HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-09-20; Parks & Recreation Commission; ; DEPARTMENT REPORT Meeting Date: September 20, 2021 To: Parks & Recreation Commission From: Kyle Lancaster, Parks & Recreation Director Staff Contact: Mike Pacheco, Recreation Services Manager Subject: Parks & Recreation Department Report Recommended Action Receive a presentation from the Parks & Recreation staff. Executive Summary Mike Pacheco, Recreation Services Manager and Tim Selke, Parks Services Manager will report on recently completed and upcoming parks and recreation activities, donations and grants, as well as other topics of local interest. Exhibits 1. Department report 9 of 12 PARKS & RRREATION COMMISSION Staff eport . PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT REPORT Sept. 20, 2021 GENERAL & RECREATION Lifeguard Staffing Shortage On Sept. 13, 2021, weekday hours were temporarily reduced at Monroe Street Pool due to a lifeguard staffing shortage. We will continue to pursue solutions to this staffing challenge and will restore weekday hours at Monroe Street Pool as soon as a staffing solution is identified. The following information was provided to the public regarding the reduction in hours: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Monroe-Street-Pool-reduced- hours.html?soid=1102527936699&aid=0HeLHd5rXP0 Family Movie Night On Sept. 11, 2021, the Parks & Recreation Department had over 600 people attend the Family Movie Night at Stagecoach Park. Kids of all ages participated in movie themed games like “Find the Predator”, Animal Ring Toss, a donut roll through giant popsicles, BINGO and fun crafts. The evening cooled off just in time for the feature presentation of Zootopia. Fall Programs Begin The Parks & Recreation Department is offering over 800 various recreation activities for kids and adults this Fall, including swimming lessons and other aquatic programs, martial arts, dance, fitness, sports and more. Registration began on Aug.11, 2021. The very popular adult sports leagues and in-person preschool program are being offered again after a year and a half break due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Leo Carrillo Ranch Then & Now Digital Project Travel back in time to view the Ranch as it looked in the past through historic photos – Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park Then & Now. The project (designed and developed to enhance virtual public access to the Ranch during the COVID-19 pandemic) was selected for inclusion in the National Council on Public History’s Digital History Directory. The Digital History Directory “is designed to help connect researchers and learners with resources that can help them explore their interests, and to promote and share the wide range of digital projects in existence.” To be chosen for the Directory, projects must be vetted and found to be focused on the “study or interpretation of historical subject matter, [provide] open access, and are built with the intention of engaging a wide audience.” Staff is proud that the Then & Now project was chosen and is happy to share that it can be accessed via the National Council on Public History’s website. Then & Now is a collaborative effort between the Parks & Recreation and the Internet Technology Department staff (Sara Kelly, Monique Larragoitia, Blanca Drapeau, and Parisa Ghopeh). Upcoming Events • Super Hero Obstacle Race: Sun., Oct. 3, 2021, 8 – 11 a.m. at Alga Norte Community Park • Pumpkin Plunge: Sat., Oct. 16, 2021, 5 – 9 p.m. film at dusk at Alga Norte Aquatics Center • Lantern Festival: Sat., Nov. 6, 2021, 4 :30 – 6:30 p.m. at Alga Norte Aquatics Center • Holiday at the Rancho: Sat., Dec. 4, 2021, 5 – 8 p.m. at Leo Carrillo Ranch & Historic Park 10 of 12 {city of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation PARKS Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan The Veterans Memorial Park recommended master plan was approved in concept by the City Council on Feb. 23, 2021. RJM Design Group, the lead consultant, is completing the entitlement applications and staff anticipates receiving the final draft of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration in early October. Staff anticipates presenting the project to the Planning Commission and returning to the City Council for approval of the entitlements and environmental documents, as well as the adoption of the final Veterans Memorial Park Master Plan, in the spring of 2022. Poinsettia Community Park Phase IV Dog Park, Parking Lot and Restroom On May 18, 2021 twelve bids were received for the construction of the new dog park, parking lot and restroom. Senitica Construction, Inc., was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. The construction contract was awarded at the City Council meeting on July 13, 2021. A pre-construction meeting was held on Aug. 25, 2021 and commencement of work is expected to begin with mobilization of the contractor to the site on Sept. 20. 2021. The project is expected to be substantially complete in the summer of 2022. Village H South Off Leash Dog Area and Trail Connection On Nov. 3, 2020, the City Council awarded a professional services agreement to Schmidt Design Group to develop the design, prepare environmental and construction documents and perform construction administration during the Village H South Off Leash Dog Area and Trail Connection Project. The project team has been preparing the draft design for the dog area and trail connection and the submittal of the administrative draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration is anticipated to occur in mid-October. Calavera Hills Community Park Gateway Improvements On Aug. 27, 2020 the Calavera Hills Community Park Gateway Improvements Project was re-advertised for bids and bids were due on Oct. 13, 2020. A total of 13 bids were received and after careful review of the bids, Landforms Landscape Construction was determined to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. A construction contract was awarded at the City Council meeting of Dec. 8, 2020. Construction on the project continues and the work is expected to be substantially complete in October 2021. Hub Park – South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Staff presented this project to City Council on June 15, 2021 to receive direction on further pursuit of the project. The City Council adopted a resolution to pursue the design, public engagement and development of the South Shore Agua Hedionda Lagoon Trail Project within only the Hub Park Lease property, and to return to City Council in the fall with a status report and answers to questions posed by City Council Members. The project team has met on site with a representative of the Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians and staff from SDG&E Cultural Resources to present the proposed trail alignment and assess the trail’s proposed location in relationship to known protected cultural sites. The Rincon Band of Luiseno Indians and other tribes will be providing feedback addressing concerns and possible mitigation measures. The project was also presented to the resource agencies and the California Coastal Commission on Thursday Aug. 5, 2021, during the Habitat Management Plan quarterly meeting. Staff anticipates returning to the City Council in October to provide more information and to receive direction on further pursuit of the project. LED Lighting Upgrades at Three Community Parks The city retained Kleinfelder, Inc. to document, global positioning system locate and perform a condition assessment of the city’s parks and facilities lights within pathways and parking lots. Kleinfelder located and assessed more than 850 light fixtures in total and rated/ranked the condition of the light poles and foundations. As a result of that assessment, Parks & Recreation staff identified three locations - Calavera Hills, Poinsettia and Stagecoach Community Parks - for upgrading all pathway and parking lot light fixtures, from incandescent bulb type or fluorescent bulb type fixtures, to light-emitting diode bulb type fixtures. Additionally, based on the data obtained from the assessment, it was determined the project needed to include replacing any deteriorating light 11 of 12 poles and foundations. On May 2, 2018, the city executed a professional services agreement with Schmidt Design Group to develop the construction documents, plans and specifications for these lighting upgrades. On Dec. 8, 2020, the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the project for public bidding. On Jan. 19, 2021, five bids were received. On Feb. 23, 2021 the City Council awarded a construction contract for this project to Ace Electric. Work is underway at all three parks with the removal of the existing concrete footings an installation of new concrete footings. Most of the light fixtures have been received, but delivery of the light poles is still delayed due to manufacturing challenges. The poles are not expected to be delivered until the end of September. Staff continues to coordinate the work on this project, which will continue into the fall of 2021. Buena Vista Reservoir Park The site of the former Buena Vista Reservoir was turned into a small neighborhood park as part of a set of agreements approved by the Carlsbad City Council in March 2017. The new park is approximately three acres and includes the following amenities: the existing water tank as a monument/entry sign, children's playground, loop trail around park, picnic areas with shade, ornamental landscaping, benches throughout the park and 11 new parallel parking spaces. The park construction was administered by Lennar Homes, which contracted with Brightview Landscape for the majority of the site work. Construction began on the site on Nov. 9, 2020 and the park officially opened to the public on Aug. 27, 2021, with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Expanded Memorial Program On Aug. 25, 2020, the City Council approved a minute motion for staff to bring back the City Council adopted Parks & Recreation Department Memorial Program (memorial program) for City Council review and potential action. On Oct. 13, 2020, the City Council received a staff report and presentation regarding that program. At the conclusion of the presentation, the City Council approved a minute motion for staff to work on expanding the memorial program to include more geographic areas like the beach entry points along Ocean Street, to allow for non-tree and non-bench related items - for instance sculptures, and to also allow for inflation for the Consumer Price Index increase. Staff completed the requisite exploratory work and on Mar. 16, 2021 proposed an expansion of the memorial program for the City Council’s consideration. City Council approved the expansion of the program to include more geographic areas, additional memorial items such as bike racks, Copenhagen benches, pedestal barbeques and art cairns, and increased donation dollar amounts for items provided in the memorial program. The expanded program was officially launched on July 1, 2021 and has generated moderate interest from residents. Rancho Milagro Property The owner’s representative of the property commonly known as the Rancho Milagro Property [APN 209-060- 61], has offered the property to the City of Carlsbad. Staff has considered and evaluated the offer for the property as an open space purchase. The property is 43.5 acres and is located in the Sunny Creek Specific Plan Area, northeast of the intersection of El Camino Real and College Boulevard. On Sept. 21, 2021, staff will recommend that the City Council identify the city’s Real Estate Manager as the city’s negotiator responsible for working with the agent for the seller, Rancho Milagro, LLC, toward the possible purchase of the property and direct staff to schedule a future City Council closed session item for the council to provide direction and grant authority to its negotiator regarding the price and terms of payment for the purchase. For additional details, the staff report to the City Council is available on the city’s website: https://www.carlsbadca.gov/city-hall/meetings-agendas 12 of 12