HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-10-04; Traffic and Mobility Commission; ; Update on Traffic Concerns at Faraday Avenue and Palmer Way Meeting Date: Oct. 4, 2021 To: Traffic and Mobility Commission Staff Contact: Miriam Jim, Senior Engineer Miriam.jim@Carlsbadca.gov, 760-268-4796 Subject: Update on Traffic Concerns at Faraday Avenue and Palmer Way Recommended Action Receive staff report and presentation. Background In December 2020, staff was contacted by residents and businesses to consider the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Faraday Avenue and Palmer Way due to traffic collisions which have occurred at the intersection. A location map is included in Exhibit 1. These collisions involved westbound vehicles approaching the intersection at an unsafe speed. On April 5, 2021, staff presented to the Traffic and Mobility Commission the Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) conducted to evaluate the appropriate control options for the intersection of Faraday Avenue and Palmer Way in response to the residents’ request. Based on the analysis performed, neither a traffic signal nor a roundabout was recommended at this intersection. At its meeting, the commission supported staff recommendations 1) to have the intersection remain as a side-street-stop-controlled intersection and 2) to install new warning signage on Faraday Avenue to raise drivers’ awareness of the roadway conditions. The commission has requested staff to collect speed data to evaluate effectiveness of the proposed signage and report back to the commission. Discussion Upon receiving support from the Traffic and Mobility Commission, staff installed the proposed warning signs on Faraday Avenue between El Camino Real and Orion Way on May 21, 2021. The new signs installed on Faraday Avenue are depicted on Exhibit 2. In response to the Traffic and Mobility Commission’s request, staff has conducted “before” and “after” speed measurements and reviewed collision summary report to gauge the effectiveness of the new signage. Before and After Speed Measurements Staff conducted speed measurements on Faraday Avenue at approximately 125 feet east of Palmer Way before and after the new warning signs installation, on April 22, 2021 and September 2, 2021, respectively. The “before” and “after” speed measurements are included in Exhibits 3 and 4. The results of the “before” and “after” speed measurements show a reduction Oct. 4, 2021 Item #3 1 of 2 mph in measured critical speed, also known as 85th percentile speed (a speed at which 85% of the surveyed vehicles were driving at or below), from 41 MPH to 39 MPH, with the new signage. The slight reduction in critical speed is a reasonable outcome of the addition of new warning signage. Per Section 21400 of the California Vehicle Code (CVC) and Section 2B.13 of California Manual on Uniform Control Devices (CA MUTCD), roadway posted speed limit shall be based on the measured critical speed or 85th percentile speed of free-flow traffic. The CA MUTCD requires that when a speed limit is posted, it shall be established at the nearest 5 mph increment of the 85th percentile speed of free-flowing traffic. A 2-mph difference in measured critical speed, though may seem insignificant, could, in some cases, result in a 5-mph change (upper or lower) in posted speed limit of a roadway. The current posted speed limit of 40 mph on Faraday Avenue between El Camino Real and Orion Way is based on an engineering and traffic survey conducted in 2018. The associated speed survey indicates a critical speed of 43 mph. A 2-mph reduction from this measurement would not justify a posted speed limit lower than the current 40 mph. The engineering and traffic survey is valid for 7 years, per CVC Section 40802, and the speed limit is due for reevaluation in 2024. At that time staff will conduct a new engineering and traffic survey for this segment of Faraday Avenue. Collision Data A Collision Summary Report at the intersection of Faraday Avenue and Palmer Way between May 21, 2021 (when the new signs were installed) and Sept. 28, 2021 (when this report was prepared), was reviewed and is provided in Exhibit 5. There were no reported collisions. Conclusion Based on the reduction in measured critical speed and no speed-related collisions reported since the installation of new warning signage, staff concludes that the new warning signage has been somewhat effective in raising drivers’ awareness of the roadway conditions that may not be apparent to drivers and staff will continue to monitor the traffic conditions in the area. Next Steps None. Exhibits 1. Location Map 2. New Signage on Faraday Avenue between El Camino Real and Orion Way 3. “Before” Speed Measurement 4. “After” Speed Measurement 5. Collision Summary Report Oct. 4, 2021 Item #3 2 PACIFIC OCEAN NOT TO SCALE LOCATION MAP CITY OF OCEANSIDE FARADAY AVE & PALMER WAY HIGHWAY 78 CITY OF VISTA EXHIBIT 1Oct. 4, 2021 Item #3 3 Oct. 4, 2021 Item #3 4 Exhibit 3 Oct. 4, 2021 Item #3 5 Oct. 4, 2021 Item #3 6 Oct. 4, 2021 Item #3 7 Exhibit 4 Collision Summary Report City of Carlsbad Public Works Department/Traffic & Mobility Division 9/29/21 From 5/21/2021 to 9/28/2021 Total Collisions: 0 Injury Collisions: 0 Fatal Collisions: 0 FARADAY AV & PALMER WY Page 1 of 1 Settings for Query: Street: FARADAY AV Cross Street: PALMER WY Intersection Related: True Sorted By: Date and Time Oct. 4, 2021 Item #3 8 Exhibit 5