incentive to participate in the pilot. Three cultural districts were selected in San Diego County: Balboa Park, Barrio Logan and Oceanside. Cultural districts in San Diego County Cultural district Area Description Balboa Park 1,200 acres The cultural center of San Diego, with several museums and other attractions, including the San Diego Zoo Barrio Logan Approximately five by 10 blocks, including Cesar Chavez Park A vibrant artists' community with a high concentration of creative energy rooted in Chicano history Oceanside Approximately eight by 11 blocks, including the Oceanside pier A downtown area with theaters, museums, galleries and a hub of practicing artists In reviewing all the fourteen cultural districts and particularly those in San Diego County, staff found one common theme: each district was conceptualized to reflect the character, the history and the needs of the defined geographic area. This same perspective could be applied in defining the Village and Barrio area as a creative sector, showcasing the diversity of creative businesses in the area, both nonprofit and profit, old and new, traditional and cutting-edge. Carlsbad’s Village and Barrio area may meet the requirements of the state’s Cultural Arts District application. The California Arts Council had previously stated that the cultural district program would reopen for new applicants in 2020. But the program has been put on hold because of the pandemic, and a new timeframe has not been established for its reactivation. City staff are awaiting an announcement on when the program is to be restarted. The city could designate a creative sector and cultural district on its own and then later apply for the cultural district designation from the state, if and when that program goes back into operation. Existing city master plans In looking into the possible creation of a creative sector and cultural district, staff gave consideration to the potential impact on both the Arts & Culture Master Plan and the Village & Barrio Master Plan. Through each plan’s priorities, initiatives and ideas, the two plans have set the stage for the development of a creative sector and cultural district in Carlsbad. Oct. 12, 2021 Item #9 Page 3 of 9 Arts & Culture Master Plan The city’s Arts & Culture Master Plan supports and recognizes the value of a strong arts and culture community as an integral part of daily life. Creating a creative sector and cultural district aligns with the plan’s strategic priorities: 1. Support art as an essential component of daily life 2. Foster arts and culture within the physical realm 3. Expand arts and culture learning opportunities 4. Establish relationships that support a thriving business sector 5. Celebrate Carlsbad’s unique history and distinct identities 6. Build capacity within the arts and culture sector One strategy listed in the plan to achieve the fourth of those goals calls for the city to “Strategize with arts allies in the business community to take a leadership role in the development of the arts and culture sector.” Establishing the proposed district would also help carry out two of the plan’s four primary goals, to “promote Carlsbad as a vital cultural destination” and “Establish relationships that support a creative and thriving local arts and culture ecosystem …” Fostering the continuing health and growth of the city’s creative sector can have more than cultural benefits. Vibrant arts and creative amenities have been shown to attract businesses and prospective employees, and to be one measure of the economic health of a community. Village & Barrio Master Plan Throughout the Village & Barrio Master Plan, the arts and creative experiences are cited as key factors in creating an area that is engaging for residents and visitors. For example, in section 1.5.4 Placemaking, the plan advocates for the creation of magnetic public spaces for arts and culture, civic and other activities, including public art and visual and performing arts experiences. Staff recommend revising the plan to create a new section 1.5.5 that would focus on supporting and encouraging a creative sector and cultural district throughout the Village and Barrio area, already home to numerous creative businesses and cultural organizations (See Exhibit 1, list of existing creative sector and cultural businesses in the Village and Barrio area). The Community Development and Library & Cultural Arts departments could work together to incorporate this new section into the next planned phase of amendments to the Village & Barrio Master Plan. Options Staff offer the following options for the City Council’s consideration: Option 1: Expand the boundaries of the proposed district from just State Street to a wider area including the entire Village and Barrio area. Pro • This approach would include and support a greater number of creative sector and cultural businesses • Larger area enhances the district as a cultural tourism destination Con • Less geographically focused creative sector and cultural district • Strays from the intent of the original minute motion Oct. 12, 2021 Item #9 Page 4 of 9 Option 2: Direct staff to amend the Village & Barrio Master Plan to create a new section 1.5.5 that focuses on supporting and encouraging a creative sector and cultural district throughout the Village and Barrio area. Community Development and Cultural Arts staff would work together for the addition of section 1.5.5 which would be incorporated into the next planned phase of amendments to the Village & Barrio Master Plan. Pro • Provides alignment between the creative sector and cultural district and the existing Village & Barrio Master Plan • Creative sector and cultural district would benefit from the structure and resources associated with the Village & Barrio Master Plan Con • The many priorities of the Village & Barrio Master Plan may overshadow the goals of a creative sector and cultural district • Unintended consequences to businesses resulting from additional focus on creative and cultural elements Option 3: Pursue a state designation as a Cultural District for the Village and Barrio once the program is restarted. Pro • The city could align with a state-wide program and benefit from any state promotion of the program • Encourages a thoughtful and measured approach to developing the concept over time and provides for opportunities for an ongoing community-wide dialogue about the role and prominence of the creative sector in Carlsbad Con • It’s not known when the California Arts Council’s Cultural Districts program will be restarted • The concept in Carlsbad may not meet the requirements of the California Arts Council Option 4: Take no action. Pro • Provides an option to revisit the concept at a future time • Staff time remains focused on the Arts & Culture Master Plan initiatives already underway Con • The city would not make a symbolic statement of its commitment to arts and culture and the creative sector Staff recommendation Establishing a creative sector and cultural district would help create a unifying identity for the Village and Barrio as an area that supports, promotes and celebrates creativity in its many forms. Staff recommend that the City Council direct staff to pursue Option 1 and Option 2, while also directing Option 3, with recognition of the timing suggested in Option 3. Oct. 12, 2021 Item #9 Page 5 of 9 Fiscal Analysis No current fiscal impact. Next Steps Staff will move forward with implementation of the City Council’s direction. Environmental Evaluation According to Public Resources Code Section 21065, receiving this report does not constitute a “project” within the meaning of the California Environmental Quality Act in that it has no potential to cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect change in the environment, and does not require environmental review. Public Notification and Outreach This item was noticed in keeping with the Ralph M. Brown Act and it was available for public viewing and review at least 72 hours before the scheduled meeting date. Exhibits 1. List of existing creative sector and cultural businesses in the Village and Barrio area Oct. 12, 2021 Item #9 Page 6 of 9 EXHIBIT 1 Village & Barrio Area Creative Sector and Cultural Businesses Arts & Culture Front Porch Gallery – 2903 Carlsbad Boulevard Carlsbad Inn Art Walk – 3075 Carlsbad Boulevard Spin Records – 202 Grand Avenue Certainty Theatre – 2802 State Street New Village Arts – 2782 State Street Taylor Gallegos Murals & Fine Art – 2680 State Street Phes Gallery Fine Art & Craft – 2633 State Street Carlsbad Dance Center – 2562 State Street Carlsbad Village Music – 505 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad Dance Centre – 2808 Roosevelt Street Jill Seymour Open Art Studio – 2956 Roosevelt Street Lynn Forbes Gallery – 300 Carlsbad Village Drive North Coastal Art Gallery – 300 Carlsbad Village Drive Farenheit 451 Books & Art – 325 Carlsbad Village Drive Senor Grubbys Mural Wall – 377 Carlsbad Village Drive Food & Beverage/Culinary Arts Humble Olive Oils – 2922 State Street Pure Project – 2825 State Street Carruth Cellars Winery & Tasting Room – 2727 State Street Campfire – 2725 State Street Jeune et Jolie – 2659 State Street Costa Azul Winery – 3195 Tyler Street Oct. 12, 2021 Item #9 Page 7 of 9 EXHIBIT 1 Buddha Teas – 3305 Tyler Street Gelato Love – 300 Carlsbad Village Drive Pizza Port Brewing Co. – 571 Carlsbad Village Drive French Café & Bakery – 1005 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad Danish Bakery – 2805 Roosevelt Street Science & Technology Warner Bros. Games – 2742 State Street Tyra Biosciences – 2658 State Street Professional Services Indigo Post-Media Design Studio – 3044 Harding Street ADL Planning Associates-Planning Services – 2979 State Street Wright Design-Architecture – 2911 State Street Defy Digital-Website Design – 2911 State Street Elegance Talent Agency & Model Management – 2763 State Street Larry Walker Associates-Water Resources – 785 Grand Avenue Stetson Engineers-Water Resources – 785 Grand Avenue Daedalus Design Group-Landscape Architect – 2725 Jefferson Street Tributary Landscape- Landscape Architect – 2725 Jefferson Street Industrial Arts Kylle Sebree Studios-Furniture – 3125 Tyler Street Raw Edge Design-Wood Working – 3200 Block Roosevelt Street barrio glasswork-hot glass studio & gallery – 3060 Roosevelt Street Byrnes Co.-Furniture Restoration – 2698 State Street Handled Pottery Studio – 2680 State Street Oct. 12, 2021 Item #9 Page 8 of 9 EXHIBIT 1 EvrBottle-Materials Reuse – 2680 State Street Paul Henry Furniture – 2633 State Street History Carlsbad Historical Society History Museum – 258 Beech Avenue Barrio Museum – 3804 Roosevelt Street Live Music Coyote Bar & Grill – 300 Carlsbad Village Drive Le Papagayo – 660 Carlsbad Village Drive Witch Creek Winery – 2906 Carlsbad Boulevard Boar Cross’n – 390 Grand Avenue The Alley – 421 Grand Avenue Hennessey’s Tavern – 2777 Roosevelt Street Oct. 12, 2021 Item #9 Page 9 of 9 Arts & Culture District for Village & Barrio Suzanne Smithson Richard Schultz Director Cultural Arts Manager Library & Cultural Arts Library & Cultural Arts Oct. 12, 2021 {city of Carlsbad TODAY’S PRESENTATION •Review of Minute Motion •An Expanded Focus •Background Information •City Council Options •Staff Recommendation {city of Carlsbad MINUTE MOTION •Feb. 11, 2020 •Directed staff with no certain date to initiate a State Street Arts Specific Plan with New Village Arts {city of Carlsbad EXPANDED FOCUS •Create a creative sector and cultural district •Define the area with a designation that includes the entire Barrio and Village •Supports an inclusive approach {city of Carlsbad WHAT ARE CREATIVE SECTOR BUSINESSES? •Design, publishing and architecture •Film/video, crafts and fashion •Media, advertising and computer games •Culinary and visual and performing arts {city of Carlsbad POTENTIAL GOALS •Advance Carlsbad as a creative and cultural hub •Further support the Village and Barrio’s unique attributes •Help attract businesses and expanding the tax base •Foster local cultural development {city of Carlsbad STATE CULTURAL DISTRICTS Criteria to establish 14 districts in 2017: •High concentration of artistic, cultural, heritage or entertainment resources •Partners reflect broader community •Authentic community engagement •Clearly defined leadership •Professional personnel dedicated to district operations and programming CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL A STATE AGENCY {city of Carlsbad ARTS & CULTURE MASTER PLAN A new creative sector and cultural district: •Promotes Carlsbad as a vital cultural destination •Establishes relationships that support a creative and thriving local arts and culture ecosystem Arts & Culture Master Plan June2018 (city of Carlsbad {city of Carlsbad VILLAGE & BARRIO MASTER PLAN A new creative sector and cultural district: •Engages residents and visitors through arts and creative experiences •Activates section 1.5.4 Placemaking for the creation of magnetic public spaces for arts and culture, civic and other activities {city of Carlsbad OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION {city of Carlsbad OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION Option 1 Expand the boundaries of the proposed district from just State Street to a wider area including the entire Village and Barrio area. {city of Carlsbad OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION Option 2 Direct staff to amend the Village & Barrio Master Plan to create a new section 1.5.5 that focuses on supporting and encouraging a creative sector and cultural district throughout the Village and Barrio area, at the time when amendments are advanced. {city of Carlsbad OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION Option 3 Pursue a state designation as a Cultural District for the Village and Barrio once the program is restarted. {city of Carlsbad OPTIONS FOR CONSIDERATION Option 4 City Council could take no action. {city of Carlsbad STAFF RECOMMENDATION •Establishing a creative sector and cultural district would help create a unifying identity for the Village and Barrio as an area that supports, promotes and celebrates creativity in its many forms. •Direct staff to pursue Options 1 and 2, while also directing Option 3, with recognition of the timing suggested. {city of Carlsbad QUESTIONS? {city of Carlsbad